March 2024 Archives
March 31
Help Me Figure Out This Mystery House Smell
There has been an odor in our house that comes and goes, for nearly the last ten years now. My husband can't smell it, but it's sometimes so intrusive it keeps me up at night. Description inside. [more inside]
What are your favourite 'unexpected' or 'unusual' uses for spices?
I would love to expand my knowledge of spices and experience tastes that might be new to me as a middle-aged Anglo-Canadian with a fairly adventurous palate. A bonus if you can recommend a place online to buy new spices that has reasonable shipping to Canada! [more inside]
Help me nod off without too much nodding
What's the best travel pillow for folks whose head tends to nod forward while trying to sleep on a plane? Give me your recs, please. I'll also take any other "how to sleep in economy" tips because I have a series of long flights upcoming and I have an awful time sleeping on planes.) [more inside]
Last minute, poorly planned solar eclipse plans, Northeast edition
I wasn't expecting to be able to take off work for the day of the 2024 US total solar eclipse (April 8th), and thus haven't planned anything. I'm in central NJ and willing to drive up to about 4.5 hours to experience it. Where should I go? [more inside]
Durability of engineered wood flooring
We have found flooring we really like, but now I'm getting cold feet that I may not have thought through the durability aspect as much as the aesthetics. Anyone have thoughts on engineered wood floor? It does come with a 100 year residential warranty so that makes me think that it's probably pretty ok, or am I missing something major I should consider? [more inside]
what to disclose to employer around long covid / disability?
My doctor suspects I have long Covid. Please help me think through the pros and cons of disclosing this to my employer, a private company in California. What are my legal protections? Have you disclosed this to your employer with positive effects? Who should I be asking about disability support? [more inside]
Searching for pleasant sensations.
My therapist advised me to do something that physically feels good every day. Baths feel nice to me, but I'm struggling to come up with other ideas, probably because my brain has been dulled by burnout. Any ideas? [more inside]
Looking for a certain type of Xbox game
I think they're called platformers, my husband is looking for some new options to try on his Xbox One. [more inside]
Do you have a yoto for your kid(s)? Tell me everything. [more inside]
What makes the US legal system so vulnerable to people like Donald Trump
As a non-American, I have a hard time understanding how Trump and his lawyers, usually presented as incompetent idiots, are able to run circles around the US legal sytem. This is not question about Trump, but about the functioning of American justice. [more inside]
So what Boeing planes should I avoid right now?
I'm looking at a transatlantic flight this summer and I'm wondering how worried I should be about Boeings, especially the 737 Max. [more inside]
Best spy novels for a young teen?
My 13 year old son has expressed interest in reading some ‘spy novels’. This is a genre I have read very little of, so I am a little bit at a loss as to where to point him. [more inside]
What's new and cool in Chicago?
Going to Chicago this summer. I've spent a lot of time there but it will be my first time back in years! 7 years, to be precise. What's new? [more inside]
Summer cocooning recommendations?
From September to May, the highlight of my day is the evening, when I get to climb into bed with microwave heating packs, pile on the weighted blankets, and cocoon. In June, July, and August, it's way too hot to do this and I miss it so much. [more inside]
Looking for a bird feeder with camera
I am looking for a bird feeder with a camera and connectivity. It's a gift for an avid backyard birdwatcher, and they want to receive push notifications when a bird uses the feeder. They are comfortable with cleaning the feeder, stocking it with seed, and keeping non-avian critters such as raccoons and squirrels away from the feeder. They strongly prefer a setup which I can install once and then basically forget about — I only see them a few times each year. [more inside]
Trifold “cabinet” style bed: as comfortable as a Murphy bed?
Have you slept on a bed that folds out of a cabinet or chest? These usually have trifold memory foam mattresses. [more inside]
Moisturizing lotion used in conjunction with washing hands suggestions?
Hand soap dries my hands out. I need hand lotion recommendations that I can use at the same time/right after washing my hands, to keep my hands moisturized. [more inside]
Dreams Of More Freedom
Ambient-ish instrumental-ish dub recommendations needed! [more inside]
March 30
Private car sale to out of state buyer: how does it work?
I live in Massachusetts. I am selling my car to a family member who lives outside of New England. The current plan is for them to come here, buy the car, and drive it to their home state. Googling seems to indicate that I need to take my tags off the car as soon as I sell it. So... how do they legally drive it home? Beyond a bill of sale and signing over the title, is there anything else I need? I'd appreciate someone walking me through this, as I've never sold anything of value before. [more inside]
Telescope for landscapes
Recommend me some telescopes for land viewing. [more inside]
Recommendations for film and pop culture podcasts
I've been listening to the last two seasons of You Must Remember This, which focuses on sex and gender in 1980s and 1990s movies and have found it incredibly compelling. Do folks know any other podcasts that focus on analysis of past pop culture, preferably with a focus on movies? [more inside]
Best home/other care for seriously ill dementia patient, NE Queens, NY
I hope this question is specific enough. (& not too personal/specific.) My father lives in Bayside, Queens. He’s 90, & has dementia. 3 weeks ago he had surgery, then two weeks in hospital (one in ICU), then to a rehab that ranked well but is actively shit (forgot to give him his anti-psychotic seroquel the first night, were dismissive about his fall risk, lies about everything), so we’re considering taking him home for care. (My stepmother was caring for him at home before the surgery, we all just want him comfortable & happy, however it goes.) [more inside]
How to get my taxes in order?
I'm trying to get current with my finances and I'm wondering if I can do this on my own. Covid was weird and I let some things slide but I'm trying get it all figured out now.
Specifically I need to file taxes for 2022 and I also have some old uncashed government checks that would be nice to cash if possible. See below for details. [more inside]
PSLF Form 404 error, help?
I am trying to help a friend with his PSLF employer verification electronic form on We have all the information required and are able to fill everything out as required. Every time we get to the end of the document (the step where you select if you want to send the verification forms to the past employers electronically or manually), we fill it out and press submit and the form goes to a 404 error page. [more inside]
Aluminium ring leaves blue mark on one finger
I have a ring made out of recycled aluminium. I wear it on the ring and middle fingers of each hand randomly.
It leaves a dark blue, ink-like mark only on the top side of my right middle finger that comes off with some scrubbing. [more inside]
Goodbye Google Podcasts
The Google Podcast app will no longer work after April 2nd. I could merge all my podcasts onto Google Music (which I pay for), but the interface is crowded and clunky and I would like to keep my music separate from podcasts. What free Android podcast apps do you recommend?
Head pain during orgasm?
I know, you are not my doctor. And I will be asking him, but not for another month. In the meantime, has anyone experienced this? Details: [more inside]
I need a bike.
Looking for suggestions on websites that have unbiased/non-sponsored (?) reviews of road bikes. [more inside]
Which Passport to Use When Traveling Internationally?
My spouse is a dual citizen, US/Canada. He's been American his whole life and lived in the US his whole life. He recently established that he is also Canadian and has been by birth. He now has a Canadian Certificate of Citizenship and a Canadian passport, in addition to his US passport. [more inside]
Combating Ageism in my resume
I am a full stack developer in my mid-50's who is going to need a new job soon, who intends to work at least another ten years before retirement, and who is fully aware of ageism in the hiring process. I have very specific question about my resume and am looking for your feedback. [more inside]
ISO the name of a transportation service
Almost twenty years ago, I used a self-service moving/freight service that is effectively un-Googleable. Can you tell me if it still exists or is folded into something that works the same way? (It definitely wasn't PODS.) [more inside]
European fairy tales about love becoming obsession.
What European (and maybe Middle-Eastern) fairy tales / folk stories are there about someone who feels an obsessive love. particularly if it drives them to a bad end. The Little Mermaid is already on the list. [more inside]
recommend audiobooks for running
I listen to audiobooks when I run. Knowing that I have a fun book to listen to gets me out of the house, without it I don't run. [more inside]
March 29
Searching for interesting essays about ads +/- internet
I’m looking for interesting essays about advertising, especially but not solely in the context of the ad-supported web. [more inside]
Can He Keep the Man From Taking His Money?
You are not my financial advisor: I’m not knowledgable about these issues, but my nephew has a chance to provide for his future—and he’s even less knowledgable than I am—but outstanding student loans could be a problem. More below the fold. [more inside]
How do I show complex ideas in a presentation?
I'm really struggling with creating presentations. I need to show AI use cases (basically product recommendation engine) and other places "generative AI" can be used. The key is to sell this internally so sales, which has no understanding of AI outside of ChatGPT, can sell this to their clients who absolutely need to invest in AI. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this in a limiting presentation environment like PowerPoint or PDF? Keep in mind it must demonstrate how AI works in one of those boring consulting type presentations. [more inside]
Restaurant in New Haven, CT that served sandwiches with fries on them
I'm trying to recall a restaurant in New Haven, Connecticut, near (or near-ish) to the Yale campus that served sandwiches with french fries on the sandwich. This woulda been in the mid-to-late 90s. Anyone else remember this spot? And if so, is it still around? Would love to know!
Healthy meals - Hotel Edition
My apartment flooded and I need to live in a hotel for at least a month. There is a small kitchen, but it isn't well-stocked and has zero spices, oils, etc. I'd like to eat more than just pasta and red sauce this month. Give me your best no-recipe, somewhat healthy meal ideas, please! [more inside]
How much is the protection of my identity worth?
I am considering cancelling my long standing identity protection service which used to cost $16/month and now costs $20/month. Wire Cutter says it's usually unnecessary for most people. Any advice or suggestions? More details below. [more inside]
Is there any feasible way to change flight plans due to illness?
Partner is overseas and due to fly back tomorrow morning. This evening they came down with what is almost certainly norovirus. What's the best way to handle this? [more inside]
How to make these boots acceptable for Cayce Pollard?
I bought perfectly comfy boots that happen to be branded. The gold zipper pulls were a surprise but I have black nail polish; the branded wraparound straps are structural and much more obvious than I thought they would be. What can I do to disguise the branding? [more inside]
Swim pass pricing
I have a question about the policy/logic of swim passes where I work. [more inside]
How to use cooked red cabbage?
I am a single person who cooks rarely. Despite that, last year I bought a 580 gram jar of Danish red cabbage. It contains cabbage, sugar, vinegar, plus apple and currant juice. The food expires (or goes past its "best by" date) in a few months.
Why did I buy this? No idea. But red cabbage is nutritious. So please suggest ways I can eat this, especially if they do not involve complicated recipes or long cooking times. Thanks, hive mind!
Looking for slip on shoes with a low vamp(?)
Superga used to make these shoes, the 2210, which were perfect little unadorned slip on shoes where the top of the shoe stopped a little past the wearer's toes, leaving the top of the foot uncovered. They don't make them anymore, can you help me find something close? [more inside]
What is the best way to resolve old credit card debt from 2018?
What advice do you have for paying off and resolving a six year old credit card debt from Wells Fargo? Details inside. Thanks! [more inside]
Phone pager buttons so my kid can call me from various rooms
Surprisingly hard to find: I'd like a few wireless, battery powered buttons to install in several rooms in the house so my kid can ping me or my spouse while we are working in the yard etc. [more inside]
Help with 1099-K
I started a single-member LLC last year. The easiest (but probably stupidest) way for me to infuse it with cash was to send money from my personal PayPal to the business PayPal. PayPal has reported those transactions as income on a 1099-K. How do I indicate on my taxes that it wasn't profit from an outside source, but me moving my money around? I'm using H&R Block's online filing system. There doesn't seem to be a way to ask it for advice until you're ready to file. [more inside]
Western shirts for big goth girls?
I used to wear pearl-snap shirts a decade ago, and always wanted to get more Western wear, but I have hips that aren't compatible with most of these shirts. Also, I hate tucking in shirts, so I don't want long tails. Can anyone recommend online shops with women's Western shirts that are truly plus-size? [more inside]
Books about the "unnaturalness" of 21st century living
Humans seemed to have been designed to work and live in groups. But most of our living in the Western world seems now out of sync with this biology. [more inside]
Washing machine hot vs cold question
Does the inflow of hot or cold water in a washing machine depend simply on the hose hookup, or is it controlled by something in the machine? [more inside]
Help me find a website that had articles about Primal Wounds
I had it bookmarked and now it's gone. So there was this website that went into the inner depths of why people were a certain way, their neuroses and hang-ups and it all could be traced back to a *Primal Wound*. For example, someone with a *death wish* was found to have had a mother who wanted to abort them and others. Interesting stuff. But for some odd reasons I can't find it now, lol. Don't think they took it down. Any help would be really appreciated.
What does this symbol mean?
Four adjacent houses near me were recently displaying a small sign taped next to each of their front doors. It was a black circle on a white background with a + symbol dividing it into four quadrants. The NE and SW quadrants were filled in black, but the others left white. Context is a row of terraced houses in London. What gives? [more inside]
Reasons for changes in energy/mood level?
I seem to have a pattern of spending a week to a few weeks feeling great, like things are generally "in place" and thinking and functioning is easy. Things are interesting, my thoughts are generally positive, I'm curious, and I get things done. Things seem clear. [more inside]
Internet Menopause remedies
I'm in the menopauise, I can't sleep and I can't regulate my body temperature. I have a primary care doctor; a gynecologist; a sports doctor and a therapist. None of them think I need sleeping pills or treatment for hot flashes. (Honestly, they are probably right about the body temperature thing.) Will any of the internet miracle cures do any good?
March 28
Logging Access to Files on Local Desktop PC
I've got a folder with ~200 files in it (mostly .pdf, but also images, .doc/.docx, .rtf, .html, txt/.md). I'd like to log when I open any of these files. I'd also like to log when I left-click files with the folder window in preview mode example [imgur link]. The folder does not have subfolders, but is six levels deep in the folder hierarchy. [more inside]
daily planner for only 2 days a week
I need a paper schedule with the following characteristics:
1) preferably undated (I only need it 2 days a week)
2) appointment slots in half-hour increments
3) 1 day per page (less essential)
For some reason it seems really hard to find this. [more inside]
Dear husband sort of surprised me, should I have reacted differently?
My husband's boss, "John," is retiring this week. The two of them have worked together for several years. [more inside]
Tell me about night guards
My husband is a clencher and it's a problem. [more inside]
Disable internal wifi hardware on MacBook
I have a 2012 Retina MacBookPro that works fine except the built-in wifi is so out of date/spec that it hogs spectrum and makes other devices take a shit. I have a nice shiny new 801.11/ac USB wifi adapter that I want to use instead of the built in hardware. [more inside]
Spotify engineering culture video - how did they make it?
How did Henrik Kniberg create the graphics for the Youtube video:
Spotify Engineering Culture - Part 1?
The animation of an artist illustrating with the voice over is very interesting.
Broken rib - average painkiller use
A relative has broken a rib and is in a lot of pain. They received two days' worth of opioid painkillers at the hospital which have been used and they are still in too much pain to sleep or work. Before requesting an additional prescription, we wanted to know what the typical prescription is for a broken rib. [more inside]
Investing home sale proceeds, looking to future property purchase
Age 50. Recently sold my home, netting about $140K. Have some questions about short- to mid-term savings, risk vs. reward, etc. [more inside]
Forgot Gmail password, scared of being locked out
My very tech-unsavvy friend has forgotten her Gmail password - for over a year. She is still logged into Gmail and able to use it on her iPad and iPhone (both the Mail app and the Gmail app). But she doesn't know the password, has no backup authentication account or phone number registered with Gmail, and is terrified to try anything because if she gets locked out of Gmail she's screwed. How can she safely reset the password? [more inside]
Eurovisioning in NL/BE
I'm traveling with my wife and a friend in early May, so instead of sitting on our Kentucky couch watching the Eurovision Song Contest, we'll be on the road in continental Europe, which seems like it could probably be a more fun way to experience it, if we know where to go! [more inside]
1880s USA: Cat on Transcontinental Train
Seeking nonfiction narrative of rail travel with a cat across the United States, heading east or west, in the 1880s. [more inside]
Room design app from blueprint
I've got wierd room (entry way, livingroom, dining room combo). I've got a picture of the blueprint with measurements. I'd like to do some visualizations for home design and furniture placement in 3d rendering. What program app should I use? [more inside]
How can I screenshot a film on MacOS/iOS?
Over the past twenty years, I've purchased 1037 movies via the iTunes store (or whatever Apple calls it these days). I'm now getting into art. I would dearly love to screenshot some of my favorite scenes so that I can use them as reference for drawing/painting. By default, Apple prevents screenshots of DRM content. I can (and do) bypass this using BitTorrent to download copies of media I legally own, then screenshotting via VLC. I'm wary of this method for a variety of reasons. Is there a way to grab a goddamn screenshot in MacOS or iOS without resorting to "piracy"? [more inside]
LastPass - consolidate records with email vs. phone vs. username
LastPass creates duplicate records for websites or apps that allow you to log in with either your email, username, or in some cases phone number. I know it's possible to add additional form fields to each LastPass vault entry but the process is opaque. Can someone walk me through how to do this? Note: I am aware of the issues with LastPass, and this is not a question about whether or not I should use LastPass. [more inside]
We're downsizing...or are we?
