Questions in the Health & Fitness category.
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July 26

first time blood donation

I want to give blood, and dislike needles. Metafilter has been great in the past about walking me through things I am anxious about. [more inside]
posted by skycrashesdown at 9:27 PM - 4 answers

Navigating healthcare chicago edition

My mom in Louisana has been told to go to a big city for medical care for an unknown condition. I live in Chicago and she can stay here for a bit. Is there a way aside from cold calling to get her established for a comphrensive work up? Any ideas on next steps or programs I can reach out to help facilitate this process? [more inside]
posted by AlexiaSky at 7:34 PM - 5 answers

Mystery Medical Problem

Please help me solve a medical mystery. Unfortunately, the details are quite long. [more inside]
posted by ubiquity at 1:43 PM - 10 answers

Early Fat Acceptance blogger whose lung cancer was nearly missed

Back in when Fat Acceptance was beginning to see an upswell in discourse (blogging etc), probably early 2010s or so, there was a blogger who wrote about her experience nearly dying from lung cancer. [more inside]
posted by The Master and Margarita Mix at 11:04 AM - 2 answers

July 25

Hand specialist in PNW

I need to find a really good hand specialist in the PNW, ideally one specializing in hand trauma. I have no idea where to begin. Can you help?
posted by HotToddy at 5:15 AM - 5 answers

July 24

hernia repair experience

What was your experience with hernia repair surgery? Specifically hiatal hernia? [more inside]
posted by jtexman1 at 9:36 AM - 2 answers

July 23

Still no/little sense of smell/taste... advice?

YANMD. I emailed my doctor a few days ago, but didn't hear back; probably because of lingering impacts from CrowdStrike. I've been trying smelling items and have taken Flonase everyday for the last week+1/2, and Sudafed on/off when I feel congested, but nothing, nada. I'm getting worried. Have I permanently lost my sense of smell/taste, do you think? [more inside]
posted by dubious_dude at 2:27 PM - 12 answers

What is rest actually for?

I have a pretty bad cold, but my responsibilities are making it hard to rest. I feel overwhelmed and guilty when I think of my pets. I feel inadequate and anxious thinking of other care duties like visiting elderly family members or supporting my husband (who is more or less on bed rest because he just had back surgery). Overall, I feel resentful and fragile and very sad. I think it might help me to understand why my body needs so much rest right now. [more inside]
posted by toucan at 12:41 PM - 22 answers

Need advice/ombudsman for a Medi-Cal hospital discharge situation

I'm trying to help a friend who lives in California, is on disability and is covered by Medi-Cal, but I don't live there or understand the intricacies of the system. She's being told she will be discharged from the hospital where she is now, but she cannot walk or do any ADLs and she doesn't have any support at home. What can she do? [more inside]
posted by mccxxiii at 10:10 AM - 6 answers

July 21

Could shower water inflame my skin? Are there filters to help with that?

Is it possible the water in my apartment is making my face break out? Is there a specific shower head filter that might help? [more inside]
posted by critzer at 4:07 PM - 8 answers

Recovery After Full Dental Implants

I am having ALL my teeth replaced with implants. This will involve a day without teeth, and I'm assuming several days of pain/discomfort. Help me recover without going insane or starving to death! [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:00 AM - 24 answers

July 20

If I pay for a prescription will it be harder to get reimbursed?

I have a pending new prescription and a pretty good US prescription plan. My doctor warned me the insurance companies frequently try to avoid paying for this particular medication, and then suggest poorer options instead. Sure enough the pharmacy received a request for justification from my doctor. The pharmacy has submitted the needed paperwork for my doctor to fill out, but it's been 3 days and I still don't have the medicine. [more inside]
posted by lockedroomguy at 1:03 PM - 14 answers

Sinus Issues + Allergies

I know I'm not alone in this boat- I just saw an ENT and am assuming he will suggest surgery for deviated septum etc (as surgeons do!). I've been avoiding this for a long time. But I am worried that I will still have irritated sinuses from allergies (maybe even increased with increased breathing capabilities!). How to best coordinate care with ENT and allergist? (And does the surgery "work"?) [more inside]
posted by bquarters at 6:38 AM - 11 answers

Morning congestion?

Why am I waking up with morning congestion and sneezing? This has been going on for months. It goes away after an hour or so, but I’m tired of having to blow my nose every 5 minutes for an hour. I have cleaned my air conditioner, my bedding is clean, my carpet is clean. Help me brainstorm, I need this to stop.
posted by rhymedirective at 6:11 AM - 13 answers

July 19

Prepping for prep- what should I know that hasn't been said?

Just finished (ahem) digesting this excellent previously. Anyone have some new tips or recommendations you can share about getting through the actual "purge" process?
posted by I_Love_Bananas at 10:02 AM - 12 answers

July 18

Communicating with my primary care doctor?

My doctor, who's been my doctor for years and who l love, is moving to a different health care system in October. She told me this when I saw her a few weeks ago. I've now investigated, and her new practice does not take my insurance. Ugh. [more inside]
posted by swheatie at 11:42 AM - 6 answers

Letting go after getting dumped, corporate version

I got laid off in a really cold, inhumane way. I am working on moving on, but realize I need to make my own closure in order to really move on and be open to what’s next. Please help me come up with ideas to make my own closure/let go. [more inside]
posted by floweredfish at 9:43 AM - 11 answers

July 17

How to change my mindset because I can't change much else!

I am in a Bad Place mentally, and I am unable to change much of my environment or circumstances So, I think I need to change my mindset. What kind of therapy should I seek? [more inside]
posted by Ms. Toad at 12:36 PM - 14 answers

Sober people who don’t drink caffeine or smoke cigarettes…

… what’s your thing? You know exactly what I mean. What do you occupy your hands and mouth with, what do you enjoy outside on a nice day? I’d prefer to avoid too much sugar.
posted by anonymous at 12:29 PM - 48 answers

Antidepressents for what's coming (aka, politics in the US)

I'm worried about my mental health over the next...year? decade? Have you been on psych meds that have helped you in a similar situation? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:14 AM - 9 answers

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