July 2005 Archives
July 31
Buttermilk Pie Recipe
Has anyone out there tried the Southern summer delicacy Buttermilk Pie? Is it good? Do you have a particular favorite recipe? I tried to make it once using this recipe, and failed, spectacularly.
Hungry! Food... good.
Tell me what to eat! [more inside]
NYC magician?
Who is a good magician to see in NYC on a weekday, not necessariliy a big spectacular broadway style show? I'd like to see Ricky Jay, but his show isn't playing right now. And Penn and Teller defected to Vegas.
I need a particular keyboard.
I'm looking for a keyboard with a cover. [more inside]
Looking for "Castle" computer game
Many years ago (late eighties/early nineties), I used to play a delightful DOS-based RPG on my father's Olivetti computer. It was simply called "Castle" and involved a quest through an ASCII-rendered castle -- fighting demons and ogres, acquiring inventory, and so forth. The Olivetti went to its final rest around 1996, but this computer game was, for me, just as entertaining as anything on the market today. Is anyone out there familiar with this game? Could anyone suggest where I could find a copy? Unsurprisingly, Googling "castle" doesn't seem to get me very far, and I'm not sure where else to begin.
Seeking PC power supply recommendation
I am in the process of building an AMD Sempron 2400+ based file storage machine. I am seeking recommendation for how big a power supply I need.
I am planning on 4 to 5 (may be 6 in future) 250GB Seagates, 2x320GB WD Sata drives, 1 DVD writer, Geforce FX 5500 video card.
The $50 case has a stock 480W PSU. I am wondering if I need more juice and possibly something by a well known brand ?
I recently built an Athlon box with Seasonic 430 PSU. Seems pretty quiet. Not sure if I should get another of those.
School Bus Sound
Why do _school_ buses sound different as compared to any other type of vehicle? [more inside]
Does your doctor perform testicular exams?
Does your doctor perform testicular exams? [more inside]
But baby - I've lost my mojo!
MojoFilter: Help - I've lost my mojo! How do I get it back? [more inside]
Invisible Counter on PDF File
I have a pdf file on my official/department university web page. I would like to know how often the pdf is viewed, and as a super bonus, the domain names for who is viewing. How do I do this, without it being apparent that I am doing it? [more inside]
Is it over?
How do you know when a relationship is over? [more inside]
Anyone able to translate these two Russian-language bumper stickers?
CyrillicFilter: While parked on a side street eating my lunch in between meetings, I spotted these bumper stickers, in what I presume to be Russian. Translations, anyone?
What are the legal issues around using a company's trademark in a domain name?
What are the legal issues around using a company's trademark in a domain name? [more inside]
Show me your Start Page
I'm ready to redesign a new start page and need some inspiration. Anybody willing to share their personal portal to the web?
How do I combine the play count of iTunes and my iPod?
I want to keep an accurate play count of my songs in iTunes: to do this, I want the play count to reflect not only what I play on iTunes at my computer but also on my iPod. Is it possible to have the iPod update the play count on iTunes when I connect it to the computer? Is there any way to make a smart playlist of most frequently played tracks that inludes BOTH iTunes and the iPod? Or am I stuck with independent counts? [more inside]
Web Comic tips.
I'm thinking of starting a webcomic and was looking for general advice. [more inside]
I should have backed up my files. Now I'm stuck in DOS.
How do I backup lots of files in DOS (Windows "recovery" mode)? [more inside]
How many words in a four-to-six minute speech?
How many words in a four-to-six minute speech?
How do Sallie Mae and Uncle Sam get their cash from outside the US?
How do expatriates pay their financial debts still held in their home country? [more inside]
Slide right into my hot box, baby
Owing to bad/absent ventilation design on the part of hold everything, I now have a drawer with an interior temperature pretty constantly in the 90 degree F (32 C) range.
How should I best take advantage of this? [more inside]
avoiding car stereo theft?
Our car was broken into today for the fourth time in about two years and the stereo was stolen for the third time. The car is getting pretty worn out overall, so we're probably going to sell it and get a newer one once we get the window replaced. What should we consider when shopping for a newer car and associated car audio, to avoid being a target? [more inside]
Table tennis, anyone?
Table tennis has recently become a competitive sport in the office I work in. There are over 250 of us; word has it I am in the the top 5. This is coming down to a girls vs. boys thing (i.e. men in IT and Marketing). How do I win, or at least put on a good show? Oh, and I'm the girl.
Blanks or Bullets?
ShootingBlanksFilter: I'm a single male in my mid-twenties, whom after taking a long break from the opposite sex, is getting back into the game. However, reading about
fertility control issues, and also having first-hand experience with this, I've come to realize that men do not have the same reproductive control options available to them that women do.
So now I'm considering a vasectomy. [more inside]
limited user account b0rks iTunes
Why does iTunes not show the contents of an audio CD when run from a limited user account under Windows XP? [more inside]
Where to go in Provence
Provence: Aix-En-Provence. Workplace permitting I'll spend a nice week to 10 days in the city and I'd like to visit anything you deem to be very nice in a 150 Km radius from the city itself. Any idea ? [more inside]
Cool stuff I want Firefox to do
Are Firefox and its extensions advanced enough yet to do the cool stuff I want to do? [more inside]
Good cheap verizon cell phone
My dad just renewed our contract w/ Verizon Wireless. Can any MeFites recommend a good (and preferably inexpensive) bluetooth / camera cell phone?
Piano dilemma
My two daughters (ages 10 and 8) take piano lessons. The old Baldwin spinet they've been practicing on has a few bad keys (they don't spring back up when pressed) already, and I was wondering whether it would be worth getting the thing repaired. If not, what would be the best value in new or used pianos for this purpose?
Quickly flashing iBook sleep light: wtf?
What does is mean when my G3 white iBook's sleep light flashes very quickly when I am either booting up or trying to shut down? [more inside]
Unicycle Shopping NY Style
I have a friend visiting New York (from UK) in September. He wants to buy a Unicycle and take it home with him. The model he wants is a "Semcycle" with a 20 inch wheel. Is there a (real) store in NY that stocks them? I've seen the Semcycle on line store already. Thanks in advance.
windsurfing gear recommendations
windsurfing - i've taken a couple lessons and am ready to take the plunge on purchasing some gear... recommendations for gear for a fairly advanced beginner?
Are there any academic programs in occult studies?
FnordFilter: does anyone know of any MA or PhD programs in occult studies, Western esoterica, secret societies, Freemasonry, etc.? I'm looking for accredited programs, not Uncle Joe's Diploma Shack.
I've found this program in Holland. Are there any other options?
Colour me blue
Color spaces, color profiles, Macs, PhotoShop, iPhoto... IT'S DRIVING ME CRAZY!! [more inside]
5 5 5, this is for the guys who go 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9
I'm looking for songs with counting or numbers (used more than once) in the lyrics. [more inside]
Home loan financing question
Home Buying Question: As a low-income artist, I’ve recently taken the plunge and qualified for a zero-down, stated income loan, and have found a great place to buy. But now there’s a complication with parental involvement which I have no idea how to deal with. It’s not what you might think... [more inside]
the mail of the species
Is there a site that tells you how much it costs to mail (US Postal Service) various items? [more inside]
Stop the music in my browser!
Is there any way to set IE or Firefox (under XP) so that it NEVER plays sound? [more inside]
What running shoes should I buy?
What brand / type of running shoes should I buy? [more inside]
meb better be on his toes
How to encourage a budding 6-year-old runner? [more inside]
What is this thing?
What is this thing? [more inside]
What's the best Charity to give to?
What is the best Charity to give to on a regular basis? [more inside]
Help me pick a programming language!
I'm planning on creating a web-based program allowing employees of the auditorium where I work to sign up for shifts online. What programming language and database system should I use? [more inside]
Paging Alan Greenspan...
Can anyone tell me what factors affect the valuation of the dollar? I'm looking to understand both how the dollar is related to other currency, as well as what makes the dollar stronger or weaker at home - i.e. GDP, interest rates, durable goods ...
What are those super-long cotton swabs called?
On CSI, I always see them using these super-long cotton swabs to stick up a dead person's nose - what are these called, and where can I buy them, preferably on-line? They look exactly like regular Q-tips, except 3x larger. [more inside]
How to write a zine
I feel like my skull is going to rupture if I don't do something, so I've decided to try to create a 'zine. You know, the Kinko's-made, double-stapled things that have almost died since our beloved internet. Any advice? [more inside]
July 30
Dual OSes on Mac... help!
Complicated/complex (to me) OS X Tiger printer problem inside. [more inside]
Illuminate me
Where can I find a lamp like the ones on the West Wing sets? [more inside]
Help me eat in Vancouver and Victoria!
We're going out to BC for a wedding next weekend and have added a night in Vancouver and a night in Victoria before heading to the site of the festivities. Where should we eat on a Tuesday night in Vancouver and a Wednesday night in Victoria? [more inside]
Baseball weirdness
I have three baseball questions that have been bugging me for awhile and I am hoping that I can get answers here. [more inside]
Lullaby Mix
MixCDFilter: Any minute now, I'll be an aunt. I'd like to make a lullaby mix CD for my hipster niece/nephew-to-be. Suggestions? [more inside]
I need to replace my gas grill.
What brand/model gas grill would you recommend? [more inside]
Evil Puppet
What's the name of the British horror/suspense movie made around 1948 that consists of four separate stories, the last one of which is about a ventriloquist whose dummy starts talking to him? [more inside]
Electrofunk Me, Afrika
Electrofunk. Especially electrofunk with vocoder action. I like what I'm listening to, and I want more. [more inside]
How to stop a mighty hunter hunting?
How do we stop our indoor/outdoor cat bringing in mice? [more inside]
Share iTunes files?
How can I share an iTunes library without using iTunes share? [more inside]
OS X Apache Location?
Where does OS X Tiger actually store the apache directory? I want to change the access file but I can't seem to find it. Spotlight doesn't reveal the file.
A related question: grep doesn't work in OS X's terminal???
I feel silly :(
A short story where sex and conversation switch roles
A friend of mine is trying to identify a short story that she read in high school where conversation and sex have the opposite roles than they do in our society today. [more inside]
What's the best Java IDE?
I'm learning Java. Which IDE should I use? [more inside]
Good Italian Sunday Sauce Recipe?
I'm looking for a great Italian Tomato "sunday sauce" recipe with bones in it. [more inside]
Why do my hands remember things that my brain doesn't?
memory-filter: Why or how does the body seem to remember learned physical action sequences before you can mentally recall what they are? [more inside]
Help me tame an instrument of torture
Has anyone successfully managed to repair a sticky out wire coming out from an underwired bra? I've thrown out many (otherwise good) bras because the wire works it's way through and ripping me to shreds even when I try to sew it up 'darned socks style' with thread! Are there any MeFi domestic goddesses that have tamed this instrument of torture? [more inside]
Printing problems with Illustrator...
Formatting hell with Adobe Illustrator - anyone know why my images are coming out way too light? [more inside]
zoom zoom zoom...
How does a visitor get around LA at late hours? [more inside]
July 29
Problems taking my bicycle to Japan?
Jitensha-Filter: I fantasize about moving to Japan to teach English, when I retire from my computer career. To achieve this end, I've earned my TESL certificate, but so far, I'm just a repeat tourist with lots of Nihon travel experience -- but always on foot. Part of the fantasy involves riding a bicycle over there -- and not one of their clunky no-speeds, but my bicycle. What's involved when a gaijin brings in his bicycle? I'm guessing it's not as easy as retrieving it from checked luggage at Narita, and riding away -- knowing the Japanese, there's regulations to be satisified, in an approved manner. [more inside]
Data recovery software recommendations
Data recovery from a secondary hard drive. I downloaded a demo version of some recovery software which lets me see which files are still there. I'm looking for recommendations of free alternatives (XP pro, primary HD NTFS, secondary HD FAT32). [more inside]
Let's not be friends
My ex-boyfriend wants to be friends. I don't. [more inside]
If I stay in a new home while selling an old one, can I still avoid capital gains taxes?
CapitalgainsFilter: I bought a new house and my old house is set to go on the market on Monday. I'm just two months shy of the 2 years minimum residence requirement for avoiding capital gains taxes, and will make sure the old house isn't sold before that cut-off date. But do I really have to sleep in the old house all the way up to the end date? [more inside]
How do I save my voicemail forever?
How do you get a voicemail off your cell phone and recorded for posterity? [more inside]
How to dispose unused meds?
How to dispose unwanted medicine (pills), and used syringes with needles (used for insulin shots) without harming the environment or anyone who may find it.
wedding etiquette
I'm going to a wedding where the bridesmaids are wearing all black. Is it bad etiquette for a guest to wear a black dress also?
Scientific jargon in other countries
In America (and in Europe, too, I suppose), we use the Linnaean taxonomic system for living things and have certain specific terms (acetate, polymerase, cholinergic, etc.) that are used in chemistry, for example; how does such terminology work in other languages, especially those very dissimilar to English, such as Chinese?
San Francisco Meat-up.
Where can I buy cuts of Piedmontese beef in San Francisco?
Reasons for Increased Hair Loss?
I just moved into a new house and am noticing my long hair is falling out much more quickly than before. We've checked on water quality (it's soft and no different than our previous home - just 2 miles away). What might be the reasons for this? [more inside]
I'm looking for a good, preferably free, batch unzipping utility.
I'm looking for a batch unzipping utility, with two stipulations. [more inside]
yahoo music error
I cant get my yahoo music engine to work. The same internet explorer script error comes up every time I open it. I uninstalled it and reloaded it already and am all out of ideas. Here is what the error looks like.
What was the greatest american band?
ÜbergroupFilter: Coworkers and I were discussing, what make a classic "all-time greatest band in the world" band, ones that were equally musically adept, great songwriting, and inspirational. All the examples we could think of were british; The Stones, The Beatles, Cream etc...
What American bands would meet the above criteria? [more inside]
Programming & music collaboration?
Suppose I have an idea for a potentially interesting art/music/programming project. I can envision what needs to happen and can put it into concrete terms but lack the programmatic and music theory chops (I'm a designer & photographer type person) to realize it on my own. Where can I find like minded folks that might be interested in collaborating on this art for art's sake project? [more inside]
What's with the spitting in the urinal?
Spitting in the urinal, what's that about? Why do so many guys feel the need to spit first, before urinating? [more inside]
Evil spawn of Logans Run, The Matrix, Coma and The Clonus Horror
So, "The Island" was a pretty lame movie, but there is something about it that has been gnawing at me. [more inside]
GPS coordinates
K. My google skills are weak. I am opening an art gallery at the intersection of Gore and Powell street in Vancouver, B.C. I want to name the gallery the GPS coordinates. Can I find this on the internet, Google maps or something? I should add the deadline for declaring this is 5pm today, so time is tight.
Toronto home computer tech support
Looking for recommendations for home computer tech support in Toronto, Canada. Nerds on Site seems pretty good, anyone want to give a recommendation for a buddy or company that does great work?
weird whiskers
Wild hairs: Every so often, I get a strange whisker in my beard... [more inside]
Where can I find an m&ms jingle from the 80s?
Where can I find a copy of the song "Grab On To That M&M's Feeling?" My buddy wants to play it at his wedding reception. [more inside]
Need ASP ecommerce solution.
I need a good, cheap (free) ASP shopping cart application for Windows 2003 / IIS for a client website. Normally, I would use osCommerce, but for some reason they want everything ASP, etc. Any suggestions? Your help is fantastically appreciated. [more inside]
Video card to connect to TV
How do I connect PC to LCD TV in most basic and inexpensive sense...? [more inside]
Free downloads to restore/ repair docs for Mac OS X?
I used ClamXav for Mac OS X to locate any viruses and had the infected MS Word docs (quite a few) isolated. Now I need a free download to clear the viruses and repair these documents. Know of any and where I can find them? For the future, are there any free downloads that do both the finding and repairing?
Cardboard in the oven...?
I bought a package of frozen eggplant parm at Trader Joe's, and the cooking instructions are to place the package (made of cardboard) directly into the oven... [more inside]
Why does my Powerbook with OS-X 10.4 go ffftt! and jump to a different web page unprompted? [more inside]
What is the Gothic Mode?
In literature, what is "the Gothic mode?" [more inside]
How can I get my mouse functions back after plugging into a passthrough switch?
After adding new hardware to my computer setup, my "extra" mouse buttons and mouse wheel no longer work. [more inside]
Uses for an old laptop?
What can I do with my old laptop? [more inside]
Behind the Scenes at the Supermarket
Questions for grocery clerks (or people who stand in line at the grocery thinking about people and their purchases). [more inside]
Feed the birds...tuppence a bra.
I have a deformed breastbone (Pectus carinatum, or pigeon-breast--but only half of one!), and I need help finding a nice bra. [more inside]
You see, the Square Master allows you to maximize your human potential because Square Master uses one of nature's most perfect shapes for your perfect shape
I'm trying to find exercises that actively involve two people. [more inside]
Please help us improve our website.
I'm in the final stages of setting up a user survey for my website and wanted to ask a cookie/javascript question. [more inside]
What theme is this?
Can anyone tell me what Windows XP theme this is and where I can get it? [more inside]
D-Day Questions
I watched The Longest Day last night and had a few dumb D-Day questions afterward: 1) Why wasn't German U-Boat activity in the North Atlantic considered a major impedance to the invasion, 2) Why didn't German radars pick up the tremendous column of men & machines heading toward France, 3) Why wasn't more air cover sent in far ahead of the armada to take out the huge gun emplacements on the beach first, and 4) in order to risk less casualties once they hit the beaches, why didn't the Allies roll out tanks & armored vehicles first instead of releasing waves of vulnerable human targets from their LCVs, many of whom were killed immediately?
How now, brown bureaucrat?
LinguaFilter: A phoneme comprised of two vowels, like the “ou” in “house” is called a dipthong. Is there a specific term for a phoneme made of two consonants, like the “sh” in “rash?”
House buying tips?
Experienced homeowners, help out a first-time buyer. What wisdom can you impart about the home buying process? What do you wish you had done differently when buying your first home?
What are the best headphones for athletic use?
What are the best sports headphones for general working out and/or running? [more inside]
How do I get Hollywood OS on my laptop?
How do I get Hollywood OS on my Laptop? [more inside]
Toggling Tabs in Safari
SafariFilter: Is there a way to toggle between tabbed windows in Safari under OSX 10.4 Tiger?
Shouldn't a 50% full battery be enough to power an LCD?
Nikon D70 owners: My LCD stopped working tonight... [more inside]
the peace olympiad?
Every year this incredibly strange woman wanders up to my front door to solicit money for something she cryptically refers to as "the peace olympiad." Whenever I attempt to find out what this is and why I should give it money she simply explains that it's like the Olympics only it strives to promote peace and unity. I then ask what this means. And she repeats her original answer. I confess that I really have no idea what this group is or does and I don't feel comfortable giving it money. She then abruptly turns and walks to the next house.
My question: What the meep is the "peace olympiad"? I have found that it's run by some organization called EduServe...but I can't seem to find out much more than that. What exactly is this group? Is it some sort of cult or scam or is it some legitimate charity that just happens to have a very strange representative in my area? Has anyone else encountered solicitors for the peace olympiad? Is this an actual event? Are the peace olympiad competitors?
How did you cope with your parents moving away?
The boyfriend's parents are moving to South Carolina this weekend. We live in Philadelphia. They live(d) in New Jersey. We're both college age and have been out of "their" house for a year. He is completely distraught over this and I don't know what to do. Has anyone had to deal with parents moving away? What helped? What didn't help?
How can I stop acting dumb around my girlfriend?
How can I stop acting dumb around my girlfriend? [more inside]
How does changing jobs work?
I'm probably going to be taking a new job in the next couple of months. I'm currently at my first "real" job, so i have some questions for those of you who have done this before. [more inside]
July 28
Waiting between weight lifting and aerobics?
Strength training and aerobics: how much rest do I need after strength training and before aerobic exercise (swimming)? [more inside]
Amish discrimination?
Do you know of any examples of discrimination against the Amish in business?
Statute of Limitation on Theft?
Law Filter! My google-fu fails me. I need to find the statute of limitation on theft in order to justify an argument in a paper. [more inside]
Name that saint.
Can you help me identify a religious statue? [more inside]
Ooh! Mystery part!
TinfoilHatFilter. What is this strange unmarked part in my car? [more inside]
Help me bid on a freelance writing project.
Freelance writers: help a newbie make a bid on a writing project. [more inside]
books about india?
Can anyone recommend some good books on Indian (particularly South Indian) culture/history/politics/etc? [more inside]
What are your favorite extensions in Firefox?
How can I recover data from a mangled hard drive?
The hard drive on my fiancee's Windows machine has died, with our wedding plans, five weeks prior to our wedding. I've managed to duplicate the drive (with Unix's
), though not without errors severe enough to prevent me from booting it. Now what? [more inside]Oh, and the ability to air conduct along is always a plus
I'd like some recommendations for classical music. [more inside]
computer emulates molasses
Need help with a perplexing computer slowdown. [more inside]
"There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking - I suggest you try it"
Best technique for shaving one's nutsack. Anyone? Anyone?
os x mouse problems
having made the switch to a mac mini, 1gb ram, 80gb hdd, wireless options and running tiger, i bought a labtec usb optical mouse to go with my machine. after a while i found that it does it's own thing, and will occasionally lurch over to he left side of the screen for no apparent reason. [more inside]
Which barbeque/grill?
What kind of barbeque/grill should I get? [more inside]
Disneyland? Walt Disney World? WTF?
As a naive Aussie, I've always assumed that there was a (emphasis on 'a') magical place called Disneyland somewhere in the US. Now I find there's something called "Disneyland", and something else called "Walt Disney World", and they both seem to have multiple subparks. What's the difference between the two? Which would my 10- and 12-year old nieces enjoy more? Generic Disney trip tips / pointers to a guide online welcome.
What are we saying to the aliens?
The top of this little sign says, "This compressed message [from the NAIC-Arecibo Observatory] is a mathematical puzzle for an intelligent species to solve. The answer will reveal information about the Earth and its people." I got nothin'. Help?
Experiences with Lexapro anti-anxiety medication.
Does anyone have any experiences with the anti-anxiety medication Lexapro that they may be able to share? [more inside]
What made spiral markings on my zucchini?
What made this mysterious raised spiral marking on my zucchini? It came out of my garden today. [more inside]
Harassed by court
LegalFilter. Back in Feb I had a 10-mile-over ticket in Austin TX. I plead guilty at a court cashier cage, paid the fines, and applied for a defensive driving deferral, but was in the midst of the move and could not do the class. I figured the violation would just get put on my record. Now I'm getting letters from Austin threatening me with a warrant if I don't appear in front of a judge on Sept 8. [more inside]
Affordable and nice hotel in Manhattan
Looking for a nice hotel in nyc for <=$200 a night. I usually stay with friends, but they're all out of town, and I'm hoping someone can recommend a nice place for me and my special lady to stay in Manhattan. We're on our way somewhere else, so it's just for one night. I'm thinking lower Manhattan but flexible. Also, is it best to make reservations directly with the hotel or is orbitz etc a good strategy for finding a room?
Soundex for images of text
Does anyone know of a fairly fast algorithm for generating a "hash" of images which behaves like soundex, in that similar images have similar values? I know that's not possible in general, but I'm particularly interested in text - so what I really want is something that says "boo" is more like "bon" than "box" (in the character set I am using to type this, at least). You can assume no background noise, good orientation etc. [more inside]
Should I keep a box spring mattress?
Is there a reason I should continue to use a box spring mattress? [more inside]
select "order by occurrence" mysql
Does any one know how to find the most common result for a column returned from a mysql select request?
Picture of Mr. Wizard.
I'm looking for a picture of Don Herbert (Mr. Wizard) that got linked from AxMe a few weeks ago. [more inside]
iPod Shuffle Won't Charge
My iPod Shuffle just doesn't charge off my PC. [more inside]
Looking for liquor cart
Anybody know of any good, lesser- known, online furniture retailers out there? [more inside]
Windows XP macro recorder
I use Windows XP and am looking for a macro recorder to enable me to assign fixed strings to hotkeys. This should work for applications such as Exceed, Putty etc. It's for use at work so it needs to be a freebie. Can anyone recommend one?
Some like it hot
Why are New York subway platforms so hot? [more inside]
De-Americanize this my good man
I'm an American who lives in London, just got 1500US that I need to convert to pounds. Where should one go to get the most return for they're US money in London? Don't need a specific street corner or anything, but hoping for ideas how to get the most for my money.
Why does Party Shuffle in itunes not work?
Why does the random feature (party shuffle) on my itunes SUCK, IE work very badly.. [more inside]
Deal-breakers: Gestures and keybindings in Firefox OS X
Firefox deal-breakers. 1. Instead of scrolling the page, panning use the trackpad on OS X goes back one page in the cache. 2. I want to change the keybinding to so that control-click on a link opens in a new background tab, instead of in a new foreground tab. [more inside]
Music Recommendations?
There have been numerous questions about I like X music and want to find more like it.
What I want to know, besides the basics like All Music Guide, Pitchfork, etc... where do you go for recommendations for music?
Help opening links from Outlook 2003
I am having a problem with Outlook 2003. If I click on a hyperlink in an email message, a new internet explorer window is created instead of using the currently open internet explorer window. How can I change this? [more inside]
How to format a manuscript in a Windows text editor
I have to send a manuscript in the be edited and they've asked me to mark all italicized words with an underline and all bolded words with a wavy underline. I've never sent in an ms before so I am unsure how to go about doing this. Is it possible to format a document like this in MS Word? If not, is there another program I should be using? [more inside]
Name this font
Can anyone tell me the name of this font? [more inside]
staples in the microwave??
Is it really possible to make homemade microwave popcorn? [more inside]
Is Technorati broken?
Is Technorati broken? I have used it in the past to see who is linking to something, but now it misses even MetaFilter links. [more inside]
Content Management System for my personal website?
I am looking for a Community-style Content Management System to use as the platform for my personal web page. And a good hosting service. [more inside]
learning english as a spanish speaker
A friend of mine is trying to learn English (he is a Spanish speaker), and knows very little English. He lives in a Central American country, and I am going to send him a good book and some CDs for learning - they dont have English textbooks in his school. Can anyone suggest a good series on learning English for Spanish speakers? Is there a audio series that is really solid? Or books that are good? My Spanish is okay, but not enough to be making those kind of judgements.
Spanning mulit-mode for laptop
I have a laptop with a vga out - is there an external box or some sort of device that would allow me to have a spanning multi mode with two external monitors, in addition to the laptop? [more inside]
How can I prove my parents are my parents?
Canadian proof of parenthood - does such a thing exist? A bit of an obscure question I know, but I require some official, government-provided proof that my parents are, in fact, my parents. [more inside]
length of cardio workouts
I usually try to do aerobic exercise for 1.5 hours a day. Is it more beneficial to do 3 30-minute workouts or 2 45-minute workouts?
Where can a person get honest, objective opinions on their physical appearance?
Where can a person get honest, objective opinions on their physical appearance and what they can do to make themselves look better? [more inside]
Rediscovering sex with a long-time partner
I've lost interest in sex with my partner. [more inside]
(How|Where) does one find Google's (guide|help) on (searching|querying) using regular expressions?
Well, what do you know, err.. what do I know, Google does support some sort of regular expressions. However, I can't find the usage guide. Anyone?
A good walk spoiled?
Here's a physics/exercise question. If you walk over a closed course that varies in altitude over the course, is the energy expended the same going one way as the other? [more inside]
Mobile phones on the London Underground
Re: urban legends/mobile phones.
Yesterday there was a rumour circulating in London (I heard it from several different sources). The story was that if you were to call the generic European Union emergency number (not 999) from your mobile phone from a Tube, it would work even in underground tunnels. Is there any truth in this or is this just an urban legend post-7/7?
help needed finding a webpage with an image
ImageSearchFilter: I'm looking for a webpage with an image I should have bookmarked. Please help me find it! [more inside]
July 27
Tears for Fears Pharaohs "lyrics"?
Tears for Fears has a "b-side" instrumental song called Pharaohs. Does anyone know what the narrator is saying or reading from?
eMachines.. deal or rip-off?
Why are eMachines so cheap? [more inside]
Identify the mystery plant
I have a municipal garden plot in Montreal. Two plants have been invasive this year and one of them has me stumped. [more inside]
How do you deal with fear?
I got held up a gun-point about a week and a half ago. [more inside]
What font does USA Today use for headlines?
What font does USA Today use for their headlines? For example, "New year, new challenges" in this image: http://www.2001exhibit.org/press/img/usa_today.gif
For that matter, what's their logo font?
DSL in Ontario
DSL service in southwestern Ontario (Hamilton) [more inside]
typing accents
My wife wants to be able to put Spanish Accents in on our PC Laptop however we have not found a solution. Is there one for a PC Laptop Keyboard without using that Function method?
So, is it possible for a heterosexual female to meet women on the internet?
So, is it possible for a heterosexual female to meet women on the internet? [more inside]
Desktop video capture
What's the best program to use for capturing video from the desktop? Say, if I wanted to provide a visual tutorial in Photoshop that I could save as a video.
How to stand your ground / survive a confrontation
How to stand your ground / survive a confrontation [more inside]
cherry vodka recipe
Looking for a good cherry vodka recipe. [more inside]
Blues recommendations
I don't know anything about the blues but really like the sort of pounding ferocity of Muddy Waters' Mannish Boy. What else should I check out?
Independence or stability?
