Questions in the Human Relations category.
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March 20

Real estate broker dating ethics

I figure if you need a license to do the job, there may be professional codes at least implied. [more inside]
posted by Lemkin at 6:08 PM - 7 answers

March 18

Hyper-polite translation: "No, I can't intro you to my famous friend"

I'm close friends with a well known leader in my field, let's call her Sage. I know a ton of people who want to advance in my field, and they're eager to network with Sage, so they ask me to connect them. Can you give me some extremely gracious scripts to nicely tell people to just contact Sage themselves and leave me out of it? [more inside]
posted by vanilla.extract at 9:30 AM - 25 answers

March 17

Questions for The Dating Game

I am hosting a party that will emulate the game show The Dating Game. In the show, 3 bachelors were asked flirty questions from a bachelorette. The twist was that they could not see each other. This sometimes lead to some funny moments based on the double entendres laden in the questions and the wit and flirtiness of the bachelors. Help me come up with a list of questions that will have everyone laughing their asses off. Be as risque as you want but it should lean toward heavy innunendo.
posted by jasondigitized at 4:41 PM - 4 answers

I have CONFIDENCE!....or not...

How do I deal with the disconnect between how I feel about my acting vs. how other people feel about it? Whining within, be forewarned! [more inside]
posted by jenfullmoon at 2:20 PM - 20 answers

March 14

Birthday traditions

It's my son's first birthday in early May and I'm starting to think about how to celebrate/mark the occasion. [more inside]
posted by toebeans at 1:54 PM - 15 answers

Have I been a bad friend ? # BOUNDARIES

Hi everyone, I have relocated to a different country in the last two years. I am also not working since relocation , and live near a smallish town . As a result I have only one friend / person i have become close to , thus far. [more inside]
posted by SarahSarah at 12:22 PM - 25 answers

March 10

"Late Bloomer" queer dating resources

I'm looking for book recommendations about coming out later in life - less so the internal identity grappling, more so a guide to navigating romantic relationships post-compulsive-heteronormativity. Basically a dating FAQ for people who aren't straight, but figured it out as adults. [more inside]
posted by seemoorglass at 7:39 PM - 9 answers

March 7

How to declutter for a move.. with a 7 year old hoarder..

I come from a long line of clutterers. I have worked very hard on this with a view to moving house/being less stressed but still have a looonnnngggg way to go. Monkey see monkey do... my kid struggles too... [more inside]
posted by tanktop at 10:42 AM - 21 answers

Searching for an account of a tragedy at Disneyworld

This may have been a meta filter post or a news article from years ago. A person who worked as a character as Disneyworld was describing how two children were brought to the park by police after their parents had been killed in a car accident. The characters tried to comfort the children until relatives could arrive at the park. [more inside]
posted by jefficator at 8:12 AM - 2 answers

March 6

Opening a thirty year marriage, practically and ethically

How do I practically and ethically go about opening my marriage of almost 30 years? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:58 PM - 24 answers

March 5

I'm becoming more tattooed and my mother hates it.

My mother strongly disapproves of my tattoos despite my career success - how can I navigate this cultural clash? [more inside]
posted by antihistameme at 3:09 AM - 26 answers

March 4

Future relationship talk didn’t go as I’d hoped.

After a talk about the future of the relationship, I’m not sure whether he just needs more time or if this is a classic case where he doesn’t see a long term future with me for whatever reason. We are both early 30s. [more inside]
posted by BuffySummers at 1:05 PM - 33 answers

March 3

Fallout from confrontation with friend over her following bad person

I found out a very good friend from my youth was following an arch-conservative ideologue known for spouting antisemitic, xenophobic, and homophobic nonsense. I asked them about it, and things got a little weird. I'm not sure where I should go from here. [more inside]
posted by malum geminae at 8:49 AM - 29 answers

March 2

Here’s my payment…5 years later.

The answer to this question may simply be I’m overthinking it and “yes just pay her”, but five years ago I lived with a roommate I didn’t get along with. I skipped out on paying my share of the final utility bill (dumb I know, it was around $130) because I was upset with her. I’ve never thought twice about paying now because it was so long ago, but I’m moving to the city she lives in now and have anxiety about running into her. [more inside]
posted by signondiego at 3:54 PM - 16 answers

Should I join social media for "political" reasons?

I haven't had social media for around 8 years. I live outside of the US, but still have lots of family and friends living there. I'm wondering if engaging in social media for political reasons is at all useful. [more inside]
posted by unid41 at 1:44 AM - 14 answers

March 1


You have read a book, watch a web series, or follow a newsletter that you wish you could put into the hands of every parent who is parenting someone with a combo ADHD and PTSD. What is that book/website/newsletter? [more inside]
posted by CMcG at 12:50 PM - 4 answers

Over the Rainbow Bridge...

My housemates dog is dying. My housemate also has unmedicated ADHD, and I feel they are not taking their responsibility towards this dog in very ADHD ways. How do I have an effective Hard Talk with them, to help everyone out and not myself feeling like a monster? [more inside]
posted by alex_skazat at 11:15 AM - 18 answers

February 26

Which real people changed for the better?

Looking for real-life stories of redemption. I found a great list from this site in 2012, and I'm hoping to get some more ideas. A name or a wikipedia link is fine, but I would love it if you have a link to a narrative about why and how they changed. Thanks all!
posted by chaiminda at 9:17 AM - 20 answers

February 25

Tips to reset after the breakup?

I broke up with my boyfriend a couple of weeks ago. Any tips on recovering and getting my life back on track? [more inside]
posted by anon1129 at 10:05 PM - 21 answers

Looking for "how to be social" (conversations and context) resources

I'm currently working with a person in their late 20s who wants to socialize more with their peers, but lacks knowledge (often context and rules that might apply) and was isolated while growing up (they have a disability and were homeschooled). I'm seeking either websites that provide a lot of conversations to practice and/or books that might break down these activities and provide more context. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:19 AM - 9 answers

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