Where can I watch the Seahawks game in Scotland?
November 28, 2012 3:38 PM   Subscribe

Where can I watch the Seahawks game in Scotland?

I've been following the Seattle Seahawks all season and would really like to catch the game this Sunday. It'll be 10am Pacific Time which is 6pm GMT in Scotland.

We'll be staying in downtown Edinburgh near Waverley station. I contacted a sports bar in the area to see if they could show the game, but got a bounce back from their email address.

One option would be to use the NFL Game Rewind iPad app to watch it in the hotel, but I'd rather see it live if possible.
posted by Alien Parachute Man to Travel & Transportation around Edinburgh, Scotland (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: It's going to be on Sky Sports 2, which makes life easier for you; suggestions here for The Globe on Niddry Street, which is near Waverley, or the Pear Tree on Nicolson Street, a little further away.
posted by holgate at 4:38 PM on November 28, 2012

Catching any sporting event other than big football games can be hit and miss in the UK, including in Edinburgh. Even when you've been told in advance that a pub is showing something, whether it actually does can depend on the whims of whoever is working that shift and/or the customers in at that time. It is very likely that even if you find somewhere showing your game, you won't have any sound.

I have no interest in NFL and have never noticed it being shown in any pub I've been in. That said, I think your chances of seeing the game are quite good. The biggest sporting event in Edinburgh on Sunday is the Edinburgh derby, Hearts vs Hibs, which is being shown on Sky Sports 2 and finishes around 6pm. Your game follows immediately afterwards on the same channel. Find a small, quiet pub with someone friendly behind the bar, and "You mind keeping this game on?" should do the trick.

After 6pm, you're fairly fortunate with the selection of other sports on TV. Spanish football tends to the default thing shown on Sunday evenings (usually with the volume down) after the main action is over, but Barcelona and Real Madrid both play on the Saturday, and Celta Vigo vs Levante is not a game anyone will be interested in. There's some golf on too, but again nothing that will be of much interest.

If I were you, I would check the sports bar you emailed to see if it's actually still there. It should be right next to Waverley Station, so no hassle to just walk past. If it's there, it would probably be your best bet: sports bars tend to show several different events, which would mean it's almost certain you'd see your game.

Next, on the same street, I would check out Belushi's, an American-themed bar that claims to show "the best sport from all over the world". Note that they have an open-mic night on Sundays starting at 9pm though.

Beyond that, I can't really help you, except to say that there an awful lot of bars in the area (and often an awful lot of Americans), so you should find a place somewhere. Note that the Pear Tree, suggested by Holgate, is relatively far out (and on West Nicolson Street, which is a different street) and is more of a studenty place than somewhere to see sports (it's a very nice pub, though, near the university and with a great beer garden). It does have Sky Sports, but whenever I've been there on a Sunday evening it's had Spanish football in silence with nobody watching. I'd only send you there as a last resort.
posted by cincinnatus c at 2:36 AM on November 29, 2012 [1 favorite]

A friend tells me your best bet is The Globe, which holgate has already mentioned.
posted by cincinnatus c at 2:55 AM on November 29, 2012

The Pear Tree has double screens and will show anything if you ask them, even if there's a clash with another game. From their website:

Rugby, football, NFL, F1, we love it all! Most big games and events are shown on two large screens and one huge projector, and if there are clashing games we can split them between screens. We also occasionally use an extended license for late night or early morning events, the Superbowl being particularly popular.

Hit their website for contact details.

Full disclosure - used to work there. It's a nice bar and shouldn't be too busy on a Sunday, the students are all studying for exams around now.
posted by Happy Dave at 2:34 PM on November 29, 2012

Response by poster: Thanks for all the suggestions - we managed to catch the game last night at the Pear Tree. And what a game it was!
posted by Alien Parachute Man at 7:56 AM on December 3, 2012

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