August 2013 Archives

August 31

How can I create own automated "StumbleUpon" like pages?

I want to be able to easily create links to websites that I share on Facebook, that link to the site but with a small strip at the top crediting me, possibly providing an ad... how can I easily do this? [more inside]
posted by Unsomnambulist at 11:40 PM PST - 2 comments

3 stacked dice = One serving of cheese

Like many modern US Americans, I've come to realize that I have a VERY inflated idea about what a "normal" portion size is. I need to get my head right, so that this is normal, not this. I want to be one of those people who gets nauseous at the very idea of eating too much food, and I want every tip/trick/mental hack/and idea in the book to do it! Tiny portion eaters of metafilter, please show me the way. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:33 PM PST - 44 comments

Wait, don't I know this already?

What are some good historical sources on the Reformation? [more inside]
posted by Sara C. at 9:21 PM PST - 13 comments

help me take a shower

i just moved to my new apartment. i can't get the shower to work. the bathtub turns on, but nothing makes the water come out of the shower head. [more inside]
posted by millipede at 8:45 PM PST - 19 comments

What to do when your equal-division-of-labor spouse is too hurt to help?

My husband got into a pretty bad accident this week and will need surgery in a few days. He is at home and his pain is managed, but he can't move around much. I'm now in charge of doing everything in our house as well as taking care of him, and I'm having trouble coping. [more inside]
posted by oysters oysters oysters eat eat eat at 8:39 PM PST - 28 comments

Tingling toes after standing for a long time?

I've just started a new job that involves a lot of standing, some walking, and at the end of a shift, my two big toes are somewhat numb and tingling. [more inside]
posted by jb at 6:32 PM PST - 12 comments

Do you live in Boston? Do you have curly hair? How?

I'm white, I have curly hair and I live in the Boston area. Around this time of year, every year, I have massive problems with frizz (my hair doubles in size, and not in a good way). I don't have this problem when I'm a few states south, in the tri-state area. I'm seeing tons of girls with curly hair in Massachusetts right now who don't have this problem. What's the secret? [more inside]
posted by topoisomerase at 5:59 PM PST - 16 comments

Who's the most bored MLB player?

What is the longest streak of at-bats a fielder has played through without being part of a play?
posted by Hollywood Upstairs Medical College at 5:55 PM PST - 8 comments

Aviator sunglasses for a small face?

As said, I am a woman with a small face and most aviators are too large. Ray ban aviators (3025) come in small (55mm) and large (58mm). The smalls suit me fine but I would like to find other brands of a similar small size that curve or wrap around my face a little more as the Raybans are pretty flat across, even though the aviator shape is perfect. Can you suggest any? I have some Marc Jacobs which I also really like but they too are too large, I look like I'm playing dress up. I'm in Australia but am happy to ship if I find something I like.
posted by Jubey at 5:45 PM PST - 8 comments

Ask Your Metafilter If Zoloft Is Right For You

You are not my doctor. I have a doctor, and clinical depression. Am I not tolerating the Zoloft he prescribed? Is it not working? Snowflakes inside. [more inside]
posted by Native in Exile at 4:46 PM PST - 17 comments

Can I Eat It? Sprouted Beans Edition

The pinto beans have been "soaking" for about 36 hours at room temperature. I opened the pot and saw that the beans have expanded past the water level, and the ones on top (out of the water) have sprouted. I know some people eat sprouted beans on purpose. Is it OK that the soaked beans have been exposed to the warm/room temperature air for maybe 24 hours? [more inside]
posted by domnit at 4:39 PM PST - 6 comments

Books to enhance the experience of travelling in Germany

So, I'm looking to do some travelling in Germany either this fall, or next spring. Right now, Munich and Berlin are on my list. I'm hoping for some interesting books to read before the trip on the history and culture of the places I'll be visiting. [more inside]
posted by backwards guitar at 4:28 PM PST - 13 comments

What do you want to know about online privacy?

I need advice on setting up a resource that breaks down online consumer privacy in the simplest and most effective way possible. [more inside]
posted by bluelight at 4:27 PM PST - 5 comments

Need a cashier's check in nyc but my bank is in a different state.

How can I purchase a cashier's check with funds from a local bank in NC that I can deliver to a landlord in NYC within one business day? [more inside]
posted by fromageball at 4:01 PM PST - 8 comments

How can I best pounce on tickets for an upcoming Broadway show?

I really really want to see the upcoming Broadway production of Hedwig and the Angry Inch starring Neil Patrick Harris, and will be planning a trip to NYC around it as soon as I have tickets. The show is supposed to premier Spring 2014. Tickets are not yet on sale, and all the sources I've found say there's no information available yet about when they will go on sale. So how far in advance to tickets to Broadway shows generally go on sale? What are the best Twitter accounts, mailing lists, blogs, etc. to follow to find out the on-sale date as soon as it's announced? I'm usually pretty good at this, but I'm having a surprisingly hard time finding this stuff out, and I really don't want to miss it!
posted by rhiannonstone at 3:45 PM PST - 10 comments

Disposing of a very broken cell phone?

I have an old Palm Pre with a very shattered screen that probably doesn't power on anymore (I haven't gone near it since it shattered). What is the best way to recycle it? I live in Seattle and the city recycling does not accept e-waste. I know there are a number of places you can mail cell phones to be recycled but I'm very unclear on if they accept non-working cell phones with broken screens, etc. Anyone have personal experience with any of these services?
posted by tigeri at 3:40 PM PST - 8 comments

Financial therapy?

Is it possible to see a professional who is kind of a cross between a financial advisor and a therapist? I've spent my life getting deeper in debt and I can't bear it anymore but I feel I need not just practical help but to understand why and sort out my head. I'm an intelligent person with a good job but I'm broke and stressed every month and no matter what I try it just gets worse... I am in the UK.
posted by KateViolet at 2:50 PM PST - 4 comments

Your tried-and-true vegetarian Southern food recipes?

I have been tasked with cooking or baking something for the regular themed potluck at my husband's workplace tomorrow. The theme this time is (American) Southern cooking, but I don't cook or eat meat so this is a cuisine to which I have paid zero attention previously. What should I make that would come out nicely if done vegetarian? [more inside]
posted by charmedimsure at 2:43 PM PST - 30 comments

Vinyl separated from car roof. How to fix?

Hi everyone. I have an old 1992 Toyota Camry. The interior vinyl has separated from the car roof, as you can see in these pictures. How do I fix this? Any suggestions very much appreciated.
posted by Alaska Jack at 2:42 PM PST - 8 comments

You pinkie swore!

Looking for perspective about a breach of trust in my relationship, albeit on a teeny tiny scale. Am I making too much of this, or is a promise a promise? [more inside]
posted by little_dog_laughing at 2:39 PM PST - 49 comments

Hindi Man of Constant Sorrow

Heard a version of "Man of Constant Sorrow" sung in (Hindi with instruments like Tabla drums on the radio today, but didn't catch the artist. Does anyone know where I could find this (the station's playlist is down, and they haven't responded to my question)?
posted by drezdn at 2:36 PM PST - 2 comments

Marriage & Work Filter, opposing schedules edition

What non-obvious effects can I expect if I take a job with hours that are very different from my wife's? [more inside]
posted by jon1270 at 2:01 PM PST - 21 comments

How to ask out a coworker?

How to/Should I ask my coworker, who may not even know my name, out on a date? [more inside]
posted by Robocat at 1:52 PM PST - 22 comments

For $60, I should be the customer, not the product.

Now that Smugmug has pretty much broken their site with the redesign, where should I host my baby pictures? [more inside]
posted by Ralston McTodd at 1:40 PM PST - 4 comments

Pink eye

I got pink eye about a month ago, used over the counter bacterial drops and it mostly cleared up in three days, then last week it got a bit irritated again. I've been using the drops all week and it's not getting worse, but just seems to be in a holding pattern. I made an appointment with my doctor for Tuesday morning, there aren't any walk-ins open over the long weekend (wtf). Is there anything else I could be doing to help clear it up? [more inside]
posted by Dynex at 1:22 PM PST - 10 comments

Subverting the "Magical Negro" Trope

Can you name some instances, in literature and film, in which the magical negro trope is turned on its head? [more inside]
posted by Miss T.Horn at 1:15 PM PST - 9 comments

ATK is my kryptonite.

What are some Low Carb Cooking Shows? [more inside]
posted by zinon at 11:52 AM PST - 1 comment

Give me all of CCTV's eyes.

The recently released movie Closed Circuit uses London's extensive use of the CCTV technology in ways I had only envisioned in my own screenplays. What movies within the past 10-15 years or so also do this? I am thinking more like how the Bourne movies used the technology than movies like The Conversation and The Lives of Others. What movies use CCTV's in an interesting way? Bonus points if it's in London, but it can be anywhere.
posted by signondiego at 11:39 AM PST - 11 comments

Monolingual kids, monolingual teacher - two different languages.

I am teaching weekly hour-long classes (stories, songs, etc.) at a public school where about half of the primary classes are bilingual - which, in kindergarten and first grade, means those kids are pretty much all monolingual (in Spanish). This is fine for me, but not fine for the teachers who share my lesson plans. What can they do with their Spanish-speaking classes when they don't speak any Spanish? [more inside]
posted by goodbyewaffles at 11:23 AM PST - 10 comments

What 20/21 century literature classics do you recommend reading for GRE?

Hi everyone. I am an international student considering the option of going to the US to do my graduate studies. I am currently studying for the GRE. As I am not a native English speaker (Portuguese), the verbal section is really difficult for me because of the vocabulary. As I got bored of studying vocab flashcards, I am know thinking of reading a book with a great diversity of words. What recent books do you recommend reading? (remember that I am completely unaware of the what the best english literature may be)
posted by tsuwal at 10:48 AM PST - 16 comments

The End is Nigh

Could you recommend books about the history of apocalyptic thinking? I am especially interested in any academic analyses about how apocalyptic thinking relates to or has related to conceptions of mental illness. I'm not necessarily looking for dense dissertations on the subject, but something reasonably footnoted would be nice. Any opinions or anecdotes about tendency towards apocalyptic thinking and how it relates to mental illness are also welcome.
posted by garuda at 10:11 AM PST - 9 comments

What kind of spider is this?

This spider bit my son this morning, and while he seems okay, it really would be nice to know....
posted by daisystomper at 8:48 AM PST - 18 comments

When are corrected times and class winners announced in a yacht race?

I'm writing a story about the Newport Bermuda Race, and having trouble with one detail in particular: I know that there's a total elapsed time for the race, and then a corrected time which determines the actual winner in each class/division, but I don't know when a crew would be informed of their corrected time or of where they placed in their division. [more inside]
posted by Narrative Priorities at 7:29 AM PST - 5 comments

Everyone in me is a bird, but landlords won't rent to any of us.

My current rental house is too small, so I'm looking for a larger house or apartment to rent when my lease is up next month. I have excellent income and strong credit and good references, with roots in the area. I'm friendly and professional. But I have a feeling that potential landlords may be refusing to rent to me because they suspect I am pregnant. (I am not.) [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:13 AM PST - 28 comments

How do I cope with the end of the world without making others unhappy?

I'm not a survivalist, but I don't feel good about the world. I feel like conversations (around the lunch table, with friends and family, etc) are all sort of hovering slightly above desperation, with regards to things like the financial system, wars, politics, surveillance, technology, depression, etc. It feels like every room is full of elephants and nobody knows what to say about them. Sometimes I feel like I'm draining the joy from the situation -- though I mostly keep all my fears to myself, I worry that I somehow remind everyone of "the darkness." It has something to do with suppression. I don't think I'm alone in feeling like this, so I wonder if there are any intelligent resources for the psychological and social aspects of it.
posted by mbrock at 7:04 AM PST - 32 comments

Specs dammit! I need specs!

My current computer (a Dell desktop from 2008 or so) has served me well, but is about to shuffle off of its mortal coil. I'm looking to get a new laptop that will support some pretty resource intensive work, specifically Pro Tools/audio work and perhaps like, Sony Vegas/Final Cut Pro/Aftereffects video stuff. I'm wondering if you guys could help me spec out a new computer based on these needs - both the best Mac and the best PC I could potentially get, given my needs. Budget = $2500
posted by to sir with millipedes at 6:34 AM PST - 8 comments

How can I make my mother see she needs to see a psychologist?

Hi all, I don't live at home anymore, as I studied abroad, but frequently come home during holidays. During such return visit, and the ocassional visit by my family, I always get a good taste of my mother's uglier side. I dont want to diagnose her myself, but can say that her bipolar and control freakish behaviour is affecting the whole family (my father and brother) for as long as I can remember. I would dare to even describe it as abusive; minor problems like a dirty plate forgotten on a kitchen counter can escalate into agressive full blown shout out, and in general there were moments where I really had to remind myself that, whoa, this is my mother. [more inside]
posted by ahtlast93 at 6:22 AM PST - 13 comments

Examples of websites that display pairs of items side-by-side?

I am designing a website for a set of museum exhibits. The curator designed the museum panels so two items are displayed on each panel and the viewer experiences them in each other's context. If we were making a book instead of a website, we would place these items on facing pages. What is the equivalent of facing pages in web layout? Can you think of websites that pair items so they are experienced together (i.e. without scrolling down)? [more inside]
posted by heatherann at 6:12 AM PST - 11 comments

Tense but catchy '80s-esque synth-pop

Help me discover more music with that semi-creepy, edgy, yet also catchy and melodic (i.e. not too experimental) quality of certain '80s pop/new wave/prog artists. Looking for kind of the same feel of "Tonight, Tonight, Tonight" by Genesis or "What I See" by Planet P Project (and props to MeFi for pointing me at the latter). Instrumentals OK, but again, must be catchy.
posted by Z. Aurelius Fraught at 5:44 AM PST - 25 comments

How can I become more musically productive?

I have the desire to be a musician, and I have some pretty nice resources, but I can't stick to anything! Help? [more inside]
posted by cosmicbeast at 12:15 AM PST - 9 comments

Stress Dreams Ruining My Sleep

I am waking up in the middle of the night every night due to panicky stress dreams/half-dreams that are about my job. Is there a way to stop this without having to find a new job? [more inside]
posted by windbox at 12:13 AM PST - 11 comments

August 30

Why did getting a bruise help my keratosis pilaris?

I got a wicked bruise on my upper arm about a month ago. It's basically gone, but there is a totally keratosis pilaris free space where the bruise used to be. Why did this happen? And/or, how can I replicate it for the rest of my arm? Specific feedback about the bruise thing, as well as any pro tips about remedies for kp, are welcome.
posted by c'mon sea legs at 9:56 PM PST - 11 comments

A car that's beautiful on the inside...

I live in a busy urban center and need to park on the street, and I've watched a number of beautiful new or used cars parked in my area rapidly degrade from the sunlight, from being hit or scratched as others park, or from being keyed. My old car - meh on the outside, pretty nice on the inside, a combination that worked well in the neighborhood - is in its death throes, and I'm looking to "upgrade". If I wanted to get a used car that was a good deal because it looked blah on the outside but had a really nice, modern, well designed, roomy interior - I'm thinking black leather and bluetooth - what's the most "luxurious on the inside" used car I can get in the $7000-$10000 range? [more inside]
posted by I EAT TAPAS at 9:51 PM PST - 10 comments

Recomend me movies where the main character discovers true reality

I want more movies where the main character is living in a fake, controlled, contrived, world, and later discovers/breaks free into the true reality. Good examples are: Trueman show, Matrix, Metropia, 1984, soylent green etc. Thanks a lot!
posted by crawltopslow at 8:04 PM PST - 50 comments

How to prevent someone adding me to their bank and other accounts?

How do I prevent my mother from adding me to her accounts? [more inside]
posted by winna at 7:33 PM PST - 9 comments

first traffic violation ticket-- should I get a lawyer?

I got a ticket for "disobeying traffic control device" for $138 and 2 points on my license. I've only ever had parking tickets in the past so I don't know if I'm supposed to fight this or what? [more inside]
posted by DayTripper at 7:22 PM PST - 19 comments

Good rental space in Cambridge / Somerville MA to host BYOB event?

I'll be hosting a brew off for a bunch of friends in early November and am looking for a good venue in the Cambridge / Somerville area. I'm guessing we'll have 50-100 people and our apartment is simply too small to host that number. I'm looking for an affordable rental space that can accommodate the crowd and will allow us to bring in our own alcohol (it is a brew off after all). Nothing fancy needed, just some open space and perhaps a couple tables. Does anyone have any hot tips for places that might fit the bill?
posted by teradude at 6:47 PM PST - 5 comments

Sprint iphone on credo

I am a happy customer of Credo mobile, but I don't like my phone very much. My older sister has a Sprint iphone that she plans to upgrade this coming winter. She would like to give me her old iphone. Is this possible?
posted by Sara Anne at 5:51 PM PST - 4 comments

Help, I need to become more frugal. Immediately.

I am a lot poorer since February, due to my ex leaving me (he was splitting the bills with me, so I am down about $500/month from where I was). I have some savings but I've been blowing through it because I haven't been able to get myself to stay on a monthly budget. Help me be frugal! [more inside]
posted by sock puppetron on wheels at 5:18 PM PST - 27 comments

He's the one who made things awkward, so why do I feel like a jerk?

A co-worker/friend drunkenly confessed romantic feelings; I reciprocated; now he’s acting cold to me. Do I try to clear the air? Or let it go? [more inside]
posted by gimleteye at 5:06 PM PST - 21 comments

Which self help/self improvements books changed your life?

I know self help books have a bad reputation, but some transcend the genre. Any subject, from parenting to finance to spirituality is ok. [more inside]
posted by cherrybounce at 4:52 PM PST - 29 comments

Dilemma, old job, new job-should I stay or should I go now? Where?

Old job, new job, should I stay or should I go now? About 6 months ago I was ready to quit my job...they were cutting our hours and mismanaging the site I was at, out of the blue corporate asked me if I wanted a managerial purchasing job (they have no purchasing dept) I would start up this position monitoring supplies for 17 facilities....cutting back on spending etc. [more inside]
posted by irish01 at 4:37 PM PST - 4 comments

How to help things go well

My friend began dating an acquaintance a few months after meeting, and became pregnant 2 months after that. She is in her later 30s, divorced, he is in his mid 30s, never married. She decided to keep the baby. [more inside]
posted by galenka at 4:35 PM PST - 12 comments

How to find secure, student-priced housing in Strasbourg on short notice

I'm an English teaching assistant who will soon leave for France with no housing pre-arranged for me and no help from the schools employing me or from any other government organizations, despite numerous polite requests for assistance. How can I find low-cost and secure housing in Strasbourg as soon as possible? Are there reputable agencies to help individuals in my situation? [more inside]
posted by datarose at 4:22 PM PST - 6 comments

Help me find the ultimate toothpaste to buy online!

I want toothpaste that does NOT have Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, but does have fluoride (that's important) whitening, plus anything else that's good for my teeth and GREAT TASTE! I'm surprised by how hard it is to find SLS free toothpaste that also tastes good. I'm currently using Tom's Clean & Gentle, Peppermint. But it doesn't taste very good. It doesn't taste bad. It's just blah. What's the best of the best? [more inside]
posted by 2oh1 at 4:15 PM PST - 22 comments

Finding good furniture in Toronto

As an addendum to my previous question, I am now looking for some good furniture choices in the Toronto downtown area (central York, near Davisville Avenue to be specific). It is important that it is good quality / relatively cheap and that the place delivers it to the apartment for a nominal fee. I'd rather buy new stuff because I'm a little uncomfortable with getting used furniture. Any suggestions/advice? [more inside]
posted by omar.a at 4:11 PM PST - 3 comments

When do you need to pre-heat the oven?

Is it always necessary to pre-heat the oven? [more inside]
posted by 5_13_23_42_69_666 at 3:57 PM PST - 21 comments

jam my jam jars please

i have recently gotten into making natural homemade skincare products and i bought these cute jam jars. i may well go crazy and start giving them as gifts to people. since this is for cosmetics i'm wondering are regular 1-piece lids available to purchase somewhere? i haven't found any so far. or, is there a way to make the lid stick to the band so it works in one piece? i'd like to not permanently alter the lid in case someone wants to reuse the jar for canning. as i'm sure you can guess i don't make preserves, or even cook really. thanks!
posted by wildflower at 3:42 PM PST - 7 comments

Will watching Breaking Bad trigger my meth addiction?

As a meth addict who hasn't used in 10+ years I've been avoiding watching Breaking Bad. I have seen clips and references to it but I'd like to watch the show because I hear is how great it is and for the most part I'm sure I'd love it. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:53 PM PST - 30 comments

I may have admitted fault at the scene of an accident.

I got into an accident yesterday. It was my first accident so I really had no idea what to do. The other driver kept insisting it was my fault and I just kept apologizing (which is admitting fault?). How does this play in during the insurance claim? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:52 PM PST - 16 comments

help me avoid cover letter pitfalls

I'm writing a cover letter applying to film casting internships in NYC. When I explain why I want to work for specific companies how do I avoid sounding fanboyish? Also how do I broach the subject of my age? [more inside]
posted by timsneezed at 2:37 PM PST - 7 comments

My true calling in life was apparently to be a bug tester

So, I just bought a new computer! It's shiny and powerful and it smells good and I ❤ it. But it has Windows 8. I have some philosophical disagreements with Windows 8 (the short version: I don't like the trend of making computers more like locked down, spy-on-you-y Consumer Electronics Devices a la smartphones) but I'm more or less happy with it. Except, oh wait, right clicking anything makes Explorer crash. WHAT AN INCREDIBLE, INNOVATIVE AND TERRIBLY USEFUL FEATURE! Please help me help my new electric dream not do that anymore. [more inside]
posted by byanyothername at 2:34 PM PST - 5 comments

Acoustic guitar shredding?

What are some albums that feature fast and virtuosic acoustic guitar playing/shredding? For example, I really like a lot of the Candyrat guitarists (Ewan Dobson, Gareth Pearson), and most recently I really enjoyed Paul Gilbert's Acoustic Samurai album. I also know that Van Halen and Yngwie Malmsteen have done some acoustic shredding. Any really good ones you could recommend?
posted by archagon at 1:59 PM PST - 31 comments

How to arrange getting new dog?

What's the best way to get a new dog in this specific situation? [more inside]
posted by Philosopher Dirtbike at 1:39 PM PST - 10 comments

Garbage Out, Garbage In

The HOA representatives here have decided without owners' vote and with very limited input that trash cans/garbage bins will be kept inside garages rather than in the individual outdoor alcoves specifically designed to conceal them. [more inside]
posted by vers at 1:34 PM PST - 16 comments

Am I overthinking these lab results?

I've been seeing an internal med doc for the past year and a half to figure out what's going on with me, and my blood work seems to indicate some kind of inflammation/autoimmune issues. My doc doesn't seem to be concerned, but I have the feeling he may not be looking at everything in totality. Should I just go ahead and see a specialist? More details inside. [more inside]
posted by Taystee at 1:23 PM PST - 11 comments

Where have all the losers gone?

How do I get a daily mid-day email with stock market movers? [more inside]
posted by letahl at 1:14 PM PST - 5 comments

Can you read and translate the Greek (?) text on these caps?

What does the text say on these pink bottle caps (image 1, image 2)? As I'm told, these were sold as inexpensive caps at a brew-your-own beer supply store in Texas. I'm guessing the text is Greek, but I'm just guessing. Thanks!
posted by filthy light thief at 1:05 PM PST - 9 comments

By the way, your web designer is no good.

How should I handle advising my former employer that their contracted web designer does terrible work? Or do I stay out of it? Details inside. [more inside]
posted by daisies at 12:59 PM PST - 25 comments

Making great videos with a laptop webcam

What is the highest quality videos I can make using a laptop webcam? I have been using a digital camera to take HD video for some educational courses I do, but the inconvenience of having it set up separate from my computer is getting to be too much. [more inside]
posted by brenton at 12:52 PM PST - 9 comments

Where to buy six colored six sided dice?

I would like to purchase six sided dice with the following characteristics: 1. Each side is a different color - not the pips/numbers, the full side of the die. 2. Each side is marked one through six (with pips or numbers) like a normal die. 3. The color of the pips/numbers is unimportant (they all could be white, black, etc.). Anyone know a source where I could order such dice? Thanks!
posted by JamesD at 12:44 PM PST - 11 comments

Help me help my cat to want to pee in the right places ...

Mango (pic here of course, the smaller, less white one) has taken to peeing inside the lobby door inside the front door. He started when we had a workman in - we think the workman might smell strongly of his own, elderly cats. I am calm and understanding with him, not angry, I try not to reinforce it, we have had him checked and done many things (see list below) but it's still happening and it's not great. Have you successfully stopped your feline companion weeing in an inappropriate place and how did you do it? [more inside]
posted by LyzzyBee at 12:11 PM PST - 17 comments

How much water covers the earth?

If you looked at the planet Earth from space and were able to view the whole of the globe, on the average, what percentage would be water? (not as simple as it seems) [more inside]
posted by dances_with_sneetches at 12:03 PM PST - 15 comments

Mobile auto engine steam-clearing in the Portland OR area?

We have a car that can't be started following a serious oil leak. The mechanic in the family has requested me to find someone who will steam-clean the engine on a mobile basis. I called a bunch of places, but none of them makes house calls, except for a guy who does pressure-washing, which our mechanic says won't work—the pressure will damage the electrical components of our elderly VW Vanagon. Do you know of anyone in the Portland OR area who does mobile steam-cleaning? Or another way to degrease the engine besides towing the car to the steam-cleaning place and back?
posted by ottereroticist at 11:58 AM PST - 4 comments

Fry Me Twice

Daughter has again introduced liquids to the innards of a laptop computer. This time a 1.5 y/o Macbook Pro. She wiped it off, assumed it was fine, but then it slowly and inevitably died. She is showing up at my house in a few days with the still-viable hard drive, which the Apple Store removed for her. I have a 3 terabite external hard drive and a Macbook Pro. Can someone tell, or link me to how to get her files off her hard drive and onto this external drive? [more inside]
posted by Danf at 11:44 AM PST - 7 comments

Supporting boyfriend through grief

This past month, my boyfriend lost his job. Yesterday, his good friend lost his battle with cancer. How can I best support him during this? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:34 AM PST - 7 comments

Adding a photo to my work Gmail signature?

I am trying to edit my work Gmail signature so that a small photo of me appears on the left with my name and contact information next to the photo on its right. [more inside]
posted by michellenoel at 11:00 AM PST - 7 comments

Will my dog ever swim?

Has anyone ever changed a non-swimming dog into one who likes to swim? [more inside]
posted by InkaLomax at 10:57 AM PST - 13 comments

Has anyone ever studied the long-term effects of tagging wild animals?

I am just wondering what the long-term affects are in regards to tagging mammals & animals in the wild? Does anyone ever analyze or study what effects the tag itself will have on that particular animal or the nearby respective animal community that has not been tagged? Do other animals recognize the tags as foreign objects or do most species accept the tag as a normal bodily feature after it has been attached? Is there a species where the tags were deemed "wierd" or foreign enough to cause that animal to be ousted by others? [more inside]
posted by dope_feeny at 10:55 AM PST - 7 comments

Bullying in the workplace:Federal employee edition

After three months of being harassed and bullied by two individuals in my workplace, I have decided to write a formal grievance letter to request being moved to a different branch. I work for the Federal Government. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:40 AM PST - 2 comments

Moved to Santa Cruz with cat. Landlords don't like kitties. What to do?

I recently relocated to Santa Cruz, CA because I was offered a job. I brought my cat but now I am having a difficult time finding a place to live. I have a stable job and am a stable person but it seems like all the housing is being snapped up by students. I don't want to have to send my cat elsewhere just so I can live in this city :(. [more inside]
posted by Lord Force Crater at 10:25 AM PST - 30 comments

What do tween builders build?

What did your Lego-loving builder move on to when he'd outgrown Lego? [more inside]
posted by not that girl at 10:05 AM PST - 32 comments

I am making a post-apocalypse map for my friend. Critical elements?

So I am making a map of the United States after climate and disaster induced apocalypse, what are the critical elements of such a map? What is crucial to illustrate for the post-apocalyptic viewer? [more inside]
posted by occidental at 9:32 AM PST - 26 comments

Foreign Film Search

Looking for the name of a movie about a young woman who gets unexpectedly pregnant and the bookseller she befriends who also makes audio recordings of trains. I'm about 80% sure it's Japanese (with English subtitles). [more inside]
posted by book 'em dano at 9:32 AM PST - 3 comments


Where can I buy a set of stilts in the SF Bay Area or online? [more inside]
posted by latkes at 9:20 AM PST - 4 comments

I'm trying to find a story about a pope and a bloody slipper

So I remember reading this short story once. It was about the pope and he had some kind of an infected toe. And it made him ornery and unforgiving. And then at some point the toe bursts, he feels better, it bloodies his slipper (which he doesn't change) and then he just starts forgiving everyone and everything. Does this ring any bells for anyone?
posted by rileyray3000 at 8:51 AM PST - 4 comments

Dropbox infinite update loop

All of a sudden, Dropbox has decided it needs to continuously update every single one of my files. I have no idea why, and its slowing everything down hugely. [more inside]
posted by googly at 8:44 AM PST - 4 comments

Flogging Vodka to the Finns

In the 80s, it was said that you could sell your jeans in Russia and fund your stay. An article by a US writer suggests you should buy cigarettes at Duty Free and sell them in London pubs to fund your trip (which is possibly illegal and very likely to get you thrown out). What other 'foreign' goods, legal, grey or outlawed, do tourists and travellers (not traders per se) tend to sell at their destination? Do you get, for example, Canadians flogging prescription meds to pay for their LA holiday apartments, or Latvians selling cheaper spirits in Scandinavia? Has the internet killed this kind of trade?
posted by mippy at 8:26 AM PST - 32 comments

Why is her verizon email not arriving at other verizon addresses?

(For a relative.) For a few weeks, any time she sends email from her email address to another email address, the mail does not arrive. Incoming mail is fine, and sending to non-verizon addresses is fine. What gives? [more inside]
posted by BWA at 7:59 AM PST - 6 comments

Looking for new jeans!

Does anyone sell jeans that are similar to Levi's Low Skinny 531's? I got a pair in a clothes swap and adore them to death, but they don't seem to be made anymore. I know I can get them on eBay but I'd like to do that as a last resort. I'm not Levi's loyal so any brand will do (in fact, the less expensive, the better).
posted by Lucinda at 7:14 AM PST - 10 comments


Some time ago I had my diplomas and certificates framed. Now I no longer have an office and I'm tired of storing the frames and moving them from home to home. I want to unframe the documents and sell the mats and frames. [more inside]
posted by payoto at 7:09 AM PST - 8 comments

Looking for a cheap cruiser bicycle, bike thieves should rot in hell.

Less than 3 months ago, I bought a Raleigh Retroglide cruiser bicycle from my local bike shop. I loved it; it was stolen from the train station last week. I want to replace it this weekend. I noticed the slightly cheaper Northrock OCM cruiser at Costco. Should I try that, get another Raleigh, or do something else? [more inside]
posted by These Premises Are Alarmed at 6:31 AM PST - 11 comments

What craft supplies do you keep on hand regularly?

Looking for a list of any and all "standard" craft supplies that you keep around. What are some great things to have on hand in case you want to make someone a gift? [more inside]
posted by royalsong at 6:10 AM PST - 31 comments

advice about getting out of this parking ticket saga PLEASE

....also serves as a cautionary tale about owning a car in nyc, timeline follows (apology for the long-winded-ness): 1. bought a car in 2008 and got a new NY state license / 2. moved from nyc to seattle in 2009, mailed back the license plate to ny dmv and got a WA state license / 3. moved back to nyc in may 2010, but kept my valid WA state license for about 3 months (was looking for a job so not sure if i would be in NYC permanently) / 4. almost immediately got a parking ticket due to "expired NY state registration" although the car was not even a NY car. curiously, the ticket was issued against my OLD NY state license #, which i sent back to government more than a year ago / 5. responded to NYC City Finance immediately, but have never heard back since.. / 6. fast forward, five weeks ago got a letter from NYC City Finance saying that i have TWO parking tickets due from 2010. / 7. responded to their advocacy unit that the tickets were lodged against an expired license / 8. was told just now that i can no longer argue against these tickets as they are more than a year old. so basically pay up or my car gets booted. / [more inside]
posted by kingfish at 5:36 AM PST - 9 comments

What are the rewards of studying Chinese language?

Hello, According to Heisig, there is a high dropout rate for Chinese courses. According to another author, there will be high demand in future for people who have knowledge of Chinese language and business studies. I was wondering if anyone had any more information I could use to boost my motivation when studying Chinese, e.g. the low cost of living in China? Thanks.
posted by Musashi Daryl at 5:20 AM PST - 20 comments

What is the deal with my range hood?

I bought what I thought was a more powerful range hood but it moves very little air at all. [more inside]
posted by dukes909 at 4:52 AM PST - 41 comments

What is with "fake internet"?

You're at a location with available WiFi. You have a signal, the signal is reported as "strong," but no web pages will open up. I have noticed this regularly, usually in hotels. I would understand it if the signal was marginal, but why does this happen with a strong signal?
posted by megatherium at 3:49 AM PST - 19 comments

Lower Right Back/Side Pain Every Morning

Other than having a bad mattress or sleeping in a weird position ... is there any potentially serious medical condition that would cause me to wake up every morning with pain in my lower right back/side? The pain wakes me up every morning (usually after about 6 hours of sleep). It goes away after I have been up and moving around for 30 minutes or so. Note: I do have a small tear in my rotator cuff - I'm wondering if I'm compensating for the shoulder issue and sleeping in a funny position?
posted by tmharris65 at 2:50 AM PST - 10 comments

Plantar fasciitis progression and recovery?

I have plantar fasciitis in my right foot. I've read about it on the web, and it feels like either everyone else is understating the pain and mobility limitations or mine is much worse than everyone else. Help me manage my expectations for my recovery. [more inside]
posted by plonkee at 12:15 AM PST - 34 comments

August 29

Kids doing the splits in martial arts and dance.

In Chinese martial arts and dance (in China) it is traditional to have kids try to do the splits (the sideways, or lateral kind). The kids will try to push their legs apart as far as they can, and then the teacher will come along and push down on them to get them further apart, causing the kids to grimace in pain. Is this bad? Or is this good? I'm sure that Americans (like me) will balk at this in a strong reactionary way, but I'm also sure that there are countless people who have had this done to them in martial arts and dance classes as a child (outside of America). Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, all those amazing Chinese gymnasts, etc have certainly undergone this kind of treatment. Jackie Chan is still going strong. Is this "American reaction" unfounded? [more inside]
posted by strangeguitars at 11:48 PM PST - 22 comments

How do I stop tying my self worth to my income?

I'm a 31 year old man who lives in NYC. This has been a problem that has plagued me for a very long time, and it's really making my life miserable. Snowflake details inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:54 PM PST - 29 comments

Cracks In The Ceiling

Cracks in our concrete condo ceiling are leaking water from the channel to the dryer vent. Can we patch the concrete? [more inside]
posted by fatbird at 8:41 PM PST - 8 comments

Non-stereotyped shoe shining picture?

The professor with whom I co-teach a class used a picture of a man getting his shoes shined in order to make a (weak) analogy in class today. Very unfortunately, he picked a picture depicting a black man shining a rich-looking white man's shoes. Can you help me make the most of this situation? [more inside]
posted by lab.beetle at 8:32 PM PST - 13 comments

Ushuaia vs. Iguazu Falls?

My wife & I will be in Buenos Aires for two weeks in November for a 10th anniversary trip. I initially wanted to take a side trip to Ushuaia while we're there to kayak on the Beagle Channel, hike and view the beautiful scenery of Tierra del Fuego, maybe see a penguin or two, etc. However, the flights are pretty pricey, and it seems a bit extravagant to spend all that money for a couple of days' worth of adventure. Another nature encounter that was recommended was to hike the falls at Iguazu National Park. The flights to that area are cheaper, it's closer, and we could do it in a couple of days, so we wouldn't lose as much time exploring Buenos Airies to take this side trip. So, for those of you who have been, is it worth it to trek all the way down to Ushuaia, or should we do the cheaper, closer option of Iguazu, which we've also heard is very impressive?
posted by ericbop at 8:13 PM PST - 14 comments

Existential and/or thought-proking anime?

I am out of the loop with anime, and itching to watch something new and exciting. I am specifically looking for anime recommendations of the existential and/or thought-provoking variety... [more inside]
posted by tybeet at 8:11 PM PST - 35 comments

How to find an advisor for international personal finance issues?

How can I find a fee based financial adviser with expertise in international situations for personal banking, investing, retirement saving and tax planning? I am a Canadian expat, former UK resident, and immigrant to America (living in Chicago) and will have income and retirement savings coming from multiple countries and uncertainty about where I will ultimately end up. How can I find someone who can help me with my particular situation?
posted by srboisvert at 8:09 PM PST - 4 comments

Holding the dog over the toilet, yes or no.

100% hypothetical question. I saw a tiny dog being walked today who couldn't have weighed more than 10 pounds. I wondered if such a tiny creature had to be walked at all, couldn't you just train it to go when you held it over the toilet, if it was going to remain tiny for its entire life? Please note I'm not planning to do this. I just want to know if it would be possible. I don't have a dog, and I don't want to have a dog, toilet-trained or not. This is just not an easy or quick thing to google because people use "toilet/potty training" to describe general housebreaking. Thanks for any insight you can provide.
posted by bleep at 7:29 PM PST - 26 comments

What are some surprising suggestions for better health?

What are some health tips you've recently heard that surprised you? I'm making a list, aiming to get one that corresponds to each body part. For example, for the eyes- wearing blue-tinted sunglasses when on the computer at night to have less exposure to light and therefore better sleep. Any ideas?
posted by three_red_balloons at 6:52 PM PST - 27 comments

How do I sync a never-synced iPad to iTunes without any data loss?

I lost my iTunes installation in a hard drive crash. I have a backup from many months ago. I have an iPad and iPhone that have never been synced to iTunes because I got them since the hard drive failure. I'd like to re-install iTunes from the backup and sync my iPad and iPhone to the re-installed iTunes without losing any data or re-installing apps. How would I do that? [more inside]
posted by Rob Rockets at 6:37 PM PST - 2 comments

Form with Numbers and Text

I want to create a form with Open Office that lets me enter numbers in the right column of a page that corresponds to the text in the left. I want to be able to past the entire text document into the right column and have the left column remain blank for my entries. A spreadsheet won't work because the text won't word wrap. I've also tried a table and inserting a column into a text document. I've also tried to write in the margin, but I'll be moving a lot of documents, so I don't want to do a lot of specific typing, which would likely be spread across thousands of pages of documents. I'd like to automate and past as much of this as possible. Think of how books of poetry or philosophy number each line of corresponding text, making it easy to find a specific verse. That's the form I want to create. Or if it has already been created and exists somewhere, I'd gladly download it. Help.
posted by CollectiveMind at 6:33 PM PST - 4 comments

Witty sentiment for a Sushi/Japanese theme B'Day card.

It's my partner's birthday next Saturday and I have a variety of small gifts on a Japanese cooking theme. His favourite food is Japanese and the main gift is a class at an excellent Asian cooking school. I found the PERFECT card for him which has sushi on the front and says Happy Birthday in Japanese inside. I want to write something funny or clever, that is sushi or Japanese food related but I can't think of anything. Please help me!
posted by Youremyworld at 6:22 PM PST - 11 comments

Where can I buy a yoga mat in Banos, Ecuador, or Quito, Ecuador?

Where can I buy a yoga mat in Banos, Ecuador, or Quito, Ecuador? [more inside]
posted by soundproof at 6:05 PM PST - 2 comments

How to set up a wireless router as an access point via powerline?

I have: two D-Link D655 routers, and two D-Link PowerLine AV+ adapters (DHP-309AV). I understand that I can plug the cable modem into one of the wireless routers, and that router into one of the powerline adapters, and then stick the second adapter in another room, with a second router as an access point, to share the cable connection across the house. Both the internet in general and previous questions suggest that this is a simple thing to set up. Difficulty: I am neither a network guy, nor a tech guy, and the tutorials I am finding online have really irritating gaps in their instructions. Need help getting this set up! [more inside]
posted by curious nu at 5:37 PM PST - 6 comments

How freaked out should I be about Fukushima? Gimme science.

I'm seeing a lot of conspiracy doomsday stuff on the Internet about Fukushima, tainted food in the Pacific, radioactive rain, etc. How much of this is hyperbole, and what are the realities? [more inside]
posted by hamandcheese at 5:28 PM PST - 24 comments

how do i rent or make money from my email list (don't want to sell it)

I want to rent my 1000+ email list of women in the fitness/exercise niche. How do I do it? High quality, active list - double opt ins. I grew my list from my blog that focuses on a fitness trend aimed at women / also sells my ebook
posted by soooo at 5:25 PM PST - 12 comments

How can I tell if there's still glass in my foot?

I stepped on a little shard of glass- it's basically like if you put a needle in there and pulled it out somewhat unevenly. It's a little cut, no bigger than a speck at the end of your fingernail. But it hurts to step on it. I basically assumed this morning that it was gone- it welled up with blood a small amount, I rubbed, problem solved.... or so it seems. This whole day it has been hurting and hurting. So... should I dig? [more inside]
posted by kettleoffish at 4:24 PM PST - 26 comments

Find me a bike in London (with my particular annoying needs), please!

We just moved back to London, joy! But our very heavy Dutch style bike does not lend itself to our new flat. What is your advice for finding a light compact bike relatively cheaply, ethically sourced? [more inside]
posted by jujulalia at 4:05 PM PST - 10 comments

Finding physiotherapy for the elderly in Paris, France?

I have an ageing relative who lives in Paris, France. He is highly functional and cognitively intact, but he has lost a lost of muscle mass in his legs and has fallen twice in the last year. How can I find a physiotherapist for the elderly in Paris? More beneath the fold. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 4:03 PM PST - 3 comments

Legal settlement, we don't know where to begin.

My mother endured injuries while working for the post office that left her mostly immobile. She was eligible to retire early due to these injuries. She sued her doctors and they agreed on a settlement of 475,000 (Before misc fees and deductions). I believe its for lost wages. [more inside]
posted by Highest_Of_Fives at 3:27 PM PST - 13 comments

Help me build secret passageway doors

Help me build secret passageway doors! You know, the kind where you pull a certain book from a bookshelf and a secret door opens. [more inside]
posted by mcav at 3:11 PM PST - 8 comments

Interesting things in Aalborg?

Food, drink and sites in Denmark's fourth city? [more inside]
posted by biffa at 2:22 PM PST - 2 comments

Buying used phones?

Mysteriously, my Samsung Galaxy Nexus is dying. I have a year left of the two year contract, and can't upgrade early without paying a $175 fee. I'm on Sprint, and while they have some refurbished phones none of them look up to the quality of the Galaxy Nexus. Google is selling their Nexus 4 online for $200, but it doesn't work on Sprint, and it looks like they stopped selling the Galaxy Nexus online around April. Is there a reputable way to buy a used cell phone these days? I'm not sure where to look and would worry that anything I was buying was just a stolen phone. [more inside]
posted by DynamiteToast at 1:09 PM PST - 19 comments

Smiling or expressions of delight right before death?

15 minutes before my mom died she suddenly opened her eyes, looked straight ahead (not at me) and smiled beautifully as if she was seeing the most wonderful thing imaginable. This gave us all a tremendous sense of peace. I once heard about a priest who was on his deathbed and he kept saying over and over "Its so beautiful, its so beautiful.." before he died. I understand his eyes were open and he was, also, looking straight ahead. We often hear about the body's processes shutting down at the time of death and the the lack of oxygen on the brain as its closing down but I'm referring to the hour or so before death - what are they seeing? Is the shutting down process starting early? Even so I don't think just seeing a light at the end of a tunnel was making the two cases mentioned so ecstatic. I always thought that my mother was seeing someone she knew and loved very much - it was that kind of smile - delight upon recognition. I have 2 elderly stage IV cancer patients in my family right now so death has been on my mind a lot lately.
posted by Tullyogallaghan at 1:03 PM PST - 30 comments

Living in Uruguay

We are wondering about Uruguay as a destination for living overseas and are curious as to what the living conditions are there. [more inside]
posted by ladoo at 12:40 PM PST - 5 comments

Should I perform a DIY Fecal Transplant on myself?

I've been suffering from chronic abdominal pain, diahrea and nausea for about 5 months. I feel that a year and a half use of the antibiotic tetracycline may be responsible for my symptoms. I greatly regret taking tetracycline for so long but I was ignorant to the effects of long term antibiotics, my doctor assured me it was safe, and my parents took it for years for acne problems and they did not experience these side effects. (I wrote all of this in earlier questions but it is still a psychological hindrance to me day to day.) I am thinking of trying a DIY Fecal Transplant which may alleviate my symptoms. This method has already had amazing success with C. Difficile patients and Ulcerative Colitis patients. I have asked a G.I. doctor I'm seeing and he said that this could not be done for my condition currently. I though think it is worth a shot if I can find a donor who is healthy overall, has good digestive health and doesn't smoke and has a limited history of antibiotic use. All doctors seem to suggest is eat more fibre and take tylenol for the pain. I have found this to be unhelpful. Other than that they do not have any ideas as how to ease my pain and stop the other symptoms. I hope that this process will infuse healthy bacteria into my colon and alleviate my symptoms. What do you think about this idea?
posted by Jack V at 12:29 PM PST - 46 comments

What are three good vegetables to eat over and over, semi-obsessively?

I can't keep up with the process of buying and cooking a variety of vegetables. I need a specific few that I can build a repertoire around and buy/eat repetitively without thinking about it. Otherwise everything will keep dying in the fridge. What are the three (subjectively) smartest vegetables I can choose if I am limiting myself to three, with regard to nutrient density (not versatility, and disregarding seasonal aspects.) [more inside]
posted by thegreatfleecircus at 12:16 PM PST - 52 comments

small cups for my legs

What I'm search for may not exist. We have recently purchased a new metal-framed coffee-table with legs that taper down to ~1/2" at the floor. With the legs being so slender, they are creating little holes in the pile of the rug that they rest on. I'm looking for something like this, but perhaps only 1/2" wide so they aren't so obvious in the middle of the living room. The smallest I've been able to find is about 3X that size. Thoughts? I'm aware of the stick-on rubber/felt pads that are available and may need to go in that direction, but thought I'd see if anybody has some other ideas like above. thank you.
posted by jimmereeno at 12:14 PM PST - 10 comments

Labor Day Weekend first come, first served camping in California?

What are the best first come, first served camping sites within a five hour drive of Los Angeles? Sites preferably for car camping, but a mile or two of hike is also fine. Keeping in mind that this would be for this coming Labor Day weekend, i.e. tomorrow. [more inside]
posted by kensington314 at 12:13 PM PST - 4 comments

How to usefully download posts and comments from a secret Facebook group

I have been running a Facebook group since 2012 and I got a grant to do research with the findings from it. I need to download the group's postings and responses into a table and thinking the most reliable way to do so is with SQL. However, I have only just started with SQL and although I have found some ideas on Github for doing it, have no idea how to get started with pulling the information. I am seeking advice and possible alternatives. Can you help?
posted by parmanparman at 12:13 PM PST - 3 comments

Help me keep a bob haircut stylish

So I should start out by saying I have awesome (brunette) hair. It's shiny, healthy, straight, not to0 thick or too thin, it will pretty do whatever you coax it to do, and every hair dresser I've ever seen has complemented me on my great healthy shiny "easy" hair. The problem is that I've never learned how to care for it on a daily basis. So while it looks fantastic coming right out of the hair dresser, when I care for it, the part is out of place, it's tucked behind my ears, it doesn't stay in place etc. etc. The other problem is that the hairdresser will spend an HOUR blowing drying it with a round brush to make it look that way. I do not have anything like an hour in the morning to spend on my hair. So, I would like to get a haircut like this: And then I would like tips, tricks, and products for caring for it on a daily basis that will not take long in the morning. I really have a fantastic hairdresser, so I don't think the problem is him, it's me. Thanks for any tips!!
posted by bananafish at 12:03 PM PST - 20 comments

Treating for Lice

Daycare texted that son has nits. He was itching his head so much she took him to the doc office, and he most definitely tested positive. Best and fastest treatment possible, especially for a kid incredibly sensory defensive about his head? [more inside]
posted by zizzle at 11:40 AM PST - 34 comments

Specific Ideas for a November Date

Where Relaxation and Romance Unite! [more inside]
posted by Jangatroo at 11:36 AM PST - 5 comments

Why would China and Russia veto a security council resolution on Syria?

Like most people, I've been reading a lot of commentary on the situation in Syria the last couple of days, and what the options are for the US and Western Europe. One thing that consistently comes up is that even if the US or somebody else were to invade for humanitarian reasons, that invasion would be illegal because there hasn't been a security council resolution authorizing it. And there's not going to be a security council resolution, because both China and Russia would veto it. But I haven't seen a clear explanation why. [more inside]
posted by gkhan at 11:27 AM PST - 18 comments

Make-ahead freezer blueberry pie

So I got this great recipe from Cooks Illustrated's Cooks Country for a make-ahead blueberry pie. I have previously frozen fruit pie fillings (in a foil lined pie plate) without the pastry (remove from pie plate once frozen and stack in freezer); but this recipe has you freeze the whole assembled unbaked pie--pastry and all, for popping in the oven still frozen when you are ready to serve it. Only after putting in the freezer did I start to think about the glass pie plate I made it in--I am SURE it will crack if I put it right in the oven from the freezer, but recipe specifically says not to defrost before baking or you will have a soggy crust. Help! what should I do? [more inside]
posted by Lylo at 11:24 AM PST - 15 comments

Name that Word

What word describes a statement where the second clause negates the first? [more inside]
posted by Dolley at 11:08 AM PST - 12 comments

French-language ebooks (that have an English-language equivalent)

Where can I acquire the same novel in a digital format, in both French and English? Really, I just need to find French ebook translations of English novels or French novels that have an ebook English translation. [more inside]
posted by serelliya at 10:57 AM PST - 2 comments

Damn you, timing.

After a year of therapy, intense self-exploration, and work on myself, I've met a fantastic man. Complication: I'm moving. [more inside]
posted by sevensnowflakes at 10:54 AM PST - 15 comments

Inherited 401K from sibling

One of my siblings passed away unexpectedly a few weeks ago and I am one of the beneficiaries for her 401K. I would like some basic information on my options for handling the money. My share is not quite enough for me to pay a CFP (low $40K range) and I'd like to have some idea of where I stand before getting all the paperwork. [more inside]
posted by anonymonkey at 10:36 AM PST - 11 comments

Incredible breakfast place in Amsterdam needed

Where to wow colleagues with breakfast on an early Amsterdam morning? [more inside]
posted by radiocontrolled at 10:10 AM PST - 7 comments

Find me cheap month-to-month or prepaid cellphone plans!

I recently came back from Japan. I will be staying in Cleveland, Ohio for the next few months and need a cheap-ish smartphone but would not like to lock into a contract. Month-to-Month or prepaid seem to be the only viable options, but the only one I really know about is T-Mobile. Are there any better options? [more inside]
posted by Kamelot123 at 9:51 AM PST - 16 comments

Very specific probability question

Hi guys: I hope that the green can help me on this- perhaps it's an easy problem for you: I have 9 different playing cards and 2 players. The first player can take between 3 to 5 cards and the remainder are given to the second player, and then the game begins. How many different starting hands (collectively between the two players) are there? The order of the cards in each player's hand does not matter. Thanks in advance!
posted by JiffyQ at 9:44 AM PST - 20 comments

What is the best air mattress?

What are some great air mattress options? [more inside]
posted by amicamentis at 9:38 AM PST - 12 comments

Is this really an "ancient Chinese proverb"?

I very much like the sentiment of this quotation, which an acquaintance informs me is an ancient Chinese proverb. But I'd appreciate any thoughts on its actual provenance, especially because I have no idea whether this statement (or something like it) is an ancient Chinese proverb or not. "The faintest stroke of ink in a record-book is more illuminating than the most vividly-recalled memory." Thanks for any suggestions!
posted by Mr. Justice at 9:33 AM PST - 11 comments

An IKEA hack idea grows in the Bronx

Is it possible to find someone in the Bronx, or in NYC proper, who would do a hack for me on a FÖRHÖJA cart? [more inside]
posted by droplet at 9:32 AM PST - 5 comments

Really need help

I really need recommendations for a therapist who deals with loss and grief, not just for bereavement situations. I'm in DC and need to use Metro. Thanks.
posted by jgirl at 9:24 AM PST - 1 comment

What are good, somewhat secret, subreddits?

I'd like to find some good subreddits that you wouldn't necessarily locate using a simple, type-in-a-likely-name search. Two pairs of examples: r/AskHistorians and r/twoxchromosomes (intuitive titles, but maybe you'd try r/history and r/feminism instead), and r/Wheredidthesodago and r/InternetIsBeautiful (impossible to imagine locating via a search).
posted by Going To Maine at 9:21 AM PST - 47 comments

Referrals for Real Estate Lawyer or similar near Las Vegas?

A good friend owns an underwater house in a suburb of Las Vegas. Payments are current and house is in good shape. The friend reported that a similar home in the development recently sold for several thousand (something like $50-80k) less than his current mortgage. If I can provide referrals to knowledgeable local people so he can get good, sensible information on his options, that would be a huge help. [more inside]
posted by Kpele at 8:50 AM PST - 0 comments

Need quick, simple offline animation software with character templates

I need to find a piece of software with similar functionality to Powtoon but which I can download free / reasonable price. Having trouble with Powtoon saves has meant I have lost some work, and I need to make a humorous 4 minute (silent) animated cartoon with text for Monday staff training. Cute/funny characters, easy interface that I can learn quickly. Have Macbook Pro 13" and iPad - will want to export a video I can play on a PC. Can you help?
posted by Hugobaron at 8:41 AM PST - 1 comment

I tried to look this up myself, but I couldn't find the answer, so...

What is the origin of ending a sentence with a trailing "so..." ? Who is on record first using it? How did it spread? I am talking about the annoying unfinished sentence word: "We would have gone cycling, but I couldn't find my bike, so..." I am not talking about the legitimate adverb: "I love biking so!"
posted by michaelh at 8:32 AM PST - 15 comments

As you can see, Lola has taken up unicycling.

Help me think of some out of the box ways to liven up photo updates on doggies I'll be watching for the next 3 weeks, in the style of Dave Engledow. [more inside]
posted by Gonestarfishing at 8:10 AM PST - 14 comments

52 weeks in a year, 52 cards in a deck... ....

It's a slow news day around the office, and someone mentioned that there are 52 weeks in a year, and also 52 cards in a deck of cards. [more inside]
posted by shipbreaker at 7:59 AM PST - 6 comments

What I should have said was . . .

I’m trying to come up with a list of comedy albums to buy for my girlfriend. Her favorite is Mike Birbiglia, so I’m interested in finding other comics in his vein - story tellers, not too profane, pretty nerdy. My list is below the fold. [more inside]
posted by Think_Long at 7:51 AM PST - 33 comments

Porch swing recommendations

I live in Toronto and was hoping to get a porch swing for my parents backyard. I was wondering if people knew good stores in Toronto or the GTA where I could get a porch swing and also what people look for when purchasing a porch swing. I like wood but I feel that snow may destroy it quickly.
posted by Pterofractal at 7:48 AM PST - 3 comments

Where to get my hairs did in Fishkill? Style recommendations?

I will be traveling to Fishkill, NY in September for a wedding. Due to an unfortunate current hair style from growing out a pixie cut I am feeling pretty frumpy and would like to have my hair professionally done the day of the wedding. [more inside]
posted by ridiculous at 7:44 AM PST - 3 comments

I'm looking for some French or Dutch language podcasts

I'm looking for some French or Dutch language podcasts that I can use to practice my comprehension. However, I'm looking for something more like Uhh Yeah Dude, Jordan Jesse Go!, or another "two people talking, being funny, and themselves" type podcast, rather than an NPR type show. Do any shows come to mind?
posted by spacetableleg at 7:32 AM PST - 2 comments

My Gmail tab continues blinking after I've read the Google chat message

Why does my Gmail tab continue blinking indicating I have an unread Google Talk window when I've already viewed it? It's been getting progressively worse for months, and I have several friends who have this same issue. The only way to get the tab to stop blinking is to open an email or something similar, which then "clears" the blinking name ("Steve says...") out of the tab. [more inside]
posted by rbf1138 at 7:20 AM PST - 13 comments

Having the PhD Cake and Eating the Friendsloversandeverythingelse Cake

What do people do when they have to move for their PhD but don't want to leave their old life behind? [more inside]
posted by fishingforthewhale at 6:58 AM PST - 14 comments

What's this poem about Hamlet?

I'm trying to remember a poem, maybe French or Russian, about Hamlet. [more inside]
posted by feste at 6:54 AM PST - 4 comments

"So, about that thing I did..."

A person from my Past has friended me on fb out of the blue. I haven't seen him in around 15 years. We didn't part on good terms and I've had a lot of regret and shame over the years. He sent me some general messages. Now, should I apologise for the past or leave it alone? Many details below. [more inside]
posted by outoftime at 6:48 AM PST - 35 comments

What should I name my business?

So, I have a bunch of product prototypes, packaging, access to a great web/graphic designer and a few months of mostly-free time to get my little skincare business off the ground. Unfortunately, I don't know what this business is called. [more inside]
posted by jaynewould at 3:34 AM PST - 19 comments

Gardeners, what is this thing?

Gardeners, what is this thing called? [more inside]
posted by tsh at 2:07 AM PST - 10 comments

What's going on with the comma placement ,here?

I'm on a dating site and I've noticed that in the profiles and messages of some non-native English speakers there's a pattern of irregular spacing around commas. I don't believe that it is a random typographical error, as I have seen it repeatedly by different writers. Here's an example: "I like to go to the party ,park,movies ,I like to go hike ,swimming ,travel " The above example is from a native Arabic speaker. Is this related to the grammatical construction of a particular language, differences in keyboards, or something else?
posted by aspen1984 at 2:00 AM PST - 13 comments

Prisoners as firefighters?

I am looking for information on how the California Department of Corrections' use of prisoners to fight fires works. [more inside]
posted by frimble at 12:13 AM PST - 7 comments

August 28

Help me apply to Google! (post-postdoc version)

I'm leaving academia (math), and I want to apply to work at Google and some other companies in the SF bay area. This will be my first job that isn't teaching/research, and the MANY potential opportunities are overwhelming me me a bit. Can you help me figure out which vaguely described jobs are likely good for me? [more inside]
posted by ktkt at 10:12 PM PST - 5 comments

Why won't my Windows 8 laptop 'talk' to my Canon Pixma printer?!?

I have a new Samsung Ultrabook running Windows 8, and a Canon Pixma iP4600 inkjet printer. The interwebz tell me that I should just be able to connect the two, and print away. I can't. Now what?? [more inside]
posted by Salamander at 9:34 PM PST - 8 comments

Where is Germany's gold? And does it matter?

A friend mentioned something to me about the U.S. "losing Germany's gold," and I hadn't heard anything about this story. I did some research online and read about Germany's gold holdings in the Federal Reserve Bank, and how the Fed has refused to allow Germany to audit its holdings in the Fed vaults in New York City. [more inside]
posted by Unified Theory at 9:25 PM PST - 9 comments

Should I risk buying (x-country) ski boots second-hand or overseas?

I need to buy (NNN) cross-country ski boots for classic-style skiing, mostly day tours in the back country. My local ski shop sells them for $200 (for these) or $400 (for these). Those are their only two options. Ebay often seems to have boots for about $50 (with $50 extra for postage to Australia). If I know my size in one brand (from hiring boots in the past), how transferable is it to another boot in the same brand, or to another brand I haven't tried? Is it madness to buy ski boots without trying them? Alternatively, I am likely to be in Minneapolis in January. Should I wait and look for boots there? Are they heaps cheaper in the USA? [more inside]
posted by lollusc at 9:25 PM PST - 10 comments

How to find NSA not-sex?

Please help with ideas for a straight 30-year-old guy to find NSA sex that isn't actually sex. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:53 PM PST - 20 comments

I am flipping out about moving. How do I not flip out?

I am flipping out about moving to Los Angeles. How do I not flip out? [more inside]
posted by DeltaForce at 8:37 PM PST - 35 comments

Visual Culture Films

I need suggestions for movies to show in a series I'm curating. The series is associated with a Visual Studies program, and so I'm seeking films that relate to visual culture or non-cinematic modes of representation in some meaningful way. In other words, the theme of the series is intermediality. [more inside]
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 8:24 PM PST - 20 comments

Best College/Career path for working abroad?

Asking for a friend-- "I need advice on a career path: How do I prepare for a career working abroad and helping people? [more inside]
posted by empath at 8:17 PM PST - 7 comments

Thank you ideas for NYPD officers who helped me get my iPhone back?

You guys, it was cray: I reported a stolen iPhone to the police this morning, and they actually helped me get it back! There was even a sting operation involving plain clothes officers. Any ideas about how I can express my thanks to the sergeant? A simple thank you card, or something better?? Thanks!
posted by jessca84 at 8:06 PM PST - 12 comments

Need help translating Chinese text

Will someone please help with a translation question? We can't run it through google translate because it's an image, not text. [more inside]
posted by jschu at 8:02 PM PST - 7 comments

An illustrated post apocalypse.

A few years ago I saw a series of illustrations about a post apocalyptic Earth. The people had regressed to medieval life and there were still advertisements and cars and passenger planes from the previous era. [more inside]
posted by Our Ship Of The Imagination! at 7:54 PM PST - 7 comments

Do I stay or do I go-ooo, now?!?!?

I don't know what to do regarding this waning relationship. We have already downgraded as far as we can because of my mental health and physical health issues. How much further can we go? [more inside]
posted by Jewel98 at 7:44 PM PST - 27 comments

Startpage and Ixquick Hang

I want to do proxy-protected searches using Startpage or Ixquick. However, they hang on every search. I've left the rotating basketball up for half an hour, but it never resolves. What settings may be blocking it? I run Win7 and Firefox 23.
posted by KRS at 7:43 PM PST - 2 comments

What are the journalistic best practices for indie blogs?

I run a small blog (three part-time people, all editorial) in an industry known for having a cozy relationship between press and marketers (fashion). I didn't go to J school and never expected to be a journalist. Is there a useful best practices / ethics guide for folks in my position? [more inside]
posted by YoungAmerican at 7:38 PM PST - 10 comments

Bumper Stickers!

I want to slather the tailgate of my truck in bumper stickers. I am a science-minded, fun-loving, environmentalist, social-justice-oriented, politically-progressive dude who fancies himself a connoisseur of the pithy phrase. (So, pretty much your average MeFite.) What are some of your favorite bumper stickers that you think a chap like me would appreciate, and where can I buy them? [more inside]
posted by Scientist at 7:22 PM PST - 36 comments

Real Question: Can I stop wearing deodorant?

Can I stop wearing deodorant? Also tell me your deodorant stories etc. [more inside]
posted by lhude sing cuccu at 7:11 PM PST - 98 comments

iPod amplifier for car

Can anyone recommend an inexpensive portable amplifier to use in my car so I can listen to my iPod? [more inside]
posted by wenestvedt at 6:55 PM PST - 17 comments

Trumpet concerto premieres

I would like to know the years in which a couple of trumpet concertos were premiered: Johann Wilhelm Hertel (1727-1789), Trumpet Concerto in D major; and Johann Stamitz (1717-1757), Trumpet Concerto in D major.
posted by paleyellowwithorange at 5:34 PM PST - 3 comments

Wordpress theme for community radio station

Our community radio station currently uses Google sites for their site. We want to move to a Wordpress site and I am looking for premium theme and plug-in recommendations. Also links to other community radio stations that use wordpress would be grand. [more inside]
posted by the fish at 5:24 PM PST - 6 comments

Best of NYC

Can you tell me your suggestions for where to go for the best versions of specific food items in New York City? [more inside]
posted by Dansaman at 5:07 PM PST - 23 comments

Are Israelis really worried that they'll be hit by Syria in retaliation?

Israeli (or Israel-located) responses only, please. :) I'm flying to Israel this coming Sunday morning for a week-long vacation with my wife. The current plan is 1 day Jerusalem, 1 day Ramallah, 4 relaxing days on the beach in Tel Aviv. Now I'm trying to figure out whether I'll be flying into a war zone. [more inside]
posted by Televangelist at 5:02 PM PST - 7 comments

Greenpoint me!

Cityboy and I have 4 days in Brooklyn over a long weekend in early September, 5th to the 8th. Please point me to your favorite must-see, must-eat, must do Brooklyn experiences. Staying in Greenpoint - subway stop Greenpoint Avenue on the G line - and will rely on subways or buses for transportation. We love art, crafts, theater, and our fave - eating at little neighborhood restaurants so good they draw from outside the neighborhood. We are adventurous eaters and drinkers, looking for a friendly atmosphere. Price is not as important as authentic quality and honest presentation, and I'm not interested in 3 hour waits unless they are REALLY WORTH IT. Quality is way more important than buzz. We will also go to Manhattan for museums and shows, but our taste is more Fringe than Broadway, so I'd love recommendations for slightly askew productions or visual art shows in either borough. Have already seen the James Turrell show at the Guggenheim and felt a little underwhelmed after epic waits, but we might give it another try on a weekday.
posted by citygirl at 5:01 PM PST - 18 comments

Time off needed before accepting a job

I interviewed for a job a few weeks ago. Today they called to offer me the position and sent me the offer letter via email. I sent a follow-up email to confirm receipt of the offer letter, and also sent a list of three upcoming dates (the soonest being a month away) that I would not be available to work. The response from HR was basically that they'd have to see what the staffing situation would be before confirming I'd receive those days off. [more inside]
posted by altopower at 3:59 PM PST - 11 comments

Can a skittish cat ever share his home with a dog?

I have a scaredy-cat. He runs away from anything loud and/or fast. He is barely older than 3, and hopefully he'll live for a long time. Can I ever hope to get a dog while he's around? [more inside]
posted by MsMartian at 3:24 PM PST - 12 comments

Iphone app to make playlists easily

I'm looking for an iphone app that will allow me to make playlists easily while listening to music. In the standard music app there is no way to add the song that I am listening to onto a playlist without going back to the playlist, clicking edit, searching for the song in the list then adding it. There has to be an easier way to do this, aside from just going into iTunes on my computer. Any suggestions? I have downloaded a few different music players but none of them seem to do this. Thanks!
posted by photoexplorer at 2:32 PM PST - 8 comments

Wedding accordion tunes for legal signing

Accordionfilter: tunes for civil partnership wedding? Specifically a 5 minute part in which documents are signed. [more inside]
posted by yoHighness at 2:30 PM PST - 6 comments

Is two weeks vacation standard?

Is two weeks vacation standard? Help me decide if I should accept this job. [more inside]
posted by susanvance at 2:26 PM PST - 31 comments

Why do all VPN's give me the BSOD?

I have tried several VPN's on two different PC's running windows 7 and they all crash both my computers with a BSOD. How can this be? [more inside]
posted by gnossos at 1:56 PM PST - 9 comments

What are the chances of pregnancy using both methods of contraception?

I am now in a committed relationship with a woman, and both of us are virgins. We have discussed at length our desires, concerns, dislikes, and fears about sex, and we are both horrified of an accidental pregnancy. [more inside]
posted by 8LeggedFriend at 1:56 PM PST - 41 comments

Good basic digital CCTV camera?

I'm planning to install a simple CCTV system in my house and am looking for recommendations for an entry-level camera. [more inside]
posted by Grinder at 1:29 PM PST - 0 comments

Marriage versus home and parents

I'm stuck. My wife and I have been married for a little over a year, and there's a looming issue I haven't been able to shake off since the engagement: being close to my home and family conflicts with my wife's goals and what's good for our marriage. [more inside]
posted by winterroad at 1:24 PM PST - 42 comments

Should we risk a trip up north?

My spouse got into a stupid situation with another family member about four years ago, resulting in a misdemeanor charge. Now we want to take a day trip to Canada and the admissibility rules are confusing. Can we go? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 12:58 PM PST - 5 comments

What to do if the “butt out, do nothing" is not the right answer?

What’s the best way to sensitively encourage someone with (potential) mental and financial difficulties to get help? Complex family situation – snowflake inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 12:57 PM PST - 7 comments

Wondering what is going on in sentences like this, because grammar.

Lately I've been seeing something crop up a fair bit in casual writing where an entire explanatory clause is humorously collapsed to "because X." You've seen it: "And then I ate four of the muffins, because chocolate." Or writer Tabatha Southey tweeting about newborn Prince George: Okay, now I am happy the baby is here and I want to put its tiny baby foot in my mouth, because baby. What's happening, grammatically? How might a linguist describe it?
posted by wdenton at 12:55 PM PST - 21 comments

Tips for the newly fingernailed?

I have been biting my fingernails for 30 years. I’ve stopped for short periods of time (a week or two) over the last 10 years but its never stuck. I’m 30 days into not biting them right now, and I’m thinking this could be the “last” time I quit. I have a few questions about the end of nail-biting and about general fingernail-related things that I guess I never figured out when I was an adolescent and didn’t have any. [more inside]
posted by juliapangolin at 12:24 PM PST - 39 comments

how can an introvert infiltrate a tight-knit group of super-socializers?

my SO of about a year has a very large family that is heavily into socializing, and i'm an introvert. can we peacefully coexist? [more inside]
posted by humiliated_grape at 11:55 AM PST - 20 comments

Voila! Looking for charming French cartoons in the US

My husband would like to improve his (very limited) French comprehension by watching cartoons or other children's shows in French with our four-year-old daughter. We have access to Netflix streaming, Amazon prime, Roku, a DVD player etc., and are willing to spend a little $ for something charming that will appeal to adults and children both. [more inside]
posted by nkknkk at 11:55 AM PST - 10 comments

Need Help Finding an Expert Witness for Maltreatment of a Dog in NY

I took my dog to the vet clinic for what I thought was a simple spay but she almost died because of maltreatment and negligence. We ended up taking her to emergency and spent almost four thousand dollars. The doctor has refused to take responsibility for her actions. We have decided to sue her and will have our day in court next week. However we need an "expert" witness someone with a medical background that has a lot of experience with dogs to come or our case will not be heard. Hive could you help us find such an individual in NYC? We are willing to pay. [more inside]
posted by The1andonly at 11:23 AM PST - 25 comments

Fructose malabsorption? Are you freaking kidding me with this?

My nearly seven year old daughter was just diagnosed with fructose malabsorption disorder after years of chronic constipation and abdominal pain. We're on a confusing elimination diet, her pain isn't getting better, school starts in a week, and I'm tearing my hair out. Help! [more inside]
posted by KathrynT at 10:28 AM PST - 25 comments

Can I look and feel fabulous in 24 hours?

I am attending a wedding tomorrow night, have been on a diet and am thinking of some last minute things to do before hand to get myself ready to look and feel good. Any advice/strategies apprecaited :) [more inside]
posted by krisb1701d at 10:14 AM PST - 27 comments

Where to go on a tropical vacation in Latin America?

Where should a family of 3 go for our vacation in Central America, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil or the Caribbean? [more inside]
posted by signal at 9:35 AM PST - 10 comments

Photo organization/naming software for construction inspectors?

I need to tag/organize a large number of photos taken on a daily basis by a group of construction inspectors. Preferably something Windows-based and that would prompt the tagging/naming immediately after the photos are taken. [more inside]
posted by Ham Snadwich at 9:32 AM PST - 9 comments

Need help finding affordable vet for dog's home euthenasia

We live in the greater Boston area. We are facing the decision to put our very elderly black lab down, probably within the next few days. He can't walk and moving him at all causes terrible pain. We live in a 2nd floor walk-up with even more stairs down to the street. He is very heavy: 95 lbs. Bringing him to the vet to be put down would cause him awful pain, so we want to find a vet who will come to our house to do it. Our regular vet won't make a house call. I actually found a place that will cremate him, if we bring his body there ourselves, for a reasonable rate. But I can't find a vet that will come to our house for less than $350. We simply cannot afford this. Any recommendations?
posted by primate moon at 9:25 AM PST - 12 comments

Since moving to Kansas City to get Google Fiber is not an option

What DSL modem should I buy? [more inside]
posted by VTX at 9:00 AM PST - 4 comments

Malaria medications for pregnant women

YANMD, YANAD, etc. I need to sort out the differing opinions on malaria medication for pregnant women. [more inside]
posted by mrfuga0 at 8:33 AM PST - 9 comments

Cat hair in Roland Keyboard!!!

hey everyone. A while back I took my Roland Keyboard into the shop and was told there was cat hair between and or under the keys. The man fixed the keys and told me to protect the keyboard from this. And I did, for a while. I know this makes me sound like an idiot, but as time went on, I completely ignored the man's advice, and now it's happened again. I do not want to take the keyboard in to be fixed (at least not by the same guy) and was wondering if there was a way I could clean it from home. If anyone is aware what kind of tools i might need, I would appreciate it. I am not going to let this happen again it if I can fix it. If anyone can help, it would be awesome!
posted by Thanquol180 at 8:10 AM PST - 9 comments

Easy craft ideas for ladies night?

I want to have some female friends over to my new place as a "party-trial," sort of ... see how the rooms flow, if I like how things are arranged, etc. I was thinking of hosting a ladies-only craft night, possibly to make crafts for the actual housewarming party (probably within the month following the party-trial). Any ideas on what to make? [more inside]
posted by athena2255 at 8:06 AM PST - 25 comments

I like properly covered butts and I cannot lie

I guess it must be the season for questions about lady undies. I haven't bought underwear in, like, 8 years. Could someone clue me in on what's out there for breathability, value and invisibility? [more inside]
posted by Madamina at 8:04 AM PST - 18 comments

Fourscore and seven million visitors?

I was thinking of taking my daughter to Gettysburg this coming (Labor Day Weekend) Saturday. How are the crowds at Gettysburg, or other National Historic Battlefields, during the LDW? Are they hyper-crowded because this is the big weekend, or are the crowds all getting drunk and the lake and the beach, leaving the historic parks to the (relatively) serious? Bonus points if you know of other fun things to do with a 12 year old girl this specific weekend in the MD-DC area. You can assume we're pretty well-informed about the general lay of the land (smithsonian, zoos, aquaria, capitol, etc).
posted by ubiquity at 7:50 AM PST - 7 comments

Does HPV vaccination increase cancer risk in carriers?

People who are already carrier of HPV 16 or 18 viruses increase their cancer risk by 44.6% by getting vaccinated. Or so anti-vaccination activists claim. Can anyone judge if this claim is true? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:42 AM PST - 4 comments

How do I deal with men mansplaining my emotions or ideas?

Quite frequently, I have to deal with men - not just strangers, but people I care about - mansplaining to me what I "really" feel, what I "really" think, or what I "really" believe. This is absolutely enraging to me. It feels like I am being patronized and denied agency. How do I explain this better or deal with it better? [more inside]
posted by corb at 7:38 AM PST - 66 comments

Searching for a poem that Pete Rose recited at his father's funeral

My mom has asked me to find a quote that she used to carry around with her after her mother died, but that she has recently lost. As she remembers it, it's something that Pete Rose recited when his father passed away. I've spent an hour searching for it, but my Google-fu appears to be weak today. Anybody have an inkling what she's looking for? My mom's question to me is inside. [more inside]
posted by NewGear at 7:27 AM PST - 3 comments

Taking photos of my educational records?

My educational institution will provide me with in-person access to my student file (as is their responsibility under U.S. FERPA law), but will not allow me to make photocopies of anything in it. Can I legally take photographs of pages in the file with my iPhone's camera while I am reviewing it? [more inside]
posted by perissodactyl at 7:20 AM PST - 14 comments

Wifi emergency. Not my router, password too short for Apple devices D-:

Any hacks to force an Apple device to accept a 7-character wifi password? [more inside]
posted by Opal at 5:41 AM PST - 8 comments

Shipping container office in London?

I'm a PhD student based in London. I would like my own private office space and yesterday I had the idea of renovating a 20ft shipping container and using it for this purpose. Essentially it would need a desk, an office chair, a few shelving units and an external power source. As for location, almost anywhere is fine provided it's within an hour or so of my home in North London... wasteland, an industrial estate... it doesn't really matter. How viable is this? And how much would I be looking to spend in order to achieve this, taking into account land costs / rent etc?
posted by FuckingAwesome at 2:16 AM PST - 10 comments

I'm just not that into you!

How do I discourage someone who is pursuing me for friendship? [more inside]
posted by saturn~jupiter at 2:08 AM PST - 34 comments

My order, fill it!

We have four departments and each has their own way of managing their student lists, I'd like to find one solution to rule them all. [more inside]
posted by monocultured at 1:45 AM PST - 6 comments

Tourist visa extensions in the Schengen area

My family and I would like to spend an extended time (5-6 months or more) in Europe. My wife is a US/Canadian citizen (the rest of us are Dutch citizens), and that seems to present a problem if we want to stay more than 90 days, which is the maximum length of Schengen tourist status. I'm not getting very far trying to figure out if and how that time can be extended. The process seems to vary from country to country. We're pretty flexible about which countries we stay in, so which countries make this relatively easy and cheap? [more inside]
posted by Emanuel at 12:15 AM PST - 11 comments

August 27

Archaeological, historical sites worth seeing in Southern California

So my mom (from Ireland) will be spending September with me in California, she's been here many times and we've covered most of the West Coast on numerous road-trips. We will almost certainly do another this time, probably about 10 days travelling down the coast from San Jose to San Diego, then we'll most likely swing east through the deserts and work our way back along the Owens Valley towards Lake Mono before crossing the Sierra back to the Bay Area. Apart from finally stopping at Hearst Castle and visiting The Getty in LA (which has been closed every other time we've been in the area). We're looking for sites of archaeological, historical or geological interest. When my mom asks about archaeological sites she's thinking things like Chaco Canyon in NM. The Google has mostly failed me, so here's hoping Mefi can do better. So I'm looking for places to visit with interesting history that are reasonably accessible, (4WD and dirt roads to get there is OK), she can walk but not hike up a hill. As a bonus question, I'm pretty interested in geology and so I'm going to go find some really old rocks (they're kinda scarce in Nor Cal) and maybe some trilobite fossils. But I'd love to hear other ideas.
posted by Long Way To Go at 10:30 PM PST - 17 comments

Which Premier League team should I learn to love?

