Questions in the Grab Bag category.
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March 23

Redecorate my newspaper box!

I am now the owner of an old newspaper box, something like this. Help me turn it into something fun! [more inside]
posted by MonkeyToes at 2:17 PM - 4 answers

Help me plan an unstructured Sunday

I just started an intense mental health programme (daily therapies and lots of structured downtime, considerable emotional drain from being with other depressed people). I'm highly motivated to follow the recommendations I receive there, one of which is to improve my time management with schedules. Today is my first day "off". What do I do with it? [more inside]
posted by toucan at 2:49 AM - 10 answers

March 21

Like The First Day of School, But At Work

I was one of those kids who always felt like the first day of the school year was a fresh start. New outfits, new school supplies, new backpack, new me! Admittedly, I had varying levels of success, but it was good to start out feeling optimistic. In a few weeks I will be starting a new position at work and I want to make it as fresh as possible and capture that same vibe as an adult. Any suggestions, advice, or ideas? [more inside]
posted by glorybe at 10:04 AM - 17 answers

March 19

What's the coolest thing on eBay right now?

What are websites, newsletters, IG accounts, etc which highlight current eBay listings that are a good deal or interesting or awesome? [more inside]
posted by kensington314 at 10:16 AM - 4 answers

March 18

Horror stories for young children

I'm looking for spooky and/or scary story books for a six year old. [more inside]
posted by kitcat at 11:07 AM - 21 answers

March 15

My brother-in-law just lost his mother. I want to help.

He's in his early twenties, and the death was unexpected. I feel so angry and sad for him. I lost a friend at that age, and that was so hard. I can't imagine losing a parent when you're that young. [more inside]
posted by toucan at 5:40 PM - 14 answers

March 14

42 - The Answer to the Ultimate Question

My husband is turning 42 soon, and as a birthday celebration, he wants to celebrate his 21st anniversary of turning 21. For various reasons his birthday has gotten overshadowed the last few years (and birthdays are a big deal in his culture), so I would like to make this a fun, memorable event. I have the basic idea of what we want to do, but could use some creative help for the extra things. [more inside]
posted by Sparky Buttons at 9:56 AM - 11 answers

March 13

Potty training audio books?

The next hurdle in my parenting journey is potty training. I’ve got a road trip coming up. What should we listen to? [more inside]
posted by Uncle at 4:08 PM - 3 answers

March 11

There's no ethical beer drinking under capitalism...

...or how to Buy Beer in the Bad Place. I like to drink my Preferred Beer, and would like to buy it in the least environmentally harmful container. It comes in bottles and cans, for roughly the same price per oz. It is better for the environment to buy glass or aluminum? I imagine glass, because sand is probably way easier to extract from the earth than mining, refining and smelting aluminum? But I also have heard that recycling glass is more expensive (and maybe takes more energy?) than making new glass? [more inside]
posted by Grandysaur at 8:40 AM - 17 answers

March 10

Hey, how's it sewing?

I started sewing a couple months ago, I've made a few things and I like it, and now I want to accessorize. If you are a sewer (um ew, is it sewist??), what are your favorite/must-have tools? [more inside]
posted by phunniemee at 11:02 AM - 51 answers

March 8

How worried do I need to be about potter’s lung?

I am a high school art teacher, and I’ve recently moved to an inner-city school. I’m stationed in a ceramics classroom that has not been properly cleaned in many, many years. How do I get and keep this space cleaned? [more inside]
posted by figaro at 5:35 AM - 11 answers

March 6

Help Me Fix My Favorite Automatic Umbrella

I got this Mabu automatic umbrella in Japan, which opens when you press the button on the handle, and collapses when you press it again. But recently it's started collapsing on it's own when in use, and it's also collapsing with increasing frequency - although it stays open when I leave it open indoors to dry. Can this be fixed/ can I fix it? I don't have an umbrella repair service nearby.
posted by 7 Minutes of Madness at 9:34 AM - 1 answers

March 5

Novels for Unpleasant Women

I've been enjoying books in the genre of "okay fine just leave me alone and let me be weird." I'm looking for more fiction like Sakaya Murata's Convenience Store Woman or (less cozy) Earthlings, Dolores Reyes' Cometierra, and Han Kang's The Vegetarian. Thank you. [more inside]
posted by phunniemee at 7:49 AM - 43 answers

March 4

I am turning 39 soon. Any advice?

Going to turn 39 in less than two weeks and been thinking about it awhile. It's not yet 40, but I'm almost there. I'm not sure if this really matters in as much as turning another year older matters. But I'm curious - if you're at this age or around it - what has been some life lessons that you've found valuable? [more inside]
posted by benimaru at 6:50 PM - 22 answers

March 3

Where to leave endowment for positive good

It's time to update my will, and I'm looking for a worthy organisation to leave an endowment to. [more inside]
posted by HiroProtagonist at 5:14 PM - 17 answers

Microdosing the grave

Last year on my birthday I realized that what I wanted was to just not exist for a few hours, so I tried doing a sensory deprivation float tank. It didn't do the trick. What should I try this year? [more inside]
posted by babelfish at 3:16 PM - 33 answers

March 2

Help me sell my truck?

I am selling my old truck. It needs a few repairs; I don't know which ones to do and which to leave for maximum return on the investment. [more inside]
posted by mygothlaundry at 4:46 PM - 13 answers

Going by previous playbooks, how do Americans prepare?

For this I am using the premise that the USA is not far from some type of government issued martial law situation, so I will ask folx to not argue that point. Going by history, what, if anything, should people do to survive as long as possible? [more inside]
posted by berkshiredogs at 3:38 AM - 22 answers

February 28

Birthday fun in Morristown, NJ

What are some fun events happening in or near Morristown NJ in March? [more inside]
posted by silverstatue at 8:53 AM - 5 answers

February 27

Are you thankful for any kind of old-school refills?

And have you had to locate them at any other disparate places? This might be a question about industrialization and capitalization more than anything else, but sometimes in my normal work, I use a window scraper, which gets refilled with normal old-design double-sided razor blades. This co-functionality seems likes dudes working together. More often, in my normal work, I use a stick of bamboo that we've stomped the end of and put a rubber band on so that it can hold a brush that we use to paint while standing. [more inside]
posted by lauranesson at 6:54 PM - 17 answers

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