Questions in the Religion & Philosophy category.
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August 6

What is the Hell of Iron Books?

The Wikipedia page about Chinese hells includes the Hell of Iron Books (鐵冊地獄) in a list. What is it? I've tried also searching for "鐵冊地獄" as well as the "Hell of Iron Books" but can't seem to find any details about what's supposed to happen in that hell, though I may have missed it via auto-translation.
posted by ignignokt at 10:21 AM - 4 answers

August 3

How do I learn the history of the alchemical symbols for silver

So I've come across a couple sites that say there were multiple alchemical symbols for silver. (Like this one, for example.) Is this historically accurate? I'd like to learn more about the cultural context of the differing symbols and the alchemists who used them, ideally in a blog post to podcast sized way. Meaning I don't want to engage in the probably huge research project of researching the entire history of alchemy and read multiple books, I want to read someone else's research summary.
posted by overglow at 6:52 PM - 4 answers

July 31

Share your existential commentary on suicide

A close friend self terminated. My user name might clue you into the fact that this "isn't my first rodeo." I live on the fringes. I don't need you to tell me it isn't my fault and there's nothing I can do. I'm asking you beautiful, intelligent members of MF to give me useful things to engage with to help process my loss. I'm not new here. But this one is hard. And yes I know Elizabeth Kubler Ross. [more inside]
posted by SystematicAbuse at 7:56 PM - 25 answers

July 28

The evidence is strong, my unlucky number's ???? (ah oh ah oh)

I have lots of superstition reference books but for some reason I am having trouble finding lucky/unlucky number information beyond the basics. I'll go with 13 if I need to (something creative I'm working on), but I would love it if one of you could help with something less obvious. [more inside]
posted by queensissy at 5:15 PM - 11 answers

June 26

How to seek religion? Starting point: agnostic.

I find myself interested in religious practice as I get older. However I have a long history of agnosticism that I am finding difficult to reconcile with potential faiths. Additionally, I am not trying to sign up for something that pits me against other people based on their creed/sexuality/gender/etc. Can you help me square this circle? [more inside]
posted by miltthetank at 3:57 PM - 39 answers

June 20

Readings on hatred/aggression in love?

I'm interested theorizations of the weird phenomenon where human love or care often comes with an element of hatred or aggression built into it. Classic or modern, and any rigorous disciplinary approach (biology, philosophy, theology, literature, history) is fine, although ideally not pop psychology at the Blink level. What should I add to my list? [more inside]
posted by Bardolph at 4:20 AM - 7 answers

June 11

Short readings in philosophy

I have no attention span. I would like to learn a little about notable moments/movements in philosophy. What should I read? [more inside]
posted by less-of-course at 6:57 AM - 21 answers

May 25

The god of small things

I'm wondering if there is a name for the concept that looking after something small can help cultivate your desired qualities on a larger scale. [more inside]
posted by charcoals at 6:27 AM - 19 answers

May 21

Event during Eid?

Some friends and I are starting up an event series (public discussions on intimacy in all its forms). We are planning to do a bi-weekly-ish series over the summer. Looking at venue availability, our own calendars, etc, it would be appealling to have the event on the evening of June 18 or 19, which is during Eid al-Adha. Trying to figure out whether to reschedule, if there's a way to make it work, etc. [more inside]
posted by ManInSuit at 3:52 PM - 4 answers

May 3

What’s your current favorite Bible?