The EPL has finally comes en masse to American TV. NBC is broadcasting three featured matches a week, and making most if not all other matches available for live streaming online. So you've got 20 teams playing 38 matches for the Premier League itself. That's 760 fixtures right there. Among them are countless derbys, inter-regional rivalries, full of so much intensity and history that they shouldn't be missed Then there's the FA CUP, the League (Carling) Cup, and a few other smaller 'cups' I can't remember the names of. There's also the UEFA Cup and the Champions League, in both of which EPL clubs compete Between the EPL itself and all the tournaments and 'cups', the sheer number of matches is a bit much, a bit dizzying, for a clueless American who loves watching soccer, but doesn't know shit about the teams themselves. So who do you love--and, by extension, who do you hate--in the EPL, and why? I don't know enough to think for myself when it comes to Arsenal or Aston Villa, Man City or Sunderland. But now that I can watch them for myself here, in the states, I'd like to learn to love one or two clubs, albeit vicariously, for now, with a little help from those in the know. Thanks
posted by BadgerDoctor at 10:28 PM PST - 61 comments

Pursuit hampered by object in center; what's this called?

You know the scene, from many an old comedy or cartoon. A is chasing B. B runs around the edge of an object, such as a large table, so as to put the obstacle between himself and A. Perhaps A and B run around the table a few times. Then A starts to get tricky. A starts to go clockwise around the table, B goes clockwise to get away, A switches direction hoping to run into B coming the other way, but B also reverses, keeping the table between them. Feint back and forth a few times, usually keeping close to the edge of the table. The usual end gag is for A to somehow overcome the barrier of the table and short-cut directly to B; such as leaping over the table, throwing the table aside, or opening the table in half and walking through it (if it's one of those tables where you can add panels to the center). What is this 'circular back and forth chase around an obstacle' called? [more inside]
posted by The otter lady at 9:58 PM PST - 14 comments

Power steering rack and windshield wipers. Any connection?

The power steering rack in my 2000 Honda Civic was replaced last week. Today, I noticed my windshield wipers only work on the highest setting. They were working fine right before I took the car into the shop. Could these two issues be related, or is this likely just a coincidence? [more inside]
posted by alligatorman at 8:22 PM PST - 6 comments

You Say It's Your Birthday!

A quick question about Korean culture and receiving gifts. [more inside]
posted by CoinOp at 8:18 PM PST - 5 comments

Is this proposed business transaction a scam?

My sister was contacted by a Texas company to perform cleaning services for recently vacated, corporate-provided apartments. These apartments are in a capital city in Western Canada - this is where she and I live. While there is more inside, in a nutshell, my question is: why is a Texas company hiring an inexperienced new one-woman cleaning business for this, instead of a local cleaning chain? Because it's a scam, right? Please help me figure this out. [more inside]
posted by kitcat at 8:17 PM PST - 19 comments

Can I dance to it?

What cover songs or remixes add a dance beat or strong rhythm to the original? [more inside]
posted by southern_sky at 8:01 PM PST - 40 comments

Is is normal for a niche academic publisher to ask for a subsidy?

I am concerned about the potential stigma associated with paying for publication and would appreciate some advice - is this something that is normal/becoming more common? Do people just avoid talking about it? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:00 PM PST - 9 comments

Got fired, consulted an attorney. I have 3 options. Help me decide.

I don't want to sue. I don't want money. I just want to be able to apply for jobs without holding my breath. Consulted with two attorneys. Should I hire one of them, try to do this on my own, or just walk away? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:00 PM PST - 23 comments

How do I set up a new MacMini without a display?

Just bought a new MacMini and need some help with getting it set up and onto my network as a headless file server. [more inside]
posted by docgonzo at 6:38 PM PST - 8 comments

Eeew, that's disgusting. Elementary school lunchtime social resilience.

How can I help my son to not feel embarrassed socially for having the healthy (and admittedly a little weird) lunches that I give him for school? [more inside]
posted by spbmp at 6:28 PM PST - 65 comments

On the boulevard of broken china

My parents sent me some china and glassware through USPS (they insured the package) and some of it broke. It is old. What should I do? [more inside]
posted by donut_princess at 5:40 PM PST - 11 comments

I'm looking for a waxed canvas/ waxed cotton bag..

I'd like to get largeish waxed canvas or waxed cotton shoulder/messenger bag. Large enough to hold a number of vinyl records (12x12), bigger is ok, smaller won't work. I'm looking for waxed cotton because it is waterproof and looks cool, but other fabrics would be ok if they don't have logos and are also waterproof.
posted by kittensofthenight at 5:23 PM PST - 12 comments

Unnecessary Roughness: pre-skin cancer treatment

What to expect from using Fluoroplex cream on my face? [more inside]
posted by potsmokinghippieoverlord at 5:19 PM PST - 6 comments

Should I do this boudoir shoot?

I recently purchased an online deal for a boudoir photo shoot after checking it out on Yelp and seeing that the company had decent reviews. I have some privacy concerns. [more inside]
posted by shipsthatburn at 5:11 PM PST - 15 comments

How much will the surgical practice get for doing a procedure?

Negotiating self pay medical bill. I want to have an idea of how much the surgical practice/surgeon would have been paid if the patient had had insurance. How much will they get if they hire a collection agency? Do they get a percentage or just sell the debit for a fixed price? The patient is being billed 1850.00 self pay for the procedure. The procedure was at a major Boston hospital and the patient is being billed self pay due to a temporary lapse in subsidized insurance. The hospital has already written off the bill. The billing date was sometime around the end of March 2013. The patient has been told by the billing organization that represents the surgeon that they have to deal directly with the surgeon or their practice.
posted by flummox at 3:29 PM PST - 4 comments

wedding dot tumblr dot com

At our wedding, we'd like to have an instant camera next to the guestbook so that people may take pictures of themselves -- not 5x7s but not teensy stickers either -- and leave them in the book. We're probably never going to use this camera again, so it doesn't have to be anything fancy, just functional and sturdy. Anyone have any model recommendations?
posted by griphus at 2:36 PM PST - 16 comments

Employer wellness screening and pregnancy

Medical mefites: How much will my pregnancy skew my employer-sponsored health plan wellness program biometric screening (blood tests only)? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:01 PM PST - 14 comments

How do I research the manufacturing of a handbag?

I want to research the possibility of having a certain design of handbag made, in quantity, to sell. It's a large version of a tiny handbag I see in a number of stores. What's the way to start on this path? [more inside]
posted by DMelanogaster at 1:47 PM PST - 5 comments

Working parents, how does this childcare thing work?

I am gearing up to re-enter the full time workforce in a few weeks and I am worried about childcare. How do people plan for the the gaps in the school child care? What other tips can you give me to make the transition go smoothly? [more inside]
posted by biscuits at 1:39 PM PST - 17 comments

What kind of vehicle should we buy for our vintage clothing business?

A friend and I run a small-but-growing online vintage clothing business. We've recently branched out into showing at vintage truck shows in the Chicago area. As of now, we've been using a friend's Saab hatchback. Unfortunately, this isn't a really a sustainable option for us; it's also a bit of a tight fit for our 200ish garments, 2 - 3 clothing racks, bust, and table. We're interesting in purchasing a used vehicle so that we can continue to travel with our merchandise. Ideally, we'd like something that is reliable, safe, and has some extra space to grow alongside our business. Unfortunately, our budget is on the low side: we'd like to spend less than $5000... the cheaper the better. Thoughts? Recommendations? Should we rent instead of buy? Thanks for sharing your wisdom! [more inside]
posted by moxie_milquetoast at 1:35 PM PST - 12 comments

Mid 20th Century American Culture Recommendations

I am interested in the time period right before WWII (late 30's) up to the Counterculture (Mid 60's). I would like some cultural recommendations from that period. I am interested in books (fiction and nonfiction), movies, tv shows, and music that was either created in that time period or takes place in that time period. Any recommendations would be appreciated!
posted by R.F.Simpson at 1:31 PM PST - 29 comments

Searchable image database service

I'm looking for a service that will allow a group of people to upload and tag images to a single album, and then enable anyone in that group to search *in that album only* for a given tag and see all of the images that match. Bonus points if I can browse by tag.
posted by sdis at 1:19 PM PST - 4 comments

I'm looking for a great laptop bag.

I've been lugging my laptop around in a red backpack for the last twelve years. Its been on nearly every continent, survived several career 180s and a divorce. But all things must come to an end- My everyday carry is much different than it was twelve years ago- My PC laptop, an iPad, a yellow legal notepad and maybe a paperback. [more inside]
posted by GilloD at 1:15 PM PST - 15 comments

Boise for Labor Day weekend: The mellow version.

We will be in Boise this weekend (Aug 31-Sept 2). Throw me your recommendations for relaxing & trying to enjoy ourselves despite the circumstances. [more inside]
posted by haplesschild at 12:59 PM PST - 5 comments

Boxer briefs for curvy ladies?

I want to wear long-legged underpants, to minimize thigh chafing and eliminate wedgies, but I'm not sure how. If you are someone with a large-ish body and hips who wears something like boxer briefs, can you tell me your secrets? [more inside]
posted by linettasky at 12:41 PM PST - 42 comments

Cuckoos in New York City?

Hello. Does anyone know of a bricks-and-mortar store in New York City that sells cuckoo clocks? Doesn't have to be exclusively cuckoo clocks, of course. Some clock repair shop that might sell them? An antique clock place? Or a German specialty store? It does have to be a bricks-and-mortar place, though. Classic cuckoo clocks. Halp me, I'm cuckoo for cuckoo clocks! Dankeschön!
posted by Capt. Renault at 12:41 PM PST - 5 comments

Is this breakup necessary, and if so, how can I survive it.

After 20 months, we're still passionately in love, but he "wants to make a life with me" and I am not sure either way whether that is what I want. But breaking up is really hard because we are really in love. [more inside]
posted by winterportage at 12:37 PM PST - 55 comments

penny stock

Need help in finding a brokerage. [more inside]
posted by jtexman1 at 12:23 PM PST - 4 comments

Need a jeweler to make this ring!!

I found a ring on Etsy and contacted the seller several times over the past month. She has not gotten back to me, but I really like this particular ring. [more inside]
posted by waitangi at 12:18 PM PST - 11 comments

Help me figure out the term for this

In popular culture, there's a "meme" of sorts involving a person helping another push someone over. I've seen it in goofy images and comics: someone kneels down on all fours behind the victim's legs (often smiling) while a person in front pushes the victim. Is there a term for this?
posted by swizzle_stik at 12:05 PM PST - 9 comments

Identification of a wild plant

This bit of invasive greenery has been occupying a growing corner of my back yard. In the spirit of this excellent previous question I'm hoping someone knows what it is. [more inside]
posted by zadcat at 11:36 AM PST - 9 comments

Easy to use drum and synth tools

Bedroom musicians - I need some tools to create basic drum and synth parts while recording. It needs to be stupid easy (as in "I am stupid, make this easy") to use. What are your recommendations? [more inside]
posted by backseatpilot at 11:13 AM PST - 10 comments

Computer advice for elderly

I need to purchase and configure a computer for my 95-year old grandmother so she can make Skype calls to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She lives in another state, so hands on assistance is not possible. My 70-year old mother is going to set things up for me; I just need to get the hardware and configure the software. [more inside]
posted by medarby at 10:44 AM PST - 34 comments

Wordpress theme for sports stats site?

I'm building a website that will offer in-depth player profiles and statistics. I'm looking for a Wordpress theme that lends itself well to this use -- I'm picturing the homepage being a list of teams & players, with each player name linking to his/her individual profile page. Are there any themes, free or paid, that would suit this purpose well? Simple & minimalist themes a plus. [more inside]
posted by averageamateur at 10:40 AM PST - 2 comments

Terrified and sad

How to deal with devastating and terrifying news about my unborn baby? [more inside]
posted by CrazyLemonade at 10:37 AM PST - 20 comments

Is Ritalin safe with heard palpitations?

I get occasional heart palpitations, is it safe for me to (legally) take Ritalin? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:34 AM PST - 7 comments

Is it worth it to paint a porcelain tub, or should I just get a new one?

We're getting our 1960's era home ready to sell for as cheaply as possible. It comes with two porcelain tubs in lovely shades of avocado and beige, and never-been-updated bathrooms... [more inside]
posted by ashtabula to opelika at 9:56 AM PST - 26 comments

Best way to scan books & documents at home?

I need to scan some documents and sections of bound books at home, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do so. If I were only scanning documents, and if cost were no issue, I'd go with the Fujita ScanSnap iX1500. But since I need to scan books as well, it seems that I'll need either a flatbed scanner or a pen scanner. Or possibly a camera with good lighting? But I need the scans to be output as PDFs with OCR, and that's proven difficult with document photography in the past. My priorities are quickness, ease of use (including software), and suitability for documents (vs photos - I don't care about photos). Plus Mac compatibility. Any suggestions?
posted by petery at 9:49 AM PST - 4 comments

Electronic Signature and Validation via Tablet PC

Is there a standalone tool which would allow one to create an offline form which must (1) be completed via Tablet PC stylus - that is, accept handwritten entry; (2) prompt the user if required "fields" have not been completed? [more inside]
posted by Ian.I.Am at 9:45 AM PST - 3 comments

Is there a language where I use less brackets?

Linguistics filter: Are there languages with an inflection of whatever type that denotes indeterminacy in its category? [more inside]
posted by PMdixon at 9:36 AM PST - 5 comments

Am I on the spectrum? Does it matter if I am?

I recently spent a while babysitting for a pre-teen girl with Asperger's. I found her behavior to be eerily reminiscent of myself at that age, with the key difference being that I have never had an Asperger's diagnosis. I *do* have a diagnosis of chronic anxiety and ADHD. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 9:20 AM PST - 8 comments

An eBook reader app for programmers?

I'm wondering if such an animal exists (for Mac): An eBook (PDF or ePub or basically any format that O'Reilly supports) reader that focuses on the needs of computer programmers. Specifically, handles copying code well (removes unwanted characters, spacing, page footers, etc.), inserts syntax coloring, and allows for reading without page breaks/footers.
posted by gwint at 9:11 AM PST - 4 comments

Outsourcing strategies (freelancer edition!)

You're a freelancer and you've outsourced some of your admin/non-creative tasks by hiring a skilled assistant or specialized service. How did you identify what to outsource and to whom? [more inside]
posted by kalapierson at 8:53 AM PST - 1 comment

Ouigo oui or non?

Traveling to France and want to visit Paris and Provence. Has anyone tried the new Ouigo train? (10 EUR from Paris to Lyon in 3 hours). How is it? Worth it? Anything to look out for? I'm leery because the website has no English version, and I've heard some tales of non-French credit cards being declined as well as something about needing a French mobile phone number. Someone to tell me what I need to know! [more inside]
posted by AceRock at 8:42 AM PST - 7 comments

Has anyone used The Window Store, or been a "model home?"

The other night I had a salesman come to my door from "The Window Store Home Improvements, Inc." He gave me a nice spiel about how they're looking for homes in my area that are willing to put advertising signs out front, and willing to be listed on their website, In exchange they can give me new windows at wholesale cost instead of retail. The salesman also said that their windows are warranteed for 50 years, which he said was much more than typical warranties. [more inside]
posted by Slinga at 8:41 AM PST - 12 comments

Someone I love has intense insecurity issues - how can I help them?

I ended my LTR a few weeks ago, but can't shake the feeling that I'm abandoning someone in their hour of need, so to speak. My ex was a delightful person, but suffered from the most bizarre and extreme inferiority complex I have ever witnessed. (It was so bad at times that he would sometimes escape from parties by exiting through a window in a back room somewhere.) It got to the point where his behavior was starting to wear me down, and things unraveled from there, but it tears me up to think that he'll no longer have someone to help him stave off his self-loathing tendencies. [more inside]
posted by Teradactyl at 8:38 AM PST - 29 comments

What can I do with my domain(s)?

I'm looking for ideas for good, useful, or fun things to do with domains that I have hosted at Dreamhost. I have a blog, a couple email addresses, and an Out of the Park Baseball league on various domains now, but I feel that there's much more I could be doing. [more inside]
posted by bluejayway at 8:17 AM PST - 10 comments

people who LOVE their day job? do they EXIST?

Hope me break a mindset! Please tell me about anyone you know or have heard about who loves their day job. [more inside]
posted by mirileh at 8:06 AM PST - 43 comments

Should I Sign an Informal Child Custody Agreement?

My ex-spouse and I share custody of our son. He is now in kindergarten five days a week, necessitating some adjustments to his weekly schedule. We have come to a basic agreement, and my spouse wants me to sign this agreement. Even though we are principally on the same page, it feels a bit weird. Should I do it?
posted by toots at 7:52 AM PST - 34 comments

Chicago Northside Party Space?

Please recommend a party venue (probably a bar backroom) on the north side of Chicago - details inside. [more inside]
posted by Mid at 6:52 AM PST - 2 comments

Schooling on the East Coast

Hi all, I am looking for resources for figuring out the best pre-schools and schools on the East Coast (public and private both are fair game). Is there a national database ranking the schools? I am particularly interested in the Boston/Cambridge area, but am curious for my own personal reasons about schools in NYC as well as Chicago, and maybe the East Coast in general. My kid is 7 months old and definitely not ready to go to school just yet. But as I am originally not from this country, I'd like to familiarize myself with the system fully before I have to enroll her in school. In my humble opinion, schooling is very important - if it wasn't for a good school, I won't have the necessary life skills myself (irrespective of the professional and grad training), so I am hoping to be aware of the US school landscape before my little one starts going to preschool. Many thanks for your kind help. Have a nice day!
posted by Spice_and_Ice at 6:04 AM PST - 23 comments

Please don't ask me

How do I kindly decline my struggling-writer friends' numerous requests that I submit their screenplays to my agent, without causing any bad feelings or strife? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:55 AM PST - 45 comments

Help me find a specific Doonesbury strip.

I am looking for a specific Doonesbury strip for which I remember most of the dialogue. One of the female characters is talking about how hard it is to find a man in New York who isn't gay or married. She yells to a man out of panel and says "hey jogging shorts, gay or married? ". From off panel, the man replies "both! " I do know that it is not a recent strip. Please help? :-)
posted by DWRoelands at 5:45 AM PST - 4 comments

Wanted: A Blog To Help Me Find Clever Music Videos

I like music videos that feature clever ideas, wittily executed, and I'm hoping to find a music video blog curated by somebody with similar taste. Some of videos I've enjoyed include Her Morning Elegance, Woke Up New, Bad M*therF*cker, and anything by Spike Jonze or Michel Gondry. What blogger (or tweeter) will help me find more videos I love? [more inside]
posted by yankeefog at 4:33 AM PST - 1 comment

HOWTO: Living in New Zealand (or Other Suitable Locale) for a Month!

I've been traveling in South America and India for about five months now at a fairly frenetic pace, and am looking for a change. I've decided I want to settle down in one city from around September 15-October 15, and I'm thinking New Zealand is the place I want to do it (but I am open to other cities in other countries that meet my criteria, so feel free to throw them out!). I'd greatly appreciate any thoughts you have on the best city, the best way to find lodging, transport, etc. - details on what I'm looking for below! [more inside]
posted by traveltheworld at 2:27 AM PST - 5 comments

Looking for an emulator for the Casio CFX *color* series

I'd like a PC emulator for the Casio CFX-9800G 3-color graphic calculator. Is there one? Where can I get it? [more inside]
posted by richb at 1:54 AM PST - 1 comment

Quiet place to meet for 5-10 people in SF/ Oakland/ Berkeley for cheap

I am looking for suggestions for spots in San Francisco or East Bay, public transportation accessible, for folks to meet up for a small, professional meet-up group. [more inside]
posted by ethel at 12:37 AM PST - 5 comments

August 26

Mid-Autumn Festival mooncake with nuts and dried peas?

Once a long time ago, I was a few hours outside Beijing during the mid-Autumn festival, in a pretty rural area. We were given these amazing mooncakes with nuts and vegetables that were way tastier to me than the sweet bean-paste/egg/lotus-paste/etc. ones you normally get. Help me find the name of them so I can buy/bake my own. [more inside]
posted by gemmy at 10:56 PM PST - 2 comments

Mom, I'm breaking up with you.

I grew up in an abusive household, and severed ties with my abusive father after moving out. Over the years, I cut off more of the family because they didn't understand why I couldn't forgive and make up with my father. (They also had their own drama). But I've staying in touch with my mother, though at arm's length. I'm now seeing she wasn't the "good guy" in all this, or maybe a lifetime of being in a terrible relationship made her unbearable. I've made the decision I don't want her in my life, but I'm not sure what the best way to make it happen. [more inside]
posted by [insert clever name here] at 9:59 PM PST - 20 comments

Tell me about the Walden University M.A.T. in Early Childhood Education.

Can you help my girlfriend become a licensable early childhood educator? [more inside]
posted by pseudonick at 9:29 PM PST - 9 comments

Help me build a basic apartment tool set!

I am at the stage of life when I need to move from a random collection of tools to an organized tool set that equips me for basic home/apartment maintenance. What do I need? Budget: just-finished-grad-school poor. [more inside]
posted by philosophygeek at 7:59 PM PST - 32 comments

metagoogle: image search query: farmers (japan|korea) fighting police

Some years back, some farmers were fighting battles with police, I think in either Japan or Korea. Due to rules that govern how police are allowed to escalate their response, the farmers were able to stage full battles with home-made armour, with blunt weapons, in formation, and the police responded with equivalent force without employing lethal weapons. I particularly remember a pre-battle photo of police and farmers, in formation, just waiting for the battle to start at the allotted time. Anyone remember more details than that?
posted by compound eye at 7:40 PM PST - 5 comments

Taking my teenage autistic brother out for dinner, what should we do?

My well-meaning boyfriend offered to take my 18-year-old autistic brother with very low social skills out for dinner to celebrate his graduation. We're not sure what to talk about with him. [more inside]
posted by JoannaC at 7:36 PM PST - 37 comments

Subflooring subflooring...

I'm installing cheap laminate flooring (I know, I hate it) over lousy floorboards that I won't replace, and I'd like to get a few years (of sock-footed padding like a cat) out of it. The floorboard plywood sheets are gapped and uneven at the gaps and the builder didn't use spiral or ring-shank nails (but I'm adding screws). Can I just fasten thin plywood subfloor over plywood? [more inside]
posted by Shane at 7:26 PM PST - 5 comments

I'm dating-challenged and dropped the ball. How I do pick it back up?

Over last weekend I spent a whole bunch of time with a lovely woman--dinners, picnics, walks, wine under the stars etc. These weren't explicitly dates, but it all seemed pretty romantic. At the end of the evening on Saturday and Sunday we had these awkward pauses when my insecurities and my desire to--give a goodnight kiss? Express my attraction? Or something--were warring. I don't know what she was thinking but it was awkward on both sides. Now I won't see her for a month. Do I email her and explicitly say that I'm interested? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:25 PM PST - 25 comments

Etiquette for correspondence with a professor under whom I may work?

I have emailed a professor about volunteering in her lab and, propitiously for me, she said that she'd be happy to give me this opportunity and will be in contact with me in September. Where do I go from here? [more inside]
posted by metacognition at 7:21 PM PST - 5 comments

Thank you. I don't believe you.

Our dog was missing for over a week. We're suspicious of the people that returned her. A reward is at stake. Help us settle the debate as to what happened and whether or not we should pony up the reward. [more inside]
posted by shew at 7:21 PM PST - 41 comments

How to talk to new boyfriend about his relationship with alcohol?

I have been dating a lovely man for two months. We met online. I'm concerned he may drink too much and would like to talk to him about it. [more inside]
posted by AlmondEyes at 7:09 PM PST - 27 comments

Like water off a duck’s back

You are chill. You’re not a worrier. Being under pressure hardly ruffles your feathers at all. How do you do it? [more inside]
posted by Serene Empress Dork at 7:09 PM PST - 38 comments

Should I just google this?

What do I need to know about promoting my small online business using Google AdWords? [more inside]
posted by BlahLaLa at 6:39 PM PST - 9 comments

What might this pincer claw-like thingy be / do?

picture 1 picture 2 We found this in the kitchen, so we thought it might be a bottle or jar opener, but it doesn't quite have the "grip" to be either. Any more ideas what it could be used for?
posted by ditto75 at 6:17 PM PST - 15 comments

"Noble Salvage" as a name for an antique business: inspired or lame?

Give me your opinion about my stupid smart business name idea. [more inside]
posted by crazylegs at 6:00 PM PST - 77 comments

Wheat After Corn

I want to know more about the first picture on this page (right click and view for full size) [more inside]
posted by gray17 at 5:41 PM PST - 6 comments

A semi sweet chocolate glaze for yellow cupcakes

I have on hand semi sweet chocolate chips, butter, honey, confectioner's sugar, vanilla, whole milk. Can I substitute honey for light corn syrup? Or, can I substitute milk and butter for heavy cream? [more inside]
posted by maggieb at 5:35 PM PST - 5 comments

Calls via Google Voice only?

Is there a way I can set up my home (VOIP via cable company) phone to only ring for calls that come in via my Google Voice number? [more inside]
posted by primethyme at 5:10 PM PST - 3 comments

I bought a beautiful problem

An art newbie wonders: just how does one properly store an oil painting? [more inside]
posted by charlemangy at 4:48 PM PST - 3 comments

No medical insurance, but I need prescriptions refilled

I have no medical insurance and cannot afford to see my physician to get my prescriptions refilled. Any idea(s) on how I could possibly get then refilled for nothing ? [more inside]
posted by therealshell at 4:40 PM PST - 12 comments

Where can I find a word-count tool to track my writing goals?

I'm looking for a word-count tool that will allow me to: set a goal for words written by a specific date, enter in the words I have written each day, see how many words I remaining toward my goal, and how many words I will need to average each day to reach my goal. [more inside]
posted by Tevin at 4:39 PM PST - 7 comments

How do I know the virus/malware is really gone?

Every once in a while I'm called upon to help a family member or coworker who has gotten a virus or malware on their computer. I generally just have the virus/malware program get rid of the offending files using its default method, and almost always when I run another scan it comes up clean. But when I research the specific files to find out what they do, I find posts detailing multi-step processes using multiple programs to completely remove the infection. So I have to wonder, is letting the virus/malware program that detects the bad files take care of them really enough to secure the computer system, presuming that subsequent scans come up clean?
posted by Starling at 4:34 PM PST - 8 comments

Grad school exit interview

I'm leaving my graduate advisor's lab (engineering/biochemistry) after getting a PhD and spending some time as a postdoc there as well. The two of us are going to have lunch in a few days as a farewell/exit interview, and I'd like advice on what questions I could ask him that would be the most helpful for me. [more inside]
posted by Durin's Bane at 4:33 PM PST - 2 comments

Metal case for dental floss?

Looking for a vendor to make me a metal case for a pack of floss as a gag gift. Importantly, it is for a new beau. Thanks in advance! [more inside]
posted by pearl228 at 4:29 PM PST - 8 comments

I haven't got time for the pain ...

I've got a herniated disc (L5-S1) that is causing excruciating pain across the top of my right foot. I've had 2 of 3 lumbar epidurals (3rd one is scheduled for Sept. 5) which, thus far, have not helped. I have a consult with an orthopedic surgeon scheduled for Sept. 11. I've got vicodin, flexeril and OTC naproxen. But these are doing far too little to alleviate the pain. My question: Any tips, ideas on how to deal with this pain for the next 2-plus weeks without going crazy. Snowflakes within ... [more inside]
posted by jrchaplin at 4:29 PM PST - 11 comments

How to handle this messed up dental implant! Help!

I just got back from getting my dental implant crown. Unfortunately it's awful and doesn't look at all like what it should. It's very messed up and needs to be fixed. How best to procede? Full story and photos inside. [more inside]
posted by Crystalinne at 4:23 PM PST - 10 comments

Elegant replacements for wide tables?

Web design question: I have an arbitrarily wide set of data that I'm currently displaying using and it's breaking the layout (see example). The companies on the right handside can be thought of as owned by the user at the left. I would like an elegant way to display this information. What are my options? Both static and dynamic solutions would be appreciated, thanks.
posted by prunes at 4:17 PM PST - 7 comments

"Best of" recommendations for 80 days of backpacking in India?

I'm planning to leave in a few weeks for India to travel with a budget of several (<7) thousand dollars. I may stay up to 80 days (but have the opportunity to come back earlier). Have any of you done a trip like this? Can you point me at any (good) links or recommendations for itineraries, or even out of the way one-off points of interest?
posted by jpziller at 4:16 PM PST - 16 comments

I feel like I'm imprisoned at my current job. How do I get out fast?

I've been working at the same company for 8 years. I initially started working there as a temp and wanted to quit within the first week, but didn't for some reason, and then I was hired permanently a couple of months after temping. Anyway, while I do have more duties since I was hired, my basic job has not changed at all. I work in an insurance company mainly doing data entry, project work and anything else they throw at me. [more inside]
posted by hazel79 at 4:15 PM PST - 7 comments

Mixed Reactions to Jajangmyeon

What's with the (possibly perceived on my part) mixed reactions I get when I ask for this Korean dish? [more inside]
posted by Rykey at 3:58 PM PST - 11 comments

We Can Dissertate If We Want To

How do you force yourself to work hard when you just don't care? I'm looking for practical tips/tricks, cognitive/behavioral strategies, and MacGyver-ish life kludges for pervasive procrastination. [more inside]
posted by therumsgone at 3:57 PM PST - 11 comments

Looking for a Gap military style jacket, circa 2009

Around 2009 / 2010 I bought a military surplus style jacket on sale from the Gap. It was green, made of a canvas type material, had elasticy cuffs, a French collar, zipped up the front, and had a secondary pocket on the breast which zipped vertically. It ended up getting paint on it, and I had to throw it out, but this was a great jacket, and I'd really like to have another one. The only problem is that I'm having trouble tracking it down. [more inside]
posted by codacorolla at 3:16 PM PST - 5 comments

Moth Proof Dry Cleaning Bags Toxic?

My local dry cleaner sells what they describe as moth proof plastic clothing bags. They're blue colored and have a slight chemical smell. You're supposed to twist-tie the tops closed. The dry cleaner says he has no information about them. Anyone know anything about these bags and what the chemical is?
posted by Jackson at 3:13 PM PST - 5 comments

Showering two moms at once

I am hosting a baby shower for two sisters-in-law this weekend. How can we make the present opening fast and fun? [more inside]
posted by crazycanuck at 3:06 PM PST - 7 comments

How to make an application work again on a Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet?

My Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet updated itself yesterday. I was in a hurry and did not pay attention to what was actually happening but when it had finished updating, certain apps no longer worked, notably Chrome, Kindle, VLC and the Sims Freeplay game. They started and then closed immediately. I uninstalled and reinstalled the first 3 apps, losing any parameters set previously, no big deal, but I don't want to lose my Sims (or more precisely my young daughter doesn't). [more inside]
posted by elgilito at 2:53 PM PST - 5 comments

Limit on the NUMBER of Debit Card transactions per day?

The cash is in the account. (Free and clear, not waiting on holds to drop or checks to clear.) The Debit MasterCard is declined. I call Customer Service. The rep tells me that the account has exceeded the daily transaction limit. It’s 4pm on Monday. Special Snowflake details inside. The cash is in the account. The Debit MasterCard is declined. [more inside]
posted by RevRob330 at 2:49 PM PST - 18 comments

Recommend good woodworking shop in Williamsburg, Brooklyn?

I am trying to get a custom plywood/laminate table top made, and I have other things I would like to create in the future. I would like to find a good, honest woodworking shop that does small, piecemeal projects like this that I can have a relationship with. I have been in touch with a few, including some I found on Craigslist, but they are all remarkably flaky; won't answer the phone, won't return calls, don't reply to emails, don't show up to appointments. Any suggestions?
posted by gentle at 2:47 PM PST - 9 comments

I have time and tamarind paste

I would like to make worcestershire sauce in my kitchen. I have an extensive spice cabinet and I can get my hands on anything and everything else necessary. I'm willing to toast, mince, simmer, ferment, and strain for as long as it takes. [more inside]
posted by mgar at 2:37 PM PST - 4 comments

Old, Sad Anime Movie

I'm trying to identify an animated Japanese movie I saw when I was a kid, but my web-search-fu has come up empty. [more inside]
posted by The Tensor at 2:37 PM PST - 7 comments

Surely there's a productivity tracker to fit our needs?

I work for a 25-person agency with horrifically outdated software practices. Help us join the 21st century of project and time tracking! [more inside]
posted by meghosaurus at 2:22 PM PST - 3 comments

Jeep or pickup truck or...?

We need to replace our Subaru, and my wife and I both want to have something rough and tumble and fun to bounce down the road in. Help us find the right car, please! [more inside]
posted by sleevener at 2:09 PM PST - 21 comments

I'm letting a household employee go, have I done anything wrong?

I am letting my nanny go for a variety of reasons, and feel both bad and awkward about it, but still think it was the right choice for my own family, and would like to know if I handled this appropriately. [more inside]
posted by tylerkaraszewski at 2:01 PM PST - 48 comments

Accessible resources on ADHD management

I'm looking for resources about managing ADHD for people with ADHD that would be accessible to a highly literate, intelligent 11 year old. I'm thinking books, videos, etc that provide specific strategies for managing daily life. Kid already has medical management, professional support, medication, and loyal and loving community. But at this point, she has a lot of responsibilities that she needs to be beginning to take the lead on herself, and she needs more tools for managing those responsibilities - things like bedtime routine, schoolwork, navigating social relationships, etc. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:56 PM PST - 4 comments

Birthday cake me, bitch

I want to get something like this cake for my husband's birthday on September 20th, which happily coincides with the second to last episode weekend. Is there a bakery in NYC that will do this for me?
posted by roomthreeseventeen at 1:48 PM PST - 6 comments

Flaming fox doesn't appreciate interruptions...

Help me make Firefox less cranky when losing/restoring tethered network via android phone? [more inside]
posted by de void at 1:30 PM PST - 4 comments

Quick, Help! Birthday Event in Central Park Planned, Now Rained Out!

Where can I bring about 20 friends who were planning to meet me tonight in central park for a birthday gathering? Storm clouds are brewing and I need a good backup, like a bar. Help me save the day!!
posted by amoeba at 1:18 PM PST - 8 comments

Semester bill part II

I went to academic advisement around the time when I made this post. [more inside]
posted by antgly at 1:15 PM PST - 16 comments

Friend kicked out of home in Florida - what resources can I recommend?

An friend just got booted out of her home in Florida with an hour's notice by her boyfriend. She has no money, important possessions from small to large in the house, and pets. I advised her to call the police but beyond that I had no idea. Later I found the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and sent her the hotline number. But there must exist checklists or articles for this sort of situation, seeing as it happens so often in abusive relationships! [more inside]
posted by L'Estrange Fruit at 1:13 PM PST - 6 comments

I finally have a good idea of what I want to do! Now what?

I have been very slow when it comes to getting my career off of the ground. I've decided that I need to focus on what I can do right away to begin working in the field that I love. I want to help teenagers or adults with low literacy learn how to read. [more inside]
posted by to recite so charmingly at 1:10 PM PST - 4 comments

Life is fatal. Why isn't it easier to die gracefully?

In the event that I have any control over it whatsoever, I want to die well. Recent family events and yesterday's NPR segments (1, 2) on end-of-life issues raise a fresh wave of questions about how to plan now for the best possible end later on. Is there anything in the works that looks like a living will but allows us in our younger healthier years to document the preference "if a, b or c happen, just guide me to the light with morphine"? I want to be able to die as peacefully and (perhaps almost as) easily as my pets can. And perhaps I should reserve this additional loaded question for a separate post, but what the hell: why do people care so much? [more inside]
posted by AnOrigamiLife at 1:08 PM PST - 22 comments

Help me make this semester a success

I'm going into my fifth year of college and I still have had no jobs, no internships, no relationships with my professors and no references/recommendations. I don't think I'll be able to get a job with the current state of my resume. Please help me figure out what I need to do to change all that this semester. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:02 PM PST - 12 comments

Husband playing with fire - chances *I* will get burned?

Husband has always been friendly with women, but never too flirtatious. Husband met a woman in the course of his workday (on his commute) and they struck up an "aquaintanceship" based around their daily metro commute. Things have progressed a bit too far for my tastes and I'm trying to understand his mindset. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:02 PM PST - 46 comments

T-shirts or clothing for a new American?

I'm looking for patriotic garb for a new American citizen. [more inside]
posted by madajb at 12:54 PM PST - 10 comments

Portland (Oregon)! In September! Twentysomethings edition

Two twentysomethings going on a trip to Portland for the first week of September. We’ve got some tickets to MusicFest NW, this guide to biking to microbreweries, and a sweet AirBnB apartment in the Pearl District. I definitely want to check out Stumptown, Powell’s Books, Voodoo Donuts, and Pok Pok but I’d love to hear about some of the places/activities/neat things that people love that might not be so obvious. [more inside]
posted by forkisbetter at 12:30 PM PST - 16 comments

Name this show tune I randomly heard on the radio?

I was driving around up near Boston a few months ago when I heard a show tune on the radio, and I haven't been able to get it (or more accurately, the novelty and good execution of its conceit) out of my head. If memory serves, it was a female solo piece. The lyrics began with the question Parlez-vous français?, but proceeded to cobble some common French phrases and famous names (I think I remember hearing Maurice Chevalier) into enjoyable rhyming gibberish, before finally ending with a belted Oprah Winfré! A Google search for what little I remember has proven useless. Does anyone here have any suggestions as to what the song was and where I might purchase it?
posted by The Confessor at 12:26 PM PST - 7 comments

How often have you had to replace your windshield?

The cost of replacing my cracked windshield will be out of my own pocket because it's less than my insurance's deductible. Is this likely to happen again, and is it therefore worth paying for a lowered deductible? [more inside]
posted by Greg_Ace at 11:28 AM PST - 31 comments

What is a certified kitchen?

I live in California and cannot, for the life of me, find any documentation, web site, or book that defines this. I know that foods for public consumption (for the most part) have to be produced in a certified kitchen. Are there certain fixtures or appliances REQUIRED in a certified kitchen? [more inside]
posted by rybreadmed at 11:18 AM PST - 13 comments

Jump back!

On September 28, 1988, James Brown led police on a two-state high-speed chase, for which he ultimately served three years in prison on a six-year sentence. This spectacle has been memorialized in two songs I know of: Big Audio Dynamite's James Brown and Pop Will Eat Itself's Not Now James, We're Busy. Are there other songs that chronicle this event? [more inside]
posted by Admiral Haddock at 11:14 AM PST - 5 comments

Allergy-Friendly Dinner in Toronto

I'm a vegetarian with several severe food allergies and I'd like to hear your suggestions for restaurants in Toronto. [more inside]
posted by kate blank at 10:40 AM PST - 8 comments

Low-Carb Tips and Tricks

How did you ease into a low-carb lifestyle? [more inside]
posted by dinosaurprincess at 10:33 AM PST - 18 comments

Is it okay to stop maintaining contact with a longtime 'friend'?

I have a 'friend' with whom I am not interested in maintaining a friendship any longer. She seems to feel otherwise and is being a bit persistent. I keep ignoring her emails and phone calls, but still, every few months or so, there she is. I really don't want to have to tell her that I don't want to be her friend anymore. What can I do? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:32 AM PST - 37 comments

Physical Therapist in Madison

Where can I get in, quickly, for a PT appointment in Madison, WI? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:31 AM PST - 2 comments

Marisha Pessl's "Night Film" as eBook

Based on some of the negative reviews, it sounds like the more stylized portions of Marisha Pessl's "Night Film" are a mess on Kindle devices. Can anyone comment on how it is using the Kindle app on an iPad, or in iBooks?
posted by boombot at 10:24 AM PST - 6 comments

Learning composition by transcribing music?

I have read that John Zorn and Unsuk Chin, among others, learned music composition by transcribing music. Am I correct in thinking that this means copying an existing score? Is this a good way to learn music composition (and are there any others)? Does one copy the piece verbatim, or is there a strategy for targeting significant parts?
posted by myitkyina at 10:17 AM PST - 11 comments

I want to play GTA 5 the instant it comes out. I'm also lazy.

Hope me, mefites with experience pre-ordering video games in Canada! I want to play GTA 5 right away but I don't really have the inclination to go to the store and get one. I ordered it from with priority shipping (1-2 days) but my order confirmation says the delivery estimate is Sept 23/24 - this is not ideal: release date is Sept 17. a) it this in your experience correct? and b) can another online retailer do better? I'm in Vancouver, if it matters. [more inside]
posted by doublesix at 10:16 AM PST - 4 comments

Recommend music similar to the Copper theme song.

Mrs. Jeffamaphone and I have a long road trip coming up. We've been watching Copper and she really likes the opening music and has asked if we can listen to "music like that" on our road trip. So please recommend some? [more inside]
posted by jeffamaphone at 10:10 AM PST - 9 comments

How can I deal with grief about selling my house?

I owned a beautiful new home for seven years and had to sell it this year due to practical factors such as distance to work for my wife, daycare, and so on. I am struggling with a kind of grief about it. The new owners move in today and last night I had a farewell party with some friends at the house which helped, but I stayed there all night taking photos and crying and trying to memorize every inch of it. I'm talking literally crying on the front lawn and feeling like I couldn't breathe. [more inside]
posted by The Hyacinth Girl at 10:10 AM PST - 12 comments

I miss living at college. Can I replicate it as a working adult?

Going to college in Ann Arbor was great in that everything was located conveniently, public transportation was great, and the city was filled with extremely intelligent people. I want to live somewhere like this eventually again, if possible. More criteria inside. [more inside]
posted by tweedle at 9:47 AM PST - 25 comments

What is the quickest way to sell a huge box full of baseball cards?

My husband has a huge box of baseball cards, many too many for me to go through or sell individually. He says they're worth around 10k or so and i need to unload them and dont know where to start. [more inside]
posted by JJkiss at 9:02 AM PST - 18 comments

Bitcoin mining -- 2103 outlook w/free electricity

I have access to a location that has free (to me) power where I could hook up a Bitcoin mining rig or two. Is this still worth doing, or has that ship sailed? [more inside]
posted by snuffleupagus at 8:42 AM PST - 6 comments

What are the antennas on the trucks for?

I see a lot of large trucks carrying multiple antennas. What are they for? Are they HAM/CB by any chance? If they are what are the truckers talking about? [more inside]
posted by aeighty at 8:27 AM PST - 14 comments

I need a new dishwasher!

So, it seems my Whirlpool dishwasher has finally bitten the dust - rather than actually washing, it kind of groans for the entire "wash" cycle, without actually, you know, spewing any water onto the dishes and cleaning them. Unfortunately, my local appliance store closed due to the owners retiring, so I can't ask their expert advice. Has anyone here bought a splendid new dishwasher lately? I need recommendations! [more inside]
posted by PlantGoddess at 8:15 AM PST - 18 comments

Need more shade to be thrown!

Exhausted current stock of non-fiction podcasts, more recommendations please? Tastes under the fold. [more inside]
posted by Albondiga at 7:47 AM PST - 23 comments

Google: the evil hour cometh. Looking for a new webmail provider.

So how evil is [more inside]
posted by flabdablet at 7:44 AM PST - 17 comments

Excel imported my dates as day-month instead of year-month. How to fix?

How do I fix this? I "imported" a table from a PDF (big mistake). In the pdf, the dates were formatted as AA-BB, where AA was the month and BB was the year. Excel interpreted that as AA is the month and BB is the day, and gave them all 2013 as the year. So now the date reads as 11-Jan instead of Jan 2011. I no longer have access to the original dataset because I only just noticed the mistake. I am using Excel 2010 on Windows.
posted by rebent at 7:32 AM PST - 6 comments

After Kitty Hawk: First Aerospace Programs

Which aerospace program came first: the one at MIT or the one at the University of Michigan? [more inside]
posted by Francolin at 7:15 AM PST - 3 comments

Custom t-shirts for sale to a limited group?

A large group of friends will be running a 5k in October. I'm wanting to get some custom team shirts designed for the group, but I don't want to have to fool with collecting money from everyone. So what I'm looking for is somewhere...
  • I can upload my design for the shirts.
  • I can send out a link to the participants and let everyone order on their own.
  • The shirts are not openly available to folks outside the group. (I understand that someone might be able to forward the group's link. I'm just not really wanting it available on the open marketplace.)
  • From what I'm seeing on sites like Cafepress or Spreadshirt, I can't limit who can buy or will I have to place the whole order myself. It is entirely possible that I'm missing something, though. Decent quality is a plus as well. Thanks in advance!!
    posted by MrToad at 7:13 AM PST - 12 comments

    Pick-up shredding services in NYC?

    I am a bit of a pack rat. I’ve made a lot of progress in dealing with this problem but I still have several garbage bags’ worth of paper in my apartment that I don’t need and want to get rid of. [more inside]
    posted by the hot hot side of randy at 6:29 AM PST - 5 comments

    How upset should I be about my boyfriend's temper?

    I've been dating my boyfriend for 5 months. I'm 25, female, he's 36. He's been the best boyfriend I've ever had. Dedicated. Loving. Caring. Kind. He's funny, super smart, handsome, great in bed...I've never been in a relationship this good. Since we started dating, I've seen him get angry a few times. Usually he calms down relatively quickly, apologizes, we talk, and everything is fine. He's mentioned he has a temper and can get very angry, but I had never really seen that side of him. [more inside]
    posted by at 6:16 AM PST - 145 comments

    Tips for living with hard water

    What simple, cheap things can we do to lessen the damaging effects of hard water on our fixtures and appliances? (Apart from installing a water softener which is not cheap or easy for our living situation.) [more inside]
    posted by like_neon at 6:10 AM PST - 8 comments

    Suggestions for a poetry collection book

    Looking for recommendations for a book of poetry collections for someone new to poetry. [more inside]
    posted by dbirchum at 5:37 AM PST - 17 comments

    Anything but "We are the Champions"

    I need a song suggestion (or 20ish) for how it feels at the end of a ridiculously over complicated project. Or maybe at the end of a marathon. Basically I'm looking for the perfect "YOU DID IT!" song.
    posted by DigDoug at 4:55 AM PST - 23 comments

    Economic Fantasy And The Anti-Anthem.

    Settle a bet: Friend claimed that Terry Pratchett's "Going Postal" and "Making Money" where unique in the fantasy genre for dealing so much with the economics and " white collar" systems of a fantasy setting. I said that couldn't be true but couldn't think of any examples ( they abound in Sci-Fi, but we're talking wands and robes here, and the Baroque Cycle is only kind-of-fantasy). So, what are some examples of fantasy novels where things like labor unions, mediums of exchange, guild politics, trade imbalances, commodities markets, hostile takeovers and government regulation are both explored and woven into the plot? [more inside]
    posted by The Whelk at 4:43 AM PST - 30 comments

    I Need Help Saving My Relationship

    I might have pushed my boyfriend past his limits. After an ensuing huge fight, he now wants some time to himself and rethink the relationship over. Possible breakup. I love and care for him, and want things back to normal. Details inside. [more inside]
    posted by milque at 12:16 AM PST - 53 comments

    August 25

    how to cope with starting a new job that I don't want?

    I love my part-time job, but it doesn't pay the bills. In order for it to become a full-time job that pays the bills, I have to go back to school and get a master's (library science - yay for very little career opportunities!). In order to go back to school, I need to get a full time job and earn some money to pay for school. I just accepted a full time office assistant position in a law firm. I'm not excited at all. Help! [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 10:21 PM PST - 16 comments

    How can I live a better life?

    After years of depression and self-medication I'm trying to live a better life. What should I be doing? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 10:21 PM PST - 15 comments

    How do you forgive yourself for wasting 4 years of your life?

    I'm 30 and still writing my first graduate dissertation. It's been quite a winding road to find direction and purpose in life. I spent (or probably wasted) a total of 4 years after high school exploring unrealistic paths to find happiness, satisfaction and wealth. Today, back to the real world, it sometimes stings to look back on all that wasted time and speculating where I would now be had I chosen the more reasonable and constructive road. Any useful thoughts to help cope with this mostly useless regretful thought of mine? [more inside]
    posted by Basque13 at 10:10 PM PST - 35 comments

    Please solve my complicated luggage situation!

    I need luggage for three situations and I'm hoping I can wind up with just two items (and not spend too much money). I need a rolling case for my MacBook Pro and books for school, a piece of carry-on luggage for an upcoming trip, and a sturdy but not too heavy suitcase. [more inside]
    posted by wintersweet at 9:25 PM PST - 7 comments

    More Jevity

    How do I get nutritionally complete food for the cheapest possible? [more inside]
    posted by curuinor at 9:12 PM PST - 15 comments

    How to get the most out of my new Sony RX100?

    I've been wanting to pick up photography as a hobby for a little while now and last week took the plunge with a Sony RX100 due to the great reviews, compact size and limited future potential spending (i.e., no expensive lenses to purchase). I'm wondering how to go about getting the most out of it when it seems like most photography resources are for DSLRs. I also have a specific question about an issue that I've noticed in some of my photos. [more inside]
    posted by imalaowai at 9:10 PM PST - 10 comments

    Teach me about logging operations!

    How, physically, does clearcutting happen? What sort of equipment is used to cut down trees on steep hillsides? How is lumber and paper so inexpensive given all the work it takes? How do companies decide what sections to cut? (Some of the patterns cut are really odd!) Also, since different companies often own sections of timber accessed from the same (privately owned?) mainline, how do access deals play out?
    posted by ArcAm at 8:28 PM PST - 14 comments

    Professional etiquette: I don't want to step on toes

    I've been invited to sub-contract on a proposal by a friend/colleague who works for a larger firm that's putting in the bid. While my role would only be related to one specific piece of the overall project, I'm reading the draft of the whole proposal, and I think the document needs significant polishing. Can I tell my friend/colleague? How to approach it? Snowflakes -> [more inside]
    posted by dry white toast at 8:21 PM PST - 5 comments

    Help me plan my birthday in Seattle

    I'm new to Seattle and about to celebrate a milestone-ish birthday after a super hectic year - help me figure out how to plan an amazing day! [more inside]
    posted by DuckGirl at 7:57 PM PST - 13 comments

    Name This Dog, Terrier/Otter Edition

    Dear AskMetaFilter, I never thought this would happen to me! My partner and I adopted a terrier mix and we are stumped for a name! (Well, strictly speaking, this isn't true; we each have ideas, but we can't agree.) Your collective wit, whimsy, and wisdom are required within. [more inside]
    posted by scody at 7:56 PM PST - 54 comments

    Help remembering title of a book I had as a child - 1970s

    It's driving me crazy - the book was about fishing/fisherman and featured dark linocut illustrations. I think the cover was blue and black. My recollection is that the tone of the book was sad. This was in Canada, early 1970s, if it matters. Help!
    posted by SpecialSpaghettiBowl at 7:34 PM PST - 6 comments

    MetalFilter - I know what I like, but not how to find more of it

    So, there's a particular flavor of music that I like, but there's a lot of music in its genre that doesn't scratch my itch. Pandora gives me too broad of a variety, and I'm not enough of an aficionado to know the specific subgenre, or labels, to search for. Some examples I like are Wounds by Masterplan, and Starfall by Dragonland. I think my tastes generally fall under "power metal", but a specific variety of it, and I don't have a name for that subcategory. [more inside]
    posted by NMcCoy at 6:52 PM PST - 11 comments

    What does "a fish on a stick" mean?

    Everyone's talking about "waving a fish on a stick" - but no-one can explain what it means or where it comes from. Can you? [more inside]
    posted by girlgenius at 6:44 PM PST - 12 comments

    What was the deal with my obsessive childhood interests?

    I was a raging fan of several different media properties as a kid. I'd like to read or learn more about individuals who are likewise obsessed. [more inside]
    posted by PhoBWanKenobi at 6:06 PM PST - 34 comments

    Vegetarian fillings for Pide.

    I'm making pide for dinner tonight. I am sick of my regular fillings - what do you put in your pide? I am especially looking for vegetarian fillings. Thanks!
    posted by smoke at 5:35 PM PST - 8 comments

    Have I damaged my Kool Tie?

    I recently purchased a Kool Tie from REI. Before reading the instructions, I dunked the Kool Tie in water and froze it. Unfortunately, I assumed it was meant to be frozen before use. Have I permanently ruined the crystals in my Kool Tie? Or can I just thaw it and continue on with regular use?
    posted by horizonseeker at 5:34 PM PST - 4 comments

    I hate iPhoto, except for the fact that it imports and organizes by date

    After years and years of agony, we're quitting iPhoto for OS X. For now, we're using Lyn plus existing cloud backup rather than paying another monthly nut for Dropbox or the like. The only problem is, I like that when iPhoto imports photos, it organized them by year, month and day. I'd like to find a way to replace this functionality -- Apple script, existing software, whatever -- without actually importing them into iPhoto.
    posted by blueshammer at 5:26 PM PST - 2 comments

    I'm so tired.

    How do I improve my nutrition and overall well-being in these circumstances? [more inside]
    posted by annathea at 5:22 PM PST - 22 comments

    How to get time off new job for mental health reasons

    I recently started a new job that has a very strict attendance policy and I have no vacation or sick time accrued. My doctor has recommended to me that I attend a 2 week inpatient program for the mental issues I've been dealing with. I'm still thinking about it, but if I did decide to do it, who at my company do I need to speak to and what should I say so that I don't end up losing my job for taking that time off. This is my first job so your answers can assume I know absolutely nothing about how these things work.
    posted by theshire at 5:15 PM PST - 11 comments

    Breastfeeding help for two month old

    I've looked at the archives but couldn't find much specific to my situation. I have been breastfeeding my nine week old since he was born, but recently things have gotten more painful. It's never been easy or pain free, but lately nursing has resulted in so much bleeding that my poor little guy is spitting up pink/red after a feeding. I have four days left of maternity leave and an appointment with my OB in two Thursdays, but is there anything I can do in the meantime to make feedings a little less upsetting for both of us? [more inside]
    posted by House of Leaves of Grass at 4:35 PM PST - 28 comments

    Things to do in SF during Burning Man

    The burn is about to begin, and San Francisco and the East Bay are about to vacate. I, however, have been left behind, holding down the fort at work while others party in the desert. Things aren't all bad though, as being in SF during Burning Man comes with some advantages - like being able to actually find parking or not having to wait as long for a cone at Humphrey Slocombe. What are other things to do in the Bay Area that are busy much of the year but not as crowded during Burning Man?
    posted by eschatfische at 3:59 PM PST - 8 comments

    Lost Document

    I recently saved a document in Microsoft Word. I closed it, and the next time I opened it, it was blank. I figured I had just forgotten to save or done something stupid, so I re-wrote the document and saved it again. I emailed it to myself for good measure. Next time I opened it, it was blank again. I'm very frustrated, and it was an important document that I would like to recover, if possible, without having to re-write it a third time. Has anyone experienced this situation? Can anyone help me recover my document? I'm desperate.
    posted by Lee Shore at 3:57 PM PST - 9 comments

    Devices for speech-to-text for child with learning disabilities

    I am looking for a device that will do speech recognition (speech to text) at home for my son. He is a great writer, as in storyteller, and creates great stories every day (ten pages single spaced when I transcribe them) but his handwriting speed is about two or three words per minute. What would be most convenient is if an Android tablet (e.g. Nexus 7) will do the trick, because that is the first choice for some other purposes. Is there any reason that this would be a poor choice -- is there something that is far better? [more inside]
    posted by winston at 3:49 PM PST - 7 comments

    Excel 2007 Scroll-bar going to end of sheet

    I have an excel 2007 spreadsheet in which the vertical scrollbar covers the whole 1,000,000 rows i.e pressing ctrl - end takes me to row 1,048,576. I would like it to only scroll to the end of my data. [more inside]
    posted by mataboy at 3:00 PM PST - 9 comments

    Water quality testing

    I have previously posted that my water appliances like hot water pot and coffee machine quickly descaled when i moved into my home. I never could figure out why. If one were to get home water tested, is it necessary to know what I am testing for? Anyone know of any reliable testing outfits?
    posted by dougiedd at 2:30 PM PST - 5 comments

    What should I be looking for in finding a dietitian? Recs for DC area?

    1) How do I go about finding a dietitian for help with weight loss? 2) Does anyone have recommendations in the Washington DC area? Preferences and particulars below the fold, but even just general advice on those 2 questions would be helpful really. [more inside]
    posted by NikitaNikita at 2:16 PM PST - 4 comments

    Security issues to consider?

    I'm making a small app (website) that stores arbitrary encrypted data on a server. It's always encrypted on the server; encoding and decoding the information takes place in the browser via JS using the Stanford Javascript Crypto Library. [more inside]
    posted by jsturgill at 2:06 PM PST - 28 comments

    Basically, if Disney did webcomics.

    I am really overwhelmed by the world of webcomics. I have no idea where to start, although I have stumbled across a few that I really like. Can you help me find some that I would like, based on my current preferences? - which are below the fold. Thanks guys! [more inside]
    posted by Ziggy500 at 1:53 PM PST - 25 comments

    Boston Ikea how-to: difficulty level, no car

    Boston-area Mefites: share your wisdom! We are looking to furnish our Medford, MA, apartment. We'd like to shop at Ikea. The problem is, we don't drive (we aren't legally qualified, so Zipcar doesn't help). Ikea will deliver from the store, which is great but leaves one problem: How do we get to and from the store? Any advice helpful; more details inside. [more inside]
    posted by grobstein at 1:51 PM PST - 9 comments

    What happens at "Duck Dynasty Live"?

    What happens at a live "Duck Dynasty" appearance? [more inside]
    posted by jbickers at 1:48 PM PST - 5 comments

    Can I find out what happened to the man who caused my friend's demise?

    My friend was killed in an accident two years ago. He was a passenger on the back of a motorcycle. The driver had minor injuries and he was later charged with DUI and first degree manslaughter. It happened in Amity, Or. When I google it I find the original story...but nothing else. Maybe he hasn't been tried yet? Or maybe (who knows) the charges got dropped (I sort of doubt that, but these days it seems like anything can happen). Can you tell me specifically if I (a non-relative) have any rights to information about where things stand? My friend didn't have much family that I know of. Who would I contact? The DA? Would they talk to me? Is there any type of procedure to follow? Thank you!
    posted by naplesyellow at 1:40 PM PST - 6 comments

    Best podcast handler for archival/organizational issues

    Better podcast handler/podcatcher wanted. My current setup is iPhone 4S 32GB / Windows 7 / iTunes - I have been using iTunes since my first iPhone and I'm ready to switch. I am an avid podcast listener and this is where iTunes and I have come to a parting of the ways. [more inside]
    posted by clerestory at 1:25 PM PST - 5 comments

    Why wear a Tyvek suit for a Perp Walk?

    I've noticed that the NYPD has a habit of doing perp-walks with the suspect in a Tyvek suit. Why? [more inside]
    posted by wrok at 1:02 PM PST - 3 comments

    Best fun kid-friendly restaurants in DC?

    What are he best kid-friendly restaurants in DC or thereabouts which also have a fun ambience for grown-ups (eg maybe outdoor seating) and good food?
    posted by shivohum at 12:56 PM PST - 10 comments

    6 mo Bengal cat with diarrhea - maybe tritrichomonas foetus, maybe not

    I have a 6 month old Bengal male cat with persistent diarrhea. We narrowed it down through testing to tritrichomonas foetus and gave him 30mg/kg dose of Ronidazole for two weeks. The diarrhea went away while he was on Ronidazole, then returned within 48 hours after going off the Ronidazole. I am taking a sample back for testing (which is really tricky with tritrichomonas foetus) on Monday and see what the vet says. But I am wondering if anyone has any experience with this. [more inside]
    posted by alcahofa at 12:25 PM PST - 6 comments

    Coca Cola Commerical

    There was a Coke commercial a million years ago (or closer to 10-20?) where the narrator was saying all the moments coke was enjoyed and the words had an accompanying picture of a bottle or glass of coke. [more inside]
    posted by fruitopia at 12:02 PM PST - 4 comments

    Does this batch of kombucha look, umm.... normal?

    My first quart-sized batch of kombucha didn't look like this at all. It looked pretty normal. I'm not sure if I just need to wait, or if this is mold and I need to throw out the juice and start over, or what. Judging by these pictures, can you tell if this batch is a variation of normal, or a flop?
    posted by luciddream928 at 10:58 AM PST - 12 comments

    40th birthday experience ideas needed!

    I need ideas for an outdoorsy/active October 40th birthday weekend getaway from Boston. [more inside]
    posted by floweredfish at 10:33 AM PST - 6 comments

    Android App Search

    Android App Search Question: I'm looking for a specific type of Android app (a music player which has a large "time elapsed" display). I'm new to the world of apps, and am completely confused as to how to sort the apps in the Play Store and even begin to narrow down the options. It looks like the only search criteria are "Free" or "Paid" - either way, I get like a bajillion returns. Am I missing something? How do folks either (a) narrow down your searches, or (b) navigate the overwhelming choice?
    posted by forallmankind at 10:17 AM PST - 6 comments

    Good temporary agencies in NYC?

    I am looking for recent, first-hand recommendations for good temporary agencies in NYC (beyond the three mentioned in this thread). I have a background in nonprofits, but I cannot limit myself to niche agencies. I would also (secondarily) welcome current insight into the temp world. Thank you! At least I know Excel this time around
    posted by skbw at 10:13 AM PST - 6 comments

    Lab-appropriate Hair?

    Women scientists - how do you keep your long layers and bangs from catching on fire at work? [more inside]
    posted by arabelladragon at 9:56 AM PST - 37 comments

    Are medical negotiators legit?

    Are sites like this legit? Basically, they promise to negotiate your medical bills; if they save you money, they take a percentage of it (often 35% of your total savings). If they're unable to help you save, they don't charge anything. I have a super-high deductible insurance plan, and have long known that most bills can be lowered by me calling the billing department and asking. I've had bills lowered any where from 1-40%, with the knowledge that the remaining amount generally must be paid in full relatively quickly. Has anyone used a site to negotiate for them, and if so, did you feel like their negotiating was better than what you could have done on your own? Note: This is hypothetical, as I do not currently have any large medical bills looming. Assume that I do have the resources to pay a large bill in full if it saves a hefty percentage in the long run.
    posted by csox at 9:30 AM PST - 6 comments

    Should I stay... Or really, how should I go?

    How do I navigate a breakup with this woman who I respect and love, in a way that might encourage her to get better and find some happiness? Or should I even break up with her, given the potential good things that might come along if she did process through some of her stuff? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 9:16 AM PST - 32 comments

    How do I start running even though I have disc problems

    It's been a few years since I had an MRI but I have two degenerated discs that give me problems now and then. What do I need to do to start running for exercise? [more inside]
    posted by Thrillhouse at 8:32 AM PST - 11 comments

    What do I need to know for my first art walk showing?

    I'm going to have my photography featured in an Art Walk, and this is my first time doing anything like this. I'm excited but don't know what the heck I'm doing. What do I need to know? [more inside]
    posted by Autumn at 5:01 AM PST - 8 comments

    Movies that show the aftermath of a stylish party?

    I'm looking for movies which show the aftermath of a hip or elegant party. There's a scene like this in Breakfast at Tiffany's, when Holly Golightly wakes up looking like a hot mess the morning after her swinging house party. Can you think of any others? It could be the morning after, or in the middle of the night when everyone's asleep or gone home.
    posted by peter1982peter at 3:36 AM PST - 39 comments

    How to write a cover letter to overseas employer?

    How should mention my nationality when writing a cover letter to employer overseas? I have read that I am not supposed to say anything about my marital status, religion, etc... But since I am a foreigner so I don't want the recruiter to find it out in my last paragraph kindda. I feel that I should at least tell them why I am relocating and such. However, it's also weird to bring it up in the first paragraph either (and get thrown to trash right away...). In fact, I am a US citizen writing to Canadian employer so it is basically very similar to letters to my local companies. Unfortunately, it is harder than I thought due to the citizenship and job market, I guess. I have searched and couldn't find any sample letter for employer overseas... Do you guys have any idea or experience how I should put it better?
    posted by lanhan at 1:06 AM PST - 14 comments

    August 24

    Identify this reality-bending TV show episode

    I once saw a show, which I remember as being from The Outer Limits, where two people discover that reality isn't as they thought. [more inside]
    posted by jiawen at 11:59 PM PST - 11 comments

    Is there any way to repurpose a peek pronto?

    So there is this device that used to be on the tmobile network called the Peek Pronto, which was soley good for emailing, SMS, Facebook and Twitter. It was discontinued in 2012. I found all this out after I found one in my mom's room, and she doesn't know how she came by it. My question is, is there anyway to re-purpose this phone for something else? It has a TMobile SIM, but maybe there's some way to alter it so it can access wi fi? I dunno, I'm a sucker for upcycling/reusing, and also for obscure mobile devices. Peek Pronto Review.
    posted by Cybria at 11:53 PM PST - 2 comments

    What bird call is in this Band of Horses song?

    On the Band of Horses song "Infinite Arms," what bird is calling in the intro? [more inside]
    posted by herrdoktor at 11:47 PM PST - 4 comments

    Please help me find more novels to read!

    Lately I've been reading novels and memoirs about unconventional/rough upbringings. Please help me find more! I especially liked The God of War, so more books with the same "feel" would be welcome. [more inside]
    posted by easy, lucky, free at 11:39 PM PST - 24 comments


    Groupwork assignments - should I find a different partner? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 11:05 PM PST - 14 comments

    Do you know any California vacation rental spots in modest locations?

    My large family (it's going to be between 10 and 14 people - not sure yet) wants to gather for a few days at Christmastime. Money is an issue for some of us and so we can't do more than three nights. Understandably, most of the available rentals that would accommodate a group our size are in high demand areas, and they want a longer holiday stay than we can afford (and in many cases more money per night.) The thing is, we can be totally flexible with location. Anywhere in California between, say, Santa Rosa and San Luis Obispo would be fine, as long as it isn't snowy in December (ruling out the Tahoe area.) [more inside]
    posted by fingersandtoes at 10:39 PM PST - 11 comments

    How can I work full time from home and take care of a baby?

    I am a 32 year old female and have a full-time job. I've been working from home for 6 years now. My boyfriend and I are talking about marriage and having a baby. We're trying to figure out if it's going to be possible for me to still work full-time from home while also raising a baby. I found a lot of articles about it being possible to cut back on hours or work part-time only, but I don't want to do that (insurance and financial reasons). He works full-time as well and not from home and we want to try to avoid day care (or at least use it minimally). Has anyone ever successfully done this? If so, I'd love to know how. What was good/bad about it?
    posted by mlk915 at 10:30 PM PST - 40 comments

    Help me identify and banish this funkyfunky odor

    My house smells like vomit. There is no vomit in my house. It has been driving me insane for several months now and I must. kill. the. smell. [more inside]
    posted by raspberrE at 9:37 PM PST - 25 comments

    Health Savings Accounting

    Can I really use my now empty Health Savings Account plan to pre-tax reimburse myself for expenses in the past, if I contribute to it today? [more inside]
    posted by lpctstr; at 9:16 PM PST - 2 comments

    very sore hip flexors after a new workout--help?

    I tried a new ab workout on Thursday and I must have been cheating with my hip flexors too much because today (two days later) the soreness is incredible. If I describe my workout and my symptoms, could the hive mind try to identify which muscle is sore and suggest ways to stretch it? [more inside]
    posted by d. z. wang at 9:13 PM PST - 4 comments

    Sweet, sweet summer

    Summer fling is over and I am sad that it is not continuing into the fall. I am also unhappy about how it ended and feeling unresolved. We never discussed how/if we would stay in contact and so far the past week there has been no contact. Want to move past this but I need advice for how to do this. [more inside]
    posted by thesnowyslaps at 8:47 PM PST - 14 comments

    LAFilter: On the hunt/looking for a comeup/where is fucking awesome?

    A friend and I are planning to go thrift-shopping in LA in a fewweeks. Neither of us have been thrift-shopping out there, though we're both pretty hardcore about thrift-shopping in general. So, tell me your secrets, LA MeFites, for finding the good stuff. Here's what we're interested in... [more inside]
    posted by Ghostride The Whip at 8:30 PM PST - 13 comments

    Short story where the main character is tricked into becoming God

    It starts with the main character's death where he meets God. God presents him with some kind of question or riddle to solve. The guy eventually gets the right answer. In the end it turns out that God deceived the man into getting the correct answer so he could be free of his immortality.
    posted by laptolain at 7:52 PM PST - 6 comments

    Tell me more about this Russian jacket

    I like the jackets worn by the 6 people focused on at 2:20-2:27 of this video. Are they part of some kind of uniform/cultural reference, or are they made just for this video? Where can I learn more about them?
    posted by JDHarper at 7:43 PM PST - 4 comments

    Beginner Blackroom

    I just got an older enlarger and want to get back into developing photos. I haven't done this since high school. Please recommend A. Beginners resources for blackroom devloping and B. Internet sites to buy cheap chemicals and paper. Thanks MeFies!
    posted by hiddenknives at 7:20 PM PST - 4 comments

    Son's ahead of his preschool-mates. Should I be concerned?

    My son is in a pre-K program for 3 year olds at a local charter school for 3 hours a day. The teacher sent home a break-down of all the stuff they'll be learning this year. My kid knows all the stuff already. Should I be worried about him being forced to re-learn stuff he learned over a year ago? Will he be arrogant, bored, frustrated? Will he pretend not to know? [more inside]
    posted by kristymcj at 5:47 PM PST - 22 comments

    Starting Over

    I wanted to ask others what they would do if they were losing their mental abilities? I have seen a therapist for about seven years and I have frequently told him that other people can do things that I just don't understand. He has always normalized this by telling me that it is simply practice and that if I persist that I will be able to do what others are able to do. If you were seriously on the decline in the mental health aspect of your life, what would you do? My thoughts are that medication cannot solve everything. I am lucky to have a job right now, but I don't know whether I will be able to continue to work unless something starts getting better in the mental area such as my memory.
    posted by nidora at 4:36 PM PST - 26 comments

    Telling between a tic and the same thing from a "normal" cause?

    Can people who have tic disorders (such as Tourette's) that cause them to do things that everybody does once in a while tell when they're doing that thing because of the "normal" cause and when they're doing it because of the tic? [more inside]
    posted by Flunkie at 4:20 PM PST - 5 comments

    ISO creamy Greek salad dressing

    I'm looking for a tried-and-true recipe for creamy Greek salad dressing. When I lived in the Boston area, the Greek salads I got from my neighborhood Greektalian pizza places (like Aram's #2), as well as from the small local pizza chain Upper Crust, came with a wonderful creamy, tangy dressing. Here in California and everywhere else in the country as far as I can tell, Greek salads come with a vinaigrette-type dressing, and searching for Greek salad dressing recipes returns nothing but vinaigrettes as well. I've spent some time experimenting with ingredients, but I'm hoping someone here is familiar with this type of dressing and has a good, tried-and-true recipe. Are you? Do you? I'm looking for recipes only, please, not suggestions for what might be in the dressing.
    posted by rhiannonstone at 3:28 PM PST - 8 comments

    Looking for a replacement wire pin-back for a button

    Looking for a replacement wire pin-back for a button [more inside]
    posted by vanitas at 3:22 PM PST - 2 comments

    What is this tree/shrub thing?

    I am trying to identify a tree (or shrub thing pruned into a vaguely tree-like shape) that I walk by every day. It has purplish/magenta-ish blossoms and it smells lovely. No it is not a lilac. It is currently in bloom (in the Pacific Northwest). Pics inside. [more inside]
    posted by dersins at 3:11 PM PST - 8 comments

    How do I adjust the sound sync on my TV?

    When I watch TV, the sound is just a little bit off and it looks like everything is dubbed. What can I do about this? [more inside]
    posted by The corpse in the library at 2:51 PM PST - 12 comments

    Orange Senegal APN & Internet pack

    Does anyone have the settings for internet on Orange in Senegal? [more inside]
    posted by jago25_98 at 2:50 PM PST - 2 comments

    What was this contact reminder program?

    A while ago, I came across a handy little program/script, which I think worked roughly like this: you give it a table of various friends' names and how often you want to stay in touch with them, and at appropriate intervals it will give you a "hey, you haven't emailed Jeff in 3 months" type reminder. [more inside]
    posted by pont at 2:40 PM PST - 4 comments

    Organization that educates public about social and emotional issues?

    I recently discovered CASEL, which supports social and emotional learning in schools. This is something I think I really want to support, but I'm more interested in social and emotional learning for a general audience (voters, other Metafilter members, etc.), rather than the young students that are CASEL's focus. [more inside]
    posted by amtho at 2:29 PM PST - 2 comments

    Videos or Articles About Adult Opinions of Teenagers

    I'm going to have my students create a mixed-media project that shows what it's like to be a teenager now, and I'd like to start the project with some videos or articles that show the stereotypical way that adults view teenagers. The more offensive and stereotype-laden the better, and bonus points for fear-mongering oh-noes-the-death-of-civilisation-at-the-hands-of-teens. [more inside]
    posted by guster4lovers at 2:23 PM PST - 9 comments

    How do I implement external navbars in HTML5?

    For a website, I want to have one nav.html file and include it across the site to provide a write-once horizontal navbar at the top of each page. Is there a way of doing this without server-side stuff like PHP? [more inside]
    posted by milkb0at at 2:12 PM PST - 9 comments

    Cheating: Clueless girlfriend edition

    How do I move on after infidelity? I recently discovered that my BF has been cheating on me. Need advice on how to proceed, mentally/emotionally - snowflakey details inside. [more inside]
    posted by tillei at 1:43 PM PST - 18 comments

    What is the best soundbar for a flatscreen TV?

    What is the best soundbar for a flatscreen TV which includes bluetooth for my iPhone music, but does *not* include a subwoofer, and is under $200? [more inside]
    posted by deern the headlice at 1:32 PM PST - 4 comments

    Best banking solution for being paid in pounds, but living on euros?

    For the next three years, I will be paid in sterling pounds as an UK employee. However, I will be living in the Netherlands for the next 1-3 years (so, potentially during the whole contract). What is the best solution for a bank account that takes in pounds, but allows me to spend euros? I would like a Dutch, euro bank account for the time that I am in the Netherlands. I want to try to avoid transferring all of my salary to euros, as I may move to the UK soon... and transferring pounds to euros and back to pounds seems like a waste of money. [more inside]
    posted by Peter Petridish at 1:17 PM PST - 9 comments

    Liability with untransferred car title

    Can my parents be held liable for a car that they sold but still hold the title on due to buyer negligence? [more inside]
    posted by btkuhn at 12:47 PM PST - 4 comments

    Identifying a large white tank on google maps.

    What is this large white tank used for?
    posted by 517 at 12:38 PM PST - 8 comments

    What are the most affordable and helpful wine stores in NYC?

    What are the most affordable and helpful wine stores in NYC? I'd like a wide selection of bottles $15 and under sold by nice, helpful, non-pretentious people. I am aware of Trader Joe's Wines and Astor Place Wines. I'm in Fort Greene, so anything in Brooklyn or Manhattan below 60th St is most helpful!
    posted by Viola at 11:49 AM PST - 11 comments

    Getting to know shrews...

    Gray wolves mate for life, honeybees know the world is round and ducks have corkscrew penises. Tell me more! I'm looking for thoughtful and fascinating introductions to the features, behaviors and "character" of particular species of animal. [more inside]
    posted by stuck on an island at 11:18 AM PST - 17 comments

    Help Me Find My Next Job

    What job titles should I be looking for? Help me think outside the Educational Sales box. I recently got laid off from a job as a Field Sales Rep for an educational publishing company. Prior to that, I worked in field sales positions for companies focusing on technology for people with disabilities. I’m looking for a new job, and maybe a new career, but need guidance on job titles I should be seeking. [more inside]
    posted by ms_rasclark at 11:07 AM PST - 2 comments

    How to get a dog, without getting a dog

    I think my father would love to have a dog. My mom, however, is allergic, and so getting one that would live with them is not possible. How else can my dad get access to regular doggy goodness without actually having his own dog? [more inside]
    posted by nat at 11:02 AM PST - 18 comments

    Name this plier-like culinary tool!

    I was at a vacation home recently and came across this cooking impliment. It had a corrugated stationary anvil and a flat (IIRC) moving head. When closed the device has its drainage off to the side of whatever's being squished, sugesting that the juice is the thing here and the flesh of whatever's being pulped is neither desirable, retained, nor delicate enough to require much straining past the rather large holes. What's it for?
    posted by Ogre Lawless at 10:51 AM PST - 11 comments

    Sudden sore throat and lost voice. Make it not hurt!

    I woke up Friday with a sore throat that quickly escalated to a painful cough and lost voice. What can I do to make the coughing, my lungs, and my ribs no hurt so much? [more inside]
    posted by Room 641-A at 10:09 AM PST - 14 comments

    What is this bread?

    I was at a Mexican corner grocery last night, and on a whim bought this bread. It's really good, and I want to know what it is. It's really dense and wheaty, with a bit of sweetness (kind of like a honey wheat.) The only label is the one in the picture (enhanced). I've tried searching the word in label, and get nothing! What is it?
    posted by Wulfhere at 10:02 AM PST - 4 comments

    Where to get Haircut and lip waxed in Roxbury, Boston MA on the CHEAP?

    I am new BU Med student and just moved to Boston- in the Roxbury neighborhood. I need to get my hair cut and styled and my lip waxed on the cheap, ASAP. I am used to getting these service done in Chicago in different ethnic areas for super cheap. So where to go and how can I get there from the Roxbury area or Med campus? Thanks!
    posted by TRUELOTUS at 10:01 AM PST - 1 comment

    Help me tweak my bike fit and/or technique

    I'm getting a bit of pain in my left knee when cycling recently, so I stuck my bike on the trainer and shot a couple of videos (side, front). I'm planning a trip to both the doctors and a professional bike fitting, but in the mean time (seeing as I still need to bike to work everyday), I was wondering if any of our cycling MeFites could take a look and see if there's anything obvious to fix? On a first look at the videos, it looks like I'm really stretching at the bottom of my pedal stroke (even though it totally doesn't feel like it on the bike) - should I lower my saddle and try to keep a more level foot? In case it's relevant, I'm interested in comfort and not at all interested in speed, so feel free to recommend stuff that will make me slower if you think it'll result in a more comfortable ride!
    posted by primer_dimer at 9:47 AM PST - 5 comments

    Dog bed for two cats can haz

    My cats need a new bed -- help me find one! (Yes, photo inside.) [more inside]
    posted by gnomeloaf at 9:46 AM PST - 10 comments

    What was I doing in my first kungfu class?

    So I finally bit the bullet and went to a kungfu class. Things moved quickly and I struggled to keep up with the others, who are more experienced. I was determined to search on you tube when I got home and practice. The trouble is, I can't find what it is that I was doing. [more inside]
    posted by mateuslee at 9:37 AM PST - 7 comments

    How to help aging parents financially

    My sibling and I (in our 40s) live in the same city; our parents (in their 70s) live in a nearby state. They are retired and in financial dire straits, due largely to various ill-advised decisions they made over the course of several decades. We need to figure out how we can help them in a way we can all live with. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 7:46 AM PST - 11 comments

    Good replacement watch band for calculator watch?

    I wear a Casio CA53W calculator watch and I need a replacement band. [more inside]
    posted by ChrisHartley at 7:16 AM PST - 8 comments

    Tips & tricks for capturing the 'voice' of a piece of fiction?