What's the best way to finance a small business? Or should I, at this junction? [more inside]
Skinny kitty
Wish I had his problem! Our lanky cat, who is two years old and in all respects healthy otherwise, is very skinny. How do we fatten him up? And should we? [more inside]
iTunes (windows) and the Command line...
Does anyone know if there a way to add a file to add an MP3 to my iTunes library, on Windows, using the command line? [more inside]
How do I invest leftily and lazily?
How can I find a financial advisor who specializes in investments that are in tune with my lefty sensibilities? [more inside]
exporting favorites
I am uber-tarded computer-wise and I need to know if it's possible to export my favorites off my msn page. They are vast and I cannot loose them, I am moving to another state and will not be using msn again. Therefore, I will no longer have access to them. Any ideas, any help?
Moving to La-La Land
I'm moving to LA soon and have two questions.
First, I have a rental budget of around $1200 to $1500 a month for a one-bedroom (not a studio!). I want to live close enough to enjoy all that LA has to offer but not so close that I have to pay way more for a lot less. Any ideas on areas of town, specific rental agencies, websites, complexes, etc.
Second, is living out there really all that much more expensive than saying living in Houston, Texas for example? Can anyone offer specifics on what costs so much.
How do I get rid of weeds in a newly seeded lawn?
I recently seeded a new lawn, about 50x150 feet, in buffalo grass seed. the entire thing is now sprouting in bindweed. is there anything I can do to get rid of bindweed without killing the seedlings? I have been hand pulling them, but it takes approximately 20 hours each weekend. I'm open to any suggestions.
What should my child do now on the internet?
My 4 year old has outgrown the internet. [more inside]
Mac Migration
I am a PC person, but I was given an old Power Mac G4. I am setting it up for my son. The hard drive holds about 9.5 Gigs, and will be filled up by his iTunes collection rather fast. Can I (i.e. should I) (a) swap out the hard drive for a bigger one, (b) add a second internal drive, (c) use an external hard drive, or (d) other? Please help this Mac novice navigate the mental migration from the PC world. Thanks.
Help me get away without going broke
Please help me plan a week-long vacation for two people for $2000. All crazy ideas welcome! [more inside]
Equity Loans
Help me buy a pre-construction house with my equity. [more inside]
When and how often should I water my lawn?
In in New Jersey. How often should I be watering my lawn, and what time of the day should I do it? [more inside]
Boom goes the Powerbook...or maybe not
it-still-may-explode-but-i'll-take-my-chances-filter: I received my replacement Powerbook battery from Apple - Am I obligated to return the old one? [more inside]
Like, totally?
California stereotypes: What do East Coasters really think about Californians? [more inside]
How to excite my child about learning...?
Seeking books on supplemental home schooling and helping teach your kids. [more inside]
Shape my future, please.
Are programmers fun? In the long run, is programming fun? [more inside]
"Bright eyes, burning like fire ..."
Help me find this cat tribute. [more inside]
I'm playing (oracle) DBA for a day over the next two weeks and need to create public synonyms for all tables in a schema. How would I go about doing so? [more inside]
Please recommend small form factor Linux servers
Where can I buy an inexpensive small form factor Linux server with a hard drive? [more inside]
Real or fake?
Is this a Paul Klee watercolor or not? [more inside]
Name the eight-pointed star
Is there a name for the eight-pointed star pictured here?
Is equipments a legitimate English word?
Dry me a river
OK, I'm stumped. Where can I buy desiccants - today? [more inside]
php/mysql ticketing systems
Can anyone suggest some good php/mysql ticketing systems to review? 'Tis for tech support tickets. Thanks.
Help! I Need a Blog of My Own!
Please Help Me. I need a blog. I am so busy and scattered, though. I post stuff all over the place, and I try to connect with folks with snippets. I think a blog would work for me, even in it got few hits. But since I am so busy, I don't have much time to learn detailed shortcuts, software, etc. I would like to find a place on the web where it is easy to post stuff in a cool layout, including of course links, pix, etc. Maybe with sidebars, contact info, etc. It would also be nice if it were within a community of bloggers. And maybe "Blog" is the wrong term, as it might be simply a personal web page. But a blog seems more interactive, and I want that. My interests are eclectic, but they include radical social, and personal, change. Will you please help me with ideas? Thanks! [more inside]
Fruity booze! Tell me cocktail recipes
Got any good cocktail recipes with fresh fruit?
Help me with SPSS
I have an SPSS question about linear vs. curvilinear models [more inside]
Help my cat stop being such a pussy
I recently adopted two kittens from a friend who took in a stray litter. They were stray for approximately 4-5 weeks and one of them is extremely skittish around humans. He is young and I expect him to come around, but do you have any tips for helping him learn to trust me? [more inside]
Company Health Insurance: What is the normal deal?
I just started working at a company where health insurance kicks in after 90 days, you pay half for a year, and then the company picks up the full cost. Is this normal? [more inside]
How do I get Apple Remote Desktop and Windows VNC working together?
How do I access, configure, and support Apple's Remote Desktop on OS X from VNC and Windows? [more inside]
What to buy for 35th Anniversary?
35th Anniversary present? Help! [more inside]
July 26
How many people have worked on Linux?
How many programmers are capable of contributing to Linux? Of those, how many have contributed, since Linux began?
Database Illusions
Does some database have the wrong idea about me?
I live with 4 otherwise nice and "normal" guys who all drink a fair amount of beer, and I am the designated beer go getter. I almost always use my ATM/debit or credit card and grocery membership card. [more inside]
Why shouldn't I move to South Korea?
I'm told I'm a shoo-in for an ESL job in South Korea. When I graduate with a BA in English next May, I could move down to South Korea and teach English for a year. Known pros are the mobile tech, friendly people, and first chance to see a radically different culture. The pay's supposed to be good ($3k a month) and the program sets my housing up. So what could the cons be? And am I missing any pros? I'd especially appreciate advice from former SK residents.
Name a movie with Frenchmen trapped in a bunker complex?
LostMovieFilter: Men trapped in a bunker complex by an invading armada’s bombardment try to carry on with life. Or something like that. [more inside]
Heat Pump vs Standard
Our air conditioner is going out and has to be replaced. We are likely going to replace it with two standard units as the single unit has never heated or cooled the entire house evenly. The heating/air guy said that would be ideal but would cost 8-10 thousand vs 4 thousand or less if we just bought a new 5 ton unit. However the electric company is offering to loan people the money if they want to buy heat pumps. Not having a lot of extra money right now, that is tempting IF heat pumps are likely to do the job, which I am not sure about. [more inside]
Favorite Guitar Solos
Inspired by this thread and this comment, my mefite compadres, I ask you: what are your favorite guitar solos?
Help me find a CD by the Norwegian band named "Yelp"
In a blue thread in December 2004, there was a link to video of a bunch of base jumpers from Norway. I've been trying to find a CD of the music that's played as the soundtrack to that video for the past 10 months with no luck. [more inside]
Veterinarians ever heard of Subutex?
Can anyone explain the difference between Subutex and Buprenex, specifically the dosing and effectiveness, for veterinary usage? (Kitty Cat) [more inside]
What is a good setup for recording conversations in person?
What is a good setup for recording conversations in person? [more inside]
On Being a Landlord
Is it worth it to be a landlord? [more inside]
You poker, you brought 'er.
Online Poker: How do people play differently when you move from play to real money? And what e-wallet solution do you recommend? [more inside]
what are some good ways for a creative person to make money? (the problem is no business know-how)
what are some good ways for a creative person to make money? (the problem is no business know-how) [more inside]
Paper gifts for 1st wedding anniversary?
Those of you who gave the gift of paper for the first anniversary of your wedding: What did you give? [more inside]
complete NYC n00b seeks assistance
NewYorkVirginFilter: I'm going to New York on business in early August, and I'll have two blocks of time free: 4pm - midnight-ish, and 8am - 2pm the following morning. I am so clueless. [more inside]
no, I'm not a back door man
I have haemorrhoids. Do I need to do anything about them? [more inside]
Safe P2Ping
What sort of protection do you use when you use p2p programs? [more inside]
Recommendation for the future
I am going to graduate school in the fall (for what should be about a five year stint) and am wondering what / if I should do about getting a recommendation from my current boss. [more inside]
Ocean Wonders Aquarium tune?
Fisher-Price's Ocean Wonders Aquarium plays three songs: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," Brahms' "Lullaby," and a heartbreakingly beautiful melody I've never heard elsewhere that's its default setting. Anyone have any idea what it's called, or (even better) who composed it?
Place to get T-shirts
T-shirts. I'm in a small town and the only place with T-shirts is Wal-Mart (which has only Budweiser & NASCAR shirts by Faded Glory). So where can I buy a bunch of cool (even geeky) T-shirts online but without paying $15 a pop? [more inside]
Sell a trademark?
A relative of mine has come up with a perfect acronym. Is there money to be made? [more inside]
Commodore PET Gold Mining Game??
Okay.. this (believe it or not) is the question that caused me to pay the $5 and join mefi...
Does anyone remember the Commodore PET? Our high school (back in 1983'ish) had 3 of these things and the best thing about them was this gold mining game. You'd move your little ascii (actually, PETSCII I think) guy around and you'd run into a solid block to mine it for gold. You might find gold.. or nothing.. or even a spring that would flood the whole cave.
Does anyone remember this game? Did someone ever re-do it for Palm or PocketPC? I'd even settle for finding it on a PET emulator if such a thing existed.
Using Notebook Computer as CD-Player
Sound output of notebook computer (Powerbook) too low to drive Bose Wave Radio input; inexpensive solution? [more inside]
Is shipping insurance worth it?
Is shipping insurance worth it?
I'm no Rodney Dangerfield...
I want to quit my job and go to school. [more inside]
TV madness
Anyone every buy a large TV online? [more inside]
Why shorten "Democratic"?
"Democratic Party" vs. "Democrat Party" -- why? [more inside]
Can I get notifications of power outages by e-mail?
Our dog stays at home while we're out working. She does fine and has people walking her on most days, but with the generally unreliable nature of electric power on hot Virginia days, I worry that the house may lose power and heat up to an uncomfortable temperature while my wife and I are at work.
Does anyone have any experience with an inexpensive, easy-to-setup way for me to get an e-mail alert if the power goes out or the temperature gets to a certain point? This looks neat, but if the house loses power it won't do me much good.
How to talk to an insurance company?
My fiancé is having very rare hip surgery soon. Very few surgeons in the area perform it - she's found the one she wants - only problem is her insurance doesn't recognize him. What are some steps she can take to to help convince her insurance to give this guy the green light? [more inside]
Auto-sort Windows Favorites?
Is there any way to have my Favorites in Windows Explorer (XP Pro) be automatically sorted in alpha order?
itunes is messed up!
Help! My itunes is acting funny. [more inside]
photo developing
anyone recommend a good -- and affordable -- place to develop photos in new york city? I have a few rolls of t100-max black and white film, which I would also need a good deal on, and I don't want to go to the numerous fried-chicken-cum-photo-developing outfits splashed all over the city.
We're a Gah-rahge Band...
Can I run OS X and GarageBand on an old (ca. 2000) Mac cube? [more inside]
Convert Postscript Type 1 font to TrueType for free?
FontFilter: Convert Postscript Type 1 font to TrueType for free? [more inside]
How can I make my backyard more comfortable?
How can I make my backyard more comfortable? [more inside]
Lingusitics texts?
What book do I want? In the interest of self-improvement, I have decided to study linguistics and I am trying to find a book that would provide a good overview of the subject. I would like something a bit more enjoyable/readable than a typical textbook, but I would also like to get a fairly broad structural overview including references to other sources. I know so little about the science that I am unsure if "linguistics" is too broad of a term; if it is any help I was a huge fan of the Wittgensteinian school of philosophy back in my college days.
How to allocate rooms in a rented space in the fairest fashion?
A house with 7 rooms of varying quality is being split between 7 college students. The rent is a fixed amount. The students place differeng importance on the value of their money vs. the size of the rooms they will get. What is the best method of allocating the rooms so that everyone is optimally happy? [more inside]
indestructible plush dog toy?
They can put a man on the moon, but they can’t make an indestructible plush dog toy? My dog loves the stuffed animals, but is extremely rough on them. Even the best ones are unstuffed or decapitated within a couple of weeks. Any leads on durable furries?
email copyright
Who owns email copyright? [more inside]
Greatest rock instrumentals?
What are the greatest rock instrumentals of all time? (i.e., not jazz, electronica, funk, etc.)
How much do strangers abroad get paid when their photos are used in American ad campaigns?
A friend of mine has a question about how (and how much) people in so-called third world and developing countries get paid when their images are used in American ad campaigns. [more inside]
How can I teach myself to shave?
I'm a 23-year-old guy who's never used a real razor to shave -- I've only ever used electrics. (Why? Because I'm a pussy and can't bear to think about cutting myself.) I've recently started to think that the electric shave is less than ideal, and that proper shaving would be a good life skill to have. Of course, it'd be a little awkward to ask Dad to show me how like everybody else, since I'm not thirteen and he's in another state. How can I teach myself to use a razor without causing myself grievous injury? What kind of razor gives me the smallest chance of cutting myself? Am I ridiculous for even asking about this?
What kind of flag is this?
What flag is a black and white American flag, with black triangles instead of stars? [more inside]
Can I hand wash my clothes in the bathtub?
Can I hand wash my clothes in the bathtub? [more inside]
Memorial advice?
Are there resources out there for planning a memorial service? [more inside]
How can I keep lightning from destroying my stuff?
I'm losing a lot of electronic gadgets to lightning strikes. What are the best ways to prevent further damage? [more inside]
Business Thank You Gifts and Gestures
Business Thank you Gifts, what's too much? what's just enough? [more inside]
Learning to be a grown-up
What do you want to be when you grow up? How are you working to be that person? [more inside]
Pilling sheets
Any tips for keeping sheets from pilling? [more inside]
Can you recognize this scene?
Can you recognize this scene: two soldiers, which I remember as the last two men alive, are shown killing each other, with guns from a distance I think. It is from an *animated* film, probably meant for children, that I watched possibly 10 years or so ago, but I don't really remember--I just have this vague recollection. I think they were wearing gas masks and there was possibly a voiceover, but again, I'm not sure about anything. I am guessing that it must have been a movie about animals or something, or in any case about something non-human, where this scene was used in a kind of "oh, the naughty past" way. Any suggestions of what movie this might be from would be greatly appreciated!
Razor Burn Debaucle
Yesterday, I foolishly shaved my entire nether region.
While it looked lovely immediately afterwards it is now an itchy, rash-ridden, horror show. I need some suggestions on how to make the itching stop and the bumps go away fast!
Overcoming motion sickness
I'd like to read during my commute, but get motion sickness when I do. Any tips on overcoming this annoying malady? [more inside]
My home draft system likes to pur foamy beer!
Beer At Home becomes Foam At Home. As a wedding gift, Banjo and I recently acquired a Sanyo home draft system. The problem is that it dispenses at a foam-to-beer ratio of 3-to-1. What to do? [Pour Inside] [more inside]
Recommendations for Linux Virtual Server Hosts
Recommendations for a good, reliable Linux Virtual Server host? Any good experiences? Any really bad ones? things to look out for? Root access and ability to install custom software is a must as is serving multiple domains. Price is definitely a factor, but reliability is more important. [more inside]
Where can I get cheap basic clothing online?
I need to get some clothing staples for a young woman. She needs basic underwear, socks, t-shirts; you know, the standards. Anyone know of a good place to go? Target, Wal-mart, etc. all seem to not sell this sort of thing online.
Diamond hardness
If diamonds are the hardest substance known to man, how can you cut them? [more inside]
Spread it on toast!
How do I make excellent roasted garlic? [more inside]
exporting pagemaker files to database
I am running in a graphics environment (pagemaker) and would like to extract the information to a database. Does anyone know of a program that can export this to a format that excel or access can use.
Hearing the wrong language
I live in Japan, and I speak the language only at a pretty minimal level. Occasionally when out in public I'll overhear someone's conversation, and I could swear they're speaking English, but then I'll realize they're actually speaking Japanese. The two languages sound nothing alike, so this is obviously something going on in my head. So linguaphiles, my question is: is there a name for this mishearing of a language?
Accepting shares in a company
We build web-based software. A friend who owns an established company is offering a portion of her company's shares in return for our involvement in leading her business' venture into e-commerce, knowing well that it has to be a long-term commitment.
What are the benefits of being a shareholder in a company? What should I look out for, and what should I expect in return? Do I draw a monthly director's fee? What are my liabilities? How do I determine the company's share values?
Is white alright?
I want to paint my room white...but everyone thinks white is too harsh.... [more inside]
Record Skype conversations?
What's the best (and cheapest) way to record a Skype conversation?
Superimpose images on php webpages
I do websites. I'm looking for a PHP/Javascript script that superimposes a link or image to webpages that are below a certain directory on the server. Any geeks with ideas?
July 25
Is discounted "courier" air fare still available?
Has the courier option fallen prey to 9/11 security, or is it still possible to travel at heavily discounted prices? [more inside]
Opinions on cleaning services?
I'm a single guy, 30 years old .. finding out that I'm spending too much time cleaning my house .. and I suck at it ;) I really think time spent cleaning would be better spent on work and a side business I have .. Wondering if you all had opinions on a cleaning service like Molly Maid. [more inside]
Shelving Solutions for Books
Searching for modern, modular, attractive shelving for books. [more inside]
WHat else can I do about my ant problem?
Ant Problem, is there anything else I can do? a few days ago I found a few ants in my kitchen so I set up a few an traps hoping I could catch the few that where there, the next morning I woke up and found many many ants swarming an area of my kitchen and storage room. [more inside]
Advice for Those Considering a Joint Venture...
My small business is considering starting a partnership / joint venture with a smaller scale operation based in Asia (we are in the US). They have good connections, we have a good organization to do the work. Can anyone recommend a website or book that offers good advice to those considering partnerships / joint ventures?
What do pilots do during long flights?
What do pilots do in the cockpit during extremely long flights? [more inside]
Buying a Telescope for My Son
I want to buy my son, who is turning six, a telescope for his birthday. I don't want to spend a fortune, but one site I looked at for advice said anything less than $300 is a piece of junk. Anyone have any advice (including specific models) on one I can by this budding astronomer for $100 or less?
Feline Move Post Coast-to-Coast
I am moving from the West Coast to the East Coast and I'm wondering what the best way to move my beloved cat. I was originally going to bring her on my flight as a carry-on, but I'm thinking that the plane ride may be too long in a small pet carrier. There is also the option of checking her in as luggage, but most airlines don't allow this in the summer months (i.e. the time I'm moving). Any suggestions? Shipping is also an option; any suggestions on airline-friendly kennels that can attach water and food? Also, to sedate or not to sedate?
We are the wrong people to promote our product! hello?!
Help dear Mefites! Could you price our promotional catalogue? [more inside]
Getting around LAX
International travel for dummies. [more inside]
Freelance design ate my brain!
Calling all freelance graphic designers! I need your assistance with a question of pricing. [more inside]
Corporate extortion
Advice needed on resolving what I consider essentially an attempt at extortion by Vesta Corporation (processors for prepaid Cingular cellphones). [more inside]
Anyone ever heard of a digital music receiver for DirecTV?
I've finally noticed and started enjoying the digital music channels that came with my DirecTV setup. But it's kind of silly to use my home theater system and DirecTV receiver just to hear some music. Does anyone know how I could hack this kind of satellite music playback into a separate stereo system? Anyone ever heard of a digital music receiver for DirecTV?
Konfabulator Fuss?
The sites that I frequent have been abuzz with the news that Konfabulator has been purchased by Yahoo. Having since downloaded Konfabulator, I must ask: What's the big deal? [more inside]
Steering clear of the IRS
IANAL, so I need your help. At what point does a small activity group with some money in the bank need to worry about attracting IRS attention? [more inside]
48 or 12 Volts for my condenser mic?
MicrophoneFilter: Should I connect my MXL 990 condenser mics to preamps providing 12V or 48V of phantom power? [more inside]
What TV show is this?
When I was in elementary school (mid-late 70's) there used to be a Christian tv drama that I would watch on Sundays when nothing else was on. I remember the production values as being fairly poor, and it was usually somewhat depressing, with characters yelling at each other and a moral at the end that no one could miss. Elizabeth Taylor was on one episode. Was it made by the Lutherans? Google hasn't helped me.
What is this scale on the compass?
What is this scale on this compass (see inside)?
How is it used? [more inside]
what's a good military watch?
I'd like to buy a new watch, a rugged military sort of thing. Problem is, every company says theirs is the one the actual military uses, and they all seem to boast the same qualities. Does anyone know a good, authentic high-quality pilot's or such watch that's not outrageously expensive?
finding a place for a tryst
I havent seen my girlfriend in months, cause ive been traveling abroad. Im in graduate school and happen to crashing at my parents home for two weeks, which is where she is. Shell be in town for a weekend, and we really can´t have sex at my parents house, but we want to still have somewhere to be intimate. [more inside]
Will this be a "Chasing Amy" sequel?
I've been dating a wonderful guy for a month or so and have slowly come to the realization that while he has had relationships with women in the past, his social circle definitely views him as gay. I know each situation is unique, and I'm just going to have to keep the lines of communication open and see where this goes, but I'd like to hear what people's experience has been in other situations like this.
Why does my stereo screech at certain pitches?
I recently moved my stereo to a new location. After I reassembled it, it started making screeching noises whenever a certain pitch is hit. [more inside]
Getting a car from A to B
International auto shipping recommendations wanted... [more inside]
Bang on the drum all day
Help me find some great percussion-heavy music. [more inside]
Battlefield 2 multiplayer, worth it for the casual gamer?
I'm looking into buying Battlefield 2, for the multiplayer experience. Can anyone comment on the ability to accomodate the casual gamer? I've always been turned off by multiplayer games as it seems only a select few who play all day control the flow of the game. Is it easy to just pick up a quick game here and there? [more inside]
AlcoholFilter: Drinking sambouca - best way?
Whats the best way to drink sambouca? [more inside]
Hotel recommendation for Ocean City, MD
Recommend me a good ocean-front hotel in Ocean City, MD, kthxbi.
fact or fiction: police officers monthly ticket quota?
Help me sort fact from fiction: do police officers in the US have a monthly quota or target (official or unofficial) for the number of tickets they need to issue?
good enough is the enemy of the great
Quotation filter -- who first said: "'Good enough' is the enemy of the great"? [more inside]
Help me plan an awesome birthday party in Chicago.
Help me plan the most awesomest rockin' birthday party in Chicago. [more inside]
Why does a sandwich taste better if someone else makes it?
Why does a sandwich made by someone else always taste better than one you make yourself?
Lodgings in Roseburg?
Where should we stay in or around Roseburg, OR? [more inside]
What is the easiest way to edit video from a DVD?
What is the easiest way to edit video from a DVD, and then be able to burn it back to DVD? [more inside]
Help finding a bee decoration
A friend of mine is starting a catering business focusing on sweets. She has decided that her theme for her menus, business cards, etc will be an in-motion bee. She would like to continue this theme to her desserts as kind of a signature. Any ideas where to find bulk quantities of a tastefully rendered bee that would look appropriate attached to, or set along side, a dessert. I'm picturing something the size of a quarter or half-dollar. Thanks in advance!
Please go rob my neighbor instead
Home Security: The doors currently on my house would be laughably easy to break through. I'm planning to replace them with solid wood doors with metal strips reinforcing the jamb, and serious deadbolts (with long screws securing them.) Is there anything I'm missing (so far as securing doors go)? [more inside]
What are the chances two rich, white Americans are related?
During the 2004 election, I'm sure we all heard that George W. Bush and John Kerry were related. But given any two people of similar backgrounds, what are the chances that they are related? [more inside]
hotmail is leaving me out in the cold
When I try to log into hotmail, I get this error: "The operation timed out when attempting to contact..." This has been going on for a week. Yet my husband can get into his hotmail account just fine. I've tried logging in using Firefox and IE, but I get the error in both browsers. I've tried on my desktop and my laptop. Neither works. My husband can get into his hotmail using any browser and any PC. What gives? Does hotmail have a vendetta against me?
Recommend songs about UFOs
The recent release of two albums with songs about UFO sightings inspires me to ask for recommendations of other UFO songs. [more inside]
Would I be comitting fraud?
I'm thinking about starting a new student bank account in the UK as well as my current one. But I need some advice. [more inside]
Sergei Lukyanenko, the author of Nightwatch or Nochnoj dozor
I've been trying to find the official website of Sergei Lukyanenko, the author of Nightwatch or Nochnoj dozor, an epic trilogy about a battle between the forces of good and evil. The interesting thing here is that a. this is being compared to LOTR or the Matrix, b. its Russian, c. it was a huge hit in Russia. The film's reviews seem intriguing... However I'm trying to find the book which is apparently available for download on his official website. [more inside]
Contact management web application?
Can anybody recommend a good, free, preferably open source php-mysql contact management web application I can install on my own server?
Time to complain
I have a three-year-old Swiss Army officers watch that I took to a (trusted) jeweler last week to have the battery replaced. The next day condensation appeared inside the glass and now the thing has gone kaput. It had been working fine up until the battery died (and for a few hours after it was replaced). Do you think the jeweler is liable...or am I out of luck? Any advice before I return to the jeweler to complain?
Make over my feet!
Somewhere underneath the sweaty cracked calluses and ragged toenails are cute, soft, dry feet. My eyes are also about to crack from the countless products and incredible secret formulas available on Google. What can I do to get foot-model feet without breaking the bank? I'm a bit wary of just smearing random condiments on my feet (mayonaise, vinegar, etc) and hoping for the best. Any home or all-natural treatments worked for anyone? My SO thanks you in advance for your advice.
Smoke Detector Installation
Installing a smoke detector - do we need an electrician? [more inside]
How do I teach a coworker basic Unix skills?
How do I get a coworker to learn basic Unix skills? [more inside]
nicotine addiction
So, I quit smoking some ten days ago. How long before my brain starts working properly again? [more inside]
Never smile at a crocodile?
I'm reading Princesses, by Flora Fraser (which, OT, is a bit too much like school to be really enjoyable) and am interested in a term I don't understand. [more inside]
How can I work some booze into my food recipes?
Over the years, my wife and I have managed to accumulate many bottles of different kinds of alcohol. For the most part, though, we don't drink it, and it's just taking up space. So we're looking for culinary ways to use it. What good recipes do folks have that use stuff like rum, vodka, schnaps, etc.? Wine and beer recipes are welcome, too, although we're mostly trying to get rid of harder stuff. Anything from sauces to marinades to whatever would be great.
Burn Winamp playlist contents
I have a Winamp playlist containing hand-picked individual MP3 files from within a 12Gig directory structure. Is there an easy way to give this to Nero so I can burn my playlist ? Any other way to burn just the contents of the playlist, for free of course ?
Indian in spanish?
In common speech, how do people in spanish speaking/ latin-american countries differentiate between an indigenous person (~indio) and a person from India? Is there a separate word for someone from India?
What's the best way to learn to surf?
What's the best way to learn to surf? Can I teach myself, or should I pay for lessons? [more inside]
July 24
Help me make a sensual dinner.
FoodPornFilter: Help me make a sensual meal. (Mildy NSFW text inside, possible TMI) [more inside]
How do I convert a text list of songs into a working music playlist file?
Is there an easy way to convert a text list of songs (in "Artist - Song" format) into a working playlist? What I'm trying to do is take the Audioscrobbler Top Tracks list, and load it into Winamp. [more inside]
Removing moss from my roof?
Home&GardenFilter: I am looking for a non-toxic way to control moss on my roof, preferably homemade. [more inside]
Find me the superbestest wallet ever!
Find me the superbestest wallet ever! [more inside]
Help me get to the bottom of this ...
Is there a doctor in the house?
Does the human body contain one gluteus maximus muscle (spanning both buttocks) or two (one at the top of each leg)? [more inside]
What to plant under a tree
I have a garden bed underneath a deciduous tree (a nectarine it so happens). At the moment it looks great, there are jonquils, freesias and all sorts of other winter and spring flowering bulbs coming up all over (this is southern hemisphere). From about November through until May however, it's basically barren. Is there such a thing as a shade loving, low water use ground cover that small bulbs could successfully grow through? [more inside]
How can I save baby birds from being flushed down the downspout?
What's the worst place to build your nest and lay your eggs? Above a downspout seems to me a pretty bad choice. [more inside]
How do you best support a survivor of childhood abuse?
How do you best support a survivor of childhood abuse? [more inside]
Help me learn how to neck!
How do you make out? [more inside]
I've never read the paper and now at 30+ want to educate myself on Politics, Gov, Current Events, World History, etc. Where to start?
I'm over 30 and probably know as much or less about history, politics/ gov, and current events as my 7 year old niece. Now, I want to be aware and don't know where to begin. I've tried just "merging in" but the references, terms, and names are lost on me. I need a starting point that will give me a framework or bird's eye view to start from and build on. [more inside]
lying to your girlfriend's parents?
Lying to your girlfriend's parents...yay or nay? [more inside]
Which textual message would you have tattooed on your body?
If you would have to choose a quote, verse, lyric, poem or other textual message to have tattooed on your body, what would it be? In what way is that text significant to you? Which body part would you put it on? Which representation system would you use?
Urban Studies Texts
Cities and Urban Studies: I'm looking for well-researched books which provide insight into the ever-evolving project of the city and its function(s). Aside from the few classics I'm familiar with--Jane Jacobs' and Ken Jackson's books--can you recommend any exemplary texts? I'm particularly interested in studies of the (post)modern city: issues of future planning, class & diversity, municipal economies, and the role of private vs. public resources.