We're looking to downsize to a smaller, less expensive house. My wife, theoretically in agreement with this idea, is balking at making offers or counter offers. We've been at this for two months so far, and I'm losing hope. Advice welcome. [more inside]
Is it possible to get personalized pens printed same-day in Toronto?
Turns out my kid would *love* personalized pens for their birthday. Their birthday is Saturday. Tomorrow, Good Friday, is a holiday here. Is there a way I could make this happen?
Paying rent and getting credit for it?
In a new apartment and considering rent payment options. I could pay my rent by credit card, and there would be a 3% fee for doing so. The portal where I set up the rent payment also suggested I might want to report the rent payment to the credit agencies for a $6 per month fee. [more inside]
I bought a pair AirPods Max which turned out to be fake.
And my iPhone got fooled and thinks they're real! [more inside]
Have you seen the bee emoji used for "please"
Have you seen the bee emoji used for "please", and if you have, what city/country are you in?
People on my local Buy Nothing group use the bee emoji for "please", and I am wondering how widespread this is.
March 27
Mosquitoes in my lucky bamboo
How can I prevent mosquitos from breeding in my lucky bamboo when I can't easily change the water? [more inside]
Do you know matchmaking where different entry fee players get matched?
Do you know any instances where two people of varying price/entry fees are matched together in any other implementation (game/real world/ etc)? Something like I am staking / risking something different than you, but we are being matched. Or I am entering a tournament/battle/game/system at a different price/risk & you/others are doing it at different price/risk. The outcome can be different (dependent on my input) or same (independent of input).
It would really help if someone know of any instances of these.
Need help finding a guitar strap over 72 inches
Does anyone know where I can order one longer than that? [more inside]
Music education for the middle-aged
Please recommend books, videos, free courses, podcasts, and such that will help me learn two things:
1. How music works. From “what is a scale” on up.
2. “Our Musical Heritage”, as the course was titled, back in my undergrad days. [more inside]
Conversational Japanese Tutor
I’m looking for an online Japanese tutor for weekly sessions improving my comprehension and speaking. I’ve done a couple of units of Pimsleur Japanese and can hold a simple conversation. Which online tutoring service (or other online options) should I choose?
Dental issues with cats -- advice?
Our 3 year old cat has just come back from his first teeth cleaning appointment -- and they ended up removing 7 teeth! Poor kitty! We've been advised to try brushing his teeth. He probably will fight it tooth and nail. Any product recommendations to help with this? Also things like probiotics/water additives/food supplements/food brand recommendations that have worked for you around dental care? [more inside]
Capsule shopping in New York
Between Covid, getting older, and getting fatter, my wardrobe is no longer sufficient and I need to go shopping for some decent capsule pieces. I want more brick and morter stores in New York that are like Madewell, Everlane, Sezane, COS, Uniqlo, Muji and carry plus sizes in the store (so many Uniqlos make you order anything over a 10 these days, killing me!). [more inside]
Does anyone have any advice for crossing the USA border? (J-2 visa)
I am a Canadian citizen with a Canadian passport, as is my spouse. My spouse has been hired in the USA on a J-1 visa for a one-year role. I am travelling down to live with them for this year, and then we will return to Canada together. I am seeking advice for the process of actually crossing the border, and the possibilities of working my current remote job while I'm down there. [more inside]
Linkedin Reach out Script to People I Actually Know
I'm starting networking with folks on LinkedIn. These are first connections who I've worked with in past or just straight up friends. I am networking with them to understand more about their company (I am not targeting roles yet), their roles, how they got their job etc to help me with my job search. I have not talked to many of these people in 5,10,15 years. What's a good reach out script?
Looking for a child development video I saw on Threads
I saw an awesome video on Sunday of a young child demonstrating emotions. It was on Threads and I didn't save it, and now I want to watch it again. It was from an account I don't follow. Searches within Threads and Instagram (in case it was cross-posted there) haven't turned up anything. Has anyone perhaps seen this video (details below) or have any ideas of how I can search for it? [more inside]
Lawyers in Nashville
Can anyone recommend a good personal injury lawyer in Nashville? [more inside]
Recommendations for collaborative, easy remote smart photo frame?
Is there an extremely user-friendly smart photo frame that can be controlled remotely by multiple people? [more inside]
Good food options for vegetarians & vegans in Brighton, UK
Over the Easter weekend I'm taking a daytrip to Brighton with a friend. I'm vegan and like to eat all kinds of foods that fit that bill, including fake meats. My friend is vegetarian and doesn't like fake meats, but does enjoy things like tofu and paneer. We're looking for restaurant suggestions where we can both get a good meal. [more inside]
Hoop Dreams Aren't Just for Kids: Adult Women's Basketball in Atlanta?
Pretty much what the title says...trying to find an adult women's basketball league in the Atlanta area. We're in Cobb, but would be willing to drive anywhere in the metro area. Suggestions? Thanks in advance!
PC AirPlay skipping
How do I diagnose/fix a PC hosting iTunes that frequently hiccoughs on playback through AirPlay. Details inside - [more inside]
Are These Migraines?
I get frequent headache-like things that share some characteristics with migraines. I'm looking to crowdsource diagnosis/treatment possibilities (YANMD - I've been to my doctor and optometrist about it). Symptoms inside. [more inside]
systemd service that handles USB drops-outs
How do I write a systemd service file that will notice USB failures, and restart the service? [more inside]
I made the same stupid mistake at work twice
I'm in the middle of a shame attack right now as I've made the same mistake twice at work. How do I get through this? [more inside]
March 26
Excel test for job application
What is the best way to update to quickly update meagre Excel skills for a job application test? [more inside]
Resizing portrait and landscape photos to same aspect ratio
Squarespace Guy told me that in order for my photos to appear best on my online product catalog, they need to all be in the same aspect ratio. The difficulty is that some images are portrait and some are landscape. I know I can use white space as needed. But what's a good aspect ratio?
custom keyboard/app/toggle that would help organize my pics?
I'm on the lookout for a specialized tool that can help streamline the process of sorting through my extensive photo library, and I'm wondering if such a solution exists. [more inside]
Help me win Easter!
What's a beautiful show-stopping dessert I can make for my family's Easter dinner? [more inside]
What do I wear to tai chi? And work.
I'm starting a tai chi class tomorrow. It's in the middle of my work day. What do I wear? Do I need to change? Or is it possible to wear the same clothes? [more inside]
article, op-ed, or blog post about burnout causing inability to speak
Sometime between 3 months and 2 years ago, I read a first person account from a woman -- I think a medical professional, maybe a surgeon -- describing periodic burnout episodes which caused her to be unable to speak, or nearly unable to speak, and to be otherwise unable to function as a "normal" person. I'd love a link to that account, or possibly others as specific and compelling. [more inside]
Turn a poll into a live-updating bracket?
Is there a website/app that would allow me to set up and populate a tournament-style bracket (best candy bars, 80's baseball names, etc), and then have participants (either via website or app) pick the "winners" of each matchup via a live on-screen poll, and then pick the winners of each subsequent round to determine an ultimate winner? I'm picturing a similar setup to poll anywhere, where each participant votes on their phone and the results show up on the screen, updating a bracket as we go.
Help me enrich a US Middle School library's Spanish-language collection
One of my friends is a middle school principal in a very conservative district. I have been sending him lots of progressive and LGBTQ+ Young Adult books and graphic novels for the school library, and he is thrilled to report that those titles are almost constantly checked out! I'm looking for more. [more inside]
~How~ to search for a seasoned therapist & psychiatrist?
With 0 referrals, how might a person with multiple challenges and decades of working on 'em find a fitting therapist and psychiatrist? [more inside]
Tickets for Candidates Tournament
I'm heading to Toronto with my brother for the (Candidates Tournament) in late April. Tickets appear to be sold out and my brother was only able to get one ticket for Thursday April 18 and one ticket for Saturday April 20. I'd love to find a way to buy tickets so we can both attend at the same time, and happy to pay a premium, but doesn't seem like there are resellers. Does anyone have any idea on how or where to buy additional tickets? Thanks!
Trustworthy way to send PDF as a FAX on a Mac?
I'm looking for either an app or web service where I can pay a reasonable price to send some medical info to a doctor's fax machine from my Mac. So I'd like it to be trustworthy and private, and have confirmation that the document is sent. [more inside]
Multiculturalism in Slovakia c. 1900: Melting Pot or Salad Bowl?
My wife's father's ancestry was always kind of vaguely handwaved as "Austria-Hungary," but I know Austria-Hungary was more of a political union than any kind of overriding cultural identity. Her paternal grandfather emigrated from Slovenia, and his cultural identity seems pretty clearly aligned with that from his immigration paperwork. OTOH … [more inside]
When did my mono symptoms start? When might they end?
I'm almost 40yo and I tested positive on the "mononucleosis, heterophile Ab, serum" test in late February. I already have chronic fatigue though, so I don't know what my mono symptoms began. [more inside]
A follow up to my automated transcription question
I told my editor about Whisper, and she sounded skeptical because Whisper uses open AI. I really don't understand anything about any of this, so can you explain to me so I can explain to her how Whisper is privacy-safe? Or is there something I need to do on my end, beyond just downloading Whisper to MAKE it safe? Again, I'm not knowledgeable about this stuff, & I just have a basic Macbook. Thanks.!
Bakers of Askme!
I am making a half recipe of Irish Soda Bread (pretty much like this but also with an added egg.)
To answer any questions about why one would make only a half loaf of somethign so lovely as Irish Soda Bread instead of saving the other half for later: I only had half the amount of buttermilk and no cider vinegar in the house.
Should I cut the baking time in half? [more inside]
Sell all my stuff in NYC?
I'm looking for a NYC service or individual who, for a fee and commission, will sell an apartment's-worth of belongings via eBay, The Real Real, Poshmark, etc. [more inside]
Dog personality changes on prednisone
You may have seen my previous questions about my (now not so) sweet boy. He's been on prednisone for 2 months and he's really starting to have some personality changes that are pretty intolerable. [more inside]
Best place to stay between Tampa and Wilmington NC?
I'm happy to just say "forget it, book the Embassy Suites by the Savannah airport and call it a day." But I have some family obligations in Tampa FL next week, and other family obligations near Wilmington NC, so I'm trying to sweeten the deal for my spouse with an overnight or two at, say, the cutest B&B in downtown Savannah? Or the nicest little hotel on Tybee Island? Or a night in Kiawah? Charleston? [more inside]
Safest ticket marketplace in the UK?
I am in the US and am traveling to the UK this summer. I am trying to acquire tickets to a sold out concert (Taylor Swift, if it matters) as a surprise for my boyfriend. I am constantly checking Ticketmaster and AXS, the official resellers, but am wondering what other sites are reputable in the UK. Googling brings up a zillion sites and I am wary of getting scammed. Any advice?
Remind me of a verse, Beowulf edition
Many years ago I came across a small verse in an English translation of Beowulf. For whatever reason it has stuck with me, but despite searching a lot of translations since then I have been unable to locate it again. [more inside]
Looking for biology/naturalist educational tour kind of experiences.
I've got a 16 y o kid who is interested in biology/entomology/ocean. Looking to incorporate that with anything from a day trip, weekend trip, or week long trip.
While time and money are things we don't have lots of extra of, I am considering Osa Peninsula for a trip in February (there's a "bug lady" that does night tours).
Wondering if there is anything in the US (bonus for New England area) that was a good experience that's a bit higher level than the typical lobster boat kind of tour. More hands on.
It could be anything from a 2 hour tour with a naturalist, to all day, and maybe even week long.
PS Thanks to his awesome teachers, stuff that didn't seem that interesting coming from mom seems super interesting now!
Primer on taxes as policy?
I am looking for a primer on taxes as policy -- the pros and cons income tax, property tax, sales tax, wealth tax, etc., and about whether any of them are easier to implement or change, or more or less acceptable to voters, etc. I am interested in general but also especially as applied to U.S. municipalities.
Abstaining from alcohol makes my mornings worse?
When I have 2-3 alcoholic drinks before going to bed, the next morning I wake up easily and refreshed. When I do not drink alcohol at all, it feels like I've been hit by a train the next morning. This happens consistently, even after 1-2 months of not drinking, and even when I make sure to stay hydrated. I also do not use an alarm clock most mornings (I wake naturally), so it doesn't seem like I should be waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle. [more inside]
How did you navigate a serious threat to your long-term relationship?
If you've been through the break up (or near break-up) of a very long relationship/marriage that was not broken, but your partner fell in love with someone else... what advice would you give yourself at the beginning? What do you wish you knew? [more inside]
March 25
noise reducing (not cancelling) earplugs (not headphones or earbuds)
I am looking to hear experiences from those who have used Loop Engage or similar earplugs which aim to soften noise experience, not block noise such as for concerts or power tools. [more inside]
Best response to someone presenting a widely shared idea as their own
As a hypothetical response to people in Manhattan pontificating at brunch, Garrison Keillor once said "we all read this morning's New York Times, we don't need to hear the audio edition." (I've also seen this depicted in Hollywood movies--someone pretending to have original thoughts on a matter when they really come from a popular editorial.) So, sounds like it happens fairly often. [more inside]
Silver Dealer within an hour of Boston
I have a bunch of plate and sterling silver from various ancestors that I'd like to sell, locally around Cambridge, MA, if possible. [more inside]
RICS Building Survey for buying a flat?
We're about to put in an offer on a flat in Edinburgh, Scotland. We've gone over the home buyer report extensively and there was one issue that received a "address at some point in time." My instinct screams to get a more comprehensive survey, with a discount in price if any major problems are identified, but I'm not sure.
Also, a sub-question about rising damp. [more inside]
Flatbed scanner recommendations?
Any recommendations for a good flatbed scanner? I would use it to scan color images for use in digital collages, so mostly 8.5 x 11 inches max at about 600 dpi. Looking to spend $100-200.
How to overcome one way communication
I find my partner and I don’t have bandwidth for answering questions when she’s complaining about things I do or don’t do or do wrong. How do I overcome that? [more inside]
Can you point me to a safe automated transcipton method?
I'm a writer and I often conduct interviews and then want them transcribed. These are just for me, so I can pull quotes from them, etc, so the transcriptions don't have to be neat or perfect. But now I'm concerned about privacy, and want to know the best options for preserving confidentiality. [more inside]
I have anhedonia and want to teach my brain how to enjoy things again
I realized a few days ago that I've been dealing with anhedonia for the last decade and it's only gotten worse. Today when I woke up, I decided that I'm finally done feeling this way and I'm ready to help my body and mind regain their capacity for pleasure. I'm so tired of feeling like a husk of my former self. Open to tips, but also hoping to assemble a list of small, everyday actions that I can do to help me reestablish my identity and passions. [more inside]
Solar power for modern phones?
Planning an extended backcountry backpacking trip and would like to use my iPhone as a camera, which means I need a way to charge it. I have a MagSafe battery pack that I could connect to a solar panel while hiking. Are there any recommendations for a lightweight, relatively inexpensive folding panel that could push enough juice to recharge the MagSafe pack? Specifically looking for something that can be placed on top of the pack to recharge the MagSafe battery while hiking. [more inside]
What do you know about Barstow?
I am planning a last-minute road trip in CA/AZ and I don't know anything about that part of the country. Looking for some specific advice about safety, etc. particularly around Bakersfield and Barstow. [more inside]
TurboTax for contractor and non-contractor work in the USA
During 2023, I had a job that took out taxes along with work as a contractor (1099), the first time this has ever happened in my life. I've used TurboTax before when it was non contractor work and it was fine and easy.
Does the software work just as well for the above mentioned mix of work types? Or is there another recommendation? I am not in a state that has the free Direct To File program.
Printer best for photographs?
What's your advice for buying a decent printer for printing out photographs? I've had some interest from people in buying prints of some of my travel / architecture photos but know nothing about printers and what's involved. What should I be looking for and what costs are expected in the long run. I mostly take pictures of buildings and nature (self links). Never really people. I'm on a Mac / iPhone. I already have a b&w laser printer for non-photographs so it won't need to fill that job.
(Non-Messy) Recipes with Fish
I would like to eat more fish, especially fish that is non-farmed and sustainable (i.e. not salmon). I have very poor fine and gross motor skills which make eating fish with bones a miserable experience. Canned fish is fine but I would like more recipes with fresh fish. Please suggest recipes that do not involve deboning fish or eating fish with too many bones. Bonus points if the fish goes well with pasta and rice. [more inside]
March 24
Container gardening with Japanese beetles
I live in an area infested by Japanese beetles. Late this summer, I’m moving out of this area. I have 15 large containers in my garden. What do I do? [more inside]
Visit to Cluj - time-limited edition
I am going to Cluj for a conference with my travel-averse boss. Neither of us speaks Romanian or has ever been to Romania before. I am not European and have many questions that are perhaps obvious to Europeans. [more inside]
Low-key NYC gyms for the easily overstimulated?
