January 2014 Archives

January 31

get out GET OUT

Where can I buy a clock on Hollywood Blvd? [more inside]
posted by town of cats at 11:30 PM PST - 5 comments

Decyphering this handwritten antique French legal document/curio

I need some help in translating further a curio I purchased recently - a short handwritten legal document (approx. 100 words) from Toulouse France, dated year 1672. My paid help has given up, so I am appealing to you! [more inside]
posted by 2ears1mouth0brain at 10:39 PM PST - 7 comments

What do I do with this knowledge?

I always vaguely knew that my late grandfather had lost his entire family in the Holocaust, but I didn't know any details. A few days ago I found out their names, where they lived and the circumstances of their deaths. I don't know how to process this information. [more inside]
posted by zeri at 10:33 PM PST - 16 comments

What is this tile-based Board Game?

What is the board game in this picture? Things I can tell from the picture: the main board is 8x8, tiles come in two colors, the tiles have writing on them (I think it's hiragana but I can't make most of it out), there is a secondary board (or possibly just piece holder?) which is 10x10 which only seems to have pieces of one color. [more inside]
posted by 23 at 10:25 PM PST - 5 comments

You are not my electrician.

I need some help figuring out the wiring in my switched ceiling junction box in order to connect a basic light fixture. In the box I have three pairs of black/white wires and one yellow wire. My fixture has one pair of black and white wires. [more inside]
posted by stopgap at 10:13 PM PST - 10 comments

In search of a thoughtful gift

[Gift Filter] I have been scratching my head for weeks in search of a thoughtful birthday gift for my husband. He is about to turn 29 on Tuesday and I still have not come up with anything. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:40 PM PST - 13 comments

Want cake right now please.

I have a Duncan Hines Angel Food cake mix that is several years old and a non-working oven. Can I make cake or something like it? [more inside]
posted by Wordwoman at 8:29 PM PST - 10 comments

cat in tree freezing

We moved yesterday. Our indoor cat hasn't used her litter or food all day. There is something cat-shaped with glowing eyes in a tree in our backyard about 30 ft up. It is below freezing (Arlington MA). What do we do? The local fire department says they don't do cats. I've been on hold with the emergency line for Angell Memorial for 5 min.
posted by nonane at 8:20 PM PST - 37 comments


I am thinking of going to vendor/contractor from full time. [more inside]
posted by Greenlight2b at 8:05 PM PST - 4 comments

Moving to LA Question Part Nth: The Movening

It never rains snows in California. But a blizzard of questions about moving to LA is blanketed beneath the fold. [more inside]
posted by 2soxy4mypuppet at 7:51 PM PST - 15 comments

How can I find contact info for a new White House Task Force?

I'm charged with delivering a letter from a group of sexual assault prevention experts to the newly formed White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. The task force only exists for 90 days, so time is of the essence, yet I can't find a way to contact them. [more inside]
posted by helpthebear at 7:19 PM PST - 3 comments

Which Costs More...The beer I'm drinking or the can it's in.

When I buy a case, am I paying more for beer, or aluminum? [more inside]
posted by SlyBevel at 7:11 PM PST - 14 comments

Need help using the Quick graph apps in ipad.

I need to help my son to design a picture using different transformation equations for his algebra graphic design project.For that we are thinking of using the ipad apps.we need to draw graphs with restrictions for the x variables.We have Quick Graph Apps for ipad and he was able to graph different equations.Now,our problem is we don't know how to apply the restrictions and create a picture to submit.Looking forward to hear ideas and suggestions from math experts.
posted by SunPower at 6:58 PM PST - 1 comment

Help me come up with exciting "sharing themes" for my second graders!

I am in my first year of teaching (2nd grade, so 7-8 year olds), and as part of our regular (or semi-regular) weekly routine, kids share something to the rest of the class in the morning. It's a part of the 2nd grade tradition here to have "themes" for each new week of sharing, and I'm running out of ones that inspire me. [more inside]
posted by ORthey at 6:12 PM PST - 12 comments

What Game Was That?

Once upon a time ago, I heard about a roleplaying game, possibly table top, but instead of more common subject matter it was about roleplaying a tv show or sitcom. Not a particular show, one that you were making up as part of the game. I believe I saw it on the blue, but I'm not sure. If I did, I think it was just in the comments. I believe I looked it up and the price point was something like $18, That could be misremembered, so discard that if you think you know it but the price would exclude it. Based on my memory, the genre would probably be humor. That is all I can remember.
posted by [insert clever name here] at 5:36 PM PST - 5 comments

Took the vows. Both still here. Why do I feel so alone?

Please help me think through a marriage that's hollowing out from the inside. Survival strategies needed. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:10 PM PST - 47 comments

Help me, FOR PURPOSES OF WRITING FICTION, figure out how to kill a guy

So, our hero lives next door to an evil guy who is at present blind/infirm. She has an opportunity to kill him and make it look like an accident. What are some handy means of death for purposes of FICTION [more inside]
posted by angrycat at 4:54 PM PST - 49 comments

Please help with lodging for a homeschool group in DC...

My daughter's homeschool co-op will be taking a trip to DC the week of May 5 and we need some ideas for great places to stay. Details inside.. [more inside]
posted by pearlybob at 4:12 PM PST - 4 comments

Etiquette about audio recording meetings with customers using Evernote

How would you feel about having a meeting recorded, where you're discussing your business and the problems you'd like to solve? How would you feel being asked if I could record the meeting? [more inside]
posted by infinitejones at 3:01 PM PST - 23 comments

Non-skid, non-slip mat for the bathroom floor

Please help me find a non-slip, non-skid mat for the bathroom floor so I can get out of my shower safely while on crutches. [more inside]
posted by crazycanuck at 2:55 PM PST - 6 comments

What was this occular disturbance I experienced?

Last night I experienced a strange optical disturbance/illusion/vision problem. What's that all about, and should I be concerned? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:21 PM PST - 13 comments

What type of exercise helps most with depression and anxiety?

If exercise helps with depression and anxiety, what type of exercise helps most? I'm open to both sciency answers of the "Here's a study that says structured group activities yield the fastest results" variety and personal accounts like "Long distance running saved my life." [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:21 PM PST - 53 comments

good stops on the way to DC?

I'm planning a road trip from Bloomington Indiana to Washington DC toward the end of March. Will be traveling with a 4 years old and am looking for some suggestions of places to stop along the way. [more inside]
posted by steinwald at 2:17 PM PST - 10 comments

Finding meaningful work and having an awesome marriage

I'm struggling with choosing between a town I don't like, my marriage and starting a career as after graduating in April 2013. Where should I go from here? [more inside]
posted by snowysoul at 2:05 PM PST - 11 comments

Does Barbara Ehrenreich get rape threats??

Um, hi guys. I know there are some other writers on MeFi (help me PhoBWanKenobi...) and I've seen a few previous questions here about writing fiction and non-fiction, but I think my Ask is specific enough to have merit: [more inside]
posted by polly_dactyl at 1:41 PM PST - 26 comments

Birthday cake - frosted the day before?

Tips on frosting a cake the day before its to be eaten and then transporting? [more inside]
posted by xicana63 at 1:39 PM PST - 8 comments

Make My New Smart Phone Stylish AND Durable

Good news, everybody! I got a new Moto X smart phone, and now I want to make it as stylish and durable as possible. What's the best compromise between keeping it protected and making it look good? [more inside]
posted by brisquette at 12:51 PM PST - 4 comments

Sinus rinse - is it my technique, or my anatomy that's wrong?

Calling all Neti Pot/Sinus Irrigation fans...am I doing something wrong? Or is there something wrong inside my nose/sinuses? I've been trying a sinus rinse for the first time, with some good results, but also some bad, which includes drainage 10 or more hours after the fact. Long backstory and lots of snowflakey nasal details inside... [more inside]
posted by Oriole Adams at 12:48 PM PST - 14 comments

Looking for interesting books about mundane topics.

Seeking suggestions for interesting, wide-ranging books on seemingly mundane or trivial topics. Help, hive mind! [more inside]
posted by Stacey at 12:28 PM PST - 41 comments

do lip balms go bad?

I've recently had about four sticks of lip balms doing weird things on me after having them for about 3-4 months. They are all different brands, but were all the generic kind you get for 1-2 dollars at the drug store. The balms would get super clumpy and soft and grainy, to the point where a big clump would stay on my lip. I carry them in my purse; sometimes in coat pocket. Do lip balms go bad? Or are they weird because of temperature?
posted by atetrachordofthree at 12:05 PM PST - 18 comments

Can you help me track down this Italian cotton shirting fabric?

Bought a remnant of this fabric at Nancy's Sewing Basket in Seattle, and was told there was no chance of getting more or finding out any information about it (the bolt with the item and vendor numbers had been discarded.) I need more, and AskMefi has found stranger things. Pictures within. [more inside]
posted by doift at 11:45 AM PST - 1 comment

Should I send this letter to a search chair at a SLAC?

I am considering rescinding my application for employment at a SLAC - I am fairly certain they have invited candidates to interview since my initial follow-ups, but have been wholly unresponsive to my questions. The goal of this letter is to change their behavior so that they are not rude during future job searches. I think I would have liked this job, but do not want employment there if the search process is indicative of department dynamics. Letter enclosed. If you think I ought to send it, any suggestions for revision are welcome. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:29 AM PST - 73 comments

Advanced methods for Hotmail password recovery/reset?

My dad had his computer reformatted and now he doesn't remember his Hotmail password because it used to be saved in his browser. We tried to recover the account by going into the "Can't access your account?" section, but we were unsuccessful. He can still access his emails via the Mail app on his iPhone. [more inside]
posted by kag at 11:12 AM PST - 2 comments

What is this Chinese booze?

Gong Hei Fat Choi! My beloved was given this bottle of booze but has no idea what it is - can anyone ID this bad boy? Photo 1, Photo 2, Photo 3. Thanks!
posted by Carravanquelo at 10:30 AM PST - 10 comments

Help. Tops of Cocktail Shakers Stuck

I have two cocktail shakers with the tops stucks. I am unable to twist off and I have stuck them in warm water to see if this will loosen the metal away from the glass. No go. Any suggestions?
posted by goalyeehah at 10:28 AM PST - 16 comments

easing back into things after mysterious running injury

What’s a better strategy for easing back into running after taking 3.5 weeks off due to an unknown running injury? [more inside]
posted by raztaj at 10:13 AM PST - 7 comments

How do groups best collaborate on projects?

I work in a small business that reflects a lot of the same problems I've seen in other groups when they try to be productive. You get some people in a room with an intent to create an outcome, a project that is going to take considerable amount of time, thought, resources and creativity. Just getting people to stick to one single discussion thread in this large project becomes practically impossible. How do groups collaborate successfully to create an outcome that is worth the effort? [more inside]
posted by diode at 9:53 AM PST - 9 comments

More Android Games Like The Silent Age

I really enjoyed playing The Silent Age last night. I'd like to find more games like it, i.e., games that have no time limit, that essentially just let you explore a place until you complete a narrative. I also liked that no particular dexterity was required. What are your favorites?
posted by ocherdraco at 9:35 AM PST - 13 comments

Platitudes that just make you wanna punch back

I am looking for more phrases and platitudes that people give as advice to someone being bullied or having to deal with a nasty ex. Not actually looking for good advice, just gathering the cliche's to use in an art project. [more inside]
posted by lostinspace at 9:12 AM PST - 66 comments

Best practice for living with less computer storage

I'm contemplating a new computer purchase, and one of the options I'm kicking around is a Macbook Pro Retina. Getting one of those with a big SSD is stupidly expensive. So I'm wondering what the best approach is for dealing with less storage on a laptop, and any particular tips or tricks. [more inside]
posted by adamrice at 8:57 AM PST - 15 comments

Should I take the unpaid internship?

Should I take the unpaid internship? Putting down roots in a new city, offered an unpaid internship which I believe is a good opportunity but unfortunately did not get the paid part-time gig really felt was a sure thing and would have made the unpaid gig more feasible. What now? [more inside]
posted by dahliachewswell at 8:48 AM PST - 17 comments

Is there a decent, cheaper alternative to Camtasia?

I'm working on a load of small projects for the education arm of a small charity. In order to make the training more interesting, I have been tasked with finding out what can be done in the realm of screencasts. As we don't have any kind of budget, I thought we might be able use something like Camtasia, which our web developer has on his machine. Problem is, I'm pretty sure we only have one licence and I'm even surer that it's going to be a struggle to get anyone to agree to pay for any new software right now. Looking at the tutorials, I was thinking of starting (relatively) simple and maybe using a mix of Powerpoint and animations to enhance an audio lecture. I therefore have multiple parts to this question: 1) Is there a free or really cheap alternative to Camtasia that I should be looking at? or 2) Is Camtasia worth fighting for? If it is, I am willing to learn how to do awesome things with it. 3) Am I even looking at the right kind of software to do this? Thanks very much!
posted by joboe at 8:34 AM PST - 12 comments

Reclaiming safe space after suicide attempt

I am just home from the hospital and a subsequent care center after I took a prescription overdose nearly 2 weeks ago that was nearly fatal. I live in an apartment with a roommate. Even before the overdose, I never felt fully comfortable here even though I realize it's better, safer,etc. than a lot of living situations I've had. But now that I associate my room with wanting to die, it's naturally a bit more dire that I break that association. I'm familiar with some spiritual ways of cleansing a place, and have a plan to slowly do physical cleaning as well. What are some other ways of reclaiming and even embracing my space?
posted by mermaidcafe at 8:31 AM PST - 26 comments

After a layoff, how soon can someone be hired into that position again?

This is a question about Massachusetts employment law. After a company has had a round of layoffs, I'm told there is a length of time they must wait before they can re-fill those same positions with new people. How long is this waiting period? [more inside]
posted by Bebo at 8:27 AM PST - 5 comments

Pick an amplifier for me, please?

I just moved into a new house, and the kitchen has a built in set of Niles OS3 speakers wired in. I'd like to drive them from my computer (headphone output). What's a good reasonably low cost amplifier to drive them with? [more inside]
posted by dmd at 8:16 AM PST - 3 comments

Careers in Women's Economic Empowerment

I have a young relative who is graduating from college in the spring. She is interested in a career in women's economic empowerment, preferably working abroad. Help me help her get off to a good start! [more inside]
posted by rada at 8:16 AM PST - 5 comments

Goal: Buy a house. Obstacle: Credit Disaster

We want to buy a house but my credit is less than perfect. How bad is it? Well, you'll have to look inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:12 AM PST - 17 comments

Ideas for my new laptop?

I am in the market for a new laptop but am so far out of the loop that I'd like your tips on what's even possible these days, please! [more inside]
posted by rubbish bin night at 7:44 AM PST - 7 comments

How do I hire a Predictive Analytics expert?

I'd like to hire a full time person who can use data mining and predictive analytics to steer our fundraising strategy. Only problem is I'm clueless. [more inside]
posted by meta x zen at 7:39 AM PST - 8 comments

Help me go paperless

My work requires a lot of printing and reviewing large documents. It's not that easy to do this outside an office environment, and I want to get better at doing it onscreen -- looking for hardware/software recommendations and just general tips. [more inside]
posted by pete_22 at 7:12 AM PST - 15 comments

My porcelain sink (and tub) have a problem

We have very hard water and it has a tendancy to stain stuff pretty quickly. The area of the sink and the tub just below the faucets are an endless battle. The only thing that has ever been able to get those stains out has been bleach, but now the bleach has only made things worse because they stain even MORE quickly. It really looks terrible. Help me fix my sink and tub so that we don't look like Grubby McSlobbersons. [more inside]
posted by PuppetMcSockerson at 6:51 AM PST - 10 comments

What is love, anyway?

I am in love with a man who claims that he cannot feel love, that he does not know what it is and I want to figure out whether to stay with him in the casual/open/this-will-one-day-end romantic relationship we are in now, to cut that off entirely and just try to be friends, or to go all in and try to forge a long term bond and hope that he will one day feel love. [more inside]
posted by telomere at 5:52 AM PST - 59 comments

Why Am I So Ok After Breaking Up with Someone I Loved?

On Tuesday, I broke up with my long-term boyfriend. I was devastated Tuesday and Wednesday, now I feel pretty ok. What gives? [more inside]
posted by Tall Telephone Pea at 5:14 AM PST - 23 comments

Monitor speaker recommendations

In an effort to simplify my system, I'm looking for some straightforward monitor speakers to use with an Alesis MultiMix. Specific details? [more inside]
posted by srednivashtar at 4:31 AM PST - 11 comments

What is the range of a ZigBee link

I'm trying to answer what should be a very simple question, but the internet is not being helpful. What I want is ballpark communication ranges between ZigBee nodes and what those ranges are using 2.4GHz, 868MHz and 915 MHz [more inside]
posted by Just this guy, y'know at 4:22 AM PST - 5 comments

iPad Calendar Not Synching With iPhone

Can't seem to get some items to synch between devices. [more inside]
posted by dbirchum at 3:49 AM PST - 4 comments

Sharing a wireless internet connection

While our ADSL line is down, for an as yet undetermined period of time, we are restricted to using public wifi to get online. Unfortunately the signal is weak enough that we can't connect to it on all devices. How can we share this wifi with all our PCs and phones? [more inside]
posted by ArmyOfKittens at 3:23 AM PST - 11 comments

You are what you eat...

What is my daily food intake missing? Critiques please! [more inside]
posted by Caskeum at 3:21 AM PST - 16 comments


Running in Chicago in the wintertime. I'm not as worried about the cold (love running in the cold!) as I am about ice. (South Side location.) [more inside]
posted by stoneandstar at 12:55 AM PST - 12 comments

Yet Another Law School Question

Please help me decide between business and law school! Difficulty level: I need to decide by Monday and also I'm getting married this weekend and my brain is all over the place OH GOSH SO MANY WORDS INSIDE. [more inside]
posted by jaynewould at 12:54 AM PST - 14 comments

How to go into (adult) society again

Any tips to start socializing and living again after a long period of being anti-social/irregular life? [more inside]
posted by ichomp at 12:16 AM PST - 6 comments

#trolls #privacy #twitter #Ifoundyou?

Long story short: an anonymous twitter user started harassing me. Twitter troll has no followers so I guess was made up for the purpose of harassing me and a friend. No biggie, I've blocked. Slightly perturbing however is that the troll referred to something I've only talked about in private. How could troll know this and how do I protect myself? [more inside]
posted by mooza at 12:10 AM PST - 25 comments

January 30

Car headlamps question

I've just replaced the headlamps on my little hatchback and drivers were flashing me non-stop all the way home, as if my main beam was on. [more inside]
posted by dance at 11:47 PM PST - 12 comments

What are possible reasons that a basement would flood after snow melts?

What are the potential reasons you'd get water seeping into a basement after melting snow, but not after hard rains? Assume floors and carpets are drenched and soggy after a big snow melts, with water evident beneath linoleum, but there is not actual standing water. Would this be proof of a foundation crack? Also assume soil/earth outside the home is of a somewhat nonabsorbent quality, so that there are standing pools in the yard after each rain. Does this affect the diagnosis?
posted by third rail at 11:47 PM PST - 7 comments

A New Kind of Socialism - help?

I'm up late working on research for an article about, for lack of a better term (at least for now), millennial socialism. For the past forty years the many splintered socialist movements in the United States, even though in the strictest sense of the word "socialism" is an economic theory, have zeroed in on social and equality issues that have focused on "identity politics" versus income disparity, class politics, organized labor, and - if you will, traditional European "socialist" views. {Disclosure: I have no dog in this fight and am looking at this strictly from a point-of-view that there is a major shift among U.S. socialists toward class politics versus the many splintered single-issue identity and cultural wars.} My question is inside.... [more inside]
posted by Gerard Sorme at 11:35 PM PST - 3 comments

How can I be of best use to the world?

I'm looking to change careers and my goal is to be doing "that what is most effective towards helping the world". I asked in a previous question "What is the cause with the most leverage" and since then effective altruism seemed to be the best solution for making a difference on the biggest scale. But if I wanted to help that cause it seems like there's no better way to do it than to make a ton of money. Other than earn a ton of money, I suppose I could try to work for an organization like LifeYouCanSave. But would I be necessarily of greatest help doing that i.e suppose they have all the help they need other than people to donate. I'm not looking for importance or anything. If somehow standing on a corner counting how many red cars go by is the best thing I can be doing for the world, then so be it. I just want to know that I'm being useful.
posted by defmute at 10:45 PM PST - 19 comments

Linguistics Puzzle (geocache puzzle)

I am working on a puzzle that has to with linguistics. It has words in different languages and I have translated most of it. Some of the words didn't translate great with Google translate. I have gotten this out of the cache owner: "Yes, meaning can also have value. Perhaps not in English though. Or the words themselves." The value will be coordinates to ind the geocache. [more inside]
posted by lobsters9494 at 10:12 PM PST - 35 comments

Decent email and calendar provider

I'm looking for a new email provider for personal use, and I'm happy to pay (maybe around $30 per year). Can you recommend a new provider, or can you explain how to do what I need with other services like fruux? [more inside]
posted by theyexpectresults at 9:42 PM PST - 1 comment

SSD 1 partition, how to shrink?

I have a windows laptop with only 128G SSD hard drive, which is not partitioned, only with one partition C: . I want to install Linux aside from the original windows 7 so I can have double OS. There are about 15G empty space I gues it's enough. I think I need at least two partitions in order to do this. So I went to Computer Manage storage trying to shrink the C:, however, it shows 0 shrinkable space. Why is this? Should I run Disk Defragment? Anyone can help me out? And it's appreciated if you can give me some detailed step by step instructions, ie, how to mount partitions. I'm a newbie to linux and what I'm trying to install is elementary OS Luna. if you can share with me some introductory articles on the basics of the system adminiatraion, OS install stuff it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!
posted by pack2themoon at 8:58 PM PST - 9 comments

Best place to watch the Super Bowl in Colorado Springs?

This weekend the wife and I are driving into Colorado Springs Sunday afternoon to be there for the birth of our niece Monday. We are staying at a hotel downtown, and are looking for a bar or something to watch the game at instead of sitting in our hotel room. Any suggestions for cool places, or big watch parties going on? (We'd be supporting the Broncos of course).
posted by DynamiteToast at 8:54 PM PST - 1 comment

Second story rollup doors — why?

Industrial buildings frequently have rollup doors on the second or even third story. The ones in question don’t have a horizontal I-beam or timber to hang a winch or block & tackle from, (like you’d see on a hayloft,) so they’re not for day-to-day loading/unloading. The ones I see in the city are generally facing a sidewalk, not a dedicated open space like a loading bay or parking lot. What are these doors for? The only guess I’ve come up with is occasional installation of equipment that’s too big for a freight elevator. But large-scale machinery usually comes in pieces and is assembled on-site, and the stuff that can’t be (e.g. large pressure vessels, crucibles, this thing) isn’t stuff that’s ever installed upstairs in a general-purpose light industrial building. I’m stumped.
posted by El Mariachi at 8:51 PM PST - 6 comments

Do home-brewed audio files record your GPS information?

I'm starting a podcast, and the following (slightly paranoid) thought occurred to me: would people be able to extract information about the location where I recorded and/or uploaded the audio? These will most likely be mp3s, recorded using Garageband on my computer. [more inside]
posted by delight at 8:42 PM PST - 7 comments

Evolution of labor markets?

I'm looking for an essay I read a while ago on the evolution of labor markets in the face of increasing competition. It claimed that as competition for good candidates became more intense, there would be a progression in market structure through several stages: (1) open hiring, with companies differentiating themselves via wages and working conditions and eventually increased acceptance of exploding offers; (2) a system of internships to identify good candidates before they formally entered the job market (e.g., most good law students graduate with an offer in hand); and (3) a formalized match system like the national residency match program where all hospitals and students submit their preferences to be resolved simultaneously. It was a non-academic sort of essay, with no game theory or citations. It sounded like an intelligent amateur putting something up on a personal website. It may predate blogging. Hope me please?
posted by d. z. wang at 8:41 PM PST - 0 comments

Lunar New Year (and more) in Houston!

I'm taking a trip to Houston this weekend, and as it's Lunar New Year, I'm quite interested to see if the good people of AskMe know of any cool stuff happening in relation to that this weekend. I found this event, but I'm hoping to be pointed to more! Also, I'm interested in any can't-miss sights/eats/events as well!
posted by Maecenas at 8:23 PM PST - 4 comments

What language to include in an agreement to move out

I am leasing a townhouse in CA. I am the tenant, ex-girlfriend is listed as occupant. 5 month into the lease relationship fell apart. ex refused to move out. She does not work, doesn't pay rent or board. Legal options to resolve are limited. Conditions meanwhile are unbearable and unhealthy. She agreed to accept a substantial amount of cash in order to move. I need a simple legal document to cover my end which I believe should include a) she moves herself and all her belongings out by an agreed upon date in the near future b) she will not return c) she will not harass me. Money will change hands when signing document in front of a notary after keys are returned and her stuff is out. My questions are - should anything else be included in the agreement? She doesn't want cashier's check, cash only. Is it save to agree to this, or do I need the paper trail ? Any other tips are welcome also. Thanks in advance
posted by trackfan at 8:02 PM PST - 16 comments

Where can I find this necklace?

I really like the necklace that Lisa Kudrow's character wore on the season premiere of season 3 of Web Therapy (image inside). Where can I find something similar? [more inside]
posted by lea724 at 7:59 PM PST - 4 comments

Essential stuff to have on hand for puppy/dog parents, beyond the basics

First time dog owner, everything is going great so far. Still I feel unsettled as I've never had a pet in my life before that I must be missing something. What do you all have on hand to treat your dogs in case of emergency or first aid needs? What other essentials beyond the basics do you like to have on hand for your dog? Any other tips and tricks you have for first-time puppy parent and dog owner are appreciated too!
posted by long haired child at 7:33 PM PST - 20 comments

Me read pretty nonfiction one day.

Bookclub filter: Nonfiction with beautiful prose? [more inside]
posted by gatorae at 7:24 PM PST - 37 comments

Why is my newly build computers internet not working?

So, I just finished building a new computer and have installed windows, all the driver CDs, etc. Then I went to connect it to the internet so I could install some anti-virus software, download the rest of the drivers, etc and no dice. I feel bad having to ask for help, since I'm a computer geek, but well, it is ethernet straight into a modem; normally I just plug it in and it works. [more inside]
posted by Canageek at 7:22 PM PST - 12 comments

You're going to Geek Karaoke. What song are you singing?

Having attended a bunch of really fun punk rock karaoke fundraisers in DC and Baltimore, I have decided that Geek Karaoke is an idea whose time has come. I want this to be a thing, even if it means i have to figure out how to make karaoke versions of songs where none exist. The question is, though: which songs? [more inside]
posted by nonasuch at 6:56 PM PST - 34 comments

Please help us watch TV on our TV

We have a TV but no cable subscription (we mostly watch content through Netflix or purchase on Xbox). We used to be able to watch the normal network channels with no problem -- Fox, NBC, CBS, ABC, and several PBS stations, along with some other stuff. We had both regular and HD channels. Now they're all gone and the only channels we can access are some jazz scheduling thing out of San Mateo, a bunch of radio channels, and NHK World (learning a lot about Japan!). I really miss PBS and wouldn't mind watching the Super Bowl. Please help. [more inside]
posted by imalaowai at 6:48 PM PST - 15 comments

I think I saw a bed bug. Is it time to burn all of my belongings?

I think I saw a bed bug on a wall near my bed. What now? [more inside]
posted by joeyjoejoejr at 6:36 PM PST - 9 comments

DNS not propagating

After adding a MX record, my domain's DNS isn't propagating. How can I fix this? [more inside]
posted by pakoothefakoo at 6:20 PM PST - 6 comments

What book should I read next?

I need help deciding what book/books I should read next and I thought I'd query the hive mind! Details about recent favorites inside. [more inside]
posted by zeusianfog at 6:18 PM PST - 13 comments

Where's the fastest wifi in Portland?

I need to be able to watch live streaming video for a couple hours so that I can do a live transcription. My house wifi isn't good enough even with the router sitting in my lap. The video cuts out sometimes. [more inside]
posted by aniola at 5:40 PM PST - 3 comments

What typeface is this 1935 movie screenshot using?

This screen appears in the first sound film in the Irish language, Oidhche Sheanchais, filmed in 1935. A colleague of mine would like to identify the typeface used for the titles, and the online typeface-identifying sites have struck out. Can any MeFite identify it?
posted by Horace Rumpole at 5:34 PM PST - 3 comments

Women's running/workout shorts with longer inseams?

I have killed my favorite pair of running/workout shorts. They are apparently no longer available in my size and what appears to be the new and allegedly improved version is not even close to the same. Where can I find a pair of wicking/non-cotton women's running shorts with a liner, pockets and (most importantly) an inseam of at least 4"? [more inside]
posted by charmedimsure at 4:39 PM PST - 6 comments

This feels very seventh-grade

A mutual friend is excluding my best friend from group events, and it's making me feel terrible. [more inside]
posted by sockermom at 4:07 PM PST - 21 comments

Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone...

How to enjoy 'me-time'? [more inside]
posted by dinosaurprincess at 3:57 PM PST - 10 comments

Cheaper (than) Meat?

I took a hard look at my budget and I spend way too much on food and groceries. On a per meal basis, the bulk of my costs are for meat. I am an active individual, and I want to be able to get 20-30 grams of protein per meal. What are my options here to cut my costs and still get my protein? I already eat eggs for breakfast and sometimes dinner, but I can only take so many eggs.
posted by shotgunbooty at 3:33 PM PST - 40 comments

Help me not dissolve into a stressavoidance puddle at work!

How can I avoid totally unraveling when working with a dismissive/cold person? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 3:25 PM PST - 16 comments

Google lawyer, Main Street cost

Can anyone refer me to an attorney or paralegal who is very experienced at writing the various types of legalese needed for web sites/apps, desktop software, etc.? [more inside]
posted by Dansaman at 2:53 PM PST - 3 comments

I got an essay accepted in July, but they still haven't published it.

I wrote a personal essay for a high-traffic website and it was accepted. But after seven months they still haven't published it. Do you think there's any chance they will? Should I email and ask about it a second time? [more inside]
posted by tuberose at 2:33 PM PST - 9 comments

Need me a man bag that is both a backpack AND messenger bag

I'm looking for a bag that can be all (or most) of the following: laptop/messenger bag, airplane carry on, backpack, and diaper bag. My Google-fu is failing me, but I've come across the terms "travel bag" or "convertible". I like the look and durability of canvas bags or a similar type material. I'm not too big into leather, mainly because the good quality ones are mostly out of my price range (eg, Saddleback). I'd like to stay under $300, but can go higher for the right bag. [more inside]
posted by photovox at 2:11 PM PST - 19 comments

Firewood with termites!?!

I have had a few logs of firewood sitting on a rug beside my fireplace for the past few hours. I shuffled some, added one to the fireplace and noticed a few very small white wormy/bugs. [more inside]
posted by foxhat10 at 2:01 PM PST - 8 comments

Is there a way to search EVERY local patch story nationwide?

I'm trying to find examples of a specific kind of news story and it seems like the only one who covers it is local newspapers or Patch. I want to try to search Patch on a national level instead of, good grief, searching each one at a time. Is there any way to do that?
posted by rileyray3000 at 1:29 PM PST - 1 comment

Practising harmonies - à la First Aid Kit

I'm looking for songs with similar harmonies to First Aid Kit. Any genre considered, and songs with more than a two part harmony are welcome. Practising harmonies with some friends and need some practice material :) [more inside]
posted by drunkonthemoon at 1:24 PM PST - 22 comments

Just started Wellbutrin: Muscle tension?

I have just started up on wellbutrin XL 150mg about a week ago, and my shoulder has been getting really achey. My shoulder is tiring out very quickly when lifting things/typing. My hand is tingling a little, and it feels like my left pec is really tight. and doesn't think it has anything to do with the med. But it says online that muscle pain could be a rare side effect of wellbutrin. Has anyone who has taken wellbutrin had difficulties with, or even had to quit, because of muscle tension? Do these problems go away after the startup period?
posted by Thanquol180 at 1:19 PM PST - 11 comments

Where can I find advice for returning to school?

Dropped out of school several years ago, drifted for a bit, but now I want to return and get AT LEAST a BS in mathematics. What sources are there for someone returning to school? Should I bite the bullet and pay for college counseling, or are there good free resources I'm missing? [more inside]
posted by miltthetank at 1:01 PM PST - 12 comments

What is the best way for a digital artist to sell prints online?

I run a little, very informal art project on a tumblr blog which has gotten somewhat popular. Recently people have been asking if they can buy prints. I don't have any prints for sale right now, and don't know much about how to set up an online store, or if there's some other method that digital artists find convenient. Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction with this? [more inside]
posted by picklenickle at 12:45 PM PST - 4 comments

What are you experiences with medicating anxious dogs?

My dog has always been the nervous type, but this past year her anxiety has escalated to the point where she's a basketcase more often than not. We're exploring medication options. Blizzard inside. [more inside]
posted by geeky at 12:41 PM PST - 21 comments

Help me figure out what this WW2, Black and White, gayish art film is.

Gay themed, black and white, containing a dead body and a threesome. That's mostly what I remember. (possible offensive language in remembered dialogue ahead) [more inside]
posted by lumpenprole at 12:32 PM PST - 4 comments

What poem and poet is this recording?

Who wrote this poem: "Blue Moon"? [more inside]
posted by Potomac Avenue at 12:29 PM PST - 2 comments

Intro to Superhuman Studies, the Novel

I'm looking for examples of novels (or stories in other media) that fit a particular mold exemplified by Harry Potter. The basic premise is that the protagonist is living a (usually particularly unpleasant) mundane life when they are unexpectedly contacted by a representative from a secret supernatural (or otherwise fantastic) society and then.... invited to enroll in a school. [more inside]
posted by 256 at 12:28 PM PST - 20 comments

Looking for volunteer opportunities in LA.

Please help an enthusiastic young woman find appropriate volunteer opportunities in Los Angeles. More inside. [more inside]
posted by clarkstonian at 12:04 PM PST - 7 comments

Cable machine routine for novice strength training

I'm 5'4", 145#, 35 years old, and I have access to limited free weights and a cable machine. I don't have access to barbell equipment more than once a week. I'm familiar with Starting Strength, Stumptuous, etc, but a little overwhelmed by the options, and I'm wondering if anyone can point me toward an appropriate routine or routine building app. I want this to be doable and I want to make progress and have a sense of accomplishment. [more inside]
posted by chesty_a_arthur at 11:51 AM PST - 5 comments

Looking at an old GE ad. What kind of a job do I think that'll get me?

Last night the Interwebs found a GE ad from the 1970s showing a girl and her cat thinking of space. This was part of a series of posters that our high-school algebra teacher put up in our classroom. The one I remember best is "So-and-so loves to look at the clouds. What kind of a job do you think that'll get him?" Any idea where I can see the whole set?
posted by lukemeister at 11:20 AM PST - 2 comments

My automatic car was in Neutral and Drive at the same time?

Last night I moved my running car out of Park and into Drive. I pressed on the gas, and the car didn't go anywhere. Then I noticed that the panel lights showed that the car was in Drive and Neutral. [more inside]
posted by jander03 at 11:05 AM PST - 8 comments

Landlord changing building locks and I can't get the key

[NYCFilter] My landlord slipped a memo under the door last night that on Friday afternoon he was changing the front door locks to the building and all tenants had a small window to pick up new keys from him or had to make alternative arrangements. I cannot make the small window (night school), the number he listed is incorrect, and despite a couple voicemails on the other number I have for him he hasn't returned my calls. What are my options on Friday if I cannot get into the apartment? What are my rights? [more inside]
posted by teabag at 10:52 AM PST - 19 comments

Teaching low-income kids in the US how to program

What resources are there in the US that enable kids to take, say, a 3-6 month training course in programming, and then help with entry-level job placement after successful completion of the program? I used to live in Argentina and became familiar with http://program.ar/ which does this (very well) there, and want to find some similar programs in the United States.
posted by carlodio at 10:24 AM PST - 7 comments

Should I return to this job?

I am moving back home to save up money for grad school, and I’m wondering whether I should return to my first real-world job. I wouldn't mind doing so, but I’d like some perspective on the work environment I found myself in. (Warning: long post ahead) [more inside]
posted by dean_deen at 10:24 AM PST - 8 comments

Places to work remotely in and around Sausalito

I'm visiting the Bay Area next week, and plan to work remotely from Sausalito. Where in Sausalito or the surrounding areas can I plant myself with my laptop, grab some wifi and VPN in to work for 4-6 hours without getting booted out? I'm more than happy to pay for food and beverages while I'm there. Someplace overlooking the water would be awesome, but not required. My point of origin with be on the Bridgeway, near Molly Stone's and the Post Office. I may or may not have a car, but I'm happy to bus it as far as Tiburon for the right place. Thanks!!
posted by Cat Pie Hurts at 10:22 AM PST - 2 comments

Venn Diagram with Links?

On a WordPress site I'd like to add a simple, two-overlapping-circle Venn diagram -- though I'd like the text within to be various links. How would you recommend best implementing this (with a basic to intermediate understanding of HTML and CSS)?
posted by asranixon at 9:53 AM PST - 3 comments

Facebook: a mystery wrapped in an engima wrapped in the Graph API

For developers working with Facebook Insights data: how/where do you get hold of Insights data while you're developing? I haven't been able to find resources for this online, but common sense says there must be an easier way! [more inside]
posted by L'Estrange Fruit at 9:39 AM PST - 1 comment

how do I get my hairdresser on board?

Please gimme a GREAT reason my hairdresser would let me book four hours of hairdressing, not for my hair, but to give me hair-cutting lessons. [more inside]
posted by mirileh at 9:20 AM PST - 50 comments

An opportunity for understanding

A friend and I are far apart politically, but I see a potential opportunity to come closer together. What is the best way to approach this? It is very delicate. [more inside]
posted by the second sock at 9:17 AM PST - 34 comments

What's the best way to use social media effectively?

How can I best use Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, etc. to meet and keep in touch with people? [more inside]
posted by larkin123 at 9:16 AM PST - 4 comments

How do I forward SMS messages from an iPhone to a PC or Android phone?

I have an iPhone 5 as my personal phone. Work is providing an Android device. I don't want to schlep around two phones. Help me streamline, please. [more inside]
posted by zooropa at 9:12 AM PST - 8 comments

How bad is the job market for lawyers (especially with T6 degrees)?

Peaking probably 2 or 3 years ago, tales of employment doom for lawyers were everywhere across the internet, with various stories of newly-minted graduates who were $150-200k in debt and either jobless, or working at 40-60k/year jobs where they could never pay back their debt. I remember reading predictions that this wasn't merely a usual and temporary fluctuation, but was a sign of a permanent contraction in the legal job market. I was speaking with an acquaintance who recently graduated from Harvard Law School, who told me that in her opinion, the negativity was overblown, and everyone that she knew in her graduating class had either a job or a fellowship without too much difficulty. This got me wondering whether the situation now is still as bleak as it was a couple of years ago - for lawyers generally, but especially for lawyers from top schools. Are lawyers generally still in such difficult straits in terms of finding a job? [more inside]
posted by ClaireBear at 8:54 AM PST - 29 comments

Is it possible to register a .hk domain name and still remain anonymous?

Can one register a .hk domain name and still remain anonymous? Or are there services that can provide WHOIS protection for .hk domain names?
posted by querty at 7:44 AM PST - 1 comment

Calling all UK radio listeners

Is there some predictable way to find out several weeks ahead of time when Radio 4's News Quiz is scheduled? [more inside]
posted by Diablevert at 7:41 AM PST - 6 comments

Playlist help: Jazz edition. Fast and bass-y!

You've saved your money, quit your job, and found yourself adventuring across the country with your lover/best friend riding shotgun. For those long stretches of desert driving and other spans of nothingness, when it's the middle of the night and you can smell caffeine coming out your pores, what is your jazz playlist? [more inside]
posted by little_dog_laughing at 7:38 AM PST - 11 comments

Can you identify this plant?

I received several plants from a friend of mine to start my indoor garden. Neither of us knows what type of plant this is, despite hours of trawling gardening websites. Photo. [more inside]
posted by burnfirewalls at 7:36 AM PST - 5 comments

I need help hacking a travel-friendly rod for hanging quilts

I'm documenting quilts and have a decent set-up in place for photographing them (seen here), but now I've got to take it on the road. My 1"x3"x9' wooden crossbar isn't going to cut it as checked baggage and it's a tight fit in my compact SUV, let alone an affordable rental car when I get to my destination. However--a deal breaker--the crossbar can't be a dowel or have a round profile. With dowel-type crossbars the quilts hang and sag at the top and don't present a flat place to photograph. More details and reqs after the jump. [more inside]
posted by cocoagirl at 7:24 AM PST - 4 comments

Custom metal casting - Need help with the summoning ritual

I have a wax model (a small buckle). I'm interested in getting 500 or so brass or bronze castings made of it. Does anyone have any experience with a contract casting house? Who? How were they to deal with? What were prices like?
posted by Kid Charlemagne at 7:19 AM PST - 1 comment

High-energy, visually interesting, utterly SFW music videos?

I am teaching a class where the students mostly arrive early and sit waiting for everyone to arrive. During this time, I like to play some high-energy, visually interesting, utterly safe for work music videos. Students have commented in the past that they really enjoy it. The thing is, I don't have enough good videos to make it through the semester. Can you suggest some videos for me to use? I particularly like unusual, non-english videos, but fun remixes and other ideas are great as well. [more inside]
posted by procrastination at 6:48 AM PST - 60 comments

Modifying a hoodie - help?

I own a Leipzig hoodie in navy from Modcloth (image here), and I'm interested in modifying it so it looks more like the navy-and-red version (image here), but with mustard accents instead of red. How do I do this? More details inside. [more inside]
posted by 35minutes at 4:29 AM PST - 4 comments

Dream dog?

My partner and I have been searching for a dog to adopt for the last two month or so - after our interview, home check and lots of hoops we are ready! The shelter we're approved by has found a match - yay! He's a small staffy that's calm, suitable for first time owners (like us), confident, good with kids, and well mannered. The only problem for me is - he's 11 years old. We are open to adult dogs, but we were thinking, uh more like 1 to 8 years old. Does anyone have any experience adopting older dogs? What should we be considering? [more inside]
posted by teststrip at 4:23 AM PST - 28 comments

Toys of color

So this post and all of its links sent me on a huge links chain, and I'm disturbed that I never really thought about it that much. Except it's highly likely that my future kid is going to need this consideration and now I feel overwhelmed. [more inside]
posted by DisreputableDog at 3:37 AM PST - 22 comments

Griffin animation in "Thirty Years of Mac" video?

At the one minute mark of Apple's "Thirty Years of Mac" video, somebody (Theodore Gray?) is shown using Mathematica to create an animated griffin. Where can I find this animation?
posted by archagon at 3:09 AM PST - 1 comment

Best way to present an iPhone app functionality in a presentation

For my job I need to make a short video that graphically illustrates an iPhone app and its functionality. Are there any tools or sites out there that can let me do this as nicely as possible? I'm thinking of something similar to App.io except I need something more automated and presentable. Something like a Powerpoint presentation except for an app with text and animations/video.
posted by antgly at 12:12 AM PST - 5 comments

January 29

Are there any animals which procrastinate?

Putting off onerous tasks is a well-known human trait, but are any non-human animals guilty of it? I can only think of the grasshopper in the fable by Aesop, but that is fictional, of course.
posted by dontjumplarry at 11:30 PM PST - 19 comments

How does one start a restaurant in the US with a foreigner?

Long story short: I have a friend here in Japan who runs a ramen shop. His lifelong dream is to move to America and open a ramen shop there, and my wife and I are hoping to help him do this a few years down the road (my wife would basically run the business end of things and perhaps own it on paper, and he'd be in charge of the kitchen end of things). [more inside]
posted by DoctorFedora at 11:11 PM PST - 13 comments

Our cat is getting extremely hostile to us. What next?

Our cat is acting more and more irrational. I think we will have to have him put down. Any thoughts welcome. [more inside]
posted by kestralwing at 10:12 PM PST - 39 comments

Tips for successful, guilt-free self-promotion?

How can an artist/creative/designer self-promote without sounding like a sleazy car salesman? [more inside]
posted by omar.a at 9:43 PM PST - 7 comments

Recommendations for a Blue Cross doctor in the Bay Area?

I just switched from Kaiser to Blue Cross, and now I'm faced with the daunting yet freeing prospect of finding a doctor. [more inside]
posted by madonna of the unloved at 8:45 PM PST - 10 comments

Post your wild theories about why dinosaurs were so big:

To ask the question another way, why are modern land vertebrates so small? If it's to do with environmental factors, which ones? [more inside]
posted by 8k at 8:19 PM PST - 19 comments

Procedural/ethical question that may sound like a relationship question

This is a financial/procedural/ethical question, not a relationship question. My SO and I recently bought a house together. The loan is in SO's name, because we got a better rate that way. SO is therefore the official owner right now. Our verbal agreement upon commencing the search for a house, and what we both decided was fair, was that my name would be added to the deed after we closed. We also talked about what we'd do if we split up, and we agreed that one would buy the other out, or we'd split the money from the sale of the home (minus our individual contributions to the down payment). We've moved in, and in typical fashion, haven't gotten around to the deed bit. Actual question after the jump. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:15 PM PST - 23 comments

IT/Network setup for our 15-20 person office?

Any networking experts here? My company of 15-20 people is about to move into a new office from old, shared space where all IT was taken care of. I've been put in charge of the phone and networking in the new place. [more inside]
posted by jenmcee at 8:11 PM PST - 5 comments

maybe I shouldn't have had that goodbye pisco sour quite yet.

Delta sent me an email an hour ago informing me that my 2am flight from lima to Atlanta is now a 11am flight tomorrow. Questions about what I can ask as compensation. [more inside]
posted by geegollygosh at 7:23 PM PST - 12 comments

Hiring a reliable friend

Let's say at some point in the future I need a doctor-mandated live-in caretaker - someone to drive me to and from appointments, keep an eye on me, and help me with keeping myself fed and keeping my house and life in order while I fight an illness or recover from major surgery. Normally this would be a friend or family member. What would I call someone whom I hire to do this? [more inside]
posted by WasabiFlux at 6:56 PM PST - 15 comments

Anti-histamines during Immunotherapy

I started allergy shots a few weeks back and now my right arm's itching like crazy. Any suggestions for anti-histamines that'll relieve itching? [more inside]
posted by myntu at 6:13 PM PST - 13 comments

Help! Which entry level job should I take?

In looking for entry-level work, I interviewed for a ton of positions, and somehow have gotten myself into the spot of being hired for 3 places all at once. Need advice ASAP as two of them want me to start as soon as tomorrow! [more inside]
posted by stockpuppet at 6:00 PM PST - 17 comments

Auto Body Paint Recommendations in Toronto

I'm gearing up to sell my car in Toronto and I'd like to get a fresh paint job. Or, at least, touch up the spots that are showing wear due to rust near the rear wheels and some white paint (on a red car) from bumping into the pillar in my parking space a couple of times. Note: I don't actually want to do body repair, just paint (I'm not trying to conceal the dings in the body, just to freshen up the look). Have any GTA Mefites had work like this done at a place they would recommend? I live downtown, but don't mind traveling to the 905 for good, affordable work. Thanks in advance for any recommendations.
posted by dry white toast at 5:53 PM PST - 4 comments

Will hanging this canvas in the bathroom ruin it?

We just found a great place in our apartment to hang this Vintage Color Wheel canvas, but not sure it's the best place given the humidity from the shower. I can only find warnings against mixing oil paintings or acrylic paintings and humidity. This isn't exactly high art, so I'm not as sure that we should avoid hanging this in the bathroom. At the same time, I don't want to wreck this awesome find. Do you think we'd do much damage if it was hung in our relatively small bathroom?
posted by meindee at 5:26 PM PST - 8 comments

Don't Blame Me, Blame My Phone!

My new Moto X droid has been auto dialing people on my contacts list without my help or permission. Please make it stop. Verizon has been unable to diagnose this. [more inside]
posted by Xurando at 5:10 PM PST - 8 comments

The Scots Man and the Sea; Or; The Sun May Or May Not Rise, IDK

Did Hume, in writing about the problem of induction, go on any thing like a tangent about how we might as well just row out into the middle of the sea? [more inside]
posted by PMdixon at 4:55 PM PST - 2 comments

High schooler wants to do some good this summer; we're overwhelmed.

Kinetic 3 (15) is incredibly fired up about getting out in the real world and doing some good over his summer vacation. Ideally he'd like to do some hands-on type of volunteering project like Habitats for Humanity, but because he's 15 he's not eligible for lots of cool-looking programs. The guidance department at his school doesn't have many suggestions and so I turn to AskMe. Does anyone know of any multiple-week, hands-on community service projects that accept 15 year olds? He's saving his ice cream scooper money to help pay for airfare from Boston and because he's an intrepid traveler he would love to go somewhere and feel like he's making a difference. As his mom, I'd feel a lot more comfortable sending him to a program that's highly recommended and well-regarded.
posted by kinetic at 4:39 PM PST - 16 comments

American College Testing (ACT) - test score challenged – arbitration

The daughter of a friend has taken the ACT four times trying to reach a score of 24. Her initial score was a 12. She did some self-preparation the second and third times and brought her score up to 19. Before taking the test for the fourth time she saw a tutor and brought her score up to 24. The ACT people want to disallow the last score because they aren't comfortable with the degree to which her score improved. [more inside]
posted by Carbolic at 4:37 PM PST - 11 comments

What's Wrong with My Lexus Car Audio?

What's Wrong with My Lexus Car Audio? Help me solve this audio mystery and improve the sound quality in my my car I bought a 2013 Lexus E300h in September 2013. It came with the "upgraded" Mark Levinson audio system. I was expecting an aural paradise. Imagine my surprise when i realized the sound was worse than my 10 year old trade in with a stock audio system from 2003. [more inside]
posted by Carsey at 4:33 PM PST - 3 comments

Devil Computer, Stop Updating Yourself

This morning I was working on my computer, and stopped to take a break for lunch. I left my computer on--it generally goes to sleep after 10 minutes of inactivity. When I returned from lunch, my computer had unexpectedly shut down and had to be rebooted. Once it restarted, I noticed that it had updated several programs that have been prompting me for updates, like iTunes and Firefox. (I had purposefully not been updating them.) My computer requires permission from me to update programs like this, and it has never updated programs without that permission. Any thoughts as to what might have happened this time? [more inside]
posted by Bella Sebastian at 3:47 PM PST - 5 comments

Honeymoon destinations with infant in Central America/Mexico/Caribbean

Yay - we got married! We are looking for suitable destinations to go on our honeymoon sometime in late spring or summer. We'd like to go to Central America, Mexico or the Caribbean as neither of us has been there before. We'll be taking our wonderful son, who turns one in March with us, so we're looking for somewhere that is not too intrepid. Your suggestions please... [more inside]
posted by piyushnz at 3:35 PM PST - 7 comments

But what does it mean?

So, Pete Seeger passed away, and I've seen a few people on social networking sites write "rest in power" when eulogizing. I noticed the people who are writing this are the activisty kinda folk (ultra-left, mostly atheistic). What does it mean? Is it a new phrase amongst these circles? [more inside]
posted by spicytunaroll at 3:26 PM PST - 7 comments

Name this upscale casual women's clothing brand? Wind and Sand?

Forgot the name of a women's clothing brand. Something like Wind ans Sand, or Sand and Skull.... [more inside]
posted by pseudostrabismus at 3:14 PM PST - 6 comments

Help me, help myself?

How to approach therapy when I'm not really sure what I'm going for but feel depression has a huge part of it. Kicker - the standard tests show I'm not and I don't know how far to push to get some help or what I even need help for. [more inside]
posted by lpcxa0 at 3:06 PM PST - 9 comments

Cracked slab -- Urgent problem, or can I ignore it for a year or two?

I think my house has a cracked slab. We will be able to afford a repair of $20K or so (which sounds pretty standard for foundation repair from what I've read so far) in a month once my husband receives his bonus for this year. We had a lot of other plans for that money though, and I'm hesitant to postpone them unless absolutely necessary. How rapidly does a situation like this generally worsen? Is the repair likely to be much more expensive if we wait a year or more? [more inside]
posted by lmpatte2 at 2:31 PM PST - 8 comments

Help for a Blackboard noob

Soon I will be interviewing for an instructional designer position at a university. What should I do to beef up on Blackboard as well as general interviewing topics for an instructional designer? [more inside]
posted by whistle pig at 2:20 PM PST - 5 comments

Fesenjān is just too messy

Seeking recipes for tasty North African/Middle Eastern/Central Asian finger foods! [more inside]
posted by troika at 1:53 PM PST - 6 comments

Help me stop a guy who stole my info & is using my name to scam people.

So, one week ago I posted an ad on the website "HotPads", advertising my house in Portland for rent, for $2395. A few days later, I noticed that someone had posted a duplicate ad of my listing, but for $1900. People then started knocking on my door (the address on my ad), all saying the same thing -- telling me about a guy in Brooklyn, NY, who is USING MY NAME, posing as me, sending people emails and talking with them on the phone, trying to scam them into sending him a deposit for my house. Gah! [more inside]
posted by dacoit at 1:52 PM PST - 6 comments

Synonyms for "silo"?

I'm having trouble with pithy ways to describe (in popular style) the concept of "silo-ing". In other words: a certain kind of data is siloed into disparate program and department offices, and because of the lack of collaboration the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. Suggestions?
posted by powerbumpkin at 1:52 PM PST - 18 comments

Wireless Speakers, Piece by Piece

I'd really like to get some wireless speakers I could plug my ipod or iphone into in and have it play throughout the house. Money is tight at the moment, which got me thing that one way to do it would to buy speakers piecemeal. To start, get one speaker that is portable. As money comes along, add more speakers to it. But I am afraid I have no idea what to look for when looking at speakers. [more inside]
posted by LANA! at 1:33 PM PST - 14 comments

How can we make our first family RV trip awesome?

I've always wanted to do an RV trip, and I've finally convinced my wife to give it a try. We're thinking about taking our two girls (1.5 and 5 yrs) to San Diego this spring and starting from there. How can we make it a fun experience for everyone? [more inside]
posted by gottabefunky at 1:19 PM PST - 13 comments

Getting a US data plan for my foreign cell phone

I am travelling to Chicago in two weeks and want to use my smartphone whilst I am there (and away from WiFi). Importantly though I am not actually bothered about making phone calls. DATA is what I crave. What are my best sim card options? [more inside]
posted by 0bvious at 1:15 PM PST - 6 comments

Dating while depressed?

Due to various life happenings, I am not in a great place mindset-wise and have more than a tinge of depression. I am also more than ever rather lonely, and would like a partner. I worry that subconsciously I am looking for someone to help "fix" and take care of me during this depression, which is not the best reason to date and would be unfair to whatever partner I might find. Then again, this loneliness could very well be contributing to my depression. Would it be a bad idea to date under these circumstances? Has anyone dated while depressed with positive results? Or should I wait until I am in a better frame of mind to search for a partner?
posted by CottonCandyCapers at 1:12 PM PST - 14 comments

How do I constructively refuse to become a people manager?

I am a senior technical specialist in my company, and I've been asked to manage a small team. This is being sold to me as a great development opportunity, lots of prestige, greater authority and decision-making power, etc. etc.. While that all sounds great, it's a line management role. It's not that I'm not a people person, but I feel that it's not the right time in my life to be taking on a major new responsibility. How do I politely and constructively turn down the "opportunity"? [more inside]
posted by hoverboards don't work on water at 12:47 PM PST - 15 comments

Poverty Public Policy Interships in New Orleans

Where should a grad student in public policy (with a focus on poverty) intern in New Orleans this summer? What organizations do related work? What internships are there? [more inside]
posted by rue72 at 12:23 PM PST - 2 comments

Intelligent resources about stages of a long-term relationship

I'd like to learn a little bit more about what couples counselors, therapists, and psychologists have written about the stages that long-term relationships go through, what the issues and concerns are in the different stages, and what approaches are helpful in keeping the relationship strong at different stages. The articles I've been able to find on the web are pretty shallow, and seem to assume that the purpose of marriage is to have kids. I'd like to find something that is more appropriate to a couple who got married at 40+ so have already attained (presumably) a certain degree of wisdom, and for whom kids are not in the picture or in the cards. Authors that I have found helpful and intelligent in the past have been Gottman, Sue Johnson (Hold Me Tight), and the author of perennial AskMe favorite The Five Love Languages. I'm specifically interested in the 5-10 year stage, but welcome broader surveys as well.
posted by matildaben at 12:02 PM PST - 5 comments

Paraliminal recommendations?

I decided to toy a bit with paraliminals. I remember someone on here recommended some that ran about 5 bucks each (I think) but I can't for the life of me find that post now. Any other mefites listen to these and have any recommendations?
posted by WinterSolstice at 11:50 AM PST - 0 comments

shop local, excepting this well-traveled t-shirt that says "shop local."

Help me source the perfect grungy t-shirt that's made in USA (as close to VA as possible) so that when my company prints "shop local" on it, they're actually shopping local. [more inside]
posted by headnsouth at 11:30 AM PST - 17 comments

Nice Places to Eat in Vienna, VA

NOVA Mefites - I am looking for a reasonably-priced, non-chain place for two old friends to eat and hang out while catching up for a couple of hours. We'll eat almost anything...
posted by The Blue Olly at 11:07 AM PST - 12 comments

Give up on long distance friendships?

I moved cross country 4 years ago. It's hard to stay in touch with my friends from back there, and I know people move on and away from friends at times. But I'm thinking I should stop trying to keep a connection with them after an email I sent asking for encouragement was ignored. [more inside]
posted by dollyllama at 10:48 AM PST - 30 comments

Midwestern MeFites: I want to laugh in public! Difficulty: feminist.

I'm a huge fan of standup comedy, comedy podcasts, and so on, but I'm starting to get tired of what feels like an endless stream of life-in-LA anecdotes. I don't live in LA, and I don't really care about LA. Surely there are funny people who want to say funny things in Chicago, Madison, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Kansas City, St. Louis....right? Nationally famous comedians are great, but I'm looking more for regional folks that I can see often, locally, and preferably not for $50 a seat... [more inside]
posted by like_a_friend at 10:30 AM PST - 10 comments

Online Rocky's Boots?

Is there any game similar to the old Rocky's Boots that is freely available for online play (or is in the format of an application that can be linked to from moodle)? For those unfamiliar with the amazingness that was Rocky's Boots: it was a game for young children that taught logic gates (or, and, not, xor) in a very nice, visual way, through a sequence of cute puzzles.
posted by eviemath at 10:14 AM PST - 7 comments

Looking for first hand experience with art or music therapy

I'm trying to decide whether to pursue a career in music and/or art therapy. (I know they're quite different) Does anyone have an experience they can share from either the patient or practitioner standpoint? [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah at 10:03 AM PST - 9 comments

The wide world of healthcare

Calling all nurse practitioners: tell me about your career. [more inside]
posted by oinopaponton at 10:00 AM PST - 11 comments

How do I make the green peppers in my Chinese dishes just amazing!?

In various Chinese dishes that I've had the green peppers are always in bitesized cuts and they are never over cooked or under cooked- they are just the right mix of crunchy and soft. How do I make that happen? I am cooking a Chinese saucy chicken dish in a couple of hours and would be thrilled if I could FINALLY get my peppers right! Thanks!
posted by misspony at 9:51 AM PST - 24 comments

Independent/boarding school admissions resources?

Looking for informational brochures/posters/websites/handouts aimed at students/parents about the school selection and application process for private boarding high schools in the United States or Canada; not for specific schools, but for the process in general. Links or descriptions are appreciated. [more inside]
posted by msittig at 9:43 AM PST - 1 comment

Why does this potentially awesome move make me uncomfortable?

Looking for an apartment, found a possibility with an interesting guy I met a couple of months ago. The neighbourhood is great, the apartment is gorgeous. I get along well with him and I will expand my social circle living with him, so that's a nice plus as well. However... my guts say no. And I can't pinpoint a reason. [more inside]
posted by StoneSpace at 9:09 AM PST - 48 comments

LivingFilter: Western Town, Outdoorsy Girl

After living the nomadic life for many years, I'm starting to think about settling down again. Search criteria inside. [more inside]
posted by grinagog at 8:51 AM PST - 25 comments

Virginia weekend recommendations, please!

Some family is going to be at a conference in the Asheville area in May, and we've decided to meet up somewhere between Asheville and Washington, DC for a weekend stayover. But none of us are very familiar with the area, so we're not sure where to go. Recommendations from locals would be much appreciated! [more inside]
posted by backwards compatible at 8:02 AM PST - 18 comments

Belgium (and Amsterdam?) in May/June

Mr. Arkham and I are considering a trip of 5 to 7 days this coming late May/early June. I'm thinking we'll make Brussels our home base, then take one or two day-trips. Questions inside! [more inside]
posted by JoanArkham at 7:42 AM PST - 39 comments

Best public-domain short stories for public performance/reading?

What are the best short stories, in the public domain or otherwise up for grabs, for public performance? [more inside]
posted by jbickers at 6:53 AM PST - 8 comments

High pitch pulse sound coming from stereo receiver

I am getting a high pitch sound coming out of stereo in a pulse that would make a dog loopy. I do not have a sophisticated setup. The stereo is plugged into the wall. Apple TV is plugged into wall and TV. Router plugged into power strip along with DVD player. I switched out all RCA plugs and speaker wire. [more inside]
posted by snap_dragon at 6:49 AM PST - 8 comments

Am I a bad dog babysitter?

Need advice on arrangements for my folks' dog while I'm at work. [more inside]
posted by gohabsgo at 6:30 AM PST - 15 comments

But I pray that I don't actually ever need to use it.

I need help figuring out health insurance. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:30 AM PST - 7 comments

How to respond to this kind of venting/anger?

How do you respond to family members venting/unloading on you? This past week, my mother and I kept playing phone tag, which culminated in her blowing up at me. I am sick of repeating this behavior pattern. Pertinent details: [more inside]
posted by nakedmolerats at 6:18 AM PST - 35 comments

Looking for advice on taking a tenant to Small Claims Court in Ontario

I may need to take my tenant to Small Claims Court, and I would like some advice. [more inside]
posted by orange swan at 6:12 AM PST - 7 comments

lightweight combination lock?

Recommend the smallest, lightest combination lock (that is still durable) for use at the gym! [more inside]
posted by redwaterman at 5:39 AM PST - 4 comments

What is this bug?

Tonight's special: Giant (for the Pacific Northwest) roach-looking creature--couple of photos inside. [more inside]
posted by maxwelton at 12:25 AM PST - 21 comments

January 28

Interesting Pottery Jug But What is It?

I need your help ID'ing this piece of pottery. [more inside]
posted by watercarrier at 11:59 PM PST - 7 comments

Los Angeles: good greeting cards?

In Los Angeles, where can I find good a good selection of greeting cards, letterpress if possible? [more inside]
posted by bluecore at 9:15 PM PST - 12 comments

Unemployed technical writer seeks open source project in need.

Which open source products do you use that have lousy documentation? [more inside]
posted by 27 at 8:53 PM PST - 20 comments

I need help finding a venue for group dinner in Raleigh, NC

I'm planning a 70th birthday party for my mother in the first few weeks of March and need to find a restaurant that can host it. [more inside]
posted by yellowcandy at 8:34 PM PST - 6 comments

Thanks Chrome, you're the best...

After my computer froze up, I restarted and apparently lost all of my extensions for Chrome. I got some of them back, but others don't want to work properly. [more inside]
posted by carnivoregiraffe at 8:19 PM PST - 2 comments

Promiscuity should not be the answer.

I grew up in an implicitly sex-negative environment. More recently, I was raped. I had next to no sexual experience at the time and barely understood what was going on while it was happening. I had very little interest in sex in the months after that, but suddenly, I am now extremely preoccupied with the idea of sleeping with other 50 to 60-year old, educated white males. [more inside]
posted by gemutlichkeit at 7:49 PM PST - 26 comments

Why does my neck get splotchy when I'm hot or excited?

Whenever I have an animated conversation, whether in person or on the phone, my neck flushes bright splotchy red and feels super hot. [more inside]
posted by bonheur at 6:45 PM PST - 11 comments

neighborhood group assets for all?

If you are part of a tenants and residents group or a homeowners' association, have you ever encountered a group which was the entrusted holder of equipment for use by anyone, all year? I am thinking of items that would be missed were they gone. I know a lot already about single-resident-initiated projects. I am more trying to find out if the presence of the items made you more proud or not in your neighborhood and if you ever use or used the item(s).
posted by parmanparman at 6:40 PM PST - 5 comments

How to best share an internet connection between two apartments?

So my parents, through some amusing twist of fate, ended up renting two apartments on different floors of the same building. One apartment is on the 1st floor, and one is on the 4th. They're almost perfectly parallel with each other vertically. Both of them and myself agree it would be stupid to pay for two internet connections. What do? [more inside]
posted by emptythought at 6:34 PM PST - 18 comments

Why have I had diarrhea for 6 weeks nonstop?

YANMD. I've had watery diarrhea (6 or more times/day) since mid-Dec, starting around the time norovirus was going around the schools. No other symptoms - no fever, chills, pain, etc. Nothing scary like blood or mucous in the diarrhea, and I am drinking enough fluid that I am peeing. I went to the doctor after 4 weeks of this, and he did blood work (to make sure my electrolytes weren't out of whack). My doctor -- who is excellent -- isn't worried about me but, oh my, is this ever an inconvenience. [more inside]
posted by selfmedicating at 5:57 PM PST - 32 comments

How do I web? Big picture.

Can anyone recommend tutorials or books about web development that don't focus on the tiny details of JS/CSS/HTML? [more inside]
posted by dilaudid at 5:44 PM PST - 5 comments

Dealing With Emotional Hookup Aftermath

Hooked up with someone. Caught feelings. Didn't go how I wanted. Don’t know how to deal with aftermath. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:13 PM PST - 8 comments

Not Exactly Mister Rogers

How do I get my elderly neighbor to stop harassing me? [more inside]
posted by SkylitDrawl at 4:36 PM PST - 69 comments

Caring for steam-damaged art

A steam radiator valve fail on a cold day flooded my apartment with a hot steam cloud, and a couple pieces of framed art - photo prints on 200lb/300gsm paper - bathed in it enough to be showing some buckles as it dried out. The pictures are behind glass, and there's still a tiny bit of condensation back there with them. Any tips on caring for / restoring this steamed art?
posted by Haere at 4:23 PM PST - 3 comments

Drop family members from insurance outside of enrollment period?

I have done something very stupid: I thought I had dropped my spouse from my insurance plan during open enrollment, but never double-checked and apparently I did not. Now my HR is telling me I can't remove him until next calendar year, so I have to pay the $3200 difference for the next year. This is in the U.S., as if you can't tell from the effed-upedness of these situations stemming from employer-based healthcare. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:02 PM PST - 10 comments

Novel about workplace bullying at an NGO?

A few years ago I read a lengthy novel about workplace bullying at an NGO, possibly in the U.K. It centered about two women who had been close friends but by the end of the book are sworn enemies. It may have involved violence, and there may have been a male who was a romantic interest for one or both. Do you know what book I'm talking about? (More details inside.) [more inside]
posted by rogerrogerwhatsyourrvectorvicto at 3:47 PM PST - 3 comments

Dog left in apartment for five days--Los Angeles

I'm on a work trip until Saturday (5 days from now), and a coworker mentioned that he left his dog alone in his apartment for the duration of the trip. The nature of my job makes it really difficult to directly confront the issue with the person--but I can if that's the only option. I have a friend in LA who is ready to get the dog, and I know the address but obviously we don't have access to the apartment. Any information about resources to get the dog out would be great. It's been alone since 9:00 pst this morning and apparently has food and water. Thanks.
posted by justjess at 3:35 PM PST - 36 comments

Rocks! (kind of)

This is my first question here on askmefi (yay!). I am in need of geode slices, approximately quarter-size, I'd guess. I want to make my girlfriend a backgammon game and use the geode slices as the stones. She's into crystals (natural, from-the-ground crystals, not Swarovski-type crystals) and such, so I thought it would be a neat way to customize an already-customized board. I'm not having any luck finding such animals, though. There is a rock shop in my area, but I looked and they don't have them. I thought maybe jewelry supply web sites might be a good source, but came up empty there, too. I would need them to be as round as possible and would need 15 in one color and 15 in a second color (I realize the colors vary within the stone, but I'd need them consistent enough to tell whose stones are whose when playing). Can anyone out there suggest resources where I might find the slices?
posted by msbadcrumble at 3:11 PM PST - 13 comments

How do you get difficult yet uninteresting tasks done?

I've noticed there are a lot of tasks at my company that are important and challenging, but not interesting or glamorous. Hiring and retaining personnel to complete such tasks seems to be a very hard problem. I wonder if there's any research or wisdom about how to approach such problems. Help me, hivemind. [more inside]
posted by Cogito at 3:10 PM PST - 12 comments

MacFilter: Disk Utility will not let me restore external hard drive.

When trying to restore a FreeAgent XTreme 1.5TB from a Western Digital source, the following error message occurs: "Restore Failure Could not change the partition type for /dev/disk2s1 -error- 3554" [more inside]
posted by captainsohler at 3:01 PM PST - 8 comments

Any Masters of 'Go'?

I read Rich Burlew's wonderfully geeky D&D pop-lit webcomic Order of the Stick (which is just wrapping up its best arc yet, so it's a good time to jump on). I have a question for any people who know their way around a Go board. [more inside]
posted by Sebmojo at 2:46 PM PST - 12 comments

Decent full-time first job vs. waiting for career-forming opportunities

Hi helpful friends! I asked you how to get this amazing entry-level marketing job a few weeks ago and it worked! Well...I have a third interview! Thanks so much and expect a "how to do well in group interviews" question later :) I'm a business management student majoring in marketing. I'm pretty lucky for a soon-to-be-graduate...I have a couple of very exciting opportunities that could really shape my career. However, I'm confused as to which way to go. [more inside]
posted by rhythm_queen at 2:30 PM PST - 13 comments

Best International SIM card for data in France, Belguim and Netherlands

I am going to be in Paris, Belgium and The Netherlands for about six days each. I will have an unlocked iPhone 4S (from AT&T) and will want to use data while there. Which international SIM card should I get? [more inside]
posted by soelo at 2:30 PM PST - 7 comments

What's the best, most efficient workflow for making a screencast?

I want to make a series of instructional programming videos. I'm reasonably happy that I have all the moving parts lined up - I know what I want to cover, I have the examples and material ready, I've figured out how to make high-quality video recordings of my desktop and I've got a nice USB microphone. But if there's one thing that my brief forays into video editing have taught me, it's that it can be incredibly time-consuming. Given that I plan on making ~10 hours of content for my first batch of videos, I'd like some advice on doing this efficiently. Specific questions inside. [more inside]
posted by primer_dimer at 2:02 PM PST - 9 comments

Replacement for carsort.com?

Is carsort.com dead? And assuming it is, is there a not-dead alternative for finding cars by features? [more inside]
posted by Mwongozi at 1:48 PM PST - 4 comments

Can my dog and baby get along?

I have a 6 month old baby. I have a dog who is around 8 years old. How can I help the dog and the baby get along? [more inside]
posted by jillithd at 1:47 PM PST - 16 comments

Dating with PTSD - And Tell Me Cutting Off This "Friend" Was Right

I've got PTSD and am socially isolated in graduate school. I met a hot guy, and had to friend-dump him because he's in a long distance relationship. Tell me I did this right! [more inside]
posted by cheberet at 1:34 PM PST - 22 comments

ordering a file in google drive folders

is it possible to sort Google docs [in a google Drive folder] in date order? I don't mean 'date last opened by' or 'modified by; I do mean by numerical order, or even 'date closest to the present day' [whatever the formatting style of the filename]. [more inside]
posted by dash_slot- at 1:27 PM PST - 11 comments

Sunday Night Jazz in NY

I have a date with my visiting from out of town stepsister this Sunday and she wants to go see some live jazz but nothing too avant guard. Please help me look cool by recommending somewhere we could go. She's a music teacher and plays a couple instruments so unlike me she probably knows good from bad. Nice cocktails would be a plus and ideally not to far out as she's staying at a hotel in Times Square.
posted by SpaceWarp13 at 1:23 PM PST - 12 comments

How to get a 5 year old disney princess excited about science?

Any ideas on making discovery fun for a princess obsessed 5 year old girl? [more inside]
posted by savitarka at 1:19 PM PST - 44 comments

She inspired my first AOL screen name! I have to find her again!

In the early 90s, as a teenager, I read a hardcover novel that I found on the new books shelf of our local library. All I remember about it was that it was set in the future, and involved an elaborate online world, a lot like Second Life. The main character, a woman, had never entered this world before, but she created an avatar in order to investigate a crime. Her avatar was named ELFIE and when she lurked invisibly in the world, she was represented as a pair of blinking eyes on the screen, but when she could actually affect things happening in the online world, she was a small, pretty elf. This book inspired my first email address: Elfie2@aol.com, which I kept for years, so I want to find it again. I am 100% positive about these facts, but I remember absolutely nothing else. Can you help?
posted by pretentious illiterate at 1:17 PM PST - 3 comments

Best lens for Pentax camera to take pictures of family?

What lens would be best for a new photographer for taking pictures of family (babies, kids, humans) with a Pentax K-x 12.4MP Digital SLR with 2.7 inch LCD and 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 AL? (Can you tell I just copied that from the receipt?) [more inside]
posted by EtTuHealy at 12:56 PM PST - 21 comments

Security Camera

Looking for a retail security camera setup with a few criteria... [more inside]
posted by AzraelBrown at 12:55 PM PST - 2 comments

What happened to my app? Hola unblocker problem.