Can you recommend a camera phone?
Can you recommend a camera phone? I want something small, comfortable to talk on, that takes good pictures (for a camera phone), and has email access for sending photos off to flickr. [more inside]
Apartment appliance puzzle game
Help me with my laundry/dishwasher/anti-plumbing grand master plan? [more inside]
Zombie calls?
Someone I know is getting multiple phone calls per day to their cell phone from an unlisted "Private Number" (so says the cell screen). The caller hangs up after about 10 seconds without saying anything. Nothing can be heard in the background, except possibly a rustling sound. Because of the nonresponse, it is unclear whether a human is making the call or if it is somehow automated. [more inside]
Stay or Go?
Shall I leave my job tomorrow? [more inside]
How to right align a line break in HTML?
How do I right align a line break in HTML? I can right align a paragraph, but I don't want the double space in between my lines. Can I create a paragraph that doesn't double space? I want to be able to quote someone on my site, then list the source directly under the quote, aligned right, without the double space.
DVD-R and CD drives no longer work.
My DVD-ReWritable drive and my regular ol' CD-Rom drive are all of a sudden not working anymore. They worked fine last night, but now the computer doesn't even see them to list them. [more inside]
July 23
How much does it cost to send a letter to an FPO address?
My googlefu has failed me. How much does it cost to send a letter to an FPO AP address? [more inside]
What motivated Bill Gates?
What motivated Bill Gates?
Traffic shaping with a cheap consumer router
Are there any inexpensive home routers with support for traffic shaping? I'm willing to load third-party firmware as long as it's stable and cheap. [more inside]
Healthy vs. Unhealthy Nuts
I am trying to add more nuts to my diet (specifically almonds) but want to make sure I'm eating the right ones. Do tins of Planters mixed nuts or Blue Diamond smoked almonds have the same nutritional benefits of raw or dry-roasted nuts that I can find in the local Whole Foods store? [more inside]
Narcotic (legal) advice.
Psst. Been on a Narcotic long? I could use your advice. [more inside]
getting netBSD on an old mac
So I have these old macs (Power Macintosh 5500/225, Power Macintosh 6500/275 and a Power Macintosh 4400/200)... and I am obsessed with putting netBSD or a similar *nix operating system on them. [more inside]
Questions about moving to a new place...
So after 12 years in the same apartment I'm considering moving. However, I'm a little terrified and have a few general moving questions. [more inside]
How to switch cellphones?
I'm trying to switch my cell phone from the LG VX4400B to a Motorola V60, both of which are branded by Verizon, my carrier. How do I go about doing this? [more inside]
Dvr possibilities?
DVR possibilities? Are there smaller companies that make computers ready to go like a tivo, only not a tivo? [more inside]
Grout advice?
Any tips on applying the grout to a newly-stone-veneered fireplace? Specifically, I was wondering if the grout level should be consistently laid into the crevices level with the flattest (least projecting) piece of stone. Any other advice welcome, as well!
I've gained 30+ lbs due to laziness. What's gotten you motivated to lose the weight? [more inside]
water on air compressor
Home HVAC filter: a/c compressors... [more inside]
Wanted: Support
Do you have a bra that you just love? Tell me about it. [more inside]
Help my car look less ghetto
Help me decide what to do about the unsightly paint on my Honda Civic's bumper. [more inside]
How can I fix my network connection?
I can't connect my computer to my router or modem. [more inside]
Crash course in Pantone
Can anyone here point me in the right direction for a crash course in screenprint ink mixing, ink formulas and Pantone color matching?
How can I display more windows at once more easily?
I'm a self-admitted computer freak, and I primarily run Windows XP. On average, I have at least 5 windows open. I have a 20" flat panel, and I want to display multiple programs at once in a simple fashion. Is there software that can do this? Or should I, as I'm planning to do now, purchase another monitor?
Limiting Brush Strokes while Painting a Floor?
I recently removed the carpet in my guest room in the hopes of salvaging the 1924 long leaf pine hardwood floors....... (painting question) [more inside]
What do you give a host who has just had his wisdom teeth out?
What would you bring to a dinner party when one of the hosts just had his wisdom teeth out? [more inside]
Wayne's World poster
Can someone please explain this Wayne's World poster to me? What's with the three fingers?
Butter bell?
Anyone here use a butter bell? I love the idea of spreadable butter all the time, but I'm afraid of it going rancid. It looks good in theory, but I'm wondering if anyone here has actually tried it.
Buying music rights?
I need information about buying rights to music outright. [more inside]
Preserving & Presenting An Old Mirror?
I need your advice on preserving and presenting an old mirror. [more inside]
Help me delete a read-only WinXP folder.
I need to delete a read-only folder in WinXP. Hope me MetaFilter! [more inside]
Comcast internet woes and questioning VOIP
Wanted to seek some advise about my Comcast internet connection and tech support problems which seem to happen almost two three times a year. It always makes me question myself for using VOIP (Vonage) for my phone service. [more inside]
smoke on the camry
After my friend put 5030 oil into his 1990 Toyota Camry Wagon, it began belching white smoke and the engine's overheating. What's going on, what can be done and how serious is this? He fears he destroyed his car through bad oil choices.
How to to find deals on cell phones without new service?
Is there anyway to find good deals on cell phones without new service? [more inside]
blogger help!
How can I create "additional" pages on my Blogger site? [more inside]
How much is "one cup"?
How much is "one cup", as referenced in North American recipes? [more inside]
Wireless ethernet processor requirements
Wireless ethernet cards: how much processor power do they require? [more inside]
July 22
How to copy from HFS+ to FAT32?
A friend of mine is having trouble copying files from Mac HFS+ to a FAT32 drive, and I'm stumped. [more inside]
My nose did something very odd (potentially icky question)
This may be considered a little disgusting for some - it involves ingrown nasal hairs and a MYSTERIOUS DEVELOPMENT (queue twilight zone music) [more inside]
US-Mideast relations since WWI
Inspired by Ken Livingstone's remarks here, I would like to read a good historical account of US-Mideast relations from WWI to the present; a good comprehensive primer which covers the various US-backed dictators, oil relationships, arms deals, elections and so forth. Of the books you've read on this topic, what's the best, most sober & objective book covering the last century of US-Mideast relations?
Where can I learn more about Native American History during the 19th. Century?
This evening I watched the final episode of "Into the West" on TNT.
After watching the series, I realize that I know very little about Native American history - most particularly during the period depicted - roughly 1827 - 1892 [PDF].
What resources (books, DVD's, etc.) do you recommend from which I can learn more - particularly from a Native American perspective?
Crossing the border without a passport?
Me and a friend were planning a road trip to Canada in the next few coming weeks, but she has a problem: her passport expired, and her expired copy was destroyed. Is there any possible way to cross the border with only American identification documents?
Chocolate-covered monkey on my back
Sugar=heroin?: Is sugar really strongly physically addictive, or are these claims just the latest novelty from the diet industry? [more inside]
Japanese acapella music
A few years ago on a college radio station I heard a song that I'd like to find again. Acapella, girls, Japanese lyrics. The DJ said the name of the band was something like the Candy Eye Suckers or the Candy Eye Poppers or the Candy Eye Sockers. Either the song or the LP/EP may have been called "bakapella". None of these vaguely remembered terms seem to yield anything from google. Ring any bells?
Why don't police walk around parking lots and give out tickets for uninspected vehicles?
Why don't police walk around parking lots and give out tickets for uninspected vehicles?
can tiredness be quantified?
is it possible to measure exactly how tired someone is? how would that be done?
Why do stores turn on the AC full-blast, then leave the doors open?
Why do so many clothing stores in southern California leave their doors open with the AC on and blasting into the scorching heat outside, even though we're in the middle of an energy crisis? I'm referring specifically to a Banana Republic store in an outdoor shopping district in Pasadena, California, but I've also seen this in other SoCal areas as well. Is this some marketing gimmick meant to entice customers away from the heat? Or do some employees really don't know any better?
Meaning of 'moment of zen'?
What is a 'moment of (something) zen'? I keep seeing this (on blogs in particular) and I don't know what it means. [more inside]
How would one sharpen their tech support skills?
A tech support survey: [more inside]
It's hot in here
On the back of Asparagirl's jalapeño query, why do chilies make you sweat?
Cat-door dilemma
Cat-door query... [more inside]
ISO Retirement Garden of Eden, snakes optional.
My wife and I are both 59, hoping to retire at 62 if I don't get laid off before then. We live in the L.A. area which really isn't as bad as we'd feared -- then again, we're not into the studio/entertainment industry, so we tend to run across "regular" people.
But the housing costs are going to kill us when we retire ("half the income, twice the spouse") so we want to cash out our equity and move....... but where?
She's into crafts, I'm into music (bluegrass, play banjo). We're not afraid of the cold, or at least weren't 10 years ago when we moved from Cincinnati. Basically we want to buy a house for cash, be comfortable financially and otherwise and do something interesting and rewarding until we croak.
Beats us, hope it doesn't stump the MetaFilter posse.
/john [more inside]
find a simple camera carrying implement?
I've moved from a small just-about pocket-sized digital camera to something a bit bigger (though not DSLR sized) that certainly isn't pocket-sized. But I have really liked the portability of the point-and-shoot... so what have the MeFi camera crowd found to be the best ways to carry around a chunky piece of kit with the least amount of bother and attention? It's just the camera I want to take around - no extra lenses or accessories.
What pinched my peck of peppers?
What's stealing my jalapeño peppers? And how can I stop it/them? [more inside]
Come down and sign in please
I never thought I'd sully AskMe by posting an eBay question, but I have an annoying sign-in problem that eBay can't help with. [more inside]
Just started a gig as a radio DJ at a local college radio station. I've always been a fan of slipping in random "found sounds" and other bits of audio chaos into mixtapes I've made for friends, and would like to continue the trend with my show. Think "How To Speak Hip", "Picking Up Girls Made Easy", Ken Nordine, or ANYTHING that's ever played on WFMU. I've found WFMU's On The Download and UBUWeb's 365 Days Project great resources, but I've pillaged them for all they are worth - Any other suggestions for obscuro audio out there?
Finding the right family to adopt my cats
What are the right things to look for when screening potential adopters for your cats (or for pets in general)? [more inside]
I want ADSL at home!
I moved to London (SE4) just under a month ago. I've already found a great job (this is good), and I'd like to get broadband at home. I ordered ADSL from Demon just before I moved, I am still waiting for it to be installed, a month later. [more inside]
Best way to lend / give money to family..
FinancialFilter: I am going to help out a family member pay off some credit card debt (over the IRS 10K gift limit.) What is the bet way... [more inside]
Amblyopia Etiquette
amblyopia etiquette question: this comes up everytime i interact with someone who has amblyopia (aka 'lazy eye') and i hope others can offer some assistance. [more inside]
Graduate school, what to do?
Graduate school, Mechanical Engineering or MBA, what to do? [more inside]
Web Scraping for dummies?
A project at work has come up, and I would save a lot of time and hassle if I could somehow get my hands on a free (cheap is acceptable, as long as I can try it first), easy to use web-scraping program. The URL from which I will be scraping is static, unencrypted, and otherwise extremely vanilla. Suggestions?
Bulk Batteries??
Can anyone recommend a good source to purchase batteries in bulk? [more inside]
Suggest a Wine
I'm having a dinner party where I'm serving a lemon mushroom and leek risotto and a red onion, pesto and goat cheese tart as the main dishes. What the hell kind of wine do I serve with that?
Dating etiquette?
Half-past Thirty Dating Filter: Here I am dating at 34, and it sure is a drag. But online dating sites make it strangely easy also. I'm curious about how people think about dating etiquette. [more inside]
What if I don't RETURN TO SENDER?
If I open a piece of mail that was delivered to my house, but addressed to a former resident, is that, legally, "stealing mail" and thus a federal offense? [more inside]
Teeny-tiny flies in my kitchen!
Itty-bitty-fly-filter: Every year around this time, our home is invaded by these teeny-tiny flies... [more inside]
Details magazine copyediting test
Four or five years ago on the last page of The New Yorker was a spoof Details magazine copyediting test. I've lost my copy of it and can't find it anywhere online. Does anyone know where I can get a copy of it?
Sonic Foundry MediaSite
Is anyone using Sonic Foundry's MediaSite system for delivering presentations over the web? [more inside]
Remedial Writing Tools
Are there any resources I can recommend to a coworker who has very poor writing skills? [more inside]
A token of thanks for a concierge?
What's an appropriate way to thank a concierge? [more inside]
Here comes the sun: tell me about solar electricity
SolarPowerFilter: My wife and I love the idea of solar power and would love to compliment our current electrical consumption with some tasty renewable energy, but where do we start? [more inside]
Is Sept./Oct. a good time to visit Thailand?
My wife and I are planning a vacation from mid-Sept. to mid-Oct. Is this a bad time to visit Thailand? [more inside]
Survey research
Why is it a bad idea to give the same person a survery within a six month period? [more inside]
July 21
Help me set up a new classroom.
Help me set up a new classroom. [more inside]
Why does my cat spaz out when I touch her in a certain spot?
My cat has this spot on her back, where, if you scratch it, she goes absolutely insane- she starts purring loud, lifts her head up, sticks her tongue out and starts licking at the air. What on earth is going on? [more inside]
What Does Google-Fu Mean?
What does Google-Fu mean? [more inside]
Are mental blanks normal?
Are mental blanks normal? [more inside]
Wireless card for Win98?
Reccomend a wireless card for an old Windows 98 laptop? [more inside]
Can we stop the phishing?
MetaPhishing: I just got another phishing email "from" PayPal. My question is whether it might not be effective to go to whatever site it is and spam them with fake personal info. What if a lot of people did this? [more inside]
When, how, where did the distinction between commissoned and non-commissioned officer in the military originate?
When, how, where did the distinction between commissoned and non-commissioned officer in the military originate? [more inside]
Cable, Wires and Cords, Oh My!
What do you do with the assortment of cabling and other electronic doodaddery (especially that not currently being used and not wanting to throw away!) that one tends to accumulate in the course of lifetime when you have a love of almost all things electronic? [more inside]
Challenge a speeding ticket?
Is it worth challenging a speeding ticket in court? [more inside]
The crisis? Ending the trailer on a happy note. The solution?
What's the jaunty song in this trailer that kicks in right around when Bob says "I've been shot down, bloodied, accused, threatened, disgraced, betrayed"?
I feel very sad and empty. Any recommendations for music CD's like Enya to cheer me up?
EFIK MOVY: It Is Fine, Everything Is Fine/It Is Mine
MaybeMythicalMovieFilter: abcdEFghIjKlMnOpqrstuVwxYz: What is it? [more inside]
Bollywood Buffet Suggestions?
Authentic Indian Finger Food Suggestions Needed for a Bollywood Party - [more inside]
A room of our own
Apartment hunting in Chicago: what resources should I be utilizing, and what questions should I be asking? [more inside]
Play it again, Sam
Why are so many famous lines popularly misquoted? [more inside]
Orange fixtures on NYC Streetlights?
Manhattan filter: what are the orange cylinders that now grace the tops of streetlights? [more inside]
stupid #$%! msn
Why does my MSN Messenger for Mac 4.0.1 on my ibook keep signing me off every bloody five minutes? And are there any better IM programs I can use?
The Great UTA Hunt
Where can I find help maintaining some landscaping?
I find myself responsible for a semi-large, quite varied chunk of landscaping. Shrubs, flowers, trees, you name it. I don't have a clue what I'm doing. Where can I find help? [more inside]
What's a good, cheap speakerphone?
What's a good, cheap, corded speakerphone? [more inside]
Please recommend a good workout journal.
I'm looking for a small and durable workout journal. [more inside]
UpgradeFilter: Help Me Choose A New Motherboard
I'm seeking help choosing a new motherboard. I'm an AMD fan, but willing to go with Intel should the argument be strong enough. What do you recommend?
Help For Oily Skin?
My skin is oily and I don't know why... [more inside]
Hoping to die
A relative who's nearly a hundred years old wishes to die.
This relative is housed and cared for, has had a huge and interesting life, but since losing sight and hearing and bladder control and autonomy and pretty much everything else, frankly would like to die. [more inside]
How much do schools -for your kids- matter when deciding where to move?
We're thinking of moving to a somewhat remote (and beautiful) area. We may not be able to afford a house in the "rich" town with the "good" schools. We might have to settle for a house in the affordable/poor town next door with the mediocre schools. How much will this choice of grade school and/or high school affect my kids for college, life, etc.? [more inside]
Pump Up Music equals Question Mark
At-home hair highlighting?
Any good at-home hair highlighting experiences? [more inside]
fixing pink-ified jeans
Damn it all to hell, I've gone and "pinked" both pairs of jeans I own by washing them with something red in the same load. Clearly, my innate stupidity is incurable, but is there hope for my pants? I think I'd rather walk into work in my boxers than swish in on twin ringlets of pink fringe. [more inside]
Will driving in the UK mess with my mind?
How hard is it to drive on the opposite side of the road? [more inside]
Wine business/education
The business of wine... [more inside]
Man the torpedoes!
I have the distinct feeling that the seller of the house I was supposed to close on today is deliberately trying to kill the deal in the eleventh hour. What are my options? [more inside]
Checkers and depth perception
I once heard that a person's ability to play checkers and chess is related to their depth perception. Any truth to this? Does depth perception have anything to do with one's ability to play board games?
Anyone with a Project Management Professional certification? [more inside]
Who do transexuals date?
CuriosityFilter: Who do transexuals date? [more inside]
Looking for a Jawbox tour diary
My Google-fu fails. I'm trying to hunt down a Jawbox (?) European tour diary from the mid-late nineties that included an impossibly poignant account of their shows in the former Yugoslavia. [more inside]
"You'll gonna need a more sophisticated solution."
I've just learnt (after an afternoon of struggling) that Apache's mod_write module doesn't work for embedded media, like a video in object tags. The best response I could get to my problem was "You'll gonna need a more sophisticated solution.". Well thanks. Any pointers? [more inside]
Finding popular world music?
Is there a neat way to find out about current world music charts in different styles of music, like, say, Indian Hip-Hop?
How does one learn to cope with technology?
When I leave the 'grid' for vacation — weekend or week-long, it does not matter — I feel liberated. Free. Refreshed. When I return, ubiquitous media (especially television and internet) really get me down. Then, after a few days, I'm back on the grid, sucking from the teat of technology. I feel dirty. And guilty. Still, I love technology. It's like I'm addicted (especially to the internet), and only quitting cold-turkey helps. How does one cope with technology? Without becoming a Luddite, how does one break free of the addiction? How does one find balance? Note that I mean all technology — cars and phones and iPods, too — not just television and internet.
Read for a living?
Is it possible to make any kind of living primarily by reading? I ask because the way-smart twentysomething daughter of my friend has announced she has considered all of the options, and intends to read as her primary occupation from here forward, world without end, amen. [more inside]
.htaccess security help
Web site security question: How can I protect my .htaccess file? [more inside]
Cleaning pilates band?
How to properly clean one of those pilates/resistance/exercise band thingies? [more inside]
Where can I store luggage in San Francisco?
I'd like to spend some time in San Francisco on foot, without have to lug my suitcase around. The storage lockers at SFO have been taken out of service for security reasons. Is there somewhere else I can store a suitcase for a day?
Tutorial for CSS table layout?
What's the best way to migrate HTML tables to CSS? [more inside]
Is this software site legit?
I was searching for student pricing for software and I came up with a site offering radical discounts on something I'm interested in. Is it too good to be true? [more inside]
Photo stolen and Altered by local publication, help!
Related to an earlier question, but a local paper took one of my photos, altered it to remove my copyright mark, and then printed/posted it with an article. [more inside]
No more fixed USD-Yuan exchange rate
Question for our MeFi economists. What impact might China's re-valuing of the yuan have on the economy, trade deficit, gov't debt held by China, etc.? [more inside]
How to display Danish language on web page?
How can I get non-English characters to display on my website (probably Apache needs configuring, possibly just a HTML Meta Tag) [more inside]
PCI Express advice
I'm in the market for a new home built PC, and need some advice on some of the components. [more inside]
July 20
HA! HA! Your third class mail stinks!
How do I tell the USPS to stop delivering the mail of the old tenant of my apartment? [more inside]
Does my laptop line in = mic?
I want to transfer LP records to MP3s using a PC laptop. My research says I'll need a "line in" jack on my PC -- but all I have is a "mic." Can I use the mic as the line in, or is the solution more complicated than that?
Guide to 17th-century English
Can anyone recommend a dictionary or guide to 17th-century English that would help my teenage daughter understand the words she comes across when reading Milton and the boys?
Where is the best place to buy parmigiano reggiano mail or web order?
Where is the best place to buy parmigiano reggiano cheese by mail or web order?
Euphemisms for fear/anxiety?
What are some (clean) euphemisms or colloquialisms for fear or anxiety? [more inside]
Coolest late model 4cyl Coupe under 20k
I am looking for the coolest, sharpest, most sporty Coupe or Convertible that is a 4 Cyl. up to 5 years old that would cost under 20k today that can come in automatic (or some version of SMT) I am aware of the Toyota MR2 Spyder ... and the Eclipse.. but I am not a huge fan of the latter... and would like more options then just the prior!
Thanks! [more inside]
Report a self-caused accident?
I backed into a parking garage column a couple of months ago (it was in my blind spot) and tore up my rear bumper pretty bad. Would it be worth it to report this to my insurance, or would they probably increase my premiums as a result? (FWIW, the accident happened several months ago.)
Running and Biking
Balancing running and biking? [more inside]
All you need is...?
How do you know when you're in love? And when do you say it in a relationship? [more inside]
life insurance
What would happen, in theory, if someone were to fail a life insurance drug test? [more inside]
Help me prepare for my upcoming job interview
I've got a marathon job interview coming up, and I'm looking for advice on: a professional purse or briefcase I can use; how to stay energized, alert and upbeat for two consecutive days; cultural things I should be aware of in northeast Florida. [more inside]
How do you prove you deserve unemployment compensation?
Unemployment benefits. Long story short, although I was making production goals and coming to work on-time, dressed appropriately &c, my supervisor thought I "didn't like" my job and would be "more suited" for something else. So I was given the "quit or be fired" option. They said they would not contest my application for unemployment benefits (I'm in Illinois). I filled out the forms, explaining that I was fired for not "being suited" to the job, despite making goals. However, I've gotten a letter saying there are "questions" about my claim and I have to be intereviewed. How am I supposed to handle this? [more inside]
Is depression contagious?
My partner shows all the classic signs of depression, yet vehemenently declares that they are not depressed. [more inside]
Food safety for canned goods and extreme temperatures
Is well-canned food that has sat around in extreme temperatures safe? I recently bought some canned goods, let them sit in the back seat of my car in 100+ degree temperatures, and when I went to pick them out, they were painfully hot to the touch. Would this alter their safety for consumption?
Chinese militarism
China is scaring me. Specifically, the possibility that they'll make a play for Taiwan, the US will come to Taiwan's defense, and World War III (IV? V?) will break out. Are there good reasons this is unlikely?
Recommend me rap
I'm looking to compile some bombastic, melodic, aggressive, singular, inventive, mainstream and anthemic rap/hip hop! [more inside]
automatic login
IEFilter: Is there a way to automatically launch and login to a specific website on IE when the computer starts? Assume you are not allowed to save the password within IE.
How can I sell?
How does an introverted, nervous, none-too-attractive register-jockey actually make sales? Any advice or books one can read? [more inside]
chronic headache from concentrating hard?
I think im developing a chronic headache that started from concentrating very hard with brow furrowed but now seems to be brought on by much less strenuous thinking. [more inside]
How do I import mail from OS X Mail to Windows Outlook 2003?
Does anyone know how to get Windows Outlook 2003 to import all of my old mail from OS X's Mail.app? [more inside]
Is anyone out there using this? How do you like it?
avoiding bank charges redux
I went over the credit limit on my credit card and got whacked with a $35 fine --- again. Are there any cards that, instead of approving your over-the-limit transaction and then fining you for it, will instead decline transactions that are over your credit limit?
What does a person's signature say about them?
How and when did you develop your signature? Was it a conscious decision or something that developed after a long time of signing a lot of checks, birthday cards, legal documents, etc? Do you think your signature reflects your personality? [more inside]
Fluoride. Good or Bad?
I've been hearing alot about fluoride poisoning and such. I was wondering if anyone could give me the straight scoop on the fluoride controversy? Any Dentists here?
Is fluoride good or bad overall? Any links or ref... you could point me to would be great as well
Severance Ethics
Do I really have to tell my old employer that I have a new job if they are still paying me severance? [more inside]
Selling cartoon ideas
Say you have an idea for a New Yorker-style cartoon, but you're not a cartoonist. I've heard you can sell these (a friend of my father's used to do so often). Can you still? How?
Middle-clicking in Firefox
I'll use Firefox if someone can tell me how to keep middle-clicking from opening a link in a new browser window. [more inside]
Suggestions for a romantic playlist?
Romantic Songs?
Hi. I like to keep a playlist handy on the iPod for those times when me and the wife are having some private time which may or may not lead into that most blessed of acts... [more inside]
Rebate Ripoff
Ever been screwed out of a rebate? Office Max/Brother owes me $50. Is this common? Any recourse? [more inside]
What's driving up housing prices in big cities?
Ignoring the housing bubble for a sec, what's driving constant increases in housing prices in major urban areas? (LA, NYC etc) [more inside]
Use the outsource, Luke?
Should I use an online outsourcing service? [more inside]
Why do I think of websites as locations?
I've noticed I have this habit of thinking of different websites in terms of direction and location rather than just a URL. [more inside]
How do I automatically turn on one AC device when another turns on?
What's the simplest and cheapest way for me to have a setup where when one electric appliance is turned on it turns another one on? [more inside]
"Empire Falls" ad song?
Name that tune!! It was used in commercials to advertise the HBO film "Empire Falls", and now to advertise a new show coming in the fall - E-Ring maybe? Anyway - it's kind of pop-rock sounding, male vocal. Lyrics: Something like - even when you cannot hear me ... I'll be right beside you dear.
Don't want to be living in a box in Georgetown
Georgetown Filter: Pal is leaving to start a graduate degree at Georgetown University...looking for a place to live but is unfamiliar with the area... [more inside]
Christian Logic Question
Christian beliefs logical question..... [more inside]
I'm all messed up
My house is a mess. It's out of control. No matter what we do, we can't seem to keep it under control for any period of time. We don't have systems for organizing our stuff. Laundry, dishes, bills, garage, the whole nine yards.
How do I find a way to keep the house in order?
Bonus points: we've got 3 children.
Christian hymn at public school graduation
Being from the UK I find the whole separation of church and state issue in the US confusing. At a recent public high school graduation "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" was sung by the school choir. Now that's clearly a Christian song, so why is it sung at such an occasion where non-Christians make up a large part of the student body?
What did I order?
Is there a way to tell if one ordered a new or used book from an Amazon Marketplace Seller? [more inside]
Any way to bypass proprietary "USB"?
I have two digital voice recorders that have a USB feature. But, it's not real USB: you have to use their damn Proprietary Software (Olympus Digital Wave and Sony Digital Voice Editor respectively) to access the files.. [more inside]
Does releasing an album that retells the story of a novel require permission from the author/estate?
I've written an album based on the book A Maze of Death by Philip K. Dick. That is to say that it retells the story of the novel in pop song form. It's not a musical because there's only one vocalist and there's no "book". But it's like a musical insofar as it basically follows the plot, uses the character names, has key phrases worked into the lyrics, and I'm calling it "A Maze of Death". So, is that enough of an adaptation to be considered copyright infringement if I don't get permission?
browsing to a directory, not a file
HTML's <input type="file"> allows you browse to a directory and select a file. Suppose I want to capture the directory path, not a file contained therein? Is it possible to browse to C:\Documents\Workstuff and capture *not* a file in that directory, but the directory path itself? Know what I mean?
Help me put together my dream Mac.
Help me put together my dream Mac. [more inside]
Character Recognition Software
Can anyone recommend free (or dirt cheap) character recognition software for OSX? [more inside]
Opinions on Sologig.com
Sologig.com -- Opinions? Unlike Monster.com, it has a membership fee. I'm wondering about it from the job seeker standpoint. Can someone who paid the fee tell me how good the job listings are? Are they up to par with Monster's?
Favorite spot in the world?
What's your favorite place in the world, and why? [more inside]
Where can I get Supreme Court records?
Where can I find the text of briefings filed with the Supreme Court? Also, where can I find a list of cases a lawyer has participated in? [more inside]
July 19
Minnesota: License Plates-Vanity
Minnesota: I want to get a "vanity" license plate, what would be the cost?
Stendhal quote on friends?
I'm trying to locate a wonderful quote by Stendhal, the spirit of which was something along the lines of: "in [such and such year], my friends would have done anything to help me out if I were in serious trouble, but if they caught me in nice clothes, they'd spill a drink on me." Of course, the actual quote is infinitely more elegant.
Hollywood's favorite psychosis
The deus ex machina psychological thrillers prefer most! Can you help me compile a list of movies that involve characters afflicted with split-personality disorder? I'll get us started: Psycho, Fight Club, Identity, Secret Window, and A Beautiful Mind.
Picky beverage question
Picky beverage question: I like hanging out with my friends in bars and such but I'm rather limited in what I'll drink. I don't drink alcohol for one, or caffeine or sugary beverages for that matter... [more inside]
Do babies understand mirrors?
