July 29, 2005 9:43 AM   Subscribe

Why does my Powerbook with OS-X 10.4 go ffftt! and jump to a different web page unprompted?

This happens with no pattern that I can detect and I don't even have to be near my laptop. It tends to like to go unannounced to the following sites, Apple, Google, NYTimes, ect., all of which are included in the "toolbar" ( I know this isn't what it is called but I'm a Mac neophyte) on top of my desktop. This same question was ignored, incidentally, on the MacWorld forum. So it is either exceedingly dull or no one can figure it out, maybe both!
posted by philmas to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)
Safari has this nifty feature where if you hit command-1 it goes to the first bookmark on the bookmark bar, command-2 for the second bookmark, etc. It sounds like something is triggering these shortcuts.

Do you have an external keyboard set up? Maybe your mouse / trackpad is getting triggered by interference?

What do you have hooked up via USB? What extra software do you have installed? The more information you can provide in your question, the easier it will be to diagnose your problem.
posted by bshort at 10:03 AM on July 29, 2005

I am assuming you are using Safari, since those are the default bookmark bar sites. I am also assuming that the "toolbar" refer to is the bookmark bar right under the address/location field in Safari and not the dock, which is the row of application icons usually placed at the bottom of the screen and visibile at almost all times from all apps.

I do not expect some of these questions to return useful answers, but just in case:

How often do the pages change? Does it happen when you have loaded a site that is not in your bookmarks bar? Do you have any macros or launching apps (like Quicksilver or Butler) installed? Do you have Saft, Pithhelmet, Safari Stand, or other Safari add-ons installed? Do you use the RSS-reading functions of Safari? Do you have pop-ups turned off.

Ignoring for a moment that this happens when you are away from your computer, do you ever hitting the command key, plus a number? Command-1 will load the first site in your bookmark toolbar, command-2 will load the second, etc. Continuing to ignore: were you on Windows in the habit of hitting "alt-tab" on the keyboard to jump between apps? Have you adopted a similar behavior on the Mac (command-tab, a.k.a. Apple-tab is the equivalent)?
posted by Mo Nickels at 10:05 AM on July 29, 2005

Response by poster: Could it have anything to do with the voice recognition software? Sometimes I use that but I'm going to shut it off this evening and see if I get any results.

Now, I'll try to clarify my problem by answering questions to questions posed by bshort and Mo Nickels:

Do you have an external keyboard set up? Maybe your mouse / trackpad is getting triggered by interference?

What do you have hooked up via USB? What extra software do you have installed?

1. No external keyboard but I do have an external blue tooth mouse. As far as I recall this happens both when I have the mouse on and off. Nothing hooked up via USB generally. I do have extra software installed but nothing unusual.

I am assuming you are using Safari, since those are the default bookmark bar sites. I am also assuming that the "toolbar" refer to is the bookmark bar right under the address/location field in Safari and not the dock, which is the row of application icons usually placed at the bottom of the screen and visibile at almost all times from all apps.

2. I am using Safari and I'm referring to the default bookmark sites on my bookmarks bar, not the dock. I also have Firefox installed so I should do a test and see if it happens...no, it doesn't have a bookmarks bar.

How often do the pages change? Does it happen when you have loaded a site that is not in your bookmarks bar? Do you have any macros or launching apps (like Quicksilver or Butler) installed? Do you have Saft, Pithhelmet, Safari Stand, or other Safari add-ons installed? Do you use the RSS-reading functions of Safari? Do you have pop-ups turned off.

3. Pages change frequently at times and then can go days when this doesn't happen. It also happens with sites that aren't included in the bookmarks bar. I have no Safrai add-ons, macros, launching apps, nor do I use the RSS-reader functions. Not sure if I hve the pop-ups on or off. I'll check it tonight.

Ignoring for a moment that this happens when you are away from your computer, do you ever hitting the command key, plus a number? Command-1 will load the first site in your bookmark toolbar, command-2 will load the second, etc. Continuing to ignore: were you on Windows in the habit of hitting "alt-tab" on the keyboard to jump between apps? Have you adopted a similar behavior on the Mac (command-tab, a.k.a. Apple-tab is the equivalent)?

4. Nope. I think I'm going to have to start by eliminating the obvious first and just see what happens (i.e. the mouse and voice recognition).

posted by philmas at 1:12 PM on July 29, 2005

This definitely seems like the voice recognition software in OS X to me--the default "accepted voice command!" sound could definitely be described as "ffft!" although it sounds a bit more like "whhht!" to me.

You can turn that off in the System Preferences under Speech, in case you weren't sure.
posted by bcwinters at 2:59 PM on July 29, 2005

Response by poster: Voice recognition off, problem fixed!
posted by philmas at 7:06 AM on July 31, 2005

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