Looking to get back to the gym, because I've tried a regular home-workout routine and it hasn't stuck. I was with Planet Fitness pre-pandemic and couldn't stand the bad, loud sound systems (I listen to my own music in earbuds or have decibel-reducing earplugs with me) and the TVs everywhere, and the vibe that felt catered to dopamine-starved 18-year-old boys. I just want to work out somewhere that's mellow and not roid-ragey and has a good variety of cardio/weight machines. Not that interested in classes at the moment. I'm in Queens along an LIRR line, so for the right place I'll travel into Penn Station/Grand Central.
Dimensions of the iGaging 6" Absolute Origin calipers?
Can anybody tell me the dimensions of the rectangularish box with the DRO and buttons of the iGaging 0-6" Absolute Origin IP54 Digital Caliper (100-700-06)? [more inside]
My gut says that having the capacity for faith/belief/spirituality is as born in as being gay or right handed. Have there been any studies on this?
I'd like to book my trip please...
Looking to book a trip on Megabus for late May, but tickets aren't available yet. [more inside]
Trying to recall British TV drama from 2000s about teen model
I'm not from the UK so I might use some wrong terminology here, but the show I'm trying to remember was a scripted series -- definitely NOT a reality show -- about a teenage girl from a "low class" sort of of neighborhood who got scouted as a model and tried to fit it with her regular life. [more inside]
Personal tool tracking library
Between general purpose, woodworking, and electronics, etc. tools I have quite a number of them. Is there a good library application that would let me input a name, picture, and location for each tool with good searching capabilities? [more inside]
Graphic novels for 13 year old girl
My kid loves graphic novels, especially in fantastical settings and with delightfully odd characters. Her 13th birthday is coming up. Her favourites so far: Hilda, Lumberjanes, Lightfall, Real Frieds+sequel, Witch Boy. Can you recommend more?
Non-favorites below [more inside]
Seattle-area Radon mitigation recommendations?
Anyone in the Seattle area done Radon mitigation and have a company they’d recommend? [more inside]
I can't find the story
Please help me find this post/comment link to a short story about building community in a crisis. [more inside]
Gamified SAT Words
Tween Proust loves to practice her Spanish with Duolingo. The app's gamification strategies work very well for her, getting her to play for 10-20 minutes per day. Is there a similar app she could use for expanding her English vocabulary? [more inside]
Bay Area Backpacking with Kids
Hi! One of our kids is interested in "backpacking" and so we are trying to find a Bay Area option. In my dreams, this would be a loop that we could do over two nights and three days, with about 2-3 miles to walk each day between the trailhead and the campsites, though I'm not even sure if that's the right distance, having never tried this with kids. But we're open to other options! [more inside]
Movable stationary bicycle
We'd like to get an exercise bike that we can easily relocate from the living room to a bedroom when we have company. Do you have any recommendations? [more inside]
I need a database app that will let me do this specific thing
When I read a printed book for research, one of the ways I record info from it is by taking a picture of the relevant page. I want a database that will let me handle this data in a certain way. [more inside]
Can I limit first degree connections seeing past work experience?
I don’t want to have others (first or second degree connections) see anything but my current job. The reason is simple and not fraudulent. I just want preserve my other roles for posterity but only want to show my current role. [more inside]
March 23
Movies with heart?
Can you recommend a movie or two with "heart?" Something moving and inspiring to watch. [more inside]
Help me find the BEST bedsheets
My spouse and I are planning to upgrade from a queen to a king bed soon, and therefore we will need to buy at least a couple sets of new sheets. I'd like to take this opportunity to buy some really nice sheets that we are actively excited to put on our awesome new bed, and that will hold up well over time. Please give me your best recommendations! [more inside]
Does the Stephen King HBO series “The Outsider have supernatural plots?
Does the Stephen King HBO series “The Outsider” have any supernatural elements? I don’t want to spoil it for myself by looking through reviews to find the answer. Thanks!
Older and not wiser - elderly family member demanding unavailable help
What do you do when a family member who is too frail to live on their own will only accept help from people who can't help as much as they need? If you accept that you must help to some degree, how do you endure constant criticism and demands for additional assistance that you can't give? How do you stop this pattern repeating over and over? [more inside]
In and around Dublin in September
Partner and I are headed to Dublin in mid-September for a week -- plan is to see the city, catch some random Dublin Fringe, and... ??? What's especially not-to-miss in and around Dublin in early autumn? [more inside]
Swim goggles that don’t bruise?
As I age, my already narrow face has become thin and angular. Add to that older skin, and now my old swimming goggles leave bruises around my eyes after even a short, 30-minute swim. Not bad bruising, but enough to see and that will linger for a day after. If I loosen the band, they leak at the outer edges of my eyes. I’ve tried 2 different makes and even goggles marketed for “kids and teens”, hoping the eye cup would be narrow enough so I could use them with a looser fit - they leak, too. Tell me about your favorite, comfortable, best-fitting swim goggles!
Suggest a good gap year for a STEM kid?
As question says: can you think of a smart, imaginative idea for a new high school grad who’s interested in pharma research? She has excellent academic credentials but (imo) did not get good advice from her guidance counselor as to where to apply, and did not get max relevance/use from previous summers.
Friend has announced that they're "neurodivergent." What to say?
An old friend (not extremely close, but a friendly relationship that I value) has had much success in both business and artistic endeavors over the course of their life. They were part of an artistic presentation last year, where their written bio identified them as a "neurodivergent [artist]" and gave many examples of their artistic work to date. Not that it matters, but I had never heard about this person's neurodivergence before. [more inside]
What is best in Aberdeen, WA?
I'm going to Aberdeen, WA to visit family. What's fun around there? [more inside]
Help me identify/find this unicorn hoodie
I got this hoodie from a used clothing store, but there were no tags or identifiers on it. I would like to buy another one but bigger. [more inside]
Negotiating clothing choices with a picky kid
What are some frameworks for removing conflict around clothing with a grade schooler who gets very invested in specific outfits? [more inside]
Terminated unfairly from job based on past felony
Hi there. I was abruptly fired by a university in Missouri after working there for a few years when they were made aware (via an anonymous letter) that I was guilty of some criminal charges 25 years ago. When they learned about the charges a week before, HR met with me to ask if it was true (and I confirmed it was) and assured me my job was not in jeopardy "at this time". I then met with my supervisor, who was supportive and said I've been nothing but professional.
I'm writing an appeal letter to the school, making the following arguments. Any suggestions? [more inside]
How to address side effects of hormone replacement therapy?
I recently started HRT for perimenopause symptoms and an having some side effects I am wondering how to address. Yes, I am also checking with my doctor. [more inside]
The mysterious changing cabbage
My partner has noted that:
"The cabbages I bought at larger grocery stores thirty years ago are not the same as the cabbages I buy today. They are tighter, a different color, and the leaves are all kind of like they have been shrink wrapped, so I can't remove a single leave because they rip."
What is going on? Have you seen this?
Argus Exchange BBS
Is there any place to find archives of the Argus Exchange BBS, which existed outside of Boston in the early/mid 1990s? [more inside]
Working on more lyrics ...
You are woman, you get on your motorcycle and ride.
Tell me everything .. How do you feel? Where are you going (physically and emotionally)?
sugar, alcohol, and facial swelling
Am I imagining things or does consumption of LOW/MODERATE amounts of sugar and alcohol make my face (under eyes especially but everywhere) look puffy? If this happens to you, what have you tried (besides quitting)? [more inside]
March 22
When did this law change
Recently, some asylum seekers landed on the mainland of Australia, within driving distance from Broome, and were then flown to Nauru for offshore processing. I knew about changes in the laws as they related to Australian islands/Australian waters, but I was shocked that people who landed on mainland Australia could be flown to Nauru. Has the law re: people landing on the Australian mainland changed, and if so, when did the law change?
How to thank ER vets.
My dog died last Saturday unexpectedly. I had to take him to a 24/7 Vet ER. They treated him like he was a person and I need to thank them though I don't know who they are. Help me. More inside. Warning - pet death talk. [more inside]
And the winner of Masterchef is... *ad break*... Ralph Fiennes!
Do reality competition shows in the US have to follow the same laws as other game shows? [more inside]
What did this man die from in 1862?
I'm compiling information about convict deaths at New York's Auburn State Prison in the mid 1800s. The causes of death listed in the prison's reports are sometimes abreviated due to limited space. A 23-year-old man in 1862 is reported as dying from "Ph's and fistula in pe'o". Based on other deaths that year, "Ph's" is phthisis, an archaic term for tuberculosis. The meaning of fistula is clear. But do you have a guess as to what "pe'o" might be short for? [more inside]
It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.
What are some examples in science fiction or fantasy where a society has reached some kind of stagnation for a long time, and a conqueror or leader destroys the society, scattering it, and is viewed as a villain - but ultimately it is for the best as humanity now is free to develop again? [more inside]
can any existing AIs/LLMs effectively summarize an entire book?
Assume these are not books that have been extensively written about before, they are nonfiction, about 250-400 pages long. [more inside]
Travel panic: misspelled name edition
How strict will this situation be? [more inside]
Angelenos, tell me about public transportation in your city
I’m going to be staying in the Eagle Rock area of Los Angeles for a couple weeks in late April/early May, housesitting for an acquaintance. I will have a car, but I’m wondering about other options for getting around. [more inside]
Interpretation of a recurring dream?
I know some people think dreams are the result of random electrical impulses in your brain but I am firmly of the belief they have significant meaning.
I also know hearing about other people's dreams can be extremely tedious!
There is one recurring nightmare which I've been having for over a decade and I was wondering if anyone had any interesting interpretations on it. [more inside]
Am I doing Faraday wrong?
On a whim I ordered some Faraday cloth and tape. It came today and I don't know how to test if it really works. [more inside]
How to help my little air conditioner cool the room
My room has an old thru-the-wall air conditioner like this model. The landlord mounted it in a wall hole that's a foot above the floor. The A/C blows cool air which hovers near the floor, and the majority of the room is still hot. What can I do to use the A/C more effectively? [more inside]
Savoury recipes that use a lot of milk?
I have 2L of very good milk that won't last more than a couple days... what are your favourite savoury recipes that use lots of milk? I'm hoping for something that will highlight the milk rather than covering it up. Thanks and have a milky Friday!
Classic Mysteries
I'm looking for golden age or other older mysteries to catch up on. I really only started reading mysteries recently so "older" could even mean almost current. I've been reading the Mrs. Pollifax ones and enjoying those, and I've read Mrs. Marple and Dorothy Sayers too. What other mysteries hold up to the test of time that I might find enjoyable to dive into?
Should I cancel my flight and rebook?
I booked a ticket on Delta for a domestic flight in the US, and paid the extra fee to make the ticket fully refundable (at the time, I wasn't entirely sure of my plans). Since then, the price of the same flight has dropped to about half of what I paid for my ticket. Does it make sense to cancel my original ticket and book a new one at the current price? Am I missing any potential pitfalls here?
What’s a quick and dirty way to train LLM on existing datasets?
At work I often get varied requests with tight deadlines. As in “get this case study done today.” Or “create a presentation on this.” We usually have a large corpus of material that follow a similar pattern and language. I know how to take a model and train a dataset, but is there a way I can skip that upload 300 documents, write a one pager outline and prompt it to make it sound like the rest? [more inside]
I need help with design issues in a word(ish) game
Being a fan of Little Alchemy and then learning about Infinite Craft on the blue, I thought I'd take the next logical step - add a subtraction mechanic and make it goal-based daily game. I've gotten a little feedback so far but I'm looking for some thoughts on common issues. [more inside]
How do I customize a Google map better?
Whenever someone recommends a restaurant to me, I save it in a Google map called "Food to eat." When I look at the map, Google insists on throwing other businesses in there. Is there any way to stop it from suggesting other places? The icons are different but I don't want them anyway. [more inside]
Digital piano for beginners
I'm looking for a digital piano for beginners. I'm not looking for the highest quality piano possible - more of a starter instrument for a kindergartener to use for a few years to determine whether or not they have a long term interest, at which point I'm ok with spending thousands. [more inside]
I met a hispanic gentleman from the old word named, phonetically, DEE-dee-ay.
What can you tell me about this name? [more inside]
UK Song/Band, Late 2010's, video was students in B&W on a train
I loved this song at a particular time of my life but now I can't remember it. It was circa 2006-2010 in Aus. The band (or video at least) was UK origins in black and white on a train and shenanigans/wagging/end of school vibes. [more inside]
How to have a "living here means working or going to school" convo ?
You've had a productive/successful conversation with a young adult in your family, who is resistant to returning to school or work. How did you manage that? What tips do you have? [more inside]
Seeking a durable version of these shades
Are there any top-down bottom-up blackout cellular shades that are actually durable? Even given daily operation in a window that gets direct sun? For years on end? The ones we have keep breaking. [more inside]
American librarians (pro and amateur) I need kids books
A US-American friend here in Europe is having difficulty discovering books that suit her adorable little kid. So many books here are in UK English, and her baby needs cookies. A lot of quite specific details inside if you are up to the challenge! [more inside]
March 21
Getting the axe from my job waiting to go under the knife
I've been approved for jaw surgery to take place in around 8 months after orthodontic treatment. I'm wondering what happens to my Kaiser HMO coverage if I am laid off before then and what my options are (if any). [more inside]
How to write a cover letter, not a TED talk
Every time I sit down to write a cover letter for a job I actually care about*, I find myself hours later with a ten-page doc of stories, philosophical fits and starts, and long paragraphs that make me cringe. I do eventually get to a letter, but it's a long and painful process. Have you had a pattern like this and broken it? How?
I don't have a ChatGPT or other LLM account and am not looking for that particular line of advice - I know it's been helpful for other folks, but it's not what I'm looking for, thanks.
*thankfully, this is not so much a problem with jobs I could take or leave. [more inside]
Alliums are out- all uh 'em!
Wanted: dumpling/gyoza recipe that is delicious and definitely has no alliums. (Onion, garlic, leeks, etc.) (Also no egg and no soy) [more inside]
Name that actor from a 1978 McDonald’s commercial
The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank on YouTube was linked in the Erma Bombeck thread and in that video at about 4:07 is a kid with a speaking part in a McDonald’s commercial that I think I recognize as someone who became a popular actor. Who can name that kid? [more inside]
Bay Area Interior Designer
I would like to hire an interior designer in San Francisco who'll come to my house. [more inside]
My iPhone was stolen. What next?
My iPhone was stolen today. I have reported it missing via Find my Phone and am tracking its location. What next? [more inside]
medical care in the usa as a foreign tourist
I'm flying out for a holiday to the USA next week from Australia. I currently have some stitches in my leg which may not be ready to remove before I leave. If necessary , how would I go about getting a medical professional to do this for me without breaking the bank? [more inside]
Help me find a Merino Mink online seller within the UK
I want to send someone some Merino Mink (Merino sheep wool plus ethically sourced possum fur from New Zealand) socks. But if they come from outside the UK, they have to pay VAT etc. Help me find an online store that ships from within the United Kingdom.
What happened at the metal show?
I went to a metal show and it was sweaty, as usual, but suddenly felt like I couldn’t breathe. I wore earplugs and was about three rows of people from the band. The nausea came, then I started gagging and felt like I was going to pass out. Legs went soft, room spun around me. [more inside]
Where have you encountered a Brannock device recently in Los Angeles?
I haven't seen a Brannock device in forever, but I would love to use one and don't want to drop $30 plus shipping for a one-time-use thingamajig. (I think they have multiple sizes by age and gender--the one I would correspond to common men's shoe sizes.) Anywhere in any of LA County's 88 incorporated cities is ideal.
Solar eclipse glasses, for adults and kids?
There's going to be a solar eclipse in a few weeks and I'd like to watch it. How can I find safe eyewear for myself? And is it possible for kids age 5 and 2 to watch it safely (like big glasses with a strap?) or is that too risky? It feels a bit risky! [more inside]
Vintage Stereo Amplifier Repair Advice
I have a 1976 Sansui AU-9500 stereo amp with a TU-9500 tuner (and a Thorens TD-160). They’re the ones I grew up on (my dads), original everything including manuals and purchase receipt. I want to take it in for clean up and repair and need advice. [more inside]
Seeking rental real estate agent - East Bay edition
Looking for personal recommendations for a rental real estate agent in the East Bay! [more inside]
SIMPLE investment and asset tracking tool
I am looking for a very basic app or website that can help me track my investments. I absolutely do not want to use a program that links to and/or pulls data from my investment accounts. [more inside]
Long term digital document storage for dummies
Disorganized person here! I'd like to set up a system for the long term storage of important family documents (mortgage agreements, visas, that kind of thing). I plan to keep physical copies only when absolutely necessary, and to digitize the rest. Please help! [more inside]
Vegan-friendly restaurant recommendations in NYC
Hey there! Please hit me with your favorite vegan-friendly restaurant recommendations in NYC. Note that they do not have to be strictly vegan or even vegetarian—just as long as there are good options for a vegan. Thanks!
