March 6

Opening a thirty year marriage, practically and ethically

How do I practically and ethically go about opening my marriage of almost 30 years? [more inside]
posted by anonymous to Human Relations at 4:58 PM - 8 answers

Can someone download a public domain book for me from

So I would like to download Hollywood Girl by J.P. McEvoy from However, due to their rules, as a Google Scanned book, "If you are not affiliated with a member institution, whole book download is not available." And while the member institution list has a large number of American universities, my alma mater is not among them. Non-members can only download a page at a time. The book is the second of the Dixie Dugan novels, the first of which Show Girl, is downloadable from Google Books directly, even though similarly restricted at Hathitrust. [more inside]
posted by fings to Media & Arts at 3:05 PM - 4 answers

Earliest show called “The [Celebrity’s Name] Show”?

i.e. The Arsenio Hall Show. I assume it must go back at least as far as radio, if not vaudeville.
posted by Lemkin to Media & Arts at 1:37 PM - 8 answers

What are websites with excellent experience on mobile?

I'm doing some web development for a small community website, and I want to make sure the user experience on mobile is excellent. What are some websites with great user experience on mobile?
posted by kirkaracha to Computers & Internet at 11:39 AM - 15 answers

Simple custom browser start/home page

I'd like to have my browser start at a clean page that can have some of my most used content and avoid the rage bait news headlines I see so often. [more inside]
posted by ShakeyJake to Computers & Internet at 11:37 AM - 6 answers

Sharing digital marginal writing with students?

I am reading Shakespeare with students, and we are annotating the text using Google Doc comments. I want them to have a copy of my comments so that they can catch up if they were absent, but I'm having trouble sharing the document with the comments. [more inside]
posted by chaiminda to Technology at 11:19 AM - 3 answers

I don't know what to do with my floor! Or my wall!

We're redoing our bathroom, and I'm not sure how to transition from floor to wall. [more inside]
posted by pdb to Home & Garden at 11:06 AM - 12 answers

Your favourite Canadian podcasts (that aren't on the CBC)?

I'm trying to diversify my podcasts and listen to more CanCon? Whatcha got? [more inside]
posted by Kitteh to Media & Arts at 10:31 AM - 8 answers

Can you recommend a bluetooth receiver for an old stereo receiver?

My home stereo is basically a turntable and a cassette deck run through an old Pioneer receiver, specifically this guy. I'd like to play music from my phone to that stereo receiver, via a bluetooth receiver plugged into the RCA cable jacks on the back. Can you recommend a good product? [more inside]
posted by kensington314 to Shopping at 10:21 AM - 8 answers

Help Me Fix My Favorite Automatic Umbrella

I got this Mabu automatic umbrella in Japan, which opens when you press the button on the handle, and collapses when you press it again. But recently it's started collapsing on it's own when in use, and it's also collapsing with increasing frequency - although it stays open when I leave it open indoors to dry. Can this be fixed/ can I fix it? I don't have an umbrella repair service nearby.
posted by 7 Minutes of Madness to Grab Bag at 9:34 AM - 1 answer

trans-friendly nail salon in LA?

My partner is a trans woman but not presenting very femme yet. One thing they would like to do today while we are in LA is get their nails done. We are staying near the Grove and going to the Museum of Jurassic Technology this afternoon. Any quick suggestion for a place that has queer inclusive staff and clients and would just be friendly and not awkward/weird? And maybe is hopefully sort of convenient to those areas.
posted by lizard music to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion at 9:14 AM - 2 answers

Advice wanted - partial chargeback hotel stay

I had a problematic stay at a ski resort, enough that I feel a reduction or partial chargeback is warranted. I'd like an "Am I being unreasonable?" check and also any advice people may have about negotiating with a hotel or a credit card chargeback for a hotel stay. [more inside]
posted by fennario to Travel & Transportation at 6:51 AM - 19 answers

Can you translate this message into French?