    How do you go about consciously aping the voice/tone/style of a particular genre of fiction or writer? [more inside]
    posted by Erberus at 5:10 AM PST - 8 comments

    Dog + Delivery Driver + Paws through window pane ≠ good times

    Eleven hours ago our 80 pound dog, Oscar, put both his front paws through a small pane of glass in a set of french doors which resulted in lacerations to the "back" of both front legs. Thankfully we were home and reacted quickly by summoning our neighbor who is an exotic pet veterinarian. She was able to wrap up both legs and call ahead to the ER vet. Even with this quick reaction Oscar still lost a lot of blood and did pretty serious damage to one of his legs. The ER vet was able to repair the severed (partially or completely, they did not provide specifics) muscle, tendon and artery and we were able to bring him home about six hours ago. Now what? [more inside]
    posted by FlamingBore at 3:27 AM PST - 16 comments

    Simplest way to generate many chart images from a csv?

    I have been looking at Chartbuilder and d3.js as a means to generate chart images for clients. We make them a video and instream advertise it. We report monthly impressions and views of the video. What would be the best way to present this data? [more inside]
    posted by andendau at 3:02 AM PST - 6 comments

    Stopping Staph Infections

    What are you supposed to do to minimize being reinfected with staph? So far the only advice I've gotten from doctors is "wash your hands more" but I do that already and it's not helping. [more inside]
    posted by These Birds of a Feather at 12:14 AM PST - 15 comments

    August 23

    hepatitis A vaccine in seattle?

    Where can I pay ~$50 and get a Hepatitis A vaccine in Seattle on a Saturday? I'm near 1st and Virginia. [more inside]
    posted by zeek321 at 9:29 PM PST - 6 comments

    Please recommend a good, cheap printer

    I need a cheap, reliable printer with cheap(ish) replacement ink that can print in black even if other colors are out. Mac, if it matters. [more inside]
    posted by Camofrog at 9:08 PM PST - 26 comments

    Which film should I see at the Montreal World Film Festival?

    I will be in Montreal during the World Film Festival and would love to catch at least one film during it (subtitled in English), however there are 400 something films to choose from, and thus it's extremely difficult to narrow it down. Does anyone know of anything exceptional that will be there, or perhaps an amazing director's next film that shouldn't be missed? [more inside]
    posted by haveanicesummer at 8:44 PM PST - 1 comment

    I want to buy a PS3. I think?

    How much will PlayStation 3s come down in price after the PlayStation 4 comes out? [more inside]
    posted by fishmasta at 8:02 PM PST - 16 comments

    Use of Luna beads for Kegel exercises

    I have Luna Beads (kegel exercisers) from Lelo, and have been putting one blue one (which is a heavier weight than the pink ones) in before showering, wearing it throughout the shower, and then doing a few "sets" of holding the ball in while tugging on the string to remove it. But I don't really know what I'm doing, how to know if this is an appropriate level of exercise, when to move to two balls, when to sterilize them, etc. More specific questions within [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 8:01 PM PST - 8 comments

    Watch your step.

    In the spring I made a decision to move back home to find myself and really figure out what it is I want to do with the rest of my life. I'd like to tread water carefully with my next adventure. What makes sense for me? [more inside]
    posted by signondiego at 8:00 PM PST - 8 comments

    Like "I Shouldn't Be Alive" but with kids?

    My pediatrician's office had a book in the waiting room--true stories of terrible accidents told by the kids and teens who managed to survive them. Anyone know the title? [more inside]
    posted by Baethan at 7:59 PM PST - 3 comments

    What movie/show/book am I thinking of?

    I am struggling to remember where I saw this scenario play out, I'm hoping it will ring a bell to someone out there. I only remember vague details so I may get some things wrong. It's about a drugged out couple helping a stranger rob them and only later realizing what happened. [more inside]
    posted by ZackTM at 6:02 PM PST - 8 comments

    Russian translation for Android App

    I am creating an Android app and it would have some attraction to Russians, especially in the West, so I need a small amount of translation done. [more inside]
    posted by falsedmitri at 5:28 PM PST - 8 comments

    Help! Entering HR career from JD/MBA

    I'm in the middle of a JD/MBA. How can I plan my time to enter HR as a career? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 4:09 PM PST - 6 comments

    Suggestions on making cats sound adoptable

    I currently have two foster kittens that I'm returning to the Humane Society soon. They will then advertise these kittens for adoption. In order to help them find their "forever family", the Society has asked us to write descriptions of the kittens. They haven't provided any guidelines, just to "write about their personality etc". [more inside]
    posted by mosessis at 4:08 PM PST - 13 comments

    Are my expectations out of whack? Is this guy a jerk?

    I've been very casually involved with a guy for the past couple of weeks. I am not a subscriber to the "He's Just Not That Into You" theory for a variety of reasons, but my patience is running thin and I could use a little outside perspective. How do you know if a genuinely busy dude is blowing you off? How do I bring this up if/when I see him this weekend? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 4:07 PM PST - 41 comments

    Is this a thing, or am I just being pointlessly obsessional?

    I don't seem to have a single "resting heart rate" - it keeps changing each time I try to measure it! Is this more-likely-than-not bad, or a crapshoot, or...? And, more to the point, does it have a name? [more inside]
    posted by Fee Phi Faux Phumb I Smell t'Socks o' a Puppetman! at 4:06 PM PST - 16 comments

    Procrastinator needs to write 9k words in 3 days. Please advise.

    So, I made a previous thread about my general tendencies to dither and procrastinate. On some fronts I've made progress since then, but not recently. I've come back from my year abroad placement at college and I have 3 papers to write to make the year count. They're 3k each. [more inside]
    posted by lethologues at 3:52 PM PST - 16 comments

    Is my new puppy happy?

    Week 4 with the new pup. I *think* I'm giving him a great life but sometimes he gives me a look that says 'i want to go back to the shelter, i'm bored and this sucks'. Is this normal as a new pet owner? How can I relax and not stress about being the best. owner. ever? What's a normal 'life with a dog' schedule like? [more inside]
    posted by BlerpityBloop at 3:37 PM PST - 31 comments

    Help me heal my fatty liver? IKYANMD

    I'm a 57 year old Mexican woman with "fatty liver". My liver enzymes are elevated (790.4) and I'd like to heal this fatty liver but it hasn't changed in the past 8 months. I am diabetic, non smoker- non-drinker, 150 lbs, I am mostly vegetarian and exercise 3 times a week. I am on insulin and janumet. Thanks (I know you are not my doctor)
    posted by kikithekat at 2:42 PM PST - 18 comments

    Anybody know about the Teacher Insight assessment?

    Any Mefites out there have experience/knowledge/insight about the Teacher Insight assessment produced by Gallup? [more inside]
    posted by Ginesthoi at 2:39 PM PST - 3 comments

    I need a single Outlook E-mail inbox, Easy

    I own my own business. After a screen crack on a lap top, I bought a new laptop. I also bought Office 2013, with Outlook. How can I get a single inbox? It wants to set up multiple inboxes and I do not want to have to check different inboxes. I had a single inbox on my Outlook 2010. Every link I see on Google has ridiculous levels of power user requirements that I have neither the time nor the ability to do. Can anyone help? Running Windows 8 on an HP Pavilion.
    posted by Ironmouth at 2:35 PM PST - 3 comments

    Can I switch to some other elctric company to save money over AEP? Ohio

    My mom uses AEP electric and her bill is pretty outrageous, but she doesn't want to cut down on her usage. I think I have seen advertisements before, for some no name company that will provide the same electricity for 10% to 30% cheaper. Who was it and is it legit? What are my other options for switching electric companies/lowering my electric bill. I already had her sign up for low income assistance Thanks.
    posted by crawltopslow at 2:31 PM PST - 5 comments

    Should I take this job?

    After interviewing for a full-time position, I was offered the job as a contract-to-hire. Should I take it? [more inside]
    posted by zooropa at 2:21 PM PST - 29 comments

    Best books for teaching yourself a new skill?

    What are the absolute best books for teaching yourself a new and interesting skill starting from scratch? [more inside]
    posted by pracowity at 2:19 PM PST - 21 comments

    How to enjoy winter in Northern Europe?

    I'm heading to Europe in the thick of winter mostly as part of field work for a research degree. Amsterdam, Berlin are definite destinations. All advice I have is that winter in Northern Europe sucks hard and isn't a great time to be going. Can someone please explain why that's so apart from the cold? Can someone else explain why that's completely wrong? How could I get the most out of the experience? [more inside]
    posted by zaebiz at 1:54 PM PST - 32 comments

    Learning new skills, then had it shut down by co-worker, response?

    I've been learning new skills to grow at my company, and seemingly successfully, but then suddenly asked to stop by a co-worker (who's been here longer but isn't my supervisor or anything). Story of details inside, but looking for the best response: accept this, or if I can argue against it how best to do so. [more inside]
    posted by blue_and_bronze at 1:46 PM PST - 27 comments

    Is booking through a travel agent necessary in South Africa?

    My wife and I will be visiting South Africa for 2 weeks in December. We have no familiarity with the area, so were probably going to go with a travel agent. Does anyone have tips/help on booking travel within South Africa? [more inside]
    posted by thewumpusisdead at 1:45 PM PST - 5 comments

    Help me find a GTD website I used to use

    A few years ago, I used to frequently use a website I liked that implemented Getting Things Done. I stopped using it, and I don't know why. I think it would be useful to start using it again. I remember aspects of the interface, but I've been unable to find it, unfortunately. Please help me find it. [more inside]
    posted by tckma at 1:28 PM PST - 2 comments

    Duck Hunt Lyric Decipherment

    Can you help me decipher the lyrics from a song called "Modular11"? It is part of a compilation album of songs based on the NES Duck Hunt theme song. I find the song very catchy but I cannot for the life of me figure out what some of the words are. [more inside]
    posted by Juffo-Wup at 12:34 PM PST - 5 comments

    Boob pockets and panty stuffing

    We're going to Vegas in 3 weeks and I want to be able to spend my days walking around without having a purse always looped over my shoulder. My clothes don't have pockets. Fanny packs are the work of Satan. Is it a terrible idea to keep my often accessed stuff (cash, credit cards) in my bra and more important stuff (like health insurance card, driver's licence, etc) hidden in my panties? What should I do with my phone (that is also my camera)? [more inside]
    posted by PuppetMcSockerson at 12:27 PM PST - 53 comments

    What to do for a business honeymoon in Montreal?

    My husband and I will be attending the same business conference for a week in Montreal. We will be leaving our toddler at home with family for the first time, so this is the first time in almost three years we are alone together without having to watch our child or rush back to a babysitter. What should we do while we're in Montreal? [more inside]
    posted by msladygrey at 12:10 PM PST - 13 comments

    Standalone utilities to analyze 23andMe raw data

    Looking for standalone applications to analyze 23andMe raw data for non-geek user. [more inside]
    posted by zaxour at 11:40 AM PST - 5 comments

    Where is there surfing near an all inclusive resort with a calm beach?

    Where in the Caribbean or Mexico can I take surf lessons, while staying at a nearby all inclusive resort that has a good beach for swimming? [more inside]
    posted by Kololo at 11:31 AM PST - 11 comments

    Is 2 better than 1?

    I'm considering sending my kid to 2 preschool programs. Is this insane? [more inside]
    posted by rabidsegue at 11:30 AM PST - 10 comments

    Where can i buy a pipe on the Vegas strip

    Where can I buy a glass pipe on or near the main Las Vegas strip? I am in the middle, near Bally's.
    posted by mrgrimm at 11:21 AM PST - 14 comments

    Where to start when setting up a trust?

    My mother has asked me to help her with setting up a trust for some assets. I get that I should contact a lawyer, but where should that lawyer be based? [more inside]
    posted by doctord at 11:19 AM PST - 9 comments

    Transmasculine / Masculine-of-Center Fashion Blogs

    I'm a queer girl who sometimes likes to dress like a boy. I would like suggestions for fashion blogs that focus on genderqueer/butch/trans fashion. I'm especially looking for style aesthetics other than the very popular "dapper" look. [more inside]
    posted by Juliet Banana at 10:55 AM PST - 6 comments

    Looking for sturdy computer desk / cart for lab use.

    I manage an academic lab with a lot of equipment, each with its own computer rig on a separate cart. We are looking for better computer desks / carts to replace the cheap particleboard ones we have now. Ideally, we'd like something small (2' x 3' or smaller), durable (will last ~5 years), and not too expensive ($100, but we could go higher for the perfect solution). Ideally, we'd like something with casters. Even better would be a desk / cart that includes a monitor arm for dual monitors, to free up desk space. Most of what I've found is either very cheap and shoddy or very expensive. Has anyone seen the perfect computer cart?
    posted by pombe at 10:53 AM PST - 3 comments

    One outfit to rule them all

    I will be trekking/travelling/volunteering in South America for 6-8 months early next year. I am looking for what to wear and bring. Ideally, comfortable, water resistant, fashionable, lightweight things. [more inside]
    posted by saul wright at 10:37 AM PST - 12 comments

    Funky horns, please.

    Making a funky horn mix - please give me your best examples! Mostly interested in instrumentals. Stuff like this- [more inside]
    posted by jammy at 10:36 AM PST - 30 comments

    Excel to Word mail merge for envelopes. Should be super-simple. ISN'T.

    Whoever is formatting this excel sheet sucks. I need to find a way to fix it that doesn't entail me retyping the whole thing each week. [more inside]
    posted by A neighbourhood park all covered with cheese at 10:11 AM PST - 34 comments

    Legalzoom for legal documents?

    I will be helping an elderly relative prepare legal documents. It seems like LegalZoom is a helpful and convenient resource for setting these up. Am I missing something? [more inside]
    posted by Potomac Avenue at 10:05 AM PST - 10 comments

    Where can I find this set of (foam) children's chairs?

    Our local bookstore has a great children's play/reading area. In that area, there is a (child-sized) chair and table set. The chairs look like this. The table is a similar pattern. They seem to be made of some kind of high-density foam - they are sturdy and moderately heavy for their size, but have some "give" to them; they are not wood or plastic. I can't see any markings on the chairs or the table and no one at the store knew where they were from. Any ideas of where I can find these?
    posted by Betelgeuse at 9:49 AM PST - 4 comments

    Suppose you're never going to have any friends for the rest of your life

    I have no friends. I have no reason to believe I'll ever have any friends. Is it even possible to have a worthwhile life? [more inside]
    posted by dekathelon at 9:19 AM PST - 167 comments

    Need mammographer familar with sexual trauma in Baltimore

    I have to get mammograms every 6 months or so. Due to past sexual trauma, I get badly triggered and end up dissociating (not that big of a deal) then freaking out. Have developed some ways of making this all bearable (take the full day off work, take a friend who has specific instructions about what to do when, etc.). My therapist suggested I try to find a mammogram office that is used to dealing with this type of issue and may have other suggestions and be willing to work with me on making it less stressful. [more inside]
    posted by QIbHom at 9:15 AM PST - 5 comments

    How much of a danger is this oil leak?

    I found out last night that my car is leaking oil onto my exhaust system. (That certainly explains the hot oil smell I've been smelling.) The guy at the lube shop said I should only use the car for short-distance driving until I can get it fixed, lest the exhaust get hot enough to cause the oil to catch on fire. Complication: I was planning taking a 45-mile trip this evening (and a 45-mile trip back afterward). I would hate to have to cancel. How big of a risk is this, really? [more inside]
    posted by escape from the potato planet at 9:01 AM PST - 18 comments

    Can I repair a Pizza Stone?

    Williams/Sonoma , made of "cordierite ceramic", broken in 1/2. Is there anything to join them together that is ok in the oven, and ok with food?
    posted by ebesan at 8:44 AM PST - 20 comments

    Relationship expectations I have are to high?

    I need to figure out whether I have high expectations in a relationship, or the guy I saw for three months is just a jerk, or emotionally unavailable. [more inside]
    posted by barexamfreak at 8:22 AM PST - 35 comments

    Looking for stories where humans are the monsters.

    Many monsters in fiction are scary in large part because of their inherent, biological abilities: acid blood, teeth, claws, wings, etc. Inspired by this tumblr thread (via this Omni article), I'm looking for stories in any genre that avoid or (preferably) subvert this trope, making humans out to be inherently frightening, gross or dangerous.
    posted by Skorgu at 8:09 AM PST - 38 comments

    Green Acres Redux: From Boston Metro to NH or RI

    My husband and I live in Boston. As part of its annual employee survey, his employer is asking whether he would be willing to relocate. The most likely locations would be facilities in southern New Hampshire or northern Rhode Island. It would be theoretically possible to stay where we live and he would reverse commute to those locations, but based on past experience, it would be over an hour each way. So, if his job were moved, we might relocate—and so we turn to you, MeFi, for your perspectives on those locations and whether we’d be happy living there or nearby. [more inside]
    posted by Calamity Jen at 8:02 AM PST - 11 comments

    What is the difference between Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder?

    My friends tell me--not very helpfully--that D&D and Pathfinder are "the same but different." They're speaking in High Gamerspeak to a tabletop RPG n00b. I understand that the games are owned by different companies, and that Pathfinder is based on an earlier edition of D&D, but they sound pretty much the same to me. Is the "flavor" of the game different? I'm really not sure what questions to ask . . .
    posted by jackypaper at 7:55 AM PST - 9 comments

    A Surprise for the Band

    How do I surprise my friend who's a touring musician -- long distance? [more inside]
    posted by Miss T.Horn at 7:48 AM PST - 8 comments

    What is the best thing to do with loose electrical jacks?

    I have two electronic devices with loose jacks or poor connections, one laptop where the power cord no longer has a solid connection, and a portable music player with a headphone jack that needs jiggling to get left-channel audio. [more inside]
    posted by filthy light thief at 7:41 AM PST - 7 comments

    Helping a pregnant friend from a distance.

    How can I make life easier for a long distance friend who is expecting triplets? [more inside]
    posted by futureisunwritten at 7:32 AM PST - 26 comments

    Chicago-area camping for beginners

    I'm looking for a place to go camping for a night, preferably on/near Lake Michigan, over Labor Day weekend, within a 4 hour drive of Chicago. I have never camped before. I have a tent and a tarp. I need help with location, how to make fire, what to do about food, and other things a 32-year-old camping virgin should know before setting out. More details inside. [more inside]
    posted by norrington at 7:26 AM PST - 21 comments

    Will dry ice "smoke" damage equipment/surfaces in enclosed space?

    Dry ice question. I need to keep some dog food frozen for a week-long road trip. I can use dry ice, that's not a problem, but I don't want to have the cooler in the car because the smell of the "smoke" bothers me (even with the windows cracked, etc.). I'll have my pop-up A-frame camper with me so I can keep it in there, but it will be folded down and therefore a totally enclosed, unventilated space. The standard advice on the internet is not to store it in enclosed spaces such as boat holds--but is that just because of the danger to your health if it builds up? Will the "smoke" damage or discolor any of the equipment or surfaces inside? The walls on these things are basically thick styrofoam with vinyl wallboard. Then I'm also wondering about the stereo, refrigerator, light fixtures, etc, both the wiring and the plastic exteriors.
    posted by HotToddy at 7:26 AM PST - 23 comments

    Help me get through tomorrow!

    I have my first shift tomorrow at a job that requires me to be socially switched on (be friendly, enthusiastic, make small talk) while learning a lot of stuff I'll be new to. The shift is super long and I don't know if I'm going to be able to last that long mentally. What's an introvert to do? [more inside]
    posted by cucumber patch at 7:15 AM PST - 10 comments

    RAID-0 HD Replacement After Laptop Repair?

    What do I need to know about my RAID-0 configured hard drives before removing them to send my laptop away for repair? [more inside]
    posted by Alabaster at 7:08 AM PST - 5 comments

    Numbness in hands after a few miles of biking.

    Actually, just the left hand. I know a professional bike fitting is my best bet, but I wanted to get any other ideas first. [more inside]
    posted by Right On Red at 5:27 AM PST - 23 comments

    Where can I buy a couch & chair for my elderly dad with bad knees?

    Hi hivemind. I'm in Northern California and stumped. I decked out my lovely, elderly parents' place, but foolishly bought stylish soft couches/chairs with no arm rests. I now need firm couches and sturdy chairs before either of them has a fall because of balance/knee issues. But when I google, I often find articles about how important the right furniture is, but one one site that offers a selection of furniture options for seniors. Or I find sites that seem to sell such furniture in bulk, to senior living facilities (and often don't list prices without starting a business account). I'm wondering if I'm just looking in the wrong place, and if so, where should I look? Or, have you bought great furniture for someone with limited mobility? Where did you look? What do you like? Thanks!
    posted by anitanita at 5:12 AM PST - 6 comments

    Any ideas for marketing on low budget for a mandarin school?

    I am running a Chinese school in Beijing now to teach mandarin. Even it can not earn a lot of money right now, I still love this job and want to help more people learn Chinese and experience life in China. I really need help to develop the school, so that will be good if any one can give me some ideas for marketing on low budget to expats in Beijing for a mandarin school. Thanks!
    posted by love888 at 5:01 AM PST - 5 comments

    Where to buy a good cheap computer for minecraft?

    I want to buy a computer, for homework and minecraft, for less than £300 in the UK. Where can I find one? [more inside]
    posted by Gilgongo at 3:29 AM PST - 8 comments

    Tell me about your frugal, toasty ways, Metafilter

    Can you share all the information, products, tips, etc., about weatherstripping and all other ways of keeping my house from leaking heat--and letting in cold air--when it's cold? [more inside]
    posted by A Terrible Llama at 3:14 AM PST - 37 comments

    How to emulate Android on a Windows PC?

    Hello, I recently downloaded an Android emulator called Youwave but am finding it very difficult to use due to small font size. Please could someone explain how to install a reputable Android emulator so I can use Android apps on my Windows PC? Thank you for your assistance.
    posted by Musashi Daryl at 2:39 AM PST - 3 comments

    The Second Shift, Again?

    I really enjoyed The Second Shift by Arlie Hochshild and Unequal Childhoods by Annette Lareau. What other books will I like? [more inside]
    posted by carolinaherrera at 1:38 AM PST - 19 comments

    Help me choose smoke detectors

    I am in an apartment and unsure what smoke detectors to choose to replace the existing ones. [more inside]
    posted by Chaussette and the Pussy Cats at 1:18 AM PST - 7 comments

    August 22

    What's this song about no fun in two wheel drive?

    I heard a song today, and can't figure out what it was! The chorus was something about "No fun in two wheel drive" or "can't have a good time in two wheel drive" or SOMETHING like that. It was old school and brassy, something that might show up on a Ray Charles pandora station. It was definitely NOT a country song. Sorry I can't give any more details. Any ideas, Metafilter?
    posted by Grandysaur at 11:55 PM PST - 1 comment

    Why do travel agents still exist?

    Recently I went to a travel agent, and tentatively discussed some travel plans. The dude pulled up some flight options for me on his computer. I went home and looked them up myself, and quickly found a range of other options that were 20-30% cheaper. It got me thinking why so many travel agents still exist; they don't seem to be any easier than booking online, and far from being cheaper, were actually incredibly expensive.
    posted by dontjumplarry at 11:19 PM PST - 40 comments

    Name some paranormal young adult fiction cliches so I can avoid doing it

    Please name some Paranormal Young Adult fiction tropes and cliches (obvious or obscure) so I can avoid doing them myself in the book I am writing. Thanks! [more inside]
    posted by Sully at 8:26 PM PST - 23 comments

    Help me find a Spanish-language alphabet fabric.

    I have made several cute things for my kid out of this fabric. A Spanish-speaking friend recently had a baby, and I'd like to find a similar pattern (but in Spanish) to make them a gift. [more inside]
    posted by Siobhan at 8:16 PM PST - 4 comments

    Moving to Colorado and living the dream?

    I would like to move to Boulder/Denver-area, CO early in 2014 and want to switch careers. I would love to be a race (running, not driving) director/event manager, work in race timing, etc. What can I do in my current situation to help my odds at success? [more inside]
    posted by thewestinggame at 7:41 PM PST - 9 comments

    What would YOU make?

    A small computation of geeks are gathering in a month or so. We have access to a Replicator2 and want to make three cool door prizes. They can be the same or different. [more inside]
    posted by TangerineGurl at 7:16 PM PST - 7 comments

    Is this public transit plan safe? Chicago edition.

    Is 4AM late at night or early in the morning? [more inside]
    posted by stoneandstar at 7:04 PM PST - 26 comments

    What kind of spider is this?

    What kind of spider is this? San Diego, CA, if helpful.
    posted by delladlux at 6:57 PM PST - 9 comments

    What do I need to connect my smartphone to a single speaker?

    This should be so simple. I bought an classic but broken 1950s console TV to turn into a bar. I pulled the tube and all the electronics, except the speaker. Now I want to add a small amplifier to which I can connect a smart phone or iPod and which will power the single speaker. I bought this neat little stereo amp, but it turns out you can't just mash the lefts and right outputs together and attach them to a speaker. So what do I need to do this? Difficulty level: No electronics experience of specialized tools.
    posted by LarryC at 5:57 PM PST - 18 comments

    Help me find this abandoned highway in Northeastern Massachusetts

    Several years ago I read about an abandoned stretch of highway midway up the North Shore in Massachusetts, possibly in Danvers or Peabody. Google has turned up this page about an abandoned road in Newburyport, and a reference to an unfinished onramp in Lynn. I could have sworn there was something north of Lynn and east of the Merrimac River, but all my searches have redirected me to those two pages. Am I hallucinating this, or is there an unused onramp or stretch of road south of Newburyport and north of Lynn?
    posted by pxe2000 at 5:31 PM PST - 7 comments

    Can this cheese be saved?

    I just came home to find a box containing some lovely Asiago cheese, sitting in my mailbox. In Arizona, where the current temperature 101°F, and today's high was 109. It was shipped to me from Italy (straight from the town of Asiago!), about a week ago, so has spent several days in transit. This is not aged cheese, but semi-soft younger Asiago as is more common in Italy. It smelled ripe, but not unpleasant, and there was no mold or anything visible. Can I eat it? Will it kill me or make me sick? Is it likely to still taste good, even if it's technically edible? Is there anything special I can do to preserve whatever integrity of the cheese may be left? [more inside]
    posted by Superplin at 5:29 PM PST - 12 comments

    How much should trauma scene cleanup cost? Is my dad getting ripped off?

    A trauma scene cleanup company is quoting my dad $2100 for materials and 20 hours of labor to clean up the biohazardous material in the tiny bathroom my uncle died in. Is this a reasonable estimate of labor? [more inside]
    posted by efsrous at 5:20 PM PST - 19 comments

    What science fiction books from the 1980s don't assume the Soviet Union?

    I'm re-reading Eon by Greg Bear which is starts set in the near future (around 2000) from when it was published. The US and the USSR are of course still very antagonistic. This made me wonder: is there much science fiction published in the 1980s where the author doesn't assume the Soviet Union still exists (or alternately, it still exists but the US and it are not antagonistic)? [more inside]
    posted by R343L at 5:09 PM PST - 7 comments

    How to get an NY landlord to pay what they owe?

    After nearly two years of us complaining, our old New York landlord sent us a check for our security deposit. (It was more than $2k.) Surprise, it bounced. What next? [more inside]
    posted by feets at 4:40 PM PST - 18 comments

    How do you find out more about an abandoned property?

    So every day on my neighborhood walk I go by what was once a beautiful house that is clearly abandoned and in disrepair. Overgrown yard, two rusted out cars filled with trash, 4-5 years' worth of phone books piled on the front stoop, etc. It's surprising because the other houses in the neighborhood are all pretty well kept, and the house itself is striking and appears well built. Recently I've been fantasizing about buying it and fixing it up; is this even possible? How can I find out what the status of the property is and who owns it?
    posted by annekate at 3:58 PM PST - 14 comments

    Business Travel In Bulgaria?

    I'm traveling to Sofia for a week next month and I have a couple of questions about money and phones. [more inside]
    posted by delicious-luncheon at 3:36 PM PST - 2 comments

    Alternative careers for Ph.D scientists

    My husband is a biochemistry postdoc. He's having a difficult time in the biotech job market and he's considering looking for greener pastures in a different field. Wondering if you all have any advice. [more inside]
    posted by gerstle at 2:56 PM PST - 12 comments

    Interesting ways to display my eyeglasses?

    I've been wearing glasses nearly my entire life, and own many pairs of prescription glasses. Since I wear glasses every day and have been doing so for so long, my various frames are as much fashion accessories as vision correction. But they pretty much just sit in hard-shell cases in my drawer, and I've been thinking that I'd like to have them displayed on my dresser in a way that lets me see all of them at once, like a jewelry display. Can you recommend a creative way to display my prescription glasses (currently 8 pairs in frequent rotation) on my dresser top? DIY and store-bought options both welcome. Complication: glasses are front-heavy, because I am extremely visually impaired, and will topple over if left open and set down themselves on a flat surface.
    posted by juniperesque at 2:47 PM PST - 18 comments

    Help track my tool

    I’m looking for a reasonably priced (GPS?) device that will remotely track an object's whereabouts and share that info with the public, online or via smartphone. [more inside]
    posted by sixpack at 2:45 PM PST - 4 comments

    Are you my Mama?

    I (think I feel like I remember that I) read a spoiler filled review of the movie Mama (2013) but cannot find it anywhere. [more inside]
    posted by J0 at 2:39 PM PST - 2 comments

    Recommendations for the Douro Valley

    We have ten days to explore the Douro Valley in northern Portugal, seeking any recommendations for good places to visit, stay, eat. [more inside]
    posted by biffa at 2:07 PM PST - 4 comments

    salt potatoes syracuse

    What restaurants in Syracuse have salt potatoes on their menu? [more inside]
    posted by brujita at 2:04 PM PST - 12 comments

    What weightlifting can I do at home to increase upper body strength?

    I regularly walk 6+ miles a day. I'd like to extend my exercise to increasing my strength. Ideally, I'd do bodyweight exercises, but I've tried to do some recently, and my upper body strength is not capable of more than two pushups, nor a single chair dip . So, I need to build my upper body strength with weights, and I want to do so at home. I can get a set of dumbbells. Please tell me which ones, and how to use them. [more inside]
    posted by ocherdraco at 1:39 PM PST - 31 comments

    Easy piano classics

    Hi pianists of Metafilterland! I'm looking for suggestions for easy classical piano pieces to learn. [more inside]
    posted by hollyanderbody at 1:19 PM PST - 15 comments

    Mexico City recommendations: cool 'hood, what to do, etc

    I'm going to Mexico City in late October and have a bunch of questions! [more inside]
    posted by TheGoodBlood at 1:17 PM PST - 1 comment

    Slow Down!!!

    Have you successfully gotten your city to install "traffic calming" measures on your street, such as speed humps or traffic circles? If so, I have a few questions. [more inside]
    posted by PSB at 1:12 PM PST - 37 comments

    Medical anthropology and history: what to read next?

    I'm about to finish The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. Before that, I read Nancy Scheper-Hughes' Death Without Weeping. What's next? [more inside]
    posted by oinopaponton at 1:11 PM PST - 8 comments

    Best cheap option for basic mobile phone while visiting Scotland

    I'm visiting Scotland in a month, and my cheapo Tracfone US cell phone will not work in the UK. I understand there are various inexpensive pay-as-you-go options for mobile phones -- tell me about the best balance between cheap, good coverage, and not totally garbage. I don't need or want a smart phone, and I don't want to unlock my Tracfone and put in a UK sim (I mention these two things because countless travel forums I have Googled derail uselessly into discussions of those two areas). I just want something super-basic and really cheap that will work in the Highlands, Skye, and Islay to call ahead to B&Bs and make restaurant reservations with. Thanks!
    posted by aught at 1:10 PM PST - 10 comments

    DC Carefirst Dental HMO patients: dentist recommendations?

    I have DC Carefirst BCBS Dental HMO, and a moderate fear of dentists. Can you recommend a dentist who takes my insurance and isn't a nightmare? Bonus for in-network oral surgeon recommendations. [more inside]
    posted by crunchysalty at 12:41 PM PST - 2 comments

    Looking for a 10+ year old book about a stuffed bear in a classroom cave

    Years ago I picked up a book at random that I thought had "Creative Education" or "Classroom" in the title, but every search I've done comes up empty. It's written by a teacher that used a stuffed bear that lived in a cave in the corner of an elementary classroom. I also recall a chapter on a 'Mr. Pen'. I'd like to find it again. [more inside]
    posted by lysdexic at 12:15 PM PST - 2 comments

    Identification of a wild plant

    I am trying to identify a wild plant at the edge of my property. I live in Montreal. The plant is growing under the canopy of a large maple, and it is growing as a thick colony. The plant resembles honewort (AKA wild chervil – Cryptotaenia canadensis), but it does not have a taproot. Instead, it has rather thin, shallow, spreading roots that seem to give rise to new plants. Each plant consists of three or four smooth stems. At the top of each stem is a leaf divided into three leaflets. Cross-sectionally, the stems are triangular. The leaves and stems smell somewhat like parsley or celery when crushed. Although this colony has been on my property for many years, I have never noticed any flowers, which suggests that they are small and inconspicuous. The plants are presently 30 to 35 cm tall. Please see attached photos. Thanks for your help.
    posted by kirsti at 12:12 PM PST - 9 comments

    Indoor NYC mosquitos. KILL THEM ALL

    There are mosquitoes in my NYC apartment. I need a solution for getting rid of them. [more inside]
    posted by larthegreat at 11:34 AM PST - 30 comments

    Family computer desk/table?

    I'd like to acquire some sort of family computer desk or table. Ideally, it would be something like this so-called mega desk from Pottery Barn, but actually designed with computers in mind (i.e., space to hold CPUs, cable management, etc). We need space for at least 2 desktops with large-ish monitors and space for a laptop. Any bright ideas? [more inside]
    posted by monju_bosatsu at 11:05 AM PST - 5 comments

    Old Mercedes Filter: Venting a car battery?

    Old Mercedes Filter: I have an 82 Mercedes 300TD, I just bought a new battery and my tube to vent the battery isn't long enough. How necessary is venting the battery? [more inside]
    posted by Duffington at 11:04 AM PST - 9 comments

    "On the road to find Pie in the Sky" songs?

    For a writing project, I'm trying to find songs (hopefully folk/traditional songs, but anything can work) that promise happiness if you can travel to "Big Rock Candy Mountain"-style mythical places. [more inside]
    posted by OolooKitty at 10:43 AM PST - 33 comments

    Telling a new boss about a medical condition?

    My mom found out that she has cancer. Things are looking okay, but she'll need to travel a few hours away for surgery, followed by a week off work. Over the next couple of months, she'll need daily radiation. The twist is, she started a new job within the past month and a half. How should she share this with her boss (or should she share it at all)? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 10:43 AM PST - 13 comments

    Silent wireless charging on Android 4.2.2?

    I just purchased a Motorola Droid Maxx, and I was excited about wireless charging, but there's a hitch- there is a loud beep from the phone when one starts wireless charging. It is annoying and prevents me from using the wireless charger at home, as the sound would likely wake my wife. I've done some looking, but so far, I haven't found a solution. I'm hoping someone will have some ideas. [more inside]
    posted by JMOZ at 10:41 AM PST - 12 comments

    Looking for a quotation

    I am looking for a quotation making the same point as "tempest in a teapot"/"mountain out of a molehill" type quip. I want to make the same point to dismiss someone's complaint but don't want to use those, and I am hoping for a more witty or erudite version that really undermines and makes the reader smile.
    posted by dios at 10:29 AM PST - 19 comments

    Too much, too soon?

    After a painful breakup, I'm slowwwwly trying to ease back into the dating world. I met a guy online last week...he's a few years older than me, never married, no kids but has been in several long-term relationships. We just started talking on the phone 3 days ago. Since then he's called me every night, and we have plans to meet this weekend. My issue is this: he's currently going through a trying situation; one of his parents in very sick and the doctors have said it's best for the rest of the family to fly in. Things are looking grim. He texts me updates on the situation; he's apologized for laying this on me since we haven't met yet but says he likes talking to me. I'm not sure how I feel about this....I feel very bad for him but the fact is, we don't know each other. I'm not sure how to respond other than, "hope things turn out ok." Considering his parent might die, I feel terrible but I also feel this is too heavy for "us" to be dealing with since there is no "us"....should I tell him maybe we should postpone meeting until his crisis has passed? I've gently suggested he should stick with his family/friends during this time and replied that he will but that he hopes we can still communicate. What to do?
    posted by kribensa at 10:07 AM PST - 24 comments

    What's the non-lawyer legal job market like?

    A friend of mine has suggested that I apply for a job as a receptionist in a law office, with the suggestion that they tend to promote internally and that it could be an avenue into work as a legal assistant/paralegal. Could this be a huge mistake? [more inside]
    posted by pullayup at 9:49 AM PST - 19 comments

    Are you a Vet Tech?

    I have some questions around being a Vet Tech/the day to day work. [more inside]
    posted by ladoo at 9:45 AM PST - 15 comments

    Help us find a vacation rental for the end of Sept in NYC

    We're driving to New York City at the end of September for about a week. We plan to park at the Weehawken, NJ, ferry terminal ($15/night, quick trip into NYC). Finding a place to stay in NYC is a bit of a problem. [more inside]
    posted by mbarryf at 9:07 AM PST - 13 comments

    Cheap dinner with wine/beer in Midtown West, NYC?

    I'm going to be in NYC Fri-Sun and have arranged to have dinner tomorrow evening with an old friend before heading up to the Bronx (Fieldston, near the Horace Mann School) where I'll be spending the night (so I need to be in a useful place to catch the 1 train or an express bus). I had been thinking of Luigi's, which was my standby thirty years ago (great cheap Italian food!) and which I was delighted to see was still in business, but they don't serve booze. Any suggestions for a good place in the Columbus Circle area? Must be reasonably cheap: my friend is broke and I'm not exactly flush. [more inside]
    posted by languagehat at 9:00 AM PST - 9 comments

    Mortgage advice for a young couple in Houston

    I married my wife this spring, and we're ready to get out of an apartment and into a house or townhouse. We're going to talk to some mortgage broker she found online today, and I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do. I've printed out all the forms they've asked for, but I have no clue what questions I should be asking. Our communications with the guy we're seeing have been great and he seems helpful, but I'd love to hear your mortgage advice/stories. Also, if any Houstonians have specific recommendations I'd love to hear them as well. [more inside]
    posted by DynamiteToast at 8:13 AM PST - 14 comments

    Name That Group/Album [early 1990s LA gangster rap edition]

    Looking for the name of a group and their album from Compton (I think). Google-fu has failed. [more inside]
    posted by kuanes at 8:00 AM PST - 5 comments

    Strict Pomodoro Enforcing for Safari

    Is there a way to implement selective Pomodoro-timed site-blocking in Safari? [more inside]
    posted by Andrhia at 7:44 AM PST - 5 comments

    Commuting Via Scooter

    I have a short (3.5 miles) commute, and in considering my non-driving options, I've discovered electric scooters. What are the advantages, disadvantages, and best practices for using an electric scooter for commuting? [more inside]
    posted by superlibby at 7:43 AM PST - 12 comments

    Chicken Coop Mechanical Engineering

    I will be building a custom chicken coop in the next few months and (being a tech person) would like to get very fancy with the features I install. I have a few features I need help sourcing the parts on and would like input. Help me make a fantastic chicken coop. (I primarily need suggestions for the electrical parts I can use, Motors, remote controls, etc) [more inside]
    posted by Twain Device at 7:40 AM PST - 23 comments

    Looking for suggestions for [definition inside] karaoke songs!

    There are, of course, many ways to define "awesome" when it comes to karaoke, but here are some of the key attributes we're looking for: [more inside]
    posted by mccn at 7:36 AM PST - 24 comments

    RFID for fun and profit

    I just got my hands on a Sony Xperia with near field technology. In the box were two Xperia SmartTags. I am exited but lacking inspiration. What can I do with my tags? [more inside]
    posted by Iteki at 7:28 AM PST - 4 comments

    Mathematics for the innumerate

    I'm developing a Data Design curriculum for Art college students, and I'd like to teach some basics of maths and statistics in ways that the non-numerically inclined will understand. For this, I need some simple explanations for complicated ideas. [more inside]
    posted by Elizabeth the Thirteenth at 7:07 AM PST - 3 comments

    Grammar question du jour

    You know how semicolons are used to separate items in a series if the items themselves have commas? What if only one in the series uses commas? Such as: I'd like a jug of whiskey; sacks of flour, coffee, and bananas; and a glass or water. [more inside]
    posted by angrycat at 6:51 AM PST - 30 comments

    What should I do next week in NYC?

    In an effort to distract myself from my life, I've decided to spend next week in NYC. I've never been, and am getting a little overwhelmed trying to decide what to do there. Oh yeah, and I'd like to not have to sell my firstborn to pay for everything. [more inside]
    posted by jenlovesponies at 6:15 AM PST - 44 comments

    How Can I Tell a Lithograph from a Drawing?

    Without using an eraser :) I have 3 quite nice drawings/lithographs by a pretty famous artist. I'd like to sell them - but first I need to determine if they are drawings done in pencil or lithographs. How can I do that? Thanks
    posted by watercarrier at 4:44 AM PST - 9 comments

    How to Spend 36 Hours (or a little less) In Toronto for the 1st Time.

    After nearly five years of being a PR in Canada, I finally get to see your biggest city. But time is short! What are your highlights? [more inside]
    posted by Kitteh at 4:07 AM PST - 12 comments

    Is Uplifting Drone a Genre?

    Is "uplifting drone" a genre? Because that's what I need: many more tracks that sound like Blanck Mass at its most altering. Layers and layers of sound; a structure that builds and builds; an intense, relentless, and repetitive melodic payoff that goes on for longer than you'd think was feasible. So basically, Fuck Buttons, but a little less percussive. Or something along the lines of this. My profile should indicate what is—and is not—currently on my musical radar. Thanks!
    posted by Sonny Jim at 3:17 AM PST - 18 comments

    Name that book!

    I've been trying to find a great book I read about ten years ago. It is told (I think) from the POV of a young boy. He travels around from town to town with his mother, who enters a series of bad relationships and then they skip town each time. The kid in the book is very precocious, I think he is supposed to be quite young throughout. Eventually the mother settles down with a boyfriend, they move into his house I think...and at the end the kid murders his mother's boyfriend. I keep thinking the title has something to do with Light and Motion, and I think it refers to him watching the streetlights pass as they drive from town to town. Any help greatly appreciated.
    posted by drunkonthemoon at 3:14 AM PST - 5 comments

    Teach me hip-hop

    What are the best resources for learning about hip-hop from the very beginning to the present day? [more inside]
    posted by tavegyl at 2:12 AM PST - 12 comments

    Dying from knife wounds, but only after several days in hospital?

    Recently there was a stabbing where the victim was attacked on Monday, brought to hospital immediately, but died from her wounds on Thursday. What I don't quite get as a layperson is how a stabbing victim can perish in a modern, First World hospital after being kept alive for several days? The newspaper accounts were understandably short on detail. Are there blood vessel injuries that simply cannot be surgically repaired or replaced? Or might there have been secondary injuries due to the initial blood loss, ie brain damage, that prompted life support to be discontinued after a while?
    posted by Harald74 at 1:13 AM PST - 12 comments

    August 21

    Does anyone know of any good cooking classes in SF?

    I'm looking for cooking classes in SF. My ideal would be a multi-week, multi-day-a-week type course, but I'd also be open to one off, or maybe a weekend series. The only things I've been able to find online are "make pasta then eat it!" type things which are fine, but ideally I'd like something a bit more serious oriented towards teaching people who to make delicious, repeatable, high-quality food. Anyone have any suggestions?
    posted by wooh at 9:53 PM PST - 5 comments

    Can't live like this...

    If social media and crowdsourcing is good for anything, I figure it's to find some sort of answer to questions like these. Here goes nothing... I'm a 23 year old with cerebral palsy and while I'm very much a special snowflake in that I've been gifted with normal function as far as most of my life is concerned-most importantly in terms of intellect- there's one part of my CP that's made my life smaller and more miserable than any wheelchair could. It's affected my relationships with and opportunities for friends, dates and jobs, and for a richer life in general. Help me find a way out. Snowflake details inside. [more inside]
    posted by marsbar77 at 9:43 PM PST - 24 comments

    How can I edit metadata (e.g., author's name) for a .mobi file?

    So I've been downloading books to my iPad's Kindle app from Amazon, and also downloading from Project Gutenberg to my desktop PC and mailing them to my Kindle address to get them on the iPad. And I've got a small but annoying problem. In the ebooks it sells from its site, Amazon lists the author as, for example, "Doyle, Arthur Conan," while the .mobi files from Project Gutenberg list the author as "Arthur Conan Doyle." Thus the Amazon files sort under D for Doyle while the Project Gutenberg files show up under A for Arthur. Is there a way to edit the .mobi files to change the author's names to match Amazon's format and get everybody's works to come together in the same place?
    posted by Naberius at 9:09 PM PST - 8 comments

    I need a song off of this CD but can't find it for sale anywhere!

    My wife, a Zumba instructor, is trying to find the song "Este Party Esta Prendio" for use in one of her classes. It's on discogs but I can't find neither the album nor the tracks for sale anywhere. [more inside]
    posted by neilkod at 8:39 PM PST - 10 comments

    For sale: one bed of indeterminate value

    When I moved into my apartment, the previous tenant left behind his kid's twin bed, which has been sitting in a corner covered with books for the last year. I want to finally get rid of it (on Craigslist or similar) but I have no idea what the asking price should be. Details inside. [more inside]
    posted by Merzbau at 8:33 PM PST - 11 comments

    Best way to get my girlfriend a Foreign Visa K2 etc?

    Me an my girlfriend are planning to get married next year. Right now she is living in Japan. She mentioned to me that a K1 visa is what she will need to stay in the United States once we get married. Does anyone know of any caveats to this visa? Would it be best to hire a lawyer to help us make sure the process goes smoothly? Also, are there any other options for visas that she could potentially get? My idea is to propose to her when she visits me on a 3 month visitor's visa and then get married within that 3 months. Any relevant experiences are welcome. Thanks for you help.
    posted by locussst at 8:28 PM PST - 14 comments

    how did this get here I am not good with cell phone

    This is probably a question that has been answered before and I am just too panicky to figure it out right now, but what is the best option for saving my US phone number while I am abroad? Is Google Voice a solid option? I leave in two days, I use Virgin Mobile, and I want to save it indefinitely. Additional small side question about Swedish phones (specifically iPhone use in Sweden), but mostly confused about porting a number for usage abroad. [more inside]
    posted by Papagayo at 8:12 PM PST - 11 comments

    Seen this GAP shirt?

    My wife is looking for this shirt from the GAP website. Looking through their offerings it cannot be found on their site. Any ideas where she could pick one up? Northern IL, North East WI or online preferred.
    posted by dstopps at 8:06 PM PST - 3 comments

    Remembering what you chose to forget

    How have you gone about investigating your moments of childhood religious doubt as an adult? Interested in why I "gave up" Christianity but cannot remember my actual process of thoughts and feelings. Snowflake details inside. [more inside]
    posted by elephantsvanish at 7:44 PM PST - 31 comments

    Help me find clarity!

    I am having trouble completely moving forward as I am delaying desires/dreams that I truly wanted to do. Should I just let these wants/desires go? [more inside]
    posted by wak5700 at 7:34 PM PST - 5 comments

    Loosening chronically tight muscles/stiff joints

    My neck and lower back muscles are very tight from years of sitting in front of a monitor. This causes me discomfort and is gradually decreasing the range of motion of the relevant joints. What can I do about this? I practice yoga three times a week, which helps only a little. I can't afford regular massages (let alone Rolfing or craniosacral therapy, both of which have been helpful in the past). What else can I try? Tai chi? Acupuncture? Specific stretches?
    posted by zeri at 6:50 PM PST - 25 comments

    How bad are these debt problems?

    YANM financial advisor. My domestic partner has a large student loan that has been in default for years. Like many in the current economy, he was unable to make payments for many years after graduating (at least 5) due to lack of steady income. Now he has a Good Job (yay!) and could afford to make payments, but it's been almost 2 years now and he hasn't made progress on dealing with the debt. How bad is this? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 6:37 PM PST - 4 comments

    Help me find an expat accountant

    I recently moved from the U.S. to Melbourne, Australia, and I have some questions regarding taxes and accountants. [more inside]
    posted by milkcrateman at 6:18 PM PST - 8 comments

    Dancing at parties and clubs (for women)

    I'm looking for tips to become a better dancer for the kind of dancing that happens at house parties, weddings, clubs, etc. I've got down the basic step back and forth, but when I try to do more I feel pretty awkward. If there's a mirror I can see that I look a bit awkward too, but it's hard for me to pinpoint why. The other women look like they're having so much fun dancing away! I don't expect to be great, but i'd like to be good enough to feel comfortable and have fun. Specifically, I'm wondering what kinds of dance class would be the most helpful to improve my club/party dancing skills (i.e. probably not ballet). I think it would be fun to take some dance, but other tips are welcome too.
    posted by Gravel at 6:08 PM PST - 15 comments

    Bike fixes on the cheap?

    What's the cheapest place in Philly that I can get a decent bike tune up done? [more inside]
    posted by Flashbullzeye at 5:30 PM PST - 8 comments

    What is this thing?

    My sister found this at a friend's house; she wants to know what it is. If I had to guess, I'd say it's part of a breast pump (with a little milking stool inside), but that seems ridiculous. Anyone else?
    posted by LeLiLo at 5:16 PM PST - 17 comments

    Filter for Canon Rebel lens

    I just got a Canon EOS Rebel Tsi camera and I would like get a filter for the lens as protection. Back in the olden days with a film camera I had a UV filter. Is that still the way to go? Also, any recommendations? They start at $3 on Amazon and go up to $30, quite a spread. Thanks.
    posted by mikedelic at 5:04 PM PST - 11 comments

    I can only identify the 1UP's and the power-ups

    I have no background knowledge in mycology whatsoever. But I would like to improve my mushroom-identification knowledge from zero to at least beginner-101 level. What resources [online, print books, or other] might be most useful for someone [me] who wants to be able to recognize the mushrooms near his home in Upper Valley VT/NH? Bonus points for resources that will help me to understand whether the mushroom is dangerous for dogs to ingest. [more inside]
    posted by .kobayashi. at 4:54 PM PST - 10 comments

    LGBTQ High School Alumni Group?

    A fellow alumnus of my Catholic high school has expressed interest in forming an LGBTQ alumni group. This is a very nebulous concept at the moment, but the current idea is to be visible and, where possible, provide outreach to students. Do you have experience with this or guidance to help us solidify this concept? [more inside]
    posted by bfranklin at 4:48 PM PST - 4 comments

    NYC vacation for a California family

    What would be some fun and interesting things to take a five year old child from Southern California to do in New York City next week?
    posted by Dansaman at 4:29 PM PST - 12 comments

    What's the name of this John Updike story?

    The other day a stranger described a John Updike short story to me that I'd like to read. He said that the story was called "f-stop" and it was about a detached family man who was taking photos of his kids at the beach (?) but was so focused on his photography that his children ended up drowning as he watched. I have been unable to find any mention of an Updike story called "f-stop" online or any other story that fits this description.
    posted by timsneezed at 4:26 PM PST - 8 comments

    Soliciting Angie's List reviews?

    I've updated my Angie's List listing. I have no reviews as of yet, although I've been in business since 2005. Is it ethical to solicit reviews from clients? I'm thinking of sending an email saying something like, "I'm now on Angies's List. Feel free to write a review, should you wish. Here's the link." Nothing begging or hat-in-hand, of course. What's the protocol? Is there a protocol?
    posted by BostonTerrier at 3:59 PM PST - 13 comments

    Turn my tiny bathroom into a spa--with a new bathtub.

    My existing claw foot tub doesn't fill deep enough. I would like to replace it with a deep soaking tub, of course for the best value possible. Give me your ideas please. [more inside]
    posted by ethidda at 3:58 PM PST - 13 comments

    Office security for a windowless room?

    I work in a public defender's office with a dozen lawyers. Four of them are in windowless offices, and two of those offices in particular are buried near the back of the building, where it's hard to hear if you aren't standing outside the door. For the vast majority of clients this isn't an issue, but how can we keep our office safe during closed door meetings with clients? [more inside]
    posted by Happydaz at 3:46 PM PST - 9 comments

    Dishwasher repair -- how? And should I?

    I have a 7-year old Whirlpool dishwasher (GU2200XTSB to be exact.) I got the 7 clean-light-flash error signal, and was able to clear that (so control panel seems good.) Heating element -- still hot. Water fills? check. But then it just hums when in the past the big chugging washing motion would begin. So it sounds like some kind of pump/motor problem. The water isn't getting pushed around. The little detergent door is opened but the detergent is still there, barely wet. I am pretty handy and have repaired several other major appliances before. so -- 1) how to diagnose pump vs. motor vs. ???? 2) Is this just stupid given the age of the dishwasher? I'd rather pay $50 or $100 than $500, but....
    posted by msalt at 3:03 PM PST - 7 comments

    Library on a cart!

    School librarians of Metafilter! So, the number of classrooms in our school has outgrown the number of class periods available for the library. Oh no! The solution: seven periods each week are double-booked. Another teacher will teach "library" in one classroom while I teach the other class in the library. Every few weeks (months?) we'll switch. For K-1 this is easy: you read them a story and do a craft either way. But what about the rest? We'll have grades 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8 in this situation. [more inside]
    posted by goodbyewaffles at 2:41 PM PST - 6 comments

    Light, neutral scented, men's deodorant for hot yoga?

    I'm a guy. I do yoga in a heated room. I don't want to want to bother others in class with massively perfumed deodorants, but I also don't want to have bad body odor. Which deodorant do I want? [more inside]
    posted by bluecore at 2:38 PM PST - 38 comments

    Mysterious Concrete Slab

    I'm the new owner of a 1950-built home in Whitefish Bay, WI. While doing some landscape regrading around an addition put on sometime after the initial construction (which we think included an expansion of the basement), we discovered this mysterious concrete slab buried underneath some bushes, next to one of the basement windows. Why is it there? And is it doing something important? [more inside]
    posted by gerryblog at 2:17 PM PST - 23 comments

    advanced adulthood primer for parentless children?

    My parents were absent for much of my childhood, and I have been estranged from my family for years. I've been fully independent since my late teens, but I still learn best by example and rote memorization, and I did not really have anyone to learn from. I've built what I think is a good life, but I am still lacking a lot of practical information. What sort of resources are available for people in this position to figure out what they've missed and get themselves unstuck? Is there a book, checklist, or set of guidelines that I could use? Something like Advanced Adulthood for Dummies? [more inside]
    posted by divined by radio at 2:02 PM PST - 23 comments

    Costume Query

    I'm almost done with my Booker DeWitt costume for DragonCon - only thing left to do now is to finish the shirt. But seriously, what is up with this shirt? Can someone, accomplished costume-maker or otherwise, make sense of my reference image? [more inside]
    posted by Urban Winter at 1:35 PM PST - 10 comments

    U.S. citizen moving to Canada needs bank account

    What's the easiest, best, and cheapest way for a U.S. citizen moving to Toronto to get a Canadian bank account? Ideally before I arrive, if that is possible. [more inside]
    posted by grouse at 1:21 PM PST - 24 comments

    Give me your best drive in movie tips!

    I need your best drive in movie tips! Difficulty level: motorcycle. [more inside]
    posted by mollymayhem at 1:05 PM PST - 13 comments

    Cross-border marriage - what are the issues?

    Due to a series of very bad events, my wife and I have ended up employed in two different countries. We are both American by nationality and university professors by profession, currently employed in the Netherlands. Her new position, for which she is applying for a visa now, is in Scotland. She cannot have her old job back, and I do not have a position in Scotland. So we are both foreigners in the countries in which we are employed, and we are (or, rather, will be soon) employed in two different countries. What are some of the immigration issues we need to consider here? [more inside]
    posted by Philosopher Dirtbike at 12:49 PM PST - 8 comments

    1st time Traveler tips to South Africa needed

    The Mrs is going to S. Africa scouting resorts (Sabi Sabi and someplace in Cape Town) and I'd like to send her prepared...1st time Traveler tips to South Africa needed. [more inside]
    posted by doorsfan at 12:39 PM PST - 5 comments

    Animating fabric being folded, cut and stitched.

    I want to explore animating fabric being folded, cut and stitched in 3D. Is there any particular 3D software that would make simulating this particularly easy, or even just marginally easier than others? Or is it actually pretty basic? I can spend a bit... [more inside]
    posted by dpcoffin at 12:32 PM PST - 9 comments

    Yet another "should we breakup" question

    Yet another "should we breakup" question [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 12:29 PM PST - 40 comments

    When to quit your personal trainer?

    I have been working with a personal trainer for about three months. I am about to run out of sessions. Should I re-up? [more inside]
    posted by Brittanie at 11:10 AM PST - 14 comments

    Google analytics? I have the tracking code. What now?

    This is for work. It's a wordpress site. According to a wordpress plugin that's already been installed, I have a google analytics tracking number that has been on the homepage for several months already. How do I see analytics about the site's visitors. When I go to Google analytics, it makes me enter an email address, my site URL and generates a NEW tracking number. I don't want a new tracking number. I want to use my existing number that has been on the homepage for months already. so how do I use google analytics if all I have is a tracking number and a URL. I don't have the email associated with this tracking URL, if there ever was one. That was before I was hire. Thanks.
    posted by caveatz at 11:07 AM PST - 7 comments

    What to Do About Altitude Sickness in Quito?

    I (American) flew into Quito last night and now have what I am pretty certain is a case of altitude sickness. I've had a headache since the flight. Then, this morning, I've been unable to walk even short distances (e.g. across a hostel courtyard) without waves of hot/cold through my body, nausea, weakness, chest pounding, a swimmy feeling in my head, and on a couple occasions a sense likes I was going vomit or faint very imminently. I took a nap and felt better, but as soon as I walked outside, the symptoms hit me again. In the absence of having my regular doctor around -- What do I do? [more inside]
    posted by soundproof at 10:41 AM PST - 28 comments

    Good Lav Mic with Mini Plug

    Can someone recommend a good lav mic to accompany a Sony PCM-M10? [more inside]
    posted by jacob at 10:24 AM PST - 3 comments

    Help Me Find A Book

    I am looking for a book that was published in the late 1980s. I cannot remember the title or the author, only that it is a memoir, and that the cover of the book (oft advertised in the New Yorker) had a small picture of a boy jumping between two rocks. The design of the cover was very much like this one for Lewis Thomas' The Fragile Species, with the picture of the jumping boy there in the center. The only other thing I can remember is that the author's name started with two initials, i.e. T R Something or A R Something. Please help!
    posted by chavenet at 10:01 AM PST - 2 comments

    I hate cars

    Is what my tire shop did negligent? Or am I in the wrong for not being more thorough in my description of what was wrong with my car? [more inside]
    posted by whistle pig at 9:45 AM PST - 24 comments

    Tools For the Spatially Challenged: Couch-Movers Edition

    Wizards of Hive, Before I buy that 90" couch from a friend, how can I make sure I'll be able to get it up my L-shaped stairs? Sure, there are a lot of variables. But is there a tool or methodology for figuring this out ahead of time (presuming I know the depth and height of the couch too)? I don't think I have the cardboard to build a mockup. This couch is 50 miles away and can't be returned. Thanks!
    posted by baseballpajamas at 9:37 AM PST - 14 comments

    Am I overreacting or is this totally illegal/wrong?

    The new job I applied for called a work reference I did not authorize and I got a bad review. Should I leave this entire job off my resume? Bonus general career anxiety/issues inside! [more inside]
    posted by themaskedwonder at 9:30 AM PST - 29 comments

    How should I acknowledge my job references for helping me land the gig?

    I recently started a job that I'm really excited about. Part of the reason I was hired is because I got great endorsements from my references. I'd like to send flowers to the Manhattan offices of each one, but if you have a better idea for a considerate thank you gift for three smart, accomplished women in their late 20s/early 30s, I am all ears! I want to send something nice that makes it clear how grateful I am for their confidence in me. [more inside]
    posted by andromache at 8:59 AM PST - 12 comments

    There may be a Burning Man in my future.

    My husband and I have been throwing around the idea of going to Burning Man for a few years now. I am ready to put my foot down and commit to going in 2014 or 2015. What should I do in the next year (or two) to get ready? [more inside]
    posted by Fig at 8:44 AM PST - 21 comments

    Family drama plus holidays = awesome.

    I come from a generally easygoing family which lately has developed a schism between a family member and his immediate family, and because of this a holiday invitation has created drama. [more inside]
    posted by ricochet biscuit at 8:34 AM PST - 13 comments

    Finding an apartment in Toronto

    For someone (and his accompanying elderly mother) who is in search of a good apartment rental in Toronto, what are the best online/offline options to go about it (apart from hiring a real estate agent)? It is difficult for him to roam about the streets looking for posters (although I've read that this is probably the best way to find good deals) because he needs to find it before he arrives. It can be as small as a studio apartment, but it is important that the neighborhood is safe and that the price is somewhat cheap. It is also important that the flat is comfortable for the elderly mother (proximity to subway stations, bus stations, hospitals, stores, ...) since the son will be spending most of his time at work. [more inside]
    posted by omar.a at 8:18 AM PST - 13 comments

    Tape backups - yes / no? What's my options?

    Are tapes still the best bet for backups or are they considered antiquated now? I want to replace our organization's existing tape backup system. [more inside]
    posted by dukes909 at 7:58 AM PST - 11 comments

    Improving working memory in a dyslexic teenager (bonus! verbal skills)

    This was last asked in 2007 for improving working memory in an ADHD teenager and I'm hoping there are new resources, especially geared to dyslexics. What are the current tools and thoughts about working memory improvement when there is a known deficit? [more inside]
    posted by viggorlijah at 7:57 AM PST - 3 comments

    What type of typography should I use with this image?

    I´m trying to make a flyer to advertise some classes I´m teaching. There´s an image I really would like to use, but it has very light and very dark areas, making it very difficult to add text to it. [more inside]
    posted by Fermin at 7:55 AM PST - 11 comments

    So I became a stalker

    My ex dumped and me coldly and cruelly one day out of the blue. We lived together and talked about marriage and kids. It was my most serious relationship. One day he came from work and told me to move out in 24 hours and it's over. Then he cut me off like I never existed. This was 1.5 years ago. I still can't let go of my feelings of anger and resentment. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 7:53 AM PST - 49 comments

    Escaping a sick system

    It's clear to me that my job is a sick system, and I don't know how to get out. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 7:53 AM PST - 12 comments

    University library card privileges?

    Inspired by the rap battle over in Meta, does anyone have suggestions on how to get a library card at a US research university without being a current student or faculty member? Is there such a thing as an independent researcher?
    posted by leotrotsky at 7:36 AM PST - 15 comments

    Dust to Dust

    How can I clean dusty surfaces more effectively, so that it actually gets removed rather than moved around? [more inside]
    posted by pianissimo at 7:27 AM PST - 13 comments

    Required Reading about the Armed Forces

    I've started to become more and more interested in parts of military operations and I can use some help finding the hopefully all encompassing resources available. Specifically how certain characteristics are developed and decisions are made. [more inside]
    posted by ACEness at 7:27 AM PST - 7 comments

    It's not the heat, it's the humidity. Using a mini fridge part time.

    So I have a seven year old mini fridge, very similar to this one, only seven years older. How can I use it minimally? Or should I let it go 24/7? [more inside]
    posted by tilde at 7:26 AM PST - 5 comments

    Will photographers do green screen photos with fictional backgrounds?

    My fiancée and I want to have our engagement photos done. Rather than pose in front of scenic backdrops, we'd like to have photos taken in front of a green screen, then have vistas from video games that are special to us inserted behind us. For instance, in the finished product, we're in front of the castle from Super Mario 64 or a Paris nightclub from Sly Cooper. Is this something that professional photographers can/will do? I know there's green screen photo places, but will they add the game backgrounds that we provide? Are there licensing/copyright issues in play that will get in the way of this?
    posted by Servo5678 at 6:48 AM PST - 7 comments

    How is the job outlook for vocational rehabilitation counselors?

    I'm considering a Master's program in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling, but was wondering how the job outlook is. Specifically, I'd like to live in Southeastern Pennsylvania, and was curious if there are many openings in this region, or if I'd have to relocate. If you're in the field of vocational rehabilitation counseling, did your internship turn into a permanent position, or did you have to spend months and months applying for jobs?
    posted by Nobodyinparticular at 6:46 AM PST - 2 comments

    I'd like to have my 1950s era blonde wood kitchen cabinets restored.

    My 1950s era split level house is still in remarkably original condition despite its years, with most of the original fixtures and walls. Perhaps it's coolest feature is the original blonde wood kitchen cabinets, with panels that slide along grooves instead of hinged doors. They're in poor condition and long overdue for replacement but before I do so I'm considering having them restored as part of a planned general restoration of the house to its original specs. I'd like to know the following: 1) how can I determine if they're unique design and period age makes them even worth maintaining; 2) who should I consult to get an estimate for the job; and 3) if I decide to tear them out, is there a 1950s collector's market where I could put them for sale as-is? Even if I don't want them, I'd bet that someone else might.
    posted by Jamesonian at 6:29 AM PST - 3 comments

    Fun things to do with a 4-year-old over Skype

    My daughter's on the other side of the ocean for a little while, but we keep up with daily video chats. We talk, goof around, make faces, play with puppets, but I sometimes wish I had more ideas to keep her entertained. Can you think of any other fun things we could do? [more inside]
    posted by muckster at 6:24 AM PST - 10 comments

    Please tell me about Arabic alphabetical lists

    Can anyone who writes Arabic tell me what a proper Arabic alphabetical list should look like? Can anyone who knows XSLT help me with this Arabic list once we know how it should look? [more inside]
    posted by Skyanth at 5:51 AM PST - 3 comments

    Partner lied about previous sexual partners & his faithfulness

    A lie of omission, to be more accurate. When I met my (now) husband he understood that I hadn’t had sex and didn’t plan on it before marriage, and that I was looking for someone with similar beliefs about sex. Because he knew this, he was honest and told me that he had been in a long-term relationship with someone before for 7 years - I was fine with this. But I recently discovered that he had sex with 3 different women right as he was getting to know me, (one of whom I've since met at one of his work parties, and cringe to think I was the only one in the group who didn't know about this), and he didn't feel it was important to tell me about it when he proposed to me. [more inside]
    posted by Zee101 at 5:23 AM PST - 45 comments

    French speakers; shameless free translation request

    Going through family papers, my partner recently found a 1950s newspaper article in French, detailing his grandfather's visit back to the area of France in which he spent most of his time in WW1. Google Translate gives us a stilted, semi-incomprehensible translation. We've recently been transcribing his grandfather's war letters and this article would be a wonderful addition to the document. I would be very grateful and owe a favour to anyone willing to have a go at turning it into English for us. It's only 276 words, so hopefully not too difficult. Text is under the cut. [more inside]
    posted by andraste at 2:26 AM PST - 9 comments

    Help me figure out the next steps please

    How do I recover from my mistakes and rough start in work life? [more inside]
    posted by ichomp at 12:57 AM PST - 9 comments

    August 20

    How do I seal this deal?

    I fell into an opportunity that I'd like to pursue. How do I not screw this up? [more inside]
    posted by Athene at 10:52 PM PST - 21 comments

    Good quality sunglasses that are worth the price?

    According to my eye doctor, my $10 Target sunglasses need to go (he saw some very early indications of possible macular degeneration at my eye appointment today) in favor of higher quality sunglasses. He specifically mentioned brands like Oakley, Rayban, and Fendi as having good quality sunglasses. I'm willing to pay to get good quality protective sunglasses, but I want to pay for quality, not a name. What are some good quality sunglasses (either brands or specific pairs) that are worth the money (and not just the name brand)?
    posted by McPuppington the Third at 10:05 PM PST - 32 comments

    Any recommendations for non-US and non-UK Web Hosting Providers

    Does anyone have experience of using non-US and non-UK, shared-hosting, web-hosting providers. I am thinking about re-locating my site away from the US. I am in New Zealand but prices here are quite expensive in comparison to the US at least. I am just looking for a basic, shared-hosting provider for my Wordpress blog. You may be able to guess why I am asking at this time. I am not looking to debate the merits or otherwise of doing this [at least not here!], just looking for experiences of those that have actually used shared-hosting providers outside of the UK and the US.
    posted by vac2003 at 9:53 PM PST - 4 comments

    Can't fix the past; can I mend the present?

    I have just found out that my ex and the father of my child did something twenty-odd years ago that has had permanent ramifications for both our child and his daughter with his former wife (the daughter is 9 years older than our son). I was unaware of this until Sunday, when I visited the former wife (who lives in another city) and we had a long and intense conversation under the shadow of the terminal diagnosis she received earlier this year. What do I do now? [more inside]
    posted by jokeefe at 8:54 PM PST - 23 comments

    Help me find a multi-line (4-8 lines preferred) scientific calculator!

    One of my chemistry courses this semester requires that I use a non-programmable, scientific calculator on all exams. Do you know of any multi-line calculators with a similar keypad to my TI-84+ Silver edition? A lot of the calculators I've looked at on Amazon appear to be of the 2-line variety; the ones that have 4-lines don't have the ability to take inverse logs or to create custom-defined exponents. It'd be really nice to have as large a display as possible; money is no issue.
    posted by lotusmish at 8:49 PM PST - 5 comments

    Does Google still use primarily cheap hard drives/infrastructure?

    Since 2007, does Google still use the Buy Cheap method to grow infrastructure? Or have they moved on to more traditional hardware growth? [more inside]
    posted by Phyltre at 7:13 PM PST - 6 comments

    Help Avoiding Sunburn in Hawaii

    I have a trip to Hawaii planned. The last time I was there, the sun seemed much stronger than I'm use to in California, and I tend to burn even under the best circumstances. It being vacation, I'll probably be outside more often the normal and maybe even wet more often than normal. What's the best way to avoid getting burned? [more inside]
    posted by willnot at 6:44 PM PST - 37 comments

    How much should an editor of an online publication be paid?

    If I want to hire an editor to manage the blog for my ad-driven website, how much should the pay be if it's full-time? What about part-time? Other than creating and managing content, managing writers (and bringing on new ones), and promoting the blog and the site on social media, is there anything else I should list in a online editor's duties? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 6:38 PM PST - 4 comments

    What words can be pronounced more precisely?

    I remember in Six Degrees of Separation, Will Smith's character practices pronouncing the 't' sound in 'bottle', so that he doesn't do what most people do, which is to say, "a boddle of beer". Another example: the first time I heard someone pronounce the 'n' in gover*n*ment, I was surprised. I'm not looking for examples like the 'k' in knife, which is silent for everyone; I'm looking for words that most people pronounce one way, but can be correctly pronounced in a more precise manner. Thanks!
    posted by surenoproblem at 6:33 PM PST - 132 comments

    Northern California Restaurant with a Tasting Menu

    I'm looking for a culinary experience for a date in the SF Bay area or Sacramento area. Preferred budget ~$30-$60 person without drinks. Special details within. [more inside]
    posted by agentofselection at 6:24 PM PST - 12 comments

    i need better resources for dealing with debt in ontario.

    I have some bad consumer debt from a period when I was un- and under- employed. I contacted two different professionals for help in sorting it out, and as far as I can tell, they both gave me terrible advice. [more inside]
    posted by windykites at 6:13 PM PST - 3 comments

    Need practice boleros for dance class

    I've been tasked with coming up with a few practice songs for a bolero dance class in a few weeks. (more inside) [more inside]
    posted by coldhotel at 6:12 PM PST - 0 comments

    How to capture clips from streaming video on a Mac?

    Is there a good way to capture short clips from online streaming videos on a Mac? [more inside]
    posted by Orinda at 6:05 PM PST - 8 comments

    Is there a reason I shouldn't apply for/get a few more credit cards?

    Lately I've been thinking I should apply for a few more credit cards in order to take advantage of points, cash back, and other bonuses. Assuming I am not currently in debt, I already own a home and don't foresee needing any loans in the near future, and assuming I pay my bill every month, is there a downside to doing this? [more inside]
    posted by bondcliff at 5:59 PM PST - 14 comments

    Someone is using my Gmail & old personal address to sign up for things

    A few months ago, I started getting emails thanking me for signing up for things like, Monster, and a few newsletters, all of these were using a personal address that I haven't used in about 7 years. I figured it was a weird spam thing, since the user names they created for these accounts were just random letters (like djfdksjafkasjvnckdfja). Today, I got four different responses from auto insurance companies about quote requests that I didn't actually make, all using that old address as well. I think I need to delete my Google account to stop this, but I'm very very hesitant to lose access to all my paid apps. Any suggestions what I could do?
    posted by shesdeadimalive at 5:34 PM PST - 11 comments

    What is this mystery object my grandmother found in her home?

    What is this mystery object my grandmother found in her home? Pics inside. [more inside]
    posted by spikeleemajortomdickandharryconnickjrmints at 5:30 PM PST - 36 comments

    Like Sookie Stackhouse circa season 2.

    So I'm about to embark upon a year that will be chock-full of free time. I'll be working an 8 to 5, but other than that I'll be in a small town with few leisure options. I've decided that my chief self-improvement goal for said upcoming year is to get a body like this (NSFW-ish). Help me totally crush this. [more inside]
    posted by sevensnowflakes at 5:22 PM PST - 10 comments

    How to save some money for a rainy day?

    I've recently acquired a small sum of money and I'd like to put it somewhere where I can't touch it, except in emergencies. It's not a massive amount, but its more than I usually have on hand and I'd rather not squander it. If I just leave it in my bank account I know I'll end up using it up. Where can I put it so that its aavailable in emergencies but is still hard to access? If it gains interest that would also be good. I'm in Australia.
    posted by Charlemagne In Sweatpants at 5:15 PM PST - 6 comments

    Recipes using cooked duck

    We had a Roast Duck for dinner last night, but we still have half a duck left! What are some not too complicated recipes that I could make using the extra meat / skin / bones.
    posted by jonathanstrange at 4:48 PM PST - 16 comments

    Oh, you're going to Atlanta? You should...

    I'll be in Atlanta, Georgia (US) the second week of September for a work conference. The conference ends on Thursday night, so I'll have all day Friday and Saturday morning to myself. My current to-do list contains one item: visit the aquarium (whale shark!). What else should I see or do while in Atlanta? [more inside]
    posted by RogueTech at 4:41 PM PST - 24 comments

    My mortgage was sold, now it's lost. What do I do?

    Our mortgage was sold a few months ago. We were assured nothing would change. This month, no mortgage statement. I went to the mortgage co. website. It says, "This mortgage is closed." No, it's not. I called the 800 number. That got me nowhere. I can't mail the payment to the old address - it won't be received or processed. The website does not recognize our account number. The people on the phone don't know what they're talking about. What do I do? [more inside]
    posted by clarkstonian at 4:31 PM PST - 18 comments

    Looking for an article from National Lampoon

    I'm looking article that appeared in National Lampoon in the late 1970s or early 1980s, probably between 1979 and 1981. The article was called something like "Pens as seen through the eyes of 8 year old boys". [more inside]
    posted by Rob Rockets at 4:18 PM PST - 3 comments

    Fundraising websites 101

    Help me find a website that meets the needs of the small, nonprofit fundraising event I'm organizing. [more inside]
    posted by itstheclamsname at 4:03 PM PST - 5 comments

    How do I load a file of stamps into Adobe Acrobat Pro?

    I have Adobe Acrobat XI Pro. I have a PDF of proofreading markup stamps that my client sent me to use. Can anyone tell me how to load the stamps into Acrobat Pro so I can use them to proofread a file? [more inside]
    posted by orange swan at 4:01 PM PST - 2 comments

    How do I grad school: management skills edition

    I'm a grad student in the sciences, going into my (mumble) year. I've been assigned an incoming grad student to show the ropes. Great! What the hell do I do? [more inside]
    posted by kagredon at 3:46 PM PST - 9 comments

    Maybe we need to upgrade the installer too?

    The house we bought years ago came with an existing home theater system, speakers wired into the walls, TV installed above the fireplace, components tucked away in a cabinet, all cables hidden away in the walls. It has been pretty awesome, but some of the components have started to fail. We bought a new TV, and the installer is talking about having to open up the wall to run the new HDMI cable alongside the existing cable that is already running through the wall from the TV to the component cabinet a few feet away. We really don't want to cut the wall open if we don't need to, and it seems to us that it should be feasible to use the existing wiring to pull through a new HDMI cable. Are we wrong? [more inside]
    posted by ambrosia at 3:35 PM PST - 7 comments

    What guitar is this?

    What guitar is Jack Hues playing in this awesome Wang Chung cover of a Modest Mouse song?
    posted by xmutex at 2:51 PM PST - 10 comments

    Help me find that shakedown beat!

    Looking for songs that sound like I Need You Tonight (INXS), Another One Bites the Dust (Queen), and Shakedown Street (Grateful Dead). [more inside]
    posted by evil otto at 2:46 PM PST - 20 comments

    Are there kitchen trashcans that have decently sealing lids?

    We are currently having roach problems in our apartment, and sadly the monthly visits by our landlord supplied pest guy are not having any effect. We are being ultra-careful about leaving out food/water, but this seems pointless when there is a trashcan in the kitchen containing perfect roach food! Our current trashcan has a hinged lid but it doesn't seal. I've tried to look online but can't find any trashcans specifying that they are air/bug tight. Do they exist? [more inside]
    posted by blu_stocking at 2:36 PM PST - 13 comments

    Surprise! Your wedding isn't paid for at all! How to fix/deal?

    Funding for our wedding was initially going to be split between family and myself/my partner. It's a month before the major bill is due, and the "family" part dropped out, leaving us holding the bag. We, as it stands, will not be able to make this payment, potentially canceling our wedding that people have already bought plane tickets for. Help us either fix this, or deal with the emotional fallout both in our relationship and outside it. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 2:19 PM PST - 77 comments

    Short notice resignation snowflake-y justification

    My contract with my employer is at-will (and I work in an at-will state), and I need to get out of here asap, but I don't want to give too much notice... [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 2:17 PM PST - 13 comments

    Does anyone know how to make a PDF act like Excel does?

    How do I make a PDF fillable form do a few of the things that Excel does for me easy, like turn the Trademark notation into superscript TM, like this? ™ [more inside]
    posted by Jim On Light at 2:04 PM PST - 1 comment

    Better sound, less space

    Are TV sound bars a good solution? [more inside]
    posted by pdb at 1:56 PM PST - 7 comments

    How to compile handwritten letters, printouts, and pictures for son?

