November 2012 Archives

November 30

What are good markers for use on the skin?

Can you recommend any good tattoo markers, and/or other markers or pens that can be used on the skin (whether or not they are specifically for tattoos)? [more inside]
posted by kellybird at 11:01 PM PST - 3 comments

Is there an App for that?

My parents own a WiFi only iPad and their internet connection isn't always on. Basically, they turn on the internet only when they want to use their iPad. Is there an app that can alert me (preferably via a push notification on my own iPad or iPhone) when they've gotten online?
posted by Effigy2000 at 10:07 PM PST - 8 comments

Cake disaster

Please help me fix my cake disaster. [more inside]
posted by triggerfinger at 9:43 PM PST - 38 comments

What to do about extremely loud dance music from nearby club?

I'm in the city center in Groningen, the Netherlands. It is almost 6.30am. For hour on hour now, I've been listening to throbbing bass from the dance club across the way, and I haven't slept all night. This loud music seems to be a new thing. What should I do? [more inside]
posted by Philosopher Dirtbike at 9:26 PM PST - 6 comments


What iPad app(s) will record a chess game and email the resulting PGN file to two email addresses? (Bonus points if we don't have to enter the email address anew each time.)
posted by Soliloquy at 9:18 PM PST - 3 comments

Tactile 3D?

Are there examples besides aTilt of apps that render a 3d box apparently below the screen surface, adjusting its geometry according to the handset location relative to the eye? [more inside]
posted by unmake at 7:56 PM PST - 4 comments

Responsive Email Template Resources?

Know of a good resource for mobile-friendly responsive email templates for html emails? [more inside]
posted by mgriffioen at 7:21 PM PST - 2 comments

Please recommend podcasts about accounting, economics, or finance.

Please recommend podcasts about accounting, economics, or finance. A Canadian focus would be a bonus but not a necessity.
posted by sockpup at 6:57 PM PST - 7 comments

Please Recommend a Case with 8x SATA Hotswap Bays

Any recommendations for a case with 8x SATA hotswap bays? I've currently got a $80 Mini-ITX Lian Li case that holds six drives internally. It's a pain to work with and I could use space for more drives. FWIW, it's a media server with a mdadm RAID 6 array that also does on-site backups for three computers, downloads and light database work. Right now I'm looking at the $400 SuperMicro CSE-743TQ-865B. (Bonus Question: Mini-ITX motherboards are supposed to be compatible with ATX cases, so I should be able to move my motherboard into this case, right?)
posted by Brian Puccio at 6:56 PM PST - 7 comments

How to solve a complex statistics problem with a script?

In this game, you roll a number of six-sided dice to get a total. The total is either the highest single die result, or the sum of any multiples rolled, whichever is higher. For example: If I roll three dice and get a 3, 4, and 6, my total is 6. But if I roll a 4, 4, and 6, my total is 8, the sum of the two 4s. What I want to find out is the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of the possible totals given N dice. How might I create a simple script to compute this? [more inside]
posted by j0hnpaul at 6:26 PM PST - 24 comments

Raw buttermilk vs. raw whole milk

Anybody know how the nutritional profile of REAL pastured buttermilk compares to that of fresh pastured whole milk? I'm talking about the stuff that's actually a byproduct of the butter making process... Not the thick, cultured stuff you would buy in a grocery store. [more inside]
posted by lmpatte2 at 6:13 PM PST - 13 comments

Why do I hate other people's love?

I have extreme negative reactions to witnessing public displays of affection (PDA) or overhearing sex (e.g. anger, disgust, heart racing, crying). I get that I need therapy, but what kind should I be looking for? [more inside]
posted by Manlee Forresiddy at 6:10 PM PST - 12 comments

Get Confident Stupid!

How can I increase my exposure to interpersonal aggression in order to get better at handling it? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:09 PM PST - 19 comments

Post BK car purchase?

I have poor credit and need to get a car. What is the best way to go about this? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:08 PM PST - 7 comments

18 months of downtime didn't effect my ability to work, I promise.

How should I address a long gap (18 months) in my employment history during a job interview? [more inside]
posted by zinon at 5:50 PM PST - 7 comments

Fixing unwanted cpu noise with audio interface. Please help!

Please help me get rid of frustrating audio interface noise! I have a new pc and a presonus firestudio mobile audio interface. When I plug in the firestudio via firewire there is a pulsating sound and some buzzing sound. [more inside]
posted by niruniru at 5:39 PM PST - 10 comments

Best practices for upgrading MBP RAM and HDD?

[MACFILTER] Best way to upgrade my Mid-2009 MBP? [more inside]
posted by Fuzzy Dog at 5:01 PM PST - 12 comments

Test backup of a live WP site

I have a live Wordpress blog. I want to backup and restore it to another directory so I can test and try things before doing this on the live site. What's the best way to go about this? [more inside]
posted by diode at 5:01 PM PST - 3 comments

What can replace Newzbin2?

My favorite site when down yesterday, Newzbin2, what is a safe alternative? [more inside]
posted by birdlips at 4:45 PM PST - 11 comments

Will I make my connecting flight?

I'm flying from the Birmingham (AL) airport to the Manchester (UK) airport next Friday, with a connecting flight at ATL. There will only be 53 minutes between my first flight arriving at ATL and my second flight departing. What are the chances I'll miss my second flight? [more inside]
posted by littlegreen at 4:03 PM PST - 18 comments

How do you know what you want?

This is going to seem like a very strange question, but how do you know what you want when you don’t know what you can have? Especially when other people are involved, trying to speculate on an “anything’s possible” basis seems like pointless daydreaming to me. I’m trying to work out whether I’m approaching this differently to other people, because their questions make no sense to me and my answers make no sense to them! [more inside]
posted by Someone Else's Story at 3:47 PM PST - 36 comments

Feeling earitable

Is it normal to feel cloggy for awhile after ear wax has been flushed out? [more inside]
posted by dayintoday at 3:28 PM PST - 11 comments

A Gilded Cage for Rabbits... Though probably not gilded, and more a hutch than a cage

Help me find a straightforward 1-2 weekend DIY outdoor rabbit hutch plan. It's a Christmas present for my sister, who is 12 and not necessarily the most responsible. More (ranty) details inside. [more inside]
posted by ethidda at 3:22 PM PST - 26 comments

Books on the K–Pg Extinction?

What are some good, current books (or other resources) on the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event? [more inside]
posted by brundlefly at 3:15 PM PST - 4 comments

Help our scabby cat!

Kitty with long-term it self-harm or for an actual physical reason? [more inside]
posted by altopower at 2:38 PM PST - 14 comments

Unemployment in WI: nonprofit edition

I work for a small non-profit in WI and the organization is about to close its doors. Because we are so small, the non-profit has not had to pay into the state UI fund. I don't know what that means for my ability to collect unemployment. I am going to see an unemployment office as soon as possible, but I would appreciate any info from MeFi about whether there are ways I am eligible to receive benefits, if there are specific questions I should ask the UI office, and whether there are other state or federal benefits available to me as I look for a new job.
posted by anonymous at 1:50 PM PST - 3 comments

Transcript not arriving in SOPHAS: am I screwed?

Grad school in public health filter: due to delays in my college sending them, my transcripts are steadfastly not registering as received in SOPHAS. My first application is due Monday. Is there any hope? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:49 PM PST - 5 comments

Need non-therapy therapies.

I need therapy for really bad and unwarranted relationship jealousy and insecurity but I wouldn't be able to get started until sometime late January. What would be some alternatives I could pursue in the meantime? [more inside]
posted by TheManChild2000 at 1:25 PM PST - 13 comments

How can I make a loan to a friend work?

I'd like to loan someone some money (a few thousand dollars). A friend needs it to finish school, and they don't have any good, low-interest options. I don't mind losing the money and forgiving the loan if they fall into hardship, but it would be a financial blow that I want to avoid; making it a straight up gift from the getgo is not appealing. Is it possible to have a bank or credit union draw up the loan and service it for a flat fee? Any other ways to make the whole thing impersonal, legal, and low-hassle for me, while keeping it forgiveable at my discretion without impacting my friend's credit? [more inside]
posted by jsturgill at 1:22 PM PST - 21 comments

Large piece of plexiglass?

Where can I buy a large piece of plexiglass for a frame? [more inside]
posted by cgs at 1:14 PM PST - 5 comments

Awesome little brother needs awesome shirts

Help me pick out a Threadless shirt for my Halo-playing, deathcore-loving little brother. [more inside]
posted by rebekah at 1:14 PM PST - 9 comments

I'd like to give that doc a good thrushing.

I went to the doc because I thought I might have oral thrush. His diagnosis was so far in a different direction that I'm kind of baffled. Hope me? [more inside]
posted by BlahLaLa at 12:55 PM PST - 25 comments

How tCan I create a "Tap Essay" app (without programming...too much)

How can I create a "tap essay" app (such as Robin Sloan's Fish without learning Objective C? I'm a poet, not a programmer! The idea is pretty simple: an app that shows styled text on a page that you tap to go to the next page with the occasional option to tweet the current line, etc.
posted by fncll at 12:50 PM PST - 5 comments

iPhone cover with a hip no-slip grip

Help me find an iPhone case / cover for my mom, please. [more inside]
posted by komara at 12:32 PM PST - 9 comments

Book Reviews All The Way Down

"Book review" typically refers to the review of a single book. Is there a term for a single article that reviews the collective works of an author?
posted by NotMyselfRightNow at 12:16 PM PST - 14 comments

Time Traveling Submarine?

Does anyone remember a short sci-fi story about a time traveling submarine? [more inside]
posted by lstanley at 12:11 PM PST - 5 comments

Improve my social skills with points, levels, and prizes

Do you have suggestions/recommendations for games and/or desensitization practices with the objective of improving social skills? Shyness and/or introversion filter. [more inside]
posted by Dances with sock puppets at 12:00 PM PST - 8 comments

Twelve Angry Jurors (and four alternates)

Tell me all the secrets of voir dire. [more inside]
posted by roger ackroyd at 11:48 AM PST - 7 comments

Can two logos share one icon?

Logo design: is it wrong to use the same graphic / icon in both a corporate and a product logo? [more inside]
posted by evilmomlady at 11:36 AM PST - 9 comments

Such good music

Hey was anyone riding the G this morning? Who was the awesome musician playing his banjo, drum, tambourine? Everyone in the station was feeling it. Here's a sample. Where I can hear more and not just wait until Monday morning?
posted by Ventre Mou at 11:25 AM PST - 7 comments

Remind me to text "I love you."

The "jazz up my marriage" app -- what's it called and where do I get it? [more inside]
posted by spunweb at 11:20 AM PST - 4 comments

Help me figure out how to wire for my home theatre

What wiring should I run to facilitate building a decent home theatre setup? [more inside]
posted by smcniven at 11:03 AM PST - 4 comments

Sun and Sun and Moon and Moon and Moon

A world with binary suns and multiple satellites that can still be livable by a diverse (even lush) assortment of life forms - true or not? [more inside]
posted by batmonkey at 10:56 AM PST - 12 comments

Help me plan a very short itinerary in Washington, DC

I'll be in Alexandria, VA for two days next week for work, and have until 1 pm on the Thursday (Dec 6) free. What might I comfortably see in Washington on a Thursday morning that would allow me to be back in Alexandria by 1 pm? [more inside]
posted by joannemerriam at 10:54 AM PST - 5 comments

How does a college class get accredited?

Education filter: How do you get a class accredited at a community college? Does it depend on the individual state or local system? Who would be the right people to talk to understand this process? Thank you!
posted by tessalations999 at 10:41 AM PST - 11 comments

My girlfriend mentioned suicide last night...

My girlfriend mentioned suicide last night... [more inside]
posted by *lostatsea* at 10:37 AM PST - 21 comments

Book recommendations for a rainy weekend

Fiction for a rainy weekend? [more inside]
posted by mudpuppie at 10:26 AM PST - 16 comments

Invisible hard drive

External hard drive not showing up on Mac. Customer service tells me to go to a computer shop to recover my data before they'll send me a replacement (it's in warranty until January). Computer shops do not seem to offer this service. Help? [more inside]
posted by pikeandshield at 10:08 AM PST - 11 comments

Kids DIY gifts for the non-creative child?

I need ideas for gifts my son could make for Christmas that don't require any artistic skill at all. He's ten, and has issues with fine motor skills. When he's asked to do artwork, it's not much more than scribbles and stick figures. I need to do cheap gifts this year, so I'm going to have his younger sister make bookmarks for him, and some relatives. To balance that, I'd like him to make gifts for his two grandfathers. The grandfathers don't have any particular hobbies, one is nearly blind and housebound. I don't want to ask him to do artwork, because it will frustrate him to compare to his sister's better skills. Any thoughts?
posted by saffry at 10:01 AM PST - 27 comments

"Add the flour, salt, paprika, and mushrooms, stir, and let it cook five minutes while you light a cigarette and stare sullenly at the sink."

There's a particular sort of humor writer I like. Can you recommend more books in this style? Mid-century, writing about domestic matters, female, personal. [more inside]
posted by The corpse in the library at 9:56 AM PST - 15 comments

Where the cat goes the dog will follow. Please help me stop the dog.

My cat doesn't want my new dog to follow him everywhere. But they are of a size so that's an issue. Help? [more inside]
posted by patheral at 9:42 AM PST - 15 comments

Not home alone.

My mother and grandmother are finally coming to me for Christmas. I’m in NYC. Hooray! How do I make it a stress-free yet iconic and fun New York Christmas? [more inside]
posted by functionequalsform at 9:37 AM PST - 11 comments

I don't know how to hunt a job.

I have come to the realization that I don't know how to look for work. How do I find a job outside of searching craigslist (unuseful in this part of the country) or other local job boards (that are all overwhelmed with medical field or mental health jobs....or temp jobs)? [more inside]
posted by furnace.heart at 9:37 AM PST - 15 comments

I need to buy or rent a record lathe, please guide me in the right direction.

I need to rent or purchase a reasonably priced record lathe to cut short run vinyl LPs. Advice/contact info needed. [more inside]
posted by Ponderance at 9:29 AM PST - 4 comments

Looking for an Externally Hosted Image Slideshow for the Web

I need an image slideshow script for a website. Unfortunately, I'm extremely constrained by our dinosaur CMS. [more inside]
posted by toastedcheese at 9:27 AM PST - 9 comments

Help me get my data in the clouds redundantly.

I need back-up and cloud storage solutioning help. [more inside]
posted by po822000 at 8:42 AM PST - 9 comments

Is it rude to tell a hotel porter I can carry my own luggage?

Do I have to let a hotel porter carry my luggage? I'm staying at a semi-fancy hotel tonight (purchased cheaply via Priceline), and I can easily carry my own tiny suitcase. I'm on a budget. Is it rude for me to say I can get my own bag? Will the porter (bellman? I don't even know the right terms here) come up with me anyway? How much am I expected to tip? Thanks!
posted by three_red_balloons at 8:35 AM PST - 20 comments

Lunar Modules and cellphones

1) How much memory did the Apollo Lunar Module (LM) have and 2) when was the first cellphone with the same amount of memory introduced to the public? 3) Where there any other publicly available products that had the same amount of memory? 4) If so, when were they introduced to the market? [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 8:34 AM PST - 6 comments


What is the etymology of British nicknames ending in -zza/-zzer? [more inside]
posted by catlet at 8:11 AM PST - 21 comments

Christmas in New Orleans: everything closed?

We're considering a short trip to New Orleans over Christmas. Will we find a town that's closed up for the holiday? [more inside]
posted by intermod at 8:10 AM PST - 22 comments

Curse of the Jade Bangle

I've broken my favorite piece of a jewelry -- a solid jade bangle. It dropped on the bathroom floor and broke into 2 pieces (pics 1 2). When I put the two pieces together it doesn't look too bad (i.e. I think it was a "clean break" with no additional tiny pieces missing), so I'd like to fix it. Can I do this myself and will it look not horrible? What type of stuff could I use to glue the pieces together? If the answers to the previous questions are no and none, do you know of someone (jeweler/stone person) who could fix it in the DC/MD area? [more inside]
posted by bluefly at 7:42 AM PST - 14 comments

Quetiapine dose increase

Mental health medication - Quetiapine (aka Seroquel, Xeroquel, Ketipinor) dosage for Depression, Anxiety and Cyclothymia/Bi-polar. I take a low (75mg) dose and my Dr is pushing for 200mg to 300mg... is being scared a good enough reason to resist trying? Does anyone have experience of this kind of treatment plan? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:36 AM PST - 15 comments

Best way to create fantastic forms

I need to create a web form to gather information. In an ideal world, the service would create a hosted URL, people would fill out the form, when submitted, the form would automatically be emailed to 3 selected addresses, and there would be an option for the submitter to either save to pdf or print. Oh, and it should be free. Does this exist? [more inside]
posted by cessair at 7:21 AM PST - 6 comments

How do I go about finding a seamstress to re-cover cushions?

How can I find a seamstress to do some moderately difficult work, specifically re-covering foam cushions with provided fabric, and is this the best way to go about doing the job? [more inside]
posted by maxreax at 7:13 AM PST - 9 comments

Syncing gmail contacts

Help syncing contacts to gmail, in prep for an iphone to droid switch. [more inside]
posted by latkes at 6:55 AM PST - 7 comments

My sleep cycle is out of whack, can anyone help me get it back?

YANMD, but I'm always on the wrong sleep schedule. Can you help me finally get some sleep? [more inside]
posted by Seeking Direction at 6:44 AM PST - 20 comments

Should I write guidelines for my obituary?

Should I write guidelines for my obituary? [more inside]
posted by lankford at 6:18 AM PST - 27 comments

Ideas for starting a local history habit?

I work downtown, and recently on my lunch, I happened upon a local history archive in the library branch near my work. I'd like suggestions for fun tasks that I can accomplish there on my short lunch break. [more inside]
posted by to recite so charmingly at 6:12 AM PST - 6 comments


Early Christmas Present filter: We got a new tv last night. Help us decide on the best movies to watch to "break it in" [more inside]
posted by PuppetMcSockerson at 5:34 AM PST - 29 comments

Remedial Resume Resources.

Resume 101, now with Extra Snowflakes! Spotty work-history, useless degrees, and no idea whatsoever how to actually *write* one of the things. [more inside]
posted by Because at 5:24 AM PST - 8 comments

Do you have any experience with smartphone/touchscreen gloves? Recommendations?

Do you have any experience with smartphone/touchscreen gloves? Recommendations? [more inside]
posted by MegoSteve at 5:15 AM PST - 9 comments

Name This Cat

Help me name my cat. [more inside]
posted by munyeca at 4:58 AM PST - 78 comments

Garters N' Things

I like reading blogs containing tips and general info on wearing petticoats, garters, different kinds of slips, tights, of course bra styles, and other such articles of clothing. Help me find them? [more inside]
posted by DisreputableDog at 3:59 AM PST - 6 comments

Where are the metasatirical horror novels?

I've been tasked to find metasatirical horror novels: horror novels (or short stories, I suppose) that explore, criticize and parody their own genre tropes. What are the prose equivalents of The Cabin in the Woods and Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon?
posted by Faint of Butt at 3:44 AM PST - 15 comments

Gift ideas for someone who lives in NYC apartment

NYC Apartment Gift-Filter: Ideas for a unique gift for someone who lives in a small apartment? [more inside]
posted by meggie78 at 3:44 AM PST - 14 comments

...Under Pressure.

Dear Santa, I want a Pressure Cooker. I can purchase retail or wholesale restaurant supply with a tax ID. Which one do I want? [more inside]
posted by jbenben at 2:39 AM PST - 14 comments

How do I pack for a big picnic without a car?

What equipment and bag should I pack to go on weekend picnics with a large family BUT no car to store things in? We want to stop by a park on the way home from church, but we take public transport, so we need some way to haul along picnic supplies and food for a family of 7. We live in hot humid Singapore. Bag ideas, packing tips and what works well for regular picnics - pop-up tent? card games? - much appreciated. We want to put together a picnic-kit we can prep on Saturday nights.
posted by viggorlijah at 12:13 AM PST - 4 comments

November 29

were the cavemen also overheated and starving all the time?

low carb queries: hot and hungry. [more inside]
posted by euphoria066 at 11:44 PM PST - 12 comments

Help me name my final project.

Help me find a catchy name for my final math project. [more inside]
posted by cairnoflore at 10:47 PM PST - 21 comments

Dress Shirts for a Big Dude

Where can I buy dress shirts for a portly man (myself) online? [more inside]
posted by dhens at 10:44 PM PST - 7 comments

Taking the right care of Great Grandpa

We are lucky enough to have a Grandpa who is 84 years old. He just had a consult with his urologist and has elevated PSA and prostate biopsy positive for cancerous cells ( that is the phrase that keeps being repeated) . [more inside]
posted by slothhog at 10:27 PM PST - 17 comments

Best Christmas for Digger Man?

what is the sturdiest toy excavator for my hard working 2 year old? [more inside]
posted by silsurf at 10:24 PM PST - 5 comments

How can I hide my submissiveness so no one messes with me?

How can I overcome submissive traits in a threatening situation? (Not talking oh no there's suddenly a fight... more like constant state of threat like walking down the street of Baghdad.) It has become important for me to "stand my ground," beat others at staring contests, be able to let it slide when others try to intimidate me. Problem is, I'm often the first to look away and easily anxious. By most counts I am very submissive. I have a "dominant personality" but as far as aggression and such I'm submissive naturally. I need to create a dominant front. But how??? [more inside]
posted by hungry hippo at 9:31 PM PST - 20 comments

The couple I would like to have a threesome with has a kid, and I am beanplating.

The couple I would like to have a threesome with has a kid, and I am beanplating. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:20 PM PST - 40 comments

Best books on Finland for my Mom?

My Mom is interested in reconnecting with her Finnish roots (her parents were the last generation to speak the language, though she grew up with elements of the culture). She is planning on going on a trip for a milestone birthday in a few years, but in the meantime I'd like to find her some wonderful books about Finland. A gorgeous coffee table book with great photos and lots of information would be ideal. Not looking for guidebooks.
posted by eliina at 9:06 PM PST - 6 comments

Mice: 1, Me: 0

Why won't the mice in my attic use their traps? [more inside]
posted by woodjockey at 9:01 PM PST - 28 comments

Why am I paying $10k for another person's property damage?

I got into an accident with another motorist. She side swiped my car and then hit a electric post. She failed to yield and was found to be at fault. Now the electric company is asking for $10k to repair the pole damage from me. Without having property damage insurance, and living in a no fault state, is there anything I can do?
posted by Coke15 at 8:46 PM PST - 30 comments

I'm trying to find a particular video of a pipe organist playing Liszt's piano sonata

I'm looking for a video of an excerpt from Liszt's piano sonata in B minor transcribed for the pipe organ. I am pretty sure it was played by a Dutch man, or in the Netherlands, and he had two different colored socks. The obvious youtube searches are turning up nothing. Anybody?
posted by l8erm8 at 8:25 PM PST - 3 comments

Untitled AskMetafilter Post, No. 54

My feminist friend is not familiar with Cindy Sherman's work. Is there a particularly awesome way to introduce her? [more inside]
posted by victory_laser at 7:29 PM PST - 8 comments

College junior interested in freelance illustrating, has taken absolutely no courses at the college level.

I might want to do some freelance illustration, but is it possible to do so without any type of degree? [more inside]
posted by grifninetoo at 7:12 PM PST - 11 comments

the cutest little thermos ever

I take a nice 4-serving Thermos of tea to work every day. It keeps my tea nice and hot all day long. But my little tupperware of milk warms up after a couple of hours. I'd like to find a 4-ounce container that will keep my milk cool, can poor without dripping, and is OK to put dairy in (because according to my Thermos, it's dairy intolerant).
posted by rebent at 6:53 PM PST - 23 comments

Selling a used iPad - need tips

How should I price a used iPad 1? [more inside]
posted by DMelanogaster at 6:46 PM PST - 11 comments

How to Upload Photos For Which I Have No Digital Copies to Online Storage for High Quality Prints Later?

Best Way to Scan/Store Print Photos Without Digital Copies? [more inside]
posted by white_magnolia at 6:37 PM PST - 3 comments

Clarify the question of women as bishops, please.

Where can I find reputable analysis of and background on the General Synod of the Church of England's rejection (well, the House of Laity's rejection, anyhow) of a change in canon law allowing women to become bishops? [more inside]
posted by MonkeyToes at 6:31 PM PST - 4 comments

How much of your ticket is my responsibility?

Who owes what to whom for a plane ticket? [more inside]
posted by princeoftheair at 6:30 PM PST - 57 comments

Sexy-Creepy Songs

chococat calls his rendition of Fame "dirge-like"; I call it creepy-sexy-creepy. e.g. It's rather a turn on, even though it sounds just subtly too menacing or scary to be a turn-on, but that very quality is why it's a turn-on. Any other recommendations for similar songs? (The only other one I know that fits is Poe's Control.)
posted by divabat at 6:13 PM PST - 58 comments

Tell me about your casual sex sprees

Ladies -- have you ever gone on a casual sex spree? How did it work out? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:40 PM PST - 30 comments

Why is Time Machine trying to backup so much?

Why is Time Machine trying to backup 35 GB of data every single day when I'm only using 300 GB of my 500 GB HD and I know I have not changed or added that much in the time since my last backup? [more inside]
posted by pwb503 at 4:46 PM PST - 12 comments

Will edit for food

During the past year, I have inadvertently become a freelance editor. I was wondering if any of you have some advice for me about getting disability and extended health insurance (I live in Toronto, Canada so I basically just need to worry about "extras" like dental and vision care, medications, etc.), and if you've got any other tips for me about finding work/promoting myself and managing what is in effect my own business. I've been working as an (in-house) editor for over 18 years, so I'm looking for advice on a more esoteric level than "set up a work schedule and stick to it" and "keep the receipts for your Post-its, because you can claim them at tax time".
posted by orange swan at 4:44 PM PST - 5 comments

I am not this person and I do not endorse this product.

(UK law) A multinational confectioner has used my name to promote one of its products. Have my rights been infringed? Am I entitled to compensation? [more inside]
posted by run"monty at 4:39 PM PST - 13 comments

I've got to get us into their life

Photoshop filter: Yikes, my mother-in-law wants me to combine a photo of our family with one of theirs to make a Christmas photo for printing (4x6). The problem: theirs was taken with an old, 4mp point-and-shoot, whereas ours was taken with a Canon 7D. Is there a way to degrade our image so that the composite doesn't look absurd? [more inside]
posted by griseus at 4:20 PM PST - 11 comments

Get lost.

My sister's boyfriend is older than our father. He is more than twice her age. It (he) makes me uncomfortable and it is driving a wedge between us. I'm not sure how to communicate my feelings about this to her or if I even should. [more inside]
posted by Evstar at 3:55 PM PST - 56 comments

Plump, Happy Seal seeks High-Class Tinned Fish!

Kippers, anchovies, sardines... hook me up with a barrel of snacking fishes! [more inside]
posted by fritillary at 3:48 PM PST - 16 comments

Exciting Vegetarian or Diet Finger Foods?

Recommend me some good, veggie oriented or diet friendly finger foods for a holiday party. [more inside]
posted by Feantari at 3:41 PM PST - 13 comments

What creative programs allow users to 'explore' with randomization tools?

Are there any consumer or professional creative programs that offer randomization tools along the lines of 'Brainstorm' in Adobe After Effects? [more inside]
posted by artradio at 3:26 PM PST - 2 comments

When you have to buy a macro and a zoom lens, what are your first choices?

Which macro and zoom lens (one of each) would you recommend for my wife for her Canon Rebel T3 EOS 1100D? What questions should I ask her to help guide me? I know nothing about cameras... but I would like to get one or both for her for Christmas... she also knows nothing about cameras except that she would like a zoom and a macro lens.
posted by blue_wardrobe at 2:58 PM PST - 8 comments

Safari Bookmark That Controls Scroll Position

In Safari 6, I have a folder of bookmarks on the Bookmarks Bar that I visit each day by right-clicking and choosing "Open in Tabs". I'd like one of those bookmarks to open to a specific vertical scroll position on the page in question. Is that do-able? [more inside]
posted by boombot at 2:51 PM PST - 2 comments

Im in yr wiki, trackin yr error messages.

I have a MediaWiki installation on new hardware to replace an old public website. Occasionally someone visits the site using a dead link and gets MediaWiki's "There is currently no text in this page". I can customize the message they get, but how can I get a notification (ideally with Google Analytics custom variables) whenever this happens, without using GA's standard Javascript? [more inside]
posted by supercres at 2:37 PM PST - 3 comments

Which personal fitness gizmo do I want?

Which personal fitness gizmo do I want? [more inside]
posted by KathrynT at 2:25 PM PST - 16 comments

Fonts to handwrite, not handwriting fonts

I'm looking for some inspiration for fonts/styles of printed writing for me to handwrite. [more inside]
posted by fermezporte at 2:15 PM PST - 5 comments

Analysis software for event planners?

I'm an event planner. How do I analyze my events? [more inside]
posted by lily_bart at 1:51 PM PST - 2 comments

The Paragard is good for you, right?

I'm getting a copper IUD next week, yay! I did a little too much background reading about it and am now totally psyching myself out, boo! Can you talk me back into being excited, or at least calm, about this decision? [more inside]
posted by Be cool, sodapop at 1:50 PM PST - 36 comments

Beautiful wedding dress/evening gown for a pregnant lady?

I'm pregnant, and I'm getting married. Any advice for finding a beautiful, non-cutesy maternity wedding dress, or super luxe evening gown? [more inside]
posted by LolaCola at 1:36 PM PST - 14 comments

Another Arabic translation question.

Another Arabic translation question. [more inside]
posted by ditto75 at 1:23 PM PST - 5 comments

Out out damn spot

How to get blood out of a sweater (silk/cotton/cashmere blend)? [more inside]
posted by hrj at 1:14 PM PST - 13 comments

Conversion program for .pptm PowerPoint file into flash made for Macs?

I have a PowerPoint presentation with macros for sound, in a .pptm file with audio and animations for a class. My professor can't play it as is, so she wants me to convert it to a flash file format, which I thought I could do, but all the converter programs I've found need a PC, and I only have a Mac and so does my family. Naturally, my school's PCs don't allow installs, and I need to figure this out today. I have Adobe Flash, but it doesn't recognize the format, and I need to keep my audio/etc. any ideas for conversion or online viewing, etc? [more inside]
posted by reenka at 1:11 PM PST - 7 comments

Suggestions for musical instruments for kids

Metafilter, do you have any thoughts or ideas on what might be a good instrument to buy for Chrismas, that the kids (6 and 3.5) can play with on their own (i.e. there won't be lessons) but can still gain skill and enjyment, that I can find second hand for under, say, $100. Recorder? auto harp? trupet? drums? We already have a piano and bells. Thank you!
posted by hollyanderbody at 1:08 PM PST - 28 comments

Are all the other dads wearing cups?

I feel like I’m getting hit in the gentlemen’s region by my baby/toddler more often than is probably normal. Also a lot harder than I would have expected. I have some questions… [more inside]
posted by French Fry at 1:03 PM PST - 20 comments

How Do I Learn To Speak Artist?

I will soon need cover art for a self-published book. I'd like to get something original rather than buying a stock photo. I am quite ignorant about the world of visual arts. Please teach me how to communicate what I want to an artist--and how to find one? [more inside]
posted by scaryblackdeath at 1:03 PM PST - 10 comments

Relearning Algebra

I haven't done Math in approximately 5 years. How can I relearn Algebra I and II in 6 weeks? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:03 PM PST - 8 comments

Shame Go Away, Please Don't Come Back Another Day

I behaved in a similarly disturbing way as the type of person disclosed in this this post, the only difference was that I was desperate for friendship and was not and never thought of this person in a romantic way. I still feel so ashamed for over disclosing and acting in an insecure way with a coworker despite a couple of years passing by. How can I truly move past this and forgive myself? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:02 PM PST - 15 comments

Lyrics for Jean Lou?

I am looking for the lyrics for Jean Lou as sung by Gillian Hills and written by Charles Aznavour. I've looked all over google but am at a loss - please help!
posted by lasamana at 12:42 PM PST - 1 comment

How can I improve my resume?

How can I improve my resume? [more inside]
posted by inTikiwetrust at 12:38 PM PST - 3 comments

What can I use to accompany a movie review?

I am writing a book of movie reviews. Hoping to sell to publishers but may self-publish. My question is about image use for the movies. [more inside]
posted by arniec at 12:21 PM PST - 5 comments

Those bones ain't legal!

How many numbers do you need to see on the face of a D20 before you know it's a legal die? [more inside]
posted by zombieApoc at 11:43 AM PST - 12 comments

A few cheap towns near DC?

Where should I move in the Northeast or Mid-Atlantic US that is within a few hours drive or (better) train ride of both DC and NYC? I'll be working from home and have a few additional "nice to have" requirements inside... [more inside]
posted by the foreground at 11:39 AM PST - 19 comments

New Betta Bin...

Betta filter: I just bought my betta a new tank and have some water/food questions. [more inside]
posted by melangell at 11:37 AM PST - 10 comments

Heart attack or giggle fit?

A good professor of mine wrote one of the books for our class. A web link provided in an endnote has expired since this edition was published, and redirects to a website with highly dubious intentions. He's not exactly old and isn't frail by any means, but he's had a heart attack before and I don't want to give him another. Am I being paranoid? [more inside]
posted by Chutzler at 11:29 AM PST - 13 comments

Is there a better/faster way to operationalize the coding of messy text data?

I'm trying to tag and code about 4000+ unique paragraphs of data. These are opinion responses to two similar questions. I manually went through the first 4000 responses and it took weeks using Google Refine. I'm wondering if there's a way to operationalize this to be a bit easier and less time consuming? [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam at 11:24 AM PST - 5 comments

Help a relative server n00b keep his Mac Mini safe.

I'm planning on getting a Mac Mini with Lion Server. I don't have much experience with security or setup. Point me to some basic articles, sites, or books, please. I'll also take any advice the hivemind might have as well. [more inside]
posted by nevercalm at 11:00 AM PST - 1 comment

How can I propagate changes to formulas in Excel automatically?

How can I propagate changes to formulas in Excel automatically? [more inside]
posted by madcaptenor at 10:53 AM PST - 8 comments

Experiences with the PC version of Dark Souls

Dark Souls for computer: any experiences? [more inside]
posted by Lemurrhea at 10:37 AM PST - 10 comments

How do I buy South Korean TV/movie posters?

How do I buy South Korean TV/movie posters? I am interested in procuring copies of the two posters at the top of this post. Cursory googling hasn't helped identify an obvious source. [more inside]
posted by googly at 10:36 AM PST - 2 comments

how to recover from stillbirth

Three weeks ago we lost our baby at almost 6 months pregnant. Due to complications I was in and out of the hospital for much of the 3 weeks and it's all just hitting us now. I don't know anyone who has had this experience and would love to hear some suggestions on how to get through this time. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:45 AM PST - 14 comments

Airfare as a gift?

Is there a way to give someone the gift of travel? I think what I'm looking for is some kind of airline credit. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:45 AM PST - 12 comments

Giving a pet for the holidays

How can I/should I buy a pet from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game for my spouse for Winter Holiday? [more inside]
posted by endless_forms at 9:34 AM PST - 7 comments

Is the new insurance company pulling a fast one?

US-InsuranceFilter: How do I know if an insurance plan is grandfathered under the new ACA "coverage of young adults" policies? The insurance company is acting like it is, but won't answer direct questions about being grandfathered. [more inside]
posted by Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug at 9:08 AM PST - 8 comments

What's going on with these reading glasses?

Can't get the hang of new reading glasses - what's going on? [more inside]
posted by JoanArkham at 8:51 AM PST - 15 comments

Fun for the whole family, Christmas edition.

Gift-filter: What are your best gift ideas for a family of 5 adults? [more inside]
posted by karminai at 8:45 AM PST - 14 comments

What next for web design?

How best can I get on a good track to grow and learn as a web designer? I've been using Codecademy, but I'd like to branch out. [more inside]
posted by mean cheez at 8:12 AM PST - 10 comments

how to clean glass and powder from the carpet in my apartment?

Fluorescent bulbs explosion -- how to clean glass and powder from the carpet? Broken glass is everywhere. And carpets are everywhere. [more inside]
posted by Oli D. at 7:57 AM PST - 10 comments

A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou.

Can you recommend a sandwich bread? [more inside]
posted by lea724 at 7:46 AM PST - 20 comments

Xbox RPGs

Recommend some XBox 360 games for me. I have enjoyed: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and NV, Dragonage O and 2, Fable 1, 2, and 3, Bioshock 2, Portal 1 and 2. [more inside]
posted by arcticwoman at 7:44 AM PST - 41 comments

Triple lined journal-like notebook for handwriting practice

Looking for a penmanship practice notebook. [more inside]
posted by Dragonness at 7:33 AM PST - 4 comments

What' the difference?

From a famous poem by Elizabeth Bishop.;....Even losing you,(the joking voice, a gesture I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident the art of losing 's not too hard to master though it may look like(Write it!) like disaster. The question is, what's the difference between " I shall never lie." and"I shan't have lied."??
posted by mizukko at 7:29 AM PST - 10 comments

rainy LA

I'm visiting LA for the first time. It's raining today and for the rest of the week. I have no car. What should I do and where should I go? [more inside]
posted by bluelight at 7:23 AM PST - 16 comments

How to keep animal's water from freezing in winter without electricity?

I'd like to heat up a rock or piece of metal to drop in my chicken's water source to warm it up. What should I use? [more inside]
posted by cda at 7:16 AM PST - 36 comments

Should I just buy Photoshop? If so, which one?

What is the best, easiest image editing software for a shutterbug? [more inside]
posted by hworth at 7:08 AM PST - 8 comments

All I want for Christmas is a dress that fits right.

I just bought this dress from Anthropologie and I adore it. Help me find more dresses like this; vaguely 20s/30s, unexpected patterns, and flattering to someone with wider hips/smaller waist. [more inside]
posted by lydhre at 6:51 AM PST - 8 comments

The stork is fleeting the coop.

How do you let go of what you want (fertility version)? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:48 AM PST - 40 comments

The dream job has become a nightmare

I have a fantastical dream career. I am something kids say they want to be when they grow up. It's amazing, and I love it. I'm one of the top twenty or so people in my area of my field in the world. On a daily basis, I pinch myself, I cannot believe my luck. Here's the thing: I hate my actual job so much that I think I'm going to spontaneously combust. Would I be stupid to leave? Is there any way I can figure out how to stay and be happy? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:48 AM PST - 21 comments

Too small for tricks?

12" BMX bike for 12-year old? [NYcares Winter wishes filter] [more inside]
posted by Tandem Affinity at 6:05 AM PST - 7 comments

Finding a pendant lamp that won't break my bank

Where can I find an affordable, attractive, globe-ish pendant lamp? Like this one, but under a gazillion dollars. [more inside]
posted by soma lkzx at 6:02 AM PST - 6 comments


Sound is muffled. We are in the calm mind of the hero, before the moment of action. The hero acts, treble and noise return to the sound. what is the history of this audio editing technique in film? [more inside]
posted by compound eye at 6:00 AM PST - 6 comments


Please recommend the best cartoons you can think of (in the vein of say, Samurai Jack or Flapjack) for my cartoon-lovin' 8 year old and myself. We're obsessed and need new material! [more inside]
posted by youandiandaflame at 5:44 AM PST - 25 comments

How to cope with the holiday blues?

My little family doesn't care for Christmas like they used to, among other things. How can I avoid or learn to cope with the holiday blues this year? [more inside]
posted by ohmy at 5:12 AM PST - 39 comments

How to get millions from M in Excel?

Can Excel do input filtering or parsing of unit abbreviations? I want to be able to type "400M" and have the result be a number cell of 400000000, not the string "400M"
posted by fightorflight at 4:43 AM PST - 10 comments

Suggestions for awesome and unusual Advent calendar that can ship to the UK before, like, July?

Does anybody know of a specific awesome Advent calendar, not run-of-the-mill but more like the Selfridges Lancome calendar, that I can get delivered in the UK within the next couple of days? [more inside]
posted by tel3path at 4:25 AM PST - 8 comments

What do you do in the evenings?

What do you do in the evenings? [more inside]
posted by uncannyslacks at 2:21 AM PST - 66 comments

Don't call it a breakup: Friendship Edition

Why do I feel like I'm in a relationship with my friend? Not in the way that's fun, but more the trainwreck variety: "How come I didn't know about...?" "Why aren't you letting me in?" "No one knows you like I do." "How dare you betray me. You're just like all the others." Some of my other friends have also noticed possessiveness on her part, and more than one person has asked me or wondered if we were dating. [more inside]
posted by smock smock smock at 1:47 AM PST - 32 comments

What happened to the prisoners in Miami's Mega Jail, post Louis Theroux?

Miami Mega Jail with Louis Theroux-- what happened to them? [more inside]
posted by jojobobo at 12:07 AM PST - 1 comment

November 28

The Watercourse Way

Should we tell our landlord we're smelling wood rot after a leak he already knows about? [more inside]
posted by Mertonian at 11:41 PM PST - 9 comments

How does going back to school work for single parents?

How possible is going back to school as a single parent. Straight up; I need to know everything. How much did having children affect your attendance and grades and how did school change your relationship with your kids? Did you pass? Was it worth it? Would you recommend it? [more inside]
posted by tenaciousmoon at 9:03 PM PST - 33 comments

A Piercing Analysis

How can I maximize my chances of having a positive ear-piercing experience? [more inside]
posted by enzymatic at 9:00 PM PST - 20 comments

LED with the warmth

What are your favorite LED christmas lights that are closest to incandescents in warmth and glow? [more inside]
posted by hazel at 8:47 PM PST - 4 comments

How do I get some work rights back, without tattling on a coworker?

I was told that I couldn't freelance outside of my company. I said ok. Then I saw a co-worker freelancing outside of our company. What gives? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:44 PM PST - 8 comments

Photographers & photo enthusiasts: What is the best used wide angle lens I can get for a Canon 40D for under $100?

Photographers & photo enthusiasts: What is the best used wide angle lens I can get for a Canon 40D for under $100? [more inside]
posted by cotesdurhone at 7:55 PM PST - 16 comments

is this grandma's writing?

Do you think the same person wrote all the words on this paper? [more inside]
posted by orangemacky at 7:54 PM PST - 19 comments

What is the font from this campaign ad?

What is the font in the red circle from this campaign ad?
posted by You Guys Like 2 Party? at 7:35 PM PST - 10 comments

Are there any good podcatching apps for the Samsung Galaxy S3?

I listen to a lot of podcasts and my iPod Touch was great for that, but I've recently switched to the Samsung Galaxy S3 and I find their podcasting features extremely inadequate. Some of my problems include how it won't save the spot where I left off if I switch to a different podcast, there's no button that immediately rewinds or fast forwards 15 seconds, but the worst thing is that the two podcatching apps I've tried so far (KiesCast and MyPOD) don't allow me to subscribe to some of the obscure podcasts that are available in iTunes. Does anyone have any experience with a good podcatching app for the Galaxy S3?
posted by JamesAtMidnight at 7:02 PM PST - 17 comments

My dad moved on. I seem to be stuck.

I'm struggling with my dad moving on after my mother's death. Looking for advice or books to help me accept what's happening. [more inside]
posted by cecic at 6:50 PM PST - 21 comments

Hosting a Chappy Chanukka Party

[Chappy Chanukkah party]: Lots of latkes. Now I need help with music and games. [more inside]
posted by anya32 at 6:49 PM PST - 9 comments

Win I win this Powerball jackpot, I'll just pay people to do this stuff for me.

Is a Visa service worth it? [more inside]
posted by mrfuga0 at 6:42 PM PST - 15 comments

How to share info within a work group?

Info sharing question. A group of us at work need to share some info among (between?) ourselves. Details follow.... [more inside]
posted by mikedelic at 6:19 PM PST - 8 comments

Please Riseth So I Can Eateth

I made a basic bread from scratch and am at the end of the first rise- only it hasn't risen very much. My book says it may be from not adding enough water during the mixing stage- but I want to know if I can save it at this stage (after first proof).
posted by ohmansocute at 6:18 PM PST - 11 comments

How to best serve crepes as appetizers?

Best way to serve crepes as appetizers? [more inside]
posted by Pademelon at 6:02 PM PST - 10 comments

Breast reduction surgery is another option, I suppose.

I have this dress, and while it fits well at the waist and through my ribs and I've worn it before, it squishes my 30F chest in a way that does not look flattering at all. There is not enough extra fabric to let the dress out, and I can't buy a larger size. Whom in Seattle can I trust to do a great job at converting the zippered back (all the way to my nape, with mesh fabric upper half) to a lace corset back? Any other ideas?
posted by halogen at 6:00 PM PST - 5 comments

What would it take to make a photograph in 1910?

What would it take to make a portrait photograph in 1910? [more inside]
posted by rinosaur at 5:48 PM PST - 9 comments

Is Bitch Magazine appropriate reading for a 13 year old girl?

I recently re-subscribed to Bitch magazine, partly with the idea that my almost 13-year-old daughter would benefit from the content. Now I'm having second thoughts. Mefites, do you consider Bitch Magazine appropriate reading material for a smart, mature (emotionally, not physically) girl of that age? [more inside]
posted by plantbot at 5:48 PM PST - 30 comments

A Cat's the Only Cat Who Knows Where it's at

My cat was hit by a car and had to have high risk emergency surgery. Once he has fully recovered, I am debating whether or not to let him roam outside again. [more inside]
posted by drunkonthemoon at 5:37 PM PST - 36 comments

I went down to St. James Infirmary...

I'm sick Metafilter. I'm in a bad way and I want your advice. I have a nasty case of the flu. I visited my doctor yesterday morning, and she diagnosed me with the flu, though the nasal swab test she gave me was negative for Flu A and Flu B. At the time I thought I was getting better, but now I think I've taken a turn for the worse. I'm contemplating going to the emergency room, and I'd like your advice on how I should decide whether or not to go, when to go, if I should bring someone with me, and anything else I should ask or do. I know you're not my doctor. I'm going to visit my doctor's sick call hours first thing in the morning if I don't go to the ER. That's in about 11 hours. [more inside]
posted by Reverend John at 5:34 PM PST - 36 comments

I don't always read MetaFilter. But when I do, eye brows..

A good place to get eyebrows done in NYC? [more inside]
posted by unannihilated at 5:25 PM PST - 10 comments

One person's trash is another person's treasure.

One person's trash is another person's treasure. What do certain industries throw out that can be repurposed for free? [more inside]
posted by aniola at 4:55 PM PST - 40 comments

Why don't I have two left feet?

Why don't I have two left feet? or two left hands for that matter? I can see why the basic body plan makes sense, having legs and arms distributed as we have, but why exactly are the limbs mirror images of each other, instead of being exactly the same limb just repeated? What is the evolutionary logic behind having right and left hands? [more inside]
posted by selenized at 4:50 PM PST - 12 comments

Tea Tree Filter

Should tea tree oil in bath water sting like crazy? [more inside]
posted by bad grammar at 4:44 PM PST - 18 comments

Jealousy from the other side.

How to deal with jealousy from other men in my open relationship? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:23 PM PST - 18 comments

Cooking Woes

My boyfriend and I constantly fight about cooking. Are we both being too inflexible? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:21 PM PST - 52 comments

Back pain between shoulder blades

I am a 47 year old female & have a office job where I sit at a computer all day. I started having back pain in my middle back right between my shoulder blades after lifting some boxes down from a high shelf about a month ago. I have always noticed my lower back is curved, if I stand up against a wall I can not press my lower back against it. When I exercise doing pilates I really have to concentrate on keeping my lower back pressed down and not arching. I bought a lumbar back support cushion for my office chair so I can sit back and have support in my lower back. What kind of exercises could I do to help with this constant ache in my back?
posted by just asking at 3:51 PM PST - 15 comments

Where can I watch the Seahawks game in Scotland?

Where can I watch the Seahawks game in Scotland? [more inside]
posted by Alien Parachute Man at 3:38 PM PST - 5 comments

I gave myself a great deal

Under what circumstances would somebody sell themselves a house for a drastically reduced price? [more inside]
posted by blazingunicorn at 3:36 PM PST - 17 comments

Name this dog!

Help me name this adorable Boston Terrier puppy! [more inside]
posted by aoleary at 3:29 PM PST - 59 comments

Lower... lower... higher... left... OTHER left... MY left... lower...

Random thought/Someone must have made this question: Anyone know of an online site that allows you to map out areas on a (3D or 2D) human model as "hot" or "cold"? I'm thinking of something that would allow people to map out their erogenous zones as they know them or discover them. [more inside]
posted by Decimask at 3:27 PM PST - 1 comment

How to convey to my boss that I'm not incompetent?

Despite my otherwise agreeable work environment, I have a boss who's increasingly scolding me for following standard procedures and doing my job as normal. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:58 PM PST - 9 comments

Am I doing the wrong thing here?

Science grad school application filter: I have informally (but explicitly) accepted a graduate assistant position (in conservation biology) at my current undergraduate institution. I am now having second thoughts and am wondering what, if anything, I should do about it. Help me, Hive Mind! I don't know what to do! [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:57 PM PST - 9 comments

What parts of Oakland, CA are best to settle in?

What parts of Oakland, CA are best to settle in? [more inside]
posted by yoz420 at 1:35 PM PST - 20 comments

Oh birds!

So we're unexpectedly in receipt of a pet bird. What do we need to know? [more inside]
posted by wierdo at 1:22 PM PST - 31 comments

Computer Writing, 1979 Style

DIY Computering: I want to build a dedicated, Raspberry Pi "writing station". [more inside]
posted by Doleful Creature at 1:04 PM PST - 20 comments

What should I put on my bookshelf at work?

What should I put on my bookshelves at work? Problem: I have no books. If I were to get some books, they should be related to student development/higher education administration. [more inside]
posted by TurkishGolds at 12:57 PM PST - 20 comments

Greek Mythology Reading Recommendations

Bookfilter: Suggestions on good books about Greek mythology. [more inside]
posted by Twain Device at 12:54 PM PST - 14 comments

Feed us before the show starts!

Please recommend a kid-friendly place for lunch within walking distance of the Boston Ballet. [more inside]
posted by fancyoats at 12:48 PM PST - 8 comments

How long is the sentence for AWOL soldiers?

YANAL/YANML Has anyone had any experience with people who are AWOL from the British army turning themselves in? [more inside]
posted by fruitopia at 12:04 PM PST - 11 comments

Christmas Wish List Headache

[Xmas gift filter] My mother wants to know what I want for Xmas. I am out of ideas - and there are a few issues regarding shopping & shipping. [more inside]
posted by kariebookish at 12:03 PM PST - 26 comments

No rest for the weary

You've been seriously sleep-deprived over a period of multiple days, you expect more sleep-deprivation to come, and hurray! you finally have a serendipitous few hours to get some rest. Except that now, for some reason, you can't fall asleep. What to do about it (or instead of it)? [more inside]
posted by Bardolph at 11:59 AM PST - 24 comments

Good Examples of Accidentally Sharing Geotag Information?

I'm looking for good examples of apps or situations where it's easy to accidentally share geotag information. [more inside]
posted by jasonhong at 11:24 AM PST - 11 comments


I want some immersive, RPG-style games for Android or iOS. I'm taking a long flight on Friday and I want to sink myself into something fun. I was really hoping Baldur's Gate would be out for iPad before my flight, but it looks like it's been pushed back to next week. I'd like something in the same vein. Preferably something without cutesy, cartoony or 8-bit style graphics.
posted by Cat Pie Hurts at 11:15 AM PST - 18 comments

I don't want my kids to get "patted down" at the airport

I haven't flown in quite a long time, so I'm not familiar with all the latest security procedures here in the U.S. In a couple months my family will be taking a trip and I'm not comfortable with my children being scanned or touched. What are my options (other than not flying)? [more inside]
posted by squaregear at 11:14 AM PST - 30 comments

So you're saying you've deleted me over $11?

My email host canceled my account due to a dumb billing error. I was told they can't bring it back. 13 years of correspondences with loved ones past and present, addressees, contacts, letters written but never sent just vanished. Gone. Is there anything I can do to fix this? [more inside]
posted by space_cookie at 11:11 AM PST - 16 comments

which bouquet to bring?

Asking for a friend. A coworkers wife has been diagnosed stage IV brain cancer. They are East Indian. We would like to bring flowers to their home. Does anyone know if certain flowers have special meaning culturally and / or are there flowers to avoid? Thank you.
posted by jennstra at 11:08 AM PST - 6 comments

Stalking the Wild Clooney

Please hope me plan the perfect week in Lake Como, Italy! [more inside]
posted by 2soxy4mypuppet at 11:06 AM PST - 4 comments

Planning a road trip from Reno to Vegas in June. Will Death Valley be too hot to check out?

Planning a road trip from Reno to Vegas in June. Will Death Valley be too hot to check out? Also, your favorite places along the way? [more inside]
posted by (lambda (x) x) at 11:04 AM PST - 6 comments

Alternative medicine ideas?

I am looking for alternatives for the standard "doctor sees you for five minutes and prescribes drugs for whatever ails you." [more inside]
posted by 7life at 11:02 AM PST - 29 comments

Hula Defender

Help me fix fluorescent light fixture noise in a Williams Defender! [more inside]
posted by plinth at 10:25 AM PST - 4 comments

Event security NYC?

Please recommend a company that provides event security in NYC.
posted by brujita at 10:08 AM PST - 3 comments

What the heck is wrong with College Athletic Conferences?

What is wrong with college sports? Why is everyone changing conferences? [more inside]
posted by teriyaki_tornado at 10:00 AM PST - 17 comments

What kind of pillow is NOT going to compress over time to become a sad, flat pancake pillow?

I want to buy square pillow forms and make the covers myself. I want the forms to be at least 16" but larger is better. The cushions will be used by heavy people for lower back support or for head support when lying down in the couch. What sort of pillow is NOT going to compress over time to become a sad, flat pancake pillow? Assume a complete lack of knowledge regarding pillow ingredients, brands, types and sources. [more inside]
posted by cranberrymonger at 9:59 AM PST - 5 comments

Give me spicy hot deliciousness!

What spicy treats have I missed out on? [more inside]
posted by Sal and Richard at 9:57 AM PST - 23 comments

How to connect RCA surround sound to HDMI TV?

How to best connect a surround sound with RCA plugs to everything HDMI, or in reverse? Full explanation inside. [more inside]
posted by magnoliasouth at 9:53 AM PST - 24 comments

Are naturopaths all quacks, and if not, how do I know I've got a good one?

What advice would you give someone who just saw a naturopath for the first time and isn't sure of what's scientifically proven alternative therapies and what's just woo-woo hogwash? What are warning signs that I'm seeing a quack and on the flip side, what would be signs I'm seeing a competent naturopath? [more inside]
posted by thesocietyfor at 9:37 AM PST - 28 comments

No, no, no. Hold your head like this, then go Waaah. Try it again.

First rehearsal was last night. My cast member is already making me crazy. A little help? [more inside]
posted by Infinity_8 at 9:35 AM PST - 19 comments

How to help a friend stuck for decades?

Friend stuck in a deep rut. Increasingly concerned he may never escape. Anything I can do to help? [more inside]
posted by u2604ab at 9:31 AM PST - 23 comments

How to get serial numbers from optical drives?

Is there any way to determine the serial numbers of the optical drives in my computer without opening it up? I'm running Windows XP. [more inside]
posted by Awkward Philip at 9:30 AM PST - 3 comments

I am moving to Sweden and want to read up on the country before I do. Recommend me good books related to Sweden!

I am moving to Sweden and want to read up on the country before I do. Recommend me good books related to Sweden! [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:04 AM PST - 9 comments

Father's groups in Philadelphia

I'm looking for father's groups in Philadelphia. I have a pre-K child. I'm more interested in a hang-out-and-chat sort of group. University City or Center City would be great. Thanks! [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:51 AM PST - 2 comments

All I wanted was a Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me.

Why do waitresses always assume I want diet soda? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:51 AM PST - 82 comments

Help for the husband of an IVF patient?

My wife and I are trying to get pregnant. We've resorted to IVF (in vitro fertilization). But meanwhile, my wife is going to pieces, "terrified" that she might never have a natural child. Anyone been through this? Any advice? [more inside]
posted by Anonymousness at 8:38 AM PST - 30 comments

Political affiliations of MPs

Research help: I'm trying to find political affiliations for specific members of the British House of Lords in the 1850s and 1860s. [more inside]
posted by estlin at 8:38 AM PST - 6 comments

Google calendar sync help

Google calendar idiot here. How do I sync iPhone to google calendar, not the other way around and why is someone else's calendar appearing in my google calendar online? [more inside]
posted by meerkatty at 8:34 AM PST - 6 comments

Wayback Machine isn't far enough

How to find a cached version of Mitt Romney's campaign website? [more inside]
posted by bryghtrose at 8:31 AM PST - 1 comment

Acquaintance passed away. Do I donate to his preferred charity, despite my concerns?

An acquaintance has passed away, and in lieu of flowers, his family is requesting a donation to a religious cause that gives me some concerns. What to do? [more inside]
posted by evadery at 8:26 AM PST - 23 comments

Cheap intervalometer / time lapse camera

Looking for a cheap camera with an intervalometer / time lapse function. [more inside]
posted by echo target at 8:21 AM PST - 7 comments

Best spot for a mid-January mosquito-less vacation?

Where should we spend our vacation days in mid-January? [more inside]
posted by caoimhe at 8:05 AM PST - 4 comments

Return to girliness is harder than I thought.

Need a good, reasonably priced primer/moisturizer to put on before makeup. Help? [more inside]
posted by Currer Belfry at 7:42 AM PST - 19 comments

I need to lampshade this trope. No, seriously, lampshade.

I want to make a jute lampshade, or rather, several trapezoidal pieces of jute stretched over wood frames that will act like a lampshade. I know almost nothing about jute, or lampshades, but plenty about wood. [more inside]
posted by Alterscape at 7:12 AM PST - 1 comment

Help me say sewer, but not sewer, en español por favor.

How do I say "sewer" in Spanish? Not the pipe that waste water goes into, but a person who sews on a sewing machine? [more inside]
posted by buzzv at 6:57 AM PST - 9 comments

Am I staring at women's breasts?

Am I staring at women's breasts? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:56 AM PST - 35 comments

It's not right, but is it ok?

Are we in one of the rare situations where cashing out a 401K makes sense? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:55 AM PST - 10 comments

I want a robote. I want a toye bat man. I want a Batman helykoptr.

My seven year old wants a robot for christmas. Help me find one. [more inside]
posted by Talia Devane at 6:45 AM PST - 6 comments

public records help.

I am looking for help finding some public records. Specifically, I'm looking for property information about a piece of private property. Help me find it. [more inside]
posted by to sir with millipedes at 6:22 AM PST - 11 comments

Aren't tanning beds always dangerous no matter what?

My friend went to a dermatologist who reccomended the use of a tanning bed. ARe they seeing a quack? [more inside]
posted by WeekendJen at 5:27 AM PST - 16 comments

What's the name of this Chinese neighborhood?

Name of unofficial urban island within Chinese city, possibly Hong Kong? [more inside]
posted by vincele at 5:23 AM PST - 7 comments

Help me prank my PI

When I first started my current job as a graduate researcher at a nominally Catholic university as an American in Belgium, my boss played a quick prank on me where he came into my office, plopped down a copy of the New Testament in Flemish, and told me I needed to study up to pass some kind of religious test. The way he did it, it was pretty funny and I’m looking for ways to prank him back. [more inside]
posted by Blasdelb at 5:20 AM PST - 7 comments

Christmas time needs to ROCK

Music filter: Putting together a little surprise for a wonderful someone. Seeking metal, rock, goth, punk, or other loud covers of holiday music to brighten her day. [more inside]
posted by chrisinseoul at 4:51 AM PST - 21 comments

Please recommend a business to recover data from a failed hard drive in Perth, Western Australia

Please recommend a business to recover data from a failed hard drive in Perth, Western Australia. (Laptop hard-drive.)
posted by Year of meteors at 4:34 AM PST - 4 comments

Graphic novels for young girls

Please recommend graphic novels for two very bright girls, aged 7 and 9. I'm looking for Wolves of Willoughby Chase type stories full of plucky lasses showing courage and resourcefulness. They liked Polly and the Pirates and Zita the Space Girl, but there aren't enough of them. I'd prefer things that are well drawn.
posted by Joe in Australia at 3:16 AM PST - 22 comments

Don't just sit there. DO something!

So, you know that "career" thing people have? I managed to spend 2012 without one. The timeout was enlightening, but now I'm itching to move on to a brand new phase. Um, how do I do that? [more inside]
posted by jessca84 at 2:17 AM PST - 8 comments

Cold calling academics?

Is it appropriate to cold call a professor with a cover letter and resume when looking for lab tech/research assistant positions? [more inside]
posted by Slackermagee at 12:04 AM PST - 7 comments

November 27

I Want Some Books About Armenia

Recommend me books about Armenia, to learn about the country and people and disaspora. [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee at 11:32 PM PST - 5 comments

Vyvanse screwed me up?

Amphetamine filter: I’ve taken Vyvanse four times. But the last time I took it, it did something to me. I suddenly developed some weird heart behavior and some other symptoms. I haven’t touched the stuff for three weeks now, but I still don’t feel like myself from three weeks ago. Help me. I don’t know what’s going on. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:58 PM PST - 30 comments

Help me to impress my teen

Last week, I shared the music video That's What's Up, by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, with my 15 year old and she fell in love with it. This week, daughter was assigned a project in her video production class to create an advertisement for the Sadie Hawkins dance at her high school. Inspired by the ES video, she's decided to recruit some youngsters from the on-campus preschool (where she is a volunteer) and film a short music video depicting a little girl asking a little boy to dance. [more inside]
posted by kbar1 at 10:29 PM PST - 10 comments

in the utmost silence, through serious immobilities

Somnolent, hypnotic, stark, or unsettling piano music: recommend it. [more inside]
posted by mykescipark at 9:59 PM PST - 27 comments

Help me identify a song

I heard a song on the radio the other day--heavy bass, female vocalist, the bass almost made a wah-wah,pulsating sound. I couldn't catch much of the lyrics. It had something to do with dying. Maybe the word "madness" or "sadness" was in there. Still it was a great song, and I can't find the title or the band. Any ideas--it's a new song--never heard it before. I live in the DC area, and I don't recall the radio station either.
posted by 630 at 9:25 PM PST - 3 comments

Shortcuting the brewing process

I was going to make hard apple cider with champagne yeast for a party on Dec. 8th but wasn't able to start it in time. I know the brew process takes 14 days, but is there a way to speed it up? [more inside]
posted by brenton at 9:19 PM PST - 11 comments

Shipping from France to USA

How can I order from marketplace from a seller who doesnt ship to the USA? [more inside]
posted by HMSSM at 8:44 PM PST - 7 comments

Strict dad or easy-going dad?

At times my 3-year-old son deliberately misbehaves. Do I double down on the discipline, or shrug it off? [more inside]
posted by zardoz at 8:32 PM PST - 49 comments

A League Of My Own

Help me find professional baseball or soccer leagues for me to follow that don't suffer from the same issues that bother me about American sports. [more inside]
posted by shushufindi at 8:27 PM PST - 15 comments

choose the right pathe

I would like to know what options are available to me to enhance (or indeed the opposite) video streams - What I'd specifically like to do is download specific youtube footage (personal use) and render it with a jumpy black and white Pathe film-like quality. What would be the best approach to achieve this? - And please take into account that I have no Apple products to hand and very limited experience in manipulating the moving picture.
posted by mattoxic at 7:55 PM PST - 3 comments

It's not "Babylonians".

Please help me remember/locate this David Gray song... at least I think it's a David Gray song. [more inside]
posted by koucha at 7:51 PM PST - 4 comments

Should We Eat This?

Edible or no? [more inside]
posted by parrot_person at 7:25 PM PST - 18 comments

| What's The Font |

WhatTheFont| is throwing me gibberish on this 1970's Poster Inspiration Font [more inside]
posted by TangerineGurl at 7:24 PM PST - 10 comments

1970s animated cartoon about U.S. History (NOT schoolhouse rock)

animated 1970s tv series about U.S. History? this is NOT the schoolhouse rock episodes. the one i am remembering was more serious, working through historical situations with animated scenes. the episode i remember most vividly was about the British burning the white house. does anyone else remember this series and what the name of it was?? might have been made around the bicentennial, but not sure.
posted by cmp4Meta at 7:21 PM PST - 9 comments

Should I replace the brush head now or can I wait?

The reminder bristles on my Sonicare brush head have already faded to the halfway point. Is it wise to continue using it until the 3-month mark or should I switch to the next unused brush head? [more inside]
posted by neitherly at 7:19 PM PST - 8 comments

Relaxed, happy places to do stressful things

Another "Where should I live" question. Looking for a beautiful, relaxed place to go for a couple of years to take medical school pre-reqs. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by carolinaherrera at 7:05 PM PST - 28 comments

i know you googled me, but i swear that isn't me throwing up gang signs or pitching for AAA baseball in Cincinnati.

i share a somewhat random name with a miscreant from the midwest. when i google my name, i get a mixed return of my stats and his; his being mostly juvenile youtube vids of him skateboarding and flipping off the camera. i KNOW employers in my field google search/research online profiles heavily. what to do? [more inside]
posted by ps_im_awesome at 6:57 PM PST - 16 comments

Creepy talking houses that gave children chocolate cake

Help me name this creepy, possibly educational video made in Australia in the late 90's - involves an empty talking house and runaway kids. [more inside]
posted by sunshine arakhan at 6:56 PM PST - 1 comment

How do I best restore a WW2-era Navy peacoat?

