July 27

Pizza Delivery Central Park NYC (Sheep’s Meadow)

Looking to get two solid, nothing special NYC pies delivered for a picnic today. Do the delivery apps deliver in Central Park? If I want a solid pie that’s hot, great cheese and pepperoni, who would you use and what app to use? If delivery isn’t an option where would you go in the sw corner of Central Park? [more inside]
posted by sandmanwv to Food & Drink at 5:23 AM - 1 answer

How to end conversations?

I often get trapped in one sided conversations with talkative people and I don't know how to end them without being rude - please help. [more inside]
posted by Sunflower88 to Human Relations at 1:14 AM - 15 answers

July 26

first time blood donation

I want to give blood, and dislike needles. Metafilter has been great in the past about walking me through things I am anxious about. [more inside]
posted by skycrashesdown to Health & Fitness at 9:27 PM - 8 answers

Why not shower?

Do you have personal or direct experience knowing someone who doesn’t shower (or take baths)? I do and am completely flummoxed and troubled by it - looking for some perspective. [more inside]
posted by Tandem Affinity to Grab Bag at 9:10 PM - 19 answers

Navigating healthcare chicago edition

My mom in Louisana has been told to go to a big city for medical care for an unknown condition. I live in Chicago and she can stay here for a bit. Is there a way aside from cold calling to get her established for a comphrensive work up? Any ideas on next steps or programs I can reach out to help facilitate this process? [more inside]
posted by AlexiaSky to Health & Fitness at 7:34 PM - 5 answers

Looking for an old comic about the Automat

This is a long shot, but: I'm looking for an old comic about the Automat. It is almost definitely from the 1970s or before, and may have been in Mad Magazine and/or a Mad compilation paperback. [more inside]
posted by expialidocious to Media & Arts at 6:18 PM - 4 answers

Can I swap a plastic for aluminum in this ribbon microphone design?

I want follow a youtube ribbon mic tutorial, but I don't want to do the fussy metalwork. Will replacing the aluminum part with plastic reduce the humbucking/shielding effect? [more inside]
posted by Jack Karaoke to Technology at 5:24 PM - 2 answers

What is the best site to watch Olympic sports without commentary?

I'm in the US, but equipped with a computer and a VPN. The constant babbling and cutaways to athletes overcoming childhood traumas has prevented me from watching the Olympics in the past. Now, there are a lot of legal watching options: do any of them just let me watch sports without commentary?
posted by SunSnork to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation at 4:20 PM - 4 answers

Mystery Medical Problem

Please help me solve a medical mystery. Unfortunately, the details are quite long. [more inside]
posted by ubiquity to Health & Fitness at 1:43 PM - 12 answers

Where to go? What to do? (US Midwest edition)

After posting this question about how to celebrate milestone birthdays, we've locked down just a few events and are looking for further ideas about where to go and what to do on this Midwest US roadtrip we'll be taking. No idea too wacky! Weird art museum? Okay. World's Largest Ball of Twine? Sure. Anything goes. We want the trip to be memorable and include things we wouldn't otherwise think to do. Details within. [more inside]
posted by DrGail to Travel & Transportation at 12:38 PM - 8 answers

Trends in YA and Middle Grade publishing

Some years ago I read an article about the history of the YA novel which posited that YA is a marketing term. (Example: The Outsiders probably would have been marketed as a YA novel today but the category didn’t exist then). I’m looking for historical information about YA and middle grade novels. [more inside]
posted by CMcG to Media & Arts at 11:36 AM - 12 answers

Advantages/disadvantages of email vs. slack or something else?