    What is the best way to put together years of handwritten and typed letters along with photos for my son that can be added to and later given as a gift? [more inside]
    posted by grablife365 at 1:51 PM PST - 7 comments

    what's this pointy thing? WWII-era butt plug?

    here's a photo. it appears to be aluminum and it's weighty for its size. It was among the possessions of an elderly, career US Navy retiree. Any ideas? Phone's for scale-- I know what that is.
    posted by Mayor Curley at 1:45 PM PST - 17 comments

    Put A Ring On ... Me

    I'd like a distinctive but minimalist (i.e. no filigree) men's wedding ring, preferably in black metal. I absolutely need the fit and metal to be of the "I completely forgot I have a ring on" variety. Keywords to help me Google are just as welcome as specific rings, stores (web/NYC), guides, etc. [more inside]
    posted by griphus at 1:43 PM PST - 19 comments

    I have an idea but I don't know what to do with it.

    I have an idea for a product. I live in Chicago so I feel like there have to be some ueful resources around. I have never had something made or produced. How do I do that? And once I do that, what comes next? [more inside]
    posted by smeater44 at 1:39 PM PST - 9 comments

    Name this Soviet-era musical film

    It featured a jolly musical number on the difficulty of obtaining all the signatures one needs on one's paperwork. [more inside]
    posted by scrambles at 1:28 PM PST - 1 comment

    Help me become a better singer!

    I am a trained multi-instrumentalist, and I know music theory, have good ears for intonation and rhythm, etc. I've been writing songs and singing backup in my band, and would like to improve my singing. I have a mezzo soprano kind of range. I really like the voices of zooey deschanel, abigail washburn, and hannah hart-- that sort of low, a little bit breathy, rich, folksy voice. When I sing and record myself to listen back, I can get the breathy part down, but then the tone is not great (as in, the voice sounds thin, lacks body and complexity... like a really cheap violin as opposed to a good one). When I sing with a more "solid" kind of voice, then I sound super nasal-y. How do I get a fuller-bodied voice that's still has that kind of breathy quality? [more inside]
    posted by atetrachordofthree at 1:28 PM PST - 8 comments

    Field Club at AT&T Park?

    A friend and I will be seeing a baseball game tomorrow at AT&T Park -- Section FC 107, behind visitors' dugout. Other than going in by a special entrance, what are the benefits of sitting in Field Club level? I want to take advantage of the advantages, since I'm sure the tickets cost $$$$$$$$$$$$.
    posted by wryly at 1:18 PM PST - 3 comments

    Did I destroy everything with this nail polish? Help!!!

    I accidentally washed a bottle of hot pink nail polish with a load of laundry. There are now streaks and splotches of hot pink nail polish covering all of the clothes in that load, plus the interior of the dryer. HELP. How can I fix this? Are all my clothes ruined (they are all dry at this point)? Can I get it off the inside of the dryer? [more inside]
    posted by galenka at 1:08 PM PST - 12 comments

    Please, turn it off.

    I have an on-and-off relationship with even my favorite music. My occasional loathing and indifference coincide with illness, though they outlast it; they do not occur with other symptoms of depression, which I have enough practice recognizing in myself. Has anyone had similar experiences or read anything on this or a related topic? Writing out of curiosity, not for help. [more inside]
    posted by mcoo at 1:08 PM PST - 5 comments

    Wordpress order scheduling solution?

    I run a business where people order equipment online and then I have to call them to arrange pickup. I have a Wordpress site and using WooCommerce. I am trying to find a solution where someone could place and schedule an order using a drop down calendar 48 hours or more in advance . any advice on plugins or solutions I should be looking at?
    posted by parmanparman at 12:05 PM PST - 4 comments

    Where can I buy a German-style pencil case?

    This is the sort of thing I had when I was young and it was so practical. I'd love to get something similar for my elementary school kids.
    posted by Dragonness at 11:54 AM PST - 20 comments

    Yet Another Thyroid Question

    Are there any alternatives to prescription thyroid supplementation? I'm working with a doctor but the process is slow, and in the meantime I'm exhausted. [more inside]
    posted by unannihilated at 11:37 AM PST - 9 comments

    Help me find this music video?

    I recently watched a music video with someone, and am trying to locate it. It features a highly photogenic man and a woman in their 20s/30s wandering around sunlit fields, looking at various objects. At one point something happens involving the woman in front of car headlights, and perhaps a horse head(?). I think it was probably filmed relatively recently, less than 5 years ago, and the music is probably from a smaller independent band. The band name was probably two words, and the song title was one word, if that helps.
    posted by suedehead at 11:18 AM PST - 3 comments

    I dread to consider re-ripping to FLAC

    My third 500 GiB Archos 5 IT just died on me. I'm out of the loop and I need a new mp3 player. What's the best large-capacity mp3 player for me to get? [more inside]
    posted by turkeyphant at 11:10 AM PST - 22 comments

    Legitimate work-from-home opportunities in northern NY state?

    Greetings all. I'm looking to move to northern NY state - most likely Clinton County, within an hour or so tops of Plattsburgh. I was wondering if anybody happens to know of any good websites or other resources for finding telecommuting jobs in that area? I ask this because there seems to be legions of "get rich quick" scams masquerading as legitimate employment opportunities, as well as telecommuting jobs in other areas. (I've never telecommuted in my life, and from what I gather many such jobs do require physically traveling to a job site every now and again.) Any useful links, and/or accounts of your own telecommuting experiences (preferably in the aforementioned area) would be much appreciated. For the record, I'm already familiar with Monster, Craigslist, Trovit, and Snagajob. Thanks in advance!
    posted by DavidfromBA at 11:06 AM PST - 13 comments

    What early childhood conditions should I read up on?

    Our four-year-old is hell-on-wheels. We have an appointment this week with his pediatrician to discuss his behavior. What do I want to read up on before this chat? [more inside]
    posted by colin_l at 10:52 AM PST - 19 comments

    Is there a special term for silvered mirrors being used for optics?

    Do specialized mirrors for optics projects have a different name for a "glassless" mirror, or a specially silvered mirror which has a glass quality to minimize any internal reflections? [more inside]
    posted by shipbreaker at 10:45 AM PST - 5 comments

    Pick Up Artist giving a "talk" at at Nerds Meetup Group

    I'm a long time member of a nerdy Meetup group. What can I do about a pick up artist related event that's going to happen today? [more inside]
    posted by FJT at 10:35 AM PST - 28 comments

    More than one tab would be just great

    Laptop freezing semi-regularly with internet use, need suggestions. [more inside]
    posted by carnivoregiraffe at 10:21 AM PST - 9 comments

    Completing my prequisites online

    I have a Quebec high school diploma. I want to apply for to distance learning programs provided by schools based in other Canadian provinces, but since Quebec high school ends at grade 11, I'm missing a whole slew of pre-requisites I'd already have under my belt if I had done grade 12... [more inside]
    posted by ohmy at 10:05 AM PST - 6 comments

    Storing info about images of paintings?

    What's a good way to keep track of information about images of paintings I've downloaded (artist, title, year, museum, and so on)? [more inside]
    posted by kristi at 9:49 AM PST - 4 comments

    Hand me the kettle bell, I'm going in

    After a month of at-home kickboxing and adjusting my diet to include more than tacos, I'm beginning to feel the love for physical activity and healthy living. Now I find myself looking for CrossFit gyms in Philadelphia that won't scare me away. Snowflake details inside. [more inside]
    posted by picklesthezombie at 9:26 AM PST - 9 comments

    How can I change the schedule of my bowels?

    Question on the timing of bowel movements; details behind the jump so as to protect the squeamish. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 9:23 AM PST - 18 comments

    Should I become a plumber?

    I’m seriously thinking about becoming a plumber (or possibly an electrician). Does this idea make sense for me from a personal and financial perspective? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 9:22 AM PST - 28 comments

    How do I establish an account for a small, informal organization?

    I'm taking over the reins of a small, amateur sports team. Our budget is under $5,000/year, mostly donations solicited from sponsors. How do I manage this money? [more inside]
    posted by entropone at 8:37 AM PST - 11 comments

    Golden birthday on a budget

    My golden birthday is coming up, and since you only get one, I'd like to do something special. But I'm pretty much broke. [more inside]
    posted by catatethebird at 8:29 AM PST - 6 comments

    Virgin Mobile, shut up!

    I have a Virgin Mobile android phone, and the following has happened to me about forty times now: I will be on a phone call and all of a sudden a Virgin Mobile song -- some kind of ad song for Virgin Mobile with guitars and synths and a perky lady singing "Virgin Mobile" every now and then -- interrupts the call. Is there a way to make this stop happening? [more inside]
    posted by onlyconnect at 8:29 AM PST - 18 comments

    Science on depression?

    What do scientists currently understand about depression? How, broadly, is this problem formulated as a subject of study? What are various scientists' opinions on the existing treatments, such as medical versus nonmedical approaches? What is the degree of consensus on these various issues, e.g. different schools of thought? What areas or aspects of it are still being poorly addressed? [more inside]
    posted by polymodus at 7:57 AM PST - 10 comments

    Why am I insatiably hungry after benadryl?

    I take Benadryl occasionally as a sleep aid. It helps a lot, but I always wake up with a weird, gnawing hunger that won't be satisfied. It's far more intense than the hunger I usually feel in the morning--it's almost desperate--and doesn't go away for a couple of hours. Am I crazy? Is this normal? Is there a pharmacological explanation for this? Most important, presuming that I'm not crazy, is there anything I can do to combat it (I'm trying to watch my weight)?
    posted by scarylarry at 7:46 AM PST - 9 comments

    new website for users who find EBay too complex

    I saw a notice for a new site that was described as "EBay for Dummies" and I'm not able to find it again. It had the word "Simplify" or something similar in the title ~ anyone else out there see the notice? It'd be awesome to be able to sell my things without hiring a techie! thanks kindly, Jeanne3
    posted by Jeanne3 at 7:02 AM PST - 8 comments

    Help help I’m trapped in a Graham Greene novel

    I am in a foreign country. I just had an encounter with another foreigner, on his way back to his own country, which went along the lines of “You’ll never make it here, you are destined to be unhappy, these are people for whom lying is second-nature.” I just moved here and I feel like I’m being sabotaged. [more inside]
    posted by spaceheater at 6:41 AM PST - 36 comments

    Best places to do freelance work in Manhattan

    I'm in Manhattan for a few weeks and am looking for good spots with free (or cheap) wi-fi. [more inside]
    posted by jtothes at 6:37 AM PST - 7 comments

    San Francisco public transit from SFO to Nob Hill area?

    I'm travelling to San Francisco today for a conference. It'll be my first time there, and I'd like to take public transit from the airport to my hotel - the Fairmont, on Mason St. It looks like I can take a train (BART?) from the airport to Powell St., Montgomery St., or Embarcadero, and walk from there. Is it reasonable to ride the train at 7 PM with a largeish rolling carryon bag and a backpack? Which station should I walk from, if I don't mind a bit of a walk but want to avoid overly-sketchy areas?
    posted by pocams at 6:13 AM PST - 23 comments

    Short break in Victoria, Australia?

    Husband and I need a holiday. Problem is, we won't have much money because we've just bought a house, which came with a lot of bills. Suggestions for weekends away for the next few weeks or short breaks in September school holidays, leaving from Melbourne, Victoria, that cost less than $180/night? Complication-- I'm 19 weeks pregnant. [more inside]
    posted by jojobobo at 1:30 AM PST - 10 comments

    August 19

    Looking for recommendations for our first trip to New England

    Spending the first week in October exploring Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. We will be flying in and out of Portland, and plan to spend the first few days in Maine. Looking for recommendations for the best places to explore, eat, drink, and be merry. Details inside. [more inside]
    posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson at 9:51 PM PST - 22 comments

    How to track down a teacher

    Is it possible to track down a teacher through the NYC public school system? [more inside]
    posted by Sara C. at 7:44 PM PST - 5 comments

    Am I being scammed?

    I returned from vacation to find out that my car had apparently been keyed and my neighbor, who is also an employee of my landlord, had it repaired for $80. What's the best way to handle this? I don't want to be taken advantage of, but I feel obligated to reimburse him. [more inside]
    posted by abirdinthehand at 7:00 PM PST - 50 comments

    in the lightspot spotlight

    This otherwise perfect second-hand suit I just bought has a few tiny white (threadbare?) spots near the bottom of the jacket. I want to wear it to an interview on Wednesday. Hope me? [more inside]
    posted by threeants at 6:33 PM PST - 6 comments

    I love eggplants. Can I grow them indoors in the winter?

    Eggplant is my favorite vegetable, and while you can get them year-round, the prime eggplant season is rapidly coming to a close. It is possible to make some rig in my decent-sized apartment to grow them in the winter? [more inside]
    posted by Fister Roboto at 6:04 PM PST - 9 comments

    Movies where there is much more than meets the eye.

    I'm looking for movies where paying careful attention to every frame and detail yields secrets that are quite different from the "main" surface story. [more inside]
    posted by naju at 6:00 PM PST - 39 comments

    Concrete garden?

    How do I beautify a concrete "garden" space without relying on my green thumb? [more inside]
    posted by rustcellar at 5:07 PM PST - 16 comments

    Good source for PowerPoint templates?

    I have to put together a PowerPoint presentation for an upcoming conference and am bored by the Microsoft templates. Can anyone recommend free/Creative Commons templates that look awesome and aren't seething with malware?
    posted by orrnyereg at 4:29 PM PST - 4 comments

    E.R. Bill HIGHER after submitting Insurance

    After submitting an ER claim to insurance, my bill from the hospital INCREASED. Is there any way to fight the hospital on this? [more inside]
    posted by unmouton88 at 4:26 PM PST - 26 comments

    Best vacuum for cats? Difficulty level: on a budget

    I recently got a really wonderful cat! While my old cheap-o vacuum did just fine before getting the cat, it is now seriously out if its league. I clearly need to replace the vacuum with something more powerful, but the prices of vacuum cleaners scare me (I am a student and so money is tight). Any suggestions on vacuums that will get the job done with pet hair but not totally break the bank?
    posted by rainbowbrite at 3:47 PM PST - 26 comments

    San Francisco for teenagers.

    My younger brother, a rising senior in high school, will be visiting me in the Bay Area next week. We will have 2-3 days to spend in the city (really, any place accessible by Caltrain). I need an itinerary of fun places to check out. The main criteria are that anything you recommend should be easily accessible by public transport, not too remote, and also immediately spectacular for teenage boys and other people without particular interests. Yes: museums with minimal reading, weird architecture, cable cars, great views, robots and video games, and so on. No: major league sports, "funky boutiques," "must-eat restaurants." The rest of our week will be mostly spent outdoors, so indoors is OK. Thanks for suggestions!
    posted by Nomyte at 3:24 PM PST - 36 comments

    "The Devil Wears Prada" West-Coast edition?

    I'm writing a story set in the modern-day film industry: please recommend your favorite documentaries, movies, articles, essays, blogs, or books (preferably non-fiction) about the realities of working in Hollywood! [more inside]
    posted by Zephyrial at 3:16 PM PST - 26 comments

    Future mapping -- what do I do about school.

    I'm 29 and finally ready to attend college for the first time. A year ago, I fixated on a program (up-and-coming) and a school (local, private, VERY well-regarded). Since last August I've been admitted, laid off, rejected for loans, hired, rejected for *more* loans. Last week I came to terms with not attending this September. Today I was unexpectedly approved for more aid that will almost cover my tuition (but none of my living expenses). Orientation starts in two weeks. [more inside]
    posted by itesser at 3:11 PM PST - 14 comments

    Help! I'm tired of being mansplained to!

    I have a co-worker who, despite being ten years younger than I am and much less experienced, really enjoys explaining things to me. He mansplains things that I know a lot about, things I know a little about, things that he knows very little about, you name it. Today, we were talking about business failure, and he said very authoritatively, "Well, it's very important to understand failure and then build sustainability in to the next venture." I'm like, um, you know nothing about building a business. Stop explaining this to me. I find myself on the receiving end of these long mansplained lectures, and I'm tired of smiling and nodding. What's a snappy comeback to shut this guy up? I'm also wondering if there's something I'm doing that suggests I don't know what I'm talking about?
    posted by airguitar2 at 3:02 PM PST - 64 comments

    Translation from medical latin....

    This phrase: "dilaceratio cruris sin Vulcera centusel. multipl." appears on a German birth certificate from the 1940s. Am I right to guess that it means something like "multiple wounds in the leg without ulcers"? If so, what are "ulcers" in this context? Infections?
    posted by RandlePatrickMcMurphy at 2:54 PM PST - 1 comment

    Looking for a specific swimming hole near Kaaterskill Waterfall, NY

    Please help me find the specific swimming hole that I went to 7 years ago near Kaaterskill Creek in the Catskills, or recommend other nice swimming holes in the area. [more inside]
    posted by at 2:31 PM PST - 6 comments

    What open-ended questions will help pregnant daughter mull her options?

    Our daughter, "Mimi," is a divorced single 38 year-old mother of three who lives about 4 hours away. Over the past two years we've become quasi-surrogate parents to "Kato," a 26-year old guy who we like very much. Kato recently moved into our guest house and so six weeks ago he and Mimi met when she and her kids were visiting: obvious sparks. We promptly left on a four week trip and surmised that they were hooking up. But no one said anything after we returned and we kept mum, thinking that perhaps it had run its course. Last night Kato dropped the big bomb: Mimi's pregnant and they want to keep the baby and "make it work." [more inside]
    posted by MySockyWocky at 2:25 PM PST - 50 comments

    What are good Web Based Tools for Building An Announcements/Events Board

    What are good (ideally free) web based tools for building a Calendar and also an Announcements/Events Board? And can these tools produce content that I can embed in a web page? Ideally I'm looking for two features, so it doesn't have to be the same product: 1) Ability to post announcements. Ideally like the List feature in SharePoint, where you can post announcements to a list and set a timeframe for it to start appearing and then an end date for it to stop appearing. 2) A calendar. We already have a Google Calendar account, but it can't hurt to see what else is available. [more inside]
    posted by gov_moonbeam at 2:20 PM PST - 2 comments

    Help me survive my kitchen renovation

    What is the best way to microwave leftover delivery pizza? [more inside]
    posted by NoraCharles at 2:11 PM PST - 15 comments

    Help me crochet and knit without patterns

    I want to find pattern books that aren't written in pattern shorthand. [more inside]
    posted by msali at 2:09 PM PST - 12 comments

    Dearest human can see through walls!

    What's the best way to monitor a webcam over a local area network? [more inside]
    posted by VTX at 2:01 PM PST - 5 comments

    Looking for social work jobs in San Francisco...

    I'm an ASW in Southern California and I'm relocating to San Francisco. What are some good resources/agencies for finding social work jobs in SF? I've used Indeed, Craigslist, and the UCSF website, but I don't know of enough agencies/hospitals up there to know which websites to check for job openings. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
    posted by blackcatcuriouser at 1:59 PM PST - 4 comments

    What can I use as a psychological substitute for dessert?

    For some reason, probably a combination of sweet tooth and several years of conditioning, I don't feel full after lunch/dinner unless I eat something sweet, ie. a dessert. But I would like to change that, especially after witnessing family members dealing with medical issues which would benefit from a healthier diet and observing the daily negotiation for/extortion of candy in exchange for a few bites of food between a toddler and his mother (not me, thank god). So I'm thinking about starting a new habit, some after-meal routine which would make my brain and stomach know I'm now done with eating, in place of eating a piece of cake or chocolate. [more inside]
    posted by gakiko at 1:55 PM PST - 45 comments

    What was this particular web typography plugin/package called?

    I used a HTML typography package years ago and can find neither hide nor hair of it any more. It converted HTML to include proper dashes, curly quotes and other typographic elements. It may have been a blogging engine (or included with one). What was it? [more inside]
    posted by jquinby at 1:51 PM PST - 5 comments

    Please don't be a Ceti Eel

    Woken up from sleep with a worm/larvae crawling on my eyelid. What was it!? [more inside]
    posted by WickedPissah at 1:50 PM PST - 9 comments

    I need a video editor that trims videos but doesn't rerender them

    I'm working on a webinar library. The webinars are all slide shows, with the presenter speaking over. I need to convert and edit these (36 webinars, 9GB total) and upload them to Vimeo. Currently each webinar has have an introduction and wrap up that only applies to the people watching the webinar live; it's useless to anyone watching the recording. I would like to trim this off of each webinar before uploading to Vimeo. [more inside]
    posted by hotelechozulu at 1:50 PM PST - 10 comments

    Help me learn to dance to "Bowlegged Woman"

    What would the dance genre be called for the type of music Pokey Lafarge plays on his self-titled album? [more inside]
    posted by OlivesAndTurkishCoffee at 1:46 PM PST - 4 comments

    Help me use a solar panel and splice it all together!

    I'm in over my head on a DIY project involving electrical terms I don't understand. I want to use a solar panel to power both a water pump and a computer fan, and need to know if this is possible with the components I have, and if possible how can I splice/connect these non-matching wires? [more inside]
    posted by croutonsupafreak at 1:34 PM PST - 9 comments

    Let me tell you how it will be: there's one for you, nineteen for me

    SO has job offer 1800 miles away in beautiful California. Yesterday we were told by friends to expect over 50% of his salary to be taxed, leaving us with net income not far from what we make now in landlocked midwestern state. Should we be concerned about being destitute if we take this job and make the move to Ventura County? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 1:32 PM PST - 28 comments

    How Do I Sell a Watch?

    I have a very sell-able and somewhat valuable watch that I would like to sell. I have no idea where to begin, though. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 1:31 PM PST - 4 comments

    What are the best online communities besides metafilter?

    I am interested in meeting people that like learning and value their education. I have come across a forum that I like a lot: PhysicsForum. I also like coursera, udacity and edX communities but, unfortunately, there are seldom meetups in my country. I would like to make some "geek" skype friends to know how the education is on other countries and exchange some ideas.
    posted by tsuwal at 1:26 PM PST - 1 comment

    How can I be more "on" in the morning?

    In my ideal world, work would start at around 10 and not involve talking to or interacting with anyone until 11 or so. In reality, I need to be at work and "on" at 8 every morning. This coming school year, I will also be reading a book out loud every morning. Help! [more inside]
    posted by charmcityblues at 12:48 PM PST - 33 comments

    Good Online RPG for an 8-year old

    Looking for an online RPG that's age appropriate for an 8-year old. Fantasy worlds, dungeon crawling, D&D style would seem a good fit. Does such a thing exist? [more inside]
    posted by Otis at 12:46 PM PST - 7 comments

    Starting the nuvaring mid-month

    Planned parenthood tells me it's okay to start the pill any day of the month, and one should use additional protection for seven days following. Does this apply to nuvaring as well? [more inside]
    posted by R a c h e l at 12:22 PM PST - 4 comments

    Software/websites to help manage a scientific project

    What software/websites would you recommend to help a team of not more than a dozen individuals at different sites manage a collaborative project? [more inside]
    posted by docgonzo at 12:10 PM PST - 6 comments

    Making life more bearable in a province/lifestyle we hate?

    My husband and I are dying to move to another province where we have tons of family. People are much more laid back there; they know how to have fun without spending a lot of money. They enjoy each other's company, chat with strangers, tell great stories and place a lot less value on money. It's a beautiful province with lakes and tons of beach access. Houses have decks and fireplaces. To me, it's paradise. The family component is wonderful for my daughter. The problem is that in our home province, we make crap-tons of money. Moving to the other province could mean as much as a $50,000 pay cut. We've decided to stay here another 2 years to build up some super-savings. My question is: What can we do to make our lives here more bearable until we are ready to move? If worthwhile, I could spend up to $500 a month on any changes. [more inside]
    posted by kitcat at 11:40 AM PST - 40 comments

    Balcony railing planter box

    Looking for a balcony railing planter box like this one (which is out of stock). It's a metal basket that you place planters into, and it has adjustable brackets that clamp on to your railing. Thanks!
    posted by Conrad Cornelius o'Donald o'Dell at 11:34 AM PST - 2 comments

    Software for a small (church) library

    I am helping manage a church library and would like to update the catalog software. I am looking for these features. This is more for inventory purposes than keeping track of circulation. I don't mind programs that take a little bit of work to install. Requirements *Under $100 (free or cheaper is better) *ability to scan UPCs using CueCat or phone *must work with DVDs/videotapes Nice to Have: Export to web Scanning with iPhone or android phone ability to make bar codes for items not in an online database
    posted by tracer at 11:32 AM PST - 8 comments

    How to monitor internet bandwidth

    My company is considering moving our software into a cloud solution. I'd like to figure out a way to continually monitor available bandwidth (not usage), at defined intervals throughout the day. [more inside]
    posted by slogger at 11:14 AM PST - 7 comments

    Books and Movies that Connect Disparate Time Periods

    I really enjoy books and films that feature narratives strewn across different time periods. I'm looking for recommendations. [more inside]
    posted by Lutoslawski at 11:04 AM PST - 50 comments

    What to make at home next?

    My wife and make a lot of stuff at home--from home made pasta, to scented fuel for an alcohol lamp, to guitar pedals--and we generally find that making at home is better and more fun than buying at the store. Can you recommend any other worthwhile home projects? I'm looking for enjoyable projects that are better than store bought--not necessarily for cost-saving. [more inside]
    posted by Admiral Haddock at 10:44 AM PST - 39 comments

    Question about Walking Dead comic book [spoilers...]

    In the Walking Dead comic book series, when did Rick and the crew... [spoilers] [more inside]
    posted by pwb503 at 10:32 AM PST - 5 comments

    Is running supposed to be hard even if you are cardio-fit?

    I thought I was cardio-fit. Jumping rope for 30-40 minutes makes me feel good and doesn't leave me exhausted. So why is it that running feels so damn hard? I just started running outside and I can barely do a mile in 10 minutes. I have to seriously push through the first five minutes and after just one mile I am DONE. How can this be? Does it mean that I am doing something wrong? Do I need running lessons? Or is this a typical newbie feeling that will go away soon? Details: female, early 40's, low BMI. I don't have any running goals, just want to enjoy running outside.
    posted by rada at 10:29 AM PST - 24 comments

    I feel pretty... hideous

    How do you feel pretty on bad days? [more inside]
    posted by dinosaurprincess at 10:20 AM PST - 35 comments

    Not yet for sale by owner.

    Seeking advice on how to prepare for making an offer on a house that's not on the market. That our friends rent. [more inside]
    posted by deludingmyself at 10:20 AM PST - 13 comments

    Is it unwise to take up gymnastics as a middle-aged adult?

    Is it unwise to take up gymnastics as a middle-aged adult? I'm early 40s, female, and can still do a cartwheel. I'm not particularly athletic otherwise. I don't want to get injured, but I am mostly interested in sports that result in cool tricks. My child is 4, so it'd also be good be active with him. Is it a foolish idea?
    posted by xo at 10:14 AM PST - 12 comments

    Classics online education

    Is there any university (based anywhere in the world, operating in any language) that offers a completely online B.A. program in classics (or specifically in Latin or Greek)?
    posted by John Raskolnikov Gilson at 10:05 AM PST - 4 comments

    How best to account for child care expenses in taxes?

    I'm putting my daughter in preschool and want to know the cheapest way to pay for it. [more inside]
    posted by tylerkaraszewski at 10:05 AM PST - 2 comments

    Washer/Dryer Scratch Repair Recommendations?

    Best solution for touching up appliances? [more inside]
    posted by cccp47 at 9:52 AM PST - 1 comment

    Good online database solutions that hold images?

    I'm looking for a good online database app thingy that would let 50 teachers and 200 students easily and quickly input sentences in two languages *as well as pictures* and be easily searchable by all participants in the future. Any ideas? [more inside]
    posted by sdis at 9:43 AM PST - 4 comments

    Where can I afford to live around Worcester, MA?

    I'm thinking of taking a postdoc in at UMass in Worcester, MA but am having trouble ironing out cost of living expenses. Where can I can I afford to live around there, preferably with a (relatively speaking) easy commute to Boston? [more inside]
    posted by The Bishop of Turkey at 9:08 AM PST - 19 comments

    Looking for Evergreen shrubs happy in partly shady spot in zone 5.

    I am looking for some evergreen shrub/bush/small tress suggestions to plant along the front of our house. I am originally from Australia and have little idea of plants etc here in the US so any help or suggestions appreciated, and I'm happy to try something people might think is unusual if it meets the requirements. We are in Zone 5 (Northern Indiana) and the spot we'd like to plant them is part shade in summer and pretty much full shade all winter. We'd be looking at around the 3 to 5 foot range in height and are happy to prune them thought I'd prefer them to not need pruning all the time but also not to be so slow growing they take years to reach the desired size. I am not planning on trimming to fancy shapes so the plants don't have to be hedging style plants, just keep their leaves all year around. [more inside]
    posted by wwax at 9:05 AM PST - 4 comments

    I know I live here, but what should we do this week in Boston?

    Suggestions on activities in and around Boston for my brother and I this wk? We are up for comedy shows, arts, music, boating, etc. [more inside]
    posted by Carialle at 8:50 AM PST - 13 comments

    Free/Low Cost Therapists in Berkeley/Oakland?

    A friend is in a bit of a tough spot right now and needs to talk to a therapist as soon as he possibly can. Money is a bit tight right now. I'm looking for all free/low cost therapy options in the Berkeley/Oakland area, who are familiar with depression and burnout.
    posted by melodykramer at 8:50 AM PST - 3 comments

    Best driving route Philadelphia to/from Long Beach Island?

    Google is giving me several suggestions for driving from Philadelphia to/from Long Beach island... which is the best? [more inside]
    posted by valleys at 8:26 AM PST - 8 comments

    Searching for a series of paintings.

    I've been searching for a series of recent paintings (I think they're paintings, but I can't be sure) to no avail. Here's what I remember: they're of well-dressed women who are peeling back their skin to reveal viscera. I recall that they're by a Spanish artist and they're fairly recent. Please help me hivemind, all my google searches are coming up empty.
    posted by ob at 8:25 AM PST - 3 comments

    How do I get where I'm going when I'm through going places?

    Death and DIY-filter! My dad, who is older but is not quite elderly or in dire straits with regards to his health, has always expressed a wish to be buried in as natural a way as possible. Think '1920s home burial with family dug grave' instead of 'put me in a biodegradable box made from reclaimed, waste wood fiber next to fifi the cat in a manicured cemetery' and you'll have the gist of what he's thinking. What are the ins and outs of making this happen? Look inside for specifics regarding our family situation/location/skillset... [more inside]
    posted by RolandOfEld at 8:23 AM PST - 7 comments

    I can haz gmail?

    Please explain Google accounts to me like I'm a child. [more inside]
    posted by yawper at 7:36 AM PST - 10 comments

    Found this book, then lost it again

    My brother and I are searching for a loved childhood book. He found it on a rare book website, paid for a copy, and never heard from the seller again. We're more interested in finding the book than tracking down the bum. The problem is, we've forgotten the author, and are uncertain about the actual title. It's about a boy who wants a dog, and goes to sleep (I think the night before his birthday) and has a hallucinogenic dream about a giant dog and stairways to the sky and a giant door with an inscription on it. When he wakes up, there is a real puppy waiting for him, I think as his birthday present. I remember the cover was green. It was an oversize picture book. I think the title was "The Wishing Tree" but I can't find the book under that title anywhere. I read it in the mid-60's. Thank you for your help!
    posted by aimeedee at 7:18 AM PST - 2 comments

    Help me visualize future time

    Help me visualize future time. [more inside]
    posted by stenoboy at 7:14 AM PST - 18 comments

    Looking for Germany Football (Soccer) Shorts

    Looking to buy shorts for the German National Football (soccer) team online. [more inside]
    posted by dbirchum at 5:26 AM PST - 6 comments

    How can I be less emotionally invested in my technical ideas?

    Why do I get so emotionally invested in "eureka" ideas that them having done before leads to a crash-and-burn for me? How do I avoid this? [more inside]
    posted by gadha at 4:55 AM PST - 9 comments

    August 18

    Dance Performance in NYC (Aug 20th)

    I'm in NYC for one more week, and I'd like to go see a live dance performance this Tuesday. I'd prefer something more modern, or even circus-y, to ballet. (Sorry - I don't have the right vocabulary to talk about dance!) Budget is $100 for good seats at the right show, but I'd prefer cheaper. Do any of the NYC mefites have recommendations?
    posted by Metasyntactic at 10:34 PM PST - 4 comments

    An Excess Of Arugula

    Due to some miscommunication, I am now the proud owner of three huge boxes of baby arugula. My typical tactic of making simple onion-and-Parmesan salads is feeble before this gross excess. I am looking for recipes that require great heaping handfuls of arugula. I'm a decent cook and I'll eat anything, but I don't particularly enjoy non-smoked, non-fried seafood. Labor intensive recipes are fine.
    posted by The Whelk at 10:03 PM PST - 34 comments

    Are there good reasons for not contacting this former student?

    warning: outside US (cultural caveats apply) I (30) am tempted to facebook message a girl (18) who I taught last year in a nighttime high school for dropouts. She gave birth early this year and dropped out once again before her baby arrived (she was no longer in my class then). I am also working as a tutor in a very flexible and comprehensive special program for socially vulnerable youth, at a different school, which is particularly suitable for teenage single mothers as her. I would like to contact her to let her know about this educational option, offer my help, and maybe suggest a meeting to discuss this alternative. So far, not so bad, yet... [more inside]
    posted by Basque13 at 9:46 PM PST - 57 comments

    Blogs, books, and other resources like The Happiness Project

    I recently listened to The Happiness Project and started reading the blog. I have enjoyed this and found it insightful, so I'm looking for more resources like this. I'm currently listening to The Happiness Hypothesis. Basically, I'm looking for information (with or without personal anecdotes) on possible means of achieving a happier, more balanced and enjoyable life that might not otherwise be obvious.
    posted by wansac at 9:32 PM PST - 12 comments

    I need more music in my life!

    I want to listen to more music, but I also want to read more and be provoked to think more about music. What resources would you suggest to help me get the most out of my limited music-listening time? [more inside]
    posted by elmer benson at 8:21 PM PST - 17 comments

    Waxing on the object, thinking about the subject?

    Blogs devoted to objects, fascinating and everyday? [more inside]
    posted by actionpact at 7:54 PM PST - 6 comments

    is there any chance this is not a cockroach. any at all.

    Ugh. I am moving and cleaning out my place after 6 years. 6 glorious, bug-free years. And then I found THIS GUY. Please hope me! [more inside]
    posted by like_a_friend at 7:27 PM PST - 13 comments

    I need a new Terra Nova

    What is another show on Netflix that is "Terra Nova" like and suitable for the entire family? [more inside]
    posted by jseven at 6:41 PM PST - 27 comments

    How does the real estate situation of the Brown family work?

    We watch some fascinatingly crappy reality TV shows in my household, but nothing as fascinatingly crappy as the show "Sister Wives" - the one that follows a polygamist family. This season, the family is building and moving into brand new houses in Las Vegas, one of each wife, and I'm curious about how the process worked. [more inside]
    posted by gertzedek at 6:32 PM PST - 13 comments

    Best Caesar Salad Dressing

    What bottled Caesar salad dressing should I buy at the grocery store to most closely approximate the awesome Caesar salads I get at good restaurants? [more inside]
    posted by decathecting at 6:22 PM PST - 24 comments

    Hepatitis B: what is the reason for the vaccination of children?

    I have just become aware that it has been added to the schedule of routine immunizations for children. I'm wondering why.
    posted by francesca too at 6:14 PM PST - 14 comments

    Baby Maybe?

    Considering starting a family but what happens when baby comes? Do I stay home and he works? Does he stay home and I work? Snowflake details inside, basically help me evaluate my options. [more inside]
    posted by quietta at 5:42 PM PST - 29 comments

    How to accept failure when your best isn't good enough?

    Last week was difficult for me; I am a student at a truck driving school and I failed my road test on Wednesday. [more inside]
    posted by 8LeggedFriend at 5:34 PM PST - 16 comments

    That didn't go how I planned

    A rough first impression . . . [more inside]
    posted by chainsofreedom at 5:25 PM PST - 25 comments

    Will throwing money at it solve my problem?

    I have $10k, chronic to severe depression & obesity. Can one cancel the other out? If so, how would you do it? Location Brisbane Australia. I rely on public transport, and have some flexibility with schedule. [more inside]
    posted by b33j at 4:57 PM PST - 50 comments

    A friendly rejection

    What's the friendliest way to decline future dates from someone you've been out with a few times but just aren't that into? [more inside]
    posted by greta simone at 4:54 PM PST - 15 comments

    How do I reduce my feelings of guilt and anxiety?

    These feelings are with food and my mother mainly. My eating disorder started in 2010 when I was living with my alcoholic mum and her abusive boyfriend for a few months to try to get her to leave and start a new life elsewhere. Since then it has gotten out of hand, I lost around 20 pounds and gained almost 40 in a year. [more inside]
    posted by lovisa91 at 3:44 PM PST - 16 comments

    Is anybody doing good sci fi/fantasy/horror book reviews?

    I used to really enjoy the reviews at an old website called Inchoatus, their focus was sci fi. But they went dark a long time ago. So are there any decent independent sites doing thoughtful, in-depth (and, sure, snarky) reviews of sci fi and horror (I'm less interested in fantasy, though I understand that it's part of the whole thing) books these days?
    posted by turbid dahlia at 3:41 PM PST - 5 comments

    Insure? Sure!

    How does one insure fine art? A friend of ours recently inherited a piece of art. At the time they thought it was just a print and the estate valued it as just that. Turns out, it's the real deal! They have home owners insurance, but not sure if they should be getting something additional now that they know they have a seriously high value piece. They don't want to contact insurance company and raise a flag/ premium if it isn't something you normally do. So, I turn to the experts...
    posted by MayNicholas at 3:19 PM PST - 13 comments

    Required courses question

    I went to a very elite, prestigious college that had no required courses: none, no math, no English, none. Would someone point me to a list of colleges and/or degrees that do not have core requirements? [more inside]
    posted by fifilaru at 3:15 PM PST - 37 comments

    Boston bars where a bro can have beers with his MacBook open?

    Is there a bar in town where I can work on my computer whilst enjoying a local brew and plates of unhealthy appetizers? [more inside]
    posted by bamassippi at 2:39 PM PST - 7 comments

    When can I remove a bike locked to my property?

    I know YANML but if someone locks their bike to my gate, at what point am I allowed to remove it? Must there be a posted sign? And, then, am I responsible for the removed bike if it is damaged in the process? Do I have to hold it for the owner? If I do, can I charge $100 a day for this service? What exactly are the laws governing this kind of situation? If location is relevant, I'm in NYC. [more inside]
    posted by Obscure Reference at 2:33 PM PST - 7 comments

    Delicious, peanut free and family friendly. Oh, and Fancy!

    Going for a family dinner in Toronto to celebrate some recent milestones. I have no idea where to eat and it's my job to find a kick-ass restaurant. Difficulty level: Five Year Old. [more inside]
    posted by csmithrim at 2:32 PM PST - 4 comments

    Like a cobbler for an umbrella?

    My beloved umbrella is broken. Several of the arms that attach the ribs to the shaft have come unattached -- the little hinges that hold them on have twisted and rusted and broken. Is there such a thing as an umbrella repair person? Like a cobbler, but for umbrellas? If so, what is this person called? (And can you recommend one in Seattle?) If not, do you have any ideas about what other kind of tradesperson might happen to have the tools or skills to fix it?
    posted by librarina at 1:31 PM PST - 3 comments

    An inquiry concerning the cooking and preservation of rice.

    What's the best way to keep rice (primarily brown rice, although I could see other grains being used in the future) in the refrigerator overnight? [more inside]
    posted by jason's_planet at 12:53 PM PST - 23 comments

    Baa baa scapegoat boyfriend

    I have a lot of crap going on in my life to be frustrated and angry about, but for some reason I keep focusing it all on my totally blameless boyfriend. How do I stop this madness? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 12:50 PM PST - 5 comments

    To Catch a Predator, Home Edition

    A friend of a friend has a suspicion her family is being spied on through a shared attic-type space, but currently feels powerless to do anything without proof. Is there a camera a person could hook up in an attic that would take images without any kind of indicator light showing that it was on and without any additional lighting? [more inside]
    posted by DirtyOldTown at 12:34 PM PST - 15 comments

    Help improve my chess openings

    I've been playing chess casually since I was a kid. I feel like my middle and end games are decent, but my openings are weak, mostly because I haven't properly studied common openings and mostly make moves intuitively. What is the best method/resource (preferably online/interactive, but book suggestions are fine too) that would work as an "introduction" and later a way to strengthen my opening game for a non-beginner?
    posted by coffee and minarets at 12:17 PM PST - 8 comments

    Off on the Road to Singapore

    Traveling for work later this week to Singapore with a colleague. We both enjoy interesting bars. Any particularly odd sights to see? We have a couple mostly-open days to recover from the 12 hours in coach. What will impress two business travelers whose previous travel focuses around Northern Europe and the USA? [more inside]
    posted by chiefthe at 11:43 AM PST - 7 comments

    Keeping track of recurring tasks

    I've kind of started to implement htid's excellent advice regarding breaking depression-based habits, but I don't have a good way to keep track of my goals. So, what's a good way for me to keep track of how many times I've done multiple different tasks? Paper and pencil doesn't really work for me. Something I can do on my iPhone would be best. [more inside]
    posted by SugarAndSass at 11:41 AM PST - 9 comments

    Winner Winner Chicken Pox Dinner

    I have a 3 year old who has gone through at least round one of the chicken pox vaccine (not recently, so this is not about vaccine reaction). Last week she had a rash on her back. Friday she was peckish (but probably skipped her nap at daycare which has been happening occasionally). Saturday she has a few (no more than 5) moderately (not all the time, I guess more occasional) itchy blister type spots in random places.. [more inside]
    posted by TheLibrarian at 10:35 AM PST - 13 comments

    Where to watch Breaking Bad tonight in Los Angeles?

    Are there any bars / cafes / parking lots in the Los Angeles area showing Breaking Bad tonight? The usual googling hit a dead end.
    posted by the jam at 10:32 AM PST - 3 comments

    Most joke-dense movies of the 70s?

    I'm looking for movies from the 70s that have the highest joke density. They don't have to be good jokes, they don't have to be a particular type of joke and I'm not even looking for good movies - I'm looking for quantity over quality, a dizzying number of joke attempts per hour. What should I watch? [more inside]
    posted by I EAT TAPAS at 9:22 AM PST - 49 comments

    Music alarm app for iPhone

    I want to wake up with music. What are the best music alarm apps for iPhone with a clean, modern and intuitive interface. [more inside]
    posted by nevan at 8:48 AM PST - 7 comments

    Should I be the one who got away?

    Two women, two very different paths in life. Is there a third option that I can't see? Excessive detail inside. [more inside]
    posted by MyFrozenYear at 8:36 AM PST - 33 comments

    Am I being too cheap and not rewarding myself enough every now and then?

    During the past 4 years, I was working part-time (23-30 hours a week) at an optical department in JcPenny. Other than a 10 minute drive from home/school, the pay was not great as to be expected within the retail sector. I was thankfully laid-off in early March and came across another gig that was 40 hours a week with benefits to boot & making $3 more a hour. Now I'm making twice the income in a month's time. [more inside]
    posted by tnar23 at 8:28 AM PST - 18 comments

    Can President Kennedy ride the DC/Maryland bus?

    Do WMATA (DC/Maryland SmartTrip-equipped) buses take half-dollar coins? [more inside]
    posted by pavane at 7:20 AM PST - 6 comments

    What are the steps I should take to improve my life?

    I have made a succession of poor decisions. What are the steps I should take to improve my life? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 6:16 AM PST - 19 comments

    What is biting me?

    Lately I've been waking up with insect bites. It's really getting irritating and I don't want the same thing to happen to guests staying at my place, so I'm trying to figure our what this pest is and what I can do about it. Any ideas? [more inside]
    posted by Mechitar at 6:00 AM PST - 19 comments

    Horror manga

    Give me your recommendations for your favorite horror manga.
    posted by Bunny Ultramod at 3:55 AM PST - 12 comments

    Help, I entered an obstacle run and I hate running

    So I entered this mud race this morning, kind of on a whim after a friend told me she entered. I was going to do the 12k with friends, but it was full, so I'm doing the 6k by myself. I'm really concerned about the running part because I hate running with a venomous passion. [more inside]
    posted by nerdfish at 3:33 AM PST - 8 comments

    How do I disable the hardware buttons on my CanoScan LiDE 600F scanner?

    I'd like to completely disable the hardware buttons on my CanoScan LiDE 600F scanner. I never use them, and they are constantly getting pressed accidentally. May need a registry hack. [more inside]
    posted by snarfois at 2:42 AM PST - 8 comments

    August 17

    Is my data written to a TrueCrypt volume only when it's dismounted?

    I'm very interested in TrueCrypt, and am experimenting with moving some of my files (especially stuff I keep in my Dropbox) into TrueCrypt containers. But there's one possible scenario that concerns me, and about which I can't find any solid information -- not on TrueCrypt's site, not via Google, and not here on the green: What happens to my newly generated data if my computer crashes before the TrueCrypt volume I'm working in is dismounted? [more inside]
    posted by Artifice_Eternity at 11:50 PM PST - 7 comments

    Precious Bodily Fluids

    Call me a cheater vegetarian. I love vegetables and grains, and I love the juice and rendered fat from meat. The meat flesh, eh, I can live without. Most of the meat flesh I cook I feed to my cats and crows. Got recipes? Got tips for extraction of meat flavors knowing that the meat may be discarded?
    posted by maggieb at 11:17 PM PST - 12 comments

    Pocket clip for DIY knife sheath

    I am making a small felt sleeve for an antique pocket knife, to protect it from car-keys and loose change. Easy enough. I'd like to add a clip to it so it can discretely ride at the top of my front pants pocket or shirt pocket for quick access, like some eyeglasses cases have. Insanely difficult. Are such clips sold anywhere for crafters, or am I stuck cutting, bending and polishing my own from sheet metal? How do I even go about attaching such a thing to a felt sheath?
    posted by Slap*Happy at 10:40 PM PST - 8 comments

    Should I send my ex-wife an article on "Sensory Processing Disorder"?

    I am recently divorced as of August 7. I believe one of the contributing factors leading to divorce was my ex-wife's tactile defensiveness. [more inside]
    posted by speedoavenger at 10:35 PM PST - 26 comments

    Welcoming foster children.

    My sister has three foster children arriving on Monday. I'd like to help her mark the occasion for them in some way. [more inside]
    posted by megancita at 8:49 PM PST - 13 comments

    Website where each click adds to the story

    I remember a site where you load it up and it says something simple, like "I like tea". And then you click tea and it expands so it says "I like really good tea." And then you can click other words, over and over, until there's finally a whole paragraph. Love the site. Can't remember where it is. Can anyone remember?
    posted by jragon at 7:09 PM PST - 5 comments

    One day in Vancouver.

    What should a person do with one day to kill in Vancouver? [more inside]
    posted by maleru at 6:43 PM PST - 13 comments

    I want to watch The Spectacular Now, RIGHT NOW.

    Help me find a way to watch The Spectacular Now online. Doesn't have to be free. [more inside]
    posted by DayTripper at 6:25 PM PST - 3 comments

    Looking for lovely view around NYC (no car)

    Can I get to a view like this (which happens to be Douglaston, Queens) without a car, coming from Manhattan, NYC? Where there might be a bench or I can bring my little sand chair? Most important things are (1) that I need to be able to get there by public transportation, and (2) that I not require a resident's permit or any such thing to be allowed in.
    posted by DMelanogaster at 6:17 PM PST - 16 comments

    Washington DC: when?

    We are considering just after Christmas or the week of March 17. Which should we choose? [more inside]
    posted by cccorlew at 6:10 PM PST - 13 comments

    The AZ Humane Society killed my friend's dog... basically.

    My friend and her roommate found a wounded stray dog, turned him over to the humane society in hopes that his family would find him, and discovered that he had been send to the pound a day later and then euthanized last night while all week she was desperately trying to find his family AND get someone at the HS to tell her where he was. If she had not been lied to, she would have adopted the dog before he was killed. My friend is a highly involved volunteer worker in our community and she wants to take this public and do something to improve the situation... help us figure out what we can do! [more inside]
    posted by celtalitha at 5:54 PM PST - 21 comments

    Still having problems -- "greatness", self-comparison, etc.

    I initially felt better after last week’s question, but everything came back... I think the answers last week (which were very helpful, by the way) helped me resolve specific career questions, but not the underlying emotional issues. I’ll try to explain it better this time. [more inside]
    posted by myitkyina at 4:36 PM PST - 22 comments

    Help create the Magic™!

    We're going to Orlando, FL for 10 days in September. Help us make this theme-park-heavy adventure as good as it gets. [more inside]
    posted by mazola at 3:54 PM PST - 20 comments

    Scritch Scratch

    Fibro and itching? I'm itching like crazy lately. Is this also a type of nerve pain? I've ruled out allergies and Benadryl doesn't help. It doesn't seem to be dry skin and lotion doesn't help. No changes in detergent, etc and we use free and clear type stuff anyway. The only thing that helps (kinda) is a hot shower. [more inside]
    posted by kathrynm at 2:25 PM PST - 15 comments

    How can I stay motivated without concrete, guaranteed benifits?

    I used to think that I was lazy, but now I find that I can be motivated, dedicated and extremely efficient...but only when there are concrete and guaranteed benifits to my actions. Right now, I want to expand my portfolio and gain some new skills for the sake of increasing my employability and maybe getting a different job. But since this goal is far-off and not guaranteed, I'm having trouble sticking to it and I've been getting nowhere. Is there a way to operate that allows my actions to have short term and guaranteed benefits? [more inside]
    posted by jumelle at 1:33 PM PST - 7 comments

    I need supplies for entry-level leatherworking. Difficulty : cat toys.

    I want to learn how to make cat toys for Captain Tightpants. I've got the design, I know exactly what I want to make... but I lack supplies and some knowledge. [more inside]
    posted by radiopaste at 1:03 PM PST - 7 comments

    How many people physically dependant on opioids live in the US?

    For some odd reason, I can only find statistics estimating the amount of regular heroin users in the US. I'm interested in all opioid based medications, both legal and illicit, prescription or otherwise. I'm interested in both people who are addicted and those who are physically dependent due to pain management. Do reliable statistics exist that encompass this entire population? [more inside]
    posted by WhitenoisE at 12:31 PM PST - 2 comments

    slow cooker reccomendations

    hi which slow cookers do you guys have and what do you recommend. also tell me about blogs and websites on slow cooking etc. [more inside]
    posted by beshtya at 12:28 PM PST - 12 comments

    Shoo fly/come hither, fly

    I believe that attractant-type insect traps like bug zappers, fly bags, CO2 traps et cetera work best if you put them in the vicinity but not too close - 15-20 feet. You want them to go "oooh, hey, what's that over there? Hey, everybody, this thing is over here!" My husband would wear a bug zapper around his neck like Flava Flav if that were feasible, on the principle that he wants all the bugs that come near him to go there instead. [more inside]
    posted by Lyn Never at 12:16 PM PST - 7 comments

    what is the name of this scientific (I think) concept?

    There is a concept I remember reading about but can't remember the name of, and none of my flailing Google searches are coming up with anything. Basically it's the concept of... repeatability? Our assumption that the laws of physics remain constant? The notion that if something occurs once, that given the same circumstances it will happen again, eg every time you add vinegar to baking soda it will foam up and after repeating things enough times we can assume that it will always happen- it won't suddenly burst into flames or turn into a radio or whatever. I remember reading that this assumption is both what science is based on and something we can never know for sure, since all it takes is one instance of flammable baking soda and vinegar to disprove it and maybe that'll happen tomorrow. I'm also not 100% sure this is a real scientific concept and not something I read in science fiction. :[
    posted by insufficient data at 11:44 AM PST - 17 comments

    SFW Rap

    I like to rap, and I really like to rap at work. However the silly, popular, well-known verses I've memorized are getting a little stale and I'd like to learn some more. My key requirement is that they can't be misogynistic, cussy, or overly tasteless. What are the catchiest popular rap verses that are safe for work? [more inside]
    posted by carsonb at 11:43 AM PST - 32 comments

    Old car repairs

    The catalytic converter needs to be replaced. The car is old and I don't have much spare money. What should I do? [more inside]
    posted by lewedswiver at 11:38 AM PST - 25 comments

    Which houseplants are the least tasty to cats?

    Please recommend cat-proof plants. [more inside]
    posted by mermily at 11:28 AM PST - 13 comments

    Red bumps on the roof of my mouth?

    I noticed red bumps on the roof of my mouth and one on each side of my throat I took a video of it here what is the cause of it?
    posted by john123357 at 11:23 AM PST - 9 comments

    Bugs: secret superpowers?

    I have sort of a bozo question about insects and physics. Why is it that when I shoo a wingless insect from, say, my arm, said insects falls the human equivalent of many storeys to the ground and doesn't die? Physics was never my forte, but this seems to defy some basic law, does it not?
    posted by SpecialSpaghettiBowl at 10:38 AM PST - 12 comments

    Cheap eating in my future? What kind of apple trees do I have?

    What sort of apple trees do I have in my backyard? I'm in Northern California. Photos: Apple: one two, Tree: one two
    posted by porn in the woods at 10:37 AM PST - 13 comments

    Information or experience about the online store,

    Has anyone used this online store? It is legit? [more inside]
    posted by ragtimepiano at 9:51 AM PST - 8 comments

    Dating, touching, "sparks", and so on... what should I be looking for?

    I'm an late-20s-guy finally starting to date for the first time. Overall, I'm finding the process fun, but as someone completely new to relationships and how they form - and someone who's self-analytical to the point of over-analyzing - I feel a little uncertain as to what's expected of me, and how I should behave on the first few dates. I've found a few useful resources on the Internet, but there's a lot of creepy advice out there, and I'd like to get some feedback from real people. So: when should I expect to feel a "spark"? Do you start touching your date in small ways before you feel a connection, or do you really only do that if you feel something? And what are the expectations surrounding that first kiss? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 8:30 AM PST - 23 comments

    How to paint all sides of small wooden things

    I've got some small wooden pieces (from a board game) that I'd like to paint a different color. I'm unsure of how to accomplish this. There are too many to realistically hand-paint. The pieces don't weigh much and if I spray paint them, they're going to tumble around and end up with some paint on the bottom. (That means that they'll probably stick to whatever surface I try to dry them on). Same goes for dipping them in paint - I'm not sure how would I dry them afterwards. I feel like there has to be some ingenious solution that I'm just not thinking of. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
    posted by chrisamiller at 8:10 AM PST - 10 comments

    It's a big, good, really big, good vocabulary.

    I can't remember a word. It denotes the emotion of recognizing that another person shares the same form of subjective experience as you. When I read it, it implied, to me, a poetic opposite of solipsism. I believe it was single, simple word, English-sounding, and not merely a string of Latin or Greek roots. Seems like I read the definition on Mefi. Can you help me recall this word?
    posted by rlk at 8:05 AM PST - 16 comments

    Worm Sign?

    Are automatic 401k enrollments, with no employee notifications, normal? [more inside]
    posted by The Monocled Puppet of Sock at 7:40 AM PST - 18 comments

    Advice for coping with abusive partner when I can't simply leave

    My partner of 6 years is behaving more and more violently each day. The worst of it manifests as screaming threats to divorce me or hurt me, but even on "normal" days I walk on eggshells to avoid triggering my partners's sensitivities. I've fled my house on more than one occasion in the last month. I've called on about as many friends as i can for temporary housing, and I have no family left in this world who would care for me longer term. I can't just leave my house because I hold sole responsibility for the mortgage (plus the down payment and the refi and the majority of the income that keeps this whole thing going). Also, my beloved pets live here and if I disappear to avoid abuse, I don't know what would happen to them. "Just leave" is not a solution. What reasonable actions can I take to protect myself, my pets and my property? Yes, I have a lawyer and a therapist and neither have ever dealt with someone who is splitting from a partner that is so awfully mean, so I am short on constructive strategies. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 6:53 AM PST - 32 comments

    What do we need to know before this reality show interviews us?

    The producers of a very famous reality show* are going to be in my place of employment today, "casting" employees to be part of a possible new reality show. What do we need to know to before we talk to them? [more inside]
    posted by MexicanYenta at 6:39 AM PST - 20 comments

    A few questions about my first curry.

    Earlier this week, I made this 'Asian-Style Chicken Curry', and it was delicious. I just have a couple of questions on altering the recipe. [more inside]
    posted by graventy at 5:52 AM PST - 13 comments

    Am I overreacting or is my friend a narcissist?

    Am I overreacting or is my friend a narcissist? [more inside]
    posted by stedman15 at 5:36 AM PST - 23 comments

    Where to stay in Sydney, Australia?

    I'm going to Sydney for a weekend and I'm looking for your recommendations of reasonably cheap accommodation - either cheapish hotels or hostels. I'm not looking for anywhere with a party vibe, but I'm open to suggestions apart from that. Ta!
    posted by EatMyHat at 12:35 AM PST - 11 comments

    August 16

    Entocrort vs. Prednisone?

    I have ulcerative colitiis. I'm interested in hearing about your experience in tapering prednisone and intrtoducing entocort. [more inside]
    posted by janey47 at 11:34 PM PST - 2 comments

    Oh....huh, yeah, uh, that sounds totally reasonable!

    How to deal with feeling duped about something that (in retrospect) should've been clearly a lie/exaggeration? [more inside]
    posted by myntu at 10:25 PM PST - 20 comments

    Did my mom just get scammed?

    A strange man approached my mom at work tonight claiming to be from Verizon, asked for her by name, and insisted she take a backup battery charger from him. (Full story with additional weird details below the fold.) This is surely some sort of scam, but how? Have you heard of this happening to anyone else? [more inside]
    posted by rhiannonstone at 9:57 PM PST - 40 comments

    Where's a good outdoorsy night spot in Seattle?

    I'm in Seattle with a friend for the weekend. It's 8:30. We're looking to wander a bit tonight, hopefully outside, hopefully with a good view of the city or some impressive natural phenomenon. Any suggestions? [more inside]
    posted by vecchio at 8:40 PM PST - 5 comments

    Strong Single Woman? Is there like...Cliff notes for this or something?

    I'm single again. I know...KNOW that I MUST learn how to be OK with myself single. I crave being that strong, single women that people are drawn to and admire. But I'm to the point that I can't just say "I'm amazing!" and *snaps fingers* everything is peachy keen again. I need some specific things to do in order to move forward, distract myself from my loneliness, and learn to like being single. Can you add to the list of things to do? Come on in! [more inside]
    posted by MultiFaceted at 8:23 PM PST - 26 comments

    Globalisation might not be working for me

    I'm still feeling very lonely and terribly homesick over a month after my first question. In fact, it's been getting worse, and I think I might have developed some serious issues. Special snowflake details inside. Thank you for reading. [more inside]
    posted by LoonyLovegood at 7:54 PM PST - 9 comments

    ChoirFilter: Please help vet my song choice -- first time auditioner!

    I have an audition with a classical community choir in a few weeks and need some help choosing music, and tips on surviving the experience. [more inside]
    posted by apcmwh at 6:05 PM PST - 12 comments

    It wasn't that bad, but I'm reacting as if it was.

    In short, I'm looking for advice on how to heal from situations that have caused the sort of reaction you get from abuse without the situation actually being abusive. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 6:05 PM PST - 27 comments

    Songs about letting go of unrequited love?

    I'm trying to make a playlist to help me get past an unrequited-love situation. I'm looking for songs where the people actually know each other, not ones where they're in love with a stranger. [more inside]
    posted by Autumn at 5:42 PM PST - 38 comments

    How to present a copy of a ribbon-themed poem as a wedding gift?

    I have commissioned a poem for some lovely, non-materialistic friends, who requested no gifts for their wedding. The theme of the poem is the leminscate (a figure 8) as a metaphor for marriage, and it evokes the word's greek meaning of "decorated with ribbons." This would seem to lend itself to some interesting, crafty ideas for how to frame or print a copy of the poem, but I am not crafty, and am drawing a blank. And it probably shouldn't look like one of those "Support our Troops" ribbon icons either. Any better ideas?
    posted by yarly at 5:28 PM PST - 7 comments

    TV Filter: Name That "Wings" Episode!

    In which episode of "Wings" does Lowell pretend to be Fay's boyfriend? [more inside]
    posted by Michele in California at 4:18 PM PST - 4 comments

    Bad live sound: Venue or band?

    I saw a reasonably popular rock band in a smallish venue a few months back and the sound was atrocious. It was all bass and drums and I could barely hear the guitar, keyboards or vocals. This band in no way plays bass heavy music. Is the band or the venue at fault? [more inside]
    posted by cnc at 3:54 PM PST - 13 comments

    Can I make Fire + Wood Deck = Safe?

    We will be building a deck in a few weeks, and another aspect we would like to have with our new outdoor environment is a nice small fire to sit around for the cooler Minnesota evenings. What are our options without risking burning the deck (and/or the house) down? [more inside]
    posted by SquidLips at 3:51 PM PST - 11 comments

    How many dollars is a human life worth to the US government?

    On NPR today, I heard an explanation of why there are less safety requirements for cargo planes than for passenger planes: Every time the government (USA) wants to implement a new safety measure, they are required to run a cost/benefits analysis. Since an accident on a passenger plane can kill a whole bunch of people, while one on a cargo plane is likely to only kill the pilot and the copilot, it's more difficult to get a safety measure past the required threshold on the cost/benefits for a cargo plane than for a passenger plane. This to me implies that they must have put a dollar value on each human life; otherwise they couldn't compare cost in dollars versus benefit in lives saved. What is that price? [more inside]
    posted by Flunkie at 3:38 PM PST - 7 comments

    Photoshop (CS6, Win) Filter: Can't seem to turn off color profile? Help!

    For some reason, photos that I edit in CS6 that look fine in Photoshop, and also fine after saving when then browsing them in Windows Photo Viewer - appear much, much redder when browsing them from various web services (Facebook, Phanfare, Dropbox photo viewer), regardless of browser selection (FF, IE, Chrome). [more inside]
    posted by bitterkitten at 3:35 PM PST - 2 comments

    Bulk Produce in Vancouver

    In August, I usually buy a bushel of tomatoes and make a 12-month supply of canned sauce, soups, and salsas. Where can I buy a bushel of tomatoes and other bulk produce in Vancouver, Canada?
    posted by Apollo's Favorite Mistake at 3:21 PM PST - 4 comments

    Intensive programming "bootcamp" in California?

    I'm interested in taking a month or possibly two off work and focusing intensely during that time on a very practical course of study related to web development. What are my options in California similar to this program? [more inside]
    posted by jsturgill at 3:16 PM PST - 7 comments

    Help the frustated gamblin' man get his small money fix.

    What would be the most accessible and cost effective way for a U.S. resident to get a small value daily gambling fix? I enjoyed the daily stock market positions on Intrade (RIP), for instance. Day trading? Other gambling sites? Betting sidewalk strangers on coin flips? [more inside]
    posted by bepe at 3:08 PM PST - 9 comments

    Blondes have more fun?

    Is there a trick to maintaining blonde hair when your natural hair is a medium to dark brown? [more inside]
    posted by toerinishuman at 2:54 PM PST - 8 comments

    What else to do with a bumper crop of plums?

    Near our house, we found a delightful Damson plum tree, that's busting at the branches. We picked too many. I need your best preserving/canning/fermenting plans that can use up the rest of these. [more inside]
    posted by furnace.heart at 2:52 PM PST - 12 comments

    I work with ER patients, not bed bugs, thankyouverymuch

    How do I prevent getting bed bugs while working in two emergency rooms? this is pretty much the question, but if you like details, there are some inside! [more inside]
    posted by carlypennylane at 2:41 PM PST - 6 comments

    What's your best tip for Burning Man?

    We've gone to Burning Man for a few years. This year a friend is joining us who is a burgin. We know there are things that have become automatic to us that we won't remember to pass on - and probably things we've never figured out that are great ides. What's your best tip, or tips, for Burning Man?
    posted by rednikki at 2:02 PM PST - 16 comments

    Kiln In the Name Of

    Thinking of getting a kiln. Can my house's wiring handle it? (UK) [more inside]
    posted by popcassady at 1:55 PM PST - 4 comments

    Best short folktale?

    Looking for a short, entertaining folktale that I can tell, that is under ten minutes long. What's your favorite?
    posted by storybored at 1:47 PM PST - 13 comments

    Help me with my LED Light Motorcycle Jacket Project (in California)

    I'm planning a project to put strips of LED lights on my jacket to increase my day-time visibility in heavy LA traffic, which I commute through every day. So far, I have a general plan, but I'm a little unsure of California laws regarding lights, and I have never actually worked with LEDs before so I'm looking for tips/tricks/suggestions to make it work. [more inside]
    posted by brenton at 1:18 PM PST - 7 comments

    Suggest how to change Tumblr images into mountable photos

    I am doing an art project. Looking to be brought out to speed on the next step as it has been a long time since I have printed photos. How can I transfer these images from laptop into photographs?
    posted by goalyeehah at 1:17 PM PST - 1 comment

    A directionless 20-something, how original.

    I need help figuring out the next step to take in my life. [more inside]
    posted by bluloo at 12:56 PM PST - 10 comments

    Old Short Film?

    My memory suggests there was a very short film in the early days of HBO that had a father and son sharing a family ritual around drinking out of a chalice in an unexpected way. Can anyone point me to this? My -fu failing.
    posted by sagwalla at 12:48 PM PST - 2 comments

    Un-comfortably numb. Is this right?

    Stupid question filter: how are (prescribed) narcotic painkillers supposed to make you feel? Is painkiller a misnomer? Do they really reduce / relieve your pain? [more inside]
    posted by falldownpaul at 12:41 PM PST - 42 comments

    Seeking pretty, engaging games with no violence.

    Need non-violent game recommendations. Have Xbox 360 (never used), a badass PC, and iPad. Like pretty, detailed environments, exploration, puzzles/deduction, mystery, adventure. Dislike all but the most very mild violence, and also not very good with things that are time-sensitive (like having to do things very, very quickly or have a good reaction time to succeed). Many years ago in the mid-late '90s I enjoyed Myst/Riven, The 7th Guest, Zork Nemesis, the X-Files game, the Titanic game, and a couple other exploring worlds/figuring things out things that I can't remember the names of. [more inside]
    posted by rabbitrabbit at 12:14 PM PST - 48 comments

    With a boulder in my basement, I'm feelin' kinda older

    How can get a GIANT BOULDER out of my basement? It's from the old foundation, and it's too big and unwieldy for four people to lift. It also won't fit through the door unless it were somehow shifted to it's narrow side (on which it wouldn't balance, so it would have to be supported by the four people who can't lift it). Is there some way to break it apart? (I've got no overhead to swing a sledge hammer). Or any other thoughts? This feels like something the geologists and engineers could help me with!
    posted by largecorp at 12:13 PM PST - 25 comments

    Is there a way to bulk download all metadata from my YouTube channel?

    I have been tasked with collecting information to report on my company's YouTube channel so we can be more consistent with tags, descriptions etc. Is there a way to bulk download everything from the channel except the video files? [more inside]
    posted by under_petticoat_rule at 12:01 PM PST - 2 comments

    Timing Belt Replacement on 2002 Honda Civic

    My daughter is embarking on a longish road trip in September. She as an '02 Civic that has a bit over 92K miles on it. I want to cover doing whatever is necessary to make this car not break down. [more inside]
    posted by Danf at 11:57 AM PST - 13 comments

    Mental health and the aging parent, part million

    In short, my 60something mother who struggles with chronic depression has taken a turn for the worse, and I don't know what to do about it. I know this issue has come up a lot on the green, but would like some help and advice with our specific situation. Snowstorm inside. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 11:49 AM PST - 5 comments

    Wedding gift for an intensely practical friend who has everything?

    I have a very good friend who is getting married - I am her maid of honor. She is having a destination wedding, and told guests that she and her husband do not want any gifts, as us making the trip is gift enough. I got a couple small, sentimental things for her that will be meaningful, but I also want to get a nice gift for the couple, especially since they got us some generous gifts from our registry when we got married. More inside... [more inside]
    posted by emily37 at 11:44 AM PST - 32 comments

    Why is my MacBook so slow and will downgrading to Snow Leopard help?

    (Late 2008 Aluminum Unibody MacBook. Currently running Mountain Lion. 2GHz C2D, 2GB 1067 DDR3.) Over the past year or so, it's been slowing down significantly. I'm getting lockups, especially with web browsers (I use Chrome most of the time, Safari on occasion) where I get the pinwheel for quite a while. It takes a decently long time to boot up. And when I open it up, it usually takes a minute or so to fully exit sleep mode and become usable again. [more inside]
    posted by Modica at 11:38 AM PST - 27 comments

    [UK E-cigs filter] Can you recommend menthol e-cigarettes?

    Asking for my partner - she is looking to give it another go at quitting smoking and would like to try e-cigarettes, can you recommend menthol-based brands and perhaps share some experiences? [more inside]
    posted by coffee_monster at 11:27 AM PST - 1 comment

    Where are the Worms players these days?

    I played the PC game Worms years ago. Which of the many current sequels (if any) has that community moved to? [more inside]
    posted by 4th number at 11:24 AM PST - 2 comments

    Ergonomic chair setup... but for knee issues, not back

    I have found I am hastening the deterioration of an already gimpy knee by virtue of my office chair sitting habits. I tend to perch or sit with my legs tucked under me. Or I cross my legs to the point where it looks like limb braiding. I'm trying to decide if I want to move to something like a yoga ball to sit on, start using some kind of footstool, or something else. [more inside]
    posted by Wossname at 10:56 AM PST - 6 comments

    What sort of soccer play was this?

    Awhile back I saw a soccer match where there was a play something like a penalty kick, something like a free kick, but not either of those exactly. I'm pretty sure it was taken within the penalty box, but not at the usual spot. The announcers were talking about how rare it was and how many teams don't practice for it. Anyone know what this could have been?
    posted by aerotive at 10:41 AM PST - 6 comments

    Should I tip when I get food at a food truck?

    I live in the U.S. What's the etiquette in that situation? I'm not trying to avoid paying a tip. I just don't know if it is usual or expected. Should a tip be paid as a matter of course or be reserved for special situations? All of the food trucks seem to have tip jars and many (though not all) have a way to add a tip when you pay with a credit card. [more inside]
    posted by Area Man at 10:39 AM PST - 37 comments

    How do I become more direct with my communication?

    I need to be more direct with my communication, and I just find it very difficult to do it. What are some ways I can get over the fears in my head and be more direct, as in, ask for what I need directly and stop being such a pushover? [more inside]
    posted by greta_01 at 10:28 AM PST - 11 comments

    Nanny Share/Co-op Day Care Searching

    I live in Seattle, and am looking for resources on how best to navigate the world of nanny share/day care co-ops [more inside]
    posted by Ideal Impulse at 10:22 AM PST - 8 comments

    Hospice care - Medicare coverage for room and board?

    I am hoping that someone will be able to point me in the direction of any programs that cover room and board in an inpatient hospice care facility in Michigan. The patient is my boyfriend's mother, who has refused chemo and is ready to call hospice to make her remaining time comfortable. She was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer in May and has just been given the prognosis of ~3 months. [more inside]
    posted by slyboots421 at 10:10 AM PST - 14 comments

    I'm Not Really This Terrible At Games, Seriously.

    What Is My Best Controller Option for a Win8 Laptop? [more inside]
    posted by joelhunt at 10:10 AM PST - 10 comments

    New England Boiled Dinner, or any tips, really

    I will be spending a few days in Boston and Burlington soon, using I 89 to get between the two. I need the advice of NE mefites on 2 fronts: 1) where can I get the best NE boiled dinner? 2)what are the best roadside attractions/eateries on I 89? thanks!
    posted by CookieNose at 10:07 AM PST - 8 comments

    There has got to be a twist

    Help me find an arcade with a ton of pinball machines in Rehoboth Beach. [more inside]
    posted by Diskeater at 9:12 AM PST - 5 comments

    Phone Recommendation! Difficulty: Telus QWERTY

    What is the best QWERTY Android phone I can buy right now, to use on the Telus network?
    posted by Jairus at 9:12 AM PST - 11 comments

    What is the federal poverty guideline for 100% paid medical aid for HCAP

    I live in OHIO we have a program called HCAP. If you are under 400% of the federal poverty guideline, you get SOME % of free medical care. If you are within a certain threshhold you will receive 100% free medical care. I assume that the income threshold is some % of the federal poverty guideline. What % is that and how much money is that (maximum income allowed to receive 100% free medical care)? Thank you here is another link to HCAP
    posted by kikithekat at 8:28 AM PST - 7 comments

    No-tahini hummus that tastes as close as possible to classic hummus?

    My daughter will have a sesame-allergic child in her kindergarten class, so I can't make her my usual hummus for lunches. I would like a substitute for tahini that results in a hummus that is the most like classic hummus (chick peas, tahini, olive oil, lemon, garlic, salt) for taste and texture -- the best would be if she doesn't realize it's any different. Any suggestions?
    posted by palliser at 8:22 AM PST - 24 comments

    Who coined "at play in the fields of the Lord"?

    Where does the phrase "at play in the field[s]of the Lord" originally come from? I've seen Ray Bradbury quote it, and it's title of a book by Peter Matthiessen and a couple different movies, and it's used in various articles here and there. I assume it comes from something older.
    posted by shivohum at 8:13 AM PST - 4 comments

    iPhone contacts: image issue

    All contacts on my iPhone have the wrong image associated with them. [more inside]
    posted by kalapierson at 8:04 AM PST - 5 comments

    What are the best American historic sites east of the Mississippi

    My husband and I want to carefully plan a series of American History field trips for our family, to take place over the next 3-6 years. We live in Northern New England and are, ourselves, pretty conversant in US History. Can you help us plan what we should see and -- most importantly -- what order we should see it in? [more inside]
    posted by anastasiav at 8:02 AM PST - 36 comments

    How does the mother bird know which baby bird to feed next?

    Little daughter and I were watching a birds' nest this morning where four little sparrows were getting fed by their mom (or maybe dad?) Each time the mother bird came back, all four sparrows would screech and open their mouths wide and the mother would give one of them some food. My question is: how does the mother ensure that each chick gets enough food? I can think of at least two theories: 1. The adult bird has enough working memory to know who got the last bit of food, or even who's gone the longest without food; or 2. Hungrier chicks screech louder and the adult bird gives food to the loudest screecher. Do we know which of these is right, or whether the real answer is something else entirely?
    posted by escabeche at 7:41 AM PST - 8 comments

    Working remotely... from my living room

    Is it possible/remotely feasible to use my PC remotely from another room in the house? [more inside]
    posted by missmagenta at 7:11 AM PST - 11 comments

    Trying to remember a poem - "three than four then many more"

    That's really the only string I can grab at it "Three then four, then many more" or maybe
    posted by Atticus Swanson at 6:53 AM PST - 1 comment

    Silence incoming phone calls during music play on blue tooth speaker

    With a Motorola Droid Razr HD, is there a way to silence incoming phone calls and/or texts so that when using a bluetooth speaker, the music played from an internal playlist is uninterrupted?
    posted by morganannie at 6:52 AM PST - 8 comments

    How long to get ADHD diagnosis?

    I've never had insurance before and am getting it soon. I have seen counselors in the past and have been told that I might have some sort of ADHD and maybe depression. I do have trouble in school, especially in math and science classes. In order for the disability services at my school to provide me services, I need a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist to evaluate me. How long after I sign up for one of these will I start seeing him or her? How many sessions are there usually before they can evaluate me properly? I need to do this in a span of 4 months for spring semesters classes so I can receive accommodations. Is this asking too much? Will it be too quick? [more inside]
    posted by eq21 at 6:48 AM PST - 17 comments

    A message to brighten a day

    My windows look out onto a train platform where thousands of tired, stressed, or lonely people stand and wait every day in New York. On other platforms I've seen people put signs up in their windows as messages for the folks waiting for a train. What message could I put up in my window to make people smile or make their days just a little bit better?
    posted by gregoryg at 6:47 AM PST - 37 comments

    Check your phone at the (classroom) door.

    Are there compelling legal or safety reasons that would make a blanket "cell phones off" policy in a college classroom a bad idea? [more inside]
    posted by Austenite at 2:44 AM PST - 42 comments

    How do I find the Chinese weather forecast from CCTV online?

    Hello, Someone told me that a good way to practice Chinese pronounciation is to try to imitate the Chinese weather forecast from CCTV. I'm having some difficulty navigating the CCTV page. [more inside]
    posted by Musashi Daryl at 2:28 AM PST - 4 comments

    Drama with a potential roommate - time to cut and run?

    I've been planning to move to another city, and become roommates with a friend, but things got a bit weird this week and I don't know whether to fight the urge to run away fast or instead listen to it and head for higher ground. [more inside]
    posted by six sided sock at 1:53 AM PST - 39 comments

    August 15

    Help Me Find This Woven Cat Blanket

    My friend has this woven throw blanket with cats on it that she's had since she was a little kid (ie 1994 or so). It's getting sort of threadbare now and I would really like to find the exact same blanket and give it to her for Christmas this year, but I have no idea what kind of blanket it is nor do I know who might have made hers. I figure it's either super rare, or crazy ubiquitous, but "cat woven throw" yields weird results on Google. Better leads needed, please!
    posted by Hello Darling at 11:04 PM PST - 6 comments

    What short story collection was the story story "Pagent Wagon" in?

    Wikipedia claims that "Pageant Wagon" by Orson Scott Card has only ever been in the short story collection The Folk of the Fringe (1989). This is wrong, as I've read it, and I've never read an OSR short story collection. I can even remember exactly when and where I read it, but not the name of the short story collection. So, what other short story collection has it been in? Possibly under another name? [more inside]
    posted by Canageek at 10:45 PM PST - 5 comments

    What is going on here? (Relationship clarity)

    Some advice needed on a newly poly marriage...issues regarding imbalance of resources/effort, feelings of rejection, control issues, etc Please PM me if you think that will be more helpful. [more inside]
    posted by queenba at 10:20 PM PST - 41 comments

    Natural Gas Smell

    I did something colossally stupid this evening: Put up some pasta on the stove and then fell promptly asleep for a little while on the couch. Woke up to a terrible smell of natural gas. Found the water in the pot had spilled over and doused the flame of the burner it was cooking on. With the gas on high. It was probably like that for about 10 minutes or so. And now, four hours later, the house still has a strong-ish odor. Here is my question: does the smell indicate that gas is still present in the house, and if so, should I be concerned for the health and safety of my small children, who are sleeping a hallway away from the kitchen? [more inside]
    posted by zarq at 10:13 PM PST - 13 comments

    Maxima vs Acura TL smackdown

    Debating a new car. Nissan Maxima versus Acura TL? Or something else entirely? [more inside]
    posted by treehorn+bunny at 9:47 PM PST - 9 comments

    How did you get so toned? I have no idea...