How do I best restore a WW2-era Navy peacoat? [more inside]
posted by Loto at 6:28 PM PST - 8 comments

Save Boxing day

Boxing day restaurants for 20-30 people (Georgetown)? [more inside]
posted by devonia at 6:26 PM PST - 1 comment

AmeriCorps denying Education Award - What to do?

My AmeriCorps program is denying me my education award after I have served 10 out of the 11 months in my service year. The reason is because I am leaving for Teach for America. [more inside]
posted by Kombucha3452 at 6:17 PM PST - 9 comments

Seeking craft project for 10 year old boy

Craft project for 10 year old boy who is REALLY into Minecraft? [more inside]
posted by punkfloyd at 6:10 PM PST - 14 comments

Old dog, new tricks?

What sorts of things should we be considering to keep an older dog amused and happy? [more inside]
posted by Pomo at 5:51 PM PST - 11 comments

Gifting on a shoestring...

Looking for blogs/websites dedicated to thoughtful & creative gift-giving on a budget. DIY, crafting, homemade/canned foods, scrapbooking a huge plus. [more inside]
posted by luciddream928 at 5:49 PM PST - 5 comments

New Year's ideas for D.C., Philly, or Baltimore

Any ideas for ways to celebrate New Year's eve in the Washington, D.C., Baltimore, MD, or Philadelphia, PA area? Willing to travel further, but not interested in NY. Must have a location/event that is hotel accessible.
posted by Coffee Bean at 4:26 PM PST - 7 comments

History of Austria-Hungary?

Can you recommend good books on the history of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, specifically their part in WWI and the breakup of the Empire?
posted by the man of twists and turns at 4:15 PM PST - 9 comments

A bad legal history and crowdfunding

If you knew that someone who has put a project on a crowdfunding site (think IndieGoGo or Kickstarter) has been convicted of check fraud and also started some other projects before the crowdfunding era that they never delivered on...what would you do? [more inside]
posted by ponytime at 4:12 PM PST - 11 comments

Help me access LibreOffice

I've been using LibreOffice as a word processor for a while now. But all of a sudden, I can't open it. The message says, "LibreOffice can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer. Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the Mac App Store and identified developers." I can't see any settings in my OSX System Preferences / Security and Privacy that would cause this. Can you help me restore access to LebreOffice word processor?
posted by partner at 3:44 PM PST - 4 comments

Now that I'm single, how do I stop needing validation from men?

Now that I'm single, how do I stop needing validation from men? [more inside]
posted by moons in june at 3:24 PM PST - 16 comments

Trying to find short Japanese animation

I'm trying to find a short Japanese animation that I saw on youtube several years ago. It was definitely in a science fiction setting. The most memorable aspect was the shifting POV, moving between characters as they fight in a war, with a character becoming the hero or villain immediately after we start to follow someone else. [more inside]
posted by GDWJRG at 3:17 PM PST - 3 comments

Meal Solutions for the Common Sense Inept

What are some handy, affordable, healthy meal solutions for a kitchen-less existence? [more inside]
posted by Sine_Agraphia at 2:45 PM PST - 24 comments

The Turquoise Door in Austin is closing? But . . . but . . .

Since the Turquoise Door in Austin, Texas is closing on December 31st, 2012, where does a person go in order to find jewelry of that sort? [more inside]
posted by Seamus at 2:26 PM PST - 1 comment

What's that home video (VHS) introduction to home computers from the '80s?

What is the name of that 1980s home video introducing you to computers hosted by that famous TV personality husband and wife whose names I can't remember? The one whose background color changes depending on what section you're in? [more inside]
posted by dan_of_brainlog at 2:07 PM PST - 5 comments

Relationship at a Crossroads Over Monogamy

I love my long term partner, but have the urge to be more "open"—do I need to leave if they are 100% against a different arrangement? [more inside]
posted by anonanonanon at 1:57 PM PST - 56 comments

Boy, is my face red! And blotchy!

What is a good facial moisturizer for rosacea? [more inside]
posted by Frowner at 1:55 PM PST - 18 comments

Finding a last-minute hotel in Phuket/Thailand

Our hotel reservation for the week of New Year's Eve in Phuket, Thailand just got cancelled... #argh! Where would you look for mid-to-high-end hotels with prices that are still reasonable, one month away from the busiest time of the year in Thailand? [more inside]
posted by meso at 1:44 PM PST - 6 comments

Berlin, when the wall fell?

What was it like to be in Berlin when the Wall came down in 1989? [more inside]
posted by meronym at 1:35 PM PST - 10 comments

Success is inspiring

I am seeking blogs of people who have made health changes in their lives involving diet, exercise and reducing vices. I am particularly interested in blogs that have daily or very regular posts where the personal aspects and challenges of the health goal are explored at length. [more inside]
posted by Kerasia at 1:19 PM PST - 11 comments

World's Worst Dinner Parties

Examples of banquets/dinner parties gone horribly wrong? [more inside]
posted by Cash4Lead at 1:17 PM PST - 37 comments

Sworn te(ch)stemony?

How do I swear testimony in an online parking ticket appeal (NYC)? [more inside]
posted by taltalim at 1:05 PM PST - 5 comments

Can moldy books saved from flood be put in my freezer?

Can moldy books saved from flood be put in my freezer? [more inside]
posted by ebesan at 1:04 PM PST - 6 comments

Separating the wheat from the chaff when hiring a Web Designer

What would be a good FizzBuzz question for a web designer? [more inside]
posted by furtive at 12:53 PM PST - 13 comments

My cat may have been misdiagnosed. Time to find a new vet?

Back in July, my 11 year old cat was tentatively diagnosed with possible early renal failure. This past Saturday, however, she had another round of bloodwork and urinalysis...the results of which indicated her kidneys are probably fine! Needless to say, I'm very happy about this. But the more I think about it, the more it seems like the clinic folks jumped to conclusions way too quickly based on too little information. Am I off-base here, or is it perhaps really time to explore other local veterinary options? [more inside]
posted by aecorwin at 12:43 PM PST - 9 comments

Hundreds of characters indexed in the cloud (fictional worldbuilding data management tools)

Us: 13 participants in a multi-year group fiction/worldbuilding project with hundreds of named characters, places, and items to keep track of. Our current system (YahooGroups databases, GDocs, and some other resources) works, but I keep thinking there's a better solution out there. More details within, but we're looking for something that does all of what we're currently doing, plus internal linkage, effective relevance-based searching, internal sorting, tagging or some other method of grouping data in multiple ways, and that is web-based, lightly password protected, accessible on a wide variety of devices, and easy for our other participants to use. (We'd also take a pony, if you had one.) [more inside]
posted by modernhypatia at 12:41 PM PST - 10 comments

My processes, they are

I've been learning a (very) little bit about Unix and AIX while doing some maintenance on our company's ERP server. I've been finding a lot of defunct processes. I have a few very n00b questions. [more inside]
posted by slogger at 12:36 PM PST - 8 comments

Please help me brainstorm around this flurry of snowflakey meal requirements

Help me add new dishes to the menu. Difficult level: kosher-style, pescaphobic, non-dairy, mushroom hater. [more inside]
posted by bq at 12:31 PM PST - 17 comments

How can a high GRE score benefit me?

I did really well on the GRE. How will this actually help me? [more inside]
posted by Vatican Cameos at 12:21 PM PST - 19 comments

Chromebook questions

Would the Chromebook be right for me as a writing device? I'm looking to replace my old netbook I use for writing with something more swish and it looks to fit the bill, however I'm not a Google Docs user - how easy is it to transition to from using OpenOffice/Word? How well does the local storage/offline working option work? How easy is it to export Word files and how well does formatting carry over? Is there anything else i need to know?
posted by Artw at 12:20 PM PST - 10 comments

Need a cute killing machine.

Help me find a new kitten. Difficulty: mice. [more inside]
posted by digitalprimate at 12:10 PM PST - 20 comments

What is an age appropriate game for a kid who likes Call of Duty

A soon-to-be nine year old has asked for Call of Duty for his birthday. What else could I get him? [more inside]
posted by msali at 11:58 AM PST - 36 comments

How to get Win 7 to recognize a large HDD

How can I get Windows 7 64bit to recognize my 3 TB SATA hard drive? BIOS sees it, it works fine under Ubuntu, but it doesn't show up in Win 7's disk manager / storage tool. [more inside]
posted by lord_yo at 11:49 AM PST - 4 comments

What is on my roadmap for a Top 20 MBA program? And how do people pay?

What is on my roadmap for a Top 20 MBA program? And how do people pay? [more inside]
posted by jander03 at 11:42 AM PST - 16 comments

Which bamboo bath towels are worth buying?

Bamboo bath towels - which ones are worth buying? [more inside]
posted by aceyprime at 11:37 AM PST - 7 comments

who uses fUnNy gRaPhIcaL cOnVenTiOnS??!$%?

I am looking for examples of authors who have used unconventional graphical conventions in their work, published in traditional dead-tree form (books, magazines etc.). Excluding graphic novels, comics etc. Obvious example would be e.e. cummings using lower case; perhaps other poets who use text unconventionally. but novels? There's the big S at the start of Joyce's Ulysses. But what authors have exploited the graphical possibilities of the printed medium in an extensive way? thanks.
posted by cogneuro at 11:26 AM PST - 46 comments

As a non-hobbyist with not a lot of time, what's the best place to sell my old, rare Magic Cards and get a fair price?

As a non-hobbyist with not a lot of time, what's the best place to sell my old, rare Magic Cards and get a fair price? [more inside]
posted by tweebiscuit at 11:17 AM PST - 5 comments

Identify this!

Can you help me identify and replace a smashed up clay figurine? [more inside]
posted by powerbumpkin at 11:17 AM PST - 5 comments

Cookies that freeze?

I love to bake cookies for the holidays. I'd like to do most of my baking the second weekend of December (8 & 9), but that's earlier than I've done my baking in the past. Do you have recipes for cookies that freeze well? Preferably after baking? [more inside]
posted by kimdog at 11:14 AM PST - 8 comments

Crates vs. baby gates.

After doing tons of breed research and visiting shelters and rescues, I have finally found the write dog for me. I purchased a miniature dachshund from a reputable breeder in my hometown. She is only three weeks old right now, so I have five weeks to prepare for her arrival in my home. I do have a few questions that I hope Mefites can help me with. [more inside]
posted by SkylitDrawl at 11:13 AM PST - 17 comments

Perhaps I'm a cow? Why do I regurgitate my food?

YANMD digestion filter: I regurgitate food. Regularly. If I do any vaguely strenuous exercise within 2 hours of eating, or sometimes longer, up come bite-sized portions of my meal, intact, into my mouth. WTF? [more inside]
posted by HopStopDon'tShop at 11:03 AM PST - 14 comments

Unvaccinated children in the pediatricians office.

I'm expecting my first child next week and have chosen his pediatrician, but the doctor takes unvaccinated patients. How dangerous would it be to bring an unvaccinated newborn into this office?
posted by Circumstands at 10:56 AM PST - 26 comments

Frankly, my dear, I don't give edam.

Help me give the gift of cheese! Particularly Spanish, French, or Greek. [more inside]
posted by troika at 10:44 AM PST - 12 comments

You know I don't want to talk to you!

How to deal with a junior coworker who's overbearing? [more inside]
posted by ergo at 10:33 AM PST - 20 comments

Headline: EU bans phthalates. OK, what else?

Where can I find a central hub of all the products and chemicals banned or being phased out by the European Union? Which particular countries are ahead of the EU? (e.g., banning even more instead of waiting for EU consensus, all in the interest of public health or due to inconclusive info about these kinds of products) Please provide links to detailed lists for those.
posted by mayurasana at 10:30 AM PST - 3 comments

I need clips from movies and TV shows of people suffering from PTSD

I need clips from movies and TV shows of people suffering from PTSD. Funny, serious, whatever - bonus points for something I can access online. [more inside]
posted by Viola at 10:16 AM PST - 29 comments

"The Ice King's Turgid Boingloings"

Appropriate fanfiction websites for a 10-year-old? [more inside]
posted by clearlydemon at 10:05 AM PST - 15 comments

MF-in' CFLs on a MF-in' Plane!

CFLs in checked luggage. OK or Not OK? [more inside]
posted by sandra_s at 9:52 AM PST - 4 comments

Stinky turtle bits

How do I preserve this stinky turtle carapace? [more inside]
posted by txmon at 9:47 AM PST - 6 comments

Should I kick my roommate out?

Should I kick my roommate out? [more inside]
posted by AlisonM at 9:45 AM PST - 57 comments

Where's the Main St. in Maine?

Where in Maine can I find a classic Main Street atmosphere within commuting distance from Freeport and Portland. [more inside]
posted by kmtiszen at 9:44 AM PST - 28 comments

most natural artificial light

Recommendations for lightbulbs [more inside]
posted by dipolemoment at 9:41 AM PST - 5 comments

flickering lights are driving me crazy!

why do the lights on my hampton bay ceiling fans flicker? [more inside]
posted by sabh at 9:40 AM PST - 7 comments

Any examples of Github projects with a main library and derivatives?

I want to create a github project consisting of a main library with derivative variations, such as Drupal and Wordpress plugins. Can you point me to existing projects with this kind of structure? I'd love to learn from existing projects that do it well. [more inside]
posted by kristi at 9:30 AM PST - 3 comments

Jump on the iPhone bandwagon--maybe

Thinking about getting iPhone 5 for Christmas--currently have Droid 3 with Verizon and contract not up--6 months left. Do I have any purchasing options other than paying $600+ for the new iPhone? Should I pay to cancel current contract and start a new one and get phone at a discount? Other thoughts?
posted by sandra194 at 9:27 AM PST - 4 comments

Turning user input into pie (charts)

WordPressFilter: I'm looking for a plugin/widget/codesnippet that will allow me to create a graph using input from the user. [more inside]
posted by antonymous at 8:59 AM PST - 5 comments

Late twenties female, sexually inexperienced, who is currently in graduate school with limited time for a committed relationship- would like to find a casual sex partner. How to do this?

Late twenties female, sexually inexperienced, who is currently in graduate school with limited time for a committed relationship- would like to find a casual sex partner. How to do this? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:48 AM PST - 19 comments

Passion for learning languages

How can I find a passion for language learning? [more inside]
posted by querty at 8:47 AM PST - 22 comments

Can't Stay in a World Without (bike) Gloves.

Winter 2012 -- Help me arrive at work, via bike, with functional hands. [more inside]
posted by Danf at 8:21 AM PST - 16 comments

Need a "spiritual" gift idea.

I am trying to find a Christmas gift that is "good for the spirit." [more inside]
posted by cherrybounce at 8:10 AM PST - 15 comments

Crisis of success

What are some examples (historical, fictional, anecdotal, whatever) of groups, companies, partnerships, bands, teams where the founders achieve a bit of success and are then forced to reevaluate their relationships and objectives? [more inside]
posted by lowest east side at 8:07 AM PST - 18 comments

What do you do when there really is no more time?

How do you bounce back from a serious failure? Please help me get through this awful time. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:07 AM PST - 33 comments

Since the position of "Prince William's Wife" has been filled...

I want a job where I can: research/gather information, organize and do basic, preliminary analysis on said information, write reports. But not a paralegal, not in academia, probably not in tech. What field with a decent employment outlook would allow me to utilize my strengths? [little long inside, sorry!] [more inside]
posted by peacrow at 7:41 AM PST - 21 comments

Ahh, if we could all sleep at the same time...

Please help me understand my new dog so we can all sleep at night. No matter how tired she is, she still makes a ruckus at bedtime. [more inside]
posted by Neekee at 7:37 AM PST - 17 comments

It keeps running forever.

My Windows 7 computer no longer turns off properly. If I shut the screen, it no longer sleeps or hibernates, it just freezes. If I go through the start menu to hibernate, it will do so, but the computer is still on -- the power and the wifi lights stay on, it's still running and using battery. This also happens if I go through the start menu to turn off the computer. If I hold on the power key, it will then turn off and restart or resume from hibernation normally when I turn it back on. [more inside]
posted by jeather at 7:30 AM PST - 11 comments

Tips for Walking in Paris?

Visiting Paris for a one-day workshop, a few questions. [more inside]
posted by sudasana at 7:21 AM PST - 6 comments

Norms in South Korean culture

Korean culture filter: Are you familiar with Korean culture from 30 years ago? Can you tell me if these experiences were normal in terms of the social culture at that time? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:21 AM PST - 8 comments

We told them we're the wrong people and they don't believe us. How to stay safe?

Gang members think someone who owes them money lives at our house. They are wrong and we told them so twice. Then they came back at night and threw a brick through our window. We immediately went to a hotel and have already signed a rental agreement elsewhere. However, I am scared to go pack up the house. Is that rational, and if so, what recourse do we have? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:21 AM PST - 25 comments

To live outside the law you must be honest...but must you be poor?

How much does a member of Bob Dylan's (or any other big musician's) touring band get paid? Are they likely paid per show, or some other arrangement? Would they receive lodging and per diem in addition to a salary? I assume they'd get stuff from the dressing rooms at the shows, but would they have their own stuff in the tour rider? (Some of those guys have played with him a long time.) (Other touring musician information welcome!)
posted by OmieWise at 7:15 AM PST - 8 comments

Please Help Me Find Similar Songs

I am looking for examples of songs that feature an acoustic guitar, a string counterpoint melody (like a violin or cello), and light percussion. An example would be Valentine by Willie Nelson. I need some inspiration for a song I am working on. The more expressive the string counterpoint, the better. Any suggestions?
posted by Lokheed at 7:09 AM PST - 9 comments

ELF on the Shelf!

What are the best deals and favorite finds at the makeup site e.l.f.? [more inside]
posted by amicamentis at 7:01 AM PST - 18 comments

Infinite possibilities - Paris

Any special must sees for a whistle stop 48 hour tour of Paris with a 5 year old and 3 year old? [more inside]
posted by numberstation at 6:12 AM PST - 9 comments

Powerpoint - stick to 4:3 or go widescreen?

How far along are we in moving from 4:3 to widescreen LCD projectors for (e.g.) PowerPoint presentations. Is my current 4:3 default still sensible? [more inside]
posted by vogel at 3:19 AM PST - 10 comments

Did I break the internet when I googled "Google?"

Why can I access the rest of the internet but not any Google sites? How can I fix this? [more inside]
posted by raccoon409 at 1:05 AM PST - 9 comments

Pork-filter: Help me rescue my 'pulled pork' before it's too late!

Pork-filter: Help me rescue my 'pulled pork' before it's too late! [more inside]
posted by lovedbymarylane at 12:43 AM PST - 19 comments

November 26

Coping with social isolation after the end of a long relationship.

I had a serious relationship of about ten years that ended a bit more than a year ago. My SO was my sole source of human friendship and companionship. Now that I'm on the other side, I'm struggling. How do I cope with the lack of meaningful human interaction and what can I do to move towards something better? [more inside]
posted by prex at 11:40 PM PST - 24 comments

Looking for a cloud billing system.

Looking for a cloud billing system that both tracks amounts to be paid to contractor/staffers who work remotely and which also tracks the combined amounts to be billed to the client (on whose case all the staffers will work). [more inside]
posted by KimikoPi at 10:51 PM PST - 5 comments

What's a good grab bag/box for a weird family?

New and awesome grab bags/surprise boxes/random chaos: help me find things like the Archie McPhee Surprise Box for my family to enjoy. [more inside]
posted by Gucky at 10:16 PM PST - 7 comments

a cappella and mashups

I really really loved the music in Pitch Perfect. Where can I find more fun, upbeat a cappella and mashups?
posted by goosechasing at 10:14 PM PST - 6 comments

Alum block after shaving: Alzheimer's risk?

So I hear that aluminum is pretty bad for your body (and maybe is linked to Alzheimer's?). I also hear that alum (which is used to close nicks after shaving) is the name of an aluminum compound. The majority of info about alum crystals for personal hygiene tends to be on "natural living" web sites and the like, so my main question is: is there any actual scientific study either way as to the safety of such a thing being rubbed on your face on a regular basis?
posted by DoctorFedora at 9:55 PM PST - 7 comments

Independent contracting vs staffing agencies

I'm thinking of moving from a contract with a staffing agency to an independent contract. What are the benefits or drawbacks I might have to deal with? I know taxes are different and I'm planning to invest in some software to help with quarterly taxes. I'll be in the same position at the same company, but I'll be representing myself and a staffing company won't get a cut. [more inside]
posted by lockstitch at 9:47 PM PST - 5 comments

Not just for summer imbibing any more!

Where would I be able to get a bottle of Pimm's Winter No. 3 in NYC? [more inside]
posted by droplet at 9:19 PM PST - 12 comments

Genetics Research and Networking

Career mashup: Genetics Research and Networking. [more inside]
posted by Tell Me No Lies at 8:53 PM PST - 5 comments

Someone already used "Shipping up to Boston" but I can't think of anything else because I have all these questions.

Moving to Boston from the South. Single parent. So many questions. [more inside]
posted by woodvine at 8:36 PM PST - 26 comments

Pasta unboxed

Please recommend me the best gifts for my pasta-making friend. [more inside]
posted by commander biscuit at 8:32 PM PST - 13 comments

The fine art of stealth cooking at work.

I occupy a large, remote office that is rarely visited by anyone with authority. It just occurred to me that I could actually cook my lunch in my office each day. What are some tips for stealthily cooking at work? [more inside]
posted by mecran01 at 8:30 PM PST - 29 comments

Why is suck

Always hungry, except when I eat meat - then I want to throw up. What is wrong with me? [more inside]
posted by chaiminda at 6:46 PM PST - 15 comments

Am I being a crazy hormonal pregnant lady by suddenly plotting against our cat?

We have an annoying cat. Now we're also having a baby. Suddenly things feel complicated. Please help me sort out what's just my hormones, what are real concerns, and what's fair to the cat. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:36 PM PST - 39 comments


I think I might have gotten food poisoning by eating prepared food from a convenience store, but there are some confounding factors. I'm fine now, but not sure if I should notify someone about this. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:36 PM PST - 10 comments

Upgrading an old laptop.

I have an old laptop. Would it be worth my while to upgrade its RAM? [more inside]
posted by graventy at 6:35 PM PST - 15 comments

Printing one form

Access - trying to get by with the easiest way. There's a form and a table. After the form is filled out it needs to be printed and go to the table. Going to the table is fine. The problem - if the exact sequence of clicks is not followed then you print all the forms. Macro? Other ideas?
posted by notned at 5:56 PM PST - 2 comments

Using a Mixer w/Audacity to do Interviews on a Landline.

Using a Mixer w/Audacity to do Interviews on a Landline.? [more inside]
posted by CollectiveMind at 5:55 PM PST - 6 comments

How do I negotiate with my publisher?

My stats notes are getting too long to distribute using the university printers. A publisher wants to turn them into a printed book, but I want to keep control of the electronic distribution of my work. How should I approach this situation? [more inside]
posted by mixing at 5:42 PM PST - 17 comments

Am I Going Insane?

Considering seeing a psychiatrist for a personality disorder evaluation. Should I go now or wait for some time to pass? Details inside [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:27 PM PST - 19 comments

Door to door scammer?

I think there's a scammer going door-to-door in my apartment building -- what do I do? [more inside]
posted by DoubleLune at 5:04 PM PST - 18 comments

How do I get across to my controlling parents?

My relationship with my parents is affecting me emotionally, and has echoes in my professional life. I really want to get through to them across a generational/cross-cultural gap -- but how? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:59 PM PST - 17 comments

How to sell domain names?

How do I go about selling some domain names I've owned for years but am, in all reality, never going to use? How do I advertise them to folks who might be interested? I'm not looking to get tons of money; even $25 would be nice.
posted by ocherdraco at 4:26 PM PST - 9 comments

How do I maintain my clothes in less time?

How do I save time laundering and ironing my clothing? [more inside]
posted by exquisite_deluxe at 4:25 PM PST - 19 comments

Should I upgrade my digital camera?

My point and shoot is 4 years old. Aside from improved video, is there a significant difference in today's newer models? [more inside]
posted by szg8 at 4:15 PM PST - 12 comments

Switching to standing desks? Switching to barefoot activity?

Any tips for learning to stand for long periods of time? How about standing barefoot for long periods of time? [more inside]
posted by sdis at 4:12 PM PST - 21 comments

Breakfast in Singapore, meals in Manila & Quezon City

Sunday breakfast recommendation in Singapore, and recommendations for good food in Manila around Pasig City and Quezon City? Also time for a taxi from Quezon City to airport? [more inside]
posted by AnnaRat at 4:11 PM PST - 10 comments

Throwing money into the hole?

Where can I go to get a squat/deadlift form tune-up in NYC? [more inside]
posted by en forme de poire at 3:52 PM PST - 5 comments

Ok bookworms, anybody know the titles of these two books?

Ok bookworms, anybody know the titles of these two books? One is a young adult science fiction novel about a kid who writes a computer program universe that starts creating life within the program. The second is a picture book with very cool illustrations of animals (or monsters) in the forest, possibly hiding, somewhat in the art style of Where the Wild Things Are, possibly having to do with a magical machine of some sort, or a magician or salesman.
posted by mediamelt at 3:26 PM PST - 15 comments

New house turns out to be next door to registered sex offender. Now what?

Moved into a picture perfect suburban neighborhood. Just found out my nice next door neighbor is registered sex offender. How worried should I be? How and when do I talk to my kids? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 3:05 PM PST - 59 comments

What's the password?

What's the password? [more inside]
posted by Evilspork at 2:55 PM PST - 58 comments

How draconian are Amazon HR policies?

There was an item missing from a recent Amazon delivery I received. If I complain, is someone at a processing center going to get fired? [more inside]
posted by charmcityblues at 2:52 PM PST - 15 comments

Looking for jobhunting tips in NYC

I relocated to NYC and am looking for a job outside of my typical role. I think I'm going about it the wrong way - can you suggest good strategies for finding an interesting (and not necessarily tremendously lucrative) job or gigs in an unfamiliar city? [more inside]
posted by gyges at 2:51 PM PST - 8 comments

A friend in need of therapy is a friend indeed

Trying to convince a friend to see a therapist to deal with some recent emotional issues and having difficulties being a good advocate because she doesn't feel like she 'needs' it. [more inside]
posted by Green With You at 2:47 PM PST - 12 comments

Can I learn to trust again?

How do I find a can opener that doesn't suck? [more inside]
posted by Sara C. at 2:29 PM PST - 37 comments

Where can we get a corner Christmas tree?

Help me find a quarter/corner Christmas tree. [more inside]
posted by asnider at 2:21 PM PST - 10 comments

Merry Christmas to you, you, you, you, but not you

Please hope me. Christmas is important to my mother, but it over the last few years it has turned into something that she can’t stand. It has gotten to the point that she doesn’t even want to have the Traditional Family Christmas at their house anymore. She loves Christmas and this is breaking her heart. Our family needs the help of Metafilter. This is anonymous because there’s enough drama already. Christmassy flurries within. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:20 PM PST - 41 comments

What type of hedge is this and what hedgetrimmer can I use to trim it?

What type of hedge is this and what hedgetrimmer can I use to trim it? [more inside]
posted by rinsemedown at 1:55 PM PST - 3 comments

Where to go with a car near Dublin and Cork?

Driving Around Dublin: SO and I will be visiting Ireland (Dublin and Cork) for about a week and half right after Christmas and we'll have a car. What are some fun, interesting day trips from the two cities (or stops along the way between them?) [more inside]
posted by The Whelk at 1:30 PM PST - 14 comments

Let there be lips!

Help me understand what my doctor is telling me about my bizarre new party trick, where my lips swell up to Kardashian proportions. Also, help me be a good patient and actually follow through on the prescribed course(s) of action. [more inside]
posted by jph at 12:53 PM PST - 50 comments

Have degree, won't travel (outside Chicago)!

I've been in school my whole life and now am a licensed psychologist in Chicago. Help me get paid! [more inside]
posted by steve.wdc at 12:51 PM PST - 5 comments

Gifts for the knitter who apparently already has everything?

I would like to get a good gift for someone who is an avid knitter. She's already got a set of just about every needle type I know of (bamboo, double ended, circular, etc) so I think needles are pretty much out of the question. I thought about some nice yarn, but since that's kind of project-specific it'd be a bit presumptuous. So what awesome must-have and never knew it kind of gear would you suggest? [more inside]
posted by PantsOfSCIENCE at 12:40 PM PST - 37 comments

Can't figure out wireless connection issue

I can't connect to the wireless network-- have connected with other laptops and my smart phone just fine to this connection. Is there something I can change on my computer? I need to figure this out ASAP or I may have problems with applying for jobs and doing my schoolwork! [more inside]
posted by camylanded at 12:22 PM PST - 11 comments

How Do I Prepare a Graphic to Be Used in a Shirt?

Is there easy instructions or a guide that I can use to create a simple image to be used to print a t-shirt? It will be solid color text on a plain background. [more inside]
posted by andoatnp at 12:13 PM PST - 11 comments

Wallet recommendations for the extra cardy.

I need a new wallet. Caveat: I currently carry 47 paper/plastic gift cards, credit cards, etc., and need something that will hold them all. I do not want a long "mom wallet." [more inside]
posted by jabes at 12:05 PM PST - 19 comments

Vegetarian Epicure's Fruit Cake Recipe?

Does anyone have the recipe for fruit cake from The Vegetarian Epicure? (I can't remember if it's from Book 1 or 2.) [more inside]
posted by angiep at 10:59 AM PST - 5 comments

What to do about VERY swollen eyelids during period?

YANMD Filter: What to do about VERY swollen eyelids during menstruation? [more inside]
posted by lalalana at 10:50 AM PST - 15 comments

What types of Christmas meals require little preparation on Christmas Day?

What do you eat on Christmas? [more inside]
posted by christie at 10:49 AM PST - 61 comments

What are large corporations doing around the production of mobile apps for their organizations?

What are large corporations doing around the production of mobile apps today? For customer use, obviously, but for internal use too? Built in-house or contracted out? Android or iOS or both? Or are web-apps for mobile preferred? Where can I read more about this? [more inside]
posted by kitcat at 10:38 AM PST - 3 comments

Where to base our romantic NYC anniversary trip?

Planning a surprise anniversary trip to NYC: Questions about neighborhoods (romantic walkabout?), hotels (romantic ambiance), and recreational cooking (don't burn me, bro!). [more inside]
posted by joecacti at 10:36 AM PST - 26 comments

Taking up space on the Interwebs

What should I do with my custom domain name? I plan to let it expire.. but I'm stuck with it until 2014. [more inside]
posted by The Biggest Dreamer at 10:31 AM PST - 2 comments

What are Current Hipster Trends?

What are some current hipster trends that I should be paying attention to? [more inside]
posted by TinWhistle at 10:25 AM PST - 17 comments

Power computing for less $$$

What's the best way to buy a gaming computer for less than $500? Should I be buying components and putting it together on my own, or just waiting for the best deal on a prebuilt system? And what websites should I be using to price things? [more inside]
posted by Happydaz at 10:12 AM PST - 23 comments

Help me find that band!

Name that band filter: Could be a song called "Shifting of the Sand". I believe I have found the song, but I'm having a hard time finding the jazz-y band singing it... [more inside]
posted by foxhat10 at 10:10 AM PST - 2 comments

We're trying to start a vintage clothing business! How do we source the best clothing at the best prices?

How do I source reasonable to high quality vintage clothing at low prices [more inside]
posted by faeuboulanger at 10:06 AM PST - 9 comments

The prefatory chapter to our current gridlock

Looking for an in-depth description of a very particular moment in Rick Santorum's career - [more inside]
posted by sidi hamet at 10:03 AM PST - 5 comments

pulitzer drafts

Years ago Jack Hart, the esteemed editor and writing coach at The Oregonian, posted the rough drafts of Tom Hallman's Pulitzer winning story The Boy Behind the Mask somewhere online. Perhaps to a writers'/journalists' forum or mailing list. One editor's reaction to seeing the progression of the story through the drafts was to call it the most instructive lesson he'd ever had in newspaper writing. Help me track down those drafts!
posted by AceRock at 10:01 AM PST - 0 comments

Good people do still exist!

A good human being is returning my lost iPhone and declining the posted reward. What's a good way to thank him? [more inside]
posted by dynamiiiite at 10:00 AM PST - 28 comments

Seeking "The Night Before Christmas" with cat

My boyfriend has lost his and his children's favorite version of "The Night Before Christmas". I'd love to find it for him. It featured line drawings, each of which had a cat somewhere on the page. They had fun looking for the cat in each illustration. It would have been published pre-2000. Any ideas?
posted by ridingtheranges at 9:26 AM PST - 2 comments

I'm completely overwhelmed choosing a DVR.

I'm buying my fiancée a DVR for Christmas. Which one is the best one for our situation? [more inside]
posted by Tehhund at 8:49 AM PST - 8 comments

Jet Set Puggle

Our 24-lb puggle (for scale: I am 5'6") needs a soft-sided carrier and also to get stuffed into said carrier. [more inside]
posted by griphus at 8:35 AM PST - 23 comments

Why should the fire die?

What do you do when the sexual fire's gone? How do you get it back? [more inside]
posted by missingthefire at 8:34 AM PST - 51 comments

Central vac installation questions.

Questions about installing the tubes for central vac. [more inside]
posted by winston at 8:19 AM PST - 5 comments

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree...

In search of a Christmas tree, near Kew Gardens-Forest Hills in Queens, NY, this week. [more inside]
posted by acorn1515 at 7:38 AM PST - 3 comments

Repeating "No" Nicely

How to say no over and over again? [more inside]
posted by Urban Winter at 7:38 AM PST - 25 comments

what tools and models do we have for collaboration in the humanities?

what tools and platforms exist right now which humanists can use to do collaborative research? what models exist of successful humanities collaboration? [more inside]
posted by idlethink at 7:11 AM PST - 3 comments

Looking for noisy, spacey, atypical guitar pedal effects...

I'm looking for guitar pedals that can create noisy, spacey effects like this that can be manipulated live and while recording. [more inside]
posted by critzer at 7:01 AM PST - 15 comments

Sweeping the problem under the rug that isn't there.

Recourse filter: I probably have none, but thought I would check with the hive mind. I purchased a rug online from Target that was a GREAT deal ($150 for a 9x11 wool hooked rug). I received the email that the item shipped but noticed that it wasn't updating in the UPS system after 2 days. I called UPS & they said they hadn't received it from the shipper. UPS told me to call the shipper. I called Target and they said to wait it out. They tell me to wait 5 more days. 2 days go by and it still hasn't updated so I call UPS again & they tell me that they haven't received it yet. I call Target again (at this point it is past their listed latest estimated delivery date)- they tell me to wait again until the 21st. On 21st, the 6th day after it should have arrived the item is listed as sold out online. [more inside]
posted by MayNicholas at 6:51 AM PST - 24 comments

Custom Internet Poster Printing?

Where online to get a nice poster printed from an image? [more inside]
posted by adamdschneider at 6:43 AM PST - 6 comments

Autonomous wired and wireless repeater for travel?

I need to find a small device to be an all purpose router for connecting my iPad/iPhone and MacBook to both wired and wireless hotel networks, using a single hotel login. D-Link DIR-505? Or something else? [more inside]
posted by ftm at 6:41 AM PST - 6 comments

Overuse of the word "that" in casual conversation

Linguists, is there a name for this annoying trend, and can we point to where/when it originated: Overusing the word "that" without first defining what you are talking about? [more inside]
posted by jbickers at 6:35 AM PST - 18 comments

Can we get paid to show off and not ruin our lives?

My husband and I are swingers who happily have lots of casual sex recreationally. We were recently offered money from someone who just wants to watch us have sex with each other, and money is really tight right now. Is there a way to make this work without screwing our lives up? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:15 AM PST - 11 comments

ADHD evaluations in the LI/NYC area?

Does anyone have any recommendations for ADHD evaluations in the Long Island/NYC area? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:15 AM PST - 4 comments

Should I stay or should I go?

My work/life balance is unhealthy and out of control for a variety of reasons. Help me figure out if this is fixable, or if I need to cut bait and walk - and if I do, how do I keep from letting this happen next time? [more inside]
posted by corb at 6:14 AM PST - 11 comments

Third grade dropout?

Should I take my eight (almost nine) year old out of school midyear to alleviate her anxiety? [more inside]
posted by TreeRooster at 5:49 AM PST - 47 comments

Holiday card vanity

I made a holiday card for myself and my husband. My sister thinks it is embarrassing. I'm not going to send it anymore, but I have a questions about regarding the general consensus of what and when and why certain things are embarrassing or not. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:56 AM PST - 96 comments

Apadravya Experiences Wanted

Looking to hear experiences with apadravya (NSFW link) or other penis piercings. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:54 AM PST - 10 comments

Should I worry about the stranger who knocked on my door?

How much should I worry about the sketchy character I paid to clean leaves from our front yard this afternoon? I haven't had a sleepless night in ages, but my brain has decided to obsess over the possibly foolish thing I did today. [more inside]
posted by Glinn at 2:51 AM PST - 26 comments

How to break up with needy girlfriend?

Hi all, I have been together with my girlfriend for almost 3 years. It has probably been the loneliest three years of my life. [more inside]
posted by silvershadow at 2:40 AM PST - 73 comments

On observing middle school misfits

How to be a thoughtful observer during a friend's teaching of middle schoolers? [more inside]
posted by wallawallasweet at 1:30 AM PST - 2 comments

Replicating drives

Could you please step me through replacing my current HD with an SSD? [more inside]
posted by wilful at 1:20 AM PST - 13 comments

Books for a self-declared 12-yo non-reader

My step-son is 12. I challenged him to read one book in 2013 and his response was "John, I don't read. You know that. I read for school and class. But, otherwise, I don't read." I have started him on comic books as a primer but I am looking for a short fiction or non-fiction alternative. Also, maybe a writing club of some kind would be amenable but I don't want him to be Dudley's lone scout of the 826 model. He loves cooking, sci-fi, Adventure Time, Minecraft, architecture, and animals. Nothing with nightmares, please.
posted by parmanparman at 12:39 AM PST - 46 comments

November 25

Generating ideas for work in Japan outside of teaching, or Eikaiwa jobs.

I'm currently looking for work in Japan. I'm scouring the internet, Dave's ESL cafe, ALT (assistant language teacher) listings and am not really looking for help in that respect. If you have any suggestions however, I am happy to hear more. The only exception would be if anyone knows of any Eikaiwa (Private school) jobs or any forums that post job listings.. It is my question that since the work is not always steady and there is the possibility I would go there just to tutor, there is waaay too much flux in my ability to pay for rent. I need help figuring outside work. Outside of selling Japanese items around the world, I'm trying to figure out ways to make money with a general skill set. I'm vocal enough and confident in my speaking ability so I figure I can lead tour groups on my free time and post the listings on craigslist. I'm also looking into working as a waiter or dishwasher, but I was hoping for some help generating ideas. Thanks! PS - I alreadly have information on career cross and gaijin pot. If anyone knows any temp agencies are teacher employment agencies, that would be appreciated as well.
posted by Nighthawk3729 at 11:31 PM PST - 14 comments

How do they decide which peons in economy to pack in first?

How exactly does American Airlines assign its boarding groups 2-4? Is it just totally random? [more inside]
posted by andrewesque at 10:18 PM PST - 11 comments

Christmas Music, that doesn't suck?

Can you help me build a huge holiday playlist? I need Christmas music that doesn't suck. Preferably alternative/indie/folk/ish, 1990 through 2012. The newer, the better! Suggestions?
posted by 2oh1 at 10:16 PM PST - 70 comments

How does an anxious person learn to trust their instincts?

What are some good hacks for figuring out whether my feelings in a given situation are a result of unhealthy anxiety or healthy intuition? [more inside]
posted by rockpaperdynamite at 10:10 PM PST - 13 comments

Where can I find m83's Setlist?

Anyone know where I can find a setlist for m83's 10/7/2012 Charlotte concert? [more inside]
posted by Heliochrome85 at 8:25 PM PST - 6 comments

I need a way to manage a collection of physical objects online. A digital library!

I've been put in charge of a small catalog of games, books and other knick knacks. I need a way to catalog, store and manage the checkout of these items. Suggestions? [more inside]
posted by GilloD at 8:13 PM PST - 4 comments

Which UFO documentary did I see part of?

I recently fell asleep while watching a documentary about the evidence for aliens having visited the earth. The only things I remember about it are it opened with the so-called "Phoenix lights" and it is freely available on Netflix. I'd like to find it so I can finish watching it (or just watch it in a more sober state so as to be better able to mock it). Does anyone know which of the hundreds of poorly produced Alien UFO documentaries it might be?
posted by Captain Shenanigan at 7:31 PM PST - 3 comments

No really... I need to stop picking.

I need to stop picking my face. Now. I don't have much money or time or willpower. But I need to stop. How do I do this? [more inside]
posted by your mom's a sock puppet at 7:29 PM PST - 38 comments

Are my US friends paying extra to text me now that I live in Canada?

I used Textfree on my iPad and have a US number. I've since moved to Canada and I'm wondering if my friends in the US will now be charged when they text me? In other words, does it matter where I'm physically located? It's free for me but I'm concerned there might be costs on the other end.
posted by Babushka at 7:27 PM PST - 1 comment

Stories about personal feuds?

Can you think of some books or movies featuring feuds between two individuals? [more inside]
posted by 99percentfake at 6:57 PM PST - 38 comments

Need gelato machine recommendation for the home.

Need a gelato machine recommendations for the home. I am willing to spend upwards of $1K if it is the right machine. I realize this is somewhat of a specialty product, but I can't seem to separate fact from fiction when researching this on-line. And there does not seem to be any unbiased "consumer report" style reviews.
posted by viconius at 6:49 PM PST - 8 comments

I picked it out just for you! Sorta.

Best oh-my-god-I-love-it gifts for people you don't know very well? [more inside]
posted by gilsonal at 6:32 PM PST - 33 comments

Help me find cool gifts for two hard-to-buy-for boys.

Please hope me! I am trying find a suitable gift for my pre-teen and early teenage relatives. [more inside]
posted by Spinneret at 6:25 PM PST - 19 comments

Auction Hunters! Help me value these IMAX Projector lenses.

I need help valuing and perhaps selling some IMAX projector lenses and power supplies. [more inside]
posted by HappyHippo at 5:56 PM PST - 2 comments

Electronic drum set or electric guitar under $200?

Anyone have any recommendations for either an electronic drum set or an electric guitar under $200?
posted by zinegurl at 5:29 PM PST - 6 comments

I have an emergency radio... now what?

I have an AM/FM/shortwave emergency radio... now what? How do I best use it during an impending or in-progress emergency situation? I know how to tune to my local AM emergency station, but beyond that I'm lost. Please share your resources and experience. Bonus: what fun stuff can I do with it right now that I can't do with a regular AM/FM radio?
posted by rhiannonstone at 5:14 PM PST - 5 comments

Good source for used designer bags?

I'm looking for sites where you've had a good experience buying second-hand (preowned, preloved, &c.) designer bags--purses, clutches, and so forth. I am out of my depth, personally.
posted by sandettie light vessel automatic at 5:10 PM PST - 5 comments

Games families play: Looking for recommendations for a family of three adults

Looking for good game recommendations for a family of three adults [more inside]
posted by smirkette at 5:05 PM PST - 33 comments

Where do I buy cheap clay?

This question is as simple as it looks, and in my case I'm specifically interested in the Sacramento, California or SF Bay area. Where should I look to buy lots of really cheap pottery clay? I'm interested in 10-50lbs, and all different kinds of clay, but cheap is the key word.
posted by oneous at 5:04 PM PST - 5 comments

Best friends are dating behind my back - how to deal?

I think my best friends are dating behind my back which hurts my feelings. To further complicate matters, I like one of the best friends in a romantic way and I don't know how to deal with the whole situation. Help!!! [more inside]
posted by cyml at 4:55 PM PST - 25 comments

Easiest/cheapest way to have music on the go?

What is the cheapest and/or best option for listening to streaming (cached) music at the gym? Looking for hardware and software options. [more inside]
posted by mikeweeney at 4:43 PM PST - 8 comments

Christmas dinner in Brooklyn for a group (7-8) on a budget?

Help me find a restaurant for Christmas dinner in Brooklyn for a group (7-8) on a budget? [more inside]
posted by matcha action at 4:35 PM PST - 5 comments

Taters taters taters

Please share your best potato recipes for the crockpot. [more inside]
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 4:33 PM PST - 4 comments

What are your favorite lamps that you have used to do work under? What light bulbs do you recommend for these lamps?

What is the best way to outfit an office in an apartment with quality lighting for studying? [more inside]
posted by jModug at 4:25 PM PST - 7 comments

28 and having cognitive issues

Has anyone gone through a period of time where their memories and concept of time has been really off. Sometimes it feels like my memory for things is really off but it is so subtle that I don't notice it. The other part of this that when I read something (even the newspaper) I don't retain what I'm reading. I'll read through an article and not have the gist of what was written. I can go back but all I see are details rather than how it makes up a cohesive whole. I think that I may have problems with abstract thinking. Has anyone had issues like this and if so how do you navigate around this? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. By the way I am in my late twenties so Alzheimer's disease is very unlikely.
posted by anonymous at 4:23 PM PST - 10 comments

Figuring out a partnership of sorts

What kind of contract would I write for this? [more inside]
posted by lilacp at 4:23 PM PST - 5 comments

What good sitcoms have I missed recently?

What good sitcoms have a missed in the past five or so years? Recently, I've enjoyed Raising Hope, Rules of Engagement, and The Big Bang Theory. [more inside]
posted by dchrssyr at 3:59 PM PST - 43 comments

Stop Staring & Come Talk To Me Already!

I'm a 20 year old girl going to a business school in a busy, big city. I get stared at by certain guys--eye-fuck, if you will--but I NEVER get asked out by the guys at my university. It happens with a whole lot of gorgeous, outgoing guys, ones I'd love to try and date! However, it never progresses a whole lot, and I am tired of feeling that I am just eyecandy (I'm being a humble-brag, I know, but forgive it this one instance!). What can I do to get guys to actually start talking to me, ask me out, make deeper connections? [more inside]
posted by rhythm_queen at 3:58 PM PST - 24 comments

Make Master Make Me a Maker

I have come into an ok amount of free time and I would like to throw myself into the world of being a "maker". [more inside]
posted by sendai sleep master at 3:57 PM PST - 12 comments

Searching for beautiful emotional minimal music

Searching for beautiful emotional minimal music in the vein of Max Cooper, Marek Hemmann. [more inside]
posted by PercussivePaul at 3:50 PM PST - 10 comments

Healthy and fulfilling expectations for a relationship

What are the healthy and fulfilling expectations of what a relationship should be and do for you? [more inside]
posted by yeahyeahyeah at 3:33 PM PST - 8 comments


Coworker I think I may like, and who may or may not kinda like me, did something today that I'm trying to figure out whether it was flirty or innocuous. Level-5 beanplating below the fold. [more inside]
posted by mreleganza at 3:16 PM PST - 24 comments

Is this a classic piece, or just something I dig?

I bought a timber couch to restore. Is it a designer piece, and if so, does anyone recognise the designer? [more inside]
posted by lottie at 2:55 PM PST - 11 comments

Looking for lunch in Holborn/Bloomsbury

I recently started a new job in Bloomsbury/Holborn, London. I'm looking for recommendations for lunch that aren't too expensive. Added difficulty: I'm also a bit of a picky eater. [more inside]
posted by Put the kettle on at 2:09 PM PST - 17 comments

Have baby, will travel... to the next room.

Small baby that grows, small apartment that doesn't? [more inside]
posted by mittenbex at 2:04 PM PST - 16 comments

From One of the Best Albums Ever

What 70s song sounds like On Some Faraway Beach by Brian Eno? I know there's one out there that has the same melody as occurs at the beginning of the song.
posted by vansly at 2:00 PM PST - 8 comments

Fashion documentaries that simulate people watching?

I love the aesthetic of the pictures that Bill Cunningham takes for the New York Times or that Scott Schuman takes for The Sartorialist. I often wish their pictures moved. Are there any good documentaries or other videos that essentially allow you to stare at interestingly-dressed people in urban environs and just watch what they do?
posted by shivohum at 1:56 PM PST - 3 comments

Find a plush soft blanket for a kid's twin bed

Can anyone help me find a supersoft, plush twin size blanket for a girl? [more inside]
posted by biscuits at 1:54 PM PST - 12 comments

Have you been on Wellbutrin and used propanolol as needed?

YANMD: I recently started Wellbutrin (150 mg) for SAD. So far, no side effects. I haven't noticed an increase in anxiety, faster heart rate, etc. I also take around 5-10 mg of propranolol as needed (beta blocker) for performance anxiety. It works really well. My question: has anyone else had this combo of meds and noticed that the beta blocker worked differently? My shrink says it should be fine, but I'm interested in hearing any stories. This is probably my anxiety talking, but I'm just worried I'll take my beta blocker before a performance situation and it won't work, or won't feel the same. Thanks in advance.
posted by namemeansgazelle at 1:48 PM PST - 5 comments

Looking for resources about monastic life

Books / resources about monastic life? I am thinking of writing a story set in a completely fictional setting, and I'd like to research more ideas of what life is like in a monastery or abbey. [more inside]
posted by marble at 1:28 PM PST - 20 comments

Looking for good places for an Atlanta-area spa day.

I want to treat a friend to a spa day somewhere in the Atlanta area, I haven't lived in Georgia for years. Does anyone have suggestions? We'd be looking in the Virginia Highlands area if we decide to go into town or in the Jonesboro/Stockbridge/McDonough if we don't. [more inside]
posted by Alison at 1:28 PM PST - 8 comments

Which of these paths will point me in the best direction?

Please help me pick the most relevant program for my career/education goals. [more inside]
posted by Malleable at 1:25 PM PST - 5 comments

Food for good moods

I think my diet is affecting my mood. What should I cook to perk up my mood? [more inside]
posted by LSK at 1:21 PM PST - 12 comments

Germany Travel for Dummies

Getting around and staying connected in Bremen, Germany: your tips, tricks, and general advice for a semester abroad. [more inside]
posted by shortskirtlongjacket at 12:52 PM PST - 7 comments

Hosted wysiwyg web publishing that allows adult content?

Are there any hosted publishing platforms where a) I can do some wysiwyg fiddling with the design and b) post content that descends into Dan Savage fetish-too-far territory? Do I have to self-host? [more inside]
posted by zeek321 at 12:48 PM PST - 4 comments

How to restore iPhone from backup that iTunes says is "corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone that is being restored"?

I have attempted to setup a new iPhone from a backup I made this morning. When I attempt to do so, I receive the error, "iTunes could not restore the iPhone because the backup was corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone that is being restored". [more inside]
posted by Tanizaki at 12:44 PM PST - 2 comments

Did you see the pictures I did of a home with Asian design? Where!?

Have you seen (within the last decade) these pictures from a home design magazine? Traditional Asian (Japanese?) style - high ceilings with dark beams, large open spaces, tatami mats and paper screens, and very little else. [more inside]
posted by attercoppe at 12:08 PM PST - 4 comments

Men are simple creatures, right?

He's just not that into you, yadda yadda yadda... or is he? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:45 AM PST - 21 comments

Advice on Thank-you for meeting a Prof

I just met with a grad prof and want to send her a note to thank her. I am not sure how long it should be or how much detail to go into. I really want to impress her so that I can get an assistantship with her.
posted by TRUELOTUS at 11:43 AM PST - 3 comments

Buy burning peat north of Boston?

Where on the north shore of Boston can I buy peat for burning in my fireplace?
posted by eggman at 11:09 AM PST - 8 comments

How can I respond to questions I don't want to answer without hurting peoples' feelings?

After posting this question, I asked out a guy that I was interested in. It's going pretty great, except that my friends won't leave me the hell alone about it, and I want to think about something else! [more inside]
posted by windykites at 11:07 AM PST - 8 comments

What to bite next?

Food, food, food! Please recommend all the best food documentaries, similar to "A bite of China". [more inside]
posted by Ender's Friend at 10:57 AM PST - 15 comments

My Google results are being hacked.

Somehow my website's Google results are redirecting to another location. [more inside]
posted by wile e at 10:21 AM PST - 12 comments

Looking for a good indoor outdoor thermometer.

My dad would like an indoor outdoor thermometer for Christmas. His current one doesn't work well, so he is interested in getting a quality one. Any suggestions for a well-made, accurate, durable, easy-to-use indoor outdoor thermometer? [more inside]
posted by ifandonlyif at 9:48 AM PST - 9 comments

Making the Great Canned Food Switch

Trying to figure out how much we really need to feed our cats. Hoping someone here can help because I've read everything and it sounds slightly as if I would be preparing my cats for careers as foie gras geese. [more inside]
posted by Medieval Maven at 9:28 AM PST - 19 comments

Is it a good idea to break a contract with TMobile to get a phone?

I might go on and then break a TMobile contract to get Nexus 4 phone. Is that a good idea? [more inside]
posted by cowmix at 9:27 AM PST - 10 comments

How can I help my friend who is verbally abusive to his partner?

My friends B and N have been together for years. They are happy together, supportive, and good people. But N is regularly verbally abusive to B, in small, sarcastic ways. It makes me (and other friends) uncomfortable. Can I do anything to help? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:57 AM PST - 40 comments

Need MacBook repairs but Apple can't seem to help much

Macbook Pro (13", mid-2012) has been freezing and shutting down, and then sometimes not booting back up. Apparently it's an issue with either RAM or logic board. I have warranty but I'm in remote-ish Canada so Apple can't really help. Help! [more inside]
posted by tomcochrane at 8:56 AM PST - 8 comments

Self-help for the cynic.

Please recommend some self-help books for those who hate self-help books. Humor, cynicism, and a firm basis in science/psychology is especially appreciated. [more inside]
posted by timory at 8:54 AM PST - 15 comments

Bonobo exhibit hours at Cincinnati Zoo

What time does the Cincinnati Zoo bonobo exhibit close? [more inside]
posted by lemoncakeisalie at 8:38 AM PST - 7 comments

Help me vanquish a sassy person.

How do I counter this argument? Me: Please do your shopping at independent, local businesses. The mall chain stores do not need your money. Opponent: Do the hundreds of people who work in the mall, or in the businesses that surround the mall and depend on mall traffic, need your money? [more inside]
posted by BostonTerrier at 8:27 AM PST - 31 comments

Is there any alternative to an SUV or minivan?

Fuel efficient car for dog and future baby? [more inside]
posted by wannabecounselor at 7:47 AM PST - 15 comments

Food's deficient in iron, eh?

Electra un-did and ate a wire-cored twist tie that had been holding open a gate. [more inside]
posted by jet_silver at 7:35 AM PST - 2 comments

I want to improve my copywriting skills.

I'm looking for an online course to help me improve my copywriting skills. [more inside]
posted by bookmammal at 7:18 AM PST - 4 comments

Identity bootstrap

I am currently without any valid identity papers in Québec, Canada, of which I am a citizen since birth. What is the best way to bootstrap myself back into valid identity, since it seems all identity documentation requests require one form of valid identity to go through? I still have an healthcard that expired a year ago.
posted by anonymous at 5:31 AM PST - 12 comments

What Xmas baking recipes post well?

[Xmas baking filter] I'm looking for ideas and recipes for festive baking which can be successfully posted. [more inside]
posted by neilb449 at 3:37 AM PST - 8 comments

Please recommend movies, books and tv to do with the First World War (1914 to 1918)

I'd like some recommendations for high quality movies, books, memoirs, tv shows, etc that cover the First World War (1914 to 1918) and the immediate years before and after. [more inside]
posted by h00py at 3:33 AM PST - 40 comments

November 24

How to solve a distance problem with an ex-girlfriend?

The girl I used to see and I are living on different coasts and she doesn't think I care enough about her. Should I move to New York so we can be together? [more inside]
posted by commitment at 11:14 PM PST - 35 comments

Fundraising advice

Preparing to do fundraising for a new theater company in Omaha. Need reference material and suggestions. [more inside]
posted by Bunny Ultramod at 9:56 PM PST - 2 comments

How to keep my dog identified without hurting her skin?

How do I prevent my dog with a wrinkly neck from getting irritated where her collar rubs her? [more inside]
posted by town of cats at 9:12 PM PST - 15 comments

Help me be a mad scientist with my shampoo!

Calling all chemists and haircare junkies: is it possible to add salicylic acid and/or ketoconazole into a shampoo, rather than buying off-the-shelf shampoos with these ingredients in them? If so, how do I do this? If not how do I prevent over-washed and dried out hair? [more inside]
posted by UniversityNomad at 7:56 PM PST - 18 comments

New Year's in New Orleans?

Where to go in New Orleans for New Year's? [more inside]
posted by Go Banana at 7:27 PM PST - 7 comments

The More Things Change .... the Harder time I have adjusting to it.

You, like me, have difficulty adjusting to major life changes, particularly those that wreak havoc on your established routine. You really want to share with me your tips, techniques and tactics for coping with these changes and adjusting. [more inside]
posted by Leezie at 7:19 PM PST - 11 comments

Need advice on the Do's and Don'ts of coffee dates, and how to keep conversation flowing.

Need advice on the Do's and Don'ts of coffee dates, and how to keep conversation flowing. [more inside]
posted by Snorlax at 7:10 PM PST - 16 comments

Another quiz, please

Ten years or so ago, I played (the predecessor to) this now defunct quiz. Basically, there was a list of questions each week. You answered as many as you could and emailed in your answers with explanations/justifications (plus an entry fee of a question for a future quiz). Is there something similar out there now? [more inside]
posted by hoyland at 7:07 PM PST - 2 comments

What to include in a care package that I'm sending to my friend who has been committed to a psychiatric hospital?

My closest friend has been admitted to an excellent psychiatric hospital for about 90 days due to some major issues with her bi-polar disorder. Due to her noncompliant behavior & some comments that she has made, she is on restriction right now but I have been told that I can send her a care package & they will allow her to have it when they feel like she deserves privileges. I've looked all over the internet for some help on what is ok & not ok to send but I'm finding little information. Does anyone have suggestions on what someone in that situation would appreciate & what is allowed & not allowed per hospital regulations? I'm sending the obvious stuff like snacks (small, pre-packaged in cellophane), books, hard cover journals, pictures (no frames), socks, toiletries & a few other things to keep her busy. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:36 PM PST - 12 comments

Dog, raccoon hunter

Our dog killed a raccoon last night. What (if anything) should we be worried about? [more inside]
posted by bjrubble at 6:35 PM PST - 26 comments

What is it?

What is this seed/fruit/nut, found at low elevation in northern California? The two pieces on the left are halves; they came out of the rind pieces at the top right. The smaller thing at lower right is a whole one, without rind. They are very firm, like an apple or more so, and the inside has no strong taste or smell.
posted by bricoleur at 6:26 PM PST - 5 comments

What happened to Sauron's other rings?

TolkienFilter: What happened to the rings Sauron gave to the elves, dwarves, and men?
posted by Egg Shen at 6:11 PM PST - 17 comments

all I know about cats I learned from Garfield

What do I need to consider when working with Santa to put a surprise kitten under the tree on Christmas morning? [more inside]
posted by headnsouth at 6:08 PM PST - 22 comments

How to get into social network analysis?

What's a good way to get into social network analysis? Wild like advice on graduate programs and industry. [more inside]
posted by lacedcoffee at 5:25 PM PST - 17 comments

Android GPS nav app with turn-by-turn and custom routing?

Suggestions for an Android GPS nav app with turn-by-turn directions and easy custom routing? [more inside]
posted by Ky at 5:02 PM PST - 6 comments

My home-made quilt needs cleaning.

I've got a handmade all-cotton knot-style quilt that was made by my mother. Since she has passed away, this is of course a very precious item to me, and I don't want to do anything to damage it. It is, however, in desperate need of a wash. Is this something I can just throw in the machine? Is there anything I should be wary or warned of? This is something I'd love to ask my mom's advice on, but, ha ha! Added difficulty level: I live in New York and send my laundry out.
posted by whitneyarner at 5:01 PM PST - 15 comments

Cool disaster gadgets

Building the best emergency kit -- gadget time! [more inside]
posted by ClaudiaCenter at 4:46 PM PST - 25 comments

Characters in books or comics named Ilyana

I'm trying to collect books/comics/plays where there is a character named Ilyana for a baby gift. This is not easy. Can you help? [more inside]
posted by adorap0621 at 4:14 PM PST - 11 comments

Let it fly in the breeze and get caught in the trees.

I'm tired of the cheap, shapeless, slapdash men's haircuts I get at chain salons. I definitely don't want (and can't take care of) expensive salon hairstyles. What's my haircut strategy? [more inside]
posted by Nomyte at 4:10 PM PST - 45 comments

no dairy no soy no wheat

Non-dairy, wheat-free, soyless and quick? I'm eliminating soy, wheat, and dairy from my diet and need really quick ideas for meals and snacks. Obviously hard-boiled eggs and peanut butter will feature, but what are some good combinations? I've seen this askme, but I can still have eggs, and I'm specifically looking for quick things for lunch and breakfast.
posted by yarly at 3:01 PM PST - 17 comments

How to force eject a cd from a macbook?

About 5 minutes ago I put a CD into my computer and it won't read or eject. It's a Macbook purchased in late 2008 running Ubuntu 12.04. I've tried ejecting the cd using Disk Utility and get the following error message: "error ejecting: eject excited with exit code 1: eject unable to eject, last error: Inappropriate ioctl for device" Can anyone help?
posted by eurypteris at 2:39 PM PST - 8 comments

How common is bullying in grad school?

How common is bullying in graduate school? [more inside]
posted by kettleoffish at 1:31 PM PST - 42 comments

Will sawdust that has varnish kill my garden?

Will sawdust that has varnish kill my garden? A friend of the family asked if we wanted a large pile of sawdust he had from doing some woodwork. Sawdust makes good mulch. We wanted to accept, but some of the furniture that the sawdust had come from had been varnished and we weren't sure if that would kill our garden and/or poison the plants. Is it dangerous to use this sawdust.
posted by ArthurBarnhouse at 1:21 PM PST - 5 comments

The Men Who Built America books

I've been watching The Men Who Built America. Please recommend interesting books on the people covered in that series or other influential people from that time period. Thanks.
posted by rastapasta at 1:14 PM PST - 3 comments

Taking photos on the trail. While sweaty. Maybe in the rain.

Smallest, goodest, water-resistantest camera for taking pictures while trail running? [more inside]
posted by cmoj at 1:10 PM PST - 3 comments

Restaurant Gift Certificate for Los Angeles (Los Feliz)

I'm looking for recommendations for a restaurant gift certificate to purchase for a friend living in Los Feliz in Los Angeles. Anywhere in LA is fine, but Los Feliz is preferred. I don't care if the place is super fancy or not, but the food should to be awesome and $100 would cover a couple's full meals plus a drink or two. Thanks!
posted by nbaseman at 1:05 PM PST - 12 comments

Can anyone help me sync the rest of my photo stream ?

New iPad synced half my photos and won't get the rest... Now what? [more inside]
posted by aqueousdan at 1:00 PM PST - 3 comments

What can you suggest I do for peace of mind instead of talking to anybody about private matters?

What can you suggest I do for peace of mind instead of talking to anybody about private matters? [more inside]
posted by Ingenting at 12:56 PM PST - 18 comments

I am not a gringo anymore...

Within three months, my family will be returning to the States... Where I know almost no one ( after living in northeastern Btazil for eight years ). I know all the lists/literature about starting off well in a new country; how can I say goodbye to the country that I have grown to love?
posted by Mr. Metaphor at 12:50 PM PST - 3 comments

How to date as a late 20s virgin?

Advice for dating as a 27 year old virgin? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 12:49 PM PST - 16 comments

Can you identify this bird?

I'd like to identify this bird. Can you help? It was perched last week in woods southwest of Boston. [more inside]
posted by cribcage at 12:49 PM PST - 6 comments

Beyond UFYH?

I'm looking for blogs about homekeeping (cleaning, organizing, keeping up on housework, design/decorating, and that sort of thing with maybe some cooking or gardening thrown in). I like Unfuck Your Habitat and I used to read Apartment Therapy before moving into my own house. Are there any other blogs out there that offer inspiration/motivation to keep up with housework and/or design ideas? I'm very DIY and craft-oriented, and appreciate frugal living ideas, too, so blogs that incorporate those things are good, too.
posted by wansac at 12:43 PM PST - 7 comments

Bite of an Alien Space Spider?

My dad tells this story about a very, very weird "spider bite" he got as a kid, but it doesn't sound like any spider bite -- ever. What could this have been? Alien implant? Ringworm? Disgusting details inside. [more inside]
posted by Miss T.Horn at 12:00 PM PST - 12 comments

Songs about insects

Looking for songs that contain references to insects. [more inside]
posted by elerina at 10:46 AM PST - 68 comments

Where to stop in between Paris and Barcelona?

If you were driving from Paris to Barcelona next spring and had two nights to stay along the way, where would you stay and why? Indirect routes are ok but you also want to break up the trip so you aren't doing more than six hours of driving in one day. [more inside]
posted by stp123 at 10:16 AM PST - 7 comments

The most watched digital content is... what?

Is Gangnam Style the most watched "piece of digital content" in human history? [more inside]
posted by Wordshore at 10:09 AM PST - 15 comments

Seeking recommendations for dog friendly spas/retreats

I need to relax! And I want to bring my dog. I'm looking for a wellness spa/retreat that is dog friendly. [more inside]
posted by grayber at 10:05 AM PST - 7 comments

Recommend a 401K plan which permits borrowing.

