Questions in the Health & Fitness category.
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February 22

I'm in prior authorization hell and I can't get out.

I use a neurology telehealth company called Neura to help me manage my chronic neurologic condition. They insist they have a prior authorization on file for me for Medication Y that is good through July 2025. My insurance company says that's not true. I keep asking Neura to submit another one, and they keep telling me they're trying to get an update from the third party they use to manage prior authorizations. This has been going on for a month. [more inside]
posted by malum geminae at 2:23 PM - 6 answers

Best disposable razor

What are the best disposable razors for shaving my beard? [more inside]
posted by Czjewel at 1:21 PM - 12 answers

February 21

How to deal with fluorouracil at night

I have several actinic keratoses on my face and my dermatologist prescribed 5% fluorouracil to apply every day and night all over my face for 3 to 4 weeks. I understand that it can look really ugly and be sore, especially in the 1st week. [more inside]
posted by primate moon at 11:25 PM - 13 answers

February 19

What are some fun activities I can do while my spouse is away?

My wife will be traveling for work next month. I'll be on my own for a couple weeks and I want to avoid doomscrolling on my phone and eating snacks for dinner. I have hobbies, but I'm looking for fresh ideas on what to do with my time after work that will be fun or pleasant or novel. Thanks!
posted by eunique at 9:47 AM - 36 answers

February 18

Is there are crossover between autism and CPTSD?

I'm starting to wonder whether I (36F) might be autistic. It's been difficult for me to pin down what’s happening as I've always blamed all my symptoms on childhood trauma but I'm starting to suspect there's something else going on. [more inside]
posted by Sunflower88 at 2:05 PM - 10 answers

February 16

Fastest retail eye exam with visual field test in US . .

Pretty much what the title says. Need to have an eye exam, don't wanna deal with a formal opthalmologist appointment.. anyone know of a brick and mortar retail type clinic that will do this on short notice? Anywhere from va to ma more or less near the coast (or philly/dc), including nyc, would be fine and id consider a detour from my usual travels to go to some known place for this. Sounds easy to find but I've called 15 places and getting kind of bored of the hobby. Tried looking at websites etc, but then when i called they don't really do it or do it once every two months. So, metafilter, do you know first hand a specific optometry shop near you that does this? Might seem silly, but .. for reasons, it would be a help!
posted by elgee at 4:35 PM - 12 answers

February 15

I have every symptom of colon cancer except weight loss

...and my doctor didn't seem very concerned. Details below: [more inside]
posted by croooow at 9:11 AM - 29 answers

February 14

Antibiotic -induced insomnia

I’m on cefdinir and having insomnia that not even my arsenal of sleep meds can touch. I have to use this particular antibiotic. [more inside]
posted by mermaidcafe at 4:29 PM - 7 answers

February 13

Glaucoma, Uveitis, Laser Iridotomy advice

I'm seeking advice about some eye conditions. I'll briefly define them, in case it jogs an anecdote. Narrow Angles: when the eyeball's internal drainage area is small, increasing the risk of blockage, aka Angle Closure Glaucoma: a vision threatening emergency where a fluid blockage increases eye pressure. One preventative strategy is Laser Iridotomy: burning a small hole in the iris to create a new permanent drainage channel inside the eye. But this may trigger Uveitis, a persistent internal eye inflammation that may have an autoimmune or genetic component. If you know anything about this topic, I have questions! [more inside]
posted by vanilla.extract at 3:17 PM - 5 answers

How Do I Pick Up Narcotic Meds After Surgery?

I live alone and am planning to get laparoscopic hernia surgery next month. I live a small block from the hospital and a small block from my supermarket pharmacy. The hospital says they should be able to help me out with someone to walk me home, but they do not have a pharmacy on-site. So how do I pick up narcotic meds from my supermarket pharmacy: do I just have to go stand in line, 2hrs after surgery? I've never done this before: is that do-able?
posted by 4th Matryoshka Doll at 1:15 PM - 21 answers

YANMD Should I have a heart ablation for SVTs?

I've had SVT (SupraVentricular Tachycardia) episodes for many years, well managed with Valsalva Maneuver, hydration, heart rate app. But I had an unusually severe and painful episode last spring, so just completed a fresh cardiac workup. For anyone recently diagnosed, this is the least exciting heart condition you can have. [more inside]
posted by theora55 at 9:50 AM - 7 answers

Looking for a good oral HSV doc in Southern California

My partner has had persistent oral herpes for over a year at this point, and persistent difficulty getting doctors appointments through her Obamacare/Covered California insurance. She is thinking about going out of network and is seeking recommendations. Some additional questions below the fold. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:33 AM - 4 answers

February 12

Can I get treatment for ADHD-like symptoms with a bipolar diagnosis?

I'm diagnosed as bipolar, and I also have a lot of ADHD-like symptoms, like inattention and executive dysfunction. I've read both that these can be symptoms of bipolar, and that ADHD and bipolar can be comorbid. [more inside]
posted by Chenko at 9:26 AM - 3 answers

February 10

Gross logistics

A person I care about faints when he vomits. He is struggling with optimal logistics in light of this, and seeking ideas. More awful details inside! [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:35 PM - 12 answers

Is there still some powder left in that keg?

My steroid inhaler indicator says the container is empty. But it does not feel that way. [more inside]
posted by virve at 5:27 PM - 6 answers

Wegovy side effects

I'm thinking about asking my GP about Wegovy (semaglutide) - I've researched it and it seems I meet the criteria. If you're on Wegovy, or have been, can you tell me about side effects you've experienced please? Overall, has it been a positive experience for you? CW: weight/weight loss [more inside]
posted by unicorn chaser at 3:44 AM - 26 answers

February 9

List of US Stay-at-home orders

I keep reading US articles that refer to long periods of lockdown. Like “Maybe creatures that could fly and soar were an appealing notion during endless lockdowns, or maybe birds were just another vast universe for him to map.” Is there a website that’s collected actual timelines of stay-at-home orders for different US jurisdictions? [more inside]
posted by congen at 12:45 PM - 6 answers

February 8

Diabetes on purpose for Ozempic?

I am consistantly pre-diabetic, often quite close to having an A1C that that can be used to diagnose diabetes. I am obese and in my early 60s and have tried many things to lower the A1C. My medical team and I agree that losing weight via Ozempic will benefit my health. Insurance will only cover Ozempic with a diagnosis of diabetes. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:34 PM - 13 answers

What is this foot injury?

Eleven weeks ago I was getting up from sitting on the floor, and in the process, my foot was leaning sideways at a 45 degree angle, with my weight on the outside edge of it. I lost my balance and wrenched my foot somehow and injured it. My ankle was not affected at all. [more inside]
posted by SageTrail at 5:36 PM - 10 answers

Optimizing my workout schedule

Looking for advice on prioritizing and scheduling different kinds of athletic training. [more inside]
posted by cnidaria at 1:08 PM - 12 answers

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