Questions in the Food & Drink category.
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March 28
Seeking vinegar fermentation guidance
What is vinegar fermentation supposed to look like / am I doing it right? [more inside]
March 27
Best Gingerbread
There is a birthday. It's still wintry in Maine, so Gingerbread! Non-Dairy preferred, but rules can be bent. I have seen the NYTimes version of beloved food writer Laurie Colwin's gingerbread. Chopped candied ginger will be added. Fresh Ginger? Lemon curd will be on the side and there will likely be a lemon glaze. Give me your inspiration, your recipes, whatever you've got. It will be made in both a round pan for wedges, and probably cupcakes.
March 26
substitute for Trader Joe's chili pepper sauce? TJ product most like it?
I love Trader Joe's chili pepper sauce for Taco Bell-esque bean burritos. Alas, it's discontinued. What's a good substitute? Also: out of the available Trader Joe's sauces, which is closest? [more inside]
Is this a hotel fridge thing?
March 21
Home-made ramen seasoning - caveat, must be easy
Sometimes one wants to use ramen seasoning for, eg, some dumplings, or some fresh noodles, or just some tofu and vegetables. One does not want a wholesome stock, or an elaborate dish, one wants ramen seasoning. [more inside]
March 20
What else can I cook in a Dutch oven?
Someone got me a cook book recently and I just tried this recipe for chicken thighs cooked with rice and coconut milk in a Dutch oven. It was awesome! Super tasty, super easy. I've never really cooked with a Dutch oven before. What else can I make along the lines of protein + starch + veggies = low effort deliciousness using my Dutch oven. Particularly interested in vegetarian recipes. [more inside]
March 17
Fine dining in CDMX
Looking for high-end restaurant recommendations for Mexico City. [more inside]
March 16
Delicious Goo I Can Eat With A Spoon
I go through phases of spoonable-dessert making - puddings, jellies, parfaits, etc. - and I'm looking for recipes or ideas. [more inside]
March 15
Can [small children] eat this? Elderly dried chanterelles.
A “can I eat this” but for kids! Topic: pre-pandemic dried mushrooms. [more inside]
March 14
Low carb substitutes— but TEXTURE!
I’m looking for low carb substitutes that will scratch the itch of a nice toothsome noodle, or a chewy hunk of sourdough. I’m looking for foods that have the satisfying mouthfeel of a good hunk of carbs. Think chew and tear and stretch. Yes I know about zoodles and cauliflower mash and bread alternatives, and I’m aware that most of that delish high-carb texture comes from the starches and gluten of high-carb ingredients. Recipes not necessary but welcome, ideas and suggestions are great!!
March 10
Can I eat it: half-thawed chili
I took a ziplock of frozen chili from the freezer, let it half-thaw, changed my mind, and stuck it back in the freezer. Can I thaw it and eat it now?
March 8
Help me, uh, overthink
I eat a lot of beans and like to treat myself to premium and/or unusual dried beans from time to time. What are your favorite fancy beans? [more inside]
March 4
Peanut butter oatmeal treats in these trying times
Everything is, quite frankly, the worst it has ever been in my lifetime, and things seem unlikely to get better. Peanut butter and oatmeal are cheap, at least in the US, at least right now. I like peanut butter oatmeal things. Give me some recipes! [more inside]
March 1
Can I eat this?
I left a unopened bag of shredded cheddar in my trunk overnight :( Will it be ok to eat or no? My car was in my garage and it wasn't hot overnight. I put it in the freezer for now. If it was a small bag I'd just toss it, but it's a very large bag :(
February 28
Vegetable Pairings
So, I'm trying to eat more vegetables and am looking for easy vegetable pairings that I can use for stir frying. [more inside]
February 25
What the heck is creamed corn?
I'm British. I'd never heard of creamed corn until it started coming up in threads here this week. I've read the Wikipedia page and I don't really understand. Like, you take corn and add... what all, exactly? I see wildly differing recipes. And it's a southern thing and also a Thanksgiving thing? I thought I'd gotten my head around most dishes in that category, but this one passed me by. Help me understand what it is, culturally and culinarily. This is a genuine question, despite the folks trolling about this.
February 24
Induction temperature questions
I'm trying to cook on an induction cooktop / hob thing. I'm finding it very confusing. If you cook with induction, what temperatures do you use? [more inside]
February 21
How to firm up Jiffy cornbread
I have a box of Jiffy cornbread mix I'd like to make tonight to go with chili. The last time I made it, it was very soft and crumbly. How can I make it come out more firm? [more inside]
Lost and gone forever?
It’s winter, and clementines should be in season, but I haven’t seen them anywhere in New York City. Plenty of California mandarins, but no true clementines. In fact, it’s probably been several years since I’ve seen them, maybe even pre-Covid. Has something happened to the clementine crop? Drought? Fungus? [more inside]
February 20
Recommendation for very small wedding cake delivered to LV hotel room
My daughter is getting married in a Las Vegas wedding chapel in 4 weeks. It will be just her and her new husband, no wedding party and no reception--just them. I would like to surprise them by having a little wedding cake (enough for 2 or 4) delivered to their hotel room. [more inside]