Please recommend a 401K plan for a single person business that permits borrowing. [more inside]
posted by portabella at 9:39 AM PST - 8 comments

Learn to knit

I want to learn how to knit. Where do I start? [more inside]
posted by k8lin at 9:16 AM PST - 30 comments

Out vile jelly

I stare at the computer all day for work, and I stare at it at home for recreation and to further my career-change efforts. In the last year or so, though, I've developed intermittent eye strain that makes it almost impossible to do my job or to make any progress on changing careers. [more inside]
posted by indognito at 8:42 AM PST - 16 comments

Help my MIL move her bookmarks!

Help! I went with my MIL to buy a new MacBook yesterday, and she's freaking out about everything being so DIFFERENT from her PC - especially the bookmarks. Help me help her... [more inside]
posted by hms71 at 8:38 AM PST - 11 comments

I'm ready to rejoin The Matrix

MetaFilter's Credit Wizards: How should I go about acquiring a credit card ASAP when I'm 38-years-old and *possibly* have no credit history? [more inside]
posted by armoir from antproof case at 8:35 AM PST - 8 comments

Why yes, it IS that time of year again

In need of gift ideas for my newly-Canadian parents! [more inside]
posted by masquesoporfavor at 7:45 AM PST - 20 comments

It's not me, it's you - rabbit edition

Should we get rid of the rabbit? And what about this cat? [more inside]
posted by kat518 at 7:23 AM PST - 17 comments

Bones Brigade...

[AuJusFilter]I am attempting to roast a prime rib for the first time at home, and the recipe included a from-scratch jus recipe that includes "meaty beef bones," then goes on to specify marrow or knuckle bones. Unfortunately, the only butcher in town is closed on Saturdays, and my only recourse is frozen beef soup bones from the grocery store. Close enough?
posted by kuanes at 6:05 AM PST - 9 comments

Am I dating a Peter Pan?

Holidays always seem to bring relationship issues to the surface. My 46 year old boyfriend of five months isn't ready to cut the apron strings from his family - should I stick around and hope this changes or learn to accept it or move on? How do you accept something so annoying? Snowflake details inside. [more inside]
posted by BlueMartini7 at 5:50 AM PST - 43 comments

Politics in outer space

What would politics in outer space look like? [more inside]
posted by espada0 at 3:51 AM PST - 14 comments

IMAP Mail Checker for Mac OSX?

Is there a IMAP Mail Checker for Mac OSX? [more inside]
posted by mule at 2:07 AM PST - 7 comments

If you could only have one wetsuit, what would it be?

Surfers, snorkelers, scuba divers: trying to buy a gift. If you could only have one wetsuit, what would it be? [more inside]
posted by malhouse at 1:22 AM PST - 9 comments

November 23

He ain't heavy, he's my soulmate

I'm the one who works and he is financially dependent on me. How can I make him never, ever feel like a burden? [more inside]
posted by dean winchester at 11:51 PM PST - 26 comments

Can't figure out what this song is from an episode of Bored to Death. Do you know it?

Does anyone know what song it is that plays during the closing credits of Season 3, Episode 4 of Bored to Death? [more inside]
posted by Modus Pwnens at 10:44 PM PST - 4 comments

I need a Russian Larousse Gastronomique

Can anyone recommend any good all-around Russian-English or Russian-French culinary dictionaries, online or in print? [more inside]
posted by ivan ivanych samovar at 9:57 PM PST - 21 comments

First-timer seeks personal and career advice!

21-year-old college junior seeks career and coming out advice! Lots of details inside... [more inside]
posted by DRoll at 9:41 PM PST - 7 comments

french grad school

Hello French brothers and sisters! Can an American Grad. student find plant biotech. Phd work in France these days? It is a dream to move there with my young wife, what are the biggest and best schools? Thanks everyone! [more inside]
posted by 1inabillionmistake at 9:34 PM PST - 1 comment

Can I still get Windows 8 consumer preview to run on my tablet PC?

Can I still use a consumer preview version of Windows 8 on my new-old tablet PC? [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief at 8:35 PM PST - 5 comments

Help me name our new puppy!

Help me name our rescued whippet pup! Details & obligatory photo inside... [more inside]
posted by harriet vane at 8:32 PM PST - 36 comments

Tell me the stories of San Francisco...and help me tell others!

Help me teach the stories of San Francisco! [more inside]
posted by guster4lovers at 7:17 PM PST - 27 comments

Give me your best nature songs

Can you name any songs that use nature as a metaphor? This is my favorite example (Your Rocky Spine). [more inside]
posted by tweedle at 6:36 PM PST - 17 comments

Help me find this site!!!!!!

A funny Website where people post real life true stories and events in their life??????????????? [more inside]
posted by flexiverse at 6:14 PM PST - 8 comments

Romantic, but not quite there...

Recommend me some seriously good romance/erotic romance fiction? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:50 PM PST - 18 comments

What climate, temperature, etc. issues do I need to build a "good enough" storage shed for my books?

Please help me design & figure out how to build a "good enough" storage shed for my personal library. What with all the librarians lurking on MetaFilter, I figure that you guys should know the answer (or at least be able to bless me with an abundance of opinions), right? :) [more inside]
posted by Jacqueline at 4:36 PM PST - 13 comments

The 39 year old semi-virgin

I'm dating someone new who is 38 and considers herself to be more or less a virgin. She's nervous about sex but also pretty interested. How can I make this ok for her? Total NSFW oversharing below... [more inside]
posted by mockpuppet at 4:29 PM PST - 16 comments

Relationships as a choice - despite dependence?

"I love you, and I choose to be here. ...Of course, if this doesn’t work out, I get deported." I could use your perspectives on choosing to be in a relationship despite sometimes feeling trapped in it? [more inside]
posted by Someone Else's Story at 3:36 PM PST - 13 comments

Collecting an unpaid invoice from a sleazy client.

Collecting an unpaid invoice from a sleazy client. Is it better to pursue and get dirty or to let go and go unpaid? [more inside]
posted by nedpwolf at 3:24 PM PST - 19 comments

Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree, be gone by 2013 and take your ornaments with you

I want a Christmas tree, but I am moving overseas in the new year and DO NOT NEED MORE STUFF. What can I make that is a) festive, b) disposable and c) close to free? (I'd prefer not to contribute a huge pile o'plastic to Boxing Day landfill either)
posted by superfish at 3:05 PM PST - 29 comments

Dear Mr President, Am I Free to Say Your Name?

Protocol demands the proper way to directly address the US President is as "Mr President." Has anyone (not related) to the current or former US President ever publicly addressed them by his first or last name directly to his face? What happened? If this hasn't happened, what would be the consequences of doing so?
posted by Effigy2000 at 2:14 PM PST - 18 comments

Need advice on how to return to work?

Returning to work after hospitalization following suicude attempt. How to navigate this with coworkers? [more inside]
posted by rainygrl716 at 1:58 PM PST - 19 comments

Can you help me upgrade my MacBook Pro (late-2008) hard drive?

Need advice on how to update an older MacBook Pro with a new hard drive. I have a late-2008 MacBook Pro: 2.53 GHz, 320GB hard drive, 8GM RAM (4GB in two slots). My drive is getting full and I don't have the cash at the moment for a brand new laptop. Should I replace the optical drive with a SSD? Or just upgrade the regular hard drive with a new one with 750GB or 1TB? [more inside]
posted by barnone at 1:23 PM PST - 16 comments

DC is fun!

I'll be in DC next/this weekend. Where should we eat, what should we see? Shorter events are appreciated! [more inside]
posted by FirstMateKate at 1:12 PM PST - 16 comments

Who was hacked?

My dad got a spam email with my (unusual) full name listed as the sender, but from a random email address with no association to my name. Was his contact list compromised or was mine? [more inside]
posted by amarynth at 12:47 PM PST - 7 comments

Best tips and advice for a sewing beginner?

Sewing-filter: Top 5 tips for a beginner working on my first real project from a pattern? Bonus question: can I do this? Pep talks welcome. [more inside]
posted by mireille at 12:20 PM PST - 28 comments

How to get perl to connect to mysql using DBD:mysql

I'm over my head again trying to run a program for a class and you were a great help last time. I'm trying to connect to mysql from Perl and have installed DBD:mysql on my Mac (OS X 10.5.8). I have no idea what I'm doing. Can you help? [more inside]
posted by sunshine37 at 12:00 PM PST - 6 comments

What should I look for in a telephoto lens that wouldn't cost more than $250?

What should I look for in a telephoto lens that wouldn't cost more than $250? [more inside]
posted by sacrifix at 11:50 AM PST - 6 comments

Worst. Owner. Ever.

How to know if I've messed up my cat's tail [more inside]
posted by angrycat at 11:32 AM PST - 20 comments

should my eyes water when I poop

My eyes water when I poop. Is this normal? [more inside]
posted by TheJoven at 10:50 AM PST - 9 comments

Find Me A Birthday Venue and Theme In Portland, OR

K. So my big 3-0 birthday is on Saturday, December 8th, and I'm looking for a good place in Portland (like a semi-private event room in a resturant/bar) to host folks for several hours. Let's say 7-10pm. More specifications inside... [more inside]
posted by redsparkler at 10:49 AM PST - 6 comments

Take My Privacy, Please!

I'm trying to hack together an OS X script that's dependent upon my location. Problem is, Apple's location services doesn't know where my home router is - and I don't have an iOS device to tell it. Is there any way I can suggest or hint to the server where my IP is located?
posted by Apropos of Something at 10:44 AM PST - 10 comments

How to get good good looking skin for men? Suffering from dry skin and back acne.

What's a daily mens skin care routine to have good looking skin? Also how do I get rid of back acne for men? I have had it for years and nothing seems to be working. [more inside]
posted by Parh6512 at 10:43 AM PST - 30 comments

Sandwiches on restaurant menus - only in Canada, you say? Pity.

Is it unusual to see sandwiches and burgers on restaurant menus outside the US and Canada? [more inside]
posted by Chaussette and the Pussy Cats at 10:33 AM PST - 24 comments

The Murder Weapon? Herring, Of Course.

Who are some other enjoyable Scandinavian noir authors? [more inside]
posted by joelhunt at 10:32 AM PST - 14 comments

Lentement s'il vous plaît

I need movie, video, podcast, etc. recommendations in French. [more inside]
posted by Mister_Sleight_of_Hand at 10:05 AM PST - 9 comments

Selfish or selfless? I can't tell.

I'm ready to leave my unhappy, borderline-abusive, caretaker-y marriage (details in a series of posts, most recently here). Do I just wait until I've got all my ducks in a row and then go, or should I be kinder, and give my spouse some kind of notice period. [more inside]
posted by six sided sock at 9:56 AM PST - 69 comments

Best way to learn French in my spare time?

Hi everyone, I am a 24 y/o English native about to start a PhD in London. During the next 3 years, I would very much like to begin learning French alongside my doctoral studies, and I am interested in finding out the most effective and efficient way of going about this. Realistically I will probably be able and willing to dedicate between one and two hours a day to studying French. I am interested in learning to both speak and write the language in equal measure. Any advice is much appreciated.
posted by FuckingAwesome at 9:41 AM PST - 13 comments

How to open an .ODT file with OpenOffice or admin privileges?

It seems that google Drive aka google docs doesn't open .odt files any longer [tho a search of the web implies it used to]. Of course, neither does Word 2003. 1. Is there any reason why? And 2. can I - without admin privileges on this machine - open an ODT in some other way [preferably to be able to save as a .doc]? cheers
posted by dash_slot- at 9:32 AM PST - 2 comments

external drive with 2 USB plugs

I don't get it. If my external storage drive has two USB cables, do they both need to be plugged in? It seems to work with just one plugged in. Is it that one uses both when one wants extra speed?
posted by gnossie at 9:26 AM PST - 10 comments

Channeling my inner fashion designer

What's the most cost-efficient way to hem and dart my shirts? What kind of sewing machine fits my urge to adjust clothing? [more inside]
posted by sunnychef88 at 9:07 AM PST - 10 comments

NAS for a Mac home: Airport Extreme vs. Seagate GoFlex

I want to move to network-attached storage. I've got two Macs and am trying to decide between buying an Airport Extreme or Seagate GoFlex. [more inside]
posted by blueshammer at 8:42 AM PST - 9 comments

Help me by a Christmas present for my host family in Guatemala.

Help me buy a Christmas present for my host family in Guatemala. [more inside]
posted by empath at 8:01 AM PST - 2 comments

How to help a parent cope with the loss of a spouse?

I lost my dear dad unexpectedly Sunday after a series of illnesses. My mom, luckily, is still with us. They were together 54 years and my mom was only 17 when they met. The most important thing to my dad was my mom's well-being and I feel it is now my duty to look after her to the best of my ability. I have no idea how to help her cope with the loss of my father. I want to be there for her as much as possible, but I don't want to smother her. Does anyone have any advice?
posted by entropicamericana at 7:58 AM PST - 18 comments

Looking for new job whilst in training.

[Job-filter] How do I add a job to my resume that is both a contractor job, and more importantly, I haven't finished training at? [more inside]
posted by trogdole at 7:53 AM PST - 5 comments

iPhoto problems after Time Machine restore

iPhoto no longer displays full view of photos after Time Machine restore. Nor will it upload photos from my camera. Help me figure these problems out. [more inside]
posted by jammy at 7:49 AM PST - 3 comments

Abundance Economics Truth or Fiction?

Abundance or Scarcity: Is current global aggregate production of consumable 'necessities' sufficient for current global population? Or are food shortages and starvation due to insufficient aggregate production? [more inside]
posted by mary8nne at 7:48 AM PST - 4 comments

Internship 2.0

How do I go about creating the best internship ever? [more inside]
posted by nikayla_luv at 7:42 AM PST - 7 comments

Starting over at 24

I'm 24 and very recently my first serious relationship (7 years) ended. Starting over with my life after my first traumatic upset and in need of some recommendations for... well, life (career, relationships, finances, the whole gamut). (please forgive the length) [more inside]
posted by znith at 7:11 AM PST - 11 comments

Can PhotoBridge save a collection of mediocre family photos?

Has anyone used FotoBridge to enhance and digitize old photos, and if so how would you rate their services? (Asking for a friend.) [more inside]
posted by naoko at 6:46 AM PST - 3 comments

In lieu of flowers?

Wrongful death in the family. In lieu of flowers / Memorial donations? Help me, hive mind. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:43 AM PST - 17 comments

Where to get a quietclassy drink in DC?

I'm looking for a quiet and classy hotel lobby in DC where a couple can have a drink tonight. [more inside]
posted by Xalf at 6:28 AM PST - 5 comments

Oh NGO Where Art Thou?

Is there an NGO somewhere that I might partner with to get laptop computers for some monastery schools in Burma/Myanmar? [more inside]
posted by Xurando at 6:16 AM PST - 8 comments

Reloading Videos

How do I avoid my web browser having to reload a video again if I view it again after having navigated away from it earlier or when I go full screen? [more inside]
posted by freddymetz at 4:38 AM PST - 7 comments

Can I go to a sing-along concert of the Messiah and not sing along?

Can I go to a sing-along concert of Handel's Messiah and not sing along? [more inside]
posted by colfax at 2:23 AM PST - 14 comments

Chicken sandwich vs chicken burger

I have a question about burger terminology. Why is it that Americans have a cheeseburger, a veggie burger, a turkey burger -- but call a chicken burger a "chicken sandwich" (when it's in a burger bun, not made with sandwich bread)? [more inside]
posted by peter1982peter at 1:38 AM PST - 51 comments

Ally sign ideas

Help me think of a placard message for a marriage equality rally. Serious or silly! [more inside]
posted by lifethatihavenotlivedyet at 12:28 AM PST - 13 comments

November 22

Recommended reading

If you like Terry Pratchett, you'll love... ? (You are 10.) [more inside]
posted by latkes at 11:20 PM PST - 65 comments

Relationship Drama

Couple living together. He is (verbally) abusive. He is not on the lease, does not pay rent. (GF/BF situation). The girl wants to get rid of him. What are her options? What are his rights? Does he have any? They live together probably over one year. City: NYC
posted by yoyo_nyc at 10:21 PM PST - 11 comments

Short bursts of productivity

I am looking for ways to be more productive with short blocks of time. What do you do when you have 5-10 minutes to kill while waiting on something? [more inside]
posted by Silvertree at 8:40 PM PST - 27 comments

The opposite of 'what is worth spending on'

What store-brand products are a good value? [more inside]
posted by Fig at 7:41 PM PST - 46 comments

Framing a large poster: what is the best strategy?

I am trying to frame a large, tall map for my wife's Christmas gift. Normally I just get a RIBBA frame at IKEA, but the print (24" x 42") doesn't fit any of their sizes. I want to matte it at 3" on each side, bringing it to 30" x 48". My goal is to spend ~$100 on the framing, glass and matte boards... is this possible? [more inside]
posted by cgs at 7:36 PM PST - 12 comments

Alternatives to CaringBridge

Are there any good alternatives to CaringBridge? [more inside]
posted by gingerest at 7:29 PM PST - 8 comments

Holy C**P, a 65 Marlin!

Have you imported a 16+ year old vehicle from the US to Canada (BC)? What was the experience like and roughly how much did it end up costing? [more inside]
posted by Mitheral at 7:20 PM PST - 2 comments

How can I satisfy my ramen cravings?

I love, loooooove beef flavored Sapporo Ichiban ramen noodles, but I can't always find them. Does anyone know (a) where I can get a steady supply in Toronto, or online with non-ridiculous shipping to Canada? or (b) what brand (or type of generic) beef-flavored ramen noodles taste similar? Particularly annoyed by the little cubes of freeze-dried carrots in some brands I've tried.
posted by sarahkeebs at 7:13 PM PST - 2 comments

It's on the tip of my tongue!

What (probably 70s or 80s-era) science fiction novel involved colonizing an alien world which was inherently hostile to the human protagonists but which had a native population of vampire-like creatures who were similar enough to humans to "pass?" (Possibly shapeshifters.) I thought it was C.J. Cherryh's Faded Sun books, but it isn't – although I think I read it around the same time that I read those books in omnibus.
posted by sonic meat machine at 6:51 PM PST - 6 comments

Repairing a Samsung TV

I have a broken Samsung TV and want to know if there is a cheap way to fix it or creative way to use it. [more inside]
posted by jamincan at 6:42 PM PST - 8 comments

Vinyl album suggestions for a 12-year-old

My 12-year-old nephew wants some vinyl record albums for Christmas. What should I buy him? [more inside]
posted by Pruitt-Igoe at 6:21 PM PST - 34 comments

How to help a drug addict?

How to support someone trying to overcome an addiction? [more inside]
posted by tylerkaraszewski at 6:06 PM PST - 8 comments

I like teenagers. (Really, I do!)

Are you now or have you ever been a substitute teacher in Chicago? [more inside]
posted by she's not there at 5:53 PM PST - 3 comments

Are free weights better than unfree weights?

Why strength training, and what to do? I've been taking advantage of my free gym membership a lot more lately and I see people lifting weights a lot. I do the elliptical and the "Nautilus"-type machines, but I've gotten the impression that the barbell-style stuff is better for me. Is this true, and if so, how do I go about this? [more inside]
posted by supercoollady at 5:34 PM PST - 15 comments

What did you want but couldn't afford in the 60's?

Gift filter: I'm looking for things my parents would have lusted after as teenagers / young adults. Dad was born in 1942, mom in '46, both were quite poor at the time. Example: Dad left the AirForce in '66 and saved up to buy a second hand Seiko watch. Example 2: nostalgic candy. What are some other items they would have wanted but been unable to purchase, or period specific luxuries that I could surprise them with today from the vast used markets.
posted by misery loves company at 5:20 PM PST - 11 comments

Low-salt, low cholesterol eating?

He has to limit salt. I have to limit cholesterol. We are both vegetarians. Where can we eat? Looking for both general restaurant ideas and Toronto-specific ones. [more inside]
posted by JoannaC at 5:00 PM PST - 5 comments

Spoiled Kids Need Lesson in Gift-Giving

What can I do to teach my spoiled niece and nephew about the importance of giving this holiday season? [more inside]
posted by paperclip2000 at 4:36 PM PST - 37 comments

Hero/Genius title in jeopardy

I'm in jeopardy of losing my hero/genius status due to not being able to find pure cashmere socks (calf length) for my wife. [more inside]
posted by KneeDeep at 4:12 PM PST - 10 comments

How to properly cope with the discrimination and bullying in many of my classes?

Conflicted upon how to deal with bullying and discrimination (of various kinds) I am experiencing in my classes this semester. [more inside]
posted by pixienat at 3:51 PM PST - 18 comments

Apple TV connect to My Apartment Public Wi-Fi?

I have public wi-fi at my new apartment, and am able to stream Netflix just fine via a friend's laptop. I am not sure if there is a way for my Apple TV (2nd gen) to work here. I have googled around and others seemed to be able and others not. Normally when using my home computer or kindle tablet, I have to connect to wi-fi after a given period of time left unattended and then click "connect" from a browser page so perhaps this is why the ATV2 cannot work. Any thoughts? Thanks and have a good Thanksgiving!
posted by snap_dragon at 2:41 PM PST - 7 comments

Fitbit for people who walk and bike?

Do you have a fitbit? How to you deal with biking and/or other activities that fitbit does not measure well? Or is there a better tool for this? [more inside]
posted by ManInSuit at 2:05 PM PST - 13 comments

Help me find a scholarly book about Women and their experiences with the current Healthcare System?

Help me find a more recent book about issues surrounding women and the healthcare field, and issues surounding the field in general in terms of the attitude that medical professionals are almost superhuman, and the authoritarian attitude of doctors. [more inside]
posted by pandorasbox at 12:45 PM PST - 5 comments

Candy and torture?

Can you help me find this disturbing Saw-like short film about kinder eggs? [more inside]
posted by jcrbuzz at 12:05 PM PST - 0 comments

uh oh

11th hour baking question: Can i Substitute gelatin for cornstarch? [more inside]
posted by pintapicasso at 11:29 AM PST - 5 comments

Read my t-shirt

What does the writing on this T-shirt (in Arabic?) and its tag (in Hebrew?) say? Translations and transliterations please! [more inside]
posted by ditto75 at 11:19 AM PST - 5 comments

How do I do my own product photography?

I would like to start doing my own product photography. What do I need to (a) buy and (b) learn? [more inside]
posted by enn at 11:12 AM PST - 9 comments

Monitor hot-tub temperature while away? any solutions beyond upgrading my system?

Monitor hot-tub temperature while away? any solutions beyond upgrading my system? [more inside]
posted by audio at 10:57 AM PST - 3 comments

Going with the family to the Poconos in Pennsylvania for the Thanksgiving weekend. We shall be staying in a rented house in Tannersville near the Camelback Ski Resort for 3 nights and 2 days. What are the best activities, restaurants etc that we should be doing there at this time of the year?

Going with the family to the Poconos in Pennsylvania for the Thanksgiving weekend. We shall be staying in a rented house in Tannersville near the Camelback Ski Resort for 3 nights and 2 days. What are the best activities, restaurants etc that we should be doing there at this time of the year? [more inside]
posted by libbrichus at 10:37 AM PST - 3 comments

hey, wanna see this picture of me looking awesome doing fun things?

Narcissism filter: I love looking at pictures of me and my loved ones. I'd like to have more photos of my family up in the house but there are some snowflakey, silly issues... [more inside]
posted by PuppetMcSockerson at 10:36 AM PST - 26 comments

I don't like being me

I have recently realized that I am a selfish person, and I'm afraid my selfishness has been sabatoging my chances at having lasting, fulfilling relationships. I'm also self-loathing, which doesn't help matters, either. [more inside]
posted by dean_deen at 9:57 AM PST - 22 comments

Iphone Offline Maps

Iphone Application with Offline Maps [more inside]
posted by raphael19 at 9:01 AM PST - 10 comments

social worker vs. elementary school teacher

How would you compare a career in social work with elementary school teaching? Given that underlying values overlap so much, how might you decide which would spark more passion, happiness, and success? (Not that any career is perfect.) [more inside]
posted by elephantsvanish at 8:34 AM PST - 12 comments

I know I'm an idiot, but does my car know?

What did I do to my tire? Is my car smart enough to know I'm an idiot? [more inside]
posted by cgg at 8:29 AM PST - 16 comments

Free to be a healthy me!

For my health, I want/need to move to the right climate for me, which I'm not sure even exists. It has to be sunny a lot, not humid, with very few days over 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32C) (I guess I could put up with about 3 weeks like that, and nothing over 100 please) and very few days that are 0 degrees Fahrenheit (-17C) or below. (I don't mind snow.) [more inside]
posted by serena15221 at 8:17 AM PST - 43 comments

Teen time is supposed to be gift time

I wasn't able to give my niece a 13th birthday present a month and a half ago. What are some good ways I can correct this? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:16 AM PST - 10 comments

Fix my fingers

Sharp pain in my right ring and pinky fingers when I bend them. I need to do a lot of typing. YANMD, but can you help me get through the weekend? [more inside]
posted by quiet coyote at 8:09 AM PST - 7 comments

Want to sell my paintings - what to do?

I would like to begin to sell my paintings at local art fairs and online sites such as Etsy, $25-100.00 price range. Do I really need to set up an LLC or sole proprietorship, get a tax number and whatever else just to sell a painting or two (if I'm lucky?) Thanks. P.S. I live in Illinois.
posted by Tullyogallaghan at 7:38 AM PST - 8 comments

Help me build a fun, narrative-rich family tree

ThanksgivingFamilyTimeFilter: Let's talk about family tree-building! I'm looking for genealogy solutions that prioritize narrative as much (if not more) as data. Help me sift through the options? [more inside]
posted by greggish at 7:12 AM PST - 4 comments

How do I stretch properly [before Ultimate Frisbee]?

How do I stretch properly [before Ultimate Frisbee]? How do I not pull my groin again? [more inside]
posted by pmv at 7:11 AM PST - 10 comments

Mirena IUD: Will the spotting ever cease?

IUD Filter: How long should I wait for my Mirena IUD to 'settle down'? TMI inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:33 AM PST - 14 comments

Please come in, we don't have anything worth stealing anyway

I find it very hard to say no to people. I try to please everybody, especially people I don't know well. I worry a lot about offending, committing social faux-pas or hurting people's feelings. The idea that somebody wouldn't like me makes me anxious. What can I do about it? And how do I learn to NOTICE when my boundaries are being crossed? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:33 AM PST - 16 comments

Parade Search

Can anyone find a working link to livestream the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade? NBC promised, but I honestly can't find it. Other avenues not productive.
posted by Miko at 6:08 AM PST - 6 comments

Only, only, only

I saw a vehicle recently covered with bumper stickers that said "ONLY." Google turns up nothing. What does this mean?
posted by litnerd at 5:31 AM PST - 3 comments

Understanding PS Atiyah (contract law) -help!

Hi Mefi-ers. I was wondering if anyone here who is doing/have done law could help point me to resources or journal articles (which we've not been introduced to. I only know of the case databases: lexis and westlaw) that would help me demystify a contract law question I've been set by my seminar leader? I'm basically a first year undergraduate llb law student at an English university; I'm studying contract law as one of the compulsory first year modules. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:07 AM PST - 10 comments

Have I ruined my turkey?

Have I ruined my 7 lb turkey by leaving it uncovered at room temperature for 12 hours? [more inside]
posted by jeatsy at 4:51 AM PST - 23 comments

How can I make my recumbent bike comfortable?

I have a recumbent exercise bike that I'm lately using for longer periods of time while I read, etc. Which is great. Except that my rear end is going numb. Is a gel seat cushion going to help? What do I need to do to make this endurable for an hour or more at a time?
posted by gracedissolved at 3:32 AM PST - 14 comments

Best meat in Scotland?

Can anyone recommend a butchers/game dealers in Edinburgh (Scotland)? Or if there's a really special one anywhere else along the Edinburgh-Glasgow corridor, or up to Perth?
posted by cromagnon at 2:54 AM PST - 4 comments

Dating, much like magnets, are difficult to understand.

Never been on a date and approaching my mid-20's, so I should probably figure out what I'm doing wrong, eh? [more inside]
posted by Geektox at 1:40 AM PST - 38 comments

November 21

don't worry i'm not looking at you

Who can fill the void left by Morphine? [more inside]
posted by bendy at 10:37 PM PST - 19 comments

Obligatory Phone-Shopping Question

I need advice on finding an Android smartphone, not quite so upmarket as this question. Thanks, Metafilter! [more inside]
posted by dunkadunc at 10:13 PM PST - 13 comments

Complete_clueless_beginner_filter - Selling/marketing your photography: how? Edition...

Selling your amateur snaps... how did you do it? [more inside]
posted by everydayanewday at 9:55 PM PST - 10 comments

Can a single person live on a bit more than $50,000 a year in Edmonton, Alberta?

Is it possible to live in Edmonton, Alberta as a single person on a a salary in the low 50 thousands? I've been offered a position and would be moving from a medium sized city in the Eastern provinces, and no idea what to expect if I accept. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:44 PM PST - 13 comments

Help me create the best grade 6 classroom ever!

Help me create the best grade 6 classroom ever… with a budget of $200. [more inside]
posted by peppermintfreddo at 9:35 PM PST - 11 comments

I can't remember this old movie. Please help me find it again.

Vague memory filter. I vaguely remember a movie (or show) where a girl told the story of The Little Match Girl. Now I can't remember it. [more inside]
posted by patheral at 9:15 PM PST - 2 comments

Keep me entertained: Hong Kong edition

Hong Kong filter: I'm spending the weekend in Hong Kong, with no specific goals. Help me come up with some non-tourist trap things to do. [more inside]
posted by His thoughts were red thoughts at 8:36 PM PST - 12 comments

Damn you!

THANKSGIVING PLUMBING URGENCY: Is this going to end up a big deal? [more inside]
posted by lizjohn at 8:29 PM PST - 9 comments

Why do my male coworkers pick on me?

Why do my male coworkers pick on me? [more inside]
posted by jenh526 at 8:29 PM PST - 32 comments

Resources for starting a small business in Canada?

You started a small business in Canada. What books, websites etc. taught you how to do it? Are there any resources that you particularly recommend? What did you learn along the way that you wish you knew when you started? What techniques and software do you use to track expenses, hours worked, inventory, sales etc? Is there any common advice on running a small business that you strongly disagree with? (I'm tentatively planning to make and sell festival clothes and accessories.)
posted by fullerenedream at 8:18 PM PST - 6 comments

Does this pie crust require pre-baking?

Should I pre-bake this Cooks Illustrated Pie Dough for use with this Pumpkin Pie Recipe? [more inside]
posted by macrowave at 8:04 PM PST - 9 comments

Journal from "Supernatural"

Pretty much looking for the Winchester's 3-ring supple leather journal from the show "Supernatural". [more inside]
posted by DisreputableDog at 7:31 PM PST - 8 comments

Pushing up the daisies

I am pretty fit but I SUCK SUCK SUCK at push-ups. Can you help me? [more inside]
posted by unSane at 7:31 PM PST - 23 comments


I'm looking for quality videos of kids rapping. Help? [more inside]
posted by Philipschall at 6:59 PM PST - 5 comments

Help Me Skip Dexter Season 3

I've viewed Dexter seasons 1 and 2, and want to skip ahead to season 4. Please fill me in on plot issues I need to know about....or else suggest no more than 3 episodes from season 3 I need to watch in order to fully enjoy season 4.
posted by Quisp Lover at 6:00 PM PST - 15 comments

Please help a high school graduate find where to look for a decent paying job.

You are a high school graduate with no other experience and credentials. You need a higher-paying job to be able to support yourself. What do you do? [more inside]
posted by Autumn at 6:00 PM PST - 26 comments

What are your favourite short Canadian radio stories?

What are your favourite short Canadian radio stories? [more inside]
posted by JPDD at 5:17 PM PST - 15 comments

Amp modules look great, but how would I use them?

I have just come across a business that modifies existing guitar amp modules, (based on Randall MTS modules) which is interesting and neat (see here for an example of them in an interview with Billy Corgan). However, what I don't understand is how I would use one of these in my own rig. They are, but how would I hook them up? Could I use one to drive a speaker cabinet? Do they need to be in an enclosure? Basically, how would I use one of these modules?
posted by awfurby at 5:03 PM PST - 4 comments

The Birds: Australian style

How long after baby birds leave the nest until the parent birds stop being arseholes? Is there any way to convey the message, "move along now, no loitering" to a bunch of currawongs? [more inside]
posted by lollusc at 4:54 PM PST - 7 comments

Kings, Clubs, what's next?

In the 1990s, every* mid-priced yuppie restaurant in Philadelphia and NYC was playing the Gipsy Kings. In the 2000s, it was Buena Vista Social Club. What's the inoffensive ethnic band of the 2010s? [more inside]
posted by moonmilk at 3:30 PM PST - 27 comments

Donating a used musical instrument (UK)

Where/who in the UK can I donate my musical instrument to? [more inside]
posted by TrinsicWS at 3:09 PM PST - 5 comments

Winter Is Coming! but is the train out of Sapporo running?

I just impulse bought tickets to Japan for the last 2.5 weeks of February. I plan on skiing. How hard is it to get around Hokkaido by public transit? [more inside]
posted by larthegreat at 3:03 PM PST - 15 comments

Some people never seem to actually type their own thoughts.

You're on Facebook and many of your contacts are expressing their opinions, frustrations, affirmations and wit by means of shared and reposted .jpgs with some sort of text sentiment on them. Sometimes they're simply text, sometimes there is a background photo or illustration. What are these things called? Have we got a collective term for these graphic motto things?
posted by Lou Stuells at 2:37 PM PST - 28 comments

Help our broken dog sleep

Our dog goes through cycles of at first liking a crate and then not tolerating it at all--whining, scratching, growling, and moaning. When Sparky's unhappy, nobody sleeps. I'm out of ideas and I'm looking for new things to try. [more inside]
posted by jewzilla at 2:32 PM PST - 10 comments

A stupid Xmas question in November...

Christmas gift filter. Difficulty : I know next to nothing about the recipient and the gift has to survive in my luggage from the UK to Aus. [more inside]
posted by sodium lights the horizon at 2:28 PM PST - 18 comments

What to get for a classical-music and science-loving mentor as a present?

What to get as a going-away present for my classical-music-and-science-loving mentor when I make a great deal less money than them and don't have as much knowledge as them in their interests? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:12 PM PST - 10 comments

Please help me learn more about online adjunct teaching opportunities?

Finishing my MBA and would really like to know what adjunct or introductory online teaching opportunities are out there. What resources are out there? What would I be qualified to teach? Are there any other additional certifications that I should obtain? [more inside]
posted by Paalen at 1:40 PM PST - 6 comments

Cat is HOWLING, what can we do to make her simmer down?

Please help us try and figure out why our cat is behaving the way she is, and if possible recommend some solutions to help... [more inside]
posted by kilohertz at 1:35 PM PST - 13 comments

How should I pack a four year olds lunch?

What's the best way to pack my four year old's lunch and snacks? [more inside]
posted by samhyland at 1:10 PM PST - 12 comments

Why is My Download Speed 10x Faster than my Upload?

Download Speed is 5.4 MPS, Upload 0.54 - Is this normal? [more inside]
posted by watercarrier at 1:08 PM PST - 13 comments

Lonely ganache, seeks pastry for Thanksgiving sweet adventure

Pastry chefs; powers of ganache, unite! (Help!) [more inside]
posted by dejah420 at 1:05 PM PST - 8 comments

What's my next favorite vacation destination?

Where do I go on vacation if I already love Todos Santos (Baja, Mexico)? [more inside]
posted by mmmmbobo at 1:00 PM PST - 1 comment

Outlook Personal Folders Issue

Outlook 2007: Made a mistake; can I fix it? [more inside]
posted by maxwelton at 12:50 PM PST - 7 comments

Eat that, Gillies!

Can you help me assess this piece of medical history? I would like to know if it is historically interesting. [more inside]
posted by Jehan at 12:33 PM PST - 6 comments

Game preserves near NYC?

New York City resident looking for a near-ish game preserve to go firearm hunting - suggestions?
posted by ac at 12:18 PM PST - 3 comments

WTF, steel, I thought you were supposed to be stainless

I discolored a stainless steel pot lid. What can I do about it? [more inside]
posted by entropone at 12:02 PM PST - 11 comments

What the hell is The Bucket?

Some online mapping services (Apple, Bing, etc.) refer to an area of Northwest Portland as "The Bucket", but as far as I know, The Bucket doesn't exist. Is this an example of a copyright trap? [more inside]
posted by sportbucket at 11:49 AM PST - 9 comments

Where can I buy escarole (broad-leaved endive) in SF today?

I was hoping to make an escarole (broad-leaved endive) dish for Thanksgiving tomorrow, but haven't been able to find anywhere to actually buy escarole. [more inside]
posted by outlaw of averages at 11:44 AM PST - 4 comments

What's a good option for using a tablet like a networked digital frame for sharing family photos?

What's a good option for using a tablet like a networked digital frame for sharing family photos? I'm looking for a fairly simple system for a mentally handicapped relative. [more inside]
posted by pokermonk at 11:13 AM PST - 8 comments

Help us not die of green gunk poisoning.

Is this green film at the bottom of my Keurig water tank going to kill me? [more inside]
posted by kythuen at 11:11 AM PST - 9 comments

Sheet music for Armstrong's "Savoy Blues."

Looking for sheet music for Louis Armstrong's "Savoy Blues." [more inside]
posted by Zosia Blue at 11:09 AM PST - 2 comments

Please help me find reputable online theology degree options

I am trying to find some reputable graduate schools that offer masters degrees in Christian theology which can be completed mostly or completely online. [more inside]
posted by michellenoel at 11:01 AM PST - 16 comments

21st century bureaucracy

Legally binding online forms? (British Columbia) [more inside]
posted by wutangclan at 10:56 AM PST - 4 comments

Riot in Newark City Council?

Can someone explain to me why there was almost a riot in the Newark, New Jersey City Council last night? [more inside]
posted by valkyryn at 10:22 AM PST - 19 comments

How can I burn a fake check scammer?

Someone's trying to run a fake check scam on me. I posted my apartment on Craigslist, and they are proposing to send me a check from their boss which covers both rent and and moving expenses, in the expectation that I will send them back the difference. Is there any way to burn them back, for instance by providing the requested repayment details to law enforcement?
posted by Estragon at 10:18 AM PST - 12 comments

No pink ribbon, thanks

My friend has breast cancer. She is most of the way through chemo and is getting ready for a double mastectomy. She is 36, identifies as genderqueer, and is not at all on board with the whole gender-normative pink ribbon thing. She is planning on having minimal reconstructive surgery. Can you help her find appropriate information and online community? [more inside]
posted by ottereroticist at 10:10 AM PST - 9 comments

Do some beta blockers cause less fatigue than others?

Do some beta blockers tend to have more side effects than others? [more inside]
posted by artistic verisimilitude at 9:52 AM PST - 7 comments


Can my laptop play Diablo 3? [more inside]
posted by dfriedman at 9:52 AM PST - 11 comments

Simple recipes caught on video.

I need more websites or blogs like THIS offering very simple recipes and with video instructions included. [more inside]
posted by LittleMissItneg at 9:16 AM PST - 12 comments

Letterpress game for coders?

Internet-enabled two player, turn-by-turn iOS game for the math & logic -abled? [more inside]
posted by morganw at 8:58 AM PST - 9 comments

How would a bird strike on landing play out?

Can you tell me in great detail what would happen if a 2-engine airliner ingested a bird into one of its engines while on approach to land? [more inside]
posted by COBRA! at 8:58 AM PST - 8 comments

Minimum level of skill or ability to be a programmer/UX designer

What is the minimum level of skill or ability to be a programmer/UX designer? [more inside]
posted by ChipT at 8:57 AM PST - 11 comments

Invented language vs. familiar words in fiction?

As a reader, how do you feel about invented language versus familiar words in imaginary worlds? [more inside]
posted by batmonkey at 8:33 AM PST - 67 comments

Dropping out my PhD -- now what?

So after quite a few years in my PhD program in computational biology, I'm dropping out with a Masters. Where do I go from here? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:04 AM PST - 14 comments

Good experience with cheap menswear by buying from China or Korea?

I've decided that I want to buy new, "smart" and/or "fashion-forward" clothes, and in my travels through sites like Pinterest I've discovered the phenomenon of the online Far-East retailer (sites like and Specifically for menswear, has anyone bought from places like this, and how have the results been? Buying a nice-looking coat for $22 plus shipping almost seems too good to be true, but I'm sure that's still profitable for the manufacturer and saves on all the uplift that gets added by the retail universe (and western world in general).
posted by clicking the 'Post Comment' button at 8:03 AM PST - 11 comments

Screening question for IT-drudges

Screening questions (and answers!) for low-level office IT admin staff. [more inside]
posted by Iteki at 7:11 AM PST - 20 comments

Tell your secret to the water?

I'm sure I once read a myth about someone telling a secret to a pool of water--and even this strategy backfiring. The moral of the story being, if you want to keep something secret, never utter a word, not even to the water or the wind. I've tried googling with no success. Can anyone flesh out this memory for me?
posted by uans at 7:08 AM PST - 8 comments

Awkward neighborhood research party

Awkward neighborhood party, but a little bit more complicated than that. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:02 AM PST - 15 comments

How do I clean this white, cloth couch?

I have this Crate & Barrel Petrie Couch in white, drinks were spilled. Manufacturer care instructions say to just use distilled water, this has not worked. What can I try next? [more inside]
posted by geoff. at 6:59 AM PST - 9 comments

I'm Just Walking My Dog

I am going to drive from Dallas to Austin in a couple of hours, first road trip with my dog. Does anyone know of any good parks in Waco, not too far off I-35, where we could stop and have a little walk?
posted by ericthegardener at 6:38 AM PST - 3 comments

stupid outlook!

!#*! Outlook! Trying to move over 100000 emails from a local machine to a new machine.... problems inside. [more inside]
posted by handbanana at 6:30 AM PST - 5 comments

iPhone, Mac and PC calendar and contact sync

I just switched to an iPhone 5 after years with an Android phone. My carefully constructed sync setup between my work Win 7 PC, my home Mac and my phone is no longer as useful. Details of my current setup within. [more inside]
posted by tommasz at 6:22 AM PST - 3 comments

Why won't my data network connect on my new used android here in China?

Why won't my data network connect on my new used android here in China? [more inside]
posted by crawltopslow at 6:17 AM PST - 1 comment

and those big brown eyes, too

Comforts or treats we can buy a very, very, very old golden retriever? [more inside]
posted by joyceanmachine at 5:32 AM PST - 19 comments

Dealing with someone who is "always right"

I think I've made a huge mistake. I'm newly married - only 3 months, but my husband is showing me facets of his personality that do not sit well with me. He seems to have anger issues. Nothing physical, but I need help making sense of it all, and I can't talk to him without him getting extremely defensive. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:29 AM PST - 86 comments

What's it like to serve on a City Council?

Are there any City Council members out there? What is it like to run for office and to serve as a councilperson in your town (bonus points if it's a city of 50-100K population)? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:29 AM PST - 4 comments

Can my cheesecake take a bath?

Quick cheesecake-cookery question. [more inside]
posted by Thorzdad at 4:42 AM PST - 17 comments

In which US sitcom or drama did the character queue up for or at least try to get some tickets for an Oasis concert?

In which US sitcom or drama did the characters queue up for or at least try to get some tickets for an Oasis concert? [more inside]
posted by feelinglistless at 3:37 AM PST - 5 comments

Those dang expensive tickets!

Help me get home (from Japan) for the holidays! [more inside]
posted by Kamelot123 at 3:23 AM PST - 12 comments

Hot jazz where the words keep up with the music

My favorite kind of song: fast, swingy jazz with lyrics that are witty and/or intricately rhymed, performed by somebody who delivers the words and the music with equal skill. Examples include Bobby Short singing 'Nagasaki', Ella Fitzgerald singing 'Everything I've Got', and Louis Jordan singing pretty much anything. What other performances should I check out?
posted by yankeefog at 3:18 AM PST - 21 comments

help me learn a dance routine.

I need to learn a dance routine for a video clip I am starring in. I can remember all the moves, but am struggling to remember what comes next as I do the dance. How can I make it stick in my brain? [more inside]
posted by lrobertjones at 12:27 AM PST - 15 comments

November 20

Help me tackle this challenging math/programming problem from a contest.

Help me tackle this challenging math/programming problem from a contest. [more inside]
posted by bookman117 at 11:30 PM PST - 6 comments

What is my iPhone leeching?

What data is my iPhone mysteriously downloading when I'm not really syncing anything, don't use iCloud, and have no apps running? [more inside]
posted by Jimbob at 10:40 PM PST - 6 comments

Bill Cosby - VW - San Francisco - Hilltop car lot

Can someone point me to the routine where Bill Cosby talks about driving a VW in San Francisco, stops on a hill and can't get going because of the clutch? "Go around" he yells to the person behind him, but that person, too, is driving a VW...?
posted by madmatx at 10:29 PM PST - 8 comments

Help me find or make a cat-proof dual iPhone/iPad charging dock or stand

I am tired of having wires all over my desk. I want to charge both my iPhone and iPad Mini on my bedside table, standing up in a single dock or stand that my cat can't knock over. Can you recommend such a thing or suggest creative ways to improvise one? [more inside]
posted by embrangled at 10:16 PM PST - 12 comments

I can't have imagined this computer game! Falling faces?

I'm trying to remember a computer game I had years back, but I can't for the life of me find it. It was a falling bricks game (like Tetris) but the pieces were one of four parts of several different faces - the hair, the eyes, the nose and mouth, and the chin and neck. The idea was to make a complete face that would then disappear from the board (again, like in Tetris). You could do mix and match faces, but you got more points for doing a whole matching face. If you let, for instance, too many mouths pile up on each other and reach the top, you lost. There were different levels, and the faces changed with each level. Does anybody else know of this? It would have been a Mac game, sometime during the 90's. I can't have just imagined this!
posted by dithmer at 10:12 PM PST - 3 comments

Is it safe to visit Beirut right now?

Is Beirut safe right now to visit? I heard about the Ashrafieh bombing recently -- is that known as a not-so-safe area, or are attacks really an "anytime, anywhere, no safe zones" sort of thing? Aside from bombings, if there's an angry mob are they likely to react particularly violently toward Americans, or would we just blend into the scenery?
posted by Televangelist at 9:08 PM PST - 4 comments

How do people learn to have fun by themselves?

How do people learn to do things alone? Is it normal to be anxious about going places and doing things on your own? [more inside]
posted by Papagayo at 9:06 PM PST - 29 comments

Best kitchen scales

Looking for kitchen scale recommendations. [more inside]
posted by smangosbubbles at 9:03 PM PST - 18 comments

health insurance options for transgender people in louisiana?

A transgender friend of mine was denied health insurance in Louisiana because of the 'underwriting risk' of her condition: "gender identity disorder". What are her options here? [more inside]
posted by yeoz at 8:55 PM PST - 17 comments

Questions about a court appearance.

How do I let a judge know I plan to take a driving course? [more inside]
posted by Rosengeist at 8:51 PM PST - 7 comments

I'm driving through flyover country. Where should I stop?

I'm driving from northern New Jersey to Ann Arbor, MI tomorrow via I-80, and returning to DC on Sunday via 76/70/270. What can I do to make these journeys less boring? [more inside]
posted by schmod at 8:15 PM PST - 16 comments

Giant picture, terrible quality

Why does this happen: huge sized pictures with terrible image quality. [more inside]
posted by 2bucksplus at 6:49 PM PST - 6 comments

Repeating old relationship patterns

Still not over the same old guy? [more inside]
posted by bookgirl18 at 6:40 PM PST - 12 comments

The Door is Ajar

My mother thinks I am a crazy person who will burn his house down because I don't leave the oven door slightly ajar when I use the broiler setting in my (gas) oven. Is she right? [more inside]
posted by Mad_Carew at 6:35 PM PST - 26 comments

Bike puzzle

My bike is trapped by a gross, muscle-y motorcycle. How can I get it out? [more inside]
posted by Ventre Mou at 6:28 PM PST - 16 comments

Why does iPad stop sending video to AppleTV when it auto-locks?

Apple TV + iPad troubleshooting: Suddenly, my iPad has stopped sending video to my Apple TV when it is in "lock" mode (or sleep or standby mode or whatever it's called). As recently as two days ago, this did not happen. Does anyone know how to fix this? [more inside]
posted by crLLC at 6:10 PM PST - 1 comment

Refurbed Mac Pro or new 21.5 inch iMac w Fusion drive?

Refurbed Mac Pro or new 21.5 inch iMac w Fusion drive? [more inside]
posted by Hobbacocka at 6:04 PM PST - 3 comments

80s foreign movie about a clown or mime wandering in city

Looking for a movie I saw on TV in the 80s that was about a sad clown/mime who left his circus and was wandering around the city - a foreign city, probably Europe. It is NOT Children of Paradise, but maybe some remake inspired by it. I believe it was a foreign film and was probably shown on Nickelodeon - it was a color film. Very atmospheric and followed the clown wandering in the city. Any ideas?
posted by cmp4Meta at 5:36 PM PST - 5 comments

Diss diss, where to find? Help me find all the diss tracks out there.

I'm interested in finding a list of every hip hop/rap diss track out there as the basis for a research project. Where can I find a listing? [more inside]
posted by butwheresthesushi at 5:33 PM PST - 8 comments

Rolly wheels and a bright color and... made of titanium?

Which luggage is the best luggage for me? [more inside]
posted by Mizu at 5:28 PM PST - 12 comments

I'd like my security deposit back, please.

I'd like my security deposit back, please. [more inside]
posted by Prairie at 4:33 PM PST - 6 comments

How do you get over the one that got away, and deal with the regret?

How do you get over the one that got away, and deal with the regret? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:33 PM PST - 9 comments

what's the best way for me to appeal my unemployment claim?

what's the best way for me to appeal my unemployment claim? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:33 PM PST - 15 comments

my god where is the power button

Please help the dumbest person you have never met figure out how to use a wacom tablet. [more inside]
posted by shesaysgo at 4:00 PM PST - 11 comments

Health Insurance Coverage for Separated Spouse?

I have a question regarding employer's health insurance coverage of a separated spouse. I understand that the information I might (hopefully) be given would be general and not necessarily pertinent in my case but since it's close to a holiday and I cannot get more specific information until next week, I'm hoping that some general info will calm the freakout I feel just around the corner. [more inside]
posted by SweetTeaAndABiscuit at 3:55 PM PST - 9 comments

Cheapest / smartest way to upgrade new Macbook?

Help me navigate buying and upgrading a new Macbook Pro. Can I upgrade the HDD or RAM myself without voiding the warranties, or am I stuck paying the Apple tax for more HDD and RAM? [more inside]
posted by grobstein at 3:34 PM PST - 10 comments

Comfortable, cool, allergy-friendly bed setup?

Our bed has reached the end of its life. Best foam bed setup for side-sleeper comfort, cool sleeping, and allergy symptom reduction? We're considering latex. [more inside]
posted by moira at 3:14 PM PST - 7 comments

Return my things!

How can I get someone to return my stolen stuff they bought on eBay? [more inside]
posted by Kiwi at 3:05 PM PST - 9 comments

please help my create a spreadsheet from a list of links.

I want to create a spreadsheet from the hyperlinks and words in a word list on Wiktionary. Please take me through the steps. Thanks! [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam at 2:43 PM PST - 8 comments

what commercial is this?

There was a really funny commercial about a year or two ago... a husband and wife are sitting at either end of a very long dinner table in a Victorian styled dining room. They were both waspy ... straight laced,prim and proper. After a moment the husband looks up to his wife and says in a monotone voice "happy.anniversay"if any one could link me to that YouTube video you will have fulfilled my Christmas wish!
posted by FireStyle at 2:42 PM PST - 1 comment

What strategies do you employ in your relationship to rebuild closeness in your long-term relationship/marriage?

Some weeks/months, you feel closer to your partner. Other weeks/months, not as much. Time and the natural course of things usually propel the cycle back around – is there anything you can do to hasten the process? What strategies do you employ in your relationship to rebuild closeness in your long-term relationship/marriage? [more inside]
posted by booksandwine at 2:37 PM PST - 28 comments

Any one know of a one handed book stand?

So, I would like to start reading some books lying down in my bed at night. The biggest problem I have with it is holding the book properly. I usually hold it in one hand using my fingers to constantly to hold the pages from collapsing or applying pressure to sides of the book to keep it open. It is super annoying as some of you traditional book readers must have faced. I am not sure if this is a problem for e-book readers but I can imagine it to be lot more convenient. So I am looking for a small light weight book stand that is operated with ONE HAND. Please suggest any. Thanks!
posted by SoltanG at 2:30 PM PST - 13 comments

Help me keep my dad industrious and happy this Christmas

Help me find the perfect Christmas present for my "Maker" dad - ideally it would be an set of plans on how to craft something from scratch, rather than a kit of physical parts. [more inside]
posted by muddgirl at 2:08 PM PST - 7 comments

What is this rash around my mouth?

You Are Not My Doctor, but can you help me identify a rash around my mouth? (Pics inside, as well as description that you might or might not think is gross.) [more inside]
posted by Busoni at 2:06 PM PST - 15 comments

Any excellent craft ESBs from New England?

Beer Filter: I really like a good ESB, but for reasons unknown to me, they seem not to be a very popular style among micro-breweries in Northern New England (everyone's making these super-hoppy IPAs nowadays). Can you recommend some high quality craft ESBs that I should try? Bonus points for ESBs that can be found without too much difficulty in VT, NH, or MA. And yes, I'm willing to travel a bit to a destination brewery in those three states (esp. if they sell growlers).
posted by .kobayashi. at 2:00 PM PST - 9 comments

Good-bye Blackberry. Hello...what?

Using Exchange email on Windows Phone 8, Android, and iPhone [more inside]
posted by Dansaman at 1:58 PM PST - 7 comments

What is the easiest way to get around needing a Intel I7 processor?

I have to run a program (.exe) that needs to run on a processor with the SSE4.2 instruction set. I have several computers all with AMD or older Intel chips but none that have this instruction set. A new set up with a fancy I7 is really expensive, is there another option I am not aware of? [more inside]
posted by JayNolan at 1:29 PM PST - 5 comments

Elements of Fraud of Creditor

What are the elements of a "fraud of creditor" defense in Chpt 13 bankruptcy case? [more inside]
posted by Flood at 12:34 PM PST - 24 comments

How should I present my writing samples?

I need help with preparing a letter of interest seeking entry level work at a television news station. [more inside]
posted by djduckie at 12:33 PM PST - 2 comments

Why are there skimwords/skimlinks links on my blog?

Why are there skimwords/skimlinks links on my blog? I have a self-hosted Wordpress site, and I am the sole owner/administrator. As far as I can tell, I haven't installed any plugins that could be doing this. Has anyone heard about this? I want them gone. The first occurrence of "singer songwriter" on my page is a skimlink
posted by kaboomer at 12:27 PM PST - 10 comments

Can you identify this mystery dam?

Can someone identify this mystery unique western dam (on the left)? [more inside]
posted by clockworkjoe at 12:24 PM PST - 7 comments

Developer seeks big memory, many cores

Looking for advice on a computer to buy or build that will have a ridiculous amount of RAM and many processor cores. [more inside]
posted by tomwheeler at 12:19 PM PST - 15 comments

Looking for help selecting a DSLR for documenting artwork

What's a good DSLR camera and lens for photographing artwork? [more inside]
posted by eeby at 12:11 PM PST - 16 comments

Needed: Huarache Imposters

My Nike Air Huarache shoes are wearing out. They have a unique fit with (what I call) an inner sock. Help me find a new pair or something similar. [more inside]
posted by shew at 11:47 AM PST - 9 comments

If there's a furnace old in your home sweet home, who you gonna call?

It's fall and I should have my furnace serviced. It's a 1991 furnace that has kept chugging along just fine so far (touch wood) but that I hope to be replacing in 2013, so I don't want to pay for more than a basic servicing/cleaning job now. I live in Toronto. Does anyone have recommendations as to whom I should hire for the job?
posted by orange swan at 11:42 AM PST - 7 comments

Nasal snuff - how bad?

Tobacco snuff - terrible, bad, or sort of bad? [more inside]
posted by Vhanudux at 11:40 AM PST - 6 comments

What else can I do and take to help with eyebrow hair growth?

I have adult onset psoriasis. My eyebrows have been thinning because of it and small bald spots in my brow are becoming more and more visible. I have been using T-Gel to prevent it, applying castor oil at night to see if it helps my eyebrow hair grow back, and not tweezing. What else can I do and take to help with eyebrow hair growth?
posted by anonymous at 11:38 AM PST - 15 comments

Should I live without health insurance for the next year or so?

Should I live without health insurance for the next year or so? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:37 AM PST - 62 comments

Does biscuit n' cornbread stuffing really work?

Thanksgivingfilter: stuffing edition. Southern style. [more inside]
posted by kestrel251 at 11:27 AM PST - 20 comments

How to change careers in 30's and 40's?

Career change in 30's and 40's. Has anyone did it here? How did you do it? [more inside]
posted by raghuram at 11:21 AM PST - 27 comments

Moving Downtown - But where?

Help me figure out which DC neighborhoods would be the best to focus my condo/townhouse hunting on. Schools/safety/price - snowflakes available inside. [more inside]
posted by dadici at 11:17 AM PST - 14 comments

Dad fails at first world problems: I can't make Spore run.

I can't make Spore run on my Macbook Pro. My 9 year old is nonplussed. Please help...he's getting pouty.... [more inside]
posted by digitalprimate at 11:06 AM PST - 12 comments

Help me create new Christmas traditions!

I would like to start a Christmas tradition with my little niece and nephew, but I'm coming up short on ideas. Hope me? [more inside]
posted by sabotagerabbit at 11:03 AM PST - 21 comments

(I already know where to find the faded but garish glory of the 90s.)

Other than the Peppermill, the Neon Graveyard, or some of the casinos on Fremont Street, where are the best places to visit in Las Vegas to experience the faded but still garish glory of the 60s and 70s?
posted by I EAT TAPAS at 10:51 AM PST - 5 comments


Work in my office has ground to a halt over this question about the physics of fish in space. [more inside]
posted by stuck on an island at 10:46 AM PST - 32 comments

Can I cold-email a researcher?

Would it be out of line to email a researcher asking how they got into their field? [more inside]
posted by vogon_poet at 10:41 AM PST - 11 comments

What Options Exist for Keyless Entry for Front Door Deadbolts

Are there any deadbolts that feature keyless entry using a fob instead of a number pad? I've seen several locks with number pads, but they look pretty ugly. I'd like a deadbolt that is as streamlined looking as possible, but that can be opened with a proximity sensor or button on a key fob instead of a key. This is for a front door.
posted by willnot at 10:26 AM PST - 5 comments

Dying it purple is an entirely different conversation

I'm trying to decide whether or not to cut my hair (as well as how to cut it), and I think I'm boring everyone around me with my endless dithering. [more inside]
posted by PussKillian at 10:26 AM PST - 19 comments

Wild Dogs!

We need your advice about a neighbour’s rambunctious dogs! The house beside us is a rental and the new tenant has 3 big german shepherds. Today, the dogs managed to break a board in the fence that separates the two backyards and they can now poke their heads through the fence. It’s our fence and it’s built on our property, just over the property line. Help me be rational in dealing with this problem. [more inside]
posted by TorontoSandy at 10:17 AM PST - 13 comments

Is it just pretty or is it worth something?

How much is this piece of Chinese art worth? [more inside]
posted by ethidda at 10:15 AM PST - 3 comments

How do mortgage lenders look at student loans?

How do mortgage lenders take into account student loans when calculating whether and how much to lend? Special details inside... [more inside]
posted by percor at 10:05 AM PST - 6 comments

Goofy Golf ideas

Golfers,give me some ideas for "tricking up" the golf course for our annual Thanksgiving Day golf scramble. More details inside. [more inside]
posted by tomjoadsghost at 9:42 AM PST - 5 comments

What makes a great family touch football game

I'd like to organize a family touch football game on Thanksgiving. None of us have ever played touch football, as far as I know. Including me. How does it work? What makes a great family touch football game? [more inside]
posted by These Premises Are Alarmed at 9:37 AM PST - 13 comments

What is the best dessert to make with my 10 honeycrisp apples?

What is the best dessert to make out of my 10 honeycrisp apples? [more inside]
posted by onlyconnect at 9:33 AM PST - 23 comments

What kind of eye doctor to see in Ontario?

My boyfriend has some eye issues and hasn't been to the eye doctor in at least 10 years. What kind of doctor do we make an appointment with in Ontario, Canada? [more inside]
posted by heavenstobetsy at 9:29 AM PST - 11 comments

This is your Mac. This is your Mac on lockdown.

Looking for best practices for home data security for an exclusively Mac household. [more inside]
posted by Admiral Haddock at 9:22 AM PST - 4 comments

Dry shampoo recommendations

Recommend to me the best dry shampoo! [more inside]
posted by Bebo at 9:21 AM PST - 22 comments

Not quite ready for the land of artisanal snausages

Am I making a mistake in my choice of NYC neighborhood? Details within for your much-appreciated sanity check and suggestions. [more inside]
posted by Inspector.Gadget at 9:21 AM PST - 26 comments

The show of the future

Where is all the music from behind the email stinger on the Ron & Fez show from? [more inside]
posted by sandra_s at 9:11 AM PST - 1 comment

Douglas Hofstadter Jams

What piece of (to my ear, impressionist) music is Douglas Hofstadter playing on the piano midway through this video here? What is the intro piece?
posted by phrontist at 9:06 AM PST - 3 comments

Wii for a 3-year-old?

Do 3-year-olds like video games? Tell me about your experiences. [more inside]
posted by thehandsomecamel at 9:04 AM PST - 19 comments

Question about artistic skills

There are some people who are excellent draftsmen when it comes to drawing. Their sketchbooks are full of architecture style drawings or similar, with straight lines as if drawn using a ruler and little erasing. Or they're sign painters or car details who can just pick up a brush and literally draw a straight line on the car as they're walking the length of it. No visual planning or measuring or masking off areas, they just do it. Are there scientific studies about the particular set of physical and mental skills these people have and what exactly those skills are? Are their specific differences in their brain or anatomy that enable those skills?
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 8:42 AM PST - 24 comments

Why do banks love direct deposit so much?

Why do banks require direct deposit to waive monthly fees? [more inside]
posted by kristi at 8:33 AM PST - 13 comments

Are there any Sandy-related volunteer efforts happening in the NYC area on Thanksgiving?

Are there any Sandy-related volunteer efforts happening in the NYC area on Thanksgiving? I'm looking to do some volunteer work for a few hours, and it would be great to know which groups/organizations are accepting volunteers on short notice.
posted by helios410 at 8:27 AM PST - 4 comments

NYC 1980s art scene

Art buffs of Mefi, please tell me about exciting things that were happening in the New York City art scene in the early 1980s. [more inside]
posted by marginaliana at 8:22 AM PST - 14 comments

Successful life, but how to stay balanced and open to new experiences?

I have a successful and stable life now that I'm in my thirties, but I am looking to make sure that I keep on personally growing. How best to focus my non-work activities? [more inside]
posted by waylaid at 8:20 AM PST - 15 comments

Hey! Hey! Hey! It's 4 AM! Did you know you have to feed me in two hours?

Large, young, lovable cat won't leave us the hell alone when we're trying to sleep in the mornings. I feed him when I get up at 6am, so naturally he's bugging me by 5am, sometimes 4am. How do I get him to knock this off? [more inside]
posted by scaryblackdeath at 7:51 AM PST - 34 comments

Cross-platform (Android and iOS/iPad) annotation of ebooks

Do you have a workflow for cross-platform annotation (Android and iOS/iPad) of ebooks? Is there a particular note-taking app that will work with DRMed ebooks AND sync my notes across tablets? [more inside]
posted by lillygog at 7:08 AM PST - 4 comments

Can we refill my refill, please?

Doctor's office can't seem to call in refills correctly. These are time-sensitive meds (benzos and anti-depressants) that we shouldn't run out of. Asking for a new nurse didn't change anything. Help? [more inside]
posted by kpetrich at 7:02 AM PST - 24 comments

Help me get over an unnecessary circumcision

I need some perspective or tips on how to get past (both emotionally and phsyically) a circumcision that I've realized probably wasn't necessary. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:53 AM PST - 21 comments

Will family members get used to boundaries?

When you set boundaries and upset the other party-- does it ever get better? How do you tactfully set boundaries? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:52 AM PST - 18 comments

How to manage the logistics of a cellphone provider switch? Added Difficulty: Christmas Gift

We are switching from AT&T cell phone to service to Verizon, and I'd like to perform the switch smoothly while also using one of the new phones as a Christmas gift. Your advice on the proper procedure would be welcome. [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady at 5:54 AM PST - 14 comments

Need math info interviews

I am interested in becoming a mathematician! I want to do some info interviews to figure out what that actually means for my daily life and future prospects. How do I get started? [more inside]
posted by deathpanels at 5:52 AM PST - 13 comments

Can you recommend historically accurate children's books about (American) Thanksgiving?

Looking for equitable Thanksgiving curriculum materials [more inside]
posted by mermily at 5:44 AM PST - 6 comments

What are examples of the most obvious inequalities between men and women today, in the UK and internationally?

What are examples of the most obvious inequalities between men and women today, in the UK and internationally? [more inside]
posted by Cantdosleepy at 4:07 AM PST - 12 comments

Too many tweets?