We are a small non-profit who don't get a lot of face-to-face time. What are the advantages and disadvantages of email vs. other platforms? [more inside]
posted by mai to Work & Money at 11:34 AM - 15 answers

Early Fat Acceptance blogger whose lung cancer was nearly missed

Back in when Fat Acceptance was beginning to see an upswell in discourse (blogging etc), probably early 2010s or so, there was a blogger who wrote about her experience nearly dying from lung cancer. [more inside]
posted by The Master and Margarita Mix to Health & Fitness at 11:04 AM - 2 answers

I'm vegan and I love chewy balls

I love these chewy vegan balls made from Glucomannan. I'm trying to replicate them at home, but all I get is goop. Halp? [more inside]
posted by Cat Pie Hurts to Food & Drink at 7:35 AM - 6 answers

Eggplant dishes for the freezer

We have an abundance of eggplants coming out of the garden right now, both Italian and Asian varieties. We usually preserve these for the winter by grilling them in slices or grilling them whole and peeling, then freezing. I would like to additionally freeze a few eggplant-heavy main dishes that can expedite dinner this winter. Can you recommend some things that freeze well and are amenable to batch-cooking? [more inside]
posted by juliapangolin to Food & Drink at 7:21 AM - 6 answers

Journalism and Quote Farm usage

I read this comment * on BlueSky in a thread about NY Times poll voter quote from a low-key infamous disreputable source explaining that according to an insider that bad sources often come from "quote farm agencies" and I am wondering if anyone could provide some insights into this practice. [more inside]
posted by srboisvert to Media & Arts at 6:24 AM - 5 answers

July 25

What am I missing about The Bridge of San Luis Rey?

I'm in the middle of this highly acclaimed novel ... and I don't think it's very good at all. Am I being dense, here, or is this book just overrated? [more inside]
posted by Dr. Wu to Writing & Language at 10:25 PM - 31 answers

Looking for a new low sodium concentrated beef bullion

For a long time the younger son has made a hamburger and rice dish using Kitchen Accomplice reduced sodium beef broth concentrate (sorry for the Amazon link), but it appears the manufacturer has gone out of business and it's no longer available. He's tried unconcentrated bullion/broth unsuccessfully. I believe the flavor he achieves is because the stuff is a concentrate. Are there other beef bullion concentrates out there that aren't bullion cubes? We'll be losing a major part of his cooking repertoire soon without it, as we only have half a bottle remaining.
posted by lhauser to Food & Drink at 6:27 PM - 13 answers

What are some jobs with union representation?

Job’s been shaky for a while, and I was laid off today. I would like my next job to have union representation. Thanks in advance for any suggestions re: my next career. [more inside]
posted by FallibleHuman to Work & Money at 4:32 PM - 24 answers

Father death and adult trauma from the past

How does the death of an abusive father affect the trauma issues of his adult children? [more inside]
posted by Joan Rivers of Babylon to Human Relations at 4:22 PM - 6 answers

How and whether to talk to my brother about quitting smoking?

My older brother, 60ish, smokes cigarettes, and I worry about him and its impact on his health, and I wish he would quit. Should I talk to him about this? Particularly interested in hearing from smokers, ex-smokers, or people with loved ones who smoke or have smoked. [more inside]
posted by swheatie to Human Relations at 2:53 PM - 15 answers

Help me dabble

I have basically no hobbies at the moment and don't even really know what I enjoy doing. I'd like to try a bunch of things in order to find out. What are some hobbies or activities or interests I should try, that don't require big startup investments or equipment? [more inside]
posted by specialagentwebb to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation at 1:47 PM - 44 answers

Star religion science fiction book?

Can you identify this book series? Science fiction set on a planet which had a fundamentalist religion, and any deviations from it were punished publicly as heresy. The main character questions the religion and discovers it is not true but is a helpful way for the society to understand itself. He ends up becoming a priest of the religion. One of the books may have had "star" in the title. I read it between about 2000 and 2004. Intended audience young adult. [more inside]
posted by paduasoy to Writing & Language at 1:34 PM - 4 answers

How can I tell if I have mice or not?

One night last December, and last night, I thought I saw something scurry/run across my bedroom carpet. In both instances, it seemed to be grey but it moved way too fast, and honestly, it could have been an eye glitch or dirt in my eye, but the fact it happened twice is a bit concerning. [more inside]
posted by dubious_dude to Home & Garden at 12:29 PM - 18 answers

Melty eggplant recipes

My family is revolting…against aubergine. Please share any eggplant recipe you have found delicious that meets the following ultra-niche parameters. [more inside]
posted by warriorqueen to Food & Drink at 12:22 PM - 29 answers

The Artist Who Had Sex With A Chair - who was it?

