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Fantasy books with great world building?

I’m looking for more rich worlds, especially books written in the last 5 years. [more inside]
posted by azalea_chant to Media & Arts at 10:18 PM on Oct 3, 2024 - 23 answers [29 favorites (7 in the past 24 hours)]

What to bring to a brunch potluck

What to make and bring to a brunch potluck? [more inside]
posted by saladin to Food & Drink at 2:58 PM on Oct 5, 2024 - 7 answers [6 favorites]

Washer/dryer buying for dummies

I need to buy a washer and dryer for my home. I am the world’s laziest laundry-doer and have little experience buying household appliances, but am also an optimizer who gets sucked into online rabbit holes when trying to pick major purchases. What’s the most painless way to get this done? [more inside]
posted by ActionPopulated to Home & Garden at 9:00 AM on Oct 5, 2024 - 21 answers [5 favorites]

More Fruits and Veggies

How have you incorporated more fruits and vegetables into your diet? I have been adding baby spinach and blueberries to my post workout smoothie and throwing baby spinach into my omelettes. This is super easy and quick to do. Easy and quick stuff is what usually works for building habits into my life. What things are you doing to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet?
posted by jasondigitized to Health at 9:55 AM on Oct 2, 2024 - 30 answers [38 favorites (4 in the past 24 hours)]

Ways to save money on food?

I am a single 31F (living alone) with my two cats. I need to save money and one of my biggest expenses is food. Please give me your tips. [more inside]
posted by anon1129 to Food & Drink at 8:08 AM on Oct 4, 2024 - 30 answers [14 favorites (4 in the past 24 hours)]

Might move in with my boyfriend?

I'd love some help thinking through whether I should move in with my boyfriend of 2 years when my lease ends early next year. For context, my ideal would be to do Living Apart Together forever, but for him, moving in together is an important milestone in a serious relationship. My idea of home is somewhere I can be by myself, for him home doesn’t feel like home unless there’s loved ones to return to. His wanting this holds a lot of weight in my consideration because I really care about him and the relationship, so I’m thinking I might move in. [more inside]
posted by anonymous to Human Relations at 10:31 PM on Oct 4, 2024 - 42 answers [5 favorites (4 in the past 24 hours)]

How to become a cruise ship lecturer

We recently went on a cruise and enjoyed the Enrichment lecture. My partner, who is a university professor, would enjoy doing something like this and he reckons he could come up with some topics of general interest to cruise goers. However, we're not sure how someone goes about becoming a cruise guest lecturer. [more inside]
posted by strekker to Travel & Transportation at 5:51 AM on Oct 5, 2024 - 11 answers [4 favorites]

Help me head off AI at my organisation

I work in a mid-sized UK charitable organisation. The spectre of AI is beginning to haunt us. Help me exorcise it by providing arguments, resources and data. [more inside]
posted by Corvinity to Computers & Internet at 4:45 AM on Oct 4, 2024 - 24 answers [12 favorites (3 in the past 24 hours)]

Is there a way to experience a stripped-down version of the internet?

I’m on iOS and usually use Safari or Firefox. I want to use the internet like it’s 1999, ie with no bloat, cookies, even images if possible. Light and fast loading and no ads = what I’m after. [more inside]
posted by cotton dress sock to Computers & Internet at 4:13 PM on Oct 5, 2024 - 8 answers [3 favorites]

Best app to wire a rent payment with only an email address & Phone #

Yesterday, I wrote about the landlord's outrageous cleaning, financial expectations, and other demands. Blaming me they are trying to indirectly recover costs of removing mold from my closet. Regardless of who's responsible, their expectations are impossible. They gave me a new lease and a 20% monthly increase. I normally pay rent in cash (dumb). In our situation, handing over cash is a terrible idea. I'm making an electronic transfer. Not having bank info, can anybody recommend which an app (Venmo, Paypal, Zelle?) to pay rent with an unsolicited wire transfer using only an email address? [more inside]
posted by Che boludo! to Work & Money at 12:36 AM on Oct 5, 2024 - 13 answers [2 favorites]

Where can I get a vegan full English breakfast in the US of A?

