NASA's ascent of man?
July 19, 2005 9:34 PM   Subscribe

I was introduced to a fantastic image linked here on MetaFilter years ago. The image was a standard riff on the ascent of man motif, with the final Homo Sapiens looking up to the stars, and a message along the lines of "At NASA, we know where our future lies." If my memory stills works, it was originally a poster. Can anyone help me locate this? Apparently, my google-fu hasn't evolved since then, and constant browsing of NASA's image archive has been fruitless.
posted by jgee to Media & Arts (5 answers total)
I had a bit of a look around but nada, I'm afraid. In the absence of receiving an actual answer here, perhaps email NASA and ask - there's an address of the bottom of the image archive page you posted.
posted by peacay at 9:38 AM on July 20, 2005

Response by poster: Thanks for trying, it's much appreciated.
posted by jgee at 2:46 PM on July 20, 2005

Piggyback: I've been told of another riff on the Ascent of Man that I have yet to find: Each species, taller and standing straighter, has the species name underneath, until we reach "homo sapiens", then the next man - standing taller and straighter yet - is labelled "dancer".
posted by -harlequin- at 2:47 PM on July 20, 2005

Hey jgee, is this similar to it - it's got an astronaut anyway? It came from this image search. Alas, if you had an email address in your profile, I could alert you that there was another answer here. There's a few variations on the theme.
Not the answer:

posted by peacay at 2:07 AM on July 24, 2005

Response by poster: Ooh, that is close, certainly better than anything I've found. The one I'm thinking of did not have an astronaut, just a man looking at the stars. Again, thanks for trying!
posted by jgee at 8:39 PM on July 26, 2005

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