Questions in the Food & Drink category.
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July 26

I'm vegan and I love chewy balls

I love these chewy vegan balls made from Glucomannan. I'm trying to replicate them at home, but all I get is goop. Halp? [more inside]
posted by Cat Pie Hurts at 7:35 AM - 5 answers

Eggplant dishes for the freezer

We have an abundance of eggplants coming out of the garden right now, both Italian and Asian varieties. We usually preserve these for the winter by grilling them in slices or grilling them whole and peeling, then freezing. I would like to additionally freeze a few eggplant-heavy main dishes that can expedite dinner this winter. Can you recommend some things that freeze well and are amenable to batch-cooking? [more inside]
posted by juliapangolin at 7:21 AM - 6 answers

July 25

Looking for a new low sodium concentrated beef bullion

For a long time the younger son has made a hamburger and rice dish using Kitchen Accomplice reduced sodium beef broth concentrate (sorry for the Amazon link), but it appears the manufacturer has gone out of business and it's no longer available. He's tried unconcentrated bullion/broth unsuccessfully. I believe the flavor he achieves is because the stuff is a concentrate. Are there other beef bullion concentrates out there that aren't bullion cubes? We'll be losing a major part of his cooking repertoire soon without it, as we only have half a bottle remaining.
posted by lhauser at 6:27 PM - 13 answers

Melty eggplant recipes

My family is revolting…against aubergine. Please share any eggplant recipe you have found delicious that meets the following ultra-niche parameters. [more inside]
posted by warriorqueen at 12:22 PM - 29 answers

actually smoked almonds?

I love smoked almonds, but they always list "smoke flavor" in the ingredients, which I assume means that the flavor is applied, and they haven't actually spent any time in a smoker. I'm curious to try almonds that have actually been smoked. Where can I get some? [more inside]
posted by moonmilk at 9:49 AM - 6 answers

July 24

Stupid simple seafood for the blue crab novice

We're staying on the North Carolina coast next week (Wilmington area), and there are seafood markets everywhere. Our vacation rental has a decent kitchen and a propane grill, and we can bring specialized equipment from home if recommended. We love eating seafood, but don't prepare it at home often, and also aren't familiar with what might be especially worth seeking out in a coastal NC area. What should we buy, and how should we cook it? [more inside]
posted by Wavelet at 10:12 AM - 9 answers

July 23

Lifestyle changes for pre-diabetes

I am now pre-diabetic (I was expecting this) and advised by my doctor to try and reverse it with ‘lifestyle changes.’ Looking for authoritative non-faddish advice on what that might be. [more inside]
posted by ficbot at 6:57 PM - 31 answers

Where to buy a bottle of wine in Berkeley?

I'm in North Berkeley CA for a brief spell, but I don't live here. I want to pick up a nice bottle of white wine, under 25 dollars. Nice, but neither I nor my friends are wine aficionados. Planning to go to Berkeley Bowl in any case, so would I find something there? Or should I go to a wine shop, in which case, please suggest one. Thanks!
posted by gigondas at 10:39 AM - 11 answers

July 21

Seattle coffee for picky coffee snobs?

I'm going to Seattle soon and have already gotten great suggestions from previous AskMes. What I still need: recommendations for coffee. I was last there years ago and Vita & Vivace were the top recs, but... I am a picky coffee snob and those do not meet my high bar. Surely there are better options now. If you're also as picky as me, what modern craft coffee do you like? Obv taste is subjective but if you already have a strong opinion about a specific newer cafe being better than the classics, I want to hear it.
posted by rhiannonstone at 6:07 PM - 16 answers

July 20

Instead of frozen pizza, let's have ...

We (two adults) usually have frozen pizza on our movie nights. But now, we would like to lower our cholesterol. Do you have any suggestions for what we might have instead? We'd like something that is easy, a bit of a treat, less cholesterol, and somewhat the same ballpark in price.
posted by NotLost at 2:49 PM - 17 answers

Business lunches for messy eaters

I am a messy eater and 5/7 days I will have food spots on my shirt by the end of the day. What are the best strategies for eating in a business context? [more inside]
posted by shock muppet at 10:28 AM - 18 answers

July 17

So Many Chickpeas

I recently came into possession of a freebie ten pound bag of dried chickpeas. Now I need to find ways to use them up. What are your favourite chickpea recipes?
posted by orange swan at 6:27 PM - 35 answers

Vegan rice pudding recipe

Does anyone have a good vegan or dairy free rice pudding recipe?
posted by bookworm4125 at 11:23 AM - 5 answers

July 14

Woody garlic scapes

For reasons, our garlic scapes never quite curled as much, which is when I'd usually harvest. We already have recipes for the tender curl (or what there is of it). However, what should we do with the long woody stems? [more inside]
posted by ellerhodes at 5:00 PM - 8 answers

July 11

Getting Enough Fiber while Visiting Rural Mexico

I've got a week-long visit planned to visit family friends in rural-ish Mexico soon. I like to eat salads everyday (though not a vegetarian), and I eat vegetables at every meal and fruit daily. I am a little concerned about getting enough fiber while I am there as I have heard raw vegetables aren't a great idea to eat. [more inside]
posted by JXM368 at 7:45 PM - 14 answers

July 10

Kid lunch ideas?

Camp lunches must be nut-free and unrefridgerated for likely 3 hours. My kid lives off of PB/Nutella and jelly so I’m stumped for lunch ideas. [more inside]
posted by inevitability at 10:58 AM - 21 answers

My first "Should I eat this?"

Prepared tofu left out overnight in a plastic tupperware type container (prepared on the stove top with soy sauce and balsamic vinegar). [more inside]
posted by Eyelash at 4:46 AM - 12 answers

July 9

Smarter smoothies with a) greens or b) mixed veg slaw mix?

What's a smarter approach to the veg component of my morning smoothie? Either 75 grams of a) chopped kale and baby spinach; or b) a "superfood" (barf) slaw mix that includes cabbage (35%), carrot (20%), beetroot (14%), kale (11%), daikon (11%), and celery (9%). [more inside]
posted by oxford blue at 9:23 PM - 9 answers

I can only eat so many S'mores and Rice Krispie treats

OMG, I bought fifteen pounds of vegan mini marshmallows. Now what? [more inside]
posted by Kitteh at 3:39 PM - 20 answers

Restaurants with tea leaf tempura in NYC?

Is there anywhere in NYC where I can get tea leaf tempura? I had this dish while visiting a tea plantation in Japan, and I would like to try it again. Alternatively, is there somewhere in NYC where I could buy fresh tea leaves suitable for tempura? Thanks!
posted by andoatnp at 11:06 AM - 5 answers

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