How to track a specific series of photos?
January 9, 2014 2:57 PM   Subscribe

How can I best track photos of a medical issue, to see changes over time? The photos need to be taken many times a day, and easily compiled so I can see the variation between them. They should not be public, but ideally I'd like to share the photos with my doctors. The photos need to be time stamped, or the resulting archive needs to make the times and dates clear. The process should be as simple and fast, as it will be repeated 6x a day or more. Any ideas on how to make this as painless as possible?

The photos are taken on an iPhone and/or laptop camera. If possible I'd like to be able to use both methods, as sometimes I'm at the computer and it will be easier. But if it's iPhone only (i.e. private Instagram account?) it's not completely out of the running. One idea I had was to send the photos to a private Flickr account, but the Flickr redesign is so horrible that I'm loathe to figure it out at the moment.

I'll purchase any app or account to make this as easy as possible. I've used a few medical tracking apps in the past and wasn't that impressed with them. Some of them allow you to add a photo a day, but I'll need to add many photos a day, so that won't work.

I'd like to be able to see most of the photos at once, or at least a few days at a time, so just emailing them to a common email address one at a time won't be the best solution. The goal isn't just storing them, it's to be able to compare differences between the photos, and know when they were taken.

Thanks for any suggestions.
posted by barnone to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: You might be able to take advantage of the Everyday app. It's mean to be used to take a self-portrait dailiy and align your self-portraits such that they can be stitched together as a movie. When you take the first photo, it creates an "alignment guide" and all subsequent uses of the camera have your previous photos as a "ghosted" image overlaid, to help you make sure you're aligning your new photos correctly in the future. But if you need to be taking photos of the same area of your body over and over, that might prove useful to see changes over time. It's a very nice app and easy to use.

You can take multiple photos in one day. They will be automatically organized by month, in chunks. Tapping on a photo brings up a larger view with the date it was taken and ability to save to the camera roll and/or share. I don't see availability of what time they were taken, though. Good luck!
posted by kathryn at 3:23 PM on January 9, 2014

I have made stop-motion animation with quicktime so I would probably take photos with whatever, copy them to my computer and rename them by hand at the end based on the timestamps in the photos.
posted by shothotbot at 3:45 PM on January 9, 2014

Best answer: honestly, i came in to say flickr. i did something similar when i wanted to track my hives a few years back. wee!

edit: i also don't like the new redesign, but it's a terabyte and it's free, and you can upload from your phone or your computer, and you can see a bunch of photos and once, and send your doc a private link and still keep it so no one else can see them. seems to meet all criteria.
posted by misanthropicsarah at 4:25 PM on January 9, 2014

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