I have been using the Hola Unblocker app on my Nexus 7 -- worked great until yesterday. Before, when I launched the app I got this screen. Then I would click on the "unblocker" (top) link and go to webpage with the various links. It looked a lot like this. But now when I click, I end up on a page with no icons -- it is just blank. I rebooted and nothing. Anyone know what happened? Should I reinstall the app?
posted by Lescha at 12:50 PM PST - 2 comments

What was this "Trapped in an RPG" book?

A book that I'm reading now gave me a flashback to something that I must have read around 1992-93, and now I want to find that book again, re-read it, and see if it ever became a series (ISTR a cliff-hanger-ish ending). Definitely not Joel Rosenberg's _Guardians of Flame_ series, but the same trope - group of modern-day RPG players find themselves trapped in the game they're playing. Sadly, the number of things I remember (of the paperback edition that I read) is pretty sparse. I remember: the blue cover, with a wizard riding in a Montgolfier brothers'-style hot air balloon in front of a computer; that the 'game world' the players found themselves in had very hexagonal terrain and that inhabitants of the game world knew how many hexes of different terrain they could travel in a given time period, and could not cross hex boundaries even if there was plenty of daylight left if they'd traveled that distance. I know it's a longshot, but, help?
posted by hanov3r at 12:49 PM PST - 7 comments

Our bed groans louder than we ever could

We have a magically wonderful queen-sized pillow top mattress and box springs which we love. But the basic metal frame underneath is relentlessly noisy, making every shift of weight, every instance of us getting up or lying down into a series of creaks and squeaks that can be heard all through the house. Worst of all, it's not even possible to have sexytime without the whole house hearing the bed. We need a quieter bed and could use some advice. [more inside]
posted by DirtyOldTown at 12:41 PM PST - 7 comments

More carbs = more consipation?

So, taking fiber out of the equation, which makes for a harder stool: protein/fat or non-complex carbohydrates? [more inside]
posted by kitcat at 12:33 PM PST - 8 comments

When Pintrest won't cut it

I have a large (about 55inx45in) oil painting in gilded gold frame that my great great grandmother painted (the frame is original to the painting). I think it is kind of neat, probably about 100+ years old. I want to hang it in the living room as a focal point. The thing is, I don't want it to be the only thing on the wall. We just moved in, so all the walls are empty. What can I pair with such a dated statement piece that would not look silly? I don't have to use it if nothing is going to go with it. I want a relaxed, kitschy feel for the room. I don't even know what to type to search google/ pintrest image ideas.
posted by MayNicholas at 12:18 PM PST - 7 comments

I don't mind paying taxes, I just want them to be predictable.

This question is about taxes, withholding, and multiple W2s. Can you help? [more inside]
posted by anastasiav at 12:12 PM PST - 14 comments

I'm 26 and cannot shake this itch to travel

For about 5 years I have had an itch to move somewhere completely new and try my hand at something completely new in a different culture. Should I? [more inside]
posted by *lostatsea* at 11:54 AM PST - 29 comments

A warm vacation in direct-flight from MSP

Minnesota winter has drained me of the will to live. Help me find a warm, US vacation. Criteria inside. [more inside]
posted by Zosia Blue at 11:51 AM PST - 23 comments

What are the easiest one [baking] pan recipes?

Looking for recipes where I can essentially throw just about everything - meat, veggies and/or starch - onto a tin foiled baking pan, cover it with sauce/spices, roast my dinner with sides and all and call it a night. [more inside]
posted by windbox at 11:38 AM PST - 15 comments

Portable food: travelling computer tech edition.

I'm a travelling computer tech for a school district in Cincinnati. Of the 12 schools in our district, I am a tech for 4 elementary schools. I work year-round and all seasons; and am on the move constantly. I have a flexible lunch schedule but I prefer to eat on the move because the district is 54 square miles and I cover a lot of ground on a daily basis. Currently I eat out just about every day because it's convenient and I need to get to my next building quickly (we're not timed but will be soon), but my husband and I are saving for a minivan so it's financial crunch time. [more inside]
posted by ThaBombShelterSmith at 11:30 AM PST - 13 comments

Android Suggestions

I have a new Android phone. I've never used Android. Any suggestions for amazing applications or games? (cat pictures inside) [more inside]
posted by kittensofthenight at 11:17 AM PST - 20 comments

Work health

Should I be contacting my Occupational Health clinic for an computer-related injury? [more inside]
posted by otherwordlyglow at 10:53 AM PST - 10 comments

Looking for clever Quizzo team names....

In the past our team has called itself, " The Periodic Table Dancers", as well as, " Cunning Linguists". Any good ideas for this years tourney?
posted by haikuku at 10:48 AM PST - 27 comments

How can I write a script so that it's cheap to make?

For those who have made movies, I have heard that the cheaper you can write a movie (This is of course presuming your script is already awesome!) the greater your chances are of having it bought. I am more than happy to work creatively within such constraints, but I was wondering if there were scenes that counterintuitively cost a lot that a first-time writer wouldn't know about, and vice versa. [more inside]
posted by Sully at 10:24 AM PST - 26 comments

First serious breakup at age 35. How to cope?

My girlfriend of 2 1/2 years dumped me. It was the first serious relationship of my life. I am 35 years old. I'm scheduled to see a therapist next Wednesday, but I need some help coping in the meantime. [more inside]
posted by apostate street preacher at 9:54 AM PST - 32 comments

Word Track Changes and co-authoring in real time

I am in a graduate class that requires deadline-driven group work from students who are all working together online. We have four groups members and will be collaborating on editing projects using Word's Track Changes feature (Word is required). The problem is that we can't figure out how to be in the same Word document at once while preserving the functionality of Track Changes. Am I overlooking an obvious solution? [more inside]
posted by megancita at 9:38 AM PST - 10 comments

Headphone amp for Sennheiser 555s and mp3s--worthwhile?

I've been thinking about building this little Altoid tin headphone amp kit for listening with my Sennheiser 555s. Granted, the point of building the kit is, well, building the kit--but given the limitations of a (cheap) kit-built design and the fact that I listen exclusively to mp3s on my iPhone or Mac, will there be a perceptible improvement in sound from the cans? Is there more to the sound of my mp3s that I might not be hearing just driving the Sennheisers with the juice from the iPhone's or Mac's headphone jack that would merit stepping up the signal with the little amp?
posted by Admiral Haddock at 9:31 AM PST - 8 comments

Octopus ceiling fixture?

I'm looking for a ceiling light fixture for my kitchen that has 5 or 6 (or more) cords coming from a central plate, each terminating in a light socket. The cords are long, say 6-8 feet, so that downlights can be hung as desired around the room. I could probably custom fabricate this whole setup myself, but it would be great not to have to. Have you seen anything that looks like what I'm talking about? [more inside]
posted by ottereroticist at 9:13 AM PST - 6 comments

I can't afford to celebrate my friends' weddings like this!

Practical: Any ideas for fun-but-cheap bachelorette weekend accommodations or activities around the central East Coast? Context: I'm the last single friend of our group of friends, and the most broke. I'm comfortable with talking about money, but my friends are WASPier types who'd prefer to never, ever discuss anything to do with finances, and tend to change the subject abruptly when it comes up. This is a problem when I'm expected to pitch in for something that I really can't afford, but that everyone else can. I'm thinking the best solution is to pitch an alternative that I can afford. [more inside]
posted by magdalemon at 8:27 AM PST - 20 comments

Streaming Netflix abroad?

My family and I are going to be out of the country for the next month, and we'd really like to watch the new season of House of Cards when it premiers on Valentines day. Does anybody have any advice on how to do this? Right now, I'm planning to get a TP-LINK TL-MR3020 router, install OpenWRT (and OpenVPN?) on it to configure it to access a States-side VPN, and stream Netflix to a Chromecast in our hotel room. Will this work? [more inside]
posted by jacob at 8:23 AM PST - 12 comments

How I learned to stop worrying and love the workaday life

Any tricks, hacks, tips to get yourself out of bed and to work each day? [more inside]
posted by notcomputersavvy06 at 8:01 AM PST - 27 comments

How precise is DNA paternity testing?

Consider this hypothetical scenario: My father is dead, as are both his parents. There are no samples from any of my direct paternal ancestors. The only source of DNA from my father's side of the family is from three of my father's living siblings. Using those samples, can DNA testing prove (to the satisfaction of the courts) that I am my father's child, and not simply someone probably related to the family somehow? [more inside]
posted by Naberius at 7:49 AM PST - 10 comments

Was Fifth Grade math always this hard?

Can you show us how to solve a math word problem? [more inside]
posted by uncaken at 7:36 AM PST - 27 comments

Help me find a great COTS graphics/multimedia PC

I'm a graphics and multimedia artist working for the federal government who's always used Macs. It's again time for me to get a new system (laptop, please) and for the first time in my career I feel the need to explore my PC options (Apple has apparently abandoned its professional users). Unfortunately, I have no idea where to start looking. My new system needs to be commercially available from a vendor that can do business with the federal government. Building my own system is not an option. I perform a full range of creative functions including graphic design, video editing, photography and webcast hosting, so I need plenty of graphics power and fast processing. I don't, however, need a huge local storage capacity since I work off of our LAN. Where do I start looking? Any recommendations on models and/or features?
posted by Jamesonian at 7:30 AM PST - 10 comments

My iPhone deleted all of my contacts

My iPhone deleted all of my contacts, and none of the advice I've found on the internet for getting them back has worked. [more inside]
posted by enn at 7:06 AM PST - 14 comments

I %@$#$@& hate Chrome

I have a Chrome/Google Apps for Domains account for work. When I log onto my computer at work with that account, I have a bunch of apps and a bunch of bookmarks.

My issue is: when I sign into Chrome at home with my work account, none of my apps or bookmarks are there. On the settings page (advanced sync settings) I have selected "Apps", "Bookmarks", "Extensions, "Passwords", "Settings", "Themes" and "Open Tabs" but my Apps and Bookmarks and Password that are on my work computer (under this account) are not there when I sign in on my home computer (under this account). [more inside]
posted by crush-onastick at 6:50 AM PST - 4 comments

Walkable towns for young professionals...near a surf break...NE US

So I'm looking for the perfect spot to live, based on the things I like and proximity to family. I enjoy being able to walk to the grocery store or to the coffee shop or to a bar, restaurant. Then , I want to be able to drive 30 minutes or less to a beach break with fairly consistent surf. I surf year-round. I would like this not yet know town to be somewhere between NJ and Maine. Easy access to a major metropolitan area by public transportation is a definite plus. I'm not thinking about the cost of living right now.
posted by spacefire at 5:44 AM PST - 17 comments

Get me to the GRE

How reliable are NJ Transit buses from Port Authority? [more inside]
posted by R a c h e l at 5:40 AM PST - 13 comments

small metal martini/cocktail glasses

I am looking for small metal martini glasses, or possibly some other type of retro design. By small, I mean 4-5 oz. or so - most of the ones I can find online are at least 7-8 oz. [more inside]
posted by leedly at 5:16 AM PST - 6 comments

What is the best flatbed scanner for a biological laboratory?

I am in charge of buying a flatbed scanner for my lab. I am looking for a stand-alone scanner — as in, no connected computer required. Ideally, we would push a button on the scanner and then the image would be loaded directly onto a USB stick. (I have no idea what to call this type of scanner, which makes make using the Google difficult.) Also required: at least 200mm x 200mm size, and not a document-feeder type of scanner (as we will be using this for petri dishes). Any recommendations? [more inside]
posted by Peter Petridish at 5:08 AM PST - 11 comments

Online depression support group?

Of course, there are loads of online forums about depression, but so many of them just seem to be drive-by users posting questions to which the answer is "you need to see a doctor", or asking about medication side effects and withdrawal symptoms.

I'm seeing plenty of doctors (!) and getting the treatment I need after a very difficult 2013. I've found attending an in-person support group to be an absolutely key part of my recovery.

So is there anything you could describe as an "online support group"? [more inside]
posted by Junebug79 at 3:34 AM PST - 2 comments

Help me give this hoof pride of place

Can I turn this cow hoof yerba mate mug into a succulent/cactus planter? Pics inside! [more inside]
posted by lollymccatburglar at 3:15 AM PST - 7 comments

January 27

Soundproof the apartment - temporarily

So we've found ourselves living next to a mall for the next couple of months. The construction noise wasn't terrible, but now it's the whistles and megaphones that are entirely audible - even 14 stories up. Help us make our apartment more soundproof! Difficulty: not in the USA. [more inside]
posted by chrisinseoul at 11:04 PM PST - 4 comments

Brooklyn Restaurant for Wedding Reception?

Any ideas for a Brooklyn (or Manhattan, I guess) restaurant that can host a wedding of appx 75? Something warm and intimate, like Frankies (too small) or Aurora (hello $20K!). Nothing too **fancy** (as my Aunt Frances says). No venues or spaces or lofts or halls. Just a restaurant :)
posted by antipode12 at 10:19 PM PST - 14 comments

Who first "made it sing"?

What is the origin of "making it sing," as in to cause something to be at its best, be it an instrument, weapon, machine, or anything else? [more inside]
posted by BlackLeotardFront at 10:12 PM PST - 14 comments

Force Required To Deploy Airbags: Mercedes

Force Required To Deploy Airbags: Mercedes -- Don't know if any of you have since this video making it's way around the net. I'm sure people here know the technical specifications involved. Would this even be possible? Would imagine the woman would need a bag full of bricks haha
posted by Nicholas Geary at 9:26 PM PST - 10 comments

Singapore Math

I'm trying to help my 3rd grader with his math homework, but we are stuck on one problem. I can solve it using Algebra, but I'm trying to figure out how to explain it to him using the Singapore method that he's taught in school. Note that he hasn't learned how to add negative numbers, which puts a crimp on the methodology. [more inside]
posted by agog at 9:23 PM PST - 7 comments

What are some tips for the beginner gardener?

I am a complete novice to gardening but would like to start a vegetable garden for this spring/summer. I work a low income job so I need to do things on the cheap. I'm looking for suggestions or tips I haven't read online. [more inside]
posted by Aranquis at 8:55 PM PST - 19 comments

Just use the epoxy caulk after sanding the lead paint down to bare wood

After spending like six hours reading labels and talking to hardware store staff, I turn to you, AskMe. How do I patch these holes and smooth these posts in my front porch columns before painting (but after priming)? [more inside]
posted by slidell at 8:46 PM PST - 13 comments

How early should I show up for ASSCAT and Doug Loves Movies?

Simple as the question is. I'm going on a trip to LA in a few weeks and I would like to attend a taping of Doug Loves Movies and attend the free Sunday version of ASSSCAT and I understand you have to show up early to wait in line and guarantee a seat. So my question to you lovely people who live in Los Angeles and have been/go to these shows is - How early should I show up?
posted by danlewis84 at 8:30 PM PST - 2 comments

Regional Boutique Candy Companies

Gertrude Hawk in Eastern PA, NJ and Upstate NY. See's Candies in LA and the west coast. What other regional boutique candy/chocolate companies similar to these two are around the USA? For my purposes, specifically Florida, but I thought all regions might want to get in on the game. But... [more inside]
posted by sandra_s at 7:37 PM PST - 55 comments

Books about the classifying impulse

I suspect there must be quite a number of books dealing with our need to classify things… [more inside]
posted by MrMisterio at 6:52 PM PST - 12 comments

Landlord splitting electric bills between two tenants

My (now previous) landlord split the monthly electric bill between us and the downstairs apartment. We had oil heat, neighbors had electric. We had no a/c, downstairs had central a/c. Electric bills run about $400/month, which we never saw, but were invoiced for as "lease extras". Landlord told us we were responsible for 1/2 the monthly bill. I'm not sure this was equitable. Details to follow. [more inside]
posted by sundrop at 6:43 PM PST - 14 comments

My bread machine hates me

Why does my bread machine hate me? I've tried the same recipe twice in the last few days, and neither has worked. [more inside]
posted by robhuddles at 6:01 PM PST - 24 comments

Paranoid about people being disingenious

How do I overcome this fear/paranoia? [more inside]
posted by morning_television at 5:49 PM PST - 16 comments

Seeking names to one classic movie and a couple SF/F stories

My google-fu is not helping me on these, this is sort of a disjointed question, for whatever reason a few disjointed memories have come to mind recently from media I once consumed, I can usually figure out the sources if I can piece together this much memory but I haven't managed to with these ones. I read/watched these long ago. This is one classic romantic-comedy and various SF/F novels and short stories. [more inside]
posted by elista at 5:21 PM PST - 6 comments

Help me find this story or tell me to walk on.

There's a short story in which a woman tells her new lover that she has had a mastectomy and he abandons her. Or at least I think there is. [more inside]
posted by janey47 at 5:00 PM PST - 15 comments

How to lie for the jobs you don't want while waiting for your dream job?

I'm a recent grad with an MA in Philosophy and a BA in Economics. Tired of academia, I'm seeking opportunities in finance, not because of the money, but because of the work itself. While I'm sending out resumes, networking with alumni, etc., for my dream job, bills also need to be paid. I figure I should try to get any gig that pays at all, at least temporarily. My question is: How do I lie in the interviews for these boring $9/hour administrative positions? [more inside]
posted by shadowy_world at 4:58 PM PST - 12 comments

Intermittent Printer

I am trying to run an old Samsung ML-2510 laser printer off a USB port with a desktop running Windows 8. I have downloaded the appropriate universal print driver and Samsung Easy Printer Manager. The printer installed and ran fine when I first bought it (used), but after a month or two the computer wouldn't recognize it for whatever reason. After a day of fiddling and installing and uninstalling drivers, changing USB ports, etc., I can get it to run perfectly. I then print off my stuff. The next time I go to use it, the computer can't find it and won't run it. Anyone have this problem with a computer recognizing a printer intermittently? I can understand it not working at all, but why does it work perfectly and then quit working, apparently at random intervals?
posted by weapons-grade pandemonium at 4:35 PM PST - 4 comments

Didn't someone sleep through the stop for Winslow, Arizona?

Alright, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up! Great resources on the early history of Hollywood? [more inside]
posted by Sara C. at 4:18 PM PST - 27 comments

How do I decline to negotiate against myself?

HugeCo (not their real name), a once-major freelance client of mine hadn't sent me an assignment in over a year. They recently asked for a quote on a job, which I submitted. In response to my quote they're asking me to describe everything I need to do to complete the job to justifies the price I quoted. I need a script to refuse that request, while being positive and moving the negotiation forward on a more productive tack. [more inside]
posted by under_petticoat_rule at 4:17 PM PST - 14 comments

Problem printing a file in Libre Office

I'm running LibreOffice on OS X 10.9.1. I have two .doc documents in separate files of one page each with identical formatting parameters. When printing these files, one is fine while the other is reduced in size as if to fit it on the page. There's some glich in the second file that prevents it from printing full sized. Does anyone know why this is happening and can offer a workaround so I can print these files? The printer is a Brother HL 2170W.
posted by partner at 4:01 PM PST - 2 comments

Looking for sweeping FICTION epics of the old west

Help me find more sweeping fiction epics of the old west like Lonesome Dove and Hard Country, please. Horses, cattle, cowboys, empty country, ranching, pioneers, prospectors, trappers, etc. Bonus points for very long books or multiple books in the series. I've read everything by Larry McMurtry, and know about Michael Garrity's series, having just finished Hard Country. What else should I read? (I have lots of nonfiction books lined up already, so let's concentrate on fiction, or near-fiction.) Thanks!
posted by bluesky78987 at 3:59 PM PST - 21 comments

Media recommendations for a gender-nonconforming 3-year-old boy

I’m looking some age-appropriate media that will show my bright, sensitive 3 year old son (who seems to be more interested in all things femme every day) that his interests are okay. He has lots of female family members and friends who demonstrate to him that there are a million different ways of being a woman or a girl. But neither his dad nor I is feminine in the slightest, and most of the men in his life are uniformly masculine. I’d love it if he could see positive representations of boys and men in books and TV who have a wider variety of gender expressions. [more inside]
posted by libraritarian at 3:44 PM PST - 32 comments

Let's shack up?

I want to ask my boyfriend if he'd like to move in together for mostly practical reasons, but I'm not sure if I should ask or be patient. Lots of snowflake details inside. [more inside]
posted by gumtree at 3:24 PM PST - 32 comments

Most Resilient, Comfortable, Long-lived Kung Fu Shoes?

After repeated shoe drama, I realized the shoes that have been best for my feet and the rest of my body with the fewest re-supply issues have been Kung Fu shoes and their sisters, the "Chinese Maryjane". Now I want to find the very best ones for my needs, and am eagerly hoping someone here has the answer for me. [more inside]
posted by batmonkey at 2:47 PM PST - 10 comments

SoCal Gifts... San Bernardino?

A friend is moving to San Bernardino, and I'd like to get a gift for her - you know, locally relevant gifts that might help her to explore the area. Any suggestions? She's in her late 20's, married...
posted by noonday at 2:14 PM PST - 9 comments

Foods that take a long time to eat

I love to snack. I don't love the calories that I ingest when I snack. What are some foods I can eat that are (relatively) low calorie but will take a long time? I'm looking for a high time-to-eat/calories eaten ratio. Examples: grapefruit, which I can slice in half and carefully cut out each section. Artichokes: eat leaf by leaf.
posted by bq at 1:56 PM PST - 42 comments

Just another question about a possibly-doomed relationship.

I'm feeling very taken for granted by my boyfriend and I don't know what to do about it. Is this relationship doomed. [more inside]
posted by Lillypad331 at 1:27 PM PST - 45 comments

Looking for fancy tea cup recommendations:

I'd like something that's either understated (traditional, white porcelain), but outstanding quality. Or a little more elegant: 1, 2. (These are pretty ideal, but I don't think the manufacturer ships to the US.) Any recommendations? Thanks!
posted by jtothes at 1:22 PM PST - 6 comments

Irish Genealogy Website Question: Help me find a lost baby?

I need help with Irish genealogy websites and where to look. I've joined a couple of sites; the site that looks the most promising is nickel-and-diming me to death just to look at the info that shows up in their searches. Irish records can be spotty, so some of them are totally wrong. So, askMetafilter, where do I go from here without spending another 34 euros to see five records that are probably incorrect anyway? The details (What I know 98% for-sure): [more inside]
posted by Tchad at 1:18 PM PST - 9 comments

Unemployment is leading to a lack of enjoyment in social activities.

I have been unemployed for close to a year. Lately, I have been withdrawing for social activities due to anxiety and a lack of self-esteem. I honestly feel like a different person than I was even a year ago (in a bad way), and it shows when I interact socially; I usually don’t even have very much fun due to the social anxiety and feeling that I'm being judged. Should I even do things with friends when I am not in the right frame of mind to have a good time? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:10 PM PST - 16 comments

Heavens to Betsy, what gives, Etsy?

So, I think I'm not getting Etsy. Etsy wizards, can I get a little help? What am I doing wrong with my shop? Do you have favorite tips/tricks sites? [more inside]
posted by nevercalm at 12:40 PM PST - 31 comments

Is it safe to cut fruits out of your diet for the rest of your life?

I'm currently a 23-year-old with rapidly deteriorating teeth. I had braces from 2005-2008, which compromised my ability to clean thoroughly (I recall spending around 45 minutes twice a day cleaning and brushing my teeth, yet apparently that wasn't enough to prevent decay). So, when I had my braces taken off in 2008, I was left with a whole bunch of cavities that needed to be filled -- mostly around the back teeth/molars. [more inside]
posted by vanizorc at 12:18 PM PST - 30 comments

My very first food poisoning question

So, I ate some truly delicious Ethiopian food (lentils, cabbage and potato, collard greens, and okra, plus the bread) I got as takeout from a local place on Friday evening. About 8 hours later I awoke feeling dreadful. I threw up four times over the next 8 hours or so, and I am one of those people who virtually never vomits. I also felt really sick, with a major stomach ache. I have been feeling gradually better since, and am back at work today, but still feel trembly, nauseated and kinda green around the edges. And no bowel movements to date. When am I going to feel like myself again? Do I have to call my doctor?
posted by bearwife at 12:09 PM PST - 22 comments

What's a good knee wrap for warmth and support? (patella tendon)

Asking for a friend: What's a good knee wrap for warmth and support? I've been treated for patella tendonosis. I'm a middle-aged man in Seattle. It doesn't get very cold here, but even below 50 degrees, my knee starts to ache. Looking for a way to keep the knee joint nice and warm, and extra support for the tendon. Thinking of buying this knee wrap. Anyone have first hand (first knee?) experience? You are not my doctor. You are not my physical therapist. My dog will be happier if I can take her for longer walks.
posted by valannc at 12:06 PM PST - 4 comments

There's no way to make inevitable vomiting more pleasant, is there?

When I get a migraine, it is accompanied by nausea, vertigo, and vomiting. But usually I have some time at the onset of the migraine before the barfing commences, and I was wondering if there was something I could consume (food, beverage) in this window of time that would make the inevitable reversal of fortune less unpleasant on my throat. [more inside]
posted by juniperesque at 11:35 AM PST - 47 comments

Shoes: high-quality, stylish, comfortable, repairable

I'm looking for brands of women's shoes that are high-quality, stylish, comfortable, and repairable. Is that so much to ask? [more inside]
posted by spindrifter at 11:18 AM PST - 16 comments

What's the name of this path-based board game?

I'm trying to remember the name of a board game I used to play growing up. The objective was to make a path from one edge of the board to the other using square black-and-white tiles. [more inside]
posted by ultraviolet catastrophe at 11:06 AM PST - 3 comments

Fed up with Mac Mavericks Email (tagging, suggestions and more please!)

I'm an inbox zero guy - I'm at my end with Apple Mail. I think I need to move to a new tool - Thunderbird? Outlook? Please hope me! [more inside]
posted by filmgeek at 11:06 AM PST - 15 comments

how does the Census count group houses?

I am curious how the Census counts group houses (i don't mean hospices or something similar) in major cities, especially as that can skew or affect income and other figures. [more inside]
posted by waylaid at 11:02 AM PST - 11 comments

Help me throw a Hedwig viewing party

Some girlfriends and I were discussing going to NYC to see Hedwig and the Angry Inch on Broadway, and the idea of holding a Hedwig viewing party was thrown out. I want to make this a reality. I need your ideas for food, drinks, props, games/other activities, etc. [more inside]
posted by Fig at 10:51 AM PST - 9 comments

Remote access software

I've been using logmein.com (like GoToMyPC) to admin family computers remotely. They will no longer be free in 1 week, asking $10/month per remote computer which is too much. What free alternatives are there that work well?
posted by stbalbach at 10:20 AM PST - 14 comments

What services and sites have you replaced Craigslist with?

What do you now use instead of Craigslist for finding rentals, jobs, activities, etc.? I'm interested in both the paid and free options you've found.
posted by ziggly at 10:05 AM PST - 16 comments

Student loans: expert advice for payment strategy?

Who understands federal student loans the best? I'm looking for someone who knows all of the current rules and options and can (for a fee) go through all of my loans and give me the best plan to pay them off.
posted by cgs at 9:47 AM PST - 8 comments

is long-term care insurance reliable?

I have been paying $100/mo. for several years now for long-term care insurance with a carrier that is as good a bet as any in the market. But that is a big hit in my budget, and will be even bigger when I retire in a couple of years. It's kind of early in the overall history of this kind of insurance to be drawing conclusions from gathered data, but worst case, it could be just another corporate sleight-of-hand deal for sucking money out of the paycheck-to-paycheck crowd. I can not rely on family as an alternative strategy; I am in fairly good health so far. Should I consider this an essential expense?
posted by mmiddle at 8:40 AM PST - 18 comments

How do I go to the doctor?

I am in Washington DC, not feeling well and would like to see a doctor. The problem: I don't have a doctor. How do I go about getting one? [more inside]
posted by capricorn at 8:28 AM PST - 19 comments

How can I feel the way I feel before my period all the time?

Like most women, I experience some mood variations throughout my cycle. Right before my period actually starts, I feel a burst of energy which makes me feel more creative and productive. [more inside]
posted by chaiminda at 8:15 AM PST - 18 comments

How to deal with a negligent micromanager

New job, restrictions that seem unreasonable. I love this job and I want to not get fired and not have to look for another job already. Hope me. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:05 AM PST - 13 comments

What to do with vast quantities of ground ginger?

Due to a shopping accident I am now in possession of 3 standard size bottles of dried ground ginger (despite the fact that I almost always use fresh). I'm the type of person who absolutely has to use up what I have before buying or making something new (if there are leftovers in the fridge I Must eat them before making a new dish). So having a 3 year supply of ground ginger really bugs me. I have searched for recipes but no matter sweet, savory, culture, every one seems to max out at about a teaspoon or two. Does anyone have recipe ideas that require large amounts of ginger? I'm a good cook and willing to try anything to use up the ginger.
posted by boobjob at 8:03 AM PST - 25 comments

I don't want a tsundere dog

Our new dog fears me and is generally seems to be fearful. He's already bitten the friend who would be watching him if we went on a trip! It would break my wife's heart to take him back but if his behaviors keep up I don't know if we'll have any choice. However I believe there are rarely bad dogs, just mostly bad owners. How can we make Fishstick part of the family? [more inside]
posted by charred husk at 8:03 AM PST - 25 comments

Help me deal with my landlord and/or provide a sanity check.

[NYC-filter] I'm renting from a residential landlord for the first time, and the experience is really different than the past. He is sending awful and anxiety-inducing letters/text messages about things that it's my understanding are landlord problems/normal rental situations. Please help me figure out how to respond to him, let me know what the objective view of the situation is, and help me with basic residential tenant rights in NYC. [more inside]
posted by corb at 8:02 AM PST - 24 comments

"Not everyone can be an orphan."

I live in another country separate from every member of my small family. After seven years of difficulties, I've had to cut contact due to proselytizing, trauma, and untreated mental illness. What steps can I take to come to terms with this decision? [more inside]
posted by Vrai at 8:02 AM PST - 13 comments

Best UK hosting company for email addresses with an external domain?

An organisation I volunteer for has been hosting the local chapter's email inboxes for a while now, but they have announced that they will no longer be doing so. I have been tasked with finding a hosting company that will let us have 10-20 email addresses with an external domain. In your experience, o Hivemind, what's the best hosting company for this? Hit me with your anecdata. Thank for kind.
posted by tel3path at 7:57 AM PST - 4 comments

Real time stock ticker

What is the best desktop stock ticker that refreshes real-time prices? Or, alternate question: how do I get Google Finance to work so that it stays real-time? [more inside]
posted by (Arsenio) Hall and (Warren) Oates at 7:40 AM PST - 9 comments

Need a volunteer management solution for a one-day, multi site event

I'm working with a Community Foundation that is planning our (first) annual Volunteer Day in our town. We're working with other non-profit organizations in town to design volunteer activities which can be completed on a designated day, we will basically be the central clearing point for these activities and volunteers looking to participate, as well as do the publicity / awareness raising etc. I have taken on finding a solution to help us connect activities to volunteers and vice versa. I've done some online research and found a few options, but none are ideal, and so I turn to the hive mind for ideas and insight. Ideally, I am looking for an online tool which allows me to set up 20 or so 'projects', each with different time and skill requirements, and organizers, and allows participants to sign up to one that interests them. special requests and snowflake details inside [more inside]
posted by darsh at 7:00 AM PST - 2 comments

Non-minimalist running shoes for the minimalist?

I love my minimalist shoes, but a few years ago I attempted to run in them and ended up with capsulitis in the joints in the ball of my left foot. Here I am a few years later and I want to try running again. Difficulty level: female, with wide feet. [more inside]
posted by metarkest at 6:44 AM PST - 21 comments

Give me some ways to use maple sugar.

I have a fairly good-size bag of very finely-granulated maple sugar. When I bought it at a farmer's market they told me I can use it "just like regular sugar!" but some googling implies that it works a little differently in baked goods. So given that I have very limited free time to experiment, I'm looking for some guidance on how to use it and recommended baked goods recipes that make use of the maple flavor. Extra bonus points for anything I can easily adapt to be nut-, egg-, and dairy-free.
posted by olinerd at 6:40 AM PST - 19 comments

Beyond McLuhan

I have read some of Marshall McLuhan's books and would like to continue to read more in the same vein. I don't have a background in Media Studies or Philosophy, but I want to learn more about what contemporary thinkers have written about media and culture touching on some of the same subjects as McLuhan. I'm interested in philosophy of media studies (and futurism/technology/etc.). I'm also interested in artists that have reflected some of these ideas in their work. Suggestions?
posted by catrae at 6:20 AM PST - 11 comments

How to phrase request for payment? Question for artists...

Someone wants to use a watermarked version of an illustration I drew. Got some newbie questions. [more inside]
posted by cartoonella at 4:26 AM PST - 10 comments

Help me reupholster leather desk chair

I have a leather computer desk chair that I got 2 years ago that I really like and they don't sell it anymore, it is very ergonomic. I have tried out other chairs and not found one as good. The leather has torn in several places and I need to reupholster it. I don't want to take it somewhere to be reupholstered becasue a) I don't have the money and B) I would have nothing to sit on while it is in the shop. The thing is I don't know anything about reupholstering , let alone what looks somewhat complicated due to all the panels, in it. I have made a video showing in detail the chair, and the problems with it. I will be very grateful to anyone who can help with with this. This is the video.
posted by john123357 at 2:45 AM PST - 9 comments

Oh brother, don't hate me

I've decided to skip my brother's wedding, for very good reasons. Help me figure out how to talk to him about this - it gets long, sorry. [more inside]
posted by guessthis at 2:07 AM PST - 63 comments

Holy Fatherhood, Batmam!

Help me find examples of father-child relationships in the Bible. [more inside]
posted by man down under at 1:33 AM PST - 12 comments

What do I ask/tell my new doctor about my mental health?

I don't know what help I need anymore, or even if I need help. I have a lifelong history of depression and the past two and half years, I've experienced more life stressors than normal. The original reasons I made the appointment was to a. get a new script for my anti-anxiety medication (which is also meant to help my depression), especially as I accidentally abruptly ceased it over 5 days ago, and b. a referral to a new psychiatrist to prescribe ADHD medication. [more inside]
posted by b33j at 1:21 AM PST - 2 comments

January 26

Absolute best VoIP quality service

Looking for an app that provides the absolute best VoIP sound quality for calls from outside the US to the US. I don't mind paying. Snowflakes inside. [more inside]
posted by 3491again at 10:14 PM PST - 11 comments

Should I pursue compensation for an old work injury?

10 years ago, I worked as a secretary for a small business. Towards the end of my time there I was asked to lift something heavy and ended up injuring my back (herniated disk). Should I pursue some kind of compensation? [more inside]
posted by EarthwormGin at 9:38 PM PST - 16 comments

Ad-free commercial Mediawiki host

Can you please recommend a cheap ad-free commercial Mediawiki host? [more inside]
posted by Zed at 9:34 PM PST - 6 comments

Post-apocalyptic graduation speech

I'm trying to find an essay/short story that was about a professor in the near future addressing a very small graduating class (like 4 men and 3 women) a few years after a conflict Islam and the West tore the world apart. There's a reference to Mecca (the living heart of Islam) getting nuked and I believe the speaker dies or faints at the end. It is not a screed against a "Muslim menace" or anything, nor is it about "the evils of the West." [more inside]
posted by codswallop at 8:47 PM PST - 2 comments

Baltimore/Real Estate peeps! Do you think we should sell this townhouse?

My mother bought a townhouse before the housing bubble. She lost her job two years ago and is having trouble paying the mortgage. What's the process for selling the house and what do we have to lose? [more inside]
posted by bluelight at 7:11 PM PST - 19 comments

Playstation 4 vs Xbox one

I need help deciding on which system to buy. I would like some opinions. I have googled it and see that PS4 has better displays renderings and such but Xbox's social network has always been better in my experience. [more inside]
posted by Doubleosix at 7:03 PM PST - 18 comments

Making Convoluted Text Simple Visually

Sometimes, some documents I read are so convoluted that I don't understand what they are telling me. I've found this to be true in for legal documents including terms of agreements and constitutions among others. Is there any kind of program that looks at the syntax of sections of text and converts them into block diagrams showing the relationships between subjects and objects with the verb, adverbs, adjectives, etc. showing how they are connected? For instance, if it was highlighting the sentence, "See Spot run", there would be two boxes, one labeled Spot and one labeled You with an arrow connecting the latter to the former. I'm thinking of something similar to sentence diagramming but graphically represented and not nearly as complicated. It seems to me that if something could lay out all of the relationships within a document, that would make it much easier for someone to understand what it means. Or is that magical thinking on my part?
posted by CollectiveMind at 7:01 PM PST - 8 comments

Different Life Tracks

How to deal with friends moving in different directions in life/feeling left behind? [more inside]
posted by sprezzy at 6:43 PM PST - 12 comments

I'm 40, male, and have no idea where I should be buying my clothes.

I'm in my 40s, and I would love to have a "goto" place to buy my every day clothes. I have no idea where that place should be. [more inside]
posted by ratherbethedevil at 6:26 PM PST - 30 comments

Flying to Hong Kong with kids - How to choose a flight?

We're flying to Hong Kong with our 2 young kids. We need help figuring out the best route and the best way to buy tickets. [more inside]
posted by werkzeuger at 6:14 PM PST - 8 comments

Skilled skier seeks ski sites

What are some websites or books about skiing? [more inside]
posted by shothotbot at 6:00 PM PST - 6 comments

How to watch grammys online?

Trying to watch grammy awards online - any ideas? Thanks
posted by hick57 at 5:24 PM PST - 2 comments

How do I handle destination wedding money stress?

A friend of my girlfriend's is getting married in Asia over Christmas 2014. She's planning to go, and wants me to accompany her (and, money aside, I'd like to go). She'll be upset and disappointed if I don't, and is already upset and disappointed that I'm balking. She makes enough money to afford the trip without financial contortions, and...I don't, or don't feel like I do. This is a recurring point of contention in our relationship, and, generally, I'm not sure if I'm being unreasonable, she's being unreasonable, or a little bit of both. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:12 PM PST - 58 comments

Exterior brick restoration/refacing help

My house was built in 1910 and has several flavors of brick on it. How can I make them the same? [more inside]
posted by bookdragoness at 5:00 PM PST - 9 comments

Help me paint my bathroom

I have a bathroom that has had some serious moisture issues over the years. I recently installed an exhaust fan and that's mitigated the problem somewhat. My big issue is this: the wall paint (semi-gloss latex) is peeling off where the wall and tile meet. It started bubbling up here and there and I made the mistake of pulling on a little piece today and the paint came off like peeling an orange. I need to repaint several of the walls in the bathroom while trying to prevent the paint from peeling off again. How do I seal the walls or at least where the wall and the tiles come together to keep the moisture out? [more inside]
posted by photoslob at 4:19 PM PST - 12 comments

How to stay calm at 4 a.m.

There's a lot of advice out there on how to achieve calm when you are awake and focusing. By day I apply this and have become decent at getting a grip and putting things in perspective once I'm awake and out of bed. But what about the hours when you are half-awake in bed and your guard is down? By 8 a.m. I feel like I have been in an all-night punching match with worries that have run loose while the watchmen are passed out. What do you do to avoid sleep-time anxiety? Is the answer just to be even calmer before you go to sleep? Or can you recommend some other middle-of-the-night strategy?
posted by anonymous at 3:23 PM PST - 39 comments

Universal healthcare / "forced" palliative care

I was talking about universal healthcare with someone who said that in a certain country the government provides only palliative care after a certain age (he thought it was 76). I was pretty certain this was definitely not the case but a google search of "which country provides only palliative care after 76" did not provide a definitive answer. Me-fites, is this a thing, anywhere in the world? I assumed it was something in the death panels vein (i.e. false).
posted by mermily at 3:19 PM PST - 14 comments

Siezing the morning(s) in SF

I've got three mornings to kill in San Francisco. What should I do? [more inside]
posted by cebailey at 3:14 PM PST - 14 comments

Looking for movies and books where engineers did their jobs right

In many spy or action movies, the technical systems seem to be designed by total idiots. Especially everything concerned with nuclear weapons. While this creates an easy and straightforward plot, it destroys my suspension of disbelief more severely than if talking unicorns just walked into the scene. I'm looking for fiction with systems designed by sane people. Inexplacible things, utter idiocy and madness may exist, but should be acknowledged as such in-universe. Spoilers for "Olympus has fallen" inside. [more inside]
posted by Triton at 3:07 PM PST - 20 comments

Why are there no Bluetooth 4.0 keyboards?

I can't find any Bluetooth 4.0 keyboards from any of the usual places. This makes me suspicious. Alibaba has some, but I'd prefer to buy a single one from somewhere I have used before. What's going on?
posted by devnull at 2:46 PM PST - 4 comments

How do I make dealing with health insurance companies easier?

I see two medical providers on a frequent (weekly to monthly) basis. Neither provider accepts insurance. This means that to receive reimbursement I have to mail invoices manually to my health insurance carrier. The process is very difficult to manage. Please help me. [more inside]
posted by prunes at 2:37 PM PST - 9 comments

How do I begin working with a partner on school project?

I've managed to avoid working in school teams or groups since I was nine years old but no more. I have to do a research project to be submitted to journals for publishing with a classmate. Designing and carrying out a feasible project in a semester would already be a lot to me, but I need some guidance on how to facilitate the process with a partner. [more inside]
posted by Danila at 2:33 PM PST - 9 comments

MIxed up word pairs.

Does anyone else experience or have an explanation or name for this issue? There are certain words that I always seem to really need concentrate to recall. Example: "symmetrical" -- I will almost always need to scan through my vocabulary very carefully to come up with this word when I want it. Also, I will often produce "ambidextrous" as a potential response. Clearly there is a relationship between symmetry and ambidextrous, I see that it's not an outlandish mistake, but I still often have to work my way through the process, even though I KNOW this is a word pair I often have confused in the past. Similarly, "manipulative" and "exploitive". I almost have a sense of anxiety as I search the brain for one of these words because I know I will often come up with the wrong one. Again here, manipulation and exploitation have a similar quality in that they are both ways of treating others as objects, but they are clearly not synonymous. Maybe there are 3 or 4 other pairs that frustrate me as well. Anyone?
posted by mmf at 2:18 PM PST - 12 comments

Do I need a range hood?

Doing a major kitchen reno on a new old house, and the layout has no good spot to install a range hood. I've owned houses with a range hood and houses without one, and the only difference I've noticed is that the ones without one need a bit more frequent cleaning, although not really much. Actually very little. Maybe the kind of cooking I usually do doesn't require one? Do you have a range hood? Do you not? Is it merely a bright shiny status symbol? Do you think it's important to have one? Why?
posted by fivesavagepalms at 1:30 PM PST - 28 comments

Help me remember the name of a children's / young adult book (series?)

I'm looking for a book or series about a boy who is an inventor (or something similar). I'm pretty sure I know what series it's not but I may be mixing things together. [more inside]
posted by Gronk at 1:07 PM PST - 13 comments

Anyone remember 3' wooden snow sticks?

I have a "snow stick" that was my mothers. It's an extended yard stick - about 39". The numbers going up the stick are in red and green and at the top it says "snow stick" and has a hole under that to hand it on a nail. I've been trying to find them for some Christmas presents for next Dec. but the only one I found was on e-bay for $38.00. It also says on it - made in Durham, N.H. I'd be looking for probably about 15 of them. I remember seeing them in hardware stores years ago for cheap money but I'm hoping someone still them out there and are reasonable. Any help would be appreciated. I also tried googling Durham for them but to no avail.
posted by maursam at 1:06 PM PST - 9 comments

Using Excel's regression tools to determine the 95% confidence interval

MS Excel's regression tools provide 95% lower/upper confidence results but how does one properly interpret and then express those as a single ± (plus/minus) figure? [more inside]
posted by kartguy at 12:48 PM PST - 4 comments

Sizing a surprise ring?

I want to propose but I'm getting hung up on not knowing my girlfriend's ring size. How does this work? (more inside) [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 12:41 PM PST - 43 comments

Make way for pedestrians

How can I start, or join, a public action committee or collective action group focusing on the needs and rights of pedestrians? A social support group or listserv would be OK too. [more inside]
posted by bad grammar at 12:34 PM PST - 11 comments

Do you know any cutting edge data on treating a sprained ankle?

I know "PRICE" Protect, Rest, Ice, Elevate, are there any other things that can help immediately after a sprained ankle, or in the days/weeks after? Are there any scientific studies or journal articles you can link me that show any different or other treatments? I'd like to do anything I can to help healing (foods, human growth hormone, drugs, needles, therapies, anything). By the way,I know I can Ice for 20 minutes, every hour (the most aggressive recommendation I've heard), but if I can take it, can I ice for longer, more often? Coincidentally I have been doing endurance Ice bath immersion lately, so I know I can withstand much longer in an ice bath (70 minutes in 5 degree Celsius water) so wouldn't that be better than 20 minutes every hour?
posted by crawltopslow at 12:17 PM PST - 8 comments

Can you identify this French movie I saw maybe 8 years ago?

I saw this movie on either IFC or The Sundance Channel about 8-10 years ago. It was almost certainly French, though I suppose it's possible it could have been from Belgium or something -- but it had a very, very French feel. Here's what I remember: (some of the memories may be incorrect) [more inside]
posted by edlundart at 12:04 PM PST - 3 comments

Do I completely change my family's life for a dream job opportunity?

I have been offered a dream career position. All signs indicate that I will excel at the job, and in a few years I may be in a technical leadership position with amazing potential and significant rewards. However, it will require my wife and I to move across the country, away from family and friends. How do we make such a difficult choice? [more inside]
posted by RobotNinja at 11:21 AM PST - 46 comments

Laptop Acting Up

Entry Point Errors... ASN1BEREncBool... MSASN1.dll... Something has clearly gone wrong with my Windows laptop, but I'm not sure what. Can you help me out? [more inside]
posted by NotMyselfRightNow at 11:12 AM PST - 12 comments

Non-ticking physical kitchen timer

I want a kitchen timer (for use in "personal productivity", not the kitchen), but I hate the ticking sound that most of them make. I want to be able to set it by physically turning something. I definitely do not want to have to press any buttons. Where can I find such a thing?
posted by beerbajay at 10:53 AM PST - 10 comments

Please help me fix my Facebook as it has decided to stop working.

So, I'm using Google Chrome and my Facebook has suddenly decided not to work. I've tried clearing my browser history with emptying the cache and cookies (that terminology is a bit beyond me). But it still won't work. It looks like the words below, but in a blue font on a white screen. I've tried it on Internet Explorer and it works fine (Changing internet browsers is not an answer I'm willing to consider here).Can someone help me fix it please. [more inside]
posted by sockpim at 10:24 AM PST - 9 comments

Can you identify this comedian from MTV?

In the 1990s on MTV's Half Hour Comedy Hour there was a comedian who, when bombing, would lean into the first row and yell at people who weren't laughing, "I'm going to be doing some comedy later on, you should stick around" — what was his name?
posted by critzer at 10:03 AM PST - 5 comments

Disability Insurance is taxable, right?

I was on California State Disability Insurance (SDI) for a few months in early 2103. My understanding is that this is not taxable as income on my California return. However, I assume it's federally taxable. But confused. [more inside]
posted by colin_l at 9:38 AM PST - 4 comments

Windows 7 (x64) freezes during file transfer between disks

My Windows 7 PC (HP H8-1300z) has been working quite fine for the past 2 years but it recently began acting up and I can't figure out why. Everytime I attempt to do a copy/paste (backup) with large volume of folders from one drive to another (external) the PC freezes. The fan also randomly goes crazy for a minute or two and then stops. [more inside]
posted by bostonhill at 9:27 AM PST - 6 comments

I want my $700! #$%^^ pothole

I hit a large, well camoflaged and unmarked "pothole" in a nearby town in MA. It was impossible to see. It ripped the oil pan out of my car and cost me $700 (towing, repair and rental car). I was not driving recklessly. Is it worth the trouble of getting in touch with the town and asking them to reimburse me? [more inside]
posted by sully75 at 9:09 AM PST - 9 comments

What's a good way to keep track of customer data?

After a crazy Kickstarter adventure, I suddenly find myself with ~65 products to create, 2000 customers to send them to, and loads of information (names, email addresses, shipping details, order selections, order fulfillment status, funds donated) from 4 different sources (Kickstarter surveys, Surveymonkey.com, paypal.com, private emails). I need some way to keep track of all of it, so that I can easily find and export information (Who ordered product X? Who ordered product Y and hasn't yet had that order fulfilled), easily change entries (Customer B: Can I switch from product X to Y?) and easily add entries (New customer C). What's my best bet?
posted by sdis at 8:18 AM PST - 10 comments

child's birth cert has wrong maiden name for me - passport problem?

Recently received child's birth certificate with wrong maiden name for me.... it just has my married name in the maiden name spot. Obviously this was a mistake. I am inclined not to fool with the time and expense of correcting it but I need a passport this year for my child. [more inside]
posted by juliagulia at 8:17 AM PST - 12 comments

Can we, or should we, eat it question number 9999.

GF made a slow cooker pot roast last Monday (6 days ago). Nobody ate it and its been in the fridge all week. Can I make it into a pot pie today? [more inside]
posted by bricksNmortar at 7:38 AM PST - 24 comments

Is it so that they can draw the classic house + sun crayon drawing?

Can you explain to me as if I were an alien why children need to grow up in houses rather than apartments or condos? This is one of those things that seems obvious to everyone else that I seem to miss. [more inside]
posted by ignignokt at 7:36 AM PST - 27 comments

Hate my boss, not paid enough. How do I phrase that in an interview?

I want a new job. Why? Because my second-level manager is a jerkoff and because I don't get paid enough. How do I spin this in a future interview? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:03 AM PST - 17 comments

Finding good articles on personal development

Unfortunately the internet is flooded with articles like “The top 7 ways to be more productive”. These articles are helpful for someone who hasn’t read many of these articles before, but after a while you want to be able to locate articles that provide deeper insights. For this reason, I have given up on using sub-reddits, such as /r/decidingtobebetter. Recently, I discovered that Medium has some pretty good articles on personal development with only a small minority being of the vague and wishy-washy type that you tend to see elsewhere. Where else can I find good articles on personal development, where good is defined as specific, original and in-depth?
posted by casebash at 5:51 AM PST - 6 comments

how to ask for help

I've been dating a guy since the summer. I need help with asking for things I need in the relationship. [more inside]
posted by swamp rocket at 5:39 AM PST - 14 comments

Ideas for being Europe on Twitter for a week

Like the @Sweden account is shared between Swedes, @i_am_europe is for Europeans. It's a new idea and I'm going to be one of the first, starting 3 February. I'm a journalist covering the EU so there may be some stuff I can do from that, but i'd like to involve people and give it a good start, have you any ideas? [more inside]
posted by quarsan at 4:52 AM PST - 4 comments

Best/Easiest/Cheapest way to stream video files from PC to TV

I know this has been asked before, but I didn't see an answer that works for me. I currently use my XBox 360 to stream videos to my television over my LAN/wifi and I would like to find a better way. [more inside]
posted by JimBJ9 at 4:21 AM PST - 11 comments

The Ladies and Women of Olympic Sport.

A question on vocabulary.  Why are some Olympic sports listed as "ladies" events, while others are "women's"?  Ski jumping is for ladies.  Ice Hockey is for women.
posted by feelinglistless at 2:06 AM PST - 8 comments

Financial Management: Spending and Saving

For the first time in my life I'm actually making decent money! How do I balance spending and saving? [more inside]
posted by masters2010 at 12:54 AM PST - 14 comments

January 25

The researcher is the subject.

Social science research: How does researching a subject that affects you very personally impact your professional reputation and long-term employment prospects? [more inside]
posted by tippy at 11:41 PM PST - 9 comments

a can't-MIIS opportunity.

Asking for a friend: what's life like as a student in Monterey, California? Snowflakey details inside. [more inside]
posted by Tamanna at 11:30 PM PST - 12 comments

Family of three, two last names. Problem?

When I got married I never changed my last name. We're pregnant now (yay!), and thinking the baby will have my last name. Dad will likely big picking kiddo up from daycare/school a lot and we'll be traveling internationally a lot (Oz-US). How big a deal is it if dad has a different surname? [more inside]
posted by jrobin276 at 10:54 PM PST - 43 comments

Where to buy a simple solid-color 4'x6' area rug in Manhattan?

I am trying find a solid color, durable, 4' x 6' area rug on which to put my new electronic drum set. (4' x 6' rubber padding will be placed under the rug). It has proven very difficult to find an area rug of this size that isn't horrendously ugly. I've also looked online. Any ideas?
posted by handsomeveryman at 10:47 PM PST - 13 comments

I feel like I’m not good enough. How can I battle my depression

I’m a 25 year old female and have been going through a lot of depression over the past year, mostly in the areas of finance and romance. [more inside]
posted by summertimesadness1988 at 10:11 PM PST - 19 comments

Android MP3 app with Text-To-Speech?

I'm looking for a Android music player app that will read the artist and track name out-loud. [more inside]
posted by laconic skeuomorph at 9:35 PM PST - 3 comments

Not such a Safe Way to Slip and Bang my Head on Concrete!

Earlier this evening, as I was entering a large chain grocery store from the upstairs patio entrance, I slipped on the wet tile surface as I was about to open the door, fell, and banged my head hard against the concrete outer wall of the store, glasses flying off my face. What steps should I take now to ensure that I am protected should I experience health consequences from this in the future? [more inside]
posted by tenderly at 9:04 PM PST - 12 comments

Can I have MedicAid as my second insurance?

Hi all! Thank you for your time. I enrolled in a private insurance plan through a different state because my state (Oregon) messed up my medicaid enrollment and are still struggling to enroll me. I have two questions: 1. Can I have medicaid as a second insurance or primary insurance and also be on a private one? (I qualify for medicaid) 2. Is there anything I can do to speed up Cover Oregon's enrollment of me? My doctor suggested emailing the news, and I did that, but with no luck. Thanks!
posted by Kombucha3452 at 8:15 PM PST - 5 comments

Help me help my retired mom find a part-time job!

My mom is a young 67 year-old retired teacher. Help me give her more ideas for a part-time job that uses her skills, Masters degree and 30+ years of experience! It's so hard watching her be so disheartened. :/ [more inside]
posted by carmenghia at 8:03 PM PST - 19 comments

How do I become an early morning exerciser?

Have you gone from not exercising in the morning to regularly doing so, and enjoying it and feeling energetic? I would love to have your tips! [more inside]
posted by bearette at 7:40 PM PST - 18 comments

Easter in Wallonia or Northern France?

I will be in the Brussels area over Easter weekend and I need tips on where to go. [more inside]
posted by Gringos Without Borders at 7:31 PM PST - 6 comments

hypothyroid desserts that inspire?

I'm in charge of making dessert for a dinner party. My friend is eating for her thyroid, which essentially means no refined sugar or gluten or cow dairy. I'd like dessert to be something she could eat, but also, um, delicious, and dessert-y (i know i could make applesauce, but that depresses me). It is winter in Quebec and berries are six bucks a container. What can I make that satisfies all of these dinner party requirements? Thank you!
posted by andreapandrea at 5:28 PM PST - 14 comments

Identity Theft

I just discovered 8 fraudulent charges on my credit card statement from September 2013 totaling $933.00. Yes, it's my fault. I should have paid attention to my statement when it came in. My credit union, who is supposed to call us when they notice a suspicious transaction, didn't catch it either because we were not notified. I called my credit union today as soon as I noticed it and spoke to the fraud department. I was unclear from that conversation whether my deadline to report a fraudulent transaction is 60 days or 90 days from the date of the fraud, but either way, I'm past the deadline. Today is 1/25/14, the frauds were committed between 9/6/13 and 9/11/13. I also called Visa. They told me this is between me and my bank. Does anyone know if I have any recourse?
posted by htm at 5:21 PM PST - 18 comments

Rumble In LA

I'm kind of embarrassed to be asking this, but does anyone know of any bars in the Los Angeles area that will be showing the Royal Rumble tomorrow? [more inside]
posted by Parasite Unseen at 5:18 PM PST - 4 comments

O Roku, where art thou?

Okay, we just bought a new wireless router. Our two smartphones are wifi connected. So are two different computers plus two Nooks. The only thing that refuses to connect is our Roku box. The ONLY thing we use to watch TV. This is Not Good. Roku support was worse than useless. Hive mind, we turn to you. GO! [more inside]
posted by St. Alia of the Bunnies at 5:11 PM PST - 13 comments

How to best support my partner with a stressful academic job?

I'm in a LTR and my partner is unhappy in her academic job and considering a major career change. How can I best support her? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:04 PM PST - 11 comments

Multi-Platform RSS/Newsreader to Replace Feedly

I'm not fond of Feedly's insistence that you log in using a Google account. Searching for an RSS reader to replace it. [more inside]
posted by The ____ of Justice at 5:01 PM PST - 18 comments

accio worldbuilding project

I'm working on a worldbuilding project set in the Harry Potter universe that incorporates Bengali culture and history. What can I do and what resources can I consult to make this project awesome? (Mild spoiler for Pottermore inside.) [more inside]
posted by divabat at 4:45 PM PST - 3 comments

Who do you recommend I hire to help me achieve my goals?

I have been seeing a Psychoanalytic Therapist for the last year. I have made great strides working with her and I deeply appreciate her support. Nevertheless, I feel like our main goal has been to understand my past and present. At this point in my life, I want to work with someone who can help me achieve "specific desired behavioral outcomes". [more inside]
posted by speedoavenger at 4:10 PM PST - 8 comments

Yup, I have nipples. Big deal.

I am looking for a bra that is (a) unpadded, ie not just without weird foam cups, but entirely unlined, as in, just a thin layer of fabric (this is a must!) and (b) possibly cotton and without an underwire (those two are negotiable). I wear a size 34 D or 36 C, depending on brand. Not expecting to spend more than $25. I haven't been able to find anything like this in my size. [more inside]
posted by The Toad at 3:31 PM PST - 33 comments

Stock Oversaving?

Settle an argument about making stock for cooking. One half says that you should save every odd and end from vegetables and keep them in a big ziploc bag in the freezer for when you make stock so it can get the most varied amount of flavor possible and "recycle" kitchen waste. Other half says that since we're not making vegetable stock and only ever make stock with left over bones you should just keep to the basic recipie ( carrots, onion, celery, etc) and not introduce all these unknown cauliflower ends and parsnip bits and it's a false economy anyway. Who is right? Is anyone right? Are they both right?
posted by The Whelk at 3:10 PM PST - 20 comments

A few questions about bronze

What is the functional difference between arsenic bronze and tin bronze? Do the two alloys have different properties, aside from one is toxic to make? I keep reading that the best bronze is 10% tin, but you can make bronze with 2% tin or arsenic. How big a difference is there? Pewter is 90+% tin, with copper and antimony (and sometimes lead). Any reason you couldn't make bronze out of copper + pewter?
posted by musofire at 3:02 PM PST - 4 comments

What sub-specialist do I speak with to get a dietary plan together?

After years of stomach issues I believe I have found the one food that makes me do a #2 once a day like a normal person. I assume I should talk to a dietician in order to get more information about this success, and to get further recommendations on a long-term diet plan. But is there some sub-specialty of dietician that deals only with these types of digestive issues I should be speaking with? [more inside]
posted by quadog at 2:51 PM PST - 10 comments

Using the Life Scissors

I need to cut a woman out of my life, but I don't want to cut her out of my life. What's my next move? A polar vortex of cold fun facts follows... [more inside]
posted by st starseed at 2:46 PM PST - 68 comments

Forever in search of the perfect (paper) notebook

I've tried many notebooks, but have yet to find the absolute perfect one. Requirements: graph, A5, ring bound, quality paper. [more inside]
posted by cosmic osmo at 2:41 PM PST - 9 comments

You Can't Handle the Proof!

Working through Apostol's Calculus Volume I for personal development. Stuck on a proof. Can you help? [more inside]
posted by bfranklin at 2:35 PM PST - 7 comments

How can I shorten this metal duct (used for a downdraft range)?

I have a very well-constructed downdraft duct that is a few inches too tall. My normal efforts to try to cut it down or remove a piece have been unsuccessful. The downdraft range I bought doesn't line up with the duct and is about two inches too tall. Is there some way I can get the two to play nice? [more inside]
posted by fireoyster at 2:24 PM PST - 5 comments

What can I safely cover my ugly wall furnace with?

My "Williams 30,000 BTU Natural Gas Direct-Vent Wall Furnace" is an eyesore and I'd love to build my own custom cover for it, but is that safe? Can I only use metal or can I use wood? I'd have a friend build it since I don't know much about it, but I'm wondering what I can do to hide or replace it. BTW I rent my apartment, so any changes I make should technically be reversible. Link for reference.
posted by qzar at 2:05 PM PST - 5 comments

Beer + effectiveness of a course of methylprednisolone

Will having a beer (or maybe two) affect the efficacy of a course of methylprednisolone? There were no alcohol warnings on the pharmacy packaging, but of course the Internet says not to combine them, as it says for everything. Thanks! If it matters, this is day 4 of the course.
posted by fiercecupcake at 2:03 PM PST - 4 comments

Obscure 80s Cartoon?

I am trying to locate a rather obscure animated kids cartoon from the 80s. I'm not sure if it was a series; it might have been a movie or limited episode run. This is what I remember: [more inside]
posted by Brocktoon at 1:59 PM PST - 5 comments

Easy-to-use forum solution, maybe a suite of apps, other than GoogleApps

Our non-profit [a Quaker Meeting] is looking to expand our online offerings, both internally--for our members and attenders [private forums, and possibly more real-time social features], and also a more friendly and informative public-facing website than we have now. Any of the solutions should be easy to administer for people with middling to pretty good internet/computer knowledge. We are looking at Google Apps for non-profits, but so far, I'm finding their Google Groups a pretty poor approximation of a web forum. So I'd like to know what other options may be out there for us. We'd ideally like a full-featured suite of products that can grow with us, but if we build something piecemeal, are probably most interested in first having a user-friendly but robust forum. Free is ideal, inexpensive could be considered, based on features. We are a 501(c)(3). Would love pointers to software or cloud solutions, but am also interested in exploring groups that are already using such software [if they are public].
posted by QuakerMel at 1:53 PM PST - 1 comment

Sparkling wine reco needed – Toronto edition

We are having a party to celebrate – and need a recommendation on a sparking wine that will be served following the main speech. We aren’t fans of champagne ourselves (find it too dry), and there will be a mix of wine lovers and more casual wine drinkers attending. There will be a wide range of other drinks served throughout the night, if that matters. [more inside]
posted by walkinginsunshine at 12:52 PM PST - 15 comments

Last PC user on earth seeks new desktop PC for fun tasks together

I want to buy a new desktop PC, but there is a distinct lack of resources available. What should I be looking for in a desktop machine? Please don't say "a Macintosh." [more inside]
posted by alicetiara at 12:26 PM PST - 13 comments

Is a root canal worth it?

I just went to the dentist and they said I needed a root canal. It's going to cost me like 10 times the price of getting the tooth pulled. It's like 3 or 4 over to to the left on the top. Is it really worth paying $2000 for something that might not permanently fix it anyway? Or should I just say fuck it and have them take it out?
posted by mamamia88 at 12:25 PM PST - 12 comments

Should I be worried about the cyanide in apple seeds?

I eat a lot of apples--perhaps 2 or 3 a day on many days. Recently I've been eating the whole apple, aside from the stem. Is this a bad idea? I have done a little research about this, and it seems like it's okay, but I just wanted to make sure. I know, from experience, that eating the apple seeds from a couple apples in one day isn't going to kill me dead right away, but is there a significant risk of build-up over time?
posted by overglow at 12:09 PM PST - 9 comments

Don't care for wine...any suggestions to help me develop a taste for it?

I'm a 57 year old woman who has never acquired a taste for wine. Maybe it's due to that Annie Green Springs incident back in high school (LOL). Anyway, I often feel odd woman out in social gatherings where everyone is sipping wine. Help me become a late in life wine snob. :) [more inside]
posted by OkTwigs at 11:51 AM PST - 22 comments

What is the exact proportion of a "B" in Times New Roman?

I'm working on a short story where the exact ratio between the height and width of a "B" in Times New Roman figures prominently. But I can't find the number easily on line. Does anyone know, with as much precision as possible, what the ratio is?
posted by storybored at 11:46 AM PST - 6 comments

Help my sibling and I care for our mother.

It has recently come to our attention that our mother is hiding—what seem to be very serious—health issues from us. We want to help her, but we're unsure how to proceed. I am seeking advice on two fronts: (1) help us navigate the current healthcare bureaucracy, and (2) help us care for someone who is probably going to try to refuse our help. All of the details inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:16 AM PST - 16 comments

The best laid plans of mice and men

Can anyone point me to any good poems that deal with uncertainty? I've been reading a little about Keats' negative capability, and wishing I had more to sink my teeth into. [more inside]
posted by citizenface at 10:55 AM PST - 12 comments

How do I get some forwarded emails to stop disappearing due to SPF?

Right now I have the email setup of my small business so that email@domain.com (we'll call it) is our public address, and email sent there is forwarded by our host provider to email@domain.net, which is our main company account with Google Apps for Business. 99% of emails sent to email@domain.com come through to email@domain.net just fine, but there's that 1% that just disappear -- they don't go to spam folder, they don't seem to go anywhere. Help! [more inside]
posted by jcfudgely at 10:27 AM PST - 5 comments

Explain to me why trading stocks is a good thing

After reading stories like this, I've been wondering about the financial industry's larger role in the world. Other than the people that run the system, who benefits from the financial industry and how? [more inside]
posted by lalunamel at 10:26 AM PST - 13 comments

Automating Simple Audio Editing/Processing

I'm looking for (free) tools to help with batch creating some text-to-speech audio clips and compiling those with other clips. [more inside]
posted by glibhamdreck at 10:00 AM PST - 3 comments

Best episodes of the Home Work podcast?

The 5x5 Home Work podcast about working from home looks interesting, but there are 95 episodes. Anyone listen to this and have some favorites I can start with?
posted by coffee and minarets at 9:59 AM PST - 1 comment

Can you use VGA for video and HDMI for audio?

A friend is trying to connect her PC (Windows 7) to a projector for video and a receiver for audio. The projector does not support HDMI, so she's using VGA. The receiver does have HDMI, so she's using that for audio. If she doesn't plug in the projector, the audio plays fine. As soon as she connects the VGA, HDMI audio is no longer an option in the Sound settings and audio starts playing through the laptops built in speakers. Is there a way to have HDMI for audio and VGA for video at the same time? [more inside]
posted by willnot at 9:39 AM PST - 6 comments

Book recomnedation: worldbuilding and self-aware, active characters

I again have time to consume books like a cookie-monster. I've avoided lists of classics-by-genera because I tend to like only 5% of what's on them. It's not that I specifically like reading dystopias or sci-fi - I liked the Poisonwood Bible for instance, as much if not more than Lord of the Rings. In addition to book recommendations, it would also be useful if, given the books listed below, you have any ideas for other trends that could help me search out books myself. Your advice is much appreciated! :) [more inside]
posted by ch3cooh at 9:19 AM PST - 24 comments

Help me find an Edith Wharton short story

During a recent episode of "Fresh Air," Emma Thompson referenced an Edith Wharton short story "about a young woman who comes back after her honeymoon to confront her mother, who has not given her any information about sexual behavior." Does anyone know the name of that story? My google-fu has failed me.
posted by pasici at 8:58 AM PST - 1 comment

Film noir, "Private Eye" Frosted-Glass Door?

In the process of building my home brewery, I find myself stuck on the idea of having a Sam Spade / Mike Hammer / generic Film Noir door as the entrance. How to get that look and feel without having to go raid the prop lot at a film studio? What are my magic search terms? [more inside]
posted by jpolchlopek at 8:19 AM PST - 9 comments

That happy medium between poodle and Conehead?

I have a giant head, lots of big, curly hair, and a fairly round face. I cannot find a winter hat that fits my head well when the curls are free--usually I have it jammed down and look kind of like a poodle with the curls sticking out, and then it slowly creeps up on my head and I look like a Conehead (and it falls off easily if I lean over when shoveling). I've long avoided the winter hat problem by just getting a good earband, but the Polar Vortex II is just too much and I really need better protection from the artic misery out there. Please help me find a winter hat that will fit when I have my hair down, MeFi! Bonus if you suggest something that might be flattering as well as functional.
posted by TwoStride at 8:06 AM PST - 15 comments

Recommendations for Irish SIM card for American

I will be traveling to Dublin, Ireland frequently in the next 6 mos - year and I need to find an appropriate SIM vendor. I have done a ton of research but I am still hamstrung in terms of concrete advice. Here is what I know: I have unlocked my old iPhone 4 for this purpose. My husband and I have AT&T for our stateside smartphone service. My mother has Verizon (my preschooler will be with her). I will use the phone to call my husband and daughter nightly (probably two separate calls) and I will want some data coverage for navigation, texting, etc. I would prefer not to initiate any kind of contract until after the first trip. Any recommendations? TIA.
posted by wildeepdotorg at 6:06 AM PST - 6 comments

What is this song (hard version)?

So because I'm awesome I've failed to recall the tune and words of a song. Here's what I know: 1) Its relatively new (last 6 months?) and is now on mainstream radio in Australia (so it may be older and taken a while to get here). 2) Pop-rock sound 3) Pretty easy to hear and understand the lyrics as I was singing along to it (and then forgot the words). 4) I'm pretty sure the verses had lyrics in groups of three (a la Chasing Cars by Snowpatrol, with 'you' as the object in the first line, second line the same but with 'me' as the object (e.g. They're screaming for you, they're screaming for me). Incredibly vague I know but this is the internet and I've seen miracles happen.
posted by Saebrial at 4:24 AM PST - 7 comments

Best kickboxing DVDs?

I bought a Groupon for a month at a local kickboxing place and enjoyed it, but alas, joining apparently involves a year-long commitment at $120/month. In the interest of continuing to get into better shape while not racking up a massive bill, what DVDs would MeFis recommend? I can potentially do partner drills with my husband, or use the reflex bag we have as a target. Heavy bag work is probably out for space/structural reasons. (If it matters, I am in decent cardio shape but definitely don't have much in the way of upper body strength - I can maybe do 3-5 full pushups before I have to switch to my knees.)
posted by tautological at 1:03 AM PST - 1 comment

choose: job and lifestyle OR friends and family

Which would you choose: a great job and lifestyle OR being close to your family and friends? Especially if you really can't have both at the same time...? [more inside]
posted by elizamina at 12:57 AM PST - 33 comments

How can we respond to a bounced $16k check from a law firm in NYC?

What are some first steps that should be taken when a settlement check written to a client (resident in NYC) by an NYC law firm bounces? Aside from this Better Business Bureau page about filing complaints against lawyers, is there any oversight mechanism, or regulatory body, or state or city office that can help to resolve this? [more inside]
posted by jardinier at 12:13 AM PST - 71 comments

What am I seeing?

It's a very rainy evening as our plane goes into the landing phase over Barcelona; my window seat is just over the front edge of the wing, and we're below the clouds. As I look outside, alongside the plane, lit by the steady wing lights, there are perfectly horizontal, continuous strings - of slightly variable thickness - of rain. (At the wing tip, the flashing white beacon singles out perfectly horizontal, short stringlets of rain.) I know that rain doesn't fall sideways, so: what, exactly, am I seeing?
posted by progosk at 12:05 AM PST - 12 comments

January 24

What does my body do with the water I drink?

What happens to the drinking water I swallow? All I know is that it goes down my throat to my stomach, and then my body does its thing. Can you go into greater detail for me? For example: What positive effects does the water I drink have on my mouth, my throat, my stomach and other parts of my body? How does the stomach process the water? Where does the water go after my stomach? How does what's in the water get from my stomach to the necessary parts of my body? What's in water that my body needs? What parts of my body benefit the most from the water I drink? Feel free to answer other relevant questions that I've overlooked.
posted by paleyellowwithorange at 10:49 PM PST - 9 comments

What is this card? What does it mean?

This past December, I went to Union Square in Manhattan, where there is a regular farmers' market and a seasonal Christmas market, the latter of which attracted a lot more people than usual, so there was a teaming mass of humanity to contend with as well. On the pavement, one of them left behind what I first thought, from its larger-than-average-playing card size, and diagonal pattern on the back, to have been a tarot card. However, when I turned it over, it was like no other tarot card I had seen. (I wish I could upload a picture, I scanned it and save it as a .jpg.) It did have a color illustration of a torso of a man who looked like a somewhat gaudy version of Shakespeare but carried a lute. It was not a full-card illustration like the average tarot card but a double-ended one like the court cards in regular playing cards. Instead of any of the well-known regular playing card symbols or the specific tarot card symbolism, this card design has a small black eight-pointed star in each corner. I'm curious about what it is and what it means or if it has some kind of specialized usage/significance. It was in a clear plastic sleeve so I thought it was some sort of collectible item or a sample/display item from one of the merchants, but they weren't selling any other similar cards.
posted by bunky at 10:45 PM PST - 7 comments

Where in the world should two best friends go on vacation?

Two women in our mid-20's with some international travel experience. No specific budget or length of time designated yet - more info on that inside. Multi-country or multi-city definitely an option. History, art, and food are of interest. [more inside]
posted by jorlyfish at 9:59 PM PST - 24 comments

What color is this rim actually?

