Questions in the Health & Fitness category.
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March 11

Allergies to germs

"Mum, are there some people allergic to germs?" [more inside]
posted by freethefeet at 5:22 PM - 11 answers

Window opened overnight, eye pain today

I live in a major city in a highrise apartment. I opened my window for fresh air, and forgot to close it overnight. This morning, I woke up with eye pain — a continually nagging feeling like there's something stuck in my eye. [more inside]
posted by thoughtful_analyst at 2:27 PM - 10 answers

March 10

How to get over emetophobia ASAP

I've always had emetophobia, but I've made some pretty significant strides in overcoming it. My parent recently had to have surgery, and they're dealing with vomiting as a post-op complication. I've come home to help them recover, and I'm struggling. I'm feeling like an adequate child, and also like this phobia has left me ill equipt to care for any of my loved ones in the future. Can you help me not spiral into a pit of dispair? Some gross stuff inside. [more inside]
posted by malum geminae at 10:41 AM - 19 answers

March 9

ELI5 how peri/menopause and cardiovascular disease interact?

And how HRT plays into things? Estrogen is protective right? How and why? ELI5 level sources would be appreciated. [more inside]
posted by cotton dress sock at 9:00 AM - 5 answers

March 8

Online doc for male hair loss

[Asking for a friend] Have you used an online doc/telehealth service for male hair loss meds, like Hims or another provider? How's is the service working for you? [more inside]
posted by BlahLaLa at 10:21 AM - 1 answers

Orthotic to prevent jaw clenching compatible with Invisalign?

Is there some kind of special night-guard that will *prevent* jaw clenching? I have the Invisalign night-guards, which I now have to wear to keep the teeth from moving, and they also prevent damage to the teeth from the grinding. But what I would like is to NOT CLENCH. [more inside]
posted by Ollie at 3:46 AM - 14 answers

March 7

Recommendations needed for a back brace

I’ve got a 30 pound toddler who is 18 months old and going through a very clingy phase. My back can’t handle it anymore and I need recommendations for some kind of solution. [more inside]
posted by BuddhaInABucket at 7:44 AM - 4 answers

March 5

If you had plantar fasciitis, how did you decide when to resume running?

I'm into my 11th month of plantar fasciitis (PF). It's about 90% better, and I'm tempted to start running again. Should I? (I have a podiatrist, but I'm seeking personal anecdotes.) [more inside]
posted by alex1965 at 7:08 AM - 19 answers

Vicks VapoRub smells different

I recently bought some Vicks VapoRub (haven't used it in years) and it smells different than I remember it as a kid. It's still got the eucalyptus / menthol thing going, but it also has another unpleasant smell like BO or something. It's got the cough suppressant topical analgesic in the label but I think it's the basic stuff Is there another VapoRub available that's just the menthol / eucalyptus smell like it was back in the 1970s?
posted by GernBlandston at 6:40 AM - 9 answers

March 4

Night at the Museum....with chronic pain

I'm doing a family sleepover overnight at a local museum. I have bad chronic pain and sleeping on the floor will....hurt. And it will hurt for days afterwards. Help me think about how it can hurt less. [more inside]
posted by Toddles at 7:53 PM - 22 answers

wide tox box (non-zero drop) sneaker redux

Still on the hunt for all-purpose wide toe box, non-zero drop sneaker for me. : ) [more inside]
posted by bitterkitten at 5:23 PM - 6 answers

Best OTC Nightguard for Implants

This past summer, I received a set of all-on-fours dental implants. The night-guard I was given has cracked, and the implant office no longer makes them. What's a good over-the-counter temporary replacement? Any suggestions for a place in Austin, TX to get one custom made? [more inside]
posted by MuChao at 3:41 PM - 1 answers

March 2

transitioning to commuter-athelete

Please share tips, tricks, and advice on what to do now that I am moving house and will have to start driving to the trail to do my running workouts. [more inside]
posted by glonous keming at 6:04 PM - 9 answers

How to eliminate underarm odor

How do I eradicate my armpits' odor?! [more inside]
posted by bookworm4125 at 7:57 AM - 33 answers

March 1

Would you inhale this?

Pulmicort expired in 9/23 -- I want to inhale it. It will still be largely effective, right? [more inside]
posted by virve at 2:28 PM - 5 answers

Cannabis cwestion

When a dispensary's product page for a THC gummy doesn't specify Sativa, Indica, or Hybrid, what should one expect about its composition or effects?
posted by Lemkin at 1:25 PM - 8 answers

February 28

How long does measles immunity last?

I had measles as a small child, 63 years ago. Some of my slightly younger friends who got the MMR are currently seeking out booster MMR shots. Do people who suffered through actual measles have the same issue? [more inside]
posted by metonym at 1:36 PM - 9 answers

February 25

Allergy help - take a break from medication and try shots?

Just off the phone with my GP regarding increased sensitivity to my partner's dog that is making my (previously controlled) dog allergy miserable. In the last few months, my usual medications (Cetirizine and Beclometasone spray with occasional Benadryl for bad flares) have stopped working, and I have a rebound effect from Sudafed for when my sinuses are affected. My GP suggested a round of stronger and different medications, including fenofexadine, loratadine and a different nasal spray. Previously, a pharmacist suggested taking a break from allergy medications for a while, as part of the issue is resistance. I asked my GP about this and she said it might help, but it might not!? I will definitely take the new medications(she has suggested trying for a month and getting back to her) but I'm wondering if anyone here has tried taking a break from antihistamines and if that helped effectiveness once you returned? Also, my GP mentioned that some people get relief from allergy injections, but that these are not available on the NHS here in the UK. If you have tried shots for a dog allergy, I'd be interested to know your experience. [more inside]
posted by sedimentary_deer at 8:55 AM - 16 answers

February 24

At home splint removal a bad idea?

My husband broke his wrist a week ago. We went to the ER where they found a break in one bone that didn't require any surgical intervention. They put his wrist/arm in a tight splint from the top of his hand to just past the bend in his elbow. (He can't bend his elbow.) They told him to follow up with an orthopedist. [more inside]
posted by MissPitts at 5:55 PM - 14 answers

February 23

How do you know if your executive function issues are genetic or trauma?

I've read that executive dysfunction is highly hereditary. Therefore what is the likelihood that ED is purely a result of CPTSD or is it more likely that it is already present and only worsened by CPTSD? [more inside]
posted by Sunflower88 at 8:47 AM - 8 answers

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