Finding a petsitter: chronic illness edition
Where should I find a petsitter for a cat who needs daily meds? [more inside]
Give me some advice and hope about a particular stage of CPTSD treatment
Help me not give up just as things are getting better. [more inside]
Legal versus illegal sales of marijuana
Watching The Gentlemen (TV series on Netflix), where the plot involves huge amounts of money being made from marijuana growing in UK, I started to wonder about states in the US where recreational weed has been decriminalized, and how the dynamic of buying and dealing may have changed. [more inside]
Super human learning and organization
I am starting a job that will be fast paced, require me to learn an entirely new domain, and track and organize a lot of tasks and a lot of people. As I have gotten older, my memory and processing speed isn't what it used to be. I have never been super detail oriented. What tips, tricks, tools, and techniques do you use to keep your mind sharp, learn new things, and keep everything organized? Answers ranging from sleeping more or using a giant Google Sheet or Anki cards or leveraging ChatGPT are all welcome.
Work wants me back, I want to go back, but should I?
Started new job, old job wants me back and is willing to pay me a lot more than I currently make. I’m conflicted about leaving my new place of work so quickly. Not sure if I should stay or go back. [more inside]
When will the love come?
I'm childfree and for the first time dating a man that comes with a kid (and two pets) attached. It's coming up to 2 years now, and I (not having had kids or pets before due to disinterest) presumed that some deeper feelings towards the dependents would just kind of kick in at some point. As it is, I feel as indifferent to them as day 1. I don't let the lack of feelings show, and I take care of them (feed/medicate/bathe/play with them) when I'm over and don't mind doing so. They all adore me and I feel bad that I don't return their adoration. Do feelings come at some point? What can I do to get feelings happening?
Do we have counter service here?
For a workshop I need to make three digital counters that can sit in the corner of my (Windows 11 Pro) desktop, each of which will increment by a fixed, non-variable amount every second - how do I do this? [more inside]
Good examples of employee profit sharing for small businesses.
I'm nearly two decades into running my small business and am trying to think of some exit strategies. I've had a long-running fantasy about making it employee-owned or implementing some kind of co-op model with profit sharing, but I can't find a viable pathway to get there. I'd love to hear from anyone who has experience on either side of this either as a business owner or employee, or perhaps examples of other companies who have done this successfully. Very aware of all the cautionary tales and horror stories already - looking for the success stories here! [more inside]
March 20
Trying to find a specific type of TV stand, no clue if it exists
TLDR is I am imagining a stand that can easily rise up high, but also go down low. It would have wheels, so that you could sort of "bring it out" from out from under somewhere, adjust it to a nice viewing height, then easily "collapse" it and roll it back to where you store it [more inside]
What to name a new (to me) kitty?
He's a nine-year-old all black cat, very sleek and gorgeous. His foster is calling him Midnight but I favor cat names with more plosives so they can hear their names more easily... [more inside]
A stranger has my checkbook. Now what?
Because of a Buy Nothing exchange gone wrong, a stranger now has my checkbook. I'm freaking out. What do I do now? [more inside]
Problems with Accessing my Dependent Care FSA
Employer is not sending my Dependent Care FSA funds to the FSA provider. Suggestions on what to do next? [more inside]
Fanny (butt, not the UK usage) packs as crossbody bags?
Have you seen people wearing waist/hip/fanny packs as crossbody bags and if yes, where? I live in Portland OR and have noticed many people choosing to sling their waist pack across the chest or carry it like a purse. If this is you, why not wear it at your waist? This category of small bags seems to have had a resurgence (maybe because of music festivals?).
Question about a (possibly spurious) Pittsburgh colloquialism
Around the time of my birth, relatives of my mother's lived in Pittsburgh. A maternal uncle was born in Squirrel Hill. They referred to the city, when speaking, as "pgh pa" (pronounced pug paw, roughly). I'm trying to determine if this was genuine Pittsburghese. [more inside]
Need to loan family a largish sum for a short period?
We have some money that we had saved up for a down payment that -- due to life changes -- is now just waiting around until we figure out our next steps. A close blood relative is in need of ~$35k between buying a house, moving, and selling a house. The proceeds of the house sale will easily cover the loan, and we are not in need of the money anytime soon.
Are there tax implications for either party if I simply "cut them a check" / wire transfer them the money if they pay it back this calendar year? Are their other legal or regulatory pitfalls I need to be aware of? [more inside]
Graphic Design for Social Media
I'm looking for some resources on the basics of graphic design and how to use Photoshop or a similar program, specifically to make social media info posts. I'm also looking for any particularly good examples to model after. [more inside]
Fancy vibes
Where would you purchase an especially nice kaleidoscope and/or sun catcher? Brands, stores, or specific products appreciated.
Experience with Nexplanon, sensory issues, & a tendency to fidget?
Because of Reasons, my doctor has recommended I keep a continuous birth control method until menopause instead of getting a permanent procedure done. I'm on my 4th Mirena IUD but am considering Nexplanon as the next replacement. But I have sensory issues & also tend to pick at stuff, so I'm worried it will be unpleasantly distracting. If this is also you but you have Nexplanon, what's your experience? Am I worried over nothing? [more inside]
Looking for custom pation cushion recommendations, or alternatives?
Our patio furniture cushion covers need replacement, interior foam is still fine. The original manufacturer was Crate and Barrel, but they don't seem to sell the same cushions now. [more inside]
Don't It Make My Brown Jacket... Darker Brown
I have a 15-year-old, excellent condition light brown leather jacket that I love but would like to dye a dark chocolate brown to make it work better with the rest of my wardrobe. I've been googling and reading tutorials and think it sounds doable. Does anyone have experience with home dyeing a leather jacket and have tips or recommendations to share regarding either the products I'll need to buy or the process itself?
Good quality standalone microphone setup for my Windows computer
I would like to setup a low-maintenance standalone microphone setup for my Windows computer to capture my voice for games/meetings while filtering out environmental noise like my mechanical keyboard. [more inside]
Iphone SE case for the heat?
Am looking to put a late model 3rd Gen iPhone SE in a brand spanking new case, but hopefully one that does a good job of keeping it cool in the heat and humidity of Florida, USA during the summer. What do you recommend? Details inside. [more inside]
Tax filter: who files property tax statement for a new-ish home?
My partner and I bought our first home at the end of 2022. We are unmarried and file taxes separately. Who files what? [more inside]
Current science on birth control pills w/out breaks?
Our teenage daughter has PMDD, as I did. It is severe enough that I'm interested in finding out, well, what if she didn't ovulate? At all. What is the current science of the safety of taking birth controls without breaks for adolescents? Her hormones are vicious, as were mine (I'm menopausal). [more inside]
Could we reuse our AC ducts for heat pump heating?
We've been looking into replacing our aged central AC and our gas-powered hydronic heat with an air-source heat pump. We already have ducts for the AC, but they are in the ceiling and cooled air flows down from them into the house. The HVAC guy pointed out that if the heat pump pumped heat through those ducts, it would be inefficient because heat rises, so he suggested either building floor ducts (which is expensive) or going with a ductless system. It makes sense, but I just want to check: How inefficient is it? Is there really no way to use these ducts we already have? [more inside]
Bought Microsoft 365 for personal. Keeps showing work email in license
My company has Office 365 that I'm subscribed to under my work email license. I recently deleted the programs from my personal computer (MacBook Pro) and bought my own home-use 365 subscription. When I go to the "About" for Word or PowerPoint, it's showing my work email and license. [more inside]
Gifts and gift etiquette for kids I've never met?!
Help me figure out what to take with me to a function for young relatives I haven't met before [more inside]
March 19
Women's Iceskates without cotton inner cotton material?
Hello all, I have an allergy/sensitivity to cotton fabric, and I am trying to find women's ice skates (size nine) that can ship to Canada but do not have inner cotton fabric material. Are there any brands that might be cotton-free with their ice skates?
Knee Replacement Surgery in Portland, Oregon
My wife has knee problems and is at the point that she's going to need a full knee replacement for her right knee. Her left knee will probably also need to be replaced at some point. I think she has already figured out where she wants to do the surgery, but would welcome any recommendations for surgeons, physical therapy or anything else from Portland area Mefites and experiences and suggestions from everyone. She's 70 years old. We're both retired, and our two adult sons live with us so she should have help during her recovery. Thanks!
Interview emergency! No suit! Manager input sought
A male friend has a job interview coming up immediately and...his two suits have unconcealable moth holes! What to do? How bad is this? (There is no sport coat available.) [more inside]
Perfect Trip?
I have an issue where my primary interests (remote hiking/travel) meet my primary phobias (physical danger/Covid). Help me plan a trip! [more inside]
Doing magic tricks for my kids birthday?
My kid is having their 9th brithday party in a couple of weeks. A million years ago when I was a kid, I was a magician, and sometimes did kids birthday parties. My kid wants me to do some tricks at their party. I’m looking for ideas, suggestions! [more inside]
Nap science?
I want to try sleeping during the day to maximize my energy during childcare times. Do you know of research or experiences that would help me design the right plan? [more inside]
Victoria & Vancouver BC in May
I'm considering a ferry/train combo trip to Vancouver and Victoria in May. I am looking for some logistical and timing advice, especially from folks who live in or spend time in Vancouver or on Vancouver Island. Any suggestions for saving some money on lodging? Also, should I bring my bike? [more inside]
App or Website for light home workout
I'm looking for a Mac/iOS app or website that can offer me a light at-home workout bases on my age and muscles I want to imporove. Subscription is fine but free is better.
Ideally, I'd like the app to offer chair and floor based workouts that I could increase over time.
laser level, reasonably priced, I can pick up tonight
Hi - I would love to have a laser level for a project tomorrow morning. There's one on clearance nearby. How disappointing will it be? [more inside]
What is this black, ink-like stuff in my bathtub and what’s causing it?
For the last 6 months there have been some mysterious black spots and specks that seem like some kind of ink in one of our bathtubs. I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is or where it’s coming from. Pics and video inside [more inside]
Life expectancy of someone with Stage 4 COPD who still smokes?
Someone in my family has recently been told their COPD is stage 4, ie terminal. Doctor Google says average life expectancy is six years. However this person still smokes and is already eighty years old. [more inside]
Trip to Alsace wine region - advice?
We're novice European travelers planning a trip to London, Paris, and then Alsace. We're looking to spend a nice amount of time in Alsace for wine tasting, but struggling to figure out just how MUCH time we should spend there. We've got a total of 2 weeks for the whole trip. [more inside]
What does your daily schedule look like, hour by hour?
I find it a constant struggle to get everything I need to get done done. I am always behind on multiple important things because there simply isn't enough time in the day. However, I see people managing many more responsibilities than I have, so I thought it would be helpful for me to see how other people organize their days. [more inside]
Can you complete this recipe? Barley-Currant Pretzel
A friend has a badly handwritten recipe for "Barley-Currant Pretzel"
We found the recipe on the California Raisin website EXCEPT the ingredients list is missing. I tried the wayback machine but did not find an archived page.
The handwritten recipe seemed to have more ingredients listed than those on this webpage. We can't make out a few of the ingredients in the handwritten copy.
Does anyone have a copy by chance?
I'm not finding any other recipes for this Barley-currant combo.
I am not able to make an image of the handwritten recipe at this time.
This Ask is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S
I'm throwing a banana-themed birthday party in a week. What are the best banana-related songs? Preferably mentioning or being about bananas (e.g. "Hollaback Girl," "Yes! We Have No Bananas") or possibly by a musician or group with a banana name if the song is good (e.g. Bananarama's "Cruel Summer.") Any genre works. Difficulty: it's for a young child, so super-explicit music is probably out (Ween's "Bananas and Blow" is a maybe at the moment).
Deciding about dates
How long to keep going on dates when you're not sure? Especially if you have insecure attachment and a history of being attracted to unavailability, and of being turned off by interest. [more inside]
What happens at a writing retreat?
For my husband's birthday I'd like to gift him time to write while we're visiting my parents on Vancouver Island. As opposed to just booking him a remote hotel away from us and the kids I'd like to find him an actual writer's retreat. But what exactly happens at a writer's retreat that's different than staying at a hotel? [more inside]
Where should we stay in Milan?
Looking for hotel/B&B recommendations in Milan, Italy and also pretty much anywhere within a two hour train ride from Milan. [more inside]
Give me your best big batch vegetarian freezer friendly recipes
Breakfast lunch or dinner, stuff I can make in one go and then portion out to freeze for later. [more inside]
Does your mini-split heat pump do this?
We just got new mini splits installed in two upstairs rooms. The one in our bedroom is doing this thing when it's cold out and I'm not sure if it's normal operation or something we should call the installer about. If the latter, any info you might give about what could be happening would help prepare me for that conversation. [more inside]
Can I use this wire as picture hanging wire?
We recently picked up a mirror from a thrift store that has installed D rings but no picture wire. Do we need to buy something specific or will the stuff I found in our toolbox work? [more inside]
March 18
How to structure/approach this relationship conversation?
My partner has a personality quirk that I find tedious and offputting and it's beginning to damage my feelings for him. I'd like to have a conversation with him about it, but I'm inexperienced with relationship conversations and I don't know how to approach the subject in a tactful manner given that it seems like it could potentially stem from thorny feelings, as well as being perhaps related to his neurodivergence. The gist of it is that he has a constant tendency to brag and try and put himself above others. Some examples below the fold. [more inside]
Taste the Rainbow....
A long time ago, I saw an amazing rainbow vitamin product packaging which I never saw again. Help me rediscover it? [more inside]
Reusable instant cold pack not cold
I just purchased and opened a Walgreens instant + reusable cold pack. I have tried to activate it, but it is not even a little cold. Help! [more inside]
How to deal with the emotional pain of a missing cat?
My cat has been missing for over a month now. I am in unbelievable emotional pain. How can I get through this? [more inside]
"Buffy" guest star who looks like someone else?
I'm rewatching "Buffy" from the beginning, and this guest star reminds me of another actor I can't place. [more inside]
Large group home for elders, who happened to be women
I’m looking for an article from two or three years ago about a group of single, retired women sharing a large home, more like a big lodge, and kitchen. They had a cook, or maybe two and it might have been a faith-based community. I think it was somewhere on the east coast. [more inside]
Can you identify this painting behind a head?
I'm interested in this painting - any idea what it is? (The head isn't part of it, obviously.)
Why does everything just feel wrong?
I wake up with a sense of... if not anxiety then dread. During the day I'm okayish, and can get on with work and be reasonably productive. But everything just feels wrong somehow. [more inside]
Is it possible to use an old iPhone as a remote camera for a new iPhone?
I have an iPhone X and would love to be able to use it as a baby monitor showing on my iPhone. Is that possible? [more inside]
Class reunion planning sites/ apps: any recommendations?
High school reunion (USA). We have a planning committee and a Facebook group that includes more than a third of our class, but are shopping for an app/service with a few functions: [more inside]
Going on antidepressants after years untreated
Seems like I will soon be prescribed an antidepressant. I’d like to hear stories of people who went on an antidepressant after years and years of untreated depression. Not sure what to google to find this. Would be grateful for either your personal experiences or maybe links to other sites. Thank you!
Where should we stay in Paris?
I'll be in Paris with my sister from June 13-16 and we're trying to figure out where we should stay. I think we prefer to stay in a hotel, as these seem to be cheaper and more convenient than AirBnbs. I'd like to be near lots of vintage and thrift stores, but also boutiques that sell unique or artisan clothing and accessories. What neighborhoods would be best for this type of shopping?
We'll be doing some cultural things and just hanging out in cafes, too, so bonus points for that kind of thing nearby.
Telegram chat vanished on both ends. Can it be recovered?
Telegram chat vanished on both ends. Can it be recovered?how ever I have total backup in my icloud, this happened one day all of sudden for no reason , and I'm clueless ,also we did not delete deliberately
Best/Worst Online Promotional Tactics
Whether they were outlandish, clever, concerning, or bizarre, what are some examples of the most memorable ways you've seen something sold or promoted online?
Online Sources for Gen 2 Prius Key Fob
I would like to buy a key fob for my 2008 Gen 2 Toyota Prius, and I'd like to do it online if possible. I can't figure out what is legit and what isn't online. [more inside]
Driving in New Mexico
We'll be in New Mexico later this week for a packed few days of seeing stuff. Are any of the roads we'll be on twisty turny side of mountain with a sheer drop off type roads? Route in the more inside. [more inside]
old phrase "send money for your society" in letter?
I found a number of letters from my grandmother to her brother who had moved away, encouraging him to "send money for his society" home to his mom. What does it mean? [more inside]
Vietnam 101
I’m looking for approachable media that provide a solid understanding of the Vietnam war. There are a plethora of documentaries titled “The Vietnam War” - same for books. There are also tons of podcasts on the subject. A bit of help narrowing it down would be welcome. [more inside]
Looking for A Short Story about AI
I'm looking for a short story written in the last year or so, about a team of story generators (?) writing a YA novel in the latest iteration of AI, and is now so good would replace the last department with actual human writers. There was some weird sex or relationships. This was published in a literary magazine. Please help! [more inside]
How to send a package without the recipient learning my address
Apologies for the vagueness, but here goes. I need to send a package, I need to be sure that it arrives, and I need to do it in a way that does NOT allow the person on the other end to find out where I live--not from a return address or anything. [more inside]
March 17
I'm Basically My Friend's Only Friend, Feels Codependent. Advice?
