Good food options for vegetarians & vegans in Brighton, UK
March 27, 2024 8:35 AM   Subscribe

Over the Easter weekend I'm taking a daytrip to Brighton with a friend. I'm vegan and like to eat all kinds of foods that fit that bill, including fake meats. My friend is vegetarian and doesn't like fake meats, but does enjoy things like tofu and paneer. We're looking for restaurant suggestions where we can both get a good meal.

Our favourite cuisines are Indian, all kinds of east Asian, and pizza, so if anyone has suggestions in any of those realms that cater to our dietary requirements & preferences, we'd love to hear them!

This is for a casual-ish lunch or early dinner, we're not looking for fine dining or anything particularly pricey.

I realise that Brighton is very vegetarian & vegan friendly overall, but I don't want to choose a vegan-only place given my friend's preferences, and the sheer number of options that come up when browsing Google, TripAdvisor and HappyCow has made the research process kind of overwhelming.
posted by terretu to Food & Drink (4 answers total)
Curry Leaf Cafe hasn't failed us yet.

Ditto Fatto a Mano for pizza.

The Pond pub does lovely bao buns.

All of these are casual places and have options that sound like they'd work for you both. Or you can just walk around the Lanes and pick something, since almost every restaurant will have vegetarian and vegan options.
posted by spranks at 10:20 AM on March 27

I’m told the best one is Food for Friends. It was indeed delicious when I ate there.
posted by cantthinkofagoodname at 12:04 PM on March 27 [2 favorites]

Came here to say Food for Friends too. Been a few years since we ate there but it was tremendous and I have no reason to believe it wouldn't still be.
posted by parm at 12:59 PM on March 27 [1 favorite]

Absolutely Food For Friends! I am not vegetarian/vegan (too many allergies) but have eaten there with friends who are and we were all very happy!

Terre a Terre also very good.
posted by atlantica at 12:22 AM on March 28

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