Looking for a child development video I saw on Threads
March 27, 2024 11:51 AM   Subscribe

I saw an awesome video on Sunday of a young child demonstrating emotions. It was on Threads and I didn't save it, and now I want to watch it again. It was from an account I don't follow. Searches within Threads and Instagram (in case it was cross-posted there) haven't turned up anything. Has anyone perhaps seen this video (details below) or have any ideas of how I can search for it?

The post was about the importance of helping children identify and name their emotions. It contained a video of a 24-26 month old child who was asked by a woman (off camera) to show 7 emotions: Happy, sad, angry, excited, confused, sleepy, love. I don't have children so maybe I'm just clueless about what kids can do at what age, but I was so amazed at this child's ability to show these emotions with their face and hands. I was particularly impressed that she understood the concept of confused and got it totally right.

The video is 2-3 minutes long. All you see is this little girl, standing up, possibly leaning against a table, maybe not. I did click on the profile page for the account but didn't take note of the name. They worked in child development, possibly research. The post included the word toddler, listed the 7 emotions, and contained the words "important" and "emotions." I can't remember any other specific words.

Any ideas of how I can find this? Or if not, are there other similar videos you can point me to? I know there's a whole world of videos about all aspects of child development but what I'm looking for is children in the age range of 2-4 years demonstrating their understanding of emotions. I found this video so compelling and fascinating, why didn't I save it!!!
posted by daikon to Computers & Internet (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Apologies if this isn't helpful, as I don't use Threads, but I have found videos like this by going to my activity in Instagram. It shows me thinks I've watched and liked, I believe. Is there a place in Threads where you can see your activity?
posted by bluedaisy at 1:39 PM on March 27, 2024

(So the idea isn't that you are searching for it, but that you are actually reviewing your specific viewing history.)
posted by bluedaisy at 1:39 PM on March 27, 2024

Response by poster: @bluedaisy I believe Threads only shows posts you have liked or saved, and I didn't do either. But your idea inspired me to try a few other things. My idea was that I would find a bunch of child development accounts, follow them, like a bunch of their posts, in the hope that I would start seeing more of those posts in my feed. I tried a few different search terms, looking for accounts to follow, and I found the video! So thank you, even though you didn't have the direct answer, it led to the answer.

I don't know if people who don't have a Threads account can see this, but here's the link. I think the video is amazing but maybe that's just because this was big news to me, since I don't have children.

Threads post
posted by daikon at 3:41 PM on March 27, 2024

To be honest I think that's just mimicking some gestures (how we most all start I guess) You might enjoy this little boy taking about managing emotions though. I wish I were as clued in about my feels!
posted by Iteki at 2:25 AM on March 28, 2024 [2 favorites]

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