What brand of glasses does Harold Finch wear?
January 16, 2014 1:32 AM   Subscribe

I've been watching Person of Interest seasons 1 and 2, and I like the style of glasses that Harold Finch wears (in the present day as opposed to the flashbacks). Unfortunately I can't spot a logo or brand name anywhere. I've also not had any luck trawling through optometrists or brand name websites. Any help appreciated!
posted by malpractice to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (4 answers total)
Can you provide some screenshots? Folks with no knowledge of or access to the show may be able to identify the frames
posted by wemayfreeze at 2:39 AM on January 16, 2014 [2 favorites]

There was a clear headshot of Finch in io9's recap this week, which might help.
posted by rewil at 3:55 AM on January 16, 2014

Direct link to the headshot.
posted by Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug at 6:31 AM on January 16, 2014

Response by poster: Oh good point. Here are some links to screenshots that I think show the frames off the best (links from the Person of Interest wiki):



posted by malpractice at 11:09 AM on January 16, 2014

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