I'm buying two new rims for my van. I've found the right rims to buy price and similarity-wise -- if they aren't the color they appear to be in the photograph. Can someone tell or make an educated guess whether the color would actually be closer to silver/gray? I'm hoping it's just the photo that is bad since I've never seen wheels with that copper color.
posted by michaelh at 9:15 PM PST - 6 comments

Help me find cute, trendy sneakers!

I want some women's sneakers that don't look like I'm heading to the gym, something cute and trendy! Difficulty level: moderately comfortable, no hidden wedges. [more inside]
posted by skycrashesdown at 8:59 PM PST - 15 comments

CableCard needed. Difficulty: Comcast

So, through a series of unfortunate events we've made the switch to Comcast for tv & internet. In conjunction with the switch, we got a new Tivo Roamio. In order to make it work, we need a CableCard. How can I get one as painlessly as possible? [more inside]
posted by kyleg at 8:58 PM PST - 9 comments

Is the 13" MacBook Air the right laptop for me?

Needing to get a new portable, because the battery in my workhorse laptop is borked, I ordered a refurbished 13" MacBook Pro - which I am typing on at the moment. So far, it seems fine for what I need, but I was wondering whether the hive mind could think of a better solution. Generic snowflake detail inside. [more inside]
posted by running order squabble fest at 8:47 PM PST - 10 comments

Help me ID this Swiss(?) Watch

I recently bought a pocket watch (photos: one two three), and I was hoping to find out something about the company that made it. The brand is "Three Stars" and it's supposedly Swiss. I can't find anything searching because the name collides with a lot of things (including a line of wrist watches that seems unrelated), but am I missing something? [more inside]
posted by 23 at 8:37 PM PST - 7 comments

Single, nearly 35, feeling profoundly alone and terrified.

I'm having a real bad night and pretty bad month or so. I'm trying to stay optimistic but it's so, so hard. Any kind words and support will help. [more inside]
posted by hellameangirl at 8:20 PM PST - 37 comments

Should I pursue a Master's in Public Policy?

I'm interested in math, programming and politics. Is a M.A. in Public Policy for me? Snowflakes inside. [more inside]
posted by Hey Judas! at 7:46 PM PST - 8 comments

Three weeks, three countries - help me make it awesome

I've got the (unexpected) opportunity to spend four solo weeks in Europe in March. I'd like to go to three cities and spend a week in each, book-ended with a couple of days in London at each end. But there are SO MANY cities! Help me choose - special snowflake criteria after the jump. [more inside]
posted by Gwendoline Mary at 7:41 PM PST - 10 comments

Will I regret getting the new iPad mini?

My laptop died, and I think I want to get an iPad to replace it for casual stuff. Can you help me make a decision between the iPad Air and the Retina mini? Enumeration of what I want from it are inside. [more inside]
posted by rivenwanderer at 7:40 PM PST - 12 comments

Need help diagnosing and fixing laptop

I have an HP G42 14" laptop that has been intermittently failing to boot or wake up from sleep. Well, I think that's the problem. It's hard to tell because all I get is a black screen. No error messages or anything. [more inside]
posted by Shohn at 5:46 PM PST - 5 comments

How to earn some extra spending money in NYC?

I'm a young, able-bodied, well-educated guy in NYC with a reliable 9-5 office job. I'd like to use my abundance of free time (evenings and weekends) to earn some extra cash. I've thought of tutoring and babysitting (I live in Brooklyn, so there are a lot of kids around.) Any other ideas, short of donating precious bodily fluids?
posted by soonertbone at 5:04 PM PST - 9 comments

How can we better insulate our garage to keep the heat inside our house?

With all the cold weather we've been having, the bedroom above our single car garage has been positively chilly. The rest of the house is nice and toasty, but that one room is several degrees cooler than anywhere else in the house. How can we make it better? [more inside]
posted by synecdoche at 4:52 PM PST - 13 comments

Please help me accomplish absolutely nothing this weekend.

Are there any good historical city-building games that you can play on a Mac or iPad? [more inside]
posted by Jess the Mess at 4:22 PM PST - 15 comments

How should I prepare for lengthy backpacking trips?

So I've decided to get into backpacking. I've set some goals of backpacking part of the PCT, Acadia, and the Olympic Peninsula as my must-do hikes. So, here's the Ask. What kind of preparation should I do before undertaking say, a week to two week hike at each of those locations? I live in Texas, which is very flat and relatively boring by comparison, so access to varied terrain will be a little difficult for me to come by. What kind of "practice trips" should I go on before trying for one of these more ambitious hikes? And what's a realistic amount of time to prepare for a hike of that magnitude?
posted by doogan nash at 4:14 PM PST - 14 comments

Fit bit...body media arm band or other option?

I would like to get an idea of how many calories I burn in a single day. I'm also interested in being able to log my food intake using a database. I do not want to have to sync with my computer daily, but do want to use my smartphone. I am looking to spend $150 or less. I am willing to wear the monitor on my wrist or arm. I do have a large hand so any bracelets would need to be a strap with closure. Please tell me which monitors you like and don't like about the one you use. What does the hive recommend?
posted by Coffee Bean at 3:29 PM PST - 25 comments

Feelin' no pain! But definitely injured-- good thing or bad thing?

YANMD, I know... BUT, sometime between yesterday night and the day before, I definitely injured my ankle. I noticed it feeling a little weird earlier in the day, but was rushing around traveling, so didn't notice until I got to my destination that it's super swollen on the outside right behind the ankle bone. Googling makes me think I've injured my peroneal tendon (I was playing around on a slackline the night before so I must have rolled it?), but the catch is that it doesn't hurt. Part of the outside of my ankle is numb to the touch, and I've been taking ibuprofen to keep the swelling down, but I'm otherwise unsure of what to do as pain is usually my signal for whether to stay off of something or not. For example: I usually run around 8 miles 3x/week-- can I do that still? Or am I tempting disaster? I've never sprained an ankle or injured them in any other way, so I am not even sure how long to rest it or whether to elevate it or what. Suggestions?
posted by shaka_lulu at 3:08 PM PST - 7 comments

Is she the ant anachronism?

A type of ant, typical of summer and practically unseen in winter, shows up in our house in January. Would you call that an anachronism? [more inside]
posted by ipsative at 2:39 PM PST - 10 comments

Employer came in quite a bit below my offer?

I'm a software developer that contracts for a company. I like the company, they want me to join them full time. Their offer is below my ask by quite a bit, should I even counter offer? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:15 PM PST - 16 comments

Adenocarcinoma - Quality of Life

Some one very close to be has been diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the lungs. What can I expect over the next five(?) years? [more inside]
posted by Nanukthedog at 2:01 PM PST - 4 comments

Looking for film/lit examples of pre-destined relationships

There's a trope in literature/film where one character is pre-destined to have a particular relationship with another character (e.g., A and B will always fall in love). I'm looking for examples where this happens multiple times with the same characters. [more inside]
posted by eisenkr at 2:00 PM PST - 41 comments

This surface is hot, hot, hot.

This thread on the blue inspired me to purchase a toaster oven, and I have it now, and it is amazing. But I have a relatively small apartment kitchen. I would like to be able to store stuff on top of it, and the top gets molten hot, especially when I'm doing pizza at 450F. What can I put on top of it, as cheaply as possible, to provide heat insulation and a solid surface? It's approximately 18" x 24". [more inside]
posted by Sequence at 1:53 PM PST - 22 comments

Smalls steps for a better world?

What changes can I make in my personal life and everyday decisions that will make the largest positive social or environmental difference relative to the cost, effort or time involved? [more inside]
posted by purplevelvet at 1:52 PM PST - 21 comments

Need a mentor for the application process to Clinical Psych PhD programs

I am doing a post-bac program in Psychology and hoping to apply to a Clinical Psychology PhD program (I know that for practitioner focus, PsyD's are recommended but FUNDING IS REALLY IMPORTANT TO ME. I have already gone into ~$100K of debt to do this post bac program as a result of career change. If there are PsyD programs that provide funding I would be into that too. Just looking to shape a strategy here). I want to know how I can find a mentor who can give me good advice through this process because I'm kind of at a loss when thinking about and structuring my approach to applying. [more inside]
posted by bengalibelle at 1:39 PM PST - 6 comments

Most powerful broadcast TV antenna...

So I don't have cable. I just watch broadcast TV using an antenna. And that's just fine. But sometimes we get an annoying about of stutters and lost signal. It's annoying! So what's the best kind of HD digital antenna I can get to make sure I never lose signal when watching The View in the afternoons? I can't afford to miss even one syllable of the genius of Jenny McCarthy! [more inside]
posted by chasing at 1:21 PM PST - 11 comments

Software to automate/schedule playback within a playlist

Need advice from desktop productivity nerds, radio nerds, MP3 playlist nerds, and general problem solving nerds. I volunteer at a community FM radio station. Everything we play is a stream from a Winamp playlist (look inside for the reasons for this). We need a piece of software (or a creative solution) that can be automated to jump to a place in a playlist and then schedule itself from there. Very complex details inside. [more inside]
posted by DJ Broken Record at 1:13 PM PST - 4 comments

Is this normal for a tankless water heater?

Water temperature has gone way down in the past few weeks. Is this something I can diagnose myself? [more inside]
posted by amicamentis at 12:38 PM PST - 10 comments

I'm changing them all to "password"

It has come to the point where I officially have too many passwords to reliably remember. What's the OSX/iOS solution for me? [more inside]
posted by griphus at 12:14 PM PST - 45 comments

Check writing/cashing etiquette

My husband and I are disagreeing about check writing and cashing etiquette. [more inside]
posted by disaster77 at 11:34 AM PST - 58 comments

Teach me to teach

Lately, I've been teaching a lot of semi-formal training classes at work. I haven't had much experience with this kind of thing, and I'm looking for tips. [more inside]
posted by escape from the potato planet at 11:24 AM PST - 10 comments

Timing is Everything

Afternoon WeddingFilter: We're trying to work out the timing for an afternoon wedding with a reception meal, and would love your advice and experience. [more inside]
posted by Miko at 11:21 AM PST - 21 comments

Seeking great cherry pie delivered in midtown NYC

A relative is recuperating from surgery in midtown Manhattan. I would like to get an awesome cherry pie and have it delivered to him in the next couple of days. [more inside]
posted by alms at 11:20 AM PST - 7 comments

Get a spring assisted knife unstuck?

I just bought this spring assisted knife on Amazon. Yes, it's cheap. It's meant to be a prop for a play*. I received it today, and I tested the opening mechanism 5 or 6 times, and now it's stuck in the open position. As near as I can tell, by looking at it and doing net research, the lock is a liner lock, and it's stuck on the wrong side of the blade, so I can't press it inwards to clear the blade hinge and allow the knife to close. Anyone know how to get the liner lock back on the correct side of the blade? Returning it for a new knife is pretty much out of the question due to time constraints. *yes, I plan on dulling it down before use
posted by starvingartist at 11:10 AM PST - 4 comments

How to boost reading stamina without a formal speed-reading course?

Hi, I'd be interested in any e-books or websites which can put me in a frame of mind where I can read more easily. I'm not really interested in learning formal speed-reading at the moment but it would be good if someone could teach me a quick way to stop subvocalising for instance? [more inside]
posted by Musashi Daryl at 10:49 AM PST - 6 comments

Looking for an electric toothbrush that doesn't get disgusting

That's pretty much my main criterion. I've had two different Sonicares with E-series brush heads (they look like this). I love that they get my teeth scrumtrulescently clean, but it's like a Dorian Gray thing going on where the cleaner my teeth get, the grosser the brush gets. Gunk makes its way down into the handle and it gets really disgusting in there, and the buildup also weakens the magnetic connection between the brush and handle, making the brushing less effective. [more inside]
posted by payoto at 10:41 AM PST - 20 comments

Summer is coming -- help me fix my swamp cooler?

I have a weird, vexing problem with my swamp cooler. Electricity is involved. Short version: when I turn it on, it blows the circuit breaker. Details below. [more inside]
posted by Mo' Money Moe Bandy at 10:39 AM PST - 8 comments

Help me educate myself in the philosophical side of environmentalism

I'm a grad student in conservation biology who has always had a strong interest in conservation issues. However, I feel like the technical side of my education is much stronger than the philosophical side, and I want to restore that balance. Who should I read, what resources should I look into, what organizations or publications are out there that will help me gain a deeper understanding of the philosophical, historical, and cultural components of environmentalism? [more inside]
posted by Scientist at 10:34 AM PST - 15 comments

I Suck At Titles, Especially Unique Ones

Alright, I've been letting this problem get in the way of starting a travel blog too long - the blog name I came up with has already been taken by a score of other blogs. So what do I call the damn thing? [more inside]
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 10:29 AM PST - 31 comments

I'm not sure my new job is a good fit...

I have been in a new job for about four weeks. I have moved from another industry into government. I was expecting it to be quite different to my old role, but I'm not sure that I like it. Do I start applying for new jobs? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:38 AM PST - 7 comments

Coping strategies for finding out how awful you really are

What do you do when you realize that, not only are you not even close to being the hero of your own story, you're most likely the main problem? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:20 AM PST - 37 comments

I am very unsatisfied with a doctor I recently visited. How do I say so?

I recently went to a functional medicine doctor. The administrative staff has been negligent. She misdiagnosed me and recommended unnecessary testing. Not to mention the cost! I don't think I should go back, but should I write a letter? Details behind the cut. [more inside]
posted by munyeca at 9:10 AM PST - 13 comments

Flippin' Cell Phones, How Do They Work?

My phone suddenly can't get reception in the city but can get reception on the coast. How is that possible? [more inside]
posted by brisquette at 9:08 AM PST - 5 comments

What kind of Resource Management Tool would help my company?

I'm a Project Manager at a web company that makes websites, apps, etc. We are pretty small so any solution needs to be affordable and easy to use. There are so many project management tools out there and we have evaluated many. I have a short list of things I'm looking for which I'll outline inside but mainly there seems to be a lack of resource management at an hourly level. So, either that is too high level for the price/ease of the tools we are looking at, or people are managing that some other way. Data and management geeks, please help!! [more inside]
posted by amanda at 8:31 AM PST - 8 comments

Help me with this difficult office friendship

I've run into a rough patch with a coworker and I may have overstepped my boundaries. Help! [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:14 AM PST - 65 comments

Looking for Social Anxiety Aphorisms

I am making a small website that will offer a list of one- or two-line phrases that will help people cope with day to day minor social anxieties and the feeling that everyone hates them. I've dug through the questions here and didn't quite find what I am looking for, though please feel free to point out past questions if I have missed them. Could you help me generate a list of aphorisms or quotations (from yourself, from well known people or from CBT/feeling good type stuff) that would be good pithy reminders to help people detach themselves from negative thoughts? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:14 AM PST - 23 comments

Help me find a nice espresso/coffee machine.

I would like to replace my mom's Gaggia espresso machine, but I am not sure if there are cheaper options out there that have all the features that she wants. Requirements inside. [more inside]
posted by never.was.and.never.will.be. at 8:07 AM PST - 17 comments

Unlocking Contracted Recurring Revenues to use for Debt Collateral

Every month my company sells roughly $15,000 worth of monthly recurring revenue contracts with five year term lengths. The service sells for $1,000 per month so every month we sign on 15 new customers. $15,000 * 12months * 5 years = $900,000 (total contract revenue for all 15 contracts sold during the month) We've maxed out our borrowing on physical assets held by the company and I need to find a way to unlock these revenue streams to use as collateral for further growth. What's the best way to do this? I would prefer to not have to go to every customer and amend their contracts in any way. Thanks!
posted by Paalen at 7:15 AM PST - 16 comments

I know you're not my doc. Talk to me about endometriosis.

I visited my GP for a myriad of symptoms that she suspects is endometriosis. I'm headed to my Lady Doc on Monday, but wasn't terribly concerned. I thought it would be similar to the LEEP I had last year, as in "Zap zap, you're done." I wasn't even bothered—that is until I emailed a friend about her experience with endo. Help me parse what my friend is saying vs. what my GP said I should do? I'm feeling some pressure to move quickly. [more inside]
posted by ulfberht at 7:13 AM PST - 16 comments

Welcome to our company! Here, have a pony.

My office is looking for ideas on housewarming presents to welcome new employees. (Semi urgent as we have someone new starting Monday.) [more inside]
posted by phunniemee at 7:11 AM PST - 33 comments

How to deal with the Adderall/Vyvanse crash?

I am currently on 40 mg of Vyvanse. I usually take it around 7 AM, and by 2 PM I am already starting to crash. By 5 PM I am basically braindead. I had a similar problem with Adderall XR. For people who have had similar problems: Has increasing the dose helped you at all? Did you supplement with a booster? Or was another medication (or quitting) the answer? [more inside]
posted by Kamelot123 at 7:05 AM PST - 8 comments

Moving to the UK from the US: How do we avoid buying new phones?

We are moving to London and we'd like to bring our American mobile phones to use with whatever British network provider we decide to sign up with. We will no longer have a contract with our US carrier once we move. What do we have to do in order to use UK (and other European) SIM cards in our phones and have them work as well as they did in the US? Complication: Verizon [more inside]
posted by theory at 7:00 AM PST - 4 comments

Independent Dental Insurance in NY. Should we? how?

I have really bad, super-terrible teeth. My husband's teeth seem to be pretty ok, but he doesn't go to the dentist regularly enough. Should we get private insurance (neither of our jobs cover it) and what kind of plan should we get? [more inside]
posted by Blisterlips at 6:56 AM PST - 14 comments

Where to live for Chester county PA job

New job near Kennett Square, PA/Southern Chester county.....What towns should I consider living in or near with a commute of 35mins or less? [more inside]
posted by pilibeen at 6:46 AM PST - 7 comments

What's the best history/non-fiction book on the bombing of Dresden?

I'm trying to learn more about the history of the bombing of Dresden, and am looking for the most reliable (yet accessible) source. [more inside]
posted by scblackman at 5:37 AM PST - 7 comments

Revenge is best served sliced in to wedges

I am gluten intolerant. I want pizza tonight and have volunteered to find a GF pizza dough recipe and make it for us. My husband is unconvinced, citing that while I make really good gluten free foods, every first attempt at a new GF recipe has been a flop (he's not wrong) so he suspects that the pizza won't be so good. Oh my god, I want to prove him wrong. [more inside]
posted by PuppetMcSockerson at 5:34 AM PST - 31 comments

Unexpected party venues?

What off the wall venues have you been to for parties? I am looking for crazy ideas so throw everything you've got but especially interested in something accommodating at least 150 people. (And if there are any Indianapolis mefites out there, please recommend some places around here)
posted by xicana63 at 5:24 AM PST - 21 comments

Managing a baby at a wedding

I'm looking for tips for looking after a 8 month-10 month old baby at weddings? [more inside]
posted by Cannon Fodder at 4:22 AM PST - 19 comments

Never the twain...

I'm on Android (Samsung S4 Zoom) and my partner is on IoS (iPhone 4) - what are the best turn based/collaborative common platform games we can play together on and off during the working day? We both like word play, puzzles, general knowledge and detective mysteries, but would be amenable to considering anything that would get the old grey matter working. Hit us up with your best timewasting suggestions, venerable mefites!
posted by Chairboy at 3:59 AM PST - 6 comments

Screen printing office setup

We want to build a screen printing setup at work. I had a studio back in the day where some friends and I made an exposure table, a printing rig and place to store the screens. That part, I've got down. What I don't know how to get around here is a spray booth. There is no water source in the actual studio. We do, however, have a kitchen area and there are bathrooms so I have access to water, I just need to figure out a good way to put this together. Does anyone have experience with printing in less than ideal places? Thanks!
posted by monkey!knife!fight! at 2:30 AM PST - 1 comment

Can I add an on/off switch to use instead of unplugging dryer?

Dryers use electricity when plugged in, even when they're turned off. In our old house, I could reach the plug; in this house, I can't. Is there a money-saving solution that doesn't involve re-wiring or the electrical box? In the U.S., so dryer has a 220 plug. (Dryer isn't broken - asking about a switch between wall and dryer.) [more inside]
posted by stormyteal at 12:58 AM PST - 22 comments

January 23

Second thoughts about nanny. When do we freak out?

How long should we expect an experienced nanny to get into the swing of things with two infants in p/t share? [more inside]
posted by demonstartivepapadonous at 9:42 PM PST - 27 comments

What do I do about 15 years of Google search history?

My profession now requires a bit more public profile and as such people are Googling me. Instead of finding what I want them to find (linked in profile, who I am 'professionally', etc) they instead are presented with a version of me from 10 years ago. What do I do? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:57 PM PST - 13 comments

LGBT Malaysians

Hey Hivemind, I was wondering if anyone could point me to accounts and/or resources about the current social and political climate for LGBT people in Malaysia? [more inside]
posted by Weebot at 8:53 PM PST - 5 comments

Trying to find an alien/zombie invasion song sung by pop duo

The song was sung by I think a male and female, in a very sweet light style. I remember them as British, but I may just associate that style of pop duo with Britain. It's a pre-2000 song, I'm pretty sure. The only specific lines I remember was that the chorus contained something about "our brother and sister who we love are on the stairs" (or possibly in the attic?), and there's a reference to a meteoroid crashing nearby. It was pretty entertaining the way the light poppy sound contrasted with the apocalypse/disaster being recounted, but I only heard it the once and I've never had luck googling the fragments I remember. [more inside]
posted by tavella at 7:40 PM PST - 6 comments

A chiller version of fantasy baseball

Is there a more relaxed version of fantasy baseball -- preferably one that I can just play online without organizing a league among my acquaintances? [more inside]
posted by vogon_poet at 6:14 PM PST - 4 comments

I'm a leader! But no one knows it yet...

I'm getting a promotion, but it won't be confirmed until the spring. How do I begin to transition into my new role without overstepping boundaries? [more inside]
posted by anotheraccount at 6:05 PM PST - 18 comments

Data on perception of swearing/foul langauge, sorted demographically?

I'm looking for data on what is perceived as swearing, foul language, etc. - in other words, language that one person might correct another for using. In particular, I'm looking for information on how this varies according to demographics, and especially how it varies from one geographical area to another. (I'm in the U.S., and am primarily interested in U.S. data.) This doesn't have to be "scientifically accurate" information: an internet poll with enough recipients to be meaningful would be totally fine. Bonus points if the information addresses the perceived severity of the word: for example, while I'm sure there are words that are perceived as swears nearly universally in the US, I'd love to see data on how words like "damn" or "crap" would be rated in different areas.
posted by SpiralT at 5:08 PM PST - 7 comments

Help me decide between becoming an RN or a Nuclear Medicine Technologist

Are you, or is someone you know, a Nuclear Medicine Technologist? Can you tell me more about the field, about your day-to-day duties, and your quality of life? [more inside]
posted by Pizzarina Sbarro at 4:24 PM PST - 7 comments

Dishwasher questions -- trying to avoid a portable machine

There is a great spot in my small kitchen next to my refrigerator for a dishwasher. I would like to avoid one of those portable ones with wheels that you have to roll out and hook up to the sink. What are my options? [more inside]
posted by mzwz at 4:18 PM PST - 10 comments

3..2..1.. CRY!

How to cry on command [more inside]
posted by dinosaurprincess at 3:14 PM PST - 13 comments

Non-native lenses on micro four thirds cameras: The Sequel

The answers to this question landed me with a lovely adapter and security-camera lens. But now what?! I only have a one-mm focus range about 20cm ahead of me. Idiotic blithering inside. [more inside]
posted by Iteki at 3:00 PM PST - 6 comments

Edifying lectures/talks on classical music?

I found the performance lecture series by Andras Schiff (via theguardian.com) to be a really enjoyable and education listen, in terms of learning more about and appreciating classical music (classical in the broad sense of the category). Are there other similar talks available done by musicians or music teachers? [more inside]
posted by polymodus at 2:34 PM PST - 17 comments

Nice Hotel, Honeymoon, what service can I request?

We're going on our honeymoon and staying at JW Marriott and a Ritz Carlton in Oahu and Tokyo, respectively. Since it's our honeymoon, I'm wondering what sorts of 'gratis' services can we attempt to ask for before we arrive? These are things like having them call for hard-to-get restaurants to welcome gifts, to notes thanking us for coming. Wrinkle-- I'm using points (i.e. these are free) but have top Marriott Status (which doesn't get me anywhere at Ritz, I know). 1. Does anyone have any experience in this regard? 2. I booked online, how can I request/let them know regarding this? E-mail? Call? Who? 3.Bonus question: does anyone have any suggested Tokyo spots we can/should ask for help getting in?
posted by sandmanwv at 1:37 PM PST - 14 comments

I want to roll my own media center

Looking for suggestions on the best way to replace a tv with a networked device. [more inside]
posted by tractorfeed at 1:14 PM PST - 15 comments

Help me get the most out of a trip in the sun!

I'm heading to an all-inclusive resort with my significant other, and this is the first time either of us has ever done it (specifically this resort in the Dominican Republic). Tickets booked, hepatitis vaccine injected, but are there any other tips and tricks to getting the most out of doing this kind of vacation that I should know in advance? How do I get the most of out my trip?
posted by cacofonie at 1:08 PM PST - 12 comments

Available resources for Keratoconus

What are some available resources for low-income adult children of undocumented immigrants to help with severe vision problems specifically in the Los Angeles area? [more inside]
posted by GregorWill at 12:11 PM PST - 9 comments

Take a ride on the underground

Are there public passageways in NYC that allow you to walk long distances either underground or otherwise shielded from the elements? [more inside]
posted by soy_renfield at 11:31 AM PST - 21 comments

Am I crazy to want to rent a car for a one week vacation in Ecuador?

We are going for a one week trip to Ecuador in early March. I am a few years away from retirement age and so we are researching Cuenca as a place to retire on what our pitiful pensions will provide. We will fly into Guayaquil and plan to spend three days at a coastal eco-lodge, then three days in Cuenca, and back to Guayaquil. I don't need anyone to convince me of the pros or cons of gringo retirement to Ecuador--that's what the trip is for. I need to know if I am bat-shit crazy to rent a car over taking the astoundingly cheap buses and taxis there. [more inside]
posted by beelzbubba at 11:23 AM PST - 18 comments

Looking for cloud-based document sharing service for small group

I have a small business of about a dozen which has a massive amount of paperwork to be scanned in, organized, and shared. Boxes and boxes. The shareholders are not all very tech-savvy, so I'm also looking for something easy for them to use. There's sort of a dizzying array of options out there. What do you recommend? [more inside]
posted by Addlepated at 11:17 AM PST - 11 comments

Help me identify this conservative female education reformer from Texas

I came across an education reformed with ties to Texas and a conservative stance on education. She wrote a fairly controversial book where she maintained that there were different cultural and class categories into which groups could be demarcated. Although the book was full of vast generalizations, it was full of some insights as well. In this book, she discussed the idea that people of wealth often emphasize appearance and presentation over practicality and durability while individuals who were raised in the middle class were more concerned with practicality. She also noted that individuals growing up in poverty had strong informal networks that helped them to navigate the world around them. The model she used was not unlike a management consulting approach that pegs products into cashcows, dogs, question marks, and stars. Does anybody remember the name of this author? I’m not even sure she’s teaching anymore but I can’t seem to remember who she is.
posted by caudal at 10:37 AM PST - 4 comments

Traveling the world nervousness, questions, and suggestions

I'm trying to make travel plans, however, the whole situation is changing so rapidly. I have not booked any tickets yet. My rough original intention was to travel throughout Southeast Asia through China (Hong Kong) then up to Europe. I originally planned to start in Singapore and work through Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam but the recent situation in Bangkok has made me nervous. I'm trying to stay as safe as possible. I want to do as little backtracking as possible. I have saved up a bit of cash and am using the trip as a personal sabbatical/soul searching. My time frame can be up to a year on the road. What would a typical itinerary look like/do you have any alternate suggestions? What do people generally do when on the road for this long/any suggestions to stay busy during this time?
posted by nathanm at 10:25 AM PST - 14 comments

What is this, a bowl for ants!?!

Any ideas about bakeware/stoneware/cast iron serving dishes for one? Must be larger than 8 oz! [more inside]
posted by mercredi at 10:22 AM PST - 17 comments

Seeking a Good, Rugged Sport Jacket for Travel

I am looking to buy this travel sport jacket from Eddie Bauer. Are there other alternatives? [more inside]
posted by Danf at 9:59 AM PST - 5 comments

Suddenly Steve Wozniak: My partner on a project thinks he's in charge

I suddenly feel like I understand Steve Wozniak. I started a major project / event with a partner. My partner behaves as if he is the sole leader, even though the project was created at my prompting, and I'm an expert in the field. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:59 AM PST - 19 comments

How do you deal with enraging inefficiency in your office job?

Working in an admin-heavy job, in a company which has no real systems. It's infuriating. How do I deal? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:53 AM PST - 15 comments

Change the bathroom from female to male or vice versa

I tried my best to Google this but with no luck. I'm not sure if this a state law thing but the event I'm attending is in California. Let's say you were attending an event (at a convention center) where the attendees were disproportionately one sex rather than the other. Can the venue, or the event organizers, change a majority of the women's restroom to men's or vice versa? An example: Can the organizers of MenCon 2014 (where the attendees are 98% men) change most of the women's bathrooms to men's for the run of the event? thanks in advance!
posted by pibeandres at 8:53 AM PST - 25 comments

How to tally audience voting?

You've got an audience of 350 people. They've just heard two poems recited on stage. You want to know which one they like best. How do you do it? [more inside]
posted by Hobbacocka at 8:46 AM PST - 19 comments

But first, this important message! How can I prevent this?

Lately, sites want to insert there message between you and their content in the form of a transparent overlay. For example: http://www.racetonowhere.com/ wants my info and is nice enough to let me click "skip" but other sites aren't so nice. Is there a way to block this feature? A plug-in, perhaps? [more inside]
posted by Obscure Reference at 8:45 AM PST - 6 comments

How does Calgary and Utah do it?

If you visit the City of Calgary and State of Utah websites, the center of the page is a Google search bar. How do these sites incorporate Google's search into their websites in what looks to be real time? [more inside]
posted by dukes909 at 8:33 AM PST - 6 comments

Horrible Former Employer Wants Me To Fill Out A W-9 ASAP?

Eight months ago I left a job at a horrible and horribly disorganized company. If it matters, there was some bad blood that I left. Today they have started calling and emailing me asking/begging/demanding that I fill out a W-9 for them ASAP. I don't trust that they aren't trying to screw me over. [more inside]
posted by Spurious at 8:20 AM PST - 34 comments

Will I regret even considering jiggering my hair dye?

Can I combine demi-permanent hair dye developer with semi-permanent hair dye color? [more inside]
posted by ohcanireally at 8:18 AM PST - 3 comments

Black flannel PJs?

I'm in search of a set of black (or failing that, grey) flannel PJs - so far, all online searching (broadcast, etsy, the standard set of big online retailers) has failed. Hivemind, I need your help. [more inside]
posted by ryanshepard at 7:53 AM PST - 8 comments


Please direct me to all the contests where a person could win tickets to Super Bowl XLVIII. [more inside]
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 7:38 AM PST - 2 comments

Help me find a toothpaste that doesn’t sting or slightly burn.

I’m looking for a toothpaste that feels somewhat bland and creamy when used. All too often when I use the toothpastes available there is a slight burning sensation that I assume comes from the chemicals in it. The sensation is not unlike the unpleasantness one initially feels when gargling and swishing with listerine mouthwashes--a kind of stinging that lists for maybe 5-10 seconds and that abates quickly. Is there a toothpaste (not a DIY variety which some have offered as an option) that feels gentle on the mouth without trading off effectiveness and decent cavity protection. [more inside]
posted by RapcityinBlue at 7:28 AM PST - 37 comments

Does a body's tolerance to Zoloft disappear?

Zoloft worked great until it stopped working. I'd like to try it again, but does tolerance remain? [more inside]
posted by waraw at 7:18 AM PST - 5 comments

My New Strategy: Advice on a relatively small student loan?

I have always paid for my school out of pocket. I need to pay for about $3,000 in school fees so I can try and finish my BA. I did the FAFSA, but my school has me on financial aid cancellation because I haven’t made ‘significant progress’ and completed my degree in the time allotted. How do I find a good, reasonable loan so I can get to the finish line and not have much debt? [more inside]
posted by Driven at 7:13 AM PST - 18 comments

What do we think about Extensis Suitcase in this day and time?

Network admin hat on; not a graphic artist but providing tech support to them. Our guys run Suitcase alongside their ACS software to manage fonts. Last Suitcase thread on the blue was from 2005, which may answer my question but - is it still a necessary or at least valuable thing in a Windows 7 environment with reasonably high-end workstations (I know, they're not Macs, tsk tsk), or is it no longer an asset because computers have more resources now to keep up with 2,000+ fonts...?
posted by randomkeystrike at 6:54 AM PST - 8 comments

How do you balance your interests/passions with being in a relationship?

My significant other and I do not share many common hobbies/interests. I feel that the limited free time I have is going more into the relationship and less into pursuing my personal interests. Has anyone dealt with this situation successfully, or is a relationship without much hobby overlap doomed to fail? [more inside]
posted by Anon500 at 5:29 AM PST - 25 comments

ADHD - what are your experiences on and off medication?

At the grand old age of thirty five I was finally diagnosed with (mild) adult ADHD, the inattentive kind. I'm still adapting to the diagnosis but curious about your experiences on medication. This mostly affects my planning, organisation and time management skills. It's mostly forgetfulness, losing things and poor ability to do anything before the very last minute (I have an incredible capacity to hyper-focus). I've succeeded academically, excelled even, and have an academic job I am good at but I know my issues have interfered with my ability to do my best and have created a lot of anxiety and agitation for me. I'm curious to know about your experiences with medication and alternatives as I think through my next steps. I'm nervous medication might interfere with my creativity or mask my personality. Your thoughts?
posted by JayAlfred at 3:14 AM PST - 21 comments

How do indoor/outdoor cats 'work'?

Asking for a friend: My friend wants to adopt a cat from an animal rescue centre. However, many of the shelters require access to a garden for their cats before they'll allow you to adopt (for example) - so the cat would have to be an indoor/outdoor cat. She is having trouble figuring out the logistics of this. [more inside]
posted by Ziggy500 at 3:06 AM PST - 43 comments

Dealing with stress and comparmentalization.

Problems with the SO, family acting irrationally and Career in a turbulent state. Help me find a way of dealing with the stress! [more inside]
posted by perspicaturous at 12:12 AM PST - 13 comments

January 22

Help me legally and ethically adopt my dog from a crazy LA rescue org.

When we brought home a new pup from a local rescue organization three months ago, we had no idea we were getting involved with a Crazy Lady. The adoption STILL isn't finalized and we really want to make it official and never deal with them again. Help me understand if their requests are reasonable and officially adopt my dog! [more inside]
posted by samthemander at 11:09 PM PST - 45 comments

Why can't we be friends (errr fellow permanent employees)???

I'm in a position where I'm currently a "temp to hire" -- I have been looking for a new job because of the uncertainty in my company and have interviewed with a different company who is moving me to the next step of their hiring process and gave me a hire date. I don't want to leave the company I'm currently with but feel I may have to if I'm not offered a permanent position. How do I bring this up to my boss? [more inside]
posted by camylanded at 8:50 PM PST - 17 comments

Help me learn to see

Are there any good books on how to best visually appreciate art? More inside... [more inside]
posted by xammerboy at 7:52 PM PST - 10 comments

Wild blue yonder, comic, is it worth it?

Wild Blue Yonder the comic book- is it complete? (and, uh, worth it) [more inside]
posted by Jacen at 7:44 PM PST - 1 comment

What should I do for 8 hrs in Chicago? (Difficulty Level: Polar Vortex)

I'm going to have a long layover in Chicago next week, and will be able to spend about 8 hours in the city (daylight hours, thankfully). I have never been to Chicago before, and would like to take advantage of the opportunity to sightsee the key attractions. However I take it that this isn't necessarily the most clement time of year to visit that fair city, especially with the polar vortex returning. What are the key highlights of Chicago that I MUST see/do that are doable in sub-freezing weather? Alternatively, is there anything that this weather would actually improve (I saw some astonishing photos of Lake Michigan from earlier this month, for instance)? I will not have a car, and I also won't have a particularly warm coat. Any other tips?
posted by ClaireBear at 7:26 PM PST - 17 comments

Non-freezing shipping

I'd like to ship glass containers carrying liquids to a friend in a Northern state (opening them up and placing them in another container is not an option, as they are carbonated.) It is currently winter and frequently well below freezing outside. Is this possible to do without the contents freezing solid and exploding? FedEx recommends placing thawed gel coolants in a package to prevent freezing as a "heat sink". How does this even work?
posted by Hollywood Upstairs Medical College at 7:06 PM PST - 15 comments

What do you do about a deep loneliness?

I am struggling to kick the feeling that I am walking through the world alone in the ultimate sense. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:15 PM PST - 29 comments

Need big hats and big boots in Toronto

Where in Toronto can I find (1) an extra large size toque with ear coverage (like the Mountain Hardwear Dome Perignon) or (2) size 15 waterproof warm winter boots (like the Sorel 1964 PAC T)? I've already visited or called several places (MEC, Get Outside, Patagonia) to no result. [more inside]
posted by grouse at 6:10 PM PST - 11 comments

Spousal Support & Taxes

My mother receives spousal support from a divorce, but it was as a separate contract between her and her ex-husband, not included in the divorce order. She's been having sobbing fits, unsure if she owes the government taxes this year. [more inside]
posted by iarerach at 5:32 PM PST - 14 comments

Pad the beginning of an MP3 file with silence

What's a good way—using a free, GUI-based, Windows tool—to pad the beginning of an MP3 audio file with a minute of silence? [more inside]
posted by Paquda at 4:45 PM PST - 12 comments

What kind of tablet or e-reader does my husband need?

He picked up my ipad-2 and loved the lighted easy to read display and wants a tablet to download a Kindle study bible and play games. If I got him a Kindle or some other type of tablet what would be a good choice? One thing he does want is a big display so I may have to try to get one with a 10" display.
posted by just asking at 4:38 PM PST - 18 comments

Mending a friendship and now I can't stand up at his wedding... advice?

Over the past two years an old friend and I have been working to mend years of mutual resentment stemming from poor choices we both made in the past. I don't feel like the details of those choices are particularly relevant to the problem at hand, but we've both had to reach out and admit to wrongdoing. This isn't a one-way issue, we both did horrible things to each other. [more inside]
posted by ISeemToBeAVerb at 4:37 PM PST - 18 comments

Wardrobe remix: the movie

This morning I was thinking about how in the movie Housesitter, Goldie Hawn's character wears a very limited number of pieces of clothing combined in a variety of different ways. My mom pointed this out to me at a very impressionable age, and noted how this was much more realistic than infinite wardrobes. I'm wondering what other other movies have an obviously finite wardrobe for a lead female character?
posted by Nimmie Amee at 4:00 PM PST - 27 comments


I have now heard several managers utter the buzzword "Best Practices" when describing why they do the things they do. What is the source of this new buzzword, and why is it so prevalent?
posted by shipbreaker at 3:07 PM PST - 42 comments

Help me shred with confidence.

New musical opportunities have arisen and I need to find my confidence when playing lead guitar. What are the top tips for playing with a confident and casual attitude? Should I be taking note of any lead guitar players in particular for inspiration? A collection of snowflakes inside. [more inside]
posted by sapien at 3:04 PM PST - 13 comments

One Ring to Rule blahblahblah

I am planning to propose to my girlfriend at some point, but I need help buying a ring. I’ve never done this before, obviously. I know she would like something with a diamond, something vintage (or vintage-style). Questions below: [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:55 PM PST - 20 comments

Where can I find authoritative medical information about depression?

I'm doing some research about how depression manifests itself as physical symptoms. Do you know any authoritative, academic sources that I should consult to research the link? I'm not very familiar with exploring medical databases, and I don't know what medical journals might carry more weight than others... Thanks, everyone!
posted by travisf at 2:53 PM PST - 6 comments

Free doesn't mean inferior, right?

Is it time to abandon LibreOffice/OpenOffice and go back to MS Office instead? [more inside]
posted by Zelos at 2:49 PM PST - 24 comments

Our IPod icon does not show up in I-tunes

Hi, We just got an Ipod Nano (the latest one) for Christmas and when we first got it out of the box we were able to download music from our computer to the I-Pod. We did it with I-tunes and I remember seeing something that indicated that the I-Pod was being recognized by the I-tunes website. No problems downloading to the I-Pod. But now I'm trying to add some music and the I-Pod is not being recognized. The new songs are in my library (under I-tunes) and they are already paid for. I have Windows Vista. The little white USB cord is not having a problem with charging the I-Pod, but nothing on the computer indicates that the I-Pod is recognized. When I am in the library, I click on DEVICES, and I can see a word that says sync, but sync is not in bold, another words I can't click on it. Any advice? I already turned my computer off and on again, and also took out the USB and put it back in as well. I went to the website and read the manual but there is so much there and I don't see how to do any of the instructions if the I-pod is not recognized. Thanks, Lynnie-the-pooh
posted by lynnie-the-pooh at 2:18 PM PST - 7 comments

1700 engineers to go, please

What are the legal and economic factors making it possible for companies in North America to engage in mass layoffs and to then invite former employees to apply for jobs at this same company, perhaps on less favourable terms for the former employees? (Bombardier's announcment of laying off 1700 employees is a Canadian example.) My naïve notion is that free trade has something to do with it – is this analysis correct, and if so, would pulling back from globalization help protect employees when labour laws appear to fail? Interested in opinions as well as papers, blogs, essays and books that a lay person could understand.
posted by cotton dress sock at 1:49 PM PST - 11 comments

What to do after applying for grad school?

I just applied to grad school (for a professional program). Should I be doing anything now that I've submitted all my applications? I'm visiting a few of them, but I'm wondering if I should be following-up somehow (like after an interview) or just wait for a decision? [more inside]
posted by The Pantless Wonder at 1:32 PM PST - 6 comments

Searching for a specific Lynda Barry collection.

When I was a teenager, I checked out a Lynda Barry collection of Marlys-Maybonne-Freddie Stories from the school library. The stories were mostly about Maybonne, and in particular contained a storyline where she fooled around with a Vietnam veteran in a car. What (likely out of print) collection am I remembering? [more inside]
posted by Juliet Banana at 1:00 PM PST - 15 comments

What Wordpress functions / features / plugins would organize this site?

Web developers: My university research lab wants to drag our website out of 1998 to a more easy-to-maintain and attractive design. We're tending towards using Wordpress, mostly for its large install base and plugin market. However our website won't follow the typical blog page/post format that Wordpress seems to support by default - it's more like a library with inter-related content types. Something like this is beautiful but probably out of our budget. Those with Wordpress experience, what default features should we try to use? Or is there a plugin / theme that does what we want already? [more inside]
posted by anthill at 12:50 PM PST - 8 comments

Looking for examples of web sites that can generate polished pdfs.

I’m looking for examples of web sites that generate fairly polished pdfs when a visitor wants to print out a page of the site. Does such a thing exist? [more inside]
posted by Bron at 12:46 PM PST - 12 comments

Spam telephone calls to a landline?

I have been getting many spam telephones to my landline (VOIP). Any suggestions on what authorities to contact? [more inside]
posted by wandering_not_lost at 12:24 PM PST - 13 comments

Why is Adderall affecting me inconsistently on a day to day basis?

I was diagnosed with inattentive-type ADD and prescribed Adderall a little over two months ago. It has been a mostly positive experience, and is definitely working well with my symptoms. However, in the past couple weeks I've been having trouble with the same dosage of Adderall working in different ways and to different degrees. I'm wondering if there is anything in my daily routine that I'm overlooking that could be causing this. [more inside]
posted by supernaturelle at 12:10 PM PST - 17 comments

Does organic produce taste better than conventional?

The other day I bought some yellow bell peppers at my local grocery store at a discount. When I went to cook them, I noticed they had a much stronger flavor than I expected, which was more complex and tastier to boot. When I looked at the little sticker that was on them I saw that they were labeled organic. I was cutting up some conventionally farmed green peppers at the same time, and compared to the yellow ones they barely had any flavor at all, and a very superficial flavor at that. [more inside]
posted by sam_harms at 12:04 PM PST - 31 comments

Lip buildup from talking

I teach a short lecture class, and by the end, there are gross white (spit? dead skin?) lines on my lips from talking that won't come off unless I scrape at them with a fingernail. I want this to not happen. [more inside]
posted by deus ex machina at 11:45 AM PST - 13 comments

Seventeen thousand books, no carpentry experience, limited budget

We have a lot of books, are moving next week, and want floor to ceiling (nine feet high), wall to wall bookcases in one room of our new place. How difficult would it be for us to do this ourselves? What're our options? [more inside]
posted by history is a weapon at 11:30 AM PST - 24 comments

Where in Baltimore to purchase a suit?

I'm getting married at the beginning of May, and would like to purchase a nice suit for the day. But I want a particular look, and something that is going to last me for years that I can wear regularly, not just for one day. [more inside]
posted by postel's law at 11:24 AM PST - 15 comments

Getting reimbursed for taxes from job-related tuition benefits

My husband is completing his masters degree at the university where he also works. He gets tuition benefits, but any tuition benefit he receives over $5250 per year is taxable. The university treats those taxes as part of the tuition bill (they are about 37%) and we pay them out of pocket. According to our university, we should be able to get reimbursed for the taxes that we paid, given that the tuition counts as a job related expense. How do we do this? Bonus: how do we do this... on TurboTax? [more inside]
posted by ancient star at 9:53 AM PST - 14 comments

Help me remember this smutty novel I read as a teen

[NSFW Book Filter] I only remember vague details about the book, which involved witches, a coven, the devil/demon/Satan and explicit sex scenes. [more inside]
posted by stealthy_hippo at 9:53 AM PST - 8 comments

What's the line between having needs and being needy?

I recently married the love of my life after dating for a year. He's a good man, really kind, wonderful to my kids and sweet to me. I don't want to screw it up but I'm also getting tired of being on my best behavior. [more inside]
posted by Lizlemondrop at 9:46 AM PST - 31 comments

Any good writing on the "all celebrities know each other" thing?

In this story in the NYT about how the Knicks decide who gets courtside seats and what they have to do for them, there's a throwaway line that Michael J. Fox's memoir discusses "the celebrity-camaraderie phenomenon wherein they all know one another, even if they don’t." I've always been fascinated by that. Other than that memoir (of course), is there any good writing about that subject? I could imagine that a smart actor, or even better a screenwriter or newly-made comedian or assistant or some other behind the scenes person, has described how this language and code of behavior is taught and practiced, and who is allowed to play the game.
posted by AgentRocket at 9:43 AM PST - 12 comments

Giant whale hanging from the ceiling in California or Florida?

I was on vacation somewhere in California (Napa or San Francisco) or in Florida (Orlando or St. Augustine) and I remember seeing a big gigantic whale hanging from the ceiling of a museum, restaurant, or some other tourist attraction... Can anyone tell me where this was?
posted by dope_feeny at 9:09 AM PST - 11 comments

How to list my university on my CV/Resume?

The (state) university I attended was absorbed by a larger state school and the name of the school changed. How should I list this school on my resume - by the name it went by when I attended, or by the new name? [more inside]
posted by Sheppagus at 9:03 AM PST - 15 comments

Are there any new small, vegan cars out there?

Please help me find a new small, good gas-mileage, vegan car. The car cannot have any leather anywhere in its interior, and it should ideally be equal to or less than 175 inches in length. I would also like it to be no more than $30,000.
posted by Four-Eyed Girl at 8:45 AM PST - 31 comments

Where Can I Find This Pooper-Scooper?

Where can I find a pooper-scooper like the one I had that just broke? [more inside]
posted by Hanuman1960 at 8:45 AM PST - 11 comments

Buying UK Used Books Online That Ship to US

I have a lot of favorite British authors whose books I'd love to purchase used in the hardback, UK versions. I'd also like shipping costs to the US not to be too high. Do you have any suggestions of where to purchase used books in the UK online? I'd prefer to use an independent seller, if possible, and not Amazon. Thank you!
posted by lagreen at 8:31 AM PST - 11 comments

Tell me about California closets please.

Hi AskMe. I need to do something about the closets in my 30+ year old house. I would like a more efficient use of space both for the master walk in closet and the smaller bedrooms. Simple shelf + rod no longer cut it. I have no idea how to do that myself so I'm thinking of California Closets who seem to get a lot of praise online. Have you had any experience with them (or a similar outfit)? Satisfied? Please tell me about your experience.
posted by aeighty at 8:06 AM PST - 14 comments

Smart electronic music to sweat to

Need music to keep me going at the gym. The caveat is that it isn't mindless pop music, but something with some complexity. [more inside]
posted by kbbbo at 8:02 AM PST - 23 comments

Best small, cheap HDMI monitor on Amazon?

I got a nice Amazon gift card for Christmas and I've decided I'd like to buy a new small monitor for my Raspberry Pi and other small computing trinkets. HDMI input is required! What brands should I search out or avoid?
posted by mkb at 8:00 AM PST - 6 comments

Toronto represent!

I need to put together a small gift that represents my home region: Toronto, Canada. Help me come up with ideas. [more inside]
posted by yawper at 7:49 AM PST - 24 comments

Help me pick a cardio activity and stick to it!

I want to get super fit, but I don't want to bulk up at all. What's a good, effective cardio activity that wouldn't give me thick, muscular legs (because I am trying to get smaller, toned legs). So, what cardio would you recommend? [more inside]
posted by atetrachordofthree at 7:49 AM PST - 14 comments

Best practices for filling out online job appliications

I'm currently looking for a second /part-time job and have been filling out 3-4 online job applications a day. I've been a freelancer for the last ten years and found most of that work via word of mouth or through personal recommendation. For this reason, filling out job applications is relatively new to me, particularly online, and I have some questions. [more inside]
posted by marimeko at 7:08 AM PST - 10 comments

Detaching whilst staying

How does one practice detachment in a codependent, anxiety-rich relationship? How can I be the husband my wife needs me to be whilst also getting what I need? [more inside]
posted by yasp at 6:23 AM PST - 48 comments

How to fairly split household expenses

My boyfriend and I are moving in together, and I need some input on the financial stuff. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:18 AM PST - 41 comments

How can I treat my stuff that gets torn up by rock salt

I gotta wheelchair. Inflatable tires. The rock salt put down for snow in Philly busts my tubes, which is an inconvenience at best, a possible safety hazard (if I get stranded in the Polar Vortex) at most. How can I pre-treat the exposed rubber around the valve so I don't get flats? [more inside]
posted by angrycat at 4:46 AM PST - 23 comments

Best New Yorker articles of the last 2 years?

I have a digital subscription to the New Yorker. I love it dearly when I make time to read it. I haven't made the time in... about two years... and I would like to read the best articles I've missed in that time. So: which articles published in the New Yorker in 2012 and 2013 are absolute must-reads?
posted by third word on a random page at 3:44 AM PST - 20 comments

Best 7500 yen meal in Central Tokyo

So, I'm in Tokyo on a business trip with a 7500 yen/day food expense budget. Thing is, I tend to eat cheap and I've been averaging more like 3000 yen/day. Even still, the food has been fantastic. But tomorrow, I would like to make the most of my expense account. Assuming that I eat free hotel buffet for breakfast and lunch, where would you recommend I go (within about a half hour train ride of Tokyo Station) for the best (pescatarian) meal 7500 yen can buy?
posted by 256 at 3:06 AM PST - 8 comments

Need Witty Questions

I'm looking for witty endings for the question "Welcome to Computer Science, where questions like XXX are not YYY", similar to this sign. But I'm drawing complete blanks. Any ideas?
posted by gadha at 3:01 AM PST - 9 comments

Need a recommendation for a good psychologist in North Wales

An adult friend is dealing with depression and I need a recommendation for a good psychologist in North Wales, preferably in or near Bangor / Llandudno area. [more inside]
posted by CautionToTheWind at 2:46 AM PST - 2 comments

term for fallacy of believing other minds are like your own?

When I was studying history of philosophy I remember encountering a term which I recall as being either 'historical monism' or 'psychological monism', which referred to the (posited) error of assuming, I think looking historically, that the psychology of other peoples was like your own. I.e. of assuming that you could reasonably attempt to understand their motivations &c. It might have had something to do with heiddegger? It seems unlikely that this would've involved the term 'monism', though, looking back, and I'm not having tons of luck with google. Any clues?
posted by cmyr at 2:18 AM PST - 11 comments

January 21

Where are the doorways to magical worlds?

I need more examples of the ways that children get into magical worlds in books. [more inside]
posted by not that girl at 10:29 PM PST - 56 comments

A couple short Spanish translations

I'm working on a Spanish course, and I'm having trouble with a couple of questions dictated to me. I simply do not know what word they are using. Maybe I'm just mishearing it, and it really is something I know. Or maybe its a devious plot to confuse me. Anyway, these are the questions, as well as I can hear them. [more inside]
posted by Gargantuantoe at 9:09 PM PST - 7 comments

Vivint Offers to pay for solar panels....what's the catch?

This offer feels too good to be true. Is it? [more inside]
posted by PsuDab93 at 8:48 PM PST - 7 comments

I want to restore/renew an old wooden sled with metal runners

A friend has an old wood sled in storage, unused for years. Beautiful lines and shape. Name long worn away. Looks very similar to the one on this site. But the wood needs refinishing.Metal runners are chipped and rusted; they need brushing, priming and painting. Would you oil or wax the runners afterwards?? Ideas?
posted by ebesan at 8:46 PM PST - 7 comments

I'm considering getting a crested gecko - should I?

I was recently introduced to the soft and tame adorableness that is the crested gecko. I am somewhat surprisingly considering purchasing one. Advice? [more inside]
posted by vegartanipla at 8:42 PM PST - 7 comments

Every 3000 Miles We'll Screw You Over

After some frustrating dealings with the local Jiffy Lube, I want to be able to handle some car maintenance stuff myself. What should I be able to handle? [more inside]
posted by theichibun at 8:12 PM PST - 15 comments

How to get out of paying for a party

I work in a professional field that requires the passing of a series of exams to become credentialed. These take place over several years and are considered to be very difficult, taking months of study. My workplace hosts a bi-annual party after work to celebrate those that have passed their exams. The party requires that people pay $85 towards the party per exam passed in the past 6 months and $20 if they have not passed an exam (The money is required regardless of whether you plan to attend). This can become quite costly (I once passed multiple exams and was shocked that the fee was cumulative). However, people are expected to pay. I don't really enjoy parties, and $85 is a lot of money to me and I'm wondering if there's a way for me to politely decline without causing problems at work (i.e. being the one guy out of 60 that isn't contributing). Compounding this is the fact that significant raises typically follow when someone passes an exam, so the excuse "I can't afford it" might not work so well.
posted by Proginoskes at 7:57 PM PST - 21 comments

Proactive synergies, moving forward

Resources for helping to recognise and identify, then eliminate or mitigate, government department operational waste? [more inside]
posted by turbid dahlia at 7:32 PM PST - 4 comments

Living in Boston on the cheap

Living in Boston on $12,100 a year: is this doable? How can I make it work? [more inside]
posted by youcancallmeal at 7:01 PM PST - 20 comments

Grief and a brand-new long-distance relationship

I am in a brand-new long-distance relationship with a guy I really care for. He recently experienced the death of a friend, and since this happened a week ago he has been essentially non-communicative with me. He sent me one generic text at a strange hour a week ago (along the lines of "busy week, really tired") and other than that it's been silence. Should, and how, can I support him during this time? Help me make sense of his behavior and to gauge what my response should be. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:28 PM PST - 38 comments

Shopping for a Gym. What do I look for?

After a year of half-assed solo weight lifting. I've decided to take the green's advice and tie my fitness to a specific activity. I'm thinking of joining a rock climbing/crossfit gym in my area. I've never been a member of a gym before (except during college), and I don't really know what to look out for and pay attention to while checking it out during the free trial. [more inside]
posted by nickhb at 6:17 PM PST - 9 comments

Unlock iPhone 4s?

Reliable way to unlock an iPhone 4s w/o bricking? ...off Verizon. Must be jailbroken first? Plenty of AskMe Qs on unlocking but I can't find my answer. [more inside]
posted by Shane at 6:12 PM PST - 13 comments

Working GPS Navigation app for HP Palm Veer?

Does it exist? [more inside]
posted by Arachnophile at 5:36 PM PST - 7 comments

Can you remember an novel featuring male lactation?

I remember a scene in a novel featuring male lactation, but I can't remember what novel it's from. Description inside. [more inside]
posted by cuban link flooded jesus at 5:14 PM PST - 6 comments

Need playlist made up of songs about getting rich and making it.

Short and simple, will take songs from any genre. The example song that comes to mind for me (as in matches what I'm looking for 100%,) is "I Made It" by Kevin Rudolf. [more inside]
posted by imabanana at 5:10 PM PST - 23 comments

Need help & advice with Gmail business feature

I am confused with how the "business" gmail works. I do see it costs $5 which is fine. What I am seeking is to be able to send 500+ emails a day and I am limited by a regular account. [more inside]
posted by femmme at 4:43 PM PST - 7 comments

What is this classic song? (Whistling attempt included)

I remember listen to it played on the piano by Richard Clayderman but don't remember the song name. Here's my whistling attempt. Sorry if you have to download the file. I couldn't find anywhere that streams it.
posted by Thisispiggy at 4:30 PM PST - 3 comments

Osborne One glitches, now what?

Totally longshot obscure question here, but i found an Osborne One at a thrift store. It's complete, and in great shape and seems like it was nearly not used since it was built. The inside of it is immaculately clean with no dirt or anything. I inspected it a bit, and turned it on... and then this happened :( [more inside]
posted by emptythought at 4:23 PM PST - 11 comments

Compensation - what is a good raise %?

I am a young (>5 years out of college) female professional working at a tech company. We are a small company (>200 FTEs) and exist on funding and capital (not public or profitable yet). I am the best performer in my group and a very high performer (top 20% of employees, as told to me by HR and Executives). I just got a raise from $85,000 to $93,000 for a total of a 6% raise. I also got some equity as well. I am happy with my salary (and was happy already), but I honestly have no idea if I should negotiate or ask for more. One on hand I feel pressured to assert myself to exercise negotiation skills, especially as a woman; on the other hand, I am not a very material person, spend very little, and am very happy with my day to day quality of life. I don't really need the money. My question is - is 6% competitive? I know that I am already well paid for a young professional, especially for someone who has not had a lot of experience. I'm pretty happy. I just have no idea what the benchmarks are or what I should be asking for / expecting.
posted by pando11 at 4:21 PM PST - 17 comments

Help me Identify Homo Sapiens Sapiens in the Field from a Distance

My dad, god love him, was a knuckle dragging Neanderthal who would tell you straight up that he did not do "women's work." I was one of the top three students of my graduating high school class with visions of having a fulfilling life as part of a two career couple. I got married at age 19 in part to try to escape the caves I grew up in and enter the modern world. By the time I figured out that my husband was also a troglodyte and, in spite of knowing more about food prep than how to toast bread, was very much a believer in keeping the women "barefoot and pregnant," I was already pregnant. I am looking for assistance in figuring how to spot Homo Sapiens Sapiens -- you know, Modern Man -- from a distance so I don't wind up trapped for the next two decades with yet another cave dweller whom I mistook for a Modern Man due to his amazing spiffy business suit fooling me handily. So, I am looking for feedback from anyone (of any gender or sexual orientation) who ever did the two career couple thing. I am especially interested in things like how you met and what were the earliest indicators that this person would fit into your life and not torpedo your career plans. [more inside]
posted by Michele in California at 3:54 PM PST - 32 comments

What bullshit is my mom talking?

I was talking to my mom last night and at one point in the conversation, she wanted to call something bullshit, but she is extremely opposed to swearing, so she used a euphemism instead. It was so funny that my partner and I both burst out laughing when she said it, but neither of us can remember it now. Help me identify it! [more inside]
posted by Neely O'Hara at 3:44 PM PST - 41 comments

Rocky Horror virgin!

This Friday night, my husband and I will be attending our first midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show! Super-psyched! We have not ever seen the movie and know virtually nothing about how the live shows go, thus I turn to the hive for help. Detailed questions: [more inside]
posted by altopower at 3:44 PM PST - 14 comments

Am I eating too little on this diet? Or exercising too much?

I've been really good about sticking to my diet in 2014, but now I'm worried that I may be eating too little and worry I'm burning muscle instead of fat. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 3:42 PM PST - 14 comments

Questions about the "Serenity" Film

Just finally got around to watching Firefly. Really liked it. But I'm curious as to why the Serenity movie did so poorly. Was it the quality of the film, or just that the fan base turned out to be more vocale/enthusiastic than enormous? I'll tag a second question below, cuz it's got spoilers. [more inside]
posted by Quisp Lover at 3:27 PM PST - 21 comments

Part-time work for outdoorsy science-minded retired teacher?

My mom is 65. She's been teaching math & science at a high school for years. She's getting ready to retire, and would like to work (not just volunteer) part-time for a few years. Tutoring is an obvious choice. But she'd rather explore something else. What other part-time gigs might be a good fit? Of note: she is a total badass. Super sharp. Athletic. Loves to travel. Has been known to take off on long bike adventures/kayak trips/etc. Seeking something delightful to feed her mind/body. [more inside]
posted by red_rabbit at 3:27 PM PST - 11 comments

Planning trip to possible ancestral town in SW England, but what to do?

My extremely-uncommon and forever-mispelled last name—Huxham—happens to also be the name of a tiny village right outside of Exeter in SW England. My ancestors left Britain from the port of Plymouth on the other side of Devonshire, so I feel fairly confident this might be where my last name comes from. However, even though I have the means and the desire to visit this hamlet…what do I do there? Just start knocking on doors? Should I contact the parish priest and/or tourism board? [more inside]
posted by huxham at 3:21 PM PST - 11 comments

Too Close For My Comfort

Ethics and friendship filter. Help me find the courage to tell my friend that this introvert is not going to stay in a single hotel room with two double beds and three non related people. It's already been advanced booked and I'm expected to pay my share. [more inside]
posted by Xurando at 3:05 PM PST - 28 comments

Searching for a specific piano book.

When I was younger, my family had a particular book of songs for the piano. They were popular songs and the difficulty was probably intermediate or thereabouts. Among the songs in this book were Chim Chim Cheree and a Spoonful of Sugar from Mary Poppins, as well as Greensleeves. The book fell apart (literally -- the glue unbound, pages fell out, etc) years ago and my family eventually got rid of it. I would love to find a copy of this book again, but I don't remember what it was called... [more inside]
posted by juliebug at 2:27 PM PST - 9 comments

Is Serious Furnace Cleaning Necessary?

I have an old style furnace that has been cleaned (by vacuuming) on a mostly annual basis for about 20 years. Should I pay the big bucks to get it scraped out by a professional? [more inside]
posted by Kevin Street at 1:49 PM PST - 9 comments

Why did you not tell me about medical appt?

Just received a voicemail from a breast surgeon's office confirming my wife's appointment tomorrow. Problem? My wife has told me nothing of this. I'm kind of pissed. My first reaction is to pick up phone and be angry about her hiding this from me, but then I took a deep breath and tried to figure out why I don't know. I don't want to cause a huge fight if she has something serious medical going on, but WTF? FWIW, my wife has a history of abnormal mammos and was biopsied once before and everything was benign. I'm going to call her shortly, but don't want to bring anger to table...how do I do that? Signed, Concerned but angered
posted by teg4rvn at 1:00 PM PST - 52 comments

Need advice on a 14 year-old taking the SAT

Our son, who's in eighth grade, is scheduled to take the SAT this Saturday but he's not enthusiastic at all. I gave him a review book and he said he didn't know how to do many of the problems. We scheduled him for the test at the urging of his principal who believes he can qualify for the Illinois Math and Science Academy (IMSA) because he got a perfect score just recently on an ACT exam and she knows my son quite well because it's a very small grade school. I don't think he has much to lose and a lot to gain but I think he's just plain petrified of taking the test and would skip it if we let him. That however would greatly disappoint my wife, me, and the principal. Any words of wisdom you can offer?
posted by qsysopr at 12:39 PM PST - 72 comments

Kauai for first-timers, in March

Help two Alaskans make great travel decisions in Kauai. [more inside]
posted by charmedimsure at 12:36 PM PST - 10 comments

"I'm not like a regular boss, I'm a cool boss." New manager seeks tips!

I need some tips on how to be a good manager, but not so much the kind of tips I can find on various lists when I google it, i.e. "Give results oriented feedback." I am not great at socializing outside of work-related exchanges and I am an introvert. How can I inspire my team and make them like me and get the most out of them? [more inside]
posted by AppleTurnover at 12:24 PM PST - 32 comments

Seeking preliminary info: museum collections/registrars, preservation

What can you tell me about the field(s) of museum/historical society registrars/collections, preservation, and digital preservation? In a few years, I want to go back to work in a new career, and these have recently crossed my radar. [more inside]
posted by xo at 12:07 PM PST - 8 comments

Him, Her & the Rabbit

NSFW: Does the Rabbit exist in Argentina? Or is it considered an assault on Argentinean manhood? And if it is, how do Argentinean women get any ... satisfaction? [more inside]
posted by Violet Blue at 11:41 AM PST - 12 comments

Home improvements that pay for themselves

I recently bought a 1000 square foot condo. I'm starting to think about ways to make it work better and improvements that will pay for themselves over the long term. I've started replacing lighting with LED and have bought a programmable thermostat, just to give some basic examples. I'm also looking for things that will save maybe tiny amounts of time and energy when viewed as single events but will happen over and over again throughout the lifetime of the house. For example, using shelving instead of cabinets or hanging pots and pans on pegboard. I'm basically looking to put up a little more effort/money up front in order to save myself the same over the long term.
posted by mike_bling at 11:41 AM PST - 16 comments

Fitting an even-sized body in an odd sized office desk

Asking for a frugal friend. How does one size and proportion a desk somewhat inexpensively for a very tall person for home and / or work office? [more inside]
posted by tilde at 11:35 AM PST - 18 comments

What to wear at SoulCycle?

I'm taking some cycling classes at SoulCycle. What should I wear & what should I bring with me? [more inside]
posted by Conrad Cornelius o'Donald o'Dell at 11:34 AM PST - 7 comments

College sophomore and switching majors

I am a second semester sophomore, pre-med student who has been reconsidering his options for the past few weeks. My grades in pre-med courses, no matter how hard I try, are extremely lackluster and my GPA in those courses barely hovers over a 3.0 (luckily, this is calculated after only four eligible courses). Furthermore, when I calculated my non pre-med courses I found that I had a 3.8, which was both encouraging (since I go to a top 10 school; I was a little happy that I had a GPA like this) and demoralizing because I've pretty much convinced myself that my academic strengths lie in anything BUT the natural sciences. [more inside]
posted by JYuanZ at 10:58 AM PST - 17 comments

Costs of pricey home repairs/replacements? (& IDing them before buying)

We're first time homebuyers, and getting a little overwhelmed thinking about all the things we might have to fix and/or replace in whatever house we buy, and how that should affect what we're willing to pay for a home. What are the most expensive (and/or frustrating to fix) things we should be keeping an eye out for and factoring into deciding whether to make an offer on a house and the offer price (i.e. adjusting up/down compared to comparable homes)? [more inside]
posted by EmilyClimbs at 10:43 AM PST - 13 comments

Comfort bedtime reading for nerds?

Help complete the set: (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!, Calvin and Hobbes, ...). [more inside]
posted by pbh at 10:28 AM PST - 28 comments

Best label for job applications: "wife" or "partner"?

When applying to jobs, is it better to refer to my wife as "my wife" or as "my partner"?
posted by Eiwalker at 10:25 AM PST - 44 comments

They want to put my house in the movies

And all it's got to do is act nat'rally. I received a communication from a scouting agent, interested in using our house to shoot a television pilot. My first inclination is to toss said communication, and forget about it. However, I'm wondering if perhaps we should consider it. Snowflakes! [more inside]
posted by heigh-hothederryo at 10:10 AM PST - 25 comments

Was this porn search something to worry about or something to ignore?

My husband was born and educated in Pakistan where we met and married almost ten years ago. Soon after we moved back to London I saw that he had entered a search term on our browser that upset me but I didn't process completely at the time. He has used one of those words in the context of our children now and after a sudden lightbulb moment when I was thinking about it, I'm not sure what to make of it. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:08 AM PST - 21 comments

Moving to London - help me navigate the rental market!

In just over a month, I will be moving to London to take up a new job. I'm a bit overwhelmed by the rental market so need some advice on locations, costs, and anything I have probably overlooked. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:07 AM PST - 11 comments

Unsure about thus relationship cycle

I'm caught in a casual, hot and cold relationship with a person I fell in love with years ago. I can't tell anymore what is normal relationship behavior. I'm a female in my 20's, involved with a person in his 40's. We have similar sensibilities and get along great but then he goes cold. He always let's me decide if I want to stay or not. Everytime I leave, I end up coming back because I miss him and I'm greeted with enthusiasm. He's a sweetheart and never acted aggressively towards me which leaves me confused. 'Cause he'll go out of his way to help me with anything I need and once I get comfortable and thankful, he grows cold. He never saw us as "dating" even though we were plus the issues of him getting over an ex. I can be a bit of a people pleaser at times but I always abide by the rule of if you don't want to be with someone and they have strong feelings for you, you cease contact. He doesn't do this and I'm confused. I feel like a puppet. I don't know what's going on in his head. I don't even know if it's abusive or not. I have been in an abusive relationship and this doesn't mirror it so I'm having a tough time processing what's going on. Please help.
posted by InterestedInKnowing at 10:04 AM PST - 17 comments

UK tax filter: can I claim my season ticket as a travel expense?

I work as a mystery shopper as an independent contractor. I am given a set fee for each job. In previous tax years I've purchased individual tickets to get to and from each visit, and have claimed these back as travel expenses in my tax return. Halfway through the 2012-13 tax year I started a permanent, full time job and took advantage of their season ticket loan scheme to purchase an annual travel pass. Because of this pass, I no longer buy separate tickets to travel on mystery shopping visits. My question is, can I still claim a portion of this season ticket back as a travel expense for the mystery shops? For example, if it would have cost me £4 return to get from home to a site and back again, can I claim that £4 even though I don't have individual tickets for those journeys? I am guessing I can't, which is fine, but I've not been given a firm steer by HM Revenue and Customs and I want to get this right! I know you are not my tax accountants, but I am guessing some of you have had the same issue and can point me in the right direction!
posted by ozgirlabroad at 9:37 AM PST - 3 comments

Help identify this old photo.

Help identify this photo of creepy cows. Creepy cows inside. [more inside]
posted by Zosia Blue at 9:36 AM PST - 14 comments

Looking for experiences with Boston’s western suburbs

My wife and I are planning a move to Boston’s western ‘burbs in the next couple of years (think Newton, Wellesley, Needham, etc.). We are looking for a community connected to downtown Boston via some form of public transportation, and with good schools. We do not need an interesting town center, and are happy to walk a mile or so to get to public transport (provided that there is a sidewalk). Since this is surely going to be a backbreakingly expensive purchase, I need the advice and anecdotes of random strangers on the internet to help us focus our search. [more inside]
posted by Admiral Haddock at 9:05 AM PST - 19 comments

Help my brother create a dog friendly home

Dog owners - what tips or hacks do you have for making your home more dog-friendly? What did you consider when you bought your home in regard to your dog? [more inside]
posted by NoraCharles at 8:23 AM PST - 21 comments

My kingdom for a dog.

We are looking to adopt a dog and finding it impossible. We are considering breeders. We are not happy about that--and are actually embarrassed--but here we are. One, are there alternatives we haven't considered? Two, how do you find a non-revolting dog breeder? [more inside]
posted by A Terrible Llama at 8:12 AM PST - 62 comments

Worried in Chicago

Today my father (who I live with; I'm 22) woke me up by banging on my door loudly and yelling at me. He made serious physical threats and destroyed some of my computer equipment. I'm at a loss for what to do. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:04 AM PST - 23 comments

Decaf Anyone?

Need to switch to decaf coffee. Looking for some information. [more inside]
posted by dbirchum at 7:47 AM PST - 27 comments

Songs where the musicians are having fun?

In an attempt to stave off the winter blues, I want to compile a playlist of songs where the artists are clearly enjoying themselves. Examples inside. [more inside]
posted by coppermoss at 7:37 AM PST - 60 comments

Dragons! At Arisia!

I'm trying to track down a vendor who was selling dragon statues, ranging from hatchlings coming out of the eggs to newborns to adults. Incredible detail, really great sheen, and around 45 dollars in cost. I forgot to get a business card :( [more inside]
posted by spunweb at 7:16 AM PST - 5 comments

European (German) looking to move to and work in the US

Okay, I'm trying to keep this brief: I am a German citizen who's been toying with the idea of moving to America for a year or two (or more) for a while now and I need help regarding the work permit papers. More details within. [more inside]
posted by mrsh at 7:13 AM PST - 12 comments

Timely queer and kink content for my facebook and twitter feed

I've just had an article published nationally, and oh boy is that addictive and fun! I want to do more, so I need ideas to pitch! I'm looking for some tweeters and some Facebook groups and posters to follow who will have awesome kink/womens'/sex-positive/sex-work/trans/lgbt/poly/etc news, criticism and analysis. Feminist and socialist feeds also a plus. Many thanks, hive mind!
posted by Mistress at 7:00 AM PST - 8 comments

How to help teen with alcoholic parent

A family friend who is divorced has been an alcoholic for more then several years. She has primary custody of a teenage daughter. We have kept in touch with the alcoholic mom but sporadically due to her behavior. Recently I found out the the daughter was cutting and acting out, I believe due to the stress of living with her mom. Because of this I started texting the daughter just to check in and give her some positive messages (mostly like “hope you have a good day” and “I’m so impressed how you did on that test”). I did ask her if she’d like to go to an alateen meeting which she agreed to but only if I went with her. However we haven’t set a date. [more inside]
posted by lasamana at 6:06 AM PST - 16 comments

What does the Target data breech actually mean to me?

