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Novels for Unpleasant Women
I've been enjoying books in the genre of "okay fine just leave me alone and let me be weird." I'm looking for more fiction like Sakaya Murata's Convenience Store Woman or (less cozy) Earthlings, Dolores Reyes' Cometierra, and Han Kang's The Vegetarian. Thank you. [more inside]
Songs for when you hate everyone and everything
Building a playlist for a mood I’m calling “I hate everything and everyone; I hope the sun devours us all.” This mood is every day all day for me so as many songs as possible please!
Where should I get my US political news from?
The usual sources don't appear to be reliable narrators, so where do I go now? [more inside]
Seeking recommendations for works by these scifi authors
After more than a decade (with stops and starts), I've finished reading all 35 volumes in Gardner Dozois' series of short story anthologies, "The Year's Best Science Fiction." Whew! Along the way, I've bookmarked all the stories I enjoyed most and ranked the authors who've come up most often. I'd love your suggestions for any works (of any length) by these folks that I should check out. List inside! [more inside]
What else can I cook in a Dutch oven?
Someone got me a cook book recently and I just tried this recipe for chicken thighs cooked with rice and coconut milk in a Dutch oven. It was awesome! Super tasty, super easy. I've never really cooked with a Dutch oven before. What else can I make along the lines of protein + starch + veggies = low effort deliciousness using my Dutch oven. Particularly interested in vegetarian recipes. [more inside]
Hey, how's it sewing?
I started sewing a couple months ago, I've made a few things and I like it, and now I want to accessorize. If you are a sewer (um ew, is it sewist??), what are your favorite/must-have tools? [more inside]
How do I improve my color vocabulary?
John McPhee describes the effect of blending saffron into a mixture as changing its color from “flax to jonquil to canary to high lemon chrome”. How can I acquire a color vocabulary like that?
Tell me about your favorite 12th-generation paperclip store
I'm traveling to Japan soon and want to visit funky little shops that do one thing very well. [more inside]
What's worth waking up to on the internet?
My brain requires an extended warmup period to break through sleep inertia, and until recently, looking at the day's news headlines was part of my process. I'm now finding that toxic to my mental health, so looking for alternatives. Small bites of information/content, new every morning, not stressful and hopefully inspiring a bit of curiosity, a motivating "I wonder what it will be today." Any suggestions? [more inside]
What Kids in the Hall sketch should I show a newbie?
Help! My friend, a comedy aficionado, has never encountered Kids in the Hall. Which sketches should I show him? This is happening in an hour.
Peanut butter oatmeal treats in these trying times
Everything is, quite frankly, the worst it has ever been in my lifetime, and things seem unlikely to get better. Peanut butter and oatmeal are cheap, at least in the US, at least right now. I like peanut butter oatmeal things. Give me some recipes! [more inside]
Help me plan a Crow Party!
I'm throwing myself a birthday party - a Crow Party, to be specific. There's a post that's been going around for a year or two that says "We should have a crow party where everyone brings and trades silver trinkets and we wear black and whoever brings the best object is crowned the crow lord/lady". This sounds SO delightful. Can you help me make it a reality? [more inside]
Prevention is better than burnout
What actions can I do to give myself enough of a reserve in energy or resilience such that when I hit the last straw on a pile of problems, I am not immediately catastrophizing and end up in burnout? [Modifier: am autistic/ADHD] [more inside]
Looking for Youtube Kettle Bell/Dumbbell/Resistance Band Videos
I am looking for the "Yoga with Adrienne" of kettle bell / dumbbell / resistance band exercises. By that I mean, a creator who is well liked and popular and creates usable, friendly videos.
The only one I have found that I really like is "Working Out with Roxanne."
Beginner level, shows you how to do the exercise, and isn't patronizing. If they have vocal instruction along with visual instruction, that's ideal.
Project management for the resistance?
A group in my small, red-state US city have started a nonviolent, pro-democracy organization. In just about a month we've grown from 0 to over 600 members without signs of slowing down. Most of us have never done this before and are still figuring out how to make it work. Currently we have little infrastructure for organizing effort around members' very creative ideas. We need project management. What kind of resources or options can I bring to our leadership? [more inside]
I am turning 39 soon. Any advice?
Going to turn 39 in less than two weeks and been thinking about it awhile. It's not yet 40, but I'm almost there. I'm not sure if this really matters in as much as turning another year older matters. But I'm curious - if you're at this age or around it - what has been some life lessons that you've found valuable? [more inside]
How to stay safe at Tesla protests
My girlfriend is planning to go to a protest at a Tesla dealership this weekend. I can't go, for health reasons. I'm worried for her. What can she do to stay safe? [more inside]
Low carb substitutes— but TEXTURE!
I’m looking for low carb substitutes that will scratch the itch of a nice toothsome noodle, or a chewy hunk of sourdough. I’m looking for foods that have the satisfying mouthfeel of a good hunk of carbs. Think chew and tear and stretch. Yes I know about zoodles and cauliflower mash and bread alternatives, and I’m aware that most of that delish high-carb texture comes from the starches and gluten of high-carb ingredients. Recipes not necessary but welcome, ideas and suggestions are great!!
Are there left leaning activist groups trying to talk to the right?
Basically I'd like to help get in the fight against all the terrible things that are happening in US politics but the place I'd like to help is creating messaging or media that is directed towards conservatives that are part of the MAGA base to start changing their minds. [more inside]
Delicious Goo I Can Eat With A Spoon
I go through phases of spoonable-dessert making - puddings, jellies, parfaits, etc. - and I'm looking for recipes or ideas. [more inside]