Do babies understand the concept of mirrors? [more inside]
Where can I stay and who can I talk to about working in Ireland?
Ireland Work and Travel Filter: I will be in Ireland for the month of September, to see what it might be like to live and work there, as well as have a nice holiday. I’m planning on staying in Dublin for most, if not all, of this trip.
My professional background includes nearly ten years of experience in marketing and business development for architecture, engineering, and construction management firms. Additionally, I have some experience with sustainable/green building projects, project management, and document control systems. [more inside]
Did miss and then it happened!
Is Sarah Vowell a terrible writer or am I missing something? [more inside]
NASA's ascent of man?
I was introduced to a fantastic image linked here on MetaFilter years ago. The image was a standard riff on the ascent of man motif, with the final Homo Sapiens looking up to the stars, and a message along the lines of "At NASA, we know where our future lies." If my memory stills works, it was originally a poster. Can anyone help me locate this? Apparently, my google-fu hasn't evolved since then, and constant browsing of NASA's image archive has been fruitless.
"Address?" "Nowhere...and everywhere..."
How do people with no permanent address handle mail delivery, photo identification, property taxes, etc? [more inside]
Mac display problems.
I have a Mac mini and a 17" Apple CRT display (gray and white, matches the old G4). Help me diagnose a problem I am having since I moved. [more inside]
Neutralize bleach?
Does bleach need to be neutralized after the mildew is cleaned, and before painting? Bad mildew in the tenant's bathroom. Scrubbed with 1:2 bleach:water to great success. After it is rinsed, then dries thoroughly, can it be primed and painted, or does it have to be neutralized, or ??
Ever written a letter of complaint?
Ever written a letter complaining about poor service to a large, international company? Did it accomplish anything or just waste your time? And if you saw results, any tips worth sharing? [more inside]
What are appropriate contractions for "you would"?
Are either or both of "you'd" / "you'ld" correct contractions for "you would"? Specifically asking about American usage, but any English language information would be appreciated.
How to call off ASCAP?
A friend of mine is a musician and his first album was signed to an independent record label. Now he and the label both want to promote the album to podcasters, but they're worried by the fact that he's registered with ASCAP.
ASCAP wants a podcaster to pay $300 for the privilege of promoting his music. The label owner is willing to license the album through Creative Commons, but could a Podcaster still be sued for playing his music?
Outside of terminating his contract with ASCAP, how does a signed artist and label go about calling off the ASCAP/BMI dogs? Here's a link to the ASCAP agreement.
What are the best weather services for sidebars on websites?
What are the best weather services for sidebars on websites? [more inside]
Cookie / Session Based Authentication vs HTTP Authentication
How come most websites roll their own authentication methods around cookie-based sessions, rather than using http authentication built in to most web servers? Is this a security issue, or a user interface issue? Or something else?
BMW Snow Performace
I've always heard that BMWs are terrible in snow... [more inside]
Das Liebe Boot
Can anyone tell me the name of the font used in the opening credits of the Love Boat? [more inside]
How can I track a Window application's install process?
Anybody know of a good Windows utility for monitoring the activities of program installation software? Most importantly what gets written to disk (file writes and registry entries), but a log of the installation program's net activity would be a bonus. [more inside]
Just...get...in...ther---oh, shit
So, I might've broken my mp3 player. Can anyone recommend a good glue for use on a circuit board? [more inside]
How do I get two wireless PCs to share files?
How do I get two computers connected to a WiFi network to be able to share files?
Both are connected through the same Linksys Wireless-B router. One is running XP SP2, the other XP.
What overflows into our cold tank?
What overflows into the cold water tank in our loft? The tank overflowed itself because water was pouring into it from an overflow pipe. This continued for many minutes, until I turned the main stopcock off. It has never happened before. [more inside]
Best way for the mathematically challenged to develop numeracy?
Best way for the mathematically challenged to develop numeracy? [more inside]
Getting images out of a DCS 330?
I have the opportunity to buy an older Kodak DCS digital SLR (a 330) but I'm concerned about getting images out of it. [more inside]
sleep problems
sleep problems [more inside]
Po' and blind
I live in Chicago and I'm on public aid. It's time to get new glasses but it's impossible to find out where I can actually get the things. [more inside]
Not pregnant, just crazy
Best birth control pill for depression? [more inside]
What can't you find on the net?
How has the internet failed you? What information are you surprised you can't easily find on this crazy thing?
How to access library material from abroad?
A two-part question on accessing scholarly library materials from abroad. [more inside]
How do people go through revolving doors in Europe?
Step Right Up
Where can I find a new copy of the Tom Waits Big Time concert video? [more inside]
Menstrual Cramps. Help! [more inside]
Is the Edirol UA-101 any good?
Has anyone used a Roland / Edirol UA-101 recording interface on WinXP? Other USB2 DAW interfaces? [more inside]
How to clean dust off of a DSLR sensor
Has anyone successfully cleaned dust off of a digital SLR's sensor on their own? [more inside]
Is is possible to NetBoot a G3 iMac?
The hard drive in my iMac G3/350 just died. Can I reconfigure this machine to NetBoot? [more inside]
Chicken seviche?
Could a chicken seviche be safe? [more inside]
@#$?! crappy browser history
I'm looking for a website/online store that sells stickers for the back of your ipod, a bigger similar sticker that covers the top of your laptop, and a collection of small storage tins that also serve as refrigerator magnets... [more inside]
What's your favourite trashy novel?
What's your favourite work of trashy fiction? I'm looking for some good, fun, trashy yet smart reads in which I can unabashedly wallow. [more inside]
Baby sleeping question
I have an eleven month old baby at home. She's a sweet kid, but she refuses to sleep unless she's being held. She sleeps fine throug the night, it's just durring naps. It's driving my wife crazy, does anyone know any tricks for getting a child to sleep in a crib alone? We've tried the "Let them cry it out" method and it doesn't really seem to work for us. But any advice would help.
Can a store search my bag?
Does a store really have the right to search my bag? I'm a guy and I carry a messenger bag. It always offends me when a store employee or security guard stops me and demands to search my bag on my way out of the store. Can I say no? [more inside]
How do I rip XCP encoded CDs to my computer?
I just got a compact disc encrypted with XCP technology. How do I rip it to my Mac G5 computer (OSX 10.4.2)? I want to put the music on my iPod as well as run it on my music server here at home. I have Virtual PC if a Windows app is necessary.
Primer: what happened?
I saw Primer on the weekend. I really liked it, but uh… what happened?
[Spoiler inside (I hope)]
Candid Answers to Personal Questions in Admissions Forms
I'm applying to a 1 year 2nd Bachelors nursing program at a well-regarded university. One of the essay questions on the admissions form reads "Describe a setback or ethical dilemma you have faced..." [more inside]
ipod blues
I need some help regarding my ipod. Every time I update it with itunes the battery gets depleted. Do I need to get it repaired? [more inside]
Adsense ebook worth the money?
Google Adsense Secrets: Is this ebook worth buying? (I really want to know, I'm not shilling for it.) [more inside]
Bathroom Penrose tiles
How can I get a Penrose tiling installed on my bathroom floor? Would Penrose sue me if I did it myself? And where the heck can you buy the tiles from? [more inside]
Whither Moira Kelly?
Moira Kelly, who played the annoying Mandy in the first season of The West Wing, disappears from later seasons. We are given some elusive suggestions to what may have happened to her character on the show, but what was the real-world story? Did Aaron Sorkin get sick of Kelly, and if so, why?
Learning Music Theory
How should I go about learning music theory? [more inside]
What resources will help a non-tech person understand web development?
Just recently I started collaborating on projects with the web developers at the ad agency I work for - and quickly realized that I am out of my depth. [more inside]
Blogger annual archive?
I've got a website which is generated by Blogger, featuring articles I've written. My problem is that it seems that Blogger's maximum archive period is a month. As I only write 1 or 2 (or sometimes 0) things per month that I want to put up, the monthly archive doesn't really work; I really need an annual archive thing. Can anyone suggest a way that I can get round this? Do any other blogging services support this? I'd hate to have to investigate the murky world of Movable Type, but I'd rather do that than leave things as they are at the moment. [more inside]
What are some good websites for tracking articles about and new releases from 'electro' music artists?
I am looking for a good, clean website that will let me track music artists. What sites are out there for an electro fan like me? [more inside]
Mirror, mirror on the wall, will my data survive a fall?
RAIDFilter: I'm wondering if my RAID 0 + 1 array would survive a failure... [more inside]
A Vision Question.
When I look at something (without my glasses) that's about 100 feet away, it looks a little blurry. If I look at a photo that includes stuff that's 100 feet away from the perspective, it's not blurry, of course, it's just smaller. BUT, if I look in a mirror, let's say a rear view mirror of a car, at something that's 100 feet behind me, it looks blurry, rather than just small. [more inside]
How do I discover all of the domain names registered to a given party?
How do I discover all of the domain names registered to a given party? Not "who owns this domain?" but "what domains does this party own?" [more inside]
Trying to avoid surgery
ErgonomicFilter. Or, CarpalTunnel/Hernia PreventionFilter. I promise it's not the chair question- but a plea for tips writ large. [more inside]
how can i fix my computer?
Computer problems...When i press power, nothing happens. It's the power supply right? [more inside]
Why can't I connect to my network using WPA?
Just reinstalled my OS and can longer connect wirelessly to my router using WPA. [more inside]
How to deal with headhunter
How do I deal with headhunters? [more inside]
July 18
Windows startup without logging in
Windows 2000 users and passwords: Is it possible for Windows to start up without any password prompting, yet have the OS [reasonably] safe from a bot logging in as an admin? [more inside]
Direction Confusion
Why are left/right and clockwise/counterclockwise so easy to get mixed up, but never up/down or forward/backward?
Floor Sanding!
I need tips on floor sanding. [more inside]
How did half an electric outlet die?
Today the top half of a regular wall outlet stopped working. No pulling or pushing of plugs was involved, and the bottom half still delivers electricity without problems (AFAIK). As the bottom half is still powered, it doesn't appear to be a switch or fuse issue (None are tripped). How would this happen, and how difficult a repair is this likely to be? Is it likely a problem simply with the outlet itself, or the wiring in the wall?
Drum machines
I need help finding a PC based drum machine. [more inside]
How to clean caramelized sugar
How do you clean caramelized sugar from pans or utensils? Hot water? Boiling water?
Finding New Music Worth Listening To
How does everyone keep up with new music? Over the past year, blind luck and close reading of a few blogs turned me on to some music I'm glad I didn't miss (Bloc Party, Arcade Fire, LCD Soundsystem). Work and other obligations prevent me from listening to KCRW, KEXP or some other "hip" radio stream all day, and I just don't have the time to read through x-amount of MP3 blogs a day looking for the next exciting thing. Pitchfork's 'Best New Music' feature is helpful, but I'd like something more. Ideally, I'd like a podcast of non-podsafe (i.e., whatever's new and good, signed or otherwise) music or a single blogger who posts frequently and writes well. I'm not looking for a bootlegging outlet, just a reliable source for direction on what's new and worth my time.
How to suspend an object in clear resin?
Last month I saw the Space Invader show in Los Angeles at sixspace and was struck by one of the types of pieces he had on display: tile mosaics suspended in transaparent blocks of resin (as in this picture). Anyway, I'm wondering how to do it myself - I'm not going to copy one of his pieces, I just want to make a present for my little sister. The tiles are suspended exactly in the center of the block, and yet there aren't any weird mold lines or bubbles or anything - nothing to suggest they were made in two stages. I'm guessing the resin he used was Alumilite Clear.
Does anyone have any idea how to make something like this? Would I have to pressure mold? Would it be possible to make a mosaic and then take it to a professional and have them encase it in a clear block? Help!
Damn Humidity
VanityFilter: My hair's about 3 inches long, curly and turns into a huge afro in this constant humidity. How come and what kind of product can I use to stop this? [more inside]
I hate debt...
I just graduated college with a little debt. I have large amount of money coming my way next year. How do I keep payments and interest at a minimum and just pay everything off next year? [more inside]
Has anyone here ever had sciatica?
Has anyone here ever had (or have) sciatica? I've been going to physio for it, since May, but the healing process is quite slow, I just started going back to the gym doing low intensity cardio. For those who have had sciatica, how long did it take to heal, and is it a lifelong thing you now have to worry about?
What's a good cheap bass/bass amp, and a good pop/rock theory book?
I'm looking to purchase a bass, bass amp, and bass or general music theory book. [more inside]
What is this picture?
Physics guy on PBS in 70's
When I was a kid, back in the '70s, our PBS stations would show physics demonstrations by a white haired old guy with an overbite. I loved everything about this guy and his demonstrations. He'd get so excited by predicted results that were observed in experiment. What is his name? Can I find these on video in any form?
The Olympic Peninsula, from Seattle: how, where, etc...
The Olympic Peninsula, from Seattle: how, where, etc... [more inside]
Ebay shipping restriction
I am looking for a way toget around an Ebay seller country restrictrion. Basicly i need an item to be shipped to Canada and the seller will only ship to the United States... I have offered to cover customs fee if any and take care of the shiping details without any succes. what are my options now ? Are there other alternative ? re-mailing services ? PO boxes ? I am sure many people in here have been frustrated before by a similar situation and maybe someone has a better idea than going down there.
Merge mp3s with PHP?
How can I merge multiple MP3s into a single MP3 using a web scripting language such as PHP, ASP.NET, etc.? [more inside]
Migraines: triggers and prescribed treatments?
Migraine sufferers, what are your triggers, how quickly/consistently do they bring on your migraines, and what prescription meds work best for you? [more inside]
Thank you for taking my call? Why?
Why do people say "Thank you for taking my call" on radio shows?
Vegas on the cheap
I just found out I'll be in Vegas for three days next week and I am looking for some fun stuff to do that won't break the bank. [more inside]
Getting temp work
Why can't I get temp work? [more inside]
Song suggestions for Bride / Father dance?
A friend is getting married in a few months and wants suggestions for songs to dance with her father to that aren't too cheesy, but also not too obscure. Suggestions?
Why did Sun change their voltage requirements?
Sun is EOL'ing the V480 and V880, replacing them with slightly faster models (the V480 and V890). 480s and 880s run on 110-240VAC, but 490s and 890s are 200-240VAC only. Can anybody explaing the logic for this change?
How safe is the cargo compartment for my pug?
Help me get this pug off the ground: How safe is the cargo compartment of an airliner for my dog? [more inside]
Constant grass-is-always-greener syndrome
I contantly suffer from the-grass-is-always-greener syndrome. When I'm single, I crave being in a relationship. When I'm in a relationship, I crave being single. I'm afraid that it's going to screw up my current, excellent relationship ... [more inside]
What's the best way to deal with difficult clients?
What's the best way to deal with difficult freelance clients? I recently designed a logo for a small business and they are arguing about paying me. [more inside]
Nintendo headphones
I bought Electoplankton for Nintendo DS from Japan, and it came with some free Nintendo headphones. They have a component on them near the plug, which the lead enters and exists from. It has hinges and looks like it should open, but it doesn't. I can't work out what it's for. Any ideas?
How do I replace a part on my car on my own?
The other night, a part of my car fell off. How should I replace it and could I do it myself? [more inside]
What is up with the flies?
Where are all these flies in my house coming from, and why all of a sudden? [more inside]
Airport configuration problem
I can't configure my Airport Extreme. I've been having trouble with my Airport Extreme holding a DSL connection - so attempted to change configuration but couldn't access it (says there was an error in reading configuration). I've reset the Airport (holding the reset button for five seconds) and can see the airport with the Apple assigned name. I use the password "public" but still get the same error message. Can't get at the configuration page with either the airport setup or Airport utility software. [more inside]
Good framing store in Mississauga?
Can anyone recommend a good place to get art (photos) in Mississauga, Ontario?
Caring for an Irish wolfhound after surgery?
Our Irish wolfhound has torn the ACL in one of her hind legs, and the knee is going to require surgery. We're worried about how to keep her "calm" and "off that leg" after the surgery, for 3 or 4 weeks, as the surgeon tells us we'll have to do. [more inside]
Help Me Teach Programming
Help me teach people how to program: I need simple examples of functions, classes, etc. [more inside]
Camping the Santa Lucia?
Big Sur and the Ventana Wilderness offer limitless camping potential. I'm new in the area and would appreciate the recommendation of experienced troopers.
Specifically: drive-to primitive no rules backcountry with vista - surface running water a big plus.
Whither goest man?
Pet Sitters and Boarders
Has anyone ever used the Petsmart PetsHotel? Alternatively, are there any Austinites out there who can personally recommend an Austin/Round Rock area petsitter or boarder for small dogs? [more inside]
2 weeks in London, Edinburgh, Montreal
Two twenty-somethings, travelling to the London, Edinburgh, and Montreal, seek advice on things to do in each city. [more inside]
How to fix Blogger photo spacing?
Blogger added some weird spacing to my blog when I posted photos. Help! [more inside]
Do menu systems really change that frequently?
Why do so many automated message systems have the line "please listen carefully as our menu options have changed"? [more inside]
Quotefilter: St. Augustine
There is a quote from St. Augustine, suggesting that while it is impossible to help all beings in need, it is incumbent on us to help those who happen to intersect with our lives.
Anyone know the actual quote, and where it "lives" in his writings?
Ya, you betcha dere: Help me find an unusual "Fargo" poster
I'm looking for a poster from the movie "Fargo," but not the one that's commonly available. It's easy to find the one that looks like a cross-stitched sampler and says "A homespun murder story." But instead I want the one that says "A lot can happen in the middle of nowhere." (Actually, as long as it says that, I don't care what the image looks like.) I believe it may have been to promote not the movie, but the DVD, or a DVD special edition. I've searched various movie-poster stores, eBay, etc, but they all have the sampler one. Any ideas? Thanks!
Hogwarts Sticker
Where could I get a "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" windshield sticker? You know, like the collegiate one's you see on the back of alumni's cars? [more inside]
training stories
What are good sources of "training stories"? [more inside]
Songs for impending heartbreak.
Help me compile the soundtrack for my impending heartbreak! [more inside]
How can I get my corrupt memory card to work again?
I have a memory card (SD 1G, 6 months old) that has stopped working for some reason. None of the electronics (my camera, palm) that I used it with are able to read it, and when I formatted the card on my computer (which didn't fix the problem), there is about 128mb of files that I cannot delete or move. Any ideas on how I can get this thing working again?
Can you hear me now? Good!
How to choose a satellite phone? Need several for NGO use. [more inside]
These near and far wars
What span of time elapses in episodes 4, 5 and 6 of Star Wars? [more inside]
What's this bumper sticker?
A couple months ago I saw three parked cars in a row with the same bumper sticker. I made the requisite "Are they on the same team?" crack. Since then, I've been noticing the same bumper sticker on other cars. What is it? [more inside]
Why does Novak walk?
Maybe I'm an idiot, but I'm confused: How is it possible, that when Robert Novak wrote the first article outing Valerie Plame, that it's not him, but those 2 other reporters who get threatened with jail time. Can someone explain it to me in more specific terms than a conspiracy theory?
Why doesn't this iTrip work in my iPod?
Why won't my iTrip work? I have a first-generation iPod, the kind with the big FireWire port on top... when I plug the iTrip into the iPod's FireWire and headphone jack, it doesn't play. The LED doesn't come on, and nothing is transmitted to the FM radio. If I press the iTrip down harder into the iPod, the iPod shows the "battery empty" icon and won't wake up until I plug in AC power. (This despite the iPod having a full battery the whole time.) Am I missing something, or is the iPod or iTrip defective? (Not impossible, given that the iPod is several years old)
Series v. Season
In the US, why do we call a short run of episodes on television a "season" whereas in the UK they refer to it as a "series"?
Prosumer Digital SLR updates
Looking to buy a prosumer SLR digital camera. Anyone know about any coming out shortly or price drops? - more info within - [more inside]
Good 2-player board games
Good 2-player board/card games? [more inside]
can ink be removed from paper without damaging the paper?
I suspect that this is impossible, but; is there a technique that would allow me to remove ink from paper without affecting the appearance of the paper? Specifically, I would like to remove marks left by a black, self-inking stamp on the fly-leaf of a book. [more inside]
What to see when driving from Austin to Seattle?
My wife and I are planning on driving a friend's car from Austin, TX to Seattle, WA, and we're wondering what to see along the way. One place we want to hit on the way is the Grand Canyon, so that constrains the question quite a bit. We've picked a few other national parks in which we're interested (although we won't have time for them all), but we're curious to see what other "must sees" people might suggest. [more inside]
Quicktime won't play video but Finder will
I have a problem playing a particular quicktime movie in the Quicktime 7 application itself even though the video plays fine when I "preview" it in the Finder under Mac OS X 10.4.2. [more inside]
how do pedestrians avoid obstacles?
Can anyone point me to scholarly articles/resources on the way pedestrians navigate through a scene? I'm specifically interested in the "flow" of pedestrians around obstacles. [more inside]
Where can I find simple Windows freeware to track costs for projects?
I'm looking for some very simple Windows freeware that will let the 20-odd people in my office assign hours to projects and then add up the costs. [more inside]
July 17
How to insert a digital watermark?
Does anyone know of a free way to insert a digital watermark (invisible watermark) into an image? [more inside]
Mix CD time again: popular songs that tell stories [more inside]
Trying to find a film I saw about 20 years ago
I'm looking for the name of this movie I saw in the early 1980s, when I was a child, that ended with the antagonist winning. [more inside]
Credit card for non-citizens?
Credit cards for non-citizens/permanent residents? [more inside]
How's the future?
I'm looking for a website or websites that can show me what to expect in the future. [more inside]
Which credit card companies offer custom photos on their cards?
Which credit card companies offer custom photos on their cards? I know Bank of America lets you do the "photo expressions," and it covers half of the card, but I remember a while back seeing an advertisement in a magazine from a credit card company that let you pick a photo that basically covered the entire card.
Anyone know what I'm talking about?
What happens when you use concentrated screen wash as car coolant?
What happens when you use concentrated screen wash as car coolant? [more inside]
Toothbrushes are grody
Why don't our tootbrushes make us ill? They sit out all day with our mouth germs and lord knows what else lingering there. Does toothpaste have anything to do with this?
Is a flooded mattress worth saving?
Is a water soaked mattress worth saving? [more inside]
does the theory of evolution have an explanation for inter-species mimicry?
does the theory of evolution have an explanation for inter-species mimicry? [more inside]
How to keep an ant problem from happening?
AntFilter: I've noticed a few ants in the apartment. What do I do to make sure I don't get a few more? [more inside]
Help me fix my home phone wiring.
Why does my home phone system sometimes ring only once when someone is trying to call me? [more inside]
How does the toaster know?
How does a toaster's light-dark control work?
Perhaps something clever with a bi-metallic strip... can't
believe the toast's 'doneness' is actually being tested;
but from experience it seems more sophisticated than just
adjusting a timer. How do dem? [more inside]
Help me name an urban modelling application.
Help me name an urban modelling application. [more inside]
Free jukebox software that queues music?
I need a Windows-based, FREE MP3 player that will queue music, like a real jukebox. [more inside]
High quality digital images of fine art?
Does anyone know some web sites with high-quality digital images of art masterpieces? Preferrably wallpaper-sized, and preferrably a variety of artists and periods.
MIAmi Twice
I'm going to be stuck in the Miami International Airport for several hours, and I don't want to die of boredom. [more inside]
Do independent television stations still exist?
Do independent television stations still exist? [more inside]
Times Online printFriendly addresses
Times Online (UK) - how can I find the non-printFriendly link to an article which I found by using search and which is stuck in an ugly print-friendly format? [more inside]
get the ink moving
I have an Epson CX5200 multipurpose printer. It needed ink cartridges, so it sat idle for a while. Now I need to use it and the color of the ink catridge that I replaced (yellow) is only appearing in thin bands.
I've tried cleaning the jets, printing page after page of a 75% Y block from Illustrator and so far no change. Anyone have any fantastic tips?
I've tried cleaning the jets, printing page after page of a 75% Y block from Illustrator and so far no change. Anyone have any fantastic tips?
Piano Lessons
I would like to learn to play the piano. Is there any PC software out there worthwhile? Also which keyboard would you recommend?
Linux & SATA
Can I expect problems if I try to install linux on a home-rolled system with only two SATA drives? [more inside]
Did I fry my computer permanently?
Did I fry my computer permanently? [MI] [more inside]
CSS organisation tips
Looking for useful ways to organise CSS rules. There are many different ways of structuring CSS, which ones work for you? [more inside]
No pain no gain?
Is it true that if you don't get hangovers, your body isn't dealing with the toxins properly? [more inside]
what's the deal with gibberish spam?
what's the deal with gibberish spam that doesn't sell you anything? [more inside]
July 16
Late-evening dinner place between EWR and Parisppany.
I'm looking for a good place for a late-evening dinner between Newark airport (EWR) and Parsippany. I'm flying into EWR from the west coast this Thursday and my flight lands at 8. By the time I get into my rental car for the drive to Parsippany, it's probably about 9:00. If I were to go directly to my hotel, I'd probably check in and be in my room a little before 10, when a lot of restaurants close. [more inside]
Do days get shorter in Seattle during the winter?
Does the American Pacific Northwest get less daytime in the winter than in the summer, and if so, why? [more inside]
Possession of a controlled substance penalties?
I'm trying to find out the penalty for a third conviction of possession of a controlled substance in California. My friend is contemplating, as a last resort, calling the police on her sister, a methamphetamine abuser. I haven't been able to find anything.
Frontpage Template PSD
I have a Frontpage Template and a Photoshop PSD file that is the graphic for the template. I need to update the PSD file - which I can do in Imageready, but I have problems updating the original HTML. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Or export and make a brand new HTML file with rollovers?
Clarinet music recommendations
I love the sound of the clarinet. I'm looking for quiet, pensive, possibly melancholic music featuring this instrument. Any genre; preferably instrumental. I'm not looking for happy big-band jazz or Poulenc's chaotic clarinet sonata, though I appreciate both. [more inside]
Buried alive to pass the time.
I've got a coding project, which will make me a bazillion dollars if I can pull it off. But I'm having trouble starting it, partially because I'm not a well-trained programmer, and partially becuase I'm unsure of whether to seek help. [more inside]
Can You Hear That Dog?
How can I generate an audio frequency only dogs can hear? [more inside]
YourSQL, definitely not mine.
This might be a little esoteric - but has anynone managed to get Perl's DBD::mysql module working on OSX Tiger? [more inside]
reproducing old documents
I've been asked by my library's genealogy department to make copies of documents that are too delicate and/or unwieldy to place on top of a copy machine or scanner... [more inside]
Clipomatic Clone for OS X?
How much does it cost to wash?
How much does it cost (or what is the amount of electricity / volume of water used) to do one full load of laundry, as an average. Or, how would I go about getting precise figures for this? I want to know how much too much we pay to operate the pay-per-load laundry machines in our new apartment building.
No-hype bike site
Toronto bike shops... [more inside]
Wedding songs?
Wedding filter: We're a couple getting married with good taste in music help us pick our wedding song... [more inside]
Shattered Glass: Less Fun Than You Might Think
Home Improvement Filter: We are redoing a bathroom and have a mirror removal debacle. Specifically, how does one remove a large (say, 2.5'x3.5' or so) mirror that has been (apparenlty) LiquidNails'ed to the wall for approximately 20 years without killing oneself? [more inside]
How do i put my motorcycle on an engine block?
i'm trying to replace the forks on my motorcycle. it's a 1976 honda cb 550. The work seems pretty straightforward -- but all of the instructions i read begin with 'lift the front wheel by putting the engine on a block.
how do i do that??!!
Outdoor sandals
I'm looking to get some new sandals with the intention of going hiking/camping/rock climbing/etc in them. I already know of Tevas, but even those have multiple variations so I turn to y'all's experience and suggestions of specific sandals to buy for outdoor use. I'd like to stay under $100, but I understand it might not be doable.
Why does meat turn dark?
Why does fresh meat at the supermarket often start to turn brown after a couple days? Are the blood cells still clotting or something? Does it effect the flavor of the meat?
Why do RC delivery people have submachine guns?
GTA San Andreas question: I'm on the mission with Zero where you have to use the little RC plane to destroy Berkley's five couriers. I can't pass it. I've read the strategy guides and there aren't shortcuts, although in most guides it's rated the hardest in the game. I'm stuck. Anybody who's played it before got any brilliant ideas?
Never buy tickets from a European.
Can anyone translate something from Dutch (or possibly Flemish) to English for me? I ordered tickets from a foreign website and it all went wrong.. [more inside]
Batch Processing of Audio Levels
How can I synchronize audio levels on hundreds of files in a batch process? [more inside]
Can I drink tonight?!
I was recently prescribed Tylenol 3 for post-surgery pain (ankle fracture)--I've really only needed it at night. The last time I took it was last night (Friday) at about 11:30 pm. I'm going to a wedding tonight. Do I need to worry about the interaction with alcohol even though my "last dose" will have been about 18 hours prior? In other words, can I drink at the wedding?!
Grimm's tales: stepmothers or real mothers?
Stepmothers in Grimm's fairy tales. Some claim that the Grimms altered mothers to step mothers lest the bourgeois reader be shocked. [more inside]
July 15
Please help me with my trip to Australia and New Zealand
I'm off to spend the wintery month of August in Australia and New Zealand. Im visiting Sydney, Melbourne, Cairns, and Uluru in Austalia, then flying over to New Zealand where I'll work my way down from Auckland to Christchurch. I'm looking for recommendations on where to stay, where and what to eat & drink, and what to see and do, as well as answers to a few specific questions. [more inside]
Why can't car shopping be simple?