My friend recently moved from City A to City B, and I haven't been to her new place. I steer clear of City B due mainly to crime and traffic, and have been clear with her about this before she even considered moving there. She told me last night that I'm basically her only friend at this point, and feels neglected because I haven't been able to meet up since starting my new (exhausting and busy) job. She works a few hours per week. I'm not interested in being someone's sole support system when they're capable of forming other relationships but are choosing not to. I feel this is an unhealthy dynamic, and am seeking advice in how to manage the situation. [more inside]
Travelling while trans - UK US edition
We're planning a family holiday later in the year - flying into JFK and out from DC. My son is trans and he is very worried about airport security. Is he likely to have problems and what sort of issues could there be? [more inside]
How much leeway to give to people's capacity to change?
The core of the question I want to ask today is - how have you approached connections with people who have ideas that you don't respect about things like gender and self-expression? Also; people who are snobby/juvenile? I suppose under that question is - how do you figure out when to stick it out with a connection and see if the person grows and changes? [more inside]
Dual Citizen, Need to File Taxes in Both Countries? (US/Canada)
My spouse was born and raised in the US, as a US citizen. We just legally determined that they are also a Canadian citizen. Do they need to file taxes in both countries? [more inside]
Should I trade in my Pixel 7 for a Pixel 8 Pro?
I just got the pixel 7 a year ago but I'm tempted, largely because I'll be visiting beautiful landscapes this summer and I think the camera on the pixel 8 pro might be a lot better. Is this foolish? Are there other reasons to upgrade after only a year?
3 leaf, 4 leaf, whatever
Do you have a clover lawn? If so, what can you tell me? [more inside]
How to get along better when staying with family?
I'm temporarily living with my Aunt, but it's awkward..... snowflakes inside [more inside]
Android phone lost all messages while travelling abroad
I am at my wit's end having spent a lot of time searching for an answer, and hoping someone here can help me find missing text messages. [more inside]
Name that actress.
Who is the actress standing between Margot Robbie and America Ferrera at the Oscars, as seen in this video of Ryan Gosling singing "I'm Just Ken"?
She's singing here at 2:42.
How to use frozen vegetables
I broke my hand, which made chopping fresh vegetables difficult, and so I stocked up on frozen vegetables. But then I healed more quickly than anticipated! I need to use them up in tasty ways that can handle the texture/moisture differences of frozen. [more inside]
Airplane scam
I am on a flight from Salt Lake to Austin. There was a scam and everyone on flight is now a detective. No one has solved the case. [more inside]
Diagnosed with gluteal tendinopathy. Now what?
I was diagnosed with gluteal tendinopathy after several months of extreme pain in my hip. My orthopedist tells me the only way to "fix" the pain is to continue exercising, even though it's excruciating to do so. [more inside]
How do I find an... easier job
I have been in here with career questions before and am almost embarrassed to come back with this question, since last time I was languishing in a boring job hoping for a more interesting one, and I did find a more interesting one. But it's high-pressure, unpredictable, and generally miserable! I need to find something more chill, but job postings never sound chill at all. [more inside]
dispute with psychotherapy training providier
For context, I am in the UK. I have been training to qualify as psychotherapist since 2019. I am now in my last year of training, having already qualified as psychotherapeutic councillor. I am also the primary carer of my spouse who has severe disability that impacts their mobility and unfortunately causes sudden arm and knee dislocation. As my spouse's condition worsened this year, I asked for a permission to attend some teaching sessions online (I am close to finishing the training) and the training organisation granted me this accommodation. [more inside]
Dog problems
We recently took in 2 dogs due to a relative's health crisis, but haven't had a dog in 20 years (and the last one we had was very chill). One of the dogs has some health problems including recent removal of a lump on his leg. The other is extremely energetic. [more inside]
March 16
Recipes with limited diet: low FODMAP, newly pre diabetic
I have been on a low FODMAP diet for IBS for about five years and have recently tested in the pre diabetic range. I feel like my diet has limited to the point that food is basically my nemesis at this point so need some ideas. [more inside]
Home purchase anxiety
I am addicted to real estate websites. I have a home already. Why can’t I stop? [more inside]
She wants to eat [sophisticated] cake in Vegas!
Seven years ago, ya'all helped me find a great tasting sophisticated cake in Los Angeles.
Our small birthday group is now on the road and will be in Las Vegas.
Where should we look for a great tasting and beautiful birthday cake? [more inside]
Staying organized as a traveling group, 2024 edition
Five whole years ago I asked this question, and there wasn't a good answer. Is there one now? I'll shortly be traveling, and I'd love an app or system to help me keep track of all the details + inform others in the group of what we're doing each day. [more inside]
Looking for Accessibility Tips for Hip Arthritis
Hi folks, I'm looking for accessibility tips for hip arthritis. Searching online has led me to good but generic advice around exercise, physiotherapy, and so forth. I'm hoping for some practical task-focused tips I can put to use. [more inside]
Wifi Extender? Explain like I'm 5!
Hello! We just moved from a studio apartment to a much larger space. I think I need a wifi extender/mesh/thing, but I am lost! Help! [more inside]
Where should we stay between London and Cornwall?
I need help planning for three full days and nights to spend “somewhere” between London and Penzance, Cornwall. See below for specifics. [more inside]
History of the fragrance free movement?
It seems like a lot of places are scent free these days. I'd like to know the history of how this all started, so that I can try to do something similar for fluorescent lights.
What's the modern version of Trivial Pursuit?
I'd like to play more general knowledge quizzes with my family, and I used to enjoy Trivial Pursuit. Has it kept up with the times, or are there better options today? [more inside]
Amazon subscribe-and-save price for wildly fluctuating item
I buy diapers for my daughter from Amazon. The price varies from $50 a pack up to $95. I've got a camelcamelcamel alert set up so that I know when low prices happen, but sometimes there are long stretches between low prices and our stock runs out. I see that there's an option to "Subscribe and Save" 5%-15%, but... what's the subscribe-and-save price? Is it whatever the price is that day, i.e. it'll bounce around between $50 and $95? Or is the price locked in when you first subscribe?
The conundrum of depression surrounding multiple friendships ending simu
At the ripe old age of 52 I've been through this scenario at least five separate times. I'm not sure when the death or slow fade is breaking my heart or my broken heart is what begins the slow fade...(continued) [more inside]
Laptop battery management software - your recommendations?
The capacity of a laptop battery degrades pretty quickly, but it will last longer if you use clever battery management software, which will charge it only up to 80 %. No such apps are available for my make/model - but perhaps the Mefi crowd can recommend some third party apps? [more inside]
March 15
Severe bursitis pain ow ow ow
YANMD. Today I was diagnosed with bursitis (dr didn't say which kind) in my right hip and given a steroid shot and a lidocaine shot. This is a really uncomfortable sort of pain, deep and tingly and stabby and floaty at once. Have you found anything that helps in terms of what positions are best, where/if to elevate, any tips for walking, etc? [more inside]
My dried cherries need to be made merry
I've got my hands on a smashing amount of dried cherries, now in the freezer. But- I need recipes which are not leafy salads or desserts. [more inside]
Which federal troops protected civil rights in Birmingham in May 1963?
On May 12, 1963, President Kennedy 1) federalized the Alabama National Guard and 2) deployed federal troops outside Birmingham. Which US military units did he deploy?
What's good on daytime TV these days?
I'm taking looooong flights in the US this weekend with an Airline that provides access to Live TV. I haven't had Live TV in 10 years. I'll be traveling during the daytime hours on both Saturday and Sunday - let's say 9am-10pm ET. Any good talk shows these days? A new Judge Judy? Soaps not to miss? I realize the weekends are different - are there still Saturday morning cartoons? [more inside]
Look in the paper! Don't blame me if the guy's a nut.
I'm trying to remember the name of the rumored They Might Be Giants compilation album that was supposed to come out in the mid-90s. I think I read about it on Usenet at the time. It would have been similar to Miscellaneous T in that it would have included all the B-sides from the Elektra singles. [more inside]
How do I get Onitsuka Tigers in the US now?
Looking for legit ways to buy/order Onitsuka Tigers in the US [more inside]
Leg exercises that can strengthen quadriceps
Years ago, I developed a bad case of tendonitis in my right knee, and that knee has never been the same since. Every few years, I get a flare-up of pain in it. I found that the best way to treat this pain is to strengthen my quadriceps muscles using a leg extension machine, like this one. I'm seeking alternatives that don't involve me joining a gym just to use one piece of equipment. [more inside]
How to keep birds off my air conditioner?
I have my AC compressor mounted on the side of my house about 12 feet off the ground. While having maintenance done it was discovered birds are pecking at the insulation. This is bad. What's the best humane way to stop them from landing on my compressor? Are the spikes as bad as they seem?
What do I send to a long-lost cousin to say I am thinking about her?
Due to immigration and displacement, I have family members all over Europe. My much younger adult cousin (who I have never met and lives in Germany) recently lost her father (my uncle) who I met only once as a very small child. [more inside]
LegXercise feedback
Hi. If you use a LegXercise (or perhaps if someone in your household does), I'd be curious to know your thoughts about it. Specifically, how effective has it been in terms of building and strengthening leg muscles and improving circulation in the legs and feet? [more inside]
Managed WordPress hosting for a small association
I am looking for the best managed WordPress hosting solution for a small association with a low-traffic website. They do not have the technical ability to manage their own server. I'm looking at WPEngine and DreamHost presently. Are there any other hosts I should look at? Any watchouts for WPEngine and DreamHost?
You're single and you own a house. How do you make it weird?
Pop quiz, hotshot. You own a house. There's not really a yard to speak of. No one else has a veto. You can do anything you like with it. You don't care if the house is later listed on sites where people gawk at real estate listings and wonder what on earth the owner was thinking. In fact you want to make it weird, like that one video about the tiny house with fold-away furniture. What do you do? [more inside]
Help me sell a literal ton of turqouise.
I have inherited what I estimate to be literally one ton of turquoise and other semiprecious stones in Tucson, AZ. I have reason to believe that there could be a significant (six figure) amount of value in this collection. Do you know of a reputable local place I can sell this to? [more inside]
Et tu, Gretchen?
It’s the Ides of March! You know what that means - everybody should totally just stab Caes- I mean, link to your favorite Ides of March memes. [more inside]
NYC: Tasty Vegetarian Options south of 31st dining filter
What are some restaurants with tasty vegetarian options in Manhattan? Looking especially for places south of 31st, and ideally north of Houston. We'll be there in April, so if it's closing on March 31 don't tell us! We love Xi'an food but aren't sure Xi'an Famous Foods has anything vegetarian. We also love Malaysian food and can't get any Malaysian vegetarian options where we are. Outdoor dining is a plus.
Buying a black light - how to pick a safe one?
I'm looking to buy a small UV flashlight to observe fluorescence in some mineral samples, but after hearing about the party where the NFT bros suffered eye damage from the wrong type of UV lights, I'm concerned about just picking a random one off Amazon. What should I be looking for, and is there a reputable supplier out there? (Difficulty: must ship to EU, would prefer to spend <€20.)
What's it like to work (behind the scenes) at the (US) state department?
I'm interested in comments, non-fiction, or even fiction, but with a lean towards the back of house support people. [more inside]
Muddy Wheels and Muddy Everything Else
It's mud season in Vermont. I have a gravel bike. What is your routine/strategy for getting your bike clean after each use? Not interested in youtube videos of how to clean bikes.
Scone With the Wind
Our new kitchen, for design reasons, has one ‘cupboard’ door that just covers some wall. I want to cover the wall with fake bookends so that when you open the door it looks like a shelf of cook books, but I want joke titles that are puns on classic literature, eg ‘Loaf of Pi’ or ‘Bun day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich’. Ideas, please!
March 14
How is the amount of basic income determined?
I’ve read about a number of projects testing giving basic income to a limited number of people. These projects seem to vary in parameters such as how much they give, for what duration, etc. Do you know of any sources about how the specifics are determined, or what has been learned about using X amount instead of Y amount, that kind of thing? Or even a meta-study. I am especially interested in what amounts or other parameters might be the most cost effective. All the research I've seen has just been about, basically, whether it's a good idea, not what's the best way to do it.
I've been eating and drinking after heating in a moldy microwave
Will I be okay? [more inside]
Rules-lite and ready to fight (or not)
What are some of your favourite micro-TTRPGs from the last several years? [more inside]
How do I sue my HOA?
And what is, I’m sure, a historic first, I am unhappy with my HOA. My specific frustration is selective enforcement and a new propensity to send nastygrams for things that aren’t even violations (eg dogs looking out a window). [more inside]
How to play Go
Recommend a site where a beginner can learn Go.
Help me buy my doctors office a gift
My primary care doctor is a tiny private office of two physicians and a nurse who have really gone above and beyond for me with my medical stuff. I want to say thank you and am looking for ideas. [more inside]
Anyone recognize this anecdote about Western leftists going to the ME?
Does anyone recognize this anecdote about Western activists coming to the Middle East and wanting to argue about theory? [more inside]
Should I bother visiting a dying relative?
Sounds jerky, I know. My dad has a terminal illness and my family doesn't want me to visit. Should I take them at their word? Lots more details inside. [more inside]
the "undifferentiated mass of organic sensation" origin
In this text from 1966, Robert Smithson quotes Roland Barthes as saying the “undifferentiated mass of organic sensation.” But I can’t find the origin of the quote. A skewed translation? or possibly just made up by Smithson? Any ideas where it might come from appreciated.
Best adult diaper for long plane ride
I currently have a medical condition which is causing me to pee frequently, about every 30 - 60 minutes. My doctor assures me this is temporary, but with no specific time limit. It's not difficult to manage in general, but the most annoying thing about it is that there is not much time between knowing that I need to pee and feeling that I MUST pee RIGHT AWAY. [more inside]
Best/creative way to surprise spouse with a large cash gift?
I’m looking for fun ways to gift my wife between $100,000-$250,000. This will be surprise proceeds from the sale of an asset, mixed in with some inheritance sharing. Get creative! [more inside]
What Flea Control for cats products are effective in 2024?
Seems like fleas keep adapting to flea control products and ones that used to work aren't doing the job. What flea products have worked for y'all this year. I have an indoor 20lb chonk that needs relief. We're in Texas.
Auto camera backup of a wall scheduler+replacement software for same
So, we use an old-fashioned magnet board, something like this to plan a semester’s teaching schedules of about 60 full-time and part-time faculty/staff.
My colleagues are heavily invested in this system, and they know it backwards.
Suggestions requested for a camera backup and replacement software..... [more inside]
What does an excellent vacation & sick leave policy look like?
I'm designing a vacation & sick leave policy for an extremely small company, and I'd like to make it as friendly as possible to employees. I've had good vacation and sick leave policies in the past, but I'm having trouble remembering the exact details of how they worked, so I'd love help from Metafilter: if you have a great vacation & sick leave policy, what does it look like exactly? [more inside]
Fasting for Ramadan but can't focus at work.
I'm fasting for Ramadan for the first time in many years, and I'm struggling with the work aspect of it. Any advice? [more inside]
March 13
Would a Glider *rocking* chair have any kind of benefit on the pelvis
Am trying to gauge whether or not a gliding chair that doesn't rock technically but moves forward/back, would have any kind of benefit (proven) on the pelvis. I know that a rocking chair would, in the sway of the arch movement. Gliding would seem to have more of an effect on the abdominal area. This is a question for those in the know. Thank you.
What does "normal" look like in London vs Chicago
For a story: I'm looking for examples of something a Chicagoan living in London for the first time might find surprising/strange -- but which is considered an unremarkable part of daily life in London. Challenge: needs to be a clear visual, not an intangible concept. [more inside]
Non-prescription glasses: hot or not?
You have a coworker or acquaintance who often wears glasses. You find out that they don't actually need the glasses for medical or eyesight reasons; it's more of a style preference that they opt into when the mood strikes. Is this annoying or gross or who cares? [more inside]
Paris Geography and Housing
I need to find housing in late June to mid-July for Paris. Recommendations that will not break the bank. Details are below the fold. [more inside]
Safe to eat pasta that was in the ref for 3 days?
Tomorrow would be 3 days since I cooked my pasta on Monday evening (a mixture of straight spaghetti and fusilli with spinach). No sauce, just tossed some butter on it while it was draining, then put in the refrigerator in an airtight container. Would it be safe to eat tomorrow, or toss?
How did I kill my brisket? And can it be revived?
Seems weird to ask here, but followed some good tips in a previous AskMe, so am hoping this question is fair game. [more inside]
Help me find Upcoming Conference/ Summit on Paid Family Leave and Care
Greetings All,
I hope you are doing well!
I recently told a partner I would share a link to an upcoming conference/summit focused on Paid Family Leave and Caregiving.
Unfortunately, I'm unable to locate the link.
Does this sound familiar to anyone?