I shopped at Target twice during the period last year that their customer data was compromised. I used my debit card once (which, ugh, I never shop with, but I must have needed cash back), and my credit card once. And apparently other information, like home and e-mail addresses, was also taken. How concerned should I really be, and how much effort should I put into changing card numbers and monitoring my own information? [more inside]
posted by LolaGeek at 6:00 AM PST - 20 comments

Disappearing Pages documents on Ipad

I use Pages on an Ipad Mini: yesterday I found that all of my documents had suddenly disappeared - Pages was just showing 'no documents'. All the software is up to date, but there have been no major changes or traumatic events recently. There were about a dozen documents, mainly very small but a couple of large ones. What I typically do is switch Word documents over from a PC via Google Drive in order to fiddle with bits of drafting while on the train. I therefore have recent copies of everything, so the actual loss is merely a little irritating; but I don't want it happening again. Any ideas about what could have caused this?
posted by Segundus at 4:00 AM PST - 6 comments

January 20

What Android/Windows tablet should I buy for academic use?

What Android or Windows 8 pen-equipped tablet should I buy for reading scientific papers, writing scientific papers, and taking notes? (Or is the app selection for the iPad sufficiently amazing that I should let it override my distaste for Apple's walled garden and the iPad's lack of an active digitizer stylus?) [more inside]
posted by fermion at 10:32 PM PST - 23 comments

Meggle butter vs grass fed kerrygold and Organic valley?

I tried Meggle alphine butter from Germany and really like it. I also tried president butter from France and didnt like the artificial flavor. Later I tried organic valley the limited edition and was not impressed at all. Then I tried Kerrygold garlic and herbs butter which basically tastes just like sour cream, not only tasteless but actually kind of disgusting? I am wondering how does Kerrygold regular butter compared with Meggle? I haven't try it yet but don't want to waste time and money. Meggle tastes so good, but it's not grass fed I guess. How are butter and dairy products made in Germany , is there anyone know? Really hope it's not antibiotics and hormone loaded. Thanks!
posted by pack2themoon at 10:27 PM PST - 14 comments

Creative ways to alter an ICBM's flight path post-launch

From what I understand, there is no way to alter a Minuteman III missile's course once it has launched, other than someone shooting it down. But in theory, if someone had had secret access to the missile itself at some point before the launch, could they install something that might be able to alter its flight path during the boost phase, in some manner? [more inside]
posted by np312 at 10:19 PM PST - 19 comments

Can/should I be friends with someone I dated or can I end it gracefully?

I've dated a man on and off for two years. I shouldn't have gotten involved with him again after the first breakup, but I did, and we eventually became friends with benefits. This was ok for a while because I was dealing with some serious family issues and didn't have much energy or time for a relationship, and we enjoy each others company. He recently decided he wanted a girlfriend and through online dating has found someone. I'm struggling with whether to walk away, or to try to maintain a friendship. [more inside]
posted by pinkbungalow at 9:41 PM PST - 17 comments

Changing residency. What order do I do these things in?

Changing my residency from NJ to CT. Simultaneously purchasing a used car to replace a NJ registered, just totaled car (for which I still have plates). And simultaneously switching from old NJ health coverage, to new CT Obamacare health coverage. So, have to change license, registration, mailing address, health care, and anything else you all might suggest. Is there any particular order I need to do these things in?
posted by SampleSize at 7:48 PM PST - 2 comments

IMAP difficulties on iPhone

How can I prevent the default iPhone mail.app from showing ALL my emails in the inbox as well as in their respective folders? [more inside]
posted by modernnomad at 7:32 PM PST - 4 comments

How long after taking meds do side effects take place?

I've been having severe anxiety and panic attacks in the last few months. I am cross tapering from Luvox CR to Viibryd (SSRIs). I took my Luvox this morning and a small 10mg of Viibryd for the first time a couple of hours ago. It's a small dose and I usually don't get side effects but I am wondering if I were to have any, how long after taking it would they show up? [more inside]
posted by KogeLiz at 7:19 PM PST - 8 comments

Does anywhere currently exist like Kowloon Walled City?

Looking for slums that are similar to the former Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong -- areas where the population have created their own sorts of internal ecosystems for one reason or another, living together in some kind of (likely rather tense) harmony. Ideally, these would be places where people have trotted out storefronts/small businesses, and have somehow either leeched off the public infrastructure or created their own. Bonus points if the residents are essentially unauthorized to live there. Nowhere in the US, please (though I'd still be interested in knowing). I already know about Dharavi, Kibera, and the Tower of David in Caracas.
posted by dmaterialized at 7:10 PM PST - 15 comments

Video games for anarchists

Please tell me about this world of independent, underground, homemade games. [more inside]
posted by latkes at 7:09 PM PST - 17 comments

Windows 8 Internet Connection so slow- how to manage?

I have DSL internet connection. But upon purchasing a new laptop this past month, and trying to work with Windows 8 - I feel that my internet connection has become very slow using the mozilla browser, or the internet explorer browser. I have tried using also the opera browser and it's still slower. I read on the internet to try to configure my computer to my adaptor connections to allow my internet speed to run faster. But there are too many forums and too many people saying to do xyz or abc. I have a DELL computer, and Windows 8, along with Windows Office professional 2013. If anyone can direct me to how to get to my control panel to configure a faster internet connection that would be greatly appreciated. One thing I read was to do a run: with Windows + R and to type in "gpedit.msc" but that command isn't recognized on my computer. Please help! Thanks in advance for any advice.
posted by proficiency101 at 6:12 PM PST - 5 comments

Vacations are stressful. Help us find a non-cheesy tropical hotel?

I need a recommendation for a 4-7 day tropical vacation sometime this spring. I'm thinking hedonistic amounts of lounging, drinking, napping, reading, and eating in the sun for me and my boyfriend. There are way too many options and I will keep putting it off until I can slim down the choices. I especially could use specific recommendations for hotels, as I find it basically impossible to tell whether food is good anywhere. [more inside]
posted by thirdletter at 6:06 PM PST - 19 comments

My neighbor is driving recklessly and I don't know what I can do.

Is there anything you can do about a confrontational neighbor who drives recklessly? [more inside]
posted by Thin Lizzy at 5:18 PM PST - 13 comments

One answer will be enough.

Hello Latin Scholars of Mefi. I have a relatively simple translation that I want to get absolutely right. English: More Is Never Enough. Latin: [more inside]
posted by Cold Lurkey at 5:17 PM PST - 9 comments

How to Get Better at Speed Dating

I've done speed dating before, with little to no success. I know the entire thing is very much a crapshoot, but are there any ways to make the most of it and potentially get a match? [more inside]
posted by Puck Soppet at 5:01 PM PST - 15 comments

Leaving my life behind for a while...

So...I applied for and received a grant to learn/research/write abroad for 4 months starting in March in the field of librarianship and informatics. The grant will pay for food, shelter, and travel (4 cities in Germany, if it matters). The grant agency is going to try and help me find temporary housing. Very fortunately, my job is ok with this and excited about what I will learn, so I have a job to come back to. I am simultaneously excited and terrified. IF you've done something like this before...any recommendations? [more inside]
posted by eleanna at 4:53 PM PST - 4 comments

Can I wash an Army Modular Sleep System in my top-load washer?

I just got a set of surplus unused Army sleeping bags (called the Modular Sleep System) and want to wash them. The tags say to use a commercial, front-load washer; can I use my modern, top-load washer that does not have an agitator? [more inside]
posted by wenestvedt at 4:38 PM PST - 5 comments

Grad school self-comparison is the worst. Help me stop.

I'm in my second semester of a professional master's program at a top-10 program. I can keep up with the classwork, but I get really caught up in comparing myself to other people. It not only makes me feel horrible, it significantly takes away from me doing my work. I'm prone to depression and lots of social anxiety anyway (I do have a therapist, we haven't talked about the self-comparison as much), but am well-liked in my program. I'd say I'm about on par with other folks in my program in terms of accomplishments (some have much more, some do less), so my intense feelings of inadequacy are mostly unwarranted. However, when I hear people talking about doing things I'm not (eg working with professors more than me, getting fellowships), I feel absolutely terrible. What should I be doing or trying to do to knock it off? Mental hacks, philosophical approaches, practical tips all welcome, though I should say I understand intellectually that there will always be someone doing more than me and that's life.
posted by anonymous at 4:31 PM PST - 10 comments

Decoding cancer-addled ramblings

In my grandmother's final days battling brain cancer, she became unable to speak and she filled dozens of index cards with random letters of the alphabet. I'm beginning to think that they are the first letters in the words of song lyrics, and would love to know what song this was. This is a crazy long shot, but I've seen Mefites pull off some pretty impressive code-breaking before! [more inside]
posted by JannaK at 4:13 PM PST - 178 comments

What are good ways to respond to people saying nice things about me?

Every so often people say nice things about me to me and I am generally confused and flummoxed about how to respond in a way that isn't either boastful or self-effacing but also isn't awkward and weird for both of us. I know there have got to be classy ways to do this because its a normal part of life and it occurred to me that I haven't noticed anyone else handle it notably. How does that work?
posted by anonymous at 3:39 PM PST - 21 comments

Help me grow something sweetly smelly on my balcony!

When my neighbor moved out, I inherited a few pots and some soil. I suppose they're more like tubs, really (24 inches long, 10 wide, 7 deep). I have zero gardening skills. The tubs sit on my balcony at the same height as my window, and I would love to grow something that is very fragrant in them. I love the idea of having my window open in the spring and summer, and having a beautiful smell wafting in. I live in Portland, OR, and my balcony faces east. I want to reiterate that I have zero gardening skills, but if given specific instructions, I can keep plants alive. What should I grow? The easier, the better!
posted by 2oh1 at 3:33 PM PST - 22 comments

I want to buy my bf a tool box for his ute. What do I need to know?

I want to buy my bf a tool box for his ute/pick up truck. What do I need to know? [more inside]
posted by lifethatihavenotlivedyet at 3:28 PM PST - 7 comments

How should I encrypt files before uploading to the cloud?

I want to back up some of my media files to various cloud storage sites (box, Dropbox, Google drive and skydrive.) I don't want them to easily see the file names or types. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:46 PM PST - 14 comments

ResumeFilter: Should I show life long interest with a high school job?

I'm applying for a new tech support/programming job, and I'm unsure which of two older positions to put on my resume. There can only be one. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:46 PM PST - 7 comments

Tell me about North Carolina

Would you rather live outside of Greensboro or south of Asheville on the North/South Carolina border? [more inside]
posted by geegollygosh at 2:28 PM PST - 23 comments

What is the best cocktail shaker EVER?

I have a friend who is a bartender and who has a birthday coming up. I'd like to get her a *really* nice cocktail shaker for home. Something that would make a bartender say "ooooo fancy". Do you have any ideas/thoughts on brands I could look at?
posted by matt_od at 2:28 PM PST - 14 comments

Question about violent language used by a 6 y/o boy

I am wondering about the language of a 6 y/o boy. It seems unusually graphic and violent for his age. Is it? If it is not normal, help me learn how to react to the things he says. [more inside]
posted by vincele at 2:00 PM PST - 24 comments

Can I easily configure a domain name that works locally and remotely.

I'm in the process of setting up a home server that I would like to be able to address by the same domain name ( www.whatever.org ) both from the outside world and from within my home network. Is there an easy way to do this? [more inside]
posted by metadave at 1:56 PM PST - 5 comments

Where should I live in San Diego?

In a few weeks time, I'll be moving to San Diego. What are some neighbourhoods I should be looking at? Top priorities are a reasonable commute to UCSD (no more than about twenty minutes drive, or even better shuttle access) and cheap rent (ideally not more than ~$1300/month). [more inside]
posted by kickingtheground at 1:52 PM PST - 6 comments

Movie suggestions please.

I want to show a movie to a group of 15-16 year olds after we've finished reading Sherman Alexie's "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian". [more inside]
posted by figaro at 1:40 PM PST - 11 comments

Teach me how to video

I want to make videos that don't look like crap for my college radio station's YouTube account. I have a DSLR and some lenses. And a tripod. Walk me through it like I'm five years old. [more inside]
posted by topoisomerase at 1:29 PM PST - 9 comments

Lawyer familiar with cryptocurrencies? (bitcoin, litecoin, etc.)

I'm looking to hire an attorney familiar with cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, litecoin, etc. Any recommendations or pointers? [more inside]
posted by uncoolcentral at 1:25 PM PST - 8 comments

Any 8 year old can recite this quote.

Looking for a quote about how the average 8 year old is plenty equipped with the skills to build/create X complicated thing. [more inside]
posted by popcassady at 12:57 PM PST - 4 comments

How to hot yoga

I'm interested in trying a hot yoga class, but historically I've been one of those people that occasionally passes out from heat/humidity. Can (or should) I do this? [more inside]
posted by greta simone at 12:35 PM PST - 27 comments

Taking the road test in NH tomorrow. What should I know?

Another late driver getting a license for the time. I've seen previous AskMe questions on road test advice, but I was wondering if there's anything unexpected that will come up on the NH test. (I'm taking it in Claremont in an automatic.) [more inside]
posted by redlines at 12:33 PM PST - 6 comments

When the High Lonesome Sound is coming from the baby...

I've got a few fellow mom friends who play bluegrass and old-time, and we're starting a Ladies' Pickin' and Playdate, so we can combine childcare and playing a few tunes. Of course, we need a motto. [more inside]
posted by Ollie at 12:20 PM PST - 9 comments

I know this isn't a grammar site, but I sneaked this in anyway

Is English changing to use simpler past versions of verbs now? Recently I've been seeing a lot of sneaked, dived etc., when back at school I had to learn that irregular verbs have past forms like snuck and dove. (Disclaimer: I'm not a native speaker of English.) [more inside]
posted by LoonyLovegood at 11:45 AM PST - 27 comments

Will my vinyl LPs warp in storage?

I'm planning to store my belongings, including about a thousand vinyl LPs and 45s. Should I invest in a more expensive climate controlled unit to keep them from warping? [more inside]
posted by kensington314 at 11:45 AM PST - 7 comments

Can't copy / cut / duplicate in OS X

Why is cut/copy/duplicate greyed out in Apple Preview app? When I open PDFs or XLS files in Preview by double clicking on them, I'm able to select text but cannot ever copy or cut it. Someone suggested duplicating the file first, but that option is also greyed out. 10.9.1 Why? Thanks!
posted by dobbs at 11:25 AM PST - 17 comments

Defendant: 12th man

How do CenturyLink Field and the Seattle Seahawks NFL team not get crushed by a workplace safety lawsuit? [more inside]
posted by ctmf at 11:15 AM PST - 13 comments

Death Metaphor at Disney

Looking for a blog post about death imagery/metaphor at Disneyland/Disney World. Sound familiar? [more inside]
posted by custard heart at 10:50 AM PST - 7 comments

Childrens book about boy Paul and Solamand with crystal ball

I'm looking for the title of a children`s picture book which had a boy named Paul and a man with a crystal ball named Solamand (sp?) . Many of the pages had shiny silver spots on them such as a silver rain puddle. I thought it had ``Apprentice`in the title, but maybe not. I don`t know when it was published but my children read it in the `80s. Paul somehow travels from his home to were Solamand is. Does anyone remember it?
posted by mcbeitz at 10:37 AM PST - 2 comments

Know your heart - fitness edition...

What resources exist to better understand the correlation of heart rate variations with exercise intensity? [more inside]
posted by NoDef at 10:29 AM PST - 2 comments

I need repetitive music for optimal brain function.

Based on my limited cues, can you recommend more music to help my poor ADHD brain focus? [more inside]
posted by elsietheeel at 9:28 AM PST - 27 comments

SSRI induced tinnitus, what's the prognosis?

I took Zoloft for under 2 months and developed intermittent tinnitus when I went up to 100mg. I started tapering off slowly and stopped entirely a few days ago. It seems to have gotten more persistent. I also still have a lingering low level anxiety that's making it hard to focus and get back to normal sleep patterns.
posted by awesomathon at 9:15 AM PST - 7 comments

How do I install the owncloud sync client on PCLinxOS?

Is there a sync client for PCLinxOS for owncloud? I could not find it in the Synaptic thing. [more inside]
posted by AllieTessKipp at 8:58 AM PST - 6 comments

Looking for book about American historical disasters.

This is driving me crazy...it was a very readable book that described several (eleven?) American historical disasters, including I think the S.S. Sultana tragedy. (Or, some other steamship fire.) [more inside]
posted by Melismata at 8:39 AM PST - 10 comments

Accessible wildlife tour/cruise/trip?

Granddad loves wildlife, and has taken multiple Lindblad/National Geographic tours to Ecuador/Galapagos to see the animals. He would love to go back there, or to somewhere new, but I'm a little worried about his new mobility constraints ( use of wheelchair, walker). Where is the best accessible wildlife viewing in North, Central, South America? [more inside]
posted by powerbumpkin at 8:36 AM PST - 5 comments

LLC registration, Lawyer, myself, or online service

I would like to register a single member LLC for the purpose of selling a software I developed and other programming related services. I was quoted , by a lawyer, 600 dollars on top of state registration fees. For consultations they charge around 400 an hour. There are several services I saw online where you pay for a monthly subscription and they claim you get free or cheap access to lawyers , and the LLC registration there is only 100 dollars (legalzoom, rocketlawyer,nolo etc) I could also fill out and send out the forms myself, but then I have to worry about the operating agreement etc. So, one idea I had was to bargain with the lawyer to include some hours of discounted consultation if I used them for the initial registration. But I am open for suggestions!
posted by spacefire at 8:30 AM PST - 11 comments

Once bitten, twice shy...

I discovered 47 mysterious insect bites on my body last night. I am at a loss as to what they could be. Lots of snowflake details (and a photo!) inside. [more inside]
posted by sarahgrace at 8:22 AM PST - 16 comments

This sucks. Or, more precisely, it doesn't.

I have this vacuum which doesn't currently work. The vacuum has a full block in its hose, too deep to be accessed by popping the hose as described in the owner's manual. Can I partially disassemble this vacuum to clear the hose myself? If so, how?
posted by .kobayashi. at 8:09 AM PST - 5 comments

Afraid of being fired: how do I keep the fear from crippling me?

I have crippling, perhaps justified fear of being fired. My fear is making my performance suffer, causing me misery and probably making firing more likely. How do I stop thinking like this? [more inside]
posted by Marered at 7:54 AM PST - 21 comments

Will an unlocked iPhone with a TMobile sim work normally?

If I were to obtain an official, factory-unlocked iPhone 5, and insert the pay-as-you-go TMobile micro-SIM I currently use in another phone, can I assume the iPhone will work exactly as if I'd obtained it on a contract? I'm specifically interested in Facetime and in free iMessaging between iPhones. [more inside]
posted by oliverburkeman at 7:45 AM PST - 9 comments

Practical solutions for remembering details and making them stick?

Asking for a friend, who is worrying about this. He is in his 20's. He has a very difficult time remembering details, and is very self-conscious about it. It seems to take him a lot more work to remember facts, figures and details compared to his peers. He would like to know if there are methods to improve this kind of memory, or whether this is a handicap he will have to deal with. [more inside]
posted by BuddyBoo at 7:41 AM PST - 10 comments

What is happening in Thailand right now?

Can anyone recommend some good sources to learn about the current political situation in Thailand? [more inside]
posted by InkaLomax at 7:01 AM PST - 7 comments

Should I leave my job and go on SSDI?

I'm 44 and was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer several months ago. For 7 years, I've been the communications director of a small nonprofit. My ED has been incredibly kind in granting me extended sick leave, paying my full salary and benefits for the past three months while I went through chemo. Despite his generosity, I have been long planning to leave and don't want to go back to work at this organization. My job does not offer any kind of short or long term disability, but according to the SS website, the diagnosis of stage 4 cancer automatically qualifies me for SSDI benefits. Do I leave this job and go on SSDI while recovering and preparing to transition to another field? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:50 AM PST - 16 comments

Yeah Toast?

On Android, is there any way to determine the originating app of a toast popup notification? (4.1 ICS Touchwiz stock if that matters.) [more inside]
posted by radwolf76 at 6:49 AM PST - 7 comments

What are you eating in Denver and Seattle?

Every year for the Super Bowl we cook food from wherever the teams are from. What should we make from Denver or Seattle? The Wikipedia page for Pacific Northwest cuisine suggests "fresh food", which isn't really what we are looking for; all we can think of for Denver is Denver omelettes. What's your "signature dish"? [more inside]
posted by goodbyewaffles at 6:32 AM PST - 37 comments

Please give advice to help with my constantly cold feet

Feet and hands constantly icy but it's my feet that really annoy me. I have read this thread and several others, which gave me some great ideas, but wanting to see if there is any additional ideas for me. Male, 6 foot, 160 lbs, mid 50s in age. No history of diabetes in family ever. Yes, I may have Raynauds, but not sure what to do about it other than try and find ways to keep my feet and hands warm. [more inside]
posted by luvmywife at 6:04 AM PST - 17 comments

Kitty is Lactose Intolerant

My cat managed to get at some milk and tossed his cookies yesterday. Now isn't eating up to his usual standard. Is he probably ok? [more inside]
posted by donut_princess at 5:53 AM PST - 9 comments

Cabin or B&B with privacy within 4 hours of Pittsburgh

We would like to go away in April to celebrate both a birthday and a wedding anniversary. Our ideal location would be a fairly nice B&B or resort that has either a private cabin or outbuilding, as well as proximity to hiking/the woods. Ideally within 3.5 to 4 hours drive from Pittsburgh. [more inside]
posted by librarianamy at 5:20 AM PST - 3 comments

Help me save my bf's birthday dinner! Recipe ideas for an upset stomach.

Today is my boyfriend's birthday and I had plans to make a lovely, elaborate, and special meal but he is recovering from a stomach bug. Let's say there is no longer any serious diarrhea, but he is taking it easy for now. But now I am at a loss to figure out something special, vegetarian and gentle to prepare for tonight. So, please share your lovely vegetarian recipes that are good for a weak stomach.
posted by maca at 5:13 AM PST - 17 comments

Analogue listening

As a child, I used to love what I later found out to be called MW DXing - tuning a medium-wave radio carefully to find unusual and far away broadcasts. Has digital radio, and the ability to hear broadcasts from anywhere - both 'official' stations and amateur-run - killed this off? Is there such a thing as digital DXing? [more inside]
posted by mippy at 4:38 AM PST - 5 comments

How can someone stay on the grid but minimize government tracking?

Suppose I want to use my phone and computer like a normal human being (I do not want to jump through lots of annoying technical hoops every time I make a call or send email or browse a web page), but I want to minimize how much government agencies can learn about me. What are some reasonably cheap (free is best) and transparent methods or tools or products I could use? And what are some more secure (if more elaborate and annoying) methods I could use supposing I didn't mind jumping through a few extra hoops every once in a while if the stakes were high enough?
posted by pracowity at 3:03 AM PST - 13 comments

Can you change yourself with difficult experiences

I am a mid 20's male and have been suffering from social anxiety for 8 years. I have recently come out of a deep depression due to the residual effects of SA (intense isolation, no job, minimal contact with friends) and I can't endure this anymore I need to go through an intense change and to start a fresh. [more inside]
posted by frenchfryfrenzy at 1:02 AM PST - 24 comments

January 19

How can I show my older brother I appreciate him?

I have a great older brother. He’s supportive, generous and very caring in his own I’m-sensitive-but-pretend-not-to-be sort of way. Sometimes I feel like he gives me a lot, and I give him little in return. How can I show him my appreciation? [more inside]
posted by dean_deen at 11:04 PM PST - 11 comments

Tips for managing a mobile survey lab

My organization is working on a project where we will be going to various public locations (malls, airports, colleges, etc) and setting up stations where we pay people to take surveys on tablets or laptops. [more inside]
posted by ElEmigrante at 10:46 PM PST - 3 comments

Changed domain name-servers. 4 days later seeing old site. How do I fix?

Updated a clients domain name-servers to new ones. Seeing the new site everywhere (EX: random starbucks, my house, on my phone). At the office, it's still showing the old site on every computer. I tried a DNS flush. Didn't work. How do I proceed from here?
posted by audio at 10:41 PM PST - 8 comments

Extra buttonholes in each side of shirt

I recently bought a women's silk button-down blouse from Uniqlo. I was looking at it closely today, and noticed that this blouse has two extra buttonholes on each side, near the hem of the shirt. What are they for? [more inside]
posted by tinymegalo at 10:27 PM PST - 3 comments

What goes with a leather blazer?

I was recently given this rather nice quality leather blazer, but I feel like a mafioso if I wear it out. Thoughts on what to pair it with? On the legs, especially? The model's very minimal t-shirt seems like an ok idea, I dunno though. I'm pretty tall, fairly skinny.
posted by nicolas léonard sadi carnot at 9:50 PM PST - 8 comments

Help me decide where to go for a month of relaxation

I'm planning to take a month of holiday in May or June, and want to find a cheap remote destination anywhere in the world where I can rent a small place and just hang out and read books and unwind. My perfect day there would be lounging around in a hammock/garden/isolated beach, reading, drinking a cappuccino and eating bread and cheese. Maybe I'd go for a little walk. Please give me your suggestions for destinations, including specific rental options if you have any. [more inside]
posted by Susan PG at 9:33 PM PST - 10 comments

Best way to lose weight without a gallbladder?

I had my gallbladder taken out last spring, and since then have been trying to lose weight, while balancing the side effects. TMI inside! [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:48 PM PST - 10 comments

Recommendations for trips/sightseeing out of Los Angeles

I'm going to be in Los Angeles from June 6 to June 11. I'll be hiring a car to get around L.A. - though we'll mostly be sticking to Central LA and Santa Monica over that weekend (7/8 June). I've been to L.A. before and done most of the touristy things - relying on both local buses and hop on/hop off tourist buses. Because I'll have a car this time, I was wondering what recommendations people have for things to see and places to go that are tricky to get to without a car. Anything within a couple of hours drive of Los Angeles. Thanks.
posted by crossoverman at 7:40 PM PST - 11 comments

How to locate someone who is in jail in Toronto?

My tenant has not been home for 2.5 weeks and when I called the police on Friday to report him missing I was informed he is currently in police custody, awaiting trial. Since my tenant owes me over four months' rent (soon to be five), and I've discovered that his apartment is a disgusting, filthy mess, this is the last straw. I need to talk to him right away to find out whether he'll agree to let me into his apartment to pack up his stuff, clean, paint and repair the apartment and find a new tenant for March 1st, or whether he wants to drag this out and force me to evict him. I don't know where he is being held or what the charges are, or whether/when he's being allowed visitors. How can I find this out? I'm in Toronto and presumably my tenant is being held somewhere in Toronto or at least in Ontario.
posted by orange swan at 6:57 PM PST - 20 comments

Security and Privacy - Malware and Corporate tracking Edition

I am looking for ways to browse securely over the internet, while not giving any data to corporations (including my ISP) that is unwarranted and also preventing malware (like the CryptoLocker ransomware epidemic in late 2012). [more inside]
posted by theobserver at 6:54 PM PST - 8 comments

Where can I find this brand of buckwheat tea?

Where can I find this brand of buckwheat tea? I tried Googling the phone number without any luck. All the text is in Japanese, I think, so I can't dig any deeper than that.
posted by archagon at 6:31 PM PST - 8 comments

Burning Clitoris! Questions to Ask the Doctor...?

I have had a burning pain in my clitoris for the last two weeks. I've been to the Dr. who's prescribed me anti-fungal medication which has only made it worse. I'm going back to the Dr. but I want to be more prepared this time, any suggestions as to questions to ask? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:27 PM PST - 10 comments

Integrating an Aspie-ish significant other into a friend group?

My wonderful, kind, sweet, smart boyfriend has, I think, a few Aspie traits. They're mostly noticeable when we're socializing with my friends. Bringing him into my friend group is causing me a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety. What can I (we) do? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:26 PM PST - 13 comments

How can I be the first to register a new top-level domain (.nyc)?

My company is interested in securing some domains related to our business under the new .nyc top level domain. Some of them will be our companys' names, and others we would like are more general descriptions of our business and are likely to be highly sought after. I've registered for updates on the official site and I'll act right away as soon as I get any updates. What can I do beyond that to better my chances? Anywhere I can "pre-register"? Are there brokers for this sort of thing?
posted by brbmaroon at 6:06 PM PST - 2 comments

Can I really learn to ski?

After a couple of bad experiences trying to pick up snow sports, I have unreasonable anxiety about learning to ski. [more inside]
posted by tealcake at 5:52 PM PST - 23 comments

Are there any commercial wood-powered generators for emergency home use?

We are planning to build a new home and would like to have a small generator around, just in case something goes wrong and we need to keep the essentials running for a while. The area has very good power supply, but since it's mostly hydroelectric, the increasing winter bitterness makes think that there might be some problems in the future (i.e. freezing), so we just want to have a few hours/days of independent capacity. Of course a small gas-powered generator will do the trick, but since we are in a wood rich area and everybody has always an abundance of wood around, we were looking at how to exploit this situation. We found several blueprints to build wood-powered generators and read a few articles, but it seems weirdo territory and usually there is a good reason why the mass market hasn't adopted a technology. But maybe our research skills are terrible and instead there exists a generator manufactured ans sold by a reputable company. Do you know of any?
posted by caudingo at 5:49 PM PST - 11 comments

I am not your f&%@ing tea lady

I just allocated some work to a colleague who is a member of a team I manage. He responded by saying that I was just like a tea lady. Then he asked if there were any bribes available to get the work done. Stupidly, I laughed it off and told him he was dreaming if he thought our workplace would run to bribes. Of course, five minutes later I realised that HE CALLED ME - HIS MANAGER - A TEA LADY and now I'm seething at my desk. Do I take him aside and tell him it isn't kosher; OR do I just figure that this is an indication that its time to play hard ball (this isn't the first time he's made comments like this).
posted by Alice Russel-Wallace at 5:35 PM PST - 35 comments

What should I suggest to my au pair to bring with her?

My au pair is South African and currently lives in Namibia. She arrives in the US in one week. I just wrote her an email suggesting she bring some of her favorite foods, which I would suggest to anyone leaving their home for an extended period of time. However, I do not have a sense for other things readily available to her at home that would not be available or would be cost-prohibitive for her to acquire here. What, if anything (else), should I suggest she bring? Thanks.
posted by emkelley at 5:34 PM PST - 12 comments

What to buy a travelling friend, when they are a traveller

A work colleague and all-round good bud of mine is leaving the country (Australia) to do some travelling before returning home to England (Liverpool). There are a lot of things I'd love to buy her as a farewell present, but as she is backpacking for a few months through various places I am limited on my selection of physical gifts to buy her. Help me think of/make something awesome for her! [more inside]
posted by sunshine arakhan at 4:48 PM PST - 15 comments

Seamless boxer shorts / briefs to avoid sciatica pressure point

I find seams on boxer shorts act as a pressure point for sciatic pain at the back of my thighs, when sitting. Can anyone recommend mens underwear that avoids the problem? Preferably, something available in the UK.
posted by Marlinspike at 4:22 PM PST - 3 comments

If I want to contact Facebook..

..to offer a suggestion about a way they could improve an aspect of their usage (i.e. a certain feature outcome), what would be the best way to do it? (so as to ensure I receive a response I mean) i.e. would it be by email or some other way (i.e. phone number)? Thanks.
posted by Neutron12 at 3:47 PM PST - 8 comments

Question about Advanced Standing at College

Hi I applied for advanced standing for two subjects at the college I am attending. If I receive this I will not have to take these subjects. Advanced standing means that courses taken at other colleges count towards courses currently being taken. Apparently I am going to have to wait approx. 10 days to find out if I have achieved advanced standing. I am very confident that I will achieve advanced standing though as the subjects are almost identical and I achieved an A grade in each course. Should I still attend courses in the mean time? Or should I be confident that my advanced standing credit will come through?
posted by Jack V at 3:45 PM PST - 9 comments

looking for stories of meds or alterna-meds that helped you in ur brain

hello world. I am having a pretty terrible time with my brain. Since lobotomies didn't end well, really, I am looking around for other options. Certainly I should get right on top of exercising, and meditating, yes.. I agree.. working on that.. do not think meds are the whole answer.. but hope that they sort of be a little crack in this whole moras, which might enable me to be able to.. do all the other things (eg exercise, meditate, take care of myself, be easier for others to be around, and for me to be around, etc.) ok.. more below the fold [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 3:19 PM PST - 14 comments

Book for sudden end to a marriage

Asking for a friend: I was approached by a friend today who was looking for a book to recommend to a friend of her's. The friend of a friend is going through a sudden and bewildering end to a marriage (her husband of many years packed his clothes while she was at the store and left). Obviously, she is in tremendous shock and plans to seek help from a counselor, but I'm wondering if anyone can recommend any books for her in the meantime. [more inside]
posted by 4ster at 3:17 PM PST - 7 comments

Best Driving Route from Vegas to Boston (avoiding CO)

My brother is moving to Boston (Waltham area) and he's driving there from Vegas tomorrow morning. What is the best way to get there (avoiding Colorado) and what cities would you recommend stopping for a motel to crash along the way? Can it be done in 3 days? He's traveling alone and would like to avoid snow when possible. Not looking to sight see. Just want to find the simplest way to get there. Thank you.
posted by camfys at 3:04 PM PST - 9 comments

Focusing on the weaknesses

I'm looking for new ways to address my pupils' weaknesses. [more inside]
posted by nicolin at 2:59 PM PST - 5 comments

East of the Rockies travel...where should I go this fall?

I finally have the time and money to really get away this fall and I'd love to hear some ideas for where to go. [more inside]
posted by Gusaroo at 2:46 PM PST - 9 comments

Time Capsule as a Service

Is there somewhere I can send the 'stuff of nostalgia' and retrieve it some time in the future? [more inside]
posted by tmcw at 2:46 PM PST - 4 comments

Consolidate all RFID cards

I hate having all these keys, credit cards, library cards, etc, etc. What's the best way currently to consolidate them? What technology is in the near future? [more inside]
posted by lacedcoffee at 2:30 PM PST - 13 comments

Garlic & Dogs.

My roommate's 25 lb. mutt ate little tuna with a sprinkling of garlic powder (about 1/10th(?) teaspoon worth). Since garlic is extremely toxic to dogs, should I be worried?
posted by pakoothefakoo at 2:28 PM PST - 16 comments

What is the best way to find a handyman in SF to hook up my washer?

I need to find someone in San Francisco to hook up my washing machine. Suggestions? [more inside]
posted by trip and a half at 2:15 PM PST - 9 comments

Can you help me puzzle out what my sister is going to name her baby?

My sister is pregnant, and they're keeping the baby's name a secret. But I get one guess, and she'll tell me if I'm right. They came across the name in a magazine article, and they heard it in a sci fi movie, as well. Here's everything I know about the article and the movie... can you help me sleuth out the name? [more inside]
posted by daisyace at 2:09 PM PST - 26 comments

Help me find this movie

Hi all, My uncle is in hospital following a road accident, and he has been thinking a lot about this movie (pretty certain it's a movie) in a morphine haze. Help me find it! [more inside]
posted by welovelife at 2:09 PM PST - 3 comments

Help finding a digital camera around $400-$600.

Looking for best quality photos in a reasonably small package. [more inside]
posted by melamakarona at 1:51 PM PST - 19 comments

French coffee press... one step at a time!

What is the reason for pushing the filter down on a French coffee press in stages rather than in one single motion? [more inside]
posted by war wrath of wraith at 1:34 PM PST - 14 comments

~30,000 words of greatness

I'm binding a book that should be about 30,000 words in length. What's out there in the public domain at about that length that is also a really good read?
posted by goosechasing at 1:11 PM PST - 4 comments

Unique Ruby Engagement Rings?

I need help finding a ruby ring in a non-traditional but still engagement-ish setting. Ideally, the metal needs to be white-gold, unless you guys can recommend something sturdier/hypoallergenic that also has that silver-y color. This previous AskMe has been a great resource, only replace "sapphire" with "ruby." Even the budget is about right (but we can stretch it a bit higher if need be). I'm totally fine with lab-created stones, but not okay with diamonds, because of ethical reasons. Help me out, please?
posted by PearlRose at 12:55 PM PST - 14 comments

Vacation ideas for Montreal and Toronto

Help me give my sister ideas for a trip to Montreal and Toronto. [more inside]
posted by ellieBOA at 11:59 AM PST - 15 comments

How to find totally, utterly random musical selections

I'm looking for a method, or algorithm, to identify completely random musical selections, across all genres (from Norwegian black metal to Renaissance madrigals to Pygmy chants). How can I do it, given that there is no single catalog that lists all music? [more inside]
posted by alex1965 at 11:43 AM PST - 7 comments

There's been a little complication with my complication

I need a dystopian film to replace Terry Gilliam's Brazil in my undergraduate course. [more inside]
posted by oflinkey at 11:35 AM PST - 35 comments

ergonomic lounge chair for tall person in an apartment?

Recommendations for an ergonomic lounge chair for watching tv on the computer in an apartment for someone who is 6'1" average build? [more inside]
posted by Mr. Papagiorgio at 11:16 AM PST - 4 comments

iTunes music purchase without using iTunes software

Is there any way to buy music from iTunes without installing the iTunes application? [more inside]
posted by parakeetdog at 10:59 AM PST - 13 comments

Using metadata to search for artifacts

Are you aware of a book or paper that has insights into how one might go about searching for information about things or artifacts? [more inside]
posted by PHINC at 10:11 AM PST - 4 comments

I love working here so much I'm planning on leaving!

Am I an asshole for saying, acting, and making plans as if I will be there forever while working on my strategy to leave in the next month? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:09 AM PST - 23 comments

What type of sophistry is this?

Frequently in the climate debates the disbelievers claim that the real objective of global warming believers is to implement socialism, world government, or some variation thereof. Two questions: Is there a name or brief descriptive phrase for this category of sophistry wherein ulterior motives are imputed above and beyond the issue being discussed? Are there notable examples from history (say, soviet era and earlier) where this method was used? Thanks.
posted by Kevin S at 10:08 AM PST - 7 comments

How and where can I as an adult, begin to train and learn Decathlon?

I am a 31 year old adult male and I'd like to start learning the decathlon. I am a complete beginner but I have been athletic my whole life (and briefly played professional soccer 10 years ago), my goal is to score 4000 points. Where does an adult go to begin to study decathlon? I'd like a personal coach, or maybe to join a local high school, college, or masters track team, but I have no idea where to begin. Extra points for any resources in Turku Finland, Columbus Ohio, or Austin Texas. (snowflakes inside) [more inside]
posted by crawltopslow at 10:01 AM PST - 1 comment

What to do in Salt Lake City on a Sunday?

We are in Salt Lake City just for today. What are fun things that are open? What about Park City--worth a visit or is Sundance a shitshow? We have a car.
posted by domnit at 9:54 AM PST - 2 comments

Band guest list etiquette?

We're going to a gig tonight that is massively sold out … and we're on the guest list. Are guest lists completely at the whim of the venue, or are there general guidelines that apply to most venues? We want to enjoy the show, but don't want to be “that guy” who ruins it for those nearby. [more inside]
posted by scruss at 9:49 AM PST - 18 comments

OS X packages under Box.com

Is there an incompatibility between Box.com and data files that are stored as packages under OS X? If I have a package file, say a .vpdoc data file for VoodooPad, I can transfer it to Dropbox in a short time, but if I try to upload it to Box.com using its uploader, it usually takes several hours for the upload to complete. I did a quick test using an 18.2 mb package. It's still uploading, but my calculation is that the upload rate is about 21 mb per hour. (I am on a fast cable internet connection.) I'm a long-time Dropbox user but new to Box.com, so I'm wondering if there is something I am missing.
posted by yclipse at 9:40 AM PST - 6 comments

Cleaning a furnace flame sensor.

My furnace is cycling on and off continuously. I'm pretty sure I know why and think I can handle the repair (cleaning the flame sensor), but I want to be sure I'm doing it properly. [more inside]
posted by davebush at 8:47 AM PST - 8 comments

How to cope with a difficult and unhappy job?

All week I have been feeling lost, unhappy, disappointed, confused, and trapped. [more inside]
posted by 8LeggedFriend at 8:19 AM PST - 30 comments

Inhaled ethanol alcohol fumes while cleaning and feel unwell. Doctor?

Inhaled ethanol alcohol fumes while cleaning and feel unwell. Doctor? [more inside]
posted by John Raskolnikov Gilson at 8:18 AM PST - 14 comments

Accurate info on DSM 5 changes, anyone?

Hi, I don't want to fork out for it really as have just a few enquiries. Does anyone know, for sure if personality disorders are still in clusters???? Wiki says yes but I'd like to double check. Are the axes gone? Why did everyone hate axes so much? I have found a few great articles online but mainly written before it came out. Thanks
posted by tanktop at 7:53 AM PST - 6 comments

Archetypal Images and Genetics

Does anyone know about any research that shows that the meaning of symbols is passed down genetically? [more inside]
posted by orsonet at 7:32 AM PST - 4 comments

After recovering from depression, how to get from functioning to happy?

I spent much of my teens and 20s suffering from severe depression, anxiety, and OCD. During those years, I saw many therapists and tried many forms of treatment. Now I'm in my 30s and feel comfortable saying that for the last few years I've been stable. I know how to handle my lingering issues but pretty much have things under control. However, despite being "stable", most of the time I honestly feel kind of neutral and sort of empty. I often feel content enough, or just grateful to be alive and healthy, but it's been a long time since I've felt genuine joy, excitement, or a real spark in my life. After recovering from depression, is there any way to get past simply "functioning" and perhaps to "happy"? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:25 AM PST - 15 comments

Is it normal for your friends to make snide comments about your SO?

I've lost 2 different friends because I've asked them to stop making snide remarks about someone I was dating. It makes me wonder if this is normal in friendships and I should just suck it up? [more inside]
posted by Autumn at 7:18 AM PST - 36 comments

Preserve/frame my pen and ink artwork

I recently completed my pen and ink artwork on a poster board which is of size 54"(length) by 34"(width), then I glued the entire art in a big thermocol (the packing material that came with my elliptical). I always wanted to do big artworks but this is the my first one. Everything was looking good but now I don't know how to preserve it as the paper may change colors if I don't laminate or frame them. It has happened before but the artwork was smaller, so I used frames to preserve them. I need your expertise on this. Thanks in advance. [more inside]
posted by SunPower at 7:00 AM PST - 13 comments

Departmental gift-giving

What are appropriate gifts for departments of 15-30 people that aren't chocolate, don't require baking, and won't break a poor student's budget? [more inside]
posted by cucumber patch at 5:28 AM PST - 13 comments

What is the training regime of elite sportspeople like?

I'm interested in any information about the training regime of elite sportspeople in any kind of sport, the more detail the better. I imagine that this will be hard to find as many will keep this under wraps in order to maintain a competitive advantage. I'm also especially interested in more recent information because I suspect that developments in technology and technique mean that things have changed a lot in the past twenty years or so
posted by casebash at 4:17 AM PST - 2 comments

Peru, 18 days: jungle or no jungle?

Hi, We're going on what I thought would be a long trip to Peru in April... now that I'm planning the itinerary it seems way too short. Can more experienced travellers answer some questions? [more inside]
posted by Skyanth at 3:37 AM PST - 7 comments

Give this kid a kick-start in doing clever computer stuff, please?

My awesome 12 year old nerd son has (finally) expressed serious interest in creating his own games, learning coding and whatnot. This is way out of my league, and googling just confuses me because I don't know what we need. Suggestion for sites, learning resources, etc? [more inside]
posted by malibustacey9999 at 3:28 AM PST - 16 comments

What is proficiency in Excel and Word?

What do you need to know to be "proficient" in Excel and Word? [more inside]
posted by ichomp at 2:12 AM PST - 14 comments

Is it ever a good idea to date your ex?

How do you know if it's a good idea to date your ex? Is it just NEVER a good idea, as is the commonly accepted wisdom? Or can it work out sometimes? Should I give it another go? [more inside]
posted by quincunx at 1:53 AM PST - 19 comments

Help me feed my 20-something wanderlust. Difficulty level: Wheelchair

I'm like every other post-college twentysomething in lots of ways: I make too little money, watch too much Netflix and indulge in an existential crisis oh, about once an hour. Also, like many in my cohort, I love the idea of packing up a ratty old duffel bag and heading off to some far corner of the world to taste, see and do all I can, while maybe giving myself either a leg to stand on once I return to the job market here or the warm-n-fuzzies that come from volunteering and/or service learning. All pretty standard fare. Here comes the doozy of snowflake: I'm in a wheelchair and have certain difficulties with speech fluency, owing to my CP and spastic diplegia diagnosis. Try as I might, I can't get myself to give up on the dream of spending a year or more abroad, even with all this in my way. Help me get there, oh beautiful hivemind? [more inside]
posted by marsbar77 at 12:59 AM PST - 18 comments

January 18

Concerta in F minor

One week in, same old same old. [more inside]
posted by Soap D. Spencer at 9:05 PM PST - 6 comments

Whet my appetite for Hannibal season 2 with subject-appropriate music!

As many of you are no doubt aware, the second season of Hannibal is nigh. Please recommend me some songs about cannibalism to get into the proper mood! [more inside]
posted by Dante Riordan at 8:15 PM PST - 22 comments

Help me find the owner of this broken screen Galaxy Centura

While snowmobiling today, my group found a TracFone Galaxy Centura on the trail. It had been run over. The screen is shattered; there are no visible images, but it does get brighter if you tap one of the capacitive buttons. The phone occasionally rings or sounds what are probably text message alerts, I tried randomly swiping while it was ringing but have not succeeded in answering it. I tried plugging it into my laptop with a USB cable, but it does not detect. What else can I try to figure out who this belongs to? I already posted it on a local snowmobiling message board.
posted by superna at 6:21 PM PST - 5 comments

crossdressing resources in Milwaukee?

Can you point me toward resources or support groups for crossdressers in Milwaukee? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:12 PM PST - 4 comments

What pet should we get? Like a rat but lives longer

We loved our little ratty but he died after a couple years and we don't want to go through that again in a couple more years. Any ideas for another pet that shares a lot of a rat's good features but lives longer? Things we like about rats: social, loving, cute, nice to pet and cuddle, playful, fine home alone for a couple days, stays in a cage. The pet doesn't have to stay in a cage, but it should be fine home alone all day in an apartment with no yard, and it shouldn't require too much cleanup. We're considering a cat but I'm mildly allergic, so I'd prefer something else. We plan to get a dog if we move somewhere with a yard eventually.
posted by Gravel at 5:56 PM PST - 39 comments

have a 2 door car, want a 4 door version of it?

A few years ago I bought a 2010 Honda Civic Coupe. It's a great car that I've put just 35k on. For a variety of reasons, I want to get a four door car cause it's been a bit of a hassle to take folks and stuff around in. If I had the same version of this car is fine. Any thoughts on doing this without a fuss? Would anyone trade with me? Or could i take it to a dealer (which people normally trade-in and then pay up for). Has anyone found someone that might want to do this type exchange on Craigslist?
posted by waylaid at 5:55 PM PST - 4 comments

Which credit monitoring services are reputable?

I'm looking for a credit monitoring service that will let me retrieve my full credit report once every 2 weeks. I'm okay with a < $20 monthly fee. I just want to know which services aren't a scam. [more inside]
posted by BenevolentActor at 5:31 PM PST - 7 comments

Sontag quote on Morning Edition

What quote from Susan Sontag's Notes on Camp did Morning Edition read the other day? [more inside]
posted by Who_Am_I at 5:29 PM PST - 2 comments

Eviction/money issues

Here is the "Question" This is a two part legal/renters rights & money question. Part 1: My roommates are late on January's rent. We have just been served a Notice of Default. Caveat: the information listed on the notice is inaccurate. Part 2:How do we come up with a solid sum of money in short time? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:44 PM PST - 7 comments

Photo Scanners

Does anyone have any recommendations on what scanner to purchase to scan some photos and negatives? Some of the pictures that I want to scan are older than I am and I was hoping that I could scan these pictures and negatives and then use the program called Aperture to fix some of the imperfections on the pictures. The other thing is that the amount of pictures I have to scan are immense. The number of pictures and negatives will be in the thousands. While this seems like an overwhelming task, I want to be able to show my future children all of their relatives that are no longer with us. I don't want to spend a fortune, but if there are scanners that can facilitate doing this quickly I am willing to save up money to make a good investment that can get this huge project done more quickly. If anyone has any suggestions, please post.
posted by nidora at 4:03 PM PST - 7 comments

Where are you @socrates, @marcusaurelius, @seneca?

After a lifetime of messing around on the Web, I'm trying to approach it in a meaningful way. Stoic philosophy has made a difference in my life, and I was wondering if someone could point me out to thinkers or philosophers of that particular school who have spent time with Twitter, Facebook, etc..
posted by Jonny Camaney at 3:41 PM PST - 7 comments

It takes a (retirement) village. Or does it?

My dad-in-law and his wife are getting ready to chunk out the $ to move into a retirement place. I'm looking for input about these kind of "all inclusive" retirement places, their financial setups, and possible alternatives for them. [more inside]
posted by ecorrocio at 3:32 PM PST - 22 comments

Accompanying a friend to get tested for HIV

In about an hour I am accompanying a close friend in his mid-20s getting tested for HIV. How can I be supportive both during and after the testing, regardless of outcome?
posted by Corduroy at 3:21 PM PST - 8 comments

Will Twitter give me my biz's Twitter handle if it's taken but inactive?

I recently started a business and have registered the business name with various municipalities. The relevant Twitter account name is already taken, but has never tweeted and has 3 followers. Is there any chance I could get this handle from Twitter? [more inside]
posted by whenbynowandtreebyleaf at 3:03 PM PST - 5 comments

Books (or documentaries) to teach me to watch films intelligently?

I want to learn how to watch movies with more of a critical eye. I want to know what to pay attention to - technically, narratively, and so on -- and how to judge these things, so I can better appreciate what's going on. I'm looking for books or maybe documentaries that will help me do this. [more inside]
posted by Tin Man at 2:24 PM PST - 12 comments

Oven is confused

Our GE gas range thinks its door is locked, but it is definitely not. [more inside]
posted by raspberrE at 2:21 PM PST - 6 comments

What kind of walls do I have and how do I hang stuff?

I’m having a hard time figuring out how to find studs in my walls. Stud finder and magnet-on-a-string aren't helping me find solid wood to drill into. [more inside]
posted by powpow at 2:06 PM PST - 18 comments

Advice for a teacher getting their master's degree

I'm in my second year of teaching, but I had a late start and have had my BA for 8 years now. I want to get my MA, but I'm not sure if (1) this is the time or (2) if I should focus on my content area or on education in general. [more inside]
posted by BradNelson at 1:35 PM PST - 11 comments

Tutor me softly...

I need advice to help me start tutoring. [more inside]
posted by melangell at 1:24 PM PST - 7 comments

Who has won the most major book awards?

Who has the highest combined total of Pulitzers/National Book Awards/National Book Critics Circle Awards? Caro?
posted by jtothes at 1:14 PM PST - 3 comments

Help me find this Mug!

I saw this mug in the conference room at work- it must be a coworkers. I would love to get one like it. It looks to be Zuni or Hopi Native American bears. Any ideas? thanks!
posted by TRUELOTUS at 12:15 PM PST - 12 comments

Quick dinners from shelf-stable and frozen items

I need to be able to pull together dinner quickly. I can't always predictably plan when I will be at home on weeknights, so leaving cooked meals or salad veggies in the fridge is a gamble that has often resulted in waste. [more inside]
posted by bunderful at 12:11 PM PST - 28 comments

Where can I see a large collection of works by Andreas Gursky?

I've long admired the works of Andreas Gursky but only ever have seen one of his works in person. I'd love to see a collection of his work but have no clue where to look for museums or whatnot that are showing him in the months to come. Any advice?
posted by wooh at 12:05 PM PST - 1 comment

How to spend 4 nights on the Turquoise Coast

I'll be traveling to Turkey in late April this year, and I plan to spend 4 nights (maybe 5?) on the Turquoise coast. I have the rest of the trip figured planned well enough, but the coast is a big question mark. [more inside]
posted by MsMartian at 11:41 AM PST - 4 comments

Academia, depression, apathy, and meaning

I have been diagnosed with major depression for a couple years now (4-5). I am in a PhD program and about to graduate soon, couple months. I need small tangible things I can do everyday to feel like my life, my career matters, what I do everyday matters, put myself up to goals and challenges, and make an effort to achieve them. More inside. [more inside]
posted by greta_01 at 11:27 AM PST - 18 comments

Help finding a Joomla expert to solve my Joomla problem

Short version: My web site needs to be updated from Joomla 1.5 to a newer version. But it's running an old template that isn't compatible with newer Joomla. I'd like to hire someone to fix this problem. Where can I find such a person? What strategies might be possible to approach the problem? [more inside]
posted by Mayma Hosey at 11:08 AM PST - 3 comments

Rice gone wild

I have a bunch of wild rice and a husband who doesn't like creamy soups, mushrooms, or seafood, which seems to knock out most of the signature wild rice dishes. I need some wild rice recipes that do not involve these things. Bonus points for vegetarian main dishes, one-pot meals that don't rely on meat as the sole protein source (though a bit of bacon or sausage for flavoring is always welcome), and crock pot recipes. I also try to avoid processed food, so, please, no recipes involving cans of condensed soup and/or packages of soup mix.
posted by BrashTech at 10:46 AM PST - 22 comments

My beautiful new apartment is an oven: How can I keep it cool?

Just moved into a wonderful new apartment that the lady friend and I are in love with. Fantastic neighbors, perfect location, amazing view. Except that we face the lovely California sunshine and the temperature difference during the day can literally be 20 degrees or more. I work from home quite a bit and I've actually taken to working on the stoop because when its 65 outside, it can be 85-90 inside. What can we do to keep it cool? Deets inside. [more inside]
posted by GilloD at 10:44 AM PST - 14 comments

I turned him down. So why do I keep thinking about him?

I met someone online. Had a great date with him, but ultimately decided not to pursue things with him. So why can't I get him out of my head? And should I try again with him? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:16 AM PST - 21 comments

Why does Bitcoin not hide one's total wealth?

With little experience in bitcoins, I'm strongly convinced that any single person doing business with you can (with some work) figure out your potential wealth in bitcoin currency. Is this really the case? [more inside]
posted by oxit at 9:46 AM PST - 14 comments

DCComicsfilter - Old DC UK annual, what happened next?

When I was a kid in the mid-80s, I had a DC annual that was printed in the UK. Because of the unique way these things were cobbled together (they'd reprint whatever they could get with little regard to continuity), I have no idea how the story ended. For some reason, this is currently doing my head in, so can anyone point me in the right direction? Barely remembered details inside... [more inside]
posted by peteyjlawson at 9:17 AM PST - 6 comments

Skipping Bluetooth Audio

I just bought a Lenovo T440s laptop, and the audio is skipping when streaming it to my bluetooth speakers, no matter what distance I sit away. I had previously been using my iPhone 5s for this, and it was wonderful. Is this par for laptops, is it fixable, or am I doing something wrong? [more inside]
posted by tintexas at 9:17 AM PST - 4 comments

Migrating off Windows XP Professional SP3 to ?

Windows 7 Professional or Windows 8? Microsoft is ending support for XP in April, so an upgrade is probably advisable. IT professionals and software engineers of Metafilter: what do you suggest? (Details inside) [more inside]
posted by cool breeze at 9:14 AM PST - 25 comments

Wood Inlays on a Guitar

So, my wife has purchased an acoustic guitar, and plans to try her hand at inlaying a rosette around the hole on the soundboard. Have any of my fellow mefites tried something of this sort, and if so, could you share your knowledge / words of wisdom? [more inside]
posted by PlantGoddess at 9:07 AM PST - 11 comments

Tax obligation for housekeeper?

I have an occasional housekeeper who used to work for me very intermittently, and now it's becoming more of a regular thing. I estimate that in 2014 I will end up paying her approx. $2500. She is eager for me to report this income officially and do whatever my legal obligations are re: social security or whatever. I'm totally willing to do it - but have no idea how. [more inside]
posted by BlahLaLa at 8:48 AM PST - 24 comments

Malty non-dark non-bitter beer

What kinds of beers (lager? etc.) are typically a) malty, b) not bitter and do not leave a bitter aftertaste, c) are not too citrusy, and d) are not dark? Are there any particular brands you'd recommend?
posted by shivohum at 8:26 AM PST - 33 comments

Is LinkedIn a necessity in this day and age?

I am job hunting, and my career counselor has told me to set up a LinkedIn profile. I am a naturally introverted, private person, and don't particularly like the implications of social media. Is LinkedIn a necessity in this day and age? Details inside. [more inside]
posted by Thanquol180 at 7:41 AM PST - 39 comments

Black Hats May Have Had Remote Access to My Home Network

My SO became desperate for some encryption software, and couldn't wait for me to answer a text. She Binged, and downloaded something questionable that wasn't Adobe. She then clicked on a link in the questionable software and found a tech support number. She called the number, and turned remote access of the computer over to questionable tech support, that wanted more info to have her pay for tech support. She refused, but did grant remote access to the computer. My main concern is that some unknown actor had remote access for possibly as long as several hours. There was almost no data on the netbook, which was purchased just a few weeks ago. But my SO had a USB drive plugged in that had a lot of sensitive data on it. How FUBAR are we?
posted by anonymous at 7:04 AM PST - 9 comments

How to do 12 half-hour programming interviews in a row?

I am programmer who has done dozens of phone screens and about a dozen on-site interviews. I will soon be sent back to my alma mater to do my first day of "on-campus interviews," which means they will put me in a room for seven hours and parade a dozen candidates through at half-hour intervals. Could anyone with experienced in this sort of thing look over my plan and give me any advice they have? I'm especially concerned about evaluating people fairly under these conditions. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:04 AM PST - 13 comments

If I Eat Any More Leaves I Am Going To Turn Into A Sloth

My gall bladder tried to explode three months ago, and the only thing maintaining its good behavior is a fat free vegan diet. DOESN'T THAT SOUND JOYOUS? I am so fed up with my limited dietary options it is all I can do to ask you, oh beloved Mefites, for what recipes and suggestions you can offer to allow me to taste a food again. [more inside]
posted by Jilder at 5:10 AM PST - 32 comments

Should we be concerned that misoprostol ended miscarriage symptoms?

My wife was having a miscarriage and was given misoprostol to accelerate the process. She took 4 tablets of 200mg misoprostol under the tongue and 800mg ibuprofen right after that. The signs of miscarriage (considerable pain and bleeding) went away completely after she took the medication. Is this normal? [more inside]
posted by palet at 12:59 AM PST - 14 comments

January 17

Middle Eastern Side Dishes

I need a really good vegetable side dish. Twist: Middle Eastern. [more inside]
posted by WidgetAlley at 11:05 PM PST - 23 comments

Help me save a mediocre job interview

I was flown in today for a full day job interview to be a consumer packaged goods global product category manager at a great company. The interview went okay but I can tell that I didn't wow the teams and there were some concerns expressed about my readiness for the position. Should I follow up with a vision deck? [more inside]
posted by wind_up at 10:25 PM PST - 10 comments

Serological pipettes sold unplugged--do I plug it myself?

Does a pipette that is sold unplugged work fine as-is, or do I need to plug it? [more inside]
posted by Anwan at 10:19 PM PST - 12 comments

Puppy Potty Training App

Husband has android phone and I have an iphone. We have a new puppy. We need an APP that will let us sync between us a log of when our pup goes potty (and other puppy things if available) since he leaves for work at 3 and crates our pup, and I come home at 5 and take over for our pup. I cant find it, but there has got to be an app that will easily let us track all things puppy related and share it between the two of us. Maybe not even an app made for dogs? Thanks!
posted by long haired child at 10:08 PM PST - 9 comments

What non-sappy song should I use for a baby video?

Accompany my baby! We took a picture of our son every week for his first year, and I'm making them into a video to show on his birthday. What unexpected or otherwise non-sappy song can I use to go along with this? [more inside]
posted by zadermatermorts at 9:48 PM PST - 27 comments

bridging visa blah

How do I get a long-term job in Australia when HR won't get past my bridging visa? [more inside]
posted by divabat at 8:21 PM PST - 19 comments

Is it really bad luck for a bed to face the window and away from the mai

I live in a studio apartment (600 square feet) with an open layout that's a bit challenging to work with. I have this beautiful IKEA Hemnes daybed. Just yesterday I moved it to a new location that I thought would make better use of the space. [more inside]
posted by starpoint at 8:00 PM PST - 16 comments

Litterbox odor mitigation.

I'm trying to mitigate the smell of the litterbox without making my cat averse to using it. Are there any organic plant-derived scents that are generally pleasant to humans but unpleasant to cats that I should avoid? [more inside]
posted by vapidave at 8:00 PM PST - 27 comments

Best Product Packaging Suppliers?

where can i find cool, quirky packaging for my products? [more inside]
posted by unlucky.lisp at 7:45 PM PST - 4 comments

But she's allergic to everything!

I need recipes that a highly allergic friend can eat. No nuts, eggs, corn, chick peas, tomatoes or shellfish. [more inside]
posted by cestmoi15 at 6:57 PM PST - 14 comments

Best running shoe for overpronator

What shoes work well for overpronators who need cushioning and stability? [more inside]
posted by ladoo at 5:58 PM PST - 14 comments

I'm a chorister and I need to become a soloist.

I'm a chorister and I need to become a soloist. Please help me develop a richer quality in my singing voice. [more inside]
posted by talitha_kumi at 5:44 PM PST - 8 comments

Wedding gift for the adult sister I'm just getting to know

At age 43, I found my birth family. (Original post. MeTa.) In addition to my birth mother and many other relatives, I've gained an adult sister. I'm now 44 and she's 29. We're slowly getting to know each other. My birth mother informed me the day we met last June that I'd be going to my sister's (up until then her only daughter, as far as the world knew) wedding in Key West in March. I was so thrilled by the whirlwind of everything, and I wanted to keep the hoopla surrounding my integration into the family as minimally disruptive to her planning the big event, that I've kind of forgotten something important until now: What on earth should I get her as a wedding present? [more inside]
posted by ImproviseOrDie at 5:31 PM PST - 28 comments

Help me make an awesome going-away playlist for a pal!

One of my closest, music-loving pals is moving to Germany to pursue her dream post-doc, hooray! I want to send her off in style with a great playlist. [more inside]
posted by Paper rabies at 5:18 PM PST - 12 comments

Table top brainteaser puzzles

Where can I find more good ideas for brainteaser puzzles like these? [more inside]
posted by klausman at 5:03 PM PST - 3 comments

Ableton Live experts: how do you "sharpen" voices

How can I make slightly muffled voices on audio conference calls sound sharper or crisper using Ableton? Is their an audio equivalent of "unsharpen mask"? Bonus points if I can do it over a specific frequency range. [more inside]
posted by stp123 at 4:23 PM PST - 6 comments

Horror movies from where the only surviving victim is a man?

Horror movies from where the only surviving victim is a man? [more inside]
posted by 99percentfake at 4:22 PM PST - 17 comments

Why do hotel HDTV's always have the wrong aspect ratio & bad reception?

Without fail, every hotel I've been to in the past few years with an HDTV has most of their channels in the wrong aspect ratio and with many channels having poor reception. Worse, even the pay per view, new release Hollywood films are often shown in the wrong aspect. I can't be the first person to complain, and this seems so widespread to be a bigger problem, so I must ask, WHY!? WHY!? WHY!?
posted by Unsomnambulist at 3:44 PM PST - 13 comments

Road Trip - What's not to miss in NW Arizona and Calif. Parks?

I'm in Arizona and want to travel from Phoenix to Joshua Tree Nat'l. Park and then on to other places in Calif., and not miss anything fantastic nearby. I'll visit LA and its museums (and my family) and want to spend time camping in National Parks - Channel Islands, Lassen Volcanic, Kings Canyon, Joshua Tree, Yosemite, Sequoia, Redwood, Pinnacles. I've visited Calif. and spent time in San Francisco and LA, as well as the Long Valley. In AZ, Petrified Forest, & Grand Canyon. [more inside]
posted by theora55 at 3:08 PM PST - 15 comments

Help converting audible .aax files for use on jump drive in car

Recently, I am finding myself with a significant amount of drive time. I have many audio books I have downloaded from amazon which use the audible proprietary .aax file. They play in iTunes but I need to put them on a jump drive so that my MicroSoft sync system in my car will recognize them and allow me to listen. I could care less about the DRM, sharing or any of that business. I just want to be able to use the files outside of my Mac. They are too long to burn to a CD I have searched the web with no satisfaction. Any answers, oh wise mefi?
posted by ooklah at 2:48 PM PST - 3 comments

Help me not care what others think of me?

Why do I care so much what others think of me... I am feeling stressed at work I don't interact much as i have too much to do. I don't ha've time to talk. Others talk all the time generally bitching about others. By not getting involved and talk ing it's making me feel like I'm creating an atmosphere and a dark cloud hangs over me. Worse thing one particular lady is using this to her advantage calling me stroppy in front of others and making me generally feel worse by trying to get a reaction out of me as I'm too quiet. Obviously I react raise my voice and I'm left looking like a bitch. She is very negative and talks crap about everyone so I tend to ignore her and don't speak to her even though she lives closely in the same office. So what I'm asking is how do I control my emotions? Stop letting this poisonous negative co worker not get the better of me?? What can I say back to her when she calls me stroppy? I get very paranoid they are bitching behind my back. How do I stop thinking this?
posted by happiness01 at 2:44 PM PST - 8 comments

Inbred instruction

My wife will be teaching at the same private school where our six-year-old son is a student. In fact, he will be one of her students. What can we do to better handle this situation? [more inside]
posted by dances_with_sneetches at 2:39 PM PST - 16 comments

Mixed Signals

I've been spending all my time with this awesome girl but she's sending extremely mixed signals and I'm not quite sure what to do about it. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:25 PM PST - 30 comments

Pleasant womb sounds for my preemie in NICU

Help me get some "calming sounds" for my newborn preemie. [more inside]
posted by CrazyLemonade at 1:53 PM PST - 14 comments

Do I apply for a new position after a short stint?

It's becoming fairly obvious from all sides that neither my employer or myself are happy with the current situation. Do I bail or stick it out until they fire me? [more inside]
posted by lpcxa0 at 1:48 PM PST - 5 comments

Best pot shops in Denver?

I'm heading to Denver this weekend, and I'm planning to enjoy Colorado's fine range of entirely-goddamn-legal-after-I've-been-fighting-for-it-since-the-1990s marijuana! Which shop(s) should I visit? Which strains should I try? Weed-friendly hotels? [more inside]
posted by mj_sockpuppet at 1:37 PM PST - 14 comments

Help Me Buy Cigars. I Don't Smoke.

What cigars do I buy as a thank you gift? [more inside]
posted by lpsguy at 1:34 PM PST - 12 comments

It's basically a haystack made of needles.

I have a ton of old, ad hoc backups from a variety of old computers going back years. I've been very good about keeping the data around and alive, safe from bitrot, but not at organizing it or keeping it useful. How do I sort through this heap of disorganized data and make it useful? [more inside]
posted by Kadin2048 at 1:32 PM PST - 4 comments

Need upbeat, only slightly offbeat, love songs

For the last few years I've been making my wife Valentine's day mix tapes. At this point I've pretty much burned through all the songs that have personal meaning or I can come up with off the top of my head. I need some suggestions for this year. For perspective think "I need you" or "My Kinda Lover," by Billy Squier; U2s version of "Everlasting Love," "I'm Gonna Be" by The Proclaimers, "I Want You to Want Me" by Cheap Trick. Basically I'm looking for songs by well known bands that are obscure or long forgotten, or songs from bands I've never heard of that fit the bill. Songs should be upbeat and preferably sweet but not saccharine.
posted by robverb at 1:27 PM PST - 40 comments

The type of San Francisco coworking space with books and stuff

A number of coworking companies have popped up in our city and I am trying to find one that feels right to work in. The first two I visited were OK but had a bit too much of a sales/business vibe for me. In contrast the Makeshift Society has an art school feel to it that feels refreshing. I'm not the artiest person in the world, but I'm wondering what other coworking places might have an interesting alternative feeling. [more inside]
posted by steinsaltz at 1:23 PM PST - 3 comments

Vegan potluck dish for non-vegans

I only cook vegan and need to bring a potluck dish for a primarily meat-eating party. No soups or stews (that just seems a weird potluck choice), and it should otherwise be a main dish and taste awesome! thanks
posted by Jason and Laszlo at 12:53 PM PST - 34 comments

Writing an "as told by" article, should I divide my compensation?

Asking for a friend. Friend interviewing a source for an article and wanted to publish it as an interview. He pitched it to a paper and the paper wants him to right a story in the form of "as told by." So the article reads like a narrative by the source but is written by my friend. He has never written anything like this before and wonders whether or not he should pay some of what he's paid for the article to the source?
posted by melissam at 12:51 PM PST - 2 comments

Music to write by

I'm getting sick of writing to the same music. Suggest me new stuff please. Nitpicky particulars and what I'm listening to right now inside. [more inside]
posted by dersins at 12:24 PM PST - 26 comments

Phoney Baloney

Is there a device of some kind that will allow me to listen to music on my ear buds and still hear my desk telephone ringing? [more inside]
posted by BrianJ at 12:20 PM PST - 11 comments

Will my DUIs keep me from working in recovery?

In my past as an active alcoholic, I received two DUIs. Since the last one, I've embraced recovery, and it's completely changed my life for the better. I want to transition into counseling from working in education, especially in recovery counseling as an LCDC. How will my criminal record impact my ability to do this? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 12:20 PM PST - 6 comments

How do I deal with my employees who are smokers?

I am allergic to cigarette smoke, but I manage employees who are heavy smokers. Being around them causes my eyes to water, I start sneezing, tears run down my face, and sometimes I have an asthma attack. What is the proper way to handle this? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 12:19 PM PST - 17 comments

Red Raspberry leaf tea for a shorter labor -- did you drink it?

Should I drink raspberry leaf tea in my third trimester of pregnancy? Did you? [more inside]
posted by caoimhe at 11:57 AM PST - 25 comments

Gardenfilter: please help me save this plant!

I have had this plant for 12 years, I am attached to it. I don't know what kind of a plant it is, but it is in rough shape. [more inside]
posted by ibakecake at 11:44 AM PST - 14 comments

Does this file search application exist?

Is there an app that will take a set of files in one folder (wildcarded) and find probably references to those files within the text of the files within the same, or another folder (recursively)? Although I could probably write this app fairly quickly, I don't want to reinvent the wheel if I can help it.
posted by hanoixan at 11:20 AM PST - 8 comments

Should I take on additional debt to become a licensed professional?

I have an undergraduate degree that is, for most practical purposes, "useless" in my field. A few people manage to get industry or service jobs, by having this degree, but that is not my area of interest. I want to return to school to get a professional master's degree that will also make me a licensed professional in the field. But, debt. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:02 AM PST - 7 comments

Awesome lessons in college writing?

What really great activities, exercises or lessons do you remember from your undergrad-level writing or composition courses? [more inside]
posted by yersinia at 10:59 AM PST - 12 comments

Anybody familiar with The University of The Pacific in Stockton, CA?

The problem is I am finding a lot of conflicting info regarding the quality of the school in my research. Does anybody know anything about the quality of the school? More specifics inside. [more inside]
posted by Che boludo! at 10:58 AM PST - 7 comments

How do I go about releasing a card game into print-on-demand format whil

Question: how do I go about releasing a card game into print-on-demand format while retaining commercial rights? (I want to make it available for hobbyists and players, but don't want a company to scoop my design and sell it without attribution). I make card games as a hobby, and want to release them into the wild (so the term goes). I just don't want to yield commercial rights, since there's nothing worse than watching someone pull a Thomas Edison on your Tesla-esque ideas. Some people suggested looking at DrivethruCards.com and a few other places (Cards Against Humanity uses a free-license concept I'd love to know more about).
posted by jibberish at 10:30 AM PST - 5 comments

When do I reveal my agnosticism to my eight-year old?

My eight-year old was talking about god the other day, and she said something that my first impulse was to correct, but instead I ignored it. She said, "like you, I believe in god." Problem is, I kinda don't. But I'm pretty much the only one in the family with doubts, and I'm not sure when it makes sense to reveal it, specifically to this child. The reason I have doubts about talking to her specifically about it is because she's on the spectrum, and I think that makes it harder for her, especially so young, to sustain her own beliefs. I envy people of faith, but I do not share their faith. Have you dealt with this issue? How do you handle it when you're kid's a believer, but you're not. Special snowflake details inside [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:21 AM PST - 37 comments

Prague or Copenhagen?

We're going to Berlin. Should we go to Prague, Copenhagen, or maybe Krakow as an additional stop? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:21 AM PST - 18 comments

Creative, ADD-friendly jobs that do not require much multitasking?