How do the taxes work when buying used (but fairly new) cars? [more inside]
Tool to manage multiple Gmail accounts?
Has anyone written a tool that lets you manage multiple Gmail accounts? I'm envisioning something similar to the Gmail notifier, that lets you log on to 3+ accounts at once and easily check them.
Protecting Powerbook Finish
Protecting Powerbook finish (paint). I recently purchased a Powerbook, and am somewhat dismayed at how easily the outside scratches, despite my attempts to protect it Powerbook even while I use it. [more inside]
How can I check a doctor's professional history?
Can anyone help me find out about my New York City based doctor's professional history in greater depth? [more inside]
How to have Internet connection on the seas?
Is it possible to establish internet connectivity on a sail boat off land, and if yes, how?
Whoops, Chair it is!
I moved desks and have apparently lost the ability to type with any satisfaction. [more inside]
CD Image Manager for Games
I have way too many games that require a CD to run. [more inside]
Dr. Strangelove Travels
Guten Tag, the good Dr. Strangelove will in San Diego half-day August 6th, all day on the 7th, business on the 8th...
What to do with the free time? [more inside]
Where did the Pac-Man term "Cruise Elroy" come from?
Where did the Pac-Man term "Cruise Elroy" come from? [more inside]
Webpages with lots of Ads
I'm doing some research on Adblocking software for web browsing. I'm interested in webpages with a lot of ads, or various types of ads on one page to run tests against. Do you have links to any particularily annoying pages?
Evil companies and smily clip art
Has anyone noticed a link between a megacorp's poor customer service and tons of "smily happy people" clip art on their ads and websites? I've been noticing a strong connection, to the extent that it's a warning flag for me not to do business with them. Am I imagining it or do they all do this?
Fix my MS Word table!
How can I get the cells in my MS Word table to "stick together"? It keeps putting page breaks in weird places, leaving a single cell stranded at the top of a page. [more inside]
Gift or loan?
I'm buying property in California with a down payment from my mother in Switzerland. Is it better to call it a loan or a gift (for tax and legal reasons)?
A field recording of two minutes of silence.
Is there a field recording of the two minutes of silence yesterday honoring the London bombing victims? [more inside]
What specs should I look for in an external hard drive
I've just been given the task of buying an external hard drive for my work, and am looking for advice on which specifications I should pay attention to when comparing different options. The drive will contain data files, and the idea is that we'll run statistical analyses (using SPSS, SAS, R, etc.) on files that reside on the drive. The main feature I'm concerned about is speed -- I don't want the drive to slow down the analyses. But we won't be transferring large files to/from the drive very often, so transfer speed isn't important in that sense. Which features are most important for this purpose? [more inside]
Who is this strange fellow on the tray?
Help me identify a weird graphic from a blurry image? [more inside]
I can't talk right anymore.
Speakin' Rightwise, I am talking funny lately. Anyone else? [more inside]
Audio Drama on the web
AudioTheatreFilter: I was an avid listener of SciFi.com's Seeing Ear Theatre, but the site has been stagnant for years and I've finally decided it's time to move on. So what's out there in online radio/audio drama? [more inside]
Know of a cheap USB Wifi dongle for Mac OS 9?
I need help with my parent's iBook (OS 9.2). They want wireless internet but there's no PC-card slot, nor an "under the keyboard" option. There is a USB port. Anybody know of a $20 USB-adapter that will work with OS 9. I already know about the AeroPad, but that sucker is $70! [more inside]
San Francisco Vet Suggestions?
Can anyone recommend a good veterinarian in the San Francisco area who is flexible in terms of paying for large procedures, or can anyone direct me to services to help finance a high ticket vet procedure? [more inside]
How can I set my mental alarm clock?
Some people have a "mental alarm clock". They can tell themselves to wake up at a certain hour, and their eyes spring open right on schedule. How can I do this, and how does it work? I've tried it on many occasions, but it only works about 30% of the time. Bonus candy for anyone who can tell me how to actually get up when my mental alarm goes off, instead of just rolling over and going back to sleep.
Gifts for a new teacher?
My girlfriend will be starting her first official job teaching fifth grade, it's her birthday soon, and I need gift ideas! [more inside]
Science magazine rec?
Science Magazine? I'm a fairly smart guy, much more focussed on the humanities than on science. I'd like to subscribe to a magazine that will raise my science IQ and teach me neat stuff, without overwhelming me with articles I find impossible to understand. There are nice new magazines for everything these days that are pitched smart but not expert. What would be the scientific equivalent?
The Quiet Mac
I've lost sound on a bunch of my OS X apps... very confused [more inside]
I'm looking for a history of the western, scientific reaction to the platypus. Specifically, but not limited to, George Shaw's suspicion that the animal was a hoax. I have found many bits and pieces , but am looking for for the whole thing stitched together - thanks.
Does Xanax work for all panic attacks?
Xanax and anxiety have been discussed here before, but I've recently been prescribed Xanax to be taken on an as-needed (during an attack) basis and am too scared to take it. [more inside]
What's a coffee an' ?
In James T. Farrell's novel The Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan (1934), Studs's favorite beverage of choice (other than booze) is a coffee an'. What is a coffee an' ?
Friday Night Be Dammed
AMSTERDAM: I'm flying to the dam tonight, meeting with 4 friends sometime around midnight. Can anyone recommend a good club or bar for 5 guys in their thirties to hit later?... and any other places to go over the weekend? (we're not interested in the touristy side, we have all done that in our twenties). Thanks [more inside]
Visiting Pointe au Baril
Any good (= decent, clean and fairly priced) hotels or B&B's in Pointe au Baril, Ontario CA? If you know of a good place where a lonely traveller might find a meal, it 'd be appreciated too.
Programming a Kensington Trackball / Trackball vs. Mouse?
I just bought a Wireless Kensington Expert Mouse, and I'm trying to convince myself I like it. Ergonomically, I think it's better for my hand and wrist in the long run, but there is one thing that's really bugging me: I can set keystrokes for any of the buttons, but it only sends the key to the computer when I release the button. I use a Mac, and I have the F9 key programmed in on the trackball for Expose, but this means I can't just hold it, move to the window I want, and release it like I'm able to do on my Logitech mx700. I have to click, move, and click again ("waa", I know). Any suggestions for making this work using Kensington's MouseWorks driver? Are there any third-party apps/drivers out there that could take care of this?
Furthermore, does anyone have experience switching from a mouse to a trackball? Did you stay with the trackball, and what merits/flaws do you see in both devices?
Ideas for a glass tabletop project
I have finished building a dining table and want to use an all glass tabletop instead of wood top. The idea is that the glass top would rest on four leg supports. Originally I was thinking of getting grey tinted glass with countersunk holes that sits on dowel pins. Turns out it is almost a custom job and the cost is coming out to be too much for 0.5 inch glass. If I go with 3/8 inch glass then apparently they do not make grey tinted version of those. So here are my questions -
What are good ways to prevent a glass top from sliding around when it is resting on four flat contact points which may be 1 to 2 inch in diameter. Special transparent glue ? or sticky pads ? I am looking for a clean look.
The other question is what is a good way to get the tinted glass effect. I was thinking of may be using grey colored films. Not sure if that is the best way. If you think that is a good way i would appreciate some pointers to good sources of such films. Thanks
RewriteRule and Trailing Slashes
How do I write a RewriteRule for an .htaccess file that includes if the user does (or doesn't) use a trailing slash? [more inside]
Water softener question
Is it safe for my family to drink water from a water softener? [more inside]
Biking in 110 degree desert heat?
Exercising in the extreme heat... Bad idea? [more inside]
Good photo labs that will develop and scan 35mm film
I've started into my first serious foray into amateur photography. The only fully-manual camera I could get my hands on for free is 35mm, so I'm now confronted with a problem that I haven't really ever dealt with before: where to get it developed. I want digital scans of most of my photos, for easy storage and Flickring, and there are a number of corollary requirements as well. [more inside]
Personal Car Leasing
Does anyone have any experience with Personal Contract lease of cars? I'm just working out how to spend my new car allowance in my job - and I like the idea of leasing a car (replaced every three years, maintained, get some cash back for my old car etc etc)
The sites on the web look a little hard-sell (obviously) and I'm stuck for good clear guidance of whether this is a good option or not. This is in the UK btw
How can I warranty THIS bad RAM?
When I bought my PC I was told by the sales person that my RAM was covered under a "lifetime warranty"... [more inside]
How come printed pdfs from Access don't look right
I'm stumped on an Access/PDF problem. I'm printing a number of 1-page files from an Access report into pdf. The resulting pdf is almost, but not quite, right. If I select text - copy - paste into Notepad or Word from the .pdf, there's only gobbledygook, which means the pdf is effectively unsearchable. [more inside]
Free Logo Maker for Website
Can you suggest a free service that will make a smart logo for the heading of web sites. (Something similar to the nice logos at Gotlogos gallery, which is a paid service)
Find Spanish al Qaeda indictment
On September 17, 2003 Spanish über-judge Baltasar Garzón issued a 700-page indictment of the "Madrid cell" of al Qaeda for its support role in the 9/11 attacks. Is this document online anywhere? Has it ever been translated?
Etiquette: Who pays for dinner in this situation?
EtiquetteFilter: I'm going to dinner with a friend of mine tomorrow evening. It was also my birthday last weekend and my friend was out of town at the time. So, I have a hunch that he may offer to pay for dinner because of, you know, the birthday thing. Here's the twist -- he was laid off about two weeks ago... [more inside]
July 14
Filling Corian holes?
Can you fill holes in Corian? [more inside]
Should I tip the delivery guy?
Tipping Filter: Yes, another tipping question. Tomorrow, I am having furniture delivered from a large company. Do I tip the delivery guy? If so, how much? [more inside]
Buggy Browser
"Handler could not be removed". Huh? Help! [more inside]
I will not be crucified on a cross-compile of gold...
I am having problems with crosstools on OS 10.3.9 - Does anyone have this setup working? Any general advice on crosscompiling on a Mac for ARM is also welcome. [more inside]
iPodding in a Penske Truck
I own a 4G iPod. I'm renting a Penske truck to move from Memphis to Boston. What are the options for playing my iPod in the truck? I of course don't want to spend a ton of money because I will only use the setup for a few days, but I'm still interested in hearing all the options you can think of.
is none singular?
Which is correct, and why?
(a) "None of those were..."
(b) "None of those was..." [more inside]
Pilates classes in NYC
Looking for a Pilates class in NYC. Want to try the machines, but even a mat-based class that doesn't cost a fortune would be good.
Think: Nick Bantock.
I want to make a custom rubber stamp. [more inside]
How do you override gut emotional reactions?
How do you override gut emotional reactions?
In other words, how can you bring your feelings into agreement with a conflicting conclusion you have reached via rational thinking?
What's wrong with my computer?
HELP! My computer is having some strange problems that look to be pretty serious! I've got a Presario running XP. [more inside]
Do cover bands pay roylaties?
When a cover band plays at a club, an event or whatever, is somebody supposed to pay royalties for the songs? If so, how much? Do ASCAP and BMI send out goons to enforce?
Finding a news article
I have a quote from and a link to an AP article published a few months ago. Problem is, searching for the quote on Google gives no relevant results, the link now goes to an error page saying the article was not found, and I can't find the article in a search of the AP archives. What to do?
All stereotypers need my help to become better people.
What are some persuasive points to make to help someone realize that stereotyping isn't a desirable way of categorizing people? Say that the person's main argument when you say, "Hey, that's stereotyping!" is, "I'm not saying I hate them; I'm not saying they're bad; I'm just saying they talk loud/don't tip well/act just like that skit on SNL." How also to explain the sometimes subtle difference between saying: "People from this region/culture talk like this," (accents) and "People from this region/culture act like this," (possible stereotype)? I already immediately say that I don't like to hear sweeping comments about particular races/cultures/religions/genders in order to get the person to stop saying that stuff around me (and potentially around others)... but the chance to make a comment that could be thought-provoking is very tempting.
There's a better life... and you think about it, don't you?
Dropping-out-of-the-rat-race Filter: Suggest good work-study or scholarship programs for someone looking to spend about a year taking a break from the 9 to 5. [more inside]
Hebrew fonts for Tiger?
I'm using Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger), and Microsoft Word 2004. Where the heck can I find some free Hebrew fonts that will show up in a freakin' Word doc?!? I've tried several Unicode fonts (SBL Hebrew and Cardo) - they show up in my Word font menu, but only with English characters! Can I still download either TrueType or PostScript fonts, or did those stop working on Macs during the days of New Coke and Reagonomics?
Gift for my grandfather's 80th birthday
Gift-Filter: Please help me find a birthday present for my grandfather who hates everything. [more inside]
Explain my mitochondrial DNA
I just received my results from the Genographic Project and they are confusing. Can someone explain my mitochondrial DNA to me? [more inside]
business blogger
I am interested in developing three new blogs, all for business purposes. I have the business mind and the game plan, but don't have enough time to learn how to use systems like Movable Type or Word Press. Does anyone know where I can get some help?
I'm thinking the solution requires a hammer.
This puzzle is driving me nuts! A glass bottle, bolts, and a wood rod. [more inside]
Returning to librarianship
What would an aging defrocked librarian have to do to return to the fold? [more inside]
Most widespread file format
What file format exists in the greatest numbers? HTML? TXT? MP3? JPEG? DLL?
Script to provide Intellitext-style functionality
Are there any free or extremely cheap packages that do something like what Intellitext does? Please do not kill me, I'm not really evil. [more inside]
Capital Gains Taxes
Question re: Capital Gains taxes on a home sale [more inside]
When calling someone a "cocks**ker" are you calling them a "girl" or are you calling them a "homo"?
BadWordFilter - Does the word "buttf**ker" refer to a man who sodomizes a woman, and in turn is just a "dirty sex act" word, or does it refer to a homosexual who sodomizes a man and in turn is a homophobic word? Likewise for "cocks**ker"? When calling someone a "cocks**ker" are you calling them a "girl" or are you calling them a "homo"? Am I thinking too much about it, or should I avoid using these words around women / homosexuals so not to appear sexist / homophobic?
Costa Rica honeymoon tips?
I'm honeymooning in Costa Rica in the middle of September, primarily in Quepos/Manuel Antonio and the Waterfall Gardens in Varablanca. Some friends have told us we'll absolutely hate it because all it will do is rain rain rain during the time. Is this the case? Also: tell me stuff to do! Even if it is raining. A billion thanks.
Roadside non-crosses?
An article in my local newspaper on the removal of roadside crosses (and having just read Carl Hiassen's "Skinny Dip," in which a minor character collects roadside crosses and replants them in his backyard) made me wonder if non-Christians put up non-cross roadside memorials, and if there are websites with examples.
to pay or not to pay
I rented a car on a recent trip to Ontario, Canada (I live in the US) and got a parking ticket.
I paid the rental cash but I guess the rental company would have the credit card number I used to make the reservation
What would happen if I don't pay the fine? Is the rental company (Avis) going to charge me? Will they send me a bill in 10 years asking me for payment and interests?
Cheap road trip?
I heard that every year RVs need to be taken from Los Angeles to Alaska, or the other way around. [more inside]
Narrow sound?
Recently I read an article about narrow-band sound and the attempt to develop it. For example, a siren from an ambulance on the street would clear the streets, but wouldn't wake people in their homes because they wouldn't hear it. I can't find the article and Google's no help. I'm tempted to say I read it on one of Marshall Brain's sites, but searching there was fruitless as well. Can someone find it?
Where did my Documents folder go?
Where did my Documents folder go? (OS X) [more inside]
wireless stereo
I'm wondering if there's a relatively easy way to play a live music stream off iTunes (KCRW) on my "real" stereo. I've got an iBook g4 and an Airport. Is there a way to wirelessly send that signal somehow into my stereo, so I can carry my laptop around to different locations but having the iTunes stream function like a regular FM signal on my stereo...
any ideas?
It says 'warning' in braille
Someone I know was diagnosed with HPV. [more inside]
Marrying an immigrant
Seeking advice from US citizens who have married foreigners who happened to be illegal. [more inside]
songs about dogs?
Help me fill a CD with songs about dogs! [more inside]
Coconut oil; good for you?
Any informed opinions on the safety of coconut oil as a food supplement? [more inside]
Wedding gift in Paris?
My best friend is having a civil marriage ceremony and then going to Paris for two weeks with her husband and family (parents, etc.) to celebrate. What is something thoughtful that I could give them for the Paris trip, preferably something they could use in Paris but that I could buy or arrange here over the phone or by email? [more inside]
Advice on Broadband Service
Still using antediluvian dialup connection to the 'net - seeking experience re: switching to broadband. Help me O mavens of Mefi.... [more inside]
Sharing calendars through Outlook and iCal without an Exchange server
I need to share a calendar between four people. Trouble is, two of them are on Macs (using iCal) and two of them are using Outlook on PCs. I know there are systems like OfficeCalendar that do away with needing an Exchange server, and GroupCal that allows a Mac to connect to an Exchange server. But is there a way to get all these platforms working in tandem? Bonus points if there is a web-based version of the calendar too.
Temping agencies in London
Can anyone recommend a temping/job agency in London? Also, any advice on how to approach finding a job when you're a new graduate with zero work experience (and a crummy degree) would be gratefully received. [more inside]
How to protect a wood mounted poster
My wife and I are building a collage of movie poster details for our theater, but I'm having problems coming up with a good way to mount them. I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it will work. [more inside]
Are my new landlords required to honor my lease?
I just found out the building I live in is in the process of being sold. Are the new owners legally bound to the lease I signed when I moved in? What kind of protection is there for current tenants in this situation? Any advice from others who have been in this situation would be appreciated.
Sports bras for larger-breasted women?
Sports bras for the busty: any suggestions for keeping larger breasts in place while running? Regular, buy-at-the-department-store sports bras don't seem to be supportive enough for size D. I've seen Enell suggested - any experiences with that brand? Any others I should check out?
No Dial Tone
What's wrong with my phone line? [more inside]
How to recall an email in Lotus 6.5?
Is there any way to recall an email in Lotus Notes? [more inside]
Disable X-Mouse Autoraise in MS Apps
I have enabled X-Mouse mode in TweakUI with "Autoraise when activating" disabled, but Microsoft apps (Visual Studio .NET, Office 2003, etc.) annoyingly still autoraise when activated my the mouse. Is there any way to prevent or disable this behavior?
Spanish Guitar Music
I would like recommendations for pretty and simple Spanish/Latin American guitar pieces. [more inside]
Where can I find Iranian replica soccer jerseys?
Where can I find a reasonable selection of Iranian soccer jerseys? [more inside]
Suggestions for changing my style.
I would like to change my style. [more inside]
How do I backup NTFS's $Secure ?
Anyone know of a way to backup/restore the $Secure metadata file in NTFS?
Preferably something that wouldn't require a full backup/restore of the entire file system?
Songs with Psychiatric Illness theme
I am looking for songs with a psychiatric illness theme. 2 songs come immediately to mind, both by Simon and Garfunkel. One is Richard Cory dealing with a suicide by a probable manic-depressive .The other is A Most Peculiar Man which describes the suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning of a schizophrenic patient. i know it is rather morbid but I would appreciate hearing of other songs of the same ilk.
what's better than cunx?
Courier bags: who's better than Cunx? [more inside]
Origin of "It's quiet - too quiet"
Where does the phrase "It's quiet... too quiet" come from? [more inside]
Online japanese clothes sellers?
Where on the net can I get decent quality, authentic japanese/tokyo street/stylish clothes for an average-sized Caucasian male? [more inside]
July 13
Help me find my french dogs?
Storm the Bastille and help me find a French music video from the 80's--
please? [more inside]
French language books/CDs
What are the best books and/or CDs to help me improve my French? [more inside]
Swipe locks
Hotel keys and their locks. So I've been staying in a lot of hotels lately and everyone uses these swipe cards now. [more inside]
How do cells form various shapes? [more inside]
Upcoming books
Is there a free database of upcoming, as of yet unreleased books from all the publishers anywhere on thar web? Thanks.
Is there a version of this game out there somewhere where you can undo as many moves as you want? [more inside]
Should I wear fake pantyhose on my face?
Why shouldn't I spray pantyhose on my face? I bought these spray-on pantyhose and sprayed them on my legs. I liked it so much I tried it on my face. Looked great there too. Is there any reason I shouldn't be doing this? [more inside]
Dead computer, locked hard drive?
My wife's computer died (autopsy pending). I took her hard drive out, put it in an Adaptec external enclosure, and hooked it to my machine via USB. It runs fine and I can see the directory tree, but it won't let me access the important stuff under her profile in Documents and Settings -- just says "Access Denied." Is there any way around this? [more inside]
should I go into technical writing
Should I go into technical writing? [more inside]
Interesting things to do with a spare lcd monitor
I have a spare 15 inch LCD monitor, and I am looking for something interesting to do with it. [more inside]
Mattresses in New York?
Help me find a new mattress and box spring in New York! [more inside]
to tip or not to tip
Take-out orders: do you tip, and if so, how much? [more inside]
Best Broadband Provider?
I just cancelled Roadrunner internet access, and I need help finding another ISP. [more inside]
Webcam for windows?
Cheap webcam for windows? [more inside]
Is it a bad server? Or am I a bad coder?
I build websites. One of them runs very, very slowly, but only on the client's server. I'm pretty sure it's because their server needs more memory. But I'm a mediocre sysadmin, and I want to be absolutely certain I know what I'm talking about before I blame the hardware for what could be a problem with my software. Help reassure me that I'm not insane. [more inside]
ResumeFilter: Freelance "Gap"
ResumeFilter: Applying to a Fortune 500 company. How do I show the last two years of freelance experience without coming off as a maverick? [MI] [more inside]
Country in Ethiopia
RadioFilter: A friend told me she heard a segment on country music's popularity in Ethiopia on WNYC (820 AM, public radio in New York) this morning. Despite searching the websites of every show they aired, I cannot find audio or any mention of the segment. Did anyone else catch this, and if so, can you help me find it?
URL naming protocol?
TechnoDunce question: why do some URLs start with "http://www.blah" and some just start with "http://blah"?
Info on class action lawsuits?
What's a reliable, trustworthy source for information about class action lawsuits? [more inside]
web design simpleton
How do people make websites do this fancy trick? The site sells something downloadable. You pay, then you get an automated email containing a link to download the same item or items you bought.
What the world is in that bag?
So I broke down and got a murse. What small essential things do I need to be carrying around with me at all times? [more inside]
Has anyone written some sort of scholarly critique or observations about infomercials and their bizarre and sort of addictive appeal? [more inside]
The road from Paris
What's the best way I can find discount travel (air, rail, rental car) destinations for a weekend trip from Paris? [more inside]
Should I RAM one slot, or two? Huh huh.
I'm thinking about buying a new iMac G5, and I'd like to bump the RAM up to 1GB from the standard 512MB. The Apple customization menu gives you the option of getting 1GB in two DIMMs or one; the latter is $50 more expensive. Is there any performance benefit in having all the RAM in one place, or is it just a question of keeping a slot open?
Looking for machine to make stickers
Can anyone suggest equipment to produce custom photographic quality *small-sized* (anywhere from 1/2" to 2") stickers with custom shapes? [more inside]
OSX Filter: Moving a user account to a different machine...
OSX Filter: Moving a user account to a different machine... [more inside]
What is Quality? How does one measure it?
The recent question about quality science fiction has led to an ongoing debate with some friends. How does one measure Quality or Beauty in art? For example, what makes one painting better than another painting? Are evaluations of this sort purely subjective? Somehow the argument that there are no objective standards for Beauty — that the Quality of art is purely a matter of personal preference — seems dangerous to me. (If one cannot measure Quality in art, then how can one measure Quality in science or law or any other field?)
Where's the guy shoving the monitor off of his desk?
Does anybody know where I can find that famous mpeg of the guy who gets angry, stands up from his desk, and shoves the monitor onto the floor. Sorry about this one, but my Google-Fu has lost it's chi or something.
Geophotopodcasting my way across the USA
At the end of next week, I will be embarking on a move from the New York City area to San Jose, California. I have this brilliant (or slightly overzealous) idea to "geophotopodcast" my way across the country using a combination of different technologies, so my friends back home can keep up with my adventures. What suggestions can you offer me for making my high-tech travelog cooler / easier to execute? [more inside]
How do I apply to grad school after taking a few years off to work?
I'm a recent college graduate who is taking a few years off to work before going to grad school. Since I'm taking a few years off how should I handle the need to have academic letters of recommendation when I do apply? [more inside]
New York City First Visit
Help my wife and I figure out how much we can fit in during a relatively short first visit to New York City. [more inside]
Hackers Wanted
Is there a way to pull values off of an Internet drop down menu and paste them in a document? [more inside]
Removing blood from leather?
Anyone know how to remove blood stains from leather? [more inside]
Podcast advice needed.
Looking for a good (read non-american-centric) news Podcast that covers world events. [more inside]
Can I print multiple documents at once?
Is there any way to select and print, say, 30 documents at a time without having to individually open each one?
Wow - that really hums
HumFilter: how do I stop the audio connection from my DVD player humming? [more inside]
Recipes using meat and chocolate
Meat with chocolate recipes [more inside]
Cell phone annoyances
I own a Motorola v600 cell phone. On the side of the phone are buttons which change the ring style. Can I disable them? [more inside]
Know of a Visio-lite appication?
Anyone know of a good free, easy to use, diagramming application that would allow me and my colleagues to brainstorm ideas similar to using post-its on a bulletin board? Related: Experience with affinity diagram techniques? [more inside]
recording spoken audio
My not-for-profit theatre company (run by me and grumblebee) wants to start producing audio dramas and releasing them as podcasts (and maybe on CDs). We have a limited budget (under $1000). What recording equipment should we buy for good quality sound? [more inside]
real estate hacks: scraping together a house
I'm looking for a home closer to my work, and I'm trying to be systematic about it. My plan is to scrape online real estate databases and put them into a spreadsheet, then start ranking and comparing. [more inside]
Programmer's Editor for handling multi-file MVC?
Can anyone recommend a good programmer's editor for MVC? Specifically, I'm looking for something that will let me choose a class, and automatically open up the three corresponding model, view, and controller source files, so I don't have to go looking for them. [more inside]
Examples of Movements for World Unity
Citizenry of the world identify! [more inside]
Lost in Blogland
Blogfilter: I've been asked to monitor blogs for mentions of our company. I don't have a budget to hire a company to do this... [more inside]
Unfair use.
How to capture audio from a DVD movie on MacOS Tiger? [more inside]
Bad Norton! Bad!
Bad Norton! Bad! Ever since my most recent LiveUpdate last Thursday, Norton Internet Security has been giving me some problems... [more inside]
Transatlantic flying
Right, it's peak travel season here in the UK. Any recommendations for the best way to get from London to Houston for 4 people for a week at the end of July/beginning of August?
gorrila my dreams!
Best way to shave girly parts without razor burn? [more inside]
Hopefully simple question about hot-swapping between PCs and Macs. [more inside]
Attraction concerns.
I have just started to be attracted to a friend I never had feelings for before, in an insidious and subconscious way. But my girlfriend and I are living together, and she's pushing hard for marriage. [more inside]
MacFilter: Where did all the space go?
MacFilter: Where did all the space go? I was using my Powerbook (OS 10.4.1) last night and at last glance it had 4.5GB of space left. After working on iPhoto and Firefox, both of which hung for minutes during operation and while quitting, I got a message saying I was running out of disk space. It turned out I only had 200MB left. After rebooting, the space went up to 1.1GB. Is there any way I can find out where the space went and get it back? [more inside]
English breakfast in the twin cities?
Does anyone know of a place that serves a full english breakfast in the Minneapolis area? [more inside]
How many pounds should I bring and what should I see in Scotland?
I'll be in Edinburgh, Scotland, for about a week. How many pounds should I plan to bring, and what should I see? [more inside]
July 12
How do I find a computer parts wholesaler?
How do I find a computer parts wholesaler? [more inside]
Should I vaccinate my two-month old?
Why shouldn't I vaccinate my two-month old? [more inside]
Border Collie Training Tips
Casting a wide net filter regarding border collies: I have a 3.5 month old purebred border collie puppy and am soliciting answers and advice regarding her training. She starts training this Thursday and I've consulted my vet and breeder, as well as Google, but would appreciate any advice here also. [more inside]
Wholesale game suppliers?
(How) can I, a private individual, buy video games wholesale? [more inside]
Productivity-tracking Software
I'm looking for a productivity-tracking software (freeware) that does the very simplest task of logging the applications I'm using, and its usage duration. At the end of the day it will help me to identify the time I spent mucking around on the web, and actual work productivity. [more inside]
Letterpress info
I own a printing company and someone has offered to give me a Heidelberg letterpress. I want to find information on letterpress work. I want to find a newer way to make the dyes that stamp the paper. And I would like to figure a way to turn it into a foil stamping machine...any ideas
Looking for a decent multiplayer co-op game.
I'm looking for a decent multi player co-op game... [more inside]
Best bachelorette party EVER
What should I do for a bachelorette party? [more inside]
Honeymoon in Greece?
My fiance and I would like to honeymoon in Greece, but we have no idea where to go. [more inside]
Moving Cross-Country On a A Budget
On behalf of a blog-buddy who is moving from AZ to MT: any advice on how to move cross-country on a budget? [more inside]
How to recover digital images
Can you help rescue my digital photographs from their silver grave? [more inside]
Arrrgggh!!! It's a Mac!!