    I want to tone up a bit. I'm female, 30yrs, very satisfied with my weight and overall body shape. I've always been on the thin side and eat pretty healthy so I'm not looking to lose weight or improve my lifestyle. I have a lot going on right now so I don't want to commit to the gym or an exercise regimen. I just want to get toned by doing things here and there in my normal day to day life. I'm looking for ideas that I can do when I do other things, such as squats when I brush my teeth, or push ups in the ad breaks when I watch TV. Arm curls with cans of soup while waiting for the pasta to cook , that kind of thing. I'm not very creative in a fitness sense, so please help me brainstorm and get toned!
    posted by Youremyworld at 9:35 PM PST - 24 comments

    What is the SAFEST / cheapest way to get from Baltimore to DC at night?

    I'm spending a weekend going from Baltimore to DC. I would prefer to bring my car and drive but I think with the hassle of trying to find parking or actually having to pay for parking in the DC/Arlington area it would be easier to take the train. I'm not too familiar with Baltimore's Penn Station at night and I'm a concerned for my safety if I were to park in a garage and have to return to their at night. Where is it safe to park at night at Penn Station? And how much would it cost? ... Are there any other alternative ideas? Thanks in advance!
    posted by proficiency101 at 9:27 PM PST - 13 comments

    Stoner/Sludge Metal: Where should I start?

    Thanks to a recent mefi comment, I have become aware of Stoner Metal and Sludge Metal, and I am intrigued. Listening to a few bands on youtube (Ufomammut, Horse Latitudes, Capricorns) it reminds me of the late 1970s/early 1980s when I was a teen listening to lots of early heavy metal (Black Sabbath, Saxon, Deep Purple, etc.) I've been out of touch with most of heavy metal for 20 years; what 21st century bands and/or albums should an old-school Sabbath fan listen to?
    posted by fings at 9:15 PM PST - 29 comments

    Addicted to bad foods

    Please anyone with any knowledge or experience in binge eating with junk food please help me. I am a 27 yr old male who has been struggling with binging on fast food and junk for the past 15 years. I am tired of it, but my brain is not. IF that makes any sense. I just crave this trash constantly. I love it, but I hate it. I try to quit everyday. I wake up go running. Try to imagine how sweet my life would be fit and healthy. And by the end of the day I am attacking the vending machine at work or hitting up some fast food. This has truly ruined my life. I quit hanging out with friends, feel disgusting when I talk to girls. Feel disgusting in my own clothes. I am tired of it, but still I manage to attack every bad food in sight. I have been addicted to painkillers, and trust me these cravings are 10x worse. I quit painkillers, but I cannot quit eating bad. ANybody with any advice please help.
    posted by Truts83 at 8:39 PM PST - 33 comments

    Recommend books or textbooks on political communication?

    I'm going to be teaching a second-year journalism-school course in political writing. I'd like to expand the curriculum a bit to build in elements of the study of political communication: The rhetoric, the language, the semiotic warfare of politics and persuasion. But I'm a working journalist, not an academic, and my understanding of such things is largely self-taught. So I need a book or textbook to formalize my own understanding and develop course materials from. Any suggestions? (Bonus: Suggestions for Canadians, which we happen to be?) [more inside]
    posted by bicyclefish at 8:08 PM PST - 2 comments

    Trying to understand privacy in the Snowden era

    What identifying info does your laptop send? [more inside]
    posted by LonnieK at 8:03 PM PST - 8 comments

    Moving to Warsaw for a few months!

    I'm moving to Warsaw this winter for a few months. I'd love your help in figuring out where to live, cool things to do, etc.! [more inside]
    posted by carolinaherrera at 7:51 PM PST - 2 comments

    Things to bring to France?

    I'm going to France for seven months to teach English to French high schoolers with a program through the French government. I'm incredibly excited to try my hand at teaching and improve my French. As someone with a chronic medical condition, I'm also excited to be enrolled in the Sécu and the MGEN - I imagine my medical costs will be some of the lowest in my life! Anyway, my question is what to bring to France for seven months, 1) for general quality of life, and 2) as teaching materials for my high schoolers. [more inside]
    posted by Devika at 7:50 PM PST - 9 comments

    How to see inside something? Hot water flow pattern? Fiber Optic?

    I have a project where I need to see inside a sealed cup to see water flow pattern. The water is hot. I was thinking of a fiber optic camera, but need some help. The idea would be to make this repeatable. So the top and bottom are punctured to push water through at brew time. Any thoughts on device? Setup?
    posted by strangej at 6:57 PM PST - 8 comments

    Brine AND dry rub chicken?

    I always brine my chicken before BBQing, like any good cook. I have a new jerk dry rub from the farmers market that instructs me to leave it on the chicken for 24 hours. How can I get the benefits of the brine and of the long dry rub exposure both?
    posted by Cosine at 6:11 PM PST - 11 comments

    Ok, so we've split up, now who gets custody of the book idea?

    My ex and I had a couple of ideas for books before we started dating. They were joint ideas and something we were going to work on together. Unfortunately our working styles clashed and very little got done on even the main one. I want to have the option to actually put the hard work in to develop the story from the tiny amount of info I have now into a finished story at some point in the future. So is it possible, wise, legal or even moral to ask him to sign something saying he relinquishes the rights to the ideas in return for a very small royalty IF I finsih the books and get them published? [more inside]
    posted by Ranting Prophet of DOOM! at 5:36 PM PST - 13 comments

    Can I eat it: stanky milk custard edition.

    My sweet boyfriend just cooked me some delicious Bird's custard. I learned (after it was cooked) that the milk he used was the old one - the date on the container is 7/29. I sniffed it and it smells stinky to me. It is not lumpy. When you make the custard you do bring it up to a low boil, not sure if that will be a factor. Should I eat it? Would you eat it?
    posted by sleepykitties at 5:23 PM PST - 11 comments

    Yep, Still Sucking Hard

    As previously mentioned, my best pal has a really ugly case of ovarian cancer happening right now. The situation is terrible, the outlook grim. But I know how to make her laugh, which is one of my official jobs on Team Sick Friend. But I need more material! [more inside]
    posted by BlahLaLa at 4:53 PM PST - 18 comments

    Making eye contact while singing in front of a close audience

    I sing with a small group of vocalists and instrumentalists on a monthly basis. Often it's in a bar/restaurant or other situations where the audience is very close to me (sometimes sitting right in front of me.) Sometimes I sing solos, and I can't figure out where to direct my gaze when I do because of the closeness. Should I make eye contact with the audience, even when they're right in front of me? Should I move my head back and forth and survey the entire crowd? What should I be doing as a performer? Thanks very much for any help you can give me.
    posted by Jenesta at 4:51 PM PST - 10 comments

    Show me instances of fans/coaches directly affecting a sports event?

    I'd like to see instances of fans or coaches directly (hopefully legally, and positively) affecting a sports event, I know there are baseball catches by fans, and Doc Rivers calls time out. [more inside]
    posted by crawltopslow at 4:30 PM PST - 18 comments

    Massive knee-jerk reaction. Literally!

    What does it mean when the doctor hits your knee with the rubber mallet and you kick like a Rockette? [more inside]
    posted by hellameangirl at 4:15 PM PST - 9 comments

    Timeline of fitness gains with added core strength training

    Starting with a personal trainer doing strength training 1x/ week. How long before I start to see real results? [more inside]
    posted by mmmmbobo at 3:54 PM PST - 7 comments

    A Gentle Man, Not a Girly Man

    I'm a bisexual man looking to date bisexual and gay men. In the "what I'm looking for" section of my dating profile, I'm trying to describe the sort of man I'm attracted to, and I need some help. [more inside]
    posted by user c at 3:26 PM PST - 26 comments

    What's the best cell phone for texting?

    Not your usual question. I'm on a family plan with unlimited everything so I'm not asking about plans or providers. I just want to be able to text a lot without strife. [more inside]
    posted by The Biggest Dreamer at 3:18 PM PST - 21 comments

    I know I want to keep it, but can't. So can you, library dearest?

    In order to declutterize myself, I'm thinking of donating some stuff to yon local library. Thing is, I would like to be certain that it would end up on shelves and not in the dump. So how do they choose what to keep...rarity? Value? Usefulness to the common public? Is there anyway I can persuade / convince the library to keep my donation? [more inside]
    posted by ditto75 at 2:57 PM PST - 25 comments

    How can I script changes to a few hundred files

    I have a few hundred text files, all in the same directory , each of which contain a single line of text that looks like so: string OR string OR string ... OR string OR I need to add "EID(" to the beginning of each file, and replace the last "OR " with a ")" I am on a Mac and am fine with Terminal- it is how I got this far. At this point though, I am totally failing at getting the right awk or sed to make this happen. Hope me? [more inside]
    posted by rockindata at 2:35 PM PST - 6 comments

    How much help should I accept from my husband who left me?

    After being partners for 18 years, including 10 years of marriage, this week my husband left me because he "loves me but isn't in love with me". He is being very kind about it, which I deeply appreciate, but I don't know how much of his help it is healthy for me to accept? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 2:34 PM PST - 54 comments

    Seeking ftm top surgery recommendations!

    I am beginning to seriously look into ftm top surgery (double mastectomy for a more masculine chest) within the next couple of years. I would like your recommendations of surgeons to look into. If you or someone you know has had a good (or bad!) experience, please let me know. Looking for names, locations, ballpark cost, and any specific requirements I should know about. [more inside]
    posted by blnkfrnk at 2:18 PM PST - 6 comments

    Do I have to buy Photoshop/Illustrator?

    I'm 27 and I want to learn design on the side just for the hell of it, not because it has anything to do with the job I have now. Does that mean I have to buy Photoshop and Illustrator to start with? [more inside]
    posted by Busoni at 2:11 PM PST - 19 comments

    But wait, there's more!

    Do you like RedLetterMedia? What else do you like? [more inside]
    posted by hayvac at 2:02 PM PST - 7 comments

    Big Ol' Map

    Does anybody know about a huge relief map of the US? [more inside]
    posted by John of Michigan at 1:55 PM PST - 7 comments

    I think I've got the basics down; how can I improve my bicycle skills?

    I'm new to bike riding as an adult; I'm riding to work but would like to improve in the areas of balance, stamina, and pace. [more inside]
    posted by stellaluna at 1:40 PM PST - 23 comments

    What questions should I ask when going to look at a flat to rent?

    What questions should I ask when going to look at a flat to rent? [more inside]
    posted by sockpim at 1:24 PM PST - 11 comments

    Where talk music?

    MFers where do you like to go to discuss or read discussions about music, specifically modern electronic music? I don't mean where to read articles, reviews, interviews; those are nice, and I read those websites, and I know most of those websites have forums... but most of them don't seem to be very good, and to be honest I haven't really, really explored them. Is there anywhere that consistently has a high level discourse from users? Or is it all 90% signatures, images, and yelling "BIG TRACK" ... [more inside]
    posted by J0 at 1:20 PM PST - 9 comments

    Looking for a YA novel about boats

    I'm looking for a YA novel that was: - published before 1989 - omniscient third-person narrator - is set sometime between the 17th and 19th centuries - is set on a large ship (a schooner, I believe) I read a book matching this description as required reading in my eighth grade English class. Can you help me figure out what it was?
    posted by pxe2000 at 12:53 PM PST - 5 comments

    Resizing and Creating a PDF from an AI file

    I have a 39KB AI file I need to resize into a 20MB PFD - while retaining all image quality for print. Thank you so much!
    posted by brookem at 12:39 PM PST - 15 comments

    Stream tv over wifi

    Is it possible to stream a tv signal from my computer over wifi to a mobile android device? [more inside]
    posted by peacay at 12:22 PM PST - 18 comments

    Good Rap With Minimal Swears

    After perusing the current Kendrick Lamar thread, in which people are squabbling about whether or not "bitch, motherfucker" is the essence of rap, it seems worth it to ask for some recommendations of good rap music with no swears. [more inside]
    posted by Going To Maine at 12:11 PM PST - 35 comments

    Money, money, mon-ey. Mo-ney. (on a Mac and iPhone?)

    I’m looking for a money management app for Mac that also syncs with iPhone. What do you use and why? (I’ve looked here on Metafilter and found little to nothing that’s recent). [more inside]
    posted by brokeaspoke at 12:11 PM PST - 10 comments

    Best Dallas thrift/second hand clothing stores

    So, I need to start building a decent work-ready wardrobe and I wanted to try going the thrift second hand route. I'm a 35 year old male with pretty sedate tastes in clothing that skew in the heritage and ivy league directions. Any places in DFW I should look? thanks
    posted by senseofsurreal at 11:59 AM PST - 3 comments

    Where to Stay on the Big Island?

    In February my family (couple and 9 year old) are going to the Big Island of Hawaii for 9 days. We're arriving in Kona at 9:30pm on a Friday, and leave the following Sunday at 10:30pm (a red-eye). We're haven't made any reservations for where to stay yet, and I'm wondering where and what are best choices. [more inside]
    posted by ShooBoo at 11:58 AM PST - 9 comments

    How to I navigate this open-ended offer to expand my (entry level) job?

    How to I navigate this open-ended offer to expand my (entry level) job? And which tasks would be appropriate. [more inside]
    posted by winterportage at 11:52 AM PST - 4 comments

    Say ftp for me

    Say I was a cartoonist who needed to set up an ftp site ... [more inside]
    posted by lpsguy at 11:51 AM PST - 17 comments

    Dyson won't work with vacuum storage bags.

    I have a bunch of vacuum storage bags, but I own a Dyson DC25 upright vacuum cleaner. The attachment nozzle doesn't work for vacuum bags since it has a protrusion for attaching different heads. [more inside]
    posted by krunk at 11:46 AM PST - 5 comments

    Alternative to post-op shoe for broken toe?

    I broke my pinkie toe and have to immobilize it for at least a month. This means buddy-taping, no pressure on the toe, and wearing a post-op shoe if I'm walking further than the confines of my studio apartment. The shoe is both terrible and, technically, optional. What could I replace it with? [more inside]
    posted by thesmallmachine at 11:41 AM PST - 15 comments

    I don't want to cry, but I also don't want to have to not pay attention

    I am an epic ugly crier, and I cry incredibly easily. I have always been this way, and a lot of my family are the same way. We attribute it to my grandmother, who we always joked must have her tear ducts connected to her bladder. Happy things, sad things, frustration, excitement. Not pain for some reason, but just about any emotion will make me cry. When I really get going I hyperventillate, lose the ability to talk (relating to the hyperventilating I guess), my skin goes super blotchy, and man... it is just ugly. And it takes a long time to calm back down. Added bonus is that I usually top all this off with an epic cry headache afterwards. This is a problem because I am getting married in a month and I seriously don't want to be ugly crying my face off the entire time. As it stands I can't even READ the ceremony without getting teary. I have no idea how I am ever going to get through saying my vows. [more inside]
    posted by PuppetMcSockerson at 11:03 AM PST - 41 comments

    This question is about vomit. I apologize in advance.

    Why does a person vomit on a schedule when they are sick? Like every 2 hours or something until it just stops? Or is this just me? [more inside]
    posted by magnetsphere at 10:40 AM PST - 12 comments

    Need to find a specific patch

    I need to find an embroidered patch that is a picture of a ticket. Specifics inside. [more inside]
    posted by Lucinda at 10:12 AM PST - 2 comments

    Non-salad wheat free lunches?

    I need some vegetarian wheat-free lunch ideas that are not salad based. Thanks! [more inside]
    posted by JoannaC at 10:07 AM PST - 24 comments

    Best screencasting app for Mac?

    This question has been asked before, but long enough ago that I'd like to see if things have changed: What's the best screencasting app for the Mac? [more inside]
    posted by Pater Aletheias at 9:59 AM PST - 7 comments

    Help a struggling freelance metallurgist/jeweler

    My mom's current gentleman companion, "Fred", works out of his home as a metallurgist/jeweler. He has been making Southwestern style jewelry for decades, and from what I can tell he is very talented. He also makes gorgeous knives and tomahawks. He is older, not particularly tech-savvy, and he is having trouble making ends meet. Help me to help Fred become more successful. [more inside]
    posted by forkisbetter at 9:22 AM PST - 16 comments

    Do you think that graduating from college with a low GPA is the end of

    Do you think that graduating from college with a low GPA is the end of the world? If someone graduated from college with a 2.5 or 2.6 overall GPA, could that person still be successful in his or her career, live a rewarding life, pursue hobbies, and travel around the world? Or would that person be confined to flipping burgers or working at Walmart for the rest of his or her life?
    posted by annanyc at 8:57 AM PST - 71 comments

    Help me find a webcomic equating unethical behavior with climbing stairs

    I'm trying to find an old webcomic I read years ago, possibly linked from metafilter. I remember that it was a really text heavy comic (large walls of text in speech bubbles). It made an analogy between committing immoral acts and climbing stairs. You don't just do evil things outright, you bend what is acceptable to you a little bit at a time, like climbing stairs one step at a time. I also think the webcomic overall had a feminist theme.
    posted by fingo at 8:46 AM PST - 3 comments

    How to easily build a Lucy Van Pelt advice stand/desk?

    I'm going to be a regular for a friend's live show once a month. My "schtick" is to be a Lucy-esque sidekick to her as a host. The stage is small and I will be transporting it in a car. Any suggestions on how to build something low maintenance and portable? It doesn't have to be fancy or complex, I just have no idea where to start in terms of materials and potential construction ideas. TIA!
    posted by patientpatient at 8:44 AM PST - 11 comments

    Name our co-op!

    We're trying to start a co-op in the greater Boston area. Our values are kid-friendliness, parent-friendliness, social justice, and intentional community. We'd like it to be a peaceful, welcoming place. What should we name it?
    posted by woodvine at 8:35 AM PST - 13 comments

    Recommendations for int'l packers/movers from NYC to South America?

    I'm helping someone move from Queens, NYC to Bolivia, and I'd appreciate recommendations on reliable packers/movers that have international moving experience. This would be a small apartment's worth of clothing, kitchen items, TVs, etc, but no furniture. The largest item would be an upright piano that, ideally, could be packed by the same company but, otherwise would be separately crated and shipped with the household effects. In the event that no great int'l movers come to mind, recommendations for a great packer and a great international freight forwarding company would be appreciated.
    posted by the sobsister at 7:38 AM PST - 6 comments

    Any recommendations for washing machine repair companies in Toronto?

    Our washing machine decided yesterday that spinning was no longer something it was required to do. Sadly it did this mid-load. I am not handy and so I am hoping someone has a recommendation on a washing machine fix-it guy in Toronto. [more inside]
    posted by machine at 7:28 AM PST - 5 comments

    Depositing international checks without a hassle

    I have a checking account at PNC Bank. I want to be able to deposit Canadian checks (in Canadian dollars) and they make it a really huge hassle: phone calls, forms, exorbitant fees and then a six week hold on the funds. Are there any US banks that will allow me to open a free checking account and deposit Canadian checks with a minimum of fuss, fees, and delay? I'm entirely willing to look to online options if that makes sense. I'm in Pennsylvania.
    posted by ootandaboot at 7:23 AM PST - 18 comments

    How can I help my mother out of an abusive relationship?

    My mother needs help leaving a bad situation. What do I do? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 7:02 AM PST - 9 comments

    Should I tell my boss our new employee is still looking for other jobs?

    I work in an extremely understaffed department of a financial institution, and our newest employee (a woman I recommended) told me yesterday that she's continuing to "pursue other opportunities." Do I tell my boss? [more inside]
    posted by skycrashesdown at 6:04 AM PST - 34 comments

    Taking care of an old poster

    I just scored an amazing poster from the seventies. It's spent the past few years rolled loose in a storeroom and it's a little bit crunchy. How can I ensure that its wonderfulness endures. [more inside]
    posted by Iteki at 5:43 AM PST - 4 comments

    Dinner ideas for devout Muslim friend

    I have a good friend who is coming to visit us this weekend ~ Yay! She is an observant muslim, and adheres to the dietary guidelines of her religion. We are both keen cooks, and I would like to exhibit a little of my passion, but want to make sure that the food is in keeping with her requirements. Curly issue: we are both in Italy, so pasta and risotto with various vegetable and sauces are already a mainstay of her diet. I am in Umbria, the land of pork, and there is no halal butcher around for 100s of miles. Any ideas Hivemind?
    posted by Flashduck at 5:00 AM PST - 18 comments

    DIYers: How to make XL-XXL men's t-shirts feminine and fashionable?

    I recently lost a significant amount of weight and now the men's t-shirts I found most suitable and comfortable for my body type when I was severely overweight are now too big for me. I don't want to give them away because they're immensely soft, stretchy, and comfortable, have sentimental value, and they have edgy printings that are, from what I can tell, currently in style in the Women's department with the exception of the shape and fitting of the shirts. I intend to start with shirts I don't want as practice. As I don't know how to sew (yet), can someone offer suggestions, supplies, and skills needed based on their own DIY experience? I'm in dire need of fashion advice as well. Isn't square neck, boat neck, scoop necks flattering on bigger breasts? Belts around the waist? Leggings? Bootcut jeans? Cardigans? Vests? How do you layer clothing? What goes good with what? I'm at a total loss for fashion after 20-something years of hiding my body in black baggy clothing. For the first time in my life I actually want to look like a woman. Please help.
    posted by ProfSaraBellum at 4:19 AM PST - 15 comments

    Getting into Paris (difficulty level: travelling with a senior)

    My mother is here in Europe for a visit. Unfortunately, she's not up to par in terms of walking fitness in recent months, and I've booked us a trip via Ryanair to Paris. I'm quite clear on getting out of Beauvais via the shuttle, but 1) would it be worth it or is it possible to take a taxi directly into Paris; or 2) how do I go about getting a taxi once we're in Porte Maillot? My French is extremely basic but we're both fluent English speakers. She's also very used to cars.
    posted by cendawanita at 3:24 AM PST - 5 comments

    Channeling my inner Whedon.

    Hi, writers of MeFi! I am an unpublished writer of fiction. I think I am good, or at least, not terrible. No great stylist, but readable. However, I am awful at writing witty dialogue. I can do awkward, I love writing arguments, but I can't do funny. Can you help? [more inside]
    posted by Ziggy500 at 2:39 AM PST - 12 comments

    Is there such a thing as a melatonin hangover?

    I am jet-lagged. But I've been on the right schedule for a couple of days in terms of sleeping. And then I took a 3mg melatonin tablet last night and slept for 18 hours. Now I feel crap. Does it seem more likely that the crappy feeling is jet-lag, melatonin-induced, due to oversleeping, or that I'm coming down with something? [more inside]
    posted by lollusc at 12:37 AM PST - 19 comments

    What IS human exertion?

    Most machines are very predictable when in motion- their movement can be graphed in terms of speed, acceleration and jerk quite easily. Generally, the graph flattens out when you get to jerk. Can the same be done with humans? Or are our movements chaotic at a fundamental level? I know that ultimately we exert motion through force (=ma) but is it possible for us to increase the rate at which we increase the rate of force, and even increase the rate of that? Would we be able to register anything on the graph of m/s5? [more inside]
    posted by Greener_pastures at 12:08 AM PST - 4 comments

    August 14

    Cinematic Albums.

    Are there any albums which have had every single song included on a movie soundtrack? [more inside]
    posted by empath at 10:36 PM PST - 24 comments

    Which schools have strong programs in digital librarianship?

    What schools have strong programs in digital librarianship or digital curation? [more inside]
    posted by Polyhymnia at 8:56 PM PST - 9 comments

    What the hell do I do?

    My friend just told me she is planning on killing herself in a week. I know her name and address. What the fuck am I supposed to do? She's in another state so I can't do anything myself. Do I just call 911 and get her locked in a psych ward? I'm more okay with the fact of losing my friend by betraying her wishes than by letting her die, obviously, but I still want to do what is best for her. She's in GA, I'm in KS. Thank you.
    posted by trogdole at 8:07 PM PST - 49 comments

    Help me figure out a career/educational path

    I'm current at my first job out of school and have been here almost two years now. It hasn't been what I expected, and sadly, not in a positive way. It's a very niche field with limited cross-applications and, frankly, I have no interest in delving deeper into it. It's definitely time for a job, if not career, change. My dissatisfaction with my current circumstances, however, still leaves me with a myriad of other options that I'm having trouble narrowing down and I'd appreciate it if people could weigh in a bit and maybe resolve this analysis paralysis I'm having. [more inside]
    posted by ndr at 7:41 PM PST - 8 comments

    canine design

    I'm going to get a pembroke corgi dog within the next year. Unfortunately, so many of the necessary supplies of dog ownership are just plain ugly. My apartment and my clothes reflect to me my love of all things beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. I love clean, sleek modern design AND ornate, vintage, antique things. Please show me the most beautiful dog related merchandise available! Crates, food/water bowls, leashes, anything and everything related to (beautifully) owning a dog.
    posted by skjønn at 7:34 PM PST - 31 comments

    Experience with Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP)?

    I'm searching for a therapist to help me deal with ongoing anxiety and insecurity issues. I came across someone who looks promising and practices ISTDP, which I had never heard of before. I did some googling and it looks legit, but wondered if any of you have any experience with this? thanks!
    posted by meb123 at 7:19 PM PST - 4 comments

    Need sexy-but-scientific items to watch "in bed"

    Can you recommend some sexy-but-scientific things to watch to get us in the NSFW mood? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 7:11 PM PST - 13 comments

    "Sounds like you did everything you could to protect yourself, but..."

    Looking for information after receiving positive HPV screening result, several years after Gardasil vaccine. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 6:39 PM PST - 7 comments

    (W)ringing my hands

    Should I get my rings removed now, before I give birth, or hope I won't need them removed at all? Fun details after the break. [more inside]
    posted by fantine at 5:49 PM PST - 18 comments

    Best Civil War History from the Confederate Side?

    I've been reading Bruce Catton's history of the Army of the Potomac, which is excellent. It occurs to me I've only ever read Civil War history from the Union side. So, it's all about those terrible Union generals and all the mistakes they made, and Lincoln's frustration, and how eventually superior manpower and manufacturing, and the Emancipation Proclamation, crushed the feisty Rebs. Now I'd like to read about what the Rebs were thinking during the Late, Great Unpleasantness. Who's the Bruce Catton of the South?
    posted by musofire at 5:23 PM PST - 9 comments

    My friend is befriending a rapist. What do I do about it?

    How do I advise my (male) friend whose social circle is intersecting with a rapist? Seeking resources as well as advice. [Trigger warning] [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 5:19 PM PST - 48 comments

    NSFW question about strip clubs

    I am not a regular strip club attendee, so when I went to one today I had an unusual experience that I don't know if it was normal, and if it is how others handle it. It's NSFW and embarrassing, so details inside. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 5:17 PM PST - 15 comments

    Short plays for a very small theater company?

    What are some great, dramatic, one- or two-act plays that work with three or fewer actors and require minimal stagecraft? [more inside]
    posted by jbickers at 4:36 PM PST - 15 comments

    History Filter

    Is there a statistical measure that I can rely on in evaluating papers or articles in a historical subject? If you teach history, what measure would you rely on in evaluating student papers and take-home exam essays for plagiarism? [more inside]
    posted by bad grammar at 4:06 PM PST - 2 comments

    Peers in PDX

    I'm moving across the country! What resources should I use to make friends in the Portland, OR area? More details inside... [more inside]
    posted by cosmicbeast at 3:59 PM PST - 12 comments

    How do you go about setting up an elearning course@?

    How could a company set up an online e-learning type training course? How much might it cost, and what would be needed in terms of resources to make it happen - would it need to be developed by a specialist company or in-house? I'm in the UK - more details inside! [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 3:43 PM PST - 13 comments

    P is for Pledge

    What are the benefits of preschool and elementary age children reciting the Pledge of Allegiance? [more inside]
    posted by Dansaman at 3:42 PM PST - 32 comments

    Concept albums

    Two of my favorite albums are Hospice by The Antlers and In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel. What are some more spectacular concept albums?
    posted by goosechasing at 3:30 PM PST - 43 comments

    Bike & crosswalk rules and behavior in Somerville/Cambridge, MA

    What is the legal and/or good behavior when you are riding a bike and come upon a pedestrian crosswalk (no lights) and want to cross the street? What about as a rider who is riding on that street, and there are other riders right behind you, and you see the person trying to cross the street? I'm in Somerville, MA, very close to the Cambridge border. [more inside]
    posted by miomiomio at 3:27 PM PST - 11 comments

    What are some dishes that emphasize texture?

    My mom may have permanently lost her senses of smell and taste due to a complication from a nasty virus she had in the spring. This is understandably depressing for her. What are some suggestions I can give her for foods that emphasize texture to help her find new ways to enjoy food?
    posted by torisaur at 3:14 PM PST - 22 comments

    Ride to abortion in NJ?

    Hello. I have scheduled a pregnancy termination for this Saturday, August ex isn't returning my calls or emails requesting a ride/company, and I really don't want anyone else to know about it. I have been told that I will need a ride home and that I can't take a cab; the driver needs to wait for me. I was wondering if anyone happens to know of any volunteer organizations or similar organizations in NJ that might help me out. I'm happy to pay whatever it might cost....thanks!
    posted by anonymous at 3:01 PM PST - 6 comments

    Roast Beef & Pizza. Pizza & Roast Beef. Why?

    We moved to Massachusetts from upstate NY last year and this has been nagging at me ever since: Why are most of the pizza shops here pizza & roast beef shops? Roast beef is not paired with pizza in my mind. The roast beef isn't usually a pizza topping, and some of them don't really even seem to serve roast beef as a specialty (just one of many normal sub options). Can anyone offer an origin story?
    posted by Kriesa at 2:38 PM PST - 9 comments

    She has started to work in the same company with me, what now ?

    I was a perfectly happy man 3 months ago. Then i met a woman by early May, we were in a relation two weeks later. It was too good to be true and apparently things unfold to a rebound situation on her end. We peacefully broke up. I was struggling at first but knew that things will get back to normal soon... after all it wasn't a relation lasted for years. This was until she started to work in the same company with me 2 weeks ago. Now i feel like i am stuck in this limbo forever. [more inside]
    posted by yamamato at 2:07 PM PST - 11 comments

    The whole world...on my wall.

    I would like a large, wall-sized print of the 1931 John B. Sparks histomap, originally printed by Rand McNally. It appears to be out of print - any ideas? [more inside]
    posted by Dr. Fetish at 1:50 PM PST - 6 comments

    Please help me find tall & skinny pants-like jeans(or jeans-like pants?)

    I have the worst time finding bottoms that fit. I currently own only 2 pairs that fit correctly. Suggest a pair, website, or brick-and-mortar to shop at for me? I've been looking for a new pair for almost a year now... Details inside. [more inside]
    posted by tenaciousmoon at 1:44 PM PST - 5 comments

    looking for a specific article on food/cultural imperialism

    Looking for the full text of a specific interview/discussion between Eddie Huang and Francis Lam published on Gilt Taste in 2011. [more inside]
    posted by leedly at 1:04 PM PST - 2 comments

    Seeking a Chinese booze (preferably near Louisville, KY)

    Inspired by this question, I have a Chinese mystery-spirit question of my own. I got this potable years ago at a Ranch 99 Supermarket, and find it pretty interesting, but I'm running out. Does it have a more conventional name than "ng-ka-py", and can I get it here, in the middle of the country? [more inside]
    posted by jackbishop at 1:00 PM PST - 6 comments

    Poppin' my hair cherry!

    I'm getting my hair dyed (well, highlighted) for the first time tomorrow. When should I work out? Should I keep using sulfate-free shampoo, or should I switch to special stuff for dyed hair? BONUS: give me stories about being extremely happy after dying your hair :). [more inside]
    posted by obviousresistance at 12:33 PM PST - 19 comments

    Legging newbie seeks knitted pants guidance

    I'd like to start wearing leggings, but I don't really know how to style them. I am a bit of a priss and am nervous about leggings and don't want to look too sloppy. [more inside]
    posted by kmennie at 11:59 AM PST - 19 comments

    SMS to phone call. Is a call center the best option?

    I'm looking for a service or program that will convert a SMS/text message into a phone call, approximately 100 times per month. When making the phone call, the service or program needs to navigate through a simple "press 2 for support, press 3 for sales" before relaying the contents of the SMS to person that answers the phone. [more inside]
    posted by Hermanos at 11:50 AM PST - 5 comments

    Workout apps for iPad

    I have an iPad. I am looking for a good workout app to coach me through routines involving little or (better) no equipment. What do you recommend?
    posted by nitsuj at 11:50 AM PST - 8 comments

    Looking for a Chinese and English GCSE science book

    I'm looking for two books, one biology, one chemistry. They are related to GCSE, they say that on the front of the books, but I don't know if they're licensed. One has a green cover, one has a blue cover, but they both have pictures on the front. The good thing about these books is that they explain scientific concepts through diagrams in one-pagers, which are conveniently in both Chinese and English. Help me find these books? [more inside]
    posted by sarae at 11:30 AM PST - 3 comments

    Easy design collaboration and version control

    Does something like GitHub exist that's optimized for design files? [more inside]
    posted by roll truck roll at 11:26 AM PST - 10 comments

    What small, cool things can I put in the secret compartment of a box?

    So, I finally finished my dad's (now extremely late) Father's Day gift: a handmade wooden box with dovetail joinery and a "secret" pull-out compartment. Now I'm wondering what cool thing I can put in the secret compartment before I send it. Any ideas? Further details and dimensions, etc., within. [more inside]
    posted by aecorwin at 11:13 AM PST - 15 comments

    Why does my tea taste like soap?

    I drink good-quality tea (Harney & Sons, loose, black), brew it in a clean and thoroughly rinsed pot, and drink it from a clean and thoroughly rinsed mug. Occasionally, my cup of tea will taste like soap. I have noticed this with two different orders of the same blend brewed in two different pots (one glass, one ceramic). What's going on?
    posted by before and after at 11:10 AM PST - 20 comments

    Syncing files on a remote web server with Windows 7

    I have an interesting file syncing problem. As part of my responsibilities, I have to keep track of changes in the US export regulations. The Dept. of Commerce makes the regulations available in two formats, HTML and PDF. The HTML versions are oddly formatted so I prefer the PDF versions even if they are harder to search. They're available in PDF on this page. I have been regularly going out to the page and downloading relevant documents that have changed but I'd like to automate this if I can. But there are some gotchas. [more inside]
    posted by tommasz at 10:51 AM PST - 3 comments

    Locating recently filed lawsuits

    How might I locate recently filed lawsuits alleging a particular product defect? [more inside]
    posted by dredge at 10:40 AM PST - 7 comments

    Most cost effective way to purchase Office 2010 in volume?

    What is the most cost effective way to purchase roughly 50 Microsoft Office Standard 2010/2013 licenses? [more inside]
    posted by lattiboy at 10:38 AM PST - 2 comments

    Gaming the System

    We're building a new PC. We're also an avid gamers. What OS do we want (and/or monitor and mouse/trackpad combo)? [more inside]
    posted by Diagonalize at 10:32 AM PST - 21 comments

    The grass might be greener, but I don't want it to be!

    I don't especially want to leave my boyfriend, but how do I stop feeling like I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life if I don't? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 10:22 AM PST - 36 comments

    How do you "keep calm and carry on" after a massive screw up?

    I messed up big time at work. Like...really big time. How do I deal with the ball of stress and panic and guilt burning in my stomach? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 9:18 AM PST - 35 comments

    What's the process for a doctor specializing in multiple fields?

    If a doctor goes to school for, say, pathology, but later wants to also practice family medicine or cardiology, what's the process for them being able to do those things? Do they have to go back to school or just pass board certifications? I realize this may not be standard, but let's say that someone had the funds and drive to do it; what would be required to make it happen?
    posted by ofcourseican at 9:17 AM PST - 6 comments

    Best waterproofing spray for clothes

    Fall will be here soon enough, so it's time to refresh our waterproof jackets. What are your favorite brands and methods of application? [more inside]
    posted by frizz at 9:05 AM PST - 8 comments

    Looking for a type of phobia that results in fight rather than flight.

    If you have, say a spider phobia, are you the "Run away!!" type of phobic or the "OMG SMASH SMASH SMASH HIT IT WITH A BOOK TURN OVER THE TABLE SET THE HOUSE ON FIRE... is it dead?" type? Is there a term or specific type of phobia for the second option? [more inside]
    posted by The otter lady at 8:53 AM PST - 7 comments

    Plus-size women's polo shirt sizing in Denmark?

    I'm from Canada and I am attending a conference and need to select my t-shirt size from a supplier in Denmark. Does anyone know how a women's 2XL compares to a 3XL in Denmark - like what the bust and waist measurements are? Would these sizes be similar to a US/Canada 2XL and 3XL? Here is the polo t-shirt that we're getting. Thank you!!
    posted by blake137 at 8:51 AM PST - 2 comments

    Is it a bad idea to upgrade my iphone 4 to the 4S instead of the 5?

    I've had an iPhone 4 for a couple of years now. It's seen better days; the home button works only half the time, etc. My fiance recently got his first, a 4S, and the difference between it and the 4 is amaaaaazing. I am sorely tempted to upgrade to that for a hundred bucks, rather than wait for the new 5's to come out (esp since there's no guarantee now that the original 5 will come down in price). [more inside]
    posted by flyingsquirrel at 8:34 AM PST - 19 comments

    Help me name a genome!

    I'm working on a new book and I need to name a genome. I can't handwave it-- while the book is SF, I don't want people in the know to be able to look at it like people look at Law & Order address (ie, nobody from New York would ever think that's a real address. Nobody in science would ever think that's a real genome.) [more inside]
    posted by headspace at 8:30 AM PST - 11 comments

    Dream opportunity for a machine design engineer?

    Help a business-illiterate engineer formulate an approach for evaluating an exciting business/career opportunity. [more inside]
    posted by myriad gantry at 8:14 AM PST - 5 comments

    Best CV/resume resources

    Writing a resume is tricky business. Make one mistake and it gets thrown into the dustbin. Are there any (free) resources and tips for how to write and design a well-written, eye-catching resume (particularly for (a) school administration and (b) design jobs)? [more inside]
    posted by omar.a at 7:58 AM PST - 21 comments

    What's a good way to protect a long term ETF portfolio?

    The reason I turn to ask mefi here is that most of the resources I find on the webs are catered to more active investors. I've spent the last few years dollar-cost averaging into several different ETFs, indexed to large markets. Since the ETF's are products of my brokerage account, I can trade them for free. I haven’t done any selling, and have some decent returns as things stand now. The real question now is, what is the best practice for defending my portfolio against another 2008? My thoughts are that the smartest and most conservative approach is a stop-loss adjusted monthly to about 15% off the high... and then start the process again... buying in incrementally to take advantage of either falling stock prices or a slow recovery. I'm not looking to outsmart the market here... just the best way to play it safe. Best help for me would be broad concepts about tax implications (you'll lose me with anything too technical), thoughts about 'flash crashes,' or any other ideas. Thanks folks!
    posted by shimmer at 7:43 AM PST - 10 comments

    Handling Interior Workspace

    So, my workspace moved, and I now no longer have access to windows. What can I do to help me not feel disoriented at the end of the day? [more inside]
    posted by zizzle at 7:31 AM PST - 12 comments

    If he only had a brain...

    My husband has epilepsy which has unfortunately proven difficult to treat with anti-epileptic medications. We met with his neurologist yesterday, who suggested that the accepted protocol nowadays is to start pursuing the option of brain surgery early rather than as a much later, last resort. This is scary stuff, complicated by the fact that we have a baby on the way and that the epilepsy is not so serious that it's a rush/emergency situation. What should we be thinking about as we proceed? (Apologies in advance for this getting long.) [more inside]
    posted by catch as catch can at 7:14 AM PST - 14 comments

    Big & Tall People of Metafilter -- what do you drive?

    A very good friend of mine is car shopping, and to say he's getting frustrated is an understatement. He's a pretty big and tall guy, obviously wants to be able to fit comfortably in his car, is looking to buy new, and is having absolutely no luck finding a car that matches his requirements. [more inside]
    posted by cgg at 7:12 AM PST - 47 comments

    EXIF data

    Will editing a photo in a program like Photoshop destroy the original EXIF data from that photo? If I cut and pasted part of a photo and saved it as "NEW" what would the EXIF data of that "NEW" photo show? [more inside]
    posted by BillyAnne at 4:43 AM PST - 11 comments

    Hello Mr. Blue Collar, You've Hit a Milestone!

    I'm looking for ideas for anniversary gifts for 1, 3, 5, 10, and 20 year marks for employees my company. I work in a very blue collar maintenance field. Details inside! [more inside]
    posted by assasinatdbeauty at 3:47 AM PST - 28 comments

    Social anxiety with strangers?

    I seem to be developing social anxiety as I get older. What can I do about it? [more inside]
    posted by mrfuga0 at 2:28 AM PST - 9 comments

    Trying to be an ex-codependent

    I have this habit of emotionally lunging toward people. If I feel disconnected and alone, I find one person and I throw myself at them, hoping that I will stick. I've thrown myself at so many ex's and "people I used to date" by now that I've gotten to a point where I can recognize when I'm backing up and preparing for the jump. [more inside]
    posted by Cybria at 1:45 AM PST - 10 comments

    What are California Employer Obligations to keep employee data private?

    I would like to know if anyone knows what a California Employer's obligations are regarding keeping an employees data private . For instance, if your employer knows that other employees are or can view your computer screen but your employer also sends personnel links out to employees through work emails (links to 401k plans or to employee benefits), does the employer have a legal obligation to tell the employees that confidential information can be viewed by other employees? If employees get personnel links sent through company mail, does the employee have a right to expect onscreen privacy?
    posted by gt2 at 12:52 AM PST - 3 comments

    Standalone calendar app for iPhone

    I'm looking for a free calendar app that will work without being synced to either my iPhone calendar or my google calendar. [more inside]
    posted by ellieBOA at 12:06 AM PST - 6 comments

    Water stain on unfinished/raw leather...what to do?

    I have this bag. Like an idiot I spilled sparkling water on the inside, where it appears to be raw untreated leather (the outside is pretty smooth leather). Now there are water stains on the inside. [more inside]
    posted by long haired child at 12:06 AM PST - 4 comments

    August 13

    What distinguishes a friendship from a romance?

    Somebody I've known for a year rather suddenly told me that she "felt attracted" to me. We've agreed to have dinner when she gets back into town. New as I am to dating, I'm confused as to how I should proceed. [more inside]
    posted by d. z. wang at 11:01 PM PST - 20 comments

    Help me find a biotech recruiter

    Recent Ph.D. grad would like to work with a recruiter/headhunter to find an industry job. Can you help me find a recruiter in the Boston area, or give me pointers/tips on working with one? [more inside]
    posted by htid at 10:32 PM PST - 1 comment

    Does iOS 7 sync with iTunes 10.7

    Does iOS 7 (beta) sync to iTunes 10.7 or will iTunes 11.0.x be required? I have held back on upgrading iTunes past 10.7, but I am wondering if I'll be forced to upgrade to 11.0.x once iOS 7 is released. I sync via USB on a Mac with 10.6.8. I'm not inserted in WiFi sync and don't use iCloud.
    posted by ridogi at 10:19 PM PST - 4 comments

    To persuade people, should we emphasise common ground?

    I remember reading a few years back about a piece of research or a theory in social psychology. The research found that a speaker should emphasise common ground when trying to persuade their listeners to change their opinion. By contrast, if they stressed how much their opinions diverged, the listeners would actually move further away from speaker's ideas than they were before. In other words, a conciliatory tone might be better than a strident attack if we want to persuade people. Does this ring a bell with anyone?
    posted by dontjumplarry at 9:48 PM PST - 15 comments

    Soda water bottle, have a banana?

    In the curious 1975 comedy Linda Lovelace For President, there's a scene in which, faced with the bankruptcy of her campaign, Lovelace starts inexplicably chanting the phrase "Soda water bottle, have a banana." This is picked up on by members of her marching band, and then becomes a series of calls and responses. The scene, completely safe for work, can be seen here. What on earth is this a reference to?
    posted by eschatfische at 9:06 PM PST - 8 comments

    Can I get a medical device for less?

    The co-pay is still high, because the device's mark-up seems ridiculous. [more inside]
    posted by Leontine at 9:02 PM PST - 6 comments

    I want to leave my high-paying job to sell BMWs -- am I crazy?

    Long story short, I graduated two years ago and broke into a prestigious industry with high pay and high stress that I thought I would at least find interesting Very soon after joining, I quickly realized the job was not interesting at all. I believe my role does not have as big of an impact as I initially thought it would, and most of all, I don't believe in the industry anymore. I'm tired of the politics and I started off on the wrong foot, which ultimately tainted people's perception of me early on. As a result, I've had motivation issues from early on and my performance has been average. I am one of the few people in my class of hires who was not promoted this last cycle. Oh, and I had been dealing with social anxiety and depression for the longest time, which had a huge, huge, huge impact on my performance. [more inside]
    posted by 6spd at 8:51 PM PST - 25 comments

    New landlord by inheritance, lost and frustrated

    How shall I decide what to do with an inherited property I have neither inclination nor time to administer myself, but don't need to sell and recognize it could be good if it stayed good to maintain it as a rental? [more inside]
    posted by jet_silver at 8:28 PM PST - 13 comments

    Please help me find this leder rucksack

    Looking for the brand for a convertible leather backpack of German origin. [more inside]
    posted by Sublimity at 7:50 PM PST - 6 comments

    Can a relationship bounce back from a bad period like ours?

    My boyfriend and I are currently at a low point in our relationship. I have been irrationally jealous and as a result we have fought every week for the past month. He seems to be very ok with me the day after our fights but I can see how he would want out. Should we keep trying? [more inside]
    posted by 01080591 at 7:47 PM PST - 29 comments

    Image Map Help

    I needed an image map. I'm no coder, so I went looking for a map and code that I could run, change and run it again to see what changed and if I had to change it back. I built a map that seems to be working, except for an small black square icon in the upper left corner. Before I removed the "img scr" line, there was a red "X" in the box. Now, it's just the box itself. I thought that whenever you saw a box like that, it meant the image couldn't be found. But, my entire image is there. When I preview the page in IE and Firefox, the map works and all of my links are where they're supposed to be, but the box won't go away. What is it? Should it go away or will something happen when I publish the site that will make the image nonfunctional? Will it be there when the site goes live? Here is the code -
    posted by CollectiveMind at 7:47 PM PST - 2 comments

    Dress code for a casual retail store?

    I'm managing a shop that sells electronic cigarettes and I'd like to come up with a dress code. The shop is a casual, friendly environment. I'm thinking 'neat clothes that fit' is the basis for it. I'm trying to come up with a good reason to support wearing shorts. Obviously, I'd throw something in that covers "tasteful, no holes, and no Daisy Dukes". Do any of you wear shorts while working with the public? I think it's fairly common in bike shops but we don't have the same physical aspect at my job.
    posted by JV at 7:37 PM PST - 17 comments

    Recommend a good Dutch immersion course in the Netherlands

    I find myself in the extraordinary position of having two weeks' vacation to use up by the end of the year, and I've decided that what I want to do is to go to the Netherlands and take an immersion beginner's Dutch course, likely in November. [more inside]
    posted by sldownard at 7:36 PM PST - 6 comments

    How to build an anonymous discussion / Q&A website?

    How would you build a website where people can have an anonymous Q&A discussion with you? [more inside]
    posted by roaring beast at 7:23 PM PST - 4 comments

    A good job for my wife to supplement my income

    A good job for my wife to supplement my income? Actually she is not my wife yet but soon when we move in together she will want to take some sort of job. Mainly this is for the money, but also we will be living somewhere different so for her it will be a way of meeting new people and hopefully making some new friends. [more inside]
    posted by locussst at 7:10 PM PST - 23 comments

    Help me deal with the large amount of work e-mail I send/receive each we

    Help me deal with the large amount of work e-mail I send/receive each week. [more inside]
    posted by JPowers at 6:37 PM PST - 11 comments

    When does a casual hookup turn into dating? When does it not?

    I have been seeing this guy since December about once or twice a month, and am possibly on the verge of having feelings. Trying to figure out how to reasonably navigate this. Tell me about your experiences? [more inside]
    posted by anonymoosemoosemoose at 6:30 PM PST - 10 comments

    Leo Marks- "The Life That I Have", History?

    Does anyone know the history behind this poem? I know that he wrote it for a fiance that died in a plane crash and that it was written on Christmas Eve 1943, but wondering about its involvement during WWII? I have heard it was used for codes but am looking for a little more depth of information. I am planning to read it at my grandmother's memorial service and she was a history buff so I would love to talk briefly about it's background and story. Thanks so much! [more inside]
    posted by Hmeleu at 6:29 PM PST - 3 comments

    Any way to make chrome page scaling work like firefox text scaling?

    When you do cmd+/- on Firefox, it scales the text up or down. When you do cmd+/- on Chrome, it scales the entire page up or down: text, images, layout. I prefer the Firefox scaling. Can I get this on Chrome somehow? [more inside]
    posted by danny the boy at 6:18 PM PST - 2 comments

    I want a new job. I'm not well qualified. What can I do?

    I've been working a data-entry job for almost two years now. I got it as a temp position shortly after finishing college. It became full-time a year later. I graduated from a good school, but late, and with mediocre grades in journalism, my major. I stuck to the temp job because I bombed out of freelance work. This failure aggravated my self-loathing and convinced me to abandon journalism, for which I have shown little talent. I abandoned it for a dead-end job. I would like a job with better chances for promotion and with better pay. How, if at all, do I find such a job, considering my mental health, which sabotages each stage of the hunt, and my poor qualifications, which don't help? [more inside]
    posted by Rustic Etruscan at 5:56 PM PST - 13 comments

    Success stories where "one that got away" was really not "the one?"

    Are there any success stories of people who have gotten over relationships that you /know/ could have been fixed if circumstances had been different and have gone on to find greater happiness, especially with successful, committed relationships? I am worried that my recent relationship is going to turn into one of those "the one that got away" situations, and he's made it clear he doesn't want to work on it anymore, so I can't do anything about that. I had thought I would be settling down in a city with a long term partner by now, and the fact that that is not happening is really tough to handle. Help!!! I need encouragement. [more inside]
    posted by dubhemerak3000 at 5:54 PM PST - 22 comments

    Help me get started writing a REST interface in Java.

    Help me get started writing a REST interface in Java. [more inside]
    posted by deathpanels at 5:30 PM PST - 4 comments

    Do IT Jobs REALLY Have to be This Way? Is It Me?

    Hello all. I'm a software developer, and I seem to be a magnet for batsh*t when it comes to jobs. During interviews, I've been outright lied to. Once I get on the job, I invariably find the positions I take are just not what the interviewer made it sound like they would be. Ultimately, I find these jobs descending into madness. Literally. I've found myself on the receiving end of everything from disrespect to downright mentally abusive behaviors. [more inside]
    posted by Grimmie at 5:25 PM PST - 19 comments

    Help me feed a teenage boy healthy school lunches

    I pack a lunch every day for a 15 year old boy (not my son - I have only been doing this for a year so I don't intimately know all of his likes and dislikes). This year he has asked for "healthier" lunches, as he plays sports and is pretty small in stature but wants to get bigger and stronger. I have NO idea how to get any healthier than what I am doing, given his particularities: [more inside]
    posted by raspberrE at 5:24 PM PST - 30 comments

    Should I tell my supervisor the reason my proposal is late?

    I'm a grad student working on a thesis proposal. Said thesis proposal was due about a week ago. The work was going pretty well until it got sidelined by an unexpected and devastating breakup with my SO, who I'd been living with. Between the moving-out and the emotional exhaustion I've neglected to update my supervisor, who's just emailed me asking why she hasn't seen the finished product yet. I'm nearly done at this point (I anticipate getting it to her by tomorrow), but I'm unsure about how to explain the delay. Is it appropriate to tell my supervisor that I'm late because of the breakup, or should I just say sorry and leave it at that?
    posted by tealsocks at 5:23 PM PST - 21 comments

    "If You Knew What I Know About Email, You Might Not Use It"

    Lavabit's Ladar Levinson was recently quoted as follows: "I'm taking a break from email. If you knew what I know about email, you might not use it either." Why would Levinson warn other people off using email? He's not just saying, "Be careful how you use email," but, "It's probably a good idea not to use email at all. I'm taking a break from it myself." [more inside]
    posted by paleyellowwithorange at 4:50 PM PST - 21 comments

    How should I address an illegal hunter?

    This neighbor has a famously bad temper (having had the police visit his home approximately once every year or two for domestics), so I don't want to engage him. But he has begun target shooting with a bow, using my property as a range. I'm looking for the safest way to address this issue. [more inside]
    posted by grudgebgon at 4:37 PM PST - 21 comments

    Flor tiles on stairs. Bad idea?

    We're tossing the old carpet and getting the hardwood floors refinished. So happy. We've looked at Flor tiles for the hallway, but what about the stairs? Will they be secure enough? Flooooooorrrr!
    posted by smelvis at 4:22 PM PST - 8 comments

    How to keep moving forward from abusive relationship

    I asked these questions earlier and you were all so helpful. I am now two and a half months out of my abusive relationship. I want to continue to move forward and need your ideas and encouragement. [more inside]
    posted by Rainflower at 4:08 PM PST - 10 comments

    Captain's Podcast: Supplemental

    Looking for recommendations/comparisons of the best Star Trek podcasts, particularly those that have reviewed most or all of the Next Generation episodes. [more inside]
    posted by TheSecretDecoderRing at 3:50 PM PST - 1 comment

    It's Just Lunch.... or is it?

    What should I talk about with my boss over lunch tomorrow? [more inside]
    posted by otherwordlyglow at 3:45 PM PST - 9 comments

    I Need a New Email Client

    So, Google just forced me to use their new compose interface, and I hate it. So, I guess I want a new email client... [more inside]
    posted by The Blue Olly at 3:42 PM PST - 11 comments

    Frustrated beyond beleif

    I am in the last year of my PhD. My supervisor keeps canceling meetings last minute due to a number of personal events occurring (i.e. his life seems like a lifestyle movie) and my patience is wearing thin. My project has greatly slowed down - not sure what to do anymore. [more inside]
    posted by sabina_r at 3:18 PM PST - 15 comments

    How do I grow marijuana legally for a living?

    I live in Arizona, where medical cannabis has been state law for two years now. The industry is still a wee sapling, and it's a dream of mine to legally grow and sell to dispensaries and to patients directly. This is the best time to make my dream happen, before the market blossoms, yeah? Puns aside, I'm having significant trouble finding accurate and helpful information on the internet--how do I do legal cannabis growing? What's the application I need to turn in to which department to receive which license? What are the do's and don't's and points of etiquette in handling a federally illegal substance? Tell me what I need to know! [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 2:44 PM PST - 13 comments

    Estrogen patches for PMDD: are these side effects or is this my body?

    YANMD, but I just started taking 25ug Estradot patches for my PMDD. Good news: suicidal thoughts gone. But there are other things going on, too, and I don't know whether they're side effects. Have you had these symptoms before? Snowflakes inside. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 2:44 PM PST - 1 comment

    Good Ideas for Spare iPad

    Spare iPad 2. What fun things can I do with it? [more inside]
    posted by Caravantea at 2:30 PM PST - 10 comments

    Was this a scam?

    I bought something very cheaply from eBay, but it arrived in amazon packaging with an amazon packing slip with my details and "damaged item return" in several places. It smells like a scam, but how does it work? [more inside]
    posted by nvsbl at 2:17 PM PST - 11 comments

    Flooring Options Over Green Concrete

    We are having a basement finished with very recently placed concrete (on the order of a few months old). Our contractor says that we have to wait to put vinyl flooring down (but we could put down carpet). What are our options for flooring materials? [more inside]
    posted by plinth at 2:12 PM PST - 5 comments

    I want to work for an international NGO, but how?

    I'm graduating from college this spring and I'm very interested in working with an international NGO. I know there are organizations monitoring elections, promoting democracy, installing networks and computers in villages, interviewing rebels and citizens… but how can I work for one? Ideally I'd like to travel a lot, or at least be based somewhere abroad (not the US). [more inside]
    posted by reductiondesign at 2:06 PM PST - 14 comments

    Help me replace my REI Hobitat 6 tent with a better one

    I have an old REI Hobitat 6 tent that has reached the end of its useful life. There were some things I really liked about that tent, and some things I really disliked. I'd like to find a tent that keeps what I liked and fixes what I disliked. [more inside]
    posted by crookedgrin at 2:01 PM PST - 6 comments

    How to handle dated 70s window valance?

    How do I put window coverings in my bedroom and have it look modern, given the built in valance? [more inside]
    posted by Chaussette and the Pussy Cats at 1:56 PM PST - 7 comments

    Snags from pets on our new couch.

    We just bought a house and got a new couch about 4 months ago. The couch is a huge sectional, cloth, and cream colored. I tried to warn my husband that cream color was a bad idea (even though I love the way it looks) because we have pets, but it was such a great deal that we just decided to get it. He also kept telling me "we can always get it recovered if we need to". Well, I don't think he realized that it would most likely cost thousands to have it recovered since it is so big. And we didn't know how big of a mistake the fabric was. [more inside]
    posted by kerri13 at 1:47 PM PST - 9 comments

    Yo Dawg, I heard you like photos!

    What do you call those images where each "pixel" is made up of a tiny photo? Usually the subphotos are thematically related to the main image. Extra special bonus if you can point me to software (how perfect would a GIMP plugin be? very perfect) that will generate one using a pile of images (cheating by adding tints to individual images is totally fine for these purposes). [more inside]
    posted by sparklemotion at 1:26 PM PST - 3 comments

    Moviefilter: A dreamy Chinese or Japanese film that I can't remember!?

    Years and years ago I watched a foreign film about a guy who sells watches/clocks on the streets of a big Chinese or Japanese city and he falls in love with a girl.. [more inside]
    posted by xicana63 at 1:25 PM PST - 2 comments

    Staying alive is expensive.

    How do you save money on things like food during a long hospital stay? In San Francisco, hotel has no fridge or microwave. [more inside]
    posted by perryfugue at 1:12 PM PST - 20 comments

    Tips for a Poetry Workshop/Group

    After not being able to find a poetry workshop/writers group in my area, I decided to start one via MeetUp. The first meeting is this week and will focus mainly on how to run the group, what our goals are, etc. Since I started the group, I should probably bring along some ideas? What has, or has not, worked in writers groups that you've attended? [more inside]
    posted by eunoia at 12:37 PM PST - 2 comments


    How long do I have to walk at a brisk pace (say, ~4.25-4.5 mph) to get any sort of physical benefit out of it? [more inside]
    posted by griphus at 12:33 PM PST - 23 comments

    Guided Meditation with Horses for a horse lover with panic attacks

    Greetings! I have been enjoying listening to guided meditations and visualizations lately. I really love riding horses and miss being in the barn. Therefore, I am looking for a guided mediation that has horse sound effects and / or includes being with horses, riding, or in a stable. Thanks!!! I would love it if mediattainment had one- but no luck.
    posted by TRUELOTUS at 12:27 PM PST - 5 comments

    How do I get mildew smell/mildew out of paper?

    Our firesafe and everything in it smells like mildew. I'm not exactly sure why, I'm not seeing visible signs of mold. But I know a few older documents went in there smelling musty. It's gross, and many of the documents are important stuff that would be difficult/expensive and in some cases impossible to replace. So what can I do? [more inside]
    posted by [insert clever name here] at 12:18 PM PST - 7 comments

    My best friend is leaving me!

    My best friend is going to Lille, France for a year to work as a teacher. I'm super excited for her and I want to give her an awesome going away present. [more inside]
    posted by cyml at 12:17 PM PST - 7 comments

    How to deal best with a week of night-shifts?

    Next week I will be working 1am to 7am on Tue, Wed, Thur and Fri. When should I sleep? When should I eat? Should I just stay up all night on the first night? [more inside]
    posted by neilb449 at 12:09 PM PST - 14 comments

    Chicago MD (GP) sought for someone with strong health anxiety issues.

    I haven't had a primary care doctor in a long time and 'think it might be time for a chronic "doctor avoider" such as myself to have one. Due to obvious fear of illness, death, doctors, tests and the like I would love to find a really kind doctor with a great bedside manner who isn't averse to alternative medicine and is associated with a hospital. Thanks.
    posted by Tullyogallaghan at 12:07 PM PST - 6 comments

    Please help me send a SASE internationally.

    I am in the US, and I would like to send letters to both the UK and Canada and include a self addressed stamped envelope. As of January 27, International Reply Coupons are apparently no longer being sold by the USPS . What are my options? [more inside]
    posted by meggan at 12:05 PM PST - 5 comments

    My employer wants me to lead a book club...for free

    I work at a radio station. One of my managers attended a public radio networking event recently where people were bandying about the idea of book clubs for radio station listeners. Our top-level manager has decided that "we are definitely doing the book club thing." This is now my problem. [more inside]
    posted by cartoonella at 11:42 AM PST - 17 comments

    Etiquette of homeowners insurance and accidents

    My friend Stan (very) recently moved to the USA, and has already had a run-in with his health insurance that we are not sure how to deal with. Stan's new boss Joe invited Stan's family over for an afternoon, and at some point Stan's five year old fell and cut his arm on a rock in the garden. [more inside]
    posted by jacalata at 11:40 AM PST - 9 comments

    Special Snowflake Gifts: US History Book Recommendation

    My girlfriend has virtually no knowledge of US history. She is an incredible bright, intelligent, interesting recent college graduate, but due to side effects from a medicine, was essentially in a fog for the entirety of her Junior year of high school and remembers nothing. This is a huge source of embarrassment and anxiety for her. Her birthday is just around the corner, and I would like to get her a great book to help her fill in the gaps and be more comfortable with the subject. [more inside]
    posted by joshers13 at 11:28 AM PST - 19 comments

    Dress measurement for a boy-shaped woman

    I have an odd body shape, even for a woman of East Asian descent. I basically look like a rectangle. What is the best way for me to get measured in the UK for a custom wedding dress that I am ordering online? Is there a tailor in the UK that will take my measurements without me having to order something from said tailor? I am willing to pay a reasonable fee for their time and expertise. Is there someone in the London/Cambridgeshire area that you can recommend? More details inside. [more inside]
    posted by the_wintry_mizzenmast at 11:20 AM PST - 5 comments

    Will it cause my body problems to stop drinking fruit juices?

    Is it healthier to drink fruit juices or to avoid them? [more inside]
    posted by JDHarper at 11:13 AM PST - 26 comments

    Are there additional "non-traditional" ways to market a house for sale?

    I have a relative attempting to sell her house in Vermont. She has a realtor but finding an appropriate buyer is going to be tricky for a number of reasons. Are there any good "alternative" ways to market a house above and beyond what the realtor is doing? [more inside]
    posted by jeremias at 11:00 AM PST - 10 comments

    Looking to polish my rusty GIS skills

    It's been a while since I did much with ArcGIS beyond making simple polygons by snapping to existing features, and my classes before that were with whatever version of ArcGIS was current circa 2007. What is the best way to get up-to-speed on ArcGIS version 10+, ArcGIS Online, and Esri Roads and Highways? Can you recommend online or book resources and tutorials? My current interest is related to transportation, for what it's worth.
    posted by filthy light thief at 10:52 AM PST - 6 comments

    Is this reasonable?

    I just found out that in addition to being required to work at my organization's fundraiser, employees also must pay the full ticket price to do so. In previous jobs, the situation has always been that you either work at the event and don't have to pay, or if you are not required to be there but think it's a cool event, you can pay to attend. I'm not happy about this arrangement, but maybe I'm off base. Is this a reasonable situation?
    posted by anonymous at 10:15 AM PST - 45 comments

    Best way to sell a gold coin collection?

    My elderly father has spent all of his savings in recent months – around $200,000 – buying expensive coins. Most are gold, some are silver and platinum. Some are bullion; most are old and "rare." His collection was fun and interesting for a while, but now it has become a source of stress to him. He has no money left in the bank, and has decided he doesn’t want to keep the coins. It looks like Dad was skillfully played by slick sales reps, but I haven’t seen evidence yet that he has been defrauded. He has asked me to sell the coins for him. What’s the best way to sell a bunch of expensive coins? [more inside]
    posted by spockmuppet at 10:12 AM PST - 13 comments

    Should I Pay for Baby Sleep Advice?

    I'm considering paying for a sleep consultation (examples here and here) because we are getting pretty worn out with Baby Tafetta and her sleeping issues. Has anyone tried these? Is there someone else to recommend? Should I continue just reading random experts and waiting for things to get better? Is all of this really just because of the recent events of the past month and now we're just trying to get back to where we were? [more inside]
    posted by tafetta, darling! at 10:11 AM PST - 14 comments

    Lost at the Canadian Border?

    My friend's daughter was travelling to Canada over the weekend. Apparently she was stopped at the border due to some health insurance related issue. She didn't make it to the hostel she was supposed to stay at the first night, or the volunteer program she was destined for. She called those places when she knew she wouldn't make it, but she hasn't called home at all, as far as we can tell. And we have no idea where she is right now. What can we do? [more inside]
    posted by doomtop at 9:57 AM PST - 31 comments

    NYC Recording Studio Tour?

    I want to take my friend on a tour of a recording studio in the NYC area to take a friend on for his birthday. Google has come up surprisingly short. I'd prefer a recording studio that has come kind of historical importance, though I know that most of the legendary studios in NYC have moved or closed. If a historically significant studio isn't a possibility, I was hoping to find one that has recorded interesting artists in the alt/indie rock, power pop, or soul genres. [more inside]
    posted by fructose at 9:53 AM PST - 4 comments

    What happens when you fire your realtor while under contract?

    Our buyer's agent isn't working out. We are under contract, currently in the home-inspection-contingency phase. What happens if we fire him and get another agent? How do the agents involved divide the commission? Will another agent be willing to represent us for what is presumably a reduced commission? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 9:46 AM PST - 17 comments

    Ideas for a 6th year old boy birthday party

    For the first time this year we'll be doing the invite the whole class thing. (My kid will be in kindergarten) I am trying to avoid the spend 300 bucks at a bouncey house place and instead use a pavilion at a nice state park near us. There is a huge field there. What will keep 20 kids, that barely know each other, busy? [more inside]
    posted by beccaj at 9:45 AM PST - 23 comments

    Help me solve some workflow difficulties.

    I'm encountering a few workflow difficulties for which I feel sure there are more elegant solutions than what I've come up with so far. I am trying to coordinate and communicate with a group of volunteers more efficiently, and also track my work hours better. [more inside]
    posted by toots at 8:30 AM PST - 6 comments

    Is my boyfriend gay?

    My boyfriend was raped as a kid, and recently told me that he used to believe he was gay before he met me. I don't know how to handle this. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 8:29 AM PST - 25 comments

    Can I do it in HTML learned in 1998?

    I need either an extremely specific browser add on or a computer script that does a strange and complicated (??) thing. I'd rather download a solution, but if someone can point me to a scripting language that will eventually do what I need it to I am willing to learn. [more inside]
    posted by AmandaA at 8:08 AM PST - 23 comments

    Found old Palm wireless universal keyboard, do I have any use for this?

    While cleaning out my closet, I found an unopened and unused Palm "Universal" Wireless keyboard that I obtained years ago but never used. I no longer have any Palm products; the only devices I could use it with would be a Droid 2, iMac, or Dell XPS laptop. Is there anyway to use this keyboard with what I have, or do I have no use for it? [more inside]
    posted by andruwjones26 at 8:05 AM PST - 4 comments

    What should I put in my daughter's going-off-to-college survival kit

    My daughter leaves for college in a couple of weeks. This MeFi post reminded me that I need to follow through on my plan to give her a survial kit. What should go in it in addition to condoms and lube? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 7:58 AM PST - 74 comments

    movies where everyone behaves themselves?

    After a couple summer blockbusters left a bad taste in my mouth, the new(-ish) Much Ado About Nothing was refreshing. What are your favorite movies where no one is killed, threatened, beat up, kidnapped or stolen from?
    posted by morganw at 7:44 AM PST - 56 comments

    A neighbor has stolen an unknown number of magazines from me...

    I live in a converted house with three apartments. When taking out some extremely old trash the other day, I noticed that one of my neighbor's trash bags contained one of my old issues of the NY Review of Books. That is, the magazine went from the mail in the front area to his apartment without passing through mine. How should I address this? Angry letter? Passive agression? Calling my landlord? Postal Inspection Service? Just let it slide? (Since the mail is collected by whatever tenant takes in the mail, a secure mailbox system seems infeasible.)
    posted by anonymous at 7:31 AM PST - 25 comments

    Accompanying teens to AlAnon. What is my responsibility?

    Can I morally and ethically be the adult who regularly drives a teenager to a weekly AlAnon/Alateen meeting? Her parents do not know she is attending, and I am not interested in obtaining their permission. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 7:30 AM PST - 30 comments

    Help me name our ranks

    I work at a Museum and we are about to roll out a new staffing model for our part time staff. Essentially a "career ladder", the program will have four stages of progression starting with general skills (everyone in this stage can float around the Museum providing customer service, essentially). The three subsequent stages add increased specialization, training and skills (employees in stage 4 can lead teach programs like camp, for example). We have a pretty young staff, and are generally a hands-on STEAM (science technology engineering art and math) focused institution. We're looking for creative names for the stages that are descriptive without being too silly. Any thoughts? [more inside]
    posted by leastlikelycowgirl at 7:08 AM PST - 7 comments

    Cool + Professional Nail Color?

    Having perfectly manicured nails always gives me a confidence boost, and I have been growing out my (typically bit to the quick) nails in preparation for an important meeting. My question: what color should I paint them? I need something on-trend but professional. I work in a creative field, so I can venture outside of the safer options. However, I still want to look like an adult. I typically gravitate towards a dark red, which is maybe a bit too dark for late summer? What's the hip color this season?
    posted by jrichards at 7:07 AM PST - 22 comments

    Game vs Me

    Looking for perspectives/personal stories on dating gamers. I am early 20s, he late 20s. He is smart, level headed and fun to be around. We are both employed and having other hobbies/interests to pursue outside of work and our casual dating relationship. We enjoy each other company and sex is great. There are other minor issues that we do need to work on but at the moment things are going well. This is my first time dating a gamer. He's not an addict so I am not addressing this as a red flag. I find it kinda amusing, a part of him that I don't want to change, but yep, the issue of Game Vs Me/Us time does arise.
    posted by azalea at 4:59 AM PST - 21 comments

    Pretty, glamorous evening gown for one time use in San Fransisco

    If this were a shopping tv show, this would be the most difficult challenge. I need a pretty, glamorous evening gown to destroy tomorrow night in San Fransisco (not ball gown, because those seem to be different things. Looking for slim and elegant, not poofy). Weirdo details inside. [more inside]
    posted by twiggy32 at 4:48 AM PST - 10 comments

    Bystander liability and social networks

    Are we liable for what people on our social networks threaten to do should they follow through on those threats? [more inside]
    posted by Joey Michaels at 2:02 AM PST - 7 comments

    Questions about getting little bro's 18th bday pressie

    My brother's turning 18 on Aug 30. Any thoughts on what to get, appreciated. [more inside]
    posted by glache at 1:46 AM PST - 13 comments

    Norwegian wood?

    A family heirloom has a mysterious inscription in what I assume is a Scandinavian language. But what is it? [more inside]
    posted by theory at 12:47 AM PST - 8 comments

    August 12

    The AC, she just can't take it, Jim.

    Is there more consumer protection if I use a credit card to pay for a major purchase like an air conditioning unit? [more inside]
    posted by dejah420 at 11:24 PM PST - 6 comments

    Illinois Tollway - Paying for all the missed unmanned tolls

    I blew through 3 or 4 unmanned Chicagoland toll booths last weekend. I was unprepared with neither an iPass nor loads of change, and naively thought I could go online and pay what I missed. It turns out I need to identify the date and exact tollbooth I missed. I can't remember, as I was driving all weekend all along the N/NW suburbs. I was in a rental car, and I'd like to avoid the "admin charges," in addition to any possible traffic fines. Any practical advice on what I should do? [more inside]
    posted by ccl6yl at 10:25 PM PST - 11 comments

    Help us plan our trans-American odyssey!

    A friend and I are planning a month-long roadtrip down the West coast of the United States - starting in Oregon, and possibly going so far as to cross Texas and finish up in Louisiana somewhere - to take place sometime in the new year, and we'd appreciate some advice in re: must-sees and logistics. [more inside]
    posted by nicolas léonard sadi carnot at 10:05 PM PST - 28 comments

    How to handle an impending layoff/ failing a trial period?

    I didn't do well/ the job didn't work out well for me during the trial period. How do I handle the impending layoff/ going forward? [more inside]
    posted by ichomp at 10:03 PM PST - 10 comments

    Web page layout: getting from sorta competent to kinda good

    Hey competent web devs! How do you do page layout? Help me get my page layout skills to...well maybe not 2013, I'm not that ambitious, but, maybe late 2009? [more inside]
    posted by molybdenum at 10:00 PM PST - 16 comments

    Should I worry about an explainable discrepancy in salary verification?

    My new employer might attempt to verify my previous salary. The number I told them I "make" during salary negotiations includes an annual bonus and is more than my base salary. Should I be worried they might find out my base salary was a bit less? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 9:02 PM PST - 12 comments

    Camera Lens fogging up outside

    I'm tent camping and trying to get pics of the night sky. My lens just started fogging up. What do I do? My plan was to set my wireless interval timer up and go to sleep but now it looks like I'll have 400 blurry pics. It's a canon f/1.8 50 mm with a uv filter. It's 65 degrees here with 81% humidity.
    posted by desjardins at 8:55 PM PST - 9 comments

    Block by block

    What are some good* movies whose central conflict involves Our Hero(es) trying to get from one end of a city (or a cityish-sized thing) to the other in the space of a day or night? Examples would be The Warriors, 16 Blocks, or - if I'm remembering it right - Judgement Night. [more inside]
    posted by Mike Smith at 8:03 PM PST - 47 comments

    Shhh! (Surprise party for my wife! But what do I give the awesome host?)

    I'm throwing a surprise party for my wife's 40th birthday this Thursday evening. One of my wife's friends volunteered to have the party at her house. She's also helping to arrange catering from her dad's restaurant (I'm paying for it, but at a steeply discounted rate--and she worked out the menu). So ... I'd like to give our friend a hosting gift. [more inside]
    posted by agog at 8:00 PM PST - 12 comments

    Where in Ireland is this?

    My cousin is trying to track down the exact location shown in this photo. The photo is about 20 years old, and was taken somewhere in Ireland.
    posted by Paragon at 7:45 PM PST - 8 comments

    How should I transport my unenclosed hard drive?

    My old laptop finally failed, and I want to take the hard drive home with me. The laptop is gigantic, and I don't want to lug it home on the train. I am leaving tomorrow morning. I don't have a static-resistant bag, and won't have time to get one before I leave. What's the best way to transport my unenclosed hard drive in my luggage? Assume I don't have any tin foil, paper bags, or cardboard boxes. I do have paper towels, regular towels, packing tape, plastic bags, and bubble wrap.
    posted by topoisomerase at 7:39 PM PST - 10 comments

    What do I do about all this guilt about my mother?

    My mother (depressed, long divorced, estranged from much of her family) feels that I am not there enough for her. Since I started a serious relationship three years ago, the situation has deteriorated greatly. I feel that she depends on me far too much -- and the rest of my life is suffering -- but I'm too consumed by guilt to figure out concrete ways in which to handle this. I would appreciate suggestions for both short- and long-term strategies for building a healthier relationship. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 7:20 PM PST - 23 comments

    Ideas for simple "signature" cocktails for a party?

    Ideas for simple "signature" cocktails for a party? [more inside]
    posted by justonegirl at 6:40 PM PST - 24 comments

    Not sure if this tile has asbestos - freaking out - what to do next?

    My mom started have our front foyer renovated. It is small (about 50 square feet) and it has some very tacky laminate flooring that she is going to cover it up with a wood pergo. The guy doing it, a friend of hers, has started the process by taking out the radiator covers and removing some of the laminate, where there is tile underneath. (Picture here. The white is on top, then there is a kind of brownish pattern you can't see much of, and then there is the brown and tan tiles on the bottom.) He cut some of the tile away from around the radiators and she said he was planning to remove it all because there were too many layers of old flooring. He did not spray the area down and I don't see a significant amount of dust, but there is definitely some dust and debris around. (In addition to the floor being removed, some wood paneling was removed and replaced with dry wall. Closet door and frame was also removed and will be replaced.) I am freaking out that the tile may be made of asbestos and we've already been exposed to it... [more inside]
    posted by AppleTurnover at 5:28 PM PST - 23 comments

    Help me make my new office better/more efficient?

    Work just moved me into my own office space and I would like suggestions on anything either technological or not to improve my workspace- apparently this is a good time to ask the business office for additional things. [more inside]
    posted by tangaroo at 5:24 PM PST - 6 comments

    Workfilter: How to be professional in the face of major disappointment

    I've been at my job for the past five years and have had a lot of success, and have won a lot of awards for my work. However the folks that have seen my work and recognized my work have either left the organization or are on leave this summer. I interviewed for a position that I was qualified for and was not hired. A person that joined my team a year ago, Sally, spent the summer sucking up to the person who was tapped to be the hiring manager, Harry, who is a man that was newly hired in May, right before the person who would have been the hiring manager (my current boss) left on three months of leave. Sally got the job over six other applicants (including myself) that were more qualified. Everyone on the team is upset/angry at this situation, and we are worried about what this woman will do with this new power. Looking for guidance on how to proceed. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 5:22 PM PST - 16 comments

    Give me your child-raising hacks and habits

    My baby is getting to the age where taking care of him is a bit more complicated than just making sure he's fed and slept. I'm looking for your parenting hacks and habits -- things you've learned that make raising kids (toddler age and older) just work a little better. [more inside]
    posted by forza at 5:22 PM PST - 40 comments

    Pain after knee surgery

    Pain relief question for elderly parent. [more inside]
    posted by jenh526 at 5:22 PM PST - 6 comments

    Difference between male and female grad students

    I can't find an article (or an informal study) about the gender differences between a group of grad students. The male students were consistently doing better because they went to the professor and asked for more responsibilities (like teaching a class), while the female students thought the professors would come to the female students when the professors thought the female students were ready. [more inside]
    posted by Monday at 5:08 PM PST - 1 comment

    Freaking out after failing comprehensive exams

    I am a grad student in the sciences, and I just found out today that I did not pass my comprehensive exams. My mental health is deteriorating from all of this stress, and I really want out. How can I do this? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 5:05 PM PST - 10 comments

    Cheap, great laptop recommendations?

    I really need a cheap, new-ish laptop to make my Youtube cartoons. I have very little to spend, so I'm hoping you smart folks on the TG Comics board have some suggestions. [more inside]
    posted by Ursula Hitler at 5:04 PM PST - 8 comments

    Band drama alert! Need some advice

    Sorry everyone, I am sure you have all heard of similar stories. This is a classic "three-part collaboration and one person kind of is uncompromising/has an ego." The question I am ultimately asking is: is my what I plan on saying reasonable? would you say I am being a jerk? [more inside]
    posted by redwaterman at 5:01 PM PST - 8 comments

    What is a life changing realization that you wish you'd had sooner?

