These questions have no answers yet.
March 15
Help me remember a poem
It’s about men and women. The bulk of the poem is about how men and women are basically incompatible, then the last line is something like “the cars drive by, each one containing a man and a woman”. I read it years ago, so it’s not new. Thanks!
March 14
Streaming with fair payout models - what's out there besides IDAGIO?
IDAGIO has a "pay per second" payout model that pays artists more the longer their tracks are, as opposed to "pay per stream" employed by other streaming services. But how much exactly is IDAGIO paying out, and are there other services out there doing the same thing? [more inside]
February 27
In the yeeeeeear two thousand
Looking for a horror/fantasy short story about a writing group that consumes one of its members to temporarily gain increased writing prowess. [more inside]
January 15
Map for alternate side parking zones
Is there an available map that specifically outlines Brooklyn (or NYC as a whole) neighborhoods that have 1 vs 2 vs 3 days a week alternate street parking/cleaning? [more inside]
January 1
Recommendations for dental implants in Mexico City?
Have any Mefites had dental implants done in Mexico City? Would prefer the Condesa area, but that is not the most important thing. However, English-speaking would be a necessity. Thank you.
December 27, 2024
Is there an annotated version of One Hundred Years of Solitude?
I read it before the tv show, I’ll have you know [more inside]
December 24, 2024
Is Rover over?
Looking to find a new "Drive Time' style radio show. For too many years Ive listened to Rovers Morning Glory (WMMS) and while it has been entertaining, its kinda lost its mojo. The format is though, is ideal. [more inside]
December 18, 2024
Help me find this 90s Australian science fiction novel?
Can you help me find the author and title of a science fiction detective novel from somewhere around '95-'97, set in the authoritarian city-state of Sydney after a nuclear exchange which decimated the northern hemisphere? [more inside]
December 13, 2024
Is the a simple, collaborative outliner tool on the web?
Wondering if anyone has developed a collaborative outline tool (like good old omnioutliner), where it could be shared as a card sort or tree test (like the tools from OptimalSort or UX Tweak) ? [more inside]
December 12, 2024
Brutalist Wayfinding
Looking for a photo I think I saw here from a housing estate in London, with a prominent way finding sign, kind of like a looped arrow, white on a bright blue ground, showing how to get over a bridge onto a tower.
Also, any other examples of arrows in british housng estate
December 7, 2024
Radical approaches to employers supporting caretakers
I've been reading a lot (mostly in the US, but also some other countries) regarding how balancing work and caretaking (for children, partners, elderly parents, even self) is impossible for many people. I'm looking for information on where employers are effective in supporting the caretakers who work for them. [more inside]
November 30, 2024
Does anyone remember this video?
In middle school, before being given the hepatitis B vaccine, we were shown a music video about it. I remember the chorus being “Get the facts! Get the vax! Get the facts! Get the vax!“
I would love to see it again.
November 23, 2024
Seen on Mhz way back in the Nordic noir day
I saw a Swedish police procedural on Mhz back in the 20 years ago days when Mhz was a public channel stateside. It was an episode of Sebastian Bergman if I recall correctly. A silent man sits on a bus stop bench. Two or three youths approach. A big knife is waved at him. Things do not end well for them. [more inside]
October 15, 2024
Online source for pre-WWII Japan patents?
While is a well organized database for recent Japan patents, I am searching for several patents from the 1930's. This article details a method to determine the year from a patent number, but then falls back to snail-mail enquiries for more info. Does anyone know of a more recent online resource for older Japan patents?
October 10, 2024
What is this DJ Mix that maybe I posted here once and can't find?
I have a dj mix stuck in my brain, and I can't find it in my collection because the only things I can remember are useless for searching. Details inside! Thanks for yr. help with my dumb problem. [more inside]
October 4, 2024
Any cab drivers here on MetaFilter who use the ARRO and CURB apps?
I'm looking for information about how the ARRO and CURB apps work from the driver's end, rather than the passenger's. I've searched the net for step-by-step directions, but it's all passenger-centric. [more inside]
October 3, 2024
Can beneficiary of first party special needs trust add money to it?
My BIL recently established a SNT in Minnesota to shelter a settlement from affecting benefits eligibility. Can he add money to it, and if so does it matter where the money comes from? [more inside]
September 24, 2024
Speak to me of your fave dry facial scrubby scrubs.
Looking for alternatives to my Olay 2 in 1 Daily Facial cloths for cleaning and exfoliating my face. These are dry and get soapy and scrubby with water.
My supply lasted for years and served me well. Now that I'm out, what other dry scrubby soapy wipes should I consider? [more inside]
September 21, 2024
🗣️🎙️Got a question for MetaFilter's AMA podcast?🗣️🎙️am
As part of the events for this year's fundraising we'll have an Ask the Mods Anything Podcast. Come check out the post with the deets on how to submit your questions!
September 17, 2024
Identifying samples from cacophony
Can you identify any of the samples used toward the end of this tune? I've only got a few so far... [more inside]