Help me find a computer prank. [more inside]
Sharing a wireless connection with a wired PC
I have a laptop that can connect wirelessly to a wireless network at my parent's home. Is there any way to share that connection via ethernet with my desktop computer? [more inside]
Vintage hats!
Hatfilter: Vintage hat recommendations? [more inside]
A history lesson on piano makers of the 20th century please.
Chickering, 6' 5" Grand. 1930 make. Conditions aside, is it worth buying? Or better to wait until I've saved enough money for a Steinway? [more inside]
What's a good weblog traffic analyzer for a personal website?
What's a good weblog traffic analyzer for a personal website? [more inside]
Guess That Plotter
Can anyone identify this model of HP plotter from that picture?
Sleeping at work
I share an office with a co-worker and over the past few months she's been sitting at her computer and falling asleep during the day, mainly in the afternoon. [more inside]
How can one prepare for business social settings?
Cocktail parties, fundraisers, all the places where business and pleasure mix. What's a newbie to do? Need the insider perspective. [more inside]
nytimes crossword reruns?
Does the NY Times ever rerun its crossword puzzles? [more inside]
Best Book/Site for improving MS SQL Skills?
I currently have a very low level of SQL knowledge (I can construct simple queries for multiple tables, but I start to fall apart on the difference between inner and outer joins).
I need to learn to create multiple join SQL queries and Dynamic SQL/Stored Procedures on MS SQL Server 2000 in a short period of time. I'd also like to learn to use MS Query Analyzer more efficiently. Is there one book or online resource that is best for this?
Additionally, are there alternatives to using MS Query Analyzer, or is that really *the* tool? [more inside]
How to become a professor?
How does one become a professor (read: university level instructor)? [more inside]
Reporting Spam
How to report unwanted e-mail to sender's ISP?
I've asked not to be sent any more emails but sender continues--just to annoy me. Besides reporting to the FTC, how can I report it, should I report it to the senders ISP?
Title for a 70s romance flick?
On behalf of a coworker, I have another "help me remember" question. This one involves a film from the early seventies. [more inside]
Cleaning a Scotchgarded sofa?
How can I clean my already-Scotchgarded sofa? [more inside]
Vegetarian Dinner
I want to make dinner for my new girlfriend. She is a vegetarian. [more inside]
How can I build my family tree online?
I'm looking for free, online, collaborative genealogy software. [more inside]
How often do most people change their email address?
I'm looking for statistics about how often the average Internet user changes his/her email address. [more inside]
Give me your sweet stock tips!
What are some stocks that you really believe in and enjoy owing? [more inside]
immigration policies
What are the biggest differences between other developed countries and the United States in terms of their immigration policies? If I remember right, the US lets in about 1 million people or so a year (legally), most through family reunificiation, some through a lottery,business opportunities, refugee programs or other means.
Ive often wondered how other developed countries, such as those in the EU or Australia handle their immigration policies - more or less open?
Ive never been able to find a solid nonideological guide to different countries policies, so some pointers would be great!
Dry out a basement?
Any suggestions for drying out a flooded basement? [more inside]
Health insurance for freelancers in Illinois?
Freelancers in Illinois who have health insurance: what plan do you have? What others did you look at? Why did you pick the one you did? How much? Etc. [more inside]
Boring Webcams
A friend is looking for a list of boring webcams.
How much is my photo worth?
What is a reasonable price to charge for rights to use one of my photos on a book cover? [more inside]
New Reality Tunnels
LearyFilter: Does anybody know of a place in the world where LSD is still legal, and available in circulation? [more inside]
Title for apocalyptic noir flick?
Can anyone suggest a title for an end of the world movie? [more inside]
Document Imaging/Management
I’m tasked with finding an appropriate Document Imaging/Management solution for my company. We’re an engineering/environmental consulting firm with several offices, amounting to about 300 users. The ones I’ve looked at so far are Questsys , Docstar , Laserfiche and, (the really cheap solution) PaperPort .
Does anyone have any experience with these solutions, or can you recommend another solution that you have implemented?
Should I be worried about an apartment building's smell?
I looked at an apartment that seems really great (big, cheap, etc) except for a particular and not quite pleasant bouquet varying in strength and odor from mothballs to 'old house', to just plain stale. Should I be worried? How worried? [more inside]
Cool Hunting
I'm looking for some really hip websites, magazines or podcasts that comment and report on arts, entertainment, culture and a little (just a little!) on politics. I already read Salon.com, Slate Magazine and Rolling Stone, but I need more. Any ideas?
Have you used a low cost ($20-$50) Cold Air Intake on your car?
Have you used a low cost ($20-$50) Cold Air Intake on your car? [more inside]
Two weeks floating in Eastern Europe
Tell me about Eastern Europe... [more inside]
New Product Development Methodologies
I'm looking for an article I once read that described the best way to develop a new software product within a company that must continue to build/support its legacy applications. [more inside]
Anthony, wife of Henry?
Wandering a cemetery, I came across this gravestone. "Anthony, beloved wife of Henry"? I'm pretty sure there wasn't a lot of gay marriage up in northern Ontario during the late 19th Century, but I've never heard of Anthony being a woman's name... what gives?
Chili! I want your recipes. And I pray that this be an ecumenical zone, where adherents of all chili-related dogmas will be welcome.
Vietnamese cultural sensitivity and portrait mode.
I want to take some photos of locals around Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City). I have two questions: One, is there anything I should know about taking pictures of people like this? I want to be as uninvasive and polite as possible, but I don't want to be a big dumb American screaming "HAY GUYS CAN I TAKE YOUR PHOTO?!" and acting like they're animals in a zoo. Two is a technical question about my Canon Powershot A35... [more inside]
What to see/do/eat in Prague?
Following some of the advice from this post, tomorrow Orange Goblin and I are jetting off to Prague for a week.
What should we see/do/eat? [more inside]
What scale should I buy?
I'm looking to buy a new and hopefully not too expensive weight scale. Tanita seems to be the cool brand, but is body fat monitoring worth the extra dollars? I'm not finding much authoritative info on how accurate it is or even how it works so I'm skeptical. Explanations or scale recommendations appreciated.
Where to find a travel toy from the 70s?
Please help me find a toy of sorts from the 70s. I think it was called CarTalk -- a handheld flip sign that provided hours of fun while driving the interstates on summer vacations. As I recall, it was an oval-shaped paddle with messages on a spiral binder like: "Hello" and "I think you're cute," as well as some other goofy inspirations for fellow highway travelers. Let me know if you have more information or if you know where to get one.
How can I find a new job quickly?
I'm planning a move in late November, from Boston to San Francisco. At the moment, it's looking like I'm going to arrive there and THEN begin my job search. 1. Am I completely nuts? 2. What can I do to help my odds of landing a job quickly? [more inside]
Website visitor survey
I am in the process of creating a survey form for a website and wanted to know what would be the most effective method of gathering responses online? [more inside]
What are the required stops when driving across the middle states?
UltimateRoadTripFilter. In 2 weeks, I'm driving across the country from Harrisburg, PA to Newport Beach, CA. My best friend is coming along and he's never seen anything west of Ohio. We've got 7 full days to complete the trip. What's not to miss? [more inside]
They misunderestimated me.
What are some good titles for a Bush-administration-themed porno movie?
Tell me about aerobic sewers.
We're looking at houses. The one we love has an aerobic sewer. Does anyone have personal experience with one? [more inside]
Cell phone confusion !
What's the best cell phone I can buy right now in the United States that will sync with a Mac? I have some specific wants and am totally perplexed by the world of cell phones. [more inside]
commercail jingle identification?
Name that jingle. No lyrics. I don't even know on what commercials it can be heard. It's failry old, but not that obscure. I've googled and used melody search engines but had no luck. Here's how the basic melody goes... [more inside]
I need to get away from it all. From my job, from my friends, from the world I call my own. I think I need a week of uninterrupted me time. I usually take awesome vacations with friends, but end up returning home completely exhausted. Where can I go to completely chill, rejuvenate my mind and body, and return to my life refreshed. I will fly anywhere in the world, but would prefer not to spend too much money. Suggestions like The Golden Door Spa may be a little out of my price range......
Tricks and tips for using IMAP mail?
I've just switched to IMAP after (literally) fifteen years of pop mail. What are some tips, warnings, and best practices? [more inside]
Why are my hard drive icons moving upon restart?
whenever I restart my Mac G5 (10.4.x), my hard drive icons (two external, the main hard drive, and a secondary internal) are moved to the upper right hand side of my screen, and usually partially obscured by the Dock (which I pin on the right side.) I hate this. All the other icons on the desktop (folders, aliases, etc.) never move after a restart (or re-launch of the Finder), just the drive icons. Is there any way to avoid this?
Setting up a password repository
Let's say I wanted to create a simple web app to store my various usernames and passwords. The app and database would be hosted externally (by Dreamhost). I would use a secure connection for any HTTP stuff going back and forth, and I would encrypt all of the passwords before going into the db, and I can only extract and decrypt a password after entering a pass phrase that exists only in my brain. What would it take for someone else to get at my passwords? [more inside]
Help with Sebrenica song..
Anyone watched the Sebrenica commemoration in Bosnia yesterday? I'd love to find a CD/mp3 of the moving song the little girl in red was singing and the chorus in white. I don't speak the language, and I'm having a lot of trouble finding the /name/ of the song, let alone a recording of it..
Please help!
How do you pass time on a weeknight?
You're married or single, have no kids, hold a regular job and are out of school. So what do you do in the evenings after work? [more inside]
why are some paints so luminous?
Why do the paints used on DynoRod vans, for example, have such luminosity? [more inside]
Is there an irrigation system that easily water plants on a patio?
GardeningFilter: is there an irrigation system that easily waters plants in containers on a patio? [more inside]
html link
How do you create a link to the middle of the page? [more inside]
Elusive retro workout track
Another "name that obscure song without audio assistance" question: I would love to have a song identified that I heard twice in the gym last year. [more inside]
Credit card borrowing basics?
A friend in college is very anxious to get a loan for around $5-6000. Neither of us knows anything about credit cards, so I'm asking for some advice on her behalf.
(*and yeah, this question seems pretty basic, so sorry if I missed it being asked already) [more inside]
July 11
Do I want "limited tort" or "full tort" auto insurance?
Do I want "limited tort" or "full tort" auto insurance? [more inside]
MS Ride Prep/Training
Last Thursday I found out my brother has Multiple Sclerosis. This morning I found out that New Mexico is having The Atomic Tour MS 150 Bike Ride in just under a month. I signed up for it. Now what? [more inside]
Des Moines, Iowaaaa
Anything going on in Des Moines, Iowa on the cultural scene? Art museums, galleries, music, best kept secrets, restaurants, even shopping etc. Spending 3 days in August...yikes.
No, it is not the theme to Tetris.
NameThatRussianFolkTuneFilter: a friend into shortwave radio picked up this song over the airwaves, recorded it to tape for posterity, and has been transfixed since -- but doesn't know what it is or who's singing. It's a long-shot, but can someone ID this?
How to make shirts?
I've been actively trying to create shirts of the quality seen here. While I'm less concerned with the technical aspects of creating a vintage/fatigued looked -- how does one go through the initial stages of design? (What program is best to design in, how should I approach the silkscreener, fabric acquisition...) [more inside]
Post apocalyptic Dentist Movie Filter
Another Name That Movie Question - Mid 80s movie about a dentist traveling through a post-apocalyptic wasteland. [more inside]
Where should I start my journey to study the bible?
I'm a Christian, but I don't know jack about the Bible. What's the best way to tackle this divine dilemma? [more inside]
What kind of flower is this?
What kind of flower is this?
Language Aids
Has anyone learned a language using Rosetta Stone software, or something like it? Does it work?
How do you learn a new musical instrument?
How does one go about learning the pedal steel, or any musical instrument for that matter? [more inside]
BugFilter: What is this giant bug?
BugFilter: What is this bug? It was crawling around outside my apartment here in Austin and actually walked toward me whenever I would move, which creeped me the eff out. It's about two inches long and... just check out the photo. It was a slow and deliberate mover. I have to know what it is, and if I should keep a weapon nearby in case it comes back.
Rss Feed Me
How can I add rss feeds like my Audioscrobbler feed, or my delicious feed into my website and make it so its instantly updated on a refresh? I'm currently using http://bigbold.com/rssdigest/, but I want things like my current playlist to update live. Please try to provide a simple or step by step answer as my rss wis a little slow.
Does tiled PC desktop wallpaper still exist?
Anyone know a good source of tiled wallpaper backgrounds for a computer desktop? [more inside]
Unstick a garden hose
How to unstick a garden hose? [more inside]
I like to ride my bicycle
Where are the most bike-friendly places to live in the U.S.? [more inside]
handcarved wedding band
ok, so I while back you guys advice and buying a wedding ring. So I got this awesome cool handcarved wedding ring from an antique store. It is 18K gold band with a handcarved design of laurel and berries....but I only got one. So how do I go about getting a duplicate made (larger) that would fit me? I have talked to jewelers and the are very vague. I live in SE MI area.
How do I map my property?
I'd like to make a map of my five acres but I have no surveying skills. Any simple guide to, or ideas about, amateur surveying on the cheap? [more inside]
My mouse in Windows is acting funny.
Help!, I need to fix my jumpy mouse in Windows 2000. [more inside]
macintosh and tivo: streaming music!
need recommendations on mac's and tivo's home media. i'm trying to decide how to rout all my good music into my home stereo. seems i could do one of two things: send playlists etc through tivo home media or use the airport express to the stereo hub. our main router is actually a linksyss because we have a PC as well as a mac now so i guess i would have to get airport express for the stereo. my computer will all of my pictures and music is a new imac g5 and i think it already has a wireless hub installed/bluetooth (the whole nine yards!) what is the best way/easiest way/most reliable way to get music shifted into my stereo.
ps. the stereo is very far from the computer itself and cant be directly connected.
i've searched the archives on this question to no avail.
Name this film
Name that film: early to mid eighties, 3D (I think), modern day fantasy/adventure/heist caper involving cursed ancient crowns... Any ideas? [more inside]
A members-only but anonymous discussion board?
I'm in search of an electronic discussion board that meets a couple criteria. The idea is to create a neutral space where members of a group I belong to can post about a very contentious labor issue. They've made two requests: 1) members should have the option of posting anonymously or not, and 2) the forum should be available to members only (password protected). [more inside]
How can I become a massage therapist?
So I've decided to become a massage therapist. [more inside]
Interstitial Cystitis
Does anyone have any remedies for Interstitial Cystitis? [more inside]
How do I mount surge protectors to the wall?
How do I mount surge protectors (surge strips) to a newly painted wall so the surge protectors are flush and appear professionally mounted? [more inside]
Done with clickin', now time for pickin'
This is a question about patience and photos on the web, namely - how many photos are too many? [more inside]
how to get a credit card or loan without SSN or citizenship?
How can a non-U.S. citizen (or anyone without a social security number) get a credit card or a student or private loan?
Getting an HBO documentary without getting HBO.
In 2003 HBO made a documentary about the Chechen separatists taking over a Russian theater... [more inside]
Where's Tupac's money going?
Tupac died 9 years ago, but it's like he never went away - 18 tracks have been released since his death and the latest, Ghetto Gospel is number one here in the UK. Who releases the records, and who benefits financially from it? [more inside]
Selling diamonds
I have a diamond appraised at around $200 from a jeweler - and of course a pawn shop doesn't give a fair deal. How/where do you sell a diamond? I'm in Chicago if that helps.
Which Kentucky Bourbon distillery has the best tour?
Which Kentucky bourbon distillery has the best tour? [more inside]
Palmrest herpes removal
Those godless stiff foil "Windows" and "Intel Inside" stickers that IBM insists on breaking up the Spinal Tap-esque blackness of my spiffy new ThinkPad with... any removal tips? [more inside]
How can I quickly rip 1000 CDs?
How can I quickly rip 1000 CDs? [more inside]
Remapped ASCII, All Squiggly
Some time in the mid-late '80s I came across a primitive art program for the Commodore 64. It worked by remapping standard ASCII characters to two frame animations and textures. You could use the arrow keys to navigate around the screen and draw with the remapped characters, creating pictures that sort of implied stuff like "flowing creek" or "leaves rustling on a tree." Does anyone remember this program and what it was called? Thanks!
Is it sane to return to the sport which snapped my achilles tendon?
In 2001 I snapped an achilles tendon whilst playing squash. Result: a repair op, 10 weeks in plaster, a lot of physio and giving up the game I'd played and loved for over twenty years. Now I'm pining for it like a maniac. Does anyone have any experience of returning to the game (or a similarly joint-thrashing one) after this injury? It should be noted that I'm 46 years old. Still reasonably fit but obviously no spring chicken. [more inside]
Please, not another wedding music question...
Needed: "Romantic songs of the 1930s/40s/50s that are very easy to play on guitar". My brother has asked me to sing "something" at his mostly secular wedding on August 13. No piano available, *maybe* a guitar player of unknown skill level. He seems to want something romantic and 1930s-50s American pop. He's mentioned "It's Only a Paper Moon" with enthusiasm, but I'm not sure that would be easy enough to play on guitar. [more inside]
Tour de France behind the scenes documentary?
I'm enjoying watching the Tour de France once again this year. I'm always amazed at the amount of vehicles, fans, support people and logistics involved in running this race every year. Has there ever been a documentary about the behind the scenes part of the race? I get little bits and pieces during the coverage, but I'd love to see more!
SCSI Scanner on OS X
Is there any way I can get my SCSI Lintype-Hell Jade scanner to work in OS X for free? [more inside]
The Tour De Chance
BikeFilter: I live in a small but bustling city outside of a much larger one. For minor errands, I prefer biking over driving (when possible). So why do I have to bike on the road instead of on the sidewalk (it's a ticketable offense here)? [more inside]
Freckle monitoring techniques
FreckleFilter: Just curious, really - I am a fair English lass, and therefore after a day in the sun I notice lots of freckles on my shoulders that have presumably appeared during the day. I am always amazed that they appear so quickly. My question is, if I constantly looked at my shoulders, would I see them popping up or do they appear gradually? And why little patches of pigment like that, anyway?
Tips on building a e-commerce site?
Tips on building an e-commerce site? [more inside]
on the straight and narrow (hair)
Will straightening my hair advance my career? How should I go about it? [more inside]
Un-deleting a picture from a digital camera's memory card: can I?
ACK! I accidentally deleted a picture from my digital camera's memory card! The cam is newish and I'm not quite used to it yet; I mis-pressed a button while reviewing, and now I've lost an important, once-in-a-lifetime shot. Is there a way, ANY way for me to recover the accidentally deleted photo? Please please please tell me it's not impossible. Or at least tell me why it is. *tears hair out*
Remember the Spirograph?
I've heard stories before about how the first automobiles did not have their own steering, and were meant to be driven on rails. But I've not been able to find any corroborating evidence. Is this just an urban myth, or has anyone heard of this as well?
Where can i find a high resolution version of the Tour de France 8th stage photo finish?
I am looking for a higher resolution version of this picture of the photo-finish in saturday's 8th stage of the Tour de France. [more inside]
Javascript + del.icio.us connection problem...
How do I properly establish a del.icio.us connection via Javascript? [more inside]
Bad kitty!
Why does our new cat lick the walls? [more inside]
Does laser hair removal work?
What's your honest opinion about the efficacy of laser hair removal? [more inside]
I must, I must, I must decrease my rust
How do I keep everything in my house from rusting?!? [more inside]
What makes dogpeople and catpeople?
What makes dogpeople dogpeople and what makes catpeople catpeople? [more inside]
US sized crib mattress in UK
Does anyone know a place in UK to buy a standard american sized crib mattress? [more inside]
Classical Music For A Wedding?
Like others I will be the DIY DJ at my upcoming wedding. I have everything covered but the background music played while the meal is served. Suggestions? [more inside]
Mac Switch Question of the Week
Add me to the growing list of people planning to make the switch to a Mac. To those that have made the jump, how hard was it? And is it a losing proposition to buy now, with Intel-based machines coming around the bend? I know this is an AskMeFi FAQ, but I have some specific questions. [more inside]
Hey, man, you have tickets? Anyone? Need two to buy.
I want to go see U2 in Los Angeles. Just decided that, damn the torpedoes, I can't miss it. What's the best way to go about acquiring tickets without getting scammed or gouged? [more inside]
recommendations for unusual, accessible existentialist text?
What non-standard texts would you recommend for a community reading group on Existentialism? I am hoping to volunteer as a coordinator of a discussion group on Existentialism, part of a program in the humanities for people without higher education. I would like to hear your suggestions for readings, aside from the obvious canon of excerpts from Kierkegaard, Sartre, Pascal, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Jaspers &co. The readings should not be too technical, be literature or philosophy, and ideally 50 pages or less. They don't even have to represent "Existentialism" proper (whatever that is!); anything that explores themes of subjectivity is welcome.
Teens of The 80's
I have a question for those who were teenagers in the 1980's, I'm doing a presentation with a group and my part is generational persona of teens relating to safety (how safe did the avg teen feel?), reckless behavior (how did teens rebel, or get into trouble?) and individualism (Did teens clump themselves into cliques and groups, or did they feel the need to succumb to a particular 'look'was it accepted to be unique and individualistic?) [more inside]
Where can I find a good slide scanning service?
Can anyone recommend a good slide-scanning service? [more inside]
What's up with my knobbly-feeling surgical wound?
12 days ago I had pelvic surgery which involved a 9 cm (~3.5 inch) horizontal lower abdominal incision. The stitches were removed 6 days after the operation and the surgeon said at the time that the wound looked fine. Since some time after that appointment, when I touch the area within 1 cm of the wound I can feel fairly firm nodular areas under the skin. To anyone who has had a similar experience following surgery or knows about it, is this normal or a complication? Did it go away without treatment? Did it cause further problems? [more inside]
Miami Living
When I finish up my econ degree next spring, I was looking at a job with a Fed Reserve Branch in Florida (I'm in Orlando), which necessitates either Jacksonville or Miami. I'm looking mostly for information on living in Miami (I have a bunch of information on Jacksonville). I'm mainly interested in information about the city, price of living, etc. in web or book format, and I'm also interested in people's comments about living in either place. [more inside]
July 10
Certification/training beyond first aid/cpr?
What's the highest level of medical training (focused on EMT stuff) I can get without looking at it as a career? [more inside]
What is a good business card making program, that will let me convert the cards to pdf format?
What is a good business card making program, that will let me convert the cards to pdf format? [more inside]
A Man, A Plan, an Easy-To-Use CMS.
I've read all of the posts concerning selection and implementation of content management systems here on Ask Me, and found them quite helpful. Now I have a few clarifying questions. First, a little background... [more inside]
What is non-potable water used for?
When several tankers with the words "non-potable water" fill up at a fire hydrant, where are they going? What is it being used for? Are they buying the undrinkable water directly from the city?
how to acquire tastes for foreign cuisine
how might a westerner acquire tastes for foreign cuisine? (like, the gross stuff). [more inside]
Does it take more gas to start engine , than to keep running.
With the price of a gallon of gas now approaching/exceeding $ 2.50 , is the urban legend that it's cheaper to keep it running and that the car uses more gas in start-up than in running a few minutes at the drive through bank teller, railroad crossing, etc. , still accurate ( was it ever? ) I realize there are other mileage factors in the equation , but at some price point the theory must fail.
How to view sperm via microscope?
How powerful a microscope does one need to get a good view of human sperm? [more inside]
Are pantyhose really necessary for a job a interview?
Are pantyhose really necessary for a job a interview? [more inside]
I am looking for old cartoon images or animation footage of characters "digging a hole to china"? Year made, studio, and episode titles would be great but any info will help.
What do you use to open Velux or other roof windows?
What do you use to open Velux or other roof windows?
So we have 3 velux type roof windows in our new house - all of which are out of arms reach, including one which is over the stairs so we can't easily use a ladder to reach it either. Any suggestions for what to use to open them apart from the official velux opening rod which is 25 quid. We tried a walking stick which is fine for a bit until the head broke off!!
Anyway I look forward to your ingenious answers.
Atlanta stage lighting sources?
Any Atlanta stage folks here? I'm looking for stage lighting sources (rental companies, production units) that might be interested in a large lighting fixture that fell into my hands. In Atlanta. (for lighting pros: it's an Altman Orbiter followspot) [more inside]
Romantic Restaurants in Dallas
Dallas Restaurants: Can anyone recommend a great, moderately priced romantic restaurant in Dallas? I've read through Dallas Citysearch (romantic restaurants are actually featured on the front page right now), but any personal recommendations would be much appreciated!
Best way to sell baseball cards?
Baseball Cards: What's the best way to sell a small collection of all stars and rookies from the 80s and 90s? [more inside]
What's a good camera store in Toronto?
What's a good camera store in Toronto? [more inside]
Ink? Laser? I'm the one with the drum
It's printer time! Yaaay! *fanfare* *cows explode* I have an "All in One" or "Multifunction" printer. This means it can fax, scan, copy, and print in color. I can't say I use it a lot, but when I have needed it the most, the fax, scan, and copy pieces have been wonderful to have. So I want to buy another one. Problem is, HP, Canon, Epson, Brother, Lexmark, Dell, and the rest all use different benchmarks. Any AiO fans out there? [more inside]
Getting shocked while ungrounded
Why is it that if I walk up and stick my finger in a wall outlet, I'll get shocked even though I'm not grounded? I can see getting shocked when standing barefoot on wet ground, but come on... on a floor wearing tennis shoes? How does that work?
Grappling with AOL's email server
My client uses AOL for mail, which I have to sift through, and forward to various places. I want to set up scripts to automate some of it. Is there a good mail client for Macintosh capable of dealing with AOL mail, through IMAP, to let me set up clever filters for it? [more inside]
birthday gift for dad
Birthday gift ideas for my dad who is turning 60. [more inside]
South Carolina BBQ?
BBQFilter: What's a good recipe for mustard-molasses South Carolina barbecue sauce? [more inside]
Cue sheet generation
I'm looking for a way to generate bike "cue sheets". [more inside]
modding the church sign generator
I'm trying to modify the great Church Sign Generator for my own purposes. I have a php question... [more inside]
Library-style bookshelves?
Source for library-style enamelled-metal bookshelves (or equivalent)? [more inside]
Help compiling python on XP with Cygwin.
Help compiling python on XP with Cygwin. [more inside]
July 9
Advance Lyrics
What are the legal ramifications of sharing the lyrics of a song on an album that has not yet been released? [more inside]
Backing Up A Mac Running Tiger
I'm on a G5 running Tiger, referring to a user account lacking admin privileges, with a backup strategy of dragging my User folder to an external hard drive once a week. Since upgrading to Tiger, though, I've been informed that "You may need to enter the name and password for an administrator on this computer to change the item named 'Library'." I've duplicated this on another computer.
What's going on here? First, I'm only copying the Library, not changing it, and second, why do I need an administrator password? This is my User library, I thought that it and everything else within my User folder was by definition owned by me, and that even if I did want to modify something in the Library I wouldn't need a admin password.
BBC Radio transcripts?
Are there BBC Radio transcripts online? I heard something that i'd like to see verified.
what comes after R?
Someone (evil) lately introduced me to Sue Grafton... No, no, her books, I mean. But what else? [more inside]
Phone Home
Call to/from EuropeFilter. I'll be traveling quite a bit in the near future and need a way to call the US of A. [more inside]
Setting up a Sex Blog
What's the easiest and cheapest way to set up a sex blog? [more inside]
Can I get into grad school even though I screwed up in college?
Let's say I really- like really screwed up throughout college. Do I still have a shot to get into any grad schools? [more inside]
What song fits my lonely movie?
I need a song for a specific lonely situation. In my student film, a male college student reads the blog of a fellow male student, forming a creepy one-sided relationship bordering on cyberstalking. But the tone is lonely, not predatory, and the imagined relationship is platonic. Thus, in soundtracking, I need a lonely song that isn't slit-your-wrist, girl-hates-boy, or we-used-to-be-friends. I prefer sparse sounds (Devendra Banhart, Tom Waits), male or female voices. I have enough instrumental pieces; I just need a killer lyrical song to top it all off.
How to evict a chest cold before it finishes moving in.
I love medical advice from strangers on the internet: favorite chest cold remedies. [more inside]
European Electronica/Dance trip
I'm going to Belgium (Gent area) in a while and I'm interested in really exploring european music (electronica/dance espescially). I'll be there for the last 5 days of De Gentse Feesten. I'd like reccomendations for live acts to see (electronica or not) and places to pick up vinyl that would be unavailable/expensive stateside (dance music in particular) in Gent.
Where are permanent medical records kept?
Where are permanent medical records kept? [more inside]
Would it dry?
DisturbingQuestionFilter: Would it dry? [more inside]
Will my apartment be "cable-ready"?
Does cable/satellite availability vary from building to building in New York City? [more inside]
IRC on port 80?
I want to use an IRC client from work, their proxy won't let me. [more inside]
I'd like these books and a three martini lunch, please
I'm looking for books in the same vein as "Bright Lights, Big City", "The Proud Highway" and "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People". [more inside]
social-skill-filter: how to end conversations and part?
social-skill-filter: how do you end conversations and part with people? [more inside]
The Future is Now
SciFiLit: I don't get it. Help me to. [more inside]
Intelligent comedy podcasts?
