Upcoming books
July 13, 2005 9:41 PM   Subscribe

Is there a free database of upcoming, as of yet unreleased books from all the publishers anywhere on thar web? Thanks.
posted by Krrrlson to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
Amazon posts the books as soon as publishers announce the titles in their latest season, approximately 6 months to a year out. Other than that and other online retailers who pull from the same info (B&N, Borders), no.
posted by rodz at 6:19 AM on July 14, 2005

Best answer: The centralized database for book publishing is Books In Print, but it's not free. Your library or bookstore may have a subscription. Most publishers seem to generate the BIP listing when they list the ISBN, which is easy since Bowker owns Books In Print. The large publishers, and many smaller publishers, get the information out to Amazon and other bookselling sites as soon as possible. Not sure if Amazon scrapes data from BIP or not, but I find Amazon about as useful as used to find BIP, which is to say, very useful and very accurate. Disclaimer: No longer a bookseller.
posted by theora55 at 9:37 AM on July 14, 2005

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