Union Station (DC) overnight?
March 12, 2024 6:56 AM   Subscribe

I'm traveling by train from VT to SC and have a 12-hour layover in DC. Can I sleep in the station like I might at an airport? Their website indicates the building is closed, so I assume there's no food available. When I called the number listed, it was no longer in service.
posted by MtDewd to Travel & Transportation around Bogota Capital District - Municipality, Colombia (8 answers total)
I don't know what the official policy is but having been to DC Union Station many times I'd strongly recommend against it. Last time I was there they were doing the usual anti-homeless removal of seats etc that you're seeing in American train stations these days, and I suspect authorities would take a pretty dim view of anybody trying to sleep there. Unfortunately you're probably going to have to find a hotel or something for the night.
posted by Ampersand692 at 7:39 AM on March 12 [5 favorites]

Yes, it's open 24 hours for Amtrak passengers. It's possible that you'll need to have show your ticket to access the waiting area.
posted by Mr.Know-it-some at 9:06 AM on March 12

It's open 24 hours, but I'd say the situation could get dicey. To avoid hassles from the cops, you'll need to not look particularly "camped out," which means not looking at all comfortable sleeping! And your stuff might be subject to theft as you doze. A hotel would be a lot more comfortable. Union Station is on the Metro so getting to one shouldn't be too difficult or expensive as long as you get there before it shuts down at midnight.
posted by praemunire at 9:47 AM on March 12

Best answer: I've done this before and I think it should be fine. I wouldn't worry about theft--I'm there practically every week and it's never struck me as a high-crime building. It won't be comfortable (they have those terrible anti-homeless bars on the chairs) but if it's your only option, it's not impossible.

There are a bunch of hotels right next to Union Station (though since it's DC, they're not cheap).
posted by lizard2590 at 11:07 AM on March 12

On the one hand it's not a bad place to go, since it's a mall. On the other hand it would be like sleeping overnight in NYC's Grand Central station. I am big on transit, just took it from D.C.'s National Airport to downtown Baltimore (2 Metros, Amtrak, and a bus), but I would not stay overnight in Union Station. It's a nicer area of DC but absent a report from someone who has done it I wouldn't feel safe. You can get to any number of cool older hotels like the Mayflower in 15 minutes by Metro.
posted by wnissen at 11:08 AM on March 12

Protip: call a few apartments in the NoMa/Brookland area and see if they offer a guest suite. Probably would be considerably cheaper than a hotel, and it'd be super easy to access via the Red line. I know for sure that the CODA does (my mom stayed there last year during my surgery) and it was like $300 for a night, which came in cheaper than hotels in the area at that time. It was also a 2-5 minute walk from the Metro and extremely convenient.

I'd also try AirBnb, or if you're trying to save money, couchsurf.
posted by dubious_dude at 1:33 PM on March 12

Aya Hostel in DC may have something.
posted by hortense at 2:07 PM on March 12

Response by poster: Thanks all. I was wondering if anyone had done this, and if it was safe.
I didn't want to bother anyone or pay DC rates, but looks like it's going to be 10-12 hours between trains, and that seems too long in that place.
I have a friend out by Dulles, so I think I'll see if she's around.
posted by MtDewd at 2:11 PM on March 13

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