I recently discovered Podcasts (well I knew of them, but never listened to any). Can anyone recommend any good, intelligent comedy Podcasts to make me smile instead of cry when I'm stuck at my desk all day? [more inside]
I moved it gently, and still it betrayed me
[DeadComputerFilter] I just moved, and as is customary, my PC moved in a separate trip, re-boxed in its original container, and generally cared for better than even myself. Now, I plug it in, turn it on... well, almost. It just doesn't come on anymore. [more inside]
Is rhodiola a Good Thing?
My wife and I saw our doctor yesterday; he said we were both basically in good shape but he highly recommended we try rhodiola, touted in this book. He says the book is overwritten but he's checked out the claims and thinks they're substantiated enough to recommend using it; I like the fact that he prefers diet/lifestyle changes to prescription drugs unless the latter are clearly indicated, but I wanted to see if any MeFites knew anything about rhodiola, which I'd never heard of.
Windows Media Player and my TV
How can I make WMP default it's full-screen video to a given monitor on a dual monitor system? [more inside]
lap-tøp no-døz
my powerbook seems to have developed narcolepsy. [more inside]
How do I take/edit great photographs?
Okay, so everyone loves DaShiv's photographs of SF Meetups, and for good reason. They are incredible. I can take decent photos, but they're obviously amateurish. Here's my question: How do I take it to the next level? How can I get the colors to look as brilliant as DaShiv's, for instance (just an example; I'm sure that there are many other styles of photography that I am not aware of)? What equipment do I need? What software do I need? What type of training is required? BTW, I run a Mac and have a little cash to burn. Thanks in advance.
Where to stay in Maui
So it looks like it's going to be Maui, for about 10 days in early January. woot! Advice on lodging would be spectaculariffic. We'd like to split our time roughly evenly between the beaches and the mountains, with the goal of avoiding children and tourist traps. [more inside]
Gift ideas for best friend who is expecting?
I just found out that my best friend is 6 weeks pregnant. I was hoping to get both traditional and unique gift ideas. All I've come up with is flowers but I want to do something special for her. Any ideas?
Translation rights?
Does anybody know what's involved in getting translation rights for a book? [more inside]
34 y.o. freak who can't (yet) drive-- that's me!
I have had a driving phobia for quite a while. What are some good resources to help me conquer it? [more inside]
July 8
How do you convert .avi files to viewable DVDs
How do I covert .avi/.wmv/.rm files to video_ts or vob dvd files that can be burned and watched on a conventional dvd player? [more inside]
Anarchist Messageboards?
LonelyAnarchistFilter: I'd like to know if anyone can recommend me some good anarchist discussion forums out there. [more inside]
Mp4 to Mp3, or vice versa
CD burning emergency: Itunes files to Mp3s, or vice versa. Must be done by morning! Help! [more inside]
video file size reduction
video file size reduction [more inside]
Am I beating a dead horse?
Standard American English: In an age when the POTUS uses weak vernacular for the work nuclear, is mine just a lost cause? [more inside]
Chicago street skew
Why do north-south streets in Chicago run from the northwest to southeast? [more inside]
Blown capacitors and power supply problems.
My computer is suffering from undervoltage on +5V! Help me out if you are a ninja with hardware. [more inside]
Am I beating the Dow?
How would I get a good approximation of a portfolio return on an investment account which has regular incoming and outgoing cash-flows, so that I can compare it to mutual fund and stock index performance? [more inside]
Using fuses to protect loudspeakers?
How can I use in-line fuses to protect the drivers in my studio monitors? [more inside]
Where can I buy an unlocked GSM cell phone in the US?
What are some reputable sources in the United States for an unlocked GSM cell phone? [more inside]
Sandal care
How do I keep my sandals dry, clean, and non-smelly? [more inside]
Solution to adware/spyware/viruses
Spyware, adware, and viruses. I'm sick of feeling like a moron. [more inside]
How do I get my cats to stop humping each other when the baby cries loudly?
I have two cats (brother and sister from the same litter 8 years ago) and one baby. The cats have never messed with each other beyond play fighting every so often and chasing each other for kicks. But recently, we noticed a horrible new behavior: when the baby cries at full tilt (only once every 3-4 days), the male cat gets up and goes after the female and tries to mount her, in an almost automatic, robot-like response.
I have some ideas of why, but I can't find any tips on what to do to stop it. [more inside]
Fainting spells: health concern or potential parlor trick?
[more on the floor]
cheap portable email appliance?
I'm looking for a cheap, small, non-voice email only portable device with a long battery life that will work in NYC and has a good UI. [more inside]
How to get smells out of a foam mattress?
What's the best way of getting pet urine odour out of a Tempur Pressure Relieving mattress? [more inside]
Free Computers For The Community
Givin' Back To The Community Filter: I'm working on starting a non-profit, donation based, free computers for low income families and community organizations in the immediate vicinity of Missoula, MT. How do I get started? [more inside]
Grandma LoJack?
My 87 year old grandmother is in the midst of decline suffering from Alzheimer's and now believes she needs to go to work each day. She lives across the street from my folks, but has taken to 'escaping' and wandering all around town.
Has anybody heard of/seen/used any type of "Grandma LoJack" device to track her down, or better yet, send out an alarm when she gets too far from a base unit in the house? (I.e. if she walks more than 50 yards from the kitchen or something an alarm would go off at my folks house or it would make a phone call.)
She's got an ID bracelet now with an 800 number on it, but that's only good when/if they find her.
calories and acting
Myth or truth?: You burn as many calories playing a major theatrical role (i.e. "Hamlet") as you do running a marathon. And how DO you calculate calories, anyway? [more inside]
How can I heal my chapped lips?
My lips have been extremely chapped lately. [more inside]
What's the best way to sell used literary fiction books in one go (in Los Angeles)?
What's the best way to sell used literary fiction books in one go in Los Angeles? I have ten cubic feet of used paperbacks ("word value only," as they say) that I'd like to dispense with, but with a minimal time investment. Any ideas? Some used bookstores are flat out not buying new books or offering trade credit only, and before I call every place in a twenty-mile radius, I thought MeFites out there in LA or elsewhere may have already tred the path. Is there something like WeBuyComics.com for books? My Google-fu turns up mostly pages about textbooks and rare books.
Invest a half-million
What's the best way to invest a half-million dollars? [more inside]
Home Stereo of the Future?
It's been many years since I've bought any home audio equipment and I'm now thinking of buying a new set of audio components for my home livingroom.
So here's my question - I no longer use CD's, as all of my music is digital. I listen to internet radio all the time on my computer. I have an iPod.
It seems that most of the audio components in Best Buy are still rooted in the past. What would you suggest I buy to create the "home stereo the future" that would leverage all of the new technologies that have come out in the past couple of years.
What should my home audio set up look like?
Any and all suggestions would be welcomed!
what direction will the hudson river be flowing on sunday morning?
I'm doing the New York City Triathlon on Sunday morning and want to know if I'm swimming with, or against the current. Here's a link to the tide chart I referenced: http://www.columbia.edu/~tedb/tri/tideChart.html and the tool used to construct it: http://tbone.biol.sc.edu/tide/tideshow.cgi
My guess is that folks starting earlier in the day will have the current against them, but that it will weaken as the tide changes. The swim starts at 99th street and goes to 79th Street. More on the event itself: http://www.nyctri.com/. Thanks for taking a look!
Google Maps CSS
How to camoflauge a pimple for a portrait
My friend is supposed to have her engagement portraits done tonight and of course she has a nasty huge pimple on the side of her nose. [more inside]
Water Softener Pros & Cons
What real benefits are there to continuing to feed my Water Softener? [more inside]
Do I really need to pump iron?
What's the bare minimum of strength training I can get away with? [more inside]
welcome to our *ool
How do I cool my pool? It's 112 degrees outside these days and my pool temperature is getting up to 86 degrees, which is bathwater nasty. How can I cool the water down? I have an Airator but I don't know how well it will work. I could add 10 pound ice blocks but how many ice blocks do I have to add to bring down the temperature? Any other suggestions?
Sources for system builds for XP
Are there any sources for software builds for home/student systems running XP? [more inside]
Photoshop filters
I'm creating a book for a nephew's upcoming 5th birthday. I want to use photos I have of him and his family as the illustrations, altered in Photoshop to look more like illustrations (like a normal kids' book) than photos, but I'm not so good with the filters... [more inside]
Voice recorder solution for iPod mini?
iPodfilter: Is there a voice recorder for iPod mini? Googling seems to denote that there's no firmware support for any recorder on iPod mini.. but I want to conduct interviews with the little silver bugger! Please help!
Controlling Microcontrollers.
I am looking for a way to code desktop applications that send data to a microcontroller on windows. [more inside]
Alpha Channels for Flash
FlashFilter: I would like to lay a flash movie _over_ a web page and have web content show through the movie (in defined areas). Is there a way to specify an alpha channel (or other masking option) for a flash file? I'm certain there is, but my flash programmer is a neophyte and doesn't believe me.
Cool, odd, or unusual uses for a computer?
What are some of the coolest, oddest, or most unusual uses you've come up with for your personal computer?
Who's the best domain registrar that isn't godaddy?
What's the best domain registrar in terms of service and price not including godaddy.com? [more inside]
Studying abroad without my SO
One month from today I will be leaving the US to study abroad in Denmark. My SO of 4+ years will not be coming with me. How can we make the five-month separation easier? [more inside]
A good book for FPGAs
Learning Field Programmable Gate Arrays... Know a good book? [more inside]
Best site for displaying photographs
Please suggest a better web site/blog for displaying my photos. [more inside]
Rock & Roll
Rock & Roll - I need to make a mix tape CD of Rock & Roll tunes that pay tribute to and/or glorify Rock & Roll... something I believe no other genre does with quite the same fervor and dedication. Do you have any suggestions? [more inside]
Such a great paycheck.
I was crushed to hear the Iron & Wine version of Such Great Heights played over an M&Ms commercial last night. Who's getting paid, and how much? [more inside]
Peak Oil!?
We're considering swapping out our existing oil-burning furnace/hot water heater for a furnace that burns ... something else. I'm interested in hearing suggestions/anecdotes about what the 'something else' should be. [more inside]
What initial notebook upgrades should I make?
Just got a notebook (first one, woohoo!) and have $60 to invest further. What do you suggest? [more inside]
Where to purchase an anniversary picture?
I'm looking to buy an original drawing/painting for my S.O. for an upcoming anniversary. My budget is small ($50ish) and I'm not looking for anything abstract or capital-A art... [more inside]
How do you convince yourself to quit something you don't really want to?
How do you convince yourself to quit something you don't really want to? [more inside]
How to pick up a British accent?
How would an American pick up a British accent while in Britain? [more inside]
Breaking news email alerts for SMS relay?
Does anyone know of an international news service that sends a short plain-text email, suitable for passing through an email2SMS gateway, only when there's a big breaking news story like the London bombings? [more inside]
July 7
Why should I shop for groceries at a co-op?
Why should one shop for groceries at a co-op that sells local and organic foods, especially since it's more expensive? [more inside]
Cleaning a PC
Looking for good ways to clean out a PC storage before donating. I have some old PCs that I would rather donate than trashing them. What are good procedures and tools to use to clean out disks? Should I leave the OS on ? There may be questionable and personal content lurking around that I would prefer to wipe out. etc. etc.
My wiring frightens and confuses me
My boyfriend and I live in a flat built in the '20s. We have reason to suspect that the outlets provide inconsistent amount of electrical current. Is there something we need to get for our computers to protect them? [more inside]
Mac Vs. PC
Mac Vs. PC
I am in the market for a new Laptop and am an avid PC user. What are some pro's and con's of making the switch to a Mac? [more inside]
Who owns Abu Ghraib photos?
How does the New Yorker control the rights to the infamous Abu Ghraib photos? [more inside]
How will taking penicillin to combat acne negatively impact my health?
For the past few days, I've been taking some penicillin (500 MG) to treat a sinus infection. While it's not doing much for the infection, it's done wonders for my complexion--My face is probably the best it's looked, ever.
What I'm wondering is if I could continue to take penicillin (perhaps in a lower dosage) while also taking a pro-biotic supplement to help balance out the negative effects and remain healthy. If the answer is a flat no, might any of the topical antibiotic acne medications work as well?
Going lefty on guitar
I'm a left-handed guy who's been playing guitar, right-handed, for about 4 years. I'm thinking of going lefty and wondering what other people's experiences with the switch have been. [more inside]
Honda Masters 215 Mower, Issues..
Honda Masters 215 Mower: Self propelled portion of the mower went out. Where do I find manuals and/or how do I fix it? Also, any recommendations for cheap OEM parts online? [more inside]
Where can I get a USB version of the NeXT keyboard?
The best keyboard I have ever used was the one that shipped with NeXTStations. It was loud and obnoxous, but had great feedback and I felt it added about 10 WPM to my typing.
Does anyone know any details of how they were constructed / are they available in USB or PS/2 / does anyone make a close knockoff version?
Can't hear line-in in Win XP
Windows XP: Unable to hear sounds from the line-in jack on my soundcard: [more inside]
Quiet, ye dogs! Looking for earplugs.
Can anybody recommend some good earplugs? [more inside]
How does one speak "pretend English"?
If an English speaker wants to pretend to speak German (and be completely obnoxious), he might say something like "Ach Bach Ze Hooverhoffen!" Or if he wanted to mock Spanish, he might say "Ahblo babblo ahblado el babblado!" Swedish might sound like "Hurky gurky pookety borkety!". What sounds do non-English speakers use to mock English? [more inside]
Tony Robbins I am not
I need motivation to complete a long and arduous task with an uncertain reward, can you help me? What motivates you with such a task? (explanation inside) [more inside]
What are rentals like in Vancouver, BC?
My mom is interested in moving to Vancouver, BC. She would like to know about the housing market there: what are rents like? Are there a lot of rentals available? What are rentals like? Houses or apartments, yards, ect. Any information about finding a place to live there would be great!
SurgeryFilter: how would one remove ones own tonsils in a safe fashion?
SurgeryFilter: Hypothetically, if someone wanted to perform relatively minor surgery on themselves, say a tonsillectomy, how would this someone go about it? Seriously. I want to know equipment, drugs, and procedure. How do you keep things sterile, stop bleeding, etc. Assume the individual in question can override the majority of his reflexes, including gagging, at will. [more inside]
Recording a security monitor to computer.
What would be the easiest way to record the output of a security monitor to My PC? [more inside]
How to kill a Sunday afternoon in Oakland?
Heading to Oakland, CA for business and will arrive on Sunday in the early afternoon. Looking for something to keep me entertained for the afternoon/evening. [more inside]
Dippin' Dots Transport
How can I transport Dippin' Dots? [more inside]
UK emergency/instant shelters at London response site?
Does anyone know the make, brand, or availability of the semi-geodesic three-walled pop-up emergency shelters being used in the London tube bombing response? [more inside]
Soap & Acne
How do you wash your face? [more inside]
Religous resource
Is there a resource that can:
A- Tell me the number of Americans that believe in God.
and B- Tell me what percentage consider themselves "born again." Any ideas?
Makeup for oily skin
Can anyone recommend a good foundation with SPF for oily skin? [more inside]
Stupid technical question: Why does CNet put the title of their articles in the URL for said articles? [more inside]
What would happen in a train crash?
I'm doing some research for work and need to find out some general information about commuter train crashes. My Google skills seem to be lacking here. Care to help? [more inside]
G8 disruption
NotSoHumbleDilettanteBlogosphereOpinionsFilter: So, at noon today, Blair called out the attacks for disrupting the G8 agenda today, namely Africa. What, if any can be speculated, effect might this have on proceedings in the G8?
AirPort not letting me surf
My Airport Extreme Base Station claims I am connected to the Internet via Ethernet, and yet I am not. [more inside]
Cross Stitch Patterns
I'm looking for a quality computer program (or a service) to create a cross stitch pattern from a Picasso painting. I have purchased patterns from xs-collectibles.com, so I'm looking for something similar to the level of difficulty / detail.
How invented DSP convolution?
Anyone familar with DSP knows about convolution, even if it's just related to it's uses for reverb. It seems like it's slowly being used for many different purposes now from reverb to effects processing. Well, one of my teachers claims to have invented the use of convolution for audio in his thesis and was approached by Yamaha (I think it was) to use it in one of their products.
I have been looking, but can't find, who discovered the audio use of convolution? What was is it's first commerical use?
I believe him, but I want to confirm it, so I won't mention his name . . .
Looking for electric bicycle advice
I'm thinking of purchasing an electric bicycle and looking for advice... [more inside]
How much rent is reasonable?
Is there a formula somewhere that will help me determine how much I should be paying for rent based on my income? I’m moving to Boston, and I think I am looking at places in the correct price range, but how can I be sure? Let’s say my partner and I make a combined income of $65K. Is there an online tool that can help me plug in my estimated monthlies and come up with the declaration: Since you are living in TownX, you should pay between Y and Z in rent. Any more, and you’re going to be setting yourself up for disaster!
Please don't make me go to Meiji Mura again...
Please help me find the best places off the beaten path in Japan. [more inside]
Reverse-linking wiki?
Is there a reverse-linking wiki? I'm looking for an indexing feature in a wiki. [more inside]
What do you wear to interview for a job in unform?
What do you wear to interview for a job in uniform? [more inside]
converting .doc files to .pdf on Mac 10.3.9?
I am having a helluva time converting Microsoft Word documents to PDF files. It's beginning to drive me mad. I am running Mac OS 10.3.9. Please to hope me! [more inside]
What to do in Austin for 2 days?
My wife and I (and kids) will be in Austin for 2 or 3 days in August (19th - 21st). What are the activities/events/places/restaurants we should be sure not to miss? [more inside]
Reusable alternative to foil packets
I've gotten into the habit of wrapping meat and veggies together in foil and baking the whole parcel. Delicious and very easy. But I feel guilty about using so much foil. Is there an alternative technique? I don't mind having to wash something up to avoid wastage.
Printing document pages 2-up on both sides of a piece of paper
Printing a "booklet" from PDF on the cheap: I'm looking for software that will help me do 2-up on both sides of an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet, but I'm open to any suggestions. [more inside]
Wicker Park Street Puzzle
Puzzle filter: I saw this drawn on the street in Wicker Park, Chicago, and couldn't figure out what it meant. I took a photo because I knew I could count on you all to help. Any ideas? (View at original size for better view.)
Marine One and Two
In follow-up to this question, the president usually flies in a VH-3D helicopter (at least that's what most pictures show). But the Marine unit that flies him around also has a VH-60N, which this seems to suggest is always accompanying the VH-3D. Anyone know why? What is the VH-60N used for? Are they interchangeable? Is one just for staffers/aides? Why not use two VH-3Ds?
insurance lapse...
U.S. insurance law: I've been told that, after having group coverage through an employer, if that coverage lapses for more than three months, the next insurer can declare anything previously covered to be a pre-existing condition (and so not covered.) Is this correct? Thanks.
Which DVD software package?
I like watching DVDs on my PC. What program should I use for greatest enjoyment? [more inside]
Alternate Cover of Take a Walk on the Wild Side
I've been trying to find a particular version of Lou Reed's "Take a Walk on the Wild Side". I believe it was from a movie and may have been sung by a drunk person doing karaoke. [more inside]
Name That Phenomenon
Isn't there a name for that phenomenon wherein, once you start paying attention to something, you see it everywhere? You know, like when you buy a 1980 Toyota Celica, for example, and all of the sudden you see one on every block.
efficiency and power consumption of computers
I have two computers, each with something like 350W power supplies. By keeping them on 24/7, am I consuming the equivalent of seven 100-watt light bulbs around the clock? What can I do (either software or hardware) to make my machines more power-efficient?
Also - while I'm on the subject - does an incandescent bulb consume less when it's on a dimmer and that dimmer is turned down? [more inside]
What to do to get rid of car?
Ready to get rid of my car. I want it to look good so as to maximize value. Do I need a detailer, or just an autobody shop? [more inside]
Photopolymerization of acrylamide
Attention molecular biology nerds: have you any experience with photoinitiation of acrylamide gel polymerization? [more inside]
Help me brainstorm a name for my recurring open house
Help me brainstorm a catchy name for a recurring open house at a GLBT-oriented counseling center. [more inside]
Washington D.C. doctor recommendations?
I just started working in Washington, D.C., and I'm trying to find the names of a good doctor and dentist. Washingtonian magazine doesn't have their "Top Docs" list online, and other Google research hasn't really turned up anything. Because I don't have a car, the ideal doctor would have an office within walking distance of a Metro station.
How would you protect a city from terrorism?
If you ran a city, what would you do, in a practical and local sense, to help protect your city from terrorist attacks?
Brightness cycling while playing DVDs
Brightness cycling while playing DVDs: My girlfriend has an old Panasonic VCR/TV combo. When I play DVDs on it (using my old Panasonic DVD player), the brightness (luminance) level fluctuates continually, ranging from just brighter than normal to very dark. The kicker: It only happens with some DVDs. What's going on here? [more inside]
Memoirs as a birthday present
Memoirs for my wife. Her birthday is approaching. She's a fan of memoirs (but not biographies) and loves food, travel and writing on other cultures. I've posted this question before, so titles published this year are preferred. Thanks.
Where to buy hospital scrubs (pants).
Looking for hospital scrubs (pants) with an elastic waistband or alternative to the draw string. Anyone reccomend a particular brand or online retailer?
Moving in.
I'm moving in with my girlfriend... and cohabitating for the first time. Anything I should know going in? [more inside]
Need Girlfriend Breakup Advice
I'm a graduate student who has been dating a classmate for about a year and a half. She a nice girl for the most part and a mother. I should explain that she got pregnant at an early age (19) from an older man (about twice her age) and still managed to do well academically. While I realize that she is very well put together academically, emotionally she is not as mature a person as I would ideally like to be with. I recently broke up with her (or at least I thought I did), but ended up right back in her arms consoling her and attempting to stem the apparent emotional devastation this break up was causing. I have been clear about my issues and honest to no avail. What do I do to get out of this relationship? We live in the same building and function in the same atmosphere. I can live with her hating me. During the (mock) break-up she told me I was the best thing that ever happened to her and she can't let me go. I am only her second boyfriend (the first being the father of her child) and third person she's ever had sex with. She has a history of clinging. I imagine a lot of people would say sever this cold turkey, but theres no such thing for someone who clings so tightly and does not appear to have the emotional coping skills to deal with rejection. I am afraid of her hurting herself, the kid, me and so on. She has absolutely no friends outside of her sister who is a year younger, while I have many. She doesn't appear to be able to connect with anyone other than her sig. other (me) and her sister. She hates her mother, doesn't know her father that well and says she is unable to bond with her child (quote, " I don't really feel attached to the child"). This leaves me alone on an emotional island of sorts. Maybe we all need therapy. I have taken the issue of birth control into my own hands, as I am afraid if left to her we might 'accidentally' end up in babyland. A bad situation for all. Any ideas, I'm open.
Good $25k business?
What are some good ideas for a business that could be started with $25,000 in capital and run by a talented person a less-than-full-time basis? (Obviously, this person could be assisted by employee(s) if the cash flow supported them, so it doesn't have to be a less-than-full-time business.) [more inside]
What to do at an emergency before the emergency personnel arrive?
A question for all police, medical, fire, or other emergency professionals: what rules of thumb should everybody know in case they are present at a terrorist attack or other emergency? [more inside]
July 6
Accountant recommendation in Chicago
Can anyone recommend a good accountant in Chicago? My boyfriend is starting a small home-based business and needs someone to help him get (and keep) everything in order. Bonus if the accountant is in Ukrainian Village/Wicker Park.
Searching for "Ballad of the MI Soldier."
I'm looking for the lyrics to the "Ballad of the MI Soldier." It was a joke military song about the stereotypical qualities of intelligence professionals. I had it a while back, but can't find the disc it was on. I tried googling, but it doesn't produce anything useful.
What is the name and method of the military theorist who had a 4-part(?) hueristic for fighter pilots?
Sometime in the last 2 years (I think!) there was a meme going around about a military theorist (from the 50's?) who came up with a rule set for fighter pilots. The idea was a fighter pilot was supposed to go around and around with these four(?) rules. Something like "assess / analyze / ?? / shoot" or something! Does anyone know who this is is, where I can get more info and the precise rule set?
How do I find a good tenant?
Our house has a basement suite and I find myself doing one of my least favourite tasks: finding a tenant. The key things that I'm looking for are cleanliness, quietness, and a prompt payment of rent. Neither of the past two tenants we had did very well in these categories. Does anyone have any good tips for finding good tenants? [more inside]
Advice on colleges in upper Manhattan
On August 1st, my wife and I will be moving to Morningside Heights in NYC so that she can attend a Columbia graduate program. I have never been to college and would like (read: need) to start with a community-type college. Any recommendations for schools in the Columbia/Morningside Heights/Upper West Side area for me to look into? [more inside]
Wertsch way did he go?
My university library says I lost a book I know I returned. [more inside]
Marine One
President Bush showed up at the G8 in a fancypants "United States of America" helicopter. How did it get to Scotland? [more inside]
laptop network issue
I have a linksys wireless router (WRT54GS) and broadband. I never have any connectivity issues with my desktop that is connected with cat-5. I never used to have issues with my laptop with a wireless card, but recently.... [more inside]
Any apps like AIMWatcher?
Anybody know of an app like the now defunct AIMWatcher that will chart AIM buddy availibility over time? [more inside]
Canadian weather forecasts?
Looking for a good source for Canadian weather forecasts. [more inside]
Help me think of a name for my DJ/Events company!
Help me think of a name for my DJ/Events company!
I'm starting out with primarily DJ services for now, but in the future I am planning to extend into creative event and lighting design. For this reason, I'm searching for a name that is somewhat broad to cover these secondary markets, but still relevant to any single one alone. [more inside]
Silencing your inner ctitic
How do you silence your harsh inner critic?
Need a cheap new car.
What's the cheapest new car on the market? [more inside]
How are the kids in school taking notes these days?
How are the kids in school taking notes these days? [more inside]
Is there a blog calendar program?
Is there a blog or blog-like program that has a built-in calendar that users can post on? [more inside]
iTunes alternative for OSX?
Are there any other sites from which I can download music to my iTunes library on Mac OSX.3.8? The iTunes Music Store is missing a few of my favorites.
Do you have any traditional folk music recommendations?
Do you have any traditional folk music recommendations? I have some preferences. [more inside]
Windows programming question
Windows Programming: how to simulate mouse clicks, button presses, and how to extract data from windows widgets? [more inside]
Learning to play music on a keyboard
For the next few months, I would like to learn to play on a keyboard. [more inside]
Shipping heavy packages
I'd like to ship somewhat-heavy, somewhat-awkward packages from Toronto to various U.S. addresses, and I've had no luck shipping them via the big name carriers. I know there have to be companies that specialize in door-to-door shipment of heavy packages, but I'm at a loss as to what I should be looking for. [more inside]
Name that cartoon train show!
I'm looking for the name of an animated series about a magic/dream train . [more inside]
Can you help me find these paintings?
I'm trying to find some artwork that I believe was posted to the front page a while back. The best description I can give is that it was paintings of various animals (mostly bunnies and bears) in odd situations including, but not limited to self-mutilation. [more inside]
Stereo to mono?
Seeking a freeware MS Windows Media Player plug-in to play stereo mp3s as mono. [more inside]
Best toy 'laptop' sought
Which are the good toy 'laptop computers' for three-year-olds? [more inside]
Romantic restaurant in Winston-Salem?
Romantic restaurant in Winston-Salem? Anyone have suggestions - I want to treat my sister to a nice "Happy Engagement" dinner, but since I'm in Seattle, I have no idea about nice places in W-S. Good food is more important than fancy.
Weird sponsored sports?
What’s the most obscure, odd, weird or just pointless sport you know about that actually has sponsors, or that people make money doing? I’m making a list. Bowling and auto racing are already on it.
802.11g and 802.11b compatability
Stupid and probably very simple networking question: how compatible are the 802.11g and 802.11b protocols? Can a 802.11b networking card and 802.11g router be used together harmoniously?
Does anyone know where to buy a very big, accurate, up-to-date world map? I want to hang one from a wall (not as wallpaper per se, but from clips).
Help! Mouse gone wild!
My brother-in-law's computer is periodically losing control... [more inside]
Yum! Chipotle Carnitas
There are plenty of recipes for pork carnitas online, but does anyone have the recipe used by Chipotle restaurants? (maybe it is one of these?)
Sync vcalendar to phone?
How do I sync my calendar and address book to my cellphone? [more inside]
osx filter : Record sound out?
How can I record soundcard output on a Powerbook (10.4)? [more inside]
guitar effects question
I really like the sound of the intro guitar on Modest Mouse's song "Worm vs. Bird." It's a sort of compressed, almost tubular sound. I am an electric guitar n00b. Is this sound somewhat replicable with a simple pedal purchase, or do I have to go buy some obscure vintage guitar and run it through a tube amp built by elves or something?
30 second snippet from the Amazon [more inside]
Why can't iPods crossfade?
What is the technical reason why an iPod cannot play songs without a short gap between them, but iTunes can? (I know that iTunes achieves this effect through a brief crossfade, and the timing is actually just slightly different from how it would be on a CD, but why can't an iPod crossfade?)
Birthday Gift Ideas for 9 Year Old Gifted (Boy) Child?
Birthday Gift Ideas for 9 Year Old Gifted (Boy) Child? [more inside]
Automatically removing invalid email addresses from newsletter?