I'm staying at a hotel in Paris, and I've tried to use the 'Do not disturb' sign to indicate that there's no need to make up my room, but housekeeping is still doing so anyway. Rather than bother reception about it, I'd like to leave a note that says 'There's no need to clean or tidy the room, but I would appreciate a change of towels. Thank you.' Do you know how to write this in French? Many thanks!
posted by Panthalassa to Writing & Language at 4:39 AM - 6 answers

March 5

child's Android phone: limiting selected apps after 'Downtime' starts

We've used Google FamilyLink successfully to enforce 'Downtime' on child's phone an prior to bedtime, but I want to allow selected apps (beyond just default telephony) to be useable after Downtime begins. If FamilyLink doesn't permit that, I'm open to other options -- alternatives for 'parental control' software (that is known to do the above) _OR_ even 'just buy another cheap device to run that one other app' _OR_ even 'replace it with an iPhone' [more inside]
posted by jerome powell buys his sweatbands in bulk only to Computers & Internet at 8:37 PM - 6 answers

What are the cultural markers of the Aughties?

For example: the 80s has Miami Vice and Cyndi Lauper. The 90s has Pearl Jam and Arsenio Hall. What screams the 00s with comparable volume? Movie, TV show, band, fashion... it's all good.
posted by Lemkin to Society & Culture at 8:03 PM - 38 answers

Will no one rid me of these flaky subtitles?

I keep the closed captioning, i.e. subtitles, turned on while watching TV. Some of them are laughably bad and I'm hoping I can find some compassion for the poor working stiffs who have to generate them. [more inside]
posted by JimN2TAW to Media & Arts at 7:11 PM - 7 answers

Southwest Coast Path

A friend & I are planning to walk the Southwest Coast path for about a month in September. We’re just starting to plan (& get in shape!), have joined the Association & gotten the guidebook.We’re not far enough along yet to have specific questions, but … thoughts? tips? suggestions? Thanks!
posted by anshuman to Travel & Transportation at 7:09 PM - 5 answers

What mediator am I thinking of?

There's a person who's mediated some international conflict. All I remember about him is that the two parties would go back and forth, until each side was able to perfectly explain the other perspective. The concept was adapted by the Gottmans and I learned about it reading one of their books. I can't think of his name! Help?
posted by toucan to Society & Culture at 2:20 PM - 6 answers

Great books for a boy with sisters on both sides

Can you recommend any children's novels that feature an elementary-school-age boy with both an older and younger sister? [more inside]
posted by potrzebie to Media & Arts at 2:06 PM - 19 answers

Help me to understand my student loan repayment options

I have federal student loans, payments which have been mostly paused since 2020 for COVID and then all the crazy Dept of Education stuff that has ensued since. I certified for the SAVE IDR plan a while back with the hope of forgiveness, but alas that has not come to pass. With all the craziness happening right now, I really don't know what my best plan options are when payments restart this summer and my loan servicer did not seem confident in her responses when speaking on the phone. Help? [more inside]
posted by greta simone to Work & Money at 1:51 PM - 8 answers

Seeking a rental property in the French Alps walking distance of train

I’m in Marseille, heading out on Sunday. Would like to rent an apartment or small house for four days or so. No car, dependent on trains and buses. Willing to walk maybe three or four kilometres from the train. Have been in The Hague, Ghent, Lille, and now Marseille, would like to be in a tiny town or out in the country before taking on Paris. Two people, need clean, quiet place, not fussy about luxury and averse to instagram trendiness, prefer old buildings. Suggestions? Thank you in advance!
posted by Joan Rivers of Babylon to Travel & Transportation at 12:21 PM - 4 answers

Next year in Jerusalem? Oy vey.

Jews who do not support the Netanyahu regime, how are you planning to do Passover this year? Please note that this is a very specific question; please only answer the question asked, and only answer if you fit the description in this premise. [more inside]
posted by BlahLaLa to Religion & Philosophy at 12:19 PM - 10 answers

Guadalajara bound

I'm heading to Guadalajara next week, renting an AirBnb in Colonia Americana and working at a coworking space. I plan to explore as much as possible in my free time--what should I not miss? [more inside]
posted by gottabefunky to Travel & Transportation at 10:14 AM - 9 answers

Seeking recommendations for works by these scifi authors

After more than a decade (with stops and starts), I've finished reading all 35 volumes in Gardner Dozois' series of short story anthologies, "The Year's Best Science Fiction." Whew! Along the way, I've bookmarked all the stories I enjoyed most and ranked the authors who've come up most often. I'd love your suggestions for any works (of any length) by these folks that I should check out. List inside! [more inside]
posted by DavidNYC to Writing & Language at 8:18 AM - 32 answers

What's this weird humming noise in my house?