I am sure I saw it in a newsletter or on a listserv.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Best regards [more inside]
Substitute for Thayers Slippery Elm Throat Lozenges
My child's beloved Thayers Slippery Elm Throat Lozenges are no longer available. It's not clear whether they'll come back. Retailers don't have them in stock, and they don't appear on the Thayers website. Can you recommend a substitute? [more inside]
What is your go-to inspirational story?
What is your favourite inspirational story about a person who made the world a better place or did something extraordinary to help humanity? [more inside]
Turbotax and private Canadian pension
If you use TurboTax and you've received an NR4 form for private (not OAS or CPP) Canadian pension income, how did you manage to enter this in TurboTax?
Small but mighty
Do any computer companies still make ultracompact (sub-13 inch), high-performance/high-end laptops? Something like the old 11-12" Macbook (/Air) or the Thinkpad x280. All I see in this space are Chromebooks and 2-in-1s that lean more on the "tablet" side of things. (I would get an iPad Pro with the keyboard in a heartbeat, if only it ran an actual proper OS.) Is there any sort of activity in this space, or is it just completely dead?
It's kind of like the Oscars, but not really
I co-lead a group that partners with Vote Forward to write letters to people in swing states, encouraging them to vote. Because research has shown that an insert with the letter increases the recipient's inclination to vote, we came up with four prototype bookmarks (#1, #2, #3, #4) to send with the letters, which will be mailed in October. Could you weigh in on which design you like best, why you like it, and any other comments/suggestions you have? The printing costs will take a big chunk of our funds, and we really want to get this right. TIA
Transportation in Puerto Rico
We're traveling to Puerto Rico for the first time next week. How should we get around? I'd rather not rent a car, but will do that if it's absolutely the best option. [more inside]
Fun things to do around SE OK, SW AR, NE TX, NW LA?
Boyfriend and I will be observing the total solar eclipse in Broken Bow, Oklahoma on April 8th and then driving around for about a week before I need to catch a train in Texarkana. I'm figuring a 500 mile radius or so from either of those places is a good place for our wandering - so that's east Texas, southwest Arkansas, northwest Louisiana. What places in that area do you love? Where should we steer clear of? [more inside]
Where to find very specific scheduling poll features?
Help us! My area has a need for a very specific polling/scheduling function. We need two things. Allow participants to pick a day of the week, and allow only some number of responses for any one day. [more inside]
How to get power to a mono mini XLR mic from a stereo 3.5mm jack?
I have a mic with a mini XLR to 3.5 mm TS cable, which is currently plugged in to a USB audio card with TSR jack. It only works when it's pulled out a little bit. What's the easiest way to get it to work while fully plugged in - new audio card, new cable, or can I buy a converter jack? [more inside]
To-do app with spread-sheet style column display?
I have to-do items in several categories, and I would like to be able to view them on my laptop or iPad as a series of columns, such that one column would be one category's to-do items, so that I can see the various lists side-by-side. Do you know of an app that can do this? [more inside]
I hope this question isn't a double
I am considering a senior position that would likely lead to scrutiny from certain individuals and groups. Based on recent tactics, I assume they will collect and analyze everything I have ever written. While I have never knowingly plagiarized, and I believe I'm very thorough in citing others, for peace of mind I would like to proactively check all of my publications for plagiarism. I have several hundred publications, and I have copies of all of them in either DOC or PDF format. I see lots of websites out there that claim to do this - which one is the best?
Best practices for selling stuff on Facebook Marketplace?
How do I know if I am dealing with real people or not? [more inside]
Self-Care In The Short Term
I have a new job! Yay! It's WAY busier than my last one! Yikes! I'll get the hang of it eventually! Yay! But the meantime-learning-curve phase sucks! Boo! I need some short-term self-care ideas! Please? [more inside]
MRgFUS you?
Have any MeFites undergone (or performed) magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound for the treatment of essential tremor? If so, how did it go? [more inside]
1. Pituitary Dwarfism 2. Von Willebrand Disease -- Mayo can't fix her.
You are not our doctor. You are someone who knows of a medical team in any city in the US that can help my niece. Sarah wants to see 19. That's next week. Pituitary Dwarfism - she cannot produce her own estrogen so they give her hormone replacement. The hormones make her bleed excessively because of: Von Willebrand Disease - she has a bleeding disorder, cannot clot correctly so she has been almost continuously bleeding for a year. She is having labor-like contractions every few minutes for hours and then passes clots the size of her fist. [more inside]
March 12
Catfilter: How do I get some peace and quiet?
We started fostering this majestic cat a month ago. He. Will. Not. Stop. Meowing. These are not cute quiet meows - they're full-lung meows, interspersed with caterwauling. Help? [more inside]
Help for elder being scammed
Wondering what steps should be taken for an elder family member who was recently scammed. [more inside]
NON-erotic sci-fi stories about humans being kept as pets by aliens?
I've done some research into the genre, and the zone is absolutely flooded with light to heavy erotica. Glad the readers and writers of that are finding each other, but it's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for stories with a classic sci-fi focus, mainly on the premise and not how the premise could be horny. Any influential classics?
Apple Watch and Bluetooth
The Apple Watch can send signals by bluetooth (audio, for instance), but can it receive bluetooth signals? Is it possible to build a trigger that when pressed makes the watch do something like play a sound or change screens or whatever? Are there any examples of such a thing on the market?
Career development options?
I've been working at the same company for several years (a few different roles over that time). Are there options out there for trying to develop your career and experience while still being employed somewhere? If so, what kind of search terms would I use to try to find them? [more inside]
I need public liability insurance for a 1-hour meeting
This coming Saturday I am hosting a meeting for a group of 10-20 volunteers. The venue is a school classroom. The school is providing the room free of charge, but they asked me to have my own public liability insurance for the day. I'm in London, UK. [more inside]
Dog interaction confusion; please help me untangle the confusion.
I was recently dating someone who has a German Shepherd, Fido (name changed to protect Fido's privacy). It got weird, IMHO. I don't know what my question is, exactly. I guess it's, "Is this as weird as I think it is?" or "What the heck went on here and what was the meaning of it?" [more inside]
Wrap My Mac
I want to find a specific kind of sleeve for my new MacBook air. [more inside]
Yucatan in August?
I'm looking into taking two teenagers to Mexico for about a week at the end of August. The place that seems to check the most boxes--direct flight from PDX, beaches/outdoor fun, ruins, a decent-sized city to explore--seems to be the Yucatan. But the weather... [more inside]
How to go about seeking eating disorder treatment
(Content warning for non-graphic description of disordered eating) I am dealing with some worsening eating disorder symptoms and am not sure what my first step would be in accessing treatment. Would appreciate thoughts, ideas and what might be a place to start? [more inside]
Songs about being in love for a long time
What are your favorite songs about long-term relationships? Can be about people going through it (Can We Hang On) or unrepentant fluff (Ten Years), but should NOT be about people who remain together through sheer force of loathing (No Children etc.)
Ideas for Pasadena
We're going to Pasadena for a long weekend, staying in the hotel where my partner's conference is held. The kid and I will mostly be on our own. Where should we eat, and what kind of activities will be low-key and fun? We'll have a car. [more inside]
Moving photos from Google Drive to Amazon Photos
I have a TON of photos in Google Drive but I just discovered that Amazon Prime has free unlimited storage so I'd like to move things there. I don't want to have to download and upload them to get them there.
Have you moved photos like this using an online service (e.g. MultCloud)? What worked for you and what didn't?
iOS Auto-Correct off the rails
Why is the latest iPhone iOS suggesting incorrectly spelled words and how do I get it to stop? [more inside]
Career coach in a box
What websites, books and advice would you recommend to someone who is about to embark on a job search who's been in the same place for a while, has been a bit coasting and not super confident about new job finding ability based on prior experience? Snowflake details below fold. [more inside]
The Perfect Tea Mug
We had one tea mug left that was perfect, but it broke a while ago, and I am fed up with all the other mugs we have that aren't perfect. Unfortunately, the maker's mark disappeared from the bottom of the mug, and I can't find a similar one in dozens of image searches. [more inside]
What Should I Cook with These (Bhutanese Chili edition)
My sister-in-law gifted me this bag of dried chili peppers. What should I do with them? FYI - I'm not in the least worried about spiciness.
Union Station (DC) overnight?
I'm traveling by train from VT to SC and have a 12-hour layover in DC. Can I sleep in the station like I might at an airport?
Their website indicates the building is closed, so I assume there's no food available.
When I called the number listed, it was no longer in service.
How to optimize reducing a device's max. battery capacity without damage
My phone battery capacity went down to 80% over the first 20 months but has since, for whatever reason, been magically hovering there for the last six months. It seems stuck at the magic 80% level no matter what. Three things I have tried: 1) disabling optimized battery charging; 2) cycles of running the phone until the battery is discharged; 3) leaving the phone connected to power after fully charged. What are other ways I can operate a device to optimize speeding the process of reducing its battery's capacity below the 80% threshold, without voiding the device warranty?
Cleaning products for limestone coloured concrete?
What type of cleaning products should I use to clean limestone-looking concrete floor that may not have a varnish seal over the top? I don't want to cause permanent stains. [more inside]
March 11
Where to spend ~2h in Boston Logan Airport?
I’m travelling soon and will be arriving at Boston Logan Airport (terminal B) in the afternoon and will have about two hours before meeting a friend there (also arriving in terminal B). Where can I just hang out and chill with my laptop? Should I leave the terminal for another one? I also don’t want to leave the airport to go into the city as I have transportation lined up once my friend arrives. [more inside]
Allow a child (11) to speak to a device and easily get it transcribed
I’m looking for an easy way for a child to tell a voice activated device their stories, have them recorded, and then later be able to hook the device up to the (windows) computer and have them transcribed to .txt or Word docs. [more inside]
How to find a good quality print of this painting?
I wanted to ask the hivemind’s advice about obtaining art prints to hang in your home. We really like this painting and wanted a high quality print.
We reached out to the artist's estate by email and phone a few times and it ultimately just fizzled out because they weren't too responsive. any other ideas or suggestions?
What kind of snail is this and what is it doing?
Is this snail dead? Is it riding the current to travel? Its white foot was 1-2 inches long. It was seen yesterday afternoon in the Puget Sound near Seattle, 15-20 ft below the surface.
Mid-permian Sandstone
Here is a photo of sandstone being chiseled.
How would a go about smoothing it out to eliminate the grooves?
Fur Elise educational game?
Trying to remember an educational game from the 90s and the only thing I recall was that Fur Elise was a common motif. Help? [more inside]
Buying towels online
I need to buy bath and face towels online, to replace my old Wamsutta towels that are sadly no longer available. I don't want bath sheets and don't need washcloths, although if I find a set I like that includes washcloths, that would be ok as long as it's no more than two washcloths. I'd like recommendations. They must be 100% cotton, medium weight, soft, well made, and no more than $100 for two bath towels and two face towels, or a six-piece set (bath, face, wash). Can you help?
Where to stay in Florence?
My wife and I are looking to visit Florence in early June. Can you recommend any good hotels? I'm looking for something upmarket and central in an old building (although I suspect that's basically all the buildings in central Florence). [more inside]
Looking for a Toby K pattern
Does anyone know where I can get the free Dinkytown beanie pattern from Toby K? [more inside]
How many years would halving global consumption set back climate change?
Hypothetical: The world’s resource consumption halves overnight due to science fictional reasons. You are writing a pithy headline on the environmental impact of this change along the lines of “Climate change estimates rolled back X years”. What’s a reasonable value for X? [more inside]
Using a tally counter (clicker) for self-help purposes
I'm thinking of using a tally counter to help fight against intrusive thoughts and memories. Has anyone used this technique for this purpose, or for something related (like compulsive behaviors)? [more inside]
What's BJ's Wholesale Club like compared to Costco?
If you, like me, enjoy shopping at Costco, but also (unlike me) have additionally shopped at BJ's as well, how would you compare them? [more inside]
Credit card alternative for cash free airport travels
What can I use instead of cash in airports if I don't have a credit card to use? [more inside]
Feel the (Trump) fever in Tampa
Two Canadians in Tampa this week want to attend some kind of pro-Trump event. [more inside]
"Punchy" to mean sleepy?
Growing up in '80s Southern California, we often used the word "punchy" used to mean not just silly but specifically silly due to sleepiness. My friend from another part of the state also grew up using it this way. But it seems like this is not universal. Did anyone else have the punchy = sleepy usage, and if so, where in the USA? And where could this usage have come from?
South African Safari Newbie resources
Hello fellow travelers! I impulsively bid on a week-long South African safari and won! Now the planning stress begins . . . [more inside]
Can I just download the audio for a movie in theaters?
I’m in a foreign country. They have us movies with non English subtitles AND dubbing. Is there a way to download just the audio for something like Kung Fu Panda 4 so I can enjoy it while I watch it on the big screen?
Embrace, extend, enhance.
What are your favourite general-interest browser extensions in 2024? [more inside]
long underwear recommendations?
As it says above. I live in an often cool climate. I've always been prone to feeling chilly. And my workplace seems committed to using all the money they save going cheap on heat in winter by cranking the AC in summer. So, yeah, I need some new long underwears.... [more inside]
March 10
Google/Yelp reviews of businesses: how much do they matter?
Do you read reviews of businesses (such as restaurants or shops) before visiting? Do the reviews affect your experience and perception? Do you leave a review after visiting? [more inside]
Elder care social worker/coordinator in Phoeniz, AZ area
An elderly relative who lives in the Phoenix area is experiencing a health crisis and is currently hospitalized and will have an operation tomorrow. She has several health conditions and is likely to need rehab and other care. I'm hoping to find suggestions for an elder care social worker or coordinator who can help us figure out what resources are available and how to get what she needs. [more inside]
This title isreallygreat
Is there a linguistic term for adding filler words, especially adverbs, spoken so quickly that they don't slow down the speaking of the main words in a sentence? For example, if someone would say "I don't want that" at a deliberate pace, they say "Iabsolutelydon'twant that" in the same amount of time. Also, is there research on why some people do this?
Are any of the paid online background search tools actually not scams?
I have: the full name, known alias, former address, and name of former place of incarceration of a person who has zero online presence and may now go by a different alias. I would like to know: their current location and more details about their (federal) incarceration. Are any of those people search services that want to charge me for a "full background report" going to be useful, or is this the sort of thing you hire private investigators for? Assume I have exhausted my Google skills here.
Fabric type question
I'm trying to find a particular fabric and am drawing a blank. I'm looking for a 100% rayon fabric, to make an extra large sarong. I bought the original fabric locally more than 10 years ago, but the shops here don't have anything similar (and haven't for at least the last three years) so I'm trying to find it online and also having no luck - I suspect my search terms are the problem. I'm in Australia but desperate enough to order overseas if I can get the right stuff. [more inside]
Looking for a particular Orwell reflection on colonialism and economics
Can anyone find a passage in George Orwell's essays where he argues that Britain will have to get used to a lower standard of living following the end of its colonial empire?
The excellent AA recalled such a reflection in a thread on degrowth, but none of us have yet sourced it. [more inside]
Healthy faucet
If you care about things like lead and PFAS, can you tell me what I need to know in buying kitchen and bathroom faucets? [more inside]
Freeze avocado?
making a bunch of burritos to freeze for my lunches. Should I put avocado in or no? [more inside]
What do Americans mean when they say someone is "classy" or "pure class"
It seems to be a compliment, something about good manners or something ... but what do people (mainly Americans) really mean when they say this?
Southern Slothic fiction titles
I am creating book covers for the imaginary fiction genre of Southern Slothic. (Example 1, Example 2). I need some titles for these novels that are as excellent as the artwork. So far the best one I have is The Heart Is a Slowly Hunter. The titles can refer to other books like that or can just be apt sloth puns.
What women’s tops will be comfortable, yet professional for Zoom?
I need tops that look professional when thrown on over a sports bra and are comfortable enough to wear all day. Ideally they also wouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. [more inside]
It's not for me
I need a polite and graceful way out of this job. [more inside]
How to get a doctor's appointment this week
Papa penguin has been having some concerning health symptoms since early January. His doctor prescribed some medication and gave instruction to return in a couple weeks for further testing if not resolved. We're at that point. However, the earliest appointment he can get is six weeks out. He would like something sooner. How should he ask for it? [more inside]
Might I say "luna" for a woman's period?
I'm writing a story that takes place nearabout 1900-1920. A female character visits an alchemist and refers to the start of her monthly period a few years before. [more inside]
What is the difference between rugby, Australian football, US football?
What is the difference between
a) rugby
b) Australian football
c) American football?
Also, why do the American football players have to wear armour when British rugby players and Australian football players don't wear armour?
Please explain in a way that makes sense to someone who just had to google what a rugby ball looks like.
Tools for consolidating folders on Windows 10?
After a few years of cloud syncing problems and short-sighted workarounds, I've got several mirrored versions of my documents folders + nested subfolders across multiple hard drives and thumb drives, where most of the files are identical but each folder may contain a few unique items or updated copies of the same file found elsewhere. Is there a more efficient way to merge these, purging exact dupes but keeping all unique or updated files? [more inside]
March 9
In search of a beanie/skullcap that doesn't cover my ears
I would like a beanie/skullcap that leaves my ears uncovered to allow for over-ear headphones, hearing protection, etc. When searching for this most of what I find is hats with ear flaps, which is the opposite of what I want.
