Questions in the Society & Culture category.
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July 19

What historical non-fiction should I listen to next?

Audiobooks are a must. I am not picky about subject, but I am picky about how it's presented. I prefer a psychological or sociological style. [more inside]
posted by Eyelash at 6:15 PM - 13 answers

July 8

How do you come to terms with getting older?

I’m going to be 42 very soon, and am really struggling with it. Turning 40 was hard enough, and now it’s two years behind me. I’ve noticed changes in my body that I don’t like. I’ve always thought of myself as a “young” person and still feel “young” mentally, but I’m shocked at how old I’m actually getting. I know 42 isn’t that old compared to 72 or 82, but my cousin turning 31 this month and my friend turning 29 remind me of how “ancient” I’m becoming. [more inside]
posted by starpoint at 12:18 PM - 57 answers

Steve Jobs quote about not being irreplaceable

I have a memory of Steve Jobs, during his final illness, saying something to the effect of, "No one is irreplaceable. I'm only irreplaceable to my family. But I'm not irreplaceable at Apple." Something like that. Can you help me find the quote? When I do a web search, all I get is quotes from people talking about how Steve Jobs was irreplaceable, which is not at all helpful. [more inside]
posted by Winnie the Proust at 11:30 AM - 3 answers

July 4

T-Shirt design identification

I would like to know more about this design on a Canadian T-Shirt. What are the symbols for? Who's the author? Does it have any political/cultural significance? I don't want to accidentally advertise something I don't support. [more inside]
posted by gakiko at 12:22 AM - 6 answers

July 3

Anti Syrian pogroms in Turkey right now?

What's going on in Turkey regarding anti Syrian pogroms and the invasion of Iraqi kurdistan in the last few days? I see some headlines in my Google search but the articles themselves are blocked (I'm in Turkey right now).
posted by Zumbador at 12:20 AM - 5 answers

July 2

Another remembered cartoon

A man looks up at a marquee or banner — maybe the Metropolitan Museum in New York — & it reads something like “New Exhibit Open Now: Herb’s Search History”. My guess would be it’s from the New Yorker, but I can’t find it. Can anyone point me to it?
posted by LonnieK at 4:10 PM - 2 answers

hella fellow kids

what does this mean? [more inside]
posted by HearHere at 2:46 PM - 11 answers

Essay on conspiracy theories and granting permission

I'm trying to remember an essay on conspiracy theories specifically acting as frameworks to allow oneself to act selfishly or against norms, e.g. "why should I have to wear a mask if COVID was released on purpose?" or "if they stole the last election, why shouldn't I get to tamper with ballots?" [more inside]
posted by GenericUser at 12:11 PM - 0 answers

June 30

When you found out people lived better or worse than you.

When did you realize some folk were better or worse off than you. As a child I mean. [more inside]
posted by Czjewel at 2:21 PM - 21 answers

June 29

Sarah Palin's Portend

Nobody seems to remember this but me. [more inside]
posted by CollectiveMind at 4:22 PM - 6 answers

June 28

A brief explanation of anti-feminist alt-right?

A friend's husband has discovered Jordan Peterson. This comes after the husband has expressed increasingly anti-feminist opinions. She'd like a comprehensive but readable (no video or podcasts) survey of Peterson and his ilk. What can you suggest? [more inside]
posted by MonkeyToes at 1:48 PM - 12 answers

Tell Me Something Good

The US presidential debate last night has got me down and anxious about the fate of the world. So please tell me about something good and positive happening in your corner of the world. This is NOT and invitation to rehash the debate or complain about political parties or candidates. I just want to hear about things that are giving people hope.
posted by brookeb at 10:24 AM - 40 answers

June 21

Is this an urban legend?

I have a vague memory of reading a funny story in the New York Times sometime in the late 1980s. The anecdote has all the earmarks of an urban legend, but it wasn't presented as such. I ran some Google searches but couldn't find any references to it. Details below the fold. [more inside]
posted by alex1965 at 9:47 AM - 4 answers

June 18

¿Cuál es bueno de Vix?

I bought a subscription to Vix Premium for the Eurocopa and Copa America. What else should I be watching? [more inside]
posted by thecaddy at 10:06 AM - 0 answers

June 9

Where can an person read about Greek queer culture in English?

A friend's father was Greek, and they have a strong sense of Greek identity but only minimal Greek language skills. They regularly visit their Greek family but are nowhere close to fluent. We're both queer, and they do a lot of work in queer spaces here in the US. They are curious about what Greek queer culture is like (related to both sexual orientation and gender identity). However, they are having trouble finding information that is in English, or at least mostly in English. Any recommendations? [more inside]
posted by lab.beetle at 10:50 AM - 2 answers

June 5

Resources on French NAZI collaborators in Quebec

Hello! How are you? I'm looking for resources (academic or otherwise) that chronicle the presence of French citizenry/civil service/Vichy political officials that fled to Quebec after the War. [more inside]
posted by Jessica Savitch's Coke Spoon at 3:17 PM - 1 answers

June 3

What is the absolute coolest thing to give a nine year-old girl?

We're visiting our favorite cousins in Romania next month, including their very awesome nine year-old daughter. What is the very coolest up-to-the-minute thing that little girls 9-to-11 like? Note: things that are thoughtful or non-material are easy; she has great parents. They take care of her imagination and heart. We're the weird Americans who show up with awesome junk she can't get in Romania. Toys, clothes, electronic, whatever.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 8:54 PM - 25 answers

How to think about power?

When you think about two sides of a conflict, how do you personally assess which side has the most power? This question is open to any kind of conflict - between 2 adults on the street, between 2 kids, between 2 employees at a business, between 2 communities or demographics, between 2 countries, between a group of people and a government, etc etc etc. I'm looking for ways to compare and measure power. Also looking for helpful ways to think about situations where people feel powerless even when they have many powerful traits and outcomes. Examples inside! [more inside]
posted by nouvelle-personne at 12:06 PM - 25 answers

June 1

What kind of stickers are these?

What kind of stickers are these & where can I buy them? [more inside]
posted by joeyjoejoejr at 6:04 PM - 4 answers

May 31

Reliable stories of fending off assault in USA?

Where can I find reliable stories of people successfully fending off assailants in public in the USA, or at least successfully getting them prosecuted afterward? I want to know what the victim said and did in their interactions with the perpetrator(s) as well as with law enforcement. This is not pleasure reading; I'm looking for practical accounts of the most common scenarios so I can learn from them (and gain confidence and optimism from them). [more inside]
posted by commander_fancypants at 10:12 AM - 13 answers

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