So I have a friend who is constantly tweeting and texting on her phone. (For what it's worth, I'm a 33-year-old man, and she's a 30-year-old woman.) When we hang out, she makes an effort to stop playing with her phone as I've told her it annoys me. However, a few days ago, I looked at her Twitter page for the first time and saw that she has over 14,000 tweets. (And no, she is not a celebrity.) This really bothers me. I actually feel I don't want to be friends with her anymore, because I think anyone who has to tweet that often, every day, is awfully narcissistic. Am I being too harsh? This is the kind of behavior we would expect from a teenager, but she's 30. And for whatever this is worth, she also happens to have a PhD in psychology... so I feel like she should be able to see this about herself already, but doesn't.
posted by fac21 at 3:46 AM PST - 99 comments

Video equipment question

Need advice on recording presentations for web video. [more inside]
posted by pete_22 at 2:33 AM PST - 1 comment

Where can I combine nordic skiing with Russian language immersion - outside Russia?

Outside Russia, where can I combine cross country skiing with Russian language immersion? [more inside]
posted by nihotaniwha at 1:55 AM PST - 5 comments

Intro to Humanism, Winter 2012

If you think human rationality, and efforts to ‘predict and control’ are, together, shaky ground for ethics, what’s left? [more inside]
posted by nelljie at 12:50 AM PST - 15 comments

Recommendations for a ultra low power / 12v? PC to run Smoothwall

I'm looking for recommendations for a ultra low power / 12v? PC to run Smoothwall [more inside]
posted by toocan at 12:31 AM PST - 8 comments

November 19

Scheduling the Easier Way?

Does-this-exist-filter: easy-to-use employee scheduler for Mac (OS 10.7.4), does not have high ongoing cost? [more inside]
posted by charmedimsure at 10:57 PM PST - 4 comments

Thanksgiving weekend trip to Colorado

First timers to Colorado, I am excited. Flying in to Denver on Wednesday morning, staying until Sunday morning, renting a car. Thats 4 whole days. Please suggest places at this time of the year. Looking for scenic drive, outdoor tour etc Is driving from Denver to Aspen, to Boulder feasible? How about a road trip to Grand Canyon? Don't want to be out in Cold so much due to old age at the same time would like see the scenic places accessible and safe this time of the year. Appreciate your help.
posted by daveg02 at 10:45 PM PST - 19 comments

Need the easiest cloud backup for Windows computers possible...

Is there a good option for cloud auto-backup of a hard drive? [more inside]
posted by treehorn+bunny at 10:40 PM PST - 13 comments

The Princess Who Saved Herself

I love Jonathan Coulton's "The Princess Who Saved Herself" -- and I want more media that has the same feeling. Songs, movies, shows, etc. *snowflakes after the jump* [more inside]
posted by carolinaherrera at 10:17 PM PST - 5 comments

Can anyone help me ID the movie this dimly-remembered scene came from?

A young man must prove himself worthy to marry his royal sweetheart. The king (?) sets him an impossible task, and gets out a map of the territory the young man must cover. At the end of the meeting with the king, the young man takes the map from him and folds it properly. The king is so impressed he offers his daughter's hand in marriage on the spot. Or something like that. A comic turn. I have been unable to remember or Google anything which helps me identify which movie this scene came from.
posted by dorgla at 9:17 PM PST - 4 comments

What can I do to stop my company from forcing us to use vacation time to visit the doctor?

My organization is forcing us to use vacation time instead of sick leave to visit the doctor. YANML, but is this actually legal? What can we do to get them to change this policy? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:41 PM PST - 21 comments

Hanukkah gifts for son's interest in sound engineering--I think?

What exactly is my teen son interested in, and how can I encourage it by buying him an appropriate present? [more inside]
posted by primate moon at 8:15 PM PST - 28 comments

Teeth Need to Come Out, Not Come In Feet First

I've waited too long, I need my wisdom teeth out now. They have just started hurting. Complication, no dental insurance or really any money. Help? [more inside]
posted by Garm at 8:10 PM PST - 10 comments

help with artistic inspiration?

help with artistic inspiration? [more inside]
posted by mkuhnell at 8:09 PM PST - 8 comments

The Great Google Break Up: RSS Edition.

What is a good RSS alternative to Google Reader? [more inside]
posted by itsacover at 8:08 PM PST - 7 comments

All those women are also x

Are there things we can say about women who do not do well with hormonal birth control as a group? [more inside]
posted by atomicstone at 7:41 PM PST - 9 comments

How to deal with a negative boyfriend?

I don't know what to do about my boyfriend anymore. [more inside]
posted by Autumn89 at 7:16 PM PST - 26 comments

What are some potential causes of high systolic blood pressure?

I would like to figure out why my systolic blood pressure is high, but my diastolic is usually normal. What avenues are there for me to begin looking into? [more inside]
posted by Earl the Polliwog at 7:10 PM PST - 4 comments

Typical life in the 1840s?

Looking for recommendations of books that illustrate typical American life in the 1840s-- not Wild West-type stuff. Ideally New England-area. Fiction or non-fiction, either way. Thanks!
posted by shakespeherian at 6:50 PM PST - 13 comments

It's both me and the job, help me fix both.

Nearly everything I liked about my current job has evaporated, and I am left with stress and anxiety. In addition, I've always been indecisive about what my career should be. At this point should I try to build a career at my current company or leave and try something else? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:35 PM PST - 11 comments

Fool me twice, shame on me.

I know I deserve better in my relationships with men. I know that I am worth so much more than what I get. How do I start to stop letting myself make stupid choices? [more inside]
posted by houndsoflove at 6:26 PM PST - 31 comments

What's a good gift to buy for someone with depression and social anxiety?

What's a good gift to buy for someone with depression and social anxiety? For example, a pet (if I knew they wanted one). Bad example would be a video game. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:04 PM PST - 21 comments

Show me the money

Recommend us some o’ that personal finance software. [more inside]
posted by LonnieK at 5:58 PM PST - 17 comments

Installing Christmas lights on a outdoor 30ft tree - Does anyone know where I can find tips or best practices?

Hi Mefi. Im faced with the task of installing Christmas lights on a outdoor 30ft tree. Does anyone know where I can find tips or best practices? Looking for simple guides, pictures, videos, etc. I'm doing this alone and would appreciate the help!
posted by Highest_Of_Fives at 5:51 PM PST - 3 comments

Can't find Dr. Doolittle, and the cat won't talk.

Cat illness - what to do? [more inside]
posted by VikingSword at 5:47 PM PST - 11 comments

Where to take my staff for a great holiday lunch?

Need recommendations for a great place to take my staff of seven for a holiday lunch in Chicago Loop/Boul Mich area. [more inside]
posted by Short Attention Sp at 5:30 PM PST - 3 comments

Can anyone recommend a flameless pillar candle that flickers realistically, has a timer function, and doesn't glow orange?

I just bought some flameless candles from Pottery Barn that look great when turned off, but disappointingly, the light they emit is very orange instead of a more realistic yellowish glow. After reading what feels like hundreds of reviews on Amazon in search of the perfect flameless pillar, it seems like the orange issue is common to many brands. I'm looking for something relatively small, preferably around 2 x 4 inches in a white or ivory color that I can set to turn on automatically at the same time every evening for 5 or so hours. Anyone have one that they love?
posted by lmpatte2 at 5:24 PM PST - 4 comments

How can I be a great children's librarian?

I recently changed jobs from a teen librarian to a children's librarian. I have solid public service skills, but I feel like I'm behind the curve in terms of preparedness. Help me be the best children's librarian ever! [more inside]
posted by itsamermaid at 5:03 PM PST - 7 comments

Making plans with friends

How do grownups make plans? [more inside]
posted by mendel at 4:58 PM PST - 21 comments

I have a crush on another woman. What do I do?

I (female) am developing a crush on one of the pottery instructors at the drop-in I've started going to. We're both in our mid-late twenties (she's slightly younger), and have chatted a little with one another, but not much about personal stuff. I would like to get to know her better, but I have no experience dating women, and no idea how to find out whether she's gay/bi and possibly interested - or whether this might be ill-advised given that she's there in a professional capacity. I'm super shy, and scared of making her uncomfortable by being more friendly (we're in Canada, and I'm European, so not totally in sync with local customs either). Help?
posted by anonymous at 3:44 PM PST - 8 comments

Support for the non-academic spouse?

How do you manage life with an academic significant other, especially when you have your own career and kids? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 3:43 PM PST - 12 comments

Help me search for specific typographic examples.

I am looking for examples of typography that reflects or contrasts the meaning of the word(s) it is being applied to. For example, the word 'power' being set in authoritative/powerful typeface. Is there a name for this use of typography?
posted by nanook at 2:15 PM PST - 9 comments

How can I feel less cold in the office?

I'm always cold. In my office and public places and other people's houses, how can I best be comfortable? [more inside]
posted by sarahnicolesays at 2:05 PM PST - 44 comments

Help me learn to get over the past and learn to like how I look.

I hate being photographed and avoid mirrors because of emotional abuse in the past. How can I overcome this, and how can I make sure I don't give my kids messed up ideas? [more inside]
posted by 5_buck_sock_pup at 1:31 PM PST - 20 comments

Indeed what is normality

Face-elasticity-filter: Should my skin be this stretchy? (also file under weird-things-you-talk-about-when-married filter) [more inside]
posted by Albondiga at 1:16 PM PST - 12 comments

Battery-operated pre-loadable digital frame

I'm looking for a battery-operated pre-loadable digital picture frame as a Xmas present for my elderly grandmother - can you help me find something that fits my requirements? [more inside]
posted by widdershins at 1:08 PM PST - 5 comments

What's a reasonable antonym for "permalink"?

I can't find a standard term used on websites to mean "impermanent link", but I need one. [more inside]
posted by Creosote at 1:08 PM PST - 22 comments

Group dessert in NYC

MidtownWestFilter: where might a group of 20-40 people find a warm place to eat dessert together on a busy wintery Saturday afternoon? [more inside]
posted by R a c h e l at 1:02 PM PST - 8 comments

Where Can I Find Free and Legal Downloadable Videos for Android?

Mrs. COD gifted me yesterday with a shiny new Nexus 7 for my birthday. Where can I find free or cheap video programming to entertain myself on 1 my one hour each way daily commute? [more inside]
posted by COD at 12:58 PM PST - 8 comments

General advice for someone going through a divorce?

General advice for someone going through a divorce? [more inside]
posted by sugarbomb at 12:51 PM PST - 19 comments

What do our fears for the future look like?

FindThatCartoonFilter: Can you help me find an image illustrating how we used to imagine the future vs. how we now imagine the future? [more inside]
posted by Edna Million at 12:51 PM PST - 5 comments

Do monthly parkers tip valets?

Do you tip a valet when you have a monthly parking space? In Chicago, if that matters. [more inside]
posted by slmorri at 12:44 PM PST - 5 comments

Skinny Jeans!

Mens fashion filter: Where can I find RED jeans, that are "super skinny"? [more inside]
posted by NotSoSiniSter at 12:37 PM PST - 15 comments

Unusual objects and their measurements

Please list your best, favorite, most interesting object that could be used as a unit of measure for one of the following: area, volume, or temperature. For your answer to be useful I require the object and its measure. The ideal object is unusual but relatable at the human scale. [more inside]
posted by safetyfork at 12:33 PM PST - 39 comments

Should I contact an acquaintance who recently de-friended me on fb for no apparent reason to ask why?

Should I contact an acquaintance who recently de-friended me on fb for no apparent reason to ask why? [more inside]
posted by Rinoia at 12:27 PM PST - 23 comments

Italian shoe pop quiz.

Please help me identify these fantastic boots. Allegedly, Pikolinos. [more inside]
posted by letahl at 12:02 PM PST - 5 comments

Acoustic duo.. help

Looking for the best songs to play with two acoustic guitars, any genre. [more inside]
posted by pwally at 11:55 AM PST - 8 comments

How can I measure the noise entering my house?

I need something to measure noise. [more inside]
posted by Gringos Without Borders at 11:44 AM PST - 12 comments

Looking for recommendations for small business accounting software - your thoughts?

Looking for recommendations for small business accounting software - your thoughts? [more inside]
posted by torietorie at 11:31 AM PST - 5 comments

Studded vs. Studless Snow Tires

Studded or studless winter tires for our AWD Volvo S70? We're moving for the winter to an house that sits at about 7500' outside of Bozeman, MT. There's *always* snow on the driveway, which is reasonably steep. And usually (not frequently, but USUALLY) some snow on the paved road into town, which is about 20 miles long. [more inside]
posted by thomsplace at 11:13 AM PST - 12 comments

Thanks for not asking about my biggest weakness...

Group-phone-interview thank-you protocol: I had a 15-minute phone interview for a job I'm still very interested in. Five people interviewed me; each asked 1-2 questions. I have everyone's e-mail address. Can I just send one e-mail that says "Dear A, B, C, D, and E," to everyone, thanking them for their time and reiterating why I'd be a good candidate, and be done with it? Or do I have to send five individual e-mails? Most of the questions were so generic ("Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years?" OH GOD) that I don't have much to add to what I already said and I don't remember who asked what.
posted by jabes at 10:50 AM PST - 13 comments

How to unlock all of the songs in a DDR Supernova 2 arcade machine?

How to unlock all of the songs in a DDR Supernova 2 arcade machine? [more inside]
posted by wooh at 10:21 AM PST - 1 comment

Hipster gnome , maybe?

Is there a proper name for this particular configuration of facial hair? [more inside]
posted by ricochet biscuit at 9:50 AM PST - 21 comments

Wireless headphones without the headphones

Is there such a thing as a wireless headphone amp (wireless headphones without the headphone)? [more inside]
posted by primethyme at 9:47 AM PST - 2 comments

How do you stop an internet addiction from diminishing your priorities?

Need help breaking an internet addiction before school begins. [more inside]
posted by raintree at 9:45 AM PST - 10 comments

wedding in central park

help me help my friend plan a simple wedding in central park with a reception in a nearby restaurant [more inside]
posted by saraindc at 9:35 AM PST - 11 comments

Restaurant Recommendations in Concord, NH?

Can anyone recommend a restaurant in Concord, NH with decent food that will accommodate leisurely conversation among old friends? I'm meeting Bobby for lunch there on Wednesday, but neither of us know the town. Thanks in advance for the suggestions!
posted by partner at 9:33 AM PST - 5 comments

Need a new brain-mechanic.

CBT doesn't seem to be working for me. What other options do I have? [more inside]
posted by furnace.heart at 9:21 AM PST - 8 comments

Please help start our car

My partner lost his car clicker for his 2001 Nissan Altima. The alarm engages when he tries to start the car. He can't disengage the alarm without the clicker. The dealership wants $300 for a new clicker, and we can't afford that. Does anyone know how to disengage the alarm so he can start the car? [more inside]
posted by jefficator at 9:14 AM PST - 15 comments

Any way to get a deposit back if we didn't read the fine print?

We kant reed. Husband and I were interested in an apartment and signed an application. We also paid a deposit, but did NOT sign a lease. Five days later, we changed our minds about the apartment due to costs. Apt. co. is saying they get to keep our $400 deposit because it stated so in eeny weeny font on the application. Is there anything we can do or is this a very expensive reading lesson? [more inside]
posted by ShadePlant at 9:09 AM PST - 21 comments

Songs to kick ass to

UFCFilter: What was the song the crowd was singing during the Georges St-Pierre/Carlos Condit fight at UFC154 Saturday night? [more inside]
posted by radioaction at 9:02 AM PST - 2 comments

Help me get a better peeler for citrus!

I need a peeler that turns out long beautiful strips of pithless citrus skin! Mine right not gives me short 3 inch pieces entirely covered with pith. Not ideal [more inside]
posted by Carillon at 8:56 AM PST - 18 comments

share a usb internet adapter? how do you do this magic?

using a usb internet thumbdrive with multiple devices, how? [more inside]
posted by alchemist at 8:50 AM PST - 4 comments

Needle out of haystack

Can you suggest a low-key but memorable place to eat in Manhattan? Preferably close to a park and a movie theater. For Wednesday. Thanks for your help. [more inside]
posted by bleep at 8:48 AM PST - 16 comments

Remembering care in the city it forgot.

Safely exploring New Orleans on foot. [more inside]
posted by eugenen at 8:39 AM PST - 10 comments

Overthinking a plate of turkey

We decided to do turkey parts this year, instead of a whole bird, and could only find a boneless skinless turkey breast for the white meat portion of our Thanksgiving meal. How do we cook it? [more inside]
posted by brina at 8:26 AM PST - 5 comments

Aggravating lymph nodes givin' me grief

Stiff neck, painful armpits, looking for some advice on what's happening with my lymph node system. [more inside]
posted by Dynex at 8:21 AM PST - 7 comments

Winter Scotland trip questions

I'll be travelling to Scotland soon and I would love some suggestions from Metafilter, especially for tour groups in Scotland and my layover in Shannon, Ireland, but any recommendations are welcome! [more inside]
posted by Salamandrous at 8:06 AM PST - 11 comments

Undercounter beverage center?

Any recommendations for an under-counter beverage fridge? [more inside]
posted by foggy out there now at 7:59 AM PST - 7 comments

Help me gain weight.

Is it possible to healthily gain and keep on 20-30 lbs without (regimented) exercise and while being on a low-carbohydrate diet? [more inside]
posted by griphus at 7:57 AM PST - 35 comments

Living in France, studying in Canada.

Living in one foreign country while doing a distance learning program based out of another. Possible? Advisable? [more inside]
posted by Tamanna at 7:47 AM PST - 1 comment

Panforte per favore!

Buying panforte online or in Chicago? [more inside]
posted by BibiRose at 7:19 AM PST - 6 comments

Help me relive my pinball addiction

I decided to take my old G3 iMac down from the attic and play some old games. The old computer still works great, and yet there was a problem... [more inside]
posted by Silky Slim at 6:56 AM PST - 5 comments

Searching for a Flip Top Lid for a Ball Jar

I am searching for a flip top that I could put on a standard quart-sized Ball jar for times when I need to get into the jar with only one hand free. I am almost certain that I have seen these somewhere on the web, but my searching skills have failed me. [more inside]
posted by allison00 at 6:51 AM PST - 9 comments

Boyfriend and I coming to crossroads: conflict and pursue/withdraw

How to deal with incompatible conflict styles? My boyfriend avoids and I try to confront/face things. He hates to talk about it. I hate to leave it unaddressed. It's straining the relationship. [more inside]
posted by hungry hippo at 6:44 AM PST - 44 comments

Options to purchase many of the mini size of the iPad

I want to give out the mini size of the iPad (the 16Gb Wifi) as a Christmas bonus to our employees, the most that the Corporate Gifts & Rewards division of Apple will sell to us is 10, so that is 10 accounted for. How likely is it that we will be able to cobble together the remaining 40 through multiple other orders. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:24 AM PST - 8 comments

What to expect after you're no longer expecting

I had an abortion two months ago, and I'm feeling isolated and struggling with the idea that life is carrying on as though nothing has happened. How did you start feeling normal again? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:24 AM PST - 21 comments

How does babby eat?

Baby feeding edition: my almost 1-year old is not eating solids, should I be concerned? [more inside]
posted by mooselini at 6:21 AM PST - 10 comments

Picnic food for cold weather

I would like suggestions of food to take on a cold, early morning picnic. Help us keep warm. [more inside]
posted by drunkonthemoon at 6:18 AM PST - 10 comments

My dog bowled over an elderly woman in a dog park. Am I liable for any injuries she may have?

Are my dog and I in trouble ? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:06 AM PST - 18 comments

Help me find a YA horror story

When I was 9 or 10 I read a book that truly scared me. I don't remember much about it now, but I'd love to find it. Please help me! [more inside]
posted by GilvearSt at 5:01 AM PST - 4 comments

Converting lots of little excel into word?

ExcelFilter: I have a whole bunch of excel files. More than 100 of them. Each file has about one page of print area, but some in portrait and others in landscape. They are mostly text in cells; not a lot of formulas being used. I would like to (1) merge all these files into one Word document; (2) have a page break so that each file (more or less) is one page; and (3) do it with a minimum of cutting and pasting. Opening everything as a PDF and viewing in Preview is also an option, but less optimal since I'll certainly need to adjust some formatting and page breaks. Maybe on publisher? Is anything like this possible? Or do I need to do it page-by-page? What would you do? I'm on a Mac 10.8.2.
posted by RandlePatrickMcMurphy at 4:51 AM PST - 9 comments

Gravy without giblets?

How do I make turkey gravy for Thanksgiving without giblets? My dad purchased two turkey breasts instead of a whole Turkey. I've been tasked with making the gravy, but my standby recipe calls for giblets (I saute them, cook them with store-bought chicken stock, strain the stock, make a roux and then add the stock to the roux). How do I make gravy with no giblets? How can I give the gravy a rich Turkey taste?
posted by Area Man at 3:17 AM PST - 21 comments

I promise I'm not a snob!

How do I become more aware of my surroundings and less of a space cadet? [more inside]
posted by bearette at 2:50 AM PST - 10 comments

Which computer is faster/better and is it worth the price to upgrade?

Which computer is faster/better and is it worth the price to upgrade? [more inside]
posted by Wanderer7 at 1:53 AM PST - 10 comments

I have a bunch of taters. I need to eat these taters. How should I eat these taters?

I have a bunch of taters. I need to eat these taters. How should I eat these taters? [more inside]
posted by Evilspork at 12:39 AM PST - 16 comments

November 18

Long-range scanners show no life signs on board, Captain.

I recently encountered a health doodad, and I would like to know what approximate percentage of it was bulls#%$. [more inside]
posted by Scattercat at 11:48 PM PST - 7 comments

We don't go to Dubai-holm

In most Western media, what little I've read of Dubai has largely been negative, terming it a 'folly', a mistake, a blunder, and other synonyms. (apologies for no links) Can someone explain someone who knows nothing about the place, what the matter is with that city? What's wrong about it, and why doesn't the West like it, as opposed to other Asian developed Asian cities like Kuala Lumpur or Singapore? [more inside]
posted by Senza Volto at 10:43 PM PST - 27 comments

Easy but great Thanksgiving sweet potato dish...

Help me find something approximated this basic but awesome sweet potato recipe. [more inside]
posted by lewedswiver at 10:29 PM PST - 4 comments

crazy birthday adventure in los angeles

My fun-loving, adventure-seeking sister is turning 35 this weekend! It so happens she'll be visiting me in Los Angeles for Thanksgiving at the time. Help me think of something memorable and uniquely weird to do over the weekend to make it a great birthday! [more inside]
posted by captainawesome at 10:00 PM PST - 7 comments

Best music videos made on a low/non-existent budget?

Best music videos made on a low/non-existent budget? [more inside]
posted by heylight at 9:46 PM PST - 32 comments

Origin/Name of 1940s dance maneuver, limp leg wave?

WaybackDanceFilter: In a Fats Waller video here (linked to specific time), a dancing man clasps his hands together and moves his leg almost as if it were lame.. [more inside]
posted by Quarter Pincher at 9:26 PM PST - 7 comments

How to get my door to automatically shut quietly when I close it.

My door shuts somewhat loudly when I close it and it annoys my roommate. Solutions? (Other than remembering to shut it slowly, which hasn't worked). Ideally I could get some door-stopping device from Amazon, but I'm open to other suggestions. [more inside]
posted by jtothes at 9:01 PM PST - 18 comments

How do I learn to become a bespoke tailor and/or find an apprenticeship in the United States?

Where should I look for information on becoming a bespoke tailor (through books/self-education, training, and/or apprenticeship) in the United States? [more inside]
posted by faeuboulanger at 8:49 PM PST - 9 comments

Do trainspotters know when there's going to be a train?

Can I know in advance when a train will pass by a location? How do trainspotters do it? I'm in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. [more inside]
posted by RobotHero at 8:27 PM PST - 5 comments

pander to me

We need a new TV / home entertainment setup. Hoping for specific product recommendations. [more inside]
posted by shothotbot at 8:15 PM PST - 3 comments

Booster Seat Advice Needed

It's time to switch my kids from regular car seats to booster seats and I can't figure out which to buy or what features I should be looking for. If you've gone through this, can you please share your experiences to help me make a decision? [more inside]
posted by zarq at 8:15 PM PST - 8 comments

What to do without a car in Durham, NC in December?

What should I do during a 4-day trip to Durham? (Bonus: no car.) [more inside]
posted by melodykramer at 8:10 PM PST - 6 comments

Is videorecording a traffic stop legal?

I was pulled over for a speeding ticket in a construction zone in Indiana today... [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:46 PM PST - 14 comments

Guide me?

Is it possible to break into the Engineering/Physics field with a B.S. in something completely different? [more inside]
posted by Peregrin5 at 6:36 PM PST - 12 comments

Car rental options at PDX?

How soon should I book a small car in advance for a 7-day trip to Oregon beginning Dec 1 in Portland?
posted by parmanparman at 6:13 PM PST - 10 comments

The meltdown of the meltdown

Who coined the phrase "Twitter is in Meltdown" ? [more inside]
posted by sgt.serenity at 6:05 PM PST - 6 comments

But surely Canada is already mapped?

The greatest paper map of Canada you'll ever see? [more inside]
posted by the dief at 5:28 PM PST - 3 comments

By the time my cat gets to the vet, I may have to be sedated, too.

How can I keep my kitty from bouncing off the walls while he’s fasting? My 12-year-old cat Marty must fast Monday after 8 p.m. in preparation for teeth cleaning (and the requisite anesthesia) Tuesday at 8 a.m. (Sorry to fall down on the picture mandate – he’s all black, so taking a recognizable photo of him is … not easy!) [more inside]
posted by virago at 5:27 PM PST - 13 comments

Jamie Oliver, and his "Roasted" Vegetable Vindaloo- is he having a laugh??

What went wrong with my roasted vegetable vindaloo or is Jamie Oliver just having a laugh? [more inside]
posted by bquarters at 5:26 PM PST - 12 comments

DIY sling stand/frame plans and component supplies

I'm looking to put together a portable sling stand without paying upwards of $300 for one. Any suggestions on plans or materials? [more inside]
posted by hippybear at 5:05 PM PST - 1 comment


Where can I buy colored/patterned men's socks for cheap? (extra points for somewhere on Amazon.) [more inside]
posted by threeants at 4:50 PM PST - 7 comments

What goods+services will make my travel easier?

In the next few months I anticipate much U.S. domestic air travel for job interviews. What sorts of goods and services can I acquire (or put on my holiday wish list) that will make the traveling part of this process easier? [more inside]
posted by grouse at 4:41 PM PST - 28 comments

How do I become a business analyst, after years running a small business.

How do I become a business analyst, after years running a small business. [more inside]
posted by molloy at 4:28 PM PST - 4 comments

Vegetarian gravy mix?

For years, McCormick Hunter Sauce was my preferred gravy mix packet for holiday meals. It has been discontinued. Can you recommend a good vegetarian brown gravy mix? [more inside]
posted by Morrigan at 4:12 PM PST - 5 comments

Baby tips for car-free biking couple in Washington DC?

We're Brits in Washington DC about to have our first baby! We have bicycles but don't own a car (use Zipcar / taxis). All the standard baby-prep advice seems to assume owning a car... so do you guys have any tips for car-free baby living? In particular: car seats (for occasional use / quick installation), diaper services and bike trailers? Details inside! [more inside]
posted by tkbarbarian at 4:00 PM PST - 17 comments

What are these tools/parts?

What are these tools/parts? Something to do with my Kenmore washer/dryer. [more inside]
posted by gummo at 4:00 PM PST - 2 comments

Help me pick a netbook

Which netbook/tablet should I get? [more inside]
posted by quietshout at 3:37 PM PST - 19 comments

Great examples of ship logs, logbooks, captain's logs

I’m looking for examples from literature, film, or television that make heavy use of the ship’s log or captain’s log format as a key narrative device. And, actually, the ship need not be a ship and the captain need not be a captain – what I’m really looking for are official records of assignments or missions told methodically by someone in charge. Looking for fiction and non-fiction. [more inside]
posted by beanie at 3:27 PM PST - 34 comments

Can I shut my upstairs heating vents?

Why are there forced air heating vents in the second floor of my small rowhouse? Won't the hot air just head upstairs and even it all out? [more inside]
posted by kinsey at 2:52 PM PST - 8 comments

Can I get a Wii U?

What's the best way to get a Wii U? I didn't stand in line on launch night and now I want to buy one at a normal price, sooner rather than later. [more inside]
posted by Straw Cab at 2:48 PM PST - 6 comments

Ableist words

Words like "crazy", "mad", "nutty", "idiot", "stupid", "dumb" and "weak" are often regarded as ableist slurs in Internet social justice circles. Is this view widespread or gaining currency in the offline world? [more inside]
posted by dontjumplarry at 1:39 PM PST - 42 comments

Mice Control

The mouse poison we've successfully used for years has run out and is now hard to get as consumers. Is there another brand we can replace it with? Any tips for better sealing our home? [more inside]
posted by mccarty.tim at 1:32 PM PST - 16 comments

Adulterated rice?

I have a bag of "black rice" and after six weeks or so the black color has flaked off the outside of the rice grains. I now have a bag of white rice with a layer of black flakes at the bottom of the bag. Is this normal? Like, maybe the black color is part of some outer layer that mills itself off as the grains jostle around in the bag? Or was my rice coated in something to produce a fake black color?
posted by d. z. wang at 1:09 PM PST - 7 comments

Political Dynasties Forbidden by Law?

Political Dynasties Forbidden! Has there ever been a country (culture/society/whatever) that has forbidden the children of those in high office from serving in high office themselves? [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee at 12:55 PM PST - 14 comments

Online ISO9000 compliant Document Management

What does the hivemind recommend for online/could based Document Management Systems that are ISO9000 compliant? [more inside]
posted by Long Way To Go at 12:50 PM PST - 1 comment

Because finding a job is a job.

How can I hit the ground running looking for a job? [more inside]
posted by signondiego at 12:47 PM PST - 6 comments

Journals of traveling landscape painters or photographers?

Journals of traveling landscape painters or photographers? [more inside]
posted by Cwell at 12:45 PM PST - 5 comments

Gmail security settings???

I was checking the security setting on my gmail account this AM and was alarmed to see that had somehow been granted " granted the following services access to your Google Account". Especially concerning since i had never seen that site, or even heard of it. What gives?
posted by dougiedd at 12:11 PM PST - 5 comments

Fictional spying through someone's phone

Fiction-research-filter: Spying on someone through their phone. [more inside]
posted by StephenF at 12:10 PM PST - 7 comments

Looking for a good bag to carry a big and heavy Nikon

Please recommend me a good camera bag in which to carry my Nikon D700 with my Nikkor 24-70 f2.8 attached, preferably including the lens hood. [more inside]
posted by docgonzo at 11:58 AM PST - 4 comments

Affordable, durable bike for a 10 year old?

Suggestions for a reasonably priced and durable bike for a ten year old? Thanks in advance, hivemind. [more inside]
posted by ryanshepard at 11:33 AM PST - 9 comments

chicken fried chicken southern style

Please give me your best chicken fried chicken recipes! [more inside]
posted by dysh at 11:23 AM PST - 12 comments

Weird sleep pattern

Sleep problems filter! what are some possible causes of my very weird sleeping schedule? I have been, for most of my life, functioning the best on a 2-hour nap in the evening, and then maybe 3-4 hours between 3 and 7am. I am not intentionally doing biphasic sleep-- I just get these strong urges to sleep (or to be awake) at certain times of the day. For the past 2-3 weeks, I am just all over the place in terms of sleep. Mainly, I am incredibly tired and achy the whole day, but I can't fall asleep when I try. As soon as the sun goes down I feel alive again. I feel like I am sleep deprived all the time, but there's also no telling of when I can actually fall asleep. [more inside]
posted by atetrachordofthree at 11:14 AM PST - 5 comments

Throw 'em in the pool

Looking for a decent motel around San Francisco/Santa Cruz with a heated pool and lots of teens/preteens hanging out (I have 12 and 15 year old daughters). Also good: inexpensive, no bed bugs, wifi. But the pool and other kids are really all they care about.
posted by msalt at 10:44 AM PST - 8 comments

Just got fired. Interested in suggestions for a career outside of finance.

Just got fired. Interested in suggestions for a career outside of finance. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:42 AM PST - 19 comments

Name Whatshisname the Viking!

Need a name for an unmemorable Viking! [more inside]
posted by Pastor of Muppets at 10:38 AM PST - 11 comments

How do I install the "Contacts" app on an Android tablet that did not include it?

Is there a way to add the "standard" contacts app to an Android tablet that did not come with it installed? [more inside]
posted by Brooklyn_Jake at 10:36 AM PST - 5 comments

Am I thinking too much of the contact I'm keeping with past hookups?

All my past hook-ups (ex-bf included) are proactive in keeping in touch with me long-distance, and it makes me feel so giddy inside! BUT...should I think anymore of it, or is just it a thing people do? [more inside]
posted by 01080591 at 9:58 AM PST - 6 comments

IRC script to alert based on text in chat

IRC script that will play an audible alert when specific text is mentioned in chatroom [more inside]
posted by passtehbrainz at 9:43 AM PST - 6 comments

How do I help my wife who is bed ridden with stomach flu?

My wife has stomach flu. What can I do for her? [more inside]
posted by alshain at 8:56 AM PST - 33 comments

High Anxiety

Has anyone gone through a period of time where they can't get up in the morning from anxiety. It's not that I am tired, I just feel so much anxiety and this overwhelming feeling that whatever I do will not be enough that it is almost paralyzing me. I have been taking some Xanax but it doesn't really help. The worst thing is that I have these feelings of dread and hopelessness about the future most of the time and i don't know how to get around this. Has anyone gone through a period of time like this where they are barely functioning? I can't stand this anymore even though it's only been about a week.
posted by nidora at 8:54 AM PST - 14 comments

What dish from Hong Kong can we make to surprise my sister-in-law on Thanksgiving?

What dish from Hong Kong can we make to surprise my sister-in-law on Thanksgiving? [more inside]
posted by double block and bleed at 8:22 AM PST - 13 comments

Online networking etiquette

Acceptable to send requests to strangers on Linkedin for networking? [more inside]
posted by synapse2512 at 8:10 AM PST - 19 comments

My Macbook with Leopard wants to play in the snow! Rawr!

Upgrading a mid-2008 aluminum macbook from leopard to snow leopard (and eventually on to Lion). The superdrive is broken, and I am trying to boot the OS from a usb drive but having problems. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by Thanquol180 at 7:44 AM PST - 4 comments

Teach a man to fish for Internet radio

Where is a good starting place for finding streaming music? [more inside]
posted by crapmatic at 7:32 AM PST - 12 comments

Looking for an "indy" light beer

Looking for a decent, widely available "independent" light beer [more inside]
posted by lieberschnitzel at 6:06 AM PST - 20 comments

Draw my mind

I have 3/4 of a graphic novel script in my computer. Where can I learn to draw so I can bring it onto the page? [more inside]
posted by tavegyl at 5:54 AM PST - 12 comments

Drive or metro to DCA?

Drivers of NoVA: Starting from the intersection of 123/Ox Rd. and 286/Fairfax County Parkway, picking a friend up from DCA/National Airport, flight arriving at 7am this Wednesday. Should I drive the whole way, stop at Franconia-Springfield and take the metro, or some other plan C? What will traffic, parking at F-S, and metro crowding be like and how early should I leave? What effect will the holiday have?
posted by anaelith at 5:13 AM PST - 11 comments

How do you stop a self-sabotage spiral?

My life is spiraling out of control due to constant self-sabotage. How do I start battling this problem? [more inside]
posted by tammi209 at 3:36 AM PST - 26 comments

a song I once loved

Trying to recall an indie song from the 90s with the line "portrait of the artist with his face punched in"... have googled extensively but getting nothing. no idea who sang it. it is HAUNTING ME! anyone know the song??
posted by beccyjoe at 2:54 AM PST - 2 comments

Help me make a pie I can eat!

Allergy-free pumpkin pie recipe? Crust optional. [more inside]
posted by gilsonal at 1:47 AM PST - 16 comments

How can I fit my nocturnal self into a diurnal world?

I'm almost nocturnal but feel almost guilty about it, and don't see it working out in the long run with a family even though it is the perfect set-up for me right now while I'm on my own still. Definitely want a family, though... Any advice or similar situations solved or coped with? [more inside]
posted by dubadubowbow at 1:07 AM PST - 27 comments

November 17

Everyone else put 'Not Constantinople' here

Where to stay in Istanbul? [more inside]
posted by overhauser at 11:59 PM PST - 16 comments

Takeoff-specific flying phobia

Takeoff-specific flying phobia [more inside]
posted by davisnot at 11:26 PM PST - 17 comments

What to do with family heirlooms when there won't be grandchildren

How do I feel better about the heirloom toys my mom designed when I don't want them at my house and when I won't be giving Mom grand kids on whom to bestow said heirlooms later down the line? [more inside]
posted by These Birds of a Feather at 9:59 PM PST - 20 comments

Nonprofit umbrella for Omaha organization

Help me find a nonprofit umbrella. [more inside]
posted by Bunny Ultramod at 9:26 PM PST - 3 comments

Why isn't my candied orange peel turning translucent consistently, dammit?

Whenever I make candied orange (or other citrus) peel, it always takes longer than recipe-writers seem to expect for the peel to become translucent, and some never becomes translucent at all. (a) What gives? (b) Is the not-translucent peel cool to store and eat? [more inside]
posted by kenko at 8:41 PM PST - 13 comments

SJC to San Francisco travel options...

So, I'm due to travel to San Francisco tomorrow from Toronto, via San Jose. I was planning to get to my hotel in San Fran using Caltrain, but lucky me, my flight's been changed to one later in the evening and I don't think there's any conceivable way I'll be able to catch the last train from Santa Clara. Any tips on how I might be able to get from SJC to SoMa in San Francisco without spending an arm and a leg? [more inside]
posted by greatgefilte at 8:18 PM PST - 5 comments

Looking for newer iPad apps for Dementia

My father is 91, speaks English and an avid TV-viewer. He had never been into word games or games like Sudoku or board games. He used to play golf till his early eighties. .From the mini- metal state test he has moderate dementia and we are hoping that together with the Aricept that he is on, some 'engaging' apps ( as someone put it ) might stave off deterioration of his cognitive functions. [more inside]
posted by kryptos at 7:20 PM PST - 7 comments

A zombie's gotta keep warm donchaknow

What do you use for an outer layer when it's cold (0-30 F) but not raining? [more inside]
posted by zombieApoc at 6:49 PM PST - 25 comments

Vacations that are far from smoking

We want to take a vacation next January or February. The destination should be cool or cold, and most importantly, should be as smoke-free as possible. What are your ideas on where we should go? [more inside]
posted by bloggerwench at 6:36 PM PST - 12 comments

don't rock the boat baby

A friend of mine, rocks and sways. All. The. Time. what's up with that? [more inside]
posted by ps_im_awesome at 5:14 PM PST - 39 comments

Do you keep a journal?

Do you keep a journal? Have you ever? What are the benefits? Was it worth the time commitment?
posted by leotrotsky at 5:11 PM PST - 42 comments

Looking for dramatizations of the sack of Baghdad.

Are there any good dramatizations of the sack of Baghdad by the Mongols? [more inside]
posted by cthuljew at 3:35 PM PST - 6 comments

where can i purchase wholesale garments?

I live in Canada. I am not a business. I would like to find trustworthy, extremely cost-effective companies from which I can purchase wholesale (by dozens or hundreds, not thousands, and with low or no minimum purchase) quantities of the following items: [more inside]
posted by windykites at 3:33 PM PST - 10 comments

Need a gift for a really nice guy!

Help me find a gift for a generous co-worker. [more inside]
posted by goodsearch at 3:25 PM PST - 7 comments

How do I automatically detect and display the length of a MP3 in a Wordpress post?

I need a way for Wordpress (or a plugin) to automatically detect and display the length of a podcast/MP3. [more inside]
posted by brownrd at 2:00 PM PST - 11 comments

How do I make dessert go to eleven?

Throw me some dessert recipes or ideas that are not only delicious, but involved to make - lots of time required, or lots of steps, or lots of ingredients, whatever. As long as they're yummy and a bit out of the ordinary. [more inside]
posted by Stacey at 1:52 PM PST - 40 comments

"You have insufficient experience and character and hit points for creating that online game!"

I'd like to create an online board game, sort of a cross between Life and an RPG. If this could ultimately be ported into mobile apps, even better. Program suggestions? [more inside]
posted by TheSecretDecoderRing at 1:43 PM PST - 1 comment

Like, but without the $12/month fees?

What alternatives are there to I'm looking for the RSVP and calendar functions, but without the $144 annual fees to run a group. [more inside]
posted by scruss at 1:42 PM PST - 9 comments

Repainting metal cabinets

How to paint vintage metal kitchen cabinets? [more inside]
posted by DeltaForce at 1:39 PM PST - 13 comments

Wedding congrats in German?

How can I congratulate the bride's parents in German? [more inside]
posted by John Borrowman at 1:31 PM PST - 7 comments

Twelve-bar blues minus the blues

I am looking for songs, or sections of songs, that use a twelve-bar blues structure without sounding bluesy. [more inside]
posted by danb at 12:56 PM PST - 8 comments

Better search interface

I'm currently working on an app that does search in a limited domain (travel). The current interface is via a dialog textbox, where the user enters sentences or phrases as queries. While natural language offers lots of flexibility I'm realizing this kind of interface is inherently problematic. First, parsing the natural language can be tricky as there are many possibilities. Second, and probably more important, it's a blind interface. We have various types of data and functionality on how to search and present it. It becomes a kind of guessing game whether the user can form a search query that will hit our data and search capabilities. Unless they happen to hit pay dirt it becomes frustrating for the user. At the same time it feels like the user isn't seeing the best of what we can do for them. I'm sure I'm not the first to run into this. Do you have experience/ideas/research on how to improve/replace such an interface? Thanks
posted by blueyellow at 12:49 PM PST - 10 comments

poetry causes the best kind of headache.

When you rearrange the lines of this poem from ABC DEF to ACE BDF, it goes from being complimentary to critical about this... king? Maybe? What poem am I thinking of? [more inside]
posted by wintersonata9 at 12:23 PM PST - 11 comments

When a wizard turns 17...

Can any Harry Potter experts tell me more about when a wizard turns 17 and receives a watch? [more inside]
posted by SuperSquirrel at 12:17 PM PST - 24 comments

Can These Shoes Be Fixed?

I bought some flats. The first time I wore them, they dug into the back of my ankles (on both feet), and made them bleed - it took my feet about two weeks to heal. Is there a way to fix this? [more inside]
posted by insectosaurus at 12:14 PM PST - 26 comments

Algebra Question

Can anyone help with an algebra question I am trying to help my neice with her homework. [more inside]
posted by Summer Fall at 11:35 AM PST - 10 comments

once-off letterpress possible?

I want to print a once-off version of a long poem I've written for display; all I have so far are the words (no specific designs or illustrations or whatever). I really like the look of letterpress but it seems that letterpress places only do bulk orders. Is this true? Are there other options? [more inside]
posted by divabat at 11:21 AM PST - 9 comments

Recipe dupe for Hale and Hearty Soups Macaroni and Cheese with Beef

I am suddenly obsessed with the Macaroni and Cheese with Beef soup from Hale and Hearty. I may have had it twice before but all of a sudden I'm thinking about it every day and of course it isn't on the menu. I've googled some recipes but figured I'd toss it out to you guys in case someone has already tried to recreate it. Maybe trying to make it at home will help me get over it. [more inside]
posted by mokeydraws at 11:13 AM PST - 3 comments

Thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.

I feel like I'm trying to do too many things at once, all of them poorly. I also feel that I'm doing myself a big disservice by being in this situation. I feel like my life is in total disorder. I feel like I'm losing the race, to be honest. I'm afraid that the only way to win the race is to run faster, which I'm finding very difficult. Sordid details following. [more inside]
posted by Nomyte at 11:08 AM PST - 9 comments

Help me help my brother learn to play well in the sandbox at work.

Help me help my brother learn to play well in the sandbox at work. [more inside]
posted by getmetoSF at 11:02 AM PST - 6 comments

Gobble gobble

I only have 3 meat eaters coming for Thanksgiving. What can I serve to balance my desire not to have a ton of meat leftover that no one will eat vs. the desire to set a festive table and have a special meal? [more inside]
posted by BlahLaLa at 10:52 AM PST - 35 comments

Android 4.2: errors when trying to upgrade Galaxy Nexus

I'm trying to update my rooted Galaxy Nexus to Android 4.2 and I keep getting errors: "failed to verify whole-file signature", "signature verification failed". I have Googled the errors and ended up at XDA and similar sites but do not understand the solutions offered in the slightest. Can you help me by explaining the steps to me like I'm an idiot? [more inside]
posted by dobbs at 10:32 AM PST - 29 comments

Help me get in the Christmas spirit!

Laid up for surgery during the month of December. Please recommend to me your cheesiest Christmas movies or TV episodes that are available online. Made-for-TV movies are OK, in fact they would be awesome.
posted by backwards compatible at 10:32 AM PST - 18 comments

What is this plant?

Plant Identification Help: Can you identify this plant growing all over the walls of this building? [more inside]
posted by bluelight at 9:56 AM PST - 9 comments

Between the devil and the deep blue sea

Questioning life decisions about college and the future. [more inside]
posted by chrono_rabbit at 9:56 AM PST - 6 comments

Reverse Chrome to Phone?

I love using the Chrome to Phone extension to send websites from Chrome to my Android phone. Does anyone know of a program that does the reverse?
posted by Aanidaani at 9:09 AM PST - 6 comments

Good bus bio

Please recommend a good, short business biography! Preferably one about an entrepreneur.
posted by shotgunbooty at 8:58 AM PST - 5 comments

DIY Wedding Invitations

My boyfriend just proposed!  We've decided to skip "save the date" announcements and move straight to invitations.  I'm looking for DIY stationary stores in NYC and or templates.  I'd love quirky, nerdy, unusual invites, but usually the DIY ones are boring and generic. [more inside]
posted by Shaitan at 8:03 AM PST - 14 comments

What the Font? God Mode

Can you identify the signature on this abstract painting? [more inside]
posted by ostranenie at 7:43 AM PST - 3 comments

1 SSD & 2 HDD (One of the HDD isnt showing any more). Need help!

I've just upgraded my rig with a 256gb SSD card for the main C:. This is primary used for the OS, apps and my work files. I previously had 2 HDD's one for OS and the other for backups. [more inside]
posted by spinko at 7:39 AM PST - 10 comments

What are my options for doing a PhD long distance?

What are my options for doing a PhD long distance? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:27 AM PST - 11 comments

do young people print photos any more?

do young people (still) put up photographs in their rooms? [more inside]
posted by noway at 6:08 AM PST - 18 comments

There is more to do after pregnancy?

Expecting our first baby in about 2 months now. I have been so consumed with reading up on this pregnancy & labor that I have neglected to learn about what to do AFTER that. You know, when the little homunculus is actually out of my belly and chilling in our living room. Please share your best book recommendations for newborns. Humorous and serious alike. Telling me not to read and let instincts take over is also acceptable with anecdotes.
posted by MayNicholas at 4:54 AM PST - 36 comments

Eating and then eating and then eating some more on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving....appetizers? Is that a thing? Related: what time do you eat on Thanksgiving? [more inside]
posted by A Terrible Llama at 1:40 AM PST - 47 comments

Ultimate Schwag

A client has asked me, of all people, to suggest some awesome schwag ideas for a major international advertising event next year. At this event, every booth has schwag, and we want the schwag that will outschwag all other schwag. The booth will be handling 800+ people a day, and focused on "interactivity", so the schwag in question should be customizable on the spot. We have 6+ months to get whatever it is ready. Essentially, the sky's the limit. Name your ideal schwag. [more inside]
posted by saysthis at 12:04 AM PST - 31 comments

November 16

Stinky shower drain! I tried bleach/hotwater method, but is it time to call the plumber?

Stinky shower drain! I tried bleach/hotwater method, but is it time to call the plumber? [more inside]
posted by gttommy at 11:40 PM PST - 15 comments

How do I turn rice into sweet sweet beer?

I want to make my own brown rice and sorghum syrups for gluten free home brewing. Why is it so hard to find recipes? [more inside]
posted by Octoparrot at 8:32 PM PST - 6 comments

Where can I find a university/life adviser?

Is there some sort of 'career/life counselor' out there that can help me navigate college/university programs and requirements after dropping out last year? [more inside]
posted by Huck at 8:31 PM PST - 11 comments

How to confront someone who loves you but snubs you...

Childhood friend does not realize there is more to life than Ivy league. I am not in the Ivy league thus she does not support my career or accomplishments and criticizes them constantly. How to have an honest and non hurtful discussion about this. [more inside]
posted by kettleoffish at 8:14 PM PST - 40 comments

Should I go with a wireless or wired sound system?

I'm wondering whether to go with a wireless sound system or in-the-wall wiring. [more inside]
posted by zagyzebra at 7:45 PM PST - 14 comments

I'm not stupid, I'm just American!

I need to learn how to seamlessly convert between miles and kilometers in my head - without having to think about it. [more inside]
posted by matty at 6:00 PM PST - 26 comments

Put me in charge!

Explain to me the technology of charging devices. Is it mainly about voltage? About current? How close to the "required" values must you be? [more inside]
posted by Obscure Reference at 5:46 PM PST - 9 comments

Kid=1 Snow Pants=0

My child hates/refuses to wear outdoor clothing? HELP! [more inside]
posted by white_magnolia at 5:32 PM PST - 47 comments

Holy Utility Belt Batman! Storage solutions for iPhone/iPad accesories?

Chargers, adapters, and cables - Oh My! What are the items and techniques you use to store all of your iPhone and/or iPad accessories? [more inside]
posted by Rob Rockets at 5:28 PM PST - 13 comments

Large and flat or small and tall?

What size dutch oven should I buy? [more inside]
posted by queens86 at 4:44 PM PST - 15 comments

Why are third acts so difficult?

Why are third acts so difficult to execute well? [more inside]
posted by mediated self at 4:39 PM PST - 14 comments

Facebook Etiquette with in-laws in mind

I am British. I have recently acquired American in-laws. They are a traditionally Republican family. I, like many Europeans, consider the current iteration of the Republican Party has passed so far beyond the pale as to no longer be a rational organisation. So I saw a post-election graphic on Facebook I would normally have shared, but...I'm wondering how this new branch of family will perceive that. [more inside]
posted by glasseyes at 4:34 PM PST - 46 comments

how to dance the night away to Pandora music

Please help me figure out Pandora music for a party we're having at Thanksgiving weekend. [more inside]
posted by anadem at 4:12 PM PST - 5 comments

Therapist in Asheville, NC?

Help me find a psychotherapist in Asheville, NC. [more inside]
posted by annabellee at 3:36 PM PST - 3 comments

SIDS anxiety eating my nights

How do I deal with SIDS anxiety? I have a beautiful, healthy 4 month old baby. During the day I am mostly fine, but at night I have awful fears and intrusive thoughts about SIDS. I am in therapy already - just looking for ways other people have dealt with this. Did it go away after 6 months?
posted by anonymous at 3:34 PM PST - 23 comments

Help me be kind to a former coworker.

Help me be kind to a former coworker. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 3:34 PM PST - 14 comments

Help my lab have a solid website.

My PI needs a new lab website. She has asked me to look into free hosting/sitebuilder type services ala Google Sites. What is the best service, what are some examples of well-done lab sites using that service, and what are some tips for getting the most out of it? [more inside]
posted by Scientist at 3:22 PM PST - 11 comments

Please recommend books for my almost teenage niece

Which book(s) should I get my niece for Christmas? [more inside]
posted by ZipRibbons at 3:03 PM PST - 20 comments

Help me find a clothing website I never bookmarked

Help me find a website I saw a few years ago. It sold smart women's clothing, mostly dresses (and specifically long sleeved dresses), and I remember a major selling point being that the person who set it up (maybe a librarian or academic?) wanted to find clothing for work that didn't require endless layering to look appropriate and modest. The stuff was well made and they didn't have a huge stock (I don't think it was Modcloth). It was perfect for anyone who is sick of having to wear cardigans all the damn time! Sound familiar to anyone?
posted by bimbam at 2:38 PM PST - 6 comments

No really, must I keep my 3rd grade diploma?

I have boxes of neatly organized crap! I would like to upload as much as possible to "the cloud" thus freeing up space in the basement for the kitteh olympics. I need recommendations! [more inside]
posted by Ruthless Bunny at 2:29 PM PST - 3 comments

Is employee conduct or disciplinary standings protected information in B.C.?

[YANML] Are private sector managers in British Columbia restricted in what they can discuss amongst themselves with regards to employee's conduct or disciplinary actions taken as a result? [more inside]
posted by pahalial at 2:28 PM PST - 1 comment

I am Imago Montoya . . .

But which kind of marriage counseling? Also, does insurance ever pay for it? [more inside]
posted by dawkins_7 at 2:13 PM PST - 5 comments

Software which provides 3D sunlight modelling for various house designs.

I am designing a house and using the wonderful I have been able to view the daily path of the sun throughout the year, for a given set of co-ordinates. I would however like to go one step further and model how different 3D house shapes would fare for sunlight throughout the year at a specific place on the surface of the earth. I am willing to pay for this software if necessary.
posted by therubettes at 2:11 PM PST - 6 comments

Entertainment center seeks new purpose.

What can I do with a massive entertainment cabinet after getting rid of the television? None of the local charities are interested (and I don't blame them). For reference, it's 6'10" tall x 8' wide x 2' deep, the doors need 18" clearance to open, the upper shelves are glass, and I hate needing to worry about the glass doors. All suggestions (kindling? cat gym? ding-dong ditch it somewhere?) on where to take it or how to repurpose it are welcome! [more inside]
posted by VelveteenBabbitt at 1:39 PM PST - 17 comments

Winter Tiiiiiiiiiiiiime / And the livin is eeeeeeeasy

Help me find my hibernation spot! NYCer in search of a winter (roughly Dec/Jan -> March/April) apartment somewhere in the Deep South in a city that A) has much warmer weather; B) offers drastically cheaper rent; and C) is a small town (basically, anywhere that isn't a big city). And, once I have a few city/region options, what's the best methodology for finding a place to rent if there aren't active Craigslist listings for the city/region? Details: [more inside]
posted by NolanRyanHatesMatches at 1:30 PM PST - 25 comments

Recs requested: Chicago therapists who will talk in session?

TherapyFilter, Chicago. Can you help my friend find a therapist he can jive with? [more inside]
posted by deliciae at 1:26 PM PST - 2 comments

Photoshop action sequence for saving same file in multiple predetermined locations

Photoshop action sequence question: I want it to save each file several times, with different extensions and in different folders, but I only want it to prompt the user for the filename on the first save. [more inside]
posted by sleevener at 1:16 PM PST - 3 comments

How to handle fighting co-workers

I am the owner of a very small business which I purchased (with 2 silent partners) 3 years ago. On most days there is only me and two other employees. The problem I'm having is my two employees have gotten into some type of conflict where they are now not speaking to one another. [more inside]
posted by drug_dealer73 at 12:33 PM PST - 15 comments

Letters of Rec part Deux

I asked a professor for a letter of recommendation a year ago, but my plans changed and I didn't use it to apply for anything. I'd like to ask her for another one this year, and I would appreciate some advice on how to approach her about it. [more inside]
posted by TungstenChef at 12:30 PM PST - 8 comments

Idle hands are the devil's playground

Repetitive hobbies/crafts that use your hands that are NOT knitting/crocheting? [more inside]
posted by dede at 12:24 PM PST - 32 comments

Andriod apps for senior citizens?

I'm looking for ecommendations for Android apps for my Grandfather-in-Law. Snowflakes inside. [more inside]
posted by peteyjlawson at 12:23 PM PST - 1 comment

To send condolences or not?

My ex-boyfriend's dad just passed away. What, if anything, should I do? [more inside]
posted by csox at 12:04 PM PST - 24 comments

Comic-a-thon in Progress. Must Have More Webcomix!

Looking for webcomics recommendations. Preference: PG-13-ish. But looking to broaden my horizons, so I am interested in hearing what you like and why. [more inside]
posted by Michele in California at 11:55 AM PST - 21 comments

Reliable blu-ray playback: stand-alone player or commercial software

How can I easily and reliably play Blu-Ray discs now and in the future? I have a HTPC, but the software bundled with the blu-ray drive is old, and a new version is around the sales price ofr a decent-looking stand-alone blu-ray player. [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief at 11:48 AM PST - 8 comments

I have exactly one problem

Last summer a U.S. law professor wrote a paper analyzing the legal issues raised by verse 2 of Jay-Z's 99 Problems (about a police traffic stop). If you were going to write a similar article about a Canadian song, what would you pick? [more inside]
posted by hayvac at 11:46 AM PST - 12 comments

le scratch

What are the best record (vinyl) stores in Montreal these days? [more inside]
posted by mannequito at 11:41 AM PST - 3 comments

Good second-hand bookstores and record shops in Washington DC?

Good second-hand bookstores and record shops in Washington DC? [more inside]
posted by Grinder at 11:39 AM PST - 10 comments

What does the kanji on this hoodie say?

What does the Kanji on this hoodie say? [more inside]
posted by Studiogeek at 11:29 AM PST - 9 comments

Trilogy set in Britain, Scandinavia and America

I read a fiction trilogy in the 1990s. The first book was set in Britain (or England), the second in a Scandinavian country (Norway or Sweden), and the third in the USA. What was the trilogy? [more inside]
posted by Wordshore at 11:21 AM PST - 4 comments

The troubles of coming in under budget

I have $300. Do I buy a stand mixer, or dump it into my savings account? This is more about the principles of frugality/growing up than the specific item. [more inside]
posted by itesser at 11:14 AM PST - 42 comments

Later questions to follow about zen.

What commuter motorcycle should I buy? Complications: I'm 5'0" and received my driver's licence motocycle endorsement this week. [more inside]
posted by halogen at 10:55 AM PST - 21 comments

What should I do when large numbers of somewhat important people find me unpleasant to be around? Can I make myself more pleasant?

What should I do when large numbers of somewhat important people find me unpleasant to be around? Can I make myself more pleasant? [more inside]
posted by jumelle at 10:38 AM PST - 28 comments

Looking for phone with missed call notification.

Looking for a phone (landline or cell) with a missed call notification. [more inside]
posted by wongcorgi at 10:04 AM PST - 15 comments

Help me stop freaking out

Need help replying to an email from my boss. [more inside]
posted by kat518 at 9:51 AM PST - 41 comments

Citation Question

As I'm writing a literature review I'm reading another review paper (Paper A) and found a citation to a source (Paper B) that makes a point I want to incorporate in to my own work. I've tracked down that source (Paper B) and agree with the way it was paraphrased in Paper A. How do I ethically and accurately cite this in my own work using APA? [more inside]
posted by codacorolla at 9:27 AM PST - 12 comments

Why should extroverts have all the fun?

Are there any good non-desk, non-computer-based jobs out there for introverts? [more inside]
posted by silly me at 9:21 AM PST - 16 comments

When I find this shirt, some company is gonna be VERY happy

Help me find women's fitted boat-necked cap-sleeved or 3/4 length-sleeved shirts in a variety of solid colors! (What, me picky?) [more inside]
posted by showbiz_liz at 9:02 AM PST - 23 comments

Seeing a psychiatrist for anxiety. How does that work?

Seeing a psychiatrist for anxiety and depression - How does that work? I went to a doctor about my anxiety issues and she gave me a referral to a psychiatrist to get some anti-anxiety meds as she did not feel comfortable prescribing them. (She didn't give me a name, I have to call my insurance to get a list or something I guess. Also, she gave me a no refill xanax prescription after I begged.) I am somewhat bewildered by this as I didn't expect to have to go to a psychiatrist so I have some questions. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:02 AM PST - 12 comments

Have money, need apartment.

Bad credit, but good income. Other complications. You're a landlord - what would convince you to rent to us, especially in a competitive housing market? Or you've been in a tenant in this or similar situations - what did you do? Snowflakes abound. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:01 AM PST - 15 comments

Untucked shirts for a short guy?

I'm a short guy. I have a short torso. I want casual button down shirts (short and long-sleeve) that I can wear untucked, but most are too long for me and look bad. Where can I find some that fit better? Thanks!
posted by SampleSize at 8:38 AM PST - 7 comments

How can I stop website from redirecting? keeps redirecting me to a Dutch dating website on home computer. Halp! [more inside]
posted by Twicketface at 8:30 AM PST - 5 comments

Small town playground politics

How do I maintain social boundaries in a small community? [more inside]
posted by lakersfan1222 at 8:04 AM PST - 29 comments

What should we name our film production company?

What should we rename our film production company to? We mostly do stylized short documentaries at the moment but it shouldn't be something that pigeonholes us.
posted by nathancaswell at 7:56 AM PST - 5 comments

Focused on distraction

I'm easily distracted by the Internet while I write, but I don't want to shut it off altogether. Please help me cobble together a solution. [more inside]
posted by catlet at 7:28 AM PST - 9 comments

HELP ME FIND THIS POET! someone was reading his or her book on the train this morning and i didn't get a chance to ask "Who is that author?"

HELP ME FIND THIS POET! someone was reading his or her book on the train this morning and i didn't get a chance to ask "Who is that author?" although i did glimpse some verse, enough to know that i want to read more. some of the lines i remember: "in order to be structurally sound you must subject yourself to measurement" and "there are gods here that love us, and they want us to fuck, are you ready? have i earned another story?" that second line is from a poem called "a guide for the world to begin." i've been looking online but i can't find anything. i hope this looks familiar to someone. i also noticed that at the end of a book there was a note describing how the author was using ideas from the traditional tarot card deck as inspiration.
posted by anonymous at 7:14 AM PST - 2 comments

Ideas for a quality birthday gift.

After a recent move and seeing the amount of "junk" we had accumulated together we are making an effort to buy quality over quantity. Help me find him a budget friendly birthday gift. [more inside]
posted by ridiculous at 7:11 AM PST - 22 comments

All I want to do is start over again.

Stupid computer-help question: Why is it so hard to reinstall Windows Vista 32 on a Dell Latitude D630? [more inside]
posted by mibo at 6:52 AM PST - 6 comments

Why are condoms suddenly causing me problems?

Condomfilter - what's going on? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:47 AM PST - 14 comments

Is no job better than a poor job?

Help me understand the reasoning behind continuing the Hostess strike when it has resulted in the company going out of business. [more inside]
posted by Ms. Toad at 5:50 AM PST - 26 comments

Hidden Object, where are you?

Best Hidden Object/Point and Click games out there? [more inside]
posted by Trexsock at 4:45 AM PST - 12 comments

I think I'm dumb-- or maybe just happy.

Wellbutrin flattening out creativity? [more inside]
posted by stoneandstar at 3:23 AM PST - 16 comments

Economics for Mathematicians

Economics Mathematics: I have a Maths degree but lately I've become interested in Economics (Microeconomics and Macroeconomics) and have been reading some textbooks and classic texts and doing some online lecture courses on Economics. But find many of that the "handwaving" graphical "proofs" of economic theories lack a sense of mathematical robustness. Do more thorough mathematics for these ideas exist? Where can I find them? [more inside]
posted by mary8nne at 2:25 AM PST - 9 comments

Google Maps House hunting in Paris

There's an amazing timberframe house on sale in the heart of Paris-7ème arrondissement. I've been spending half-an-hour trying to locate it in Google Maps without success... so there's your challenge!
posted by rom1 at 1:14 AM PST - 3 comments

November 15

Companies that rewards actions that favors long term stability

I am looking for examples of banks (or other financial institutions) known for having a compensation structure that rewards actions in the long term interests of the institution. [more inside]
posted by helloworlditsme at 11:11 PM PST - 3 comments

Faking it.

If it's true that deep down, most people feel lonely, bored, languid, unsure and/or sad -- and that most people know this -- then why is expressing these feelings, either intermittently or habitually, such a faux pas, taken by others as distasteful, unfriendly and even pathetic? [more inside]
posted by frankly mister at 10:34 PM PST - 38 comments

Short stories sought

Recommend me up some short stories. Inside, I'll tell you what I likes and what I don't likes. [more inside]
posted by !Jim at 9:59 PM PST - 39 comments

Trailer Music

Looking for trailer music [more inside]
posted by jmd82 at 8:26 PM PST - 6 comments

A stand against estate agents?

UK Estate Agents - worth taking a stand? [more inside]
posted by Marzipan at 8:21 PM PST - 9 comments

And that's why you always leave a note. To eject your drive. Or something.

A friend of mine is having an issue with her USB flash drive. I'm gonna post what she sent here; can anyone help recover her files? [more inside]
posted by andrewcilento at 8:08 PM PST - 5 comments

Immersive, story-based games

OMIGOD I just played "Dear Esther" for the first time. This is the absolute sweet spot for me for gaming/interactive fiction. Please help me find more. [more inside]
posted by jbickers at 7:50 PM PST - 25 comments

Mind or body? What's up with these symptoms?

YANMD, but what could be causing these bizarre health issues in a previously (fairly) healthy twenty-year-old female? Snowflake details inside. [more inside]
posted by sarahgrace at 7:43 PM PST - 28 comments

Oh my lord I love this song; help me find it again!