I have a mailing list consisting of about 6,500 addresses for the company I work for. However, there are 500 or so invalid addresses that I'd like to remove automatically. [more inside]
Flat panel issues with Windows and VGA
I have a Dell flat panel (2001FP) that is beautifully crisp with my PowerBook (DVI) but woefully blurry and sad-making with my Windows 2003 box (VGA). Any tips?
How should one go about teaching oneself to read a foreign language?
Languages: I would like to teach myself a foreign language with the primary motivation of reading literature written originally in that language. (Italian, in this case.) For now, speaking and pronunciation are not as important as learning grammatical rules, sentence construction, and growing my vocabulary. Ideally, I would like to learn at my own pace, without having to hire a tutor or enrol in language classes, and I would prefer to skip general phrasebook greetings. Apart from a dictionary, what should I arm myself with? Are there any good resources on the web for this? How should one go about teaching oneself to read a foreign language? Thanks!
What is the reasoning behind certain electrical breakers?
Changing Electrical Circuits [more inside]
Frequent Recurring Knee Pain
Why do I always get horrible IT-Band Tendonitis? How do you deal with it? [more inside]
Monitor Calibration
Monitor Calibration Issues - why is my 225 dollar software making my colors look worse? [more inside]
Atlanta existence
My friend is moving to Atlanta and wants advice on different neighborhoods. [more inside]
Blogger bug
At the top of some Blogger templates, a large white gap is now appearing. They say that it is being worked on, but it has been there for quite a while now and I would really like to get rid of it. Can anyone with knowledge of CSS or web design more generally suggest what might have gone wrong, as well as how to fix it?
Travelled to Angola
Has anyone been to Angola recently? [more inside]
workout tunes
Any tips for good tunes to bring to the gym? [more inside]
Martial art without punching?
I broke both hands and both wrists several years ago and can no longer make a complete fist with my left hand. Now I'm interested in taking a martial arts class. Any ideas for a discipline that wouldn't involve too much punching? I've looked online and Aikido seems to be a good bet, but I'd love to hear from anyone more knowledgeable.
What to do in LA, Monterey, and San Fran?
My fiancee and I are going to Los Angeles for 5 days, spending a night in Carmel/Monterey, and then spending 3 nights in San Francisco. What should we do and be sure not to miss?
We're 24/25 and from outside NYC. Sports, shopping, etc are all up our alley. Thanks.
Best portable electronic translator?
I'm looking for the best portable electronic translation solution. I 'd like a technology that is compact, for which high-quality bidirectional translation dictionaries between a range of languages already exist, and that allows expansion to new languages (hopefully an expansion that is actually going to happen). [more inside]
Help me choos a wiki
What wiki platform should I use at work? [more inside]
Whole blood shipment from North America to Hong Kong
Hello, anyone have experience shipping human blood (for research) from North America to Hong Kong? Who is the best courier to use, best packing method used, problems encountered, etc? [more inside]
We've been beholden to Speed Stick for too long. Down with flakes!
Deodorant rocks. What are they? What goes into them? Where do they come from? What's the history? Can they be made at home? Safety warnings or tips on use? Where should they be purchased from?
The fight between Whoomp and Whoot?
In the nineties there were two songs: "Whoomp! There It Is" by Tag Team and "Whoot! There It Is" by 95 South. The musical hooks in both songs were too similar to be coincidence. Does anybody know why nobody sued? Who knows the story behind this?
How to determine the end of rucursive loops
In Flash how do i determine the end of a bunch of recursive loops through an xml document of unknown size? [mi] [more inside]
July 5
1850 German Culture
German Culture circa 1850. Where on-line can I find information about daily life for a German child born 1847? [more inside]
Open source web coding tools?
What software are you using for web development? [more inside]
Where can I find comparative performance data for US Hospitals?
Where can I find rankings or ratings of US hospitals? [more inside]
where does one start with a new idea for web-based business/service?
if one had a what one would imagine to be a possibly great idea for a web based site/service ... where would one start in this post - post - .com era?
What is this awful film called and why am I asking?
StupidMovieFilter: Need a title! Sadistic doctor's sideshow in New York, wholesale misogynistic slaughter, giddy midget assistants, and more... [more inside]
"we could have loved! You know it!"
How easily do you become infatuated with people? [more inside]
2 moodle or not to moodle.
I've switched teaching jobs to a college that uses moodle for online classes. In the past I've made up my own online classes combining html lesson plans and a bulletin board. Does anyone have any experiences with moodle they can share with me? Love it, hate it, can't live without it, waste of time?
Is it really that simple?
Can I just copy a Linux system from one disk to another and expect it to work? [more inside]
Plan our holiday in the northeast!
Help us fill in 5 days traveling between Boston and Western PA. [more inside]
Plans for a cat door?
Anyone know where to get basic plans to build a pet door? Specifically, I'd like plans for a door to be used in a sash window. I'm sure I can make one for less than $110, but can't find a plan online. Is there a good book that can help with this kind of thing?
What is there to do on a layover at Munich airport?
Was ist in München kühl? Is there anything worth doing near the Munich airport in about four hours? [more inside]
savannah todo
the statistically significant other and i are going to savannah, georgia, at the end of july. might anyone recommend a place to stay (cute, cheap) and things to do? [more inside]
Brains first and then Hard Work
Looking for cheap art. I want to take stills from a dvd and get a poster print for hanging on the wall. Can this be done in a clean nice looking manner, without a blurry unsightly pixelated mess? [more inside]
I have to discuss this in class tonight... can anybody give me a hand.... ?
"The freedom of the individual depends on the freedom of everyone."
"The freedom to disagree discourages censorship."
help me sell a video camera
Video enthusiasts please help. I am trying to help my dad sell a used video camera. Canon L-2 hi 8 with pretty much every attachment/lens available. 2x extender, 3x zoom, 8x, 10x w/stabilizer, 15x, and 250mm super tele reflex lens. Is ebay my best bet? And is there a website that would help me determine the value of this eqipment?
Data recovery
I'm seeking recommendations for hard drive data recovery... [more inside]
I broke my ankle on Thursday and am looking for some reassurance from others who have gone through similar surgeries... [more inside]
Immigrating to the US, UK and Canada
Immigrating to a nice, developed anglophone country in the northern hemisphere has been a long-time dream of mine. [more inside]
Buy a new video card or upgrade whole system?
I have a 2.53Ghz Pentium PC (Alienware), 512 MB RAM, and want to play the latest games on it with very good quality. I have a (now lowly) Radeon 9700 Pro video card. Should I bother upgrading the video card, or wait to get a new system? [more inside]
How to survive in rural China
My sister will be spending 4 weeks in rural China (in the same province as Shanghai) teaching English. [more inside]
What WYSIWYG HTML /Web page Editor will you recommend?
What WYSIWYG HTML / Web page Editor will you recommend? [more inside]
Have any MeFites participated in the Hospitality Club?
Have any MeFites participated in the Hospitality Club? [more inside]
Timecode Calculator
Timecode filter: how do I subtract a given number of frames from 400 timecodes in an Excel spreadsheet? [more inside]
Unplugging firewire webcam causes kernel panic
Why does my Mac sometimes go into kernel panic when I unplug the firewire webcam? It happens on a variety of occasions: sometimes multiple apps are open and CPU usage is high, other times it's right after a fresh reboot. (iBook G3/700Mhz, 384MB RAM, Mac OS X 10.2.8, and the webcam is a Unibrain Fire-I.)
Tell us about your Malta experiance.
Have you ever been to Malta? [more inside]
Another exciting episode of Name-That-Band!
Identify-that-band-filter: [more inside]
Name some ranges, get a massage!
Help me get a professional massage!
What is a "named range" in Excel and how do I create one? I cannot import an .xls file into her outlook contact folder until I address this issue. [more inside]
Temporary accomodations with a family.
My friend just arrived from overseas on a visa after having completed medical school. He is applying to get into a residency program. Meanwhile, he wants to stay with a family here in the SE Michigan area.
Have you had good experiences/heard good things about any organizations that might be able to match him up with a family to live with for a temporary period of time?
Africa: the next outsourcing destination?
Why doesn't Africa get more outsourcing work? [more inside]
How far can a landlord go....
I have always been a bit of a privacy nut, but now I have become a landlord, and have to look at the issue from the other side. Need some help/advice from any Canadian landlords out there...... [more inside]
What to do in Chicago?
I'm going to be in Chicago with some co-workers for a few days on business. None of us have ever been to Chicago. What should we do with our free time? [more inside]
My mom needs travel buddies
My single, 59 year old mother wants to take a vacation in the next 2 months, but has no one to accompany her. [more inside]
My mac keeps crashing
I'm having trouble with my mac powerbook crashing, specifically after it awakens after having gone into sleep mode. It does this when in firefox and I save a tiddlywiki page, or when I'm in word and try to save a document. I'm using OSX version 10.3.9.
How do Canadians getting work in the US?
StealingYankeeJobsFilter: How hard is it for a Canadian to get a job in the USA? [more inside]
chicago movers
There have been general moving advice questions, and location-specific moving advice questions, and I've got one of the latter: anyone have recommendations for good, trustworthy movers in Chicago?
Grass is always greener... but not in my YARD!
My backyard needs help! We tilled / seeded / hayed it in mid-April but grass has only sprouted across 50% of the area. I'm big into organic lawncare, I follow most of the basic rules, but I just can't get my grass to grow. What should I do? [more inside]
Le Tour online
Does anyone know a website where I can catch the Tour de France? Yeah, I don't have cable because I'm cheap, but times like this make me want to relent. But now, I'm desparate!
Futures trading software help
My (retired) father-in-law is interested in daytrading futures from home. He's been playing with IB's TWS and has been using eSignal for a few years. Is there other software he should investigate? [more inside]
Info on Kalahari Waterpark
How do I extract bitmaps from Excel documents?
I have a number of Excel files with thousands of small bitmap images embedded. I need to extract these into individual files which a designer can put into Quark and match up with the original text. [more inside]
When I sneeze, I get hiccups!
Everytime I sneeze, I get hiccups! [more inside]
Company information in New York, New York?
How would I find out information about an LLC registered in New York State? Ideally, I'd like summaries of accounts, names of directors, etc. [more inside]
I Need Car Insurance
So I finally have to pay for my own car insurance. Any ideas on good places to start looking, tips, things to consider, etc.
In case you need it: my chief concern is price, I will be insuring me, my wife and our two cars and, between the two of us, we have had three accidents in the past five years and zero traffic violations.
local upcoming movie release dates
Anyone know of a site that offers LOCAL release dates for upcoming films? [more inside]
How to lead a cult
I'm going to start a cult, and would appreciate any tips and tricks that Mefites can share with me. Was your cult successful? What did or didn't make it so? [more inside]
July 4
Connecting with VNC
Need help getting VNC to work. [more inside]
Super-Fast Pecs?
When I joined a gym, I was told that lifting weights every day would cause injury and that muscles needed time to repair and rebuild. But whenever an actor is interviewed about his Hollywood blockbuster, he talks about training for four hours every day. What's the deal? [more inside]
Where do writers go for artists?
Is there anywhere online a writer can find artists searching for a story?
Recent Something Positive strips have reminded me that I've got several ideas for webcomics, but I lack some of that 'Artistic Talent' the kids have these days.
Recent Something Positive strips have reminded me that I've got several ideas for webcomics, but I lack some of that 'Artistic Talent' the kids have these days.
Plasma TV pros/cons?
I am looking to buy a new TV, I tried the 50-in Samsung and it was too large for the room. I am thinking about the Daytek 42-in Plasma Television, but I don't really know the pros and cons of Plasma TV's. [more inside]
Renting at a place where 3-prong outlets not grounded properly
My wife and I recently rented a house in the Phinney Ridge area of Seattle. When renting I saw that all of the outlets were 3 prong outlets and that there was a breaker box and not a fuse box, so I assumed it was all wired correctly. Now that we've moved in, I've found that 6 of the 10 outlets are coming up as "open ground" when using a grounding tester. [more inside]
EM-Dashes in Wurd
While we're on the subject of M$ quirks ... why can I type "em-dashes" using ALT+0151 in the copy of Wurd I use at work -- but I cannot do this on my personal copy at home? Which program setting and/or Windows configuration governs this? (Both using XP and Word2000).
Short People Need Bags Too
BagFilter: Can anyone recommend a backpack for short people? I am short and most backpacks are too long for my torso. [more inside]
Cell 64,999
I used to think I was good at Excel. I could add, subtract, multiply and even use PivotTables! But I have a big problem with Excel: Why does it jump to cell 65,000 occasionally when you try to copy and paste? [more inside]
finding and starting a bar in NYC
NYC bars: seeking a specific recommendation, and [separate question], personal accounts of people who've started/bought one. [more inside]
Faking out traffic sensors
Inductive traffic sensors: can I make them "see" my bike better if I stick some strong rare-earth magnets on the frame? [more inside]
Finding chocolate dipped strawberries... ?
Aside from buying the ingredients and making them myself, where would one go to buy chocolate dipped strawberries in Southern California - preferably in the San Fernando Valley? There are countless companies who will ship these to me but I need them for Tuesday evening and with the holiday today that makes shipping, sadly, impossible...
Keeping my SSN private
I have a new health care provider via a state-sponsored program. They use my social security number as my ID number. What is the most effective way to fight this? [more inside]
Headline, Question.
Why do US newspaper headlines regularly omit the word "and" and replace it with a comma, such as "Convergence of Driver, Bicyclist Ends in Arrest" taken from a current Front Page Post. UK newspapers do not do this. Is it purely a space saving mechanism, or is there a stylistic thing going on?
Does the Thermacell mosquito repellent product really work?
Recently purchased a mosquito repellent device from Thermacell and am wondering if anyone else has used a similar device, and how effective they really are. [more inside]
what is biting me?
I moved to san francisco two months ago and have been bitten by some type of insect about 40 times since then. the favorite spot appears to be my left arm with 17 bites scattered from my hand to my shoulder. i never feel myself being bitten, the bites are very small and they itch unlike anything i've ever experienced. i have not had this reaction to mosquitos before, and usually feel them as they bite me and see them. does anyone have any idea of what could be biting me and any natural remedies for itching and/or insect repellent for the body?
Get rid of home phone?
Thinking about getting rid of land line and going strictly with cell. Don't spend much time on the phone, land or cell. Anyone out there got a good reason not to switch? (internet connection is cable) Any feedback appreciated.
Keeping the kids amused when camping
Ideas for entertaining little kids (boy, 2 yro and girl 4 yro) when camping? [more inside]
July 3
Backing up to DVD under Linux
I've got a ~40G filesystem on a Linux machine. I'm looking for a solution that will let me backup to 4.7G DVD blanks - e.g., fill one disc, tell me to put in another, etc, until all of the data is copied to disc(s). I can do this easily with Dragon Burn under OSX with its "Span discs" option, but I'd like to find something similar for Linux. I know about cdrecord/proDVD, but last time I checked it didn't offer anything like this. Any suggestions?
Identify bird by its call
I am trying to identify a bird by its call. [more inside]
Browsing locally, Purchasing Globally?
Browsing locally, purchasing on the Net. In regards to Ice Hockey and Comic Books, and why everything is so damn expensive in Australia... [more inside]
Alaska trip advice
One week in August to do a 5- to 7-day outdoor adventure in Alaska - what should we do? [more inside]
Is it OK to break Tylenol in half?
I seem to have accumulated a stock of "extra strength" Tylenol, when often my headaches and other pains really only call for "minimum strength." I don't want to just pop a 500 mg Tylenol whenever I hurt - is it ok to break these in half to get a lower dose?
Sis is going to Wales to student teach.
My sister will be student teaching in Caerleon, Wales this fall. [more inside]
Chihuahua Stoned
What do you do if your dog eats a bunch of pot?
I need some help with home audio.
I need some help with home audio. [more inside]
To Flickr from Photo Album... WITH TAGS???
On flickr, why isn't there a method or hack to upload pictures WITH TAGS & DESCRIPTIONS from Adobe Elements Photo Album, or any other Windows based album software.
I'm not a programer, but it seems that the web savy community has come up with a solution to a new problem every day, why not this one?
Won't this be a useful solution?
Video Card Upgrade
I need to replace my video card. What should I get? [more inside]
Replacement cell phone
I don't understand buying an ebay replacement for a busted cell phone. [more inside]
Cool periodic table.
We're looking for a cool poster of the periodic table. This and this are considerations, but we'd rather have something more interesting. A poster of one of the early designs would be especially neato.
Tour de France 2005
Tour de France. I do not have access to OLN through my cable provider. I want to be able to hear, (in english), live commentary of the Tour. I figured I would be able to find this on the web but have not been able to so far. I would like also find out what resources others are using to follow the grande boucle, any good blogs I should know about?
Mefi Eye for the Short Guy
Where can I find cotton/seersucker male suits in New York City for a 36R? [more inside]
Long Bus Ride Tips
How can I keep myself occupied for 31 hours on the greyhound bus? My partner and I are leaving on Thursday for our vacation, but we are travelling to our destination via greyhound, and it is a very long ride. I love to read and listen to music, but I get bored of those. I can sleep on the bus, but not too well, and I am resistant to taking drugs to knock myself out. Any ideas for bus activities for two adult women?
Bugs bugging my vines!
So what are these bugs on my plants? [more inside]
Good roller derby names?
My friend is trying out for roller derby, and she needs a good nom de plume. [more inside]
Tickled Pink
Tickle Me. [more inside]
Is WiFi causing my online gaming lag?
Should I not expect to be able to play online games over Wifi? Does enabling WEP only make it worse? [more inside]
Online movie coupons?
Any ideas about online movie coupons? [more inside]
What's some good, patriotic music to listen to fireworks to?
Along the same lines as the last question (kind of), what's some good, patriotic music to listen to fireworks to? [more inside]
Tipping with cash vs credit?
From the perspective of the waiter/waitress, is it better for me to tip via cash on the table vs. a number written on the credit card transaction? Do they end up getting less when tipped via credit card, due to restaurateur shenanigans or tax reporting or other? Cash often isn't an option because of time constraints (need to make change) or just laziness.
Best July 4th fireworks display in the Bay Area?
Best July 4th fireworks display in the Bay Area? [more inside]
July 2
WEP Hacking Risks
For an 802.11G network, is 128 bit WEP encryption secure ENOUGH? [more inside]
Accidental Documentaries
Dogs in Space was an Australian film released in 1987 starring Michael Hutchence of INXS before they cracked the states. It's about a band living in a share-house in Melbourne in 1979. The lifestyle, the personalities, can still be found today, 26 years on. What other movies, despite their fictions, serve as documentaries of lifestyles that will probably remain unrecorded?
Looking for a certain backpack
I'm looking for a certain military surplus backpack. [more inside]
Why won't my WinBook connect to the wireless network?
The dreaded 'TCP/IP is not enabled for this connection. Cannot proceed.'
My wireless card sees the network, but will not actually connect. The web is full of discussions on this problem that end in hopelessness. [more inside]
How fast do swim/travel towels dry?
How fast do swim towels dry? I'm thinking of buying a swim towel to keep at the gym. They say they dry "in minutes". Would it dry in the 3-10 minutes it takes me to get dressed so I could keep in my my locker without worrying about mold? Or should I just keep paying for towel service?
Ants in my Couch
Ants in my couch! [more inside]
Errant Golf shot
I recently hit a golf ball through a skylight on a house adjacent to the course. Am I responsible for the bill? I've heard pretty much every answer under the sun, so some specific evidence would be nice.
What is the opening song in Stalag 17?
What is the opening song in Stalag 17? [more inside]
How to keep bread fresh?
How do I keep bread for more than a few days? [more inside]
Is there a one-click memory card copy utility?
Can anyone point me to a utility that will copy all the images from my camreas memory card (compact flash) to a directory in the My Pictures folder with the creation date. So all the pictures taken on 7/1 end up in a folder named 7-1-2005. I want it to be ea one-click deal. [more inside]
High-rise living
Aside from longer elevator rides, are they any less obvious drawbacks to living on the 23rd floor of a 23-floor apartment building -- as opposed to, say, the 10th or 15th? [more inside]
speeding up quicktime videos
Is there a way to adjust the speed and pitch of a Quicktime (.MOV) video file, while keeping the video portion synched and viewable? [more inside]
How do I convert a bitmaped drawing into something scalable?
How do I turn a bitmapped outline drawing into something scalable that will look good as a logo at any size? [more inside]
Can you still make money on banner ads?
Let's assume that I have an idea for a web site that will draw lots of people. Let's assume that it involves a fair number of images, and so probably high bandwidth. Is it still possible to make money on this kind of thing through banner ads? [more inside]
How do you resize a ring?
Can I resize a ring myself? [more inside]
How do I force another website to get rid of my stolen content?
How do I force another website to get rid of my stolen content? [more inside]
iPod wedding
How can I use my iPod to dj my sister's wedding? [more inside]
Need help finding an article published in 1997 or 1998
I am trying to find an article I read back in I think in 1997 or 1998 in a computer magazine (may have been Wired or some Mac magazine). Anyway the article talked about using things around the house to make a computer desk out of. I distinctly remember a picture of an old refrigerator being modded out and and used as a computer desk. My google-fu fails me. It had some pretty innovative ideas in it. Any help is appreciated greatly.
This American Life
Know of a photo scanning service?
Does anyone know of a service that will scan all of your photographs for you? (And maybe put them back in your family album nicely?)
What's your favorite PDA (bluetooth, small, sync /w OS X, and no cellphone)?
What's your favorite PDA ? My wishes are: no cellphone like the treo, bluetooth, ~small form factor, and good syncing with OS X. Thanks!
A man and his list.
I'm trying to locate a story I once read about a wealthy entrepreneur or CEO and the advice he received from a productivity coach. Can you help? [more inside]
Immune responses
Why do our bodies reject new organs but not blood transfusions, assuming the blood transfusion is of the same blood type?
Can a centiped bite kill a large-breed dog?
ScaryBugFilter- Can a centipede bite kill a large-breed dog? Earlier tonight as I was putting my old English sheepdog to bed in the garage, I saw a centipede scurrying away across the floor. Max weighs roughly 95 pounds - should I be worried? Any web resources on dangerous insect bites and dogs will be greatly appreciated (i.e. symptoms, what to do if I can't get to a vet right away, etc.) I know, my dog hasn't actually been bitten yet, but I'm the paranoid type and the sight of that bug was enough to freak me out. A big thank you to everyone in advance.
Classical music in Fassbinder's Maria Braun?
In Fassbinder's movie The Marriage of Maria Braun, what piece of classical music is plays in the beginning of the scene wherein Karl Oswald and Maria are dining, toward the end of the movie? [more inside]
Student loan collection fee elimination?
So this idiot "friend" of mine defaulted on his student loans, and the collection agency in charge of, well, collecting them has tacked on about $5000 worth of fees. Now that he's paying them back and rehabilitating his loan, is there any way he can get those fees eliminated? The collections agency says the best they'll do is deduct about $1000 after rehabilitation, but I'm convinced there must be something more he can do. Thanks, as always!
July 1
Lawless world
Is there such a thing as international law? I know this sounds absurd... [more inside]
Does "Union Made" apply to the beer or can?
On cans of beer, for example Iron City or Pabst Blue Ribbor, it says "Union Made."
Does this refer to the can or the actual beer, or both?
What are the best mini blogs?
When I need a quick fix on the web, I inevitably find myself checking a small handful of feeds in my RSS reader. Mini blogs, link blogs, sidebar blogs -- call them what you will, they all share the same characteristics: plenty of links and not much commentary. Which mini blogs do you read on a regular basis? [more inside]
The Lost Informed Shopping Site
CorporateCrime Filter: I remember a while ago I use to constantly reference a fairly objective "smart shopper" site that would list issues, good and bad with most of the big corporations. [more inside]
A power station in my backyard?
Living near power lines? Searching for a home, my girlfriend and I have found a house we want to make an offer on. It's our dream house in a nice town, but there's an issue... the house sits about 100 yards away from this... a relatively small power distribution/transfer station adjacent to the property. Do we have anything to be concerned about or should I go buy some lead boxer shorts? [more inside]
Turkish food
Turkish food filter: I believe it was called "muharama" or something close. It was spread on pita and had a lot of garlic and possible walnuts. I've tried many spelling combinations in google and found nothing. What is it and what's the recipe?
Running a bittorrent tracker?
Does anyone have good rules of thumb for the resources required to run a bittorrent tracker? [more inside]
iCal WebDav Publishing Problems
iCal and WebDav and a PC, How Can I make them play nice? [more inside]
Surviving Long Plane Rides
Looking for suggestions on surviving long plane rides. I'm talking about transoceanic, 10+ hour flights. Limited Google searching has found this and this. I've also read the prior question, about sleeping. I have a laptop, mp3 player, and lots of ebooks.
Does the diagnosis of a psychiatric disorder perturb careers?
What are the potential (career, financial) ramfications of receiving a diagnosis for a psychiatric disorder? [more inside]
swiftly sprouting onions
Why do onions sprout? [more inside]
Is the "boot" on a convertible really necessary?
I am borrowing a Mazda Miata (convertible). Do I really need to use the "boot"? [more inside]
DNS Oddities
Home DSL connection. DSL router goes to Netgear router, and three computers connect to the Netgear router. All three computers run XP Pro. On two of the computers, DNS works fine. On the third, some websites don't resolve. Why? [more inside]
How do I prepare a book for print?
I've been asked to lay out a book for a small publisher. Aesthetically, I have a good idea of where I need to go with this. But this is my first foray into book design. What sort of application should I be using? I'd like to learn a bit about LaTex (I'm on a Mac running 10.4.1), as this seems like the most cost effective and professional route. Ultimately, I need to deliver the document in PDF format. Any suggestions or help would be much appreciated!
Vinegar-garlic steamed veggies?
Brazilian/Portuguese cooking experts, please holp me! I can't find a recipe for the amazing vegetables I had last night. [more inside]
Vote for Ofelas!
How do you "nominate" a movie for DVD release on Amazon.com? [more inside]
How long do tetras live?
FishFilter: Earlier this week, the last of my original fish died. It was a black skirt tetra, which is a fairly common aquarium fish. I have not, however, been able to find out how long they usually live, either on the Intarweb, Innes book, etc. [more inside]
How fantastic is Fantistico?
Looking for a new host. Am intrigued by Fantistico. Seems like it includes everything. Any recommendations for hosts that offer Fantistico? [more inside]
Why do I favour some names of notes in the chromatic scale over their other names?
MusicianFilter: Why do I favour some names of notes in the chromatic scale over their other names? [more inside]
Firefox Homepage and Bookmarks Mysteriously Disappear, Complications Ensue.
Twice this week I've lost my bookmarks and homepage on Firefox. Please help me--I'm a babe in the woods and the big hungry Firefox is licking its chops. [more inside]
I'm looking for a cheap, fun, and tropical vacation destination.
VacationFilter - I'm looking for an affordable, fun, and tropical vacation destination. Current location: Europe. [more inside]
How to sell t-shirts
Setting up a booth to sell t-shirts. Any advice or suggestions for how to go about it? [more inside]
How do I record phone conversations?
Anyone have experience with recording phone conversations? What's the best way to do this? [more inside]
Software for group construction?
Is there a piece of software I can use to allow public users to add "connections" between multiple objects/words? I'm thinking of a project that would probably end up looking like the ThinkMap Visual Thesaurus (http://www.visualthesaurus.com/). Any thoughts? [more inside]
Wake my laptop from its nonpersistant vegitative state.
My laptop is getting lazy: it readily goes to sleep, but refuses to wake up again. Help! [more inside]
How to be a better digital phototographer
I recently inherited a pretty decent digital camera, and want to learn how to become a better digital photographer. What would you recommend, resources wise, for learning how to take better photos? [more inside]
What IV medication causes this side effect?
When I had a c/section in 2002, I was given a medication through my IV shortly before surgery that caused a bizarre reaction. I'm possibly going to have surgery again soon and would like to know what this was so I can avoid it. [more inside]
LaCie external drive not responding
How can I access a non-responding folder on my LaCie 160GB external USB hard drive? [more inside]
Any good (novice) math books out there?
What's a good math book? My sister is a high school drop out and pretty much knows how to add, subtract and the like. Last night, she called me concerned that when her kids start school in a few years she won't be able to assist them with their math homework, and asked me to find a good easy-to-understand book that will teach her from very basic math (adding, subtracting) on to more complex mathematics. Any suggestions?
I need help with a decision at college.
I have been asked to spearhead a pilot program at the community college I go to. It involves building old computers used by the school, warehouse work and selling them on ebay. I am a student and I offered to do volunteer work, when this was offered to me. Problem is, I spoke to cooperative education and they advised me I would have to switch majors to business in order to recieve credit for the hours worked. [more inside]
Webcam and dialup
Webcam software for dialup. Is there a reliable program that can, every 15 minutes, open a dialup connection, FTP a pic, and hang up? We're trying to monitor a livestock pen at a rural property where there is no high speed. I have been trying Spycam but it won't go for more than 3 to 10 hours without generating a system error. I'm using a Logitech Quickcam Chat.
Why can't I burn a Knoppix DVD ISO on a WinXP laptop?
I'm trying to burn the Knoppix 4.0 DVD ISO on my wife's second-hand Averatec Windows XP laptop. I have tried almost a dozen DVD burning programs without success. Most of them can't see there's a blank DVD in the drive. What's up? [more inside]
Ipods in China?
Is an ipod a good gift for someone who lives in China? [more inside]
Can I run an external dvi monitor with the lid closed on a new Powerbook 12"?
Can I run an external dvi monitor with the lid closed on a new Powerbook 12"?