Most Favorited Questions in the Past 12 Months (24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, all time)
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Fellow Cooks of Metafilter, Enlighten Me!
I'm looking to expand my horizons, so: What recipe sites do you follow? The ones where every recipe you've tried has been at least very good and most you've tried have made it into the regular rotation? The ones that absolutely nail the deliciousness-to-effort ratio? The ones that expose you to dishes you never knew about, or never thought you could make at home? [more inside]
Recipes with high return on investment
I'm looking for dishes where the taste, appearance or "wow factor" is much more than the effort, time or money put into the dish. For the purposes of this question, there are no other restrictions.
Your magic work phrase
Someone told me if you are late to a meeting, say “Thanks for your patience”. I liked that and use it often. A Mefi whose name escapes me, when put in the spot. suggested saying “I don’t want to give you my first answer, I want to give you the right answer, let me get back to you”. I also liked that and use it often. What are the phrases you use at work that help better communicate / frame / set expectations / lead / work with your colleagues?
Best obscure book you've read
Jumping off this Fediverse thread: what is the best book you've read that very few other people have even heard of? All genres and languages welcome, fiction and nonfiction. Would definitely appreciate a quick description and a thought or two on what makes it so great. [more inside]
I want to end the cycle of managing my living space
I am a middle aged lady and for as long as I can remember, I have been in a cycle of endlessly cleaning and organizing my living space. [more inside]
Where's the new The Good Place??
I'm pretty sure nothing else like it exists, but if it does I feel like MetaFilter people are my best bet to find it! [more inside]
Exciting sci-fi novels
I used to have a friend who read all the current sci-fi and then excitedly recommended the ones I might like. I miss that! Can you recommend new sci fi novels (published in the last two years or so) you are excited about? Books I have enjoyed below the fold. [more inside]
Pivotal SFF novels of the last two decades
Which science fiction or fantasy novels have been published in English since 2000 that you, an experienced SFF reader who keeps up with the genre and knows some of its roots, feel are either (a) radically new or (b) substantially transformed their respective genre? [more inside]
Arts and crafts camp for grownups
Often when I travel I like to go to a place to do a specific thing like attend a music festival or something. I have been thinking it would be fun to go somewhere to take crafting lessons. [more inside]
Best shape of your life in your 40s?
Kind of chat-filtery, but looking for people who want to share a story about being in the best shape of your life in your 40s. How did it happen? How did/do you ward off injury? What are your favorite types of activities? What are your challenges and successes? [more inside]
How do you come to terms with getting older?
I’m going to be 42 very soon, and am really struggling with it. Turning 40 was hard enough, and now it’s two years behind me. I’ve noticed changes in my body that I don’t like. I’ve always thought of myself as a “young” person and still feel “young” mentally, but I’m shocked at how old I’m actually getting. I know 42 isn’t that old compared to 72 or 82, but my cousin turning 31 this month and my friend turning 29 remind me of how “ancient” I’m becoming. [more inside]
Where do you go for inspiration?
My laptop crashed and, with it, my entire RSS reader's links directory, which I had been lovingly cultivating for 10 years. As I rebuild it from scratch, I figured I'd ask this community for some recos. [more inside]
Film reccs please ? Primarily 'Delightfully Odd'.
I'm looking for "Delightfully Odd" vibes. Please no:
- Horror
- Gore
- Dystopian
- 'Cringe' Comedy (The Office or Parks & Rec where characters being laughed AT / Pathetic is the main joke)
- Miyazaki or Studio Ghibli (I've seen most of them)
- Any Matt Groening or Dan Harmon or Zack Synder productions
- Any Wes Anderson or Taika Waititi (I've seen most of their work)
- Centaurworld / Tucca a& Berti / Bojack Horseman or similar [more inside]
Got any good advice for a PoC USian post election?
Not in a happy place. Can already feel my mind about to launch into a worse place. Please give mental health advice suggestions for books to read, your tips for surviving (or, dare I ask, thriving) in 21st century right wing regime, pointers towards activities I can incorporate into my daily practice that bend the long arc of history toward justice.
Trying to find my way out of the Amazon
Due to recent events, my wife and I have decided to stop using Amazon. For many years I have been in the habit of buying things for the house, etc. from Amazon on a regular basis. We live in a small community where local shopping options are quite limited. Major shopping meccas are an hour away. What do you recommend to replace Amazon, especially for home goods and such?
Bug out bag best practices
The tragedy in the southeast is heartbreaking and motivates me to be more prepared for an escape in case of emergency. I’m looking for advice on the best practices for assembling a bug-out bag. [more inside]
The Best X You Can Buy for under $50
#giftideasfilter - What are some things that represent the best quality of their category, but in a small enough quantity that the price still comes in under $50(-ish)? [more inside]
Searching for pleasant sensations.
My therapist advised me to do something that physically feels good every day. Baths feel nice to me, but I'm struggling to come up with other ideas, probably because my brain has been dulled by burnout. Any ideas? [more inside]
Mystery books with something extra
I love books that might be described as "mystery plus." That is, they work as clever, well-constructed, and fair mysteries... but they have a distinctive additional attraction on top of the mystery. For example, The Tuesday Murder Club is a mystery + unusually charming characters and humor. The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle is mystery + {SPOILER REDACTED}. Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone and West Heart Kill are mystery + narrative self awareness. Can you recommend other examples? [more inside]
Your Go-To Summer Meals?
I'd like to hear about the summer meals you make again and again because they are light (or on the lighter side, at least), easy, tasty, and don't heat up the whole house. [more inside]