I just heard the most amazing song on a streaming radio station from France! The song was in English, but there was no identification, and googling the bits of lyrics I could understand got me nowhere. Can you help me figure it out? [more inside]
posted by ocherdraco at 7:40 PM PST - 11 comments

Put me out of my misery please

Tricky family situation, I don't know how to act or move forward and need some objective advice. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:34 PM PST - 21 comments

Did giving my SO the benefit of the doubt made me blind to the red flags

Do you give your SO the benefit of the doubt or do you trust your gut feelings? [more inside]
posted by feastorfamine at 6:48 PM PST - 30 comments


Random porn filter: does my iPad have a virus or what? [more inside]
posted by Sublimity at 6:05 PM PST - 10 comments

Get rid of this doorstop

I have an old ibook from about 2003 or so gathering dust in a corner. It turns on but doesn't function enough for me to delete the data on it, as far as I know how. Plus, I don't own a power cord that works for it anymore. I would like to be rid of it, but I do not even really remember what's there and I don't want anyone else to see personal info that might be on it. I live in the SF Bay Area. What should I do with it? [more inside]
posted by latkes at 5:56 PM PST - 7 comments

Spiced pumpkin pear tart recipe needed

I need the recipe for this spiced pumpkin pear tart. I have the ingredient list - with some quantities - but no instructions. I think it's from Gourmet or Bon Appetit, probably from the 1990s, but it's not anywhere online. Hope me, Metafilter. [more inside]
posted by k8lin at 5:43 PM PST - 3 comments

Mitten Hands Strikes Again

When I have to use syringes at my job for blood draws and catheterization I get what I've been calling "mitten hands" and loose fine motor control. Anyone have any tips or tricks for holding/using syringes? [more inside]
posted by OsoMeaty at 5:27 PM PST - 4 comments

Another dry-cleaning disaster

My suit came back from the cleaners with a rippled pattern across some of the fabric. Is this repairable? I haven't tried a warm iron yet, lest it yield an even more unsalvageable result.
posted by SpringAquifer at 5:24 PM PST - 2 comments

Stuff new parents want.

What's the best thing I can send to brand spanking new parents? [more inside]
posted by mittenbex at 5:12 PM PST - 18 comments

a suit made of kitten fur

Most best soft warm fleece pajamas: where are they? [more inside]
posted by drlith at 5:03 PM PST - 2 comments

How do I write a good moral character reference for my friend?

My about-to-be-a-lawyer friend has asked me to complete an affidavit as to her "good moral character." She is a great person and I'm sure she will be a great lawyer, but I'm not sure what exactly to write or how to phrase it. [more inside]
posted by JuliaJellicoe at 4:56 PM PST - 8 comments

Why no full length LPs from Electronic Music Producers?

Why is it, or is there a why, as to some artist/producers/labels focus mostly/solely on putting out singles, 12", EP etc, and not full length albums? [more inside]
posted by J0 at 4:52 PM PST - 9 comments

Mens boots, for women

I really like these boots, but they don't do men's boots in my size. Help! [more inside]
posted by stillnocturnal at 4:05 PM PST - 6 comments


How does one go about mediating between estranged lovers? [more inside]
posted by lilacp at 4:00 PM PST - 28 comments

Where can I find a watch like this?

I'm looking for a replica of this antique watch (or something similar to it) that I can purchase online. My mother has an antique watch from her grandmother that is very small. It's less than the width of a finger and it has a "jewelry clasp" on the thin leather straps. Is there a name for this style of watch? Or, is there a similar style that you have happened across online? I'm not looking for this exact watch, per se, just something this small and of the style.
posted by john the fourth at 3:09 PM PST - 9 comments

Feeling ambivalent about everything

I feel very ambivalent, like I lack perspective (but hope is abundant!), but I am not sure; this state of not knowing and being unsure of myself and what I do is tough [more inside]
posted by ahtlast93 at 2:47 PM PST - 4 comments

Can I take the midnight train going anywhere?

Last minute trip: do airlines offer last-minute "leaves today" flights at rock-bottom rates to fill empty seats? [more inside]
posted by jsturgill at 2:30 PM PST - 14 comments

Thanksgiving Turkey, Caribbean style. Safe to eat or death on a plate?

Two twelve pound frozen turkeys wrapped well in newspaper insulation, placed in a suitcase and put on a plane. One trip from Michigan USA to Sint Maarten, Caribbean. Safe? [more inside]
posted by Stewriffic at 2:26 PM PST - 25 comments

Sending follow up letter to the job I had to back out of - help or hurt?

Backed out of a job under duress. Thinking of sending a follow up letter to perhaps explain the circumstances and perhaps soften their perception of me. Good or bad idea? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:17 PM PST - 17 comments

Could not be registered?

New and unsettling issues in Word 2003... what is this error message? [more inside]
posted by jonathanbell at 2:12 PM PST - 3 comments

If a dog attacks your ankle while you're running...

Last night running home, a small dog attacked my ankle. Luckily I was wearing long pants so the dog got my pants instead of my ankle. I'm not sure what my response should have been, and am curious if there's etiquette around this in case it happens again. [more inside]
posted by bibbit at 2:02 PM PST - 12 comments

dating a depressive - post mortem

I've been dating a depressive for about 4 months and just recently called things off with him because I couldn't handle all the baggage that comes with dating one - like withdrawal or detachment, in communication or otherwise. It was fine for the first couple months but when he got given longer hours at work, we communicated/saw each other less to the point where I sounded like I was practically begging him for time to meet. [more inside]
posted by brokenwitch at 1:39 PM PST - 35 comments

Looking for a new "how'd I get here?"

Is there a replacement for the "how'd I get here" Firefox add-on? [more inside]
posted by Lorc at 1:31 PM PST - 5 comments

I listen to music through my TV and it has to end.

My computer is connected via HDMI to the flatscreen TV in my living room. There has to be a better way to listen to my music than through TV speakers. Help me out. [more inside]
posted by anthropomorphic at 1:31 PM PST - 14 comments

Do I have to require my renters to have renters insurance?!?!

My independent insurance agent is insisting me that I require my renters to have renter's insurance in order for him to give me homeowner's insurance on a property I just bought. [more inside]
posted by anonymous_account at 1:23 PM PST - 27 comments

Book Binger

I love to read. I love to watch t.v. I don't love binge reading and binge t.v. watching. How do I stop this? [more inside]
posted by Sassyfras at 1:17 PM PST - 9 comments

Repay friends who helped during long break-up?

How to repay/show gratitude to amazing friends that have let me crash at their place for the last 5 months while I disentangled myself from LTR with co-owned condo? [more inside]
posted by CaptApollo at 1:12 PM PST - 8 comments

Statistical analysis for a prospective cohort study with quantifiable outcomes?

What kind of statistical analysis would I use to compare the outcomes of a prospective cohort study, one with an intervention and one as the control? [more inside]
posted by legospaceman at 12:57 PM PST - 9 comments

When in America, how should one refer to the weddings of different cultures?

What is the socially acceptable way to refer to weddings of different cultures in the US? Is it non-PC to refer to 'American weddings' when distinguishing traditional white-American weddings, vs weddings of other cultures? [more inside]
posted by Conductor71 at 12:54 PM PST - 38 comments

Fancy Cat w/Pee Problems Needs Fancy Cat Pee Food

My cat needs a urinary tract health cat food, but will currently only eat dry Purina UR. I'm not fond of Purina and would prefer him to eat something similar to the Newman's Own cat food he was eating before. Any good options out there? [more inside]
posted by El Sabor Asiatico at 12:42 PM PST - 6 comments

Google Nexus 7 - what am I missing?

Google Nexus 7 - what am I missing? [more inside]
posted by missmagenta at 12:17 PM PST - 6 comments

I've recently realized that we develop and make progress in our life when we experience new things and get out of our comfort zone. What are the different ways we can experience new things?

I've recently realized that we develop and make progress in our life when we experience new things and get out of our comfort zone. What are the different ways we can experience new things? [more inside]
posted by markbao at 12:14 PM PST - 19 comments

Military Divorce Filter

Enlisted Soldier has stopped all financial support, including mortgage payments, utilities and even school lunches for his 2 children. [more inside]
posted by anon4now at 12:13 PM PST - 9 comments

Interestingly-made books with unusual paper?

What books that are printed with unusual techniques, using unusual paper, do you recommend looking at? [more inside]
posted by mortaddams at 11:39 AM PST - 11 comments

113th Congressional Districts with County FIPS code.

Where can I find a csv, spreadsheet, or whatever of the 113th Congressional Districts and the state and county (with FIPS Code) that they intersect. [more inside]
posted by JeremiahBritt at 11:24 AM PST - 9 comments

Library cataloging is the best, how do I do more of it?

What are my options re: doing cataloging work for money? Ideally as a contract cataloger, an outsourced worker, or remotely/virtually? What should I learn if I love library back of house/technical services? [more inside]
posted by blnkfrnk at 11:22 AM PST - 7 comments

Help my elderly mother see the internet without /using/ the internet.

Help me figure out how to set up an iPad so my elderly mother (who is intimidated by the internet) can view Facebook, etc with a highly reduced chance of accidentally doing … anything. I'm hoping to find a way to use FB (etc) in read-only mode, but maybe you have other ideas. [more inside]
posted by Ookseer at 11:21 AM PST - 11 comments

Contacting recruiters on the job search. Cold Calling?

Contacting recruiters on the job search: Should I be cold-calling them? If so, how should I go about it? Any other advice about this topic? [more inside]
posted by Che boludo! at 10:49 AM PST - 2 comments

Any Bozeman, MT, MeFites with kids out there?

Any Bozeman, Montana, MeFites who can recommend play groups, parent groups and daycare in the area? (Also, appreciate advice from any SAHParents about entertaining children!) [more inside]
posted by amanda at 10:46 AM PST - 3 comments

Corporate America is sucking the life from my very soul

How do I transition from corporate America to working for a small business? [more inside]
posted by Falwless at 10:38 AM PST - 6 comments

shipping a large, heavy package

I am considering purchasing a large and heavy item on Ebay that is listed as "local pick-up only," and then finding and paying a shipping company to pick up the item and ship it to me. Good idea or bad idea? And, if feasible, what would be the best way to manage this? [more inside]
posted by koeselitz at 10:17 AM PST - 15 comments

Winter reading recs?

My Nook is hungry- and I have silly tastes- recommendations? [more inside]
posted by Blisterlips at 9:59 AM PST - 53 comments

Can I find out if a press conference will be live streamed on any websites today?

Attorney General Eric Holder will have a press conference this afternoon (1pm CST) regarding the government's $4.5 billion settlement with BP in New Orleans, LA. Are there any sites that will *definitely* be streaming this live? I would love to show it to my class that meets at the same time. [more inside]
posted by LolaCola at 9:55 AM PST - 1 comment

After a breakup, how do you deal with the rejection?

After a breakup, how do you deal with the rejection? [more inside]
posted by thank you silence at 9:51 AM PST - 23 comments

Squat injury

What kind of doc or therapist should I seek about my weightlifting lower back injury? [more inside]
posted by mnemonic at 9:39 AM PST - 12 comments

A dog without politics in Seattle?

I am looking to adopt a dog, but first I want more information. I live in Seattle. I'd love to find a dog group/dog place where I can go, ask questions, maybe even get to know some different dogs, but I've lived in Seattle for more than 20 years and I've seen how ridiculous, make-PETA-look-sane, over the top animal people here can be. Is there a dog place/group in Seattle that is kind to people? [more inside]
posted by susandennis at 9:28 AM PST - 14 comments

Sharing OUTSIDE contacts nightmare!

How can my small company share OUTSIDE contacts across our organization and have access to them on our phones? [more inside]
posted by Guyatoffice at 9:18 AM PST - 14 comments

Who do I want to be today?

I'm an organizational creative jill-of-all-trades and I might be losing my job. I'm updating my resume and, coincidentally, I need help creatively organizing it. Help, AskMe? [more inside]
posted by thrasher at 9:14 AM PST - 10 comments

Looking for name of interactive fiction game

Does anyone remember the name of an independent "interactive fiction" game that appeared on MeFi a while back? The gist of it was that there was a "writer" and a "player", and the writer created scenes visually (in an old school 8-bit, top-down view), and the player would respond with his/her action textually, and the writer would then update the graphics on the screen to reflect the actions of the user. The completed stories could then be uploaded to a common site for all to share. It was very cool, but I can't remember its name for the life of me.
posted by sutt at 9:14 AM PST - 4 comments

I do not want to be dealing with this!

Does my hotel room have bed bugs? [more inside]
posted by pluckemin at 9:14 AM PST - 21 comments


What is the origin of the title trope "X 2: THE X-ening"?
posted by dmd at 9:00 AM PST - 13 comments

What casual, pretty strategy game is a good gift for my brother?

I'm looking for a visually appealing strategy computer game as a gift for my mid-twenties brother, preferably casual, hard sci fi and without DRM. [more inside]
posted by Triton at 8:58 AM PST - 12 comments

Habits for Highly Influenced People

Please recommend some up-to-the-minute and engaging thinking, videos, reading, or anything else about sales and marketing that, if digested in full or in part, won't result in more work for product development. (Bonus round: Results in reward for them, too!) [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:49 AM PST - 1 comment

How to support someone receiving ECT?

A friend hospitalised with depression caused by his bipolar disorder just texted me to say that he will be receiving electroconvulsive therapy in a few days. Any tips on being supportive before and after the treatment?
posted by anonymous at 8:49 AM PST - 7 comments


Got (what I think are) shin splints. Now what? [more inside]
posted by thecaddy at 8:22 AM PST - 8 comments

Temporary license + expired passport = OK to fly?

I'm flying next week. My only forms of photo ID are a temporary driver's license and an expired passport. Will the TSA accept these? If I have to go through additional screening, what should I expect? [more inside]
posted by Metroid Baby at 8:22 AM PST - 21 comments

Using wood for a shower floor

I am having my bathroom professionally remodeled and I am strongly considering having the shower floor made out of wood (most likely Teak or Ipe), resting over conventional concrete drainage. Any experience, advice or vendor referrals from people who have done this or from professionals would be appreciated. I'm particularly concerned with the ongoing maintenance and durability compared to traditional pebble or tile shower flooring. Is it worth the elegance and tactile comfort enhancements? [more inside]
posted by jameslavelle3 at 7:53 AM PST - 8 comments

I have no frame of reference here, Donny.

How can I get an idea of what typical expenses and reserves are for a condo that has about 12 units and a few garage spaces are? Please help me figure out if my condo's assessment hikes are reasonable. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:38 AM PST - 5 comments

Help me not care so much about work?

Help me not care so much about work? [more inside]
posted by sandmanwv at 7:24 AM PST - 10 comments

NYC this weekend, storm impact I should know about?

My teenage daughter and I are heading to NYC on Saturday for a one day bus trip. Are there areas we need to avoid due to the storms still and are there any special things happening we should try to do? [more inside]
posted by maxg94 at 7:21 AM PST - 9 comments


Can I eat it filter: Started some polenta with chicken stock in the rice cooker this morning at 8am. It's timer feature will have it ready at 6:30pm. [more inside]
posted by fontophilic at 7:18 AM PST - 7 comments

Job interview role-play tips please

Can you give me some job interview role-play tips on: (1) how to manage an underperforming employee, and (2) how to manage a team meeting/huddle? [more inside]
posted by laumry at 7:18 AM PST - 4 comments

Blood of nightingales

What is blood of nightingales dye and/or carpet pattern? [more inside]
posted by Nancy Lebovitz at 7:13 AM PST - 4 comments

Treats for new dad?

Going into the hospital on Monday to have twins. What can my MIL bring to my husband during our stay? [more inside]
posted by Nathanial Hörnblowér at 6:15 AM PST - 21 comments

Can an exempt employee be required to take unpaid leave for jury duty?

Got called in for jury duty. As an FLSA-exempt employee, can an employer require me to take unpaid leave? [more inside]
posted by relucent at 6:03 AM PST - 9 comments

Pony Unicorn Democrats of the World, Unite!

What are the ins and outs of setting up an official political organization in the US? [more inside]
posted by syzygy at 6:02 AM PST - 13 comments

Will visitors know I've gone from an SSL site to a non-SSL site for HTTP?

SSL, licences, and migrating a website. Old server has an SSL certificate. New one has not. Not using HTTPS. Will visitors see any warnings or otherwise perceive the change? [more inside]
posted by alasdair at 5:56 AM PST - 13 comments

Reintroduce me to some great Android Apps

Android App Filter: What are some great applications (productivity, communication, fun) that I can utilize on the upcoming Nexus 4? [more inside]
posted by apip at 12:24 AM PST - 7 comments

November 14

My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Ouchy Left Hand

What's up with my left hand? I play guitar right handed and have been working out hard and regularly. After 20+ years - no problems. Then I started getting pain in the back of my left hand a few weeks ago and... [more inside]
posted by j_curiouser at 11:46 PM PST - 10 comments

Performance artist search

Looking for artworks where artists use instructional language, prompts or directives. Similar to Yoko Ono's grapefruit or artists who give tours through museums as a conceptual strategies such Andrea Fraser
posted by specialk420 at 11:27 PM PST - 11 comments

If you know the title of this song, better let me know it!

What's-that-song-filter x 3. What's that song where a young man plays an acoustic guitar and sings "better let everyone in your life who you love know it, better let them know it, yeah, better let them know it?" And for extra credit, you could tackle two unsolved "what's that song?" questions from years ago. [more inside]
posted by salvia at 10:34 PM PST - 3 comments

Help me become the mature, self-restrained adult I always wanted to be

I say too much. About me, about others. I find it difficult to control this. Have you managed this or a similar problem? What strategies did you use? [more inside]
posted by Tarumba at 10:17 PM PST - 19 comments

Canadian job sites

What are the largest Canadian job-search/job-posting aggregation sites these days? [more inside]
posted by thewalrus at 9:53 PM PST - 3 comments

Help me delete my search history on Twitter's iPhone app

Does anyone know how to clear the search history for Twitter's iPhone app?
posted by JFunk2800 at 8:53 PM PST - 1 comment

Hitting the like button just doesn't cut it.

Hit me with your best asynchronous communication tips, games, tools & tricks. [more inside]
posted by deludingmyself at 7:29 PM PST - 7 comments

The internet is forever, right?

Help me improve my Google-search skills to find an old website my uncle created years ago with my family history [more inside]
posted by sunshine arakhan at 7:17 PM PST - 9 comments

Can I come to the USA on a tourist visa?

Would I be able to come visit the USA in the future? [more inside]
posted by YukoInNature at 6:49 PM PST - 4 comments

Help Me Craft The Greatest Home-made Lotions Ever

Homebrew Cosmetics Crew - tell me about your lotion/perfume/body butter-building experiences! [more inside]
posted by Lipstick Thespian at 6:20 PM PST - 6 comments

Cool room to store instruments?

I would like to store musical instruments in an uninsulated attic room with a volume of about 2000 cubic feet. It has a single 2x2.5 foot window and I hired someone to install electricity for an A/C unit. He says no unit that can fit in that window will ever be able to keep the room cool during the summer months (80-95 degrees last summer). True? Other ideas?
posted by vilcxjo_BLANKA at 6:16 PM PST - 9 comments

Thank you for helping me print thank you photo cards

I need help printing thank you cards using my own photo - want a company to print them for me. [more inside]
posted by anya32 at 6:00 PM PST - 8 comments

How To Respond to Friend's Betrayal

I had a close friend/coworker recently betray me on a very deep level. I've known him for over 3 years and he did everything he said he wouldn't, just for a girl. I really have no desire to continue the friendship any longer and we have not talked since the betrayal occurred. I want to confront him, mostly to get the anger/pain off my chest, but won't be able to do so in person for another few weeks. Is it best to just wait to do the confrontation in person? Or would it be ok to let out the anger earlier, through a text or email? Or would the best thing be to just turn and walk away, leaving
posted by blueberrybubbles at 5:54 PM PST - 29 comments

Which downtown Los Angeles skyscrapers can you easily go up in?

Which high-rises in downtown Los Angeles can you easily get to the top of (or pretty high up in)? [more inside]
posted by colinmarshall at 5:44 PM PST - 6 comments

Cool Places to Work in Mid-Town Manhattan

This non-New Yorker is looking for personal recos for an awesome place (coffee shop, library, resturaunt) to work from in mid-town Manhattan tomorrow. Requirements: cheap WiFi, not too far from a subway drop, and doesn't mind me hanging out for basically 10 hours on my laptop. [more inside]
posted by JPowers at 5:41 PM PST - 14 comments

Announce pregnancy before or after annual review?

Should I announce my pregnancy at work before or after my annual review? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:08 PM PST - 18 comments

To co-sleep or not to co-sleep, that is the question

Please describe your co-sleeping experiences [more inside]
posted by forza at 4:58 PM PST - 47 comments

Feeling like a lame duck in the dating pond

How to make sense of dating? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:39 PM PST - 12 comments

What do I do with this dead car?

My car (97 Oldsmobile Aurora in pretty bad physical condition) is more or less a lost cause. The fuel pump is shot, the battery's dead, and it won't turn over because of those two things working in conjunction. It also has no working AC or radio. It's sitting on the street, as it has been for the past several weeks. I need to do something with it and get rid of it but I have never had to do this. Never had to even sell a car. What do I do?
posted by Modica at 4:14 PM PST - 14 comments

What's this metal-working doohickey?

I found this metal lathe attachment? in a box that came with an old Atlas metal lathe I bought. Any idea what it is or how it is used?
posted by DB Cooper at 3:58 PM PST - 8 comments

Does it, actually, make it easier to dust?

What advice used to be commonly accepted, but is now widely viewed as sexist? [more inside]
posted by karminai at 3:51 PM PST - 58 comments

Large-headed man needs help finding headache-less headset

I have an absurdly large head and most (95%+) headphones don't fit me. Fellow big-headed headphone-wearers, please recommend to me a pair of wireless headphones/headset that are wide and tall enough that they won't give me headaches! (Special conditions: no earbuds, clipons, etc. Needs to be headphones.) [more inside]
posted by ofcourseican at 3:30 PM PST - 6 comments

Jailbreak/Unlock iPhone 3GS made after 35th week of 2011

I have an iPhone 3GS, Version 5.0.1, Modem Firmware 06.16.05. Every unlocking method I've looked at states that if the 3rd, 4th and 5th digits of the serial number are greater than 135, unlocking could brick the phone. The digits on mine are 927. Is there any safe way for me to jailbreak and unlock my phone?
posted by amandi at 3:29 PM PST - 7 comments

Electricians/IT experts: Can you solve this mystery?

My computer cycles off without warning, and it's on a battery pack/surge protector UPS. What gives? [more inside]
posted by Chris4d at 3:16 PM PST - 13 comments

Cheap or free mental health services in Seattle?

Are there free/low-cost mental health services available in the Seattle area? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 3:04 PM PST - 7 comments

Illustrated books about house construction

I'd like to know of some other books similar to Francis D. K. Ching's "BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ILLUSTRATED" [more inside]
posted by shipbreaker at 3:01 PM PST - 2 comments

Who the hell added these videos to my favourites folder on YouTube?

I found several "favourited" videos in my YouTube account that were definitely not my or my partner's doing. What could have happened? Was I hacked? [more inside]
posted by peripathetic at 2:53 PM PST - 4 comments

How honest am I obligated to be with my parents about dropping college classes?

How honest am I obligated to be with my parents about dropping college classes? [more inside]
posted by efsrous at 2:43 PM PST - 29 comments

How to find a Federal Indictment

I want to download and read the full unsealed indictment written about here. The PACER website gives me a headache and I'm not clear if I'm allowed to use it. What's my best course of action?
posted by Bookhouse at 2:42 PM PST - 9 comments

Stag Night in Poland

I'm a first-time Best Man arranging a stag weekend in Gdansk, Poland for the 22nd of February. I need recommendations for accommodating twenty-ish people, and a bunch of other things. Including panic attack medication. [more inside]
posted by Fen at 2:36 PM PST - 5 comments

Name my cat filter!

It's time for.... Name. That. Cat! That's right folks, I have a recent adoptee for you to help name. Give it your best shot! [more inside]
posted by DoubleLune at 2:28 PM PST - 67 comments

Are you ready for marriage?

I want to get married. Help me get over my fear of marriage. [more inside]
posted by chaiminda at 2:26 PM PST - 21 comments

Help me buy the best DSLR for my cash during Cyber Monday

I'm an Australian who is clueless about digital SLRs and Cyber Monday. Help me buy the best camera for around $1500 during Cyber Monday that will ship to Australia. [more inside]
posted by Jubey at 2:09 PM PST - 9 comments

Good Bad Teenage TV

What teen/20s drama love triangle show can I watch after my recent Dawson's Creek bender? [more inside]
posted by Bunglegirl at 2:03 PM PST - 58 comments

Wildlife and Modern America...give me a primer.

Do you know of any good resources providing data on how industrialization, urban expansion and / or hunting affects wildlife populations and ecosystems in the United States? Also interested in how conservation efforts do or do not produce a stabilizing effect. [more inside]
posted by jnnla at 1:58 PM PST - 6 comments

Sliding scale or ASL mental health services in Columbus

Two of my family members are interested (separately) in getting treatment for what seems to be depression. They are both in the Columbus, OH, area. I'd like to help them find services, but given their circumstances (detailed inside) and the fact that I'm in another state, I'm not sure where to start. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:54 PM PST - 1 comment

I know it isn't Thanksgiving yet, but it is also almost Advent!

Advent Calendars: Please suggest the best candy or toy versions you know of. Edible chocolate? Yes please! Funny toys? Awesome. Whisky? Mmmmm. [more inside]
posted by dame at 1:53 PM PST - 15 comments

Love and life projects

How legitimate a dealbreaker is weed consumption in a relationship ? A down-to-earth relationship question. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:53 PM PST - 28 comments

Goodbye to all that?

When is it time to move? [more inside]
posted by dekathelon at 1:52 PM PST - 40 comments

There are way too many songs about fire.

Fire related song from the late 80s - help me find this lost music video. Song may be awful, but I've been trying to remember/find this for years. [more inside]
posted by routergirl at 1:13 PM PST - 19 comments

"Whenever the wind whistles I shall think Lowenstein, Lowenstein"

What has been your experience with family therapy? Are you a family therapist? Tell me ALL your anecdotes and experiences with family therapy, please. [more inside]
posted by zoomorphic at 1:05 PM PST - 4 comments

Dashboard cam suggestions?

What type of dashboard camera should I buy for my automobile? [more inside]
posted by bamassippi at 1:00 PM PST - 3 comments

Academic-filter: Dissertation Writing Group, take 2!

How should I organize an academic writing group hosted online? [more inside]
posted by spunweb at 12:58 PM PST - 2 comments

Okay, pretty sure the chicken is fine, the chowder, maybe not?

Can I eat this? Frozen sampler edition. [more inside]
posted by angrycat at 12:18 PM PST - 8 comments

Birthday gift ideas needed

Birthday gift for 50 year-old gay male? [more inside]
posted by punkfloyd at 12:14 PM PST - 10 comments

What can I do for a family member going to prison soon?

My brother is going to prison in December, possibly for a decade or more. What can I do for him, both emotionally and practically? [more inside]
posted by gregoryg at 11:50 AM PST - 19 comments

Is it okay to include SSNs as part of an email address?

A local community college is considering new ways to format student email accounts to avoid problems arising from multiple students having the same name. One suggestion is to include the last four digits of the Social Security Number as part of the email address. I don't know anything about FERPA, but this doesn't sound like a good idea to me. Before I speak up on the issue, though, I was hoping someone here could provide me with some additional info on privacy laws.
posted by jackypaper at 11:45 AM PST - 38 comments

Is Soy Milk safe for my daughter?

Is it safe for my little girl to drink soy milk? [more inside]
posted by lynnie-the-pooh at 11:45 AM PST - 32 comments

Help my parents help themselves.

Two part question. Helping quasi-luddite parents figure out how to use their computer, and whether I should help them make the switch to VOIP. [more inside]
posted by phaedon at 11:22 AM PST - 17 comments

Support/Help with divorce after 1 yr marriage (29 y.o.)

29 years old and divorcing after 1 year of marriage- looking for support/help with my decision. [more inside]
posted by love2much at 11:07 AM PST - 34 comments

PS don't go to law school

Are financial advisers usually expert in student loans? I need an expert but I don't know how to find one. [more inside]
posted by prefpara at 10:36 AM PST - 7 comments

Best Open Mic In Or Around Atlanta?

(For a friend) Where are the best open mics in Atlanta or close? [more inside]
posted by jitterbug perfume at 10:20 AM PST - 6 comments

The stork may change your life

How did you accept the fact that giving birth would totally change everything you know? [more inside]
posted by sockorama at 9:47 AM PST - 54 comments

Smelly cat, smelly cat, is this an emergency?

Veterinarian-filter: My 11-year-old kitty, Ryoko, has very bad breath these days and I think she has a gum infection. The soonest my vet can see her is Friday afternoon. She's eating fine and full of energy, but as an overprotective cat mom, I wonder if there's anything I should do in the interim so the problem won't get any worse. Do I need to worry?
posted by xenophile at 9:42 AM PST - 11 comments

Best org for angel tree?

Best organization in NYC in which to participate in an angel tree kind of thing? I'm nannying a 8, almost 9 year old boy and he has expressed interest in buying something for a boy his age in need for the holidays. [more inside]
posted by greta simone at 9:41 AM PST - 6 comments

Business etiquette landmines to avoid when making a sales pitch to Japanese business owners.

Business etiquette landmines to avoid when making a sales pitch to Japanese business owners. [more inside]
posted by 256 at 9:28 AM PST - 7 comments

Seasoning: it's not just for cast iron anymore?

Why do people season cast iron cookware but not other kinds of pans? [more inside]
posted by wondercow at 9:27 AM PST - 16 comments

Best Low-Drain, Long-Life Battery

How can I continuously run a 3W - or less - LED light with +/- 350 lumens as long as possible (1 year minimum) with a relatively compact battery source? [more inside]
posted by xod at 9:10 AM PST - 18 comments

Is there ANY reason to go for wall-to-wall carpet?

The house I now own has gross old carpet that I want to rip out and replace with hardwood or Pergo. The family room and kitchen have a beautiful hardwood floor that has lasted for almost 20 years. I am getting a redecorating bee in my bonnet and want hardwood (or at least Pergo) over the rest of the house. Are there any advantages to having wall-to-wall carpet? At all? [more inside]
posted by Rosie M. Banks at 9:04 AM PST - 29 comments

Mattress to prevent arm numbness for a stomach sleeper?

Mattress to prevent arm numbness for a stomach sleeper? [more inside]
posted by ecsh at 8:55 AM PST - 13 comments

Start the day off right!

Nom nom nom-filter: please give me your recipes for quick, hearty breakfasts! [more inside]
posted by so much modern time at 8:52 AM PST - 27 comments

Dry Skin Solutions

My skin is really dry due to aging. What can I do? [more inside]
posted by valeries at 8:49 AM PST - 19 comments

Why can't I accurately predict my feelings ten years into the future??

Help me relax and enjoy my budding relationship without stressing needlessly about The Future! [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:49 AM PST - 6 comments

Group Presentation Tips & Best Practices

I am getting ready to present a proposal with my eight people team to executives. Anyone has any good tips delivering a presentation with a large group? Transitions, timing etc.?
posted by djfreex at 8:32 AM PST - 6 comments

How to reset the technician password on a Samsung OfficeServ 7400

How do I reset the technician password of a Samsung OfficeServ 7400 phone system? [more inside]
posted by signsofrain at 8:15 AM PST - 2 comments

What's up with these cracks on my wife's iPhone 3GS?

So my wife sent me a picture of the back of her old iPhone 3GS, which she uses to listen to Internet radio through the stereo at work. She said, "It looks like something is fighting its way out of the case." Can anyone tell me what's going on? [more inside]
posted by Mothlight at 7:58 AM PST - 18 comments

There's nothing wrong with this relationship, but...

There's nothing wrong with my relationship...except that I don't want to be in it anymore. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:51 AM PST - 46 comments

I don't know why she gave him $20,000

How do you get back a lot of money from someone you loaned money to if they claim they're broke? [more inside]
posted by Clotilde at 7:27 AM PST - 16 comments

What type of plywood should I use for cabinets?

What grade and variety of plywood should I buy for hidden, inside cabinet carcasses? [more inside]
posted by jacob at 6:38 AM PST - 7 comments

What storage devices does the Xbox360 support?

Xbox 360 4G storage upgrade options? [more inside]
posted by Kyol at 6:29 AM PST - 4 comments

Negotiating job offer in a merger

My company is being purchased. Everyone in my department is getting a job offer with the new company (but many other coworkers are being laid off). Should I try to negotiate for the terms of my offer? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:26 AM PST - 6 comments

I just realised how ugly I am - HELP!!

Recently I came to the realisation that I am a really plain, unattractive woman. There have been signs for a while, but I only recently put them all together and the realisation hit me - I"m ugly! How do I deal? I don't mean that I have poor self-esteem, but that I am objectively plain. Please don't tell me I need better self esteem - it's not about that! [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:24 AM PST - 66 comments

A pan without a lid is like a pan without a lid.

I purchased a 14-inch Cuisinart open skillet and can't find a good lid for it. I measured the (radius?) and it's actually more like 14 1/8". [more inside]
posted by craniac at 5:55 AM PST - 6 comments


Development on OSX. I lots of kiddie-pool programming experience, but I'm starting to do learn web dev and working with frameworks is leading to a lot of confusion regarding paths, dependencies, permissions, and file structure. What's a good resource that lays out the "how & why"? [more inside]
posted by victory_laser at 5:30 AM PST - 10 comments

Recommend a good portable battery pack?

Recommend a good portable battery pack? [more inside]
posted by mattholomew at 4:57 AM PST - 6 comments

what are movies about independent women in a relationship?

help me find movies depicting women in a healthy relationship, where her space, interest or financial independence are respected. [more inside]
posted by valdesm at 4:35 AM PST - 28 comments

Share house shower etiquette? (In Japan)

I am a guy living in a co-ed sharehouse in Japan. I may have committed a faux pas, and would like to know proper sharehouse shower etiquette. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by Kamelot123 at 3:08 AM PST - 18 comments

Help me understand Henri Lefebvre's book, The Production of Space

Help me understand Henri Lefebvre's book, The Production of Space [more inside]
posted by FuckingAwesome at 3:07 AM PST - 4 comments

What is this strange feeling of cold I get in my chest?

What is this strange feeling of cold I get in my chest? [more inside]
posted by hoca efendi at 1:50 AM PST - 7 comments

Cat + Pica = Madness

What would be the most effective solution to stop our cat from chewing cords and clothing? [more inside]
posted by mocoface at 1:03 AM PST - 14 comments

Help me cook slowly

Can you recommend a reputable online store from which I can purchase a quality north African tagine? (For cooking in, not serving) Must ship to Australia at a rate that's not a multiple of the cost of the tagine itself. [more inside]
posted by deadwax at 12:58 AM PST - 5 comments

I have a bunch of undeletable podcasts on my iphone 4s that I would like to get rid off but can't.

I have a bunch of undeletable podcasts on my iphone 4s that I would like to get rid off but can't. this is what it looks like: this happened because the downloads failed (blame the craptastic chinese mobile connections). I cannot redownload these episodes, I cannot play them, I cannot swipe-to-delete them, I cannot see them in itunes. a restore was no help because my last backup already had these "ghost files" on them. I don't want to wipe the iphone because maps in ios6 is even worse in china. do you know how I can still get rid of these unusable files?
posted by krautland at 12:44 AM PST - 6 comments

November 13

Fooling a Blood Test (Not in the way that you think)

How can one simulate a medical condition that involves low potassium, low calcium, fewer electrolytes, and low blood pressure? [more inside]
posted by wolfdreams01 at 10:11 PM PST - 19 comments

Too close for comfort

In a follow-up to this post, our neighbor has continued giving us bottles of alcohol, among other things. We came home to find an electric cord attached from our driveway to their house, and a note explaining their PG&E was turned off... [more inside]
posted by Mach3avelli at 9:58 PM PST - 60 comments

Need help with a move

I'm seriously considering a move to Phoenix, AZ but need to gather a lot of specialized information first. I have a disability that causes me to use a wheelchair and employ personal assistants so I'm looking to learn from other disabled folk (or their friends or family) in the Phoenix area what resources exist, what the accessibility is of public transportation, apartment buildings and of the city overall. I'm also curious to learn whether AZ offers financial assistance to supplement the cost of personal care, but I have lots more questions than those. Any info shared would be much appreciated!!
posted by arizona80 at 7:40 PM PST - 14 comments

Speak the speech, I pray you

Hit me with your favorite monologues for women, 25-35, 3 mins or less. Dramatic, comedic, film, tv, theatre... don't care. I want exceptional, chewy material for a monologue slam.
posted by lizifer at 7:25 PM PST - 22 comments

Advice on dominating surgical rehab.

Shoulder surgery rehab tips, hints and recommendations [more inside]
posted by Hurst at 7:25 PM PST - 10 comments

Brunch on Smith St?

Hi everyone, I have been tasked with finding a suitable location for brunch on Smith St. in Brooklyn for a sizeable group of people...let's say 10-12. Would love recommendations that are reasonably priced and tasty! Thanks to any Brooklynites who are able to help.
posted by duvatney at 6:50 PM PST - 11 comments

faux distress

I'd like to faux distress my walls. How? [more inside]
posted by cestmoi15 at 6:46 PM PST - 7 comments

Bipolar civilian on a military base overseas?

Will my bipolar (unspecified) interfere with getting a civilian job with the American military overseas? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:45 PM PST - 5 comments

Never thought I'd see bacon in the air

Flight change... details inside [more inside]
posted by one4themoment at 5:50 PM PST - 38 comments

Could dry cleaning really have fixed my jackets?

I had the sleeves shortened on two suit jackets, and when the tailor moved the buttons they left stitching "scars" on the material. Tailor claims that dry cleaning the suits a few times would fix it. I say BS. But then again, I don't know much about this kind of thing, do you? [more inside]
posted by radioamy at 5:37 PM PST - 11 comments

Where should young nature lovers live on the Seattle Eastside?

Young couple moving to Seattle area: where to live (rent) with great views, relative serenity, but close to civilization? [more inside]
posted by Talisman at 4:30 PM PST - 15 comments

What would it be like to get therapy from a Blue Devil? What is a Blue Devil?

TherapyFilter: For a friend--I am looking for a lovely therapist in the Durham, North Carolina area (and reasonably nearby regions as well). The therapist would preferably be more interpersonal or psychodynamically/psychoanalytically oriented versus cognitive-behavioral or purely supportive, be queer-friendly, and also have some experience treating anxiety disorders. Feel free to MeMail or e-mail me if you do not want to post publicly. Thanks, MetaFilter!
posted by Keter at 3:40 PM PST - 2 comments

Identify This Pike Place Painting Print?

Help me identify this painting hanging at Pike Brewing Company in Seattle. [more inside]
posted by pmed at 3:39 PM PST - 3 comments

Making a big move and need to start consolidating possessions to the essentials

I'm planning to move in a little over a year and will only bring what I can fit in my car. How do I start clear out most of my possessions? [more inside]
posted by mtphoto at 3:27 PM PST - 21 comments

What are my options for dealing with a disabled (mentally, physically, emotionally) middle-aged sibling when my elderly parent, currently caring for sibling, is gone?

My elderly father's health is rapidly deteriorating. He's the primary caregiver for my middle-aged brother, who is mentally, emotionally, and physically disabled. My brother doesn't want to go into a nursing home and my dad doesn't want to put him in one against his will. But my dad can't take care of him anymore, and is starting to have trouble caring for himself. Really long special snowflake details inside. [more inside]
posted by kythuen at 2:52 PM PST - 13 comments

Can I eat it

Can I eat it filter: tuna edition [more inside]
posted by Lobster Garden at 2:45 PM PST - 28 comments

Helplessness at a busy crosswalk

Can you help me identify a 25+ year-old short story that describes someone unable to cross a city street? [more inside]
posted by argonauta at 2:31 PM PST - 10 comments

Jake and the Fat Man-eating Plants!

Looking for examples of television shows that develop into sci fi. [more inside]
posted by klausman at 2:11 PM PST - 40 comments

What Was That Book?

Help me remember this relatively recent story (movie? book?) a friend recommended to me. Vague details ahead! [more inside]
posted by rhiannonstone at 1:17 PM PST - 2 comments

Examples of timelines in movies and other pop culture?

I'm looking for examples of visual timelines in movies, video games, or fiction. Scenes where a span of time is represented metaphorically, preferably as a physical object, diagram, or action. A good example is this scene from Me and You and Everyone We Know in which two characters use a street as a visual metaphor for their potential relationship. [more inside]
posted by oulipian at 1:13 PM PST - 17 comments

Movies for young children

What are some great movies for preschoolers and kindergartners? [more inside]
posted by Dansaman at 1:08 PM PST - 27 comments

Pea Coat Overload

I have very little experience with buying winter coats. In searching online for a semi-formal women's winter pea coat I have gotten completely overwhelmed with choices. Help? [more inside]
posted by forkisbetter at 12:59 PM PST - 33 comments

Boyfriend gained weight and I don't like it

My boyfriend and I have been dating for a little over a year. All things considered, I'm quite happy with him. Problem is, he's gained a ton of weight, more than 50lbs since we've been together. He doesn't look like the person I started dating, and it really upsets me. In his current state I don't find him attractive and I'm really at a loss for what to do. Any advice? [more inside]
posted by mariisoul at 12:42 PM PST - 44 comments

Help us find a place in NOVA

Northern Virginia apartment search 2013: What are the best practices for finding an ideal match for our situation? [more inside]
posted by the foreground at 12:23 PM PST - 5 comments

comics for young children?

I'm looking for comic books that are age-appropriate for a 9-year-old boy... [more inside]
posted by dfm500 at 12:20 PM PST - 23 comments

How can I make this English-teaching-in-Japan thing happen (again)?

How can I find a teaching job in Japan, with a Masters degree in TESOL and 17 years of teaching experience? I guess this isn't your usual "I want to teach in Japan" question, since I'm qualified enough to compete in the tough market, but how do I go about it? [more inside]
posted by smilingtiger at 11:53 AM PST - 11 comments

How to charge American USB devices in the UK?

Traveling to the U.K. in December for the very first time, coming from the U.S. -- What do I need to bring/purchase in order to keep my devices charged? [more inside]
posted by Lokheed at 11:52 AM PST - 8 comments

Looking for music book author Roger Edison

As a favor for a friend I'm trying to find contact information on Roger Edison, who has written or edited a number of guitar and music books for Alfred over the years. Most of his books are long out of print, unfortunately. Web searches have proven fruitless and I was unable to get anything useful from Alfred themselves. He has been producing books since at least the 70s but I've only actually been able to get my hands on one and there was no information on the author in it. Any pointers to either Edison himself or where I might want to look would be appreciated.
posted by tommasz at 11:47 AM PST - 4 comments

What should I get with $600 earmarked for technology?

You have $600 to spend on 'technology' and if you don't spend it by Christmas, it will go away. What do you buy? [more inside]
posted by JoannaC at 11:12 AM PST - 53 comments


Need specific details about what tracking/user data is available through the basic Apple App Store developer tools. [more inside]
posted by spicynuts at 11:10 AM PST - 5 comments

Police Ride-Alongs, A Legal Question

How much privilege do regular citizens on a Ride-Along have? [more inside]
posted by mousepad at 11:08 AM PST - 5 comments

What candy companies (maybe Willy Wonka) used grade school kids as "candy testers"? And what was that all about?

Was my elementary school the only one that did regular "candy testing" focus groups? Is there any information out there about who and what this program was? [more inside]
posted by AgentRocket at 11:02 AM PST - 19 comments

Getting a referral for physical therapy after pregnancy

I am interested in getting a referral to a physical therapist after pregnancy--I have some questions about how to go about it. [more inside]
posted by Ideal Impulse at 10:55 AM PST - 10 comments

Who Is That Green Demon?

There's this iconic (or at least I think it's iconic, maybe it used to just be local to me?) image or logo that I am trying to find out the name of/origins of. But describing the image in Google is not coming up with the right results. [more inside]
posted by mreleganza at 10:44 AM PST - 5 comments

How to deal with a student-professor relationship pubicly?

How to deal with a student-professor relationship publicly? [more inside]
posted by UrbanClassic at 10:43 AM PST - 27 comments

I'm going nuts trying to figure out this homemade date candy recipe, hope me?

Candy-making wizards, help me save this date candy recipe that didn't set properly (or tell me I'm screwed and should start over from scratch). [more inside]
posted by Unicorn on the cob at 10:38 AM PST - 8 comments

Tombstones: designing and purchasing a (Late 19th Century) period-appropriate cemetery monument.

Tombstone symbology and purchase: I'm tasked with designing, purchasing, and securing the installation of headstones for two men (a murderer and his victim) who died in the late 19th-century. What online resources exist that speak to the design and purchasing process and/or could help clarify period-appropriate symbology and appearance? [more inside]
posted by jjjjjjjijjjjjjj at 10:30 AM PST - 5 comments

Where can I get some American Chestnut seeds or seedlings?

I am interested in growing blight resistant American Chestnut Trees in Northern New Jersey. Where can I find seeds or seedlings? [more inside]
posted by JayNolan at 10:09 AM PST - 11 comments


Teach me how to sound pretty and mesmerizing! [more inside]
posted by dinosaurprincess at 10:00 AM PST - 8 comments

How safe is LeFrak City in Queens, New York?

Asking for a friend: How safe is LeFrak City (in Queens, New York) currently? More detailed questions inside. [more inside]
posted by slide at 9:59 AM PST - 13 comments

US bank recommendation for Canadians recently moved to the Bay Area?

US bank recommendation for Canadians recently moved to the Bay Area? [more inside]
posted by Chaotic Bedlam at 9:46 AM PST - 6 comments

Is it safe?

Yesterday I added a network print server device to my home network. How can I know that it is secure? Can I firewall it to prevent it from sending anything out to the internet? A few more details inside. [more inside]
posted by DarkForest at 9:45 AM PST - 5 comments

How can I make excel break multiple rows into new sheets without doing it manually?

How can I make excel break each common row off into a new sheet? [more inside]
posted by Calicatt at 9:44 AM PST - 10 comments

I need brain yoga.

What are some good techniques for relaxing mental rigidity and getting a fresh perspective? [more inside]
posted by overeducated_alligator at 9:36 AM PST - 10 comments

Looking for a mid-1990s magazine article about end-of-year celebrations in Scotland

Longshotfilter: Did anyone else in the U.S. see this magazine article about New Years Eve/Hogmanay (or possibly Christmas Eve) in Scotland circa 1996-97? [more inside]
posted by usonian at 9:25 AM PST - 4 comments

Stop wasting space on my Start menu, Cisco VPN.

How do I exempt certain programs from appearing in my Start menu's "recently used programs" list? [more inside]
posted by Sternmeyer at 9:24 AM PST - 4 comments

Looking for Great Software for Volunteer Management

Can you all recommend a great volunteer management software for a non-profit? I'm an AmeriCorps volunteer coordinator and we have over 200 volunteers that I have to track, including their hours, activities, etc. If it's a free software, that would be even better. What software have you guys had a great experience with? Thanks!
posted by Kombucha3452 at 8:59 AM PST - 9 comments

My girlfriend looks like my ex-wife.

My current girlfriend strongly resembles my ex-wife. This is going to make them both upset, right? [more inside]
posted by Setec Astronomy at 8:51 AM PST - 41 comments

What do I doooooo

Need advice on how to "break up" with a guy I've only been seeing for a few weeks... and whether or not I am being an idiot. [more inside]
posted by anonymousme at 8:32 AM PST - 28 comments

How do I warn my clients I'm not going to be available when I don't know when I'm not going to be available

I am going to be having some medical procedures and I am a freelancer. I have a lot of regular clients who send a lot of work irregularly. I do not know when my medical appointments and procedures are going to be happening (it's fertility treatment related) so it may be that they will not affect particular clients. It's personal, and I don't want to tell my clients the details (if it was like a knee op I'd be fine) and I am at a loss to know how to pre-warn my valued regular clients. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:40 AM PST - 14 comments

App to track how long it took your recipient to respond?

Are there any Google Apps or browser plugins/add-ons or scripts for Gmail that can track the length of time it took for a contact to reply to you? Something that would show you weekly/monthly/yearly stats which of your contacts replied the fastest and which replied the slowest. [more inside]
posted by querty at 7:36 AM PST - 1 comment

we like the same things!

Been-waiting-for-a-girl-like-you filter. Will I never find my "type"? Does it matter? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:14 AM PST - 40 comments

From Jerk to Justice League: How to be a leader, not a whiner? (Grad School Style)

From Jerk to Justice League: How to be a leader, not a whiner? [more inside]
posted by celare at 7:08 AM PST - 8 comments

Stinky coworker

How can I de-stink my immediate surroundings when I have no control over the source of the stink? Or, how can I learn to get used to the smell? [more inside]
posted by Ziggy500 at 7:01 AM PST - 27 comments

What's causing my blisters & calluses?

YANMD, but please help me figure out what is causing me to have these calluses and blisters! [more inside]
posted by ditto75 at 6:57 AM PST - 7 comments

No arm-shelf allowed

Help me not have super boring/cheesy enagement photos! [more inside]
posted by PuppetMcSockerson at 6:56 AM PST - 20 comments

Well, it's not below the Mendoza Line.

Is/Are there term(s) to describe the threshold at which a person can see their own breath outside ? [more inside]
posted by fizzix at 6:47 AM PST - 4 comments

good eats in Buffalo?

Recommendations for good, inexpensive restaurants or caterers for a Buffalo, NY wedding? Brunch or hors d'ouevres type menus preferred. [more inside]
posted by nakedmolerats at 6:41 AM PST - 6 comments

She's turning 30 and I don't know what to get her.

What's a memorable gift for a woman turning 30? Any ideas? [more inside]
posted by Mr_Thirdworld at 6:31 AM PST - 36 comments

Your dick pics are not welcome here, sir!

Late last night a professional acquaintance sent me an unsolicited (and cringe inducing) dick pic via text. How do I handle this? [more inside]
posted by youandiandaflame at 6:30 AM PST - 42 comments

24 hours in Santa Barbara

What to do with 24 hours in Santa Barbara,CA? [more inside]
posted by slateyness at 6:16 AM PST - 10 comments

>examine Frotz question

So, I have Frotz for the iPad, and I am having stupid amounts of fun with the games it comes with. Question is, how do I get more? [more inside]
posted by Inner Universe at 5:46 AM PST - 7 comments

Duvet or not duvet?

Recommend me your favourite stores for cute, quirky bedspreads! [more inside]
posted by lovedbymarylane at 4:57 AM PST - 6 comments

Reddit and Not Reddit

What's the easiest way to achieve this Reddit-lite interface? [more inside]
posted by unSane at 4:53 AM PST - 3 comments

This isn't "lobbying," is it?

One off my clients wants the government as (his or her) customer. Does my client need a lobbyist? [more inside]
posted by Buffaload at 4:31 AM PST - 8 comments

Wifi Stalling at Work

At work, my wifi connection frequently stalls (MacBook Pro 9,1, OS X 10.8.2). The connection never drops, but websites will "hang" while loading and I am unable to receive/send mail. Although I'm still connected, if I click the Wifi icon on the menu bar so that it starts "Looking for Networks", the connection is immediately restored. This happens every 4-5 minutes. [more inside]
posted by Yiggs at 3:55 AM PST - 10 comments

Poul la Cour?

Can anyone point me towards a good resource for learning more about Poul la Cour's work on wind turbines? Or other historic wind turbine work? [more inside]
posted by teraspawn at 3:31 AM PST - 3 comments

Music to take on the world with!

Songs to make me strong! What music sets you up for the day ahead? [more inside]
posted by Mnky197 at 12:35 AM PST - 32 comments

November 12

How should we go about finding a place to stay for a few months in London?

Moving from California to London for three months: how should we go about finding a place to stay in London? [more inside]
posted by pbh at 11:14 PM PST - 10 comments

Is it too late to order a Volvo C30 for North America?

A very specific question, if you work for a Volvo dealership: is it too late to order a C30 from the factory, for North American (specifically, US) delivery? [more inside]
posted by davejay at 11:02 PM PST - 2 comments

Earth: the new Venus

So, what is the most oil-dependent thing that most people do / western lifestyle choice? How do we discourage that thing / encourage an alternative? [more inside]
posted by wormwood23 at 10:54 PM PST - 25 comments

How to Avoid Being a Victim

Women's self defense. I'm curious about things that can be done before you get to a point where you've got to physically defend yourself. In particular, I'd be interested in first hand experiences from women about how you avoid these situations and if you've ever had to fight someone off. [more inside]
posted by rambletamble at 10:04 PM PST - 31 comments

Cat toys that work for hours?

What is a cat toy / thing i can make that will keep my cat exercising all day at home? [more inside]
posted by JJkiss at 9:40 PM PST - 32 comments

How does one move from employee to independent contractor intelligently?

My husband is a computer programmer and is considering moving to independent contracting. We are researching the idea. I normally do well with Google, but I'm failing this time. Please help? [more inside]
posted by RogueTech at 9:26 PM PST - 10 comments

Frame rate, my precious?

What format should we see The Hobbit in? [more inside]
posted by Jahaza at 8:38 PM PST - 17 comments

Is Little Green Footballs dead?

What has happened to Little Green Footballs? Does anyone know?
posted by Neale at 8:35 PM PST - 24 comments

I got fat really fast. I'm short. Where to find clothes that fit, stat?

Best stores for short and plus sized gals? Comfortable yet young professional clothes, especially. Snowflakey details inside. [more inside]
posted by ArgyleMarionette at 8:20 PM PST - 17 comments

Family Ties... Again

My Mormon parents won't let me bring my lesbian partner to my brother's wedding (and other big events in our lives). How do we get through this? [more inside]
posted by timpanogos at 8:09 PM PST - 41 comments

Should I stay or should I go?

My roommate situation is becoming untenable. Should I ride out the storm or leave? What is the best way to bail? Snowflakes inside. [more inside]
posted by munyeca at 7:48 PM PST - 12 comments

What to wear and from the pools at a clothing-optional hot spring?

I am going to a clothing-optional hot spring and need some suggestions on what to wear to the pools before disrobing. Ideally, I would have a nice robe but I don't, and I am trying to avoid getting one just for this occasion (and I am also strapped for time before I leave). I know that I am over thinking this, but I do have some hang ups about public nudity and would like to have the least amount of stress involved getting from the cabin and into the heavenly waters. I am a woman, and the temperatures are going to be quite chilly, not freezing temperatures, but soggy cold rains.
posted by anonymous at 7:47 PM PST - 15 comments

Skeptical of my own abilities.

The time is drawing near when I have to make a name for myself, put myself out there, promote myself as a capable, dependable, charming, motivated, talented, creative, expressive, innovative, hirable grownup. But I'm having a bit more difficulty with this than I'd anticipated. I can't remember the last time I felt proud of anything I've done. [more inside]
posted by The Biggest Dreamer at 7:32 PM PST - 3 comments

Easy app maker?

I'm creating a simple mobile app for a class project. What is the quickest and easiest way to develop a "proof of concept" or prototype for someone with limited technical skills? [more inside]
posted by AceRock at 7:30 PM PST - 8 comments

how to initiate a separation?

i'm unhappy in my marriage but my wife is very dependent on me. how do i do this? [more inside]
posted by saraswati at 7:29 PM PST - 23 comments

Finding New US Money (bills)

As the holidays approach I'm again on the search for unused money in 20s, 10s, 5s, and 1s for gifts. I've been lucky over the years by finding the bank tellers that have ordered unused bills but there has to be a better more systematic way than going from bank to bank. Any suggestions? Thanks
posted by KneeDeep at 7:11 PM PST - 5 comments

Montreal Games Cafe

Where can I play board games in Montreal? [more inside]
posted by vecchio at 7:10 PM PST - 7 comments

Does overhauling an older vehicle really increase it's lifespan?

I'm tempted by a 2001 Ranger w/ 150k miles for $5500. My last Ranger died around 220k, which seems normal. This one has had a ton of work done - does that mean it is likely to last longer? [more inside]
posted by doub1ejack at 6:59 PM PST - 9 comments

Toddler music and musical DVD recommendations?

XmasGiftFilter: Recommendations for DVDs that have adults leading children in the usual song-with-actions classics? And classic kids song CDs that are decent and not Raffi? [more inside]
posted by kitcat at 6:48 PM PST - 9 comments

Only child with aging parents far away

How do I take care of my aging parents long distance? I'm an only child with small children of my own and feel alone in this situation. [more inside]
posted by percor at 6:43 PM PST - 18 comments

Where's that resume webapp?

I'm looking for software or a webapp where I can enter entries and details for a CV or resume into a database and easily pick and chose items from that database to build CVs for different purposes. Any ideas? [more inside]
posted by tomcochrane at 6:25 PM PST - 1 comment

Fungus on tomato leaf: cause or effect?

Tomato Disease Filter: what is this fungus looking stuff on my tomato plants? Can I save the plants or does this call for scorched earth tactics in order to protect the rest of the garden? [more inside]
posted by Hairy Lobster at 5:58 PM PST - 7 comments

Is this a legitimate article?

I was sent an msnbc article about jobs in America which reads a little suspicious. No luck with a simple "whois" search. Can anyone verify the veracity of this site? [more inside]
posted by Telf at 5:34 PM PST - 28 comments

Glitter wall alternatives for an adult?

Dear AskMeFi: is has to be some way to get the effect I'm looking for on my walls but with a shimmer? I like this tree branch graphic for my walls, but I would like to have it shine like glass beaded wallpaper. As I understand it, glitter never sticks to anything you want it to but sticks to everything else. I'm just not sure how to get the effect on my walls that I envision. Ideally it would be removable because we live in an apartment. Thank you for your help!
posted by Issithe at 5:32 PM PST - 6 comments

Help me find this book of cartoon illustrations of big constructions from my childhood.

When I was a kid, I had this book I remember I loved very much. It was a large hardbound book with colorful illustrations of construction projects. I remember there were ones about building a large dam, building a Saturn V-style rocket, and one about building a skyscraper. There were probably others which I don't remember. The pictures were colorful and cartoonish but had lots of details. Anyone know what book this is?
posted by nohat at 4:27 PM PST - 9 comments

How do I make sure that my refurbished cast-iron skillet has no oven cleaner residue?

How do I make sure that my refurbished cast-iron skillet has no oven cleaner residue? [more inside]
posted by archagon at 4:20 PM PST - 10 comments

What are some video games with strong backstories?

I really like video games that have a good storyline behind them. What are some titles that have a good narrative and/or backstory? Examples of games I've like in the past are inside. [more inside]
posted by film at 4:06 PM PST - 41 comments

Could a check cashing / short term loan operation be operated in a more ethical fashion?

Could a check cashing / short term loan operation be operated in a more ethical fashion, while still making (what I consider to be) reasonable profits? [more inside]
posted by imabanana at 3:56 PM PST - 12 comments

The things you don't need until you suddenly do

On a scale of fire extinguisher to avocado slicer, what seldom-used household items leave a person the most screwed if they aren't around when they are required? [more inside]
posted by darksasami at 3:52 PM PST - 93 comments

How can I balance my lampshade?

Please help me balance (or level) a screw-on lampshade onto a harp? This seems like it should be very obvious. [more inside]
posted by arnicae at 3:50 PM PST - 10 comments

What's the ultimate Pathfinder fan forum?

What is the premium website and messageboard/forum for Nissan Pathfinder fanatics, if such a thing exists? [more inside]
posted by TheManChild2000 at 3:44 PM PST - 1 comment

How do I get the girl?!

Help me navigate my way through dating in my twenties and escaping the perpetual friend zoning: lesbian edition. Long story with links to my dating profiles for critiquing. [more inside]
posted by HiphopAnonymous at 3:26 PM PST - 19 comments

The Morality of Hit and Run

What's the moral argument against running away from an accident if the victim's being cared for (aside from insurance issues)? [more inside]
posted by Quisp Lover at 3:25 PM PST - 23 comments

Other ways to recover?

What things help with your recovery besides meetings and aa? Please share some examples of how you recovered without aa. I want to try a different way, but dont think it will work because the aa is the only way saying has been drilled in my head.
posted by Truts83 at 3:25 PM PST - 11 comments

College senior still trying to figure out what I should work towards.

Still feeling like a failure, despite all the help I get - what am I missing? [more inside]
posted by Seeking Direction at 3:24 PM PST - 11 comments

Sorting things on the fly in Backbone.js

Question about sorting in the Backbone.js framework. [more inside]
posted by steinsaltz at 3:10 PM PST - 17 comments

Winter coats pulling at the back and arms: A fact of life or not?

How should a men's winter coat fit? Is it just a fact life that it will feel tight at the arms and ride up, or is that a sign of a bad fit? [more inside]
posted by Urtylug at 2:50 PM PST - 16 comments

Care and keeping of grout in the kitchen

Can you tell me how to make my tile countertops and grout in the kitchen easier to clean? [more inside]
posted by purple_bird at 2:47 PM PST - 6 comments

I want to decorate with my boyfriend but he'll kind of be ... away

How do I deal with preparing for a life with my boyfriend when I know he’s going to have to spend some time in jail for a DUI? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:37 PM PST - 17 comments

Why is my skin so dirty?

Weird question about my skin. Is this a thing, or is it only me? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:36 PM PST - 22 comments

It's a beautiful tree but it's a pain to landscape around.

What sorts of things can I plant in my back yard that won't be ruined by Western red cedar needles? [more inside]
posted by pdb at 2:34 PM PST - 5 comments

Need to find someone in NYC to help look after my Parkinsons-having dad.

I'll try to stick to specifically relevant snowflake stuff here. So, my father is 78 and has Parkinson's, which is compounded by long-standing blood pressure issues that leaves him prone to falling unexpectedly (moreso than a typical Parkinsons patient). He lives in a big loft in the East Village (NYC) that he's lived in for forty years, and has no designs on leaving. [more inside]
posted by softlord at 2:27 PM PST - 10 comments

Help me find a new england winter resort for the whole family

Trying to find winter resorts in New England for the whole family that aren't ONLY about skiing. [more inside]
posted by Thrillhouse at 2:24 PM PST - 6 comments

What's the best land-line telephone that will only function as an apartment buzzer?

What's a good tiny-form-factor POTS telephone I can purchase solely to buzz people into my apartment building? [more inside]
posted by whittaker at 2:19 PM PST - 7 comments

Looking for theatre plays with important light prop

I'm looking for major theatrical plays, set no later than 1950, that feature a lamp, flashlight, or other luminous prop as important to the story. If possible, please summarize the prop's usage including where in the story the prop is used. Thanks in advance!
posted by landonmoon at 2:17 PM PST - 11 comments

Advice for someone new to cell culture?

I'm halfway through my first course in cell culture and I'm starting to get comfortable with the basic techniques of thawing, freezing, growing, splitting, and counting cells. Based on past experience, I know that any bad habits that I start forming now will be very hard to get rid of later. What kinds of bad habits do you see in cell culture labs? What advice do you have for someone new to aseptic technique, the laminar flow hood, and working with cell lines?
posted by sunnichka at 2:13 PM PST - 7 comments

wish I could call this a superpower

I can see my pulse. Literally. Do I have anything to worry about? [more inside]
posted by wutangclan at 2:11 PM PST - 6 comments

Is it normal to occasionally like a close friend romantically?

Is it normal to occasionally like a close friend romantically? [more inside]
posted by cyml at 2:08 PM PST - 5 comments

Tooth Fairytale

How can a male (myself) defray the risk involved in entering a career (dental assistant) dominated by the opposite sex? [more inside]
posted by gorgor_balabala at 2:02 PM PST - 10 comments

Our babies need some beach!

Help me plan a family trip to the US Virgin Islands... [more inside]
posted by pearlybob at 1:56 PM PST - 3 comments

What's it like to go carfree?

Have you voluntarily gone carfree? If so, tell me what it's like. [more inside]
posted by crazycanuck at 1:54 PM PST - 20 comments

need good video recommendations!

Looking for snappy, informative video clips about spies in the American Revolution for an espionage class for kids in 6th- 9th grade. Help? [more inside]
posted by puckish at 1:41 PM PST - 1 comment

General Honor

Does it matter if I pursue a 4 year general degree over a 4 year honors degree? [more inside]
posted by rylan at 1:36 PM PST - 16 comments

Modern doublethink?

What are some actual (non-fictional) modern, Orwellian / dystopian phrases? [more inside]
posted by the man of twists and turns at 1:03 PM PST - 59 comments

Help me win arguments with libertarians

Help me win an argument with a libertarian: my friends are smart and libertarian and I am smart and a bleeding heart liberal (for example, I believe that if a government has the ability to provide health care to its citizens, it should do so). Give me short reads to help my arguments. [more inside]
posted by craven_morhead at 12:43 PM PST - 54 comments

Where to start with modern web UI development?

Help me get my Web 2.x (or are we on 3.x now? I've lost track) on. I'm an old-school Web 1.0 developer who wants to kickstart himself into slightly more modern UI and user experience paradigms, and I have a project in mind (of course). The challenge? No expensive tools. [more inside]
posted by jferg at 12:39 PM PST - 6 comments

Help me be the best secret santa ever

Where can I (or can I?) order *one* heat changing coffee mug that displays one custom message when cold and another, slightly different custom message when filled with hot liquid? Google returns only "blank revealing custom image" mugs. Is this even possible? Maybe you can't put regular ink under changing ink? Screenprinting scientists: give me the scoop before I wear my googling fingers to the bone.
posted by lilnublet at 11:47 AM PST - 11 comments

Help assuage my concerns about my little old car!

Please help me determine what happened to my car recently - was it the battery, the alternator, or something else? [more inside]
posted by schmoo at 11:19 AM PST - 12 comments

We need to have the best sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving.

What are your best recipes for sweet potatoes? [more inside]
posted by two lights above the sea at 10:58 AM PST - 37 comments

I am feeling very unsettled. What should I do?