I read an artists' autobiography sometime in the late 90s in which he talks about repeatedly having sex with an overstuffed chair in his parent's New Jersey living room as a teenager. Who is the artist and what is the book? [more inside]
posted by mygothlaundry to Writing & Language at 10:29 AM - 7 answers

actually smoked almonds?

I love smoked almonds, but they always list "smoke flavor" in the ingredients, which I assume means that the flavor is applied, and they haven't actually spent any time in a smoker. I'm curious to try almonds that have actually been smoked. Where can I get some? [more inside]
posted by moonmilk to Food & Drink at 9:49 AM - 6 answers

When do I need to specify instructions for escrow when selling a house?

I'm selling a house as a co-owner. The other co-owner is my brother, and we don't really get along for various reasons. The house is kind of a family house, so my name is on the title, and I should get half the proceeds. So how does that work? When/How do I need to make sure escrow knows to split the funds so it doesn't all go into my brother's bank account? First time seller...
posted by lostguy to Work & Money at 8:40 AM - 7 answers

Losing my mind over microsoft shenanigans

I have been locked out of my email unless I put some shady app on my phone... which I refuse to do. Microsoft is no help. Please save me! [more inside]
posted by silverstatue to Computers & Internet at 6:47 AM - 33 answers

Hand specialist in PNW

I need to find a really good hand specialist in the PNW, ideally one specializing in hand trauma. I have no idea where to begin. Can you help?
posted by HotToddy to Health & Fitness at 5:15 AM - 5 answers

July 24

Shopping for Amy Winehouse concert-style Victorian lamp

Can you help me find floor lamps like the ones featured on stage in this Amy Winehouse concert performance? [more inside]
posted by edlundart to Shopping at 11:57 PM - 5 answers

What professional do I call for basement-ish water damage?

What sort of professional do I call for this situation? We had flooding here about a week and a half ago; I live in a ground floor apartment that's slightly below grade, so a lot of water came into my apartment. It's dried up now thanks to towels and a dehumidifier, but some of the floorboards are twisted out of shape and uneven, and I suspect the drain outside my door got clogged. Obviously there are a lot of problems here, but I'm frustrated I don't even know where to start. [more inside]
posted by LSK to Home & Garden at 8:34 PM - 9 answers

How do I transfer funds and close bank accounts in another state?

I need to close a relative's bank accounts on the east coast and transfer the money to his new accounts on the west coast of the US. Difficulty level: he has no idea how much money is in them and can't access any online tools. [more inside]
posted by mygothlaundry to Grab Bag at 2:46 PM - 10 answers

Can you find me a dresser?!

I need a bedroom dresser about 4 feet tall and no more than 42 inches wide. [more inside]
posted by bookworm4125 to Home & Garden at 2:40 PM - 11 answers

Workplace communication: My ears are tired

I WFH. My supervisor is a very high-context communicator. I am *generally* not, and I found myself getting very frustrated on a recent call with how they were 1) explaining something and 2) not hearing what I was saying without me repeating myself. I also find my ears and brain shutting down, and I'm terrified of missing what I actually need to hear. Any suggestions? [more inside]
posted by OhHaieThere to Work & Money at 12:52 PM - 18 answers

Windows 10 Pro (search) woes

My laptop using Windows 10 Pro is displaying this maddening behavior when typing to search straight from Start menu. The search result window stays on top of the opened file which to me is.. just, why? Is there a way to fix this? [more inside]
posted by fridgebuzz to Computers & Internet at 10:39 AM - 3 answers

Stupid simple seafood for the blue crab novice

We're staying on the North Carolina coast next week (Wilmington area), and there are seafood markets everywhere. Our vacation rental has a decent kitchen and a propane grill, and we can bring specialized equipment from home if recommended. We love eating seafood, but don't prepare it at home often, and also aren't familiar with what might be especially worth seeking out in a coastal NC area. What should we buy, and how should we cook it? [more inside]
posted by Wavelet to Food & Drink at 10:12 AM - 9 answers

Statement vs. current balance - do credit bureaus know/care?