    I have a birthday coming up soon (28 - which for some reason feels like a milestone to me) and have been spending some time thinking about some of the small epiphanies I've had in the last few years that have made my life infinitely better. Such as - it's ok to let go of friends who no longer bring anything positive into your life; you are not responsible for your mothers happiness; and it's OK if the person you are seriously dating and thinking about settling down with is very different from the person that you thought you'd be with. In fact, it might be a very good thing. All of this thinking has made me realize that 1) if I had known this a few years earlier I might have avoided some serious heartache and anxiety attacks and 2) that there are probably plenty more epiphanies that I haven't had yet. So, I'm asking you all wise and all knowing MeFiers - what is a life changing realization you wish you'd had sooner?
    posted by Bokonon11 at 4:17 PM PST - 109 comments

    Can I get some resolution?

    Help me figure out how to prepare art for a public screen slideshow. Details inside... [more inside]
    posted by Thorzdad at 4:15 PM PST - 3 comments

    Explainers, I want them.

    As one might tell from my time spent reading AskMe, I'm endlessly fascinated by good answers to fascinating questions. Likewise I read Slate's Explainer, The Economist Explains, and XKCD's What If?. What are other similar sites that provide quality, in-depth answers to questions I never knew I wanted to ask? [more inside]
    posted by Ookseer at 3:54 PM PST - 14 comments

    I'm too curt, he's too sensitive - what can we do?

    My partner and I have been together for 8 years and we keep revisiting the same problem. I am a surgeon and my workplace requires me to be fast, accurate, and to make quick decisions. I value efficiency in my personal life too, but this can cause me to be curt and even come off as mean sometimes. And I happened to fall in love with a guy who is a hypersensitive perfectionist. Details inside. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 3:24 PM PST - 30 comments

    Sony a57 + Sigma 18-250 Lens: How do I use lens correction in Aperture?

    Forgive me if this is more obvious than I expect, but I recently purchased a Sony a57 Camera, which I really, really enjoy. I will be doing some traveling, and purchased a Sigma 18-250mm 1:3.5-6.3 Macro HSM lens to pair with my camera. I have read that many people will use "lens profiles" to correct their images when they import them into Aperture. How can I find a lens profile for my lens? [more inside]
    posted by smitt at 3:06 PM PST - 1 comment

    Garfield Comic Filter: Jon sings "Found a Peanut" gets tie in face.

    So my friend has never heard of the "found a peanut song" and I was reminded of a Garfield comic where jon is singing this song and then Garfield stuffs a tie in jon's mouth but I can't seem to find it. Maybe it was another comic? I also found some references to a Garfield search engine but it seems to be down. Halp? [more inside]
    posted by captaincrouton at 3:04 PM PST - 5 comments

    I feel a crushing lack of energy, apathy, lack of focus/motivation.

    I'm 21, bright, full of potential and with lots of dreams...but I feel completely, ridiculously unable to complete menial daily tasks. I need to move out, as family life isn't peachy. I need to do a lot of things to get my marketing career going, and I see it: but I'm unmotivated and lazy. Today is a low point, very low, can't stop tearfully moping about. Plz help. :( [more inside]
    posted by rhythm_queen at 2:46 PM PST - 8 comments

    Give a genderqueer sibling a hand?

    How would I know if I was something other than cisgender? [more inside]
    posted by A Puppet made from a Sock at 2:38 PM PST - 24 comments

    I want to get paid for what I was told I'd be paid. Right now I'm not.

    How to go about dealing with a raise I "officially" got but in practice did not? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 2:32 PM PST - 8 comments

    It didn't succeed...try, try again?

    So one relationship didn't work out. Is it horribly rude to resume communicating with someone else who may know or be a friend with the other person? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 2:32 PM PST - 9 comments

    New bike or upgrade the frame with old components?

    I ride a single speed (flip flop hub) here in NYC and am at a bit of a crossroads - my bike is at the shop and the diagnosis is grim - the worn out seat post is corroded into the frame. If it doesn't come out easy the repairs might be more than the original cost of the bike. Should I strip the components off the bike and get a new frame? Or a new bike entirely? Bike fiends I'd love some tips/pointers on this one. Specific details inside... [more inside]
    posted by cristinacristinacristina at 2:26 PM PST - 7 comments

    Make this snowflake excited for the next issue again!

    Help me get back into comic books after years away. [more inside]
    posted by Hennimore at 2:16 PM PST - 9 comments

    How to best help husband recover post-vasectomy?

    My husband is taking one for the to speak. He's going in for a vasectomy on Wednesday, and has already planned to take the next day off from (office) work. Aside from frozen peas and ice cream, what can I do to make it easier on him? [more inside]
    posted by ninjakins at 1:40 PM PST - 22 comments

    A Gift for the Tattooed Lady

    I have a friend who is very proud of her tattoos. I would like to get her a special gift. My first thought was a photography session, but her brother is a photographer and has already given her such sessions in the past. I had a crazy idea and I was wondering if there's any reality to it: Is there any such thing as scanning tattoos? For instance, like pressing the body part with the tattoo against a flatbed scanner and creating a high-quality artistic print of the tattoo itself? Or does this separate the tattoo for the reality of its place on her body in such a way to invalidate the whole purpose of it? If this is a stupid idea, can you suggest others? Thanks!
    posted by jefficator at 1:27 PM PST - 8 comments

    Not Your Mother's Sexytime Bon Voyage

    I am being thrown a bridal shower that I'm relatively aware of. I know that it will take place involving both genders, and the location. I've been asked to provide a guest list, but I don't know how to do that when I don't know what the purpose of a coed bridal shower is for someone who is demonstrably not a virgin. Help, please. [more inside]
    posted by corb at 1:26 PM PST - 19 comments

    I'm booooorrrrrrred.

    It's an especially slow time at work for me right now, and will be for a few more weeks at least. Please recommend some online time-killers. Specs within. [more inside]
    posted by mudpuppie at 12:44 PM PST - 12 comments

    Help me pick a path in the software industry

    I'm changing careers into the software industry and I am having difficulty choosing a path – lots of different roles look REALLY appealing. If you are working or hiring in the industry, can you advise me on a good route? [more inside]
    posted by carbide at 12:31 PM PST - 8 comments

    Hotels in Ann Arbor

    I'd like to get some hotel recommendations around Ann Arbor, MI, please! [more inside]
    posted by phunniemee at 12:10 PM PST - 9 comments

    Retransmission fees - shouldn't it be the other way around?

    The recent blackout of CBS by Time Warner prompted this question. I understand the basic premise behind retransmission fees - if CableCo wants to carry broadcasts from XYZ network, they need permission from XYZ, who will charge a fee for the privilege. But this seems backwards to me. [more inside]
    posted by trivia genius at 12:08 PM PST - 13 comments

    What should I know before doing my Half-Ironman distance triathlon?

    I am doing my first Half-Ironman distance triathlon in two weeks. (Gulp). What should I know? [more inside]
    posted by suki at 12:01 PM PST - 11 comments

    Introductory sailing lessons in Bar Harbor, Maine?

    My extended family will be getting together next week near Bar Harbor, Maine. Several of the youngsters have expressed an interest in learning how, or at least being introduced, to sailing. None of us is familiar with the area. Any recommendations for sailing lessons in the area?
    posted by skyscraper at 11:59 AM PST - 4 comments

    Pro photographer in NYC, this week

    I need to hire a photographer to take some photos of my organization's founder, which will be used in various publications. Ideally, I'd need these photos taken this week. I'm not sure where to begin looking for a photographer, or how much (ballpark) this will cost us. [more inside]
    posted by showbiz_liz at 11:55 AM PST - 6 comments

    iTunes Store screen is blank?

    All of the sudden my iTunes Store screen on my Macbook Pro is blank. I'm using the latest version of iTunes and it's not a network problem as my iPad and iPhone connect fine. Help? [more inside]
    posted by meerkatty at 11:52 AM PST - 6 comments

    I will find my frog!

    Do you know where to buy a light-sensitive toy frog-in-a-box very much like this? It looks like this: and sounds like this: Matching the sound is more important than matching the look. Seems like something found in a dollar store or particularly junky toy store.
    posted by moonmilk at 11:39 AM PST - 3 comments

    round corner punch in Toronto

    where in toronto can I buy a hole punch that creates a round corner on a piece of paper, from its original sharp corner? I know I can buy online, but prefer to go to a store for it. Ideally in downtown, but can travel.
    posted by atetrachordofthree at 11:39 AM PST - 7 comments

    To R or not to R

    My office has recently had some funds open up and we are looking into investing in some statistical software to make our lives easier. We do a lot of work with distribution fitting, Monte Carlo analysis, and regression analysis with data sets that may contain left or right censored data. Unfortunately, we only have a few days to identify the best software package for our buck. Alternatively, the idea has been floated to download the free R software and spend the money on some training to get over the steep learning curve. What program or approach would be the best use of our money?
    posted by C'est la D.C. at 10:59 AM PST - 23 comments

    New workout

    I have come to love and need regular, intense exercise and I'm looking for a new routine. Help? [more inside]
    posted by latkes at 10:57 AM PST - 17 comments

    The rotisserie is too big to fit on my apartment patio!

    My friends and I want to roast a whole pig. We live in Vancouver, and none of us have a yard. What other spaces would accommodate a very large grill for 6+ hours cooking time, and for ~30 people to eat it afterward? Bonus points if it also allowed for alcohol. [more inside]
    posted by beepbeepboopboop at 10:49 AM PST - 6 comments

    My LDR girlfriend was raped and I'm worrying about her safety.

    How can my LDR girlfriend protect herself from the guy who raped her? [more inside]
    posted by Dufay at 10:43 AM PST - 26 comments

    As a teacher, can I refer students to my professional business?

    I teach writing to adults. When they ask me to edit something that's not for class (say, for their professional work), can I refer them to my private writing/editing business, even if they're currently enrolled in my class? [more inside]
    posted by toomuchkatherine at 10:37 AM PST - 5 comments

    Deviled Egg Recipe

    I'm going to a deviled egg contest this weekend and I want to win. Please help me. What is your award winning deviled egg recipe?
    posted by josher71 at 9:56 AM PST - 36 comments

    Help with expectations and recommendations heading into back surgery

    My Mom is a recently retired professor in her mid 60s who has had been interrupted in enjoying the neat stuff she had lined up to do by some back problems that now require a fusion of a couple discs in her spine to permanently remedy the condition. She is going into surgery this week. I'd appreciate any advice or information that anyone who has been through something similar would have liked to hear in advance, that wasn't covered in the usual consults. [more inside]
    posted by snuffleupagus at 9:47 AM PST - 6 comments

    scanner with document feeder, b/w images encoded as GIF or PNG or equiv.

    I need to scan a bunch of documents that are mostly simple black/white or grayscale text, lines, etc. I'm probably going to just buy a sheet-fed scanner, and I'd like recommendations for that. I'm hoping for a solution that will automatically generate PDFs with the included scanned images encoded as GIFs or PNGs or similar, since they will mostly be black/white or grayscale, which compresses much more cleanly with these formats. [more inside]
    posted by amtho at 9:40 AM PST - 16 comments

    How to improve my resume?

    What should I do to my resume to improve it and highlight the PA/good with people/usually calm in tense situations parts for PA/office work type jobs? [more inside]
    posted by Jacen at 9:40 AM PST - 7 comments

    How to stop being nosy-ed(?).

    My roommate asks me questions that I find annoying, and I'd like to know if there's a way to peacefully stop. [more inside]
    posted by MiuMiu at 9:38 AM PST - 39 comments

    Seeking French Comedies / Why Is Netflix Searching So Bad?

    My wife and I greatly enjoy French comedies (recent examples inside). Netflix's proprietary Obfuscatron-4000 searching system has cleverly adapted to our viewing tastes by making French comedies difficult to identify and put in our queue. Can you recommend additional titles that are available on Netflix, either on disc or streaming? [more inside]
    posted by Admiral Haddock at 9:30 AM PST - 13 comments

    "Not to kill? Then I'll do it, damn you!"

    I don't know a whole lot about dance/DJ music, but I was recently introduced to Depth Charge, and it really hits my sweet spot as far as stuff like that goes. Who else should I check out to find more music like this? New, old, it's all good.
    posted by The Card Cheat at 9:24 AM PST - 7 comments

    Wristwatch identification

    Can anyone identify this watch?
    posted by payoto at 8:33 AM PST - 4 comments

    Seeing London, finally.

    Asking for a friend: Older American couple is visiting London for the first time. They're having a hard time figuring out travel agencies / DIY internet bookings. Can you make some recommendations? [more inside]
    posted by mibo at 7:58 AM PST - 9 comments

    Tell me about eating in Andalucia

    I will be spending ten days in southern Spain at the end of next month. I love food and am more excited about the eating than maybe any other part of the vacation - not just because of the food itself but because the whole eating culture and schedule is different from what I am used to as an American. [more inside]
    posted by something something at 7:53 AM PST - 11 comments

    Help me find book on interpersonal dynamics?

    I remember vaguely that it had a purple cover, but cannot remember the title or author. I know within the first few pages was a chart explaining the dynamics with a few intertwined circles. It was not a textbook, but a paperback of about 200 pages. Sadly, that's all I remember. At the time I was a sophomore in high school and the book caught my eye on a bookshelf. However, I could only read a few pages because it was more challenging than any book I had encountered. Now, I keep thinking about this book and have a strong impression that if I were to find it, it could finally be comprehensible to me. Help?
    posted by lunastellasol at 7:26 AM PST - 8 comments

    Help me find a snarky butcher blog post I vaguely remember

    I'm looking for a post from a butcher shop in response to a customer complaint about bursting sausages. In response, the butcher showed five or so ways to properly prepare a sausage. It was snarky, no-nonsense, funny. I recall the shop had a sort of design-y vibe, and they had a blog after all, so I sort of suspect this butcher was in Portland or San Francisco. My searching is getting bogged down by chowhound, ehow, and the like. Does this jog anyone's memory?
    posted by cramer at 7:11 AM PST - 3 comments

    Now we get to the nitty-gritty etiquette questions.

    What is the proper way to carry a furled umbrella? [more inside]
    posted by backseatpilot at 5:23 AM PST - 27 comments

    Frail whale

    I have an inordinate crush on songs like Sufjan Steven's "For the Widows of Paradise" and in general love the sound of clawhammer/frailing banjo. Can you help me find more not-strictly-traditional music featuring clawhammer banjo? [more inside]
    posted by drlith at 5:16 AM PST - 9 comments

    Baseball Card/Dice Game Identification Question

    Need Help Identifying a Baseball Dice/Card Game From the 80s/90s. [more inside]
    posted by dbirchum at 5:14 AM PST - 4 comments

    Vegan. Why is it a hard 'gee' when vegetarian is a soft 'gee'?

    I couldn't answer this when my Polish friend asked me why the letter changed sound, does anyone else know?
    posted by dash_slot- at 4:21 AM PST - 4 comments

    Did I fuck up? How shall I do it differently next time?

    I'm in the post break-up re-evaluation phase ('bargaining' phase in the grieving process?). I veer between feeling I tried my best while also holding onto ways I could have done things differently while dealing with our core problem to feeling that I fucked up majorly and just lost a potentially fantastic life-partner. While par for course this state of affairs is I believe, this is really eating me and I would be grateful for some perspective. [more inside]
    posted by drummergirl80 at 3:34 AM PST - 17 comments

    Haven't got a fracking clue

    The idea of pumping chemicals into the ground near the water table seems very risky to me. What are the chances of fracking contaminating ground water?
    posted by devnull at 3:26 AM PST - 18 comments

    Stop calling me, dad

    How do I discourage my needy dad's constant texts and phone calls? And / or how do I stop feeling pressured by them? Difficulty: Without having a heart to heart conversation about it. [more inside]
    posted by Omnomnom at 2:31 AM PST - 46 comments

    Sliding (mac) windows

    I have a monitor attached to my iMac, which is running 10.8.4. I use the dock to switch between open windows and programs. Until this morning this was never a problem -- I could leave a pdf open on one screen to refer to, and open Mail on the other screen. This meant I could look at what I was writing about. [more inside]
    posted by bwonder2 at 1:50 AM PST - 4 comments

    How can I make my work experience relevant for a job in academia?

    I am in need of some help... I've just completed an M.A. in Anthropology, I'm trying to pull together a CV for a job teaching as an adjunct professor or community college professor. I don't have professional teaching experience, even though I've got loads of experience teaching to my peers in graduate seminars. (I'm also not sure how to convey that, other than in a cover letter.) I've got some of my written work (, and one of my presentations on YouTube. I'm in the process of revising some other papers to put on Hoping, I suppose, that displaying my work will make me a better candidate. Now, here's the question: How can I make my existing (non-teaching!) work experience relevant to applying for academic jobs? [more inside]
    posted by ScarletLark at 1:09 AM PST - 10 comments

    August 11

    Getting started in drum circles

    I would like to participate in a drum circle. What are some fairly affordable and portable drums or percussion instruments I could buy? General advice welcome but links to specific models and pros and cons of each would be especially helpful. [more inside]
    posted by Unified Theory at 9:37 PM PST - 10 comments

    Where can I find corn cockle flowers?

    I need a source for corn cockle flowers, fresh or dried, preferably dried. [more inside]
    posted by jedicus at 9:06 PM PST - 2 comments

    Han I explain social anxiety to my parents?

    My significant other has social anxiety. I think my parents take it personally. How can I explain this is not about them? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 8:48 PM PST - 20 comments

    Assuming I can uninstall it...

    Is there an alternative to Samsung Kies for Galaxy 3 users? [more inside]
    posted by fshgrl at 8:45 PM PST - 9 comments

    Wanting to make my first video....

    I want to make a video montage to the song “Can’t Say No” by Helio Sequence. I have some ideas in mind for video clips I’d like to use (and I’m sure said clips exist somewhere online) – but I have no idea how to go about doing this. More details behind cut. [more inside]
    posted by camylanded at 8:24 PM PST - 6 comments

    Help me reduce the annoyance of an external USB harddrive.

    I would like to somehow attach my external USB harddrive to my laptop in a way that is practical and feasible. Any Ideas? [more inside]
    posted by cacofonie at 7:25 PM PST - 16 comments

    Where to stay in Florianopolis

    My lovely wife is going to a conference held at UFSC in Florianopolis for 4 days in September. Where should she stay? [more inside]
    posted by signal at 7:17 PM PST - 2 comments

    Relocating and rebuilding as a depressed person

    I absolutely need to move. I'm feeling very stuck in my father's suburban Texas home. I've been in Colorado for the last week and I don't want to leave. I feel that this is a place where I can be healthy and take control of my life. It's so beautiful. But I'm overwhelmed. I need some guidance, I'm willing to make a lot of sacrifices to relocate to Colorado but I don't know how to make it happen. [more inside]
    posted by polyhedron at 6:16 PM PST - 25 comments

    What use am I if I am always to be average or mediocre?

    Perfectionism has been something I have dealt with since I was a child. I am 22 years old and what I think about a lot is what use am I if I have no extraordinary abilities, talents, or accomplishments. [more inside]
    posted by 8LeggedFriend at 5:31 PM PST - 60 comments

    What Happened to ‘Save All Changes’, OS X Preview?

    For years I opened dozens of photos at once in Preview on the Mac, cropped them all, and hit the button marked 'Save All Changes.' Since shifting to Mountain Lion I now have to hit the Save button dozens of times to accomplish the same thing. Is there a better way to do this, or a different, better program?
    posted by LeLiLo at 5:25 PM PST - 8 comments

    What are these holes called?

    What are these mounting holes called? Is there any kind of plate or bracket I could buy that would allow me to retrofit them onto a device that does not have them, without drilling into the device?
    posted by cosmic.osmo at 5:21 PM PST - 6 comments

    What are the best photographs in the public domain?

    I am decorating a new apartment and would like to put some nice pieces of art on the walls. I love some of the photographs in the Library of Congress collection and have thought about having them blown up and printed high-res. Which brings me to my question: What are the best high-res images (in the public domain) floating around the Internet? Or collections of public domain high-res images that I can turn into posters?
    posted by melodykramer at 5:05 PM PST - 20 comments

    What are the best episodes of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood?

    Thanks to 4ster I recently discovered that the entirety of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood is available on Amazon streaming. What are the best episodes and why? Where should we start?
    posted by bq at 5:02 PM PST - 16 comments

    Finding information about person in a portrait

    We have inherited a portrait of Prof. Jacques Stock painted in the late 1930's. Based on family tradition he might have been a professor of art. Is there some site or some way we can search the web based on the face in the portrait? We've tried many different ways to search by name and keep coming up with nothing. The artist was a family member who died several years ago. The portrait was discovered after he died. We do know the family member studied portraiture under Thomas Eakins, but that is about all we have to go on. Many thanks for any help you can give.
    posted by fgdmorr at 4:29 PM PST - 4 comments

    How do I sell my car?

    I'm selling my car, a 2002 Honda Civic with about 80,000 miles. It's my first time selling a car, and I don't really know what I'm doing - how do I go about this? Can I minimize hassle without getting screwed? [more inside]
    posted by naoko at 4:24 PM PST - 12 comments

    Up close vs. far away

    I am looking for movie/TV scenes in which the audience or characters think that something is one thing up close, but realize that it is something different from further away. [more inside]
    posted by quiet coyote at 4:11 PM PST - 10 comments

    near future sf

    Looking for recommendations for thought-provoking near-future SF. [more inside]
    posted by scribbler at 3:36 PM PST - 25 comments

    Looking for American politics and news podcasts, radio programs or blogs

    Now that NPR's It's All Politics is ending, I need a new podcast that focuses on American politics and national news. I love podcasts like PRI's The World and BBC Newshour, but I want something that only focuses on American stories. I already listen to Slate's Political Gabfest. Does anyone here have any other suggestions? I'm also looking for high quality blogs that are frequently updated. Thanks for any suggestions!
    posted by shoreline at 2:57 PM PST - 8 comments

    GPS and traffic pattern changes

    Has there been any instances where traffic patterns or roads changed because of GPS use? [more inside]
    posted by daninnj at 2:47 PM PST - 12 comments

    What news aggregator do you use?

    I have tried to get on the RSS bandwagon. Really I did. But it's just too much drama for me. I read The Morning News ( everyday, and love that someone I trust chooses stories for me -- it's edited, focused, smart, and clean. Does anyone have other aggregators (or curators?) that are similar? (I'm trying Atlantic Wire with limited joy.)
    posted by antipode12 at 2:45 PM PST - 14 comments

    Electronic Alteration of a DIGITAL Sample as a Defense

    i once heard a lawyer claim you can "fight" copyright claims by altering frequency and introducing manipulation to the audio samples. following text "SOUND SAMPLING PROTECTION AND INFRINGEMENT IN TODAY'S MUSIC INDUSTRY" claims this is null. can anyone clarify this?
    posted by yosh at 2:11 PM PST - 10 comments

    Please help me not freak out about my first ever psych visit

    I've asked for a long, long-overdue assessment for ADHD and anxiety, which will be this week. I've never ever talked to a psychiatrist before and I'm getting really anxious about it. Help me know what to expect and how to prepare for it? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 2:00 PM PST - 9 comments

    Goal: No more terrorizing myself.

    Advice me, Metafilter, on how to get over this totally irrational fear I have of being single forever. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 1:59 PM PST - 23 comments

    Death by Frosting?

    I made some (delicious) coconut-pecan frosting a week ago (Aug. 4). Can I eat this? How much longer will it be edible? [more inside]
    posted by jeoc at 1:28 PM PST - 10 comments

    Poor in spirit

    This will seem like an obnoxious question, but I have my reasons. Would "Beati meretrices" be a grammatically accurate Latin translation of "Blessed are the whores"?
    posted by outlandishmarxist at 1:15 PM PST - 6 comments

    Where can I find very low cut socks?

    I am having a lot of trouble finding super low cut socks - socks that are not visible when wearing low profile sneakers like Van's. Are there any websites or stores in Manhattan that carry them?
    posted by helios410 at 1:13 PM PST - 14 comments

    A mysterious exploding vase

    We have three vases of the same shape, same material, different sizes. The smallest one blew up last night... I think... maybe... I dunno. It's a mystery. [more inside]
    posted by patheral at 1:11 PM PST - 20 comments

    How Successful are Naturopath's at Treating Digestive Issues?

    I am going to be seeing a Naturopathic doctor for my digestive issues which have plagued me for 4 months now. (Chronic abdominal pain and diahrea) [more inside]
    posted by Jack V at 1:01 PM PST - 26 comments

    Fun/unique date ideas in Dallas?

    My girlfriend and I have been apart for the summer and we haven't been able to spend much time talking to each other because of various work-related reasons. Fortunately, I'm going to visit her in Dallas soon, so I'm looking for fun, interesting date ideas. [more inside]
    posted by jdgreen at 12:40 PM PST - 9 comments

    Measuring and collecting data on aircraft noise

    I need to measure some noise, complicated environmental noise. And store the data. Aircraft noise. (Which is complicated to measure.) Some initial research is turning up that it could be done with equipment like a Real Time Audio Analyzer w 1/3 Octave Band Filters or equivalent. I need to do it separately from city-owned or airport owned equipment. I know there are experts who do this and the analysis is not easy. Best case scenario, there would be an individual or group which could be hired within the Chicagoland area to help. Next best thing would be the ability to collect data ourselves that could be analyzed later. Anyone familiar with the resources and strategies used for residents to collect data on aircraft noise?
    posted by jeanmari at 12:14 PM PST - 10 comments

    Moving to Vancouver

    I'm (almost certainly) moving to Vancouver for grad school, starting this September. I've never moved before, other than college and that was only an hour away from my hometown. What do I need to know about renting an apartment, getting my iPhone to work and everything else? [more inside]
    posted by raeka at 10:18 AM PST - 16 comments

    lost ID card, international edition!

    A German woman left her ID card (personalausweis) at our store in the SF Bay Area two weeks ago. We haven't heard from her. Is it a good idea for me to mail to to the German consulate in San Francisco? If not, what's the best course of action? [more inside]
    posted by wintersonata9 at 10:18 AM PST - 6 comments

    Audiobooks on Connecticut?

    I am moving from Michigan to Waterbury, Connecticut next week to start a new political job. I've never lived in the Northeast, or spent any time in Connecticut. I'd like recommendations on an Audible audio book that will best prepare me either for the general culture or political climate of my new home.
    posted by andythebean at 10:02 AM PST - 6 comments

    How can I get a well-made custom metal tie clip?

    I want to get a friend a reasonably high-quality metal tie clip with a custom design (which would require an unusual shape, not something like an engraving) as a gift. A professional-grade 3D printer of the sort used on Shapeways seems like an option, but I don't know any well-recommended company or designer who could design the clip and help me print it. There are companies that do "custom" clips online, but they seem like tweaked mass-produced junk. So, two questions: Is there a method that would be simpler/easier/cheaper than 3D printing for this? And based on the first answer, how can I actually make this happen?
    posted by Tubalcain at 9:54 AM PST - 6 comments

    Alternatives to Doc Martens

    I think Doc Martens look awesome and would love to wear them, but I have a completely shaven head and don't want to be mistaken for a skinhead (I wear glasses and don't otherwise dress like a skinhead, but I think for some people there's a very simple equation here). What are some other brands that make black leather boots similar to the classic Doc Martens that aren't associated with skinheads?
    posted by anonymous at 9:23 AM PST - 17 comments

    What does 'NIKAT' mean on this statue of a Spartan?

    There is a statue in the Milwaukee art museum titled "The Last of the Spartans". It depicts a dying soldier writing the word "NIKAT" on his shield, presumably as his last act before succumbing to his injuries. What does NIKAT mean? [more inside]
    posted by :-) at 9:15 AM PST - 12 comments

    What's in the mysterious (Chinese) bottle?

    A Chinese colleague gave me a bottle of some kind of alcohol - photo. It's one of the most... err... distinctive things I've ever tasted. What on earth is it? (And are you supposed to drink it neat? Down it or sip it?)
    posted by Luddite at 8:13 AM PST - 4 comments

    Will haz explosion?

    Smell that isn't like gas from the oven/burner but is like when radiators go on in winter is in apartment. Freak out or no? [more inside]
    posted by angrycat at 6:42 AM PST - 7 comments

    Can attraction grow? Great guy, but not too terribly attracted?

    Casually dating a great guy. He's smart, funny, we're comfortable with each other. We've been seeing each other for 2 months now. The issue is... I don't find him incredibly physically appealing. Can I overcome it? [more inside]
    posted by Chelsaroo650 at 4:07 AM PST - 65 comments

    CAPTCHA-like task that requires a couple of minutes to complete

    I'm looking for a CAPTCHA-like service (e.g. ReCAPTCHA). However, it needs to be one that requires more time & effort to complete, since my goal is actually to create a barrier to entry for my site (i.e. have users prove that they are competent and willing to invest effort). Like transcribing entire paragraphs of text, rather than just a couple of words, or solving some sort of puzzle. Does anyone know of such a service, ideally one I could easily plug into my site?
    posted by lunchbox at 1:11 AM PST - 11 comments

    August 10

    Sweet spot for scanner price + quality?

    I need to buy a scanner that can handle photo prints (up to 8.5x11") and also 35mm slides and the occasional glass plate negative, and I'm bewildered by the number of options. Does anyone have a good amount of experience using a make/model for this kind of work that they can recommend? [more inside]
    posted by ryanshepard at 9:47 PM PST - 7 comments

    How can I break the habits I developed while I was depressed?

    About two years ago, I started a very effective course of cognitive behavioral therapy that helped me understand my depression and change my negative, self-critical thinking. Recently, I've began noticing that even though how I think about myself has changed, I haven't done anything to change the isolated, unhealthy lifestyle I developed back when I was depressed. Now that I'm out of therapy, what can I do to break these habits that contribute to depression? [more inside]
    posted by Chuck Barris at 9:41 PM PST - 14 comments

    Where to eat in Santa Fe and Sedona

    Summer vacation in Santa Fe and Sedona. Where should we eat? [more inside]
    posted by elizeh at 9:15 PM PST - 15 comments

    Help me find an eye serum that fits my needs

    Help me find an eye serum that fits my needs [more inside]
    posted by DeltaForce at 9:05 PM PST - 4 comments

    Sprint Strength? What's the searchable / proper name?

    I have always had what I call 'sprint strength'... the ability to lift / perform extremely heavy tasks for a short duration. But that term seems (based on lack of relevant search results) to be my own interpretation and not common... what would you call it? Example: lift and carry 250 lbs a short distance a few times and done... no real stamina, just brute force (without injury)? I.e. Pick up 3 80lb bags of dry concrete with a growl and carry it to a nearby destination... Application: never done a lot of working out or weight training, but looking to play to my strengths in a future workout regimen. As always, thank you all for your input :)
    posted by mrflibble at 9:04 PM PST - 16 comments

    French Relative Prounouns

    I have used every google resource available and I still cannot understand French relative pronouns. [more inside]
    posted by sawyerrrr at 8:26 PM PST - 7 comments

    A place to show off my jewels

    I'm looking for active jewelry forum suggestions. [more inside]
    posted by sundaytea at 8:13 PM PST - 4 comments

    What are some alternatives to going to college?

    What are some options for a bright young man who wants to delay college? It can be volunteer-based, overseas, career ideas, special programs, alternate ideas of how to approach higher learning...anything. The main thing he wants is real-world experience outside of a classroom, something that will help him grow as a person and help him learn what he wants out of life. [more inside]
    posted by piratesriding at 7:59 PM PST - 38 comments

    I am trying to discern the name of a Spanish printer in very small print

    I have an antique label from a Spanish olive oil producer. The printer's name is at the bottom of the label in minuscule print. Even with a pretty good magnifying glass, the name is difficult to make out. It looks like "Huryabo" or "Hunyabo" or "Hursabo" or something like that. The name is followed by the place name "Jerez". I would like to know what the correct spelling of this printer's name is and when this print shop was in operation. Thanks. The label is probably from sometime between 1930 and the 1950s.
    posted by kirsti at 7:39 PM PST - 7 comments

    Could an iPhone's broken antenna prevent it from activating in iTunes?

    I sold someone an iPhone 3G after I dropped it two stories, fully disclosing the damage as far as I could tell; destroyed glass, a big chunk missing out of the back, non functioning power button, and that the antenna was likely broken since it would not connect to a carrier/network. It was also clear from the description that this was being sold as "for parts, not working." Buyer is claiming they are unable to activate the phone in iTunes, which says "there is a problem with your iPhone." Is this to be expected, given the description above? Can you help me say how, specifically this is to be expected given the condition described?
    posted by brbmaroon at 7:18 PM PST - 13 comments

    Shooter Sandwich, left out overnight.

    I just made this for a picnic tomorrow. Yeah, it does look awesome. The last page unequivocally states not to refrigerate. I'm a North American, I'm squeamish about things left out. I realize the English aren't fans of cold things, (beer, eggs at the grocery store, ice, etc.) but this seems like looking for trouble. Any opinions? I'm in Vancouver where the temperature is currently in the middle seventies inside the house, so a cool root cellar is available. What to do?
    posted by Keith Talent at 6:50 PM PST - 27 comments

    Is the Copyright Alert System actualy being used?

    It was big news in February that the major United States ISPs were going to start monitoring users' BitTorrent activity and issuing "six strikes" warnings against the owners of accounts used for piracy. But since the program went live, there's been almost no coverage of it that I can find, and I've gotten more and more curious - is the system actually working? Are there statistics available about the number of alerts that go out? Have any MeFites been the subject of one (or not been the subject of one despite continuing to download)? You'd think there would be something out there, but even sites like Ars Technica don't seem to have done much follow-up coverage.
    posted by Holy Zarquon's Singing Fish at 6:37 PM PST - 3 comments

    Not ready to out my crazy yet

    Can you get a psychological evaluation "off the record"? Would that be as simple as private pay? [more inside]
    posted by Mr. Spock's Muppets' Socks at 6:34 PM PST - 6 comments

    Teaching positions around the U.S.?

    Are there any websites that show reliable listings of middle/junior/senior high teaching positions throughout the U.S.? Public or private. Specifically in my case, positions in Secondary English/Language Arts.
    posted by zardoz at 6:19 PM PST - 9 comments

    Neighborhoods and furnished or semifurnished apartments in San Francisco

    What are your favorite neighborhoods in San Francisco for living, working, experiencing the city and SF life? And any suggestions for cool, interesting, off-beat housing options aside from standard corporate housing for temporary but longish term relocation? (1 year) [more inside]
    posted by specialk420 at 5:24 PM PST - 13 comments

    Got a meeting. What to ask?

    This is a followup to my previous question on bad softball sportsmanship. I have been told that they will be taking up the sportsmanship issue during the board meeting on Wednesday. I'm not sure what to ask for now. [more inside]
    posted by zug at 4:57 PM PST - 6 comments

    Best way to manage a small library at work?

    I am buying a bookshelf to centralize the books (<500) currently strewn about our office at work. I would like to setup a simple system for keeping track of books in inventory, and manage who borrows what. Ideally there would be a simple web-based piece of software built specifically for this, but I am open to a more lo-if solution if necessary. Bonus points if its not specific to books, but able to manage more things to let people borrow among a trusted group. There are about 150 people in the office.
    posted by wordsmith at 4:51 PM PST - 9 comments

    Showdowns of brains, not brawn

    Recommend me fiction (or perhaps nonfiction) where clever people cat-and-mouse each other [more inside]
    posted by raw sugar at 4:47 PM PST - 30 comments

    Can you recommend a face mask or other post-acne maintenance treatment?

    After acne comes under control, are there face masks and other home treatments for maintaining good skin texture? [more inside]
    posted by deern the headlice at 4:16 PM PST - 12 comments

    Bored and constantly worrying about my future

    I have too much time on my hands and, apparently, a lot of internal pressure, so I spend all day worrying about how my life is going to turn out... Can someone help me break out of it? [more inside]
    posted by myitkyina at 3:21 PM PST - 14 comments

    Getting a puppy comfortable with a leash

    My 3 month old shelter puppy seriously dislikes everything to do with his leash. This makes getting him out of the house....frustrating, and carrying him out the door will be ridiculous when he is 70 pounds. What am I doing wrong/not trying? [more inside]
    posted by BlerpityBloop at 2:52 PM PST - 20 comments

    Interfacing ASIO to HDMI to drive a 5.1 system from a DAW in realtime

    I have Propellerhead's Reason connected to ASIO4all. I want to stream at least four channels via HDMI to a 5.1 receiver for surround-sound monitoring. Is this fairly straight-forward plug-n-play nowadays, or does it require some fiddling? What receivers would your recommend? [more inside]
    posted by Ardiril at 2:28 PM PST - 2 comments

    I just want to look at pictures of other people's hair

    Seagull Salon in NYC has a tumblr on which they post photos of some (most? all?) of the clients who come through the salon to get their hair cut, dyed, or styled. This seems like such an obviously great idea - not only has it taught me about lots of new hair trends, it gives me a chance to see what these super creative styles look like on real people. If I were ever in the market for a NYC haircut, I'd feel confident going to Seagull. But for some reason, I've had trouble finding other blogs like this: my results are clogged by hair salon websites and individually run blogs full of tutorials and photos of celebrities and such. Do you know of any other salons that do this? They don't have to be the same genre of hairstyle as Seagull; I just want to look at lots of un-retouched photos of other people's haircuts.
    posted by pretentious illiterate at 2:07 PM PST - 11 comments

    Are Google's estimate public transit times for Hong Kong way off?

    Google Maps' estimates of travel times using the MTR in HK vary wildly from the MTR's own webpage. Ie from Tin Hau to University station, Google says 1hr 24mins incl walking time to Tin Hau, which is maybe 10 mins tops. MTR website says 44 mins for the same journey, not incl walking to station obviously. This discrepancy repeats itself across various planned journeys. Who should I trust?
    posted by modernnomad at 12:40 PM PST - 7 comments

    Should I have called the police?

    Should I have called the police? And in the future, when should I? [more inside]
    posted by rawralphadawg at 11:25 AM PST - 26 comments

    Squirrels... eating RATS?!

    Is it normal for a squirrel to eat a rat? [more inside]
    posted by Quincy at 11:19 AM PST - 14 comments

    Allied Health for a less-than-perfect specimen

    So I'm a 23 year old recent college grad with a psychology degree and a long face. Why? No job, a shitty, inconsistent transcript to show for the last six years of my life ( barely eeking out a 3.0 because of significant and unrelenting problems with fatigue and depression, now somewhat under control), no work experience... oh, and I have cerebral palsy. All this helped build a brick wall almost impossible to see over, much less climb. This morning though, I managed to get bright-eyed and bushy tailed for all of five seconds after reading a Business Insider article that listed medical sonography as one of the best jobs available to those without a college degree. ( I've come to consider my degree a throwaway ( it's from a state school, it's in psychology, which makes me a decidedly un-special snowflake, and, like I said, the grades aren't frame worthy). Everything about medical sonography- the pay, the type of work, job growth and time-to-completion of the program is attractive. Trouble is, I leave much to be desired in terms of the physicality needed ( lifting, transporting patients, etc). What else can I do that offers all or many of these same benefits and is cripple friendly? [more inside]
    posted by marsbar77 at 10:18 AM PST - 10 comments

    Is this limerence? Because it sucks.

    Whenever I get into a romantic/sexual relationship I always start feeling obsessive. I am totally sick of it because when it kicks in, it completely obscures what's really going on in the relationship, whether good or bad. [more inside]
    posted by summer sock at 10:02 AM PST - 9 comments

    Healthy ways to downsize my appetite

    How do I manage my appetite? [more inside]
    posted by dinosaurprincess at 9:46 AM PST - 28 comments

    Audio system for a cottage

    We're looking to play music and other audio at a cottage. Do we want a mini system, powered speakers or what? [more inside]
    posted by bonehead at 9:21 AM PST - 7 comments

    What modifications can I make to my son's room to make it allergen-free?

    My 10 year-old son suffers terribly from allergies (pollen, dander, etc., etc.). We really want to make his bedroom a sanctuary - a place he can go and feel good because it's allergen free (or as close as one can get to it). [more inside]
    posted by Sassyfras at 9:05 AM PST - 15 comments

    After a flood caused by fire hoses, what can be kept? What can't?

    Firefighters put out a fire 2 floors above my apartment this week. Thankfully the fire didn't spread but my apartment suffered some water damage from the fire hoses. The water was smelly and brown, and got on some possessions. What can be cleaned and kept? What should be thrown out? [more inside]
    posted by matcha action at 9:01 AM PST - 11 comments

    I'm training for my first 5k and need a shoe upgrade

    I've been running off and on for a few years now in a pair of Nike free 5.0 v4, whenever the guilt hits me. I've decided to take my health serious as I'm getting older. Since I'm goal oriented, I decided to train for and complete my very first 5k race which is scheduled for mid October. Problem is, my current pair of sneakers is starting to give at the soles. They are a great, light and comfortable minimalist shoes that caused no problems for my feet. Another plus was being able to go sock-less without a single blister. Can anyone suggest a suitable replacement? So far, I have my eyes on the New Balance MT10v2 and will be running 2-3 times a week in addition to some core work.
    posted by Mr_Thirdworld at 8:42 AM PST - 13 comments

    iPad Mini v Samsung Galaxy Tab 7"

    I’m trying to decide b/t an iPad Mini and a Samsung Galaxy Tab (2 or 3). The primary use for this thing will be watching videos w/ the kids at bedtime and using it as a kid distraction device at waiting rooms, airports, restaurants, etc. [more inside]
    posted by pandabearjohnson at 7:56 AM PST - 18 comments

    Can a taste transit the boundary of a dream?

    I recently woke from a dream with an unusual, lingering taste in my mouth, after dreaming about tasting something. Could the dream have caused the aftertaste, or vice-versa? [more inside]
    posted by RobotVoodooPower at 7:51 AM PST - 7 comments

    It isn't easy painting green.

    How do you paint a stainless steel ring? [more inside]
    posted by zinon at 7:32 AM PST - 8 comments

    I'd rather not be our block's roach coroner forever.

    For years, my Brooklyn apartment never had a single roach. Now I'm finding huge, dead waterbug roaches all over. Why? [more inside]
    posted by Viola at 6:55 AM PST - 12 comments

    Is Hawaii a good honeymoon destination in August?

    My fiancée and I are thinking of planning our honeymoon in Hawaii in August 2014. Would that be a good idea?
    posted by Busco at 3:57 AM PST - 21 comments

    Where in the world is this castle?

    I just accidentally deleted a much loved picture on my pinterest and despite a lot of searching, cannot find it anywhere. Does this building sound familiar? It was old, white and European and had amazing brown line drawings of architectural details painted around the doors and windows. I think it might have been a minor Swedish or German castle but everything I find when googling with those terms is a lot grander than what I'm looking for. The trompe l'oeil was almost convincing from a distance but up close it had a simple hand painted charm - there was no shading or rulers involved. I really enjoy looking at buildings with hand painted exteriors (eg. Burkina Faso houses) so if you can suggest some others for me to look at, that would be fantastic too.
    posted by Wantok at 1:57 AM PST - 7 comments

    Can a urgent care clinic ban you?

    I was at urgent care for a ear problem and the doctor only spent less than 2 minutes with me, didnt even look at the other ear, gave me a prescription and left. The nurse came in and wanted me to sign a form saying I was "satisfied with my treatment and had all my questions answered" I told the nurse I had more questions for the doctor before I would sign it. She said the doctor was not going to answer any more questions and I overheard him saying to call the police, I was amazed as I was being very polite. So I left, as I was leaving he said I was banned from the clinic. Can they do that?
    posted by john123357 at 1:29 AM PST - 38 comments

    Sony Xperia J Not Reading Sim Card

    Hi all, my Sony Xperia J isn't reading sim cards. The sim card (3) that came with the phone works on other phones; the Xperia won't read other sim cards. What can I do to get this handset working? This is my work phone and I'm the breadwinner around here, so it's a bit urgent! Thanks. I've got two Win7 PCs to assist in fixing it.
    posted by Mistress at 1:26 AM PST - 6 comments

    What's a giftable home/apartment security upgrade?

    I have a friend moving to a sketchy part of town (and living without a roommate for the first time). I want to get her some sort of security "thing" as an apartment-warming gift. Any suggestions? [more inside]
    posted by Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug at 12:31 AM PST - 17 comments

    August 9

    What is up with this creepy ice cream truck?

    Outside my house, at this very moment (11pm) there is a noise that sounds like a movie submarine sonar ping (like this, but slightly lower and with a longer interval between pings). It is coming from an ice cream truck that comes around my neighborhood at various times of day (and, apparently, night). There are no children around, because it's 11 o'clock at night, and frankly even during the day, the sound is eerie. Is this. .. a common thing for ice cream trucks? I'm used to annoying music in the afternoon. Is there some rational explanation as to why this truck plays this super creepy noise in the middle of the night? Because it seems like an odd business decision on both counts.
    posted by insufficient data at 11:23 PM PST - 14 comments

    What do I say?

    So my fiance and I broke up recently. While a lot of the people in our community know, I continue to encounter situations in which I'm asked, "How's your fiance?" or "What's new with you?" I want them to know so they stop asking me. But if I say, "Actually, we broke up" their face falls and we enter a very awkward conversation full of forced empathy neither of us want to be in. What can I say in a sentence or two to avoid this fate? [more inside]
    posted by ictow at 11:22 PM PST - 21 comments

    Name this Soviet writer

    Can you name this Soviet writer? [more inside]
    posted by WalkingAround at 11:00 PM PST - 4 comments

    Sci-Fi Illustrated Book of Alien Planets and Creatures?

    When I was a kid, I had an illustrated sci-fi book that was basically a catalog of alien planets and their exotic animal life-forms. I was able to find it on the internet again a few years ago, but have since forgotten the title. Illustrations I remember from the book: a red alien cat-like creature; a slab of rock with eyes and bloody fangs. Things I remember about the book when I looked it up recently: it was listed as a non-canonical book in another series, and was intended as a handbook for a fictional trade/commerce federation. What is this book?
    posted by not_on_display at 9:33 PM PST - 3 comments

    Good books with humor & wordplay for a 9-year-old

    My 9-year-old loved Half Magic, The True Meaning of Smekday, and The Phantom Tollbooth. What else might he like? [more inside]
    posted by not that girl at 9:04 PM PST - 37 comments

    I swallowed a plastic fork tine. HELP.

    I was at Panera and accidentally chewed and swallowed a plastic fork tine, approximately an inch in length. It may have broken off while I was using it to break and pick up a crouton, and I didn't notice what I'd chewed until I looked down at the fork. That was 8 hours ago. [more inside]
    posted by Ashen at 8:14 PM PST - 17 comments

    Great latte without the expensive machine?

    I'm a latte/cappuccino drinker. I don't like black coffee very much; too intense and bitter for me. But this also means that while other people obsess over espresso brewing quality, I obsess over milk-frothing quality; the coffee quality itself is mostly wasted on me, but I am irate if I get a poorly frothed layer of milk. So I am looking for a good solution — either a machine or a combination of machines — that provides (1) espresso coffee, (2) superb steamed milk, and (3) is convenient to use. More below. [more inside]
    posted by gentle at 6:27 PM PST - 31 comments

    Friend's bookkeeper disappeared with all physical tax records. What now?

    What's the next step? The person doing the books, preparing the taxes and processing payroll for my friends small business has disappeared, taking all of the physical records with him. This person had teamed up with some other financial services people (insurance, investments, etc.), and they were all offering their services out of the same office. The bookkeeper has left that arrangement, taking all of his clients' physical records with him. He is neither answering his phone nor returning phone calls. The IRS has requested information from my friend and the employees still need their weekly paychecks. [more inside]
    posted by syzygy at 5:01 PM PST - 13 comments

    Guy Fawkes tourism?

    My brother's birthday is November 5th. Naturally he's heard about the festivities but being a Yank, he's never participated -- however, he's curious, and might possibly be in the UK for his birthday this year. Hence, my question: are Guy Fawkes celebrations something tourists can participate in? Or maybe, things have changed, no more bonfires? Or even (my notion, a reaction to the lurid reports of urban cores being taken over by rowdy, binge-drinking youths every evening) would it better be something to avoid? [more inside]
    posted by Rash at 3:53 PM PST - 12 comments

    Sources for modern bow ties?

    Looking for hipster, modern and unisex bow ties. All fabrics will be considered, but especially woven fabrics, chambray, linen, or silk with a touch of texture. Bonus points for bow ties that are slim or have slightly trimmer proportions. Who are your favorite designers? [more inside]
    posted by barnone at 3:52 PM PST - 12 comments

    Looking for hi-quality nuclear test picture

    I'm looking for a picture of a specific nuclear test in a book or other printed resource, or a hi-res photo online. The image in question is here. There seems to be conflicting information about whether this is the first nuclear test (Trinity), I really don't think it is. [more inside]
    posted by hafehd at 3:47 PM PST - 11 comments

    Excel: parsing seating chart, names - How best to do this?

    I have an Excel Workbook with seating charts for our theatre. There are 4 pages, one for each production. Each page contains columns for 9 performance dates and rows for every seat in the theatre (about 300). I need to get this all into one readable sheet that I can use. Read on (tasty screenshots inside.). [more inside]
    posted by skypieces at 3:08 PM PST - 7 comments

    Experience with China Focus tours?

    My wife and I are considering a tour with China Focus. Does anyone have comments, positive or negative, about their tours? [more inside]
    posted by gnossos at 3:01 PM PST - 1 comment

    What degree/trade is worth the student loans?

    I've got a little money I'm thinking about turning into some classes/training for a serious career change. With education at such a high price, I would need to pick a career/trade that can pay off the loans I would need to complete. I'm looking at trades, skilled craftwork, 2-year degrees, and 4-year degrees. Got any suggestions? [more inside]
    posted by Foam Pants at 2:59 PM PST - 26 comments

    Looking For a Duplicate (Image) File Finder for MAC. Free would be nice.

    Software for Mac OS X that efficiently handles thousands of RAW, JPEG, etc. images files-- and any other file types-- with a nice, big viewer for the image files; but please keep in mind, the software should primarily be a duplicate file finder. [more inside]
    posted by captainsohler at 2:16 PM PST - 6 comments

    Help me land a job as a barista.

    I am both severely over and terribly under qualified. [more inside]
    posted by alex_skazat at 2:13 PM PST - 38 comments

    Micro computers

    I have a fascination for micro computers such as the Raspbery Pi, the wide array of micro Android PCs, and low-power wall plug computers. [more inside]
    posted by jsturgill at 1:02 PM PST - 15 comments

    what should I give her?

    A couple of administrators at work have gone so far above and beyond the call of duty to help me in a crunch that I want to thank them with gifts. Help me choose the right way to express my thanks. [more inside]
    posted by third rail at 12:48 PM PST - 20 comments

    Calorie counting for fresh food cooking

    What's the best way to count calories when you're cooking food from scratch? How do you count calories? [more inside]
    posted by ocherdraco at 12:35 PM PST - 27 comments

    Hey, Extroverts!

    This is a question for the extroverts, the popular, those who play well with others and the possessors of good people skills. What do you know about meeting people, making friends and relationships (both platonic and romantic) that others might not? [more inside]
    posted by the hot hot side of randy at 12:28 PM PST - 37 comments

    Can I work on creating an etsy shop while on disability?

    I have just been diagnosed with MS and my doctor has told me the tests will document my issues, and that it will endanger my livelihood. [more inside]
    posted by squirbel at 12:23 PM PST - 19 comments

    How do I get our cat to bury her poop?

    I am not a cat person, but my wife likes cats, so we have one. Our cat consistently uses the litter box (which is much more than I can say for the last cat we had). However, she almost never buries it, and the odor is, of course, offensive. [more inside]
    posted by tckma at 12:12 PM PST - 41 comments

    Wanted: daytrips from Aix-en-Provence, France

    I'm cat-sitting for a few weeks in a small village 20 minutes south of Aix-en-Provence. Because of the cats, I am limited to daytrips, but I do have use of a car. I'm looking for interesting or quirky places to visit. These could be in a city, town or the countryside. [more inside]
    posted by Rumple at 11:44 AM PST - 5 comments

    English to Polish Translation for a Wake

    My uncle is speaking at a friend's wake tomorrow and would like to say a phrase in Polish. Can you help me translate it? [more inside]
    posted by jweed at 11:44 AM PST - 2 comments

    Audio pass through from H264 to FLV?

    The problem: I've been given H264 files with 8 channels of audio. I need to convert these to FLV files for a live preview. [more inside]
    posted by last night a dj saved my life at 11:36 AM PST - 9 comments

    Nonfiction books about exciting professions through one person's eyes?

    What are some good nonfiction books that offer a window into an exciting but little-known industry or profession through the eyes/life of one person? [more inside]
    posted by gottabefunky at 11:28 AM PST - 14 comments

    Novels for the American Southwest

    I'm doing environmental work in Utah for the next three months. I'll have my kindle. Tell me your favorite novels about the American Southwest. [more inside]
    posted by Rinku at 11:25 AM PST - 36 comments

    Shot by both sides

    Is there a good word for a person who becomes an enemy of both sides in a conflict? Who ends up stranded in the no-man's land, shot by both sides? [more inside]
    posted by sweet mister at 11:17 AM PST - 17 comments

    Do you know the perfect quote for my sister's graduation?

    My younger sister is graduating from University (UK), with a degree in Press Photography. I'm looking for a quote to frame and give to my sister as a graduation gift. I have found many examples of typical 'graduation' quotes, but I'm looking for something a bit more specific, which will ideally fit a number of the criteria below. [more inside]
    posted by schmoo at 11:12 AM PST - 9 comments

    What resources do I have looking for work in NYC's tech field?

    I wrapped up graduate school in May, now I don't know where to find a job. My graduate program is a design and technology program located in NYC. I spent a lot of time building web application prototypes and testing them with users. Now what? [more inside]
    posted by hobodeluxe at 10:19 AM PST - 11 comments

    Benefits, my ass.

    Is there ANY way I can cash in my "commuter benefits" debit card? [more inside]
    posted by Dr. Wu at 10:09 AM PST - 35 comments

    Cheap Over the Ear Headphones that Keep My Music In

    That headline may sound confusing. I need headphones in a small congested shared work environment. The headphones need to be visibly prominent on my head & over the ear ONLY because folks realize I am working and don't bug me. Problem is, the nicely rated pair I bought from Sony on the cheap (and not too bad for usual user nor the price) blare the music out to those around me. [more inside]
    posted by snap_dragon at 9:46 AM PST - 21 comments

    The Written Chinese Bandwagon

    Stellarbuffoon's recent question about written Chinese reminded me that I've been meaning to ask the basic same question. In my case, I'd love to know what the characters at the top of this print mean. Can anyone help? 谢谢!
    posted by baseballpajamas at 9:45 AM PST - 4 comments

    How do I fix this wooden (chipboard) drawer?

    Simple question: This drawer has come unstuck, and after three attempts at fixing it with superglue and overnight "clamping" (wedged under a stack of books) I am being driven to despair. How the hell do I make this thing stay back together? Is "gorilla glue" going to do the trick? Drawer in question Thanks for saving my sanity.
    posted by FuckingAwesome at 9:35 AM PST - 21 comments

    I don't know about processors, but I know what I want?

    I will need a new laptop soon, and the one thing I can't stand is lagging programs. So I know what to look for, explain processors to me like I'm a small child. I know enough to know that I don't know what I'm doing. For example, I know that the ability to not jitter, lag, and occasionally freeze isn't down to one factor, but is (I think?) a combination of RAM, processor speed, and some other things. Cores, maybe? Info on my current problems and what I need inside... [more inside]
    posted by sarahkeebs at 9:31 AM PST - 14 comments

    How much does it energy does it take to store a terabyte of data?

    On average, or an educated guess, how much energy does it take to store a terabyte of data? I don't mean how much does storage cost. I want to know what the environmental impact of a terabyte of data. [more inside]
    posted by Nanukthedog at 9:21 AM PST - 13 comments

    Could exercise be worsening the underlying cause of myoclonic seizures?

    Could exercise be worsening the underlying cause of myoclonic seizures? [more inside]
    posted by vincele at 9:18 AM PST - 3 comments

    Porting number from Sprint to Boost? (without contract being finished)

    I need to port my Sprint phone number over to boost. Bills are out of control and I rue ever leaving Boost for a contract phone. I've been with Sprint over a year, but not long enough to finish out two-year contract. Yes--I know I will be on hook for early termination fee. My main worry is that I owe money to Sprint (phone is still on for a few more days). I want porting to go smoothly and I do not want to lose my cell phone number. I can do this tomorrow or later today. Just let me know what I need to do to port number smoothly. Thanks for your help.
    posted by caveatz at 9:18 AM PST - 5 comments

    Countries that don't spy on their citizens ala NSA?

    Obviously this question was promoted by Ed Snowden and his disclosure of NSA data collection on American citizens. The NSA is basically recording everything it can get its hands on, be it foreign intelligence or data on American citizens, even if the latter isn't in any way suspected of wrongdoing. The agency is simply collecting and storing everything, seemingly with little regard to the US 4th amendment, which guarantees against "unreasonable searches and seizures". [more inside]
    posted by Brandon Blatcher at 9:00 AM PST - 11 comments

    New Zealand Honeymoon: Help Us Plan

    We're honeymooning in New Zealand in mid-November this year. We have 11.5 days between our flight landing in Auckland on a Monday (early early in the morning), and our flight departing from Christchurch on a Friday (mid-afternoon). Help us plan an itinerary! [more inside]
    posted by aabbbiee at 8:34 AM PST - 12 comments

    Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days Of Summer . . .

    Once again, summer is half over, and I feel as though I'm missing it completely. Yikes! When I was a child/teenager I felt as though summer went on and on and I was completely steeped in it. Since I've become an adult, I feel as though it never happens. I know I'm not going to ever recover the "endless summer" feeling I had as a child, but I need your advice on what to do so that when fall is here I can feel as though I've had a summer. [more inside]
    posted by purplesludge at 8:28 AM PST - 29 comments

    When you went away to college, what gift was most meaningful?

    My fine stepson is going away to college soon. We have a pretty good relationship, and I'd like to give him something that would be a meaningful gift. I'd love to hear about what you received (or even what you would've liked to have got); anything from trinkets to books about surviving that first year away. Thanks for considering this.
    posted by hick57 at 8:28 AM PST - 47 comments

    What's happening to me????

    Is being allergic to Alcohol actually a thing? [more inside]
    posted by JenThePro at 8:11 AM PST - 22 comments

    Was my mother abusive or just a bad mother? Maybe neither?

    I'm currently 34, but I'm dealing with things that happened when I was 16-23. I'm worried that I'm overreacting, misplacing blame, or being unfair. Was my mother abusive or just a bad mother? Maybe neither? I know this is unwieldy, but I'm flailing about somewhat trying to find my footing. I feel guilty for reacting to things that happened so long ago. [more inside]
    posted by fredmounts at 8:00 AM PST - 37 comments

    Where should I consider moving?

    I've been living in Brooklyn for 5 years now, and feeling the associated pains of longterm city life. Some stuff has gone on in my professional life recently that has got me wondering if I would enjoy living somewhere else. And being in my late twenties with all of my peers getting married and having kids, life change is all around me and I feel like I'm standing still. Can you guys help me brainstorm about where I might want to live? [more inside]
    posted by thirdletter at 7:51 AM PST - 27 comments

    acrobat pro/pdf: multiple selections in dropdown list

    Acrobat help? Would like to create a dropdown list where you can choose multiple selections and then have the non-selected options disappear. [more inside]
    posted by headnsouth at 7:35 AM PST - 4 comments

    What do these Chinese characters mean?

    A few years ago I was given a Chinese decoration with some characters on it. I'd really like to find out what these mean, but I don't know any Chinese myself, nor anyone who speaks it. [more inside]
    posted by stellarbuffoon at 7:07 AM PST - 7 comments

    How can I recover from previous inappropriate actions?

    When I was in my late teens and early twenties I did some really weird and retrospectively embarrassing things. How can I stop obsessing over these mistakes and move on? Now that I am relatively "normal", how can I do damage control when my past actions are brought to light? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 6:49 AM PST - 38 comments

    Birth control options for sad ladies

    New relationship, long history of depression, looking for birth control advice. [more inside]
    posted by terretu at 6:47 AM PST - 17 comments

    Tried-and-tested knitting patterns for the short and bottom-heavy

    I want to use up a stash of yarn and expand my wardrobe at the same time. I need knitting patterns for garments that are flattering for someone short (we're talking 5'2") and bottom heavy (weight largely in the belly and butt - and short legs to boot). Do you know of any such patterns? Would prefer a tried-and-true pattern so my efforts are less likely to go, well, pear-shaped. Bonus if the finished product is more suited for summer wear. [more inside]
    posted by satoshi at 6:28 AM PST - 17 comments

    Power outlets in Chennai, India

    I am traveling to Chennai, India this October. I will be bringing my Mac Book Pro and assorted accoutrements (iPad, iPhone, etc.) with me. Does the Apple World Travel Adapter kit provide connectivity to Indian electrical power outlets? If not, what does? Thanks.
    posted by dfriedman at 6:21 AM PST - 6 comments

    With eyesight as clear as mud

    I'm participating in my first 5K mud run tomorrow. I am useless without my glasses, but I also don't own contacts. How can I make this work? Also, any other general tips and advice on mud runs (what to wear, etc.) are appreciated. [more inside]
    posted by girlmightlive at 5:42 AM PST - 18 comments

    Unexpected fun things from Project Gutenberg?

    I'm setting up an e-reader for my sister. I'll be giving her a gift card to buy books, but am also filling the reader with some selections from Project Gutenberg. Of course, she can use Gutenberg herself if inclined, so I want my choices to be a little fun and quirky. Things I've put on it so far: The Secret Garden and A Little Princess; some books by Ford Madox Ford and Conrad; Edith Wharton's Summer and some of her short stories. My sister is brainy and whimsical and will read anything, so Metafilter is the perfect place to ask: What things have you been tickled to find as epubs on Project Gutenberg? (Or elsewhere in epub form?) Thanks!
    posted by BibiRose at 5:09 AM PST - 44 comments

    Taking the Records With Me When I Leave

    Looking for recommendations on digital cameras, flatbed scanners, and associated technology for use in digitizing written documents during archival research.
    posted by NotMyselfRightNow at 5:08 AM PST - 5 comments

    Is it really too late?

    I am not happy to be using my sock this morning. I hoped it would wither and die unused, but instead it is filled with angst and sadness. Deets: 34yo female, never married, this is my second long term relationship, but first where we have lived together. Last night, in bed, I turned to my boyfriend and jokingly said "Do you love me?" And then I immediately asked another dumb question that had nothing to do with us (I honestly can't even remember what it was at this point). His response was not a jokey statement back, or even yes. [more inside]
    posted by it's always too late at 2:47 AM PST - 36 comments

    Handling work communication with people who don't answer email?

    How do introverts handle communication in environments where the receivers do not value email or consider it worth replying to? I find tracking people down to ask questions and make requests face-to-face or over the phone very disruptive to my work pattern (intense concentration for long periods of time) and very inefficient. I would much prefer to use email since I would consider this far less disruptive to both my workload and the recipient's workload. They can answer at their leisure, but I still expect an eventual answer if I ask a direct question (even if it's "I'm too busy to answer at the minute"). [more inside]
    posted by teselecta at 2:44 AM PST - 20 comments

    Help me start planning my Adriatic trip for next year!

    Okay, team. I'm going to take a trip to the Adriatic area next year for the month of August, but I've revealed myself to be inept at finding flight pricing. That, and I'd like some pointers for what to look into I'm the planning process, if you have any ideas! [more inside]
    posted by dubadubowbow at 12:41 AM PST - 10 comments

    August 8

    It kidnaps the children and floats away

    A friend of mine is trying to identify a children's book she read once. The plot involves an island floating in two children's backyard. The children (girl and boy) naturally explore the island, and it floats away with them on it. They come across other islands in the sky, some of which are inhabited. Later they have an argument and dig a ditch across the middle of the island. Book was probably mid to late 20th century, probably English (as in England). It is not Gulliver's Travels or Floating Island by Anne Parrish. I have failed, can you help?
    posted by Athanassiel at 9:34 PM PST - 5 comments

    Legal trouble from posting this video to youtube?

    Speaking purely hypothetically, of course--imagine you took a scenic drive. You had a camera take a time-lapse of part of the journey. You stitch it together into a video, and want to post it on youtube. Let's also say that the visible speedometer sometimes displays speeds which are not, um, congruent to the legal speed limits. [more inside]
    posted by maxwelton at 9:17 PM PST - 9 comments

    Help me do right by this squirrel

    For a wild animal that is obviously very sick/injured, is it better to try to capture that animal and humanely euthanize it, or to let "nature take its course"? There is a squirrel that has been hanging around our house for the last week with some sort of severe injury/illness that is affecting its balance, and I'm wondering how hard I should try to catch it to take it to the wildlife rehabilitation center (where it will most certainly be euthanized). [more inside]
    posted by whistle pig at 8:50 PM PST - 20 comments

    An very unpleasant leave from my psychiatrist?

    I went back to my psychiatrist to pick up a bill and a probably exchange of the Rx he just prescribed which I found is inappropriate for my medical condition. He asked me for $150 for this visit. Is it reasonable? [more inside]
    posted by pack2themoon at 8:33 PM PST - 20 comments

    I don't know anything about bikes - can you help me sell one?

    A couple of years back, spouse came across a bike frame and assorted bits at a tag sale and brought home the whole megillah. This is a bike frame, seat, gears, and probably some other things I know nothing about. It's sat in the attic, as we had grand thoughts of getting the other bits and having a very fancy bike, but, no. So now, we're clearing out various stuff in the attic. I would like to sell these bike parts, but again with the ignorance of bike culture. I'll put the whole shebang up on eBay for a rock bottom price and no reserve, but I don't know how to describe the bits or the condition of the bits. Can you tell me what I'm looking at, and what to check for? I'd be happy to give a real cyclist a fantastic deal, but I need some help. [more inside]
    posted by heigh-hothederryo at 8:24 PM PST - 15 comments

    There kitty kitty

    I need advice regarding how to find a new home for a cat that my ex roomie abandoned and left me with. [more inside]
    posted by vapidave at 7:38 PM PST - 13 comments

    Acid base calculation?

    How do you go about calculating the quantity of a base you would need to change the pH of a solution? [more inside]
    posted by RobotHero at 7:33 PM PST - 5 comments

    Help me make my supercut, um, super.

    I am working on a supercut of material from lots of different movies. I need your help figuring out the right tools and workflow for the project. [more inside]
    posted by Mender at 6:55 PM PST - 4 comments

    Why is a Cleveland/Detroit MLB game blacked out in Northern California?

    We are DirecTV customers outside of San Francisco. MLBN is broadcasting a Tigers/Indians or Dodgers/Cardinals baseball game that is on at 7:05 ET. How could this possibly be blacked out for me?
    posted by wnissen at 6:42 PM PST - 6 comments

    How do I handle my deceased mother's bank account when there's no Estate

    My Mom passed in March. She thought I had a POA. I can't find one. Her will is old, and predates my father's death. I don't believe I am mentioned in it, but I am next of kin. There is no Estate. She does, however, have a smallish bank account that I would like, as her only child, to take possession of. Is there any way for me to do this in NYS without creating an Estate, which would probably eat the cash in the bank account anyway? I can't stand to think of the bank just keeping her money. Thanks for any and all help. If it's important, she passed in OR, and the bank is national.
    posted by Meep! Eek! at 6:33 PM PST - 14 comments

    Looking for pet-themed poetry

    Mr. Lucid and I put our lovely cat to sleep after her brave battle with kidney disease. I'd like to send an uplifting poem to the vets and vet staff who have helped our family so much. I'm looking for poetry that is specific to pets and animals and speaks to the value of having them in our lives, but also expresses gratitude for those in the helping professions who mean so much to their four-legged patients. [more inside]
    posted by luciddream928 at 4:41 PM PST - 11 comments

    A cat poop emergency appears!

    I'm house/catsitting, and the cat took a crap on the carpet. Aieee!!!! I love cats but I do not own any, and am unfamiliar with their ways. [more inside]
    posted by Xere at 4:05 PM PST - 17 comments

    How do I communicate what I want when I'm not even sure what that is?

    Dating again. I guess. Is this dating? [more inside]
    posted by hellameangirl at 4:02 PM PST - 28 comments

    Slaveowners in the Attic

    My girlfriend recently found out that one of the branches of her family owned slaves pre-Civil War era in North Carolina. This has really devastated her at some level, especially because she was previously so proud of her near generation family (1 or 2 back). Even worse, it's her last name so she feels that she's been tainted by this revelation. While I was trying to make her feel better, it occurred to me that I didn't quite know how one deals with the fact that your family history is entwined with an evil like slavery, and the fact that it was legal at the time doesn't really assuage her guilt from her ancestors' actions. [more inside]
    posted by Lord Chancellor at 3:51 PM PST - 47 comments

    Cave moths with creepy fungus

    My brother and I explored an old mine and found these moths with white spiky protrusions lining the walls. At first I thought they were some kind of extending water-gathering device (they are covered in condensed drops), but then I realized that these moths were all dead. The place was a veritable mautholeum. The stuff now appears to me to be some kind of fungus — could it be the dreaded Cordyceps in our back yard? Or is it something less exotic?
    posted by BlackLeotardFront at 3:29 PM PST - 5 comments

    MBA Internship Blues

    Internship maybe coming to an end with no offer what to do? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 3:26 PM PST - 13 comments

    Where can I get these health tests for free/cheap in Columbus Ohio?

    I am a poor immigrant woman and I just got a job as an interpreter, but I need some health tests to take the job. I won't be able to take the job if I have to pay the price I was quoted at a clinic for over $500. Can anyone recommend me a place to get these done for free/cheap? [more inside]
    posted by kikithekat at 3:10 PM PST - 12 comments

    Stuck with a semester bill and a hold on my loan and financial aid

    I have a situation where there was a class this Spring semester that I attended and participated in, in which I received a WN grade in. Due to this WN grade, I am unable to receive financial aid, register for Fall classes, and the loans that I received from my PELL grant are in limbo. [more inside]
    posted by antgly at 2:41 PM PST - 20 comments

    Proofreadingfilter - how to mark up web pages?

    Hi folks, I'm a proofreader and I've been working almost exclusively in print for the last ten years or so. However, the inevitable has happened and my squad is being asked to integrate into a pre-existing digital workflow that hasn't previously had any external quality control. Any tips on how to make this easier for everybody involved? [more inside]
    posted by peteyjlawson at 2:22 PM PST - 11 comments

    providing criminal history evidence for Canadian work permit

    How does someone get proof that a criminal record was expunged in 1985 in order to be allowed across the Canadian border? [more inside]
    posted by bleary at 2:08 PM PST - 6 comments

    Anyone but THEM!

    From what I understand, in the state of Arizona (and many others), if a legal adult dies without a spouse or children, any living parents would be responsible for the disposal of the remains. Is there anything this adult can do to assign that role to people OTHER than the living parents? [more inside]
    posted by _paegan_ at 1:09 PM PST - 12 comments

    Belated birthday present for a notoriously hard to buy person

    So my dad's (67th) birthday has come and gone. I remembered in time to call him on the day and have since sent out a card, but I am still failing at the present. My mom can't even come up with anything to get him, so I'm turning to MeFi. [more inside]
    posted by katers890 at 12:54 PM PST - 26 comments

    How can I create a list of hospitals along a driving route?

    I need to create a printable list of the best hospitals within reason along the route between Charlotte, NC and Detroit. Are there any tools/services that can help me to do this? Snowflake details inside. [more inside]
    posted by schmod at 12:32 PM PST - 16 comments

    Tell me the name of this children's book from its cover (1940-1970ish)

    I'm trying to identify an English-language book by its cover as seen in a photo of my friend taken in 1970 when she was a year old. The original image is hard to make out, but I inverted it and made it black and white. Does anyone recognize it? [more inside]
    posted by Locative at 12:24 PM PST - 42 comments

    1.5T vs 3T MRI of the brain. What's the difference?

    What are the pros/cons of using a 1.5 Tesla MRI machine vs. 3.0 Tesla MRI machine for imaging the brain, from both the patient's perspective and imaging perspective? [more inside]
    posted by OTA at 12:18 PM PST - 8 comments

    Definition of “out-of-state business activity”

    What does “out-of-state business activity” mean in the below quote? “If you are a Michigan resident, all of your income is subject to tax, no matter where it is earned, except income earned from out-of-state business activity.” From this web page – here [more inside]
    posted by Sabby at 12:01 PM PST - 13 comments

    Can I plan a celebration of friends' nuptials without footing the bill?

    Help needed wording an invitation or email to an event where some items will be paid for by me, but preferably not the whole bill. [more inside]
    posted by moshimosh at 11:34 AM PST - 29 comments

    How can I find out for sure whether or not someone died?

    How can I find an official record of someone's death to confirm that they did in fact die? Googling for his obituary turns up very little information, and his local newspaper has very spotty online archives that don't include the year of his death. [more inside]
    posted by rhiannonstone at 11:14 AM PST - 15 comments

    Denim After 5

    Would you wear a denim skirt to a "trendy" restaurant for dinner? Fashion advice appreciated! [more inside]
    posted by Fairchild at 11:08 AM PST - 44 comments

    What side dish should I serve with spicy sausage?

    I'm looking for a side to go with spicy sausages. My imagined dish must be relatively inexpensive (I am a bit short at the moment) and easy to prepare (cooking is not my strong suit). Should serve two (leftovers are fine), and contain no fruit or fish. What's the first thing that pops into your head?
    posted by Gin and Comics at 11:07 AM PST - 44 comments

    Is it safe to visit Ramallah (West Bank) as an interracial couple?

    I've been to Ramallah once before as a single guy (in the Summer of 2008), just walking across at the checkpoint in Jerusalem and grabbing a taxi, and I had a great time -- everyone was super friendly and extroverted, got by fine in English, fun shopping, tasty food, though I returned to Jerusalem at sundown so if it's really different at night I didn't see it. Now, I'm going back to Israel with my wife for the first time, and I want to show her Ramallah, but I want to double check first that this isn't a bad idea safety-wise for any reasons I might not be thinking of (security situation changing in the last 5 years, treatment of women travelers possibly different than treatment of men, etc.). [more inside]
    posted by Televangelist at 10:38 AM PST - 7 comments

    UK Employment Law for American bosses

    I now have an employee in the UK. What do I need to know? [more inside]
    posted by colin_l at 10:35 AM PST - 6 comments

    Help me finance my kitchen renovation

    We bought our house last year with 15% down, knowing that we would need to redo the kitchen. We think it's going to cost about $25 - $30K. (Estimate is $19K without appliances or counters or cabinets.) When I contacted the guy who sold us our (FHA) mortgage at our local bank, he said that he was unwilling to lend more than 20% of the value of our house. Since we paid 15% down a year ago, obviously we haven't reached the point where we have paid 25% and can borrow another 5%. Bonus time sensitivity: I'm pregnant, the baby is due at the end of February, and the kitchen layout is currently not very functional for something like a million baby bottles on a drying rack. Further snowflakes inside. [more inside]
    posted by data hound at 10:30 AM PST - 13 comments

    Roadtrip to Niagara: it worth it to take PA-5 and NY-5 along Lake Erie?

    We are taking a weekend roadtrip from Chicago to Niagara Falls. We're driving on the USA side on the way there and the Canada side on the way back. All day Friday is dedicated just to getting there. The obvious route is to stick to interstates I-80 and I-90. But it looks like there's a state route that runs right along Lake Erie, and I bet that's a lot prettier. My thought was to take the interstate through Indiana and Ohio but then switch to the state route all the way through PA (right through Erie) and up through NY too. For those around upper PA and western NY, is the state lakefront route worth the (estimated) 2 hours of extra travel time? Or should I stick to the interstate?
    posted by AgentRocket at 10:27 AM PST - 9 comments

    Hair straightener suggestions?

    My beloved Conair 2-in-1 Straightener and Curling Iron (model CD110, now discontinued) finally died yesterday and I can't seem to find anything similar. [more inside]
    posted by Endure You Are Not Alone at 10:05 AM PST - 4 comments

    stop the yelling

    I'm embarking on a 20 hour drive with a 4 1/2 year old and an almost-2 year old. Hit me with your best travel games/activities/snacks. Specific requirements inside. Bonus challenge: Terrible books on tape. [more inside]
    posted by lizifer at 9:57 AM PST - 22 comments

    A Quote About Fire Or Something

    What does it feel like to walk across a thick carpet of cooled ash, like after a forest fire or a house fire? I'm writing a book and I didn't think about the sensation until right now, and I'm quite clueless. Thank you!
    posted by Uppity Pigeon #2 at 9:48 AM PST - 13 comments

    Back up my network drive with fluffy clouds!

    I have a 2Tb network hard drive with a lot of important photos etc. which I'd like to backup to the cloud in a Mozy/Crashplan manner ie updated files are automagically uploaded to the cloud without me having to worry about it. What services will *actually* let me do this? I've paid for at least one service which actually refuses to connect to my NAS drive... (a Netgear Stora, if you need to know this!)
    posted by almostwitty at 8:46 AM PST - 10 comments

    Advice Needed! Should I quit on this swim instructor?

    I'm an adult learning to swim for the first time at the YMCA. I've only had 1 lesson so far and the instructor seemed encouraging. However, he did not address my fear of water and did not take the time to help me become comfortable with the water (submerging my face in the water, etc.). On the first day, he showed me how to kick while sitting on the pool edge, how to float on my back, how to kick using kickboard, and then he moved on to telling me to put my hands up in a torpedo position, face in the water, then glide forward while kicking. He was on the other side to catch me. I sunk every single attempt and he kept telling me to try again. I was so terrified that I don't want to come back to next class. Since then, I've been coming to the pool and practicing on my own. I feel like I'm more comfortable than the first day but I'm still afraid to come back for the next lesson this Saturday. This is the first instructor I've ever had so I'm not sure how to judge how he's doing. Do you think I should quit and get another one? The staff members at the Y that I've talked to told me that he's a good instructor but can be a very demanding. Please give me your advice! Thank you!
    posted by missybitsy at 8:19 AM PST - 50 comments

    Need help with English names for a half Japanese baby girl.

    We are trying to think of names for our impending baby girl. I am American and my husband is Japanese. We plan to give her an English first name, Japanese middle and last name. We have settled on a middle name, Miyuki (美幸). So her name thus far is _______ Miyuki xxxxshi. Criteria for English name: [1] must be easily writable in katakana (For example, Wi- isn't great, or Gl-, or x. All of these sounds can be written, but they come out complicated.) [2] must not sound silly in Japanese (this is subjective and related to [1].) [3] must not end in a long e sound, since middle and last names already do. [4] Prefer a classical name (i.e. something my Grandma would recognize as a name) but no need for it to be especially popular right now. We'll probably avoid the top five or ten most popular names. We are NOT looking for names that do double duty (which is what most of the threads I've found are about). So, not Naomi (always the first name that gets trotted out in these situations). We want a name from each culture that the grandparents on the opposite side can pronounce and that the kid can write when she gets to kindergarten. I'd especially appreciate input from fluent Japanese speakers here, and/or members of mixed families. Thanks!
    posted by telepanda at 8:09 AM PST - 53 comments

    Help me plan my Mississippi vacation!