I have a mid-20ish year old family member who recently has been drawn into conversations with what I think of as (possibly ungenerously) “FaceBook Christians” - people who reference Bible-quotation memes as support for their political beliefs. This young person is smart, and reads poetry, but is unfamiliar with the Bible in general. I want to give them a Bible to support their desire to learn more on their own: it needs to hit that sweet spot between… [more inside]
posted by Silvery Fish at 12:31 PM - 21 answers

April 29

Short morning meditation

I'm trying to improve my morning routine.(Which right now consists of coffee and doomscrolling...) I'd like to incorporate a 10-20 minute meditation, guided or otherwise, but I keep striking out. Largely, I think, because I struggle with anything that focuses on breath and with certain kinds of visualization. I'd really appreciate ideas. [more inside]
posted by jeszac at 9:01 AM - 20 answers

April 24

How to *think*

If I really want to think about stuff, my modus is, I go to a bar that is 5 minutes away, there usually is a seat at the counter, I sit there, stare at the bottles, drink a beer or three and ponder whatever is troubling me at the moment. There is music, it's lively, and I just let my mind do its thing. I can not do this at home, if I just sit down on the kitchen table, or on the couch I just can't get in the mindset and I feel kind of stupid, you know, just sitting there and staring in the void. I can do it when I am lying down before sleep, but if it's 20:00 this also feels strange. Listening to music does not make it better. I think it is the stimulus rich environment that is conductive to the process. I can think of other venues to do this but they are not dependably available, or near, when the need arises (usually after kid and wife are in bed or otherwise occupied). I guess most people do some mindless task or art or something, but I find I get easily absorbed in such activities . I don't know if walking around would work. So where and how do you *think*?
posted by SweetLiesOfBokonon at 1:38 PM - 40 answers

March 6

Books on non-Western, non-Eastern religions

I'm writing a book for conworlders about religions, and I need more resources, especially about religions from Africa, the Americas, or Australia. Preferably more on the anthropological side; I'm not after inspirational literature, and not too interested in mere lists of gods or retellings of myths. [more inside]
posted by zompist at 2:43 PM - 6 answers

February 14

Perspectives from other cultures on deathbed regrets?

People often say things along the lines of “If you don’t take risks, you’ll regret it later in life, I wish I had listened less to my fears, etc” … and I’ve become sort of obsessed with trying to live a life that I won’t regret later. It’s hard, though, to tell the difference between fear and reasonable caution. That seems to be a difference that’s more apparent in hindsight. [more inside]
posted by wheatlets at 8:19 AM - 10 answers

February 13

I need an expert on French cults

For a piece I'm writing, I need to talk/email with someone who's an expert on contemporary cults in France. Below the fold, I'll include names I've tried. [more inside]
posted by mermaidcafe at 9:06 AM - 2 answers

February 5

The philsophy and mechanisms of segregation, othering, and geography

I'd like to explore the idea that people and groups can be entirely separate while existing in the same space. What writing, research, or theories can I learn from? [more inside]
posted by rebent at 12:43 PM - 12 answers

January 25

Looking for specific quote about sharing Happiness and Sorrow; saw here?

paraphrased "If we're friends and you exclude me from celebrations of your happiness that's OK, but if you exclude me from sharing your sorrow I'll be hurt". Thought I saw it recently on Meta or Ask. Sound familiar? [more inside]
posted by achrise at 9:13 AM - 2 answers

January 10

Islam conversion video course?

Someone very close to me is converting to Islam. They've asked me to help find them an online course, preferably with videos, to learn more about Islam. They're quite dyslexic and the less written material the better. I'd like to find something in English, very mainstream and 101 to 201 level. They have attended online classes, but they were pretty brief. We have a big local muslim community, but they're a bit shy about asking questions pre-conversion. Recommendations please!
posted by dorothyisunderwood at 8:42 AM - 5 answers

December 9, 2023

Make me pun with everything

I'm starting on a new song, one about feeling frustration with questions unanswered, situations unresolved, in life. Who said what about this? [more inside]
posted by falsedmitri at 11:00 PM - 11 answers

October 23, 2023

PhilosophyTube, but it's a blog or magazine?

I love PhilosophyTube and would love to find similar sources, but in blog or magazine form - I'm getting older, so there are days that long-form video puts me to sleep (sadface) and I just want to read words. Can you recommend blogs/online magazines that apply at least some actual philosophy to real-world issues? For reference, I'm wayyyyy left-wing, even by Canadian standards.
posted by Mogur at 4:25 AM - 8 answers

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