Backpack with light (and definitely not-black) inside lining
I seem to be better than usual lately at losing things in my black backpack. I want a couple backpacks and or bags that have light lining. I am finding these very difficult to google for. Can you guys share any leads ? Not trying to spend a lot , would prefer black or dark color exterior. Don’t need it to be fancy not trying to hike the Appalachian trail with it or anything. Thank youuu in advance!
Help a compression sock/stocking noob
I don't know anything about non-medically-required compression garments, but I will shortly be taking five plane rides, two of them extremely long. Should I wear compression socks? [more inside]
Book characters named Jolana
Can you find me books with characters named Jolana that were published 1966 or earlier? A friend was told her name came from a book character.
What's a healthy amount of external validation an adult should seek?
My overall question is how much external validation is healthy for an adult? (Especially the kind we get from social media.) I have a specific example in mind: [more inside]
Accessible TV for senior with Parkinsons?
I’d like to get a TV so my senior with Parkinsons can watch Netflix and Amazon movies. Are there any brands that work best with voice recognition? Are there other adaptive devices I should know about like types or remotes? They don’t have Alexa or Echo, but that seems like a potentially good solution.
Work/Career Filter - How to Proceed?
Subsidiary to be folded into parent company; bring up with manager? [more inside]
What's this French short film?
I once saw an old French short film (I think on UbuWeb) that involved people ducking under/jumping over the Paris metro turnstiles in various creative ways. I've found it difficult to re-find. Anyone know the film in question?
[RSS PSA] Questions you may have missed...
PSA: Like a lot of MeFites, I keep up with the site via RSS -- specifically Feedly. In fact, their stats show there are nearly 2,000 subscribers to the same Ask MetaFilter feed I use on Feedly alone. Unfortunately, this feed is hosted on Google's aging Feedburner platform, which is increasingly unreliable as a service. This manifested last month when Feedly was unable to update the AskMe feed for over a week. If Google eventually shuts down the service, then anyone depending on that feed to stay engaged with MeFi may lose contact with the site without even realizing it. The good news is that the site has a new set of self-hosted feeds that should remain active no matter what Google does. So, if you read the site using an RSS reader, please take a moment to update your reader to the new feeds -- and check inside for a list of questions you might have missed during the outage. [more inside]
Fidelity IRA Rollover Fees
I have a rollover IRA with Fidelity; I rolled my Fidelity 401K fund into the IRA after retirement. I’ve made a few withdrawals (when it was still a 401K) and was charged what I considered to be hefty transaction fees. [more inside]
Good place to get bunnies' nails clipped in San Francisco/Bay Area?
Is there a good, reasonably-priced vet in SF that'll clip bunnies' nails without requiring a physical be done as well? [more inside]
Can I track traffic on my Google Fiber network?
How can I view website activity at the router level with the Google "puck" router and access points? I can't find anything online, but I'm sure that other routers I've had have ways to integrate with common monitoring software. [more inside]
March 8
How can I make this?
I saw this TV frame in a layout of the Mid-Century modern rooms at the Howard Johnson Anaheim. I really like it, but can't seen to find anything like it for sale. Maybe I could make one? [more inside]
Family member permitted remote Mac access to stranger on phone
A family member allowed a stranger on the phone "into" their computer, thinking that the stranger was a legitimate rep for $big_internet_provider. They had access for hours, as far as I know. It is powered off, now.
It's a Mac, running something between macos 10.15 and 12. [more inside]
Computing corner of a rounded plat map
I have the map of a house lot that includes a curved corner. Based on the numbers & angles indicated on this excerpt of the plat map (linked here), how long are the orange lines in feet? [more inside]
Spam Filter App for Android
Looking for a free / one-time cost spam call filtering app for Android. [more inside]
I need permission to cut ties with a friend for good.
I have a longtime friend, Amber, who I have posted about here numerous times over the years. Things came to a head when I had my CT scan today, a followup one I'm really nervous, and I asked her for moral support, and didn't get it. [more inside]
Experience with floating homes
What are the pros/cons of living on a floating house? [more inside]
Is there any way to sit ergonomically with my knees up?
I've been experiencing neck and upper back pain for a few months now, and all signs point to my extremely non-ergonomic way of sitting as the culprit. Essentially, I sit like your average neurodivergent bisexual. [more inside]
What is the firmest mattress you have ever owned?
Just looking for the most firm mattress that is available. Would love to basically sleep on a marble slab with a thin, firm cushion over it, but a mattress is going to have to do. Bonus if it doesn't cost an arm, leg, or both. [more inside]
Creating an embedded gif video for email signature
Someone I knew a while ago had a really neat small gif (I think it was a gif) in her email signature that was a brief video of her. I am no longer in contact with her, so I can't ask how she did it. But for reasons, I'd like to create one. How do I do this?
invisible drip
There's an intermittent dripping sound in the ceiling below our 3rd floor toilet. It happens when someone sits on the toilet, and then after they flush. There's no visible sign of water, and our plumber has said it's probably dripping inside a pipe, and that we only need to worry about it when we see or smell something. I find this compelling, yet also, the dripping sound remains viscerally concerning. I'm asking the hive mind for perspective and possible insight!
Cognitively stimulating wall art
I work from home, and have a large blank wall on my side. I like to take breaks from the screen, and was thinking that having something on the wall that actively helps me do that rather than a piece of art would be nice. [more inside]
math this math
I need help building an efficient (1 step) excel formula to do a very specific piece of math. Please and thank you! [more inside]
Weird version of "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring"?
I'm trying to remember where I heard a weird version of Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. As I recall, it was a piano version that would switch from the usual harmonies to very odd chords, then switch back and forth. I think it was played over the ending credits of a movie(?), maybe on Prime/Netflix/Hulu(?) Does this ring any bells? [more inside]
Travel insurance for chateau rental for 1 week?
A US-citizen friend is going to rent a chateau in France for 1 week for 8 people for a Big Life Event this fall (not a big party, no activities beyond people staying there). Rental is a nonrefundable $10k, and a $3k damage deposit on top of that. She wants to know if there are insurance/travel insurance products that can protect this amount.... [more inside]
Should I do anything about these scam emails?
In the last few days I've gotten four or five "refund scam" emails. I've never gotten these before, and now suddenly I'm getting them. I also just got a similar text. Is this simply an annoyance to be ignored, or should I do something about it? Nothing I can do about my phone, but I could ditch this email address, as it's not my primary one. Is that necessary? Is there something else I should I do? Or just ignore?
Seeking Music Podcasts
I've been enjoying the Dollar Country podcast for a while. It's basically a highly curated DJ set of esoteric old time country songs with a theme.
Can anyone recommend other podcasts in a similar vein for other genres of music? Thanks!!
Must see TV, except for fine art
In your opinion, what are the things most worth seeing at the musee d'orsay and the Louvre? What made an impression on you? What took your breath away?
When I say 'worth seeing' I don't mean 'see it so I can say I saw it, did you know the Mona Lisa is there???'
I'm looking for 'this took my breath away'.
I am a woman who needs A Plan.
Can you help me make one?
Thinly disguised neurosis within. [more inside]
Can my home insurance agent give me 'neutral, unbiased' info?
For the second time in two years, there's been major flooding in our house. [more inside]
FMLA just to avoid meetings?
Can FMLA protect me continuing to work my regular total hours/week (i.e. not using any paid leave; still getting paid like normal), if I do that work on an unconventional schedule (that would make me unavailable for most synchronous meetings)? [more inside]
Alcohol, friendship and compassionate boundaries
My close friend struggles with her drinking. I'm flying in to visit and stay with her for a week. I'm uncomfortable when she drinks in front of me for various reasons, but I don't know if bringing it up and/or gently suggesting she cut down a little while I'm there is unfair, controlling or counterproductive. Ideas on how to approach this? [more inside]
March 7
What fun things do you do with your NFC chips?
I bought 50 little cards so I can make playlists for my desk/shower/morning coffee and automatically prompt a grocery list when I’m next to the fridge. What other fun and unusual things can I do with NFC cards?
Budget friendly red/blue 3D streaming solution?
I have a really specific scenario where I would like to stream something live in red/blue 3D. I believe the easiest way to do this is to have two cameras and run the conversion in software. The question I have is: how do I get two cameras and attach them together reasonably? Is there an inexpensive way to do this that doesn't involve just duct taping two webcams together?
How do deal with this uncomfortable family/money conversation?
My brother summoned up a family convo because he is unhappy about a donation in cash my Mom gave me. I don't know how to approach it. [more inside]
Student (with IEP) Put Hands on Me. My Options?
I took over teaching a GenEd 8th-grade math class in a public school in the East Bay Area (Alameda County) in February. I won't name the school, but I will say it's in a crime-heavy city across from SF. A student (with an IEP) was violent in class today and ended up putting his hands on me. What would be my legal options or repercussions if I resigned? [more inside]
I don't want to push your button
I love Sharpie S-Gel pens, but I like to carry a pen in my pocket. Is it possible to turn a push-button pen into a cap pen? [more inside]
More things like this thing? Frog and Toad animated edition
My kid loves the 1980s Frog and Toad stop-motion film adaption narrated by Arnold Lobel and animated by John Clark Matthews (link: frog and toad are friends) Can you tell me about more things like this? [more inside]
How do you harvest aloe?
I have several aloe plants, and don't know what to do. [more inside]
How else do I say "Lazy, Provocative Persuasion"?
I'm looking for a term to describe how someone can talk about someone else's beliefs/ideology in a way that isn't outwardly provocative but seems to intend to quickly other, negate, and win support. It has an immature and antagonistic flavor. So what's a term for a style of speaking on a topic that promotes superiority of *this* perspective and encourages others to quickly choose *this* side?
Details inside. [more inside]
How do I split a bitcoin paper wallet?
I've got a small amount of bitcoin in a paper wallet. I need to move half of it to a new paper wallet. What is the simplest and/or least expensive way to do this? TIA!
Online games involving anonymous cooperation with strangers?
I used to love the Hearthstone Tavern Brawl that made you and your randomly matched opponent work together to beat a boss instead of fighting each other. Are there any online games built on that sort of mechanic? [more inside]
Alternatives to Pirate Bay
So it looks like the Australian government just blocked Pirate Bay and EZTV. Anyone have any suggested alternatives?
(I am very happy to pay for TV, and I pay for multiple streaming services, including Netflix, Disney, and Apple TV. I also buy shows outright from Apple. What I am not prepared to do, however, is wait 6 months or even 12 months to see something that is already out in the US, and get spoilered about it.)
What's the best AI photo program for people doing...stuff?
This is pretty straightforward. I want to make pictures of me doing things. So I input a pic of me and say "now make me bungee jumping." Well I do it on Midjourney and what I get back is someone who looks like my much more attractive cousin. What is the best program, app or platform for this?
CatFilter: Please Help Me Help These Cats Once Again!
One of my 1-year-old cats (Jasper) has taken to marking all over my apartment. Please help me develop a working maintenance strategy for my cats and I until I can get to the vet, and find a way to prevent spraying from becoming a post-neuter habit. More details inside. [more inside]
Chrome displaying nonsense that pastes as English in Google translate
Basically, gobbledygook is showing up everywhere in Google Chrome, but it's perfectly fine when I copy and paste it into Google Translate - without even translating. Can't really put this into words - links to pictures in the "more inside" since it's easier to show than tell in this instance. [more inside]
I am hitting "send" on an application for an arts grant today, and looking for suggestions for not screwing it up if I am approved. [more inside]
International Travel, burnt out edition
I find myself committed to an international trip despite the current state of my average daily supply of spoons. However, shouganai. Please hope me with the specifics elucidated below. [more inside]
Suggestions for organizing info in Apple ecosystem
I am very good at taking notes in Apple Notes and scanning paper documents to save in Files. I am not so good at organizing them. Suggestions please! [more inside]
How generic or customized are progressive prescriptions and lenses?
I’m thinking of ordering progressives from Zenni or similar, but they don’t seem customized enough. Is this just how progressives are, even at good, independent shops? [more inside]
Who’s the walking figure in the Spotify visualization?
Spotify keeps pushing me to click on a music genre when I go into the search tab. The first thing that comes up is a clip of Leonard Cohen’s It Seemed the Better Way with the hashtag #poetry. It includes a visualization of what looks like a rotoscoped Leonard Cohen walking on a heath with a cane. Here’s a screenshot. What’s the original for that walking figure? Is it a video of Leonard Cohen or someone else?
March 6
Outdoor happy hour in downtown Seattle
It’s not outside drinking time yet but I’m feeling optimistic. Where in downtown Seattle these days is the best combo of outdoor seating + decent happy hour (defined as a plate of fries and a drink that’s not $18) + not already packed at 5 pm on a weekday? [more inside]
Is the exhaust smelling air when you wait for airplane takeoff bad?
1: does airplane exhaust have lead in it?
2: would a N95 filter out lead fumes?
3: any studies or thoughts about the experience of slightly exhaust smelling air for 10 minutes before takeoff during taxi? I know in the 90s I would smell exhaust all the time in cars but now it’s so rare it’s surprising to me.
De-antify my electric kettle
Little sugar ants moved into the base and heating element of my electric kettle (link to manufacturer). How do I get rid of them? [more inside]
Urine the right, kid?
My kid just watched his classmates perform Urinetown. He told them he liked it, until the end (which I won't dump above the fold on Ask) which he said was a clumsy "Socialism is bad!" turn. I was wondering if he's right, but I'm a) disinclined to research a musical with any seriousness and b) quite sure this is the crowd that would say so if he has it right. Does he?
Any way to stream Suzy Izzard's recent Hamlet or Dickens solo shows?
That's it, that's the whole question: is there any way to see the Dickens show she did in 2022, or the Hamlet show she's doing now in 2024?
This is different from the Audible book of Dickens she narrated in 2018.
(Name change update for those who missed the memo.) [more inside]
Books on non-Western, non-Eastern religions
I'm writing a book for conworlders about religions, and I need more resources, especially about religions from Africa, the Americas, or Australia. Preferably more on the anthropological side; I'm not after inspirational literature, and not too interested in mere lists of gods or retellings of myths. [more inside]
Travel in PNW with Large Dog
Looking for a place to stay Memorial Day weekend in Washington or Oregon for a couple with a 75lb dog. Any recommendations? [more inside]
Best entertaining music videos of late?
Like this question, what are some amazing and unique music videos from around the world as of late...say, the last few years? Looking for way more in the vein of Gangnam Style than not.
paraesophageal hernia repair surgery?
Have you (or someone close to you) had a paraesophageal hernia repaired? This is not a question about the more usual hiatal or GERD surgery but specifically fixing a paraesophageal hernia (moving the stomach back into place from the chest.) [more inside]
I somewhat need this job....
As you know (some of you know), I had surgery Monday. [more inside]
How are K-Dramas different from typical Western serial TV?
We love K-Dramas. Hotel Del Luna, Mr Queen, Mystic Pop-Up Bar, Uncanny Counter, Dr. Cha, etc etc etc. I'm having a hard time putting into words how they differ from typical Western series, and why we find them so much more appealing. Do you have notions about what makes K-Dramas more unique, enjoyable and compelling? And .... what are your favourite series?
Have you been treated with ECT? Tell me everything. What did you do to prep yourself? What considerations need to be made? Did you work intermittent FMLA during it? Did it work for you? Were you able to do it just once, or did you need to go back? I need to make a decision and this feedback will help.
Plastic-free products?
I'd like to buy products that are 100% biodegradable and/or rustable and/or melt-downable. That is, no plastics. Wood, paper, glass, metal, ceramics. Even the packaging. [more inside]
Long Term Care Insurance calculator?
Does anyone know of an online calculator that can do NPV/FV-stye calculations for long term care insurance?
I'm helping a neighbor sort out their finances a bit, and while I can do the math myself I would prefer it if there was somewhere I can point them online, so that any "recommendation" isn't coming directly from me and I'm not the one making any assumptions about anything ever. [more inside]
Nellie's is too expensive, and everything else is terrible.
I finally found Nellie's "One Soap" as my all-purpose unscented liquid hand soap/dish soap thing, but it's preposterously expensive. Every other "unscented" product on Earth is, apparently, not actually unscented. I need help. [more inside]
Free alternative to skedda?
We have been using skedda but it is now costing us like 500 dollars a year to not even cover the amount of rooms we "need". I am looking to let people book rooms or parts of rooms. Difficulty: would love to have it so we can have user-groups. [more inside]
Deciding between a Mac laptop and a Chromebook
I've had Macs for decades. It's time to replace my current laptop, and I don't know if I can still justify getting a Mac instead of a Chromebook. If I get a Chromebook, maybe I'd switch away from iPhones, too. Given my use and preferences (inside), would a Chromebook that costs significantly less than $1100 be a step down in any meaningful way, or not? [more inside]
March 5
Blender 3D for mockup of an 'art piece'
I would like to use the Blender 3D program (or similar free 3D program) to mock up a stack of transparencies - how do I do this? (More inside) [more inside]
iPhone glitching all over the place, what is up
Today my iPhone (2020 SE) basically lost its shit for a good hour, with Podcasts, Apple Music, and Siri all just kind of doing WHATEVER without any input from me. What do we think could cause all of this to happen at once? I'm replacing the phone anyhow because it's always been kind of a POS but that'll take a second, and also I'm curious. [more inside]
What perturbator track has a high pitch synthesized voice?