I am feeling very unsettled. What should I do? [more inside]
posted by *lostatsea* at 10:57 AM PST - 28 comments

Posing for Pictures in Minecraft

What is the best way to pose scenes for pictures in Minecraft? Is there a mod that lets you place and pose creepers and cows and zombies, and move the camera around? [more inside]
posted by WhackyparseThis at 10:57 AM PST - 2 comments

Cladogram advice!

I am looking for a gigantic cladogram, ideally one that encompasses the entire animal kingdom down to the order or family level. [more inside]
posted by eraserbones at 10:32 AM PST - 3 comments

Yuletide Traditions for the Newly Married

Help a couple of newlyweds start their own Christmas traditions. [more inside]
posted by asnider at 10:17 AM PST - 31 comments

Where to acquire Ethnic Wool Blankets...?

Apologies for the title; I'm in love with the style of patterned wool blankets that are typically marketed as "navajo", "indian", "afghani", "nepalese", "mongolian", "oaxacan", "peruvian", "bulgarian" etc etc etc. As far as I'm concerned they're all beautiful. But where can I find them for less than $100 per piece? I'm assuming if these are made by people in the aformentioned places, they don't sell them for US$100. Does one need to be rich and/or travel around the world just to get some pretty blankets?
posted by oneous at 9:29 AM PST - 14 comments

How can I train myself to have an appreciation and eye for the quality of higher-end clothing and accessories?

How do I judge the quality of luxury clothing and accessories? [more inside]
posted by letahl at 9:28 AM PST - 18 comments

How to eavesdrop on your pets using technology

Rabbits may vocalize in frequencies humans can't hear. How can I record my rabbits talking and play it back to myself? [more inside]
posted by epanalepsis at 9:17 AM PST - 6 comments

Given that I'm unmarried, I'll never understand why they'd reach for 'Mrs.'

I am a professor. I have a Ph.D. I'm also a woman. How do I deal with students who call me Ms., Miss, or Mrs.? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:16 AM PST - 97 comments

How to Stop Being Underemployed

I somewhat successfully moved out of this situation...But I'm too drained to make any major moves forward, even though the urgency is much greater. Please advise. [more inside]
posted by Ashen at 9:13 AM PST - 36 comments

Neighbor feels threatened, asked for help

My upstairs neighbor stopped me on the street today to describe a man that she thinks is following her. She said that at various places she's been going with her son, she's seen him parked watching her. She sounded very worried. What can I do to help? [more inside]
posted by Sreiny at 8:56 AM PST - 7 comments

Web site podcast feeds?

Is there a simple program or tool to embed in a webpage that can list podcast episodes? I have the feed link. [more inside]
posted by Frasermoo at 8:46 AM PST - 2 comments

What should my sample size be?

Say that I have a bag which contains 100 balls and every ball in the bag should be red, but it's possible that one or more of these balls is the wrong colour. How many balls should I look at to be 90% sure that all the balls are red? Or 95%? Or 99.9%? Talk me through how to work this out, please?
posted by xchmp at 8:36 AM PST - 14 comments

Where to take my macbook for repair in Los Angeles (Los Feliz/Silver Lake)?

Third party Apple repair recommondations in Los Angeles? Preferably near Silver Lake/Los Feliz. Spilled coffee on my laptop and now have dead keys and a fan that runs constantly. [more inside]
posted by mandymanwasregistered at 8:35 AM PST - 4 comments

What are the income percentiles in Sweden?

What are the income percentiles in Sweden? [more inside]
posted by wooh at 8:33 AM PST - 2 comments

How to recreate the style of a document?

Two part question regarding a template and title for a document I am working on. [more inside]
posted by alice ayres at 8:28 AM PST - 2 comments

Marriage on your permanent record

Does a previous marriage show up on a background check? [more inside]
posted by fugitivefromchaingang at 8:19 AM PST - 14 comments

Give me some amazing ideas for our family Thanksgiving/reunion/jamboree!

My parents and several siblings and spouses are renting two large houses Thanksgiving week for 10 adults and 11 children (ranging in age from 3 to 19). We love and adore each other, and we're all excited about this week. Help me think of things to do ahead of time or during that would be amazing. [more inside]
posted by heigh-hothederryo at 8:15 AM PST - 8 comments

Where, oh where, has my iOS space gone?

I have an iPad 3 and I do not have Photo Stream turned on yet the Settings->Usage->Photos & Camera reports that Photo Stream is using 5.1GB? How is this possible and how do I recover the space?
posted by mcarthey at 8:14 AM PST - 5 comments

Do I need to get an electrician to sort this out?

Home electrical wiring with voltage between neutral wires - is this normal? [more inside]
posted by exogenous at 8:10 AM PST - 6 comments

Remind me

Looking to find either the author's name or his article. [more inside]
posted by Postroad at 7:50 AM PST - 3 comments

And it burns burns burns...

Any tips for reducing/nullifying the ring of fire after eating spicy foods? [more inside]
posted by Mons Veneris at 7:48 AM PST - 7 comments

Why not let the feds manage your health insurance exchange?

What are the practical advantages of a state setting up its own health insurance exchange, versus letting the federal government create/manage the exchange for the state? [more inside]
posted by pokermonk at 7:45 AM PST - 3 comments

Hark, a new webcomic!

Because Hark, a Vagrant has slowed her publishing schedule, I need some more similar web comics to fill the void. Help! [more inside]
posted by thirdletter at 7:36 AM PST - 13 comments

My hobby is resurrection.

Let's say for whatever reason you've only slept five hours last night and have to be productive today. What's the healthiest way to compensate for a temporary lack of sleep? [more inside]
posted by mecran01 at 7:23 AM PST - 27 comments

How to deal with the financial consequences of my girlfriend's tough times?

My girlfriend is consistently late in paying her month's share of the utilities, and sometimes she doesn't pay it at all. Everything is in my name and I'm worried my credit score is taking a tumble. Please help. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:15 AM PST - 23 comments

Can I use this as an engagement ring?

Is it acceptable to use an old wedding ring (family heirloom, modifications needed) as an engagement ring, and for the actual wedding, pay for the modifications to be done? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:14 AM PST - 22 comments

How to write a very readable nonfiction book for an under 35 audience?

I am interested in writing a non-fiction book or two (possibly ebooks) in a proven popular style. Where can I find resources, reviews, interviews, commentaries about choosing book structures, layout, language, tone and content that appeal to an aspirational audience? [more inside]
posted by vizsla at 5:52 AM PST - 3 comments

Standard web fonts with the best unicode support?

Which standard web/mobile fonts have the best support for unusual Unicode characters? [more inside]
posted by pete_22 at 5:45 AM PST - 2 comments

web-site address help

help with web-site address [more inside]
posted by saraindc at 5:09 AM PST - 7 comments

Calling all Android fanboys: welcome me into your club, please.

I can't stand my iPhone 4S any longer, but I've still got a year and a half to wait for the contract to end (AT&T). I'd love to switch to an Android, because I'm sick of having to use iTunes just to get a few songs on to the device. I'd like to get an HTC One X, but am open to suggestions. What are my options for replacing this piece of crap? Should I just try and unlock/sell my iPhone on craigslist?
posted by matkline at 3:46 AM PST - 24 comments

Seeking a Phone with Quality Voice Command Software

Seeking a Phone with Quality Voice Command Software [more inside]
posted by jamesdtj at 2:24 AM PST - 3 comments

Walking the line between job and informational interview

What to do in the not-quite-an-informational-interview, not-quite-a-job-interview situation? I have one of these tomorrow and I'm confused about how to approach it. (OK, "terrified of failing" is a better way of putting it.) [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:36 AM PST - 5 comments

How do I make windows view audio CDs as .WAV files?

How do I make windows view audio CDs as .WAV files? [more inside]
posted by fullerenedream at 12:35 AM PST - 1 comment

I suck. I suck so much I can't even stop sucking long enough to figure out how to not suck.

I suck. I am not good enough, I don't work hard enough, I'm lazy, and there are a million things I should be doing better. CBT doesn't work because I can refute just about every positive attribute you throw at me. What is wrong with my thought process, why am I so stubbornly stuck in "Never Good Enough Land", and why can't I make this go away? A free association of what's going through my head after the jump. [more inside]
posted by MultiFaceted at 12:05 AM PST - 42 comments

November 11

Ads free magazines for kids?

Please recommend ads free inspiring magazines for middle school age kids. [more inside]
posted by giantman at 11:57 PM PST - 13 comments

There's a lot of head-tilting in this video.

How would you describe this piece of K-pop? [more inside]
posted by casarkos at 11:49 PM PST - 1 comment

Graphic Glitch

Can you figure out this weird PC graphics glitch? [more inside]
posted by ronofthedead at 11:45 PM PST - 6 comments

More animal novels

Where can I find more "animal fiction" like this? [more inside]
posted by Urban Winter at 11:22 PM PST - 39 comments

Mirror, mirror, make my pages mirror...

WordPress MU-filter: My site is I'm trying to setup subdomains ( that will mirror / copy *selected* pages from the main site, but not all. What plugin / technique works best? More after the jump. [more inside]
posted by chrisinseoul at 10:36 PM PST - 4 comments

What's a flattering androgynous haircut style?

Do you have any suggestions for a fun, short haircut for straight hair that will look good on both a guy and a girl? [more inside]
posted by Pwoink at 10:27 PM PST - 7 comments

I want to train my pups without treating them. Let me tell you why.

Is there a way to train dogs using positive reinforcement but without treats? [more inside]
posted by patheral at 10:13 PM PST - 14 comments

Toots Hibbert Toque!

I just saw a video with Toots Hibbert wearing a toque with 54-46 on the front. Has anyone ever seen one of these to purchase?
posted by alaaarm at 10:08 PM PST - 0 comments

Can you help me with a WordPress site problem?

I need a WordPress guru to help me figure out what happened to my friend's site. When I launched it months ago, it was working fine. Tonight, it is not. And nobody has made any changes. [more inside]
posted by starvingartist at 9:35 PM PST - 11 comments

The world needs more sweaters like this

Looking for an equivalent to the discontinued Gap shaker sweater... [more inside]
posted by doowod at 9:00 PM PST - 6 comments

Laundry in East Bay

I am looking for a wash and fold service with delivery in Emeryville (East Bay). Any ideas? Magic Laundry no longer delivers.
posted by Surprised By Bees at 7:33 PM PST - 0 comments

It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp / It Was A Good Day Song ID

Please help me identify this song; it's a funky house track that samples both Ice Cube's "It Was A Good Day" and Three 6 Mafia's "It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp." [more inside]
posted by Amplify at 6:49 PM PST - 1 comment

Please translate this Butong Pakwan packet for me.

Translation help please! I can't identify the Asian language on this butong pakwan packet I bought on eBay several years ago. Front Back Could someone translate it for me? Is there any way to tell the date?
posted by MegoSteve at 6:40 PM PST - 6 comments

Help me live in a Wes Anderson movie

How can I decorate my room to look like a Wes Anderson movie? [more inside]
posted by aaanastasia at 6:06 PM PST - 16 comments

Top Rub?

What is your favorite (and tested) meat rub recipe? For beef? For chicken? For ribs? [more inside]
posted by anastasiav at 6:03 PM PST - 16 comments

Things to do in LA Tuesday evening

I am flying into LAX for work Tuesday and have the afternoon free. 3:15 arrival. Is there something really cool I could do that is 1) open, and 2) accessible considering traffic? (I have a car.). Maybe a museum or a scenic spot, ineresting historic site, or a trendy market area? I am not interested in bars or expensive restaurants. Bonus points if near Oxnard.
posted by tracer at 4:15 PM PST - 13 comments

Are there any magazines for anglophiles and francophiles? Google not helpful.

Are there any magazines for anglophiles and francophiles? Google not helpful. [more inside]
posted by miltoncat at 4:12 PM PST - 8 comments

Where to go for climate data?

Where are good places to look for historical weather data? [more inside]
posted by tokaidanshi at 4:12 PM PST - 3 comments

I'll put this over here, with the rest of the fire.

I replaced a PSU and have received the original, cheap so-called 500W power supply. It has a dead fan. Works great except for the fan; cleaning didn't revive it. I don't own a desktop computer. Makers, hackers, what fun can I have with this PSU? What should I read to bring me up to speed? [more inside]
posted by mayurasana at 4:10 PM PST - 8 comments

Thanksgiving with a side of family drama

My family's Thanksgiving has been hijacked by unwanted guests. Please help with etiquette so we're all happy. [more inside]
posted by Cloudberry Sky at 3:50 PM PST - 78 comments

"I Want My Two (hundred) Dollars!"

My roommate is sweet, but really, really flaky. I'm usually patient, but really, really nervous about missing bill payments. Help me figure out how far to escalate a frustrating situation, or whether I'm already pushing it. [more inside]
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 3:39 PM PST - 31 comments

Creating a badass online class?

Looking to develop a 30-40 hour online class. What are the best companies that develop online courses? Any other resources that you might recommend? Looking for something more like Khan Academy than Coursera or a MOOC.
posted by Equiprimordial at 3:29 PM PST - 2 comments

Remoting into Server 2008 R2 w/o Win7 Professional

How can I remote into Windows Server 2008 R2 from a PC with Win7 Home Premium? From what I've read, the built in remote desktop stuff only works with Professional and above. I need the capability for a class project, not for production, so security isn't a huge issue here.
posted by UrbanEye at 3:27 PM PST - 5 comments

don't you want me, baby?

How do I deal with my new boyfriend's low sex drive? [more inside]
posted by bengalibelle at 3:23 PM PST - 46 comments

Company car or my own?

Should I keep the company car or choose to purchase my own car and receive a monthly allowance? [more inside]
posted by ms_rasclark at 3:23 PM PST - 6 comments

What happens when ocean front property becomes ocean bottom?

How does a storm like Sandy or Katrina affect title to real estate? What happens when your property is suddenly, actually, under water? [more inside]
posted by Corvid at 3:12 PM PST - 9 comments

label digital photo collection

Labelling system for family digital photo collection [more inside]
posted by Kazimirovna at 3:09 PM PST - 4 comments

Organising ScanSnap output

Scansnap users - details please on how you organise scanned documents ? [more inside]
posted by southof40 at 2:48 PM PST - 11 comments

Looking for a slim hard case (not a shell, not a Pelican case) for MacBook Pro 15" Retina

Looking for a slim hard case (not a shell, not a Pelican case) for MacBook Pro 15" Retina [more inside]
posted by StrawberryPie at 2:30 PM PST - 4 comments

I'm anticipating possible confrontation, can you help me prepare?

I have been having a "war" with some competitors. They meet in the same restaurant where I've called a meeting next week. My meeting is couched as an "open meeting" (meaning anyone who is interested can come). It's a roundtable meeting of like minded people and meant to be informal, and it's not through any employer. I've put the invitation up publicly onto a blog. The problem is, if the three people who I've warred with were to show up, the meeting could quickly become their meeting. I want to take hold of the reins of my own meeting. [more inside]
posted by naplesyellow at 2:27 PM PST - 14 comments

College student in the U.S looking for career/major advice.

E.U. - U.S. Dual Citizen here. What are some careers I can potentially do that take advantage of my dual citizenship and/or being bilingual or multilingual? [more inside]
posted by eq21 at 1:08 PM PST - 8 comments

What should I expect in the first nine months of Navy Enlistment?

What is the first year or two of Navy service generally like? I am such a planner and right now, I know nothing... [more inside]
posted by stormygrey at 12:05 PM PST - 14 comments

Choices on Aluminum attache case

My husband mentioned today he needed to replace his black leather briefcase/attache case with an aluminum one. Of course, with Christmas just around the corner I think this would be a good Christmas present. My question is what is a good brand, best place to buy online price wise and what color would be best as far as black or silver?
posted by just asking at 11:45 AM PST - 6 comments

Backbeats or just interesting beats?

Can someone explain to me what backbeats are? [more inside]
posted by dfriedman at 11:08 AM PST - 13 comments

dsl modem/router choices

I'm looking for advice on a dsl modem/router thingy and rural connectivity... [more inside]
posted by Red Loop at 10:47 AM PST - 2 comments

Spoilery question about the book "John Dies at the End"

Spoilery question about the novel John Dies at the End inside. [more inside]
posted by Lentrohamsanin at 10:18 AM PST - 5 comments

Where to bank in a post-ING world?

ING Direct is slowly but surely being absorbed into Capital One. Recently, they even announced that their name will be changing soon. Call me paranoid, but this scares me and I want to find a new home for my money. ("Online" banks preferred.) [more inside]
posted by aheckler at 10:09 AM PST - 16 comments

Help me be a better driver

Please help me become a better driver. Recently, I rear-ended a car while driving on a local road and it was raining at that time. This is a wake up call for me. I have to pay ~$2000 for car body repair and my insurance premium will go up. We are only lucky that nobody was hurt (my kids were in carseats and not harmed). I need tips on how to be a better driver. [more inside]
posted by akomom at 10:00 AM PST - 49 comments

is something very wrong here ???

I have an ex who seems to be be depressed and has sent me a few emails telling me that we are all programmed by the "Source" that free will does not exist, that nothing depends on us etc and that the "Source" has decided that he would always be unhappy in love ! And that if the "Source" has decided that he would be unhappy, unaccomplished, alone then he must be happy with that decision. (He's 55, pianist/composer, not well known, gets by with the financial help of his parents., never been able to commit or live with a woman. His father is bi-polar, been hospitalised a few times for that). This is contrary to my world view, which I told him but I'm rather worried about where his mind is going. Any thoughts, help much appreciated
posted by hopefulmidlifer at 9:41 AM PST - 21 comments

Help me plan my trip to France!

I’m currently based in Andalucía, Spain, teaching English for the school year, and am planning to visit neighboring France during Christmas vacation. France fascinates me and will be the first country I visit outside of Spain during my time in Europe, but to be honest: I know nothing. I have approximately 13 days to spend in the country, I would like to see Paris and a few other sites in the northwest, and I will probably enter the country on the Mediterranean coast (from Spain) and leave via the Basque Country (to return to Spain). What should I see? [more inside]
posted by huxham at 9:18 AM PST - 11 comments

Do we have to drive a tank?

Since car safety ratings are based on equal sized cars, how can I maximize safety while minimizing size? [more inside]
posted by anotherpanacea at 9:12 AM PST - 13 comments

How can I create a photo collage without it breaking me?

How do I (easily) make a 12x36, 12 picture collage in Photoshop? [more inside]
posted by tkerugger at 9:09 AM PST - 7 comments

Do cats burp?

Do cats burp? [more inside]
posted by nickmark at 8:55 AM PST - 23 comments

What audio book would you want if you were stuck in a hospital bed?

Help me pick the perfect audio book to get my friend through hospital awfulness. [more inside]
posted by OlivesAndTurkishCoffee at 8:18 AM PST - 17 comments

Mom, I want to make Lego movies like on Youtube.

My 10 year old want to make stop-motion movies, primarily Lego based. I would like to support this kind of creativity. We have an old laptop running MS Vista that belongs to him. We need a camera, editing software, and I don't know what else. A book with tips and tricks for newbies, maybe? [more inside]
posted by Talia Devane at 8:12 AM PST - 15 comments

I am not a special snowflake!

Can you suggest some kick-ass female career/life role models for this social-sciences loving, radical left-leaning, and possibly autistic, woman? I need to read about other people who have been successful in the areas I've struggled in. Not Temple Grandin, please. Many snowflakes inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:53 AM PST - 16 comments

Yes, I know I need a lawyer

My niece is incarcerated in Lancaster County PA, and I'm trying to get her help from NY. Can you help with lawyer recommendations, or PA programs, or any knowledge of the PA criminal system? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:53 AM PST - 6 comments

Saab Mechanic in Seattle?

Can anyone recommend a good Saab mechanic in Seattle? I have a Saab 9-2X and I was hoping to find a place to take it close to Capitol Hill (or at least a straightforward bus ride away from the hill or downtown). None of my friends own Saabs, so that route hasn't yielded any recommendations.. The car doesn't currently have any major problems, but I'm tired of driving all over town (and taking multiple buses back!) when something does come up.
posted by Blue Jello Elf at 7:47 AM PST - 5 comments

Help me find this song that apparently only I have ever heard.

This is driving me crazy - please help me find the song "Living in Sin" by Jess Klein. [more inside]
posted by silverstatue at 7:32 AM PST - 3 comments

Help us hold a successful bug hunt

Leaving a bedbug infested apartment - how do we move safely? [more inside]
posted by BZArcher at 7:22 AM PST - 12 comments

What (70s?) Western follows two first time robbers, they're short a horse and one steals a puppy he can't feed?

I saw a western on TCM in Europe a few months back, but can't find it on their listings at all. It had two guys who worked for a mining or railroad company, maybe a rancher, I came in in the middle. Seems like they decided to suddenly steal the pay for the company, maybe because they hated the boss. While they're hiding in a nearby house, the younger guy takes one of the puppies from a new litter. That causes some absurd drama, because they don't know how they're going to feed it. They also have to get a second horse, but only end up with a mule. The sons of the rancher (I think, maybe bank owner? I don't know) vow to track them down and get the money back. The robbers are sort of comic, sort of sad characters, so you empathize with them, but the sons of the (banker? rancher?) have the more traditional Western heroic story.
posted by brownbat at 7:18 AM PST - 3 comments

How to keep the house clean when my (spayed) dog's in heat?

My female dog goes into heat twice a year (although SHE IS SPAYED - there is a weird medical reason she still has a "cycle"). Any novel suggestions for keeping her from bleeding unmitigated? [more inside]
posted by Angel de Lune at 6:48 AM PST - 18 comments

Circuitry Mystery

Electrical Filter: Help me figure out how an electrical circuit seemingly got rewired overnight. [more inside]
posted by dortmunder at 6:23 AM PST - 32 comments

Mod Me!

In my determination to start dressing more fashionably, I bought this mod coat. Except...what should I wear with it? Accessorize me, please! [more inside]
posted by DisreputableDog at 5:34 AM PST - 15 comments

Flipping the script

Metafilter, what is your biggest gripe about visiting your OB-GYN? [Attempting to educate doctors as to what it's like] [more inside]
posted by hobo gitano de queretaro at 4:25 AM PST - 141 comments

Transferring my Winamp library into iTunes?

Winamp, I love you but you're bringing me down. I'm finally ready to make the switch to iTunes, but I'd like to preserve my ratings, play counts, and last play data. How to best migrate my media library? [more inside]
posted by muckster at 2:16 AM PST - 14 comments

Why does my dental crown keep breaking?

My dental crown has cracked and broken three times in as many years. Thoughts on how to proceed? [more inside]
posted by Tenacious.Me.Tokyo at 1:38 AM PST - 10 comments

How can I read subtitles on my smart phone while in a Chinese movie theater in China?

How can I read subtitles on my smart phone while in a Chinese movie theater in China? [more inside]
posted by crawltopslow at 1:25 AM PST - 9 comments

Looking for music with a similar mood to the beginning of Guillemots' Little Bear.

What are some songs similar to the beginning of Guillemots' Little Bear? [more inside]
posted by CustooFintel at 12:58 AM PST - 4 comments

Burn inside, not outside.

Can I stack wood adjacent to (and touching) my wood burner - like this? [more inside]
posted by Hartham's Hugging Robots at 12:38 AM PST - 29 comments

November 10

All rape is rape, amirite?

My boyfriend made me incredibly angry with rape-related victim-blaming arguments of "people just shouldn't put themselves in risky situations" tonight. I can't make my point eloquently enough. Point me toward someone who can? [more inside]
posted by R a c h e l at 10:24 PM PST - 67 comments

Maitakes or other large mushrooms in Sacramento for Thanksgiving

I've been thinking about roasting a whole maitake (hen of the woods) or other large mushroom or mushroom cluster for Thanksgiving. Where might I find something suitable in the Sacramento area? [more inside]
posted by WasabiFlux at 9:59 PM PST - 4 comments

Which Rifftrax are the best?

What are the best (your favorite) Rifftrax? [more inside]
posted by kittensofthenight at 9:58 PM PST - 22 comments

Removing a moustache in one piece?

How would one go about removing a curly handlebar moustache in one piece? [more inside]
posted by kilo hertz at 9:53 PM PST - 14 comments

Like a caramel apple in a can.

The first night I was in Japan on vacation, I got a drink out of a vending machine that was a combination of apple juice and condensed milk. It was surprisingly good, and while I looked for another can throughout our stay in Japan, I never saw that combination again. What did I drink, and how can I get some in America?
posted by eschatfische at 9:06 PM PST - 13 comments

I could just kidnap her...

It's my mom's 75th birthday and I have a great gift planned. Help me figure out how to present it! [more inside]
posted by cabingirl at 8:25 PM PST - 13 comments

This is where Bond keeps all the business cards he gets!

What is this kind of hidden-spinning-tray table called? [more inside]
posted by greenland at 7:39 PM PST - 6 comments

Help me not get sick

How can I tell if almond milk has gone bad?
posted by bearwife at 7:32 PM PST - 5 comments

Oxygen for Rental for Father

My 72 year old dad just was prescribed oxygen. He has portable units and then an electric machine for home use. He is supposed to fly from Dallas to Phoenix to visit me for Thanksgiving. I saw the Southwest regulations for his portable, but should I rent him a home machine or can he check his? Are they heavy? Are they expensive to rent?
posted by bkf at 6:57 PM PST - 6 comments

How to get my finances in order this late in the game?

Starting from scratch at 45 years old, what's the best strategy for saving money & planning for old age? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:51 PM PST - 11 comments

Bitter aftertaste in apple butter?

I just made a large batch of apple butter (~8 pecks) in a giant uncoated copper kettle, cooked on top of a wood fire for the better part of the day. The texture is great, but there is a bitter aftertaste (stronger in some parts, like those from the side of the pot, than others) that slightly worries me — what could have caused it, and is it plausibly safe to eat? [more inside]
posted by caaaaaam at 6:38 PM PST - 10 comments

Walking coast to coast

I am 29, have a PhD in a physical science, and am in the second year of a postdoc at a top university on a relatively prestigious fellowship. My postdoc ends in several months, and I have applied for jobs. If I get a good offer, it's likely that I will take it. But if not, I am thinking of walking coast to coast (from San Francisco to NYC) for a human rights organization. I think it could be worthwhile, and also love the idea of having some alone time. But would this destroy my chances of a career (in academia or otherwise)? Would it mean throwing the rest of my life away? Is even considering this irresponsible? Or should I go for it? Thanks in advance for your input!
posted by auctor at 6:37 PM PST - 20 comments

Small audio mixer with mic in, line in, level meters?

DJ switching to controllers-only: What is a (very) compact audio device (most likely a mixer) that will give me a mic input, an audio input, and reliable, accurate level meters? [more inside]
posted by DJ Broken Record at 6:32 PM PST - 9 comments

SilentCar Is Silent.

Used car came with a stereo, but no head unit. What should I do? [more inside]
posted by Sara C. at 6:08 PM PST - 21 comments

Canon PowerShot G9 started taking glitchy photos. What is wrong with it?

What is wrong with my Canon PowerShot G9? It started taking these messed up pictures. Here is an example: When I shake the camera I can hear something loose in there. Is it fixable at all, or do I need a new camera? If it is fixable, can I do it myself?
posted by racecar at 6:03 PM PST - 8 comments

How do they do that? Learning about drawing and illustration...

How do they do that? Artist edition... Please recommend how-to's and how I do this blogs/videos etc... [more inside]
posted by jrobin276 at 6:01 PM PST - 6 comments

driver's ed.

how much is it normal for my auto insurance premium to rise after an accident? [more inside]
posted by violetk at 5:28 PM PST - 9 comments

Is my iPhone compromised?

I just got my cracked iPhone screen fixed at a stall in Chinatown. I left it with them for an hour. When I picked it up and turned it on, it said there was 'No SIM installed'. A restart fixed it. I don't if it's necessary to remove the SIM to fix the screen, but if they have, could they do anything nefarious with it?
posted by unliteral at 5:23 PM PST - 18 comments

Phones in Paris

Going to Paris next spring 2013, traveling with parents who will be staying at a different hotel on other side of city. Would like to be able to call them to coordinate, what's the best option? [more inside]
posted by lirael2008 at 4:44 PM PST - 9 comments

Do foreign accents sound different in different English speaking countries?

Do foreign accents sound different in different English speaking countries? [more inside]
posted by McPuppington the Third at 4:03 PM PST - 38 comments

Selling car, meeting buyer, what now?

Selling a car in the UK. Buyer v.keen, wants to see car and buy it ASAP (Monday). What do I need to do, and how can I protect myself against any scam? [more inside]
posted by piato at 3:27 PM PST - 6 comments

Chant your ears off.

Can you help me identify this (musical?) genre of Japanese Chanting? Where would I find more of it? [more inside]
posted by Philipschall at 3:24 PM PST - 4 comments

Tell us about Belfast.

My SO has gotten a job offer in Belfast. Tell us about the city. [more inside]
posted by kyrademon at 3:12 PM PST - 10 comments

Convincing my traditional parents that marrying my boyfriend (as opposed to an arranged marriage) is not a "sin". Tried for many years; can you help me try more?

Convincing my traditional parents that marrying my boyfriend (as opposed to an arranged marriage) is not a "sin". Tried for many years; can you help me try more? I will start with a little bit of my background. Please bear with me for the verbose description. [more inside]
posted by alady at 3:04 PM PST - 41 comments

Can I use a CFL or LED bulb in an outside flood light type fixture that is hooked up to an in-wall Intermatic timer?

Can I use a CFL or LED bulb in an outside flood light type fixture that is hooked up to an in-wall Intermatic timer? I was told no but I would like to confirm. If that is the case, I'd love a short explanation in plain English. I tried Googling but I'm still confused. [more inside]
posted by dottiechang at 2:41 PM PST - 11 comments

My boyfriend's ex-wife takes advantage of him. He lets her. It is making me unhappy. Halp!

My boyfriend won't/can't stand up to his ex-wife and it's crazy-making. Help me to put this in perspective! [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:25 PM PST - 50 comments

Clever confections company caption coveted

What should i name my chocolate company? [more inside]
posted by beetsuits at 1:47 PM PST - 25 comments

Mortgage broker in Newton MA

Please recommend a good mortgage broker for refinancing in the Newton/Brookline MA area. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:38 PM PST - 3 comments

Packs of Warhammer 40k tabletop terrain?

I'm looking for some sort of "Starter pack" Warhammer 40k tabletop terrain, shippable to Canada. [more inside]
posted by CelebrenIthil at 1:33 PM PST - 4 comments

Are there any teeth whitening strips that don't have mint flavor?

I'm having trouble finding teeth whitening strips that don't have a mint flavor. Some advertise that they have a mint flavor and others just don't say. (For health reasons, I must avoid mint.) Any ideas?
posted by grayber at 12:57 PM PST - 2 comments

Bridging a Cisco router thru a Verizon FiOS Actiontec router to improve WiFi speed: worth the trouble and, if so, how?

My FiOS speed is a blazing 75Mb/s thru a wire but only about 30-35Mb/s wireless. Verizon tells me that this is all I can expect through their Actiontec modem/router. Can I improve this WiFi speed by bridging my Cisco EA4500 thru the FiOS router? If so, can anyone provide me with a step-by-step way to re-configure the FiOS router to allow for the bridge? All of the resources I can find on-line are confusing and don't cover my specific situation. All help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
posted by Jamesonian at 12:54 PM PST - 8 comments

Is a failed project as a learning experience something to hide?

On my resume and/or in a job interview, do I mention my participation in the Google Summer of Code if I failed miserably at it (technically) and then handled that failure really badly (socially/professionally)? [more inside]
posted by mock muppet at 12:53 PM PST - 16 comments

Where to get a hotel room in NYC post hurricane

I'm traveling to NYC on business next week, what part of town should I get a hotel in? I normally use Priceline and stay wherever in Manhattan, but I'm wondering if I should avoid parts of the city due to Hurricane impact/cleanup.
posted by puppy kuddles at 12:47 PM PST - 9 comments

Watching the Atlanta Falcons in the OBX?

I'll be in the Outer Banks the weekend before Thanksgiving ... I'm assuming that local television comes from somewhere in NC and that I'll get Tampa Bay @ Carolina on the local FOX affiliate? Or are the local affiliates from Southeastern Virginia (which, I assume, would show Eagles-Redskins)? My real question is ... what are my chances of seeing the Cardinals-Falcons game? And is there any way to "find" the Falcons game online if there is no chance that it will be shown in the OBX? Are there any restaurants/bars in the OBX that might show lots of games?
posted by tmharris65 at 12:36 PM PST - 4 comments

I just want to talk to you

How do you learn to communicate with your partner when your communication styles don't match? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 12:21 PM PST - 22 comments

Got a job cleaning hotel rooms. Said I had references and experience. I don't. Help.

Got a job cleaning hotel rooms. Said I had references and experience. I have neither. Help. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 12:20 PM PST - 12 comments

What are the negative results of purging library records?

Libraries purge their records in reaction to Section 215. Why does a shortened life cycle for these records pose a hardship for libraries? In other words, if a library used to keep these records for, say, a year or longer, and in the face of Section 215 now purges weekly or daily, they're losing use of those records for 51 weeks or more--what benefit did the library used to have in keeping those records that extra 51 weeks?
posted by longhaultrucker at 12:20 PM PST - 7 comments

iMac Hard Drive Failure - Help!

My iMac hard drive is failing - please help! [more inside]
posted by jammy at 12:04 PM PST - 9 comments

Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset

Why has there been no new youth subculture since 1998? 1960s had hippies, '70s had disco and punk, '80s had hip hop and goth, '90s had grunge. And yet kids and twenty-somthings have been wearing trucker caps and ironic sunglasses for 15 years now. What happened?
posted by four panels at 11:55 AM PST - 45 comments

Does my car need belts?

Serpentinebeltfilter Some coolant, not a ton of it, leaked from the water pump, got on the serp belt and another, both of which are pretty new. The shop, which has not been impressing me at all, alleges that both need to be replaced because the coolant got on 'em. Some measure of evidence on the Internet that belt damage is quite rare even when belts are doused with coolant (and I never got a low-coolant warning so it wasn't a staggering amount). What say you?
posted by ambient2 at 11:41 AM PST - 7 comments

He's your typical plowshares-and-sorcery hero.

Recommend some reading about practical pacifism and nonviolence. [more inside]
posted by BrashTech at 11:06 AM PST - 6 comments

My conservative haircut has been voted out of office

I'm looking for a (men's) hair stylist in Austin, TX. I'm changing careers, moving from conservative to more creative and funky, and want to update my hair style. [more inside]
posted by LastOfHisKind at 10:50 AM PST - 7 comments

I will hug it and squeeze it and call it George.

This American Life music question, episode #449: Middle School. [more inside]
posted by cooker girl at 10:49 AM PST - 5 comments

Should my friend go to the hospital? Symptoms inside...

YANMFD... I have a friend who, on Thursday, experienced sharp pains in his left side--he described the location as, "About an inch inside, directly aligned with my underarm". He felt it about 15 times over the course of the day and said it was "sharp and sudden" and caused him to wince and bend over. The next day, he woke up and there was blood in his right eye--not bloodshot, but blood, like a pool. It went away over the course of the day. He insists these things are not related and won't go to the doctor. As a result, I'm worried. Could these things be connected and what could they be? He's 44. [more inside]
posted by dobbs at 10:29 AM PST - 19 comments

17-year-old Need Job. What and How?

My teenager would like to find a job. What are the best resources for finding a job for a 17-year-old high school graduate in Montreal? How about New York? [more inside]
posted by musofire at 10:22 AM PST - 12 comments

Explain to me the operation of US criminal law.

Can you give me examples of varying criminal laws across the different states that comprise the USA? Can the federal government ensure consistency? [more inside]
posted by modernnomad at 10:01 AM PST - 22 comments

What is causing this inexplicable video problem with my monitor?

What is causing the strangest video error I have ever come across? [more inside]
posted by dougrayrankin at 9:59 AM PST - 17 comments

I feel like a crying vampire mole.

Weepy and photophobic. What is going on? [more inside]
posted by lettuchi at 9:30 AM PST - 10 comments

Why is one 100% cocoa powder better than another?

Is there any qualitative difference between Hershey's Natural Unsweetened Cocoa and similar products from Dagoba and Ghirardelli? [more inside]
posted by sharkfu at 8:58 AM PST - 12 comments

How long does it take for you (or your partner) to come from fellatio?

How long does it take for you (or your partner) to come from fellatio? I want to find out if the time frame with my partner is in the normal range or not. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:48 AM PST - 36 comments

What to do if I accidentally shoplifted?

I accidentally left a store without paying for a few items. I realized it the next day, and I'm mortified. What should I do? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:47 AM PST - 36 comments

"difficulty tolerating everyday sounds" is putting it mildly

Anyone else with hyperacusis ? Yesterday, I described something I though was just lack-of-sleep induced ear sensitivity and learned I was instead suffering from hyperacusia. (previously) [more inside]
posted by Baud at 8:16 AM PST - 5 comments

Help me buy a hammock!

Help me buy a hammock! [more inside]
posted by amro at 7:59 AM PST - 9 comments

Green my job

I have been fully radicalized by climate change. Help me find a new job preparing for and/or helping us avoid it. Some requirements and nice-to-haves inside. [more inside]
posted by downing street memo at 7:31 AM PST - 12 comments

Delicious one-pot meals for busy people?

Please share your best one-pot or slow cooker recipes that make a big hearty batch of simmering deliciousness that you can eat for a couple of days after. [more inside]
posted by sister nunchaku of love and mercy at 7:28 AM PST - 22 comments

There, and back again.

Help us out with the logistics of flying round-trip from NYC (LGA/JFK/EWR) to Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) for Christmas. We'd like this to be as aggravation-free as possible. [more inside]
posted by griphus at 7:27 AM PST - 21 comments

Advice to run a fair and successful twitter giveaway/contest?

Advice to run a fair and successful twitter giveaway/contest? [more inside]
posted by royalsong at 6:44 AM PST - 3 comments

Help me find this $&^# mosquito

On Monday night, I woke up to a mosquito buzzing in my ear and two giant bites. Since then, it's terrorized me all week. I have trouble sleeping anyway, and being woken up by this thing is not helping. Early this morning, I saw it perched on the wall (after getting yet another giant, swelling bite on my cheek), and tried to swat it, but missed. Help! How can I track it down in my studio apartment today? And how can I make sure to kill it when I find it?
posted by three_red_balloons at 6:29 AM PST - 24 comments

What Do you want for Christmas?*

What are some ideas for an IT department Christmas/holiday gift that coveys the message: "It's been a stressful year, you've had very little leadership. Thanks for pulling together and working hard and producing results in spite of this" [more inside]
posted by jmsta at 6:17 AM PST - 12 comments

Best way to build a social network in a new place?

I'm moving to a new city. How can I best build a social network - and what can I do before I get there? [more inside]
posted by Ashlyth at 5:52 AM PST - 15 comments

You are fired, please take your things and leave.

[Moves/Media Filter] What scenes in either movies or television depict employees being laid off? I am thinking scenes that are done either properly, or terribly inappropriate. Ideally the clips should be short 1-4 minutes. Thank you in advance!
posted by handbanana at 5:33 AM PST - 24 comments

Malware on Android tablet?

I was browsing reddit on my Android tablet and had opened a number of tabs in the background in Chrome; I noticed that one of them had downloaded an .apk file (333s111.apk, the only other reference to which is here). I didn't run the .apk and deleted it straight away via the File Manager. I didn't see any evidence that it installed itself, or did anything malicious, and I don't have that option that allows non-Market apps to install themselves turned on. [more inside]
posted by alby at 12:48 AM PST - 1 comment

November 9

Reagan did it?

How reliable is the idea of CIA introducing or dealing crack cocaine to poor black neighborhoods in the 1980s? How involved was the CIA in drug dealing in general? [more inside]
posted by PinkMoose at 10:44 PM PST - 9 comments

Bands that sound like or inspired by Booker T and the MGs

I love Booker T and the MGs and that fusion of synthesizer as the lead vocalist in a funk band... are there any modern bands replicating this style? [more inside]
posted by Unsomnambulist at 9:44 PM PST - 6 comments

When I grow up, I want to make music videos

So... I have this dark and fuzzy cheapo camera video of 15 minutes of myself doing yoga. And I'd like to chop it up into one of those funky arty music videos. If you were me, and you'd never ever done anything like that before, where would you start? [more inside]
posted by acridrabbit at 9:16 PM PST - 4 comments

Wedding venues in/near Napa

My fiance and I would like to get married in Northern California. Location suggestions? [more inside]
posted by HighTechUnderpants at 9:16 PM PST - 17 comments

Need help moving on with a difficult break-up and resolving related anxieties. Snowflakey details inside.

This is a big ask: help me find out how to healthily move on, be comfortable with myself and have an inkling of ambition. I've had a little trouble moving on from this one relationship, and I think some perspective would be nice. It is also related to various anxieties I have now. Snowflakey details inside. Sound advice deeply, deeply appreciated. [more inside]
posted by lethologues at 8:27 PM PST - 12 comments

2 Questions about DIY Credit Repair

I used to have great credit, but because of travel and whatnot, I developed a bad habit of blowing off bills and then doing total payoffs. What was fiscally sound for me at the time wasn't doing me any favors regarding my credit rating. My rating sucks now but I'm prepared to work on it...please help me figure out the best course of action. [more inside]
posted by snsranch at 8:05 PM PST - 2 comments

Mortgage Math Problem

Please teach me how to solve this problem related to a Home Equity Line Of Credit. While I am looking for an answer, I am equally interested in learning the math required to solve the problem. [more inside]
posted by The Architect at 8:00 PM PST - 4 comments

Identify two lieder

Could someone please identify these two lieder? I think they are German art songs. I can't even make out any phrase to use as a search term (so if you can, that would be great): one; two. Thanks in advance.
posted by amtho at 6:40 PM PST - 11 comments

Replacement MacBook Power Supply in Port Townsend, WA on a weekend?

Where can I purchase a MacBook/13" MacBook Pro power supply/power adapter in-person in Port Townsend, WA tomorrow? [more inside]
posted by stet at 6:35 PM PST - 3 comments

Google-free web experience?

Let's say I want to live a Google-free existence on the web. What are my best (preferably free, open source) alternatives to various Google products, including the search engine itself?
posted by deathpanels at 6:14 PM PST - 12 comments

4month travel in Europe

4 month DIY traveling in Europe starting Dec. Good idea or bad idea? [more inside]
posted by jstarlee at 6:14 PM PST - 12 comments

No more gifts please!

Would it be acceptable if we ask people to deposit money into an account for our son's education instead of giving gifts? [more inside]
posted by no bueno at 5:28 PM PST - 26 comments

Roll the dice, fold, or wait....

I am interested in a business opportunity which entails signing on as a provider of telemedicine. Snowflakes inside. [more inside]
posted by luciddream928 at 5:20 PM PST - 3 comments

Internet Interruptus

I can connect with my WiFi but not get on the internet. How can I figure out what is going wrong? [more inside]
posted by Obscure Reference at 5:18 PM PST - 6 comments

Kitchen safety question! I dropped a mercury thermometer and I am freaking out!

Help! I dropped a candy thermometer! Details inside! [more inside]
posted by auiricle at 5:16 PM PST - 10 comments

Surviving a separation, part 2: boundary setting!

Hoping for advice on setting boundaries within a co-parenting relationship following a marital separation. [more inside]
posted by justonegirl at 4:19 PM PST - 27 comments

Help Me Keep Our Store Maps Up-to-date!!

THE PROBLEM: Let's say you have a large store spread across several floors of a building, with many many aisles and sections. There are information kiosks located at various rooms in the store, oriented different directions. Each information kiosk has a map of the store on it, with the aisles and sections numbered and labeled, and the map rearranged and the text rotated to the viewpoint of the customer standing at the information desk. What is the most efficient way to create and update that map as sections change? [more inside]
posted by redsparkler at 4:13 PM PST - 11 comments

Will slowing down my loan payments help my credit?

The only loans I have are student loans, which I'm working hard to pay off. Would it be better for my credit score if I stopped paying them down when they reach $5.00 and then just pay interest from then on? [more inside]
posted by brenton at 4:07 PM PST - 18 comments

Should I fix up an old Fiat?

I want to fix up a fun little old car, but haven't really worked on cars much before. Where should I start? [more inside]
posted by epilnivek at 4:05 PM PST - 25 comments

Critique my workout

Strength trainers/weight-lifters of Metafilter. Could you take a look at my workout and let me know your thoughts? Anything glaringly missing or redundant? [more inside]
posted by dontjumplarry at 3:59 PM PST - 6 comments

Yeah, I get it already!!!

How to deal with a overly opinionated coworker/friend. [more inside]
posted by hellameangirl at 3:27 PM PST - 36 comments

The wherefores and whatofs if back when...

I would like to write a fictional novel based in actual events that occurred in the West in the 1700s. It would draw extensively from the true story ( which is likely already enhanced through the centuries ). The names would change, though the locations would be actual places. Is there anything I should be aware of with regards to the "legality" of retelling such a story? Ie. the storyline is not my original creation. I'd be adapting it for my story, but it would have a lot of similarity. The story is told, with minor variation, in a number of historical sources.
posted by ecorrocio at 3:13 PM PST - 11 comments

Wool ewe help me name my knitting blog?

Forget about all the nameless kittens and babies crying in vain for an identity. It's time to Name! That! Blog! [more inside]
posted by orange swan at 3:11 PM PST - 15 comments

Yes, they do need their legs

Maggoty Bread that even an Uruk-Hai would love? [more inside]
posted by sparklemotion at 2:40 PM PST - 22 comments

Another "should we get back together" question

Did your flawed relationship work out? [more inside]
posted by sunshine37 at 2:39 PM PST - 27 comments

What should I do to avoid a bed bug infestation and stop freaking out?

How freaked out should I be about this bed bug I found and what steps should I be taking to prevent an infestation? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:58 PM PST - 4 comments

My father can't take care of himself. Who can?

What resources for long-term mental health care exist in New Mexico? How do they happen? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:57 PM PST - 6 comments

Accent filter: help me identify an accent.

Accent filter: where is the accent in this video from? [more inside]
posted by inbetweener at 1:56 PM PST - 23 comments

Already Seen Pollyanna

What novels or movies have a vivacious, charming person drop in and change everybody's perspective or shake the place up?
posted by Fairchild at 1:38 PM PST - 76 comments

Help a home recording noob solve direct-input and monitor issues.

Help a noob figure out his home-recording troubles - I don't understand my M-Audio Profire DI or my reference monitors and a few other things. [more inside]
posted by critzer at 1:22 PM PST - 7 comments

Where can a US citizen get a loan to study in Canada?

Where can a US citizen get a loan to study at a grad program in Canada (Montreal)? [more inside]
posted by cotesdurhone at 1:13 PM PST - 2 comments

How do I get a playlist off an ipad without any additional equipment?

Is there ANY way using JUST the ipad 2 to export a playlist I made there as a text file? [more inside]
posted by rileyray3000 at 12:48 PM PST - 1 comment

Recommend a subscription fitness program that keeps me healthy and mixes things up?

Are there good programs out there that will help me stay fit without getting bored when I'm not participating in a team sport or working towards a specific goal? I'm willing to pay a small amount or make investments in equipment, but ideally the monthly cost should be less than a gym membership. [more inside]
posted by croutonsupafreak at 12:35 PM PST - 17 comments

Need Big Parking Lot Near Downtown Toronto

Where can we find a large (almost) empty parking lot in or near Downtown Toronto tomorrow? [more inside]
posted by Ziggurat at 12:25 PM PST - 5 comments

He already ate it

So almost two weeks ago, we picked up a box of chocolate kisses from a market in Germany. They are delicious egg white and sugar treats covered in chocolate. [more inside]
posted by monkey!knife!fight! at 12:17 PM PST - 9 comments

Trying to Avoid Hollywood Upstairs Medical College

Can you recommend med school admission guides or other resources for foreign-born students who want to go to school in the U.S.? [more inside]
posted by benbenson at 12:11 PM PST - 6 comments

Help me sound out-dated!

I'm looking for an online dictionary (or even a simple list) of zoot-suit (Pachuco) culture/era slang. My Google-fu is weak. Help? [more inside]
posted by scaryblackdeath at 12:02 PM PST - 4 comments


How do you pronounce "Long Island"? Think for a second and then join me inside. [more inside]
posted by Admiral Haddock at 11:42 AM PST - 63 comments

Day-drinking hacks: Would like to avoid 1) passing out at 5, or 2) feeling suicidal the next day. Tell me what I haven't thought of...

I know how to treat a hangover but am trying to do one better--how do you PREVENT a hangover (when you get them really easily and know that a day of fun might make it inevitable)? [more inside]
posted by lovableiago at 11:41 AM PST - 45 comments

Homemade applesauce too bitter

How to fix bitter taste in homemade applesauce? [more inside]
posted by primate moon at 11:14 AM PST - 10 comments

Seeking good writing/research on Internet memes

Authoritative\scholarly sources for the history and culture of Internet memes? [more inside]
posted by mediated self at 11:10 AM PST - 1 comment

In which I reveal my ignorance about the cell phone landscape...

My husband has a phone I'd like to replace as a gift for him, and I want to be sure I understand what I'm getting into. [more inside]
posted by ersatzkat at 11:10 AM PST - 6 comments

Okay technically I lied.

Milgram Experiment: Give me examples of other psychological experiments which involved false pretenses. [more inside]
posted by shakespeherian at 11:08 AM PST - 17 comments

IrfanView Substitute for Mac

Is there an IrfanView Substitute for Mac which does PNG image optimization (like the RIOT plugin)? [more inside]
posted by pchere at 10:45 AM PST - 7 comments

Can I rescue my blanket, or should it be tossed?

Is it okay to clean/rescue a wet wool blanket that the flood damage guys want you to throw out after it smells like a damp dog? [more inside]
posted by Linda_Holmes at 10:34 AM PST - 15 comments

Trying to find an email newsletter of interesting videos

I used to subscribe to this newsletter, but got overwhelmed by the volume of interestingness and unsub'd. I would like to find it again. It is not Viewsource.TV. [more inside]
posted by Slacker Manager at 10:22 AM PST - 2 comments

Help me improve the ASA fitness classification system

The ASA physical status classification system is used by anaesthesiologists, surgeons and epidemiologists the world over. It has a major flaw - it makes no odds whether index patients have 1 or 5 systemic diseases: only the leading/worst is counted. This has the advantage of simplicity but is potentially misleading and should be done better in the 21st century. Numbercrunchers with a biomedical background needed ... [more inside]
posted by kairab at 10:20 AM PST - 4 comments

How to handle this situation professionally?

I'm job hunting in a particular industry and doing a lot of informational interviews. I managed to arrange one with the Principal at a firm whose work intrigues me for the 21st of November. Yesterday I noticed that this same firm has a position that I'm qualified for, and I'd like to submit my resume and cover letter today. If I make it past the initial screening, will it appear that I scheduled the informational interview under false pretenses when I was really trying to score a job interview? How would I handle the question of my application in the interview, which I arranged weeks ago? Please give me your advice on how to handle this professionally. [more inside]
posted by foxy_hedgehog at 10:19 AM PST - 4 comments

Can't stand new Google Drive - where do I go?

I hate the new 'look' of Google Drive and need an alternative. [more inside]
posted by ryanshepard at 9:59 AM PST - 7 comments

Is there a science of division?

Is there a science of division? (i.e. Models of the phenomenon that communities often split into two blocs with some degree of mutual antagonism. And/or empirical data that such models could be compared against.) [more inside]
posted by philipy at 9:52 AM PST - 7 comments

know when to hold em?

Ways to mitigate renting underwater property at a loss? [more inside]
posted by sweet Annie Rich at 9:34 AM PST - 11 comments

What happened to the geese from my down comforter?

As I lay underneath my goose down comforter, I wondered what happened to the geese? [more inside]
posted by Brooklyn_Jake at 9:32 AM PST - 8 comments

How to juggle real food and breastmilk in a 7 month old.

Feeding a 7 month old, how much liquid/breastmilk is necessary? [more inside]
posted by katers890 at 8:59 AM PST - 22 comments

Spammy RSVPs?

Using a Google Form for wedding RSVPs - are we going to get spammy submissions? [more inside]
posted by Tehhund at 8:39 AM PST - 11 comments

Writing a thank-you, with a side of hurricane sympathy?

I've got a thank-you note to write to a friend of my parents'-- already quite late, since the gift was given early last month. Difficulty: since then, the recipient's house was damaged fairly badly by Hurricane Sandy, and she's been struggling with the aftermath. I feel like her current rough situation warrants some sort of extra gesture or comment beyond the usual thank-you boilerplate, but what might that be? [more inside]
posted by Bardolph at 8:06 AM PST - 8 comments

How much is enough (retirement savings)?

How high was your gross income when you felt able to make the maximum contribution to your 401(k)/403(b)? Is contributing close to half of my already modest income a bad idea? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:58 AM PST - 15 comments

How did you realize you were depressed?

How did you realize you were depressed? What convinced you to seek treatment? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:58 AM PST - 36 comments

(Close to the) Mix CD Edit

If you were to introduce somebody who is curious about Skinny Puppy to the band, what would your ideal single-CD track list be? Bonus round: the Art of Noise. [more inside]
posted by Shepherd at 7:55 AM PST - 17 comments

Leaving my baby

I'm leaving my 7 month old baby with his other mom for three days. This will be the first time I'm away from him for longer than a couple of hours, and the first time I won't be able to nurse him. I am really anxious about this. What can I do to help this go as smoothly as possible, and keep me sane? [more inside]
posted by arcticwoman at 7:50 AM PST - 15 comments

Outdoor volunteering with kids in NYC?

I want to volunteer with an organization that introduces young people to outdoor experiences that they wouldn't otherwise have -- hiking, camping, rock climbing, etc. I've had a look at Outward Bound but it doesn't look like they take volunteers. What are some similar organizations I could check out? I'm in the New York City area.
posted by rsk at 7:49 AM PST - 11 comments

Drummers: Yamaha or Mapex?

Drummers: Yamaha or Mapex? [more inside]
posted by Terminal Verbosity at 7:37 AM PST - 10 comments

Will the Leonard Cohen Old Ideas World Tour show in Vancouver on November 12 have an opening act?

Will the Leonard Cohen Old Ideas World Tour show in Vancouver on November 12 have an opening act? If yes, who will it be?
posted by tabubilgirl at 7:28 AM PST - 3 comments

How can I figure out what this USB device is?

I've got a Windows laptop computer I'm working on that has a small usb device plugged into it, and I can't tell what it is. It has a little red square with an icon of a six-armed gear, and it's one of those low-profile things that only sticks out a quarter-inch or so. I'd almost think it's a wireless mouse receiver, except that this thing also has a wireless mouse receiver plugged in. Is there a program I can run to tell me what USB devices are plugged in?
posted by Pope Guilty at 7:22 AM PST - 7 comments

I don't think guitar solos will help me digest pie.

[Playlist filter] In search of great music for the Thanksgiving holiday that sounds like a comfortable sweater. [more inside]
posted by dean winchester at 7:20 AM PST - 18 comments

Quest for Obama poster

Please help me find this Obama campaign poster. [more inside]
posted by triggerfinger at 7:10 AM PST - 6 comments


What is it called to have your test columns align vertically across rows? That is: I want the letters of one row to align with the row above it, exactly, so each character takes up the exact same width? Can we do this in Word? Thanks all you word processors out there!
posted by 1inabillionmistake at 7:07 AM PST - 2 comments

The coalman's fedora

Hats and Social Class in Pre-Internet England: I recall part of an episode of Are You Being Served where Captain Peacock was castigating another male employee (perhaps Mr Grainger) for wearing a bowler hat to work when bowlers were reserved for managers. Now, we all know Peacock to be stuffy, stodgy, etc., but was this a real thing? We're different styles of hat ever reserved for a particular class?
posted by bluejayway at 7:00 AM PST - 23 comments

What's the Nest of weather stations?

I'm looking for the Nest of weather stations. Slick UI, lots of functionality, net connected, and iOS friendly. [more inside]
posted by duien at 6:49 AM PST - 6 comments

Where can I find conversation-starters?

Where can I find a bunch of thought-provoking questions or prompts for starting conversations? I'm looking for the rabbit-hole questions you can spend a lot of time discussing with someone, as well as questions that help you get to know someone better. Are there books, games, or web resources like this? [more inside]
posted by theantikitty at 6:44 AM PST - 12 comments

Can you help me (a designer) learn to wrangle data?

Data sets, Aggs and Smushes, oh my! Can you help me (a designer) learn to wrangle data? [more inside]
posted by halseyaa at 6:38 AM PST - 5 comments

Collage making software for PC?

Collage making software for PC? [more inside]
posted by jesirose at 5:42 AM PST - 5 comments

Am I wasting Coffee?

Am I wasting coffee? I have a tiny single serving french press. It can fit 16 ounces of water when filled to the brim completely. I've been using 3 tablespoons of coffee. Is that way too much or am I just throwing money down the drain?
posted by mamamia88 at 5:40 AM PST - 19 comments

Poe (?) short-story about a dead man's speech

(Poe?) tale about a speech by a dead man [more inside]
posted by Remote Network at 5:26 AM PST - 5 comments

Out, out damned spots!

Why do I keep getting spots round my eyebrows, temples and hairline? [more inside]
posted by mippy at 4:24 AM PST - 15 comments

Can making a tiered tipping system ever be ethical?

Is it ethical for employers and managers to tier the tips of servers and bar staff as a means of creating an "incentive" programme? [more inside]
posted by _superconductor at 3:57 AM PST - 19 comments

Date rescue

A friend of mine gave me a damaged portable hard drive to see if I can rescue some of his data. It has a SATA connector and it gets recognized by the BIOS, although it tells me that the SMART readings are bad. I can't access it under Windows but I booted to a Linux image and I could mount the drive and look at the contents. The Files are still there but they are all the same size, 4kb. I don't know anything about data rescue so I didn't want to experiment too much as not to damage the drive further. I downloaded some Linux Boot images, Knoppix, SystemRescueCD and UltimateBootCD, which all have various tools for hard drive diagnostic and repairs. Now what would you suggest to try first?
posted by SweetLiesOfBokonon at 2:41 AM PST - 8 comments

Send resume, cover letter, and salary requirements to:

What's the consensus on a response to the dreaded "Salary Requirements" question in a job posting? I've looked around AskMeFi and have seen a variety of responses, ranging from "Don't answer that!" to "Tell them what you want to make." Specificity and individualism await within. [more inside]
posted by OHSnap at 2:39 AM PST - 7 comments

Never forget - she's my favourite!

Secretly removed as an executor by my father: how should I feel about this? [more inside]
posted by tulipwool at 1:42 AM PST - 30 comments

November 8

Anyone Can Cook Anywhere

Foodie living in a village. Help me cook from scratch. [more inside]
posted by Solon and Thanks at 11:24 PM PST - 20 comments

What's his naaaaaame?!

Help me remember this notable (Chicago?) activist guy. [more inside]
posted by nile_red at 10:13 PM PST - 2 comments

Post-breakup Movies

What movies helped you get over a breakup? [more inside]
posted by windbox at 10:09 PM PST - 24 comments

kinetic, prop-based board games, please

Board game recommendations in the vein of 'Run Yourself Ragged?' [more inside]
posted by mintcake! at 9:34 PM PST - 7 comments

Need a cheap cell phone

Shopping for a cell phone - new unlocked GSM or t-mobile android smart phone, good camera (at least 5 MP), respectable battery life and under $200 without a plan (ebay ok). Any recommendations?
posted by roaring beast at 9:31 PM PST - 5 comments

Stop telling them I like things that I don't

Portraying someone you love to another? [more inside]
posted by southeastyetagain at 9:29 PM PST - 20 comments

How Can I Self-Learn into a Freelance Career?

In a roundabout and hair-pulling sort of way, I find myself a historic preservation grad school drop out (yes, thank you, I dropped out) and with family logistics, pretty much need to stay home with our child full-time. What sort of skills can I develop on my own time that may lead to a well-paying freelance/at-home career? I have a degree in art history, and a very varied work past that included lots of food service and administrative assistant positions. I've applied to many of the higher paying jobs around town to justify spending hundreds on childcare, but to no avail. Personally, I would rather stay home with my child. [more inside]
posted by ohmansocute at 9:11 PM PST - 9 comments

Bodyweight replacements for standard barbell exercises?

Thanks to Sandy, it'll be a couple of months before I have access to a gym. If I describe my usual barbell routine below the fold, can anyone recommend bodyweight exercises that target approximately the same muscles without any equipment? [more inside]
posted by d. z. wang at 8:59 PM PST - 11 comments

Wait, what IS economics anyways?

I read this article and I'm fascinated by the effects of current events on how money moves through the world and how money seems to affect other money. I've found a new interest! But, I don't even know what it's called! How can I study this? [more inside]
posted by windykites at 8:43 PM PST - 8 comments

I just really, really hope I never have to see this again.

How to confront a stranger being very, very, verbally abusive to their child? [more inside]
posted by mediocre at 7:49 PM PST - 29 comments

Who's in charge here?

Why did I sit on the Mass Pike yesterday for 3 hrs and who would do something if I complained about it? [more inside]
posted by Tandem Affinity at 7:37 PM PST - 24 comments

Dem bones

How long could a skeleton survive buried in the Northeast United States? [more inside]
posted by oinopaponton at 7:36 PM PST - 5 comments

Movies: Cleaning up after a murder

Looking for movies where there is a suspenseful scene of one or two people cleaning up after a murder and/or concealing a body. [more inside]
posted by 99percentfake at 7:30 PM PST - 23 comments

Creative and fun activity books for kids

What are your favourite books for children with activities that they can do with minimal supervision? So far on the list, I have The Silver Spoon for Children (cooking), the Ed Emberley books (drawing), maybe Wreck This Journal or How to Be an Explorer of the World (random creative activities)? [more inside]
posted by AnnaRat at 7:26 PM PST - 11 comments

Our former landlord is trying to rip us off for nearly $4,000 (Prince George Co, Maryland)

Our former landlord is trying to withhold our security deposit and charge us $3,000+ for damages we did not cause. We just received her letter itemizing the "charges" and I just want to make sure we are covering our bases, as it's my first time in this situation. We are in Prince George County, Maryland. [more inside]
posted by SpicyMustard at 6:59 PM PST - 12 comments

The log is a...a...really?!

The fruit of our looms has discovered ghost tales. You know - Bloody Mary and her ilk. However she has not yet heard "If the log rolls over we will all be dead." [more inside]
posted by peagood at 6:58 PM PST - 1 comment

please give advice on how to react to something

My dad was just incredibly rude to me. again. Please help me sort through my feelings, possible responses, and the wisest course of action. [more inside]
posted by rebent at 6:55 PM PST - 38 comments

Help me dance my way to a cleaner home!

I need to build a house cleaning playlist. [more inside]
posted by Ruki at 6:34 PM PST - 23 comments

Dress me, please!

Yet another question about what to wear to a wedding. I'm attending a late afternoon wedding this weekend in Northern Virginia. It's at a country club, and no dress code was specified. Is this recently-purchased cute Anthropologie dress appropriate? [more inside]
posted by psycheslamp at 5:17 PM PST - 19 comments

Help me stop e-stalking my ex

Will you share some practical tips on how I can stop e-stalking my ex. [more inside]
posted by feastorfamine at 5:02 PM PST - 20 comments

It’s not quite Domestic Blindness... so where do you get Domestic Contact Lenses?

My partner says he simply doesn’t see some things that need to be done around the house. I believe him. He is unhappy about this; we would both like to see it change if possible. How can he learn to see what needs to be done? [more inside]
posted by Someone Else's Story at 4:38 PM PST - 37 comments

Addicted to the life?

What are some examples of criminals who fell into a life of crime for the lifestyle of luxury/ power it provided? [more inside]
posted by custard heart at 3:56 PM PST - 15 comments

Teaching Windows 8

Where/what are the best online resources that will help me learn enough about Windows 8 to teach someone else to use it? [more inside]
posted by vers at 3:52 PM PST - 4 comments

What Went Wrong

I'm in the mood for some good political postmortems. Big races, little races, recent news, ancient history, whatever. Probably U.S. though. [more inside]
posted by 2bucksplus at 3:50 PM PST - 6 comments

Getting to the root of a dental conundrum

Is there an urgent, specific time frame when (if?) getting a dental implant after a tooth extraction? And is my new dentist being too helicopter-y and otherwise...not quite on-the-level? (Warning: looong backstory inside) [more inside]
posted by Oriole Adams at 3:46 PM PST - 7 comments

Could selling links harm my blog's ranking?

I'm being offered a sizeable chunk of money to add a link to an article on my blog - what potential downside does it have on the way Google sees my site? [more inside]
posted by jontyjago at 3:15 PM PST - 5 comments

Looking for advice on taking short business trips to far places. (And maybe extending those trips for non-business visiting)

Looking for advice on taking short business trips to far places. (And maybe extending those trips for non-business visiting) [more inside]
posted by ManInSuit at 3:10 PM PST - 6 comments

Help me find an iPhone app for logging workouts (no pen & paper, please!)

iPhone workout logging question I'm looking for a fairly precise logging app for workouts – particularly weight training for the iPhone. Let me log with minimal taps and enter my own workouts. [more inside]
posted by filmgeek at 3:06 PM PST - 7 comments

Where do we invest?

Trying to decide where to put our money. Wife changed her job. Should we roll her investments into her current new 401K company Charles Schwab for convenience or into Vanguard? We are interested in investing in Index Funds for the long term.
posted by damiano99 at 2:48 PM PST - 13 comments

jokes for a short attention span

Please share your short, text-message-friendly, jokes. [more inside]
posted by ambrosia at 1:47 PM PST - 78 comments

Which tablet for my mom?