    My husband and I will be in Vicksburg, MS over Labor Day weekend. Neither of us are from anywhere close to the area, but we want to plan an awesome weekend of road trip and adventure. Help! [more inside]
    posted by oryelle at 8:07 AM PST - 12 comments

    Boston/Camberville Catering

    I'm hosting my sister-in-law's baby shower the second weekend of September and I need some catering recommendations. [more inside]
    posted by lydhre at 8:00 AM PST - 6 comments

    Hello Pittsburgh — vacation questions

    I am looking into a trip to Pittsburgh for a long weekend getaway in the Fall. Things we (two females/40ish) think would be fun:
    • The Mattress Factory
    • The Andy Warhol Museum
    • Fallingwater and maybe Kentuck Knob
      • Is there anything else not to miss?
    [more inside]
    posted by Lescha at 7:45 AM PST - 24 comments

    Papers Please.

    When negotiating a job offer, is it permissible to ask to see the company's health insurance policy before the salary range is discussed? [more inside]
    posted by MayNicholas at 7:37 AM PST - 23 comments

    How to get sunscreen/sweat stains out of white/light technical fabric?

    I've got a pile of non-organic (microfiber/spandex/etc.) athletic clothing that I love, but every part of it that's white quickly turns orangish--especially around the neckline--if I wear it after putting on sunscreen. (I think sweat is a factor too, although probably less so.) Since it's non-organic, I don't want to clean it in hot water or use bleach, but I have tried soaking it in OxyClean, vinegar solutions, and WIN detergent (which claims to be specially formulated for polyester-type tech fabrics) before washing, and none of those seem to work. Is there anything that does?
    posted by psoas at 7:27 AM PST - 8 comments

    Bike costs - am I doing it wrong?

    It's really expensive to maintain my bike! Is this normal, or should I be doing something different? [more inside]
    posted by Frowner at 7:20 AM PST - 38 comments

    Looking for patterned tights with solid inner thigh

    I am looking for plus size patterned tights with a SOLID (non-patterned) section at the inner thigh -- I don't want the patterning to go all the way up to the panty part of the tights. Like these. Can you suggest some? [more inside]
    posted by OrangeDisk at 7:16 AM PST - 5 comments

    Resources to help my SO deal with emotionally abusive parents

    I'm a Northern American living in a southern European country and married with a child to a local. My husband is a wonderful partner and father, and the textbook definition of someone who will give you the shirt off his back if you need it. Said Southern European country is very much family orientated. For all intents and purposes I think that's generally a fine thing. My in-laws are a horrible source of counterpoint ancedata and their latest outburst has been the proverbial straw across my back. I need resources and information to help me support my SO as well as help him take the final few steps to admitting to himself that they are abusing his sense of familial responsibility and overall caring nature. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 6:57 AM PST - 14 comments

    How can I install Window 7 on a Mac that has no optical drive?

    My goal is to install Windows 7 on a Retina MacBook Pro via Boot Camp. I have an official Microsoft Windows 7 installer DVD (OEM version) that I bought from Amazon. However, the laptop doesn't have an optical drive! How can I get Windows 7 onto there? [more inside]
    posted by trevor_case at 6:16 AM PST - 16 comments

    Where to stay and what to do in Detroit?

    Hey everyone, Was planning on spending a weekend in Detroit and was wondering where I should stay that's economical and safe, and what sites should I see? [more inside]
    posted by alvin545 at 5:53 AM PST - 14 comments

    Tax preparer school

    I keep seeing CList ads for free tax prep courses. Supposedly they may offer you a job after completing the course--this seems like a weird business model. How does it work? Do they really hire these people who've had so little training?
    posted by chaiminda at 5:49 AM PST - 12 comments

    What's Baltimore like for a culinary enthusiast who is in her mid 50's?

    My husband and I are looking for a hip, progressive, ethnically mixed city that is not over-priced yet. We have lived in nyc, Miami and La and have been priced out of all these markets with the overpriced housing. Considering Baltimore as I heard its not completely off the charts housing wise. I am a chef and teach cooking classes and he is in the renewable energy business and we work for ourselves. Both of us like good food, outdoors stuff like biking and hiking and enjoy a liberal atmosphere. Are we dreaming or might Baltimore be a good fit?
    posted by privatechef at 5:47 AM PST - 46 comments

    Novel to film rights

    How do I find out if the film rights are available to a book/novel? Or, more specifically, if they are not available - how do I find out who owns the rights? [more inside]
    posted by crossoverman at 5:15 AM PST - 6 comments

    Things to do/see in Normandy

    I'm going to Normandy for a week in August - staying near Caen and then near Cherbourg. Besides all the D-Day sites, does anyone have any good suggestions for things to see /do? Thanks [more inside]
    posted by DamPots at 1:46 AM PST - 13 comments

    Advice for moving from Melbourne to Cairns

    My family will be moving from Melbourne to Cairns in mid-January 2014. Looking for advice and recommendations! (specifics inside) [more inside]
    posted by nomis at 12:56 AM PST - 1 comment

    August 7

    Can I save this unevenly shrunk/stretched skirt?

    I bought a bias-cut skirt made of t-shirt type fabric from Muji last week. It fit perfectly and draped beautifully and I was in love with it. Now I have washed it (40 degrees C, gentle setting) and it shrank really unevenly. It (just) still fits, but the hemline is dorky and uneven, and the skirt bulges weirdly at the seams. Is there anything I can do to save this? Rewashing and stretching? I can't return it to the store as I was travelling and there's no Muji here.
    posted by lollusc at 11:49 PM PST - 17 comments

    Bottle returns - international

    Does it make ecological sense to return glass bottles from Switzerland to Belgium for re-use? [more inside]
    posted by eurandom at 11:30 PM PST - 10 comments

    How to make Firefox for Android always show the title bar?

    Since updating Firefox on my smartphone yesterday, it has a new UI feature - if I scroll down in a page, it hides the title bar and the icon which lets me access open tabs. I have to scroll back up (at a certain 'speed') to get it to show. How can I stop this? I want to be able to access the list of open tabs without scrolling (and thus losing my place in the page). [more inside]
    posted by gakiko at 10:23 PM PST - 3 comments

    iMac, Windows 7, and fan speeds

    I have a 2008 24" iMac that I've used BootCamp to get Windows 7 running. Issue: the fans never come on. [more inside]
    posted by curious nu at 10:19 PM PST - 4 comments

    More like Justine Bennett Please

    Please to be helping me find more artists with a sound like Justine Bennett
    posted by TestamentToGrace at 9:42 PM PST - 4 comments

    Back to school what laptop to buy

    I have a grandson who is going to college. I have 400 dollars to use to buy him a laptop as a surprise. I see several sites with bundles etc. I just want to see what the blue says how I can get the most laptop bang for my buck.
    posted by Upon Further Review at 9:39 PM PST - 28 comments

    Who can sell off the stuff in a Maryland storage unit for us?

    My friend has been storing never-used furniture and appliances in a MD storage unit for about a year. Who can we get to sell them? [more inside]
    posted by jander03 at 9:31 PM PST - 8 comments

    How to shop for commercial insurance?

    I want to find out how much insurance would cost for a non-standard business model. How do I get in touch with someone who would be able to take in information, agree on assumptions, and put together a quote? [more inside]
    posted by reeddavid at 9:23 PM PST - 2 comments

    What happened to this lake?

    Browsing google maps here, there's a lovely blue lake in the middle of the desert. If you look at the satellite/earth view, the lake disappears, replaced by more desert and an industrial facility. [more inside]
    posted by Barry B. Palindromer at 9:21 PM PST - 5 comments

    Looking for a production/entertainment accountant in L.A.

    I'm making a feature film and I need an accountant to maybe handle payroll, but mainly to advise on tax matters for my LLC and me personally. [more inside]
    posted by drjimmy11 at 8:26 PM PST - 9 comments

    I came here to learn about the body, not your sexism and politics

    I have a professor who constantly makes sexist comments and drops right-wing political commentary into a class where it's totally irrelevant, and I'm not the only one in class who notices. I am documenting instances of these behaviors to report to school higher-ups. What's the best way to frame my complaints, make sure they're seen by the right person, and maybe get some classmates on board with me? Examples and snowflakes below. [more inside]
    posted by ActionPopulated at 8:22 PM PST - 47 comments

    Iron-rich/protein-rich vegan freezable meals!

    My sister just had a baby two weeks ago and is breastfeeding, and I'm taking over cooking dinner for her, her husband, and me while I'm visiting. I'm looking for quick-ish, iron-rich vegan meals I can make for them that I can also make extra of to freeze for when I'm not around. Also taking suggestions for brands and types of pre-cooked meat that are healthy, good, and commonly available. [more inside]
    posted by c'mon sea legs at 8:16 PM PST - 12 comments

    Family of five moving to Singapore -- Advice?

    The last "moving to Singapore" question was a couple of years old, so figured I'd ask again. Looking for general advice and great websites that will help us move to and live in Singapore for the next year. How do we make the best of our next family adventure? [more inside]
    posted by Piano Raptor at 8:07 PM PST - 6 comments

    Computer-fixer-type-people in Philadelphia? Halp?

    PhillyPhilter: I need the services of folks in Philadelphia who might be able to fix or at least diagnose a busted laptop on short notice. Seemingly randomly, my high-end Clevo-style PC laptop started to show random visual artifacts when in Windows... and then even when booting up the BIOS... and then freezing horribly. I have no idea what is going on, and I have two academic manuscripts that are coming up to being due. However onerous, I could go to the university library to work on this, as I have all of my work backed up. Unfortunately, I have the misfortune that I am going to be traveling out of my area starting this weekend, for almost a full week. So I need help fast if at all possible, and I would prefer not to mail this damn thing to Michigan where it came from if I can avoid it. Where can I turn to in Philadelphia for this kind of PC laptop fixing service?
    posted by Keter at 7:58 PM PST - 3 comments

    Another another important book?

    Help me find this picture book from the 70s or 80s! [more inside]
    posted by PhoBWanKenobi at 7:56 PM PST - 14 comments

    Computer locks up at nine every night?

    My computer locks up at nine every night. Well, sometimes as early as 8:30. The mouse acts as though it's very nearly out of batteries, (i.e. sits still for minutes on end, doesn't register clicks) and the keyboard doesn't record any keystrokes for long stretches, then types out doubles of every letter. However, if a video is playing, it continues flawlessly, and no processes show 100% utilization. Nor do the performance tab or network tab on the Task Manager show any spikes. [more inside]
    posted by notsnot at 7:54 PM PST - 20 comments

    Math Puzzles, Please!

    "Math for Smarty Pants" was awesome -- recommend me more books like that for a kid who loves math puzzles. [more inside]
    posted by selfmedicating at 7:30 PM PST - 9 comments

    Looking for a quiet place between Paris and Brussels

    I am in the early planning stages of a trip to Paris and Brussels. I'd like to find a place between the two (or at least not too far out of the way) to spend two nights or so in the middle of the trip. I'd prefer a small, walkable town on the coast or with some kind of natural feature that you can just sit and stare at. Calais? Lille? Bologne-Sur-Mer?
    posted by soelo at 7:16 PM PST - 7 comments

    The car will be TOTALLY mine

    How can I find out if a car really has been totaled? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 7:06 PM PST - 8 comments

    Caterpillar Kids' Book

    I saw these posters for sale and remembered from my childhood a book about caterpillars that had a very similar style. [more inside]
    posted by mkb at 6:56 PM PST - 1 comment

    Help me not be perpetually awkward

    I have a thing about eating with people. Specifically, one-on-one meals where we're sitting across from each other the whole time. I already find eating in public kind of weird, but then having to make eye contact and talk while doing it compounds the problem and makes me squirmingly awkward, even with close friends. Is there anything I can do to shake this weird anxiety? [more inside]
    posted by cucumber patch at 6:42 PM PST - 17 comments

    Which Dr Who episode is where everything is a pure white landscape?

    I recall an espisode with I think Tom baker, where everything was pure WHITE outside the tardis. No features just pure white, I think maybe a ruined castle. Like the film 'nothing' with David Hewlett. I would love to watch it again!
    posted by flexiverse at 6:12 PM PST - 4 comments

    Ball and Cup Magic Routine

    I'm looking for the best ball and cup magic routine I've ever seen. It was posted on the blue about a year ago. I believe the guy had a beard, and he may have used mugs and music to go with the routine. The amount of variations and throws that he used were mind boggling. My google fu is failing me, hive mind please help.
    posted by MechEng at 6:00 PM PST - 4 comments

    Things. In my aquarium.

    I checked on my aquarium today, only to discover a couple of little tiny shrimp-like things scooting around. I do not have shrimp. [more inside]
    posted by avidreader at 5:46 PM PST - 9 comments

    Dating someone separated.

    I found out that my boyfriend is technically not divorced. This (as you might imagine) has been a major source of stress for me - what it comes down to is that he and his ex are staying married for insurance reasons, but will file by the new year. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 5:33 PM PST - 71 comments

    Dealing with future earthquakes in California

    What do Californians think and feel about the possibility of future big earthquakes in that region, especially the so-called "Big One"? I'm looking for articles which really get into how those who dwell there handle that knowledge, respond to it, and so on. Articles about building standards or government response are fine, but I would like to know about individuals, groups, businesses and the like. [more inside]
    posted by Thing at 5:27 PM PST - 13 comments

    Suggestions for Travel Insurance

    Hello, I am an Indian citizen visiting the United States for a few weeks. My travel plans have now extended to include 3 weeks in the United Kingdom and Europe on my way back home. While I do have insurance for my US trip, I do not have any for the UK/Europe leg of my journey. I would like to know which is the best medical/travel insurance policy that I could buy in the United States, given that I am not a resident here. I am looking at a policy that covers 250k USD; I am a 35 year old woman. Thanks a lot!
    posted by synapse2512 at 4:53 PM PST - 3 comments

    Exterior paint removal question: MILD EMERGENCY

    Exterior paint removal question: MILD EMERGENCY [more inside]
    posted by ashtabula to opelika at 4:52 PM PST - 15 comments

    Advice for a beginning abstract painter

    I seem to have taken up painting, somewhat accidentally, mostly through the cunning tactics of a very good therapist. I dabbled in art in high school but haven't really done much visual art since (though I have also recently taken up photography). A lot of abstract artists (especially female abstract expressionists like Joan Mitchell and Helen Frankenthaler) are the painters that move me the most, plus I don't really have a desire to make representational art. I am mostly painting for self-expression and self-satisfaction, but it'd be nice to also not be embarrassed to show other people my work. [more inside]
    posted by mermaidcafe at 4:20 PM PST - 7 comments

    Where can I find Prada-like bag at a not-Prada price?

    I need a new handbag, but I'm having trouble finding the right bag to fit my very particular tastes at a price that's still within orbit of the earth. Specifics inside. [more inside]
    posted by Gee, June! at 4:09 PM PST - 18 comments

    should i be worried about my SO's messiness?

    My SO is very messy, to the point where they can't have visitors. They let me visit once after cleaning their apartment. They have an entire wall lined with boxes of unused comic books. They have a several-years-old stack of takeout boxes about chest high... [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 3:21 PM PST - 39 comments

    What bank will let me open multiple free accounts?

    My best financial habits existed when I had an ING account with multiple sub-accounts, each corresponding to different money categories (bills, clothes, food, etc). I split my paycheck into all of these accounts as soon as it came in, and anything left over was free spending. These accounts were free to set up and there were no fees for transfers or anything. ING was taken over by Capital One and as far as I can tell no longer offers this. Are there any banks that do? Alternatively, what (free) budget tools or websites will help me achieve the same functionality?
    posted by anonymous at 3:20 PM PST - 16 comments

    Social Clubs

    I am looking for the names of networking/exclusive clubs for executives. [more inside]
    posted by ladoo at 3:13 PM PST - 11 comments

    Should I warn my abusive ex's new girlfriend?

    As I was reading this question today, I was reminded of my horribly abusive ex-boyfriend, and googled him as I will do every once in a while. (I left him 11 years ago, so it's maybe once or twice a year these days.) Usually I never find anything, but today I found his unblocked Facebook profile, where I quickly found out that he has a live-in girlfriend - and they have a young child together. I've been sick thinking about this, since he did many things while we were together that make me believe he's not a safe person to be around a child. [more inside]
    posted by Neely O'Hara at 2:32 PM PST - 49 comments

    FL Homeowner's Insurance 90 days after the it possible

    Through a paperwork SNAFU, we failed to secure homeowners insurance at closing on the house we purchased (with cash, no mortgage) in Florida 78 days ago. Now we keep getting told by multiple Florida insurers that because the house was not insured within 30days of closing, they will not write a policy for it. They do say "If you get insurance on it, we will be happy to write a policy for you" [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 2:27 PM PST - 8 comments

    Do oats, quinoa, flax seeds need to be cooked to gain their nutrients?

    Am I gaining all the nutritional value from oats, quinoa, and flax seeds which I've ground fine and stirred into food? Does cooking these foods unlock beneficial nutrients that I'm not getting by simply grinding and eating uncooked? And: How much flax seed daily to get the needed good-guy omega-3 and omega-6 fats from them? [more inside]
    posted by dancestoblue at 2:01 PM PST - 8 comments

    Should I risk losing an ARM?

    Should we consider an ARM in the current mortgage market? [more inside]
    posted by IzzeYum at 1:59 PM PST - 18 comments

    Online backup recommendation?

    I need to back up some laptops that are roaming around so I'd like some kind of automagic online backup solution. [more inside]
    posted by Mitheral at 1:58 PM PST - 10 comments

    What's to like about having a fall birthday?

    I’m currently expecting my first child, who is due around Halloween. I have some minor and probably totally inconsequential—yet nagging—worries about her expected birthdate, and would love if those of you who are late fall babies OR a parent of a late fall baby would come in and assuage my concerns. [more inside]
    posted by anderjen at 1:57 PM PST - 75 comments

    Will political past affect chances of working in sports journalism?

    I want to move into sports journalism, and I have the experience to do so, but I have a partisan political past. Will that affect my chances of being hired? Please read through the full details inside before answering! [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 1:31 PM PST - 10 comments

    First rule: no lawyer jokes

    Help me brainstorm some "thoughtful questions" to ask at a law school networking event. Difficulty: it starts in 3 hours. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 1:30 PM PST - 16 comments

    Viable Mac setup?

    What I want to do is get a Macbook Air, partition one of my externals for Windows and at least 1 Linux distro so that I can play with all three systems. However, my only concern is that I'm not forseeing some possible issues with getting a mostly basic level 13 in Air. Before you ask, I don't want a Pro since my current laptop is a beast, portability really is a concern for me for several months out of the year, and I want to experience the opposite end of the weight and ready-to-go spectrum. [more inside]
    posted by DisreputableDog at 12:57 PM PST - 10 comments

    Fall travel on Indian passport: suggestions?

    Planning to take a three week vacation in mid-October to November timeframe, anywhere in the world. Factor: I'll be going with someone who's on an Indian passport. Thoughts on where to go for the least hassle? My travel partner is exceedingly busy at the moment, so I'm trying to do some legwork to reduce their pre-travel effort. [more inside]
    posted by aramaic at 12:23 PM PST - 11 comments

    I just don't want to get anyone killed.

    I’d like tips on dealing with strangers that are having a psychotic break, because I have to do so more often than average. [more inside]
    posted by tchemgrrl at 12:11 PM PST - 50 comments

    a smelly situation

    Our friend gave us a loathsome housewarming gift, and we are in an etiquette bind! [more inside]
    posted by Aubergine at 12:09 PM PST - 47 comments

    Hot water on mosquito bites gets rid of the itch. But how, exactly?

    Dear life scientists! Please explain to me why hot water/heat makes mosquito bites stop itching. [more inside]
    posted by ipsative at 11:53 AM PST - 10 comments

    Suggestions for Ceremony lines

    Wedding in 5 weeks. We still haven't figured out any of the script for our wedding. The officient sent us a handful of sample ceremonies, but none of them really feel like us. The "I ______ take thee _________ to be my wife/husband, for richer or poorer" etc vows we are totally stuck on, and frankly the ring exchange lines are also sticking us up too. Please help. The green always has such creative suggestions! Don't fail me now! [more inside]
    posted by PuppetMcSockerson at 11:51 AM PST - 24 comments

    Is it OK for a landlord to demand an additional deposit for moving?

    [NYC Renting] YANML: New management company/owner is demanding a special "move out" deposit that wasn't there when I moved in. There are very little details why this deposit is necessary and what criteria they use to decide whether or not to keep it. Is this right? [more inside]
    posted by teabag at 11:29 AM PST - 23 comments

    Collector wonders if collection is junk

    In the past 6 months or so I read an interesting essay by a self-described collector. I believe he collected videogames and videogame toys/posters/etc, and I believe he had a picture in the post of some of his collection. I think it was on a blog or a gaming website. He was coming to the conclusion, or at least wondering if, his collection really was just "so much plastic junk" (and I think he used a phrase very similar to that). It was pretty short, maybe a printed page or two. Do you remember it or can you help me find it?
    posted by 2bucksplus at 11:28 AM PST - 2 comments

    Pets and municipal weed control

    Dogs, cats, and herbicides. My town hires a contractor to spray the gutters for weed control. A truck comes along and hoses down the gutters with Milestone (aminopyralid). It's impractical to give notice to homeowners of application dates because the window of application is extremely weather dependent; therefore I have no idea when it's going to happen and end up blithely walking my dogs straight through freshly applied herbicide at every single street crossing, as we walk four miles nearly every day of the year. Obviously many other dogs and outdoor cats are affected as well. How does your municipality handle weed control? Are you given notice? Are there more environmentally friendly ways of preventing weeds in gutters? Supposedly this is a very safe herbicide but, you know, we've heard that before. I strongly prefer not to walk my dogs in it.
    posted by HotToddy at 11:24 AM PST - 17 comments

    Anchorage without a car

    I will have an evening and a day in Anchorage without a car. I'd love to see some wildlife and spend lots of time looking at the mountains. Also open to other ideas. What should I do and where should I go, and how should I get there without a car? [more inside]
    posted by lunasol at 11:07 AM PST - 9 comments

    The relative safety of large buildings during massive earthquakes

    How many people during the Tohoku 3/11 earthquake actually died from the earthquake itself, and not the tsunami? Also subtract elderly heart attacks, people being fatally crushed under bookshelves/the like, and the collapse of rickety old traditional houses that would have been knocked out during a smaller quake too. [more inside]
    posted by GoingToShopping at 10:48 AM PST - 4 comments

    Rice Boy, the Comic and the Album

    Is there a connection between the comic/graphic novel Rice Boy by Evan Dahm and the album Riceboy Sleeps by Jónsi and Alex? [more inside]
    posted by cleverevans at 10:43 AM PST - 3 comments

    small business networking

    Does there exist any online boards, websites, that cater to businesses and/or investors looking to connect? In other words, maybe someone is a owns a small home renovation business and is looking for investors. Or restaurants, plumbers, etc. Basically a place for networking. I have looked on CL and have not seen a category that fits this description, and I am not referring to something like Kickstarter. Any ideas?
    posted by jtexman1 at 10:28 AM PST - 5 comments

    Hip Sport Jacket/Blazer in Manhattan

    Can anyone recommend a place in Manhattan to buy a hip sport jacket/blazer? [more inside]
    posted by Quisp Lover at 10:25 AM PST - 26 comments

    Is it possible for humankind to divert Earth off its orbit around Sun?

    I know it is a funny thought but I am curious. For instance, the mega-quakes can speed up or slow down self-rotation of Earth, albeit minutely. So in a similar vein would it be possible for a group of wacko scientists to get Earth off its orbit around the Sun to freezing cold in outer space by means of technology and materials? Can this idea be proved to be possible or not? Or maybe it was discussed earlier somewhere on Intertubes and you can help me find it.
    posted by raphael19 at 10:18 AM PST - 12 comments

    Short Focal Toy Story

    How come short focal length makes supposedly real things look like tiny toys? [more inside]
    posted by moody cow at 10:15 AM PST - 10 comments

    What do you call those pictures that move when you change your angle

    You've all seen them. They're like the animated GIF's of the real world. You look at it from one perspective, it shows, say, a tiger about to leap. Then you tilt the picture a bit, and the tiger begins leaping, then the tilt it's in midair. It's not a hologram, because it doesn't convey anything 3D. Just a technique for cramming 3-5 pictures on a single piece of paper. What is it called?
    posted by rouftop at 10:05 AM PST - 6 comments

    Late season sour cherries near Seattle's east side (or alternatives)?

    Is there anywhere that I can still buy fresh sour cherries near Seattle's east side (Bellevue/Redmond/Sammamish)? Failing that, can I order them from somewhere with a later season? Failing that, uh...when and where should I look next year?
    posted by madmethods at 10:02 AM PST - 5 comments

    Repatriating an invasive species to its native habitat

    My wife and I live in Central Florida. We found a Red-Eared Slider earlier this summer that had been tied up in a plastic bag and thrown out of a car. This particular species is invasive to this region, otherwise we'd let him go into a lake, and we need some guidance in getting him back to nature. [more inside]
    posted by triceryclops at 10:02 AM PST - 10 comments

    Need to ship cars from Florida to San Francisco Bay Area

    Asking for a friend. We've seen this question, but figure there might be more up-to date info: I need to ship 3 cars from Fort Lauderdale, FL to San Francisco Bay Area. What car shipping companies are reputable and who should be avoided? Any recommendations or warnings? Thanks
    posted by rsclark at 9:59 AM PST - 1 comment

    Applying to some kind of math grad program with no research experience?

    I plan on applying to graduate mathematics programs for the 2014-2015 school year and I'm starting to get a little nervous about my chances at landing a spot in a funded program. My major concern is that I have absolutely zero research experience from my undergrad years, and am having trouble focusing in on what kind of work I would be interested in anyways, and I don't know where to start! And the research papers that do seem interesting to me are so specialized, I have trouble understanding them! [more inside]
    posted by supernaturelle at 9:56 AM PST - 8 comments

    Career transition advice in context of move to .be, .nl, .de, or .fi?

    Hello folks. I am looking for a sense of some appropriate approaches to preparing for a move and likely related career transition. Referrals to career counselors with experience in this area in one of our likely host countries are appreciated as well. Context below. [more inside]
    posted by mijn_valieske at 9:54 AM PST - 4 comments

    What's "in" for 6th-8th graders this year?

    I'm a single dad and my son will be entering the sixth grade in Ohio this year. What's cool for kids his age (11-12) through and up to 8th grade (13-14)? Looking for suggestions, anecdotes, first-hand experience on fads, trends, clothes, talk, etc.
    posted by playmobil at 9:33 AM PST - 13 comments

    Being professional while socially awkward

    My role at work is changing such that I'll need to interact with people face-to-face and over the phone much more than I currently do. The problem: I'm kind of awkward. I don't want to make things go poorly for my employer, so what is my next step? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 9:24 AM PST - 21 comments

    CTA from O'Hare to hotel north of Loop: best transfer station?

    Tonight I need to get from O'Hare airport to a hotel at 540 N Michigan Avenue. It looks like I should take the Blue Line to Washington Station, walk to the Red Line Lake Station, and take the Red Line to Grand Station. Good plan? Would it be easier to change at Jackson Station? 2 more stops each way, but then it looks like less walking between trains.
    posted by lakeroon at 9:18 AM PST - 5 comments

    I need a camera halfway between a smartphone and a DSLR.

    I am looking for a digital camera that is easier to carry around than my DSLR, but a more capable camera than my smartphone. I am looking to spend at most $500. I have a couple ideas, but it's been a long time since I shopped for cameras, and I wanted some more recommendations. [more inside]
    posted by Elementary Penguin at 9:09 AM PST - 22 comments

    How and when should I tell my son of his namesake's racist nickname?

    My son will most likely at some point think he is Chinese. He is named after his great-grandfather. When and how should I explain to him that his great-grandfather's nickname was a racial-slur against Chinese people? [more inside]
    posted by wobumingbai at 9:03 AM PST - 18 comments

    2.25" Wire Grommet for Desk

    I need one of these do-bobbers, but it needs to be 2-1/4" inside diameter. [more inside]
    posted by Eyebrows McGee at 8:35 AM PST - 7 comments

    Material for making game boards out of?

    I'm trying to hand-paint gameboards (five 21cm x 29cm boards, for a boardgame) for someone, except I can't figure out what material can hold up to the dual stresses of being painted/printed on (not by computer, but by the older methods of linocuts or woodblocks or etching) and the day-to-day wear and tear from being used as a gameboard, while still being reasonably priced. Can you help? [more inside]
    posted by flibbertigibbet at 8:27 AM PST - 18 comments

    How to channel audio from Roku 3 through old receiver?

    How do I connect my Roku 3's audio channel through an old AV receiver? I have an Onkyo that works fine, but it has no HDMI inputs. I just upgraded to the Roku 3, and there are no RCA outputs. I don't want to spend $250-$500 on a new AV receiver, and don't want to invest in a soundbar. I'm hoping I can still use my receiver. I was looking at this thing ( at Monoprice, but not sure if and how I would use it. Thoughts?
    posted by sholdens12 at 8:13 AM PST - 7 comments

    Help me find breaking news in real time for my neighborhood?

    I live near Ohio State University campus, and There are often helicopters flying overhead, and police cruisers on the ground, searching up and down the streets for a specific suspect that just committed a crime. In this type of situation, how can I get up to date breaking news to find out what's going on? I try the local news breaking news channels websites which aren't much help, and I have tried police radio app, which is mostly unrelated police chatter from the whole city. Any ideas?
    posted by crawltopslow at 8:13 AM PST - 11 comments

    First day back on Lofepramine, not feeling great, help?

    I took Lofepramine for years back in my early 20s for depression, and I've been prescribed it again as my symptoms have returned. Only on 70mg this time, but it's my first day (took the pill before bed yesterday) and I am getting palpitations, light-headedness, and feel altogether pretty wobbly. a) Is this ok? nothing to worry about, right? I don't remember it being like this the first time, but that was years ago now. b) Is there anything I can do to calm these effects down? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 8:10 AM PST - 6 comments

    WeddingFilter: Church Service Self-Invite?

    Is someone 'allowed' to invite themselves to the church service of an acquaintance's wedding? Technically allowed, or socially allowed? Are church services 'open'? [Snowflakey fact scenario inside.] [more inside]
    posted by Capt. Renault at 7:52 AM PST - 56 comments

    Hard shell lockable pannier?

    I'm looking for a hard shell lockable pannier for my bike. I would like it to lock, and also lock to my bike. [more inside]
    posted by Go Banana at 7:48 AM PST - 2 comments

    Can you convert a (literate) non-reader?

    I would like my boyfriend to read more for leisure. Partly because I think he'd enjoy it, but also because I think it would be a good activity to share together. He's never been "into" reading; I think he sees it as a significant commitment. Were you a non-reader previously and now love to read? What made you change? If you are an avid reader yourself, have you ever inspired someone to start? How did you go about it? [more inside]
    posted by goblue_est1817 at 7:47 AM PST - 44 comments

    A question about public insurance exchanges and tiny non-profits. Anyone

    Can you help a small non-profit figure out our rights and opportunities with the public exchanges on October 1? [more inside]
    posted by TomMelee at 7:44 AM PST - 5 comments

    How can I improve my pro football knowledge?

    I've decided that I need to know as much or more than the next guy about current events in the NFL, and so I've gotten myself invited into some long standing fantasy football leagues. However, I don't want to show up and be the odd man out in terms of breadth and depth of NFL knowledge. [more inside]
    posted by Arbitrage1 at 7:40 AM PST - 9 comments

    Facebook and its discontents

    You used to use Facebook regularly, and then you quit. Or tried to quit. Please tell me about it. [more inside]
    posted by Miko at 7:15 AM PST - 32 comments

    Hummingbird Feeder Foiled

    Hummingbird Feeder Filter: Yellowjackets are on my hummingbird feeder and now the hummingbirds are staying away. What can I do? [more inside]
    posted by melangell at 7:10 AM PST - 6 comments

    Just like Ronnie sang...

    I know of a couple of duets from the 80s that resurrected old musical careers. Help me find more! [more inside]
    posted by hanov3r at 6:46 AM PST - 19 comments

    Trying to remember a quote about sleep being the greatest reward

    Somewhere in the back of my brain there's a memory of a quote I once read, possibly by a Greek philosopher but just as possibly not. The quote was something about sleep (and maybe dreams?) being the greatest reward in life - that the only reason we toil through the day is to "earn" our sleep at night. [more inside]
    posted by DulcineaX at 6:35 AM PST - 4 comments

    For tobacco use only

    Any recommendations for a smoke shop in Chicago with a good selection of bubblers and friendly employees? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 6:09 AM PST - 2 comments

    How do I start taking my job seriously again?

    The job that I used to love has become dreadfully slow and boring because many of our projects have been cancelled or postponed due to the economy. I'm losing interest fast and starting to perform badly and not feel guilty about it. How can I change my attitude? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 6:09 AM PST - 9 comments

    What is the name of the song in this movie trailer?

    Can anyone tell me the name of this song in the trailer for the Ricky Jay documentary "Deceptive Practices?" It sounds like a ditty of Ashkenazi origin with the wonderful violin playing. The song intersperses throughout the trailer so you should start watching at 1:30. I've been looking for it for a while and I would love to know what it's called. It almost sounds like a Klezmer Jewish rendition of some familiar song that I just can't name. Another place to watch the trailer if the link above doesn't work is here
    posted by RapcityinBlue at 6:00 AM PST - 3 comments

    Can you identify this tiny sessile tide pool critter from Maine?

    Last week the kids and I explored lots of tide pools in Maine and found all sorts of interesting things. But there were some organisms firmly attached to the underside of rocks that I am unable to identify. They looked like clear discs of tough jelly, with a star-like pattern inside, and were all about a half a centimeter in diameter. Here's a photo that you can zoom in on to see them - they are near the bottom edge of the rock in the pic - zoomit link. (Also - is that a mass of eggs next to one of them as well?)
    posted by chr1sb0y at 5:33 AM PST - 7 comments

    What are the economics of sites like

    I just got off the phone with and the representative told me that the domain I was looking at was owned by one of their customers who owns 300.000 domains - it was also on sale for $100.000 (a completely ridiculous price for the domain I looked at). How are the economics of this business, aren't there yearly registration fees that would make owning 300.000 domains unprofitable, isn't this doing a great disservice to the internet? Is there literature, opinions, … against this?
    posted by lenehan at 5:26 AM PST - 4 comments

    Where can I buy recipes & photographs?

    I'm looking for a publication ready recipe/photos to buy and share on a site for a food brand I'm working with. Unfortunately time rules out working with our own team and recipes. I've found which is perfect but pricey - is there anything else out there? A large archive would be ideal!
    posted by teststrip at 4:50 AM PST - 4 comments

    You're Most Certainly Not Getting a BB Gun, Ya Dope.

    Kinetic 3 is turning 15 this month and all his little heart wants is a BB gun, because he and his friends like to make war movies (or something). Every single inner instinct I have automatically says, "No. Not gonna happen, pal," because of all the obvious reasons (no guns in my house, what the hell do you need a gun for, someone's gonna lose an eye, etc.). My question is: is there any reason my kid should be allowed to get a BB gun? Am I missing something?
    posted by kinetic at 4:46 AM PST - 64 comments

    Um, hello?

    I applied for a fellowship several months ago at a prestigious university that is in conjunction with another (slightly less) prestigious university and an organization that these two universities run together. [more inside]
    posted by Enchanting Grasshopper at 4:39 AM PST - 32 comments

    WordPress plugin filter: is there a plugin that does this?

    So a friend of mine wrote a book, and he's promoting it via his website. He's also enabled buyers of the book to read the book online - a system which I actually prefer to use instead of the PDF. He hired someone to do the technical lifting, but I've GOT to believe there's a WordPress plugin that does something similar...? I have a book of my own, naturally. [more inside]
    posted by chrisinseoul at 1:53 AM PST - 4 comments

    Is it really such a bad idea for me to date this guy?

    I googled this guy and found some troublesome things. How troubled should I really be? [more inside]
    posted by anonymousme at 1:34 AM PST - 68 comments

    August 6

    Scary abdominal surgery that's still sort of optional.

    I don't require surgery. Yet. Yet is the word that I keep thinking. I think I'm better off planning surgery now than needing it as an emergency, which is a possibility (but I don't know how likely). I have a 8 cm simple cyst just chilling between my ovaries. It was discovered in May due to a (probably) unrelated MRI. Following up with an ultrasound has shown that a) it doesn't appear to be attached to my ovaries, or anything else and b) it hasn't changed since May. Of course, I have no idea how long it's actually been there. My doctor doesn't think surgery is *required*, but is sort of recommending it. I'm scared. I don't know how to plan for this, or what questions to ask. [more inside]
    posted by anxioushermit at 11:11 PM PST - 17 comments

    Need to define this Victorian cause of death: "phithisis eutenca"!

    I am entering causes of death into a database. On one of the death certificates from 1901 it lists "phithisis eutenca". Any ideas on what this could be? Google was no good to me. ???
    posted by Tchad at 10:37 PM PST - 6 comments

    Basement door ruminations

    We have a short (maybe 2/3, 3/4 standard height) door leading to the basement, and are contemplating making it a full-height door to have a separate entrance for a home office. Extending the door downwards seems to be the easiest option, but that will place it only a few inches above the basement floor, and I'm concerned about flooding. Is there a way to make this happen that will not increase the risk of flooding? [more inside]
    posted by Behemoth at 9:04 PM PST - 5 comments

    Is it a bad idea to submit my psychiatrist visits to my insurance?

    I'm seeing a psychiatrist. I'm paying for it up front through my HSA and not submitting it to my insurance company. I switched to a new practice recently and because it's more expensive, I wonder if I should submit these claims to my insurer. Should I be? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 8:42 PM PST - 8 comments

    My girlfriend, Jenna Jameson.

    I'm a man in a relationship with a woman. We love each other and would like for that to continue. I recently came across a photo on the internet that looks shockingly like her but is too low quality to interpret if it is actually her. It's an amateur pornographic picture. Do I tell her what I've found? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 8:41 PM PST - 57 comments

    Compact gifts for a 4 year old girl?

    My wonderful niece is turning 4 soon and I'd like to mail her a small gift along with a birthday card. What are some good gifts under $40 for a girl that age, that are small and easy to mail? Bonus points if it fits in an envelope. A few more details inside. [more inside]
    posted by averageamateur at 8:40 PM PST - 18 comments

    Best product for darkening very short male hair?

    I've been cutting my hair very short, and discovered that while I didn't mind my graying hair when it was a normal length, it is much grayer-looking when cut this close and does not look good in combination with my untanned white scalp. Can someone point out good hair color products for white guys with extremely short hair? [more inside]
    posted by Another Sock Puppet at 8:38 PM PST - 7 comments

    Hey, mature people: Are you noticing how I'm cutting my food?

    So from what I understand you're supposed to do it zig-zag style, especially in a nice restaurant - fork-stab with your left hand, cut with your right hand, then switch fork to your right hand and eat. I don't do that. [more inside]
    posted by windbox at 8:28 PM PST - 44 comments

    Walgreens vs Walgreens

    Is there a way to settle this bet between me and my wife? Which Walgreens makes more money - the one in Times Square or the one on the strip in Las Vegas (which we happen to be standing in right at this very moment)?
    posted by brozek at 8:04 PM PST - 24 comments

    "non-science" nature documentary?

    I was wondering if anyone knows of any nature documentaries that are not done from a scientific angle. Either wild life or other natural scenes would be okay. Maybe something along the lines of the documentary "Babies" (which is just scenes of babies being babies without much of any kind of narration) but with nature.
    posted by Blitz at 7:57 PM PST - 16 comments

    How can I find out where my cat's been going all day?

    My usually very stay-at-home cat has recently taken to disappearing before I get up in the morning and coming home late in the afternoon. I think a neighbor may be feeding her because, besides the fact that my cat's always been a homebody, I feed her in the morning, so she would likely stay around to be fed unless she had an equally good reason to go elsewhere. When this started last week, she didn't have a collar, so conceivably someone could have thought she was homeless and tried to take her in. But after two days I put a collar on her, with an attached note to the effect of "please don't feed me or take me in", but she's still going off every morning. I miss her and worry that one day she won't return. How can I track her movements? [more inside]
    posted by zeri at 6:29 PM PST - 23 comments

    How do I find the right career counselor for me?

    How do I find a career counselor to take me to the next level while changing industries? [more inside]
    posted by Thrillhouse at 5:57 PM PST - 1 comment

    Using the Vizio Co-Star Remote with my TV Connected PC?

    Hive mind, I beseech thee: Please assist me in using my Vizio Co-Star Remote (I don't care about the Co-Star itself) with my PC via Bluetooth. [more inside]
    posted by TrueVox at 5:17 PM PST - 3 comments

    Surreptitious assessment of smart 11-year-old?

    I occasionally hang out with a smart 11-year-old girl, am a friend of the family. She's ahead of her peers in reading and math, starts 6th grade in the fall, but is not especially challenged by her public school. A few years ago in a different school district, they offered to skip her a grade (this option was not chosen). [more inside]
    posted by 4midori at 4:31 PM PST - 43 comments

    Orientation to modern poetry scene?

    What are some great articles, websites, discussion forums, magazines, or books that would orient me to the state of the modern poetry and poetics -- the different artistic schools of thought, the competing aesthetic theories, what's considered avant garde, the culture, the gossip, the key small presses and publications, the place of MFA programs in it, and so on? Positive views, critiques, objective commentary -- all of it would be welcome.
    posted by shivohum at 4:24 PM PST - 5 comments

    Making The Best Home Bar With A Small Space

    For the first time ever I have a space in my house just for cocktail preparation. Awesome. I have some great old glass bottles to go on top of this bar. Also Awesome. What do I put in these bottles to become the envy of cocktail-makers-and-consumers everywhere? How do I best use this space (close up) both in terms of keeping stuff on hand and visual appeal, base liquors, mixers, tools, garnishes, etc. Assume we'll drink anything, but the fussier and old fashioned, the better. [more inside]
    posted by The Whelk at 4:15 PM PST - 17 comments

    When can I see the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Trailer?

    I was among the unfortunate many who was not able to attend to Doctor Who panel at SDCC 2013 and thus did not have the pleasure of viewing the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Trailer; I know Steven Moffat made it abundantly clear that he did not want to see anyone leaking the trailer, so I'm not really expecting to see any pirated versions. I guess the question I'm trying to ask is: When will the BBC allow the trailer to be public?
    posted by rmttws at 4:12 PM PST - 2 comments

    Calling liver lovers

    Today I was given a whole beef liver from a hormone free, grass raised calf. [more inside]
    posted by BlueHorse at 3:56 PM PST - 11 comments

    Help identifying brand of sneakers by pic?

    I'm not really up on brands of sneakers, but was wondering if anyone could tell what brand of sneakers she is wearing in this picture? Photo here. and another view here I know it might be a long shot, but I appreciate any help. Thanks!
    posted by fille papillon at 3:31 PM PST - 5 comments

    Fair use, DMCA, and silly image editing?

    I have a photograph in my Flickr feed that has proved very popular on Tumblr and other young-person social networking sites. I have a personal connection to the picture and so, when I see it posted without credit, I have been enthusiastically submitting DMCA takedown notices to remove the image. Yesterday I saw it as someone's Twitter avatar. They had cropped out most of the photo and added a stupid mustache to the picture. I submitted a DMCA notice; Twitter's response was to ask me if it didn't fall under fair use. I don't think it does. [more inside]
    posted by Nyx at 3:04 PM PST - 32 comments

    Newness is no Virtue. Cache of old Google Maps satellite images?

    Google Maps / satellite view used to provide a wonderful shot of our historic family homestead. Sadly, the New and Improved Updated 2013 satellite photo is one big glare-y blur. An easy way to find the old shot? [more inside]
    posted by falldownpaul at 2:38 PM PST - 4 comments

    "Bong," "Joon-ho," or "Bong Joon-ho"?

    How does one refer to people in the third person in Korea? [more inside]
    posted by eugenen at 1:50 PM PST - 2 comments

    Name for a garden cat

    We've recently adopted an approximately ten month old stray male tuxedo cat and are looking for a name for him. [more inside]
    posted by sciencegeek at 1:37 PM PST - 79 comments

    Pupusas, how do they work?

    May I please have your advice on making pupusas from scratch? [more inside]
    posted by MonkeyToes at 1:32 PM PST - 7 comments

    Is there a Twitter widget that doesn't depend on Java?

    I want to embed a Twitter feed, but is there an option that doesn't use Java? I just tested the site on different browsers around the office, and at least half of them aren't displaying the feed until I either update or enable Java on those particular machines. Is there another option?
    posted by jackypaper at 1:25 PM PST - 3 comments

    Hit songs without a discernable chorus?

    I revisited Pulp's "This Is Hardcore" recently for the first time since I was like 19 years old.. [more inside]
    posted by mediocre at 1:00 PM PST - 24 comments

    In general, do you answer personal emails?

    Not talking about spammy or long rambling missives, just the kind that says "thinking about you. Here's a little news, what's up with you these days?" [more inside]
    posted by Gusaroo at 12:49 PM PST - 46 comments

    Scroll Follow Box

    I am a novice at html, but I have found code that I've used to create placeholders for images on the right side of my page that don't move when I scroll down. I want to hyperlink each of five images in that scroll follow box to a different audio file. Each audio file corresponds to one of five explanations grouped together on the left side of the page. There are dozens of five explanation groupings and the follow box helps users remember what the terms mean by clicking a close by box when they need to. I am using Serif WebX6 to build the website. And I've been referring to a book I have on .html. I found lots of code that uses .css or javascript, but I have no training with these, and when I pasted them in, the website didn't accept or run them. I do have a better understanding of .html though. And I have been able to move the box I made around, and create placeholders for my images, but no images. [more inside]
    posted by CollectiveMind at 12:49 PM PST - 6 comments

    Is there any better/cheaper health insurance I can get?

    I am fed up/freaked out about the cost of my health insurance... [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 11:56 AM PST - 11 comments

    The Nightmare People Want to Keep You from Puking, Also Your Fingers

    I am now in a round of chemotherapy for cancer, and I have been prescribed some really heavy duty medication for nausea. I can't take compazine because I am allergic to it. My prescription cocktail includes Emend, zofram, and marinol. Throw in some anti-coagulants, anti-depressants, and stomach acid calmer-downers, just for funsies. So, this past weekend on chemo, things were fine-ish nausea wise, but I had a series of nightmares that were so vivid and scary that I'm still feeling scared two days later. I need help articulating a question for my doctors that will help me to keep my stomach calm, while leveling my head as well. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 11:55 AM PST - 9 comments

    Is this a dental emergency?

    Does my broken molar need immediate attention? [more inside]
    posted by TheGoodBlood at 11:50 AM PST - 17 comments

    Good app to use with Tumblr for iPad?

    The Tumblr iPad app doesn't have a proper editor (looks like all I can do is choose a type of post, add tags and post). Can anyone recommend a good text editor app for iPad that is similar to the online version of Tumblr (allowing me to insert photos, add links, italics, bold, etc, as well as switch between the WSYWIG editor and HTML views? [more inside]
    posted by sweetkid at 11:49 AM PST - 5 comments

    Dressing for work and bike commuting while still being me?

    This morning I realized my current work wardrobe is not hacking it for work or for commuting. I need some new stuff but don't want to buy the same old stuff, but I also don't want to feel like I'm wearing somebody else's costume. Help! How can I feel like myself and look decent at work? [more inside]
    posted by kendrak at 11:20 AM PST - 22 comments

    Who are semi-private/private rooms in hospitals for?

    I'm having double jaw surgery in a week. When I check in on the day of my surgery, I'll have the option to upgrade from a ward to a private or semi-private room. My insurance covers this, but as a healthy, unfussy 19-year-old, am I obligated to leave these rooms for those who need them more? [more inside]
    posted by stravinsky at 11:18 AM PST - 25 comments

    What do you feed a queasy stomach with pre-diabetes?

    My doctor asked me to try the South Beach Diet to help my pre-diabetes. I'm about to take an antibiotic that makes most people queasy or worse, and I'm wondering what to eat if I start feeling bad. Normally, such as when I get the flu, I stick to the BRAT diet of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. I can't eat any of those now without protein with them and only the whole grain versions of rice and toast. And when I'm nauseated things with flavor or fat like meat, stir fry, and salad are really unappealing. So South beach followers or diabetics/pre-diabetics -- what do you eat when you're feeling sick?
    posted by Margalo Epps at 11:14 AM PST - 19 comments

    Multiple nested music folders in iTunes, missing music, gah!

    While attempting to migrate to a new desktop PC, I discovered that my iTunes library contains multiple, nested "music" directories much like this guy's. Have any MeFites faced and solved this problem? [more inside]
    posted by onshi at 10:55 AM PST - 5 comments

    The spirit is willing. The flesh is about to puke.

    I'm not nervous for my upcoming trip. So how do I get my body to calm down about it? [more inside]
    posted by koucha at 10:00 AM PST - 14 comments

    Wall Hanging - Japanese? Chinese? What is it called?

    Well, I came across this black lacquer wall hanging inlaid with mother of pearl, relief style and it's kind of pretty. Maybe I'll sell it. Don't know much about these things. [more inside]
    posted by watercarrier at 9:23 AM PST - 7 comments

    Looking for a moisturizer that isn't going to comment on my age.

    Can you recommend a paraben-free, relatively earthy-crunchy, nighttime moisturizer that both contains retinol and does not bray "I'M OLD AND I LOOK OLD" all over the packaging? [more inside]
    posted by A Terrible Llama at 9:19 AM PST - 17 comments

    Where to find people to chat with via text or online?

    I'd like to chat with more people but not face to face. [more inside]
    posted by PeaPod at 9:02 AM PST - 8 comments

    Can I learn to like traveling for work?

    Help me decide if flying out-and-back every week for work will desensitize me to the million little things I dislike about traveling. [more inside]
    posted by slenderloris at 8:38 AM PST - 28 comments

    Mac user seeks Windows laptop for grad school.

    I've used Macs since 2004; now I need a PC. There are too many choices! [more inside]
    posted by quadrilaterals at 8:29 AM PST - 15 comments

    What do you think of Nashville?

    There is a possibility I may be getting a job that would require a relocation to Nashville, Tennessee. With a few exceptions, I've grown up and lived almost my entire life in the Chicago area. Can you help recommend a community or neighborhood? Details inside. [more inside]
    posted by zooropa at 8:11 AM PST - 14 comments

    Need better whiteboard, or cleaner, or paint, or...

    My company bought me a (cheap) whiteboard, probably from Staples, for my office. It is 36 x 24 inches. I cannot get it to stay clean. I have tried several markers and the "best" so far is the Expo dry erase. I also have a spray bottle of Expo white board cleaner. The trouble is I cannot get the board to get really clean. A history of everything I've ever written on the board is still there, faintly. What products have you used that seem to work successfully? Any tips? Thanks!
    posted by Rad_Boy at 8:10 AM PST - 33 comments

    San Diego, LA, Yosemite, Lake Tahoe, Napa and SF road trip

    We are planning on flying to LAX and rent a car from there and then drive to San Diego, LA, Yosemite, Lake Tahoe, Napa. We will be flying out of SFO. Total time for the trip is 10 days including flying, from Aug 9'th to 19'th. (So 8 days) Please suggest things to do, places to stay, good restaurants and any other advice. [more inside]
    posted by WizKid at 7:57 AM PST - 32 comments

    Fun ideas for a workshop on emotions?

    Help me design a workshop about emotions, self-awareness, and coping strategies for 50 queer youth! [more inside]
    posted by whalebreath at 7:33 AM PST - 12 comments

    How did you know when to go?

    When and how did you decide to stay at or leave a job you kinda liked and an employer you'd been at for a long time? Is it good to stay or have I been here too long? That's the situation I am in. I feel like I'm stuck, but I also feel like I'd be giving up a good thing. What can I do to help decide? [more inside]
    posted by fireoyster at 7:14 AM PST - 15 comments

    Short, dressed man.

    I am getting married and need one of two things: a nice suit store in NYC that caters, specifically, to small dudes (I am 5'6" and ~130 lbs and Uniqlo quality won't cut it this time) or one of those made-to-measure places that will measure you and get you a suit made abroad. I need it by mid-October at the latest. Personal experience (good and bad) would be great. [more inside]
    posted by griphus at 7:00 AM PST - 27 comments

    Mini move from the US to the UK

    My husband and I will be moving from Boston to the UK after a year-long stay: What would be the best (safe and reasonably cheap) way of shipping accumulated belongings, books, CDs and a few other household items that will not fit my luggage? [more inside]
    posted by zany pita at 6:52 AM PST - 6 comments

    I Seem to Be Acquiring a Kitten

    I have had cats for long stretches of my adult life, but I've never "started from a kitten." Looking for advice, details to follow. Note. I do not have the kitten yet, so no pictures. Sorry. [more inside]
    posted by GenjiandProust at 6:46 AM PST - 32 comments

    Cats on a plane!

    What's the best way to take a cat from the UK to the US and back again? Any advice on how to make this go smoothly? [more inside]
    posted by klausness at 6:45 AM PST - 16 comments

    burgos spain to altamira by train/ bus?

    We are in burgos Spain t walking the camino and are trying to get to altamira near santillana del mar to visit the altamira caves. Any spanish mefites who can give us a hand figuring out the best way to and fro? We are staying in burgos and would like to do this as a daytrip. Many thanks!
    posted by bluesky43 at 6:41 AM PST - 2 comments

    My coworker is allergic to my cats. What can I do?

    My co-worker is allergic to my cats. Question one: What is standard office policy with regards to this? Question two: What can I do at home to reduce the amount of allergens I carry to the office? [more inside]
    posted by rebent at 6:35 AM PST - 39 comments

    Ideas in helping SO learn your language?

    He speaks English, my family speaks Spanish.. how can I help him learn to speak to my family? [more inside]
    posted by xicana63 at 6:34 AM PST - 10 comments

    Sharing recipes among a small group online

    Our Benevolent Employer has recently ended the company canteen service, and everyone now brings in their own lunches. My team would like to share ideas for lunch recipes - both things found online and our own - as a small, private group. Can you suggest any services or strategies to do this? [more inside]
    posted by ominous_paws at 5:41 AM PST - 11 comments

    We once spent a day on Nantucket...

    I'm planning a day trip to Nantucket with my husband. We want to take advantage of living close enough to just go for a day... but what should we do there? If you were only spending 6-8 hours on Nantucket, what would you do? [more inside]
    posted by Kriesa at 5:28 AM PST - 5 comments

    I don't need a new drug (but I need a new drug).

    Somehow having a chronic illness became my hobby for the past year. Now I'm getting better and I want to stop dwelling on it, but I don't remember how I used to pass the time. Snowflake details inside. [more inside]
    posted by telegraph at 5:25 AM PST - 16 comments

    How can I make the most of my graduate student carrell?

    I'm a second-year masters student in a professional degree program (MPH). I have been assigned to a carrell (img) and would like to make the most of it. It feels kind of gross so I'd like to give it a good cleaning, but after that, how can I make it a great study/work spot away from home? [more inside]
    posted by pants at 4:58 AM PST - 17 comments

    Epistolary (Science) Fiction

    I recently really enjoyed Max Brooks' World War Z and Daniel H. Wilson's Robocalypse. What other books might I also enjoy? [more inside]
    posted by alby at 3:19 AM PST - 20 comments

    Help me give my stroller away!

    We've had to switch to a double stroller (buggy/ pushchair), for obvious reasons, but still have our single stroller - a fairly sought-after model, particularly useful for public transport - in very good condition. It's had heavy use, but it isn't destroyed by any means (details inside). Please help me find a useful way to donate our stroller to an organisation that needs strollers in the London (UK) area. [more inside]
    posted by Wylla at 12:42 AM PST - 13 comments

    August 5

    So, who's using a great foundation?

    Women of MeFi, tell me what's better than MAC Studio Fix Fluid. [more inside]
    posted by Salamander at 11:54 PM PST - 25 comments

    How does one upload audio clips to YouTube?

    For a while now I've been wanting to upload to YouTube audio clips of myself speaking . . . but I've no clue how to do this. [more inside]
    posted by GlassHeart at 11:06 PM PST - 5 comments

    How to batch embed album artwork on a Mac

    Can you recommend software to use to embed album cover artwork into mp3s on a Mac? [more inside]
    posted by diamondsky at 10:25 PM PST - 2 comments

    Please help me find this poem about domestic violence.

    Please help me find this poem about domestic violence. [Trigger warning] [more inside]
    posted by Autumn at 9:59 PM PST - 4 comments

    Help name a barbecue blog?

    It's that time again: name that blog. It's a single-topic one: my quest to go from amateur barbecue hobbyist to -- who knows -- maybe entering a few competitions. Want to play up the angle of having grown up in Alabama but only gotten interested in BBQ while living in Yankee territory. My brainstorms haven't coalesced into something snappy yet. Help me, clever wordsmiths! [more inside]
    posted by supercres at 9:47 PM PST - 33 comments

    History Filter: Why are the US Presidents of the Gilded Age so obscure?

    ... or are they? My question initially stemmed from watching Spielberg's Lincoln and thinking about the fact that of the 4 assassinated U.S. Presidents, there is a lot of interest in Lincoln and Kennedy, whereas despite their being killed in office, I'm betting few high school students can even name Garfield and McKinley. I asked my fairly bright junior high son (and my wife) and neither could name "the other two" assassinated presidents at all. [more inside]
    posted by randomkeystrike at 9:08 PM PST - 21 comments

    Earworms, earworms everywhere.

    I recently discovered 'Not Fair' by Lily Allen and really liked it. I'm not especially musically oriented so I can't identify what is what makes it so fun to listen (besides the lyrics) but I want more. Any suggestions for similar songs?
    posted by Memo at 9:03 PM PST - 14 comments

    Help me remember a joke

    It was a joke about the different military services and how they respond to an order to "secure a house." [more inside]
    posted by Chocolate Pickle at 9:02 PM PST - 9 comments

    How to do we get a lawyer to return medical files?

    If your lawyer refuses or ignores requests to return medical files or personal paperwork that was turned over to them but not used in any legal action . . . what's the next step? [more inside]
    posted by jaimystery at 8:54 PM PST - 12 comments

    Teach my personal trainer about endocrine disorders!

    Where can I find explanations of insulin resistance and Hashimoto's disease that I can give to my personal trainer (who does not have a background in biochemistry)? [more inside]
    posted by Alice Russel-Wallace at 8:47 PM PST - 6 comments

    Philip Glass under James Turrell

    I just found out that Philip Glass is doing a one hour performance in the Guggenheim under JamesTurell's installation, but it's sold out. Any suggestions on where I might be able to get two tickets?
    posted by gregr at 8:32 PM PST - 3 comments

    There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

    What are you tips/hacks for returning to playful, light energy after a bout of the heavier stuff? I had a rough start to the summer and things are looking up, with the help of new DBT skills, but that kind of extraverted, life-affirming energy is still hard to come by. [more inside]
    posted by elephantsvanish at 8:18 PM PST - 11 comments

    How do we include first time parents who've become flakey?

    A couple in our circle of friends had a child two year ago. Please help me navigate the line between new parent absentmindedness and bad friends. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 8:07 PM PST - 36 comments

    Birthday Conundrum

    What is fair concerning where to go for birthday dinner? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 7:09 PM PST - 48 comments

    History of the science of planetary motion for kids

    I'm looking for a short book or series of books for my 7.5 year old son describing the history of the search to explain planetary motion. [more inside]
    posted by alms at 6:59 PM PST - 6 comments

    Can anxiety feel like this?

    I find it difficult to articulate the way I've been feeling, but more and more I'm suspecting that things aren't right. I'm in my second year of grad school and I'm not getting things done fast enough, due to circumstances both under my control, and outside of it. I'm starting to think my problem might be anxiety, or depression. [more inside]
    posted by dinofuzz at 6:31 PM PST - 17 comments

    My back hurts. Make it stop. I'm going to be grumpy until it stops.

    I've been doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution for the past couple months and my back has gotten progressively worse during Phase II to the point I'm now regressing and can't do exercises I previously could. What do I need to be doing differently to protect my back? [more inside]
    posted by whoaali at 6:07 PM PST - 7 comments

    Help me figure out if there's a market out there for what I want to do?

    I have been a travel agent at a small incentive company for 10 years and am considering starting my own freelance business. How do I determine if there is a market out there for what I want to do? [more inside]
    posted by kdern at 5:17 PM PST - 5 comments

    How to deal with Indian parents when dating a Caucasian girl?

    I'm Indian and I have been dating a white girl for about 2.5 months. How do I deal with my parents who only believe in marrying someone who is also Indian? I've not told them about the girl I'm dating because I do not want to deal with bad talk when the relatives and family involved. [more inside]
    posted by Parh6512 at 5:11 PM PST - 36 comments

    A short film about a horse, possibly featuring the Grim Reaper?

    Anybody remember this? A boy rides his horse in the rain, it gets stuck in the mud, the boy screams his horse's name (Philip), a lot, while the figure of Death looks on? [more inside]
    posted by Mister Moofoo at 4:40 PM PST - 18 comments

    Angelina's a Baker, Sciota's big, what else do I need to know?

    What's a good book of fiddle tunes? [more inside]
    posted by Gygesringtone at 4:30 PM PST - 6 comments

    Random letters and numbers in comments on YouTube videos.

    I have a Youtube video that gets comments like these that consist of random numbers and punctuation marks that I don't understand. Why do viewers post these? I sometimes get foreign languages that I can search on Google to get the translation but this is confusing.
    posted by BillyAnne at 4:20 PM PST - 4 comments

    Greek island books.

    Last year we accompanied our trip to Greece with some chosen volumes of contemporary Greek writing: Panos Karnezis' Little infamies, Vangelis Hatziyannidis' Four walls, Petros Márkaris' Expiring loans, Apostolos Doxiadis' Uncle Petros and Goldbach's conjecture, and, for our kids, Evghenios Trivizàs' The last black cat. What are some other great books either set in Greece or by Greek authors, for us to take this time?
    posted by progosk at 3:54 PM PST - 12 comments

    30's hair cut for a modern gal?

    I've seen some great advice on hair cuts here on MeFi and I'm hoping someone can help me. I'm performer and occasionally get the opportunity to get all decked out 1920's/30's style. I really love doing this and would like to do it more frequently but one of the hardest aspects is getting the hair right. I'm going to need a trim soon, can you help me instruct my hairstylist on a style that will be easy to maintain on a daily basis but will allow for the period styling when the need occurs? [more inside]
    posted by snowymorninblues at 3:54 PM PST - 7 comments

    Help me help my skin.

    What is the best thing you've done to improve your skin? [more inside]
    posted by Triumphant Muzak at 3:50 PM PST - 34 comments

    lottery ticket payphone hack?

    A friend of mine bought a bunch of old payphones for an art project. A couple still had coins in them, as well a bunch of ripped up and folded lottery tickets. We're guessing this was some method for jamming/stealing money from the phones. We want to satisfy our curiosity with more details. Did some searching, can't find much other than this textfile, which seems not be exactly the same thing. Any ideas or leads? (NOTE: We don't want to ripoff what few remaining payphones there are. We just want to get to the bottom of the lotto tickets!)
    posted by lalalana at 3:33 PM PST - 5 comments

    Help selecting a laptop, light coding and gaming

    So, I know there have been variations on this theme but could use some advice on a laptop purchase. I mainly use a mac for work but would like a windows machine for light gaming (current games like Assasin's Creed, etc), but also for coding (LAMP stack) and running a Linux VM. [more inside]
    posted by evilelf at 2:59 PM PST - 3 comments

    Help me save an advertising client

    I have little to no experience in sales; I'm a writer with a successful podcast. I am trying to sell ads on it. One of my customers/advertisers has decided to stop advertising with us after just 2 mos. How do I recover and keep the client? [more inside]
    posted by arniec at 2:58 PM PST - 7 comments

    Rhode Island/southern New England bucket list

    I'm living in Rhode Island for three or so more weeks before moving. What have I missed that I need to do?! [more inside]
    posted by geegollygosh at 2:53 PM PST - 19 comments

    Help me identify this art/chair?

    I bought an interesting small chair at a local thrift store. Here's a picture of the front. [more inside]
    posted by mbarryf at 1:51 PM PST - 3 comments

    Wanted: weird, reclusive roommate who poops in a box

    I've been living with my parents while fixing up my home. They have two dogs and a cat. It turns out that I love having cuddly, friendly buddies around. I'm going to be moving home this weekend and want a buddy of my own. I've always wanted a cat, but I want one that is super friendly. Do you own or have experience with Sphynx cats? Are they as affectionate and dog-like as websites claim? Or any other breeds known for being affectionate? My adult son and I live together and have opposite schedules, so the cat would almost never be alone
    posted by 1066 at 1:44 PM PST - 46 comments

    Follow-up question on travel in Scotland (this time eastern Scotland)

    Because we're probably going to be in Scotland long enough to not only see Islay and Isle of Skye but also return via eastern Scotland (Inverary, Loch Ness, St Andrews maybe, and Edinbugh), I'm looking for similar great tips to those people offered in my earlier AskMe. Thanks, all.
    posted by aught at 1:42 PM PST - 7 comments

    London to Brittany in a Day?

    Due to some ill-advised scheduling, we (Americans) are travelling from London to rural Brittany, then back to our reserved room in Paris three days later. Rennes is the closest major city to Plumieux, the village where our friends live. All of the stuff I see online says to take the Eurostar from London to Gare du Nord in Paris, then transfer to Montparnasse to take the TVG to Rennes. From there we would catch a bus to get us near Plumieux, close enough for our friends to pick us up. [more inside]
    posted by Danf at 1:28 PM PST - 19 comments

    App for Body Weight Exercises?

    I've just re-taken up running (well, walking still at this point) and I want to use my off days for basic strength training. Is there an app that will help with this? [more inside]
    posted by China Grover at 12:41 PM PST - 10 comments

    Thanks, but...

    How do we politely decline children's clothes? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 12:38 PM PST - 24 comments

    YANMD - Predisone/Cholesterol connection...

    I don't know whether my cholesterol is elevated because of my decadent lifestyle or because I'm on prednisone (or both, I suppose). Anyone with prednisone experience out there? [more inside]
    posted by janey47 at 12:35 PM PST - 4 comments

    Cool art decals for a car

    I just bought a car! But it's plain boring white. Help me find some cool art decals for it. [more inside]
    posted by danceswithlight at 12:35 PM PST - 6 comments

    Who is liable in a traffic-related wrongful-death lawsuit?

    A car exits the parking ramp, assumes it is a normal street, turns right, and gets completely creamed and T-boned at the very next intersection, and everybody in both vehicles dies. Can the parking ramp or the city be sued for not providing adequate signage?? [more inside]
    posted by shipbreaker at 12:24 PM PST - 35 comments

    Tenant's guest lives w/her but only sleeps in on weekends. What to do?

    Our a tenant (home share) has a partner who effectively lives with us but sleeps in only 2 nights a week (as agreed). We were not told about the living here every day part and now we want to either up the rent or have them move out. Would this be legal? Otherwise, what to do? [more inside]
    posted by Tarumba at 12:13 PM PST - 26 comments

    Family attendance at thesis defense--really?

    At the end of this month my niece will be defending her master's thesis (in psychology, if that makes any difference) Her university is in a city an hour away from the city we, her family, live in. She has asked her parents and us, her aunt and uncle, to attend her thesis defense. It is highly technical and stats based thesis and she is the first to admit we will not understand a word of it. Her reasoning is it is open to the public, and she would like to be "surrounded by smiling faces." Everyone in her classes will be attending--that part I understand. Her roommates will be going. Her boyfriend will be taking a half-day off work to attend--I'm a bit surprised, but okay. But the request for elder family members to "be there for her"--my gut says no. [more inside]
    posted by uans at 11:57 AM PST - 70 comments

    Foreign tongue depressors

    Let's say you have medical condition ABC that can be treated with XYZ and you live in the United States. How does one become a medical tourist, defined by going outside the country for XYZ? It seems unlikely your doctor will acquiesce to sending you out of the country to get treatment with another doctor. How does the process begin, where patients can connect with the right doctors and facilities to arrange treatment? How do people evaluate the quality of treatment and follow-up care? Are there medial tourism "groups" that specialize in particular health issues? If you did this, what was your experience like and what recommendations would you have for issues or "gotchas" to look out for? [more inside]
    posted by Blazecock Pileon at 11:52 AM PST - 8 comments

    Wired Tablet

    Need a tablet that can do wired networking and running Windows if this is possible. [more inside]
    posted by dukes909 at 11:47 AM PST - 5 comments

    Stock our $100 liquor cabinet with booze and mixers -- no refrigeration

    We've got no more than $100 to spend on booze and mixers to bring to Burning Man. At a minimum, this should keep two of us lightly intoxicated for eight days. In a more perfect world, we'll maintain a nice buzz AND have enough to spare that we can share generously with our neighbors. Oh, and we'll have *no* refrigeration or coolers and no fancy mixologist gear. What should we bring? [more inside]
    posted by croutonsupafreak at 11:44 AM PST - 36 comments

    8th grade math tutoring options?

    Where can we find low cost math tutoring for 8th grade algebra? I've tried some web searches, but have not had much luck. [more inside]
    posted by needlegrrl at 11:33 AM PST - 8 comments


    I'm very interested in the transactions that take place between Artists and Coders when you stick them together in a room - is there a name for this ? where should I look for more information ? [more inside]
    posted by sgt.serenity at 11:09 AM PST - 6 comments

    Procuring a very specific tequila

    How can I get at least two bottles (and as much as a case) of Teoctli agave distillation—tequila— here in Los Angeles? [more inside]
    posted by carsonb at 10:55 AM PST - 10 comments

    So I'm staying home with a baby. What do I do now?

    My first child is turning 6 months soon and I've been home with him since he was born. It's finally starting to settle in that this is my job now. Other stay-at-home parents: what do you do all day, and how do you stave off the boredom, loneliness, and exhaustion that come with the territory? Some snowflake details inside. [more inside]
    posted by annekate at 10:33 AM PST - 35 comments

    Immunotherapy for advanced prostate cancer near Nipomo, California?

    This is a a bit of a rush question. I've googled but there is a lot of confusing information and advertising about this treatment. This is when they personalize the treatment to your exact genes. This is for my elderly brother who is in great shape, physically (ex "ultra" runner) but has just found out he has prostate ca that has spread to his spine. Right now he is doing great and looks very strong (he's 83)so we think he would be a good candidate for this treatment but his location is not close to any large cancer center.
    posted by Tullyogallaghan at 10:29 AM PST - 3 comments

    Best Loose-Leaf Afternoon Tea in London

    I would be grateful for suggestions on the best afternoon tea in London under £30 per head, with an emphasis on the quality of tea and cakes. So here I assume that places serving loose-leaf is better than bags. I am not too fussed about the pomp (though it is a special occasion). Many of the afternoon teas in that price bracket, according to my research, tend to serve teabags, are too busy or full of tourists.
    posted by ashaw at 10:27 AM PST - 5 comments

    sorry's not good enough.

    I hired a friend to provide services at an event. The event was cancelled due to circumstances that were completely beyond my control -- it was a decision made several proverbial ladder rungs above my head, and there was absolutely nothing I could do to change or reverse it. I was given under a week's notice. In an attempt to rectify the situation as best as I could manage, I sincerely apologized to my friend and paid them in full for the services they would have provided if the event had not been cancelled, with a bit extra on top to make up for the short notice and inconvenience. They very pointedly did not accept any part of the apology, implied that I was simply trying to weasel out of the original agreement, and mailed me back half the money. What now? [more inside]
    posted by divined by radio at 10:12 AM PST - 107 comments

    Labor day weekend ideas? Thinking smokey mountains..

    Is 2 and a half days too less for smokey mountains? Any other suggestions? Catch: I live in Champaign, IL [more inside]
    posted by harisund at 10:09 AM PST - 10 comments

    Mediator for estranged parents and adult children in London?

    Can anybody recommend a counsellor/ mediator in London, specialising in reconciling estranged parents and adult children? [more inside]
    posted by BobsterLobster at 10:03 AM PST - 7 comments

    Tell me how to refurbish this vintage Elgin wall clock.

    Need some advice on refurbishing a vintage 60s Elgin wall clock. [more inside]
    posted by mullacc at 10:02 AM PST - 6 comments

    "That which I do not forgive in you lies unforgiven within myself."

    I love this quote. It carried me through (and continues to carry me through) a very tough time in my life. I'm considering getting it tattooed on myself. Problem: I can't find its primary source. [more inside]
    posted by sevensnowflakes at 9:40 AM PST - 3 comments

    A perfume to grow old with; Smells like '89

    Can you help this perfume amateur find a perfume to wear from her birth year? [more inside]
    posted by driedmango at 9:35 AM PST - 11 comments

    Looking for PDF signature and watermark programs

    What are some good programs that can add a digital signature and/or a watermark to existing PDFs? We're all using Windows 7 computers at work. [more inside]
    posted by filthy light thief at 9:32 AM PST - 9 comments

    Where to Stay in Northern CA

    My son and I are heading out next week to California so he can visit UC-Berkeley and UC-Santa Cruz. What city is the best to pick a hotel in as a base point? [more inside]
    posted by jazon at 9:16 AM PST - 17 comments

    Carry-on bag options

    I'm looking for low cost ideas for a carry-on bag. It's got to meet United Airline carry-on regulations (14" x 9" x 22"). Ideally, I'd like to be able to stash it under the seat, rather than overhead, since I'm small and it's hard to heft a loaded bag over my head. My son will be travelling with me, so that's not a hard and fast request-he can certainly get a bag in the overhead! Details: we're going to Signal Mountain Resort in the Grand Tetons, Wyoming beginning of September, for 6 days. Casual dress, hiking boots are what we'll be carrying with us. I am good at condensed packing, but have never tried to take a carry-on for this length of time. We'll be staying with my daughter and her husband, so we'll be able to skip a good amount of personal care stuff; we'll borrow from them, or get sample sizes when we get out there. I have not been here before, so hints and tips specific to packing for this area would be most welcome.
    posted by LaBellaStella at 8:58 AM PST - 15 comments

    This isn't a lice egg... so what is it?

    Here's a picture. Found on the head. Have been checked for headlice professionally very carefully and given the all clear... but still some itching and finding this which looks like an egg. Scale is about 1/3 of a millimetre. What do you think it is? They're egg shaped. Just a fatty deposit? I have the feeling like I need to scratch. Could be imagining it?
    posted by jago25_98 at 8:57 AM PST - 13 comments

    Well now it's DEFINITELY going to rain!

    I've realised that there is a habit in my culture (white, UK English) of not acknowledging possible good things for fear that this will 'cause' a reversal. Have you noticed this habit in your country? Is there a name and/or history attached to this superstition? [more inside]
    posted by NoiselessPenguin at 8:25 AM PST - 37 comments

    Should I apply to be the new boss? Yikes!

    A new management role has been created at my large nonprofit workplace. Thanks to some restructuring, I (a mid-level person with no management responsibilities) will be reporting to the person in this new position. I am considering applying for it. The new job is directly related to what I do. I have excellent understand of the culture and the organization (very important for this new role), but the new position would be a stretch for me in terms of experience, especially management experience. Should I apply? Also, can you offer advice on how I can approach this opportunity with more confidence and go-for-it-ness? Details within! [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 8:11 AM PST - 16 comments

    Vodafone Spain data balance

    I purchased a Spanish Vodafone sim card for use while on vacation and have successfully added credit (20 EUR) and then activated the Smart16 tariff which includes 1.5GB of data. How do I know how much of this is left? [more inside]
    posted by samworm at 7:33 AM PST - 2 comments

    fluffly running noob wants to be less noobish

    Are you a lady who runs sometimes? Do you have some fluffy lady bits? Have you learned how to combine the two? Please help me me, a fluffily lady running noob be more comfortable. [more inside]
    posted by raztaj at 7:30 AM PST - 37 comments

    A Cassiopea Plant?

    What plant is this? I only have a picture of the flower. [more inside]
    posted by bluefly at 7:16 AM PST - 6 comments

    Why so bloated?

    When I drink more than, say, a cup of something (water, milk, tea, etc), I feel bloated and gross. Why? [more inside]
    posted by altopower at 7:06 AM PST - 10 comments

    Hoarding and endless grief for lost things

    I have major hoarding problems, co-morbid with depression and anxiety, for extra fun and challenge. This is further complicated by the fact that I often grieve for lost, broken or discarded things endlessly, and the feelings never seem to heal. These feelings add to my depression and inhibit dealing with the hoarding issues. Can anyone offer advice not so much on how to get rid of items but on how to deal with sustained distress from having done so? [more inside]
    posted by beyondthepale at 6:58 AM PST - 17 comments

    Why do I urgently need to pee, only when I approach my home?

    Why do I urgently need to pee when I approach my home but not at any other times, and how can I stop? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 6:58 AM PST - 17 comments

    Professionalism 101?

    One of my colleagues often disparages my work to our customers. I'm not sure how to react and could use some advice. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 6:58 AM PST - 11 comments

    Articles/videos/podcasts about truth, research, or information?

    Restructuring my college course on information literacy to make it more interesting and relevant to students. I'm looking for really interesting resources related to topics in information: intellectual freedom, authority as a social construct, issues with bias and objectivity, information as a commodity, metadata, primary source research, research as the quest for truth, remix culture/creative commons, etc. [more inside]
    posted by denriguez at 6:55 AM PST - 1 comment

    Glowing red jewel?

    I want to make a choker/necklace with some sort of glowing red "jewel" in the center for Halloween... [more inside]
    posted by JoanArkham at 6:54 AM PST - 13 comments

    Any thoughts on acoustic basses?

    Over the weekend, I was blindsided by a powerful urge to buy an acoustic bass guitar (not stand up bass), mostly for noodling around the house without plugging in my electric or an occasional acoustic jam with friends. Can you give any buying advice or perspectives? [more inside]
    posted by Admiral Haddock at 6:32 AM PST - 12 comments

    Will this old MBP run Minecraft?

    I'm thinking about giving my 2009 MacBookPro to my 10 year old for his birthday. The main thing he does on the computer is play Minecraft. Google is being unhelpful, as are the various Minecraft discussion forums I've looked through. So I thought I'd turn to AskMe. [more inside]
    posted by eustacescrubb at 6:22 AM PST - 8 comments

    Are fancy, adult, dinner party worthy non-alcoholic drinks a thing?