It gives a bit of a speech. I think the speech was some history of the future, robot uprising, sentient computer, or something.
Starting peppers indoors
I've done that! And now they've sprouted, but it's still too cold for me to transplant them outside, and I could use some advice on the best course of action until it warms up enough. [more inside]
Digital storage ideas needed!
How do you all store your digital photos and files? [more inside]
Seeking recommendations for an all-girls therapy-based boarding school
I am looking for recommendations (preferably with first hand knowledge) for a therapy-based boarding school for troubled teens. For more details, please see [more inside]
Saddling up
....So after ten years off the market, I'm starting to think about getting back in the dating scene again, mostly just for the fun and frolic. What is the best approach for me these days? (Given the complications inside.) [more inside]
Mystery book possibly by David Attenborough? Gerald Durrell?
I distinctly remember reading a book about a British man going to another country, to find animals, possibly for a zoo. What book was I reading? [more inside]
Recommendations for anime or Studio Ghibli-type films
I recently became interested in watching anime (mostly after stumbling upon Studio Ghibli films for the first time in my life and thinking they're kind of the best things I've ever seen). Would love some suggestions! More info in the description. [more inside]
lung transplant?
Has anyone here undergone a lung transplant? Stories? Info? Am open to all.
First-hand experience with Fairphone?
I am strongly considering getting a Fairphone 4. Have you used one? If so, please share your experience! [more inside]
OK you Trader Joe's obsessed people...
give me your recs, the best of the best that TJ"s has to offer :) [more inside]
Help a London theater noob
Going to London shortly, would like to see interesting theater. I know about Donmar Warehouse and the National Theater. Where else should I look? Is the Globe legit in terms of performance quality, or is it really just for tourists? [more inside]
Listserv Services
Please recommend me email listserv services to manage a group of 50-100 volunteers. Wishlist inside. [more inside]
Gentle soothing activities for a very tired person
Over the next few months I will finally have a bit of a break in responsibilities at my demanding job. I feel intensely burned out. I'm interested in getting some ideas for things I can do with my extra time that would be low-effort/learning curve and hopefully somewhat restorative. [more inside]
Confusion with Lenscrafters/insurance coverage
What an adventure it's been, searching for a new location. I tried some of the suggestions in my previous Ask, but sadly, they didn't accept my plan (UHC Vision). It appears Lenscrafters (LC) did, until they didn't-ish... [more inside]
Super accurate paper cutter
I'm looking for a paper cutter for thick stock that I can reliably get 0.1mm accuracy out of. I'm currently using this one and it's all over the place, relatively speaking. A4 or larger is a must, but I have limited desk space. Does such a thing exist?
Returning expat
Hi Mefi, I’m moving back to the UK temporarily after 11 years in France, and I wanted to see if anyone had any advice, more on the reverse culture shock side than the actual move, although if there’s something that isn’t obvious but is vital to share about an international move, feel free. [more inside]
What US treats do Canadians like?
I am sending a small care package from the US to a friend in Manitoba, and wanted to add on some treats that are hard to find up there if at all. [more inside]
Recommendations for a dc photographer for engagement photos?
Advice for how to pick a photographer in DC for engagement photos? [more inside]
How do I consolidate debt when I'm unemployed with lots of equity?
I own a house outright and it is worth about $700,000. I recently had some large home repairs done which I put on credit cards for points and had planned to pay off using a HELOC. Got laid off in the inbetween month and now I'm stuck with the debt. [more inside]
Ordered SSD from Amazon. Recieved Empty box. What now?
I ordered a 4TB SSD M.2 NVMe SSD from Crucial using Amazon. Amazon sent the order via a courier which required a password for delivery. I received what looked like a non-tampered with envelope. It contained a box for the product which had had its seal opened and which contained no SSD. The value of the SSD is over £200 so I am keen to get my money back. However I am trying to work out the best way of proceeding - given that I have no item to return. [more inside]
March 4
Why is Season 1 Episode 5 missing from The Oregon Experience?
Just started watching The Oregon Experience and I noticed that episode 5 is missing from the OPB app and the OPB website. Anyone know what's up?
Stories About Choosing a Simple, Ascetic Life
[Book Recommendation Filter] I would like your recommendations for memoirs and personal diaries written by people who made a conscious choice to live a more ascetic life, and in turn discover how to better appreciate simple, but meaningful, pleasures. [more inside]
Where in LA is that one location that appears in every single LA movie?
You know the one I mean: high up in an overlook on a hill, looking down from it you can see all the city lights. It's paved, there's parking for two or three cars maybe, and there's a bench. [more inside]
Where to view April 2024 solar eclipse within a day's travel from Boston
I have booked tickets for April travel to Boston, from which I hope to travel to a location where I will have a good chance of viewing the 2024 solar eclipse. Boston itself is well outside the path of totality, but there appear to be a bunch of suitable locations one could reach within a day's travel. If you wanted to see the eclipse, what would you select as a destination that maximizes the chances of good viewing conditions (primary consideration) and is also perhaps a nice place to visit for other reasons (secondary consideration)? [more inside]
What words or phrases are immediately recognized as Quebecois slang?
I'm looking for local words or phrases that I can use in relation to a family trip to Quebec province. A plus if it's kid-related (should be kid-friendly), but it doesn't have to be. [more inside]
Unbrand a t-mobile locked Samsung phone
I received a Samsung Galaxy S23 as a gift from a relative. It's network-locked to T-Mobile, and it also has a really obnoxious pink startup screen. I want it to act more like an unbranded phone. How? [more inside]
Typewriter or word processor?
My eleven-year-old niece who wants to be a writer would like a typewriter for her birthday. What should I get? [more inside]
looking for a tech demo of a parametric font software
i stumbled across a blog post exulting the virtues of a font software*. in the 240p YouTube demo it showed how a given font can be morphed to a new one with sliders controlling weight, family and other metrics. [more inside]
Can someone give me direction on career path when I'm tired?
Or maybe permission to not stake my whole life identity on this? [more inside]
Covid immunity in 2024?
What do we know about Covid immunity nowadays? I just had Covid two weeks ago. Am I safe for any appreciable period? [more inside]
What helps your anxious dog during thunderstorms?
What can I do to help my dog? More details inside. [more inside]
March 3
Why are windows shortcuts so dang slow?
When I map a desktop shortcut to a folder or file, like Control + ] to open my F:\ drive, it takes several seconds for Windows 10 to react. My PC works normally and pretty reliably, tons of RAM and HD space. Is there some way to speed this up?
Not the Kelvin universe I'm used to
I have an Elgato ring light that has an API that uses a weird number for the color temperature. What is it?? [more inside]
Okay to include badges in media mail package?
I'm shipping a book (with no correspondence) to someone via USPS Media Mail and was going to include about 20 punk badges in the package. Can I still then send the package media mail, or would I have to send it Ground Advantage?
How do I work on being less casually dismissive in conversation?
I’d love practical tips for noticing this when it happens more often and ways to reframe my responses to be more kind and open to what the other person is saying. [more inside]
Where was this opinion column about book banning?
I remember reading SEVERAL years ago, an opinion column sparked by an anti-censorship event at a public library. Here's how long ago this was: the columnist was complaining about the event and calling it pointless because book banning attempts NEVER HAPPEN, there were only (some miniscule number) of events in the past several years. Does anyone else remember this column? Where did it appear? [more inside]
I got approved for medical financial assistance. Is this taxable?
Upon the encouragement of nurses when I got my immunotherapy infusions in January, I applied for, and was approved for, Kaiser's medical financial assistance program. Would whatever payments they make for my medical services be taxable (ie, me report them on my taxes) next year? [more inside]
Stopping unwanted contact from ex
My college ex-boyfriend continues to reach out every few years since we broke up. It's going on 15 years now. I don't want any contact with him and have remained silent. I want him to leave me alone. I am looking for suggestions to help stop the communication. [more inside]
Online/LA support groups for ADHD/neurodiverse, job hunting focus
Recently diagnosed ADHD, most likely otherwise neurodiverse person in LA is seeking support groups (in person or online) where he can get more understanding of what he is dealing with. He is especially looking for help with how he can best represent himself when job hunting, but any tips on how he can get the most out of life while being neurospicy would be helpful. (He is a developer, if that is helpful.) Any recommendations?
Helping 75-year-old hoard safely
My mother is 75 and lives alone in assisted living in a different state. She uses a walker and/or wheelchair. She is a hoarder. She cannot be convinced to stop with the resources and time available to us, so I'd like to focus on making her hoarding less harmful. Primary problems are papers, plastic food containers, and cheap clothing that she orders. I'm here for a 2-week visit; what can I do? [more inside]
Am I misreading the situation or is my friend being a jerk or something?
A "friend" (not sure if we're friends anymore) has been less than supportive towards me. He claims it is because of a medical issue, but that's not making sense to me. [more inside]
Which streaming device has the least onerous terms of use?
I woke up this morning and tried using my Roku streaming stick, only to find an update to the dispute resolution portion of the terms of service that had only an "Agree" button and no way to close it without clicking on that button. What choice do I have? [more inside]
iPhone SE and iOS 17 Battery Life Issues?
Recent Battery Life Issues with my iPhone SE. Not sure if its iOS 17 related, or just getting old and nearing end of life. Any tips? [more inside]
March 2
Kid-friendly, neurospicy-friendly escape room in Seattle area, please?
My kid turns 10 in October and the most "tween-y" birthday party theme she could think of was an escape room. We live in Seattle. Attendees would be in 2nd to 4th grade and some of them are various manners of neurodivergent. Please help me figure out how to do this, as the only escape room place I know of is way too creepy AND involves math and geography these kids haven't learned yet. I'm open to something packaged that we can do at home as well. Thank you!
Hotel recommendation in Copenhagen, please
Mr. Blah and I need a hotel recommendation in Copenhagen that's not too expensive, not a dump, and has decent access to the central train station, Köpenhamn H, as well as centrally located to tourist stuff. The only thing we need to avoid: a ton of stairs. (I don't know if it's common for Danish hotels not to have an elevator?) [more inside]
Fixing a dumb U.S. tax mistake
I filed my 2023 taxes with the free online H&R Block as usual. It calculated a $2 return for federal and no balance for PA. The returns were sent electronically and quickly accepted. Unfortunately I later realized I had never uploaded any of my 1099 forms; I must have missed the prompt. Is there any reason why I shouldn't go ahead and file federal & state amendments? [more inside]
Questions about intubation
I've been scheduled for this breast biopsy (wire) If that image weren't enough... [more inside]
Looking for stand up comedy bit that ended with: Let the boys play, ref!
Somewhere around 4-10 years ago I heard a great set on the podcast Put Your Hands Together. The episode was hosted by comedian River Butcher under his previous name.
A male comedian did a well-received set, the highlight was a long bit with some of the following: [paraphrased elements inside] [more inside]
How did you recover from burnout? Walk me through the steps.
I am beyond burnt out. No energy to do anything. Never feel rested--all the signs and symptoms, I have them.
I am also unable to take time off work to recover (incidentally, work is also the main source of my burnout), nor can I afford to see a naturopath. I can, however, get massages, and I regularly see a therapist.
I have had my levels tested by my family doctor and all come back in the normal range. [more inside]
Clothes blog or website inspiration-like Apartment Therapy for clothes?
Can you share your favorite blogs/websites for style inspiration for size 6-10 women? [more inside]
I need a manual egg beater that doesn't jam more often than not.
Every manual egg beater I've personally used and can find online have reports of jamming except this one which instead has reports of breaking after a couple of years of use. [more inside]
March 1
Does this kind of not-a-TV TV exist?
My primary method of watching shows (a 17” MacBook Pro) has recently aged out of the OS the main streaming sites require. I don’t follow tech advancements, but I know many of you do! What are my options when I want something in the realm of 17-20” that I can put away when not in use? [more inside]
What's like MetaFilter but different?
The governance committee of the MetaFilter Interim Board is collecting some sample bylaws. I'm looking for bylaws from groups that are roughly similar. So far, I have samples from:
* Free Software Foundation
* Open Education Consortium
* Organization for Transformative Works
* Wikimedia Foundation [more inside]
On the number of Mozart sonatas
I have this Schirmer's Library book of Mozart sonatas. It seems to use a different convention for numbering sonatas than the rest of the world. For example, it identifies k.300i as Sonata 16, but it's conventionally known as Sonata 11. Meanwhile, the famous k.545 is called Sonata 3 in my book, but elsewhere is Sonata 16. Why the discrepancy? [more inside]
Serenity now?
My family is going through a positive change. We've done about as much leg work as we can to prepare. Now we have to wait. We don't know for sure if the change will come to pass, but we are hopeful it will. I find myself wanting to keep researching, searching, training, but I sense that this is about anxiety and control. It's ruminating in a way that is not good for me. How can I handle waiting? [more inside]
Finding a mystery MySpace song
Help me find this song from MySpace. [more inside]
iOS phone app for vocal or instrument music transcription.
A friend is looking for an iOS app where they can hum or sing notes or melodies and have the app record/transcribe the notes and chords into music notation, and/or other useful info. [more inside]
Some tips for adopting a more androgynous/masculine of center style?
I'm a young-ish queer nonbinary AFAB person who recently started dressing in a less feminine fashion (no dresses, no purses, no super form-fitting tops) and have found it incredibly freeing and wonderful. I am looking for resources or potential retailers that might have clothing items that fit my new style--specifically looking for nice slacks, button-downs in fun prints or bright colors and shoes. [more inside]
My Brother 1610W printer won't connect
I have a Brother printer that won't connect either by wireless or USB. I've tried the push button wps setup, attaching it with a usb cord, putting the printer next to the router, nothing seems to work, turning both off for a few minutes - the printer is invisible to the computer. It can't find the SSIDs from local wireless connections, it just sits at 'looking for WLAN' for a few minutes then prints an error sheet. I've reset settings a few times, no change.
I will reinstall drivers on the computer, but i feel like the issue must be with the printer as it can't find any wireless connections at all. Is there a reflash option for printers like that? Does anyone have any ideas on this one? The printer is a few years old but was working ok a few days ago.
What to consider when starting a new meetup group?
What do I need to know about starting a new meetup group? My specific interest (standup paddleboarding) is not currently represented on in my area, or with any other clubs I can find nearby, but I do believe that there are folks locally who would be interested in joining such a group. So, I am thinking about starting it myself. What do I need to know? [more inside]
Selling concert tickets
What is the best way to sell tickets to tomorrow’s Stardew Valley concert in Seattle without getting scammed? [more inside]
What does getting a Master's Degree look like?
I'm finishing up my Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology this summer. YAY! It only took me 30 years. I'm throwing around the idea of continuing to get my Master's degree, but I don't even know what that looks like. Is it just taking more classes? Is it project-based? I guess each program varies, but in general, what does a Master's degree entail?
Resources around the concept of trusting yourself
For the first time, I see clearly that the common denominator of almost all of my problems in life has been that I don't trust my own perception. I know what I think and feel and want, but convince myself that I'm hormonal, or have unrealistic expectations, or am imprudent, etc., ad infinitum. Needless to say, I'm a woman. This feels like a knot hole in the fence through which I can see a whole other version of my life. What can you recommend on this topic? Novels, self-help, movies, your own experiences, whatever. I'm hungry for more perspective.
Looking for an ANC bluetooth headset for Microsoft Teams & music
Looking ideally for Teams certified bluetooth headset with ANC, good quality sound (microphone and output).
I can see offerings from Jabra, Bose, Sony, Sennheiser....
what do people recommend?
I would just go with Jabra but I suspect I wouldn't be thrilled with the sound quality for music but maybe I'm wrong? [more inside]
5G Hotspot for reliable wifi at meetings
Can a 5G hotspot cost-effectively serve wifi to a meeting of 30-40 people in a larger US city? Is it possible to purchase the hardware but only pay for the cell service for the one week every three months that it's needed? [more inside]
Recently verified outdoor places for 2 to eat in Manhattan
Going to be in the Chelsea area overnight to see Sleep No More. Looking for recently verified outdoor places where two people can eat in Manhattan, hopefully within a 30 minute walk/walk+transit from 10th Ave and W 27th. Heating is preferable but we will do without if needed. Definitely need someplace for an early dinner; a place for breakfast would also be good. Ideally someplace that serves food suitable for vegetarians.
You hate me. I have to manage you. How?
Juniors at work are indignant about the fact that I (younger woman) have authority over them and are acting out. I’m frustrated. What the hell am I supposed to do? [more inside]
What is this object?
Helping a friend clear out her garage, which contains decades of family stuff, and we've found this. Possible scribing tool or measuring equipment? (And subsidiary desk function question.) [more inside]