My mouse in Windows is acting funny.
July 11, 2005 3:50 PM   Subscribe

Help!, I need to fix my jumpy mouse in Windows 2000.

Whenever I type in a text box in a web browser, or any applications (IM, Word, etc) my mouse pointer jumps to the top of the screen. Sometimes this happens before I even have the ability to type. I assume that the mouse moves so quick that the text box loses the focus before it actually had the focus. I have a Toshiba Laptop, Windows 2000, the mouse driver is for an Alps pointing device. I use the built in mouse (both the eraser head and the track pad, both have the same problem). The driver seems to be fine, and reinstalling it didn't seem to help either. Any other suggestions (short of those that invlove a large hammer and lots of force ... believe me, that "solution" has ran through my mind several times). Also, while typing this, my mouse pointer disappeared altogether, and I'm now relying on the arcane keyboard controls to make windows work.
posted by forforf to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
Best answer: You should try changing the BIOS mouse settings. As the computer is booting up (during the red Toshiba logo screen), press ESC (for most laptops) to access the BIOS. Detailed instructions from Toshiba here.

I had a similar problem, with an external mouse that would skip around erratically. I had to change the pointer configuration from "simultaneous" to "auto-select". Since you have to built-in pointing devices, your BIOS configurations may vary.

Also, have you tried the Toshiba Knowledge Base search?

Also try the "Ask IRIS" service here.

Also, what model and series is your laptop?
posted by ori at 4:20 PM on July 11, 2005

Does it do this if you are using an auxiliary mouse (PS/2 or USB)--in other words does it happen if you keep your hand and fingers away from the tracking devices-and is the area free of static electricity
posted by rmhsinc at 4:33 PM on July 11, 2005

Have you ever opened the case of the laptop? I once had an issue where overtightening the case screws flexed the touchpad and made it occasionally quirky. Just a thought.
posted by whatisish at 4:40 PM on July 11, 2005

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