I am an inattentive ADD-er, and have a difficult time juggling tasks. I recently finished two jobs that were unsuitable for me, and am contemplating a career change. I'd like to hear job or career suggestions that do not involve much multitasking and would play to my strengths. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by CottonCandyCapers at 9:45 AM PST - 5 comments

Prep my gift closet

Although I plan ahead for many things, I'm often confounded by last-minute gift needs -- one of my kids' friends has a birthday, and I just found out via FB, "Honey, we were asked to dinner tomorrow" kind of thing. Please help me set up and stock a gift closet so I can cope. [more inside]
posted by MonkeyToes at 9:24 AM PST - 35 comments

Best Toiletry Bag Contents?

An unexpected late holiday gift has left me the owner of an amazingly capacious leather toiletry bag (this one to be exact) to replace my previous canvas sack. What can I put in it to make it the best men's toiletry bag ever for someone who travels frequently? I'm already putting in travel toothbrushes and simple shaving supplies, but what else should I include? What unexpected thing has been life-saving (or just really welcome) in your toilet bag? What emergency supplies should I have on hand?
posted by The Whelk at 8:56 AM PST - 44 comments

How to deal with "what if" thinking

I make a mistake during my rehab for a long standing injury that has had disastrous consequences. [more inside]
posted by JIMSMITH2000 at 8:38 AM PST - 13 comments

The American Dream of Co-op Issued Share Ownership

NYC co-op apartment owners (and anyone with relevant apartment experience) I need your help in figuring out where to compromise on our dream home. It gets long. [more inside]
posted by griphus at 8:21 AM PST - 38 comments

Why can't I differentiate this nomal/Guassian distrubution?

Have a look here. I'm assured that differentiating 1, with respect to x, gets you 2. Now 2 is - I think, and correct me if I'm wrong - equivalent to 3. The problem is I can't see how 3 is the result of differentiating 1. What's more, an online solver produces something (that looks) very different. Can someone help me out?
posted by ed\26h at 7:50 AM PST - 9 comments

Help me get a job as a CNA in a hospital! Advice needed, questions...

Certified Nursing Assistant/Pre-PA filter: I'm working on pre-reqs at my local university towards Physician Assistant school. In order to get approx. 2,000 hours of direct patient care on my application I am going to be a CNA. I finish the certification at the end of January. How do I look competitive on my application/resume to work in a hospital since I don't have any prior healthcare experience besides my 4 days of CNA clinicals? [more inside]
posted by timpanogos at 7:49 AM PST - 7 comments

Training while at Sea

The best training for running... is of course running. So what happens when you want to maintain a level of fitness required to race but can't run for extended periods? [more inside]
posted by dry-jim at 7:23 AM PST - 11 comments

Need help creating employee "fun" company website

Our company has 3 different locations (all US) and a couple hundred work from home employees. We want to create a website that would allow us to communicate, have fun, and increase employee engagement. [more inside]
posted by jseven at 7:15 AM PST - 12 comments

Repurpose old school bags?

I have outgrown the trusty jansport backpack that holds all of my high school and university memories, and the Timbuk2 messenger bag that carried me through five years of graduate school. I don't use these bags any more, but I want to keep them for sentimental reasons. What are some ways to repurpose them and put them to use? (I am thinking along the lines of using them as diaper bags except I don't have a baby...)
posted by redwaterman at 6:11 AM PST - 22 comments

Books about suffering loss but being better for it

I'm going through some things that have both brought me a lot of sadness and presented an opportunity to change my life for the better. I'm wondering if there are any books the MeFi hive can recommend, novels, memoirs or otherwise. They should be about people who have suffered loss, perhaps enduring shame, but emerging better for it. [more inside]
posted by Cybria at 6:09 AM PST - 11 comments

What's a good replacement for Gmail Notifier?

Anyone of an alternative to Gmail Notifier? Must be able to play a sound when new email arrives. [more inside]
posted by aerotive at 5:58 AM PST - 5 comments

Paint over fresh stain?

We have double-glazed wooden oak windows on our house. Due to a combination of language barrier and over-helpfulness, the nice man painting bits in my house has just taken it upon himself to re-stain the exteriors. I actually want them painted white. He says he'll just paint them tomorrow but surely you can't just.... paint white over fresh stain? Won't it bleed through or discolour?
posted by DarlingBri at 5:53 AM PST - 5 comments

Can you recommend some AMAZING memoirs by women?

I'm suddenly overcome by the urge to take a break from novels and read some interesting memoirs by women. I have read "Don't lets Go to the Dogs Tonight" by Alexandra Fuller and I really loved it because of how richly she described the setting, the humor and the tragedies her family went through. I felt like I was there. And that's really what I'm looking for- memoirs by female writers that are so alive that I feel like I'm there. Mefi Readers, what amazing memoirs can you recommend that have made you feel that way???
posted by misspony at 5:41 AM PST - 65 comments

Managing large (9 ppl) software teams?

My manager is overwhelmed. I'm unhappy. He's asking for feedback from team. [more inside]
posted by zeek321 at 5:23 AM PST - 10 comments

How to manage internal job hunting

When I was hired, I was hired on the assumption that I will move to position A when it becomes available (timeline: years). I've lately been doing some work to assist another department (B). I like this work, and I'd like to explore the job and possibly transfer to it should a position become available, but am not sure as it has the potential to be high-stress. How do I best explore this? [more inside]
posted by platypus of the universe at 4:20 AM PST - 6 comments

January 16

High Calorie : Mass ratio foods

What foods have the highest calorie:mass or calorie:weight ratios? [more inside]
posted by Neale at 11:22 PM PST - 15 comments

Who is this artist?

Who is this R&B artist I saw in the iTunes new releases less than a week ago but cannot find now? [more inside]
posted by daninnj at 10:34 PM PST - 1 comment

What is my Bacon number?? (very obscure "actor")

OMG I have a Bacon number! I think. What is it - how do I find it? Difficulty: I am very obscure and not actually in the movie industry. [more inside]
posted by Joey Buttafoucault at 9:54 PM PST - 15 comments

Pet Owners Have You Ever Used Certifect To Treat for Fleas And Ticks?

Has anyone used Certifect (a relatively new drug put out by Merial (the makers of Frontline) to treat for fleas and ticks? What is your personal experience with it? Was it effective? Did your pets have any negative reactions? [more inside]
posted by WalkerWestridge at 8:06 PM PST - 7 comments

How do I develop self-confidence and embrace risk-taking, generally?

What can I do to reverse my deeply rooted low self-confidence, and to become more willing to take risks? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:51 PM PST - 20 comments

Job searching on maternity leave: when to disclose?

I had a baby ten days ago. Whee! It's awesome. I have fourteen weeks off from work and planned to use this time not only to bond with baby but also apply for new jobs since my current job, though wonderful in the benefits department, is diverging in its business from what I was originally hired to do. At the very least I'd figured that it wouldn't hurt to look and now there's one company calling me back already. For this case and hopefully others to come, when in the recruitment process, and to whom, do I tell that I just had a baby and am on leave? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:51 PM PST - 13 comments

Should I Give Tampons Another Try?

The last time I tried a tampon, it was before the Clinton Administration. Should I give them another try? [more inside]
posted by tafetta, darling! at 7:40 PM PST - 55 comments

What are the downsides to freezing your eggs?

I'm considering freezing my eggs. What are the downsides to doing so (besides the enormous financial cost)? I'm mostly concerned with health risks and side effects. Any personal experiences or suggestions for resources would be welcome. Thank you!
posted by anonymous at 7:11 PM PST - 8 comments

What lenses should I get for a Pentax K5 II?

I'm looking at buying a used Pentax K5 II as my main camera rig. The most important use of this camera will be for documenting fieldwork, including photographing specimens in the field. I'd like to have a small selection of quality lenses that will cover me for most situations. I've been doing research, but there are so many options that it's hard for me to decide. Can you help me? [more inside]
posted by Scientist at 6:50 PM PST - 9 comments

Creative MeFites: help us improvise queue management on the cheap!

A community organisation I volunteer with needs a way to manage queues at public events. The wait isn't long and the crowd isn't rowdy - we just need a visual indicator of where people should stand in line. Our plan is to string rope or bunting between poles around a metre high, but proprietary queue barrier poles are crazy expensive. Can you help us improvise an alternative using cheap and/or recycled materials? [more inside]
posted by embrangled at 6:01 PM PST - 11 comments

The modern materials of the artist (iPhone edition).

What are the best doodling/painting/drawing/drafting apps for the iPhone? [more inside]
posted by 1f2frfbf at 5:48 PM PST - 5 comments

Help me work my triceps

I'm having a hard time finding a routine that works my triceps as much as I'd like, so I'm turning to the hivemind for some input. I've looked through other questions on the site, but as always, have some special snowflake needs. [more inside]
posted by dotgirl at 5:43 PM PST - 19 comments

Pan-ic at the Williams-Sonoma

I bought this pan today. I didn't think about the non-stick issue. Is this pan going to kill me? [more inside]
posted by kythuen at 5:27 PM PST - 17 comments

Get out of my head already!

Specific tips and tricks for getting someone off your mind (when no-contact isn't an option)? [more inside]
posted by justonegirl at 5:27 PM PST - 17 comments

How to leave one job for another without burning bridges?

I've been at my current job for about 1 1/2 years. I like my job for the most part (not a dream job, but as far as corporate jobs go, pretty good). Recently, a co-work left. I got a call last week and she was wondering if I'd want to go work with her at a different company. It's a small company she's with now, which means I'd be a little higher in hierarchy and she said they're looking to expand. [more inside]
posted by yeahyeahyeah at 5:06 PM PST - 9 comments

Looking for specific version of the Man of La Mancha '65 cast recording

I'm looking for a specific version of the Man of La Mancha musical that I had on cassette tape when I was young. Can anyone help me find it? [more inside]
posted by frobozz at 4:54 PM PST - 4 comments

Whatsapp or an easy Voice Message program for PC?

What is the best way to share voice messages, like Whatsapp, but with people who don't have a cell phone? My elderly parents don't have cell phones. The easier the interface is (like Whatsapp), the easier it will be for my parents to use it. Does Google Plus or Skype have any features like this? My parents are comfortable using both Google Plus Hangouts and Skype. Thank you.
posted by surenoproblem at 4:24 PM PST - 3 comments

Reacting Emotionally to work

I'm a bit overwhelmed about how emotionally I am reacting to a situation at work. What are coping strategies I can use to deal with things tomorrow, and for the near short term. [more inside]
posted by larthegreat at 4:17 PM PST - 20 comments

How to avoid spamming social media against my will?

My boss has asked all 8 of us employees to start liking/following/sharing our company's various pages and posts on all the social media platforms, and inviting our friends to do the same. (We have individual pages for each of our 4 products). I am vehemently against doing this, as are a couple others. The boss has tasked the most social media savvy employee amongst us to make sure the rest of us are complying. [more inside]
posted by Josephine Macaulay at 3:13 PM PST - 34 comments

e-cigarettes for dummies

I'm thinking of going down the e-cigarette route, but I've got a few questions I'm not sure about, in brief: 1) Is there any research out there on their effects on your health? I get that it's early days, and they've got to better than smoking, but are there side effects/dangers that I should be aware of? 2) Is there much difference between a cheap one I can buy at the supermarket, compared to an expensive one I buy on the internet? 3) What have your experiences been like with them? Is it difficult to make the jump from normal cigarettes? [more inside]
posted by Ned G at 3:02 PM PST - 14 comments

Why is it so difficult to get a nerve pain diagnosis in Vancouver, BC?

Asking for a distressed friend, Vancouver BC. Call her Laura. She's suffering from a long term chronic nerve pain issue which has recently gotten worse (the past year). She doesn't want a diagnosis from the community. What she needs is advice on how to get a diagnosis from a relevant doctor so that she can qualify for some kind of disability assistance. [more inside]
posted by philip-random at 2:53 PM PST - 8 comments

Time capsule suggestions requested!

We are replacing a leaky window with a wall. It's currently open and the contractor comes tomorrow morning. What would you put in a time capsule that may be discovered by a future homeowner? I have a letter about the current occupants (us) ready, but what else? [more inside]
posted by look busy at 2:17 PM PST - 15 comments

Is there a name for this style of hip hop? *air horn* *gunshot*

Is there a name for hip hop DJing that uses lots of air horn blasts, yelling, and gunshots? I heard I like some on the radio and want to listen to some more!
posted by ArcAm at 2:13 PM PST - 9 comments

Help - Azerbaijani music info.

Love a song, but would like to figure out whether it's the same early modern piece of music as a wikipedia article suggests. [more inside]
posted by lethologues at 2:13 PM PST - 5 comments

Alternative to legacy.com and obituaries?

I am helping to make arrangements after the death of a relative. I find the format and style of the "memorial websites" at legacy.com to be tacky and - more important - deeply unreflective of his sense for design, his rejection of religion and overall un-sentimentality. We can do a newspaper obituaries, but they're also overpriced (starting around $300 for anything of decent size) and over-sentimental and there does need to be some kind of on-line statement of his passing. (Don't get me started on the vulture-hyenas at funeral homes; he asked for a Neptune Society cremation, which was a huge relief.) [more inside]
posted by RandlePatrickMcMurphy at 1:57 PM PST - 4 comments

How to Boil Water

Might be the dumbest question ever, but I am unsure. Can I make hot water only using a coffee urn? [more inside]
posted by Fairchild at 1:50 PM PST - 7 comments

contemplating a move. where to?

Thinking about relocating within the US, and looking for some ideas. Can you help suggest some places? [more inside]
posted by raztaj at 1:48 PM PST - 23 comments

Scent wearers and the scent sensitive: what's the balance?

Last night at a social event, a person seated at my table had to leave because my scent was bothering her. Her eyes were tearing and she was obviously uncomfortable. Am I doing it wrong? [more inside]
posted by summer sock at 1:28 PM PST - 59 comments

iOS app for browsing/transferring files from OS X?

Can you recommend a good app/process for browsing/transferring files from my MacBook to my iPad? [more inside]
posted by chudmonkey at 12:56 PM PST - 11 comments

Does simultaneous blogging to multiple outlets help to build audience?

I once had a decent online audience for my regular writing habit, but sort of lost steam with a career change that monopolized my attention and energy. With an unexpected change in fortunes, I've been trying to reconnect, but one of my outlets is gone, another is moribund, and the scene is now more spread out and complicated. I've been posting simultaneous content to a number of outlets, but I'm wondering if that's wiser than just picking one and focusing entirely on that one, because of the widely differing reading habits people have now. [more inside]
posted by sonascope at 12:30 PM PST - 9 comments

I need help finding training resources for Cognos, SAS and the like.

I am currently shopping around for a new job. I currently live inside of Business Objects and a ten year old version of Crystal Reports. How can I update my skills to learn analytics tools like Cognos and SAS? [more inside]
posted by munchingzombie at 12:29 PM PST - 4 comments

Quarter Life Crisis + Indecision Paralysis: How to deal & move forward?

I'm a 26 year old female "Commitment Phobe" seeking advice on 1) How to feel ok making a temporary/final decision about what to do with my life and 2) When to scrap, adjust, or follow through on my decisions when the going gets tough? Messy details inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 12:14 PM PST - 12 comments

Stigmatizing Mental Illness- navigating the healthy world

I have Disossociative Identity Disorder (DID) which is sometimes referred to as multiple personalities. I am normal in many other respects...and just want a little perspective from people with no experience with the disorder. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 12:14 PM PST - 25 comments

Show me more houses!

I love reading home renovation / decoration blogs. My feedly has gone a little stale, and I'd love new ideas. [more inside]
posted by good day merlock at 12:05 PM PST - 15 comments

Dynamic web forms: find a builder or make from scratch?

I have a couple web forms I'd like to make: one for a professional purpose, another for personal use (though that could exist as a program or an app that I don't know about). Is it better to find a service that will allow you to build conditional forms, or can they be made from scratch with some ease? [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief at 11:39 AM PST - 8 comments

Changes in NYC from 2010?

Touristing in NYC this weekend: what's changed since 2010??? [more inside]
posted by amicamentis at 11:33 AM PST - 10 comments

Can I just build my own shelves to solve this problem?

I have a stack of AV equipment next to our TV. I want a simple set of wooden shelves to tidy things up, but short narrow bookshelves don't seem to exist. Short OR narrow, but not short AND narrow. Anyone have any ideas of how I could simply do it myself? [more inside]
posted by smackfu at 11:02 AM PST - 16 comments

A board game for 2 geeks and their wives?

We were having dinner parties and after finishing eating playing board games. Both of our household selection is pretty slim, monopoly, apples to apples and dominos. Its been fun but we are ready for something more involved. [more inside]
posted by Sentus at 10:59 AM PST - 51 comments

Searching for the perfect compromise wallet

I need a new perfect wallet! Or at least a compromise. I carried an Original All-Ett for years and really liked how slim it was, while still allowing me to carry every card I might possibly need in any situation. Then I got a SlimFold Micro, and appreciated that it made me pare down the number of cards I could carry, and I liked the much smaller footprint that allowed me to carry it in my front pocket. But the Tyvek got really unattractively dirty and creased within a week (especially around the outline of the cards, because there's a lot of extra material that extends past the profile of the stack of cards and gets folded), and more than once I've found myself in a bind because I didn't have a particular card on me. So I need yet another new wallet, but I'm not sure I can go back to the huge footprint of the All-Ett. Any suggestions for a compromise wallet that's not quite so large but still lets me carry ~12 cards, without falling apart?
posted by rhiannonstone at 10:54 AM PST - 18 comments

Hearing aid prices are sky high: is my realative being ripped off?

I have an elderly relative living in Florida who has serious hearing loss. She just scrapes by on Social Security, and her hearing aids cost a fortune. How come? [more inside]
posted by Right On Red at 10:16 AM PST - 20 comments

Chicago parking ticket problems

A young neighbor is in trouble with the City of Chicago over parking tickets. How deep is the hole and how should he proceed to climb out? [more inside]
posted by peakcomm at 10:13 AM PST - 7 comments

Tell Me About Newfoundland

I am considering taking a week's vacation in Newfoundland in late May and I have questions about it. [more inside]
posted by something something at 10:04 AM PST - 19 comments

Documentary TV Series like Wild China

We (the royal we) have been watching Wild China recently. It's a 6 part nature documentary that's also a bit of a travelogue. What we like about it--they go to a place not usually covered by Public TV nature docs and mix in explorations of the human culture there as well as geographic and biological subjects. What else is like this? What should we watch next? [more inside]
posted by Potomac Avenue at 9:47 AM PST - 5 comments

Can Safari warn me before opening multiple tabs?

Can Safari warn me before opening multiple tabs? [more inside]
posted by artdrectr at 9:12 AM PST - 2 comments

Breed-Specific Legislation: State and Municipal Laws

Can someone explain to me how anti-BSL legislation and BSL can apparently coexist (example inside), and tell me how to find out whether or not BSL is in place, definitively? [more inside]
posted by Urban Winter at 9:06 AM PST - 5 comments

Cookie Problems with Twitter

I have software that I can set to do certain types of cleaning each time the computer restarts; delete temporary internet files, empty recycle bin, etc. I can also set it to delete cookies but I don't do it frequently because whenever cookies are deleted, specifically, the functionality on my Twitter account drops, i.e. I can't type in the comment box, I can't see new interactions and I can't see who is or isn't following me. I have to beg the company to do something (which they may or may not do over time) and eventually, functionality comes back. I've tried different browsers whenever I delete cookies and the same thing happens. I haven't noticed if I'm having problems with any of the other social media I use. Why is this happening and can I do anything to avoid it?
posted by CollectiveMind at 8:55 AM PST - 8 comments

Marketing to specific groups : Latino edition

Can you share your resources on marketing to the Latino community? [more inside]
posted by xicana63 at 8:28 AM PST - 2 comments

Can you suggest dull and informative podcasts to help me fall asleep?

Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep because I can't stop worrying over issues of the day. I've found that listening to a slightly boring podcast really helps in those situations. So far, I've been listening to history podcasts but I think the technique would work with other subject areas and I'd like to find more such podcasts. I'm looking for intelligent and serious podcasts (little to no humorous banter) on important and/or academic topics. Ideally, the presenters would have monotonous voices and would spend a bit too much time on the dull minutiae, but the subject matter would be sufficiently interesting to help me stop thinking about other issues. I don't want to hear a group of friends or colleagues bantering. I don't want to hear comics interviewing each other. Pseudo-science or woo won't help because I may respond emotionally.
posted by Area Man at 8:25 AM PST - 41 comments

Need help navigating my next steps with my job

I'm unhappy, and I'm planning to leave this city as soon as I can get things straightened out. [more inside]
posted by winterportage at 8:22 AM PST - 14 comments

Step by step guide to get our future married house in order?

We're getting hitched! Yay! I freak out about money, and I freak out that my fiancé doesn't freak out about money as much as I freak out. Is there a good step-by-step guide you'd recommend that we can go through together to make sure we're covering all of our bases for saving for retirement, saving for other stuff, and paying down debt?
posted by ashtabula to opelika at 7:51 AM PST - 12 comments

Games like Pikmin?

I am looking for games like Pikmin with a puzzle-solving, world-exploring component. I have a Wii U and a 3DS (both of which are backwards-compatible to their previous iterations) and an old-ish Macbook. [more inside]
posted by torisaur at 7:42 AM PST - 8 comments

How do I adjust my attitude on my once beloved job?

I loved my job. Now due to personnel changes I don't like it at all. I can't leave. How do I let go of what I once loved? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:02 AM PST - 10 comments

How can I get better at event planning, since I'm stuck doing it?

I have come to realize after attempting to plan my own wedding, and now landing two nonprofit jobs that involve some degree of event planning, that I hate it, and I am really bad at it. Since these are the jobs I have, how can I improve? [more inside]
posted by chaiminda at 7:02 AM PST - 12 comments

Looking to pay (a nominal amt) for a reputable, quality resume service

Willing to pay (a non-exorbitant) fee for resume help. I have a (mostly positive) but really weird background. Some details inside, but more looking for any companies/services people have used that they were very happy with. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:01 AM PST - 4 comments

No! Sleep! Till bedtime!

Babysleepfilter: how can I get my son to take longer naps? [more inside]
posted by lollymccatburglar at 6:44 AM PST - 14 comments

Project management/tracking software?

My professional responsibilities are expanding to include much more supervisory work, including overseeing projects executed by outside organizations. I need a way to keep track of these projects' status so I don't let anything slip through the cracks! Details inside. [more inside]
posted by philosophygeek at 6:04 AM PST - 5 comments

Adobe CS6 now thinks registration is invalid

How can I convince the CS6 Application Manager that it was registered almost a year ago? [more inside]
posted by Thorzdad at 5:30 AM PST - 4 comments

Corpus of printed letter images

I like playing around with text recognition algorithms, but am stymied by a lack of a good corpus to train and test my code against. I'm looking for a large number of images of individual printed letters, labelled with the correct letter. (With the letter in the file name, or each set of letters in a directory, or something equivalent like a metadata file.) Something like this, but more of it.
posted by Zarkonnen at 1:45 AM PST - 3 comments

What brand of glasses does Harold Finch wear?

I've been watching Person of Interest seasons 1 and 2, and I like the style of glasses that Harold Finch wears (in the present day as opposed to the flashbacks). Unfortunately I can't spot a logo or brand name anywhere. I've also not had any luck trawling through optometrists or brand name websites. Any help appreciated!
posted by malpractice at 1:32 AM PST - 4 comments

January 15

What to do with old cats who are loved but bad for our house/life?

We have 2 cats who are about 15 (we got them when they were 4), and for many years they were like our children. They have grown old and gross, and now that we have real children, it feels like they are keeping us from being able to enjoy our life in our house. More details inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:21 PM PST - 68 comments

Where are my boardsports!?

Now that FUELTV doesn't exist anymore (it was a great network full of all kinds of extreme sports and lifestyle related programming, from contests to profiles of athletes to other things). It was all I really liked to watch (think of a typical football-loving guy losing SportsCenter all of a sudden.) [more inside]
posted by jitterbug perfume at 11:16 PM PST - 1 comment

Looking for a teaching (digital) camera

I'm getting ready to teach a photography class for "at-risk" high schoolers. We have 8-10 students, and a budget of $1000 for supplies. So I'm trying to decide what cameras to buy for this class (and future classes), and seeking a camera that's cheap enough that we can buy 8-10 of them, but has enough manual control that it's interesting to play with. [more inside]
posted by ThatFuzzyBastard at 10:46 PM PST - 7 comments

Is there such a thing as a lucrative freelancing skill anymore?

I've just come out of a short stint of unemployment, now working a fairly low-wage job but with decent hours, giving me spare time to kill. Thought perhaps that this would be a good time to pick up some new skill or other to fill the hours and perhaps make some extra money on the side. [more inside]
posted by AdamCSnider at 10:12 PM PST - 14 comments

GMAT Verbal Tips

I am planning to take GMAT in 3 months. I have taken few practice tests to assess my levels in quant and verbal sections. I have seen that I do repeatedly good in quant sections but not so good in the verbal. I have gone through Manhattan books for Sentence correction and Reading comprehension, and practicing consistently. Still my verbal scores are not improving. I , otherwise, consider myself to be good in English and I am into English literature. Most of the times, I overthink the answers, especially in Reading comprehension parts... I am stuck ! Can you guys please give me pointers to resources (books, tests, prep material for verbal section), personal suggestions (Tips, tricks, guidelines, strategies you have successfully used). Please share anything you think can help. Thanks a lot!!!
posted by angeldog at 9:53 PM PST - 6 comments

Where are all the ancient architectural drawings?

I do quite a bit of drawing and designing; when I read about ancient (b.c.e.) construction projects, I really, really want to see what ancient design drawings looked like. So far I've found next to bupkis, but still pretty fascinating stuff for what little it amounts to. Where can I find more of that, from any culture b.c.e.? I can't imagine that e.g. Hatshepsut's Temple or the Palace at Knossos were not drawn out beforehand, especially since simple groves like the one at that Met Museum link were. [more inside]
posted by circular at 9:47 PM PST - 11 comments

It's a dress AND a painting!?

There's an artwork on public display in my community that isn't labeled with the artist's name or the title of the piece, and I'd like to know more about it. The facility that has it on display doesn't have the information, so I'm hoping you could take a look at it (or just read my description) and tell me if you know more about it, or where I could find out who created it and what it is called. It's a rather unique piece, being a full-length overcoat that's been hardened/cast and mounted on a large canvas. The yellow floral pattern of the coat is seamlessly transferred to the background of the canvas. For a link to a phone-cam pic I took of it, click [more inside]
posted by carsonb at 8:35 PM PST - 3 comments

How to be supportive when you're really worried about the future?

My husband is miserable at his job and would like to change. This will likely mean a cut in our income and taking on more debt for him to go to school. How can I be more supportive when I worry about the change in our financial circumstances? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:22 PM PST - 49 comments

Chicago: convince me it's awesome

My fiancé and I are pondering a move to the Midwest to be closer to our respective families (fairly evenly distributed across the entire region). Chicago seems an obvious choice, but I've hated every trip I've ever taken there. Where are the good parts? Please show me it's not full of suck. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:22 PM PST - 42 comments

Conscious Pop Music Hits of 2012-2014 for Play-List, Suggestions Needed

"Same Love" by Macklemore is the epitome of a conscious (social, environmental justice) pop music song that has been a hit over the past two years. I'm looking for others to create a playlist - pop music songs that have been hits with a socially environmentally conscious message, or at least are not misogynist or violent in any way - talk about love, relationships, etc in a respectful way. Can you make any suggestions? Thx!
posted by franklen at 8:17 PM PST - 9 comments

Mass RMV ID requirements

I'm worried about my ability to prove residency in Massachusetts to convert my out-of-state license. (In particular, the fact that no photocopies are allowed.) [more inside]
posted by andrewesque at 8:08 PM PST - 11 comments

To Sue, or Not to Pursue? That is the (complex) question.

My room has bedbugs. My landlord refuses to cover the costs of extermination, on the grounds that they've never had this problem before. Do I push it, or let it go? Complication: my landlord is not actually my landlord. [more inside]
posted by Ashen at 7:42 PM PST - 24 comments

Drive in Southern Utah

We are planning a drive, mostly in southern Utah, in late February. What can you recommend or advise? [more inside]
posted by falsedmitri at 7:15 PM PST - 11 comments

Having a bride and groom with parents wedding onlyy

Hi, Guys Me and my boyfriend recently decided to get married and go from boyfriend status to a married status after a short engagement f 1 month. We know we love each other and that it is working. [more inside]
posted by barexamfreak at 7:12 PM PST - 26 comments

Recommend a charging station

We have a ton of devices with different chargers and I am looking for a clean charging station that will hide the cord clutter but still allow us to charge multiple devices (with varying connectors) at once. Any recommendations? [more inside]
posted by echo0720 at 6:50 PM PST - 5 comments

Makeshift room in a condo for rent - is it legal?

Recently went for a viewing of a 2 bedroom condo for rent and the landlord has created a third makeshift room in the living room which is also available for rent. Is this legal in Canada? [more inside]
posted by Danniman at 6:48 PM PST - 7 comments

Gears and Levers and Cams: Like I'm Five

Does this exist? I want a 3D simulation program where I can experiment with gears (including bevel gears), slots and slides, eccentric cranks, levers, maybe even chain drives and belts and pulleys. Ideally I'd be able to change sizes, numbers/shapes of teeth, location of the drive shaft, etc. to see how those changes affect the motion of the gadget. [more inside]
posted by Lou Stuells at 6:20 PM PST - 8 comments

In Gmail, what is the difference between "sent mail" and "sent messages"

This is a question about Gmail. I have sent a Rather Important e-mail and have not heard back from the recipient. It shows up in my sent mail in Mail on my MacBook. It shows up in my "sent messages" in Gmail when I go into Gmail directly. However it does not show up in my "sent mail" in Gmail when I go into Gmail directly. What is the difference between "sent mail" and "sent messages" and did the damn e-mail go out or not? I don't want to bother this person unnecessarily with my computer issues.
posted by HotToddy at 6:11 PM PST - 4 comments

Hip Me, MetaFilter. You're my only hip. (LA edition)

I know what to wear in New York. (Black) I know what to wear in Tokyo. (Kawaii!) But I have absolutely no idea what to wear to a hip art opening and for a weekend staying in a hip LA hotel. Difficulty factors: poor, frumpy. Please dress me! [more inside]
posted by 2soxy4mypuppet at 5:53 PM PST - 17 comments

How should I deal with my non-smoking neighbors?

I moved into a sixplex that several friends I have lived in. Everything is great, except my neighbors smoke despite the building being non-smoking. I typically do not notice at all unless someone is having a party and a large group is smoking. Going into the building I knew the residents smoked, even though it was against the lease. Should I go to the landlord or deal with it? [more inside]
posted by geoff. at 5:47 PM PST - 11 comments

Which Service to Use for Collecting Wedding Cash?

We'd prefer little hassle, few fees, and a way to know who they are so we can thank them. We expect 0 to 50 people to actually gift us money this way. What are our best options? [more inside]
posted by ethidda at 5:25 PM PST - 22 comments

no shuffle for you!

I share a computer with my kids, and our iTunes library has both my music and theirs on it. I also subscribe to iTunes Match, which my kids don't use. I don't want their music to show up on my devices. Is there a way to keep music on iTunes on a Mac without also having it show up in iCloud? I know you can delete music from a computer and keep it in the cloud, but I'd like to do the opposite of that.
posted by creativenothing at 5:12 PM PST - 4 comments

Help me provide hours of music for a sporting event with minimal effort.

How can I easily provide about twelve hours of family-friendly music for a sporting event? [more inside]
posted by ssg at 4:37 PM PST - 4 comments

Owner Presence At My Business

My bar / restaurant I opened is in its 2nd year of operation and it's running smoothly while turning a profit. Can I take a step back or should I continue to put in long days at the bar because that's what I'm supposed to do? [more inside]
posted by masters2010 at 3:56 PM PST - 10 comments

Small space living in SF

Help me make my apt a home! [more inside]
posted by so much modern time at 3:40 PM PST - 21 comments

Entertain me for eight bleary-eyed hours in Manhattan!

I have about eight hours to myself in Manhattan on Friday. I've been there once and am comfortable getting around. What should I do? [more inside]
posted by Dilligas at 3:39 PM PST - 14 comments

Which antidepressants gave you the least sexual side effects?

I've had issues with an SSRI and SNRI having orgasms - would like your advice about potential other drugs. Wellbutrin not possible (gave me high blood pressure) [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:56 PM PST - 23 comments

Prospective professional portrait prep and pontification, please.

How can I get the most out of a portrait session at a department store studio? I am looking for a "professional" portrait to be used in bios and marketing stuff, and am looking for advice on specifics to ask for (or avoid), both from the photographer and from the makeup counter beforehand. [more inside]
posted by QuantumMeruit at 2:30 PM PST - 11 comments

Need dentists in Baltimore and northern Maryland

I moved to Baltimore about 18 months ago; my 12-year-old daughter moved to Havre de Grace about two years ago. We both need dentists. There are no presenting problems, but I want to get back to going regularly. [more inside]
posted by ubiquity at 1:34 PM PST - 8 comments

What should I ask at an academic job interview?

I am starting a two day academic job interview tomorrow. What questions should I ask? Bonus question: Do I want this job? [more inside]
posted by pseudonick at 12:39 PM PST - 10 comments

Mystery Diagnosis: What to ask the Dr.

I've been having weird, horrible, consistent problems - everyday - for about 3 months or longer. I really need to figure out what's going on with me and could use all the help I can get. I can't deal with day-to-day life like this! [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 12:27 PM PST - 40 comments

What documentation do I need to protect myself in a buyout?

I'm going to be bought out of a business of which I own a part. What documents should I copy and take with me to ensure my interests during a valuation and payout? [more inside]
posted by sockless at 12:18 PM PST - 9 comments

WVa water crisis - who came first?

Which facility was constructed first, the WVa American Water treatment plant, or the Freedom Industries chemical storage place? In other words, did WVAW "come to the nuisance," or did Freedom choose to build upstream from the water plant? what dates was each facility constructed? (and if Freedom came subsequently to WVAW, did the latter protest at the time?)
posted by mmiddle at 11:36 AM PST - 7 comments

Smells like trivia team spirit...

I have volunteered to "coach" a high school trivia team that competes against other local schools. In order to make things a bit more official I thought we should have team shirts made. Most of the sports teams have some clever slogan or saying on the back which indicates how great they are at their chosen sport. My group of super-brainy students and I are having a hard time figuring out what our slogan should be. Obviously it must be school appropriate, but other than that we are very open to suggestions. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:35 AM PST - 26 comments

Trash my closet and start over? I don't know how to dress myself.

It's embarrassing to admit to being a 33 year old woman who can't dress herself, but my frustration is outgrowing my embarrassment. I have pretty much nothing in my closet that I like to wear, and that I feel I look good in. I wear nearly the same thing every day: jeans, sneakers/tennis shoes, t-shirt or slightly fancier t-shirt, and one of several ratty hooded sweatshirts, each of which has a hole in the left elbow. I dress like slob. I do not feel this look suits me, and I want to change it, but don't know how. [more inside]
posted by polywomp at 11:16 AM PST - 68 comments

That bed-head look without the bed

I just got my hair chopped off! What do I put in it to make it look good? Recommendations needed for thick, wavy hair. [more inside]
posted by DoubleLune at 11:01 AM PST - 16 comments

Schools, schools, schools.

Next September my oldest will be going to kindergarten. However, due to some issues, we are now unsure where we should send him. And we need help and perspective about our system. Please help! [more inside]
posted by katers890 at 10:48 AM PST - 27 comments

What should I buy at American Apparel?

I was gifted a $40 Groupon-like certificate for spending on the American Apparel online shop. What are some of the best items to buy? [more inside]
posted by ohmy at 10:47 AM PST - 22 comments

Are Salt Lake City's mayors subject to term limits?

I am trying to find a source that will give me a definitive answer to the question of whether or not SLC's mayors are bound by term limits. [more inside]
posted by rabu at 10:41 AM PST - 2 comments

Need ideas for backyard ground cover

The backyard of the house we bought has several raised beds (great!) and a couple of trees. The previous owners removed the lawn, so the rest of the ground is plain ol' bare dirt. They apparently liked it that way, but I don't. I'd like some ideas for a low-maintenance ground cover that isn't straight-up grass or sod. Other details within. [more inside]
posted by mudpuppie at 10:29 AM PST - 10 comments

Seeking space saving techniques for RV living

My husband and I moved into an RV last summer and sold or gave away 80% of our belongings. I am looking for ways to make the most of our space for the 20% we kept. It's not that we're out of room, but I feel like I am not doing this in an optimal fashion. [more inside]
posted by desjardins at 10:22 AM PST - 16 comments

Help me save the books . . .

I am involved in fighting a local school library that would like to go "all digital," meaning they'd like to stop purchasing physical books and magazines and rely instead entirely on Google and various databases for student research. Not just that, but the plan is eventually to get rid of the remaining books (!), so in the end there'll be nothing but computer workstations remaining. Can you help supply me with arguments why this would be a bad idea? The proponents of the measure claim that digital books offer everything that physical books do . . . only they're better! I can't help being skeptical. [more inside]
posted by Opengreen at 10:15 AM PST - 31 comments

Can this {marriage} be saved?

I'm trying to sort out whether I am dissatisfied with my relationship, or whether other factors are at work, or both. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:12 AM PST - 15 comments

I've moved from the US to the UK, now what to do with my money?

I've recently moved to the UK, but I still have about $160k in dollars from the sale of a house and savings. I'd like to invest this money, which is currently sitting in a US savings account, but I'm not sure if I should do so in the UK or in the US. I plan to stay here for the long-term (probably will eventually become a citizen). [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:11 AM PST - 8 comments

"A situation where contact with the outside world has been severed..."

TVTropes describes the trope of the closed circle: "A stock plot designed to force the characters or players to stay in a location and get involved in the adventure... and not be able to leave until it's done." Familiar, right? I am looking for examples of novels that employ this trope, but with a twist: the primary crime they're trying to solve took place in the past, before they were enclosed in the circle. [more inside]
posted by pretentious illiterate at 8:45 AM PST - 18 comments

How do I West Coast?

I'm from the UK, and I've got a work trip coming up to Seattle and LA. Most of that time is going to be spent doing work stuff (naturally), but I've got a free Saturday night and Sunday in Seattle and a free Saturday and Sunday morning in LA (staying in Pasadena). What should I do with my Seattle and LA/Pasadena weekends? More details under the cut. [more inside]
posted by terretu at 8:40 AM PST - 29 comments

Hedging my bets and pulling my weight.

Moving to a new city later this year, but the new higher cost of living means I will have to be employed again. What skills should I be focusing on and polishing up in the meantime? Special former employment snowflakes inside. [more inside]
posted by Kitteh at 8:33 AM PST - 3 comments

No, I can't go out tonight. Or ever again.

I want to finally start getting enough sleep, but I just can't see how I can do that without completely ruining my social life. How do young single people have friends when they sleep enough? [more inside]
posted by showbiz_liz at 8:28 AM PST - 49 comments

Best bluetooth car speaker?

I want a bluetooth speaker that I can mostly use in my car for listening to music off my iphone. What's my best option? [more inside]
posted by pdq at 8:25 AM PST - 11 comments

Best Website/App for Keeping Track of Lists?

Is there a good and simple combination website and phone app for all the lists I want to keep? [more inside]
posted by Mrs. Pterodactyl at 8:20 AM PST - 16 comments

What's the best way to spend $6000 on preschool for this kid?

We have two choices for morning school for our daughter, who is just turned two. Happy School is walking distance, 2hrs/day this year and 3hrs/day for the next three years after. It's a fairly structured ordinary preschool (one hour of library/circle time, one hour of playtime is a typical day) and $170/month. Flower School is 30 minutes away for 3+hrs/day and is a open-ended play school with lots of outdoor garden and art time that costs about $670/month. Our daughter has had trial weeks at both, and somewhat prefers Flower School. She came home worn out and chatty from her days there. The Happy School's teachers have given us short answers (She played a lot today) when we pick her up, while School B sends a daily short newsletter and thoughtful answers (She liked watering the plants, can you let her try at home). [more inside]
posted by viggorlijah at 8:13 AM PST - 31 comments

Who is this artist?

I'm looking for the name of an artist who makes drawings/illustrations. I randomly saw a book of his illustrations that includes from what I remember a portrait of William Burroughs, a grasshopper with a woman's legs... [more inside]
posted by backwords at 8:03 AM PST - 2 comments

Why did my Razr M home buttons shrink?

I have a Motorola Razr M that's a few months old, and recently the bottom row of icons on my home screen (my round "home" or "apps button and my favorites such as "phone" and "tools" have shrunken by about 20%. It's not really affecting usage, but it's weird and I can't figure out how to restore them to their normal size. Any advice? No luck searching Razr M message boards so far.
posted by juniper at 7:31 AM PST - 4 comments

Getting an iPhone for someone who is visually impaired

My grandmother has macular degeneration. She is 82, fiercely independent, and sharper than most people half her age. She has enough vision to be able to work her computer, write a weekly condo association newsletter, and manage voluminous email correspondence. (Her computer settings are such that everything is greatly magnified.) And she is very, very interested in having an iPhone. [more inside]
posted by mothershock at 7:28 AM PST - 12 comments

Seaside B&B/hotel within commuter rail distance from Boston?

While my partner visits me in Boston we'd like to stay for a few nights in a B&B or hotel outside the city. We don't drive, so the town needs to be easily accessible by train. Ideally, we'd like to be very close to the beach and have a fireplace in the room. A quaint town square with a nice coffee shop would also be great. [more inside]
posted by Beardman at 6:58 AM PST - 9 comments

Help me built an inspiration battery

Like a lot of people, I juggle creative pursuits with a day job. Annoyingly, my daily period of greatest creative motivation occurs early in the morning and overlaps with about the first four hours of my work day. How can I transfer that energy to the evening, when I have more time? Complication: I can't change my work or sleep schedules at all. [more inside]
posted by elizeh at 6:36 AM PST - 6 comments

Friendster "generic face" avatar?

Did Friendster have a "generic face" avatar for users who didn't add their own images to use as their avatar? Like a silhouette of a head, maybe that varied according to the gender of the user? If so, where can I get an image of it?
posted by Mechitar at 6:26 AM PST - 5 comments

Should I request a transfer? Get a new job?

I am currently working a job I've been at for 4 months. I haven't really enjoyed said job (particularly the hours it has required), and have recently suffered a setback that has made it more difficult than ever for me to deal with it. I was thinking of requesting a transfer, but I'm not sure if that's the right idea. I'd really like things not to backfire. [more inside]
posted by Sakura3210 at 5:15 AM PST - 13 comments

How would you frame / insulate these portholes.

I currently live on and am restoring an old dutch barge. I started with no idea what I'm doing and am slowly working my way up to lvl 1 boat restorer. The current job is insulating. I need to cover up all bare metal with insulation (I am using expanded phenolic foam board) but I also need to make sure I have sufficient wooden framing to attach walls to (it will be tongue and groove). The problem I am currently having is to the neatest way to insulate around some portholes and also insulate and neatly frame the triangular metal ribs. I'd like to leave the nice shiny brass visible but have everything else covered up neatly. [more inside]
posted by Just this guy, y'know at 4:58 AM PST - 12 comments

That again? Ugh...

We are in a supper rut. We need some suggestions for suppers that satisfy a fair number of requirements (no gluten, not too many servings, no chicken, etc). [more inside]
posted by PuppetMcSockerson at 4:45 AM PST - 27 comments


I was in bed, felt something crawling on my forehead, scraped it way with my sheet, and the sheet came back smeared with blood. Am I totally fucked with bedbugs or could it be something else? [more inside]
posted by posyblue at 2:31 AM PST - 12 comments

She is my psychiatrist. She told me she is bi-polar. Now what?

How did you react when your psychiatrist disclosed their own mental illness to you during a session? Have any other mefites had this experience or heard of it? During my 4th consultation (over 6 weeks) with a psychiatrist who is treating me she sort of casually disclosed that she herself suffers from bi-polar disorder and that she has in fact been hospitalised 3 times in the last 12 months due to it. [more inside]
posted by evil_esto at 1:58 AM PST - 39 comments

Tips for trying out in store phones

I'm in the market for a new Android phone (currently wavering between LG G2, HTC One, Sony Experia Z1, Galaxy Note 3 with G2 the current favourite) and I will be back in my home country (Australia) for a week next week and want to try them out in store. What are your tips for testing phone sin stores to get an idea if you like them or not? [more inside]
posted by Admira at 12:36 AM PST - 3 comments

January 14

Be my freelancing cheerleader. I'm broke and paralyzed by anxiety.

I was laid off from my video production job about a year and a half ago. I wasn't too sad to see it go because I really wanted to freelance. I wasn't getting paid enough in that job to have savings, but I had unemployment for a few months, and figured that could see me through bulking up my portfolio and getting some clients. I did find some regular work and have built up good relationships that I hope turn into more, but in the mean time, I am so broke. I volunteer with several organizations and go to events, so I keep telling myself that if I just hold on a little longer, it'll get better. But when I sit down to work on marketing or personal projects that show off what I can do, I freeze up with anxiety. [more inside]
posted by ohisee at 11:19 PM PST - 7 comments

Health insurance options for entrepreneurs?

Where can I find affordable health insurance? I'm on COBRA since striking it out on my own, but currently have not started making revenue, and am worried about options once that runs out. My current high deductible plan from UHC costs ~$213/mo ($2700 deductible) and includes EyeMed vision and dental (additional $35). I know I won't find anything this good post-COBRA but hoping there's something close? I know that since ACA has started that individuals can buy insurance off exchanges (I am in NYC, so will be more expensive, I know..). Will definitely be checking that out. Freelancer's Medical has come up in my searches. I don't think that entrepreneurs (who are not freelancers getting 1099s) qualify for Freelancer's, but checking with them. Not sure we qualify for HealthyNY for small business (individual option has been terminated post-ACA), since we are an LLC but I am the only full-time partner (the rest have day jobs). Are there other options I'm not aware of? Thanks for any help!
posted by vlotty at 10:43 PM PST - 5 comments

Help me get a tall custom bed frame

I'm living in a tiny space. It's about the size of an RV. I'm looking for a queen-size bed frame I can put my dog's 33" tall crate under. I'd like a platform-style frame with no safety rails. I think the legs will need extra bracing, but I'd like to keep two sides open for storage. Basically, I'm looking for this without the headboard. Should I build it myself? Pay a lot and wait for months for a pre-made one? Design it myself and have someone else build it? Have someone else design and build it? [more inside]
posted by manduca at 9:50 PM PST - 8 comments

How do I decide if I want us to have a baby?

I'm having a difficult time deciding whether I want my wife and I to get pregnant. She is very into it, but I have mixed feelings. How do I decide if I'm ready? [more inside]
posted by jsharke at 9:40 PM PST - 61 comments

How to deal with a breakup when your girlfriend leaves you?

How to deal with a break up when your girlfriend breaks up after 9 months? [more inside]
posted by Parh6512 at 9:27 PM PST - 11 comments

Help me get pretty, without feeling ugly!

I want to learn how to apply makeup. For fun, for the art of it, and so that I will have the ability to enhance my natural beauty when I choose to. But I'm a little worried that I'll end up feeling like I should wear makeup all the time. I'm also worried that I'll end up feeling ugly instead of beautiful - that I'll be taught to closely examine my face for all sorts of "flaws" that I never saw before and won't be able to unsee. I want to feel pretty, not the opposite! Do you have any suggestions for a "how to apply makeup" website/tutorial/resource that is fairly positive, down-to-earth, and not hypercritical? Any related advice?
posted by fullerenedream at 9:19 PM PST - 13 comments

Data & Operations: What is this job & how do I learn to do it?

My job is the suck, but has introduced me to a new itch to scratch. I am growing interested in streamlining processes, unifying data systems, automating tasks, and whipping everything into shape so accurate analysis can happen. I want to use software/data management to help us become more efficient. Who sets this stuff up? What is this job called? I don't have any experience in this, what skills do I need and how can I learn them? [more inside]
posted by mannermode at 9:08 PM PST - 6 comments

Help Me Counter a Prank

I have to give a presentation to about 15 new hires tomorrow sometime around 10am. The start time is always variable by about 15 mins. I do this all the time and it is quite a fun presentation. The orientation at my company is super goofy and fun and the person coordinating it is totally down for some fun. So much so that my coworker Kim has pulled HR into a ongoing prank war that Kim and I are in. I have no idea what Kim is going to pull but something is going to go down. She already roped in every single one of them to come find me and make me do ridiculous things as part of the scavenger hunt. I need a way to get all these people involved and turn it into complete laughter, embarrassment, and glee for everyone. [more inside]
posted by jasondigitized at 8:52 PM PST - 7 comments

Help Me Get This Awesome Entry-Level Marketing Job!

I know I'd be an excellent fit and have similar experience to the job listing. I've worked for the experiential marketing company through which they're recruiting for and I did really well on my first program, earning two top incentives and a really good starting reputation with the company. Can you help me get this position by taking a look at my relevant experience and helping me frame it in an appealing, successful way? Can you give me tips on how to stand out from the thousands of applicants? Is anything about the way I've written my experience confusing/bland (other than the intentional vague-ening of the details, of course)? Please help me! Thanks so much. [more inside]
posted by rhythm_queen at 8:23 PM PST - 9 comments

Looking for an iPhone timer alarm app with snooze

I'm looking for an iPhone alarm app that will wake me up a specific amount of time after I enable it (8 hours in my case) and has a snooze function. The timer function of iOS is not suitable (no snooze). The alarm clocks apps I have tried are not suitable as they require you to choose a time (e.g. 8am) not a duration (e.g. 8 hours), and those that do display the duration (e.g. Rise), don't display it until you enable the alarm. [more inside]
posted by caek at 7:43 PM PST - 14 comments

What snowblower do I want?

Current snowblower appears to be dead. Looking for a recommendation for a replacement, probably single-stage, at a reasonable price. Machine will be used to clear paved surfaces (sidewalk plus driveway) for a Minnesota home. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by caution live frogs at 7:37 PM PST - 5 comments

Recommendations for books/programs that weigh social issues

I like books that take divisive issues and present both sides of the argument. For example, "Social Ethics: Morality and Social Policy," and the debates hosted by NPR's Intelligence Squared U.S. (link). Can you recommend other books or audio like this?
posted by saperlipopette at 7:19 PM PST - 6 comments

Chile and Argentina Travel Help

Help us plan a last-minute trip to South America. [more inside]
posted by hamandcheese at 7:11 PM PST - 7 comments

Should I send a thank you note via snail mail after a first interview?

I had a first interview for a job today. Before I left, they said they wanted me to come back next week for a second interview (yay!). I sent a thank you email when I got home after the interview. I'm usually in the habit of sending a snail mail note after a first interview (it has secured a second interview in the past) but with a second interview already planned should I send the snail mail note this time around? Or save that for after the second interview? Thanks in advance for your advice.
posted by macadamiaranch at 6:32 PM PST - 17 comments

Help me introduce my 72 year old mother to the Internet

I bought my Mom a computer for Christmas and I'm heading down to see her this weekend to orient her to the online world. [more inside]
posted by jason's_planet at 6:30 PM PST - 19 comments

Looking for Data Center headphones

I work in a data center, and when amongst the racks the noise is pretty tremendous - gotta lean in towards the person you're talking to just to hear them, ear plugs are a must for any long-term work if you don't have other coverage. So I'm looking for good headphones in the 100-150 dollar range that have either active or very effective passive noise cancellation/reduction. The restriction - no earbuds, I hate 'em. Over-ear cans are the way to go. The Sennheiser 280 is a classic standby, but I can't find any specifics on how much white-noise type sound they block. The 429/439s look pretty swank as well, but once again, can't find any details beyond nebulous claims of 'sound isolation'. Anyone in a similar noise environment have recommendations?
posted by FatherDagon at 5:34 PM PST - 12 comments

Help me decide where to go on vacation.

I need advice on how to best plan my international vacation. Package deal or self made? Eastern Europe, Africa or Middle East? Someplace safe and easy to find my way around. [more inside]
posted by triggerfinger at 5:31 PM PST - 18 comments

boy goes on an adventure disguised as a girl

Are there adventure stories where a boy feels chafed by his gender roles and must disguise himself as a girl to be able to go on an adventure? like Alanna. I enjoy gender bending fiction but don't remember any books like this.
posted by bleary at 5:10 PM PST - 28 comments

Comfy comfy bootsies

I want to feel like I'm walking on clouds. What boot is best? Cheaper but high quality is better. [more inside]
posted by ribboncake at 4:49 PM PST - 13 comments

My friend's Facebook page is super-popular. Now what?

So, here's the deal. I have this friend who has been pretty active on Facebook. She talks about being a mother and a recovering alcoholic. She is really funny, and her page has become pretty popular -- people she doesn't even know will tell their friends about the page and tell them to "like" it just for the humor. I'm a communications professional, so she came to me asking, basically -- how does she take the next step? How does she go from this Facebook page, which a lot of people seem to like, to a blog that people will actually go out of their way to visit? [more inside]
posted by Alaska Jack at 4:23 PM PST - 13 comments

Help me understand how to deal with a guy I had a crush on at work

Help me understand how to deal with a guy I had a crush on at work [more inside]
posted by iamsuper at 4:21 PM PST - 14 comments

Commercial building's elevator restricts access to lobby. Crazy right?

I work in a 6-story office building. Outside of normal hours, you can get on the elevator in an upper floor, but it won't let you out in the lobby (requires keycard). You can take the stairs down all the floors to the lobby. I have been told that this is a building requirement that cannot be changed. But I'm perplexed by the logic. If I'm already on an upper floor, I am in a more-secure area than the lobby. Shouldn't I be able to access the lobby freely? Especially since I can access the lobby freely from the stairs.
posted by reeddavid at 4:07 PM PST - 16 comments

What to include in a training on maths for business people?

I've been asked at work to come up with a list of topics that could be included in a training course around basic maths for business people, and I am finding it hard to find suggestions for topics. [more inside]
posted by StephenF at 3:56 PM PST - 12 comments

Don't Span Me, Bro

My work computer adds an html tag that I don't want it to add. It happens only on my work computer when I am adding content to a website via a CMS. The text area that I am typing in is - in theory - not supposed to do anything except add plain text. This doesn't happen when I use other computers, just my primary work computer. The tag it adds is: span style="font-size: 14px It is driving me crazy. Any ideas how to stop this span-ness?
posted by davidmsc at 3:50 PM PST - 14 comments

Service Dogs: How do you find the right match?

Several months ago, after thorough discussions with my doctor, I was given a "prescription" for a psychiatric service dog. I'm excited. I love animals and have been wanting a dog for most of my adult life. I've read the books. Watched the documentaries. Questioned dog-owning friends to death. And even did a 4 year stint as a Pet Nutritionist for a large, holistic pet food manufacturer. I like to think I'm dog-savvy. Nonetheless, I'm overwhelmed with information and can't seem to make any progress. [more inside]
posted by stubbehtail at 3:20 PM PST - 27 comments

Growing tulips from bulbs indoors in winter?

So I ordered some tulip bulbs which I was planning on planting before the ground froze (U.S. zone 5b) but it got backordered and I forgot about it. Then they arrived a month ago and I put them away and forgot about them again. Now they look like this and this. So. I'm wondering if I can or should grow them indoors or put them somewhere cold until next Fall? As you can see they've started to "sprout" and after reading a bit about "forcing" bulbs, I wonder if they've already reached a point where I need to do something with them.
posted by gwint at 3:02 PM PST - 5 comments

Please help me find a decent router. LinkSys and Comcast is a nightmare.

Hi everyone, For the past 5 years I've used LinkSys BEFSR41 (version 4) router and generally haven't had too many issues but for the past 6 months its been pretty hellish as I have intermittent dropped connection and LinkSys says that this model is no longer supported and has no active firmware upgrades. My household has 3 computers hard-wired and connect at all times. One of them is hooked up to online tv streaming so you could say the internet is always 'on' here. [more inside]
posted by bostonhill at 2:49 PM PST - 13 comments

More shows like Downton Abbey and Wives & Daughters?

So sue me, I've taken a liking to period dramas like Downton Abbey and Wives & Daughters. Can you help me find more shows like this? More specific likes/dislikes.... [more inside]
posted by ancient star at 2:23 PM PST - 54 comments

What to do during our 3rd trip to Key West

My boyfriend and I are going to Key West for the 3rd year in a row. I'm psyched, but since we've already been there twice somewhat recently, I wondering just how we'll fill our time. [more inside]
posted by Shadow Boxer at 2:02 PM PST - 10 comments

Career counselor in the Seattle area?

I'm looking for a career counselor in the Seattle area, one with experience helping women returning to the workforce. I want someone to help me long-term with moving into a career I can love, probably at a nonprofit. Recommendations?
posted by The corpse in the library at 1:48 PM PST - 3 comments

Save my deleted files from a Stora NAS XFS drive!

Hello! I stupidly "deleted" some files from my Netgear Stora NAS drive, in XFS format. I can mount the hard drive, but what's the best (and/or cheapest!) undelete software for dealing with XFS-formatted drives? [more inside]
posted by almostwitty at 1:46 PM PST - 2 comments

RunFilter: Something like BikeForums.net, but for running?

I'm getting back into running for fun and fitness after a couple of decades of not running. The last time I was running seriously, the WWW had just been invented and Usenet's rec.running was the place to go. Can you recommend your favorite online community for runners--the kind of place to exchange route ideas, gear reviews, and training tips? I'm an occasional participant at BikeForums.net, which offers all that for cycling, and I'd like to find something similar for runners.
posted by brianogilvie at 1:33 PM PST - 8 comments

Winter enjoyment tips for germophobes

Every year I dread cold weather, mostly for norovirus-related reasons. Especially since it seems media reports about norovirus outbreaks, flu deaths, etc. have increased over the last few years. It's all I can do to go to work and social events during the week (barely--I probably won't eat food prepared in a strange kitchen or where I notice a lack of handwashing). You could not pay me to get on an airplane or visit a nursing home this time of year. Lately all I want to do is burrow into my apartment with herbal tea and bleach wipes, but life demands that I go to parties, spend time in public, etc. [more inside]
posted by magdalemon at 1:27 PM PST - 39 comments

Open domains and business names for a mailing service?

I want to start a service that will put real letters into the mail via a website. I kind of prefer a meaningless name that is simple, unambiguous to spell, and memorable that would grow with the site, if it began to branch out into different areas. And of course, the domain should be open. Any ideas? [more inside]
posted by jsturgill at 1:13 PM PST - 14 comments

Yinzer Gifts!

I need some gifts for my best friend that scream "Pittsburgh!". [more inside]
posted by tryniti at 1:13 PM PST - 21 comments

Can I sublease my NY apartment while I'm gone for 1-2 years?

Our apartment in New York is rent stabilized and we love the neighborhood it's in. I was very, very lucky to find this place back back when I was single. But in April we are moving to London temporarily (maybe for two years?) because of a job my wife has taken. The dream scenario is that we could leave our furniture, find someone we trust to sublease to, and have the option to come back in two years. Or if things go terribly in London we could come back earlier. But there's a complicating factor and I don't even know if the rules would allow us to sublease for very long. Details below. [more inside]
posted by theory at 1:07 PM PST - 8 comments

What's a better alternative than GarageBand for iPad composing/recording

I like to compose songs on my iPad. I lay down tracks with various virtual instruments on GarageBand for iPad and then I sing over those tracks. But I am looking to go beyond Garageband for iPad now... [more inside]
posted by DMelanogaster at 12:12 PM PST - 13 comments

Is it unhealthy to have cream for breakfast?

Basically, that's it. Sometimes I don't have time to eat breakfast, so I drink some 10% cream to tide me over. It's got some fat and protein making it relatively filling, and way less sugar than meal replacement drinks or fruit smoothies or juice. But when people see me do it, they freak out about how unhealthy it is. Is it really? [more inside]
posted by windykites at 11:47 AM PST - 49 comments

So I Kickstarted my idea…do I need to defend it?

I ran a Kickstarter last month to develop a language learning app. It ended up getting a lot of media attention and doing really well. I'm a few days into setting up the business side of things, as I prepare to actually *receive* the Kickstarter funds, and I'm wondering whether I have any protections from a bigger company coming in, using my ideas and making their own competitor products. [more inside]
posted by sdis at 11:28 AM PST - 8 comments

Swish! Swish! Stupid Sexy Flanders!

I get to go skiing for the first time ever. Yay! So excited! We'll be driving up to Squaw Valley Superbowl weekend and I have no idea what to expect. Specific questions inside, but all amounts of questions I don't even know to ask exist, so all advice on how to make my ski trip awesome welcome! [more inside]
posted by dame at 11:06 AM PST - 32 comments

Women in drone

Simple really: Can you please recommend drone music made by women?
posted by edgeways at 11:04 AM PST - 23 comments

Help Me Find Pop Songs with Gypsy, Jewish, or Eastern European flavor

While reading in a coffee shop (ok, so it was a Starbucks) I was introduced to Leonard Cohen's song Dance to the End of Love. I've been obsessing about it ever since. It's plangent melody, which sounds like something Eastern European or Jewish in melody, is wonderfully endearing and catchy. I've also heard Mary Hopkins' song "Those Were the Days" which is based of an old-Gypsy song Dorogoi dlinnoyu (("Дорогой длинною"). I'm looking for other pop songs that trade on Gypsy or Eastern European melodies and motifs. They need not be American songs , or even have lyrics related to rustic surroundings (Cohen's song, for instance, doesn't) but they should have that same melodic sensibility. I don't have a technical knowledge of music but most of us can atleast sort of agree what songs sound "eastern europeanish" or Gypsy-ish or Jewish (see Dve Giatari for example or Tumabalalaika for a Jewish example) They need not be American songs as well. Anything really will do.
posted by RapcityinBlue at 11:03 AM PST - 35 comments

Where should we move?

Mrs. Inamonkeysuit and I like our current situation, but the circumstances are changing and we have decided that we will be moving later in 2014. [more inside]
posted by Guy_Inamonkeysuit at 10:51 AM PST - 28 comments

West-ward ho?

My partner and I are considering a move to Seattle from NYC and taking a brief trip there (arriving Saturday and leaving Tuesday) to discern how we'd like it. I've only been to Seattle once, years ago for just a few days. I'm rather attached to New York living, but want to keep an open mind. Any advice on how to most efficiently ascertain how we'd like living there? Sights to see? Factors to consider? [more inside]
posted by reren at 10:48 AM PST - 35 comments

Looking for video games with polearm combat

What are some good video games that feature polearms as usable weapons? [more inside]
posted by prize bull octorok at 10:42 AM PST - 16 comments

Should I roll the dice on HTC?

What are the risks of buying an HTC One? [more inside]
posted by pdb at 10:36 AM PST - 13 comments

Did you think I was cheating on you?

I work in a restaurant a few times a month (I also have a full-time professional job that does not cause me nearly as much angst as this does). Last week, I accidentally left my phone there. During the maybe 45 minutes that the phone was there without me, the owners of the restaurant decided to go through my texts. [more inside]
posted by ap_classic at 10:22 AM PST - 41 comments

Help me find a gift for my awesome friend?

Help me find a gift for my awesome friend? Difficulty: she and her husband and 2 year old son are moving across the country to Seattle in a week. [more inside]
posted by hungrybruno at 9:56 AM PST - 12 comments

What is this shape?

Does this shape have a name? I'm trying to come up with a googleable search term so I can find other items with this same shape.
posted by gladly at 9:50 AM PST - 6 comments

Plus Size Travel Jacket - How can I look stylish and keep warm?

I'm lusting after this jacket, but it's not available in the size I need. I wear women's plus size 22 or 2x. Is there another jacket you know of that would work for April in San Francisco? [more inside]
posted by Coffeemate at 9:25 AM PST - 8 comments

Fun niche catalogs in PDF for perusing on iPad

Sort of riffing on my earlier question regarding Amazon's dark corners of industrial and scientific equipment--I'm hoping you can hook me up with fun niche catalogs in PDF format for browsing on my iPad. [more inside]
posted by Admiral Haddock at 8:32 AM PST - 12 comments

Help me make date #2 less platonic

Met a girl for a first date, liked her a lot, am asking her on a second date. I don't know how to cross the boundary between platonic chitchat and flirting/kissing/etc. Help. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:00 AM PST - 34 comments

What's This Short Story, Part I?

I once read a short story about a kid in New York. I was exposed to it in one of my college courses on the short story form, so it wasn't something I randomly stumbled upon. It was the sort of story that would probably be taught to neophytes studying the form. I can't recall if it was in our Norton anthology (don't think so; I've checked through anthologies from that era) or a copy packet. The bare facts: Brooklyn kid, I think; lived in a Brownstone; at the age when it was time to make a decision about college or work; listened to a Giants (baseball) game on the radio; lazed about in his room thinking; went for a walk (maybe at night?) because he had a big decision to make; feels to me now like the sort of thing that would have been written in the 40s or 50s. I've been wanting to reread this story for 15 years. Finally got around to writing this out and seeking the assistance of Ask Metafilter. Can anyone help?
posted by samizdat at 7:58 AM PST - 5 comments

Usenet author posting in justified paragraphs?

Does anyone know the name/email address of a guy who used to post to Usenet in the mid-1990s in justified text? (When rendered in a monospaced font.) [more inside]
posted by mstillwell at 7:56 AM PST - 10 comments

Financial planning for somewhere...?

I graduated college last year. I know I should be at least thinking about saving and 401ks and things like that but I moved countries, started grad school and I don't know where I'll be living in three years let alone thirty. How do I do financial planning? [more inside]
posted by raeka at 6:40 AM PST - 8 comments

Find me bundles of fun!

There is HumbleBundle, BundleStars, and many other sites that sell a bundle of cheap indie / mainstream pc games. I just discovered BundleofHolding for RPG tabletop games. What other fantastic bundle sites do you know of? [more inside]
posted by bleucube at 6:39 AM PST - 7 comments

Mailing address for the Al Basrah Central Library in Iraq

I am looking for the mailing address for the Al Basrah Central Library in Iraq. [more inside]
posted by aetg at 6:38 AM PST - 4 comments

Is our lawyer incompetent? Is it even worth changing lawyers now?

We think our lawyer, who has been working our case for over two years, may be incompetent, but we find it hard to determine for sure. He seems very compliant in regard to the other side, while being subject to brush-offs and delaying tactics from the other side. Even if he is incompetent, we're not sure what's involved in changing lawyers. Perhaps you can shed some light on this. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:43 AM PST - 12 comments

Tight deadline for accepting an offer (waiting to hear from another)

Company A has an offer for me, and will be calling this Friday for an answer. Interviewed with Company B today, seemed to have gone well, explained to interviewer my situation, interviewer promised to give me an answer Friday as well. Now I'm worried Company A will get to me before Company B does, and I risk taking up on their offer without hearing from B first. What do I do? (More potentially game-changing details inside) [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:41 AM PST - 16 comments

Geography Books for a 9 Year Old

I'm looking for geography books for my 9 year old son. He's into looking at maps, especially historical maps of countries that no longer exist or ancient civilizations (although that's not a requirement). History and cultural information is good too. [more inside]
posted by ShooBoo at 5:23 AM PST - 12 comments

How do I get a boyfriend?

How do people go from crushes to more? [more inside]
posted by dinosaurprincess at 4:56 AM PST - 24 comments

January 13

My new place has sheer blinds. Seems weird?

I just moved into my new place I'm renting - a beautiful loft, part of a nice, quiet-seeming community generally composed of 30-somethings, with huge, 10" windows along the outside-facing wall of a 20" ceiling place. Everything is great except for one thing. I didn't realize it when I checked out the place, but it turns out those huge windows have sheer blinds on them. [more inside]
posted by naju at 10:49 PM PST - 34 comments

Tips for mattress shopping?

My boyfriend and I are going mattress shopping. Right now he has a regular coil mattress with a pillow top, but it's too small for us and also has an indentation in the middle of it from years of him sleeping in the middle. So we're looking for a king-sized and something that's less "sinky." [more inside]
posted by madonna of the unloved at 9:25 PM PST - 24 comments

What's that, Aunt Ocherdraco? Why, nephew, it's a Phee!

My not quite two year old nephew is fascinated by lights. He calls them phee, which is adorable. I discovered today that he is so fascinated with them that he enjoyed watching me, via webcam, blink on and off the plain white led on my phone. I have a feeling that if I were to amass a small arsenal of brightly colored, differently blinking—dare I say it?—color-changing and/or blink-speed-coordinating lights, I would be favorite auntie for at least fifteen minutes at a go. (Which is a long time for a toddler!) My requirements within. [more inside]
posted by ocherdraco at 9:16 PM PST - 19 comments

disassemble Eureka Airspeed ONE Reach vacuum

I just got a vacuum cleaner and I hate it. I plan to return but now I can't take it apart to get it back in the box. Has anyone had a Eureka Airspeed ONE Reach? Any ideas? There must be a way, but I can't figure out how. [more inside]
posted by the twistinside at 8:19 PM PST - 4 comments

Any great nonfiction books on the history of tea and its global trade?

I'm interested in tea and its history, especially its role in global trade and conflict. Are there any great nonfiction books that cover the subject without focusing exclusively on a certain time period or location? [more inside]
posted by cowbellemoo at 7:55 PM PST - 11 comments

Teach yourself machine learning in 24 hours?

I've recently become interested in machine learning and want to know some good resources for a beginner! [more inside]
posted by deathpanels at 7:22 PM PST - 6 comments

Since I can't take it with me, help me organize my inventory.

Ms Jabo and I would like certain items go to certain folks (or sides of the family) if we were to pass away. I'm looking for ideas to inventory our possessions using photos and descriptions that will help our executor to find and distribute it. [more inside]
posted by jabo at 7:14 PM PST - 11 comments

Practical career advice needed.

After a depressive episode and changing my major a million times, I'm finally reaching out for help in figuring out what to do for the rest of my life. [more inside]
posted by squirtle at 7:09 PM PST - 19 comments

Trying to decide which kind of Copper IUD: Liberte or Nova?

I'm in Ontario, and my doctor wrote a note for my prescription which basically says "Copper IUD" on it, which means I get to decide which IUD to get of the kinds available here: the NOVA T ($200) or the Liberte ($80). [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:59 PM PST - 3 comments

Time to buy a house!

I have a newly good income, a very tiny (yes, I mean very tiny) beginning of a savings account, shitty credit, a little (in the hundreds) debt and I want to buy a house. What should I do? [more inside]
posted by latkes at 6:57 PM PST - 10 comments

Not to be negative, but.

I'm interviewing for a job that is the exact same job as my current job but at a different location with a different boss. So it will be instantly clear that the reason I want to make the change is unhappiness (which is true), and the red problem flags will be up from the start. How can I answer the forthcoming "why do you want to leave" question with grace? [more inside]
posted by houndsoflove at 6:48 PM PST - 16 comments

Exorcise the volume control on my possessed iPhone 4S!

My iPhone 4S keeps turning the volume down on itself. How can I fix this? [more inside]
posted by synecdoche at 6:32 PM PST - 6 comments

Can I stretch out my light bulb?

I have a candelabra chandelier (E12) and I want to use LED bulbs in them. The problem is, the bases of the bulbs are so wide that they bottom out in the socket before the bulb's end pin can make contact with the bottom of the socket. The socket does not have a tab I can pull out, and the chandelier is made in a way that replacing the sockets does not seem very accessible. I have encountered this with two different brands of light bulbs, and looking around, it seems that it is a common problem with LED lights. So, I want to stretch out my light bulbs. [more inside]
posted by jsmith77 at 5:27 PM PST - 14 comments

Digital scrapbooking software suggestions.

Need help selecting good scrapbooking software to create a photo book. [more inside]
posted by BozoBurgerBonanza at 5:19 PM PST - 5 comments

Don't even think about ordering a lobstah roll

Is pronouncing "lobster" like "lopster" common? If so, is it associated with a particular region/group? [more inside]
posted by Diagonalize at 3:49 PM PST - 41 comments

From design to health insurance specialist: transfer credit/ how to?

Design degrees from Europe, 6 years experience as retail planner/analyst : want to move to health care specialist/analyst. [more inside]
posted by kirikara at 3:31 PM PST - 3 comments

Help me organize this non-profit startup!

I am the new admin for a statewide non-profit startup. I need help figuring out the best tools to use for: project management, grant management, community engagement, and database management. The more integrated the systems, the better. Cloud-based is a must. And, of course, the cheaper the better. [more inside]
posted by frizz at 3:16 PM PST - 9 comments

Help me name my new boat.

Continuing the long tradition of getting AskMe to help name things, I have a boat that needs naming. [more inside]
posted by tylerkaraszewski at 2:57 PM PST - 62 comments

Newbie Needs Resources on Pregnancy, Childbirth, Parenting, etc.

I am a pregnant for the first time, and looking for resources (primarily web, but not limited to it) on pregnancy, birth, and early parenthood. This shouldn't be so hard, right? But I really want blogs, Tumblrs, Twitters, websites, etc. that are funny or snarky or absurd, as well as smart, feminist/liberal, crunchy, scientific, and welcoming of a variety of backgrounds/lifestyles. (Maybe not all at once, but I'll take what I can get.) I'm coming up short. Help? [more inside]
posted by aabbbiee at 2:43 PM PST - 34 comments

How to choose a school district

We're planning to buy our first house this summer and the neighborhoods we're interested in so far seem to have pretty different school systems in terms of test scores/sizes/demographics/everything externally obvious. I know nothing about education and am trying to figure out how best to evaluate these schools against each other. [more inside]
posted by gerstle at 2:31 PM PST - 14 comments

Terrarium Supplies

Can anyone recommend a good place to buy terrarium supplies (glass dish, sand/gravel, plants)? Ideally, I want an open, cylindrical dish about 10" wide and 3" tall. [more inside]
posted by pompelmo at 2:26 PM PST - 8 comments

Sex-positive resources for a 40-something feminist woman?