Should my mom buy a Kindle Fire HD or an iPad mini? International edition. [more inside]
posted by Joh at 1:26 PM PST - 18 comments

Might as well have the best.

You've done the research; what's the best? [more inside]
posted by sportbucket at 1:24 PM PST - 47 comments

My own personal bird alarm clock-- isn't nature beautiful?

How can I stop this stupid cardinal from repeatedly throwing himself at my bedroom window? [more inside]
posted by geegollygosh at 1:17 PM PST - 10 comments

It's a stretch.

How do I (further) stretch an ear piercing? [more inside]
posted by Kitty Stardust at 1:08 PM PST - 8 comments

How do I tell my friend with benefits that I have feelings for him?

How do I (or do I?!) tell my friend-who-recently-turned-friend-with-benefits that I have developed romantic feelings for him? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:07 PM PST - 25 comments

my life is a ball of chaos

So, am I a magnet for toxic relationships? Is it them? Is it me? it really such a bad thing? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:07 PM PST - 14 comments

Too young for The Change

Tell me about your experience with peri-menopause. [more inside]
posted by Seahorse, rode hard and put away wet at 1:00 PM PST - 13 comments

Fabric supply in Chicago

Where in or around Chicago can I buy 100% wool jersey fabric? I've found a couple places on-line, but strongly prefer to touch the fabric and verify the color in person before I drop $20+ per yard on it. I did not see any at Vogue on Roosevelt--they have suiting but I'm looking for a different drape than a wool twill.
posted by crush-onastick at 12:58 PM PST - 4 comments

Therapist for anxiety in Brooklyn?

Can anyone recommend a therapist who practices CBT in Brooklyn, NY? (Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill, Park Slope area, or even downtown Manhattan.) I need some help managing extreme anxiety. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 12:23 PM PST - 3 comments

Welcome to PenPal World

I'm wondering if I should keep emailing someone I've only met once and won't see again for six months. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 12:22 PM PST - 11 comments

Help us kill rats without collateral damage

How to kill rats that don't live in my property without killing squirrels, pets, children or neighbors? [more inside]
posted by Ignatius J. Reilly at 12:12 PM PST - 41 comments

Can I Make It Stop?

During the past three and a half hours, I've received ten telemarketer calls on my cell phone. They seem to be from the same company using different numbers and area codes (I stopped answering and they don't always leave a message, so I can't be sure). What can I do, and what did I do? [more inside]
posted by gladly at 12:03 PM PST - 8 comments

What are good ways to archive old email?

What are good ways to archive old email? [more inside]
posted by kellybird at 12:02 PM PST - 4 comments

Single Seats Book of Mormon

Has anyone been to Chicago's Bank of America Theatre? Should I get these tickets for the Book of Mormon? They're all the way in Balcony Right and we wouldn't even be seated next to each other... [more inside]
posted by bluelight at 11:58 AM PST - 12 comments

Practice Probability Word Problems

What great books or resources are there for practicing probability word problems such as for standardized tests like the GRE? [more inside]
posted by Mr. Papagiorgio at 11:55 AM PST - 3 comments

Is Ritalin working on me?

I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD, at 22, and prescribed Ritalin. I am unsure to which extent it's supposed to be helping me, but I do notice subtle differences in my day to day life, like my place suddenly not getting messy anymore. While I notice I managed to get more done (school work) since starting it, I still have a hard time sitting down and just going ahead with projects. I study graphic design, so things are usually quite mental, and need time to develop, but I am wondering if it's really helping? Occasionally it feels like it's slowing me down too much. Should I suggest my psychiatrist to try another drug? (Adderall is not an option, I am curious about dexedrine)
posted by ahtlast93 at 11:52 AM PST - 24 comments

Help my husband improve employee morale and learn to be a great manager.

Help my husband improve employee morale and learn to be a great manager. [more inside]
posted by picapica at 11:38 AM PST - 10 comments

Tell me of the tales of kicking ass from your homeworld, Usul.

I just reread Dune, and the parts I liked were as good as always. I don't have much patience for the parts other than that. Help me find more books that feature the "navigating a new culture but doing it really well and then kicking ass in some sort of fight" narrative. I like it when the new culture is special/insular/devalued but is really the bestest all along. (Special sandgrains inside.) [more inside]
posted by OmieWise at 11:35 AM PST - 38 comments

Give me advice on probiotics

I'm taking Augmentin (an antibiotic) for a sinus infection. My doctor said I should also take Florastor, a probiotic, to avoid stomach issues. But won't the Augmentin kill anything that Florastor manages to grow? I know, YANMD, but if you have any experience taking antibiotics and probiotics at the same time, please tell me how that worked for you. Did it help with antibiotic-related tummy trouble?
posted by tuesdayschild at 11:13 AM PST - 16 comments

Fighting information overload, one Tweet at a time

I read this somewhere filter. A few years back, I read a very detailed description of a well known journalist (working at Reuters, or AP or something - it might have been Anthony De Rosa) who explained in great detail how he managed his Twitter and other (social) information streams to find original sources and be on top of breaking news. I would like to find that specific article again. [more inside]
posted by NekulturnY at 10:58 AM PST - 9 comments

Jump that frog.

I find myself able to enter a frog jumping & racing contest. As does my boyfriend, who refuses to make this a team effort. Help me name my frog and totally school boyfriend, or at least put up a good showing. [more inside]
posted by ashtabula to opelika at 10:47 AM PST - 15 comments

"No gifts please"

Does "No gifts please" on a wedding invitation really mean No Gifts? [more inside]
posted by otherwordlyglow at 10:42 AM PST - 54 comments

Hello? Any landlines out there?

Post-Sandy, we are thinking it would be good to have an old-fashioned landline for future outages. We currently have FIOS phone, cable and internet. When we lost power, after the second day we had no home phone I guess because the battery backup died. So is there such a thing as old-fashioned landline service anymore? And who can I call to get this service from? In central NJ?
posted by mmf at 10:37 AM PST - 20 comments

How large a hadron would a large hadron collider collide, if a large hadron collider could collide hadrons?

Does the Large Hadron Collider collide large hadrons, or is it a large machine that collides regular hadrons? [more inside]
posted by gkhan at 10:32 AM PST - 13 comments

Anyone recommend a great periodontal surgeon?

Can anyone recommend a great periodontist in the Boston area for a gum graft in a visible area? [more inside]
posted by UMDirector at 10:30 AM PST - 4 comments

Is there such a thing as a manageable amount of student loan debt?

Is there a manageable amount of student loan debt? Am I being paranoid about my own amount or should I avoid additional debt at all costs? [more inside]
posted by Papagayo at 10:22 AM PST - 22 comments

How should we watch TV in 2013?

Please help a luddite watch TV. I know the state of the art in TV options has come a long way since my family decided that cable + TiVo was the right solution for us a decade ago. Now we have a new place and I want to set it up right but I get overwhelmed when I go to research the options. Can you help me make sense of it and stop wasting a ton of money on cable? [more inside]
posted by fingersandtoes at 10:22 AM PST - 9 comments

Novel recommendations

Looking for specific book recommendations that are superb and by female authors/female authors of color. [more inside]
posted by jsturgill at 10:12 AM PST - 53 comments

I'm blowing my budget on sandwiches

I am currently employed full time and am a full time student. I would like to get better about bringing lunch to work, but I really only have time on Sundays to make anything. What can I make that will last all week? Bonus if it's lower fat and/or vegetarian.
posted by Nimmie Amee at 10:08 AM PST - 20 comments


I've never read William Gibson's Neuromancer, but I'm curious about how "Cyberspace" is represented in the book. [more inside]
posted by to sir with millipedes at 9:54 AM PST - 24 comments

I have a fear of chemicals and microbes, and anything that might harm my health. Is it rational? If not, how do I get over it?

I have a fear of chemicals and microbes, and anything that might harm my health. Is it rational? If not, how do I get over it? [more inside]
posted by suburbs at 9:50 AM PST - 36 comments

Should I pack up my family & move across the country?

Should I pack up my family & move across the country? [more inside]
posted by AbsolutelyHonest at 8:40 AM PST - 14 comments

Why can't I get over my ex?

Why can't I get over my ex and why is my self esteem so low? Will him and his new gf work? How do I behave around them? [more inside]
posted by artystar at 8:34 AM PST - 26 comments

tablet that can run my old Windows programs, has a full-size USB port.

Tablet-as-word-processor search: I'm looking for a tablet that can run (at least some of) my old Windows programs, and has a full-size USB port. [more inside]
posted by skwt at 8:34 AM PST - 20 comments

Child of Asian immigrants seeks ways to understand the family dynamics

How would you respond to these situations? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:30 AM PST - 13 comments

I've got three good teeth left.

Looking for a dentist in Southern Maine. [more inside]
posted by furnace.heart at 8:08 AM PST - 2 comments

When and how do you decide it’s ok for an opposite sex to sleep with your adolescent / young adult at your house?

Unsure When and how do you decide it’s ok for an opposite sex to sleep with your adolescent / young adult at your house? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:01 AM PST - 53 comments

Fuck Tha Trenton Transit Center

I'm looking for a healthy, filling, carb-lite meal that I can prepare a few days in advance and take with me on a train without much spillage. Travel makes me stress-eat, and I'm looking for something that I can just conveniently take out and devour, but which also happens to be good for me.
posted by Rory Marinich at 7:51 AM PST - 7 comments

What outdoor games can I play with my dog?

What are some outdoor games I can play with my dog? [more inside]
posted by juliapangolin at 7:47 AM PST - 8 comments

Dealing with ALL THE THINGS

We broke up. The lease is ending. I'm ready to move. There's one big problem. [more inside]
posted by sockpuppet yo at 7:47 AM PST - 48 comments

Antique Clock Repair

I need to have repairs done on an antique clock in the Los Angeles area, but I'm unsure who would be reputable. Does anyone have any recommendations regarding a good place to get an initial estimate? Or is there a way to find good reviews for this kind of sevice? [more inside]
posted by SpacemanStix at 7:29 AM PST - 6 comments

Where can I find video or an mp3 of Christopher Walken reading Goodnight Moon?

Where can I find video or an mp3 of Christopher Walken reading Goodnight Moon? [more inside]
posted by hogweed at 7:26 AM PST - 4 comments

crazy rockstar interviews

I'm looking for audio and/or video (or otherwise transcripts) of "outrageous" or "far out" interviews or non-music content that more "hard-core" fans of those people would know about, but general fans might not. examples: Noel & Liam Gallagher's "Wibbling Rivalry" or Bob Dylan's conversation with AJ Webberman
posted by mrmarley at 7:13 AM PST - 2 comments

help me get habituated into my office!

Help me "settle" into my graduate student office! I try to make myself more comfortable by bringing an electric kettle and tea bags. I also put a pair of slippers there. What else should I so that I can "settle in" the way I do in my office at home or in a coffee shop? [more inside]
posted by atetrachordofthree at 7:11 AM PST - 16 comments

Coming Out

I'm completely in the closet, but would like to know how to come out as a gay person of colour? I could use any sort of advice whether that's in the form of academic articles, anecdotes, words of wisdom, etc.. Also, what happens after coming out? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:03 AM PST - 15 comments

Help me find Pendleton blanket pretenders. I'd like to give one as a gift.. or a real one, if anyone has secret sale sources. I don't have time to shop!

I'd like to buy my friend a Pendleton blanket as a gift, however, I don't have the time to source one, nor do I have the fundage right now. Are there alternatives? [more inside]
posted by ElectricGoat at 6:53 AM PST - 9 comments

Scaly skin at ear canal?

Scaly skin around the entrance to my ear canal. [more inside]
posted by waraw at 6:41 AM PST - 11 comments

Martyr? I hardly even know yr!

How do you recognize and prevent situations in which attempting to stand up for yourself or for a principle of yours results in embarrassment and making yourself look belligerent, condescending, embittered, and a bit crazy? [more inside]
posted by My Famous Mistake at 5:39 AM PST - 36 comments

All in the line of work?

My recruiter placed the person who got the job offer instead of me! [more inside]
posted by CPAGirl at 5:24 AM PST - 17 comments

Winter sun for a single lady

Winter Sun holiday destination, less than a 12-hour flight from the UK, safe for a single woman to go on her own. Are there any? [more inside]
posted by greenish at 3:24 AM PST - 25 comments

November 7

Tell me about contract employment, please.

I applied for a contract position for a local city government. I don't know what a contract position entails, and I have a few questions for anyone with experience as a contract worker (or hiring contract workers) for city jobs. [more inside]
posted by foxinthesnow at 11:55 PM PST - 5 comments

How do I help my bipolar sister in this confusing and tricky situation?

How do I help my bipolar sister in this confusing and tricky situation? [more inside]
posted by at 11:00 PM PST - 29 comments

Large-Scale Donations

Post-hurricane, and I'd like to donate almost EVERYTHING, but I don't personally have much time to sort it all out... [more inside]
posted by lilboo at 10:45 PM PST - 20 comments

Name that old-school time management book

Looking for an old-school time management book that compares each day to a coin. [more inside]
posted by delight at 9:24 PM PST - 3 comments

Are they using a 2001 monolith as a cutting board?

What is the the matte black thing the chef is using as cutting surface in this video and where could I get one? [more inside]
posted by Ookseer at 9:23 PM PST - 4 comments

Picking a selection of poems for a high school student

I'm tutoring a teen girl who loves Maya Angelou and writing her own poetry and I want to make her a book of poems to encourage/inspire her. What poems should I include? [more inside]
posted by grokfest at 8:05 PM PST - 21 comments

Titles for a health foodie blog?

Can you help me brainstorm some great titles for a fitness blog? The focus is eating healthy for time-pressed people. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by unmouton88 at 7:55 PM PST - 16 comments

How do I prioritize between emergency savings, retirement, and student loan payments in a new marriage?

Newly married, and trying to figure out emergency savings vs. retirement vs. paying off debt vs. saving for a family. Please help me prioritize. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:01 PM PST - 22 comments

Lack of sleep causes insanity

[Slightly Urgent] I'm landing in DCA in 1.5 hours(11:15pm local). I need to get to IAD hopefully within an hour. Advice? [more inside]
posted by Folk at 7:01 PM PST - 20 comments

What to Do Soon in NYC?

I am in New York City until Friday evening. What are some good ways to pass the time (indoors, please!) [more inside]
posted by amicamentis at 7:00 PM PST - 8 comments

Muscle/Fitness: IT Band Tightness, how to relieve?

Muscle/Fitness: Most of my life, I've noticed that I have tight I.T. Bands, or at least tightness in the side of my thighs. How can I relieve this tightness? Tried rolling, etc... not much help. [more inside]
posted by MMALR at 6:42 PM PST - 11 comments

Do you want to 1) attempt to ford the river 2) caulk the wagon and float it across 3) take the ferry or 4) hire a mefite as your guide?

Cross country move: Charlotte to Seattle. Help make sure this banker-type doesn't die of dysentery on the way there. [more inside]
posted by Blue_Villain at 6:37 PM PST - 7 comments

Need some advice on a family vacation destination within driving distance of Cleveland, OH.

Can you give me advice or suggestions for a family vacation destination within driving distance of Cleveland, OH. [more inside]
posted by kdern at 6:35 PM PST - 11 comments

any dual Italian-American's want to help?

Has anyone gotten dual Italian and American citizenship jure sanguinis? [more inside]
posted by wandering_not_lost at 6:29 PM PST - 4 comments

Looking for romance on Netflix streaming

Seeking quirky romantic movies that are on Netflix streaming. [more inside]
posted by youcancallmeal at 6:05 PM PST - 44 comments

Vintage Filter

Help me authenticate these supposedly vintage jeans in near-mint condition. [more inside]
posted by bad grammar at 5:58 PM PST - 6 comments

Why do the bottoms of my feet feel hot when I pee?

The bottoms of my feet get hot when I pee. Why does this happen? Does this happen to anyone else? Should I be worried? [more inside]
posted by hippybear at 5:48 PM PST - 21 comments

How to help a fired friend

How to help a close friend who was just fired? [more inside]
posted by Laura Macbeth at 5:38 PM PST - 15 comments

It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas...

I would like to buy a candle that smells like Christmas trees. Suggestions? [more inside]
posted by xiaolongbao at 5:15 PM PST - 20 comments

Slightly eggy smelling cooked then frozen chicken ok to eat?

Is cooked then frozen chicken with a mild eggy smell ok to eat? [more inside]
posted by 1024x768 at 5:01 PM PST - 13 comments

Another "help me land my dream job" question

A week ago a applied for a municipal goverment job that I really, really, really want to get. [more inside]
posted by 3dd at 4:40 PM PST - 3 comments

Two will problem

A family member died. There exist two wills, one of which probably revokes the other - each was written in a separate jurisdiction (England, and Ireland). The solicitor of the later will is unwilling to release it to us. What are our next steps? [more inside]
posted by plonkee at 4:38 PM PST - 7 comments

Why are Epson printers the devil?

Why won't my black ink print?! [more inside]
posted by masquesoporfavor at 4:07 PM PST - 9 comments

Handling the stress

Is teaching for me? How do I handle this stress [more inside]
posted by marcusesses at 4:01 PM PST - 24 comments

How to get over this big/little step

How to get over fear of this ( Long story inside) [more inside]
posted by Autumn89 at 3:41 PM PST - 15 comments

Tips and advice for first time selling a used car?

Tips and advice for first time selling a used car? I am trying to figure out if I should fix up some cosmetic damage before selling my 2005 Honda Civic EX, as well as looking for general advice on selling on the private market. [more inside]
posted by Peemster at 3:17 PM PST - 5 comments

Really GRE Psychology Subject Exam scores? Really?

Are these really the average scores for the Psych GRE? 577 at Master's level and 633 at the doctoral level. [more inside]
posted by Che boludo! at 3:06 PM PST - 9 comments

Influential manifestos?

The Communist Manifesto. The 95 Theses. The Cluetrain Manifesto. Dogme 95. What are some other influential manifestos, political, religious, sociological, artistic, or otherwise, either past or present?
posted by shivohum at 2:20 PM PST - 50 comments

A Tablet Bag for the 7'' Masses

I've got a Nexus 7, and now it needs a nice bag to carry it and the things I take with it. Snowflakes follow. [more inside]
posted by Apropos of Something at 1:55 PM PST - 9 comments

Should I leave him?

Should I leave him? I've been dating someone for five months. In the beginning, he asked that we take it slow; he'd been out of a very long relationship for about a year and a half. I said I'd be happy to take it slow if he was open to the possibility of a committed relationship eventually. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:15 PM PST - 32 comments

St. Paul therapists?

Can you suggest a therapist in or near St. Paul, MN? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:14 PM PST - 1 comment

How is doctor formed?

Please explain the American medical educational system to me like I'm a small child. The Wikipedia article isn't very clear. [more inside]
posted by edrnjevich at 12:59 PM PST - 20 comments

NY Labor Law Prior to 2011

Where can I find a copy of the New York State Labor Law that was in effect prior to January 2011, specifically as is it pertains to hospitality workers and wage payments? This law was amended in 2011 and I need to see what it was changed from. If I can find this online, that would be great.
posted by mbx at 12:50 PM PST - 2 comments

Runners responsibility for lost dogs?

A puppy chased me 5km from it's house while I was running, and I ended up dumping the dog on another home owner's whose dogs tried to come after me.... looking for opinions on what others would have done. [more inside]
posted by dripped at 12:35 PM PST - 62 comments

Eenie, meenie, minie, kitteh.

[Cat filter] Should I adopt a cat, or take one from my parents? [more inside]
posted by DoubleLune at 12:13 PM PST - 20 comments

A Conservative Classic Lost to Time

Does anyone know where to obtain a copy of Pat Buchanan's memo to Richard Nixon, "Dividing the Democrats"? [more inside]
posted by dhartung at 12:03 PM PST - 3 comments

How do I settle this debt?

Parents bought a $1.8k plane ticket for my friend and now she's agreeing to wire back $900 into my account. She had agreed to pay back the full price initially. How do I get the rest of the money back? [more inside]
posted by lyinlion at 11:53 AM PST - 35 comments

Area man seeks more music. Much more.

So, lately I've been obsessed with the song "We would be so happy if ...," by Bristol-based band Thought Forms. [Alternate link.] There's something about the combination of soaring female vocals, heavy guitars, space, ambience, dynamics, and a fierce melodic sensibility that draws me back to this track, repeatedly. [more inside]
posted by Sonny Jim at 11:43 AM PST - 10 comments

Leather, leather everywhere, nor any drop to drink

Where should I go shopping for boots, belts, and funky clothing generally in Italy (Florence or Rome)? [more inside]
posted by 168 at 11:35 AM PST - 4 comments

Goodbye netbook, hello iPad?

I'm going to have to work some stupid overtime in the next few weeks, and I'm thinking of treating myself to a replacement for my well-loved but on-it's-last-legs EEE Asus netbook, used mostly for sitting on the couch and surfing while watching TV at home. Things I'm pondering: [more inside]
posted by JoanArkham at 11:20 AM PST - 15 comments

A sleeping bag built for two?

What cold-weather sleeping bags allow for two people to bundle together comfortably for serious camping? Zero or under bags preferred. [more inside]
posted by corb at 11:10 AM PST - 22 comments

What should I bring for a three-month field expedition to Central Africa?

I'm going to be doing fieldwork in Central Africa next summer. What do I need to bring? [more inside]
posted by Scientist at 11:08 AM PST - 15 comments

How can I connect with my sister?

How do I develop and nurture a relationship with a family member with whom I share little in common besides mutual respect and a desire to build closeness? [more inside]
posted by little_dog_laughing at 10:55 AM PST - 14 comments

How to split a big group into smaller groups

What's a good algorithm by which to split a group of 185 people into groups of 8-10? [more inside]
posted by rosa at 10:52 AM PST - 26 comments

Dishwasher or hand wash?

Dishwasher vs hand washing -- which is more efficient in this scenario? [more inside]
posted by buckaroo_benzai at 10:11 AM PST - 43 comments

Help me construct a syllabus for "Talking to People 101"?

If I want to study conversation -- how people talk, what they look like when they're talking, why people talk in certain situations, how to get better at talking -- what are the classics? What has helped you? [more inside]
posted by insteadofapricots at 10:04 AM PST - 10 comments

Will an iPad bought in the US get service from Apple in Europe?

Will an iPad bought in the US get service from Apple in Europe? [more inside]
posted by Grinder at 10:03 AM PST - 7 comments

Depressed, unmotivated, disgusted with myself. Suspended for a year from college. Need some structure in my life but can't hold a job. Can you help?

Depressed, unmotivated, disgusted with myself. Suspended for a year from college. Need some structure in my life but can't hold a job. Can you help? [more inside]
posted by Anonymousness at 10:00 AM PST - 21 comments

Holiday Project Time!

Hello crafty-folks! It's 2012 & once again I have realized that I have not learned to knit in time to give everyone handmade scarves for the holidays. So what new awesome projects can you suggest for holiday gift-giving? [more inside]
posted by Ys at 9:58 AM PST - 17 comments

Want to contribute the $5000 max for my Roth IRA, but not enough earned income?

I have $5000 in my savings account, I already contributed the $2000 I earned this year. I want to contribute $3000 more from my savings at the end of this year but I am not sure if that is even allowed, since I didn't "earn" it. But then, how would the IRA or my roth IRA holder even know? I didn't even make enough income to require filing for taxes.
posted by kopi at 9:35 AM PST - 9 comments

Can I paint over carpet glue without killing anyone?

Can I just paint over thick carpet glue? Other ideas for beautifying a rough-looking studio space welcome. [more inside]
posted by Ms. Toad at 9:15 AM PST - 14 comments

MS Access remains not user friendly for printing

I've switched my Access 2010 database from using Switchboard to using a Navigation Form. It's prettier and faster and it makes it impossible to print reports properly. [more inside]
posted by jeather at 8:44 AM PST - 6 comments

When is it clear in New England?

How can I find out which semester has the the largest number of clear nights? I'm teaching an observational astronomy class this term and am getting frustrated by the number of cloudy nights. Is this just life in New England, or would teaching it in the Spring be better? [more inside]
posted by Betelgeuse at 8:34 AM PST - 2 comments

Need to track down a short ghost story

Half remembered short story: Girl and Guy meet at rail station waiting room. Feel a relationship spark. They walk into nearest Town and dance at a bar. Halfway through the story the couple realise that they (and everyone else in the railway waiting room) are ghosts. *Might* have been a originally posted to the metafilter? [more inside]
posted by Faintdreams at 8:29 AM PST - 5 comments

I Made A Mistake; Will He Ever Forgive Me?

I borrowed a friend's car and let it run out of gas during the super shitty gas crisis we're having in NYC, now my friend is really mad at me and even though it's for a good reason and I tried to make it up to him he still won't talk to me. I want to try to make this right. What do I need to do? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:12 AM PST - 37 comments

I need to stop being allergic right meow.

I am allergic to cats. I need to live with cats in a few months. Before I pay for a doctor appointment, I would like to hear about some potential allergy prevention/treatment options and about the likelihood of getting over my allergies from anyone who went through this. [more inside]
posted by at 7:48 AM PST - 36 comments

Keep your hug, I need a cookie!

I want to make these cookies! [more inside]
posted by ohcanireally at 7:35 AM PST - 15 comments

How did CNN obtain the "CNN Caper" document?

A very esoteric question - YoungConservativeFilter, if you will - but CNN obtained a very damning document from James O'Keefe for a 2010 documentary they did. How did they get it? And how did they confirm it was O'Keefe's? [more inside]
posted by sidi hamet at 7:05 AM PST - 3 comments

How do I homeschool a preschooler?

My 3 1/2-year-old nephew was recently taken out of preschool because his parents can no longer afford it. I’m unemployed (and job hunting) and I’ve become the de facto nanny/babysitter. He’s a bright, active little boy who knows his shapes, colors, letters, numbers, how to spell his name, etc. He was learning how to write and I want to continue with that but I'm not sure how. (I have no kids and until him haven't spent much time with small children.) [more inside]
posted by shoesietart at 6:57 AM PST - 32 comments

Brooklyn restaurant with a view

Another NYC/Brooklyn restaurant question: City views edition. [more inside]
posted by greta simone at 6:55 AM PST - 17 comments

Ev'rything free in America

Some friends who supported Romney are so displeased with the election results that they are now threatening to move to Canada or Australia for the next four years. Okay. Would their experiences living as American citizens in those countries in reality align more closely with their conservative ideals? How 'bout if they became citizens? What's the best response to these people? [more inside]
posted by mochapickle at 6:53 AM PST - 80 comments

Musical Spoon River or Tilbury Town

Help me make a mix CD that populates a fictitious town. [more inside]
posted by dlugoczaj at 6:51 AM PST - 34 comments

What and how to learn on a commute?

What is a good skill to learn on a commute? 90-120 mins each day, subway/bus, mostly sitting without a table. Kindle/IPod/iPad available. Preferably looking for NON-language suggestions. [more inside]
posted by lalochezia at 6:33 AM PST - 16 comments

Exemplify the corporate values.

I need your help to overcome a creative writing block. I have to complete an annual review, and it is the most infuriating, difficult task imaginable. What guidance or motivation can you offer? [more inside]
posted by Just this guy, y'know at 2:24 AM PST - 11 comments

November 6

What do career-minded 20-somethings do to develop friends and community in SF?

What do career-minded 20-somethings do to develop friends and community in SF? [more inside]
posted by jander03 at 11:22 PM PST - 13 comments

Call me maybe

You: a professor. I: student/applicant for your program. How do you feel about phone contact? Details inside. [more inside]
posted by kettleoffish at 11:11 PM PST - 16 comments

Uff da, I've looked everywhere!

Upper Midwest comfort food filter! I'm no great lover of hotdish (casserole), but when I was a kid, my grandma made this excellent hotdish that I would love to replicate. The secret ingredient was Lipton Noodle Soup. Help me eat my body weight in noodly goodness this weekend! [more inside]
posted by easy, lucky, free at 11:07 PM PST - 9 comments

A frumpy "Devil Wears Prada"

My boss is a nitpicking control freak with a temper. Help me make it through the next couple of months without losing my mind. [more inside]
posted by ablazingsaddle at 10:29 PM PST - 12 comments

Charitable groups that fight voter suppression?

Help me give my Obama winnings to a good charity. [more inside]
posted by Lemurrhea at 9:27 PM PST - 17 comments

Adventure games for the elderly.

Need recommendations on adventure games for elderly people. [more inside]
posted by Beholder at 9:15 PM PST - 13 comments

Help me repair my Epson EX51 projector

I want to repair my Epson EX51 projector. Help me find the resources to do it. [more inside]
posted by signsofrain at 9:11 PM PST - 2 comments

Looking for a cottage rental around Ottawa, but don't know where to look

I'm looking at renting a cottage around Ottawa from just before Christmas to just before New Year's Day--Dec 22-29, give or take a day. I don't know the area at all, and haven't the faintest idea where to start. Help? [more inside]
posted by Decimask at 7:46 PM PST - 4 comments

Plaintiff or defendant in divorce, does it matter?

So, my wife and I are getting a divorce. Does it matter which one of us is the plaintiff and which is the defendant? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:53 PM PST - 13 comments

Is this really just a totally routine and normal procedure I am overthinking?

Trying to figure out if/when I should get a dental crown replaced. [more inside]
posted by leedly at 6:40 PM PST - 5 comments

Prepaid cell phone carriers

What is a good prepaid cell phone carrier in the U.S.? [more inside]
posted by YukoInNature at 6:14 PM PST - 15 comments

Putting the 'ice' in Iceland?

Touring Iceland in March: bad idea? [more inside]
posted by eugenen at 5:51 PM PST - 11 comments

Exact placement of nicknames?

As a rule, when writing out a woman's full name in a formal manner, should the nickname, if present, be positioned just before the maiden name, or just before the most recent (married) name? Example: Jacqueline Lee "Jackie" Bouvier Kennedy Onassis vs. Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy "Jackie" Onassis. [more inside]
posted by The Confessor at 5:51 PM PST - 5 comments

DVD --> MP4

How do I pull clips out of a DVD and export them as mp4s? [more inside]
posted by duvatney at 5:25 PM PST - 12 comments

Why is the power/ac adaptor cord for my laptop listed as three times more expensive from one site vs. the other?

Where to order power cord/ac adaptor for DELL latitude 5410 laptop? What information do I need to know for Volts and Amps? [more inside]
posted by proficiency101 at 5:24 PM PST - 4 comments

eBay sniping app for iOS

iOS sniping app for eBay auctions? [more inside]
posted by not that girl at 5:12 PM PST - 8 comments

How do I emulate this digital texture?

Digital artists: What is this cool, grainy Photoshop texture used in webcomics and how do I make it too? [more inside]
posted by iadacanavon at 4:54 PM PST - 5 comments

What book IS this?!

What was this book I saw advertised in an airplane magazine years ago? [more inside]
posted by thewestinggame at 4:45 PM PST - 1 comment

Do you say hi to acquaintances/classmates?

Do you say hi to acquaintances/classmates? [more inside]
posted by Osakhomen at 4:39 PM PST - 33 comments

My favorite stationary doesn't seem to exist anymore! I need a replacement.

My favorite stationary doesn't seem to exist anymore! I need a replacement, or find a way to create a replacement - monarch size, bordered. [more inside]
posted by 254blocks at 4:37 PM PST - 3 comments


What are some examples of new, interesting, funny, and/or powerful ways in which social media have been used during the current 2012 U.S. election season? What's caught your eye? Who's doing it right, who's doing it very wrong, where are the notable gaps? [more inside]
posted by Superplin at 4:33 PM PST - 9 comments

Calendar app for external scheduling

Need a calendar/schedule app for an upcoming conference. [more inside]
posted by ao4047 at 4:11 PM PST - 3 comments

What was behind that door?!

LA / Simi Valley friends, please help! I'd like to surprise a friend of mine with info / pictures of a couple things from his childhood that came up in a recent conversation--one concerns the Los Angeles Children's Museum, the other concerns Rancho Park in Simi Valley. More detail inside. [more inside]
posted by ElCuadrangular at 3:41 PM PST - 1 comment

What distance measure should I be using for string similarity?

TextMiningFilter: Help me find a distance measure that will account for the similarity between strings of different lengths. [more inside]
posted by Mr. Bad Example at 3:03 PM PST - 5 comments

Counter culture shock and its bag of tricks

Have you been through counter culture shock? Any tips would be appreciated. More so if you come from the arts/creative field. [more inside]
posted by kitsuloukos at 2:17 PM PST - 12 comments

What's going on in Philadelphia this weekend that we should check out?

Travel Philter: Traveling to Philly Sunday, Monday with my sweetie - staying downtown, please suggest some fun things for us to do. [more inside]
posted by BlueMartini7 at 2:13 PM PST - 13 comments

How do I get in on this closed Kickstarter?

I need to get in on this Kickstarter - but the availability date has passed. What can I do? [more inside]
posted by wolfdreams01 at 1:55 PM PST - 5 comments

How do you handle feeling threatened by a disabled person?

I have this nagging feeling of guilt from a situation that happened about a month ago. I'm not really sure what I should have done in this situation, and I'm conflicted by my feelings. It wasn't the end of the world, but it really frightened me and I'm wondering how I could have better handled it. [more inside]
posted by anoirmarie at 1:35 PM PST - 28 comments

How to be Doctor Dolittle with extremely limited resources

What are the options DIY veterinary care in rural, overseas location? A relative of mine has moved to a remote island in the Philippines. There is absolutely no veterinary care available. He's trying to prevent dog overpopulation. Any DIY options for him? [more inside]
posted by quince at 1:24 PM PST - 8 comments

Becoming a Plumber in NYC

I'm interested in becoming a plumber. The local union has told me that its doors are closed for the next two years, so I'm looking for workarounds... [more inside]
posted by incomple at 1:23 PM PST - 9 comments

The very essence of romance is uncertainty

What's a normal dating progression? Okay, I know there's no normal - how about average? [more inside]
posted by b33j at 12:59 PM PST - 12 comments


NEED A WEDDING SPOT IN BOCA RATON, FLORIDA: Hi there! My fiance and I are planning to get married in early June in or around Boca Raton, Florida. We are looking for a venue (for both the ceremony and the reception) that is indoors (i.e., air conditioned) but that has windows/a view of the outdoors, and can fit 150-200 people. Can be anywhere within a half hour drive of Boca Raton (e.g., Deerfield Beach, Boca Del Mar, etc.). We have searched the Internet with little luck (and the Japanese Gardens are too small). Help!
posted by laswingkid at 12:26 PM PST - 4 comments

What's the best bar in Williamsburg, NYC in which to watch the election results tonight over beers?

What's the best bar in Williamsburg, NYC in which to watch the election results tonight over beers with some friends? [more inside]
posted by chasing at 12:12 PM PST - 3 comments

How to cope with sleep-sex fantasy gone wrong?

A few months ago during pillow talk, I gave my husband permission to have sex with me while I was asleep. Last night he did it, and I felt far more violated than I expected. How should I deal with these feelings of resentment and regret, given that I gave him prior consent? (Possible TW.) [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 12:00 PM PST - 27 comments

Footie pj pants for small child

Where can I buy footed/footie/feetie pajama pants (not a zip-up footed suit) in size 4, 4T or 5? Ideally boys', but purple is okay. I don't want to make them, or sew socks onto existing pants. [more inside]
posted by xo at 11:55 AM PST - 7 comments

buried alive!

What would a family of four need to survive for three months in a backyard bunker? [more inside]
posted by changeling at 11:46 AM PST - 10 comments

There's no such thing as a free lunch...or so I thought.

How do cable shows that offer free video podcasts on iTunes make money off of my watching them if no ads are inserted? [more inside]
posted by lea724 at 11:45 AM PST - 4 comments

What smaller, local NYC charities need our support the most in the wake of Hurricane Sandy?

I want to donate more in support of Hurricane Sandy, but I'm concerned that while the Red Cross and the NYC Mayor's Fund are probably getting a ton of love, there are other charities in the city that are in dire straights as a result of the hurricane. (Or just in general.) What smaller, local NYC charities need our support the most?
posted by tweebiscuit at 11:38 AM PST - 12 comments

Situation with work and politics

I'll be on a work trip with my boss and some coworkers during the election tonight, and it was suggested that we all watch the results unfold at a bar somewhere. I usually avoid politics talk at work for the sake of sanity and career, and because my views may not easily fit within the big corporation I'm part of. How do I best navigate this night without anything going wrong (keeping in mind alcohol is involved)?
posted by naju at 11:30 AM PST - 16 comments

Make-ahead gifts

Infused olive oil, homemade pancake mix... what are some cheap, nice make-ahead food gifts? [more inside]
posted by spunweb at 11:28 AM PST - 15 comments

Help Me Find [Card Game] Converts!

There is an obscure (to the US) card game I love: Eighty Points, and its simpler brother Forty Points. It's a partnered trick taking game, and feels a little like Bridge and Spades. However, it requires four (or six, though I've never played that variant) people to spend many hours together, kind of like a DnD campaign. How do I recruit people for this game? [more inside]
posted by ethidda at 11:15 AM PST - 5 comments

Is a JD 4 me?

Law school: over the years you've considered going to law school but were always put off by the horror stories of unemployed JDs. As a PhD student in another field, you took related classes at the law school and worked with their social policy program. You now have the benefit of knowing you are suited to and enjoy the law school environment. You drop out of PhD program to save the world, take career assesment tests which show you are service and cause driven, and work through guides to the non-profit sector. Most of your dream jobs in non-profit either require or prefer a JD. If you have no desire or intention to ever work as a practicing attorney, be part of a firm, but instead want to have a job like "court program manager" for a justice non-profit, is law school the next step? Is it the only possible path? Do those unemployment numbers for law school grads reflect all grads or only those not hired to practice?
posted by peacrow at 11:15 AM PST - 17 comments

Letitia Baldrige died for my sins

We are very, very late with our wedding thank-yous. Over a year. We know we are horrible people, okay? Now what? [more inside]
posted by Madamina at 11:08 AM PST - 32 comments

What's the best way to fix and care for this t-shirt?

My boyfriend has an awesome new t-shirt with a large, thick, flat image screened(?) on the front that bunched up and creased after the first wash-and-dry. Is there a way to get rid of the creases and folds in the image? And then what's the best way to care for it from here on out? [more inside]
posted by rhiannonstone at 11:06 AM PST - 2 comments

Splitting Hairs...

How do I break-up with my hair stylist? (But with complications...) [more inside]
posted by floweredfish at 10:56 AM PST - 9 comments

T minus 5 hours til my polls close - where do I go??

Election day panic! My driver's license address points me to one precinct in Broward County, FL. The address where I am actually registered to vote is at another precinct in the same county. Where do I go? If I go to where I'm registered and my license is at an address in a different city, will they turn me away? On hold with my county's Supervisor of Elections for 15:06 at this point.
posted by tatiana wishbone at 10:51 AM PST - 8 comments

Does it really take that long to cough up $500?

Freelance/small business filter: How to handle clients that you are ambivalent about working with? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:49 AM PST - 5 comments

I can't remember the name of this film

When I was a teenager I rented a VHS copy of a Steven Seagal movie (I was young, but it's no excuse) got the video back home and another film was in the box. I cannot remember the name of the film and I believe I will die unhappy if I don't get an answer to this admittedly unimportant but frustrating question... [more inside]
posted by redskythinking at 10:21 AM PST - 19 comments

Are mutual insurance companies the credit unions of the insurance world?

Are mutual insurance companies any more consumer friendly than other insurance companies? Are their rates better or do they have a reputation for honest claim handling? I regularly hear that credit unions are a good alternative to banks because they have good rates and consumer-friendly policies, but haven't heard the same thing about mutual insurance companies. [more inside]
posted by Area Man at 10:03 AM PST - 4 comments

Other than the possible neurotoxic vapors, this place rocks.

Some friends of mine live in a brilliant location in downtown DC, and one of them is leaving, giving me an opening to move in. This is far and away the best apartment I've ever had a shot at. Just one possible catch: the building's ground floor is a dry-cleaning business, so I'm concerned about exposure to PERC. Should I be? Does DC have any more stringent regulations than those enforced by the EPA? Can I request a test of air quality in the building before I move in (as appears to be available in NYC)?
posted by phrontist at 9:50 AM PST - 8 comments

ISO Punch

Where can I shop for an awesome, unique punch bowl? [more inside]
posted by tealcake at 9:16 AM PST - 9 comments

How to choose a replacement scooter battery?

Which batteries can I purchase to replace the original from my scooter, a 2007 Honda Metropolitan? [more inside]
posted by cupcakeninja at 9:07 AM PST - 6 comments

How do mimes tell you when they've kicked you out?

In 2002 I saw a film about a mime who is kicked out of the guild/brotherhood of mimes, set perhaps in NYC. My google- and imdb-fu fail me; can anyone recall its title? [more inside]
posted by Radiophonic Oddity at 8:59 AM PST - 7 comments

Tell me why my foot may be warm

I feel like someone is holding a heating pad to the bottom of my right foot. What the hell? [more inside]
posted by msali at 8:51 AM PST - 10 comments

How do I make elections more efficient at one specific polling place?

The election process in my neighborhood is very inefficient. What can I do to make it better? [more inside]
posted by valeries at 8:25 AM PST - 8 comments

Where should my wife and I go for a long weekend in December from Pittsburgh?

My wife and I are looking for ideas for a long weekend getaway from Pittsburgh in early December. What would you suggest? [more inside]
posted by sgo at 8:16 AM PST - 10 comments

How do you know if you're good at something? Difficulty level: lack of feedback

How do you know if you're good at something? [more inside]
posted by jcatus at 7:49 AM PST - 21 comments

Does this scene from an Eisenstein film exist?

Is there a scene in a Sergei Eisenstein film where goods are unloaded from a truck/rail car and passed out or passed down a line? I thought I remembered one in "The General Line," but I can't find it-- of course the film is two hours long and I saw it once 15 years ago. Or perhaps there's a scene from another black and white movie from a different filmmaker that I might be thinking of? Thanks.
posted by Mayor Curley at 7:37 AM PST - 2 comments

I need help contacting 90-year old couple in NJ

I need to check on a 90-year old couple in Chatham, NJ. Can anyone suggest a way to find out how they are doing? The phone doesn't work. :7( [more inside]
posted by wenestvedt at 7:01 AM PST - 8 comments

When is love actual LOVE?

When does "I love you" mean something? And is there a way to say "OMGZ I'M HAVING SUPERSTRONG LIMERENT FEELINGS TOWARDS YOU" without sounding quite that weird? [more inside]
posted by f3l1x at 6:48 AM PST - 33 comments

Not another Mexican restaurant please!

Want to start a new business.. but don't have an idea of what to do. Help? [more inside]
posted by xicana63 at 6:34 AM PST - 7 comments

Songs about (female) celebrity?

SongFilter: Songs by female artists about celebrity, being a female star? [more inside]
posted by thetarium at 6:17 AM PST - 41 comments

What is this teapot?

I saw this tall teapot in the British tv-show Wartime Farm, so it's possibly British and from the 40s. I'd love to know what style it is, or anything that could help me find something similar - I've had no luck searching myself. Screencap of teapot
posted by Signy at 5:51 AM PST - 7 comments

Where in Sydney can I get my hair made into a wig?

Is there anywhere in Sydney which will make a human-hair wig for a specific cancer patient? [more inside]
posted by Bakaness at 5:51 AM PST - 5 comments

Lor Mou Nay

Who were the people first responsible for the direct translation of the name 羅姆尼 (Romney) in Cantonese? How did they decide which words to use for the sound? [more inside]
posted by querty at 5:32 AM PST - 5 comments

Help A Hurrican Sandy Victim Watch Rachel Maddow on Election Night!

Is there an MSNBC "feed" on the internet? Hurricane Sandy Time-Warner cable victim needs her Rachel fix on Election Night! [more inside]
posted by DMelanogaster at 4:51 AM PST - 10 comments

I write sentence as well as responses await.

What's with the language in Spartacus? [more inside]
posted by devnull at 4:28 AM PST - 1 comment

Faxing ballot when mailed absentee ballot not received

I'm voting absentee (first time). I sent the ballot last Monday and it left Oslo last Wednesday. According to my district website, it hasn't been received. If it's not in by say 5 pm their time (11 pm mine), do I fax my ballot using one the services listed here on lifehacker? Do I need to call or email someone first to let them know what I'm doing?
posted by Busoni at 4:01 AM PST - 4 comments

Please help me name food/travel blog

I need a name for my travel/cooking blog -please Mefites give me your suggestions! More details inside. [more inside]
posted by hitchcockblonde at 3:19 AM PST - 9 comments

Let me educate you...I'd rather not.

Please help me not find it dismissive when people ask me for sources to back up my information during an argument/discussion. [more inside]
posted by thisjax at 2:38 AM PST - 44 comments

Why are book editors nowadays so bad at their jobs?

What's gone wrong with book editing at major publishers? [more inside]
posted by deeper red at 1:46 AM PST - 24 comments

Portland date restaurant with no dairy/nuts options

What is a good restaurant in Portland, OR for a date with dairy and nut allergies? [more inside]
posted by Muttoneer at 12:11 AM PST - 3 comments

November 5

Music for sleeping

What music should I listen to when I'm falling asleep? [more inside]
posted by goosechasing at 11:46 PM PST - 23 comments

Hey! Phrasing!

I'm watching the show Archer and they use a device where a character will be saying something or will ask a question and there's a cut to a completely different scene with a different character essentially picking up the exact same conversation thread. [more inside]
posted by disillusioned at 11:11 PM PST - 12 comments

how do i integrate myself into a brand new friend group?

how do i integrate myself into a brand new friend group? [more inside]
posted by humiliated_grape at 10:30 PM PST - 17 comments

Who released the jar of air?

Help me identify this piece of art I learned about during an art history class: it involved the artist or one of his / her assistants releasing a jar of air into the...air. Although the act itself was the art piece, it was recorded in a photo that shows this person with the open jar of air in some kind of field or related outdoor setting. I think it was black and white. [more inside]
posted by Dr. Send at 9:37 PM PST - 8 comments

I've got a bit of time and a bit of money, where should I go?

I want to spend some time in SE Asia. I have three or four months to do this (January through April). I could spend up to $5k-6k on this, though much cheaper would be better. Help me sort this out. [more inside]
posted by piedmont at 9:36 PM PST - 7 comments

Which job, where?

Help me figure out which of these jobs to take. Avalanche within. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:10 PM PST - 21 comments

Please help me save my gardenia

How can I make sure my potted Gardenia survives the Denver winter? [more inside]
posted by jefficator at 7:56 PM PST - 4 comments

Where to watch election results in Berkeley?

Anybody have a good idea where to watch the election tomorrow in Berkeley or North Oakland? [more inside]
posted by toomuchkatherine at 7:49 PM PST - 7 comments

Help me help her help him!

Tonsillectomyfilter: What are some soft foods that contain no fruit, corn syrup, or dairy and taste all right at room temperature? [more inside]
posted by troika at 7:45 PM PST - 27 comments

Locating lunch clam chowder

Help me find the best place for clam chowder for lunch in Boston/Cambridge/Somerville tomorrow, given my conditions! [more inside]
posted by andrewesque at 7:17 PM PST - 16 comments

The meaning of A Venture.

You know the song "A Venture" by Yes. Help me figure out what the hell is going on. [more inside]
posted by Pogo_Fuzzybutt at 7:16 PM PST - 2 comments

Are these meatballs sketchy?

It is a bad idea to eat this? I made meatballs with ground pork and beef that I bought on Halloween, that's been in the fridge since then, and has yesterday's date as a "best before" date. An hour ago I was confident that it was fine, but now I've realized that that is not exactly what I'd call fresh. and I know that best before dates are not the same as expiry dates, but still, could the meat have gone bad?
posted by to recite so charmingly at 6:43 PM PST - 29 comments

My fix-it-ticket is now a failure to appear and a huge fine. What do I do?

I got a fix it ticket in August that I promptly forgot about until I received a notice to appear on Friday. It says that I will be charged a 600 dollar bail unless I pay after this friday, in which case it is 900 dollars. I am able to do neither. What do I do? [more inside]
posted by punch_the_mayor at 6:32 PM PST - 5 comments

Explain something easy to me.

Can someone explain the 512 paths infographic to me? [more inside]
posted by ossian at 6:30 PM PST - 10 comments

Candidate positions, distilled?

Help me be an informed voter in my local (U.S.) Senate and Congressional races tomorrow! I'd like to key in my ZIP code and get a concise, impartial overview of the platform and positions of all the candidates on the ballot. Direct me to site(s) that may serve, Metafilter.
posted by killdevil at 6:22 PM PST - 13 comments

She's been so awesome!

Gift ideas please for my son's Physical Therapist! [more inside]
posted by bebrave! at 6:11 PM PST - 10 comments

Running a one-employee business

I'm curious how people hire employees for a business that only needs to have one employee present at any given time. How do you deal with sick days, lateness, etc.? Further details inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:55 PM PST - 15 comments

Can you find a vacation school?

Looking for the type of vacation where my wife and I can learn something new and different. [more inside]
posted by viconius at 5:49 PM PST - 24 comments

"In hospital" and "In a hospital"

What is the name of the technical difference between "In *a* hospital" and "In hospital"? [more inside]
posted by 517 at 5:34 PM PST - 16 comments

Where's the tile? Like, now

Need to buy some subway tile in NYC... quickly. [more inside]
posted by zvs at 4:47 PM PST - 12 comments

Can bit torrent sites like Demonoid be revived?

Question about bit torrent sites that (are) shut down and their possible revival. [more inside]
posted by zardoz at 4:24 PM PST - 8 comments

apps for a 2yr old toddler

Can you recommend some iPad apps for a 2 year old toddler? [more inside]
posted by dhruva at 3:56 PM PST - 23 comments

I want to work *less hard* for the money

Help me sell out! How can I manipulate a resume full of customer service and food jobs to land me an entry level office job? [more inside]
posted by jaksemas at 3:55 PM PST - 10 comments

Flooded toilet. Soaked carpet. Apartment. What to do?

Flooded toilet. Soaked carpet. Apartment. What to do? [more inside]
posted by DeltaForce at 3:41 PM PST - 9 comments

Something to know, something to say

What are the lyrics to "Tabby and Lucy" by Boston Spaceships? I believe it's off their final album "Let It Beard".
posted by KChasm at 3:35 PM PST - 2 comments

Rave Filter: am I going in with the right expectations?

Rave Filter: am I going in with the right expectations? [more inside]
posted by Sine_Agraphia at 3:27 PM PST - 27 comments

Help me find a birthday present for my wife. She bakes cakes.

I need a gift idea for my wife's birthday. She is a nurse and mom to five awesome kids, but her passion is making awesome cakes. [more inside]
posted by tacodave at 3:23 PM PST - 19 comments

Name this font!

What font is this? [more inside]
posted by Gusaroo at 2:54 PM PST - 9 comments

What to do after falling out with friend?

What is my step in this messy situation with a friend? [more inside]
posted by dt2010 at 2:38 PM PST - 36 comments

Chrome vs. Firefox Extension Security

Please help me understand the difference (or non-difference) in safety for Firefox vs. Chrome browser extensions (plugins/add-ons). [more inside]
posted by pavane at 2:12 PM PST - 3 comments

I know not EVERYONE is a me act like I know it!

Past experiences with obnoxious, micromanaging-prone colleagues, etc., have left me with a tendency toward knee-jerk defensive reactions to even the mildest, friendliest comments about my hobby/crafting projects-in-progress. I don't like having these reactions, but I'm at a loss as to how to deal with them less awkwardly and am thinking some better "scripts" need to be added to my personal phrase bank. Suggestions? (Lengthy details abound...) [more inside]
posted by aecorwin at 2:00 PM PST - 13 comments

Can someone recommend me a good philosophy book please.

Can someone recommend me a good philosophy book please. [more inside]
posted by sockpim at 1:57 PM PST - 14 comments

Custom Celtic Jewellery For Christmas

Who can make me some custom celtic jewellery for my wife's christmas (my design, on a necklace) [more inside]
posted by ewan at 1:52 PM PST - 3 comments

how to get 100 people suitably drunk

I'm getting in married in December. Our venue has a fancy old-fashioned bar, but we have no bartender. Help me plan an awesome DIY bar! [more inside]
posted by logic vs love at 1:34 PM PST - 27 comments

Emirates experience anyone?

Emirates Airline? [more inside]
posted by pakora1 at 1:28 PM PST - 23 comments

Make me a well-groomed man.

What should my grooming regimen include? [more inside]
posted by po822000 at 1:26 PM PST - 27 comments

Whenever I talk about this my boyfriend giggles

Please help me figure out how to stop this weird butt muscle pain. [more inside]
posted by brilliantine at 1:25 PM PST - 9 comments

What watering hole should we watch the US election results at in Detroit?

What watering hole should we watch the US election results at in Detroit? [more inside]
posted by Extra-Strength Placebo at 1:23 PM PST - 1 comment

Unserializing Wordpress data into JSON

I'm building a Javascript application that will do cool things with JSON data dumped from a client's Wordpress. It's working great except for parts that are in this PHP-style serialized data that I can't figure out how to deal with in Javascript. Can someone recommend a good method for this? [more inside]
posted by steinsaltz at 1:12 PM PST - 9 comments

Plant ID please!

Identify 2 silk plants please [more inside]
posted by JujuB at 1:10 PM PST - 3 comments

I need a short term solution to homelessness of a four person family (2 adults, 2 children) in the Los Angeles area?

My family (self, fiance, and two children, ages 4 and 7) is currently homeless in Los Angeles. We are at a complete loss here... can anyone provide any insight, advice, anything at all to help us figure out what on earth to do? [more inside]
posted by chasethecarrot at 1:00 PM PST - 70 comments

Tokyo / Narita Filter: Is there a restaurant in T1 where I work on a weekday afternoon?

Tokyo / Narita Filter: Is there a restaurant in T1 where I work on a weekday afternoon? I have to wait for someone arriving on a flight that arrives after mine. Recommendations for a restaurant in Terminal 1 (landside) where I can work for 3 hours, preferably with free wifi? Thanks
posted by quidividi at 12:56 PM PST - 5 comments

Burning Wood Instead of Gas?

Should we use a wood burning stove for a 100 year old multiple story house? [more inside]
posted by charred husk at 12:39 PM PST - 24 comments

Help me learn how to maintain friendships?

I am a good friend, I meet loads of interesting people, but I am terrible at maintaining friendships. Help me not end up alone, on my couch, eating out of a tuna can every night wondering what happened to all my friends. [more inside]
posted by amoeba at 12:31 PM PST - 17 comments

Epi pen at daycare - are my expectations unrealistic?

Epi pen at daycare - are my expectations unrealistic? [more inside]
posted by DrGirlfriend at 12:27 PM PST - 21 comments

Christmas gift for girlfriend to buy now

I need a unique Christmas gift for my girlfriend that I can purchase now (and have it mailed closer to the time). Help? [more inside]
posted by RaynDrops at 12:10 PM PST - 17 comments

Conquering a divider.

How can I, in a relatively-affordable (ideally less than $150), non-permanent fashion, create a partition across one end of my basement to hold the heat from my space heater in to my home office/nook? [more inside]
posted by jferg at 12:06 PM PST - 22 comments

Need some carcinogen-free lipsticks.

Brands for carcinogen-free lipsticks? [more inside]
posted by xm at 11:56 AM PST - 9 comments

Geez there's plenty of cake for everyone don't be ridiculous

I remember reading a description of a fair(ish) cake-cutting procedure for an unlimited number of people. It was NOT the one described in this post on the blue with all the broken links. Please help me find either the original source or a more coherent description than the one I provide here. [more inside]
posted by mskyle at 11:39 AM PST - 10 comments

How do I respectfully dispose of my deceased mom's wigs?

How do I respectfully dispose of my deceased mom's wigs? [more inside]
posted by paindemie at 11:26 AM PST - 11 comments

African cream puff?

African Cuisine: I remember two awesome things I ate on a festival years ago. I want to make them myself. Problem: I don't know what exactly it was. Do you? [more inside]
posted by MinusCelsius at 11:07 AM PST - 6 comments

Help me nail a second round interview!

They're flying me in for a second round interview! Help me nail it! [more inside]
posted by nickhb at 10:37 AM PST - 9 comments

Why can't I find a DC-DC laptop power adapter?

Why can't I find a DC-DC laptop power adapter? [more inside]
posted by Cosine at 10:29 AM PST - 20 comments

More Camp Ivanhoe than Salute Your Shorts

What music/food/activities would be fun for a summer camp themed party? [more inside]
posted by LeeLanded at 10:29 AM PST - 13 comments

Where time and space are arranged

Looking for an online solution to booking and scheduling resources in a large workshop [more inside]
posted by monocultured at 10:26 AM PST - 2 comments

Exercise needed: Growing old gratefully... but a little grace wouldn't hurt either

I'd like recommendations for books, sites, or online or downloadable videos for gentle yoga or similar exercises for increasing flexibility, that I can do at home, starting at rank-beginner level. [more inside]
posted by taz at 10:03 AM PST - 6 comments

Modern Perspectives on Foreign Countries

What books/articles offer the same intimate, current-day view of a foreign country as Rosecrans Baldwin's Paris, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down?
posted by boombot at 10:00 AM PST - 4 comments

Email scam giving out my phone number - what to do?

My phone number is being listed as the contact in a phishing email. Who do I report this to and how worried should I be? [more inside]
posted by naoko at 9:58 AM PST - 3 comments

How do I take steps towards getting professional help for depression?

I realize that questions about depression have been asked hundreds of times before, but I'd really appreciate some specific advice. How should I go about getting professional help for feelings of depression, as a poor student? [more inside]
posted by ersatzhuman at 9:46 AM PST - 11 comments

Help our Thanksgiving trip not be a turkey.

Portland-area getaway, Thanksgiving weekend, mountains or coast. With dog and toddler. Help? [more inside]
posted by rabbitrabbit at 9:41 AM PST - 8 comments

What's vegetarian Australian cuisine?

I'm staying with a family in Kenya who have requested we make them an Australian meal one night. Problem is, what's an Australian meal? There's more restrictions inside that further complicate our choice of food. [more inside]
posted by Silentgoldfish at 9:39 AM PST - 22 comments

How do I bake some gluten free bread?

I love Canyon House 7 grain bread and the Udis Whole Grain Bread (Gluten Free, both of them). I love them, wonderful breads, the only trouble is it's hard to justify spending $6+ a week on bread that is gluten free. I have a gluten intolerance so I need to eat gluten free. I love to cook/bake, an have lots of flours and mixes. What's the best recipe that is most similar to Udis (any one) or Canyon House that is gluten free? I am looking for bread that doesn't fall apart, looks at tastes like sandwhich bread. Any Ideas? [more inside]
posted by snow_mac at 9:30 AM PST - 4 comments

Avoiding Being Perceived as a Job-Hopper

Recently accepted job offer X because it gets my foot in the door in a city I love. Just discovered job posting Y in the same city for a much better job. Best way to explain myself to company Y in cover letter/resume/interview? [more inside]
posted by Rykey at 9:17 AM PST - 11 comments

How can I get a custom alligator trophy made?

Where can I get a (bronze?) cast of a squeaky alligator toy made and mounted? [more inside]
posted by aaronbeekay at 8:51 AM PST - 6 comments

How long should this translation have taken me?

I recently finished my first ever translation assignment, a play from Spanish to English. When I first began, my employer asked how long I thought it would take. I grossly underestimated the time. What should I do now? [more inside]
posted by Sakura3210 at 8:51 AM PST - 12 comments

Tingly/Numb Leg

Left side of my left leg and foot is numb/tingly. Why? [more inside]
posted by roxiesmom at 8:37 AM PST - 13 comments

How can I wipe my stolen iPhone?

My iPhone was stolen. I suspended service through Verizon but is there a way to remotely wipe it (now that it has already been stolen)? [more inside]
posted by désoeuvrée at 8:31 AM PST - 6 comments

BGP What?

I need to answer these three questions for Mr. Orsonet. Does anyone know how to find the answers? It's not for a test or anything - nothing nefarious going on. [more inside]
posted by orsonet at 8:28 AM PST - 4 comments

Seeking the right business consultant

Our company is successful. We (the three founders) are realizing that we need to add more structure and middle management. And we're looking for the right consultant to help us do that. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:22 AM PST - 5 comments

Savage Love and the Price of Admission

I'm struggling with some issues in my relationship that I'm realizing are unlikely to change. I love him very much, and they are not dealbreakers, but they are definitely things that drive me crazy. I've never been in a healthy relationship before, so I don't know how to think about these things, especially if they are never going to change. Most of my friends are single or in hookup situations, so that's not very helpful. [more inside]
posted by 3491again at 8:15 AM PST - 23 comments

Disneyworld - we're doing it!

Disneyworld - we're doing it! Our trip is next week, and we're headed to Disneyworld with our niece. We're staying onsite (Art of Animation), but are looking for food tips (and any other tips you'd like to give). [more inside]
posted by needlegrrl at 8:12 AM PST - 18 comments

Boyfriend can't ejaculate

Help me deal with my boyfriend's ejaculatory impotence -- it's reaching a breaking point for me. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:46 AM PST - 29 comments

Power line vs phone line LAN products

Why are there many products for in-home power-line computer networking, but nearly nothing for phone-line networking? [more inside]
posted by massysett at 7:40 AM PST - 7 comments

Stuck on the cusp; how to step over?

You decided to leave your marriage, which has had good times but also so many bad ones. You finally came to the point where you realised you had to get out; how did you go from realising it to actually doing it, despite the inertia of being with someone whom you still loved (just not enough to overcome all the negatives in the marriage any more)? [more inside]
posted by six sided sock at 7:11 AM PST - 35 comments

Rotary Love.

In disasters or other emergencies, would a rotary telephone have an advantage over any other kind of landline? [more inside]
posted by BostonTerrier at 6:52 AM PST - 23 comments

Will my vintage couch bug me?

Is good-quality (not obtained from Freecycle or off the street) used furniture, from a reputable dealer, still a high (or high enough) risk for bedbugs? [more inside]
posted by Rosie M. Banks at 6:51 AM PST - 12 comments

Text of the "Swabian Tale" cherished by Einstein?

Where can I find the text of the poem "Swabian Tale" by Ludwig Uhland that Albert Einstein extracted the term "Valiant Swabian" to refer to himself in communication with his wife Mileva? [more inside]
posted by zaebiz at 6:50 AM PST - 2 comments

Sweet and Sour Couture

How do I dress up as a Chinese Takeaway? [more inside]
posted by dinosaurprincess at 6:30 AM PST - 13 comments

How to best thank a generous pilot?

Apart from a well-considered thank you note what might be an appropriate way to thank a pilot who is flying myself and another patient to a hospital for treatment? He's serving as part of a charity and I plan to write him there as well as thank the charity for organizing it. Weight is an issue, so a nice jar filled with goodies is out. I'd love to find/do something that would personal and memorable.
posted by Mertonian at 6:30 AM PST - 6 comments

What magazines should an entrepreneur in D.C. subscribe to?

What magazines / newsletters should an businessperson / entrepreneur in D.C. subscribe to in order to get connected? [more inside]
posted by kindel at 6:28 AM PST - 6 comments

I want to make a Jekyll-based site that multiple authors can post to by email. Can you help?

I want to make a Jekyll-based site that multiple authors can post to by email. Can you help? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:27 AM PST - 2 comments

Build a tiny greenhouse--how?

Sandy destroyed my little greenhouse. Can you help me use what's left to build new shelters for my seedlings? [more inside]
posted by MonkeyToes at 6:25 AM PST - 4 comments

Native American History in Michigan?

Good overview resources on Native Americans' traditional way of life in the Great Lakes region (specifically Southeast Michigan)? [more inside]
posted by The Toad at 6:07 AM PST - 6 comments

I cry every week and he doesn't understand why

I'm in a long-distance cross-cultural relationship with the love of my life. Unfortunately we're having communication issues that are hurting us both. Please help. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:00 AM PST - 40 comments

How anonymous is my vote?

I'll make this super-simple: how anonymous is your vote in the United States? I'm currently working for a progressive-oriented group that does lot of work with Democratic politicians/figures - but I'm considering voting third-party in this year's presidential election. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:00 AM PST - 12 comments

This meme is all wet.

How did "fire alarm goes off" → "sprinkler gets activated" become a TV trope? Have there ever been systems in wide use that act like this? [more inside]
posted by dmd at 5:44 AM PST - 11 comments

locked out of twitter - how to get back in?

twitter won't recognise my password, or send an email to the related gmail account - now what? [more inside]
posted by gusset at 5:30 AM PST - 1 comment

How to Batch Process PDFs

How can one batch modify pdfs that are from scanned books / magazines for easier reading on Kindle? Specifically a) minimize the margins. b) repaginate when they are 2 pages to a page scans. [more inside]
posted by mary8nne at 4:31 AM PST - 8 comments

Looking for a challenging board game that is short

My finacee and I like to play boardgames in the evenings in the cold months, but we need some fun, challenging games that don't take so long to play and that can be completed in an hour or two. [more inside]
posted by PuppetMcSockerson at 4:19 AM PST - 50 comments

How to cut ties with an emotionally abusive father?

My relationship with my emotionally abusive, BPD father has been strained lately; now, after realizing the extent to which his actions was causing me undue stress, I have cut off contact with him completely. But not having a father figure in my life is causing me stress as well. How do I deal with the pain of cutting my father out of my life? [more inside]
posted by Kamelot123 at 3:35 AM PST - 12 comments

November 4

Recommend me lyrically similar artists to Joni Mitchell and Steely Dan!

Can anyone recommend me lyrically (and possibly musically) similar artists to Joni Mitchell and Steely Dan?
posted by thespiritroom at 11:43 PM PST - 16 comments

Help me find a leakproof, microwave and dishwasher safe mug?