For the past couple weeks, there's been a humming noise in my kitchen and bathroom (which share a wall). It's very audible in the kitchen and bathroom, and gets much quieter when you go into the sunroom (off the kitchen on one side) or the living room (off the kitchen on the other side). [more inside]
posted by wheatlets to Home & Garden at 8:18 AM - 18 answers

Novels for Unpleasant Women

I've been enjoying books in the genre of "okay fine just leave me alone and let me be weird." I'm looking for more fiction like Sakaya Murata's Convenience Store Woman or (less cozy) Earthlings, Dolores Reyes' Cometierra, and Han Kang's The Vegetarian. Thank you. [more inside]
posted by phunniemee to Grab Bag at 7:49 AM - 38 answers

Is there a word for this?

For how a vision of the future always seems an obvious product of the era that created it? Like how 2001: A Space Odyssey, Logan’s Run, and Blade Runner are unmistakably products of the 60s, 70s, and 80s respectively?
posted by Lemkin to Media & Arts at 7:27 AM - 18 answers

If you had plantar fasciitis, how did you decide when to resume running?

I'm into my 11th month of plantar fasciitis (PF). It's about 90% better, and I'm tempted to start running again. Should I? (I have a podiatrist, but I'm seeking personal anecdotes.) [more inside]
posted by alex1965 to Health & Fitness at 7:08 AM - 19 answers

Vicks VapoRub smells different

I recently bought some Vicks VapoRub (haven't used it in years) and it smells different than I remember it as a kid. It's still got the eucalyptus / menthol thing going, but it also has another unpleasant smell like BO or something. It's got the cough suppressant topical analgesic in the label but I think it's the basic stuff Is there another VapoRub available that's just the menthol / eucalyptus smell like it was back in the 1970s?
posted by GernBlandston to Health & Fitness at 6:40 AM - 8 answers

Sudden 50% increase in kWh at our house

For the past two months, our kWh usage has been 50% higher than ever before. Lifestyle details inside but, in a nutshell: gas heat, unplugged some appliances and haven't changed any others. Can you give ideas for how to diagnose this issue and how to talk to our utility about it? [more inside]
posted by rednikki to Work & Money at 6:14 AM - 24 answers

What other songs sound like this one?

What other songs sound like this one? I am looking for other songs with similar music/tempo/melodies, they can be about absolutely any topic, I'm not looking for a subject match.
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries to Media & Arts at 6:09 AM - 9 answers

I'm becoming more tattooed and my mother hates it.

My mother strongly disapproves of my tattoos despite my career success - how can I navigate this cultural clash? [more inside]
posted by antihistameme to Human Relations at 3:09 AM - 26 answers

March 4

Evening Entertainment/Dining in DC Next Weekend?

I (unexpectedly) learned from last time that I really need my travel nights occupied, or my anxiety implodes. What's there to do in DC March 14-16 in the evening? [more inside]
posted by cuculine to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation at 8:21 PM - 9 answers

Night at the Museum....with chronic pain

I'm doing a family sleepover overnight at a local museum. I have bad chronic pain and sleeping on the floor will....hurt. And it will hurt for days afterwards. Help me think about how it can hurt less. [more inside]
posted by Toddles to Health & Fitness at 7:53 PM - 22 answers

I am turning 39 soon. Any advice?

