Questions in the Society & Culture category.
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January 19

Free online meditation or support groups to cope with the next 4 years?

I'm looking for online resources for self-care that would specifically address the anxiety I have about political climate of the coming 4 years in the United States. [more inside]
posted by QuakerMel at 10:20 AM - 7 answers

January 15

In search of: Hidden DC Memorial Chicken

What memorial in Washington, DC has a chicken sort of hidden at the back or side of the main statue? Am I misremembering one of the funniest details from my 8th grade DC trip? [more inside]
posted by vrakatar at 7:12 PM - 7 answers

Why does Heads Will Roll by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs get play at hockey games

I am a relatively new sports fan. We’ve gone to 3 NHL games in the last 18 months and I have an ESPN+ subscription. I am also generally fond of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. [more inside]
posted by Lawn Beaver at 6:32 PM - 9 answers

January 13

Recent graphic novels on (anti-) capitalism and class?

I have a small group of teens asking me questions and while I'm covered for books on lgbtq, disability, racism and feminism, I'm struggling to find books explaining concepts like class mobility, capitalism, predatory finance etc. Graphic novels are strongly favoured, or at least books with a lot of visuals and aimed at confident teen readers, rather than adults with pre-existing knowledge.
posted by dorothyisunderwood at 12:59 AM - 14 answers

January 12

Dyed buzz cut - okay for an interview?

My 21 year old daughter may have an interview soon for a software engineering internship and she wants to know what she should do with her hair. Her hair is buzzed very short (1/8 inch) and she likes to dye it in bright colors or patterns, but she's wondering if bright dyed hair will come across as too unprofessional. [more inside]
posted by Redstart at 7:30 AM - 29 answers

January 9

Tangible intangibles on the Unesco heritage list

The UNESCO lists of world heritage intangibles include all manner of things including dance, glassblowing, and even seasons. I would like help identifying ones that specifically relate to ritualised "do it together" or similar collective creativity, where a group of people create a tangible object together, or create their own "one" of something together. [more inside]
posted by J.R. Hartley at 2:27 PM - 1 answers

January 7

What gives you hope for the future, in 2025?

I asked this same question in 2022 and received some really wonderful answers. It feels like a lot has changed in the three-ish years since, some good and some bad. As scary as things may get, it’s worth finding the glimmers to hang onto. What’s giving you hope these days?
posted by summerteeth at 3:25 PM - 17 answers

Help me spend down my audible credits on cosy non-fiction

I have paused my Audible account for Amazon reasons and want to spend my FIVE Audible credits before canceling. Difficulty level: non-fiction and non-depressing. [more inside]
posted by M. at 12:11 PM - 15 answers

Crosspost: Want to volunteer in 2025? Look right here.

The Interim Board of The MetaFilter Community Foundation has moved ahead with creating a moderation oversight committee. Here's more information and how to get involved. If this is not your jam, no worries, there will be additional opportunities to get involved and support MetaFilter. That's it, that's the cross-post.
posted by warriorqueen at 6:46 AM - 2 answers

January 6

Seeking a sort of "dictionary" of Aztec /Mayan /Toltec symbols

I want to get a new tattoo on my trip to Mexico city later this month. I'd like something meaningful to commemorate my trip. I've tried searching for images but can't find a comprehensive resource that includes meanings for the symbols.
posted by Rivvo at 8:03 PM - 9 answers

January 3

Source of quote about doing meaningful work in life? Maybe finance book

The book was probably a popular financial history/memoir book, like My Life as a Quant, Big Short, Snowball, or even Jim Cramer's bio, but Googling does not resolve it to be those. [more inside]
posted by mnemonic at 4:30 PM - 3 answers

December 24, 2024

Which life experiences do insiders downplay the difficulties of?

There are some experiences that are described in a rosy light by the media, movies, and insiders. Parenthood is one example. Wealth and fame are another. Outsiders go into them with an over-optimistic expectation and only discover the extent of the challenges when it's too late to back out. Which life experiences proved harder than you anticipated, because there's a tendency to downplay the challenges? I'd like to reduce the blind spots that I have. [more inside]
posted by vienna at 5:18 AM - 45 answers

December 19, 2024

Shows (magic or otherwise) with implications that spill outside the show

Human-Search-Enginefilter: I've been thinking a lot about theater that spills outside the context of the specific performance. For example "In and Of Itself", Derek DelGaudio makes a brick disappear and has it reappear at an intersection named by an audience member. Or, extreme haunted houses might give participants a tattoo during the performance. What are some other examples of this? I'm particularly interested in examples where the stage component is a 10-15 minute self-contained piece that teases the much larger context, rather than e.g. a 3-hour show that starts before the showtime or ends after the curtain call.
posted by LSK at 1:49 PM - 11 answers

December 10, 2024

Looking for charities that connect you to individuals or small groups

I have donated to DonorsChoose website, which connect you to classroom teachers all over the country and their unique little projects for students. But there are practices of the website that I don't know if it's best. Looking for other perspectives and other similar charity organizations. [more inside]
posted by Pantalaimon at 11:06 AM - 9 answers

"Chief Comptroller Wu has left the building."

Are there any notable figures from the fictional world who were actually decent people AND very much in charge of finances? [more inside]
posted by rabia.elizabeth at 6:34 AM - 18 answers

December 9, 2024

Notre Dame Organ Waking

On NPR, there was a story about the organ reawakening ceremony. The organist said that the archbishop would say something like "Organ, holy instrument get up! Awake!" repeated 8 times. I can't find a recording that includes this. Do you know whether or not the imperative came in the tu form or the vous form?
posted by plinth at 7:25 AM - 8 answers

December 6, 2024

Recommendations for post-occupation Japanese history?

I'm having trouble finding English-language histories of Japan covering the Sixties and onward. I have 1964: The Greatest Year In The History Of Japan and Dissenting Japan: A History of Japanese Radicalism and Counterculture from 1945 to Fukushima in my reading list but am also looking for a broader overview. Something like the Japanese history equivalent of Dominic Sandbrook or David Kynaston's histories of Britain. My preference is for social/cultural history rather than, say, cabinet politicking but I'll take what I can get.
posted by kaisemic at 2:14 PM - 1 answers

December 2, 2024

Applied historical perspective re: surviving economic inequality?

I've had a thought in the back of my mind for a long time that we (the US at least) are moving back towards the Gilded Age, and possibly even Victorian England, in terms of levels of inequality and economic stratification coupled with legal oppression of certain groups (in the past, perhaps Catholics; today, perhaps.... a long list of other identities). Has anyone written a kind of "here's what works" retrospective on surviving and thriving in those contexts, with an aim towards guiding people today based on what we know about the past? [more inside]
posted by Number Used Once at 12:10 PM - 7 answers

November 18, 2024

Seeking nonfiction book about Gracia Mendes Nasi/Beatrice de Luna Miques

I'm looking for a nonfiction biography or history book that covers the life of Gracia Mendes Nasi, also known as Beatriz or Beatrice de Luna Miques, a Portuguese Jewish philanthropist and businesswoman in the sixteenth century. [more inside]
posted by gentlyepigrams at 10:44 PM - 2 answers

November 16, 2024

The daily political writers I should be reading

I generally read WaPo, NYTimes, my local paper, AP and Reuters(email updates) for a quick overview, MeFi. I usually read Heather Cox Richardson. Often Joyce Vance and Rebecca Solnit. To deal with the coming times, I'd like another couple of reads - well-documented, reasonable but willing to speak out. Kind of an early warning system for whatever fresh hell is looming. Not podcasts or video. [more inside]
posted by theora55 at 8:41 PM - 20 answers

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