What's the coolest thing on eBay right now?
March 19, 2025 10:16 AM   Subscribe

What are websites, newsletters, IG accounts, etc which highlight current eBay listings that are a good deal or interesting or awesome?

About 15 years ago I bought a 45 of Aretha Franklin's version of "The Weight" by the Band, because some local L.A. blogger would highlight cool used singles on eBay that cost $5 or less. I listen to it all the time! It rules!

Anyway, I'd like to invite more enduring joy from other peoples' eBay curation into my life. Could be about kitchenware or magazine collections or wall art or bicycle parts or cabinet hardware or anything, really. (I am already aware of the Put This On eBay curation newsletter for menswear.)
posted by kensington314 to Grab Bag (4 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Mod note: One comment removed for not answering the question.

While it's great that people are sharing things inspired by the OP's question, please remember that Ask MetaFilter is about people helping people, aka answering the question the OP has asked. There are strict guidelines about keeping answers limited to what was asked, so keep your answers focused on helping the OP, thanks!
posted by Brandon Blatcher (staff) at 4:40 PM on March 19

Response by poster: Wow! Two deleted answers and a mod note. Does anyone even read the comments down here?
posted by kensington314 at 12:29 AM on March 20 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Oh wait, it was one deleted answer and a mod note. Not to threadsit.
posted by kensington314 at 12:46 AM on March 20

This thread on the London Fixed Gear and Single Speed message board lists eBay cycling bargains. Highly UK based but perhaps fulfils the second part of your question
posted by el_presidente at 1:14 AM on March 20 [1 favorite]

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