Going to turn 39 in less than two weeks and been thinking about it awhile. It's not yet 40, but I'm almost there. I'm not sure if this really matters in as much as turning another year older matters. But I'm curious - if you're at this age or around it - what has been some life lessons that you've found valuable? [more inside]
posted by benimaru to Grab Bag at 6:50 PM - 22 answers

wide tox box (non-zero drop) sneaker redux

Still on the hunt for all-purpose wide toe box, non-zero drop sneaker for me. : ) [more inside]
posted by bitterkitten to Health & Fitness at 5:23 PM - 6 answers

Electric Scissors (for fabric) - worth it?

Do / have you used a pair of electric cordless scissors ? I'm considering buying a pair. [more inside]
posted by Faintdreams to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation at 4:16 PM - 6 answers

Best OTC Nightguard for Implants

This past summer, I received a set of all-on-fours dental implants. The night-guard I was given has cracked, and the implant office no longer makes them. What's a good over-the-counter temporary replacement? Any suggestions for a place in Austin, TX to get one custom made? [more inside]
posted by MuChao to Health & Fitness at 3:41 PM - 1 answer

What are all the buzz-phrases for "software engineer in test"?

Asking for my acquaintance mentioned here: When they're job searching, what are all the key phrases they should use to find QA(?) roles that are suited for software developers? [more inside]
posted by zeek321 to Work & Money at 3:25 PM - 5 answers

Future relationship talk didn’t go as I’d hoped.

After a talk about the future of the relationship, I’m not sure whether he just needs more time or if this is a classic case where he doesn’t see a long term future with me for whatever reason. We are both early 30s. [more inside]
posted by BuffySummers to Human Relations at 1:05 PM - 32 answers

Can we hire someone to advise us on when to flee?

My family belong to a lot of groups whose safety the current administration are threatening and/or who generally do poorly under fascism. We aren't leaving the country for the moment. But we do want to make sure we leave before it's too late — and we don't really trust our own amateur understanding of politics and the law to let us make the right decision. Is this something we could hire an expert to do? Like, are there lawyers who monitor this sort of legal risk? Or political scientists for hire? [more inside]
posted by Birds, snakes, and aeroplanes to Law & Government at 12:27 PM - 30 answers

Peanut butter oatmeal treats in these trying times

Everything is, quite frankly, the worst it has ever been in my lifetime, and things seem unlikely to get better. Peanut butter and oatmeal are cheap, at least in the US, at least right now. I like peanut butter oatmeal things. Give me some recipes! [more inside]
posted by Frowner to Food & Drink at 12:08 PM - 9 answers

Questions about the word "grift"/"grifter"

I hear the words "grift" and "grifter" thrown around a lot these days. I know it roughly means "crook" - the act of obtaining something illegally. My question is - I've observed the use of this word as also having connotations of cashing in on current trends/situations in an opportunistic fashion. Has the word "grift" actually developed that connotation, and if I want to emphasize the fact someone is specifically "cashing in" on a trend or movement, what word conveys it most succinctly? [more inside]
posted by Seeking Direction to Writing & Language at 9:59 AM - 29 answers

March 3

Outdoor tankless electric water heater?

We want to install a tankless electric water heater outdoors. There are outdoor tankless GAS water heaters. There are INDOOR tankless electric water heaters. But outdoor tankless electric water heaters don't seem to exist! [more inside]
posted by equipoise to Home & Garden at 10:28 PM - 19 answers


Thinking about buying a 3d printer. Hobbyist, not Professional... [more inside]
posted by falsedmitri to Technology at 6:49 PM - 17 answers

Where to leave endowment for positive good

It's time to update my will, and I'm looking for a worthy organisation to leave an endowment to. [more inside]
posted by HiroProtagonist to Grab Bag at 5:14 PM - 17 answers

What does "college credit" actually mean in the context of AP classes

What kinds of colleges give "credit" for good AP test scores? Does this "credit" means the student has to take fewer classes in college in order to graduate and can potentially save money? Or does the "credit" mean the student can skip an introductory class and go directly to a more advanced class, but still has to take the same number classes (credit hours?) in order to graduate? And does that even happen? [more inside]
posted by Winnie the Proust to Education at 3:36 PM - 47 answers