Help me find the perfect travel mug: microwave and dishwasher safe, and leakproof (I want to be able to stick it in my bag and not worry about it dribbling beverages all over my everything). I'm starting to believe this doesn't exist, hope I'm wrong!
posted by arnicae at 10:32 PM PST - 11 comments

Plug me in to a subscribe plugin for wordpress

What is the best free WordPress plugin for subscribers to get an email update about a new post on my girlfriend's blog? (Hopefully using HTML and images, not boring plain text updates). [more inside]
posted by MT at 9:55 PM PST - 8 comments

Twitchless Online Gaming

I like playing L4D with my friends on the other side of the world, but my ping is awful. What are some good, accessible PC games where this won't matter? [more inside]
posted by 23 at 9:21 PM PST - 5 comments

Shooting pain in a muscle that quickly goes away

What's this shooting pain in my lower leg? [more inside]
posted by lewedswiver at 9:15 PM PST - 13 comments

Are these kids for real?

Are the kids on recent segments on the Daily Show actors? If not, are they related to someone who works on the show? I realize most of the campaign stuff is fake, but the kids seem natural and uncoached enough that I'm not sure if they're actors.
posted by matildatakesovertheworld at 8:28 PM PST - 4 comments


Movies where the plot stems from a case of mistaken identity? [more inside]
posted by mannequito at 7:49 PM PST - 38 comments

NJ Governor Christie vs. teachers

Help me find sources detailing NJ governor Chris Christie's contentious relationship with teachers and teachers' unions. [more inside]
posted by carterk at 7:29 PM PST - 2 comments

Need help with a contact database for my Mac

Act! database vs. Daylite? I used Act forever & loved the fact i could keep notes per company & then look up companies by Co. name, first name, last name, city, state, or other custom tag i classified them as. I used ACT when i had my PC.... but for the past 3 years i've been on a Macbook Pro and only using Daylite... which i hate. I can't look up by anything other than Company name or contact name.... I need a new database contact program that is similar to ACT in the regards of how I can look up each company & allowing me under notes (or something) to keep track of my conversations. I'd also like it to sync up with my iphone 5. [more inside]
posted by foodybat at 6:18 PM PST - 9 comments

Learning to know myself, and grow myself.

How do I learn to trust (and know) myself? [more inside]
posted by freeform at 5:52 PM PST - 11 comments

The Great Re-Education

I realized recently that as a college graduate with a B.A. in Philosophy, i know absolutely nothing. I want to educate myself in classic literature, great music (folk, jazz, classical), philosophy, poetry, and art. Where should i begin? The project seems overwhelming to me. I'm throwing out the TV and i want to occupy my time with material that will help me grow as an individual. Any ideas? Suggestions?
posted by hiddenknives at 5:45 PM PST - 21 comments

meeting your soulmate and not being able to have them

I've find myself in a rather precarious situation.. I met a guy last week, and fell completely head over heels..we connected on every level imaginable. ..but two HUGE problems: 1) He has a gf 2) He lives in Australia- quite possibly the farthest physical location from me While I'm normally a rational human being, I've thrown all logic out the door because I've never experienced these kind of fireworks and I've had many meaningful relationships before. It's utterly spectacular. We've written each other daily & this doesn't seem to be just a fleeting moment. Separately, he is moving to the states within the year, and plans to break up with his girlfriend. What should I do? I feel morally wrong carrying on with someone with a SO, but at the same time am not ready to unleash something so special. I actually do believe fate brought us together. thank you!
posted by surfer127 at 5:23 PM PST - 54 comments

What items add enjoyment to a hedgehog's life?

Hedgehog owners of MeFi: what are some awesome toys or treats that your spiny kiddo really goes nuts for? [more inside]
posted by Ufez Jones at 5:16 PM PST - 5 comments

How to lower fasting sugars?

I have gestational diabetes, am on insulin, and cannot seem to get a grip on my fasting sugars. Please help. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:34 PM PST - 8 comments

How to silence a fire alarm with no power due to sandy?

How to silence a fire alarm with no power due to sandy? [more inside]
posted by ridogi at 4:08 PM PST - 18 comments

What all does a "Shadow Secretary" do?

What all does a "Shadow Secretary" do? [more inside]
posted by ArthurBarnhouse at 3:46 PM PST - 13 comments

If car mounted "Deer Whistles" don't work to scare-off deer, what does?

If "Deer Whistles" don't work, what does? [more inside]
posted by SteveLambert at 3:23 PM PST - 21 comments

What size generator does it take to run a gas station?

What size generator does it take to run a gas station? [more inside]
posted by Caviar at 3:12 PM PST - 11 comments

Killing time at LAX

I am going to be at LAX for 7-8 hours on Wednesday, November 14, from about 2-10pm, before I fly overnight from California to Virginia. I have never been to Los Angeles. Is there anything you would recommend me doing during that time? [more inside]
posted by 4ster at 2:55 PM PST - 13 comments

Caching iphone maps?

Recommended iPhone map applications that will cache local maps? [more inside]
posted by pombe at 2:23 PM PST - 7 comments

Los Angeles Wedding Venues

Wedding Filter: Looking for suggestions on unobvious wedding venues in SoCal. [more inside]
posted by JPowers at 2:20 PM PST - 16 comments

Restrooms in Key West?

How easy or difficult is it to find available restrooms when walking around Key West? [more inside]
posted by pupperduck at 2:10 PM PST - 10 comments

Not so much to ask, really

So, I got myself an Android tablet, specifically for DnD nerdery. Now I've got some specific desires for pdf and spreadsheet programs - but am having a hell of a time tracking down apps that can what I want. Are these things really that hard to do in Jelly Bean? [more inside]
posted by FatherDagon at 1:38 PM PST - 6 comments

Can I drive 1600 miles in a Mini Cooper with 4 cats?

Can I drive 1600 miles in a Mini Cooper with 4 cats? [more inside]
posted by pinkbungalow at 1:33 PM PST - 27 comments

I was not insured for the flood, any recourse?

I was not insured for the flood, any recourse? [more inside]
posted by ebesan at 1:15 PM PST - 5 comments

Is it the depression talking, or am I making excuses for my boyfriend?

Help me understand what’s going on in my relationship and to set appropriate boundaries. My boyfriend’s possibly depressed behavior is triggering my feelings of abandonment/insecurity and I want to know how to support him through this without getting taken advantage of. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:13 PM PST - 10 comments

Millwork painted upper floor(s), natural downstairs

Light color paint upstairs, natural wood downstairs in older homes and apartments. Why? [more inside]
posted by Kazimirovna at 12:48 PM PST - 13 comments

Old Cat Hates New Cat

We have a fixed female cat that is three years old. She's a bit grumpy, doesn't like to be held but is affectionate on her own terms. A good cat. When she was a kitten we had an older fixed male cat. They were never friends because he was too old to play but they coexisted peacefully. Once the old male cat kicked off we waited a couple of months and brought into our home a 1 1/2 year old nonfixed female. [more inside]
posted by zzazazz at 12:42 PM PST - 10 comments

Interview for the Potentially Disinterested

Interview questions for when you're not sure you're interested. [more inside]
posted by lunalaguna at 12:27 PM PST - 4 comments

Buying a Phone on eBay?

How to go about buying a phone on eBay, and installing your current sims card yourself? [more inside]
posted by jamesdtj at 12:18 PM PST - 9 comments

I need to go to sleep ridiculously early. Help?

I need to be at work at 6am every morning and get to bed around 7pm to get enough sleep for the day. My body doesn't want to fall asleep at that time. How do I fix it? [more inside]
posted by Autumn at 12:13 PM PST - 14 comments

Help me diagnose my sudden strange rash.

Suddenly developed a rash on the underside of my wrists, and it seems to be spreading. Please help me diagnose it before I visit the doctor tomorrow. More info than you want to know inside. [more inside]
posted by bchaplin at 11:47 AM PST - 14 comments

1001th question about dealing with a roommate's boyfriend

My roommate and I both moved in to the apartment a few months ago. Her long-term boyfriend lives two hours away -- I knew about this beforehand, and was prepared for frequent visits. But it's exceeded my expectations, and I don't feel very comfortable. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:38 AM PST - 34 comments

Overqualified but want the job

Overqualified but want the job: How do I get an interview? [more inside]
posted by trillian at 11:35 AM PST - 13 comments

"You have been logged on to a temporary profile. You cannot access your files and folders. You must fiddle with system reg in the dark now. Please hold while we wipe your computer clean. Thank you and have a nice day."

Windows 7: "You have been logged on to a temporary profile. You cannot access your files and folders ..." Whoa. An empty slate. But I reboot and my old profile is suddenly back up and running. So, what just happened there? What can I do to make sure this doesn't happen again? Several related questions inside. [more inside]
posted by ruelle at 11:14 AM PST - 7 comments

How to block cookies on IE9

Just upgraded to IE9. On IE 8 I had the option displayed on the screen to enable or block cookies. (I value my privacy) That option apparently doesn't exist in IE9. Do I have to accept cookies from every site, or is there a way to selectively alow them on some sites and block on others?
posted by Pablo MacWilliams at 10:44 AM PST - 2 comments

_______ 101

I love when people put together "syllabi" as introductions to obscure or prolific artists or media, that specify the "proper" order a body of work should be introduced in order to get the best experience. This was inspired by this recent comment; a similar one I remember is here. The AV Club's Gateways to Geekery feature is also quite good. Please provide me with more of this type of guide! [more inside]
posted by Yiggs at 10:39 AM PST - 4 comments

Good instrumental dance music for studying?

Can anyone recommend good instrumental dance music for studying? [more inside]
posted by snailparade at 10:14 AM PST - 14 comments

Is it ever ok to quit?

Is it ok to quit a job when you know you are not going to be successful? I'm currently involved in a huge system transformation at work which is vastly underresourced and going sideways in a huge way. Is it ever ok to walk away from a situation like this? Should I stick it out and try to bring some success and closure to this project no matter how many overtime hours it takes? Or throw in the towel? Advice from anyone who has been in this situation is much appreciated?
posted by Minos888 at 10:10 AM PST - 15 comments

Bored cat wants to play!

Cat question! I have two cats, one 18 years and the other 1 year. The younger male cat seems bored and wants to play all the time, but the other cat never plays and likes to be left alone. We live in an 800 square foot apartment, and the cats both need to stay indoors because of the neighborhood. Any ideas of how to help the younger cat have enough stimulation? Should we get another cat, or is 3 cats in a small apartment crazy? Thank you!
posted by tessalations999 at 9:53 AM PST - 13 comments

How to get my car started?

I know very little about cars. So why won't mine start? [more inside]
posted by nurgle at 9:47 AM PST - 12 comments

bests resources to learn how to bring about change in an organization?

What are some of the best resources for learning about effective ways to bring about change within an organization? [more inside]
posted by Gosha_Dog at 9:45 AM PST - 5 comments

Mouth-burning good snacks

Tell me about your favorite spicy snacks. [more inside]
posted by cp311 at 9:34 AM PST - 46 comments

Is there a cheap way to un-xeriscape my yard?

I want to un-xeriscape my back yard as cheaply as possible. How can I do it. [more inside]
posted by patheral at 9:18 AM PST - 26 comments

Where in Austin can I serve cake to 75 people on the cheap?

I'm looking for a place to have a wedding reception on an extremely tight budget. We're serving cake and punch (champagne if we can swing it) to about 75 people, and would like a place near downtown Austin, TX for under $300. Any ideas? [more inside]
posted by erloteiel at 8:39 AM PST - 9 comments

Girl names with a B

Help me come up with a girl baby name within some very special constraints! [more inside]
posted by House of Leaves of Grass at 8:20 AM PST - 77 comments

How bitterly should I cling to my unlimited data plan?

How strongly should I feel about hanging on to my grandfathered AT&T unlimited data plan? [more inside]
posted by escabeche at 8:04 AM PST - 18 comments

Seeking advice about a new career in renovating apartments

Do you have any advice about renovating apartments as a career? [more inside]
posted by Borborygmus at 7:42 AM PST - 5 comments

Can you really be addicted to a certain kind of sadness?

Can you really be addicted to a certain kind of sadness? Ugh...I hate that song. My boyfriend has serious intimacy issues but is trying to work on them. I feel intermittently insecure/frustrated/sad/angry and I don't know how much longer I can take it... [more inside]
posted by entropy33 at 7:39 AM PST - 14 comments

I want to get off zoloft & onto medical MJ for anxiety

Is it possible for a doctor in a state in which medial marijuana is not legal to write a prescription for a patient in that same state? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:12 AM PST - 7 comments

Squirrel EMS!

Squirrel EMS? [more inside]
posted by keasby at 6:58 AM PST - 3 comments

Yeah it's new, but is it good?

I'm looking for an e-book reader. I've been pretty wow-ed by the Kindle Paperwhite, but I have some reservations as to whether I should get that (or even get an e-book reader at all) [more inside]
posted by titantoppler at 6:53 AM PST - 18 comments

Convert Mac OS 9 font suitcase to OS X

I've got an old Mac font suitcase (OS 9) containing fonts I'd like to use on my OS X (10.7) Mac. I'm not sure what format they're in but copying the file over to my new Mac results in a 0-byte file. I think I have to convert them to TTF on my OS 9 iMac, but not sure what to do it with. Any suggestions? Free would be great, since I don't plan on doing this again, but cheap would be okay.
posted by tommasz at 6:46 AM PST - 2 comments

who still watches DVDs?

Does anybody make a 9" under-cabinet kitchen TV WITHOUT a built-in DVD player? [more inside]
posted by PSB at 6:44 AM PST - 3 comments

Any good election viewing at any bars/restaurants in North-central NJ?

Any good election viewing gatherings at any bars/restaurants/whatever in North-central New Jersey? [more inside]
posted by John Kenneth Fisher at 6:44 AM PST - 0 comments

Please help me pick a DSLR

Please help me pick a Canon or Nikon DSLR for close-up photography of small objects. I'd like to spend around $500 - $700 total. I need a body plus 1-2 lenses. [more inside]
posted by insectosaurus at 5:52 AM PST - 16 comments

New selvedge jeans dye rubbing off?

New selvedge jeans. How do I minimize the blue rubbing off on everything? Or is that more of a cya for the manufacturer. [more inside]
posted by burlsube at 5:03 AM PST - 12 comments

Ethical conundrum

A first draft document (press release) I emailed to a new colleague for reaction and comment in a new organization I volunteer for was headed 'for your eyes only', 'confidential", and "not for release." It was copied and distributed to others and a reply to me with the explanation, "I assumed you intended others in the group to see it." My disappointment stings. My trust non-existant. While I was highly motivated to do this volunteer work, in something I believe in and value, I fear future experiences will be as frustrating and discouraging as this one. Anyone ever have similar experiences? Options seem to me to 1. ignore it, 2. Confront directly, 3. Resign.
posted by NorthCoastCafe at 4:37 AM PST - 31 comments

Cutting fingernails with boxcutters?

Is it weird to cut your fingernails with boxcutters? (Asking for a friend) [more inside]
posted by molecicco at 4:23 AM PST - 18 comments

Interpreting film and literature -- is it meant to be confusing?

In film and literature, how does one deal with the smorgasbord of themes and lack of a single, unifying meaning? [more inside]
posted by archagon at 1:43 AM PST - 17 comments

Roommate troubles: how to be diplomatic when I'm just really annoyed? (Chinese roommate filter - cross cultural perspectives appreciated)

Roommate troubles: how to be diplomatic when I'm just really annoyed? (Chinese roommate filter - cross cultural perspectives appreciated) [more inside]
posted by Rinoia at 1:16 AM PST - 27 comments

That house is too damn high!

When a builder builds a new home way too tall and City Hall lets them get away with it, what happens next? [more inside]
posted by shipbreaker at 12:06 AM PST - 24 comments

November 3

Help me make a delicious crab boil, please.

I am throwing a crab boil! Wait…how do I throw a crab boil? [more inside]
posted by Charity Garfein at 11:52 PM PST - 14 comments

9-11 commission for innocent awareness

9-11 Story about about a girl attending elementary school telling her father about seeing "the birds flying around the world trade center". [more inside]
posted by roboton666 at 11:40 PM PST - 5 comments

Need help finding specific science documentary

Looking for the name of a science/cosmos documentary from the early/mid-90s that compared medieval cathedrals to super colliders. [more inside]
posted by l2p at 9:57 PM PST - 3 comments

Oil Allergy? Who Do I See?

Soy, peanut, cottonseed, sunflower, palm, rapeseed, and coconut oils make me super sick. Which doctor do I see? [more inside]
posted by These Birds of a Feather at 9:37 PM PST - 16 comments

Super socks for sweaty feet

Please share your recommendations for ladies sweat-wicking exercise socks. [more inside]
posted by t0astie at 8:48 PM PST - 7 comments

I want to be a Facebook historical revisionist

Facebook riddle: How do I remove all of MY comments on the posts of a local politician? [more inside]
posted by LarryC at 7:41 PM PST - 10 comments

Echoes of the past

BookFilter: Can you recommend books that connect what happened in the 60's to the current American political culture? [more inside]
posted by dry white toast at 7:24 PM PST - 6 comments

Home Physics Filter: Does squeezing the bottle of a carbonated beverage help keep it from going flat?

Does squeezing the bottle of a carbonated beverage help keep it from going flat? [more inside]
posted by dammitjim at 7:22 PM PST - 12 comments

Kink Proof garden hose recommendation

Please recommend a kink-proof garden hose--Not kink resistant. [more inside]
posted by luvmywife at 6:03 PM PST - 11 comments

What are some easily accessible, intellectually stimulating jobs for a mid 30s career changer?

What are some easily accessible, intellectually stimulating jobs for a mid 30s career changer? Salary is not a concern. I have a decent passive income, as well as enough savings to last at least 5 years. I don't care about money or benefits at all. I am especially interested in market opportunities. Desirable jobs that for undervalued for some reason. Eg new emerging industries, or understaffed existing industries. I would happily work for free, if the job was structured and stimulating enough. I have built up some healthy passive income streams. And in principle could work for free for quite a while. (Years). My primary concern is stimulation. I have considered just studying for fun, but that seems a bit self indulgent. I've already had my fair share I think. But would happily study a masters if required. My skill set is fairly average. Nothing special or unique. Just a good basic all rounder, quick to pick stuff up, but never going to push back any boundaries. I have undergraduate degrees in both humanities and engineering related subjects. Again, keeping it vague on purpose! I'm very grateful for your help.
posted by molloy at 5:48 PM PST - 26 comments

Not to be found in Hot Topic

Where to find awesome, funny, geeky t-shirts that most people haven't seen, along the lines of this, this, this, and this. [more inside]
posted by Ndwright at 5:44 PM PST - 19 comments

What is this Cubistic Nude?

What is this cubistic nude? [more inside]
posted by flippant at 5:38 PM PST - 2 comments

Name of this song/artist? (lyrics inside)

Does someone know the name or artist of this song? (lyrics inside) [more inside]
posted by HonestAsian at 5:34 PM PST - 4 comments

Did he really mean what he said?

Last night, in the middle of a huge tantrum, my six year old son said "If you don't let me [do x], I will kill myself." Obviously, we are freaked out. How freaked out should we be? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:25 PM PST - 24 comments

I'm fixing a poll where my campaign wins and stops my base from wandering.

What's the difference between internal and public polls? [more inside]
posted by fishmasta at 5:05 PM PST - 13 comments

We’ve taken in a stray/feral cat. Now what?

To those who have made a domestic cat out of a stray or feral one, I need your help! I know you’re out there, and I need your advice on whether this is possible in our situation, and how to best make this cat a domestic cat (even if he won’t ever be super friendly). [more inside]
posted by feidr2 at 4:47 PM PST - 21 comments

Goodbye, Goodwill funk!

How can I get the Goodwill smell out of dry-clean only clothes? Added complication: I live in a college dorm. [more inside]
posted by topoisomerase at 4:30 PM PST - 15 comments

How to keep this friend of a friend away from me?

Really wish my friend would stop bringing a particular person to events I invite her to. How would you handle this? [more inside]
posted by galenka at 4:21 PM PST - 40 comments

Help me vote in New York City

[NYS Voting filter] I am registered in Westchester County. I will be stuck in New York City on Election Day. Can I vote? [more inside]
posted by war wrath of wraith at 4:20 PM PST - 12 comments

I am a total failure and am useless.

Why am I such a failure? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:18 PM PST - 20 comments

Find non-chain restaurants in north Dallas

My husband and I are tired of our normal places and want to start eating at non-chain restaurants in Dallas. We live in Carrollton and are looking for something within 30 minutes drive. We prefer restaurants that aren't super fancy or super expensive. Can you help us expand our culinary horizons?
posted by allison00 at 3:27 PM PST - 9 comments

time, distance, jobs, a baby, or me: what's the problem?

I feel abandoned by some friends. How should I address this? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 3:03 PM PST - 18 comments

Am I being unreasonable in this room mate situation?

My room mate and I have had a falling out over my suggestion that I pay my rent directly to the homeowner, as she does, rather than to her. [more inside]
posted by Piscean at 2:47 PM PST - 21 comments

More shirt than dress

One does not simply purchase any chambray shirtdress.. please help me find one like this lovely tomboyish piece. [more inside]
posted by nemutdero at 2:10 PM PST - 9 comments

Moving to Boerne, TX. What should I know?

Moving to Boerne, TX. What should I know? [more inside]
posted by wwartorff at 1:57 PM PST - 7 comments

Help me find a black metal footboard?

We have the Sanford metal headboard featured in this set. We would like to have the footboard (as featured in the product picture) too but an afternoon in the company of Mr Google turns up nothing. Any ideas where I can get this or a similar black metal footboard without buying a whole new headboard and footboard set? Thanks!
posted by merocet at 1:51 PM PST - 3 comments

Should I apply to MSW programs now or later?

Do I have an appropriate background for admissions to an MSW program? Lots of details inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:43 PM PST - 10 comments

Helping a child cope with an absent parent

Daughter's father no longer in our lives, unexpectedly, after some sad times. Daughter (5) now a stressed little kid. Therapy coming up, but… ? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:42 PM PST - 12 comments

Philately is to Stamps as ____ is to Rocks.

Stamp collecting is philately. Coin collecting falls under numismatics (perhaps as a subdivision). Rock collecting is not really geology in the same way as the above terms are used. Is there a similar term for rock collecting?
posted by Jahaza at 1:42 PM PST - 9 comments

Is there a quick reroute for knee-jerk grar?

Lately, I've been having a violently negative reaction to noise, though I've always been pretty sensitive. I've found a way to relax using white noise to muffle conversation in my house, but sudden blaring noises (especially car horns in close proximity) provoke intense anger. How does one control one's short-term anger or anxiety responses to uncontrollable physical stimuli? [more inside]
posted by reenka at 1:32 PM PST - 15 comments

I need another one of those apples, but where can I get it?

A little obsessed: where can I find gourmet candy apples like the one I just had in WI? [more inside]
posted by FlyByDay at 1:29 PM PST - 7 comments

Cats without heat?

Will my cats be okay in an unheated NYC apartment until we get electricity restored? [more inside]
posted by milarepa at 1:22 PM PST - 16 comments

Name my (presumably) awesome baby

Help us name our second born so that she/he can live up to the awesomeness of her/his brother. [more inside]
posted by deadcrow at 1:14 PM PST - 61 comments

What's a good to-do app for Mac & iOS that syncs with iCal/Google Calendar?

I am using an iMac with Mountain Lion as my desktop, and an iPhone 4S with iOS6 as my cell phone. I use OSX's and iOS's native apps for email, contacts, and calendar, which are provided by Google Apps. What I need is a GTD (to do) application for the Mac, which a) has an iOS version, and b) supports syncing to iCal or Google Calendar. I currently own Omnifocus, but as of Mountain Lion, it no longer supports iCal sync. I want to be able to sync deadlines and tasks to my calendar, this really is a pretty basic feature that seems to be missing from a lot of GTD applications. Wunderlist doesn't support this. I've looked at Things, but it doesn't seem to support it either. Any recommendations?
posted by Unhyper at 12:59 PM PST - 4 comments

How do I minimize dye leeching from a new/newish pair of jeans?

I'm about to buy a new pair of jeans. For health reasons (see: cautionary principle), I want to minimize the amount of dye that transfers and leeches into my skin from the jeans as I wear them over time. Is there any way to do this besides washing the jeans a bunch of times?
posted by fundamentafriendapendability at 12:58 PM PST - 6 comments

Chew the rows.

What is the knowledge and perception of the Tudor Rose symbol outside of England? [more inside]
posted by Jehan at 12:44 PM PST - 35 comments

Switching it up with salmon filets

Can you suggest recipes for salmon filet? I'm bored of always pan-frying it, though I believe good ingredients deserve simple treatment.
posted by Dragonness at 12:36 PM PST - 34 comments

Point stealing bots and trolls: how can I tell the difference?

Malware steals bonus points from rightful winners. True or False? My SO has been harassed and de-be-friended on Facebook for stealong bonus points. She didn't do it. Or did she? [more inside]
posted by mule98J at 12:11 PM PST - 9 comments

How can I let go of my trust issues with my father?

Father issues: How to let go and move on, how to trust, and if I should. [more inside]
posted by Kitty Cornered at 12:09 PM PST - 9 comments

Bus from Albany/Corvallis to Portland?

Does public transportation between Corvallis, OR (or Albany) and Portland, OR exist? A bus that ran at least a few times a day would be great, but I can't seem to find one. I know about the hut shuttle but I am looking for something less expensive.
posted by long haired child at 12:07 PM PST - 5 comments

Bad manners to go to a dinner with casual aquaintances when you have a cold?

It's 3pm now. Going to an event, a dinner, that starts at 6pm hopefully, but I have a cold. Might it turn out that I am unwelcome at the event if I go? Thing is, I know exactly who gave me the cold and don't really thank them for it. Is it bad etiquette to go to something like this if you have a cold? They are not friends or anything that I would otherwise be exposed to. [more inside]
posted by Nish ton at 12:05 PM PST - 24 comments

university media planning for an early career researcher?

I was asked to consider teaching for a couple of days at a university here in the UK which is great. But I have zero experience in creating lessons plans. I have found some useful free-to-use lesson plans online that I am tailoring but I can't seem to get an indication of what I should provide to the university department leaders in advance. Should I only send the lesson plan and readings? Should I omit readings from what I send my future bosses? Help me make a proposal map so I can sort it all out for the future! It's a media studies department FWIW.
posted by parmanparman at 11:56 AM PST - 3 comments

Impending name change and the resulting identity crisis.

I'm getting re-married. How do I juggle a professional identity with my soon-to-be old name and a new name identity everywhere else? [more inside]
posted by _Mona_ at 11:52 AM PST - 6 comments

What are your favorite books, movies, and essays about food?

I am putting together a syllabus for a college composition course. I chose "food" as the theme for this semester. I would like to include examples of different kinds of writing about food, ranging from essays to fiction to poetry, as well as some movies. What are your suggestions? I'm open to anything, as long as it has food in it! I already have a list of some of the obvious ones (Michael Pollan, Dinesen's "Babette's Feast," Jiro Dreams of Sushi), but I am hoping the HiveMind can help me make this the most awesome-- and delicious-- writing class ever.
posted by incountrysleep at 11:16 AM PST - 62 comments

Arabic Readers, Dubai: Where to buy football/soccer tickets for local game

I am visiting Dubai next week and want to watch the Emirates Cup game between Al Nasr Dubai and Al Ain on 13.11.2012. Where do you buy tickets in Dubai for a football/soccer game? Do they take cash on the gate at the Al Maktoum stadium? Any extra info gratefully received. Here is the club website if your Arabic is good. I cannot find a section for ticket info.
posted by priorpark17 at 11:10 AM PST - 2 comments

Do non-exempt employees get paid for the "optional" holiday party?

What are the rules for "optional" but not really optional work-related events for non-exempt employees? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:43 AM PST - 14 comments

Stretches for Weight Training

Looking for stretching recommendations for intense weight training program [more inside]
posted by MaddyRex at 9:14 AM PST - 3 comments


How do I tell my mom to lay off my appearance in a lighthearted way? [more inside]
posted by kpht at 8:37 AM PST - 42 comments

Help me deal with my ADD/disorganization/goal setting problems.

I am unemployed. My disorganization, lack of goals and mental illness (ADD first and foremost) is taking a toll on my job hunt, and life in general. Fellow ADD'ers, what do you do to cope/deal? Details inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:59 AM PST - 14 comments

Which solar systems should I consider?

We're building a new house and have a roof with plenty of space for number of solar panels, most likely photo-voltaic electric ones. But I'm hard-pressed to find a thorough *current* analysis discussing the pros and cons of various schemes for the systems. [more inside]
posted by wkearney99 at 7:50 AM PST - 6 comments

Go west (east, north, south), young man

What is the best resource for Americans to find jobs overseas? [more inside]
posted by wensink at 7:24 AM PST - 7 comments

Upper back/neck pain?

Any ideas on how to treat this upper back/neck pain? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:06 AM PST - 16 comments

Have part-time confidence, want full-time confidence.

I would like help in turning situational confidence into all-the-time confidence, particularly as it pertains to romance and dating. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:06 AM PST - 6 comments

One thing to buy, many gifts to give

Lots of people getting married! So little time to think of wedding presents for each of them! And I find getting stuff from the registry so boring. Help me find a good gift that can keep on giving: something that I can buy multiples of, and then thoughtfully personalize for each of my wonderful friends. [more inside]
posted by greggish at 6:11 AM PST - 31 comments

Can't Connect both Windows Latop & iPad to VerizonFIOS wifi simultaneously

Annoying Verizon FIOS wireless router issue: if iPad/iPhone are on the wireless network, Windows laptop machines will not connect to wireless network. If I turn off WiFi on iPad/iPhone and restart the router, Windows machines get on WiFi right away. But after Windows machines are connected to WiFi, starting up WiFi on the iPad will almost always cause the Windows machines to drop their connections. More after the jump... [more inside]
posted by Ike_Arumba at 5:44 AM PST - 13 comments

Thinking about changing my surname.

Using a different surname - practicalities? Logistics? Things to think about? [more inside]
posted by Ashlyth at 5:07 AM PST - 17 comments

Best pipettors for a biology lab

Lab workers: With which brand of pipette driver / pipettor should we stock our lab? [more inside]
posted by metaBugs at 4:28 AM PST - 7 comments

Is there a famous book where the narrator repeatedly calls people finks?

Is there a famous book where the narrator repeatedly calls people finks? I vaguely recall this. I've tried searching Google Books and found Invisible Man and How to Eat Fried Worms but neither of these seem right.
posted by bertrandom at 2:19 AM PST - 7 comments

Where to sell jewelry in Albuquerque?

My girlfriend wants to get rid of some old jewelry: rings and earrings with platinum, gold and diamonds. Where might we get the best price in Albuquerque?
posted by maurreen at 12:44 AM PST - 2 comments

November 2

The Legions of Rome, 201BC divsion champions!

Help me brainstorm for a new project! What are some iconic conflicts in history (not necessarily military)? [more inside]
posted by Jezztek at 11:20 PM PST - 39 comments

Egyptian Arabic Song Translation Needed....Haty Bosah Ya Bet

What does this Egyptian Arabic song mean in English? Listen to the song here. Thanks! : )
posted by thatgirl1985 at 10:40 PM PST - 4 comments

Any Seattle history documentaries?

Does anyone know of any good documentary films about Seattle history? I'm interested in its founding up to the 90s. Not looking for stuff about grunge. Would love it if there were something in a Ken Burns, but I don't expect miracles. Thanks!
posted by letstrythis at 10:13 PM PST - 9 comments


Cuba - What shouldn't I miss? [more inside]
posted by snowjoe at 9:21 PM PST - 9 comments

Need a bathing suit in the cold tomorrow!

Where can I buy a bathing suit tomorrow in Boston, MA? [more inside]
posted by Emms at 9:13 PM PST - 11 comments

Find a puzzle book?

I recall really enjoying the book Maze by Christopher Manson when I was young. Are there any books that offer something similar in that they are slightly narrative but built with a critical thinking and/or puzzle goal in mind?
posted by sendai sleep master at 9:09 PM PST - 14 comments

Killing Time in Charlotte

How do I kill a few hours in Charlotte, NC on Sunday? [more inside]
posted by Dorinda at 8:39 PM PST - 6 comments

Can I make it from Boston to Brooklyn tomorrow (Saturday?)

Any issues with roads traveling from Boston to Brooklyn tomorrow? [more inside]
posted by caoimhe at 8:22 PM PST - 8 comments

School me on French universities!

Explain to me the structure and reputation of the Paris universities. And, while we're at it, how about explaining the French tertiary educational system as well? [more inside]
posted by UniversityNomad at 8:19 PM PST - 5 comments

Tooth or teeth sensitivity after drinking wine

After I drink white wine, one of two back molars (each with a filling), I'm not sure which, is sensitive when I chew food. My dentist says the fillings are intact, and the x-ray shows nothing, but if I want a crown, she can do that. Two questions: One, why does white wine bother the tooth more than, say, whisky? Two, is it really up to me to decide on a crown? [more inside]
posted by goofyfoot at 7:27 PM PST - 13 comments

Books up a river

Tons of old (100-200 year old) books are sitting in an attic. I'm tasked with finding out how much they're worth. What do I do? [more inside]
posted by Philipschall at 7:10 PM PST - 24 comments

like using roman text to indicate italics in an italicized passage

Looking for scenes (television or film) in which an actor plays a character with a different accent and then that character puts on the actor's native accent. [more inside]
posted by 256 at 7:03 PM PST - 27 comments

Help me decide on a new tablet!

A friend wants to buy my iPad Gen 1 from me, and I'm ready to upgrade to a newer device (I like new shiny gadgets!). Which iPad (Gen 2 or Gen 3) should I buy? Or another tablet altogether? [more inside]
posted by MultiFaceted at 6:21 PM PST - 20 comments

I am so stuck. The time has come to end my marriage and I can't get the words out.

I feel like I am experiencing sleep paralysis--I know I want to wake up but I just can't move. I've had no shortage of difficult life challenges over the years. Leaving a drug-addled, abusive family behind, holding dying loved ones, quitting cigarettes, I've ended LTRs in the past (and had them ended by partners too). I am not an over-thinker or an indecisive person and this feels so weird. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:55 PM PST - 6 comments

When do I disclose ADHD as a grad school applicant

Disclosing ADHD during the grad school application process: where/when/how? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:54 PM PST - 18 comments

Sweet travel tips

I want to make homemade candy for holiday gifts but am traveling from a semi-humid place to a quite humid one. Help me avoid a sticky mess! +other travel-with-candy tips. [more inside]
posted by jorlyfish at 5:45 PM PST - 5 comments

Turning over a new leaf

If I'm not able to get good references from my previous employers, what can I do to move forward? [more inside]
posted by ichomp at 5:11 PM PST - 8 comments

How does a search word result climb so quickly in Google?

How does the movie "Flight", which was pretty much off the internet radar a couple weeks ago, suddenly dominate the top organic search results for the word "flight"? [more inside]
posted by davebush at 5:08 PM PST - 18 comments

Help me choose a hairdryer.

I need a new hairdryer. Should I splurge? [more inside]
posted by futureisunwritten at 5:02 PM PST - 16 comments

NPR is too quite on my phone.

NPR audio feeds are oddly quiet on my HTC EVO 3D, while Pandora, YouTube and any other audio is plenty loud. Is there some odd internal setting I need to change? [more inside]
posted by Science! at 3:44 PM PST - 5 comments

there's nothing wrong with you there's nothing wrong with you... *argh*

I don’t get very well with a whole hobby team of 6 persons... How do I keep my sanity? [more inside]
posted by OrangeCat at 3:37 PM PST - 12 comments

Why does Airport on my Macbook quit working?

I have a newer Macbook Pro and whenever I move it around my house, Airport stops working and won't work again until I reboot. What gives? [more inside]
posted by deern the headlice at 3:34 PM PST - 9 comments

How to decide between a bad PPO and unknown HMO health plan?

It's health benefits selection time at work! I'm fed up with the PPO I have now, but the only other choice I can afford is an HMO. Is switching a good idea or a bad idea? (I'm looking at Aetna HMO specifically, but I'd value more general input too.) [more inside]
posted by Jeanne at 3:33 PM PST - 11 comments

Non-intuitive food combinations that work

So when I was little I was the weird kid who mixed up food in weird and non-intuitive ways that grossed out many of my peers, but many of those combinations, discovered through largely blind trial and error, turned out to work really well - What are ones that you've discovered? [more inside]
posted by Blasdelb at 3:22 PM PST - 132 comments

Getting to/from BOS and the hotel?

What's the best way to get from BOS to Hotel Buckminster on Sunday afternoon? [more inside]
posted by chrisfromthelc at 3:20 PM PST - 5 comments

Quark? Quack?

Can I eat this filter > Unopened, refrigerated package of yoghurt. Expiration date was a week ago. Safe or not? [more inside]
posted by Trexsock at 3:13 PM PST - 23 comments

Trapped in a local min.

I sort of know Matlab, R, SPSS, and C. But how do I really learn Matlab, R, SPSS, and C? [more inside]
posted by Nomyte at 3:11 PM PST - 11 comments

Help me read PDFs in the palm of my hand

Best tablet or e-reader for reading PDFs? Difficulty: must be lightweight, with a smaller screen than an iPad, and preferably less than $250. [more inside]
posted by np312 at 2:31 PM PST - 21 comments

Feel like I'm going to lose my marbles!

How do I plan for or learn to cope with huge changes in my life this year that include graduating university, getting married, moving cross country? (sorry long!!) [more inside]
posted by snowysoul at 2:28 PM PST - 3 comments

Somebody wants to put something on your roof: You say...

Commercial landlords/property management: You are approached by a solar power company or a wireless telecom company that wants to lease space on your roof. Can you list in order of importance (to you and your firm) the issues that you want to be fully informed about and cover point by point in negotiations and any potential lease? [more inside]
posted by thewalrus at 2:26 PM PST - 3 comments

Who else dances like Nathan Barnatt?

I love watching Nathan Barnatt's dance videos, especially Obama Works...It and Yelle--Que Veux-tu (Madeon Remix). I just find them so joyful; they make me want to get up and dance around. (Sometimes I actually do.) Now that I have watched these multiple times, I am looking for videos featuring similar dancing. Please recommend!
posted by hurdy gurdy girl at 2:03 PM PST - 9 comments

Direct line to Stephen Hawking

Where can I find someone willing to help me do relatively simple (ha!) relativistic time dilation calculations? [more inside]
posted by brenton at 1:57 PM PST - 14 comments

My pen needs ink

Where can I find a ballpoint pen refill to replace this one? I can find short refills, and twist refills, but not short twist refills. [more inside]
posted by ckape at 1:50 PM PST - 5 comments

When is a family not a family?

Are the mother and father of a child in a family relationship with one another if they are not married and not partners in any way except as co-parents? [more inside]
posted by londongeezer at 1:44 PM PST - 12 comments

Race in Anthropology

Academics and anthropologists: What are the most interesting and important anthropological works on race published in (roughly) the past decade? [more inside]
posted by a.steele at 1:30 PM PST - 7 comments

What to do about a friend who doesn't make time for me and other friends

What is this kind of behavior? I have a friend who constantly turns down invitations to do anything because she says her life is so busy. [more inside]
posted by spooky car at 1:00 PM PST - 40 comments

Help finding a catsitter in SF

Anyone have a recommendation for a catsitter in San Francisco? I have yet to find one here since moving and I don't want to keep asking a friend to come by. Feels like I'm taking advantage. [more inside]
posted by vivzan at 12:56 PM PST - 8 comments

Whence thou, oysters?

How and why did Europeans eat so many oysters during the dark and middle ages? [more inside]
posted by cmoj at 12:52 PM PST - 13 comments

xbox controller you'll be the death of me

Is there anything better than an xbox controller to control xbox media center running on a windows 7 HTPC? [more inside]
posted by tehloki at 12:38 PM PST - 12 comments

Mind my money.

I have a growing chunk of money in my checking account. I've paid off my student loans and don't have credit card debt. What's the most responsible way to manage this money? Does a potential major move affect the analysis? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 12:18 PM PST - 17 comments

Bookmarking Utility That Can Group and Organize Links

I'm looking for a collaborative bookmarking utility that can group links and organize links within the groups. It should be easy. We have no budget. [more inside]
posted by aabbbiee at 12:09 PM PST - 6 comments

Sniff For Power Resumption and Message Me

I'm a Sandy refugee, living with friends until my power's restored (latest estimate: 11/9). There's got to be a way to remotely detect that - to sniff for current in an AC plug, or detect light from a bulb or the reestablishment of my WiFi network....and then use the WiFi to let me know. The tech would be trivial. Does anything like that (aside from $$$ home monitoring set-ups) exist? Or could I rig one up?
posted by Quisp Lover at 12:07 PM PST - 25 comments

Need to find some help at home with an infant.

What's the best way to find help for baby watching / around the house (for a couple of hours) for a mom with a infant? [more inside]
posted by wongcorgi at 11:19 AM PST - 21 comments

Please help me calibrate my monitors

For editing photography: How do I calibrate these two screens: My iPad (I realize I'm just setting brightness here), and the monitor connected to my Mac (the Mac prefs calibration instructions don't work for me at all). Is there an excellent reference image out there I can use to calibrate my screens? [more inside]
posted by 2oh1 at 11:10 AM PST - 7 comments

And wash away the rain?

What is the minimum mass that would be requisite to form a black hole? [more inside]
posted by shakespeherian at 10:54 AM PST - 9 comments

how to help?

Aside from donating money, is there anything that I can do to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:49 AM PST - 9 comments

Landlord Not Providing Habitable Apartment Due To Hurricane -- Still Responsible For Rent?

I’m currently in NY in an apartment without water, sewage, heat or electricity. I’m living elsewhere until my area gets these services back. As I understood it, an apartment without these sorts of things (not to mention the stench of sewage and sea water eating away at the belongings in the floor below and the mold that must be growing there – I think the tenants down there are simply walking away and not cleaning up) is considered uninhabitable. Aren’t renters, by law, not obligated to pay rent until these issues are fixed? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:49 AM PST - 17 comments

Eternal Clearance Sale of the Spotless Suburban Strip-Mall

Please satisfy my curiosity re: The Never-Ending Clearance Sale Event. [more inside]
posted by trunk muffins at 10:41 AM PST - 11 comments

Ideas for a Christmas festival?

I need inew deas for a Christmas festival that my neighborhood holds. [more inside]
posted by cherrybounce at 10:18 AM PST - 6 comments

Free non-sports fantasy draft website?

Help me find a free fantasy draft website or app for user-defined lists of people or things (i.e., not sports leagues). [more inside]
posted by jalexc at 10:11 AM PST - 1 comment

72 year old woman with iMac issues...

Help my mother with her Mac? iMac with question mark and/or question mark on folder after booting. Won't safe boot or anything. Diagnose or recommend a technician in E4E (New Brunswick)? [more inside]
posted by dobbs at 10:03 AM PST - 14 comments

Arabic translation help

Arabic translation help. In 2008 I had the honor of attending the state funeral of Mahmoud Darwish. I have a poster from the event but have never translated the Arabic. [more inside]
posted by Baby_Balrog at 10:03 AM PST - 3 comments

F**k the Truck

Every weekday my commute is either easy -- because there are almost no big trucks on the road -- or terrible -- because the freeway is packed with a solid line of big trucks. Why is it like that? What do I not understand about shipping, trucking and/or logistics that makes this such an either/or proposition? [more inside]
posted by BlahLaLa at 9:58 AM PST - 11 comments

Airline where pet can fly w/o certificate of health from vet. Sandy Emergency!

Emergency! Does anyone know of an airline (or other option) that allows pets to fly as cargo without a certificate of health from the vet? I know there are one or two. [more inside]
posted by LLF246 at 9:58 AM PST - 30 comments

Help me avoid hiring Patrick Bateman.

HR filter: What are some good questions to ask a job candidate during a final interview before extending an offer? [more inside]
posted by the foreground at 9:53 AM PST - 9 comments

Girl needs therapy

Therapy hasn't helped in the past. But I need to do something, FFS. What else should I try? [more inside]
posted by indognito at 9:51 AM PST - 13 comments

Is it worth it to fix our TV?

Our TV is broken. Should we try to fix it, or would it make more sense to just buy a new TV? How much would a repair for our kind of problem cost? [more inside]
posted by ocherdraco at 9:43 AM PST - 7 comments

Sandy Relief Organizations?

Please help me donate to Sandy Relief! [more inside]
posted by hapax_legomenon at 9:38 AM PST - 11 comments

Freezy Living

Post-Sandy, my house may not have heat for two weeks. What can I do to keep my kids warm at night? [more inside]
posted by Andrhia at 9:23 AM PST - 42 comments

She needs more sleep!

Baby-sleep-filter: Naps at Daycare edition! How do we handle our almost-eleven-month-old refusing to nap at daycare, despite clearly being exhausted? Warning: this got very long. [more inside]
posted by SeedStitch at 9:16 AM PST - 14 comments

Dysthymia care package

How can I constructively help my newly long-distance boyfriend with possible low-grade depression? I'd like ideas for what to send him in a care package, and I'm also wondering if I'm being overbearing / Jesus Girlfriend-y. Snowflakes inside. [more inside]
posted by sockpuppetofexistentialconfusion at 9:10 AM PST - 8 comments

How to give a male friend advice?

Men of Mefi please explain - how do I give advice to a man? My male friend gives me lots of good advice but never asks for any from me. How do I keep the ledger balanced? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:06 AM PST - 46 comments

After years of recession-fear blahness, I have decided it's time to take some risks. Help me chart a course!

After years of recession-fear blahness, I have decided it's time to take some risks. Help me chart a course! [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:06 AM PST - 6 comments

Why did the Soviet military retain the traditional Officer/Enlisted class binary rather than instituting some other hierarchichal structure?

Russian History: Why did the Soviet military retain the traditional (western) Officer/Enlisted class binary rather than instituting some other hierarchichal structure? How did they ideologically justify maintaining two distinct and separate classes, one subordinate to the other, in an army putatively fighting for a classless society? [more inside]
posted by jjjjjjjijjjjjjj at 8:45 AM PST - 11 comments

Can this ship be saved?

In picture #19, can this ship be saved? Assuming the hull is sound, can it be dragged back into the water, or shoved there, or some combination? Or is it a total loss?
posted by Chocolate Pickle at 8:45 AM PST - 4 comments

What other activity could be fun to keep in shape for anything besides health for its own sake?

What are some good low time-commitment exercises that are more interesting than simply running? [more inside]
posted by ChipT at 8:36 AM PST - 25 comments

Does anyone know good printing companies in the UK who could make prints of my artwork in bulk cheaply?

Does anyone know good printing companies in the UK who could make prints of my artwork in bulk cheaply? [more inside]
posted by Pilly at 8:32 AM PST - 3 comments

What are some good daytrip destinations within 3.5 hours of Pittsburgh?

I'd like to get out of Pittsburgh for a daytrip with some girlfriends this Sunday. What are some fun places within 3.5 hours drive of Pittsburgh where we can eat nice things, see nice things, and drink nice things for a day? What should we do when we get there? [more inside]
posted by Alison at 8:16 AM PST - 8 comments

Chinese history for kids

Is there a good book for an older kid about the history of China? Or, related questions, other great world history books for kids? [more inside]
posted by latkes at 8:03 AM PST - 3 comments

Where can I get good electronic mixes?

mnml ssgs closed shop this summer and now I have no mixes to listen to. What are some good mixes/websites in the vein of mmml ssgs?
posted by azarbayejani at 7:59 AM PST - 2 comments

The New Name That Blog!

I need help figuring out a name for my brand new personal blog. Snowflakey details to follow. [more inside]
posted by ronofthedead at 7:43 AM PST - 6 comments

Help with Lord of the Rings Murder Mystery?

So I'm writing a LoTR murder mystery dinner game and I need your help. The murder victim of the night will be Frodo, and I could use ideas for (a) good, juicy reasons why each of my player-characters might want to kill Frodo as well as (b) other fun mini-plots between the other characters. [more inside]
posted by ninotchka at 7:35 AM PST - 8 comments

Personal belongings after a divorce

Can my ex-husband keep my personal belongings? [more inside]
posted by staggering termagant at 7:33 AM PST - 11 comments

С Днём ВМФ! Ура! Ура! Ураааааааааа!!!

Was this a real Soviet fast torpedo boat, or flying boat, or just a really cool artist's conception? I've never seen anything like it.
posted by three blind mice at 7:27 AM PST - 16 comments

Sauces/seasonings for rice and beans?

My lunchtime staple is a bowl of black/kidney/pinto beans or lentils and brown/white rice, couscous, or quinoa with some type of vegetable mixed in. However, I get bored with the same sauces and seasonings (usually barbecue sauce, peanut sauce, salsa, or just plain with some onion and garlic) and am looking for new ideas. Must be vegetarian (dairy and eggs okay) and bonus points for *cheap* store bought sauces/dressings or homemade from ingredients I might already have in the pantry. I'm not a picky eater and am not concerned with fat/calories.
posted by sunshine37 at 7:25 AM PST - 29 comments

Big, long triangles - my googl-fu failed!

Asking for my sister, where can we find these button things? [more inside]
posted by heavyp08 at 6:54 AM PST - 6 comments

If someone says Tricorder....

Researchers, Writers, Grad Students, and Professors: Tell me about your technical setup (hardware and software). What do you use, and what couldn't you live without? [more inside]
posted by NotMyselfRightNow at 6:32 AM PST - 25 comments

What if the Lights Go Out Here?

With the power out in downtown New York, I'm wondering what devices I should buy against the next blackout / ice storm / zombie apocalypse to keep my electronics going. [more inside]
posted by musofire at 6:27 AM PST - 16 comments

Post-Sandy gas for trip from NYC to upstate New York?

Post-Sandy gas for trip from NYC to upstate New York? [more inside]
posted by lips at 6:22 AM PST - 16 comments

ShortFilmFilter: Why do you think they call it Darjeeling?!?

Trying to remember / find out more about a movie that I saw at a short film festival at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston sometime between 1994 and 1997? (this'll be a hard one!) [more inside]
posted by gregvr at 6:10 AM PST - 1 comment

Do you know what quotes are etched into the walls of the Dalí Museum in Figueres?

I was in the Dalí Museum in Figueres, Catalonia two weeks ago. There was a prominently displayed quote, not by Dalí, that I wanted to look up, but completely forgot about until now. It was familiar, but it seemed a bit mangled from what I thought it was. Now, however, I've forgotten it. Do you know what quotes are etched into the walls of the Dalí Museum in Figueres? [more inside]
posted by Kattullus at 5:53 AM PST - 4 comments

How would one go about buying a TV that isn't black?

I'd like to buy a TV that ISN'T black. Is that even possible? [more inside]
posted by rileyray3000 at 4:22 AM PST - 12 comments

November 1

How can I win his heart back?

please help me gain back his trust and love - i feel like i'm dying [more inside]
posted by canadiantuxedo at 11:51 PM PST - 65 comments

blinded by the light.

have you had lasik? what's your experience been? [more inside]
posted by violetk at 10:58 PM PST - 53 comments

Is there such a thing as a "good and cheap" warranty?

Thinking about buying a Nexus 4 from the Google Play Store. Are there good third-party accidental damage warranties out there that won't break the bank? [more inside]
posted by apip at 10:13 PM PST - 5 comments

shipping Internationally = help.

Please help me mail stuff internationally via USPS. [more inside]
posted by KogeLiz at 10:12 PM PST - 7 comments

Need Surfing Variations of the Word "Portal"

Is there a surfing/skateboard derivative of the term "portal" [more inside]
posted by goalyeehah at 8:36 PM PST - 4 comments

WhiteTrash Airlines: fly the friendly sky!

I'm trying to find an old radio short called "White Trash Airlines" that I heard online in the early 90's. It was a parody of a United commercial and had the "Fly the friendly skies" tagline in it but I don't know where it came from or who made it. It was, however, very funny if you like hillbilly jokes. YMMV. [more inside]
posted by ninazer0 at 8:12 PM PST - 2 comments

How to "move" an iTunes profile to a new desktop profile after Win 8 installation

How do I get iTunes to sync to a new desktop profile (on Windows PC) [more inside]
posted by chris88 at 8:12 PM PST - 1 comment

Help! Puppy is eleven weeks and still nameless!!!

There's a new Corgi in town! But what's his name??? [more inside]
posted by OolooKitty at 8:04 PM PST - 57 comments

Quick Hebrew-to-English translation, please

Easy one for someone who reads modern Hebrew handwriting: what does this say? [more inside]
posted by dywypi at 7:07 PM PST - 3 comments

family drama

My semi-troubled sibling finally pulled the "I want to live with dad!" card. What should my mom do? How can I support her? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:00 PM PST - 16 comments

Japanese translation help in guitar search

I've been looking for a certain guitar (a Yamaha SG 3000) and have lately been looking on Japanese web sites to see if I can have one shipped from there. I've found one I like the look of, but Google Translate isn't being particularly helpful. Could anyone translate the description for me? [more inside]
posted by Put the kettle on at 6:24 PM PST - 3 comments

Recommend a rep counting device?

Do you know of a good rep counter app or device? [more inside]
posted by moira at 6:21 PM PST - 2 comments

Which BBC program is this?

Can anyone tell me which BBC program their recent segment on the Internet Archive is a part of?
posted by ryanshepard at 6:17 PM PST - 2 comments

Your academic workflow, 2012 edition

I would like to learn more from real-world researchers about the apps or web tools you use. [more inside]
posted by zepheria at 6:09 PM PST - 11 comments

Tips on attending a political rally?

Tips for attending a political rally? [more inside]
posted by Caravantea at 5:43 PM PST - 12 comments

Pill Pocket replacement.

We need an affordable and hypoallergenic Pill Pocket replacement for feeding pills to our dog. [more inside]
posted by griphus at 5:32 PM PST - 35 comments

How to always have the best looking PowerPoint?

How can my powerpoints always be the best looking in the class? Also how to easily create graphs for powerpoints? [more inside]
posted by locussst at 5:25 PM PST - 21 comments

What do I need to know as a first-time auction attendee?

I'm interested in attending an auction in the Southern California area. I've never been to an auction before. Advice? Tips? [more inside]
posted by dede at 5:20 PM PST - 7 comments

Broken Tablet, Unresponsive Company, Nice Lady

My husband's mother bought the most terrible little tablet, and the two replacements sent by the distributor have also been defective. I'd like to help her, but I am not certain what to do. The company seems immune to complaint. [more inside]
posted by Francolin at 5:10 PM PST - 10 comments

Hip, Hip, Hoo-arrrgggghhh

I've suddenly developed a weird hip pain issue that it's hard for me to even articulate well enough in order to explain to my doctor without sounding like a weirdo. Have you ever had anything like this? [more inside]
posted by SweetTeaAndABiscuit at 5:04 PM PST - 8 comments

Winning At Life!

What are some simple changes you made to your day to day life that had big results? [more inside]
posted by amycup at 4:42 PM PST - 75 comments

How do I get a wild bird out of my home?

There's a wild parrot in my house, how can I get him outside? [more inside]
posted by Greener Backyards at 4:39 PM PST - 7 comments

How to clean a stinky fridge

My friends just got power back after Sandy, and their fridge stinks. We've thrown out all the food. What's the best way to clean the fridge? [more inside]
posted by Ash3000 at 4:30 PM PST - 17 comments

Desperate for Season 2!

I'd like to watch the Homeland episodes from Season 2 that are available On Demand from the Showtime website. But each time I click on an episode, I get a "loading" sign- forever. Website is here, tried in in multiple browsers, ISP does not seem to be throttling other video content. Any ideas?
posted by foxy_hedgehog at 4:00 PM PST - 7 comments

Looking for books set up as dialogues or conversations.

Looking for books which are structed as conversations or debates between two or more people on interesting, educational subjects. [more inside]
posted by JoannaC at 3:59 PM PST - 20 comments

Mountain out of a molehill: is this great crush-guy gay?

This Question Makes Me Feel Silly: I like him, think he likes me. . .but I honestly can't tell whether or not he's gay. Need advice on how best to handle clearing this up. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 3:41 PM PST - 39 comments

Should I continue with my swimming lessons?

Should I continue my swimming lessons? I'm an exchange student, and I'm thinking of spending part of my grant on finally getting a good grasp of swimming, but not sure if it's worth it. Moar details to follow. [more inside]
posted by lethologues at 3:27 PM PST - 13 comments

We can all agree on needing a drink

Can you suggest a good place in the metro-Boston area, preferably downtown Boston or Cambridge, to be having a drink and a snack on Election Night? [more inside]
posted by Countess Elena at 3:23 PM PST - 3 comments

Kung Fu for my Little Panda?

Kung Fu/martial arts movies and TV shows for an 8 year old? [more inside]
posted by gwint at 3:21 PM PST - 14 comments

I Dream of Fonts

Building a font library, what are your favourite fonts and why? I'm asking from a design perspective, so mostly looking for people who have programs designed for cataloguing their massive and picked through collections. [more inside]
posted by Dynex at 3:08 PM PST - 5 comments

Has anyone had severe side effects when taking Bactrim? If so, how long did they last after finishing the drug?

Has anyone had severe side effects when taking Bactrim? If so, how long did they last after finishing the drug? [more inside]
posted by shrimpsmalls at 2:50 PM PST - 13 comments

A very specific pain in pregnancy is making me crazy

Any ideas what I can do for this chest wall pain during pregnancy? [more inside]
posted by treehorn+bunny at 2:16 PM PST - 25 comments

Airline shifting departure time unilaterally

Is there any recourse when an airline moves your flight earlier and earlier, eventually adding a new flight at the original time that costs much more? [more inside]
posted by Mapes at 2:11 PM PST - 7 comments

Printer for Mac

My spouse needs a new all-in-one printer for her office Mac. It needs to do all of the usual all-in-one functions - print, scan, copy, fax. She does occasionally need to print in color. The most important criterion is that it play well with the Mac - both with set-up and with the individual functions. [more inside]
posted by gteffertz at 2:09 PM PST - 16 comments

Should I pick up other dogs' poop while walking my dogs?

Should I pick up other dogs' poop while walking my dogs? I pick up my own dogs' poop but I don't pick up other poops when I am on walks. Am I being clueless when I step over another dog's poop without picking it up? [more inside]
posted by dottiechang at 1:23 PM PST - 36 comments

Fun hotels in Toronto

Hotels or B&Bs in Toronto? [more inside]
posted by TheWhiteSkull at 1:11 PM PST - 4 comments

Writing at the Speed of Light.

How can I become a faster writer? [more inside]
posted by dean_deen at 1:04 PM PST - 9 comments

How big is your to-do list?

What is your job, and how many "tasks" would you say you have in a given week? A given day? [more inside]
posted by windbox at 1:02 PM PST - 16 comments

November Halloween costume ideas

Belated Halloween party costume advice needed. [more inside]
posted by mediocre at 1:02 PM PST - 3 comments

Moving on from not-quite-the-one

Help me move on from a relationship where you care for each other and nothing was wrong, but it wasn't right either. Anecdotes about finding greater happiness later are especially welcome. [more inside]
posted by lacedcoffee at 12:55 PM PST - 13 comments

Please help me think of ways to reduce the pain and tedium for my mom post surgery

My mom just had her third surgery to repair hip tendons and its expected that she will not be able to go anywhere without 2 crutches for 6-8 weeks. Besides limiting mobility, it also means that she won't be able to cook for some time--her lifelong passion and joie de vivre, besides plants. If she were nearby i would go spend time with her, but she's across the Atlantic (France, I'm in the US). I'm trying to think of ways to cheer her up, make life easier, ease the tedium. [more inside]
posted by SpicyMustard at 12:48 PM PST - 7 comments


Why does my circular saw keep jamming up? [more inside]
posted by A Terrible Llama at 12:45 PM PST - 34 comments

Advice on infant advice?

Advice on infant advice? Where to go for good, reliable, guidance/suggestions? [more inside]
posted by filmgeek at 12:21 PM PST - 11 comments

Second shift jobs?

What are some jobs / workplaces / industries where people work 2nd shift (afternoon-midnight)? [more inside]
posted by ditto75 at 11:52 AM PST - 43 comments

Lonely animator on cartoon island with single palm tree...

How do I network as an artist/animator without having gone to art school or worked in a studio setting? [more inside]
posted by overeducated_alligator at 11:49 AM PST - 6 comments

Mexico Vacation Ideas

18 days in Mexico, divided between the DF, Oaxaca City and the Oaxaca coast - what should I not miss? [more inside]
posted by lunasol at 11:09 AM PST - 12 comments

What's to do in Austin, TX?

Things to do in Austin this weekend? [more inside]
posted by lonefrontranger at 11:04 AM PST - 16 comments

How to prevent typing injuries!

I became a full-time author 2 months ago, and my hands are starting to get stiff. What do I do to prevent wrist/hand injuries? [more inside]
posted by sdis at 10:44 AM PST - 17 comments

I think I would look good in waders.

I realized during Sandy that 1) we don't own any sort of radio; 2) I don't have a UPS for my desktop Mac; and 3) there are surely other things/tools/resources we probably should buy now to prepare for the next big storm. Can you make any recommendations? [more inside]
posted by Admiral Haddock at 10:19 AM PST - 49 comments

Ew ew bugs ew tiny bugs everywhere.

Oh-ew-bugfilter: My windows are covered in tiny bugs. I have no idea where they are coming from. Send help. [more inside]
posted by AthenaPolias at 9:59 AM PST - 9 comments

Dog Bites Pants

What am I liable for if my dog damages someones property while they are on my property? I am happy to replace damaged property but can I be liable for anything else? I know YANAL or even my lawyer just wanting to know what to expect. [more inside]
posted by wwax at 9:56 AM PST - 16 comments

Filing a claim with the city maybe

Messed up my car! City construction work was involved. What can I do? [more inside]
posted by AceRock at 9:29 AM PST - 8 comments

My boyfriend needs therapy?

My boyfriend is depressed about the current state that his life is in and it translates to him being negative, sad, or angry pretty much all the time. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:24 AM PST - 23 comments

Pappy Van Winkle in NYC

How can I get a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle in NYC? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:22 AM PST - 15 comments

Late nights

What is the piano sample in the Jeremih/Sheek Louch track "Party After 2". For some reason I've always thought it was a George Gershwin sample, but I can't track it down. [more inside]
posted by cloeburner at 8:58 AM PST - 2 comments

Need recommendation for DVD duplication

Do you have personal experience with a DVD duplication company? Need recommendations [more inside]
posted by arniec at 8:25 AM PST - 4 comments

Help Plan My Exit Strategy

Right now, I am an executive assistant in a financial firm. Within a year, I want to be an executive assistant anywhere EXCEPT for a financial firm. What can I start doing now to prepare, and where do I have a good shot of looking? [more inside]
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 8:18 AM PST - 35 comments

Deviantart for writers?

What's the best way to serialize my novel online? [more inside]
posted by gentian at 7:48 AM PST - 3 comments

I just want to vote for the president

Absentee voting for US elections - what is this 'tax liability' business? State is Massachusetts. [more inside]
posted by pikeandshield at 7:26 AM PST - 13 comments

Help me get a client from NYC to Long Island

Is there a web site that figures directions via public public transportation in the NYC and Long Island areas? If not, can someone in the hive help? I need directions for a client from E 65th in NYC to 56th Ave in Elmhurst, NY. I'm unfamiliar with NYC/LI. [more inside]
posted by Dolley at 7:13 AM PST - 6 comments

Panic on the streets of London, Panic on the streets of Birmingham...

Every morning for the past five days, I wake up and then immediately begin having a panic/anxiety attack. Please help me figure out what I am doing wrong! [more inside]
posted by like_a_friend at 7:09 AM PST - 15 comments

My Backpack's got Jets?

Help me find the perfect Backpack/Bag! (Snow Flurries after the jump!) [more inside]
posted by PlutoniumX at 6:54 AM PST - 12 comments

Should we move to the Liverpool area.

What's it really like living in the north of England? Liverpool and surrounding areas in particular. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:44 AM PST - 11 comments

I have a new friend, she has a giant Despair Squid.

"Emotional affairs" and being a good partner to someone with severe depression: I need a friend, but this new friendship is moving fast and I'm about 99% sure that my partner will be massively upset if she finds out. What do I do? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:44 AM PST - 23 comments

Where did the child pick his death?

What was this book about children being cut in pieces and getting to choose how they die before the last piece is cut off? [more inside]
posted by knz at 5:54 AM PST - 2 comments

Brace yourself!

When you had braces, did your orthodontist want to replace your wires a week before taking your braces off? Or is this a ploy to prolong treatment? [more inside]
posted by Sutekh at 3:02 AM PST - 15 comments

Unsure graduate seeking advice on how to improve interview outcomes

I'm in my final year of study an have been unsuccessful at interviewing for all the graduate jobs I've applied for. I would appreciate advice from fellow New Zealanders regarding what the correct etiquette is in these situations and how I can best represent myself in interviews. [more inside]
posted by mataboy at 1:57 AM PST - 2 comments

Getting into BMX Racing at 31

I am looking to improve my social life and break the work/sleep monotomy. I cycle occasionally and was thinking about joining my local cycling club, however I also read an interesting article about someone that took up BMX racing. It seems like a more exciting thing to do and I have fond memories of riding my BMX as a youngster. I would like to take up this hobby, I live in London , England and since the Olympics took place here alot of these BMX tracks have been constructed. I would like to know if anyone has taken up this hobby and what you have experienced?
posted by toxyboy1981 at 1:07 AM PST - 2 comments