    I'm skipping booze for a month as part of a broader brain de-frag. My partner at work has invited my fiance and I over for dinner this week. I'm bringing wine, obviously, but I'd also like to bring something non-alcoholic that doesn't feel juvenile. Any ideas? I'm in the Netherlands, which restricts some choices, but between the Sterk and expat stores I could probably find most brands. [more inside]
    posted by nerdfish at 4:39 AM PST - 29 comments

    A crash course in zen

    I've realised I need help in becoming patient or developing some kind of zen. I am currently coming up against a lot of irritants or external stimuli that are severely testing my ability to keep a lid on my stress levels. Last night, I couldn't sleep because I could feel my heart pounding so hard. I really need to dial it down a notch before I get sick with high blood pressure or something. [more inside]
    posted by Ziggy500 at 3:48 AM PST - 18 comments

    Where to find old music recordings in Beirut, Lebanon?

    I'm in Beirut, looking for some specific old recordings (1910s through 1950s). Does anyone know of a record shop or other location to look for old vinyl (Baidaphon, Arabphon, Maloof, etc...)?
    posted by onthegreyriver at 2:33 AM PST - 3 comments

    August 4

    Trying to track down a quote

    I think I read something online once, a scan of an old magazine interview, in which Warren Zevon says of Randy Newman: I don't like him because he's so talented and he's not really trying, it's so frustrating for another songwriter to see someone squandering so much of their potential. [more inside]
    posted by pete_22 at 11:20 PM PST - 4 comments

    Should I apply for this housesitting gig that is also a housemate gig?

    There's a housesitter-type ad on craigslist that I'd like to apply for. What's the safest way to go about it? Or should I? [more inside]
    posted by grar at 8:59 PM PST - 15 comments

    Help me remember the name of an odd but great mid-90s Minneapolis band.

    I can't, for the life of me, remember the name of a peculiar but compelling band that would play at the Bryant-Lake Bowl and other places in Uptown Minneapolis around 1995-1997, and it's driving me batty. [more inside]
    posted by umbú at 8:49 PM PST - 3 comments

    Finally moving on - BUT how do I prioritize what's next..

    So finally, I decided to take the bold step and move on to a bigger and brighter future (Hopefully, anyway!). I decided to divorce, on the grounds that I deserve better. [more inside]
    posted by Spice_and_Ice at 8:44 PM PST - 14 comments

    California Housing - why spend $750K on a starter home?

    I live in Southern California, and the housing market in my area is insane. "Starter" homes here cost between $600K-1M, and these are mostly old tract homes that have 2 bedrooms, are less than 1000 square feet, are on less than 1/6 of an acre, and need ample renovations. I'm having a hard time seeing how buying one of these at that price could ever be a good investment, or something to feel good about - even though I know this is where the market is, I can't help but think that is a huge ripoff. But people are buying, and even bidding above asking price. My question is - why does anyone think it's a good idea to spend so much to get so little? Am I just out of touch and is $750K not that much money anymore?
    posted by emily37 at 8:05 PM PST - 37 comments

    What is the best way to preserve cinnamon buns for a several mornings?

    Make, freeze, bake? Make, bake, freeze? Make, bake, refrigerate? [more inside]
    posted by moxie_milquetoast at 8:00 PM PST - 6 comments

    dying alone with cats/fear of intimacy

    I need to get over my fear of intimacy. I need help recognizing self-sabotaging behavior, when dealing with the opposite sex and otherwise, that is preventing me from having a grown-up healthy heterosexual relationship. [more inside]
    posted by DayTripper at 7:50 PM PST - 19 comments

    How to set up this sort of automation on a MAC

    A friend needs to sign his homeschooled child into "school" every day online. There are three or 4 steps: click this link, then click this link, then certify attendance etc I dont understand automator or apple scripts at all. I this likely something I can help them with easily so as to avoid this headache? Running 10.6.8 if that matters
    posted by dougiedd at 7:42 PM PST - 4 comments

    A good dental scrubbing

    Aside from teeth whitening products or a trip to the dentist, how can I clean my teeth? I'd especially like to hear from anyone who has experience with Invisalign [more inside]
    posted by helloimjohnnycash at 7:41 PM PST - 8 comments

    How to protect my feet when playing tennis?

    I started playing tennis awhile back and have been having problems with skin tearing off the inside balls of both feet. I've tried a bunch of different things to stop this from happening without success....any ideas? [more inside]
    posted by aerotive at 7:40 PM PST - 4 comments

    Investing £12,000 in Britain

    Advice please for hands-off medium to long term investment of about £12,000 in Britain, with complication. [more inside]
    posted by anadem at 7:32 PM PST - 9 comments

    Wondering if I should go back to college

    I had a talk with my gf who recently dumped me. She told me that she needed to be with someone with similar life experiences as hers. School is a big part of her life, and she is working toward a degree in medicine as well as an MBA (she already has another master's in biology). I'm 28, and at one point in my life I was very bent on finishing college, but till now I haven't been able to because of circumstances in my life. What she said made me think about my decision to postpone college for now. I have a writing business that is just now getting off the ground. I haven't even earned a two-year degree, but it hasn't stopped me from utilizing my writing talents to make a living. On the other hand though, going back to school would help me a lot in the long run to gain expertise and credibility in the fields i write in. [more inside]
    posted by Cybria at 7:27 PM PST - 18 comments

    Best stores for zines in San Francisco

    I'll be in San Francisco for about twelve hours, and I would like to find a bookstore or two that have an amazing zine selection. Any suggestions? [more inside]
    posted by Unified Theory at 7:24 PM PST - 5 comments

    the (housing) logistics of separation

    My husband and I have decided to separate. We have 2 daughters (12 and 2) and a house and live in a major city where rent is astronomical. How on earth does this work? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 6:46 PM PST - 13 comments

    I have herpes. I want to have casual sex. How can I make this work?

    I find myself at a time in my life when I would really like to have lots of casual sex. However, I have genital herpes. I know I need to disclose this to potential partners, and I know how to do that. I would like to know if there is anything I can do to improve my ability to find potential partners who will not turn me down on the basis of my STD status. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 6:42 PM PST - 13 comments

    Rick Warren Sermon

    Please help me find the complete video of Rick Warren's sermon last Sunday ~ he spoke on the recent loss of his som. I've goggled and could only find a few short clips of the sermon itself. Thanks kindly
    posted by Jeanne3 at 6:11 PM PST - 3 comments

    Only 4 more boring Sundays!

    Can you help me find Washington Redskins apparel that doesn't feature the name Redskins, the visage of an Indian chief, or a reference to any specific players? [more inside]
    posted by juliplease at 5:54 PM PST - 13 comments

    i just want to eat only bread.

    Help calm me down about my fear of food poisoning. [more inside]
    posted by KogeLiz at 5:51 PM PST - 26 comments

    Going to New York City for the books . . .

    I'm looking for a medium-priced, safe hotel in New York City that's within safe walking distance (maybe 1 mile?) of The Strand Bookstore. Bonus points if the hotel is near anything else of literary interest. I've only been to NYC once and that was ten years ago so I'm very sketchy on neighborhoods/geography of the city, so I don't even know if this is a realistic request. Any thoughts, NYC booklovers?
    posted by bookmammal at 5:38 PM PST - 15 comments

    How do Half Price Books stores organize their stock?

    I've got a long wishlist of books, and shop fairly frequently (in person) at a local Half Price Books. I'd like to organize my list generally by the physical order of the books on their shelves. Does anyone know if they use the Dewey Decimal System, or Library of Congress, or some other system? Is it different for each store? [more inside]
    posted by SuperSquirrel at 5:30 PM PST - 7 comments

    What is it like to have sex for the first time? Advice?

    As someone with Asperger's Syndrome and that doesn't socialize much, I know virtually nothing about relationships and sex, and I never really believed that I would experience either of those. But I have finally met someone I connect with and we both want to have sex! [more inside]
    posted by 8LeggedFriend at 5:21 PM PST - 20 comments

    personal writings about ADD/ADHD

    I'm looking for high-quality, moving, compelling, interesting writing about having ADD; i.e. personal essays, creative nonfiction, that sort of thing. [more inside]
    posted by threeants at 5:20 PM PST - 3 comments

    Is there a Vaginal Ring HRT option to treat and improve bone density?

    Do any of the Vaginal Rings that are available to women for HRT (Estring, FemRing) work for increasing bone mineral density and preventing osteoporosis? I know estradiol HRT via pills or the patch does, but I can't find any evidence to show that the vaginal rings have the same effect. Please help me!
    posted by skjønn at 5:15 PM PST - 1 comment

    Anniversary filter: bronze edition

    Alright, we're down to the wire and I'm stumped for an anniversary present for my husband. The "traditional" material for this year is bronze. [more inside]
    posted by drlith at 5:01 PM PST - 12 comments

    World's funniest Youtube clips?

    I recently discovered Têtes à claques. It's addictive and frickin' hilarious, and has done more for me to pick up Quebec French than any book or class. What similar stuff exists in other languages? [more inside]
    posted by wutangclan at 5:00 PM PST - 3 comments

    How can a busy scientist prioritize items that are urgent and important?

    I'm a research scientist and I sometimes give presentations. Presentations are unique because, while they aren't the most important part of my work, there is a built-in deadline. I can only work on them until the presentation time, and then I won't get another chance to redo that particular presentation. Most other things I can work on until they are done in the order of what is most important. But giving a good presentation is still pretty important. So when I have a presentation coming up it is hard to decide what to work on first. If I work mainly on the presentation then I feel like I am postponing my important regular research, which isn't great. If I work mainly on the research, then I feel like I am resigning myself to giving a more mediocre presentation, which isn't great either—it makes it less likely that people will understand the work and isn't good for my reputation generally. If I try to switch back and forth I lose concentration and energy due to the difficulty of context switching. Do you have suggestions for how to set priorities in this scenario or what has worked for you?
    posted by grouse at 5:00 PM PST - 6 comments

    The mustard is off the hot dog: What's in store for L.A. basketball?

    Until last season I was a more-than-casual basketball fan in general and Lakers fan in particular, but for various reasons last season completely fell off my radar. Help catch me up. [more inside]
    posted by Room 641-A at 4:50 PM PST - 3 comments

    ADHD - Processing Speed

    Greetings all, I realize that this is not a medical forum, but I have been struggling with ADHD and a slower processing speed for most of my life. At times it has been somewhat manageable due to medications but right now it is not. This issue affects every aspect of my life and I wish that it did not. If I could solve my memory and processing speed issue, I'd be willing to wager that I would have a good shot at turning around my life. Has anyone struggled with this sort of stuff? If so, what has worked for you? I've read that biofeedback has worked for some people but it is very expensive and not an option right now. I have also been told that doing things like crosswords and sudoku can be of benefit and I am not very good at either one of those. I apologize, but if anyone has any solutions that has worked for them with regards to improving their memory and processing speed, please let me know regardless of how outlandish it might sound. Ultimately, the big goal is to be able to become an efficient learner and to be able to play ball in the same park as everyone else, but to this day, that has not been the cards that I have been dealt. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
    posted by nidora at 4:27 PM PST - 6 comments

    Do all GPS running watches show altitude?

    Looking for a running watch for mud runs... more details inside... [more inside]
    posted by niteHawk at 4:22 PM PST - 4 comments

    Have you grown more physically attracted someone over time?

    I'm not sure if my lack of physical attraction for a guy is a dealbreaker or if I should wait and see if it increases over time. [more inside]
    posted by thank you silence at 3:13 PM PST - 36 comments

    Flea infestation, remodelling AND pregnant...

    We've just finished a kitchen and bathroom remodel (yay) and the rest of the house still needs floors polished, repainting and some carpentry. Visiting this weekend (we're not living here during the remodel), we became aware of a wholesale flea infestation, mostly in the old carpet. We're treating the cats and plan to flea bomb the whole place overnight tonight. What do I need to do after bombing to make sure the house is safe for me to live in - and for a newborn in three or four months? [more inside]
    posted by yogalemon at 3:04 PM PST - 9 comments

    help me give her the nicest used cookery

    Two year anniversary coming up and I would like to replaster the kitchen and replace the stove. Can anyone help me find catering auctions in England?
    posted by parmanparman at 3:03 PM PST - 2 comments

    How do I display a large, beautiful platter in Earthquake Country?

    I recently received a beautiful glass platter, about 18 inches across, that weighs about 12-13 pounds. I want to display it in our kitchen. However: I live in Earthquake Country, and also in an apartment where the upstairs neighbors are prone to galloping around and shaking the walls. Can I use a plate easel to prop it up, or is that a bad call if there's a possibility of quakes? Because the plate is semi-translucent, I'd rather not hang it directly on a wall. [more inside]
    posted by whenbynowandtreebyleaf at 2:47 PM PST - 2 comments

    Lazy cooking for the onion-impaired

    Groceryfilter: quick pre-packaged dinners/sauces that don't contain onions? [more inside]
    posted by dekathelon at 2:46 PM PST - 8 comments

    Oh-oh-oh mouth's on fire...[jerk chicken mix from the bottle filter]

    I have a half a bottle of Walkerswood hot and spicy jerk chicken seasoning. The last time I cooked with it, the household complained the jerk was way too hot, but generally enjoy jerk chicken and can normally take the heat. Is there anything I can use at hand in my kitchen that I can mix in with the Walkerswood that will tone the hotness down a smidge? I'd be using it with chicken legs and bbqing them. Thanks.
    posted by MeatheadBrokeMyChair at 2:19 PM PST - 6 comments

    Can I eat this: Expired shelf-stable food edition!

    I have four packets of Tasty Bites with an expiration date of July 30 (or in the case of the Trader Joe's version, the even-more-vaguely-worded "End of July"). If I eat them over the next ten days, will they probably be safe or am I likely to drop dead of botulism?
    posted by rednikki at 2:07 PM PST - 11 comments

    chinese revolving shotguns

    If you google "chinese revolving shotguns" you will find lots of forum/blog posts about like these - basically "Neat pictures, I have no idea of the back story". OK, what is the back story? (Possibly related?)
    posted by 445supermag at 1:45 PM PST - 7 comments

    Parlez-vous Tibetan?

    Looking for someone who can translate or has any idea what this book dedication might say. Here is a pic of what was written in the book. Thanks!
    posted by ditto75 at 1:20 PM PST - 7 comments

    Ill have what the yanks are having.....

    If you lived in Britain and were coming back from California with an empty suitcase what would you bring back. Are there things that are a) cool b) curious c) ultra useful d) much cheaper e) unique that you would bring. [more inside]
    posted by london302 at 11:47 AM PST - 50 comments

    Help with finances during intensive college program

    I've been accepted to the program of my dreams, but I'm not allowed to hold a job while in attendance, and my EFC is higher than my family can afford, so my school-determined need is too low for me to even support myself with loans. Are there any options I'm missing? [more inside]
    posted by orchidgenes at 11:35 AM PST - 17 comments

    Wireless Shure Microphone Issue

    We have two Shure brand wireless microphones, model number SLX2. One works perfectly fine, but the other one, not so much. Actually, it's fine most of the time, but is prone to blasts of static while someone is speaking into it. The events happen about 10 to 15 minutes apart, so it's not too annoying, but there is an issue. As far as I know, the batteries in it are brand new. Any thoughts on what the issue could be?
    posted by NoMich at 11:27 AM PST - 6 comments

    Getting over the air stations in the middle of nowhere

    We just moved to a new town where, apparently, over the air television signals cannot reach. When I input my address into AntennaWeb, I get this response: "No Stations were predicted for this address. Due to factors such as terrain and distance to broadcasting towers, signal strength calculations have predicted no television stations may be reliably received at this location." Without giving away my home address, I live in zip code 17837. I really would like to get OTA stations without purchasing cable or a satellite. What are my options? [more inside]
    posted by (Arsenio) Hall and (Warren) Oates at 11:20 AM PST - 12 comments

    Make life better for non-religious people in the US

    I want to become a regular donor to an organization that is working to make being nonreligious more acceptable in society. Can you suggest one? Details inside. [more inside]
    posted by Tehhund at 11:03 AM PST - 15 comments

    Are these chairs worth anything?

    I have a couple of perspex chairs I'm going to get rid of. I wouldn't have thought they were worth anything but someone mentioned a few years ago that he thought we could get a bit of money for them. They're not going to make me my fortune but I'm wondering how best to price them; like, in the $5 range or in the $25 range? Any ideas? Photo inside. [more inside]
    posted by rubbish bin night at 11:00 AM PST - 13 comments

    Is this stuff in my suitcase toxic?

    A sheet of plastic on the inside of an old suitcase I'm using has crumbled into this brittle mess, which I've been scooping out of with my hands. It smells like warm plastic or crayons, but really strong Any idea what has happened, and should I have been wearing gloves?
    posted by Artw at 10:59 AM PST - 3 comments

    Bills Bills Bills

    The monthly payment on my hospital bill is due today, and I completely forgot to make a payment ahead of time. The billing office will not open until tomorrow morning. I was initially planning on calling the office first thing tomorrow, but since I have a history of nonpayment I'm afraid that even one day late is too much and that they will have sent my bill to collections. I can make a payment online today, but the online system is asking for a minimum payment that is almost 4x the amount that I usually pay. Help? [more inside]
    posted by fox problems at 9:24 AM PST - 6 comments

    You Tube Hope Me

    Thanks to upgrading my DirecTv receiver, I can now watch YouTube on my tv! What should I watch? [more inside]
    posted by wittgenstein at 8:59 AM PST - 8 comments

    How to dispose empty disposable propane tanks in Brooklyn?

    In Brooklyn, what's the proper way to get rid of empty propane canisters from a small grill? [more inside]
    posted by miniape at 8:59 AM PST - 9 comments

    We have the name - now we just need the dog

    Mr. Kitty and I are going to get a puppy soon. We need help picking out the breed for our dog Beauregard (Bogie) [more inside]
    posted by Suffocating Kitty at 8:01 AM PST - 39 comments

    Speak into my good ear... hearing loss question

    I am somewhat of a hypochondriac; however, I have in the past few years experienced frustration with hearing other people. I often cannot understand the words that people say unless they are facing me. If someone doesn’t have a line-of-sight with me, it’s almost certain that I’ll have to ask them to repeat what they say. If I’m watching TV, I’ll sometimes put the captions on because I can hear most of what is said, but not all. Today I took a few online tests and scored that I don’t require hearing aids. I hear perfectly if I’m wearing headphones and listening to music or tv. I’m around 40 years old, and male. What else can be going on? If I don’t have a hearing problem, do you have any recommendations for mitigating what I’m experiencing?
    posted by Draccy at 7:48 AM PST - 15 comments

    Full Metal Alchemist or Brotherhood?

    If I can watch only one Full Metal Alchemist series, which should it be? [more inside]
    posted by Jacen at 7:31 AM PST - 13 comments

    Why did I wear a hole through my left running shoe but not the right?

    I've worn a hole through the sole of my left running shoe, but not the right. You can see pictures of both shoes here. What does this mean? Is something wrong with my stride? Do I need some special kind of shoe? Is there some sort of expert to whom I should show the shoes? I have an odd gait when I walk (my right foot sticks out to the side); however, I thought my running gait was better. When I ran in my 20s (the last time I was a runner), I didn't have this problem with any of my shoes.
    posted by Area Man at 7:06 AM PST - 15 comments

    Back pain in the morning?

    YANMD. I've started having a new kind of back pain in the morning. Any thoughts/tips? Details inside. [more inside]
    posted by Kybard at 6:48 AM PST - 9 comments

    Buy a tool rollup bag in London

    Where to buy a canvas tool rollup bag in London? [more inside]
    posted by Spurious at 4:57 AM PST - 2 comments

    Did my mechanic just rip me off?

    My front hubcaps are tied on with zip ties. After a major car service, which included checking the brakes and replacing the timing belt, the zip ties are still there. You can't access the wheel nuts without taking off the hub caps. Did my mechanic rip me off? [more inside]
    posted by UltraFleece at 3:44 AM PST - 15 comments

    August 3

    Looking for the best in non-repetitive non-fiction

    You know how a lot of non-fiction books get really tiresome after the first few chapters? Yeah, me too. Help me compile a list of non-fiction books that can keep my interest from the first to the last page. Challenge: no psych/neuro allowed. Other sciences okay. [more inside]
    posted by dino might at 10:39 PM PST - 48 comments

    Keeping my cool in the face of an impending breakup

    So my girlfriend had a talk with me. She's coming up on a major juncture in life and thinking about leaving the country. We've talked about it in the past, but she says she'd like to go alone. We'd been having issues prior to this, but that sounded to me like the death knell. We're still talking, and haven't broken up, but I'm angry and hurt. I don't usually think I have anger issues, but I can't stop dwelling on it. I need to stop, and let this go if it really is the end. Help. Snowflake details inside. [more inside]
    posted by saysthis at 10:27 PM PST - 30 comments

    What is this lyric?

    Can anyone discern what is being sung at 0:30 in this song? The line starts "Forget the books, forget the pictures your/you're..." but I do not know what the words that follow are, except that the line ends with "bottle of wine". Can you make them out?
    posted by Quilford at 8:23 PM PST - 6 comments

    Shipping to rural Alaska

    This may seem strange, but I would really like to ship some ice cream from Oklahoma to Alaska, and I know it must be possible, but it seems like a logistic nightmare. [more inside]
    posted by maleru at 7:06 PM PST - 12 comments

    How to use an hdmi cable to connect my pc to my monitor

    So I am currently using a VGA cable but would like to use an hdmi cable instead since I figure it would result in better quality. But apparently you can't just plug and play the hdmi cable as with the VGA cable??? [more inside]
    posted by iliketothinknu at 6:13 PM PST - 6 comments

    What other exercises can I do with this pole with straps?

    I got this pilates bar with straps on it from Danskin last year, and it is the bomb diggity. I normally hook my feet into the loops on the bottom part of the strap and do arm or core stuff, like little bicep or tricep curls. What other things should I try with it? Also, is there a better name for it? If I knew exactly what it was called I'd probably have better luck googling for it...
    posted by spunweb at 6:03 PM PST - 2 comments

    IUD freakout

    I've read the other questions about IUDs, but I'd like to ask some questions about my snowflake situation before I get one put in. [more inside]
    posted by carolinaherrera at 5:56 PM PST - 23 comments

    Which Indian spices should I get to be able to cook Indian food?

    I have a gift card for a fancy spice store, and the only spices that are missing from my kitchen are Indian food spices, which is a shame because I LOVE Indian food. What spices/herbs/seeds/nuts should I get to be able to cook complete Indian dishes? And what should I make with them? [more inside]
    posted by at 5:25 PM PST - 22 comments

    Got period right before big romantic getaway, can this trip be saved?

    (NSFW) The boyfriend are supposed to leave for a big romantic getaway tomorrow, but I just got my period. How can we still have fun together? [more inside]
    posted by JoannaC at 5:10 PM PST - 29 comments

    Is this staph that I'm feelin'?

    YANMD, but I'm trying to determine if I have a staph infection, or just a nasty bite. I've got a swollen, pinkish area on the back of my knee which has a tiny black scabby area in the center. [more inside]
    posted by nohaybanda at 4:09 PM PST - 9 comments

    Basically, a bigger Pom Pom Opera

    I quite like cheap cigarillos. Help me find a more substantial cigar to enjoy as a treat. [more inside]
    posted by 256 at 3:38 PM PST - 2 comments

    Experienced acupuncturist in the Twin Cities area?

    I'm looking for a very experienced, highly skilled acupuncturist in the Twin Cities. My yelping and Googling is turning up lots of folks with 2-6 years of experience. Anyone have a recommendation? Sleep issues in particular, but looking for a strong recommendation in general. Thanks.
    posted by airguitar2 at 3:35 PM PST - 2 comments

    Is there a safe way to convert a 4 prong dryer plug to a 3 prong?

    I just bought a used dryer on Craigslist that has a 4-wire plug (14-30). My apartment has a 3-wire receptacle (10-30R). Is there a safe way to switch the plugs without an external ground? [more inside]
    posted by dubusadus at 2:30 PM PST - 14 comments

    Income gap in relationships: how do you work with this?

    I grew up lower/lower middle-class, and worked to support myself from my teens (now early 30s). I've never made a lot, but always managed to feel pretty stable and live without debt. Because of my family's money problems as a kid, financial independence has been really important for me. I decided to go back to grad school, and have taken out huge sums of money to do so. My partner, now graduated from grad school, is beginning a new, fancy job, which will place our incomes far, far apart. We're planning on a life together, and it won't be long until I am earning an income again (rather than living off of loans), but he'll still make more than me, and I'm really struggling with _not_ feeling like a charity for him in the interim. How do you deal with this? [more inside]
    posted by stillmoving at 2:15 PM PST - 25 comments

    Could getting towed have damaged my new car?

    My new car was recently towed from my apartment parking lot without my knowledge. After I got it back and started it up, warning lights for the power steering and traction control system/dynamic stability control stayed on. The lights have since gone off, but considering that my car is front-wheel drive and was removed by pulling it backwards out of a parking spot with the transmission in Park, could any long-term damage have been done to the car? Or are temporary warning lights normal after being towed? [more inside]
    posted by iamisaid at 1:52 PM PST - 5 comments

    What is life like for a child with Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy?

    Where can I learn more about DCP and what life might be like for the child diagnosed? I see a plethora of sites and info online but have no way of filtering it. Can anyone recommend any good books/sites/communities? [more inside]
    posted by M Edward at 1:20 PM PST - 4 comments

    Best Android phone for an alarm clock

    I'm looking for a sub-$200 Android phone to act as an alarm clock. The four needs: OLED display, can be horizontally docked, the power and volume buttons are on the "top" of the phone when horizontally docked, and it needs to be able to run Android 4.2.2+ (even if I have to root it). It looks like a used HTC One S will work, but they're still pretty expensive, and I'd like to explore cheaper options. Thoughts? [more inside]
    posted by I EAT TAPAS at 12:57 PM PST - 13 comments

    Self-Esteem 101

    How do you square having good self-esteem without becoming a narcissist? [more inside]
    posted by tafetta, darling! at 12:41 PM PST - 16 comments

    Music request

    I've recently been trying to think of modern songs that have the sort of throwback doo-wop / torch song / jazz vocal feel that you find a lot in David Lynch soundtracks, for example... Falling, by Julee Cruise, and I'm Waiting Here, by Lynch and Lykke Li. Some other examples might be Lord Knows Best, by Dirty Beaches, and Wicked Games, by Chris Isaak. I'd prefer more contemporary stuff (like 80s and up), and it's a plus if it's on Spotify.
    posted by codacorolla at 12:26 PM PST - 27 comments

    Boston and New Hampshire area - what to do and see with a baby?

    My husband and I are flying to Boston this month with our 11 month old. We will arrive in Boston early on a Thursday then have an event to attend at the University of New Hampshire on Friday. We leave the area the following Tuesday afternoon. What should we make a point to do and see when we've never visited the New England area before? [more inside]
    posted by justlisa at 12:21 PM PST - 17 comments

    Salary discrimination. Looking for advice to help a coworker negotiate.

    The new hire is making more than someone who has been there for years and is still doing most of the work. What should I tell my coworker so that she can negotiate a fair salary? [more inside]
    posted by adapt at 12:19 PM PST - 26 comments

    Best Homemade Beef Jerky

    So, I had a little bit of funds last week and bought a food dehydrator (which will mostly be used to make dog treats) and an entire eye round roast on a whim. I'd dearly love to learn how to make amazing beef jerky, since it's one of the human treats I love, spend too much money on, and making it without nitrates/MSG etc. would be wonderful. I've been googling recipes for hours without finding information I really trust. [more inside]
    posted by vers at 12:03 PM PST - 3 comments

    Will this Slovenian tollway mistake cost us four hundred bucks?

    We have been driving around Croatia in a rental car for the last few days. Today we took it to Slovenia, and stupidly took it on the expressway. When we got on the expressway there were no tollbooths, so we didn't think about it until we got off, and there were tollbooths, and we had no ticket. However, there was no barrier when we exited, and the booth appeared to be unmanned. On our way back, there WAS a tollbooth on the entrance ramp, and we asked the guy what was up. He said we needed a vignette (15 euro, which we paid) and said if we didn't have a vignette there would be a 300 euro fine. After we pulled away, we realized that of course, we'd probably already incurred it. Now what?? [more inside]
    posted by goodbyewaffles at 11:54 AM PST - 10 comments

    Upsetting glove situation... how do I get them off my dishes?

    Ok, I have never heard of this in my life. I have yellow rubber gloves (not a bad brand) and they feel perfectly solid to the touch, but when I start washing dishes, every place that I touch comes off with a "smack," and there is yellow residue left there, so I guess this means the gloves are MELTING on my dishes (?). Every single dish that I own has that now, and I'm trying to get it off... but this means I need to throw away the sponges, right? How do I get this off, if this has ever happened to you? What is this? Why is this happening?
    posted by kettleoffish at 11:40 AM PST - 11 comments

    What is the best way to maintain a journal over a long period?

    To those who have kept a journal for more than, say, 20 years, how do you manage the physical (or electronic) output? What methods of organisation and preservation have stood the test of time for you? What should I be doing now so that in 20 years I'm not buried by paper or files?
    posted by hoverboards don't work on water at 11:29 AM PST - 8 comments

    What is causing these horizontal yellow lines on my laptop screen?

    When I open my laptop I almost always see these horizontal yellow lines on the screen. What are they? Is this a serious problem? Can I remove them or is the screen reaching its end? [more inside]
    posted by crazy with stars at 11:27 AM PST - 6 comments

    Good books about the Congolese War?

    Can anyone recommend some decent general histories of the Congo War (1996-2003) and its related conflicts? [more inside]
    posted by jason's_planet at 11:04 AM PST - 6 comments

    Where can I learn the basics of car maintenance and repair?

    I know next to nothing about cars beyond checking the oil and topping up windshield wash, but I'd really like to learn. I don't necessarily need to go full greasemonkey, but I'd like to be able to handle the basics and be an informed customer when I bring my car to the garage at the very least. I'd love to take a hands on course, if there are any in the Southern Alberta area, but book or website recommendations would also be quite welcome.
    posted by peppermind at 10:58 AM PST - 9 comments

    Will I ever be able to hi-five again?

    I injured my pinkie finger a year and a half ago and it is still giving me grief. It is now usable for most things, but if that side of my hand experiences any kind of impact the finger will be noticeably stiff and sore for days. (it's always worse when I wake up) Has anyone had a similar problem that got fixed? Like, really fixed? [more inside]
    posted by ropeladder at 10:54 AM PST - 4 comments

    Excercise bike recommendations?

    What are some good models of home exercise bikes that are 1) quiet, 2) compact, 3) reliable, and 4) reasonable priced? What are some good local shops for them in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro? [more inside]
    posted by cosmic.osmo at 10:35 AM PST - 4 comments

    Three handles, not three seashells

    Our second bathroom has a cruddy bathtub/shower faucet. It's probably original to the house, would be ugly even in new condition but is currently crusty with scale, wiggly, and doesn't seal off all the way for the shower. We do not gave the funds to get professional help. I am a fairly handy guy but I am not a plumber. Can I do this? [more inside]
    posted by dirtdirt at 10:35 AM PST - 8 comments

    Long lean legs

    What can I do to make my legs slimmer and leaner? [more inside]
    posted by dinosaurprincess at 9:36 AM PST - 26 comments

    Which SSL certificate should I buy?

    I'm starting a photography website where privacy and security are important features, and would like to offer SSL encryption to my users, so I'm going to buy a SSL certificate. Where should I get it from and which type should I get? [more inside]
    posted by signal at 9:32 AM PST - 8 comments

    Summer camp movies/video for the innocent

    My 6 year old has really been enjoying books about kids at summer camp, and would like to see a movie in that setting. However, most of the ones I've turned up so far (Meatballs, Wet Hot American Summer, Scooby Doo Camp, even Parent Trap) are too scary or adult for her. Any recommendations for a really mild camp movies? It doesn't matter if this is a feature film or not -- we are wide open to webseries, TV episodes, etc. [more inside]
    posted by apparently at 9:06 AM PST - 23 comments

    MacBook for College Student?

    My friend's daughter is going off to college to major in media studies. What would be the best MacBook -- new or used -- for her? Ideally it would be able to handle video editing, while still being light. It needs to be as cheap as possible, but it should run Mountain Lion so she can get through most of her college career without having to replace it. What do you suggest? (NB The "Mac" part isn't negotiable.)
    posted by lore at 9:05 AM PST - 22 comments

    How to improve my technical writing?

    I'm in a creative portion of the software development field (advertising), and I often am asked to help write technical documents like case studies, final documentation to the client or simply find myself needing to explain technical ideas to a client. How can I improve my writing skills? I'm looking for general tips or rules, as well as examples of engaging technical writing that doesn't read like a Github Wiki page. [more inside]
    posted by geoff. at 9:03 AM PST - 3 comments

    Which doctor should I see for my scoliosis?

    I have a slight curvature in my spine however, it seriously put my whole body out of alignment. I discovered my body was misaligned upon looking in a reverse mirrored image of myself when trying on a bathing suit as a 15 year old. I'm much older now, but since the problem was never treated, my skeletal structure is the same, if not worse. This presents a problem in my field of work as a performer. I'm a busty woman with slender hips and because of my bust, its more pronounced. A view of my left side from a third degree angle looks amazing. Looks feminine and tall. However, the view from the right on a third degree angle looks boyish and collapsed. I see pictures of myself performing and it makes me cringe when angles of my right side are taken. My structure look deformed and I feel is limiting my opportunities to go further in my industry. I'm having a hard time deciding which doctor to see since I don't have health insurance. I would really love to correct this problem but I don't know where to start. Please help!
    posted by InterestedInKnowing at 8:04 AM PST - 5 comments

    I'll "hit that"... with my car!

    Lately (very suddenly!) I've been experiencing what I can only describe as sexual harassment in my day-to-day life. The most recent incident has left me feeling very unsettled and I'm not sure how to handle these kinds of situations in the future. [more inside]
    posted by sarahgrace at 7:56 AM PST - 72 comments

    Should we rent a room to our friend?

    My husband and I just bought a house. We have more space than we currently need, and a friend is starting grad school in the area. We are considering renting a room to her. Have you done something like this? How did it work out for you? What made it work? What problems did you encounter? [more inside]
    posted by Adridne at 7:43 AM PST - 24 comments

    Looking for a particular cover of Rhinestone Cowboy

    I few months ago my kids were enjoying watching Glen Campbell's Rhinestone Cowboy on You Tube. The You Tube algorithm at the time then led us to other covers of Rhinestone Cowboy but sometime around April the algorithm changed and now I can't find one particular cover I really loved. Of course I never marked it as a favourite... [more inside]
    posted by pandabearjohnson at 7:24 AM PST - 5 comments

    How do I teach my kid to smile for pictures?

    My child is 7 and when he was younger, had no trouble smiling (or looking serious) for pictures. But now he gives a horrible grimace...thing. He's been at camp all summer and they take pictures of the kids and post them on Flickr. Paging through it is painful. Cute kid, cute kid...oh hey, my kid with a frightening stretched-face chimp-grimace and slitted eyes. Every fucking picture. It looks like a sneer. [more inside]
    posted by emjaybee at 7:03 AM PST - 35 comments

    Help me find a soundbar with minor special snowflake details.

    So, I just got paid for an unexpected freelance gig and I'd like to spend some of it on a great-but-not-necessarily-amazing midrange soundbar for our 32" Panasonic TV set. [more inside]
    posted by softlord at 5:17 AM PST - 3 comments

    O give me a home ...

    How to find single-family home rentals where there aren't any? [more inside]
    posted by woodman at 5:10 AM PST - 14 comments

    Control sheet excel inputs from sql

    I am excited by the developments of BI capabilities in excel this year and I want to use the power explorer, view, mapping tools with my sql database. I have two questions really... 1. Can I extract individual calculations and data from the sql/data model rather than always through a pivot 2. If yes, or no, what would be the best way to build a control excel spreadsheet which monitors performance across key criteria (leads per day, orders per day, cancellations, etc) across regions so that I can see where the business is not operating as expected and act accordingly. Thanks Tc
    posted by trashcan at 4:08 AM PST - 6 comments

    Lisbon, Lyon, Madrid or Nice?

    Which of these cities should I visit for 3 nights in October? [more inside]
    posted by neilb449 at 2:58 AM PST - 13 comments

    How do I retrain my brain?

    After some serious medical issues, a high pressure job where the standard operating procedure is react react react, and throwing over just about all my book reading time for the internet, I am finding that my ability to settle in and think about one topic at a time is totally shot. I am not okay with this. Have you ever experienced this, and if so, what techniques did you use to regain your ability to sink into deep focus? [more inside]
    posted by deliciae at 1:31 AM PST - 20 comments

    August 2


    Is Eileen Brennan the only person to be nominated for an Oscar and Emmy for playing the same role? [more inside]
    posted by MCMikeNamara at 10:17 PM PST - 6 comments

    Recovery expectations from angiogram for 70-year-old?

    My mom is in great health and decent shape for a 70-year-old and just completed 3 weeks of travel where she showed great endurance. Then she came back and "flunked" a stress-test :( [more inside]
    posted by Anwan at 9:57 PM PST - 11 comments

    Worth asking her out again? Careful! This is a coworker…

    Last month I finally decided to ask a coworker out. We had often chatted briefly yet friendly at work. I felt we shared interests, concerns, and values, at least to a degree that made a low pressure date look plausible. Is her not replying to my 2nd invitation a signal to move? [more inside]
    posted by Basque13 at 9:37 PM PST - 22 comments

    How do I remove smoke oder from a car?

    My mom gave my daughter a great deal on a car previously driven by my step-dad. However he was a smoker, and he smoked in the car for 10 years. How do I deoderize the interior and remove the stale smoke oder?
    posted by COD at 8:06 PM PST - 19 comments

    How to fix self-esteem after a failed crush?

    I recently found out the girl I have crush on is traveling the world with her rock star boyfriend. I can let go of the crush, but I'm having a hard time with my self-esteem by comparing myself to him. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 7:36 PM PST - 34 comments

    How can I see purchases made via PayPal by customer and name?

    I'm running an event and have been using PayPal for a lot of payment processing for exhibitor booths, workshop fees, and assorted other items of varying amounts. Most items are invoiced, but we have a number that people purchased through PayPal buttons for specific items. I can't seem to find a way to easily download just a list of particular items that were purchased that includes the customers name. Am I missing something? Please let me know.
    posted by Unsomnambulist at 7:34 PM PST - 1 comment

    Birthday gift for my girlfriend?

    I'm thinking of getting jewelry for my girlfriend's birthday. I have an idea of what I would like to give her but I would like to hear your suggestions too. [more inside]
    posted by jdgreen at 7:05 PM PST - 17 comments

    Simple, non-spammy, elegant GPS recording for iPhone?

    I want something for iPhone that's basically similar to android's My Tracks. Does such a thing exist? Everything I've seen is horribly written/crashy/has terrible, terrible UI. [more inside]
    posted by dmd at 6:38 PM PST - 11 comments

    Old books for young tykes

    I'm looking for kids' books for my 10 year old that were written at least 50 years ago. She's an excellent reader, but enjoys kid themes. We've discovered that older books use more complex language and sophisticated writing style, but simultaneously have sweeter, more gentle content. As a bonus, there seem to be forgotten gems that are under the radar of our excellent local children's librarians who have given us a million great suggestions over the years but sometimes run low on ideas for my widely-read kid. [more inside]
    posted by latkes at 6:11 PM PST - 91 comments

    Staycation, all I ever wanted Staycation...

    If you had the next week open and free and no obligations, what would you do? Or even just a day or an afternoon? I am looking for suggestions of what to do with my Staycation...things that usually get waylaid because the days are just too short. I relax best when even my downtime has some structure...things I have on my list so far after the fold. [more inside]
    posted by Tandem Affinity at 6:11 PM PST - 27 comments

    Therapy for trauma: more trouble than it's worth?

    I need to decide whether it's worth the trouble for me to go to therapy. I am fortunate to be able to afford it financially, but in terms of time and emotional energy, I am not so sure. Details inside. [more inside]
    posted by gemutlichkeit at 6:04 PM PST - 16 comments

    How to query an Oracle table that might be missing some columns?

    We have a very large series of SQL scripts that extract data from hundreds of existing Oracle tables for transformation and loading in to a different database. This set of scripts is being end-of-lifed due to its sheer horribleness and unmaintainability - but it DOES work for our current generation of systems. Suddenly, we have a need to run it against a very old copy of the original Oracle tables, where many of the tables don't have all the columns that the SQL scripts expect. Option 1: to adjust the SQL scripts will take a very long time - more than we have. Option 2: another proposal is to retrofit the expected columns into the old database and fill them with null values - but this will also take a long time, and also upset the QA status of the old database, which is currently in ok shape. Re-qualifying the database alone would take months in our industry, due to the paperwork and the nature of the business. Is there a way to tell Oracle (ideally via some global flag) to ignore the fact that certain columns are missing in the source tables, and to return null values in their place? That would work fine for us, because the target database is designed to cope with them.
    posted by blue_wardrobe at 6:02 PM PST - 5 comments

    At what point would it be illegal to have a fake online identity?

    I am considering creating a fake online identity to run some websites (it's much more boring than you think, nothing sexy or whatever). A pen name. None of the website will be illegal or about illegal activity but my identity would be fake. Once I start going farther down the rabbit hole (agreements with Ad Sense and affiliates, for example) would I be doing anything illegal? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 5:36 PM PST - 6 comments

    Paranoia = Dementia?

    My parents sort of lost it after the 2004 election. I think they're getting even more out of touch and I don't know what to do as they age. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 5:36 PM PST - 33 comments

    How to curb career-related jealousy in a relationship?

    My boyfriend (of 8 months) and I work in the same industry, but have different aspirations and skillsets. We more or less started "on the same level," but he's shooting quickly up the ladder since getting a promotion and I'm stuck in an awful rut at my current company. How do I cope with this? [more inside]
    posted by themaskedwonder at 5:20 PM PST - 8 comments

    white background small photo studio

    I'm needing to do some photography of objects and people and need to figure out how to configure a small room to get a decent white background that is uniform and doesn't distract from the shot. [more inside]
    posted by diode at 4:35 PM PST - 5 comments

    Shark? Monkey?

    I absolutely hate to waste a question this way, but my google-fu has failed me. What is the name of the song wherein the music video, a shark bites the arm off a monkey? [more inside]
    posted by 4ster at 3:56 PM PST - 3 comments

    Apostille for a physically damaged diploma

    So I need to get an apostille or attestation for a university diploma as a condition for a residency permit for a job overseas. A fedex employee just tore the diploma in half. Is it still legally valid? [more inside]
    posted by mecran01 at 3:45 PM PST - 36 comments

    What book should my son and I read once we're done with Harry Potter?

    We're almost done with Harry Potter. What should we read next? My son is 10 years old, and this is for bedtime reading aloud. The books have to be interesting, not too scary (I had to summarize one or two passages in Harry Potter), funny for both of us. Long is good, especially books that are in a series. There can't be any cruelty to animals (not even the slightest bit) and preferably not much cruelty to people. He doesn't like romance -- Ron and Hermione are trying his patience. The more recent the books, the better. He likes books that are for kids, not adult books that happen to be okay for kids to read. [more inside]
    posted by The corpse in the library at 3:38 PM PST - 62 comments

    MtF in Texas seeking transition resources

    I'm a broke 30-year-old pre-everything MtF butch in Austin, TX. There's a chance I'll be coming the rest of the way out and trying to transition soon. I'll need some hormones, all the hair removal, and a bit of a community. [more inside]
    posted by Now there are two. There are two _______. at 3:32 PM PST - 9 comments

    Creating the Ideal Skeptics' Handbook

    I want to write an article explaining where to find scientific information and how to evaluate scientific research. Which quality sources and articles would you recommend that I recommend? Please suggest material that has helped you become a better researcher. Which resources have helped you weed out the pseudoscience and poor quality information? How do you determine which journals have a high standard and which are either predatory or providers of disinformation? Which forums and communities do you use when working on problems above your knowledge paygrade? If you were to design an ideal skeptic's handbook for finding and evaluating research, what would you add?
    posted by Knigel at 2:57 PM PST - 17 comments

    I need help explaining death and religion to my child.

    An older family member has died. We'll be traveling to attend the viewing and funeral, which will be heavily religious. My 7-year-old daughter didn't know this family member, but has reacted very negatively to the idea of death in the past (long stretches spent sobbing in my arms). We are agnostic, with one of us leaning heavily towards atheism. I could use suggestions on how to talk with my little girl about these things. [more inside]
    posted by moira at 2:19 PM PST - 27 comments

    It looks like a mini baobab tree?

    What is this plant?? It looks like a mini baobab tree, and is 6 or inches high. [more inside]
    posted by shinyshiny at 2:18 PM PST - 2 comments

    Breaking up; who should get the dog?

    My relationship has ended quite dramatically and permanently. We need a completely clean break, which is mostly doable. One problem: we have a dog. What should I do? [more inside]
    posted by Errant at 1:25 PM PST - 102 comments

    Fitbit? One or Flex?

    Due to events beyond the scope of this AskMe, high-intensity exercise is currently off the table for me. I need to stay active in order to manage a bunch of minor but chronic health conditions, though, and I know from previous experience that gamification works really well to keep me on target. So I'm in the market for a Fitbit or something like one -- I have a pedometer app for my phone, but that doesn't work so well for on-all-day functionality. But which fitbit? [more inside]
    posted by KathrynT at 1:14 PM PST - 26 comments

    How can I display photos and postcards somewhere other than my fridge?

    Our new fridge is not magnetic and our new apartment is very plain and white. I am not very crafty or DIY oriented, but it would be nice to find somewhere/some way to display all our photos and pictures, and personalise the place a little in the process. I don't mind expending some money on this. [more inside]
    posted by retrograde at 12:46 PM PST - 14 comments

    Stop it. No, really, stop it.

    How do you force yourself to break minor bad habits, when you're already aware of them and you really, genuinely do want to stop them? [more inside]
    posted by Dilligas at 12:42 PM PST - 14 comments

    Read ended by truck a month ago; their ins co won't make a decision

    I was hit by a garbage truck a little over a month ago. He had a stop sign that he decided to ignore. I was on a rte/main road with no stop sign, going with the flow of (considerable) traffic. My car was pretty seriously damaged and needs to be fixed, but so far the truck company's insurance company hasn't accepted liability, and are hanging their decision on a guy who apparently doesn't exist. In the meantime, my car's a mess. How to get a response so I can get my car fixed and not have to cover the rental myself? [more inside]
    posted by FlyByDay at 12:25 PM PST - 22 comments

    Website builder/hosts such as Squarespace or Weebly: Should I use one?

    I need to put together a gallery-style website showing off my artwork and craft projects. I love the look of the Squarespace templates, but Weebly and Wix are much cheaper/free. I used to maintain a blog via Blogspot and Wordpress, but have no website-making knowledge other than that. What's the right choice for me? [more inside]
    posted by chowflap at 11:48 AM PST - 9 comments

    Should I buy a Kia Soul?

    I'm on the lookout for an inexpensive hatchback-type car to buy, and have become quite enamored with the Kia Soul based purely on its looks (I know, I know). Is this a good car to buy? [more inside]
    posted by timpanogos at 11:33 AM PST - 18 comments

    Can you identify this mysterious building material?

    Somebody left a piece of building material on our front porch this morning. We immediately assumed it had fallen off of our house somewhere but I can't see anything missing. Can AskMe identify what it is and where I should look? We're new homeowners and I'm growing paranoid that some critical piece of the weatherproofing has come off and I won't realize it until disaster strikes. [more inside]
    posted by synecdoche at 11:32 AM PST - 6 comments

    Help me help my friend who had a stroke, without going crazy.

    I want to know if anyone has had experience with a loved one having a stroke, and did it change them permanently or temporarily? Is his new verbal introspection stroke-related? And for caregivers of loved ones with any sort of health issue, how can I be there for him, in the way he needs me, and not end up tired and cranky (which helps NO ONE). [more inside]
    posted by MoxieProxy at 11:30 AM PST - 14 comments

    How can I find estimates of various industries' revenue?

    I'm looking for the easiest way to find data about "how big" various industries are, by revenue. For instance, when you hear a reporter say, "Video games are a $X billion a year business," where are they getting that information? I've poked around the census bureau's website and found their various reports, but it doesn't seem to be that granular (or easy to read, for that matter). I'm trying to create as diverse a list as possible, of various non-related industries (banking, retail, trade shows, sporting events, hotel, video games, Hollywood, pest control, you name it - virtually any business that is its own discrete thing) and how they stack up relative to one another in terms of the dollar-figure size.
    posted by jbickers at 11:07 AM PST - 9 comments

    I need to relax. Really need to relax. No wait, not that much.

    Excluding spas and meditation, what are the most relaxing but entertaining/engaging things to do in the Bay Area this weekend? [more inside]
    posted by eschatfische at 11:03 AM PST - 6 comments

    Why did my hair suddenly change, and how do I fix it?

    Two weeks ago my hair type suddenly... changed. Or something happened to it. It went from smooth and shiny to coarse and frizzy and feeling like it's coated in conditioner that hasn't been washed out, yet horribly dry at the same time. I feel as though I've tried everything. Help? [more inside]
    posted by mireille at 10:38 AM PST - 36 comments

    Sustainable forestry management aka the loveliest leg hair ever.

    How do you keep your hairy pins (and bits) in tip top condition? [more inside]
    posted by pipstar at 10:20 AM PST - 18 comments

    Do I need a library card?

    I want to find a full-page ad in the New York Times from a few days after hurricane Sandy that thanked a bunch of corporations. (Maybe it was the WSJ?) Is this sort of information available still? Do libraries archive the ads in a searchable form? I haven't been to an actual library in years -- so I'm not looking forward to sifting through microfilm, but maybe I have to? Is there a digital record of newspapers I'm missing out on?
    posted by mhh5 at 10:17 AM PST - 9 comments

    I want in.

    Is the abandoned power plant in Glenwood, NY still accessible, or still standing at all? [more inside]
    posted by Venadium at 10:02 AM PST - 5 comments

    How can I modify my Trek to make it a) prettier and b) more comfortable?

    My Trek is an excellent bike, but I wish it looked a little more velocouture and a little less family of four on a bike trip. Also, the handlebars are physically killing me. Help me create a good lookin' frankenbike that feels great to ride. [more inside]
    posted by Miss T.Horn at 10:02 AM PST - 18 comments

    Is someone trying to get my Facebook password?

    For probably a year now, I have been receiving a lot of "You have requested a new Facebook password" e-mails. For example, I received eight in my inbox this morning, on top of four yesterday. What is going on, and how can I stop this? [more inside]
    posted by karbonokapi at 9:05 AM PST - 19 comments

    The war criminal rises and speaks

    Does the Okkervil River song 'The War Criminal Rises and Speaks' have references to my local ice cream shop, or am I imagining this? [more inside]
    posted by selfnoise at 8:51 AM PST - 4 comments

    Yoga Teacher Training

    I've been thinking about taking my yoga practice to the next level. Have you gone through the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training, or know someone who has? [more inside]
    posted by Elly Vortex at 8:50 AM PST - 10 comments

    Identify that children's book: about an agoraphobic mom?

    I read a book as a kid, some time in the 90s. Not sure when the book was published but it was for a pre-teen/young adolescent audience. It was a chapter book, but a light read; I think it was about a young girl who lives in New York, and has a mother who never leaves their home (possibly the mom is obese, but she is also happy to never leave the apartment). I think she also has a crush on an older boy from her neighbourhood, and at some point, they work together to sort of try to help her mother? Thinking back it seems like kind of a weird book for a kid, so I might be getting it all wrong or remembering it completely wrong.
    posted by spicytunaroll at 8:41 AM PST - 7 comments

    IP Phone twisted pair usage versus PC 10/100

    Rookie question perhaps... What more wires in a CAT5 cable other than TX+ TX- RX+ RX- does a standard IP phone use? I ask because I had one cable run where the PC had 100% connectivity, but when I plugged in an IP phone to the same run, it would not receive an IP (PC was DHCP as well but it shouldn't matter) and resolve to the network. I finally re-punched the wall plate and patch panel and it worked like a charm. I have been combing the web for an answer on this, and the best I found that the phone may require additional wires in the cable if it is PoE, which this particular run is not Powered. Head scratcher for me...maybe someone out there has an answer! Thank you :)
    posted by unktone at 8:39 AM PST - 5 comments

    So my son wants to enlist...

    So my bright, handsome hs senior son wants to enlist in the Marines. I am wrestling with a few things. He has always wanted to join the military so this was not unexpected. What is unexpected is 1) he always wanted to join the Army 2) he always wanted to do ROTC. Now he has been online with some military forums and he has decided he really wants to be on the ground doing engineering stuff (he’s thinking electrical engineering). He’s met with the recruiter, we’ve met with the recruiter and all sounds good. But I am having a hard time as a mom getting over the change of plan, enlisted vs officer, also the Marines vs any other military branch. I think of Marines as the branch that takes the biggest brunt of foreign involvement - as in really dangerous. [more inside]
    posted by lasamana at 8:32 AM PST - 48 comments

    Recommend a laptop for a grad student who knows nothing

    I finished my first year of grad school, passed my comps (so they're not getting rid of me!), and spent the summer using a computer lab to work on campus. I'm sick of it and want to buy a laptop but haven't bought one in awhile and I'm not sure what to get or the best way to go about it, so I thought I'd beg y'all for advice. Details inside. [more inside]
    posted by dismas at 8:28 AM PST - 14 comments

    Site that reviews translations of classical texts?

    I'm on a "read all the classics" quest and trying to figure out the best translations into English. Blog recommendations would be awesome! [more inside]
    posted by blue_and_bronze at 8:14 AM PST - 7 comments

    How does one go about getting welfare?

    I'm clueless as to how one goes about getting welfare. What can I expect? Is it easy to get? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 8:03 AM PST - 4 comments

    That's not the sort of thing I'd know!

    Can you think of any examples from real life or fiction of people protesting their ignorance because knowing a thing would mark them out as of lower social standing? [more inside]
    posted by Just this guy, y'know at 7:56 AM PST - 29 comments

    Can you learn to beautify websites?

    I have been through a few HTML and CSS online courses and am able to build basic websites, but how do I learn to decide what I want them to look like? I am currently learning JavaScript online and from books but are there any online tutorials that can help me become more confident from a design point of view? [more inside]
    posted by joboe at 7:45 AM PST - 10 comments

    Where to find free non-literary book summaries?

    This summer I have a lot of reading to do: some books about physics and math applied to sports, others about evidence-based sport conditioning, objectivism, ... stuff that built up because I didn't had to read it. When I read books I like to have a top down view of the subject but most books' introduction fail to do so, either because it is too short and not enough to give a good overview of each chapter or because they not even try to summarise the contents of the books and on how to use the book. [more inside]
    posted by tsuwal at 7:44 AM PST - 2 comments

    How to capture data through Mobile App / web on the GO ...

    This is a simple thing to ask, but how do I capture input data through a form on mobile phones / tablets / laptop in a database? More details in... [more inside]
    posted by jassi at 7:40 AM PST - 8 comments

    Please recommend a good HIIT/Tabata DVD

    I seem to do better with the structure of watching a DVD to do an interval workout than just trying to do it on my own. I'm looking for DVDs that focus on HIIT or Tabata intervals that I can follow along to. [more inside]
    posted by triggerfinger at 7:02 AM PST - 5 comments

    This diamond ring doesn't shine for me anymore.

    How to re-assure a relative that a reputable jeweler will not steal her diamonds while resizing her rings? [more inside]
    posted by Right On Red at 6:18 AM PST - 7 comments

    Windows 8: Help me love it or leave it

    I bought a Windows 8 machine last night. Help me decide to follow my impulse to return it to the store or live with it. [more inside]
    posted by pointystick at 5:39 AM PST - 21 comments

    Paul Hardcastle & Kevin Henry

    Whatever happened to the singer Kevin Henry who used to sing with Paul Hardcastle?? [more inside]
    posted by maxmix at 5:23 AM PST - 6 comments

    How can I make my ceiling lights more dim?

    I have lights above my bed that look like this, and when turned on they are far too bright for me. How can I make the lighting dimmer and more relaxed? [more inside]
    posted by lunchbox at 5:15 AM PST - 6 comments

    Writers: how do you go about creating new characters?

    Writers: how do you go about creating new characters? I've tried in the past, but they usually end up a combination of tired cliches and quotes from old movies. They never feel real. If I don't have a natural talent for doing this, how do I get better at it?
    posted by archagon at 2:41 AM PST - 19 comments

    Singapore hotel filter: Near Orchard Road, quiet-ish, reasonable-ish?

    Going to a conference Sept 12-13, to be held at the Orchard Hotel Singapore (442 Orchard Road). At around 210 Singapore dollars + taxes, I can afford it, but would also be happier with somewhere a bit less expensive. If you know of somewhere within walking distance, that isn't too noisy, and is a bit cheaper, could you tell me?
    posted by Prof Iterole at 2:35 AM PST - 2 comments

    filing for US greencard (I-130) Advice requested.

    I am a US Citizen applying for a greencard for my Chinese wife so she can join me in the US. I am filing the I-130. If anyone has any advice in the process (such as what materials to include alongside the application), I would welcome the advice. Thx, -Matt
    posted by earthwalker7 at 2:34 AM PST - 14 comments

    truth/data backing up my intuition on gender marketing & music?

    I'm about to ask a—perhaps sexist—question about the possible differences in how men and women—broadly speaking—identify with songs in marketing. But first, some set-up. As a branding exercise, I've been working on tackling a fictitious start-up consisting of two fashion retailer brands. One's a men's brand, and one's a women's brand, both part of the same fictitious umbrella corporation. When fleshing out the details of any brand, I like to immerse myself in the environment of that brand as much as possible, approaching it almost like a method actor approaches a role. Part of this process for me is usually creating a playlist of music I identify as feeling right for that brand. Songs I can imagine playing in the store itself. I noticed my thought process behind selecting tracks for the menswear and womenswear brands were entirely different, and I'm wondering if there's any underlying truth or data to support my intuitions. [more inside]
    posted by ferdinandcc at 1:28 AM PST - 18 comments

    Movin' on up - What do I need to know?

    I'm about to go through some serious life changes (first "real" job, first time living alone, etc.) and could use some advice seeing as I don't really feel like an adult... [more inside]
    posted by Sakura3210 at 12:25 AM PST - 22 comments

    August 1

    Help us find a reputable moving company.

    We'll be moving from Heidelberg, Germany to Edinburgh, Scotland in September. Help us find a moving company that won't rip us off. [more inside]
    posted by kyrademon at 11:57 PM PST - 4 comments

    Cuddling/sleeping without claustrophobia or pain?

    My fiance loves to cuddle with me and sleep all entwined together in the bed. I also enjoy this affection very much, however, I have two problems: 1) my life-long back and neck problems, and 2) my mild claustrophobia. Please help us figure out a way to be comfortable enough together in the same bed to get some quality rest! [more inside]
    posted by Temeraria at 9:48 PM PST - 16 comments

    Fashion Tips For The Clumsy

    What do I wear on a job interview in August when my legs are all scabby from an unfortunate injury? [more inside]
    posted by Sara C. at 9:42 PM PST - 21 comments

    Dealing with muscle soreness when returning to jogging

    I have just ramped up my exercise a little, adding some intermittent jogging to my long walks (I'm every other day, or every third day). It has been several years since I did any sort of running more than an occasional dash to catch the bus, and my quadriceps are sore. Searching online, I have found advice that ranges from "do not do any more exercise until your muscles are no longer sore" to "power through no matter what!" MeFi, what should I do to mitigate muscle soreness and keep myself in good shape so I can keep exercising?
    posted by ocherdraco at 9:19 PM PST - 22 comments

    Mysterious classical piece

    There is an aria/section of a classical piece in my head I cannot identify. There is a soprano or mezzo-soprano solo (with an orchestra behind I think, though I cannot remember any details of the music), who sings a line that is something like "never seen his face (possibly "this place") before". It also contains a chorus shouting in between the soloist's phrases, with children's or an amplified child's voice quite prominent in parts of this shouting. [more inside]
    posted by solarion at 8:08 PM PST - 5 comments

    Seeking inspiration

    I recently got the opportunity to direct a commercial! Yay!!! Now the bad news: I've been working a mind-numbing retail job for the last eight months, and have had few opportunities to do anything creative (outside of writing a screenplay). Help me re-enliven my inner creative spark. [more inside]
    posted by sidi hamet at 8:05 PM PST - 6 comments

    I want to be able to read CS and math research papers with ease.

    I often find myself crossing interdisciplinary lines and reading research papers, trying to understand some new practice or algorithm in math or computer science. I start out thinking "I just need to understand these basic concepts and I'll crack this", but end up with a very tired brain at 5am, having tried to mainline dense trees of Wikipedia and Eric Weisstein'sWolfram MathWorld, and still not feeling like I retained everything. [more inside]
    posted by hanoixan at 8:04 PM PST - 9 comments

    Moscot Ipish glasses?

    Where (online or off-) can I get Moscot "Ipish" glasses frames? [more inside]
    posted by Joseph Gurl at 7:40 PM PST - 3 comments

    Getting alerted if a .pdf changes on the web

    How can I get alerted if a .pdf file changes on the web? [more inside]
    posted by daninnj at 7:19 PM PST - 4 comments

    I can't believe I paid someone to hurt me that much.

    I've always wanted to try waxing my legs (and.... eventually... other stuff too....) but I've been too scared of the pain. However, shaving my legs every five seconds is REALLY getting old, so finally I decided to try it. It was pretty much a disaster. What did I do wrong and how can I make it work better for me? [more inside]
    posted by Everythingsalrighteverythingsfine at 6:22 PM PST - 32 comments

    ID that ice cream place: Moo Jersey edition

    I had an incredible milkshake once when I was a kid in the early aughts in southern New Jersey. The ice cream place served enormous milkshakes and had distinctive cow placemats. It was not near the shore; it was probably in a rural or somewhat rural area. What ice cream place was it? [more inside]
    posted by topoisomerase at 6:15 PM PST - 8 comments

    String, or nothing!

    Beginning enthusiast programmers on MeFi are often advised to learn by working on a substantial project and then exhibit it publicly on GitHub. How can someone new to a technology or tool scope out learning projects that are (a) commensurate with the learner's current, possibly rudimentary skills, (b) substantial enough to be a significant learning opportunity, and (c) interesting enough to hold the learner's attention past the initial phase? I'm especially interested in suggestions for learners who aren't learning front-end technologies or don't want to build yet another shopping cart or calendar widget.
    posted by Nomyte at 6:08 PM PST - 12 comments

    How did you commemorate the day your divorce was final? How did u feel?

    My divorce will most likely be finalized next week on Tuesday August 6. What did you do to commemorate (or celebrate) the day you found out your divorce was final? I didn't want the divorce so I won't be celebrating, but I would like to do something special to commemorate the day. I have mostly reached a place of acceptance with the situation, but I definitely still have periods of grieving. I want happy or sad stories. Give me all you got! :-)
    posted by speedoavenger at 6:05 PM PST - 29 comments

    Cost effective way to enclose the rear or an open garage

    My partner and I have just moved into a new rental in South Australia. It has a double garage with electric roller doors on the front. We want to use this space for storage and the landlord has agreed to let us enclose the rear and the open side (between the side fence and the roof). Originally I was thinking cafe blinds, but now I'm wondering if that will be too costly. We are getting a quote next week. If it turns out to be over our budget, which is not really set but probably around the $1,000 mark, what else could work to enclose the garage? Thanks.
    posted by Youremyworld at 5:32 PM PST - 2 comments

    Moving boxes: Paper or Plastic?

    Anyone have any experience with using plastic boxes to move? How did it work out for your stuff compared to cardboard boxes? How did your moving company react to them (like, did they think it was too heavy, clumsy, etc). [more inside]
    posted by vivzan at 5:16 PM PST - 13 comments

    How do I tell my mom I'm getting married?

    I got engaged about a week and a half ago. This is terrific, except now I have to tell my mom about it and she is almost certainly NOT going to be kind. I want her to hear from me, but I need to do it in a way that minimizes her ability to be emotionally abusive. Help? [more inside]
    posted by vakker at 5:13 PM PST - 31 comments

    US passport woes

    Despite my best efforts I am running out of time to get my passport processed before travel at the end of this month (Aug 25). After run-ins with with multiple confused passport acceptance agents and many phone calls I am afraid this is an unknown-unknowns situation and I need help! Kafkaesque (ok maybe not quite) bureaucracy within: [more inside]
    posted by velebita at 4:25 PM PST - 17 comments

    Working around pump jack braces

    I'm installing siding, but the scaffolding I'm using will be attached to the wall where the siding goes. How do I work around this? [more inside]
    posted by Ickster at 4:11 PM PST - 8 comments

    Why macbook wifi file transfer so slow?

    Copying files between a macbook and a macbook pro over wifi is slow. Why? [more inside]
    posted by SueDenim at 4:04 PM PST - 11 comments

    Frindle, Anyone?

    I have several boxes of brand new educational/instructional materials, mostly at the elementary level. What programs in the San Francisco area should i contact where these would be of most benefit? I have a very short window before their disposal is out of my hands and they likely become landfill.
    posted by ms_rasclark at 3:48 PM PST - 9 comments

    How do I evaluate the success of my business?

    I own a restaurant in its first year of business. Some stretches I feel like we're doing just fine, whereas other stretches I feel like pulling out my hair. I'm having trouble evaluating the success of my business. We've very consistently turned a monthly profit, though I still own the bank nearly $150k, and I also have a large chunk of money invested myself, though I am paying myself $40k / yr. [more inside]
    posted by masters2010 at 3:33 PM PST - 12 comments

    FMLA + Layoffs?

    Though what I really need is a crystal ball, hypothetically would you as an employer be likely to lay off someone who is not currently working due to injury and illness and covered under Short Term Disability insurance and FMLA? [more inside]
    posted by fontophilic at 3:13 PM PST - 9 comments

    I have unintentionally become an internet stalker

    I took "internet stalking" a little too far. It's best to never try to contact this person, right? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 2:07 PM PST - 27 comments

    BND 4U

    I've become an angry, mean person. How does one have a real-life Brand New Day? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 2:06 PM PST - 37 comments

    Dealing with UTI symptoms

    I've been to two doctors including one urologist and I'm trying to figure what is going on. [more inside]
    posted by antgly at 1:58 PM PST - 9 comments

    Baby equipment rental in San Francisco / Bay Area?

    Does anyone have experience with any of these baby equipment rental companies, particularly in the Bay Area? Any other advice on renting baby stuff would be appreciated as well! [more inside]
    posted by fussbudget at 12:57 PM PST - 7 comments

    What is an "ideal" cloud storage or managed hosting server setup?

    My company is looking to get in on the managed services/cloud server hosting side of the business. Think of what Amazon Cloud Services does with their pay as you go servers. I don't have much experience at all with this but have been asked to put some input. What is a standard, reliable, scalable configuration I could suggest? [more inside]
    posted by PetiePal at 12:50 PM PST - 3 comments

    What to do next, for someone who's written and drawn a graphic novel?

    A friend of mine has almost finished a graphic novel about a dystopian sci-fi future . It's quite good. But he's never published anything before. What should he do to get his work published? What should he expect? What are the resources for self-publishing comics? Any other advice he should hear?
    posted by storybored at 12:50 PM PST - 5 comments

    iPhone 5- why are some of my podcasts no longer downloading?

    I'm using the Podcast app with iPhone 5, IOS 6.1.4. Recently, some of the podcasts that I've subscribed to have stopped working. When I try to download them manually (I am not using iTunes, just my iPhone) I get an error message. The vast majority of my podcasts are downloading fine. Why might this be? [more inside]
    posted by roomthreeseventeen at 12:47 PM PST - 10 comments

    Tubal Ligation without Endotracheal Intubation in Portland, OR

    As a professional opera singer, I will not risk vocal-fold damage by undergoing endotracheal intubation. I've read several sources that say it's possible (and even preferable) to do a laproscopic tubal ligation without intubating, but my scheduled surgeon/anaesthetist will not perform the procedure without shoving a tube down my throat. Can you recommend someone who will, or advise me on how to find them? [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 12:34 PM PST - 15 comments

    Finding photos in Yahoo Japan Box.

    Sifting through public photos on Yahoo Japan Box. [more inside]
    posted by user92371 at 11:56 AM PST - 0 comments

    How do I start making progress again?

    At the beginning of the year I finished a Master's program in emergency management (and have a BA in English). I thought I would be able to get an entry-level spot somewhere but months later I haven't even gotten an interview. I'm getting a bit sick of seeing those "eligible but not referred" emails from USAJobs. [more inside]
    posted by brilliantine at 11:42 AM PST - 7 comments

    Video online or text?

    Anecdotally, everyone I know hates watching information in video format, but all the online marketing stats (that are easily google-able), say that every demographic, across the board, prefers video. [more inside]
    posted by small_ruminant at 11:27 AM PST - 30 comments

    We Can and WILL Force the Hand of Amazing (East Coast Road Trip-Filter)

    East Coast Road Trip-Filter: a friend is having a very rough year but is finally taking three days (Aug. 24th - 26th) for much-needed road trip. She may not get to take another one for a while, so we want to make the most of it. My question: what can you recommend within a ~400-mile radius of Philadelphia (places, activities, events, gatherings, WHATEVER) that might be mind-blowingly memorable? The kinda stuff that makes you blurt, "Holy CRAP, this is AMAZING!"... the kinda stuff she and I can enthusiastically reminisce about for years to come. [more inside]
    posted by julthumbscrew at 11:22 AM PST - 12 comments

    Macro Photography for Beginners

    I have discovered the joy of taking photos of teensy, tiny things - like baby snails! - and would like to move beyond my cellphone's camera. Since this is a hobby, not a new career path, I'd like to spend as little as possible, and definitely remain well-under $1,000 (CAD), while getting great results. Any advice? I need to be able to buy this camera in Canada, please! [more inside]
    posted by VioletU at 11:20 AM PST - 15 comments

    Rearranging the formula for Compound Annual Growth Rate

    How do you rejig the formula for CAGR to get the starting value when you know the other variables? [more inside]
    posted by MuffinMan at 10:54 AM PST - 3 comments


    Probably too late to major in Computer Science. Plan B? [more inside]
    posted by lhude sing cuccu at 10:49 AM PST - 26 comments

    Moving to Louisville, need some general advice

    I'm starting a new job as of next week in the Ville and my lease will be up in my current apartment as of the end of August. Need advice on where to look for houses for rent and also what there is to do -- specifically good bookstores, museums, movie theaters, other wacky stuff, etc. [more inside]
    posted by camylanded at 10:22 AM PST - 14 comments

    Liability for failure to purchase

    If I, as condo board president, meet with a buyer who is in contract and answer the buyer's questions honestly, am I liable and open to a lawsuit from the owner if the buyer decides to cancel? [more inside]
    posted by spicynuts at 9:47 AM PST - 16 comments

    I have a Gyrowheel to help teach my son to ride bike. I need a charger.

    Several years ago, I bought a Gyrowheel to help teach my older son to ride a bike. Now I would like to use it to help my younger son to ride, but the charger was lost after a move. Help me find one that will work. [more inside]
    posted by procrastination at 9:47 AM PST - 12 comments

    BBC Documentary Earworm

    I've heard this audio track on many BBC documentaries over the past few months, including multiple unconnected Panorama episodes and most recently on Britain's Favourite Supermarket Foods. It seems an audio engineer is crushing on this track quite heavily, and now my brain is demanding to hear the whole thing and will replay it for me ad nauseam until it does. I've tried running it through SoundHound and Shazam to no avail, so I figure it might be from a production audio library instead of an actual song. Does anyone know the title and composer of this piece, and more to the point, where I might obtain a copy?
    posted by NordyneDefenceDynamics at 9:43 AM PST - 3 comments

    Make it easier to take my blood.

    I have to have a blood test. I have a pretty severe vasovagal response, combined with abnormally tiny, difficult veins (or so I've been told by everyone who has ever taken blood from me). Help me make this easier? [more inside]
    posted by millipede at 9:29 AM PST - 36 comments

    Where can I find the plastic bag shown in this video?

    This video shows how to pack a suit wrinkle-free using a large ziploc bag. Where can I find a bag the perfect size to do this? I know there are other packing methods, but I'm just interested in finding a bag that works with this method.
    posted by underwater at 9:17 AM PST - 6 comments

    SQL Teaching Game

    I remember coming across a game that represented rows in a database as stars in a galaxy, and gave the player visual feedback for the queries they entered. What was that called?
    posted by phrontist at 9:07 AM PST - 2 comments

    Returning to POTS from digital phone

    Last phone service I had was Comcast voice. I discontinued it and returned the black box that was mounted in the rafters in the basement. Now I want to add an analog POTS line. I ordered it from Verizon, and they say it was activated, but when I plug an old trimline phone into one of my jacks, I get no dial tone. Was there something else I need to do to restore analog phone capability besides just unplug the black box?
    posted by skidoom at 8:52 AM PST - 10 comments

    Is there enough to do in and around Minneapolis for 5 days?

    Looking for things to do in and around Minneapolis for 5 days. [more inside]
    posted by repoman at 8:52 AM PST - 18 comments

    I'm having trouble understanding likelihood ratios and diagnostic tests.

    I'm struggling to understand likelihood ratios (LR) in the context of diagnostic tests, and why a positive LR is influenced by the sensitivity of the test. [more inside]
    posted by cacofonie at 8:48 AM PST - 6 comments

    Cash Rules Everything in Pittsburgh, but why?

    My wife and I are heading to Pittsburgh this weekend and in checking the hours for one of the places we loved during our last visit there noticed they delivery via FedEx. Then I noticed something interesting. [more inside]
    posted by playertobenamedlater at 8:30 AM PST - 16 comments

    Written Testimonial in Restraining Order Case - What does it Need?

    I have been asked to provide a testimonial of character to be used in a restraining order case. What sort of things are looked for in these? And are they even taken seriously, or should I consider personally appearing instead or appearing through skype? [more inside]
    posted by corb at 8:27 AM PST - 8 comments

    Computer service/repair in Milwaukee?

    I need recommendations for a person or service that can have a look at my mom's computer, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I would like for Geek Squad to be an absolute last resort. I live on the west coast, alas, and have already done what troubleshooting I can do remotely.
    posted by sandettie light vessel automatic at 8:24 AM PST - 4 comments

    Where to buy Fever Tree Tonic in NYC?

    Hello, I'm a big fan of Fever Tree tonic water and wondered if anyone has seen it in stores around Manhattan or Brooklyn? Thanks! BTW, I've reached out to the manufacturer with no luck and know I can buy it on Amazon.
    posted by gpoint at 7:58 AM PST - 11 comments

    Freight train whistles: legally required, blown for fun, or both?

    I've always wondered when you hear a freight train horn blast in the middle of the night: is that an engineer doing something required by law, or is it some guy running a train that is doing it at intervals whenever he personally feels like it? [more inside]
    posted by mathowie at 7:26 AM PST - 30 comments

    Independent bookstores ~ 1 hour from Plano, TX?

    I'm in Plano for work, and will finish up a bit early this afternoon - looking for any well-stocked independent bookstores no more than an hour or so away by car - recommendations? Thanks!
    posted by ersatzkat at 6:56 AM PST - 7 comments

    This might be illegal. We might be over reacting.

    Help us determine if we're over reacting to a company paying at-risk adults below minimum wage because they can. [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 6:55 AM PST - 29 comments

    Is this an actual dress that's available to buy (or is it custom-made)?

    I am looking for the dress worn by the character "Ruth" in the Pedro Almodóvar film I'm So Excited. Is this dress (same style and fabric) available for purchase? [link to photo of dress inside] [more inside]
    posted by anonymous at 6:53 AM PST - 4 comments

    It's easy to spell and pronounce in Cyrillic.

    So, dad made a career-motivated, discrimination-avoiding last name change as a very young 1st generation American in the 40s (for the change, think Jon Stewart ditching, "Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz"). Now, after a great deal of thought (and family support) I plan to take back the old surname. [more inside]
    posted by blue suede stockings at 6:36 AM PST - 52 comments

    Who knows? One day he could be President

    I've had my personal domain name for sixteen years (think I've had my Twitter name for five years. I'd like to hold on to them, but someone powerful has asked to purchase them. [more inside]
    posted by infinitewindow at 6:26 AM PST - 14 comments

    Mefites, especially New Yorkers, can I support myself in New York?

    I finally moved out of my abusive household, and I am proud of myself to finally be independent now. But I moved to Seattle on a whim, and after being here for 2 months, I feel as if it's not the right fit for me. I want to move to my dream city, New York. My sublet term is up at the end of August, and I have to move, either to somewhere else in Seattle or elsewhere, either way. But I have some complicating factors, and I am not sure if I can make it work. But I really want to make it work. Can you help me figure out what my options are? Many thanks for any help! [more inside]
    posted by independence under the radar at 5:28 AM PST - 28 comments

    Looking for LARGE "Swifty Lazar" type glasses

    Does anyone know where I can buy LARGE, fake black square type glasses that Swifty Lazar wore? [more inside]
    posted by dbirchum at 5:04 AM PST - 6 comments

    Old, beaten up van for sale. Want it?

    I've a cargo van with about half a million kilometres on it. I was a courier. How do I sell it ethically? [more inside]
    posted by converge at 4:12 AM PST - 18 comments

    Scientists on science, engineers on engineering

    I am looking for books where master scientists or engineers describe their philosophy of the field they are working in or/and treat semi-technical topics in a playful, essayistic manner. Examples inside. [more inside]
    posted by jarekr at 1:44 AM PST - 12 comments

    Finding the threshold of when you're doing too much work for others.

    I just started working at a medical supply company the past 2 months. I was fortunate to land the gig after being laid off from my previous job of 8 years. I have a pretty simple role: Call the doctor offices/clinics/hospitals and etc in order to obtain the necessary docs for insurance billing. We have moved into our own building in July, and our phone system has changed. Recently, I've been taking a lot of phone calls that belongs to other departments. I end up troubleshooting the issue for the patient before eventually transferring the call to the appropriate party. At times when I put the patient on hold and call one of my co-workers to explain what is going on, it seems like they don't want to take the call thus they tell me what to say or do. It's one of the more frustrating things at times when you're still new and trying to figure things out promptly without coming off as a total newbie. Every time I approach a certain person at work, she jokingly says "you're not looking for me right"? As much as I'd like to resolve an issue over the phone, I don't want to compromise my specific job duties for the sake of other people's convenience in not taking inbound calls. Maybe I just have to learn from experience on not biting more than I can chew in regards to the type of circumstance taking place. Anyone's 2 cents on the matter is much appreciated as always.
    posted by tnar23 at 1:09 AM PST - 9 comments