That's pretty much it! I'm asking for restaurants, I guess :) I'm in the very very middle of the lower 48 states, so the closer to central Kansas the better (a hypothetical becomes a reality, perhaps), but I travel and am curious. It doesn't have to be "fancy" - I know it's not a "fancy" meal - I just mean the Tesco in Wick is the benchmark! Thanks!
posted by J0 to Food & Drink at 1:55 PM on Oct 5, 2024 - 8 answers [2 favorites]

Where do I start to learn how to draw?

I want to learn how to draw. Where's a good place to start? [more inside]
posted by magodesky to Media & Arts at 4:41 AM on Aug 10, 2007 - 17 answers [88 favorites (1 in the past 24 hours)]

Nerdy topics for the lay person, video edition

I'm currently not working for health reasons and can't do much physical activity either. One thing I am able to do is enjoy learning new nerdy topics on YouTube. Help me out with more recommendations? [more inside]
posted by quacks like a duck to Media & Arts at 7:19 AM on Aug 2, 2023 - 35 answers [65 favorites (1 in the past 24 hours)]

Where can I find art school briefs or assignments?

Years ago, I did an introduction to art and design as a precursor to design school (which I later did). It included assignments such as, draw what the inside of your mouth feels like, or create a sculpture using only found objects. I found it really helpful in inspiring me. Where can I get similar briefs as prompts for creating art today? Ideally they will be actual assignments from art institutes and point me in different directions for making interesting things. I've had little luck so far finding similar things for college students online.
posted by Jubey to Media & Arts at 5:30 PM on Mar 6, 2016 - 6 answers [28 favorites (1 in the past 24 hours)]

How do I funny?

I want to write humor. I am trying. Where can I learn? [more inside]
posted by The otter lady to Writing & Language at 10:12 PM on Oct 8, 2023 - 22 answers [14 favorites (1 in the past 24 hours)]

Help me find a book with mysterious illustrations from the 80's/90's.

When I was in elementary school (1985-1992ish) I had several teachers who used a book or books with detailed illustrations as creative writing prompts for our class. In my memory the books were just illustrations with no words, full of black and white drawings and they had a slightly mysterious vibe. I think the author's or illustrator's first name may have been Christopher. In my memory, they were similar in vibe to Dixit illustrations.
posted by shesbookish to Media & Arts at 7:48 AM on Oct 4, 2024 - 4 answers [6 favorites (1 in the past 24 hours)]

Flashers, floaters and retinal migraines are driving me mad.

It’s been many years since we’ve had a question about eye flashers and floaters. Just got back from my eye doctor as I am seeing a lot more floaters, flashers (strands of light that flicker across my vision) and retinal migraines (weird swirls of colour washing over my eyes that feel quite scary) lately. [more inside]
posted by Lescha to Health at 11:25 AM on Oct 4, 2024 - 12 answers [6 favorites (1 in the past 24 hours)]

Overview of the contemporary art scene?

I'm looking for an overview of the contemporary art world that answers questions like: How does someone go from art school to selling a piece for six/seven figures? How many works of art will a gallery sell in a year? How predictable is success in the art world? How do gallerists scout new talent? [more inside]
posted by hermanubis to Media & Arts at 12:14 PM on Jun 3, 2023 - 10 answers [4 favorites (1 in the past 24 hours)]

Keepsake printer like Shutterfly or MixBook — but for mostly text?

For my parents' 50th wedding anniversary, I want 2 or 3 copies of a keepsake-level hardcover book. Similar to something you'd get from Shutterfly or MixBook et al. But in this case it'd mostly be text, with a few supporting photos. Difficulty level: Simple layout UI, no design files needed. It doesn't seem like Lulu would fit the bill (but I don't know)...
posted by Text TK to Media & Arts at 3:10 PM on Oct 3, 2024 - 3 answers [3 favorites (1 in the past 24 hours)]

Looking for a movie scene involving a soldier reciting Psalm 23

I am trying to identify a scene from a movie which I saw many years ago, probably set during WWII (possibly WWI), possibly in black and white (though I remember seeing it on television before we had a colour set, so this dates it back before 1972 or so), in which a soldier hiding in a small stone cottage is about to be run over by a tank and begins to recite the 23rd Psalm ("The Lord is my shepherd", etc.) A bit more inside. [more inside]
posted by jokeefe to Media & Arts at 4:15 PM on Oct 5, 2024 - 3 answers [1 favorite]

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