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Songs for when you hate everyone and everything

Building a playlist for a mood I’m calling “I hate everything and everyone; I hope the sun devours us all.” This mood is every day all day for me so as many songs as possible please!
posted by We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese to Media & Arts at 3:59 PM on Mar 26, 2025 - 125 answers [42 favorites]

How do I improve my color vocabulary?

John McPhee describes the effect of blending saffron into a mixture as changing its color from “flax to jonquil to canary to high lemon chrome”. How can I acquire a color vocabulary like that?
posted by Lemkin to Education at 11:03 AM on Mar 21, 2025 - 19 answers [35 favorites]

Tell me about your favorite 12th-generation paperclip store

I'm traveling to Japan soon and want to visit funky little shops that do one thing very well. [more inside]
posted by theodolite to Travel & Transportation at 9:06 AM on Mar 27, 2025 - 9 answers [34 favorites]

How to stay safe at Tesla protests

My girlfriend is planning to go to a protest at a Tesla dealership this weekend. I can't go, for health reasons. I'm worried for her. What can she do to stay safe? [more inside]
posted by Ursula Hitler to Society & Culture at 4:11 PM on Mar 21, 2025 - 19 answers [20 favorites]

What else can I cook in a Dutch oven?

Someone got me a cook book recently and I just tried this recipe for chicken thighs cooked with rice and coconut milk in a Dutch oven. It was awesome! Super tasty, super easy. I've never really cooked with a Dutch oven before. What else can I make along the lines of protein + starch + veggies = low effort deliciousness using my Dutch oven. Particularly interested in vegetarian recipes. [more inside]
posted by forkisbetter to Food & Drink at 3:42 PM on Mar 20, 2025 - 22 answers [36 favorites (19 in the past 7 days)]

What's the best free language-learning app these days?

Looking to improve my rudimentary skills in one foreign language and knock the rust off my skills in a different one. Is there a free mobile app or website that will be good for both of these needs? Is Duolingo still the best game in town even after killing/reviving(?) their owl?
posted by TwoStride to Technology at 12:45 PM on Mar 27, 2025 - 12 answers [15 favorites]

It was the end of the world . . .

I remember reading a book from at least 15 years ago about the Roman invasion of the Celtic / Anglo Saxon territories. It was written in an odd dialect (old-English-ish, with a glossary) and was essentially a post-apocalyptic survival tale set 2000 years ago. I cannot for the life of me remember the name or author, and my Google-fu is failing me. Does this ring any bells for anyone? Thanks in advance!
posted by ananci to Media & Arts at 12:07 PM on Mar 23, 2025 - 10 answers [11 favorites]

Like The First Day of School, But At Work

I was one of those kids who always felt like the first day of the school year was a fresh start. New outfits, new school supplies, new backpack, new me! Admittedly, I had varying levels of success, but it was good to start out feeling optimistic. In a few weeks I will be starting a new position at work and I want to make it as fresh as possible and capture that same vibe as an adult. Any suggestions, advice, or ideas? [more inside]
posted by glorybe to Grab Bag at 10:04 AM on Mar 21, 2025 - 17 answers [9 favorites]

Calling to Account

Is there anyone/any platform that is keeping a running tally of how Trump cuts are impacting states across sectors? [more inside]
posted by brookeb to Law & Government at 10:03 PM on Mar 26, 2025 - 2 answers [9 favorites]

Help me plan an unstructured Sunday

I just started an intense mental health programme (daily therapies and lots of structured downtime, considerable emotional drain from being with other depressed people). I'm highly motivated to follow the recommendations I receive there, one of which is to improve my time management with schedules. Today is my first day "off". What do I do with it? [more inside]
posted by toucan to Grab Bag at 2:49 AM on Mar 23, 2025 - 10 answers [8 favorites]

Counted cross stitch mushrooms "you cannot kill me"

Could you help me find the counted cross stitch pattern for a ring of mushrooms with "You cannot kill me in a way that matters"? Image
posted by Nancy Lebovitz to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation at 4:10 AM on Mar 26, 2025 - 3 answers [8 favorites]

They stopped making my favorite shoes. I need replacement suggestions.