I'm looking for recommendations for forums, blogs, Tumblrs, whatever that focus on sex-positive content, specifically spaces that are welcoming to feminist women. [more inside]
posted by misha at 2:00 PM PST - 9 comments

Need to find a bank with amazing online security

I need to find a bank with absolutely amazing online security. Two-factor authentication is a good place to start. Bonus points for stability and good interest rates. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:43 PM PST - 19 comments

Fascinating, geeky single-topic web sites from the 90s/early 00s?

I was thinking back to high school, when I spent hours browsing archives such as the Jargon File, the d20 SRD, and bash.org. Of course, these are just scratching the surface - I read pages and pages of D+D files, funny anecdotes, and interesting stories on personal sites. I miss the magic of diving into a site like that - any recommendations?
posted by LSK at 1:21 PM PST - 12 comments

Best slimmifying, smoothing non-silicone hair products?

A few years ago I stopped using sulphate shampoo, which also meant all my favorite leave-in styling products (with silicone) had to go. I still haven't found anything to replace them. I have thick, shoulder length hair and after it is dry, I like to put something in to smooth it out and tame it down some. Any suggestions?
posted by nanook at 12:57 PM PST - 26 comments

What songs reference events in U.S. History?

Please help me create a comprehensive list of songs that reference events in U.S. History! I teach high school U.S. History courses, and each day between classes I try to play a song that references what we'll be studying that day - students try to guess who the song is by and how it relates to what we're studying as they come into class. [more inside]
posted by leitmotif at 12:56 PM PST - 107 comments

What else can I make in an oven/broiler safe French onion soup crock?

What else can I make in an oven/broiler safe French onion soup crock (pretty much exactly like this one)? [more inside]
posted by Knicke at 12:17 PM PST - 18 comments

Explain zoom lens specs please?

Can someone explain these two types of zoom lens specs? [more inside]
posted by Cosine at 12:15 PM PST - 24 comments

What wine is the same as "Mommy Juice" white?

A friend's wife enjoyed some Mommy Juice white wine. But when he went back to the liquor store where he bought it, they were out. Does anyone know what ordinarily-available brand might be the same or similar (here in Rhode Island)? [more inside]
posted by wenestvedt at 12:10 PM PST - 13 comments

More attractive alternative to zip ties?

Is there a better looking alternative to zip ties? We have something that we would like to secure in place, and zip ties would work nicely. However, we would like a better looking option, if possible. Is there anything that is functionally equivalent, looks not-too-bad, and can ideally be bought at Home Depot?
posted by SpacemanStix at 11:48 AM PST - 20 comments

Am I making a mistake by going down this freelance route?

I'm 25. I studied design in school and realized I don't want to practice it and I don't fit in to typical office environments. I started freelancing and I'm thrilled by the amount of freedom it offers but I'm also worried about how sustainable this lifestyle is. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:37 AM PST - 12 comments

Is there a word for someone who is more than a layman but not an expert?

What words or short phrases describe someone who is a fair bit more knowledgeable about some field than the general public, but is well short of being an expert or full professional? Ideally I'm looking for words that fit the idea that such people are often better communicators, teachers and helpers to laypeople in common situations than many true experts would be.
posted by philipy at 11:23 AM PST - 41 comments

Vive la France! yes!! Vivre en France? well.... maybe California instead

Looking for advice on cost of living in France (South of Paris, Nice or Toulouse area). Partner and I would be making €120 to €140,000 combined household, before taxes. Another option is California where we could make way more money (at least $200-$220k combined, and less taxes). What is the cost of living in California (Irvine or San Diego) as a comparison? Is it expensive to have kids in the US? [more inside]
posted by St. Peepsburg at 11:05 AM PST - 21 comments

Where to find huge flour tortillas in Brooklyn

Recommend me a specific place to buy huge (12"+) flour tortillas in Brooklyn [more inside]
posted by saladin at 11:03 AM PST - 1 comment

Hello, Betrayal, your name is babymama (Tax Edition)

Almost 50/50 custody, and after a year of agreeing that we'd split the child tax credit, all of a sudden she announces that since she's pregnant with her new man's child, she's keeping all of it. Snowflake details inside - get ready for indigence. [more inside]
posted by assasinatdbeauty at 11:03 AM PST - 41 comments

How can I turn this into an online questionnaire or survey?

I have an excel spreadsheet with a list of songs used by a church. I want to distribute the list online an ask people to indicate whether they like or dislike a song or whether it is unfamiliar. It seems like this should be easy to do, but I can't figure it out. [more inside]
posted by imposster at 10:39 AM PST - 9 comments

Remote Web Testing in China

I need to do some Windows 7 testing in China. Problem: I am not presently in China. Please hope me. [more inside]
posted by Doleful Creature at 10:29 AM PST - 1 comment

Oh lenseeesss, I looooovveeee yooouuuuuu

Are contact lens lifetimes based on time worn or time since opening the packet? I wear soft toric two-week lenses twice a week for sport, for about two hours each time. Since the lenses are rated for two weeks, that means four uses per lens, even though they could theoretically be worn eight hours a day, every day. Naturally, I'd like to wear the lenses for longer *cough cough* and sometimes do *cough cough*, since this seems rather wasteful and they work perfectly well after the two weeks are up. Is the lifetime based on how long they've been open or on how long they've been worn? If the latter, does it sound sensible to wear them a while longer? [more inside]
posted by katrielalex at 10:25 AM PST - 17 comments

Learn me Java

What are some analogous technologies in the Java world, compared to the MS stack? [more inside]
posted by j_curiouser at 10:18 AM PST - 2 comments

Recommendation for a couples/family therapist in Chicago?

I am in a near west suburb of Chicago and I need a couples/family therapist. I am currently experiencing a conflict with my 2nd husband and 21 yr old live in son, that I can't seem to negotiate or resolve. I'd like to go to a couples/family therapist who is quick and solution-oriented; my preference is female, but gender really doesn't matter. The problem is essentially my husband is shunning my son because he doesn't like him. My son is depressed and has adhd but there are no other major issues. The main problem is the perception of my husband that my son is not contributing sufficiently to chores, and my son isn't super friendly. I agree with some of his assertions but would like my husband to help resolve the situation with something other than shunning, which to me is really hurtful and non-productive. I need an objective perspective and some ways to improve the situation through better communication or whatever else. I am not really familiar with therapy so have no idea where to turn, but I'd like something that's relatively quick. Thanks in advance.
posted by anonymous at 9:44 AM PST - 6 comments

How much can where I work affect where I can work in future?

I have an opportunity to take a job at a tobacco company. Will having experience at such a company put off future employers? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:43 AM PST - 9 comments

HD Streams and Lombardi Dreams

How does the Super Bowl work on the NFL Gamepass streaming service? [more inside]
posted by joelhunt at 9:16 AM PST - 4 comments

I didn't know Google Image Search paid that well!

A friend is looking at college programs to pitch to their kid and they are of a practical bent, so looking for things with good placement rates, etc. Apparently, Geographic Information Systems has a 100% placement rate, which sounds like a good fit, but they (and I) know nothing about it. Is there a site with a good overview of the day to day work (I've read a couple but it's like "They do stuff with maps and use programs to do things with maps," which answers the question but isn't quite helpful), what it actually involves, what skills are good to have, where these jobs are located, etc.? It's a field I know nothing about and the stuff I've found Googling has been either vague enough that it doesn't help or so incredibly specific I have no idea what it's talking about. I did look here but everything dated to 2010 or so.
posted by Ghostride The Whip at 8:58 AM PST - 18 comments

Teach my husband to declutter

Is there a website that explains the concept of throwing things out? I'm looking for a "for dummies" overview that he can skim, not a whole overwhelming system of obligation like FlyLady. [more inside]
posted by heatherfl at 8:49 AM PST - 62 comments

How to ask for a playdate without putting the other parent on the spot?

How do I ask the parents for a playdate without putting them on the spot? Also, is it creepy to suggest that we are happy to have the parents just drop their kids off for a couple hours? [more inside]
posted by rada at 8:45 AM PST - 15 comments

Alert me, please!

I (well, actually Mrs. jferg) have a website that I need to log into on a regular basis (form-based authentication), check a given page for updates, and possibly perform an action if that update meets certain criteria. The website does not feature a push-type notification (no e-mail, text messaging, or anything else), and I am just a consumer of the site. I would like to have the checking of the site happen in an automated manner (every 10 minutes or something), and send an alert to a mobile device (ideally iPhone, but Android is a possibility). For bonus points this alert could be able to be responded to to trigger the monitor to take appropriate action, but that's a pony feature. What tools are there out there to do this? [more inside]
posted by jferg at 8:39 AM PST - 6 comments

Midlife crisis: Suggestions for a career path out of media?

I'm nearly 40 years old and by some measures, successful. I graduated from a top university and have been employed by major companies for nearly 20 years of my professional life. I've grown increasingly dissatisfied with my chosen career though, and I was hoping some of the wise minds here could give me some advice. Details follow. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:39 AM PST - 6 comments

I feel like I am emotionally constipated around the people I love most

Whenever I see one of my close friends or family members, as soon as we part company I kick myself for not being more demonstrative of my love and appreciation of them. Am I Doing It Wrong, or is this a cognitive problem? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:39 AM PST - 6 comments

Kitchen appliance anxiety

It's time for another big grown-up milestone: new kitchen appliances. And I'm paralyzed by the thought of making the wrong decisions. [more inside]
posted by JoanArkham at 8:13 AM PST - 33 comments

Identify Black Loose-Leaf Chinese Tea

Can someone help me identify this bag of Chinese tea? It was gifted to me and I know nothing about it. It's a wonderful tea and would very much like to buy more. If you know your teas please feel free to recommend another assuming you are familiar with the taste and other attributes of this particular black tea. Photo 1. Photo 2.
posted by uncleGarage at 7:43 AM PST - 10 comments

What patent searches can I do before talking to an attorney

I have an interesting idea. I suspect somebody has had this idea before. Beyond simply googling the product to see if it exists, what kind of research can/should a lay person do on their own before approaching a patent attorney?
posted by willnot at 7:36 AM PST - 6 comments

Cuarón Esperanto

Please help: What did Alfonso Cuarón say at the very end of his Golden Globe acceptance speech, right after thanking his girlfriend, Sheherazade? It doesn't seem to be in Spanish, perhaps it was in Esperanto? Here's the video: http://youtu.be/joPtT7pbXwk?t=2m9s
posted by Silky Slim at 4:00 AM PST - 3 comments

I have questions about cardio workout modifications...

I'm currently in my second week of the Insanity workout program. I survived the first week pretty well, but only because I modify many/most of the drills. As someone totally new to this kind of cardio program, I have no idea if the way I'm modifying the workout will help or hinder my progress, prevent or cause injuries, etc etc. Any tips for how to safely (and usefully!) modify the Insanity workout? [more inside]
posted by Eumachia L F at 2:01 AM PST - 6 comments

I missed this day of being a grown-up school...

Help! There's a feral cat right outside my door. I think she(?) might be either sick or about to have kittens. What (if anything) should I do? [more inside]
posted by Weeping_angel at 1:22 AM PST - 14 comments

January 12

Is this plantar fasciitis?

The bottom of my left heel, towards the outside edge, is very tender when I get up. Was very bad this morning after jog last night. I've seen videos of plantar fasciitis taping therapy but it doesn't seem to address my area of pain. Am I on the right track? I'd like to avoid the cost of a doctor.
posted by Foam Pants at 11:15 PM PST - 15 comments

It's been a long, long time coming...

My relationship is great, with one small problem - no matter what my girlfriend and I try, I'm not having an orgasm. Oversharing details inside... [more inside]
posted by Ed The Sock at 11:13 PM PST - 31 comments

How do I help my brother get over his unemployment slump?

My little brother graduated with a degree in marketing last spring, and has since been living at my parents' house doing...absolutely nothing. He is interested in applying to jobs, and understands the steps involved, but seems to have no motivation to start that process. How can I help him? [more inside]
posted by mellophone at 10:30 PM PST - 19 comments

Can art/music/writing/film change us?

I'm looking to freshen up the assigned readings for an undergraduate writing class that I'm about to start teaching. The theme of the class is art (by which I mean not only visual art, but also music, film, and writing) and social change--that is, whether the former can actually help to achieve the latter. I have some readings on the topic but am looking for more. Help me, hive mind!
posted by chicainthecity at 9:36 PM PST - 18 comments

Focus on the present

I don't like the amount of time that I spend thinking about my significant other when we're not together. How can I curb my enthusiasm? [more inside]
posted by sockermom at 9:35 PM PST - 11 comments

What type of alternative medicine should I try?

I am exhausted, a bit depressed/anxious, and in general just feel completely drained. I know the root cause (12 month old baby who wakes up a couple times a night to nurse) but can't night wean right now due to his health issues. I'm interested in trying out alternative medicine to see if it can help me deal with the fatigue and depression, but I'm not sure what to pursue: acupuncture, massage (what kind?), or other? [more inside]
posted by Maarika at 9:02 PM PST - 21 comments

Help me think better!

First off, this isn't a "what do I have?" question. I'm being treated for inattentive ADD and some depression and anxiety. Long story there. But one thing the meds haven't addressed yet is the ability to deeply analyze something and not just pop off the first thing that comes to my head. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:01 PM PST - 8 comments

what kind of therapy or practice will help my work stress?

My new job is really stressful. The tools we use are slow, buggy, and unreliable; while the pace is frantic and the volume of the work is extremely high. During the day, my stress levels often rise to the point where I'm holding my breath and my heart is pounding, even though I'm just sitting there -- in fact, I'm often sitting there for hours at a time, because there's so much to do, I can't even get up and take a stretching break to calm down. I'd like to develop the ability to calm myself down quickly and reliably. Have you taught yourself to do this? How? [more inside]
posted by fingersandtoes at 7:22 PM PST - 15 comments

Delicious recipes featuring whole peppercorns

What are some good recipes that use whole peppercorns as an ingredient? [more inside]
posted by mxc at 7:20 PM PST - 18 comments

What would make traveling with aged parents easier?

My mum is 78, my dad is in his eighties. My mum has always wanted to go to Paris but she doesn't want to travel without Dad. I'm thinking of taking them both but there's all sorts of anxiety on their part and mine. What are some suggestions to address these worries? [more inside]
posted by storybored at 6:54 PM PST - 13 comments

Cleaning My Cloth/Leather Bag

I have owned a cloth messenger bag with leather trim around the edges for a couple years. Over time, the cloth has gotten somewhat dingy (no issues with the leather). I am unlikely to find another bag like this, so I want to keep it clean, if I can. Laundromats won't touch it because of the leather and I can't machine wash it for the same reason. I have tried scrubbing it by hand with different things - vinegar, lemon juice, and bleach (all diluted in some amount of water) to no avail. Internet searches haven't turned up many other suggestions. Are there any recommendations for other things to try?
posted by C'est la D.C. at 6:45 PM PST - 10 comments

 Help me find the correct blade for my hair clipper

I made this ask mefi question earlier, and got my SO this 5 star Rapid Fire Variable Speed heavy Duty hair Clipper Professional 8233 as a present.  He loves it but complains that it doesn't cut short enough.  The smallest guard it comes with is the "no guard" size 1 pictured here.  I'd like to get him one which cuts much shorter (under 1mm), but there are so many different kinds, labeled 50,40, or 000 or 0000 and some for animals, and some for 5star series but that don't list the 5 star rapid fire.  Can someone please find a site where I can buythe correct one online and have it shipped to him in Europe that is the exact correct fitting blade for his clipper? thanks a lot
posted by denimchair at 6:41 PM PST - 4 comments

Robots in fiction for a high school audience

What are some short stories, books and movies that feature robots or artificial intelligence in prominent roles? Looking for accessible conversation starters; could be classic sci-fi or more contemporary stuff. This is for a high school class of students with a wide range of English skills and cultural backgrounds. We'd like to come up with a list that would have something appealing for everyone, and would be appropriate for a school setting. [more inside]
posted by beandip at 6:40 PM PST - 34 comments

How do I install an auxiliary port in my car?

I drive an '09 Nissan Versa hatchback (base model). I'm sick of burning CD's and listening to the same songs, listening to songs from my phone echoed by the cup holder, and there's far too much feedback with an FM transmitter for my iPod. What I am looking to do is simply buy a stock Nissan Versa stereo with an auxiliary plug-in. Is/are there any additional components I would need aside from the new stock stereo itself? I plan on recruiting a technologically savvy friend who can install it for me. And in case anyone is curious, I'd like to stick with a stock stereo as I'd intend to leave it in even when selling or trading in.
posted by HiphopAnonymous at 6:39 PM PST - 13 comments

Fun Craft Projects for ages 8-12 that won't drive leaders crazy

I'm helping with a group for kids age 8-12 that meets monthly. Every meeting includes a craft activity. My co-leader has been scouring the internet for ideas but then spends way to much time pre-testing the projects, making templates etc. and doing prep work. I'm looking for resources (books or websites) that have fool-proof projects for this age group. [more inside]
posted by metahawk at 6:29 PM PST - 4 comments

Gifs, how do they work?

Recently, when I've been trying to look at cute animal gifs*, they have changed how they load. Namely, instead of loading slowly the first loop and then running at normal speed thereafter, they are now loading about 1/3 of the gif duration, then starting again from the top and loading another 1/3, then jumping back again to the beginning and loading again. It's not necessarily a three-time pass. Sometimes it makes 4 passes to finally make it through to the end. It didn't used to work this way. What gives? *and even non-cute, non-animal gifs.
posted by Stewriffic at 5:46 PM PST - 8 comments

Is there anywhere / any way I can watch the Golden Globes online (live)?

I don't have a TV, I don't know anyone who cares enough to watch them in real time, and I can't find a bar/restaurant that's playing them. Is there anyway to live stream it? I've googled every which way, and everything was a dead end, but I figure if there's a way, someone here might know it.
posted by MoxieProxy at 5:13 PM PST - 3 comments

What is happening within the brain when you are high?

I am an irregular user of cannabis and complete novice really in such matters but recently when under the influence I felt the need to try and record the experience by writing an email to myself. The following day I awoke to discover a 9 page long list of words (people, places, nouns) and I was both surprised and confused by its content. I am interested in what is taking place within the brain on a molecular basis, and if this list is somehow a reflection of my subconscious or to do with an effect cannabis has on the part of the brain that stores memories?
posted by numberstation at 4:04 PM PST - 6 comments

How do I know if I'm getting the brush off?

In a situation where I'm meeting up with people whom I'm potentially getting to know, how do I know if I'm getting the brush off? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 3:56 PM PST - 18 comments

You're not my doctor or a magician but... should I take plan B?

I had drunk but protected sex last night. (yay!) I haven't had sex since I had an abortion 2 years ago. (not so yay!) I am also dealing with secondary amenorrhea due to diet. I know I'm being insanely nervous for no reason but now just to be safe I want to take Plan B. Is this ok? Will it make the Amenorrhea "worse"? Is that even possible? So. many. things. calm me down? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 3:56 PM PST - 13 comments

I wish life wouldn't get in the way of my lifelong learning

How do you balance "life" (ie. full-time work, family, chores etc) with hobbies/projects that can't be done in short time periods or occasional bursts of action, but require a longer sustained activity? [more inside]
posted by gakiko at 2:45 PM PST - 11 comments

Winterizing with cats

I live in a drafty old house and have recently winterized the windows using a kit from Home Depot. It works pretty well! But these bad cats really, really like to claw through the plastic. Is there a more cat-proof option?
posted by munyeca at 2:31 PM PST - 13 comments

How did you get work when you were starting out?

In November 2013 I started a metalworking shop. My background is specialty metalworking, so bending, fabrication, forming, fine welding, metal patina, etc etc. There is a niche in Vancouver for this kind of fabrication, the work is there, my question is how do I chase it down? [more inside]
posted by seagull.apollo at 1:05 PM PST - 12 comments

My dog eats seaweed. Is that safe for her to eat?

We have a three year old black Lab mix, and we take her to a local beach to run. Occasionally, there are piles of wet seaweed on down by the tide lines, and she will eat it. It is difficult to stop her from a distance, and invariably, later in the day, she will puke it up. Is this my only concern here, (cleaning up the puke) or is this dangerous for her? She loves the beach so much, it would be a shame to deny her this.
posted by rudy26 at 12:20 PM PST - 6 comments

Post-Snowden McDonalds

At the McDonalds drive-thru, the first thing they say to me when I pull up is "Welcome Back!". Is this good corporate policy? [more inside]
posted by shipbreaker at 12:17 PM PST - 64 comments

How can I tell my overprotective parents I´m going nomad?

Without losing them in the process. Click for (a lot) more of details. [more inside]
posted by Fermin at 11:57 AM PST - 30 comments

Android smartphones available for under $250?

Best no-contract Android smartphone that I can buy (ideally new) for under $250? [more inside]
posted by slidell at 11:55 AM PST - 22 comments

If willpower is a muscle, how to you train it?

I suffer from a deficit of willpower. I set goals, make promises, assure myself that I will follow them... and then end up feeling terrible when I impulsively break them. I'd appreciate advice and tactics from people who have suffered from and overcome a similar lack of control on how to train this 'willpower muscle.' [more inside]
posted by Kamelot123 at 11:32 AM PST - 26 comments

Recommendations to prevent bedbugs in hotels.

We will be travelling soon using different hotels I'm not familiar with. Now I do my spot checking for bed bugs. I'm more concerned with clothing. When travelling I hang up as much as I can in the closet and then try to leave everything else in the suitcase. But it's really difficult and I would like to have this stored in bags. What bags do you recommend are best to buy that we can keep everything else in but that they will stay well sealed. Can we leave these bags in hotel drawers? Is a luggage liner suggested? what else should we get? I'm so unclear with the reviews on the internet. I want to do my due diligence and try to be reasonable. Thanks.
posted by Tziv at 11:10 AM PST - 10 comments

NYC doctor for female hair loss?

Hello. Can anyone recommend a doctor in the NYC area that specializes in female hair thinning? Thanks!
posted by The Dutchman at 11:07 AM PST - 4 comments

Home cooking on windward Oahu (Hawaii)

I'm planning a stay in a guest cottage on windward Oahu (Waimanalo) and for once will have a kitchen and access to an outdoor grill. I'm looking forward to cooking and am gathering information about shopping, farmers markets etc. My budget is flexible and I'll be cooking for 4 people. I would love any recommendations for shopping from people who know the area. Driving some distance is not a problem. I'll be staying in Waikiki for a couple of days prior so could load up on stuff there, too. Any recommendations for fun places to eat would be welcome as well. Food we like? Pretty much anything, hopefully with an emphasis on local. (As an indication of our taste, we have always enjoyed buying poke at Safeway and eating it on the beach.) Mahalo in advance!
posted by BibiRose at 10:22 AM PST - 7 comments

I need a mint-free toothpaste

I want a toothpaste that has fluoride and isn't minty. This is harder than it seems. [more inside]
posted by Katemonkey at 10:21 AM PST - 23 comments

Tips for breaking down boxes?

I order a lot of stuff online (like the people four questions back). Which means I end up with a lot of boxes. Which means I spend a lot of time breaking down boxes with a box cutter to put into recycling. The way I do it seems both time consuming, and possibly accident-prone. Anyone have any tips for breaking down boxes safely and quickly? (Or, I guess, tips for how to avoid having to break down boxes).
posted by ManInSuit at 10:10 AM PST - 28 comments

Kung Fu Movies For Dummies

What reference materials can you recommend regarding...not sure the correct term: Kung Fu movies? Hong Kong action movies? Martial Arts movies? Wuxia? [more inside]
posted by Ipsifendus at 9:56 AM PST - 6 comments

How to prevent Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness? (DOMS)

I am rehabbing my hamstring from injury and after a hard day of rehab I am sore for about 4 days after. What steps can I take (before or after working out) to lessen the intensity and or duration of DOMS? And scientific data to back it up? I do ice baths immediately after exercise, and I re hydrate as much as possible during and after workout. I have a foam roller, I don't use it because any evidence of it helping has been anecdotal. Will it help? How about a lacrosse ball? Thanks.
posted by crawltopslow at 9:44 AM PST - 14 comments

How do I get a feel for living in/near Silicon Valley in 48 hours?

I'm interviewing with a major tech company near Palo Alto and planning a weekend trip to visit the area. I currently live on the East Coast so this would be a major change for me. Where should I visit/what should I do there to get a sense of what the lifestyle might be like if I decide to take the job? Do you have suggestions for neighborhoods to visit or not visit? [more inside]
posted by RobotNinja at 9:20 AM PST - 14 comments

What do you order with Amazon Prime?

What do you order with Amazon Prime? [more inside]
posted by milarepa at 9:15 AM PST - 75 comments

Resources on understanding female power

I am interested in books, articles, perspectives, etc., to help me understand female power in its various forms. [more inside]
posted by htid at 9:08 AM PST - 9 comments

Paging Mr. Edward Tufte!

What is the lie factor of this graph?
posted by Tom-B at 8:31 AM PST - 4 comments

What is this movie?

Does anyone know from what movie is this youtube clip? [more inside]
posted by fruitopia at 7:47 AM PST - 2 comments

From ABD to MD

Leaving academia and going into medicine: when to jump ship? [more inside]
posted by oinopaponton at 7:46 AM PST - 15 comments

Why can't we all just get along!?

I'd like to read some different perspectives on war and violent mentality of certain groups. [more inside]
posted by floweredfish at 6:38 AM PST - 9 comments

Disguising our backyard eyesore

We have an above ground pool in our New England backyard. Can you help with strategies for hiding it? [more inside]
posted by A Terrible Llama at 3:22 AM PST - 15 comments

ID the song in this 90s Australian Schwarzkopf commercial

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9_UqEs88f0 Does anyone know if the music for this ad was part of a longer piece, or if it was custom-made for this ad? I've tried to Soundhound it, to no avail. Thanks
posted by travellingincognito at 1:53 AM PST - 1 comment

A keyboard that will teach me to play songs I actually want to play?

I'm looking for a keyboard that a) lets me play along to lit-up keys and b) allows me to either add my own music for it to decipher or tell it which keys I want to light up when I play a song. [more inside]
posted by Autumn at 12:16 AM PST - 3 comments

January 11

Yet another career question - what is so terrible about being a lawyer?

I decided that I want to be a lawyer. It was a childhood goal although for some time, I was quite lost as to what I wanted to be when I complete university. Over the past year or so, I have been leaning more and more towards law but people keep telling me not to do it because being a lawyer sucks. I like reading, researching and analyzing. I like writing. I like reading court cases. This should make me a good fit for being a lawyer... right? What should I ask myself if I want to determine whether or not law school would be a good fit and eventual path for my career? [more inside]
posted by cyml at 11:14 PM PST - 38 comments

Horror movie involving a house that eats people

A friend of mine, in discussing Flowers in the Attic with her husband, discovered that he thought that title was attached to a very different story. In her words, "a horror movie about a family moving into an awful run-down house and it gradually kills them all and at the end the house is lovely with blooming flowers cuz it is happy and well fed." Obviously this is not Flowers in the Attic, but what IS it? He thinks it was from the 1970s, probably the late seventies, but he can't remember any other details.
posted by KathrynT at 9:48 PM PST - 11 comments

Beginner's guide to Machu Picchu

Can anyone help me prepare for this hiking trip? What can I expect? What do I need? [more inside]
posted by morning_television at 9:05 PM PST - 11 comments

I need your head/sweatband recommendations.

I get sweaty when I work out. I get REALLY sweaty when I practice yoga in a 105 degree room. I need a headband that will 1) help keep my hair out of my face when I'm in down dog and 2) help prevent my hair sweat from joining forces with my face sweat. [more inside]
posted by gumtree at 8:32 PM PST - 8 comments

What should I wear in the winter? Difficulty level: Toronto

For a Texas boy, I got pretty good at dressing for the weather in London and Seattle. But now I've moved to Toronto, where I've found my clothes inadequate for the cold of the previous couple of weeks. I was also possessed to plan on a visit to Ottawa's Winterlude in a few weeks where I have been warned I might just freeze to death. What new clothes do I need and where do I get them? [more inside]
posted by grouse at 7:13 PM PST - 37 comments

Cyberlink PowerDVD stopped working on my (Windows 8) computer.

My computer won't play a dvd using Cyberlink PowerDVD which seems to be my only option in Windows 8. I've tried turning the computer off and on again, using a different dvd, updating the program itself and the graphics driver and nothing has helped. When I put a DVD in the drive the drive makes noise, PowerDVD automatically starts, and the program displays the disc name at the top of the window. So, the program in starting up and recognizes the DVD. However, the DVD won't play and I have to forcibly shut down the program as it gets stuck. Ideas? I've also tried right-clicking on the DVD icon to get to the "Open With" command and use another player but that doesn't seem to be an option in Windows 8. Thanks!
posted by ticketmaster10 at 6:41 PM PST - 6 comments

Radiography Jobs?

I'm looking into changing my life up a bit, and due to recent events, the idea of radiography came to the fore as an option. Our local tech school has an associate radiography degree, is this a good degree to have? Is there anything else one needs to be considered? I am wondering if anyone has any experiences as a radiographer (in particular MRI, but X-Ray or whatever other imaging out there is also nice to hear about as well)... What sort of hours is common? In terms of city, I currently live in a 200k+ city (500k+ metro), and there are a fair number of hospitals which are considered top-tier in the area. What sorts of workload does one have as a radiographer? Is there a lot of required overtime? What about competition for job openings? What sorts of skills are the most important? What are the difficult parts of being a radiographer? What about entry level vs top-tier (in terms of job responsibilities, skillsets and other things). In short... What is good to know about a radiography job if one wants to pursue it, and what are some pitfalls to avoid?
posted by symbioid at 6:25 PM PST - 2 comments

Best vegan men's dress shoes

My husband likes fine dress shoes such as Allen Edmond's or Johnston & Murphy with leather soles. Is there a vegan alternative to this quality of shoe? Supposedly these brands only get better over time. He glanced at moo shoes and wasn't too impressed but he admits he needs to feel the shoe to be able to tell the quality. So who makes the best vegan men's shoes? Google searching provides info on who makes vegan dress shoes as well as a few websites but we are looking for more detail.
posted by morganannie at 5:33 PM PST - 7 comments

OW quit it OW quit it

I am 10 weeks pregnant, and have developed these sudden and excruciatingly nasty headaches when I heave. Any thoughts on how to help and what might be going on? [more inside]
posted by Madamina at 5:20 PM PST - 19 comments

Sex blogs/columns written by straight men, for straight men?

I'm having trouble finding any decent quality writing on sex advice or on sex in general where the author and target audience are both straight men. Part of this is about being interested in reading such content, part is about wondering if there really is a void here and if I should start writing myself to fill it. [more inside]
posted by MeanwhileBackAtTheRanch at 5:05 PM PST - 7 comments

MacBook inserting numbers while typing.

My roommate's MacBook has suddenly started inserting certain numbers behind certain letters while she's typing (and vice versa). [more inside]
posted by cathodeheart at 4:42 PM PST - 8 comments

Convert .mp4 or .mkv to burn and then play in a standard DVD player?

Please note: I am using Mac OS X. While I have managed to burn two playable DVDs from one of my .mp4 files (once with Burn and once with Toast), the video, which is widescreen, ends up in 4:3 on the DVD, and I don’t know why. (When I tried to convert an .mp4 file to “DVD” using FfmpegX, I let the conversion run overnight, and it was only 33% finished by morning.) Details re: the video files and the software I have at my disposal inside. [more inside]
posted by tzikeh at 2:47 PM PST - 12 comments

Typographers of the World, Unite!

I'm vector-izing this header plate from an old edition of my labor union's newspaper for use in future editions. Obviously I'll be tracing the hand-lettering of "Industrial Worker", but I'd like to find a font that matches as closely as possible the sans serif lettering used for "Labor Produces all Wealth..." and the slogans on the banners.
posted by wobdev at 2:34 PM PST - 8 comments

Need a pep talk for someone new to promotions and sales

Help! I'm crippled with anxiety over promoting our business and selling our services!! Looking for tips and tricks from seasoned sales professionals. [more inside]
posted by SheIsMighty at 2:33 PM PST - 7 comments

Where to get an old-fashioned straight-razor shave in NYC?

I want to get a friend his first ever straight-razor shave experience; and the works for him to use afterwards. From a barber with a gentle hand, and willing to offer tips to the novice.
posted by ebesan at 2:09 PM PST - 12 comments

Cookery books that don't have recipes in them

What are some books, cookery or otherwise about food, that contain stories about people's memories of/experiences with food and eating? [more inside]
posted by Solomon at 2:08 PM PST - 61 comments

Rx for depression-alleviating exercise routine?

How to best use 45 minutes in a gym with the sole purpose of using exercise to alleviate depression symptoms? [more inside]
posted by thenewbrunette at 12:57 PM PST - 41 comments

Recommended resources for a Vegetarian or Vegan lifestyle

Vegetarians and Vegans, can you recommend some online resources for news and community? I am not looking for how-to guides, and I have plenty of recipes. I'm looking for interesting reads, news, blogs, etc. that deal with a vegan and vegetarian lifestyle. Any books or movies you can recommend would be appreciated as well! [more inside]
posted by Bohemian Sailor at 11:45 AM PST - 10 comments

Why are online videos stuttering?

Video and audio of online videos (YouTube, Hulu, etc.) stutter quite often when I play them. My laptop is not old by any means and it's been recently formatted. I've updated all the drivers and tried using both the default and HTML 5 Beta players on YouTube; no difference. Seems to be worst in Chrome. Any idea why this is happening? Thanks.
posted by gman at 11:35 AM PST - 17 comments

How to automatically measure duty cycle of an AC device?

I have a mains-powered pump which switches itself on and off automatically depending on water level. I want to monitor the duty cycle of this pump (how long it is on for, and how long it is off for) without having to manually watch the pump and use a stopwatch. Is there some device that I can use to monitor the duty cycle automatically (for example, an intelligent socket that I could plug the pump in to)? It would need to have a readout that told me the length of the last OFF and ON periods (remote monitoring via wifi would be ideal). Alternatively, what would be the easiest way to build such a device? I'd be competent to investigate Arduino or Raspberry Pi based solutions, for example.
posted by beniamino at 11:11 AM PST - 11 comments

Having trouble setting up a client bridge with my routers

I'm trying to set up a client bridge but cannot get seem to get internet access from the bridge. I assume it's a subnet problem but can't pin down what I'm doing wrong. [more inside]
posted by gfrobe at 11:04 AM PST - 13 comments

Can you help me replace a favorite yellow cardigan?

I dearly loved my mustard-yellow Lands' End merino wool cardigan. In fact, I loved it to the point that it has started to fall apart. I am struggling to find a replacement. Can you help? [more inside]
posted by pants at 10:59 AM PST - 7 comments

Overwhelmed by my new goals planner

Has anyone conquered the overwhelming task of personal and life goal setting and tracking? I just got a Tools4Wisdom weekly planner and I don't know where to start. Specifically I'm looking for a simplification and breakdown of making this process a new long term habit. I think that someone who has been there and done that who could share their insights on how they made it manageable will be really helpful. I've looked at some websites on this but it's too much data to process. I guess I'm looking for a dumbing down of some sort based on personal experiences.
posted by mrflibble at 10:29 AM PST - 6 comments

Where can I buy savory protein bars?

I am occasionally too busy to cook or go out for food, and a granola or protein bar is the perfect meal replacement -- in theory. I hate the way they taste, mostly because of how sweet they are. Do savory bars exist? I've seen recipes for making them at home, but when I have the time to cook, I'd rather make something more exciting. Looking for something I can buy from a grocery store or order online, that tastes like crackers or chips (preferably spicy or flavorful), but is low in fat and high in protein and vitamins.
posted by redlines at 10:05 AM PST - 20 comments

Lowdown on Abu Dhabi/UAE?

I just found out that I'll be spending the rest of the month in Abu Dhabi for work, staying in company housing somewhere downtown. I'd love to hear about others' experiences around in Abu Dhabi and the UAE. [more inside]
posted by benbenson at 10:04 AM PST - 2 comments

What are some blogs that spotlight Etsy art?

Are there blogs that catalogue great finds on Etsy? I have been searching the official Etsy blog, but are there others? Beyond blogs, do you recommend great Etsy artists who can spruce up the walls of my new office where I'm training as a therapist? I've seen these questions and have followed many of their links. [more inside]
posted by Hwaet at 9:30 AM PST - 3 comments

Funeral Etiquette:- Where & When to Send Flowers.

My Husbands Grandmother has died and he and his whole family are in transit to the funeral (I am unable to travel due to health reasons) and wanted to send flowers as I couldn't be there but I don't quite understand the etiquette involved with the style of Funeral they are having. [more inside]
posted by wwax at 9:16 AM PST - 13 comments

Help me get over being dumped by a close friend.

A good friend of mine has gone several months not speaking to me with no explanation, I finally reached out asking what was wrong and she replied with a passive-aggressive email ending our friendship. [more inside]
posted by shotinthedark at 8:53 AM PST - 29 comments

Dirt cheap secret Verizon prepaid plans?

Are there any Verizon prepaid plans other than the two: $60/mo 2GB data or $70/mo 4GB data [more inside]
posted by laconic skeuomorph at 8:17 AM PST - 9 comments

"So basically you should just try not to need a doctor."

The New York insurance website said I qualify for Medicaid. This means I'm not eligible for the regular subsidized plans and must pay full price for them if I want them. This makes no sense whatsoever, but nobody will budge on this. What can I even do? [more inside]
posted by dekathelon at 8:01 AM PST - 66 comments

Cold weather RIGHT there! (Older weather channel commercial)

I'm looking for an old commercial for the weather channel that has two guys sitting in a living room watching the weather channel forecast with their faces painted like warm & cold fronts. It was like football fans cheering on teams except it was weather. Help?
posted by yoga at 7:59 AM PST - 2 comments

How should I go about publishing some music for digital distribution

What's the best approach to digital music publishing? The only approach I have used thus far is CDBaby, but that requires physical product and UPS codes, right? [more inside]
posted by joecacti at 7:33 AM PST - 7 comments

Issue: Selling camera lenses on eBay. Difficulty: I am clueless.

Well, I do have a little knowledge, but it is years past. Basically, I am trying to find out how to list camera lenses on eBay. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by lampshade at 6:51 AM PST - 13 comments

Traveling to China and Philippines. . .first time. . .

I am traveling on business to China (Guangzhou area) and Philippines (Manila). I have some international travel experience but none to Asia. I'll be working most of the time, so this isn't about sightseeing; it's more about, what are some lessons-learned, travel survival tips, etc., that you can share? Many thanks in advance.
posted by charris5005 at 5:50 AM PST - 11 comments

Does anyone know how to license training materials?

Hi. I can't find anything useful about this on the web, weirdly. I'm the UK if it makes any difference. Would people advise getting their website info licensed too? Is there any point in doing that realistically? I'm in the process of setting up a business that is coaching based, broadly speaking. Thanks in advance.
posted by tanktop at 5:29 AM PST - 4 comments

This can't continue

You aren't my doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist, but maybe you have something to share that will help me get onto a path toward curing a relentless, life-altering ( in the worst possible way( issue with sleep. [more inside]
posted by marsbar77 at 4:11 AM PST - 53 comments

Can you recommend a car GPS for North America and continental Europe?

I need some GPS advice. [more inside]
posted by thermonuclear.jive.turkey at 3:50 AM PST - 9 comments

Should I fix/replace this Apple Power Adapter cord?

Having successfully pried open my 85W PA-1850-02 Magsafe brick in order to fix (or possibly replace) the power cord, it doesn't look like the various repair tutorials/videos: the inside is full of a kind of white mastic/gunk. Is this perhaps melted plastic (from too much charging heat)? Is this a situation where the only (or the wiser) option is to shell out for a new brick?
posted by progosk at 3:21 AM PST - 10 comments

Music software that corrects your indiscretions... Well, you know.

I'm looking to write string arrangements (and other instruments) for songs, and want a program that will correct my mistakes i.e parallel 5ths, and suggest other voicings that sound better, musically. [more inside]
posted by readygo at 1:45 AM PST - 5 comments

What audio equipment do I need to make a vlog/podcast?

Any ideas for a good, cheap audio/video setup for vlogging/podcasts? [more inside]
posted by Sarah Lund's Jumper at 1:37 AM PST - 3 comments

Bananas doing the splits

5 out of 6 bananas I bought 2 days ago have a longitudinal split down its skin, some fully, others less so. What the hell? [more inside]
posted by pikeandshield at 1:02 AM PST - 5 comments

Should I reject my credit card's mandatory arbitration clause?

The cardmember agreement of my new Amex card includes the right to reject a mandatory arbitration clause by sending a letter within 45 days of my first purchase. (Background here, example agreement here). You are not a lawyer, you are not my lawyer, you probably don't even know what a lawyer is...but is there any good reason not to reject binding arbitration? I am already a deadbeat.
posted by ecmendenhall at 12:39 AM PST - 8 comments

Explain my vision woes as though I were five, please

I got new eyeglasses a few days ago and I'm having difficulty adapting. Please help me understand what's happening here, including how ageing fits in. [more inside]
posted by Susan PG at 12:05 AM PST - 14 comments

Paper photo/art frames

So I'm looking to do a mixture of buying and making paper or cardboard-based frames for a ton of art, pictures, and some posters I have. [more inside]
posted by DisreputableDog at 12:00 AM PST - 4 comments

January 10

Are Sundance Film Festival "Festival Credentials" worth buying for $200?

We are attending Sundance to see my niece's film. We don't have festival passes or ticket packages so will be hoping to buy tickets on the day of each film. Any advice on the best way to get tickets for the popular films would be a big help. We are also wondering if we should spend $200 each for Festival Passes which provide access to the Filmmakers Lodge and some other venues, but don't help at all as far as getting into films. Since we've never been to the festival before we don't have any idea what we will find ourselves wanting to do. Any suggestions from Sundance veterans on how best to have a good time without pre-purchased tickets?
posted by ridingtheranges at 9:55 PM PST - 2 comments

Who makes a door like this?

I would like to take the massive sliding doors off my closet, but they seem to be some sort of old-fashioned non-removable monsters. Since they're so big it's a pain to see more than 25% of my clothes at a time, which seems like unnecessary complication.. They're not attached to the rail at the bottom, but the top rail is so tightly fastened that I can't just lift the doors up and off, as most of the online advice seems to be. I tried to unscrew the front door and just angle it out of the the closet frame, but whatever piece is holding it to the roller extends so far into the door that I wasn't able to pull it out. (Now of course I am not having luck at re-screwing the door into the roller, so that's a fun situation). Anyone dealt with this type of door before? I'm renting the apartment, so ideally I'd like to just prop the doors against the bedroom wall or something and hang a curtain in front of the closet. So I can't destroy the doors or anything. Although I have been tempted.
posted by lockstitch at 9:26 PM PST - 6 comments

Rethinking being a PhD candidate: whether, when, how, why, & what next?

I am a doctoral candidate and have become increasingly convinced that I no longer want an academic job, and possibly not a PhD either. When/how do I tell my supervisor? (Particulars inside, and apologies in advance about the length.) [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:58 PM PST - 15 comments

Excuse me, what did you say? I can't hear you!!!!

Asking for a friend...Her husband is very soft spoken. Before he finishes what he is saying he will turn his head away. Even harder to hear him. She has asked him to speak up, of course. She has asked others to also ask him to speak up to increase his awareness. What can she/we do to encourage him to be heard? Any tricks or tips? Any help is much appreciated!
posted by goodsearch at 7:10 PM PST - 27 comments

Looking for info about a gold pendant from Israel

My friend has inherited a gold pendant from a recently passed mother-in-law and she was hoping to learn some more about it. Do any MeFite's know what the story might be behind this pendant? Where it's from, what it might say or represent? [more info and link to photo inside] [more inside]
posted by blueberry at 7:09 PM PST - 5 comments

What question and answer sites have high quality content?

There are a large number of question and answer sites out there, but very few which provide good answers. The ones I have found that tend to provide good answers are as follows: * StackExchange Network (including StackOverflow) * Ask MetaFilter * Quora * Reddit (on particular sub-reddits such as Ask Science, Ask Historians, Explain Like I'm Five and sometimes Ask Reddit) Are there any other question and answer sites out there with a high quality of questions and answers? I'm particularly interested in finding sites while they are still small
posted by casebash at 6:41 PM PST - 5 comments

Need more perfect jeans, but not sparkly...

Levi's Perfectly Slimming 512 jeans. Black, Size 12. I love them. BUT all of a sudden the only ones I can find anywhere online have a sparkly design on the rear pockets. This is not a plus, IMO. Please does anyone know where I can find the nice simple old plain design?
posted by mmf at 6:11 PM PST - 3 comments

Well, how would you feel if someone moved your bathroom?

I need to move my cats' litterbox. They are not going along with this plan. Advice, please? [more inside]
posted by backwards compatible at 5:46 PM PST - 9 comments

Can someone explain how this video was made?

Hi everyone. You may or may not have seen this popular "vine," called Turning Juice Into Candy. Here are a few more short clips by the same guy, using the same method: Time Change, Throwing Things Through Computers, Making Real Goldfish. I'm basically familiar with video editing software (I assume these were edited with Final Cut Pro or After Effects), but I can't quite figure out how the guy did this. He obviously filmed each shot twice (at least) and blended them together somehow, but the camera *seems* to be both moving and handheld in each shot, which *should* make the shots "unmatchable." But even when I slow them down and watch them frame-by-frame, the match seems exact and I can't figure out precisely how he did it. Can anyone who's familiar with video editing explain this? Thanks!
posted by priskyprisky at 5:32 PM PST - 12 comments

Does anyone have access to maritime fleet tracking databases?

I am trying to find out the name of a vessel that arrived at the Port of Long Beach from the Philippines on September 9, 2013, carrying a shipment of bananas (see details pasted below). Does anyone have access to any of the databases that might supply this info? It was possibly a Dole-owned/operated vessel, but even a list of all the arrivals at Long Beach (maybe narrowed to arrivals from the Phlippines or the specific departure port, again below) would be a good start. [more inside]
posted by soulbarn at 5:18 PM PST - 2 comments

The Polar Vortex ate my shoes

Please help me save my beloved boots from what may be some serious salt damage! [more inside]
posted by AthenaPolias at 4:50 PM PST - 5 comments

“No woman gets an orgasm from shining the kitchen floor. ”

Met a great guy that I fell in love with just when I thought I never would again! Now how do I tell him I've never had an orgasm with him, that I want to do something about it, and that I was faking the ones I "did have" for the first half of our relationship? Sordid details inside! [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:04 PM PST - 18 comments

White boy from the ghetto wants to cover Tupac

During my preteen and teen years, our family was impoverished. This was in the early to mid 90s. Throughout this time, I found solace in Tupac's music, which was both wholly understandable and mournfully, beautifully realistic. Now I'm a musician in my mid 30s. I want to cover some Tupac songs out of respect, as they were a big inspiration to me, but I don't want to offend anyone. As a white guy, can I do this inoffensively? If so, how? (For the uninitiated: his lyrical patter depends heavily on the n-word, which I am (and always have been) reluctant to use.)
posted by anonymous at 4:04 PM PST - 20 comments

New Year's Eve sweet potatoes: can I eat them?

I made mashed sweet potatoes on New Year's Eve. They've been in the fridge for 9-10 days now, for those not wanting to do the math. They would go great with the bison chili tonight. Can I eat them? [more inside]
posted by rabbitrabbit at 3:32 PM PST - 10 comments

I want my mommy

We're pregnant! For the first time. Just found out this week. I feel the uncontrollable need to watch emotional tear jerker youtube videos about moms/parenthood. Example 1 Example 2. What d'ya got for me, Metafilter?
posted by corn_bread at 3:05 PM PST - 18 comments

Cognitive impairment; Low IQ; Self teaching and academic accommodations

I had severe hyperthyroidism and hypoglycemia from malnutrition which lead to brain damage and dementia symptoms. I love learning but all this time, I couldn't learn. I'm much better now, but still can't learn. I'm looking for suggestions on how I can learn, and guidance on what academic accommodations would be available for a person like me, if any. I've done a lot of research on this over a 10 year span. [more inside]
posted by midnightmoonlight at 2:51 PM PST - 27 comments

Listening to Podcasts on a PC

I am looking for suggestions around programs that I can use on my PC to listen to my podcast. (it should also download and update my podcast regularly) [more inside]
posted by ladoo at 2:37 PM PST - 6 comments

You're Doing it Wrong: What's the Right Way to Use Twitter?

I've abandoned tweeting multiple times. I've heard that many people "use twitter wrong" and I suspect that I'm one of them. What's the right way to use it? [more inside]
posted by oceanview at 2:32 PM PST - 16 comments

Quirky, vintage tap shoes on the brain

I'm in Los Angeles and am open to a little driving - also online shopping. I scour Craigslist and Ebay to ninal success. I want tap shoes. Lots of them. I like to decorate them and might even be able to sell a few pairs. All types and styles. Theoretically in sizes 8, 8.5 in case I'm the only one who ends up with them. Resources? Hidden Jems? Thanks.
posted by crankyrogalsky at 2:29 PM PST - 1 comment

ISO: 21st Century - information wants out of 3 ring binders

We have a number of (internal) groups providing information about (external) clients. Help me figure out the best way to track this information for easy report generation. [more inside]
posted by TravellingCari at 1:37 PM PST - 5 comments

Boyfriend has garnished wages, can they garnish my tax refund?

I want to list my boyfriend as a dependent on my 2013 taxes -- but he has his wages garnished. I'm also wondering about him filing taxes. Even as a dependent, I believe he's able to -- and he needs to for FAFSA purposes. More details and questions behind cut. [more inside]
posted by camylanded at 1:37 PM PST - 21 comments

Utterly and completely alone

My life isn't perfect, but it's certainly isn't very bad at all, especially in comparison to other peoples troubles. Still, every so often, things get really really bad. The problem is that I can't afford paid therapy, and my support network is... Not really helpful. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:32 PM PST - 25 comments

Can this printer be saved

I killed my Canon Pixma printer/copier by spilling tea on it. I'm trying to repair it but so far no success. Do I need to just buy another freaking printer? Details inside, and thanks in advance for reading this question. [more inside]
posted by angrycat at 1:25 PM PST - 5 comments

Dust myself off? Okay, how?

At the age of 50-something, it appears that I've seriously failed at life. Some years ago, I left a stable and well-paid career for one that I thought would be more interesting. It did not work out. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:24 PM PST - 21 comments

From day job to walking dogs

I'm interested in starting a dog-walking service, and am seeking strategies for transitioning into this from a full-time day job. [more inside]
posted by whistle pig at 1:17 PM PST - 6 comments

Sport Psychology filter:

Does the significance of a game really affect performance? Is having experience at higher levels a deciding factor in outcomes? Because I'd think that professional athletes don't get to where they are without the kind of focus that makes those considerations irrelevant. [more inside]
posted by colin_l at 1:13 PM PST - 13 comments

Help Us Build a Website, or Americanize a German One

Can you recommend a website creator/editor that is Mac and PC compatible for complete neophytes? [more inside]
posted by ms_rasclark at 1:05 PM PST - 2 comments

there's a storm a-brewing...

i'm in delhi. pretty sure i ate something i shouldn't have. anything i can do to prevent the onslaught, or do i just await the inevitable? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:05 PM PST - 22 comments

Removing Duplicate Images (Windows)

Looking for recommendations on how to remove duplicate images from my laptop... [more inside]
posted by The Blue Olly at 1:03 PM PST - 3 comments

I'm looking for that cheesy inspiring movie trailer music

I am looking for examples for that cheesy "inspirational movie" music that you might see in a Hollywood movie trailer. Usually it accompanies some kind of tagline like, "He didn't know that helping one dog...would send him on the journey...of a lifetime." One example is here at 20 seconds of this trailer. That stirring music that is meant to emotionally manipulate you - can you help me find various versions of it? Thanks.
posted by Sully at 1:00 PM PST - 6 comments

Help me overcome analysis paralysis and be more process-based

I am a writer in several genres, a visual artist,and a photographer. Lately I've been suffering from a terrible case of "analysis paralysis" where I overthink everything and can't make even small decisions about something I'm creating. I have big problems with perfectionism, and I'm far more product-based than I'd like to be. My intuition seems quieter than usual; I'm sure not trusting myself is a major player right now. I'm working on this stuff in therapy, but I wanted to see if anyone here had suggestions as well for overcoming this block. I have found mindfulness meditation and Buddhist perspectives to be helpful and have been trying to incorporate more mindfulness around daily living tasks. I also like Present Perfect by Pavel Somov, a book about using mindfulness to combat perfectionism. But I would like suggestions on other reading or processes or things that might help me get past this. Things designed with creative types in mind would be especially helpful, but I'll take anything.
posted by mermaidcafe at 12:59 PM PST - 4 comments

Affordable housing for summer internship (San Mateo, CA)?

Need simple housing for two people during 12 week summer internship. How would you go about securing housing if you only have a week after school finishes before the internship begins? Difficulty factor: Internship is 2,000 miles away in San Mateo, CA. Apartments all seem to require 1-year lease. Do we center on San Mateo for a short bike or walk commute or look for more affordable places along the train or bus lines a distance away? What search strategies would you use? Employer does not provide assistance.
posted by tronec at 12:50 PM PST - 10 comments

Song-filter: male + female indie/alt duet, one octave apart

Hive mind: I'm trying to identify a song and google is failing me. Here's the best info I've got: The (tiny bit of) lyrics I can remember go something like "there's so many miles to go... [na na na na] // Don't even know [who I'll be?] when [I?] get there..." It's a duo of a male and female, and the male sings one octave lower than the woman. Her voice is somewhat ethereal. The song is in a minor key, and is somewhat melancholy. I keep thinking it's an Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan piece, but from everything I've listened to on youtube, it's not. HELP!
posted by Betty's Table at 12:48 PM PST - 2 comments

Help me find this old poetic noir SF book

Years ago I read this old science fiction book that was written in a poetic noir style, and I remember bits of the plot, but not any names to google. Could you help me find it? [more inside]
posted by Canageek at 12:38 PM PST - 4 comments

Ripping problem CDs

Are there super-capable external drives out there that can read problem CDs? Which brands/models are they? [more inside]
posted by curious nu at 12:36 PM PST - 5 comments

Consigment software for the consigner

Simple free program to track consignment items? [more inside]
posted by TheGoodBlood at 12:35 PM PST - 4 comments

What kind of military uniform is this?

I have this photo from (roughly) 1915. It's of my great aunt and great uncle as children and a man identified as "Uncle Vahan". I'm trying to figure out who this guy is, but first, I need to figure out what type of military uniform he's wearing. [more inside]
posted by jdl at 12:19 PM PST - 17 comments

How can I prevent tea from molding or turning on my counter?

We just recently bought one of these drink dispensers. I thought we went through enough iced tea to fill it, so the two times I've made tea, I made about 2.5 gallons. Both times, the tea spoiled before we could drink all of it. [more inside]
posted by tomierna at 12:09 PM PST - 14 comments

Friday night, at the high school basketball game.

I am a young, single teacher and my whole life is consumed by school. How do I survive this and not end up lonely forever? [more inside]
posted by sockysocksock at 11:58 AM PST - 10 comments

What is a fair interest rate for this debt I owe?

I was the executor of my mother's estate after she died in February of 2006. The estate was discharged in March of 2007, and the assets distributed to my brother, my nephews, and me according to the terms of the will. All the assets, that is, except for $6,000 that I left in the estate's checking account as a hedge against unforeseen developments. There have been no further developments, and the money has sat in the checking account all these years. The account is non-interest-bearing. I've been remiss in waiting so long to disburse the funds, and in not obtaining any interest for them in the meantime. I want to make this right. How can I do so? [more inside]
posted by saywhat at 11:50 AM PST - 14 comments

64 year old citation sytle

I have a dissertation from 1950. Citations in the dissertation are listed on every page there is a reference and linked via numbers in the text. The bibliography at the end of the dissertation is broken into the sections: Books, magazines, newspaper articles and so on. Which citation style is this?
posted by PHINC at 11:47 AM PST - 7 comments

Leet Sniper

How far is it possible to shoot various rounds of ammunition (rifles, pistols, etc, not artillery shells), assuming one is firing for maximum distance, not impact velocity or accuracy (ie. at a 45+ degree angle). [more inside]
posted by tehloki at 11:39 AM PST - 2 comments

How do you organize your health records?

How do you keep track of your health information? Having lived in a dozen different places during the past decade, I've lost track of all of the doctors and specialists I have seen. Realizing as I filled a prescription that Walgreens still remembers things about me from college that I had forgotten, I want to get organized. [more inside]
posted by troytroy at 11:25 AM PST - 3 comments

Help clueless future parents buy the right home to raise kids in!

As future parents and first time homebuyers, what aren't we thinking about, or under-emphasizing/over-emphasizing, in trying to pick a home to raise (two) kids in?  What should we consider in deciding on house versus condo, location, neighborhood, size, layout, features, etc? [more inside]
posted by EmilyClimbs at 11:21 AM PST - 36 comments

What are some options for my database of recipes?

I have about 200 recipes I want to try. Often I copy them down and email them to myself, but I want to keep an organized database of them. What ways can I do this? I'm open to apps and old school things like recipe boxes, but wanted to get particular recommendations. [more inside]
posted by Viola at 11:11 AM PST - 23 comments

greasy hair

I have become annoyed recently in that I persistently find my hair greasy. I shower and shampoo about once a day. I have tried the counter-intuitive "shower less" route but that doesn't solve the problem, but makes it worse. I often shower at night and the next morning I go to work and find my hair greasy a few hours later. It's a lot better when I shower in the morning and blow dry it, but I don't want to do that forever. For reference, my hair is highlighted blonde (and growing out the color) and I use Aveeno's shampoo and conditioner. I wash my sheets regularly. My hair is wavy and not super fine. I am white. Not sure if anything else would be relevant about my habits and/or routine...happy to answer questions or take recommendations.
posted by pando11 at 10:56 AM PST - 25 comments

I'm looking for a photo that was online

It was a photo of a sculpture created from collected rocks, that formed a dragon's head. The head was not upright, more as if you looked at a sleeping dragon from directly above it. The photo was seen about a two years on Facebook, in one of those photo blogs, though I can't remember any specific or general details about the blog. Any ideas on this photo of sculpture made from collected rocks that formed a dragon's head?
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 10:13 AM PST - 3 comments

I'm asking you a question.

I need help thinking of a response to this. [more inside]
posted by Enchanting Grasshopper at 10:12 AM PST - 61 comments

Heating a Drafty San Francisco Apartment with Electric

Please help me figure out how to heat my drafty San Francisco 1-bedroom apartment without breaking the bank. Details inside! [more inside]
posted by Amplify at 10:10 AM PST - 21 comments

Help a gal penetrate her guy!

I'm a hetero female. My boyfriend wants to experiment with anal penetration (for him). I'm definitely up for it (hooray for new sexy fun times!), but have zero experience in that area. We have been playing around with low key/shallow/tentative anal penetration with fingers, and he DEFINITELY likes that, but he'd like to up the ante with toys and deeper penetration. Where to begin? What are your fave toys? Any anal-specific hygiene/safety things we need to be aware of? Other things we need to know before embarking on this adventure? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:55 AM PST - 15 comments

Exactly how do you DTMF?

How do you kick someone out? End a nine year relationship, kick them out, potentially to the street? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:55 AM PST - 15 comments

Cleaned tv screen, lost video completely---even inputs do not appear

I used a bit of water on a tissue to wipe clean a smear on our small kitchen hdtv. Shortly afterward, we lost the video. [more inside]
posted by ragtimepiano at 9:12 AM PST - 7 comments

Advice for living with/loving a first year high school teacher.

My girlfriend, domestic partner and hopefully future spouse is a first year English teacher at a public high school in NYC. This is a tough job which takes a huge emotional and physical toll on her. She looks to me for support and sometimes I have a hard time knowing how to provide it to the point of feeling powerless to help her. Has anybody here been on either side of this? Any advice? [more inside]
posted by West of House at 8:56 AM PST - 29 comments

Estimated taxes

I just started working for myself in September. before I was on a W2. There is a deadline on January 15th for paying estimated taxes for self employed individuals. Are those taxes for the earnings I made in the last quarter of 2013 or for what I expect to make in the first quarter of 2014. What's an easy way to figure out how much I owe (or would owe). I'd like to note I didn't make that much working for myself yet so it's possible I don't even owe anything for Q4 of 2013. but I have no idea.
posted by spacefire at 8:29 AM PST - 7 comments

Academic wanderlust: edition Copenhagen

So I'll be moving to Copenhagen for a few years starting next fall. As an American who has only ever lived in the US, what do I need to know now? [more inside]
posted by nat at 8:19 AM PST - 16 comments

Mobile dj option, similar to turntable

Social music/dj system for a group of people similar to turntable.fm, app-based is preferable. Out-of-the-box/wacky ideas are encouraged. [more inside]
posted by artifarce at 7:24 AM PST - 3 comments

Portable and searchable files

Please help me brainstorm for a solution. I have lots of text and files (such as .pdf, .png, .wav) that I want to be able to access from my home and work computers. I also want to be able to search for keywords and add hyperlinks in the text. [more inside]
posted by Houstonian at 7:19 AM PST - 7 comments

There's a thing on my head

Anyone have a good dermatologist in Brooklyn/lower Manhattan who takes GHI?
posted by griphus at 6:50 AM PST - 5 comments

I'm almost finished with my beginner runner program. Now what?

I'm closing in on the end of my couch to 10k running program, and I'm a little unsure how to proceed next. I'd like to improve my pace, but I'm not sure what the best way to do that is, and the internet seems to have lots of conflicting advice. Plus I really liked having a program and an app that told me what to do. Is there anything out there for the no longer a couch potato but still a beginner runner? What's worked for other people? Should I try designing my own training program, and if so, how do I do that? [more inside]
posted by Diablevert at 6:50 AM PST - 13 comments

Hey, nice couch!

We are buying a home and are under contract. We really like the seller's couch. Would it be too tacky to email them and ask if they have any interest in selling it to us? It is a huge sectional which is exactly what we are looking for and fits the space nicely. They are moving themselves, so I'm sure it would be a hassle to move, but hey, they might love their couch too! I was going to just ask them if they bought it in town, but then I thought maybe they would consider selling it so they don't have to move it. Is that just bad etiquette?
posted by MayNicholas at 6:41 AM PST - 24 comments

How do I stop my mind from ruminating in the middle of the night?

I keep waking up in the middle of night, thinking about things I have no control over. One area I gravitate to more than most is decisions my parents in their lifetimes that have been harmful to me. Sometimes I think about work related issues. How can I resolve this? [more inside]
posted by helios410 at 6:21 AM PST - 16 comments

Not a New Years resolution but a New Life resolution, ideas needed.

I am in a period where I want to change my life by introducing small steps that I can build upon. This covers my diet, my home, my free time and my relationships. I'd love to get peoples suggestions of changes I can add to my list and how best to go about it. [more inside]
posted by Ranting Prophet of DOOM! at 6:01 AM PST - 11 comments

What are some good ghost story movies that aren't quite horror?

My partner loves ghost story movies that take out the usual blood-and-gore trappings of horror movies. The Others is a particular favorite. Can you recommend other movies in this unsearchable-on-Netlflix microgenre?
posted by HeroZero at 5:53 AM PST - 43 comments

70s-themed dinner

What food items could be made for a cheesy, funny 70s themed dinner? [more inside]
posted by notcomputersavvy06 at 5:25 AM PST - 43 comments

How to Score Higher on a Close-Booked English Lit. Exam Under Pressure?

Want methods for memorization, time management, and other study tips... [more inside]
posted by lorn at 2:33 AM PST - 12 comments

If you ran a village, would you rather have wizard or cleric spells?

I'm in a Dnd 3.5 campaign in which players are helping to develop a small town. Would a town get more benefit from cleric or wizard spells? Which spells and of what schools/domains? [more inside]
posted by becomingly at 1:46 AM PST - 12 comments

January 9

where's that racy handshake video with two hot dudes?

A while back (not more than 1 or two years ago) I saw a funny video (I think youtube.com, but not sure) about a really awesome handshake. The handshake included a less-than-heterodox component, if you catch my drift. I'm trying to find that video again and search engines aren't helping. [more inside]
posted by pantufla_milagrosa at 10:59 PM PST - 4 comments

Should I take a pay cut this early in my career?

I'm not happy at my job, but it pays fairly well for an entry level legal position. I've been offered another job that pays significantly less. I feel that I've already negotiated the salary as much as possible. What's my best move? [more inside]
posted by frizzle at 10:24 PM PST - 22 comments

Movie / Music Posters in New York City?

On a bit of a deadline, need to find some posters for the avengers, deadmau5(e) and a couple of other current hits. My google-fu has failed and hope the hive has a bit of insight to somewhere that specializes in posters in Manhattan? [more inside]
posted by Funmonkey1 at 7:42 PM PST - 4 comments

Help me teach myself French

I have some very basic French language skills, and I would like to develop them to the level of working proficiency over the next few months (I am prepared to study hard). I am enrolled in a class and have a tutor. What are some other resources (preferably free ones) that I can work with my own time in order to accelerate my learning as much as possible? [more inside]
posted by Scientist at 6:43 PM PST - 30 comments

How can I keep bananas fresh?

Looking for ideas and suggestions that would let me keep bananas for up to 6-7 days. [more inside]
posted by 99percentfake at 6:40 PM PST - 15 comments

Help me avoid hypochondria

Recently I've noticed that I often "crack" my jaw, although never with any associated pain (yet). Is this a symptom of TMJ or otherwise something I need to be concerned about? Snowflake details under the cut. [more inside]
posted by serelliya at 6:34 PM PST - 9 comments

Giving a business address for a personal credit card / Patriot Act

Aside from whether I should or why I should care what address I give a credit card company or bank, I am wondering whether the Patriot Act actually does allow consumers to give companies a business street address. It appears so but I'm no legal whiz so I'm looking for some answers out there. [more inside]
posted by trandolph at 6:11 PM PST - 8 comments

LED pattern light display

What are those things called / what should I search for to purchase one? [more inside]
posted by lulz at 6:10 PM PST - 7 comments

Where can I learn modern white hat search marketing and SEO?

My small business used to rank really well for hundreds of terms. But I've dropped for some major terms and been obliterated for others. How do I fix this? [more inside]
posted by Chaussette and the Pussy Cats at 5:12 PM PST - 13 comments

Sociology of Tumblr

Where can I find online (preferably informal) articles or blog posts about the sociology of Tumblr, like this one? [more inside]
posted by lhude sing cuccu at 4:32 PM PST - 2 comments

Conversational podcasts?

Looking for podcasts that could best be described as "really smart people shooting the breeze." Favorite examples would the various Slate podcasts that feature three writers discussing a range of topics, as well as NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour. The subject matter can be about anything, though looking for something a bit more conversational and wide-ranging than, say, a panel of experts discussing their fields. Any suggestions?
posted by decoherence at 4:22 PM PST - 33 comments

gmail password retrieval problems

lost password and standard retrieval options are exhausted. what are my unorthodox options? [more inside]
posted by supermedusa at 3:45 PM PST - 20 comments

How do I verify that my RAID 0 is working?

I just purchased a G-Tech 4TB drive that was striped for RAID 0 (mac). I only see the one drive on my desktop–as I should–so how do I verify that the drive is working correctly and making backups to both paired drives? Is there a mac utility or do I just pray? Any help would be much appreciated.
posted by captainscared at 3:37 PM PST - 17 comments

Private Screen Sharing

I would like to work from home and remote in to my work computer without people being able to see what I'm doing on my screen. Right now I am using iCloud's back to Mac screen sharing feature, but that is distracting my students in my computer lab and encouraging them to do mischief. I cannot install Timbuktu or other screen sharing programs at this time due to cost constraints. Is there a way to screen share or remote login wherein the target computer's screen stays off, giving me privacy to work and do what I need to do? Target computer is an iMac. Other suggestions for free but secure programs appreciated.
posted by These Birds of a Feather at 3:10 PM PST - 11 comments

How to track a specific series of photos?

How can I best track photos of a medical issue, to see changes over time? The photos need to be taken many times a day, and easily compiled so I can see the variation between them. They should not be public, but ideally I'd like to share the photos with my doctors. The photos need to be time stamped, or the resulting archive needs to make the times and dates clear. The process should be as simple and fast, as it will be repeated 6x a day or more. Any ideas on how to make this as painless as possible? [more inside]
posted by barnone at 2:57 PM PST - 3 comments

My friend plagiarized my resume. That's bad, right?

A friend copied from my resume/LinkedIn profile and is using chunks of it, verbatim, on her resume. Now what? [more inside]
posted by Sweetie Darling at 2:49 PM PST - 25 comments

Just not into him or fears from the past? 35f ponders marriage, again.

TL/DR: My BF (30) and I have been together a year and 1/2. Moved too fast for me, and him too in retrospect. Never got on my own feet after bad divorce and that feeling has endured the length of my current relationship. Close friend and 1000000 people on Meta suggest breaking up. But...I panic at that, too. [more inside]
posted by dollyllama at 2:21 PM PST - 25 comments

False noise complaints and an eviction threat

My 80-year-old grandparents live in subsidized housing in New Jersey. The neighbor in the apartment next door has been repeatedly making false noise complaints about them, saying that he can't sleep because they play the radio loudly all night (completely untrue). They were even visited by the property manager to tell them to stop. Now they've received a "notice to cease," saying that they'll be evicted if they don't stop. How can we deal with this without a lawyer? More details below. [more inside]
posted by lolichka at 12:44 PM PST - 22 comments

ARGH what was this SONG

Years ago there was a song on A Prarie Home Companion, sung by a chorus with no instrumentation, that sounded almost like it was in Swedish Chef Swedish, and included banging noises. I know little else about it, but have been trying to identify it and find out who sung it. Googling doesn't help. Can any of you? [more inside]
posted by JHarris at 12:26 PM PST - 16 comments

Ink on Paper Drawings — What Materials to Use?

I'm a doodler that likes to make abstract drawings. I'm interested in actually spending some time "doodling with purpose" with an eye toward making something(s), eventually, that might be worth hanging, framed on my wall. I primarily do black ink on white paper. What kind of ink/pens should I be using? What kind of paper?
posted by papercake at 12:13 PM PST - 15 comments

When I was a kid, I wanted to run my own magazine when I grew up. :)

Hi guys! Okay, so I have a background is advanced art direction & design and I am looking into how to make superawesome interactive digital magazines and booklets that will kick ass and people will love. Do you have experience with this kinda platform stuff? Awesome. I don't. And most people I talk to don't, so I need your feedback and advice pretty please. And if you don't know anything about that, can you give me names of interactive books/magazines you think kick ass (and tell me why you like them) so I can check them out and be dazzled and inspired? Thanks oh, so much. :) [more inside]
posted by miss lynnster at 11:35 AM PST - 3 comments

Heavy leather work boots starting to pinch

I have heavy, lug-soled leather work boots which are top of the line work boots. They're great boots! I love them. However, over the last two years they have started to rub me in two painful ways. I'm not sure if there is anything I can do to repair this. [more inside]
posted by arnicae at 11:30 AM PST - 8 comments

Helping family with knee problems visit my home on the 2nd story

I live on the second floor of a building, and some of my family has difficultly climbing the stairs. If I'm not able to come up with a solution they won't be able to visit. There is no elevator. The railing is a simple metal one. There are about 25 stairs. Are there any creative ideas I'm missing?
posted by daniel.poynter at 11:22 AM PST - 12 comments

Psychiatrist in Atlanta?

I'm trying to help a friend find a psychiatrist in the Atlanta area (or northern suburbs) who can evaluate and treat his depression. He's hoping to find someone extremely smart, and he'd probably appreciate someone with impressive training credentials. Meds-only or meds-plus-therapy are both options. Does anyone have any recommendations?
posted by jaguar at 11:11 AM PST - 1 comment

Intercontinental Travel. Difficulty Level: 1 Year Old Baby

As my BIL is going to get married in late June in Israel, we've started to consider how myself, my husband and son can all attend with the least amount of hassle. Is it even possible? Baby snowflakes within. [more inside]
posted by Kitty Stardust at 11:11 AM PST - 22 comments

Trying to live happily ever after, after an affair. But with a twist.

I love my boyfriend dearly and we have had a very strong exclusive relationship for over a year now. However, we started as an affair while he was married. I am still struggling with the guilt I have over this. Are there any resources out there for helping people deal with the aftermath of the affair when the couple is now the husband and the mistress and not the husband and wife? [more inside]
posted by Argyle Sock Puppet at 10:54 AM PST - 49 comments

handwritten medical records hard to read?

After experiencing an extremely nasty psychiatrist I just need to get my medical records per the request to my insurance to get partial reimbursement for the claim. [more inside]
posted by pack2themoon at 10:20 AM PST - 19 comments

Where can I go searching for a volunteer non-executive board member?

My small business needs an independent 3rd party to keep a weather eye on us and ensure we stop slacking. Where should I go looking to find someone experienced who could give us 2 hours of their time every month for next-to-do nothing? [more inside]
posted by ajp at 10:12 AM PST - 6 comments

Looking for ways to gain access to academic journals

Are there ways of gaining access to a broad range of journals? I miss my access via the University library and am trying to find a way to legitimately gain access to papers. [more inside]
posted by Slackermagee at 9:55 AM PST - 18 comments

SugarCRM and filter-able calendar events

I need a calendar that will work with SugarCRM and will allow me to search/filter records. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by sleevener at 9:45 AM PST - 2 comments

Fire bad, smelly things good.

