Class reunion planning sites/ apps: any recommendations?
March 18, 2024 3:15 PM   Subscribe

High school reunion (USA). We have a planning committee and a Facebook group that includes more than a third of our class, but are shopping for an app/service with a few functions:

Most important:
- Accepts RSVPs and payments with reasonable processing fees
- Non-scammy privacy / data security policy

- Doesn't require that everyone create an account to access
- Ability to collect basic contact info for downloadable class directory

Nice to have:
- Scrub of email list from last reunion
- Lost / deceased classmate finder
- Ability to create detailed class directory with custom questions
- Photo upload / download

Don't need:
- Permanent class website
- Event planning support

We know we can piece some of these functions together DIY, but since we need payment processing, we're interested in other benefits that an app may offer. Suggestions and cautionary tales welcome. Thanks!
posted by Sweetie Darling to Grab Bag 1 user marked this as a favorite
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