ID the song in this 90s Australian Schwarzkopf commercial
January 12, 2014 1:53 AM   Subscribe Does anyone know if the music for this ad was part of a longer piece, or if it was custom-made for this ad? I've tried to Soundhound it, to no avail. Thanks
posted by travellingincognito to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
Best answer: IIRC, they made a few different version of this ad and I'm pretty sure there was at least a sixty second cut as well. This ad won several awards (probably for cinematography, by the look of it) as I used to have a hard copy of the 1996 AWARD (Australian Writers and Art Directors Club) annual and I remember it being in there. When they show the advertising award winners, they list who the creatives, photographers, music composers were etc for every ad so that's how I'd be able to tell you if it was composed specifically for this spot and what company and individual composed the track. Unfortunately I've just had a look for my copy of the annual and I think it was one of a few that got destroyed and I had to throw it out, sorry.

I've had a quick google and it doesn't show anything, it may be too far back for it to be recorded online. AWARD, the club listed above, also doesn't list winners that far back, but if you contact them directly (award they would almost certainly have records of all the information for this ad. Off the top of my head (and this is an educated guess/hazy memory only) I think this track was recorded specifically for this ad, but don't take my word for it. Let us know how you go. If you have no luck, I'll ask my ad friends, chances are one of them either was the creator or worked with the person who was.
posted by Jubey at 3:48 PM on January 12, 2014

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