Need more perfect jeans, but not sparkly...
January 10, 2014 6:11 PM   Subscribe

Levi's Perfectly Slimming 512 jeans. Black, Size 12. I love them. BUT all of a sudden the only ones I can find anywhere online have a sparkly design on the rear pockets. This is not a plus, IMO. Please does anyone know where I can find the nice simple old plain design?
posted by mmf to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I had this same issue and I found plain Levis at Shepler's. You can only order them if you are in the US. I, alas, am not -- but if you are, check out the site.
posted by Lescha at 7:12 PM on January 10, 2014 [1 favorite]

If you end up not being able to find them, look at a sparkly pair and see if it seems possible to remove the embroidery. (It's described as embroidery on the Levi's site.) A good tool to use would be a seam ripper, which I've seen near the needles and thread in Walgreens and CVS. Tweezers would also help, and I suggest that you start the job on the wrong side (inside the pocket).

I routinely remove offending labels, chains, decorative stitching, beads, etc., from clothing that I buy. It requires good light and patience, but to me it's worth the trouble.
posted by wryly at 4:51 PM on January 11, 2014

Have you tried eBay? I've had a ton of luck buying Levi's on eBay.
posted by naturalog at 11:28 PM on January 11, 2014

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