LastPass - consolidate records with email vs. phone vs. username
March 28, 2024 7:00 AM   Subscribe

LastPass creates duplicate records for websites or apps that allow you to log in with either your email, username, or in some cases phone number. I know it's possible to add additional form fields to each LastPass vault entry but the process is opaque. Can someone walk me through how to do this? Note: I am aware of the issues with LastPass, and this is not a question about whether or not I should use LastPass.

For example, let's say my login to can use capricorn,, and 123-456-7890. LastPass now has three records for, all with the same password (because it's the same account) and is flagging these as a duplicate password.

I don't want to delete any of these because usually the issue is that the phone app version of the website requires an email or phone number but the web browser version requires a username.
posted by capricorn to Computers & Internet 2 users marked this as a favorite
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