For years I have worn and loved Saucony Originals Bullets, but they don't make them anymore. There are used ones out there, which I'm not interested in....what I want is a replacement. [more inside]
posted by Thistledown to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion at 5:52 AM on Mar 21, 2025 - 13 answers [9 favorites (7 in the past 7 days)]

Is it possible to discover intellectual disability in adulthood?

I have reasons to believe I have some level of intellectual or learning disability/persistent cognitive impairment, but I’m in my early 30s and not disenfranchised (i.e. I’ve had consistent and lifelong contact with educational and healthcare systems), so is it likely it could have been missed? On the other hand, things like autism, ADHD, and dyscalculia (while not necessarily the same) were apparently severely mis- or undiagnosed for a lot of people who are getting diagnoses as adults, so could this be possible in a similar way? [more inside]
posted by hejrat to Health at 1:18 AM on Mar 22, 2025 - 23 answers [6 favorites]

How to clean where cleaning things don't fit?

There is a space between my fridge and the cabinets next to it where nothing fits. It's a tiny bit larger than my thumb. And there's crap on the floor there. It's making me crazy. (Technology and I are not working together, otherwise I'd share a photo.) My vacuum doesn't have an attachment that fits, my broom is too big, and so is my hand. It's stressing me tf out, especially since property management will be here Friday for an inspection. Help? Help?
posted by The Almighty Mommy Goddess to Home & Garden at 5:39 PM on Mar 24, 2025 - 21 answers [6 favorites]

Home-made ramen seasoning - caveat, must be easy

Sometimes one wants to use ramen seasoning for, eg, some dumplings, or some fresh noodles, or just some tofu and vegetables. One does not want a wholesome stock, or an elaborate dish, one wants ramen seasoning. [more inside]
posted by Frowner to Food & Drink at 7:15 AM on Mar 21, 2025 - 21 answers [8 favorites (5 in the past 7 days)]

What does a Victorian aristocratic drawl sound like?

In Nicholas Nickleby, Lord Frederick Verisopht has a class accent that's transcribed as though it had very drawn-out "a" sounds (e.g. "ma-ake," "pa-ack"), which I assume is the same as the "aristocratic drawl" one sees referenced elsewhere. I tend to imagine this sounding like one of the the "broad" English peasant accents from the West or the North , but that can't be right. Can anyone suggest what this accent is actually supposed to sound like, and what the closest YouTube-able version would be today? Other examples inside. [more inside]
posted by Bardolph to Writing & Language at 7:05 PM on Mar 22, 2025 - 10 answers [5 favorites]

American Searching for Overseas Savings Account

What are the best options for Americans to hold funds in a savings account in a foreign currency? For example, deposit dollars into a foreign account and hold it in pounds sterling. My goal is to reduce my risk if the dollar loses its value/is no longer a reserve currency. Alternately, what financial professional would advise me how to do this? I asked the accounting firm that does my taxes and they could not help or refer me to someone. [more inside]
posted by Geigs to Work & Money at 11:46 AM on Mar 23, 2025 - 15 answers [5 favorites]

Privacy window film

I am considering covering the lower half of some of my windows with removable privacy film, similar to this. I'm looking for translucence, not light blocking. Does anyone have experience with this kind of thing? I'm looking for suggestions (like this brand was great, don't get this brand, etc -- non-Amazon links, please) and recommendations (using an exacto blade, etc) and anything else that's relevant. I am not planning to install bottom-up shades or sheer curtains. Thanks!
posted by wicked_sassy to Home & Garden at 9:39 AM on Mar 25, 2025 - 20 answers [5 favorites]

Car sex animation?

Looking for early cgi animation of cars having sex? [more inside]
posted by varion to Computers & Internet at 10:37 AM on Mar 26, 2025 - 3 answers [5 favorites]

Best Gingerbread

There is a birthday. It's still wintry in Maine, so Gingerbread! Non-Dairy preferred, but rules can be bent. I have seen the NYTimes version of beloved food writer Laurie Colwin's gingerbread. Chopped candied ginger will be added. Fresh Ginger? Lemon curd will be on the side and there will likely be a lemon glaze. Give me your inspiration, your recipes, whatever you've got. It will be made in both a round pan for wedges, and probably cupcakes.
posted by theora55 to Food & Drink at 1:59 PM on Mar 27, 2025 - 7 answers [5 favorites]

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