I have been wanting to get some nice scented things, but my lease stipulates no burning candles in my apartment, so I'd like some other delivery mechanism. But there's a loooot of things out there and I'm not sure what to choose. Criteria: Nice and not fake-smelling stuff, wide variety of available fragrances, reasonably priced, involves no matches/flames/smoke. Kind of prefer something I can use only for short periods of time as opposed to just leaving it going so long I can't smell it anymore.
posted by Sequence at 9:27 AM PST - 24 comments

Looking for Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Recs in DC

Looking for recommendations for a CBT therapist in Washington, DC preferably near Chinatown/MetroCenter/Union Station/NoMA. Ideally takes BlueCross insurance. [more inside]
posted by forkisbetter at 9:18 AM PST - 2 comments

Can I see text messages that were sent to me while I was abroad

I was out of the country from December 19th until January 8th. I'm not able to see any text messages which would have been sent to me during that time. [more inside]
posted by summertimesadness1988 at 9:12 AM PST - 7 comments

Give me some nostalgia alternative classics radio!

Where can I listen to some classic alternative music (or whatever the genre is called) online? [more inside]
posted by aarondesk at 9:02 AM PST - 11 comments

I'm dressing for two now!

I need some pregnant-lady style inspiration. Looking for stores, blogs, general advice. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:01 AM PST - 29 comments

Super simple music mixing: Something like MusicLab

I'd like to mix music completely for fun and would like to be as un-technical about it as possible. [more inside]
posted by Calicatt at 8:57 AM PST - 4 comments

"You can leave the suit at home."

I have a round two interview today for a business analyst position in the interactive division of a large international company. I've never been for an interview that included "It's OK to dress down" instructions, and don't want to come off as either stuffy or too laid back. I'm thinking about a v-neck sweater over a dress shirt, with no tie. Would I be wiser wearing a jacket instead? With a tie?
posted by emelenjr at 8:52 AM PST - 21 comments


I've reached a point in my career where I'm starting to need to knowledge that comes with an MBA, but not the actual degree. What are the best books you've read that cover the hard and soft skills of an MBA? [more inside]
posted by the_shrike at 8:46 AM PST - 13 comments

What I should know about adding a shower to a half-bath in NYC?

I live in a 1.5 bath NYC condo. The half-bath is large enough to accommodate installation of a small shower stall, without requiring relocation of the existing sink and toilet. I've received approval from the building's board to begin this process and the owner of the vacant commercial space below me will allow access for the simple drain installation but, before I retain an architect ($$), I would appreciate input, in general, on what I can expect from the city permit process (permits required, cost, time) and advance notice of any other issues I should be aware of before embarking on this road? Thank you.
posted by mbx at 7:50 AM PST - 13 comments

Splitting up pair of dogs

Within the next few weeks, I need to split up a pair of rescue dogs. My main question is whether there is any particularly “best” way to manage this split. Also any assurance that I am not going to permanently emotionally damage the doggies would be much appreciated. [more inside]
posted by elkerette at 7:48 AM PST - 13 comments

Discussing art -- structured vs unstructured?

Art and philosophy people -- I need your help figuring out how to talk about the difference between art that is highly constricted by form vs. art that is very open-ended -- sonnets as opposed to free verse, men's clothing as opposed to women's clothing, calligraphy as opposed to sketching. [more inside]
posted by jfwlucy at 6:13 AM PST - 12 comments

Find me the perfect gloves

Help a guy find the perfect gloves. Specs are inside... [more inside]
posted by The Michael The at 5:21 AM PST - 7 comments

How to shop for a video camera?

I would like to use Apple iMovie to edit footage of piano performances in (at least) 720p resolution, and I am looking for the best camera for a budget of $400-600. I do not want to plug in the video camera and spend hours copying footage to disk and then transcoding before bringing into iMovie, which appears to rule out all Sony cameras (and possibly others?) that record in a format not friendly to iMovie. With that primary restriction in mind, what is the best video camera/"camcorder" for a budget of $400-600 that works best with iMovie? [more inside]
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 1:35 AM PST - 2 comments

Moving near your in-laws to be

I'm supposed to move across town soon to be near my soon-to-be in-laws. I'm having cold feet. I need some help. [more inside]
posted by 3491again at 1:24 AM PST - 33 comments

January 8

Second-hand office laser printer with good quality prints.

I am looking for a laser printer for our studio / office. A second hand one seems sensible and I understand the page count is important, but it's hard to find decent information on the internet about which companies are reliable and which machine produce good copies and have cheaper spares and toner. A3 is important and so is a high quality print. I was looking at a Ricoh Aficio CL7000, but I don't really have any idea! Any help would be fantastic as would suggestions of where I should be buying this thing.
posted by debord at 11:27 PM PST - 3 comments

Does grass agree with you?

Has regularly imbibing wheatgrass drinks improved your health or energy levels? Personal anecdotes welcome. [more inside]
posted by Caskeum at 11:03 PM PST - 12 comments

What short story did I read in SF&F?

A girl (tween? early teen?) visits an alien planet (possibly blue and rocky?) and loses a ring. She has to explain what a ring is-- like a tiny bracelet for your fingers, which are the little arms that come out of the end of my arms-- to the sympathetic aliens, who have cup-shaped hands. I read this in Science Fiction & Fantasy Magazine some time in the early or mid-nineties. What's the title, author, or volume? Sure regretting tossing those back issues when I moved!
posted by blnkfrnk at 10:35 PM PST - 1 comment

No Oracle Database 11g for Mac!

Need a cloud-based Windows virtual environment, preferably free. Recommendations? Other suggestions? Let me have it! [more inside]
posted by ApathyGirl at 9:44 PM PST - 10 comments

Mentally unstable sister, I fear for her young children

Background: My sister (38) has a story of emotional instability and I fear for my niece (8) and baby nephew (Down syndrome). My sister was molested by my father when she was in her late teens, which might have something to do with her current condition. She is extremely dependent on (and at the same time very hostile to) my mother. My mother (divorced, late 60s), in turn, is struggling all by herself to help her daughter and the little children, while having to deal with lack of money and her own (physical) health issues. [more inside]
posted by Basque13 at 9:18 PM PST - 16 comments

Help me identify these three fabrics!

Where can I buy these three fabrics? [more inside]
posted by gchucky at 9:07 PM PST - 20 comments

My sense of humor is inexplicable. Can you explain it?

My sense of humor when it comes to television - or rather, what I find funny - doesn't seem to follow a pattern that I can describe. It makes it difficult to tell people what I like, and difficult to trust suggestions/recommendations. Even my husband, despite knowing me better than anyone, really can't guess what I'd find funny any better than a person off the street. Examples of what I like and don't like under the cut. Looking for terms so I can describe my sense of humor to people and get better recommendations for more things I'd like. [more inside]
posted by juniperesque at 8:45 PM PST - 30 comments

What's it like to be a speech language pathologist?

I'm interested in going to graduate school to pursue a degree in speech language pathology. I've read a lot about the career online, but I'm interested to learn more about the daily realities for speech language pathologists (a.k.a. speech therapists) and their journeys building a career in the field. So: What's it like to be (and become) a speech language pathologist? [more inside]
posted by soundproof at 8:42 PM PST - 7 comments

It was (unfortunately, not such) a pleasure to burn

I left a non-stick pot on the stove with the burner on overnight -- is it safe to cook in it? [more inside]
posted by The Notorious B.F.G. at 8:33 PM PST - 22 comments

Good examples of technical writing

What are good examples of technical documents? examples: business policies, research papers, references, documentation [more inside]
posted by ichomp at 8:06 PM PST - 6 comments

I've been dreading this moment.

Jeoc jr. just turned 11, and is starting to get a few pimples. Both me and Mr. Jeoc had terrible skin as teenagers (and I still struggle with occasional breakouts and general skin texture issues). Her skin still has that luminous amazing child-like glow, but she has gotten a few pimples and her pores on her nose are clogged. [more inside]
posted by jeoc at 8:05 PM PST - 54 comments

Name these two cartoons

I have a vague recollection of a very old, black and white cartoon about a huge cat that goes to a junk yard and searches for a mouse who lives in a house (I think). The cat kind of looks like Felix (or so I remember). There is a lot of gold in the episode (for reasons I can't seem to explain). The second cartoon is also old (probably 70s animation) and is about a boy who has these surreal adventures. I remember him riding his little car all over the place and in one scene, he is walking on a tight rope. There is also an umbrella scene. And I think it rains at one point. I believe the cartoon was British, but I'm not sure.
posted by omar.a at 7:20 PM PST - 5 comments

Passport nightmare,, stranded at SEATAC

Can anybody help some Canadians fix this passport debacle? Need some help ASAP [more inside]
posted by wats at 6:53 PM PST - 10 comments

Patient score

I have a family member who is in the hospital at the moment. I've noticed that outside the room doors there is a yellow form that gives the patient's score. Most of them say 45 or greater, but some say 23-45. Anyone have an idea what this means? I've been googling but haven't come up with anything.
posted by jenh526 at 6:46 PM PST - 6 comments

No GRE minimum needed?

No Minimum needed on the GRE means I can bomb it and still be ok? [more inside]
posted by gregjunior at 6:40 PM PST - 10 comments

What happens in Vegas...

I have recently been diagnosed with a serious health condition which means after a few months I might not be able to go on holiday for many years. I want to go on Holiday and my bf doesn't. DTMF? [more inside]
posted by krisb1701d at 6:34 PM PST - 41 comments

Help me stop itching. I'm allergic to cats or water!

I regularly experience itching while at home, primarily on my shins, hips and lower back. I think I'm allergic to something in my water. I've long thought this was caused by soap as showers are when the itching is at it's worst, but after trial and error I've concluded that water is the cause. I've come to this conclusion by using a filter on my shower head which removes the problem after a few weeks. The problem is the showerhead with filter has caused many plumbing problems due to the reduced water pressure, so I'm back to the regular shower head. Is there another way to filter the water without causing plumbing problems, such as at the water heater itself? If not the water, could cats be the cause? [more inside]
posted by ridogi at 6:31 PM PST - 25 comments

20-Minute Media Recs?

I would love any recommendations for podcasts, vodcasts, webisodes, or (if any) television shows that regularly clock in at as close to 20 minutes as possible. I know most sitcoms are around 25 minutes, but that's a little too long for my current purposes. Anything spring to mind?
posted by northernish at 6:01 PM PST - 10 comments

Help me identify horror movie that scared me as a child

When I was about eight years old, I saw a horror movie that scared the hell out of me. I'd like to identify it. I ran a bunch of Google searches, but I didn't come up with anything that matches my memory of the movie. [more inside]
posted by alex1965 at 5:51 PM PST - 5 comments

Registering a Canadian Domain via a Trustee Service

I need to register a Canadian domain name (.ca). I do not currently meet the requirements in order to do that. I found a domain name registrar that offers to do this using a trustee service. I have questions about that. [more inside]
posted by chillmost at 5:44 PM PST - 3 comments

Great streaming indie sci-fi/horror films, 2014 edition

This has been asked before, but long enough ago that it's time for an update: What are the best, smartest, most compelling indie sci-fi and horror films of recent months/years, with a preference for things streaming on either Netflix or Amazon Prime? [more inside]
posted by jbickers at 4:27 PM PST - 22 comments

What gadgets to bring to Nicaragua?

What mobile devices should we bring for a two week trip to Nicaragua? [more inside]
posted by lattiboy at 4:05 PM PST - 6 comments

Recommendations for DIY Home Surveilance Hardware?

About six months ago, we bought and moved into a new house (yay!) in a neighborhood that is up-and-coming (yay!) but still has a crime rate higher than I love (boo!). I'm looking to install video surveillance equipment in the home and I'm looking for advice and recommendations. [more inside]
posted by toomuchpete at 3:26 PM PST - 8 comments

Advice needed: Vegas for couple getting away from kids and cold

Mrs. and I are able to get away from the kiddos and wretched cold of Minnesota for a long weekend in Vegas the last weekend of February, first time for both of us. Please help us enjoy our rare getaway! [more inside]
posted by look busy at 2:52 PM PST - 23 comments

How do I fit a common parameter between two sets of equations?

I have two observables that I'm measuring, x and y. Let's say both are functions of time t: x = f(t) and y = g(t). Given several measurements [(x,y) at (t1, t2, t3...)], I want to fit for the parameters of f() and g(). What's the right way to do this when f() and g() have a parameter in common? [more inside]
posted by RedOrGreen at 2:49 PM PST - 6 comments

Help me find this coat

Guy on far right wearing blue hooded coat. Any idea where I can find one exactly like it? thank you!
posted by jimmereeno at 2:29 PM PST - 6 comments

Right now I have a gallon of lime-flavored milk

Can it be salvaged? The goal was anything cheese-like. The resident cheese-maker is at work right now. [more inside]
posted by aniola at 2:03 PM PST - 19 comments

Fantastic round the world trip planned, except...

The plan was to fly into Mumbai and make my way down the cost to Cochi. I just realized that my visa to India is not going to happen. I now have a 10-14 day gap. I'm leaving Tel Aviv on Feb. 3rd and staying in Kuala Lumpur on Feb. 14th, dates somewhat flexible. Where should I go? Things to know: -No countries that require anything other then VOA for a US born citizen please. -In addition to Israel and Kuala Lumpur I'm also going to Hong Kong, much of Japan, Australia and New Zealand. -Have visited western Europe and northern S. America on previous trips. Bonus points if it involves hiking, learning how to sail or involves getting to see the countryside in safety, though perhaps not comfort.
posted by rip at 2:00 PM PST - 11 comments

I bought a car. A year later, I regret it. What are my options here?

One year ago, I was approved for an auto loan (via Ally, if it matters), and bought a 2006 Mini. I like the car well enough- it's fun to drive, no issues, and the newest model car I've ever owned...but it's an automatic, and as I've always been a manual driver, I find that I now deeply regret my purchase. Can I trade/sell this car, and get another, on my current loan? [more inside]
posted by ElectricGoat at 1:57 PM PST - 13 comments

Modern creative types whose success came late?

What are examples, in the last 20 years, of musicians, artists, dancers, writers, and so on who labored long in obscurity and only achieved success, financial and otherwise, after the age of 40? And for those people, how did their success finally come about?
posted by shivohum at 1:53 PM PST - 42 comments

Where can I find interesting street kids?

I’m working on last minute research for a project. I’m doing a road trip across the country this spring (between Feb and May) looking for interesting street kids/drifters/squatters/train-hoppers, between the ages of 18-24. I want to visit as few locations as possible so they should have a high density of these kids. Also, the kids need to be Caucasian because of the nature of the story. What are some cities/neighborhoods/events/festivals/places that draw a lot of kids who fit this description? Also feel free to include any resources I could use for more research. Thanks!
posted by sabina_r at 1:33 PM PST - 39 comments

Any experiences with 'Art of Living' courses?

Hello! I recently met a wonderful couple who are teachers with a worldwide organization called Art of Living. I'd vaguely heard of it before but didn't know much. What impressed me was how joyful they were - a joy they attributed to their practice (that is, they both said they weren't naturally joyful people prior). I was curious to learn more about their practices, which they described as specific breathing meditations and techniques. I am looking for input from anyone who might be more familiar. [more inside]
posted by namesarehard at 1:23 PM PST - 12 comments

Gym swimming logistics?

I just joined a local gym with a lap pool and I'd like to start swimming regularly again. What's the usual logistics routine for people that swim at a gym? Obviously I'll be bringing a change of clothes and a towel, but how should I deal with the wet towel and wet swim trunks afterwards? Any general tips from experienced gym swimmers?
posted by kmz at 12:44 PM PST - 28 comments

How to deal with passive aggressive females?

There is a girl in my circle who has taken to completely ignoring me and making snide remarks in front of me. Let's call her J. For instance, I sat across J during dinner when our group was at a restaurant. J would talk to 1) the people next to her and 2) the people sitting next to me. She never once said so much as a word to me, and when I joined in a conversation J and other people are having, J quickly looks bored and turns away. You'd think from her behavior, we're all in middle school. Nope, we are 21 years old and in college. This is also our church group (ha, ironic). I've pretty much ignored J's antics for the past 5 months, but since she hangs out with us a lot, it's becoming difficult to ignore. I'm wondering when she'll let the phase subside, and if I should even do anything? [more inside]
posted by echoplasm at 11:59 AM PST - 48 comments

I paid for a year of hosting and a domain, now what?

I'd like to get back into managing a silly little bit of webspace for myself and my whims. I paid for a year of hosting and two domains through Dreamhost, but no real idea of how to go forward, and I don't have significant blocks of free time to really get involved all at once. [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief at 11:55 AM PST - 9 comments

Married to our jobs, but seeing each other on the side

How do I avoid shop talk on dates? [more inside]
posted by Sara C. at 11:23 AM PST - 34 comments

What is this web page background ad called and how does it work?

On this page (HuffPo), I see a dynamic background ad for Chicago PD that changes as you scroll down. I noticed it because it defied my AdBlockPro. What is it called? How does it work? [more inside]
posted by kimberussell at 10:33 AM PST - 3 comments

How should I prepare my sirloin tip roast?

I have a smallish (0.6kg/1.2lbs) sirloin tip roast. How should I cook it? [more inside]
posted by Gin and Comics at 10:32 AM PST - 5 comments

The same as my father before me, and his father before him, and ...

Can you think of someone who has the same given name as their great x 20 grandparent (and whose intervening ancestors did, too)? Great x 30 grandparent? Who's the record holder? [more inside]
posted by andromache at 10:28 AM PST - 25 comments

The Gambler's Fallacy, of course. But maybe...

A coin flips three times and comes up heads 2/3. Not suspect. But a coin flips 100,000 times and comes up heads 2 out of 3 times, that starts to look fishy. The standard probability of this is always roughly 50-50, but assuming a 2/3 ratio pointing to a "rigged" coin, how could you plot the increasing likelihood that a given coin is rigged? [more inside]
posted by ASoze at 9:37 AM PST - 17 comments

Wrinkle-free napkins?

I would love to switch from paper napkins to cloth for my family of 2 adults + 3 messy kids. I don't mind doing laundry but I hate ironing. Help? [more inside]
posted by widdershins at 9:29 AM PST - 26 comments

Which slow cooker should I get?

Are there any set and forget slow cookers 4 quarts and under? [more inside]
posted by pakoothefakoo at 9:29 AM PST - 14 comments

Short-ish novel with psychologically diagnosable main character?

For an abnormal psych class I have to read a novel with a main character that has a DSM-5 diagnosable disorder and then diagnose them based on the book. One problem: all the good ones are probably already claimed. [more inside]
posted by MonsieurBon at 9:15 AM PST - 68 comments

Looking for abandoned places for neat photography shoots!

Do you live or know of neat places in Illinois, Missouri and Indiana that my explorer/photographer friend could visit? Let me know! [more inside]
posted by Driven at 9:11 AM PST - 9 comments

Where, oh where, to stay in El Paso

I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions for where to stay in El Paso. My colleague and I will be there for work and would like to stay somewhere where we can walk out of the hotel and find some good options. [more inside]
posted by superfille at 8:58 AM PST - 4 comments

Gift certificate for art?

What's the best website/company from which to purchase art prints or art for your walls? I'd like to get some good friends who just got married a gift certificate to somewhere they can order art or art pieces for their apartment. [more inside]
posted by dynamiiiite at 8:42 AM PST - 9 comments

Grab-and-go breakfast

Wanted: breakfast ideas that can be entirely prepped the night before, and eaten in the car on the way to work. Go! [more inside]
posted by donajo at 8:36 AM PST - 33 comments

How to preserve formatting in an MS Word Mail Merge?

Vast quantities of mail merging, need to maintain some semblance of spacing/formatting/tabs/breaks. Help? [more inside]
posted by TomMelee at 8:26 AM PST - 7 comments

New pescetarian filter: Is it unhealthy to eat canned fish everyday?

I am a healthy (BMI is well within the normal range) early 30s male. For my New Years Resolution I wanted to start working towards pescetarianism (vegetarian that eats fish). I have been cooking more fresh fish, but I have also started experimented with canned fish (mostly Sprat, Sardines, and Anchovies) (example meal) because of the price, shelf-life, and simplicity to make. Before this year, I normally never ate canned food (this basically describes my typical grocery store route), so I am a little weary about doing so (almost) everyday. Plus I keep reading things about mercury and such, of which I know very little. Any advice would be appreciated.
posted by Spurious at 8:06 AM PST - 17 comments

Nexus 7 battery takes forever to charge

I have an 8-GB Nexus 7 that's about a year and a half old. Its battery life seems fine, but the actual charging takes an unreasonable amount of time. When it was new, it charged in about 2.5 hours; last night it took 7 hours to go from 30% to 60%. I'm using the adapter and cable that came with it. Is there anything I can do to make my device charge faster?
posted by zeptoweasel at 7:51 AM PST - 11 comments

Hand signs on the cover of The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch?

What do the hand positions on the cover of The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch mean? [more inside]
posted by gregr at 7:29 AM PST - 7 comments

The perfect knit hat

I'm looking for a knit hat, kind of a beanie/toque hat, but with a very thick rim. All the knit hats I'm finding seem to get thinner at the edge. I think what I want would be similar to a beanie combined with a really thick ear warmer. [more inside]
posted by amtho at 6:53 AM PST - 21 comments

Overriding Chrome Browser Overrides heads-up display

Chrome Browser: When I'm in dev mode and have overrides enabled (for example: "iPhone - iOS 6 / 640x980 / Emulate touch events / CSS media: screen"), Chrome throws a black box over the upper left corner of the web page with status in red text (for example: "Overrides: User-Agent / Device Metrics / Touch / Media") It is omnipresent and unnecessary. How do I turn that black box off? [more inside]
posted by ardgedee at 6:32 AM PST - 2 comments

how do i make the most of two months in los angeles?

I'lll be living in Los Angeles for two months on a professional development opportunity for my job. Will be living in Lincoln Heights and will be sans car. I've been to LA probably about 15 times over the last 4 years or so, but I'll never have lived there. Looking forward to getting a little bit better sense of what daily life is like there. [more inside]
posted by waylaid at 6:11 AM PST - 12 comments

Experience with changing from ethnic to non-ethnic first name?

I have a weird ethnic first name that causes me daily hassle and anxciety. Has anyone had experience with dropping their ethnic name or do you know anyone who has done it? [more inside]
posted by petrovski at 5:43 AM PST - 40 comments

Is there a name for this property of a data series?

I have a series of physical data with a fairly straightforward property: it follows a path in space. If I plot a bunch of successive (x, y) values from the data, they follow a curving, looping line rather than randomly jumping all over the plot. More formally, if I have a point (x[t], y[t]) at time t and (x[t+1], y[t+1]) at time t+1, there is an upper limit on the distance between these two points (and this limit is small relative to the overall variation in the data). Is there a well-defined technical term for this property? [more inside]
posted by pont at 5:40 AM PST - 11 comments

Literary crime fiction

What are some decent, non-idiotic, contemporary crime/mystery novels? [more inside]
posted by denika at 3:59 AM PST - 46 comments

Yet another San Francisco question..

We're headed to San Francisco next week just for a couple of days. We'll have a little additional time there, and we would like to do some shopping, see Chinatown and maybe Alcatraz. Any suggestions on shopping, and how to see Chinatown? [more inside]
posted by needlegrrl at 3:24 AM PST - 19 comments

Reusing vs throwing away

It's taken as a given that reusable nappies and sanitary pads are more environmentally friendly than their disposable equivalents - but are reusable cotton pads/rounds better for the environment? [more inside]
posted by mippy at 3:17 AM PST - 7 comments

Help me adapt to the idea of being childless

I’ve recently discovered I am almost certainly infertile. For different reasons, assisted conception and adoption are highly unlikely to be options for me. I need help to make my peace with the idea of being childless. Please, no hopeful stories about “I never thought I’d have children, but now I do”; there are plenty of these in previous questions about infertility. [more inside]
posted by Coobeastie at 2:12 AM PST - 37 comments

how can i be less dependent on my SO for happiness?

i find myself investing too much of my time in analyzing relatively minor problems in my long-term relationship, and wish that i could redirect those energies into other interests. [more inside]
posted by humiliated_grape at 1:34 AM PST - 11 comments

January 7

Thank you cards for friends who didn't give a wedding gift?

A surprising number of our wedding guests (both friends and family) did not give us a gift. I was really happy they could come and I'd like to thank them, but I'm worried it will come off like I'm chiding them for the lack of gift. On the other hand, I got a note like this once and that's how we all realized the gift had gotten lost in the mail. Have your ever purposefully not given a wedding gift or forgotten to give one? How would a thanks-for-coming card come off to you? [more inside]
posted by Gravel at 11:55 PM PST - 42 comments

I know that YANMVC (You are not my vocal coach), but . . .

I have been singing more - again! - recently. I've always loved to sing, but I haven't done it any organized way since high school. I warm up, I've read about proper vocal technique, but I am clearly doing something wrong because my throat is starting to feel tight. Help! [more inside]
posted by ablazingsaddle at 11:47 PM PST - 4 comments

Replacement toy missiles for 1970s era robot toy

So I have this toy, a Getter Poseidon toy. Searching for the toy, it comes up under Getter Poseidon, but I'm not really sure about the brand name or actual year of original production and such. The reason for this askme is I want replacement missiles, which appear to be depicted in this pin, and I wonder if this is a standard missile style and size, and if so where can I buy them?
posted by artlung at 9:55 PM PST - 7 comments

Can you help me identify this impossible to describe folk song?

I've got very little information about a folk song, possibly traditional, in some Germanic language. But I'd really love to hear it again! [more inside]
posted by moons in june at 9:40 PM PST - 7 comments

Subletting apartment for Super Bowl?

I live in Newark, NJ. It recently occurred to me that the Super Bowl is happening very close to me very soon, and my roommate and I are considering the possibility of renting out our apartment to people looking for housing. We haven't even gotten as far as discussing this with our landlord, so it's not terribly serious at this point. But what are logistical things we might not be considering in terms of this? Has anyone done this in the past? What are good ways to find non-shady people to stay in my apartment?
posted by naturalog at 7:32 PM PST - 13 comments

I am Looking for the Name of a Comic Book Series Where The Bad Guys Won

Hi there. I am looking for a comic book mini-series, probably from the 1980's but possibly from the 1990's. It is not a Marvel or DC series. The premise of the series is that 5 or 10 years before the series begins, a Dr. Doom-like character leads an army of supervillians and actually defeats all the superheroes, killing or depowering them. The mini-series ran for 5 or 6 issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
posted by jack.brodey at 7:28 PM PST - 8 comments

Joining a bible study group for the friends, not the faith - is it okay?

I graduated from college about 8 months ago and have since moved back to my home town to work. In those 8 months, I haven't really spent any time with folks my own age (outside of a little online dating), and to be frank, I've been lonely. By a crazy coincidence, I ran into a girl I knew in high school at a coffee shop recently, we caught up over lunch, and she invited me to her "20 somethings" bible group. Not being a religious guy, I was expecting to leave with a bad taste in my mouth and a funny story but... [more inside]
posted by johnpoe50 at 7:25 PM PST - 42 comments

Do I need to produce original documents at hospital?

My same-sex partner and I have executed health care powers of attorney and related documents. Rather than bringing a bulky envelope with the original documents every time we travel, I'd like to scan and upload the documents so that, in an emergency, I can access them on my phone or via email and show/email them to the hospital staff. Is that likely to be a problem? Do hospitals require original documents or certified copies, with the raised seal and all that jazz? Or are digital/scanned copies sufficient? Has anyone been in a situation where they had to produce such documents in an emergency situation and photocopies were not honored?
posted by southern_sky at 6:56 PM PST - 9 comments

Help me do basic things like feed myself

I recently moved to the Dogpatch in SF. It's a great neighborhood for me - it's close to work and quite bike-able - except that it has no pharmacies or grocery stores. I don't have a car. Help me find reasonably priced ways to get food and DayQuil! [more inside]
posted by en forme de poire at 6:35 PM PST - 24 comments

Advice for drafting a legal will to release my IP into the public domain

I want to create a legal document declaring in robust legalese that all of my intellectual property (except works specifically noted) shall enter the public domain upon my death and a website to host (or link to p2p copies of) archives of those works. I want the legal documents to make it easy for other people to use or adapt for themselves and ideally for the site to act as a host or tracker for them to post to. I'm seeking legal and technical advice as well as general input in order to make this happen. [more inside]
posted by metaphorever at 6:08 PM PST - 11 comments

Best expensive iPhone games and apps?

Every year my boss gives me an iTunes gift card for Christmas, and I just got around to actually redeeming a few of them. Now I have $50 and need some suggestions for how to spend it. I like to play games on my phone, but definitely stick to the free almost free varieties. I figure this is a good opportunity to sample something a little more... upscale? So, give me your recommendations for games and apps costing more than, say, $3.99, that are worth spending big money on. [more inside]
posted by juliapangolin at 5:30 PM PST - 32 comments

How To Submit A Book Proposal????

I have a completed proposal for a spiritual, self-help book with catchy title. How would I go about contacting publishers for submission?
posted by goalyeehah at 5:21 PM PST - 6 comments

What should I grid on my Grid-It?

I got given a Cocoon Grid-It as a present a couple of years ago. I've never used it, and it's just been sitting around useless and I just rediscovered it in a drawer. It's 19.1 cm x 26.7cm. I've come across some everyday carry websites which occasionally use these, but curious what people use them for. So far I've just stuck some headphones, a notebook and a fan into mine, but I'm sure people must have some very interesting or practical things they are using these for. Any and all suggestions welcome (picture links too in particular). Thanks!
posted by inbetweener at 5:05 PM PST - 9 comments

Works like a charm, until it doesn't.

Why is my iPhone choking on my mail all of a sudden? [more inside]
posted by Sublimity at 4:40 PM PST - 4 comments

False flag in science or speculative fiction?

Help me remember a story where Florida is nuked by the US government and it's blamed on terrorists to justify authoritarian measures. I thought it was a John Brunner novel.... [more inside]
posted by morganw at 4:23 PM PST - 7 comments

Road Trip!!

Need some advice on places to stay/eat/etc... [more inside]
posted by sprezzy at 3:43 PM PST - 21 comments

Gyrosopic sensor question for engineers (kinetics, etc.)

Can a gyroscopic sensor (such as the type that are typically used in smartphones) embedded in this black object that is rotating around the X axis measure the number of rotations around the X axis if the object may or may not also be rotating at the same time in random ways (number of partial or full rotations, speeds, and directions) around the Z axis? [more inside]
posted by Dansaman at 3:38 PM PST - 5 comments

How can I delete broken content from a drupal site?

You are not my programmer, but could you help me out? Problem is with broken links on a non-profit site. [more inside]
posted by ajarbaday at 3:10 PM PST - 12 comments

ModclothFilter: Can I find quality, well-made clothing on ModCloth?

I got a ModCloth gift certificate for Christmas, but most of my clothes from there, while adorable, tend to fray, shrink and otherwise wilt after a few wearings. ModCloth-styling MeFi members: are there purchases you've made from ModCloth that have lasted? Specifics inside. [more inside]
posted by rogerrogerwhatsyourrvectorvicto at 2:21 PM PST - 12 comments

Which Washington Apple Health (ACA/Medicaid) plan?

I live in King County, WA, and am trying to choose between the following Washington Apple Health (Medicaid) plans, but can't get any specifics on coverage, copays, etc from internet. Help me choose between Coordinated Care Corp (CCC), United Health Care Community (UHC), Community Health Plant of WA (CHPW), Molina Healthcare (MHC), Amerigroup Washington (AMG)? [more inside]
posted by cult_url_bias at 2:15 PM PST - 1 comment

What is an appropriate gift to bring for a Muslim host & hostess?

Etiquette Filter: My partner teaches music lessons and the parents of two of his students have invited us to dinner in their home. In addition to the regular payment for the lessons, they are very generous and bring him a gift nearly every time they come for lessons. What gift should we bring for the host & hostess? [more inside]
posted by Juniper Toast at 1:45 PM PST - 17 comments

Help me choose audition material

I'm auditioning for a show soon, for the first time in over a decade. I need help choosing audition material. [more inside]
posted by Zosia Blue at 1:19 PM PST - 2 comments

How would an adult even begin brushing up on their basketball skills?

26 year-old wanting to learn basketball fundamentals basically from scratch in NY. How do I even start? [more inside]
posted by windbox at 1:06 PM PST - 13 comments

Digital piano/electric keyboard/whatever. What should I buy and where?

I've come into a bit of money and am ready to finally shell out for a nice weighted-key digital piano. I'm in the SF Bay area, have Amazon Prime, but don't know where I should go to try things out and buy them. I'm working with a $500-600 budget. My preferences are in the... [more inside]
posted by c'mon sea legs at 1:04 PM PST - 15 comments

Does anyone make an all-in-one 120VAC-3.3VDC converter?

I'm looking for a discrete device that combines a 10:1 transformer, bridge rectifier, caps and linear voltage regulator. It's to convert 120VAC to 3.3VDC in a wireless dimmer switch. Does such an animal exist or am I just being lazy?
posted by ostranenie at 12:13 PM PST - 11 comments

Vera Pelle is not the designer!

SO and me saw a chocolate brown satchel purse (this kind of design but the leather was real and not mottled) she really liked at a shop but agreed it was over-priced and probably cheaper online. The bag was labeled "Vera Pelle" and searches on eBay and other places brought up quite a lot of bags under that label. On Friday, we discovered Vera Pelle just means "real leather" in Italian and is stamped on any bag made in Italy that is made out of leather. So, we're trying to find places that have catalogs of Italian made, non-branded leather purses to peruse to find the purse she liked. Any suggestions?
posted by parmanparman at 11:59 AM PST - 10 comments

If you're playing in my D&D campaign, please don't read this

I will be DMing a D&D campaign for the first time ever and I'm looking for some help/guidance on making this as enjoyable as possible for my players, mostly in terms of creating scenarios and encounters that are best resolved without combat. [more inside]
posted by Mrs. Pterodactyl at 11:58 AM PST - 40 comments

Chicagofilter: guesthouses or inexpensive lodging options in Hyde Park?

I'll be attending an event at the University of Chicago, and need to find a place to stay nearby. The block of hotel rooms reserved for attendees is still more expensive than I'd like, especially x2 nights. Is there anything like a guesthouse or more dormitory-type accommodations available near campus? (Is this a total pipe dream?) [more inside]
posted by Austenite at 11:47 AM PST - 18 comments

USB tentacle dismay

I have a lot of USB-connecting equipment to sync and charge. Not everything uses the same USB interface, and all the cables are the opposite of tidy. How can I make this work? [more inside]
posted by selfnoise at 11:17 AM PST - 9 comments

Help me identify these boots! (or a close match, anyway)

Help me identify these boots! (or a close match, anyway). [more inside]
posted by Unsomnambulist at 11:12 AM PST - 17 comments

What goes up must come down (through my roof, apparently)

Apparently on New Year's Eve some unknown moron shot his gun into the air. The bullet came down through our roof, punching a hole through the roofing itself (picture 1, picture 2) and then throught he ceiling of our guest room and into the exterior wall (picture 3). The bullet itself is lodged somewhere inside the wall, buried in the insulation, and I am not inclined to tear open the wall just to find it. The police have been out to take a bunch of pictures and create a report, but obviously there is no way to track down the person responsible. Nobody was injured, thank goodness. The roofing inspector was just out, and it is going to cost about $500 to repair the roof damage. That work will be done tomorrow, so that any additional damage is mitigated before it rains. The repair inside is minor, just patch the two holes and touch up the paint. [more inside]
posted by Lokheed at 10:58 AM PST - 17 comments

Where can I volunteer at an archive in NYC? (I have no experience.)

I'm starting to explore a career change and I want to figure out whether I'd enjoy being an archivist. I'm 40, but I don't have any experience in archiving, so first I want to find out whether I'd like it. I live in Manhattan and have a regular 9-5 day job. I currently work as an editor at a legal publishing company and I'm a former lawyer. I enjoy American political and social history. I also like the arts (especially old movies and theater). I'm interested in working with historical documents and/or digital archives. I understand that not every volunteer experience might include access to those; I'm just trying to give a sense of my interests. I also wouldn't mind talking to a working archivist to get a sense of what the work is like.
posted by Tin Man at 10:54 AM PST - 9 comments

Thin, light, and 1080p laptop

I'd like a thin and light 1080p laptop. It does not need to be powerful, but it does need to be cheap. I'd like to spend about $300, but it must be under $500. The perfect machine would be something like a chromebook, but with a higher res screen than the ones I'm aware of. The resolution requirement trumps the thin and light requirements. [more inside]
posted by jsturgill at 10:49 AM PST - 15 comments

Should I worry about my 2-year-old playing with unvaccinated kids?

I have read articles about herd immunity and I understand the concept. But, boots on the ground, should I worry about my vaccinated son occasionally playing with a partially vaccinated 4-year-old and a completely unvaccinated 2-year-old? We're all pretty mindful of staying away when the children show signs of illness. I am interested in both medical information and how other parents have navigated this potential risk.
posted by gentian at 10:10 AM PST - 43 comments

Practical guides for heuristic evaluation of Web sites?

I've been tasked with carrying out a heuristic evaluation of a library Web site - something I haven't done before (and there is no one on hand with more experience to bring in, or funds to hire one). I need some practical guides. [more inside]
posted by ryanshepard at 9:55 AM PST - 2 comments

Public sector employee wants to maintain privacy but also use Linkedin

I am a public sector employee, and I would like to stay in touch with former private sector colleagues via Linkedin. But I don't want the public-at-large to be able to find me easily. [more inside]
posted by vignettist at 9:35 AM PST - 10 comments

Help me learn how to use my google Nexus 7 Tablet and listen to podcast

Well I finally made it over to the tablet, after being a long time hold out. I see “kids” reading powerpoint lectures and taking notes on theirs, so I finally decided it was an investment in my education (I’m a grad student). I read the Nexus 7 book that came in my “library” but I still have a lot of questions. Please help so that I can get the most out of this tablet. [more inside]
posted by TRUELOTUS at 9:34 AM PST - 3 comments

Documentaries to watch with pre-teens?

I'd love for my children (7, 8 and 12) to learn to like documentaries. Can you recommend some that would be good to watch together? Ideally streaming on Netflix or Amazon. I imagine there aren't that many out there suitable for that age group so I won't limit the topics.
posted by Dragonness at 9:21 AM PST - 45 comments

Typophiles: What's the Hominis Font Like?

I really like the font titled Hominis. I'd love to know what historical era the style belongs to--Victorian?--as well as what typeface it might have been modeled after, if it doesn't seem original. (I attempted to contact the designer, but was unsuccessful.) Thanks in advance.
posted by whitebird at 9:13 AM PST - 7 comments

In search of beautiful network diagrams

I am looking for examples of beautiful or unusual, yet effective, computer network diagrams - the more complex and extensive the networks, the better. Similarly, I'd like to find tutorials and how-to's on making same - preferably avoiding Visio/OmniGraffle as much as possible (most of the people I work with just want to swap .pdfs or Power Point presentations when it comes to delivering design documents, anyhow.) I deal with very intricate and large networks, and it's always a struggle to present them visually to various project stakeholders. I'd like to catch their attention with something striking that will help them actually understand what's going on.
posted by Slap*Happy at 9:09 AM PST - 7 comments

What can I take with me on walks to keep dogs away?

I live in a neighborhood where people walk their dogs off-leash. Unfortunately, a lot of these dog owners are jackasses, and their dogs are aggressive, territorial, and menacing to my dog, my family, and me. Is there anything I can carry on walks to keep these dogs away if/when they charge us? I'm not interested in actually killing these dogs, and my fear with pepper spray is that it'll get on my kids. I've heard mixed things about tasers - some people say they're good, others say they just make the dog angrier. Ideas?
posted by malhouse at 8:37 AM PST - 50 comments

What's the thinking behind this color palette?

Why these 10 colors? [more inside]
posted by Leontine at 8:20 AM PST - 12 comments

Who is C.R. Lawton?

I was searching for a quote when I came across this one by someone named C.R. Lawton. Who is he? [more inside]
posted by Silvertree at 7:47 AM PST - 3 comments

I got holes in my shoes and I'm way overdue

Last night I stopped by my local big box home improvement store to buy ice melt and saw that they were looking for part-time help. I'm thinking about applying since we're preparing to buy our first home this fall and thought this might be a good way to learn about home repairs and improvements. Anyone else considered or done this before? [more inside]
posted by playertobenamedlater at 7:43 AM PST - 13 comments

why do these sites never load?

Some sites never load on my ubuntu laptop. e.g. meetup.com, arxiv.org. why?! [more inside]
posted by bleary at 7:02 AM PST - 14 comments

Tom Bombadil is an ancient god beyond Gandalf's understanding.

I just finished re-reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy for the third or fourth time. I'll probably read it a couple more times before I die, at least one of which I'd like to share with a kid. What I'd like is "trivia" (broadly defined) that makes one think, or enriches one's appreciation of the mythos--from a purely textual perspective. Specific examples inside. [more inside]
posted by Admiral Haddock at 6:22 AM PST - 70 comments

Cherry blossoms in Japan

Looking for advice and tips before planning a holiday to Japan to view the cherry blossoms this spring. [more inside]
posted by Gomez_in_the_South at 6:04 AM PST - 13 comments

On yer bike

I have decided I want a bike for my 14-mile round trip commute between North and West London. I don't currently cycle at all. What kind of bike do I need? [more inside]
posted by citands at 5:40 AM PST - 20 comments

Fast fundraising ideas?

A friend is taking part in an overseas house-building charity project starting in the middle of February. Participants are responsible for raising all their own travel and expenses costs. He has already completed a sponsored abseil, is holding a pub quiz this weekend, and has a Just Giving page which he is promoting on facebook. However he had a sporting accident 2 months ago and is only off crutches since the start of this week, which has left him behind schedule in his fundraising. He now needs to raise several hundred pounds in the next four weeks. We've been frantically brainstorming ideas and I thought I'd turn to the hivemind for help. [more inside]
posted by billiebee at 4:08 AM PST - 6 comments

Mindful drinking

I can idly finish a bottle of wine. How do I not? [more inside]
posted by anonymoosemoosemoose at 2:56 AM PST - 53 comments

January 6

How to fix Dell Studio XPS 1645 wireless driver installation failure?

My friend has a Dell XPS 1645. He reinstalled windows 7 today but during the process of installing wireless network driver an error occurred: "No compatible hardware found". Why is that? How can we fix it? [more inside]
posted by lijiaxiaoniu at 10:51 PM PST - 2 comments

Looking for cheap/free 3D environment design software (Mac)

Hi, I'm looking for cheap/free 3D environment design software -- it can be a stand-alone program, or it could even be a kind of 'map building' tool that comes with computer games these days (so you can build your own levels, etc) [more inside]
posted by heylight at 10:37 PM PST - 12 comments

How do I fix this door handle that won't latch?

I replaces a door handle and when I put the latch plate in it won't latch, when I remove the latch plate it will latch. I had the same problem with the previous door handle that was their when I moved it. I have tried chisling out the hole deeper until it broke through into some other part of the wall which you can see as a small hole in the video. I also tried move the latch plate up, down, to the left and right and it still won't latch. I took a video of the problem and show how the door wont latch and explain it in more detail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5NcZtW6BE4
posted by john123357 at 10:18 PM PST - 16 comments

One pot wonder

What are some good, inexpensive Low carb rice cooker recipes? [more inside]
posted by dinosaurprincess at 10:12 PM PST - 10 comments

Please sort this French language reading list into a sensible order!

I have a small stack of French language more-or-less classic books to read. My French reading is okay but I need a dictionary frequently. My aims in reading them are to improve my reading knowledge of French and to reduce the number of books I have bought but not yet read. (And also to enjoy them in the usual way.) What is a sensible order to tackle these in so that the exotic-ness of the vocabulary, and any other sorts of language comprehension demands, rise progressively? [more inside]
posted by bertran at 9:45 PM PST - 6 comments

Mapping real-time points to a spreadsheet

I'm looking for a tool that will let me have a map interface open (Google Maps, OSM, Bing, I don't mind), click on a location, enter a brief comment, then have that data (lat/long, comment, timestamp) stored for later retrieval - something like a Google Docs spreadsheet would be ideal. [more inside]
posted by Jimbob at 9:26 PM PST - 7 comments

My cursor isn't dragging windows (browser, Word, stickies) anymore.

My cursor isn't clicking on or dragging windows to move them around anymore. It's like the cursor isn't "sticking" to the windows when I click on them. This is happening in any browser I run (Chrome, Firefox) and Word, and even in my stickies. I am on a Macbook Pro... running 10.5.8. My software is all up to date according to my software update. What am I missing here? [more inside]
posted by timpanogos at 9:14 PM PST - 9 comments

I feel invisible.

I feel invisible. Either that, or just forgotten/not cared for. Any solutions or experiences coping with being ignored? [more inside]
posted by dubious_dude at 8:28 PM PST - 38 comments

Do you remove a dying goldfish?

We have a dying goldfish. I'm certain he's dying. (ammonia spike in water, caught too late to save him, he's lying on his side gasping and has been sick for a couple of days). I've done water changes and gotten the ammonia and pH back into balance, but I want to know: should I remove the fish while he's still alive? I'm afraid he'll die overnight and start rotting, but I feel like (even more of) a murderer if I just take him out now.
posted by gaspode at 8:04 PM PST - 16 comments

Preparing for a cold night: Gas fire on or off?

We are in a small apartment in Georgia. It's going to be cold by Georgia's standards: the forecasts predict a minimum of about eight degrees Fahrenheit. We're leaving our taps running slightly. We've done all we can to insulate the windows. We want to know whether to leave our gas fire on or off. If we turn it off, we increase the chance of a pipe bursting. But we're worried that leaving it on will be dangerous. We don't have a carbon monoxide detector. The only other heater we have is a small electric storage heater. Please help, metafilterians!
posted by HoraceH at 7:16 PM PST - 10 comments

Where to go in Mexico

Of the following places, which is the least touristy? By this I mostly mean, most likely not to encounter English speakers, thus forcing me to speak Spanish. Guadalajara * Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo * Loreto * Los Cabos * Manzanillo/Costa Alegre * Mazatlan * Mexico City * Puerto Vallarta/Riviera Nayarit
posted by falsedmitri at 6:25 PM PST - 18 comments

Upper-body cardio for leg-prohibitive injuries?

I've been diagnosed with acute prepatellar bursitis in my left leg after a bicycle accident. My doctor has ordered me off of leg-based cardio for the next month. What are my alternatives for upper-body-exclusive cardio? [more inside]
posted by mykescipark at 6:22 PM PST - 8 comments

Hunting for a 1990s scifi novel...

Around 1999/2000, I read a pair of interesting scifi paperbacks that I can't recall the names of. I keep thinking that the name of one of the books was "Spin," but that's not the right story at all. [more inside]
posted by verb at 6:22 PM PST - 3 comments

Is Bali a safe choice for the first time traveller ?

I am a 27 year old female and I want to take an international trip in March. I have never travelled solo and haven't been outside the US in years. I would love to go to Bali but I'm wondering if I might be biting off more than I can chew. [more inside]
posted by pintapicasso at 5:44 PM PST - 25 comments

Help me McGuyver a radiator steam vent!

It wouldn't be Chiberia without a steam bath! Unfortunately, the steam bath is my bedroom. Help me figure out a temporary fix for a leaking radiator blow-off? [more inside]
posted by Westringia F. at 5:18 PM PST - 5 comments

How do I delete the photos on my iphone?

Absurdly, my wife can't delete the 1000 photos on her camera roll on her iphone 4. Running ios7; with ios 6 you could apparently sync to an empty folder via itunes, but that doesn't work anymore. Any ideas? Surely there must be a straightforward way of doing this routine task?
posted by Sebmojo at 5:11 PM PST - 7 comments

Does your USPS PO Box office have security cameras?

After my PO Box was broken into, I have been searching for a USPS location that has security cameras aimed at the boxes (NOT the space where the employees work), and after speaking to 5 post offices and even chatting with the local postal inspector, I'm beginning to doubt that this even exists. [more inside]
posted by tastycracker at 4:32 PM PST - 7 comments

Tray bakes without the cakes?

What food combinations cook at the same time on a tray in the oven. Fast. For one. [more inside]
posted by Chorus at 4:26 PM PST - 18 comments

A porch is a porch of course of course..

We are creating a new front porch at our house. The existing porch is a three inch concrete slab set on foundation walls. A previous owner then overlaid really ugly sandstone flagstone on the top and sides. The new porch is going to be smooth, hard troweled tinted concrete with a bench along two sides. Here are my two questions. [more inside]
posted by silsurf at 4:19 PM PST - 7 comments

Website question: Is this layout trick possible?

Silly question about CSS3 background images that change size to "cover" shifting dimensions. If you have an image that changes size while snipping off the sides to cover an area, is there a good way to predict its "cover" behavior, so that a piece of HTML text can follow right along with it, so as to fit over a certain spot on the image? [more inside]
posted by steinsaltz at 3:45 PM PST - 4 comments

What is wrong with my house? Frozen pipes are the symptom...

We are in Illinois and gripped by the coldest weather in 20 years. Our house is 15 years old, we've lived in it for 2. With the cold some plumbing has stopped working to one toilet and one bathtub. Weirder, ice has formed around the drain of the tub. Inside. We had a plumber out and he was at a loss. More details inside. Need to know what is wrong and what are our next steps? [more inside]
posted by arniec at 3:30 PM PST - 8 comments

Ain't no facial like a Japanese facial cause a Japanese facial dont stop

A friend says that when she was in Japan, she got her first facial and it was amazing. But then, when she came back to the States, she got another, and it was not so amazing. What kind of Japanese facial did she get, and is it possible to get one in the States? [more inside]
posted by ochenk at 3:11 PM PST - 8 comments

What is this strange contraption that was attached to a radiator?

I've been trying to figure out what this strange, accordion-like contraption is. It was attached to my friend's radiator in his ~1950s-era apartment in Philadelphia. It was only secured with one bolt at 90 degrees to the radiator, but it also originally had a sheet metal housing around it that could be removed. It seems to me like it might be some kind of clothes hanger/dryer, but I have no idea. Does anyone know?
posted by Aanidaani at 2:52 PM PST - 13 comments

iOS development... how do I get even better?

I always see developers such as @rpetrich and @winocm making iOS jailbreak tweaks and things of a really high caliber of development. Just looking at some of their code and it's lower level complexity makes me feel intimidated and makes me feel like I'm just not good enough. [more inside]
posted by antgly at 2:41 PM PST - 13 comments

Help me learn how to do grown-up lady hair

I have thin, wavy hair. Since I was about twelve, "doing my hair" has consisted of washing it and leaving it down, or, on a not-shower day, putting it up in a ponytail. One of my goals this year is to learn how to have nice-looking hair when I want to. Help! [more inside]
posted by linettasky at 2:17 PM PST - 25 comments

Advice about alternative teaching certification in Texas?

Do you have advice about choosing an alternative teaching certification program in Texas? [more inside]
posted by vincele at 1:57 PM PST - 3 comments

Help me rejoin society?

I have been unemployed for a long period of time and it's really worn me down. I have an interview coming up, but I feel like I'm going to let my anxiety get the better of me and let this opportunity fall through if I don't get some kind of help. Any advice? [more inside]
posted by cosmicbeast at 1:53 PM PST - 17 comments

Is there a site that shows movie attendance broken out by state/city?

I've searched iMDB, BoxOfficeMojo, TheNumbers and MPAA sites and have come up empty. Anyone know of industry or financial sector sources that are publicly available?
posted by wensink at 1:47 PM PST - 2 comments

How to Optimize Heat Output from a Gas Fireplace?

We have a 24 inch by 36 inch vented gas log fireplace. See image. I'm pretty sure most of the heat goes up and out the flue. Are there any good modifications for optimizing heat output? Should we consider switching to a ventless system? Add some glass doors to the exiting setup?
posted by steinwald at 1:45 PM PST - 11 comments

Help Me Find Some Temp Work

Hello Metafilter. Please help me identify quality temp/staffing agencies in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am a non-technical worker who is especially interested in non-profit placements but am extremely open-minded. [more inside]
posted by foxy_hedgehog at 1:37 PM PST - 4 comments

Dating someone but it's not as fun as I'd like it to be

I've recently had my fourth date with a guy that I met online. Whilst I feel a definite connection with him, and there's a 'spark' so to speak, I don't feel like we have loads to talk about, or that the conversation flows as naturally as it could, and I also don't feel like we have as much silly fun as I'd like to have. Is this the kind of thing that could grow with time...? More details below. [more inside]
posted by pennywise_1 at 1:30 PM PST - 21 comments

What's Destroying My Pants?

I keep having the same wear and tear on my suit pants (and to a lesser extent, jeans and khakis) and I want to know what is causing it and how to make it stop. In almost every pair the crotch begins to go quickly, tearing apart, piling, fraying, and being worn straight through with little holes. it's like I'm doing splits or high kicks all day. These occur across types of pants, tailored and not, stuff I swear frequently and stuff I hardly ever wear. As far as I know I'm buying the right size and try to wear them at my natural waist, just below the belly button and frequently with belts. I'm a guy with a bit of a gut and I don't go for marathon runs in my suit pants. For outfits I wear a lot I rotate the pants but within a year they're ruined and torn up. Is it the material? Am I sitting wrong? Hanging them wrong? Is there something I should be looking or/asking the tailor about? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:26 PM PST - 9 comments

Foolproof Wii Softmod

I need to go from "Wii with unknown WADS/etc installed" to "Wii that launches backups off WBFS or FAT formatted USB storage" [more inside]
posted by signsofrain at 1:26 PM PST - 5 comments

It's experimental? Since when?

Questions around experimental procedures, health insurance, incommunicative doctors, and trying to advocate for someone who resists advocacy. I've broken down my big questions with some supporting info below. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:25 PM PST - 12 comments

Please help these hipster snobs cool it up in New Orleans!

30-ish scenester types seeking curated, non-comformist travel recommendations for the Crescent City. [more inside]
posted by sureshot at 1:20 PM PST - 38 comments

Important aspects of planning for your family

Hi all, Belated Happy New Year everyone! I am a 32yr old single mother of a beautiful 1yr old, and this year I’ve decided to plan ahead to help me fulfill my parenthood responsibilities to the best. We are a US middle-class family of two. Originally not from this country, I need to research several important aspects of planning for a future here. I hope to get some useful suggestions from those of you who are savvy about these things :-) [more inside]
posted by Spice_and_Ice at 12:58 PM PST - 15 comments

Gmail amnesia. Is there a cure?

How do I get Chrome/Gmail to remember my email account password? It's the same problem in Safari, but I use mostly Chrome. I used to be able to log into my three gmail accounts without inputting the password. No longer. How to bring back the password remembering functionality in Chrome? [more inside]
posted by VikingSword at 12:50 PM PST - 10 comments

Safest routes for a projectile through the human head?

Phineas Gage was famous for "his improbable survival of an accident in which a large iron rod was driven completely through his head". How many different ways (depths, angles) could you safely pass such an object through the human head without complete loss of brain function / death? [more inside]
posted by grog at 12:48 PM PST - 10 comments

Unplugged PC Motherboard in a Hurry, Now in Trouble...

I finally broke down and bought a new CPU fan for my PC, which had sounded like a monster truck filled with ball-bearings playing the drums. Things are much quieter now, but in my rush to get it installed I had to take out my motherboard completely and now can't figure out how to put the connections back! Help! [more inside]
posted by rosswald at 12:44 PM PST - 6 comments

exercise double D painful

For a friend: She has double d boobs and any exercise involving jumping is painful. Even if she wears 2 sports bra's to keep the ladies in check. She is in the US. What should she get so she can do insanity without too much pain?
posted by bleucube at 12:29 PM PST - 20 comments

How Much Should I Pay For A Monthlong Flat in Paris?

Going on honeymoon in June to Paris. I have a friend who runs a business renting apartments in Paris for a month at a time, and he's just sent me the first two options. One costs 1390 Euro, the other 1250 Euro. Both are crazy good locations with crucial amenities like bathrooms. Is this about right, or should we ask for cheaper quotes? [more inside]
posted by Locative at 12:19 PM PST - 21 comments

Buying my first car soon. Please point me in the right direction.

I am eligible to take my road test next month and, assuming a pass, would like to begin the process of purchasing a car a few months after that. I never got a walk-through with my parents, so I would like your advice specifically on the initial purchase and care of a FIRST car. [more inside]
posted by one of these days at 11:58 AM PST - 29 comments

Baa Baa Black Sheep Little Star H I J K L M N O P

Baa Baa Blacksheep, Twinkle Twinkle, and the alphabet song are all the same tune. How is it that one song has been used for three well known songs? What are some other examples of songs being the exact same tune but with totally different lyrics? (I'll accept rip off/coincidence type things like Born This Way/Express Yourself, but I'm looking more for examples where the identical-song-different-lyrics thing was deliberate and done knowingly.)
posted by PuppetMcSockerson at 11:52 AM PST - 53 comments

Help me with a WORD document in PAGES for iPAD

I'm having problems with the way WORD for iPAD interprets my highlighting passages of a document... [more inside]
posted by DMelanogaster at 11:43 AM PST - 3 comments

Budget clarinet repair near Toronto

We found ms scruss' clarinet in a recent house clearout, and we'd like to get it playable again. It's probably not worth too much, and we're on a budget anyway. Suggestions for what to do with it are welcomed. [more inside]
posted by scruss at 11:03 AM PST - 2 comments

In search of extremely relaxing music

Do you have suggestions for music that is as relaxing as Enya, but sounds pretty different? [more inside]
posted by bearette at 10:57 AM PST - 54 comments

Nagging wrist injury

I have a nagging wrist injury that I would like to fix. More below the fold. [more inside]
posted by prunes at 10:45 AM PST - 11 comments

How do I work productively at ANY time in ANY mood?

I have trouble getting work done if I'm not in the right mood, which is a rarity. I've become an extreme avoider of anything that will make me mad or frustrated or remind me of things that make me mad and frustrated. The problem is that I’m the number two in a small, overly-ambitious company that may just be the most frustrating one in existence. So I have what many would call an impossible workload and also a massive amount of frustration. The latter unfortunately usually cancels out the former for me and leads to much more of both. Oh, and I can’t easily quit, because it’s a family business and my boss/dad’s life’s work. Simply put, I need to do a complete 180. I need to go from being an emotionally-scarred avoider to a guy that can do what needs to be done even when he feels like screaming until his lungs explode. Paper thin skin to tank armor. I’ve taken too long to realize that if I don’t solve this now, it may ruin the company and my life. I’ll take whatever you can give me: advice, coping techniques, books or articles I should read, websites and online communities I should visit, specific counseling suggestions (not just “get counseling”), whatever. I just can’t take it anymore. [more inside]
posted by KinoAndHermes at 10:34 AM PST - 23 comments

Oh Email Address, I just can't quit you

I just got married! Yay! And I wanted to change my email address to reflect my new name. But that is turning out to be difficult. [more inside]
posted by Lizlemondrop at 10:33 AM PST - 9 comments

SO's Sick mother- not sure how to deal with her asking my SO to move in

I come from an abusive family where illness was often used an an excuse to mistreat people. For example, my mother would emotionally abuse my father and I and then say it was because she was sick and that we had to learn to deal with it. My SO just moved from another city to be with me and two months in his mother is asking him to move back home for her hip replacement surgery "until she can drive." I am finding this very stressful. [more inside]
posted by ponytime at 10:08 AM PST - 36 comments

How do I compare energy usage between building in different locations?

How do I compare energy usage between building in different locations? [more inside]
posted by btkuhn at 9:58 AM PST - 7 comments

Advice regarding a new mattress or Shikibuton

The wife and I desperately need a new mattress. Any experience with shikibutons? [more inside]
posted by chirico at 9:58 AM PST - 10 comments

How do you make life-changing decisions?

How do you go about making huge decisions that will significantly impact every aspect of your life? Is there a system or method for doing this well? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:31 AM PST - 35 comments

Foodies in Sin City and Northern California

Were would you go in Las Vegas and Mendocino County (CA) in mid-February for interesting food? [more inside]
posted by bonehead at 9:20 AM PST - 13 comments

Three-day trip to Mexico City - Must Sees?

What are the can't miss sights, restaurants and happenings in Mexico City from January 18-21? My boyfriend and I are going to Mexico City for a impromptu three-day trip and would love some neighborhood, restaurant/bar/cafe and sightseeing suggestions! [more inside]
posted by foodmapper at 9:14 AM PST - 10 comments

German-American experience in WWI?

I'm looking for books (preferably), journal articles, or documentaries on the difficulties German-Americans faced on the homefront during WWI. [more inside]
posted by entropicamericana at 8:58 AM PST - 9 comments

Dental Tourism

I'm looking for some suggestions on dental tourism, and if it is right for my situation. [more inside]
posted by quin at 8:47 AM PST - 3 comments

Remember back when you didn't like getting socks for the Holidays?

Point me to your favorite winter socks. Because it's cold here. Really, really cold, and every single pair of socks I own has holes. All of them. [more inside]
posted by instead of three wishes at 8:42 AM PST - 34 comments

History of thinking about extraterrestrial life in non-Western cultures?

I'm looking for any pointers to articles, books, or information about the history of pre-modern, non-Western thought about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. (To be clear, I'm not looking for anything about "ancient astronauts" or whether the ancient Egyptians were guided by aliens or anything like that.) [more inside]
posted by DevonKappa at 8:23 AM PST - 3 comments

Seeking Obscure Subculture Fiction

Please recommend fiction about obscure subcultures. Basically, I'm looking for the fiction version of this question. More contemporary books (written recently and about contemporary subjects) are preferred but not required.
posted by Xalf at 7:56 AM PST - 15 comments

Streaming nightmare!

I am admittedly, new to streaming. I have followed every step of this guide. Justin.tv recognizes this stream because when I started it, it showed my streamed desktop as the thumbnail for my channel. But my stream will not actually stream. It just gives me a Failed to Load message. And on top of that, on my broadcast page, it only accesses my camera, which I do not want. [more inside]
posted by squirbel at 7:12 AM PST - 16 comments

Can I get my petrol back?

The Peteyjlawsonmobile is dead, and most likely will not be resuscitated. In other annoying news, I filled the tank the day before the car decided to stop working. So, should I write it off as a loss, or can any Mefites suggest a cunning way of getting the petrol from the old car into the new car?
posted by peteyjlawson at 7:03 AM PST - 8 comments

Poetry writing classes in NYC... Gotham Writer's Workshop? 92Y?

I'm looking for NYC poetry class recommendations! Gotham Writer's Workshop and 92Y are both offering courses that start soon. Poet's House also offers classes but they haven't announced the dates yet. Does anyone have experiences with any of these? Are there other poetry classes or groups I'm overlooking? [more inside]
posted by yaymukund at 6:36 AM PST - 6 comments

Restaurant like Phil's in Moss Landing, only near West LA?

Whenever I get hungry, I wish I lived in Moss Landing. I would be at Phil's all the time. It's pretty much my dream eatery. Super casual, extremely yummy, reasonably priced for what you get. Where can I get that type of experience here on the west side of LA? [more inside]
posted by bluesky78987 at 6:10 AM PST - 8 comments

Current Muslim attitudes to the idea of recreating paradise

I'm interested in knowing what people practicing any of the branches of Islam feel about the idea of recreating paradise on earth. The Quran describes paradise as a garden and there are historic gardens which use these descriptions as a template. Is making a garden templated on paradise as described in the Quran blasphemous in the eyes of Islam today? [more inside]
posted by sciencegeek at 6:03 AM PST - 6 comments

Brooklyn restaurant for one-on-one business meeting

I am a free-lance bookkeeper seeking new clients. I would like to meet prospects at a Brooklyn restaurant. Ideally it would be moderately priced, available for lunch or dinner, quiet, well-lit and have wi-fi access. Anything that has 4 out of those 5 would be super, and anyplace with all of them is superb.
posted by layceepee at 6:00 AM PST - 6 comments

Ah, the joys of beanplating

I'm doing a research project that involves collecting a large number of patient samples. Objectively, I'm doing fine so far, but I'm finding the process very stressful, especially the part where I have to talk to their clinicians. Is there a way I can streamline it to make it less anxiety-inducing for me? Please advise, as I'm a little embarrassed to ask my supervisor. [more inside]
posted by cucumber patch at 4:41 AM PST - 8 comments

Washington DC vacation

We are thinking of taking a family vacation to DC this spring. Our kids will be 12, 15, and 17. We haven't yet decided whether we'll drive or fly (from Boston). How many days would we need to see most of the main sites? Any suggestions for an itinerary? What about a good but not terribly pricey hotel (preferably where we can get 2 adjoining rooms and continental breakfast)? Other tips or resources? I've seen some previous questions about off-the-beaten-track attractions, but we would be very much ON the beaten track. :)
posted by wisekaren at 4:41 AM PST - 36 comments

I have a 7 year old boy who can't spell- urgint holp neeyded plez ;-)

My son is an above average reader for his age but his spelling is atrocious. He has just finished Year 1 at school in Western Australia. I need help as he's getting upset about this and I'm getting stressed. I just don't know how to help him :-( There must be some good "spelling breakthrough" approaches out there...? More details inside. Any tips are really appreciated! [more inside]
posted by blacksky at 4:24 AM PST - 47 comments

Activities for a long hospital stay. Difficulty level: vision loss.

My sister is in a rehab hospital recovering from a brain injury. She has a lot of time between physio and therapist sessions and she has to entertain herself. Unfortunately she now has limited, blurry vision (legally blind) - she can enlarge text messages and facebook messages but reading a book is too difficult. She has an iPad but is limited to rewatching movies that she is already familiar with as it is otherwise too difficult to see what is happening. She is getting tired of sitting there just listening to audiobooks and I would love to hear any other ideas you might have (including simple apps/games) that could help keep her occupied. Thankyou!
posted by Naanwhal at 1:46 AM PST - 15 comments

Dogs misbehave, but only when we're out

After an incident involving a trip to the emergency vet, I need MeFi's advice on how to keep our dogs well-behaved when we're not around. They are delightful when we're home. Minor chewing of shoes and bringing snails into the house, typical puppy stuff but nothing we can't handle. When we're not home... jumping onto tables and countertops, and using dining chairs as a way to reach things on high shelves which are then destroyed and eaten. How do we teach them not to jump onto tables? Obligatory photo inside, as well as more details. [more inside]
posted by harriet vane at 1:35 AM PST - 31 comments

January 5

Connect SmartTV to internet using HDMI 1.4 to a PC?

I have a "WiFi-Ready" SmartTV (meaning it doesn't have a built-in wireless adapter, but has USB ports for one and ethernet port) and I'm looking to avoid the additional adapter by utilizing the fact that it is HDMI 1.4 compliant and my computer is 3 feet away with a decent internet connection. I have the appropriate HDMI /w Ethernet cable but don't know if this is something that was at all intended when the standard was put together. [more inside]
posted by gzimmer at 10:52 PM PST - 6 comments

Please help me plan my France trip this summer. Details inside.

Yes, it's another France itinerary question. My husband and I are traveling to France this summer (late June) and I need some itinerary advice. I am trying to figure out how to fill four days of travel between leaving Annecy and arriving in Paris. On Day One, we check out of our hotel in Annecy. On Day Five, we have to take a train or drive from wherever we are and arrive in Paris by the afternoon. So, we have four full days of itinerary to fill. Specifics inside... [more inside]
posted by emily37 at 10:27 PM PST - 5 comments

What is this four headed snow monster which has cut off one head?

This is a piece of folk art(?) in a house with many such things. I am house-sitting. Owner is away unreachable and in the past when I have asked her the story behind pieces, she doesn't know; she just buys them because they appeal to her artistically. I keep thinking there must be more of a story to it. [more inside]
posted by The otter lady at 10:10 PM PST - 4 comments

What is the high brow literature of today?

What contemporary literature are academics discussing these days? Where is the literary avant-garde? [more inside]
posted by Hennimore at 9:45 PM PST - 10 comments

You're in my blood like holy wine, you taste so bitter and so sweet

I can't seem to get over my ex and I'm worried that I never will. Is that possible? It feels like I'm grieving something heavier than the loss of a relationship. [more inside]
posted by caseofyou at 9:34 PM PST - 30 comments

29 year old virgin: embarrassed and confused

I am a 29 year old woman. I am fit, attractive, have a good personality, have had relationships, can sustain friendship. My friends say that I am a catch, and assume that I "get around" even though I never, ever, talk about my sexual exploits...because, well, the furthest I've gone is third base. I know my life circumstances explains some of the delay (details in extended explanation), but I want to know if there's anything else that I am doing wrong? Or am I actually not the weirdo popular culture made me think I am, and more people share this experience but are too afraid to admit? I feel so incredibly embarrassed. Am I missing out on something really important to become a real person? Will my lack of experience be a problem in the future? What if I am so lacking in practice my future partners find that a problem? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:21 PM PST - 24 comments

Does anyone know a good medical malpractice attorney in the PDX area?

While in the hospital my mother died of a doctor prescribed accidental overdose of her heart medication. I need to speak to someone regarding an action relation to this but live in the Buffalo, NY area and don't know attorneys in PDX. [more inside]
posted by Meep! Eek! at 9:13 PM PST - 7 comments

not playing around

How do I pay taxes on the game show winnings I received? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:50 PM PST - 17 comments

wanted: bike. requirements: cute, huge.

Can a 6'1" tall Canadian lady ever find a mixte under $800? [more inside]
posted by monkeymonkey at 8:14 PM PST - 11 comments

Does this music web site exist or did I just get a good idea?

Say you have two people who are trying to pick some music they both would like. Is there a web site where each one can suggest a band of their choice, and the site/algorithm/computerese voodoo suggests some third option that's going to appeal to them both based on that input? [more inside]
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 7:51 PM PST - 6 comments

What kind of silk long underwear should I get?

I'm looking for brand recommendations for sturdy, warm silk long underwear that'd fit a 34" waist and 49" hips. What kind should I buy? [more inside]
posted by 168 at 7:17 PM PST - 4 comments

Help me plan a Fall'14 trip to Spain and/or Portugal?

Which cities are a must? [more inside]
posted by BitterYouth at 7:07 PM PST - 14 comments

Mid-Atlantic summer camps

Can you recommend awesome summer sleepaway camps within some vague driving distance of Baltimore? [more inside]
posted by spbmp at 6:45 PM PST - 9 comments

There's a tiny dent in our basement door. Can this marriage be saved?

Is it necessary in a marriage to apologize for innocent mistakes like dropping a laptop? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:38 PM PST - 72 comments

Do we actually share a mysterious lineage, or are they just infatuated?

The other evening, as I was standing checking my pockets for something outdoors at a busy transit connection point, I was accosted by a person in their mid-20s (I am older) who first walked past me, then stopped and walked back towards me and said something (in an indeterminate, non-English accent, possibly of Eastern European origin, and in what struck me as an accusatory, perhaps even bitter, tone of voice) about my not recognizing someone from "your lineage." [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:37 PM PST - 22 comments

what do you wish you'd thought of when you bought your gas range?

I have a very basic Kenmore gas range in my kitchen. I like the gas stovetop and I think I want to keep it (but if I'm making a mistake not switching to induction, feel free to tell me so.) I hate this oven, though, and I want to replace it, but I don't know much about what I need to be thinking of. Tell me what you love/hate/have heard/wish you'd known about your oven. [more inside]
posted by fingersandtoes at 6:16 PM PST - 23 comments

I think I want a graphics tablet?

I need an alternative to a mouse + monitor for photo editing and some (simple) drawing. [more inside]
posted by tealcake at 5:44 PM PST - 11 comments

How to rent a kitchen for a week?

We are planning our wedding for mid July of this year and we want to cook most of the food for it in the week or so leading up to our wedding. We are looking for two things: a kitchen (or kitchens?) to cook the food, and a fridge/freezer (fridges/freezers?) to store the stuff. How can we do this? [more inside]
posted by andreapandrea at 5:33 PM PST - 11 comments

Say what you mean and mean what you say

The things that come out of my mouth sometimes baffle me. Why do I do this? [more inside]
posted by chainsofreedom at 5:27 PM PST - 14 comments

Help me find a song like "Last Friday Night"

For reasons, I need a song that has a similar feel and tone to "Last Friday Night (TGIF)" by Katy Perry. [more inside]
posted by emcat8 at 5:25 PM PST - 22 comments

The prison won't let our guests stay there....we asked.

Our go-to cheap Philly hotel just closed. Help us find an alternate for our wedding guests. [more inside]
posted by Diskeater at 5:21 PM PST - 7 comments

Help us choose a country to live in

We are thinking of applying for jobs in international schools in the next few years. We'd like to choose between Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia or Hong Kong. What we would prefer - a financial situation that is a little more comfortable than the one we can have in Melbourne on 2 teaching wages (private sector so slightly better pay than state). This could mean only one of us working but getting housing included - a situation that is conducive to the fact that we will have one small child (baby due soon) We've both been to KL and travelled reasonably extensively in Indonesia. We have some contacts in Jakarta. I've spent a day in Singapore and neither of us have been to Hong Kong. We'd appreciate info on lifestyle, housing costs and the kinds of packages one is likely to get from an international school. [more inside]
posted by jojobobo at 5:03 PM PST - 7 comments

Slipped down stairs and hurt my back, what is my best plan for tomorrow?

A few hours ago I slipped and fell down half a flight of stairs, injuring my back. How important is it that I see a doctor? Is there anything I can do to make going into work tomorrow less terrible? [more inside]
posted by matcha action at 4:58 PM PST - 13 comments

Flea Dirt on my dog - help!