If you always pay your credit cards in full and have no debt, does paying off your current balance instead of your statement balance improve your credit score?
posted by capricorn to Work & Money at 9:42 AM - 12 answers

hernia repair experience

What was your experience with hernia repair surgery? Specifically hiatal hernia? [more inside]
posted by jtexman1 to Health & Fitness at 9:36 AM - 2 answers

Auden Bra Dupe?

This https://www.target.com/p/women-39-s-fishnet-lace-bralette-auden-8482-white-xl/-/A-89435696
I would love a dupe for this sold out bra. I know there are some on poshmark and eBay. But a dupe would be great. Any ideas?
posted by bookworm4125 to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion at 8:54 AM - 4 answers

I suck at time. I got a Skylight. Please Advise.

I am a person who sucks at time. I always have. I procrastinate. I double-book. I miss appointments. I forget to go to things (not just work stuff, even like parties that I'm really looking forward to). I miss deadlines. People who up to see me and I forgot they were coming. I probably have undiagnosed ADHD and honestly haven't pursued a diagnosis because if I do then not having this treated early is probably the greatest tragedy of my life. I will now be freelancing and also have a bunch of medical stuff for myself and a family member to keep track of. I bought a Skylight hoping I can use this to whip me into shape. Please give me tips. [more inside]
posted by anonymous to Grab Bag at 8:24 AM - 14 answers

Starting a business using copyrighted/IP material

This is probably a tricky, gray-area type of question but folks in this community always have some great input... I am considering opening a business where I plan to decorate the interior with images from 80s film, TV, and music videos. I also plan to sell merchandise with images/quotes from the 80s. The foundation of the business will be the theme, decor and offerings. [more inside]
posted by matt755811 to Law & Government at 7:42 AM - 6 answers

She's not breathing! (Except she is, obviously.)

What are some interesting techniques used for hiding the breathing of "dead" characters on TV and film? I am looking specifically for nitty gritty accounts of the mundane or maybe not so mundane techniques used to tackle what must be a very common issue. [more inside]
posted by DirtyOldTown to Media & Arts at 7:38 AM - 9 answers

Teen wants to quit 3 week camp half way through

I have a 16 yo who is away at camp for 3 weeks and is half way through. She wants to come home now and says that it's not fun, the councillors are passive aggressive, she is sick (cold), she gets a feeling of numb emotions due to anxiety. These are a lot of reasons I am having a hard time parsing out. [more inside]
posted by waving to Human Relations at 7:34 AM - 51 answers

Stuck in a bad habit loop

It feels like Groundhog Day but with more back pain. Need help getting out of this loop. [more inside]
posted by socky bottoms to Grab Bag at 7:23 AM - 10 answers

Do you have a tv that you keep on a movable table?

I want to buy a tv. Due to an awkward living room space, I'd like to put the tv on a wheeled table and store it out of the way when it's not in use. But most tvs are very tall and thin and seem like they would fall over immediately if I tried to move them this way. [more inside]
posted by stinker to Home & Garden at 6:30 AM - 17 answers

How to Make an Aged Brass Sign?

In a world of mass manufacturing and artificialness, I've found myself fascinated by the work of artisans and crafters... people who work with their hands and know what they're doing. I recently stumbled upon some signs that are handcrafted, and I'd love to do something similar. But I have no idea where to start. [more inside]
posted by uncannyslacks to Media & Arts at 6:12 AM - 6 answers

How to change default email address in 'from' field in MS-Outlook?

I have a sensitive role where I need the department's group email address to appear for the receiving party in the 'from' field. This needs to be the default. [more inside]
posted by peacay to Computers & Internet at 4:31 AM - 3 answers

July 23

Lifestyle changes for pre-diabetes

I am now pre-diabetic (I was expecting this) and advised by my doctor to try and reverse it with ‘lifestyle changes.’ Looking for authoritative non-faddish advice on what that might be. [more inside]
posted by ficbot to Food & Drink at 6:57 PM - 31 answers

Still no/little sense of smell/taste... advice?