Microdosing the grave

Last year on my birthday I realized that what I wanted was to just not exist for a few hours, so I tried doing a sensory deprivation float tank. It didn't do the trick. What should I try this year? [more inside]
posted by babelfish to Grab Bag at 3:16 PM - 33 answers

Easy MP4 Video Editing/Export on Mac

I need to split Zoom recordings into multiple clips then upload them to OneDrive so I can embed them into PPTs for my boss. Zoom does not let me do this elegantly, and neither do any of the tools in Microsoft 365 (e.g. Stream.) I'm on a Mac. What tool will enable me to complete this task? I'm hoping to avoid Premiere and AfterEffects unless those are my only options.
posted by The Adventure Begins to Media & Arts at 2:06 PM - 9 answers

Octavia Butler: Where do I start?

Everybody says Octavia Butler is a visionary feminist SF writer. I vaguely remember reading some of her work aaaages ago (probably the Patternist series or parts of it), and not getting that vibe at all... like, it was all about men? [more inside]
posted by inexorably_forward to Writing & Language at 12:59 PM - 19 answers

Searching for source of anecdote - traveling with Holocaust deniers

I recall some time ago reading about a man who corresponded (by mail, I think) with Holocaust deniers. After many years of this, he told them to put up or shut up, and they travelled together to Germany, where they visited Auschwitz. Jaws dropped, and some or all of them were forced to revise their belief system. I believe this was a true story, but cannot remember the source.
posted by 4midori to Society & Culture at 12:56 PM - 1 answer

Good screen reader for web development?

I'm developing a web app. What's a good screen reader to test against?
posted by Uncle to Technology at 12:34 PM - 8 answers

Does anyone make a coat 'system' that's dressy?

As I was trying to decide what the hell to wear to work on this, a day where the morning temperatures were predicted to be 15 degrees colder than the afternoon temperatures, I mused to myself about the possibility of created a coat system, like the 3-in-1 layer systems that companies like Columbia make for outdoorsy wear but using more dressy fabrics for those of us who don't plan to ski or hike anywhere. Which got me to wondering if such a thing already exists. Does it? [more inside]
posted by jacquilynne to Shopping at 11:20 AM - 15 answers

Is the NSLC worth it?

My teenager got a marketing packet from the National Student Leadership Conference. The packet makes it sound like an exclusive invite, but a little bit of research shows that this is not an invite-only program at all! Given that... [more inside]
posted by mkb to Education at 9:49 AM - 7 answers

Interesting email newsletters?

What are some email newsletters that share interesting links from around the web? [more inside]
posted by cozenedindigo to Computers & Internet at 9:48 AM - 13 answers

Looking for an IT person who knows Minecraft and Macs

I want to pay somebody to install or help me install mineraft modpacks on my Mac. Anybody know someone trustworthy for that? I presume they would be remote but would prefer someone US based. (Please keep answers to IT angle - not learning to do it myself.)
posted by bluesky78987 to Computers & Internet at 8:54 AM - 7 answers

Fallout from confrontation with friend over her following bad person

I found out a very good friend from my youth was following an arch-conservative ideologue known for spouting antisemitic, xenophobic, and homophobic nonsense. I asked them about it, and things got a little weird. I'm not sure where I should go from here. [more inside]
posted by malum geminae to Human Relations at 8:49 AM - 28 answers

Books on the historical Jewish presence in the Muslim world?

Please recommend me books on the Jewish presence in the historic Muslim world. [more inside]
posted by Sunflower88 to Education at 8:46 AM - 6 answers

March 2

How much to pay a driver?

An acquaintance, completely unprompted, offered to drive me to work during the week for a little extra cash and asked me to propose a weekly amount. I’d like to take him up on this, as it would simplify my mornings so much. Help me come up with an acceptable amount, given the snowflake constraints below. [more inside]
posted by ActionPopulated to Work & Money at 9:10 PM - 26 answers

transitioning to commuter-athelete

Please share tips, tricks, and advice on what to do now that I am moving house and will have to start driving to the trail to do my running workouts. [more inside]
posted by glonous keming to Health & Fitness at 6:04 PM - 8 answers