I got an adullt dog from a shelter 3 weeks ago. I was told she has been treated for a flea problem she had upon intake to the shelter, and that she is currently suffering from an allergic reaction to the flea bites. I have needed to continue her antibiotics and fish oil for the allergy/itching, as well as medicated baths. Today I realized she's got flea dirt on her hind legs. [more inside]
posted by BestCoaster at 4:38 PM PST - 6 comments

Stalker filter: I have a reasonable expectation of safey at work, right?

I have a reasonable expectation of safety at work, right? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 3:52 PM PST - 10 comments

Music in films - is it possible to get a positive ID on a short segment?

The incidental music in a specific scene of Only Lovers Left Alive by Jim Jarmusch sounds a lot like the first half minute of something I have heard before, but it's not listed in the soundtrack. Is it possible to get a definitive answer on whether it's the same thing or it just sounds similar? [more inside]
posted by Dr Dracator at 2:26 PM PST - 6 comments

ABC, 123, App

What are your favorite free iPhone/iPod apps for toddlers? [more inside]
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 2:18 PM PST - 11 comments

Looking for tools or techniques to sort a photo library while on the go

I'm looking for a way to sort through my mountain of photos while I'm on the go, using an iPhone. (I shoot in RAW, so I guess it would need to involve exporting small JPGs to a Dropbox folder or an app.) I don't need to rate the photos, only flag/unflag/set as rejected (like Lightroom). The catch is that I'd like the changes I make on the go to somehow sync back to Lightroom on my computer. Is there an app for this that comes to mind, or any ideas you guys could suggest? Thanks!
posted by scrm at 1:46 PM PST - 2 comments

Looking for a furniture restorer and shipper near Glasgow

My mother has a toolbox made by her father; it's in pretty rough shape and was made during WWII out of very cheap materials so has nothing but sentimental value (but a lot of it, so cost of repairs are not so important - I'd rather get a good job done and pay more, than be unhappy and save a few pounds). She's offered it to me and I'd love to get it restored and then shipped to me in Canada (Vancouver). She lives near Glasgow and I was hoping to get recommendations for someone there or S. Ayreshire - but Edinburgh would work in a pinch.
posted by lesbiassparrow at 1:36 PM PST - 6 comments

What can you send to UK prisons?

What can you send to UK prisons - are books really banned now? [more inside]
posted by maiamaia at 1:29 PM PST - 7 comments

Everything is loud and I hate it.

I live in Palo Alto and find it impossible to concentrate and get anything done in public, my office being the only exception I've found. My apartment has single-pane windows and faces a busy street. I can hear traffic, car stereos, and even loud sidewalk conversations really, really well. The cafes where I can actually get a seat are also super-loud. I am picking up 77-80 dB on my phone mic at La Boulange right now, even when no music is playing. It is unbearable. Where can I find respite (defined as being able to concentrate, read, and work on a laptop) within 30 minutes of downtown PA via some combination of bike, bus, and Caltrain? (Do not suggest headphones or earplugs.)
posted by Nomyte at 1:29 PM PST - 13 comments

Should I tell my boss about my miscarriage?

I was planning to tell my boss I was pregnant after the holidays. Unfortunately I underwent a delayed miscarriage at 13 weeks. I chose to go through the miscarriage naturally and it ended up happening over the Christmas holidays. I am physically almost completely better. I work for a startup and my boss is the CEO. Do I tell him what I have gone through when I return to work on Monday? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:20 PM PST - 37 comments

What will it take to make me feel better?

After a particularly bad holiday season, I am feeling unhappy and dissatisfied with my life. I want things to change, but can't bring myself to actually do anything to help that change occur. This is a long one, so I apologize in advance... [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:20 PM PST - 11 comments

Help me find a rolling storage/cart to store all my crap

I'd like to find a reasonably sturdy rolling storage/cart that I can use in my studio to store paint, supplies etc., and I would like to be able to put it underneath my work tables. Lots of mind-boggling options on the interwebs, I would love some recommendations.
posted by nanook at 1:09 PM PST - 5 comments

What are obnoxiously fancy things to do in NYC?

My girlfriend and I want to live like royalty for one night in New York City. What should we do? [more inside]
posted by Blandanomics at 12:54 PM PST - 33 comments

Why aren't left turn signals "yields" rather than "stops"?

I have seen many controlled intersections that have one (or more) left turn lanes with one (or more) straight-through lanes with separate signals for the left turn lane(s) versus the straight lane(s). In general, those intersections are designed to have straight-through traffic going from two opposing directions and then alternate with left-turning traffic going from two opposing directions. When the straight-through traffic is passing, why do the left-turning lanes get a red circular light rather than a green circular light or a yellow circular light? [more inside]
posted by saeculorum at 11:59 AM PST - 21 comments

Good junk shops in New York City?

I'm headed for NYC and want to find cheap treasures before the hipsters get them. [more inside]
posted by crazylegs at 11:38 AM PST - 6 comments

While I slumber/seeking rest/my crappy cell phone finds what's best

I am interested in apps for iOs or android devices that gather information that can be used later when there is no cell or wifi available. [more inside]
posted by mecran01 at 10:57 AM PST - 11 comments

How to beat boredom?

Hello, I'm on a break between careers. Studied some Chinese language and web design last year but for various reasons that's not appropriate this year. [more inside]
posted by Musashi Daryl at 10:20 AM PST - 8 comments

Preserving Old Documents 101

I have inherited a box of old photos and documents from my grandfather's house. Not sure what/how to best share and preserve them. [more inside]
posted by JoannaC at 10:16 AM PST - 7 comments

I'm possibly moving in 6-8 months and not sure how I'll make money

My girlfriend is in the middle of applying to phd programs all over the country, and a parallel job job (k-12 educator) may not be easily available where we're going. I'm trying to prepare for alternatives so I can land on my feet. [more inside]
posted by lownote at 9:30 AM PST - 12 comments

How do I get help with mail fraud?

I sold an item on Amazon and it went south. [more inside]
posted by MansRiot at 9:23 AM PST - 26 comments

Where to score new rubber for a Type 1 in DC?

My father's '72 VW Beetle needs new tires. Where to buy replacements in the MD suburbs of DC? 165/15 for stock wheels. [more inside]
posted by Rash at 9:22 AM PST - 4 comments

How to make Thunderbird mark all new messages as read?

I recently started reading all my email on my smartphone. I still want to download every message in Thunderbird on my Mac (to archive it), but I don't want to manually mark everything as read after downloading it. Is there a way to either disable the "unread" flag, or auto-mark all new messages as read when they are received? [more inside]
posted by The Winsome Parker Lewis at 9:08 AM PST - 4 comments

How can I create a healthy relationship with my soon-to-be stepmother?

My dad is getting married to a woman with whom he's had a very tumultuous, difficult relationship. They are moving across the country together, and I'm scared. Lots more details inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:52 AM PST - 27 comments

Let's turn this garden up to eleven!

Last year, we finally were able to plant a vegetable garden. I think we were pretty successful, but it was all very haphazard and I want to improve our game this year. I'm looking for some quality resources and general tips and tricks to get more out of our space. [more inside]
posted by backseatpilot at 8:35 AM PST - 13 comments

What is the longest developed stretch of road in the world?

I am curious to know the longest drive you can take where you will not see any undeveloped land, such as farmland, forest or field, on either side of the road. The route does not have to be one single road, although I suppose I would be curious about the longest individual developed road, as well as the largest developed area(s). This question came about because I was thinking about urban sprawl and mega cities. This question could also potentially be phrased as what is the longest/widest urban area in the world, although I imagine it could also be possible to have a string of smaller municipalities all linked together along a major road. It could also be possible to have an urban area that snakes around in multiple curves, as opposed to being a straight shot across (or up or down).
posted by PigAlien at 6:49 AM PST - 48 comments

Quality Women's Ski Jacket

So Mr. Kitty and I stole away to Vermont last week for an impromptu ski trip during the amazing snow storm. I now have the bug for skiing and would like to get a quality ski jacket. [more inside]
posted by Suffocating Kitty at 6:10 AM PST - 6 comments

To snow tire or not to snow tire?

We're driving in snowy weather for the first time in our lives. Do we need snow tires, or is it better to just get a new set of all weathers if we are spending the money? Cars are a Corolla and a Focus.
posted by chaiminda at 5:21 AM PST - 33 comments

Datamining of my local filesystem

I would like to harvest file-system activity from my operating system on an ongoing basis so that in the future I can look back on the data to see what files I was working on at a given time. I'm using windows 7. Basically something like the web history in a browser, but for my local files and applications. [more inside]
posted by Popcorn at 2:34 AM PST - 5 comments

January 4

How do I make my straight hair curly?

For cosplay purposes, I'd like to have my straight, chin length bob converted to messy curls, along the lines of this or this. I've used wigs before now to achieve good results for hair styles that I couldn't achieve with my actual hair, but I'd like a short, messy, curly bob this time around and I'd love to learn how to do this myself. [more inside]
posted by eloeth-starr at 11:57 PM PST - 7 comments

Need recommendation for employment lawyer in Portland OR

Asking for a friend in Portland OR: she is currently being stonewalled by the university where she works over a discrimination/equal pay/age/gender complaint. Suggestions for an employment lawyer, based on firsthand experience, would be welcome. I will forward replies/memail.
posted by cgk at 11:37 PM PST - 2 comments

Low-VOC cabinet refinishing for dummies.

A question about how to refinish my cabinets, in a kitten-friendly (low VOC) way? Apologies in advance, as I'm new to furniture / wood stuff and think I'm missing something obvious. Kitten pictures inside. [more inside]
posted by slidell at 10:46 PM PST - 6 comments

YANMD but please help me identify this mark on my skin (Pics included)

I woke up with two marks on the inside on my arm three days ago, which I originally thought was a bruise. The marks haven't faded or changed colours, and now I am wondering if it's some kind of burn? They aren't raised at all. I don't remember hurting my arm (it doesn't hurt when I touch them) and I haven't changed my soap or anything. I do have eczema but my rash doesn't look anything like this. Here are a couple of photos - one, two. They are slightly browner than they appear.
posted by tegna56 at 10:34 PM PST - 14 comments

Anybody deeply fond of their flotation belt?

I love deep water running. The pool has a couple of varieties of flotation belts, I've purchased my own; they're all okay, but none of them are great. And none of them last long before they start falling apart (granted, they spend a lot of time immersed in chlorine, not so great for foam). [more inside]
posted by kestralwing at 10:22 PM PST - 5 comments

Moving to Boston, MA from Auckland, NZ

I am emigrating to the the USA from New Zealand in a few weeks for work, but apart from the job I don't have much organised on the other side yet. Is there anyone else out there that has recently made a similar move? What difficulties did you encounter? What would you do differently? Any secret tricks for day-to-day living in the states (e.g.: setting up bank accounts, etc) that you can impart.
posted by AndrewStephens at 10:20 PM PST - 15 comments

meta stories are meta

I really love works of fiction that use the style, setup, or form of another media product as a means of storytelling and sometimes subversion. For example: TEDxSummerisle (complete with tweets and botched livestream) and The Theory of Narrative Causality, written primarily in the form of Livejournal posts by the Sherlock Homes fandom (inc comments and bits of fanfic) as well as GChats, TVTropes, and related media. What other similar works are out there? [more inside]
posted by divabat at 10:07 PM PST - 22 comments

Looking for the perfect Seattle piano teacher!

Help me find the perfect piano teacher! [more inside]
posted by rouftop at 10:06 PM PST - 2 comments

Surviving and thriving amidst workplace sociopathy

What are some techniques and strategies for not only coping with, but thriving and getting the upper hand in dealings with the conscience-free? [more inside]
posted by Occam's Aftershave at 10:01 PM PST - 27 comments

Travel insurance recommendation for European visiting USA?

Other questions address other nationalities/situations, or are quite dated. Looking for recommendation of good travel insurance for an EU resident visiting the US on a tourist visa. No medical problems, just looking to cover incidentals/emergencies. Thanks!
posted by stillmoving at 9:34 PM PST - 6 comments

Deciding on a new name for myself

I am female, I go by like 10 different names (and respond quite well to all of them). I never really had one name as a result. I have reasons for changing from my birth name, including that there are porn stars with the same name online lol! [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:30 PM PST - 79 comments

Can I deduct training costs as tax deductible?

If I paid back an employer for training costs and business expenses related to the training - are these tax deductible? [more inside]
posted by lpcxa0 at 7:54 PM PST - 2 comments

Name that West Wing episode!

In an episode of the West Wing, Annabeth Schott (Kristin Chenoweth) and C.J. Cregg (Allison Janney) are walking down a hall talking about height. That is all I remember. Does anyone know which episode that scene is from?
posted by eldvno at 7:21 PM PST - 1 comment

This rock chick needs more rock chicks to listen to.

I realized recently that a good 90% (at least) of the music I like features male singers. Which then led me to realize that I have fairly specific requirements/tastes when it comes to female singers. Help me find more women who rock! [more inside]
posted by scody at 6:26 PM PST - 167 comments

Moving beyond Sokal?

I am interested in articles that try to analyze and explain the conflict between the hard and soft sciences. In my casual web surfing I have come across e.g. highly-trained scientists who yet express a deep disdain for fields as open-ended and far-ranging as sociology, feminism, queer theory, postmodernism, and so on, sometimes even economics, psychology. I find such attitudes hard to comprehend, and even disturbing since my educational background is in the applied sciences. Which are the important works that have been done to better understand this ongoing social/intellectual gap, and that are presented in a readable manner for a non-expert?
posted by polymodus at 5:27 PM PST - 11 comments

Any reason to keep track of lots, or even transactions, in an IRA?

Am I understanding the USA's IRA laws correctly that all I really have to keep track of, in order to eventually (years from now) take money out without penalty or double taxation or such, is the amount of after-tax money I put into it over the years? [more inside]
posted by Flunkie at 4:55 PM PST - 5 comments

How do you play with butts?

I am a straight male with a NSFW sex question under the fold. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:43 PM PST - 23 comments

Everything stores

In Chicago, especially in working-class neighborhoods, there are a lot of stores that seem from the outside like they sell a bit of everything: they have displays (often garish) with pots, pans, clothing, and other odds and ends. What are these stores? Who are they for? Who runs them, who buys from them? [more inside]
posted by LSK at 3:53 PM PST - 17 comments

Self-Guided Bike Touring in Alaska

Does anyone have general advice or recommendations for a self-guided bike tour company in Alaska? I am at the very beginning of planning a 2015 Alaska adventure and need to narrow it down. [more inside]
posted by thewestinggame at 3:44 PM PST - 3 comments

I need a Walter White phone

I am currently using an HTC One on Verizon. I need a Verizon phone that will work with my existing number/plan that does the following: [more inside]
posted by 4ster at 3:24 PM PST - 7 comments

How much more secure are older low tech phones than the more modern ones

Are older phones or phones designed for poorer countries any less susceptible to spying than the latest Apple, Google or Android models? I've read about CEO's looking for the very old brick phones because since they don't have the sophisticated technology of the modern phones, they're harder to monitor or track. I understand the phones w/o apps are clearly more secure regarding third parties because they aren't sending personal data to companies. But what the government and everything else; voice, location via cell towers, SMS; the very basics.
posted by CollectiveMind at 2:38 PM PST - 12 comments

Another Okcupid profile review.

Just started a new account. Maybe you guys can help me out? [more inside]
posted by MeaninglessMisfortune at 2:36 PM PST - 22 comments

Washington State Worker issue

My friend is having an employment situation crisis (Washington state), and it's difficult to find a lawyer to consult on the weekend. Is there a case here, or is at will termination going to come into play here? I know that he needs to talk to a lawyer, but it's a little bit of an emergency. :) [more inside]
posted by semaphore at 1:12 PM PST - 14 comments

Is Rand Attracting Ron Paul's Crossover Supporters?

Ron Paul crossed over to very strongly appeal to people who weren't previously politically active and who wouldn't normally have identified as Republican. Is there indication whether or not his son Rand is attracting similar support and excitement among that same crowd? [more inside]
posted by Quisp Lover at 12:10 PM PST - 10 comments

Hey look at me!

I am fascinated and more then a little curious about self-promotion. Not the kind that you use to get hired or promote a new project or in a professional way, more of the spectacular kind of like the Xmas letter variety where everyone and all is so super great, but not just limited to that. [more inside]
posted by lasamana at 11:50 AM PST - 27 comments

Are there credit cards that list more detail on each transacton?

I am bewildered by the fact that in 2014 my Chase credit card statements are so terse on transaction details. I have had fraud on my card multiple times in the past year, and it's often difficult to sort out the legitimate and the fraudulent transactions. In response to one fraudulent charge, however, Chase e-mailed me asking about the suspect charges. In addition to the abbreviated and cryptic sounding company name that is on my statement, they helpfully listed the non-abbreviated name, the time (rather than just the date), as well as the category (a taxi and limousine company). I would love such information on my credit card statements for all transactions. So two questions: 1) Do any of you have credit cards you are happy with that list details such as time, or category? Or phone number for the merchant? This question was spurred by a memory of a friend telling me his card listed such things. 2) Less importantly, but in case anyone wants to chime in, does anyone know why all cards don't give more detail? How hard can this be in 2014? Thanks in advance.
posted by User7 at 11:48 AM PST - 14 comments

Best Discussion Books for Book Club

It is time once again for my book group to nominate and then vote on the books for the upcoming year. Any suggestions? Criteria within. [more inside]
posted by RoadScholar at 11:46 AM PST - 22 comments

Childcare strategies for work-at-home parents?

Is it possible to work at home with a nanny and 2 kids and actually get anything done? If not, can you suggest alternate strategies? [more inside]
posted by The Elusive Architeuthis at 11:35 AM PST - 18 comments

*sniffle* I haven't been sick in 15 years!

What's the best way to respond to people who see colds and flu as moral failings? [more inside]
posted by galenka at 11:25 AM PST - 33 comments

Ideas for fun trip to South Korea?

I'm thinking about taking a trip to South Korea. Can you help me with trip suggestions? Details within! [more inside]
posted by bluecore at 11:23 AM PST - 13 comments

Finishing rabies vaccine course in the US?

I was bit by an animal and started a course of Verorab/Rabipur while traveling in Thailand. How can I finish the course in the US? [more inside]
posted by pravit at 10:58 AM PST - 6 comments

Crash Course in NY

Me and the missus will be going to NY in Spring! [more inside]
posted by mazola at 10:33 AM PST - 9 comments

windows live mail stopped working

My windows live mail stopped working two days ago. When I start the program the message says "windows live mail has stopped working and will search the web for a solution." I have searched the web to find a solution and have tried what I found was suggested: going to the windows live essentials file and repairing it. I tried this three times and it still won't work. I am running what I assume is the latest version of explorer and windows live essentials 2011. Everything was fine until two days ago. For what it is worth the latest windows update version is KB2913152 as of 12-12-13. But everything worked until the 1st of January. Assuming I could download an updated version of the essentials, and assuming it would fix the problem, I am concerned about losing my contact list, as I can't get to them at the moment.
posted by jtexman1 at 10:29 AM PST - 3 comments

The air at the Dead Sea

It's my understanding that the atmosphere at the Dead Sea has a higher concentration of oxygen than the sea level norm because of the extremely low elevation (roughly a quarter mile below sea level). My question is: what does it feel like to breathe this air? Is it refreshing? Does it feel thicker than air at sea level? Are there any objective medical findings associated with long-term exposure to oxygen at this concentration? Many thanks in advance.
posted by jason's_planet at 10:19 AM PST - 20 comments

A! D! H! D! and screwing around with medication

I am trying to experiment (with my pdoc of course) with ADHD medication. Adderall works well for me, but not well enough. I am trying Concerta right now and I don't really like it. What can I do? [more inside]
posted by tweedle at 10:04 AM PST - 8 comments

Are there charities to help pet owners in need?

Are there charities to help pet owners in need? I came across a Craigslist ad that really bummed me out. [more inside]
posted by mermily at 9:29 AM PST - 15 comments

Audio quality of Sonos speaker vs traditional bookshelf speaker?

We have a new Sonos Play 5 (just one for now) and are comparing the audio quality to a 40 year old small advent bookshelf speaker run from an equally old Luxman receiver. [more inside]
posted by Kevin S at 9:13 AM PST - 6 comments

Am I being strung along or is he just scared and taking it slow?

I need advice about my boyfriend: I think I might be being strung along, but can't tell. [more inside]
posted by Butterflye1010 at 9:11 AM PST - 29 comments


How do you keep track of your friend's babies/children? I'm looking for some kind of system to remind me of names, ages, and birthdates for the small humans that my large human friends have brought into the world. [more inside]
posted by sparklemotion at 9:10 AM PST - 13 comments

Portable power pack recommendations

Looking for recommendations for a portable battery pack with inverter for 120vac. Bonus points if it can also jump-start a car. [more inside]
posted by BillMcMurdo at 8:35 AM PST - 2 comments

Advice on getting last minute appointment with new dentist

Last night bonding that filled in a sizable part of my front tooth (chipped in childhood) fell out. It is not too painful (just sensitive to hot and cold) so is certainly not a dental emergency, but is very noticeable and I'd like to have it addressed ASAP. I have recently moved to a new area and have not yet had a routine cleaning with a local dentist, though I have a recommendation from a friend. I called that office and a few others covered by my insurance this morning but they all appear to be closed over the weekend. Will a new dentist see me with little notice to fix the issue if I am not a current patient? Also is the best approach to leave a message now or call early Monday? Or do I need to contact my last dentist (who I didn't particularly like and who is a 35 minute drive) for better luck getting a last minute appointment?
posted by moshimosh at 7:46 AM PST - 11 comments

Android (Nexus 5) battery questions / issues... ?

I'm running the latest version of Android on a Nexus 5. I have location services enabled. The battery sucks and I'm trying to understand what exactly is going on. [more inside]
posted by dobbs at 7:23 AM PST - 17 comments

Learning how to set limits and follow through on them

I need help in learning how to firmly say no and in changing patterns that have been years in the making. I’m an empathetic and intuitive person and I’m very generous. It’s second nature to me to offer to help out or to support my friends. I come from a very ‘what’s mine is yours’ approach. I’ve given people places to stay, financial support, intensive emotional support and career assistance. I like being this way; it’s true to me and I’m not resenting or adding it up…but I feel I am training some people to exploit me or to assume they are always entitled to my help. I’m happy with these parts of myself, but recently I’ve started feeling that my kindness and sensitivity to others needs and boundaries is encouraging some people to treat me as if I have no boundaries or needs myself. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:46 AM PST - 35 comments

Applesauce left out overnight

This morning I found a container of homemade applesauce left out with the cover off on the counter overnight. Can I eat it? The house was at around 66 degrees.
posted by mkb at 6:15 AM PST - 8 comments

How to start a frozen car.

Both of my Hondas are frozen and won't start. Help! [more inside]
posted by archimago at 6:14 AM PST - 18 comments

Fitness tracker (Fitbit, etc.) whose Bluetooth/wifi can be turned off?

Personal electronic devices with active wireless / bluetooth are not allowed in my workplace, so I'm looking for a fitness tracker whose Bluetooth / wireless can be turned off during the day. I have looked at the manuals for various products - FitBit (Flex/Force/One), Nike FuelBand; Misfit Shine; etc. - but I haven't found the answer yet. Does anyone know whether this is possible for any of the various devices out there today? I'm happy to do the work of manually syncing the device on my own (for instance, via USB) if that's what's called for.
posted by ninotchka at 5:25 AM PST - 16 comments

January 3

Somehow my wife never got her car title. Twist: then she changed states.

My wife bought a car in 2010 in Georgia, and somehow never saw a title. All the paperwork is legit, and it was registered correctly in Georgia, but she has no memory of a title. It seems she never got it. We kind of forgot about the complication until now, when we're trying to sell it. [more inside]
posted by brenton at 11:25 PM PST - 17 comments

It's like sleep apnea, but through my nose. What's going on?

It's like sleep apnea, but through my nose. What's going on? [more inside]
posted by The Card Cheat at 11:19 PM PST - 14 comments

I want to be accurately informed. How?

I recently came upon the work of Noam Chomsky and it opened up a whole new world of information and ways of seeing the world. How can I become more informed about our world's recent history and be accurate about it? [more inside]
posted by drd at 9:40 PM PST - 28 comments

Time share - pluses and minuses

Do you own a time share? What do you love about it? What do you hate about it? What would you have liked to know before you bought it? We're on the fence on buying a time share with a name brand. But the hype and fears around the concept make our judgement clouded. Please share your advice and anecdotes. [more inside]
posted by Rabarberofficer at 8:48 PM PST - 21 comments

My poor chickens are so cold!

How can I provide heat to my chicken coop, without an electricity source? [more inside]
posted by silverstatue at 8:20 PM PST - 27 comments

Web series like The Guild?

I really enjoyed the web series The Guild. Are there similar web series that I would enjoy, based on this (rather sparse) criteria?
posted by SpacemanStix at 7:40 PM PST - 13 comments

I hate iPhoto with a fiery passion. Please help me find an alternative.

While I have plenty of experience with PCs, I am a Mac person who is currently using a MacBook Pro (OS X, but it's more than 3 years old), an iPhone, and a Canon SLR. I upgraded to the full version of iPhoto awhile ago thinking it would make me like iPhoto better. It has not. I'm leaning towards Adobe PhotoShop Elements 12, but I am not sure if that is the best alternative or if there is another one I should be considering. Some additional info inside. [more inside]
posted by katemcd at 7:36 PM PST - 20 comments

Although she cleans up well, once you check under the surface...

I just moved into a furnished apartment (in Ontario, Canada) that I knew would have some of the owner's knick-knacks and belongings... but I didn't realize just how much stuff would be here. This is for a (relatively) short-term stay. How can I politely (and does it need to be polite?) request that I need some of her stuff cleared out? [more inside]
posted by vernondalhart at 7:28 PM PST - 16 comments

New Orleans in Feb or March, but not for Mardi Gras. Oui?

My friend and I would like to plan an (approximately 4-day) trip to New Orleans this February or March, but not be there for Mardi Gras itself. Are these good times to travel there? [more inside]
posted by AlmondEyes at 7:08 PM PST - 14 comments

Things to do in Denver when it's cold?

Besides skiing, of course. I think myself and Ms Jo will be in Denver area for 4 days or so within the next two weeks. We may ski one day, but prefer just being out of doors and walking and hiking. Is this too crazy given the season? I would love to go to a hot springs but the closest one looks kinda cheesy/expensive. We will have a car. I like beer. Suggestions for activities and accommodations are welcome. Basically, I am looking for a non-ski reason to go Denver area this month for 3 or 4 days. If the answer is to come back later (during brew fest and better hiking weather, so be it).
posted by J0 at 6:32 PM PST - 15 comments

Power is out! So, how long until my pipes burst?

I have a small weekend cottage. I am currently 2 hours away from said cottage and the power there went out 3.5 hours ago. The temperature there is currently -2 F. Power company estimates return of power around midnight. Are my pipes going to freeze? [more inside]
posted by minervous at 5:36 PM PST - 13 comments

Looking for advice for a 27-year-old that wants to go to med school

I currently work in software engineering (my background is in finance and computer science) and am thinking seriously about giving med school a stab. I'm less interested in getting into the reasons (though if you have comments on that I'm open to it), and more interested in advice and resources on making the transition. I feel terribly old to do this, but there's no time like the present, right?! [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:56 PM PST - 20 comments

Help me find the best sweatshirt known to mankind.

What's the softest and most comfortable sweatshirt that I can buy? [more inside]
posted by schmod at 3:49 PM PST - 23 comments

Adapting to noise-cancelling headphone headaches/nausea

I recently received Bose QC15 noise cancelling headphones, and in my first two days wearing them at work -- periodically, about four hours in total each day -- I've experienced mild headaches and mild nausea. Do people experiencing these symptoms eventually adapt, and the symptoms go away?
posted by RobinFiveWords at 2:56 PM PST - 6 comments

What kind of rock is this?

I have seen photos of this type of rock on several Appalachian Trail blogs and galleries over the years. Two instances were in the Bland County, Virginia section.
posted by maggieb at 2:50 PM PST - 10 comments

I did something really, really stupid. Now what?

I have a receipt (stating the model number) for a malfunctioning freezer which WOULD still be under warranty, had I not unknowingly removed the serial number upon it's arrival. That's just how brilliant I am. Is there any way to get Whirlpool to honor the warranty anyway? Or at least a way to get a repairman to fix it on my dime? So far no one will touch it and I don't know what to do. [more inside]
posted by lmpatte2 at 2:43 PM PST - 20 comments

In Search Of Post Time

I'm looking for an amazing 2014 wall calendar. [more inside]
posted by casarkos at 2:42 PM PST - 8 comments

My Kidneys Hurt And I'm Freaking Out

Hey. I've had a kidney infection before, years ago. Now my kidneys ache, I'm suddenly (as of a couple days ago) nauseous all the time, and apparently I've had many/most of the symptoms of kidney disease for months now and just didn't put the pieces together. I have an appointment for Monday morning to see a doctor at my usual clinic. Am I okay to wait a few more days or is this an emergency room situation? Is there anything I can be doing in the meantime to feel less awful? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:42 PM PST - 21 comments

How do I stop comparing myself to others?

When looking at other women, particularly strangers out in public, I often objectify them. I know I haven't always done this and I want it to stop. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:42 PM PST - 16 comments

How to keep Google from associating work e-mail with throwaway gmail?

(all e-mail addresses below are fakes, natch) I created throwaway@gmail.com solely for the purpose of having a Google voice account to port a cell phone number to. I no longer needed the phone, and consolidated what were two phones (work and personal) into one number. Since I didn't want to check another e-mail address when voicemail/text notifications came in, and since the discarded phone had been for work, I set up me@myworkplace.com as the address to forward all e-mails to, and also set up this e-mail as my recovery address for the throwaway@gmail.com account. This is the only association between these two accounts, and I have never publicized throwaway@gmail.com at all, to anyone. Now that I've done this, gmail users who enter me@myworkplace.com into the TO: field to send me e-mail see the icon I used for throwaway@gmail.com, and apparently the Google+ info that Google automatically set up for that account. It gets worse after the break... [more inside]
posted by randomkeystrike at 2:35 PM PST - 3 comments

But there's a whole empty plane here!

So, a general question based on an anecdote. Yesterday we were supposed to fly from Tampa to Chicago Midway. Because Midway was crazy, we left really late and eventually got diverted to Memphis. A few hours later, our flight was cancelled due to a (fixable, but not at midnight) mechanical problem, and now Southwest has to figure out how to get 143 people to Chicago. So...why not just put them on that same airplane tomorrow when it's fixed? [more inside]
posted by goodbyewaffles at 2:28 PM PST - 10 comments

How to Recover a Lost Voice?

I have been sick for a week and have not had a voice for the past 2 days. I've been sick before but haven't lost my voice before. What am I supposed to be doing to be taking care of it? I know I'm supposed to rest it, which I am, but I also would like to soothe it and get it back up and going as soon as possible. This is really quite inconvenient. Also, at what point should I see a doctor? Thank you!
posted by madonna of the unloved at 2:26 PM PST - 13 comments

How to interview someone on camera? (Not for a job.)

Part of my job as a writer should be interviewing interesting people—tech types, fashion designers, musicians, etc. Except I get absolutely panicky when I do it. I have to fly overseas to interview three high-level dudes on camera this Thursday, and I'm already stage-frightey. I hate it. Google search terms, resources, tips, anecdotes, words of encouragement, hugs? [more inside]
posted by ulfberht at 2:07 PM PST - 9 comments

San Francisco - Beautiful places to work/study?

San Francisco - Beautiful places to work/study...That aren't coffee shops? [more inside]
posted by jander03 at 1:58 PM PST - 12 comments

Where can I find more on the Arabic concept of takazu or "mutual lying"?

From this recent profile of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad in the New Republic: "Assad took pleasure in toying with the West. “He told me once, ‘When I sit with the Arabs, it’s a session of 'takazu’—mutual lying, we say in Arabic,” says the former adviser." [more inside]
posted by hamsterdam at 1:38 PM PST - 7 comments

Girl of my dreams and I decided to not do long distance when shes abroad

Girl I've been dating for a few months, who is perfect for me, has left to go abroad for 10 months. We decided not to do long distance but to keep in close contact. I'm planning to visit her. I'm in this grey area where we are in an unlabeled, romantic friendship and care deeply about each other but due to distance and uncertainty of the future, we can't commit. I'm just scared we are going to lose our amazing connection and fall apart, so I need some perspective on how to keep close and be as intimate as possible in the face of this distance, and the freedom to date other people. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:31 PM PST - 19 comments

Why Are Electronic Magazines More Expensive Than Print?

The only gift I wanted for the holiday's was an online subscription to Outside Magazine. The subscription was $23.99 on Apple newsstand.. The problem is Outside offers print subscription with 2 digital accounts for $16.99. I don't want the print copies. Is there anyway around the apple magazine monopoly? Not interested in nextissue.com
posted by Xurando at 1:19 PM PST - 7 comments

3hr layover at EWR--enough to time to transfer baggage & re-check in?

Is a 3 hour layover at the Newark (EWR) airport enough time for me to land (domestic Southwest flight), grab my checked baggage, and recheck in for the second part of my trip on United (international flight)? [more inside]
posted by lychee at 12:53 PM PST - 19 comments

Kiss Out Of Nowhere, Now I'm Confused

I was pursuing someone but it didn't seem to be going anywhere. Then she kissed me out of nowhere on New Year's. Mixed signals galore. Am I getting led on? Or maybe I am doing something wrong? [more inside]
posted by christiehawk at 12:52 PM PST - 13 comments

How do you deal with racists you are in a position of power over?

In a professional capacity, I have to deal occasionally with racists that I am in a serious position of power over. I would like some ways that I can show that I do not approve of racist behavior, without treating these vulnerable people badly or reinforcing their racism. Please help! [more inside]
posted by corb at 12:19 PM PST - 38 comments

Flannel sheets for restless sleepers?

Is there anything I can do to make my new flannel sheets less...sticky? I am apparently a very restless sleeper and the last two nights have had terrible nights' sleep after repeatedly waking up with my pj's seemingly velcroed to my sheets. [more inside]
posted by stellaluna at 12:06 PM PST - 11 comments

What to do: winter evenings in Niagara Falls, NY

I am traveling to Niagara Falls, NY, for business next week. I will be there for four days. What shall I do with myself when I am not working? [more inside]
posted by CiaoMela at 11:54 AM PST - 9 comments

Involved in accident, at-fault party's insurance couldn't pay for all

Involved in a four-car accident, at-fault party's insurance couldn't cover all the property damages. Now what? [more inside]
posted by Carius at 11:54 AM PST - 10 comments

Recovering from a mistake in nursing

I'm a new RN but was terminated after I screwed up and verbally abused a patient. Help me figure out what's next. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:40 AM PST - 11 comments

The best blow job techniques, videos and practitioners?

What adult videos feature the best, most passionate and intense blow jobs? Who are the best practitioners? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:39 AM PST - 10 comments

Least stressful, most cost-effective way to move cross country?

I currently live in in Pennsylvania and I just got a job in California. My new office wants me to start in the next couple weeks -- and I do too -- but I am really nervous/stressed out about finding an apartment and moving cross country. [more inside]
posted by peachpie at 11:29 AM PST - 18 comments

Extra Plum butter

As one of my christmas cookies, I made Plum pinwheels (similar) this past christmas, and was left with a bit too much plum jam/butter. What else can I cook with it? [more inside]
posted by larthegreat at 11:15 AM PST - 7 comments

"How could I bring a child into this world?" The climate change edition.

Many people I know who aren't global warming skeptics are still planning to procreate. Though I might like to have a kid someday, the thought of their future quality of life strikes me as a potentially decisive ethical objection to it. While I've seen plenty of arguments against procreation that deal with the ethics of creating more consumers, that issue is distinct from the ethics of creating new sufferers. Can you point me to any well-reasoned arguments--whether yours or something you've seen, on either side of the issue--that deal with the ethics of choosing to bring children into a hotter world? [more inside]
posted by Beardman at 10:49 AM PST - 45 comments

Would a Chromebook be right for us?

Between my wife and I, I'm the "computer guy," while she basically uses her computer to write, engage in social media, and update a couple of blogs with all that this entails (light photo editing, etc.). We have to replace her aging Dell laptop. Would a Chromebook be a good option? [more inside]
posted by Shepherd at 10:26 AM PST - 11 comments

Should I have been charged tax?

I run a promotional merchanding company. We are fully registered as an LLC in the state of NJ. We have a tax ID number and are officially a re-seller. We recently did an order for a client located in the state of California. The vendor who manufactured the items for us is also located in the state of California. When our final invoice came, we were charged tax and were told when the vendor and final destination were inthe same state (or at least in CA), then we are due to be charged tax on the merchandise......We have done plenty of orders with the same scenario (produced in CA and shipped to CA) without being charged tax....... We are confused. Should we have to pay tax or not on this order?
posted by TwilightKid at 10:02 AM PST - 3 comments

Life's little luxuries...

I spent a few days over the holidays at a yoga/wellness retreat, and had a fantastic time. I'm realizing though that a lot of things that made me happy weren't extravagant: time for yoga, selections of nice teas, healthy food, access to a sauna, time for walks, time for journaling, etc.) So now I'm back in the real world (and I'm in med school, so my life kind of sucks), but I'm trying to think of ways to re-create my time there, by adding small little luxuries to my own life. I can get the yoga down, and I've got new ideas for healthy foods, etc. But I'm wondering what small, simple things in your lives and homes make you feel nurtured and more relaxed. Thank you!
posted by namemeansgazelle at 9:48 AM PST - 39 comments

Recommend an internet/phone setup for me, and/or explain hotspots to me

I'm looking for the cheapest way to have home internet and a cell phone. [more inside]
posted by shortyJBot at 9:34 AM PST - 9 comments

Foolproof veggie curry anyone?

I'm a decent cook in general and thanks to having had a few close Asian friends and a partner over the years to cook with/watch cook I am pretty decent at some Indian stuff ... bhaji's, paneer dishes, dhal etc... but I've always ballsed up vegetable curry. Why? I can't see where I go wrong.. I have the main spices, I use fresh ginger and garlic generally, I've tried grinding spices, different recipes, slaving for hours... it all comes out crap, or at best tasting just like my dhal. I've experimented with different amounts of spices and never get that tomatey, spicey kick so perfected by even the crappest take away. Even tried a course recently but the teacher was crazy, so I sacked it. Any tips? If it involves Aubergine all the better ;) Thanks in advance...
posted by tanktop at 8:59 AM PST - 22 comments

Let's try this diplomatically....

What are your favorite pleasant but professional ways to say 'Don't take this to me. Take this problem to Jane Smith instead." [more inside]
posted by A Terrible Llama at 8:41 AM PST - 23 comments

Where can I find up to date, quantitative studies on diet and exercise?

It's a new year and there have been a lot of articles about diet, nutrition and exercise around the internet lately. Most seem to be based on hearsay, personal anecdotes or scientific studies of extremely small samples - as do most Google results when I try to search for a current 'scientific consensus' on what a healthy diet and exercise program looks like. Can any one point me towards an evidence backed report that covers these topics and is accessible to a layman?
posted by jonrob at 7:25 AM PST - 14 comments

I suck at Scrabble and I need Words to express Things. Help?

I would like to include in my cover letter the sentiment that the years I took off from work (for reasons I touch on) make me hungry for any job I take on. I would really like a job that gave me things to think about, something to focus on and obsess over. How can I put this that doesn't use the word "hungry" and makes me sound more like a dedicated worker and less like a slightly crazed person? My thesaurus's suggestion of "could eat a horse" is not helping.
posted by FiveSecondRule at 6:28 AM PST - 11 comments

How cold is it inside up North?

I live in the southern US and am curious about heating systems "up North". [more inside]
posted by dukes909 at 4:58 AM PST - 86 comments

What's the division of labour in web development?

I want to start doing freelance web work, but I'm not sure what I'd like to specialise in. I'm competent with python, PHP, html, css, javascript and angular as well as doing designy things like UX and photoshop. Previously I've always built whole websites from start to finish and now I'd like to pick a particular element and develop my skills to professional level in that role, but I'm not sure how it breaks down and how the size of the company/project increases the numbers of roles.
posted by awesomathon at 4:22 AM PST - 5 comments

How do I brush this cat?

I have never successfully brushed my cat. I even got a Furminator, which worked extremely well, the one time I managed to brush him for about 3 seconds. The problem is that he thinks it is a toy. In fact, I have never brought any object close to his little cat body that he has not playfully attacked unless asleep. It is definitely playful and not aggressive. I have also tried the method of slow acclimation, but this thing can go from peaceful/sleepy to attacky in an instant. [more inside]
posted by nj554 at 2:37 AM PST - 21 comments

What am I doing wrong with this wiring?

I am playing with an animatronic toy I got from a thrift shop. Before I started trying to hack it, there was a rocker switch that when pressed in one direction, made the head turn left, and when pressed in the other direction, made the head turn right. I have hooked this up to my arduino by replacing the switch with transistors, but the head now will only turn right. Without knowing exactly how the circuit board inside the toy works, is there enough information to figure out what I'm doing wrong? [more inside]
posted by lollusc at 12:53 AM PST - 10 comments

January 2

Books with shameless cheating

I would like to read something where one character cheats on another an offensive amount and can manipulate his/her way out of it. The cheating should be with various (a lot!) people and not about love. I guess like the dynamic in American psycho / wolf of Wall Street but more about the cheating and lying. Movies/songs are ok to.
posted by LaunchBox at 11:23 PM PST - 28 comments

How do I explain death to a 5 year old?

My father died a few hours back in India. I am trying to fly there tomorrow afternoon (after I get back to Dallas in the morning to pick up passport etc.). I have been away a lot this past year on work (4 days a week on most week days; also been away the past 7 days on a large, crazy program going live on 4 days time). And now I am taking off to India for ... not sure how long (probably 2-3 weeks). My son and I are very close. He is fond of his grandfather. We came back from a 2 week trip back home 2 months back. So he has fairly recent memories. I would like to be truthful to him and explain why I am going away for a substantial time. But I am slightly worried about him starting to brood about me when I am away if I do (he is only 5). What is a good way to approach this? Is it wiser to lie? Thank you.
posted by justlooking at 10:59 PM PST - 14 comments

Sandboarding rental/lessons in Mojave [Calif.] area?

We're planning a winter trip to Death Valley and would like to do some sandboarding nearby (it's generally not allowed in the park). Ideally there would be some outfit where you pay for training and board rental (like ski lessons) but my googling has come up empty.
posted by kurumi at 10:22 PM PST - 1 comment

Is there such a thing as a lantern-style electric lamp?

I have a very tall cabinet in the corner of my living room. I'd love to put lighting on the top of the cabinet, and I like the idea of having a few lanterns like this or this up there. But, it's too tall to be messing with candles in there, and I'd want to use this regularly- it would be a lot better if I could have something that plugged in. I have exhausted all my Google skills on this one, but it seems improbably that it really doesn't exist! Can anyone tell me, have you ever seen or heard of one of these, or alternate search terms I could try? Or, do you have any similar ideas for lighting up the dark corner that wouldn't look weird perched on top of a cabinet?
posted by coupdefoudre at 9:21 PM PST - 9 comments

Can I ask a former co-worker about an available position?

Is it appropriate to contact a former co-worker "off the record" about a position that is listed at their current company? [more inside]
posted by tryniti at 7:58 PM PST - 18 comments

Find That Book: Spaceship with a forest interior?

Looking for a book I read as a kid, so I only have a few clues which is probably why I haven't been able to turn this one up. Science fiction, read probably in the mid-to-late eighties out of a school library. It might have been an older book - it had the flavor of older science fiction but I could be wrong on that part. [more inside]
posted by PussKillian at 7:00 PM PST - 18 comments

What are some good blogs for learning about other cultures?

I'm interested in resources (particularly blogs) that will help me learn about the interesting aspects of other cultures. I would like to be exposed to ideas that will challenge my assumptions about what is "normal" and about how society should work
posted by casebash at 6:55 PM PST - 12 comments

Exiting Academia

I just finished up my third semester of a PhD program in information studies. There are parts I like, but as I get deeper into it I'm beginning to realize that those aren't in the majority to the parts I dislike. I have a masters in Library and Information Science and have been keeping an eye on job openings and it seems like there are a number that I would be a great fit for. I'm remembering how much I liked the job when I was in it, and I'd like to exit academia before sinking too much time into it. However, my GAship is providing a steady salary and health benefits. How do I do this in a way that works out well for both me and my adviser? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:31 PM PST - 7 comments

How Do I (Politely) Quit My Therapist?

I've been seeing the same therapist, mostly once a week, for a little over two years. I feel like we're going around in circles. It may be me (it probably is), but he's been very patient and flexible with me on a variety of issues (including financial--he's not covered by my insurance.) What's the most respectful to say adieu and jump ship [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:30 PM PST - 14 comments

Is it possible to figure it out?

I was sitting around today thinking about my sort of unsuccessful dating/relationship history and feeling kind of discouraged and was all geared up to write one of those "I'm almost 30 and have never been in a long term relationship, why isn't it happening?" questions. But then I thought about it and I feel like I am making inroads into understanding why I have been single for so long. So my revised question: have you experienced (or know someone who has experienced) growing clarity about this subject that has allowed you to finally meet the right person? What does it take to be "ready" for a relationship? [more inside]
posted by thesnowyslaps at 6:16 PM PST - 15 comments

A Supposedly Fun Thing that Will Hopefully Actually Be Fun

Cruise recommendations for two female BFFs in their 30s? [more inside]
posted by Jess the Mess at 5:41 PM PST - 11 comments

Ohhh, a gift card, you shouldn't have... really.

I received a gift card to a major retail store for Christmas from a family member. I am extremely grateful for the gift, but would prefer not to shop at this particular store for ethical reasons. What are your experiences with "gift card exchange" web sites?
posted by mrrisotto at 5:40 PM PST - 16 comments

Recommend a particular type of science fiction story

Looking for recommendations on a specific type of scifi fiction, be it movies or books. [more inside]
posted by sock, the puppet at 4:48 PM PST - 38 comments

Seattle bar for casual gathering?

Seattle filter: Looking for a bar or other location that can acommodate a probably-rotating group of 10-20 people for a going-away party next Sunday around 4ish. Ideally in Wallingford or nearby and ideally someplace that won't be too crowded. [more inside]
posted by lunasol at 4:45 PM PST - 9 comments

Should I butt in or stay out of this?

I (Sa Dec) am asking this for a friend. My friend M.'s friend is in a life-threatening abusive relationship, but refuses to get help for it. Should M. tell her friend's family about the friend's situation or stay out? What should M. do to help? [more inside]
posted by Sa Dec at 4:36 PM PST - 23 comments

Planning meals for a week

What are some tips and techniques for weekly meal planning? [more inside]
posted by Aranquis at 4:24 PM PST - 11 comments

What should I know about doing my incorporated business taxes in Canada?

I started what is effectively a software consulting business this year. It's incorporated and I'm the only employee/owner/president/whatever. I'm filing the company's taxes for the first time now and my filing should be pretty simple. [more inside]
posted by Nelsormensch at 3:40 PM PST - 5 comments

What would be involved in converting an old SUV into an electric vehicle

This is just a thought experiment at this point, and probably will remain so. In the back of my mind I have the idea that when my old SUV finally gives up the ghost I might rip out the internal combustion drivetrain and convert it to an electric vehicle, possibly with a removable range-extender generator. Setting practicality aside for the moment, can you help me envision what this would involve? [more inside]
posted by Scientist at 3:29 PM PST - 11 comments

Coffee in Italy Question

A friend just moved to Italy and has mentioned that almost all of the cafes in Milan and Rome now serve a product called Caffe al Ginseng (coffee with ginseng). Given Italy's status as one of the authentic and original coffee cultures, I was surprised to hear about the seaming popularity on this new offering. Can anyone shed some light on this coffee type? [more inside]
posted by beisny at 2:49 PM PST - 11 comments

Why Portsmouth, NH? Why not Danvers?

I live off Interstate 95 in Massachusetts, and if I want to go north, the sign indicates 95N Portsmouth, NH, and if I want to go south, the sign says 95S Providence, RI. How are these seemingly random cities chosen? [more inside]
posted by kinetic at 2:10 PM PST - 13 comments

How to tell the vet that we are forgoing treatment on a very sick dog.

It is possible that my dog may be diagnosed with a serious medical condition. We're waiting on confirmation now. Survival rates for this condition, even with aggressive surgery and chemotherapy, are low and measured in months. Although it's not about the money, a full course of treatment will be $10,000 or more. Really though we don't want to see him suffer for months and he is in no pain now. How do we tell this to the vet?
posted by anonymous at 1:44 PM PST - 32 comments

Insurance help with Medicare/SSDI

When my parent died, they had a pension/insurance policy from their government job which was meant to pay out half to me and half to my grandmother. The problem is I am afraid my grandmother (who is old and sick and getting regular medical treatment) shouldn't accept the payout because she's on Medicare/SSDI and can't have an income. I remember getting a 1099 for my half, so it is definitely considered income. I have no idea what to do or where to go for help about this. I am in New York City, although this concerns the state pension system. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:43 PM PST - 7 comments

What's the best option for shipping 300 pounds of goods two states?

I've been tasked with moving the contents of a friend's storage unit in Seattle to his new home in San Francisco. The locker contains six dining-room chairs, a large pendant lamp, and a few more boxes of miscellaneous household items. I boxed everything but the chairs (boxes shown here, to give you an idea of the total volume) and have been trying to find a way to get this stuff to the bay area for less than $1000. [more inside]
posted by cirocco at 1:02 PM PST - 21 comments

Re-booting our aquarium

Mr. brilliantine keeps a freshwater fish tank that I've also grown attached to over the years. Sadly we just lost Big Guy, his pleco. He thinks he got him around 1997, so he definitely had a good run but it's still another indicator that the tank is not as healthy as it has been in the past. We've got a few extra stubborn fish hanging on but we've also lost several over the past year. Please help us figure out how to fix this so we can have a flourishing tank again! [more inside]
posted by brilliantine at 12:52 PM PST - 7 comments

Are McDonald's Employee's Pay Docked for Mistakes?

Current and former McDonald's employees: Is there any reprimand or pay docked if you accidentally give a drive-through customer more then the food they ordered? [more inside]
posted by royalsong at 12:02 PM PST - 24 comments

98...99...100. Whew! All done!

Looking for movie scenes like the following:
  1. Person is supposed to be doing a task but isn't.
  2. Authority figure enters.
  3. Person acts like they're just finishing the task.
[more inside]
posted by klausman at 11:51 AM PST - 17 comments

How do I find a better optometrist and get a better eye exam?

I don't really trust that I'm getting a good eye exam from my optometrist (chain store) and felt the same about the previous two (local practice and another chain store.) Given that I'm not a doctor myself, how do I find/get a better eye exam or gain a reasonable confidence I'm getting a good exam in my current situation?
posted by michaelh at 10:37 AM PST - 22 comments

identify houseplant - hanging/trailing vines with small round leaves

I am trying to identify a houseplant that I saw growing indoors in my friends' house in France. It was in a small pot hung high on the wall, and there were long tendrils or vines that hung down from the pot about six feet in length. They were thin tendrils with small round leaves (about 1 inch or one-half inch diameter). Looked like small coins on a string. Can someone please tell me what plant this might have been?
posted by cmp4Meta at 10:34 AM PST - 6 comments

Not quite a pixie, not quite a bob

I've seen variations of a hairstyle on various stylish-seeming women that is sort of halfway between a pixie and a bob. It has the layers of a pixie, but is a few inches longer--maybe a little less than chin length? It does not have the traditional cut-straight-across-the-bottom look that a bob has. Bangs may or may not be part of the equation, but they are usually longer and sideswept. The hair almost seems to be shaped so that it hugs the head as it curves down into the neck, rather than hanging down in drapes. [more inside]
posted by whistle pig at 10:07 AM PST - 23 comments

Breastfeeding-convenient fashion help!

Tall, broad shoulders, large bust, small waist and hips, at two months out I fit back into pre-pregnancy jeans but none of my shirts work for my new (hormonally-enhanced) shape or for breastfeeding. What do nursing mothers with the shoulders of a lumberjack wear? [more inside]
posted by yogalemon at 9:44 AM PST - 18 comments

Can my laptop run "Gone Home"?

I don't think I have the required video card but wanted to be sure. [more inside]
posted by bdk3clash at 9:41 AM PST - 8 comments

How do I find a Mortgage Broker?

I live in Vancouver and I'll be looking to buy a condo this year somewhere in Coquitlam or New Westminster. I've never bought a place before and have literally no idea what I'm doing. I'm told a Mortgage Broker is my best bet but how do I choose the right one for me? [more inside]
posted by JenThePro at 9:37 AM PST - 6 comments

Why does my screen go black on my Dellm6500 when playing movie trailers?

thisyoutube trailer, along with a few other trailers i've found, cause my computer screen to go black (but the computer stays on). Today it happened for the first time while i wasn't viewing youtube videos, I was playing poker online, had chrome open in background, and was watching a movie on VLC (I had been watching the movie for more than an hour when the screen went black). Running windows 7 (maybe my graphics card is overheating)? If I restart, the boot sequence is visibile, and "windows is starting" is shown, but then it goes black. After about 3 or 4 tries though, it will boot up normal, with a working screen.
posted by crawltopslow at 9:31 AM PST - 15 comments

I need to hire help…any tips?

I'm a few hours from the end of a very successful Kickstarter campaign, and as a result I'm suddenly in charge of a company with nearly 2000 customers and a lot of work to accomplish. I need to hire some help, but not having done this before, I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for or how to find it. Basically, I want to use some of my project funding to make it so that I can focus all of my efforts on project goals that only I can accomplish. I think that means hiring a secretary and/or a personal assistant, and someone who I can trust to answer my emails, tell me when I actually need to deal with something personally, and potentially even have access to my credit cards for buying groceries, outsourcing project-related tasks, etc. What's involved in finding someone who does good work and is trustworthy? (I'm in Los Angeles, though I can imagine having someone do much of the secretarial work remotely)
posted by sdis at 9:14 AM PST - 16 comments

What automatic feeder should we get for our cats?

my main coon cat Bear laughs at our anti cat devices and pounds on the door for breakfast. He started pounding at 5:00 a.m. this morning, 90 minutes before my alarm goes off, and kept it up long enough to ruin my sleep. It's time for a new strategy: automatic feeding devices. Please recommend the best device. [more inside]
posted by rebent at 9:05 AM PST - 25 comments

How to go from BFF to Direct Report

I've been close friends with a man since 2009 who I see about once a week socially, and text and email with frequently. I recommended him for an opening at my company, and now he will be my direct manager starting at the end of this month. Any advice on making this transition smoothly? (More inside.) [more inside]
posted by Lardmitten at 8:52 AM PST - 4 comments

Evidence-based productivity systems

Following on from the recent question on scientific personal development books, are there any scientific writings on productivity systems? I am aware of systems like GTD, and find parts of these useful, but they also seem to be "this worked for me" rather than based on significant empirical research.
posted by Grinder at 8:51 AM PST - 1 comment

Help me convince Word that "ed" doesn't need to be capitalized

I create a lot of school-related Word documents in which I use the word "ed" (short for "education," as in "special ed.") When I do a spelling/grammar check, Word always flags this as a possible capitalization error - even though I've removed "Ed" from the dictionary and have added "ed." It's annoying, because I may use "ed" many times in a single document. Is there a way to get Word to accept uncapitalized "ed" as is, while still running a grammar check that includes checking for capitalization errors? I'm using Word 2007.
posted by Redstart at 8:36 AM PST - 8 comments

What's the front-end equivalent of Django or Rails?

I've been developing with Django for 6 years, but realise that the strong-server/weak-client paradigm is shifting, and am looking to learn a front-end framework that's as simple and flexible as Django is for back-end focused dev. [more inside]
posted by signal at 8:29 AM PST - 10 comments

I lost my glasses in the snow. Any tips/tricks on how to find them?

In a freak accident early this morning, my glasses were flung from my face into 8"+ of fresh fluffy snow. I spent a little bit of time digging around trying to find them, but it was limited because I had to get to work. The snow is still falling, and I think we are supposed to get about another 2-3" by the time I am able to get home (where the glasses are, somewhere). I don't have a metal detector available, and this happened on a public street. The glasses are also fairly small and non-descript thin metal frames that are black on the top and silver on the bottom. When I get home, I am planning on going to the general vicinity with a rake and hoping I can grab them that way. What other options can I try? [more inside]
posted by Fig at 7:27 AM PST - 26 comments

How often are rental cars really rented?

I am failing at Google, so I apologize in advance for the question. I am wondering what percentage of days rental car companies are typically able to rent a particular car. That is to say: how many days is a specific car actually off the lot being rented per month/year/whatever? I am in the United States, and in North Carolina for those who are exceptionally good at this. I am guessing there is an industry standard, but I am too stupid to be able to find it. Thank you for your help!
posted by flarbuse at 7:23 AM PST - 6 comments

how to liquidate thousands of indian leather bags from the 80s?

Dearest holy hivemind, My family has thousands of Shantiniketan leather bags from the 80s/90s in storage from when my dad used to import them and sell them. I'm ideally looking for some wholesaler, preferably in New York, whom I could approach and say something like, "hey, here are (tens of?) thousands of vintage leather bags - do with them what you will," in exchange for some kind of moneys. Do y'all have any suggestions for what to do? We've also been thinking about eBay and Etsy, but those seems like they'll take a while and require a good amount of supervision/managing. Thanks in advance!
posted by mrmanvir at 7:21 AM PST - 9 comments

How to pronounce "I love you" in Sinhala (Sri Lankan)?

I know it's spelled "mama oyāṭa ādareyi" and I can sort of read it phonetically, but I really want to know exactly. Can anyone direct me to an audio or video, or at least explain the inflections to me? =)
posted by Ellabelle797 at 7:19 AM PST - 4 comments

Environmental charity recommendations?

So it's too late for this to matter for the 2013 tax year, but I wanted to ask this while it was fresh in most people's minds: If you give to environment-based charities, what are your favorites? [more inside]
posted by Borborygmus at 6:54 AM PST - 6 comments

How to control ADD when the side effects of meds are too much?

I have pretty bad ADD, and have consistently underperformed throughout my life. I got on meds a little while ago, and it was life-changing experience. I actually got things done! Unfortunately, the side effects forced me off of the meds, at a time when I need structure more than ever. I would advice for non-medicated coping methods from others who have been in a similar situation to me (that is, couldn't handle meds and learned to manage without them). [more inside]
posted by Thanquol180 at 6:33 AM PST - 16 comments

Recommend books that are like Stephen King short stories

I really like Stephen King's short stories, specifically those that focus on possessed objects or ghosts/demons/ghouls manipulating objects. I'm thinking specifically of Lawnmower Man and The Mangler. Can you recommend horror novels in a similar vein, by Stephen King or by others? [Spoilers for The Shining within] [more inside]
posted by OrangeDisk at 6:25 AM PST - 15 comments

Open relationships, online dating, and is this nuts

Last year I ended a 15-year marriage (my only serious relationship ever) and am trying to slowly ease my way back into dating. The marriage was falling to pieces for awhile, and my ex and I are fine friends and co-parents, but probably never should have married. There's no drama and my head is on straight, pretty much. I am a female, early 40s, with children. A couple of weeks ago I put up a profile on OKC, and soon after, what I had previously imagined as The Doomsday Scenario happened. I was contacted by a dad I know through the neighborhood and my kids. It gets more complicated.... [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 6:22 AM PST - 54 comments

New Year, New You, New Blogs - how to find them?

I'm sure the 1st of January 2014 saw a spate of new blogs, tracking the writer's progress towards losing weight / learning to code / running a marathon, etc. I think it'd be great to know about some of these, whether by mefites or not, so I could leave encouraging comments - and I'm also selfishly hoping that the recipients might do the same for me! Does anyone have / know of any such blogs?
posted by piato at 1:41 AM PST - 5 comments

January 1

Where can I find out more about Schizotypal Personality Disorder?

Where, preferably online, can I find credible information about Schizotypal Personality Disorder? [more inside]
posted by jwhite1979 at 10:35 PM PST - 11 comments

Jackie Wilson singing "Danny Boy"

Does anyone recognize what TV show this video of Jackie Wilson singing "Danny Boy" is from? It looks like very early TV--1950s or so?
posted by dfriedman at 10:07 PM PST - 2 comments

Pick me up (with music)

Some songs really give me a lift. Examples are: Here comes the sun - The Beatles I can see clearly now - Johnny Nash (Your love keeps lifting me) Higher and higher - Jackie Wilson Perhaps there's an element of contrast in the lyrics that appeals to me, maybe it's just the tune. I don't know, to be honest. So, Hivemind, songs in a similar vein? What do you recommend?
posted by Prof Iterole at 8:43 PM PST - 42 comments

Please stop the trantrum train, I'd like to get off.

Hello wits's end, I'm looking at you: what in the everloving hell am I going to do with my 3.75 son? We are on Day 12 of him being out of school due to Christmas holidays and I have about had it. I have been riding the trantrum train for several days now and I am out of ideas for how to proceed. [more inside]
posted by tafetta, darling! at 8:30 PM PST - 39 comments

Where should we go for a baby hiatus?

My wife and I have been working together in a pretty intense, all consuming job for the last 5 years. We LOVE our chosen career, but it's totally incompatible with having children. Within the next year we hope she will become pregnant, and when that happens we will leave our job (which also provides our housing). We are thinking of taking advantage of the situation and taking a cheap 6-month hiatus to "get to know" our baby, to come to grips with our new reality, to decompress, and to contemplate reinventing ourselves. [more inside]
posted by karst at 8:24 PM PST - 32 comments

How to move a classic car halfway across the country?

My friend was recently gifted a 1946 Chevy Stylemaster by his grandfather. His grandfather lives in Pueblo, CO and he lives in Maryland. Anyone done this before? [more inside]
posted by heathkit at 8:15 PM PST - 12 comments

Suggestions for a coffee-related drink I might like?

I would like to get some kind of coffee-related drink, but I'm not sure what I'd like. I like Kahlua & milk, and chocolate things, but when I've tried black coffee I haven't liked it. I will be heading to a Starbucks in the morning so please give me an idea of what I could order there. [more inside]
posted by marble at 7:09 PM PST - 33 comments

Recommend songs that reference furry animals.

Recommend songs that reference furry animals! [more inside]
posted by Sully at 6:45 PM PST - 52 comments

Need help with a home electrical wiring problem.

I am attempting to add one electrical outlet to my attic wiring. After installation there is enough power to the outlet to set-off a wire tester but not enough power to run anything plugged into the outlet. If there are any electricians or experienced DIY'ers around who could take a look at the wiring diagrams I made and see if anything is obviously wrong it would be much appreciated. Or, if you know of any forums where I could post the diagrams for help that would be good too. [more inside]
posted by pixlboi at 6:26 PM PST - 15 comments

Tell me how you read.

I want to up my reading game. Help? [more inside]
posted by bluloo at 6:20 PM PST - 17 comments

Can children detect on some level when love is not genuine?

Can children detect on some level when love is not genuine? An example would be when a parent is affectionate to spite their own parents as if to say "This is what you were supposed to do with me," rather than doing so out of a genuine feeling towards the child. Acting the part without the emotion and connection to back it. Can this be perceived by the child and perhaps effect their emotional development? If so, to what degree could this hinder them in the long term?
posted by mrflibble at 6:15 PM PST - 23 comments

herding cats - summer camp edition!

I have three hours to move groups of campers (group size will vary, approx 100 kids total, many with assistive needs) and adult counselors around a sizable camp property to two morning free choice activities. Campers get to choose each activity they'd like to attend and adults might lead an early activity, but not the latter, so there are lots of moving parts. Can you help me make coverage and transpo not a disaster or time drain? [more inside]
posted by ovenmitt at 5:29 PM PST - 9 comments

Trustee's for Bankruptcy

I understand that the trustees who are selected to handle large bankruptcies/recoveries are appointed by the court (Similar to Irving Picard, Trustee for Madoff recovery and James Giddens, Trustee for MF Global recovery). Is there a directory of potential attorneys/firms that they are selected from?
posted by pmaxwell at 5:04 PM PST - 2 comments

Old and bitter

My parents have found an unopened bottle of Fernet that belonged to my grandfather. This makes it at least 25 years old. Do herb liquors like this get any better or worse with such age? Is it still safe to drink? [more inside]
posted by delicious-luncheon at 4:49 PM PST - 9 comments

What flooring should I install on stairs in a house with all laminate?

My traditional, two-story house currently has dark laminate on the first floor, carpeting on the stairs leading to the second floor, and carpet on the second floor (containing a hallway and three bedrooms). I'd like to get rid of the carpet and replace it with something else - likely laminate. How should I handle the stairs? [more inside]
posted by pitseleh at 4:42 PM PST - 4 comments

Whipple Procedure Advice

After a much testing I found out I have pancreatic cancer at age 47. I am having the wipple procedure Monday. Any advice or suggestions for recovery. Thanks Hive.
posted by Hoosier Prospector at 4:24 PM PST - 16 comments

Turn my veggie garden into flowers?

I put together a nice, deep raised garden box last summer and planted a bunch of vegetables. Most of them went bad and I don't want to do that this year. Rather than try to work a veggie garden into my life of full-time work and chasing after a 3-year-old, I'd like to plant some flowers and herbs that I can use to make bouquets to bring in the house all year long.... [more inside]
posted by amanda at 4:10 PM PST - 9 comments

Not getting older, getting better

What, in your experience, is the bright side of getting older? [more inside]
posted by rpfields at 3:24 PM PST - 64 comments

Reference after you've been fired?

Followup to this question; I was indeed asked to resign about a week after I posted here - thanks to those who gave advice. I was told during the severance meeting that my former employer would offer a reference (presumably "she worked here from date to date"), and I've also got two colleagues who can serve as references to provide greater detail. I'm applying for a job at a large institution that requires I fill out an electronic form in addition to submitting a resume and cover letter - if they ask for contact information for my last supervisor (the person who fired me), and that's the only reference they request for that job, what should I say?
posted by anonymous at 2:54 PM PST - 5 comments

What's the best way to deposit US checks in Canada to be used in Canada?

I'm a Canadian freelancer located in the GTA area, and I've signed on for a long-term contract with a US client. I'll be getting paid in USD checks fairly regularly. How can I deposit this money in my Canadian bank account and use it in Canada without getting screwed over on currency exchange fees with the big 5 banks? [more inside]
posted by Be cool, sodapop at 2:38 PM PST - 9 comments

Android VPN experiences/suggestions?

What VPN would you suggest using on an Android phone? My main motivation for using a VPN is to improve privacy/security while accessing the internet while away from home ( coffee shops, hotels, etc ). [more inside]
posted by metadave at 2:16 PM PST - 9 comments

Looking for movies with, about, by, or for horses.

So I'm seeing this Totally Awesome Guy and it's great. TAG loves movies. TAG loves horses. Help me find the best intersections of these two things? [more inside]
posted by feckless fecal fear mongering at 2:04 PM PST - 40 comments

Why am I allergic to Captain America?

I finally got around to watching the first Captain America movie over the weekend. I had a bad reaction to pre-metamorphosis Steve Rogers, and would like to know why. [more inside]
posted by orrnyereg at 1:50 PM PST - 12 comments

How to make deep-fried tofu with thick, chewy breading

My favorite Chinese restaurant makes fantastic sesame tofu. I want to know how they prepare the tofu. [more inside]
posted by alex1965 at 11:47 AM PST - 13 comments

Academic and professional schisms?

The comment by Miko has informed me of a growing split in the architecture and urban planning fields. I love reading about and learning from professional and academic splits, and the internecine fights that result. Can you think of more? [more inside]
posted by the man of twists and turns at 11:31 AM PST - 18 comments

Where can I find this chair?

I used to live in upstate New York and Vermont, and there was a certain kind of chair that was a dime a dozen in the area: an upholstered wingback with small embroidered flowers. I've owned several of these chairs, but they've all been destroyed by cats, and I'm now in the market for a new one. [more inside]
posted by january at 10:47 AM PST - 6 comments

How can I make this white-noise machine switch on when I close a door?

I plan to buy this white-noise generator. I'd like it to be set up so that the machine is positioned outside the door to a room, and when the door is closed, the machine turns on, in order to muffle sound from that room. I am trying to figure out how to set this up. Maybe I could connect the machine to a switch positioned inside the door frame, so that when the door is closed it presses down on the switch?
posted by ElEmigrante at 10:44 AM PST - 14 comments

Super simple rice recipes

I love rice and I just received a Zojirushi Mr. Bento lunchbox for Christmas. How can I make some super-simple rice dishes to eat at lunch? [more inside]
posted by christinetheslp at 10:35 AM PST - 16 comments

Apps and websites to improve my chess game

Help me get better at chess! [more inside]
posted by 3491again at 10:16 AM PST - 8 comments

Find the missing wedding registry?

A couple of months ago I found a nontraditional/alternative wedding registry website which was perfect for me, and which I'd like to use. Apparently I failed to bookmark it, and now I can't find it again. Googling is not working for me and I'd love your help. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by Miko at 9:57 AM PST - 3 comments

ID this joke about what you call an apartment

I've been trying to recall a vaguely remembered joke that goes through different stages in a relationship and for each one has a different, relevant name for what you call an apartment. Something like, when you're just married it's a unit, later on it's something, then when things start to go south it's a flat, and when the marriage ends poorly it's an apartment (ha ha). Does anyone recognize this and know the full text of the joke?
posted by capricorn at 8:42 AM PST - 1 comment

Books/philosophical readings that have made an impact on your life

I'm at a bit of a crossroads in my life. This New Year's has been an introspective one for me, and has had me really contemplating my life's purpose - what I have accomplished thus far, and what I wish to accomplish from this point on. I've been doing some reading on the importance of finding and nurturing a purpose in one's life, which has certainly made a positive impact on my overall attitude and outlook. I want to discover more standouts from any genre - self-help, goal-setting, philosophical or otherwise - that have helped you, my fellow mefites, see the world and your respective circumstances in in a different, more positive light. [more inside]
posted by Kamelot123 at 8:34 AM PST - 28 comments

How should I use my new "a few lines per day" five-year journal?

I have never been a consistent journal keeper, and I would like to start today! I bought myself one of those five-year journals that has just enough space to write a thought or two each day. Because I overthink and like structure, I am thinking through all the ways to use it before I make that first entry. I have separate apps for exercise and to-do lists. I guess I am looking for a daily prompt or two for this journal. Please help me out: Five years from now, what would you be interested in reading about your daily life?
posted by quixotictic at 8:16 AM PST - 12 comments

Why don't we have HD video of Earth rotating in space?

Why don't we have HD video of Earth rotating in space? You know, relatively close-up, as if the Enterprise had just dropped out of warp and the planet was being majestically introduced to the cinema audience. An extended, multiple pass/rotation exposure, so that it could be watched by appreciative viewers wanting to get a bit of perspective/peace. I imagine I would sit and gaze at this for extended periods. What are the technical limitations which have prevented this?
posted by paleyellowwithorange at 8:13 AM PST - 24 comments

Is there a way to ditch the album cover view in Music app on my iphone?

This is simple. When my phone is in portrait modein the native music app, you get a useful player. But in landscape mode the screen turns into a collection of album covers to choose music. Which stinks. Any way to have the portrait usability in landscape mode?
posted by rileyray3000 at 8:08 AM PST - 1 comment

What kind of contractor do I need?

I have a small bathroom that needs work. I need to get the pipes under the sinks replaced, new faucets installed and countertop replaced. I'm an Angie's list member but I'm not sure what kind of contractor to look for. Can a plumber do everything including countertops? Do I need to get a plumber for the plumbing stuff & a different contractor for the counter?
posted by mattholomew at 5:53 AM PST - 6 comments

When should an author respond to reviews?

I'm an author. I've seen enough other authors flame out when responding to criticism that I know never to respond to negative reviews. But I'm sometimes tempted to respond to positive reviews of my book on Amazon, Goodreads, or other sites-- perhaps with a short "Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it;" perhaps with a longer reply if it seems appropriate. Should I ever do that? If so, when? [more inside]
posted by yankeefog at 5:07 AM PST - 34 comments

What's a good site/app for tracking and graphing manually inputted data?

What's a good site/app for tracking and graphing manually inputted data? I do not own a Fitbit or Jawbone, but I'd like to manually input the reading of a pedometer every day, and then be able to see graphs that show me, for example, how well I've done over the last month, or that I tend to have fewer steps on, say, Tuesdays. I'd also like to track and manually input things like: kilometers cycled, pages read, and other categories that I might come up with. I've seen Daytum, Beeminder and some others, and am keen on being able to input via a phone app, and would also prefer a free service. Can anyone recommend the best tools for this? Thank you.
posted by surenoproblem at 4:57 AM PST - 6 comments

How much should I worry about this lump?

I’m going to have it looked at within the next few days, but what might this lump at my belly button be, and how worried should I be about it? Freaking myself out with Google. [more inside]
posted by cotton dress sock at 1:47 AM PST - 14 comments

MFT application: letter of reference & personal statement samples? Help!

Hi Mefi Community, I would like to apply for an MFT grad program but feel a huge block when it comes to the personal statement, as well as the letter of reference(s). One of my recommenders has asked that I draft the letter of reference and he will approve it after review, but I've never actually even seen one of these before, so do not know where to begin! [more inside]
posted by Danah_78 at 1:15 AM PST - 2 comments