YANMD. I emailed my doctor a few days ago, but didn't hear back; probably because of lingering impacts from CrowdStrike. I've been trying smelling items and have taken Flonase everyday for the last week+1/2, and Sudafed on/off when I feel congested, but nothing, nada. I'm getting worried. Have I permanently lost my sense of smell/taste, do you think? [more inside]
posted by dubious_dude to Health & Fitness at 2:27 PM - 12 answers

Audible kids account on android

The internet unhelpfully tells me about Amazon households but no way on how to actually link them. Help? [more inside]
posted by Cannon Fodder to Technology at 1:58 PM - 5 answers

Experiences with APS

If you or a loved one had experience with Adult Protective Services, can you tell me more about what that experience was like? [more inside]
posted by mosst to Human Relations at 1:13 PM - 5 answers

What is rest actually for?

I have a pretty bad cold, but my responsibilities are making it hard to rest. I feel overwhelmed and guilty when I think of my pets. I feel inadequate and anxious thinking of other care duties like visiting elderly family members or supporting my husband (who is more or less on bed rest because he just had back surgery). Overall, I feel resentful and fragile and very sad. I think it might help me to understand why my body needs so much rest right now. [more inside]
posted by toucan to Health & Fitness at 12:41 PM - 22 answers

Best way to do Maya Riviera in five days

What's the best approach for a dad and daughter to spend five days in Maya Riviera in late August? [more inside]
posted by RajahKing to Travel & Transportation at 12:28 PM - 5 answers

Places to buy jigsaw puzzles NOT designed by AI?

What it says on the, erm, "box." We are a dedicated jigsaw puzzle family, and it's become incredibly difficult to find puzzles that don't have an AI-generated feel. We do not like the hyper-bright colors, or compositions that feels generated, not intentionally designed. I miss the days of photos of real, beautiful places that haven't been made cartoonish through hyper-color saturation. Another family member enjoys the Americana style paintings (Jane Wooster Scott); in general, things that look natural or painted by a human. Where can we still find these??
posted by Silvery Fish to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation at 10:57 AM - 23 answers

Creative Commons: what am I not thinking about that I maybe should be?

I'm thinking seriously about releasing a feature length animated movie with a Creative Commons License, specifically one that allows for reuse (in whole or part) for commercial ends, though I would have to be credited (attributed), and any reuse would need to be shared under the same terms (see link below). I'm comfortable with the decision. I haven't taken it lightly. But is there something I'm not considering that I should be? Is there some Creative Commons (Copyleft) horror story that you're aware of? Maybe it happened to you, maybe someone you know. [more inside]
posted by philip-random to Media & Arts at 10:54 AM - 9 answers

Where to buy a bottle of wine in Berkeley?

I'm in North Berkeley CA for a brief spell, but I don't live here. I want to pick up a nice bottle of white wine, under 25 dollars. Nice, but neither I nor my friends are wine aficionados. Planning to go to Berkeley Bowl in any case, so would I find something there? Or should I go to a wine shop, in which case, please suggest one. Thanks!
posted by gigondas to Food & Drink at 10:39 AM - 11 answers

Help me stay hydrated!

I have a silly question as well: where do you find good water bottles, and (separately) for cheap water bottles? My collection of cheapies is running low, and now the one nice water bottle has gone astray. [more inside]
posted by mersen to Shopping at 10:33 AM - 17 answers

Need advice/ombudsman for a Medi-Cal hospital discharge situation

I'm trying to help a friend who lives in California, is on disability and is covered by Medi-Cal, but I don't live there or understand the intricacies of the system. She's being told she will be discharged from the hospital where she is now, but she cannot walk or do any ADLs and she doesn't have any support at home. What can she do? [more inside]
posted by mccxxiii to Health & Fitness at 10:10 AM - 6 answers

bent pans, bent coils. Questions about electric cooking.

Get outta here, gas cooking ranges, we're going electric. My rental house has an electric range, which I prefer over gas. However, there are gaps where the bottoms of my pots and pans don't touch the heating elements. How does this impact heat transfer, and how do I fix it? [more inside]
posted by rebent to Home & Garden at 8:58 AM - 12 answers