Feed the birds...tuppence a bra.
July 29, 2005 8:06 AM   Subscribe

I have a deformed breastbone (Pectus carinatum, or pigeon-breast--but only half of one!), and I need help finding a nice bra.

The right half of my breastbone protrudes about an inch out from where it meets the left half. (So the left side of my rib cage and breastbone is normal, and the right side is pigeon-breasted.) I'm about a 36C. I've been wearing Jockey seamless cotton no-underwire bras , but I'd like to find something a little more feminine, yet still supportive and not incredibly painful after 2 hours. I have yet to find an underwire that sits right. Any suggestions? Bonus points if they're under $25/ea.
posted by fuzzbean to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (6 answers total)
You might try the Angels line from Victoria's Secret (sorry, they're not under 25 dollars, though.) They're pretty, but incredibly comfortable, and as a bonus, if you're not the shy type, the women in the store will help properly fit you, nearly guaranteeing that it will be comfortable to wear.
posted by headspace at 9:25 AM on July 29, 2005

Forgive my ignorance, but wouldn't you be able to wear a regular bra with a larger back/strap size? Or is it that certain types of bras irritate the protruding rib?
posted by widdershins at 9:33 AM on July 29, 2005

Response by poster: Many regular bras just don't "sit" right--the distance between cups is abnormal and so they lie too high up one one side and normalish on the other. Underwires always cut across one side or the other (ouch!).

My chest circumference is normal--it's just that there's this weird lump in the middle of it. It's more a question of cut than size.

The Jockey ones work pretty well because they have a wide elastic band at the bottom that stretches. It's just that buying bras is an incredibly frustrating experience because the vast majority are underwires, half of the rest just won't lie properly, and I'd like to wear something a little more attractive than a sports bra occasionally...any direction anyone could give is appreciated.
posted by fuzzbean at 9:59 AM on July 29, 2005

I've seen bras with an adjustable bit in the front between the cups, maybe something like that would help?
Not sure of brands, though. Bali, perhaps?
posted by Kellydamnit at 10:08 AM on July 29, 2005

I would recommend going to a high-end department store and asking for the most senior bra fitter. She should be able to come up with some good options for you. Yes, the bra will probably be more expensive, but a well-fitting bra definitely worth it. Besides, that way you'll learn more about what to look for/where to order from and you can get more (less expensive) bras later on your own.
posted by widdershins at 11:00 AM on July 29, 2005

Best answer: Snares of Venus custom-makes bras, including for women with pectus carinatum and excavatum. They definitely won't be anywhere near $25, but it could be worth the splurge to get one that's made to fit you exclusively. (Maybe you could ask for it as a birthday gift or something?)
posted by scody at 12:34 PM on July 29, 2005

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