Need help finding a guitar strap over 72 inches
March 27, 2024 5:05 PM   Subscribe

Does anyone know where I can order one longer than that?

My son is big and tall and a 72" guitar strap is not long enough.
I've Googled and Amazoned without success.
Does anyone know where I can order one longer than that? Bonus points if it's black denim.
Open to all price points if custom made is the way to go.
posted by smashface to Shopping (4 answers total)
Maybe contact Couch Guitar Straps? I know they did custom orders at one point but I imagine they still do if you ask.

They don't have black denim as far as I know (they usually do vintage automotive vinyl/etc.) but they're great quality. All my guitar (and camera) straps are from them & I have turned on a lot of other musicians onto them. (I also have other products from them and I love them.)

They at least seem like the kind of people who if they can't do it for you, they will know someone who can.
posted by edencosmic at 6:08 PM on March 27, 2024 [3 favorites]

Will an extender work? They sell guitar strap extenders. That might be a temporary solution.

Any seamstress should be able to make a black denim guitar strap. The hardware can be ordered from various sources online .

Additionally check local leather shops, and also shoe/belt repair places. If they can't make you one they might have names of people you can use locally.
posted by fluffy battle kitten at 7:04 PM on March 27, 2024 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Seconding Couch as great straps and their FAQ page certainly makes it sound like they're willing to do custom orders.

Etsy also has plenty of guitar straps for sale - while many stores are just resellers of stuff you can get elsewhere (or companies expanding their reach, Couch and Walker & Williams both sell through Etsy in addition to their own sites, for example), I know there are individuals and small shops making their own straps. I think it's mostly leather workers doing this, but it's worth some prowling and maybe contacting the stores.

Revolution straps says they take custom orders, and Souldier straps is another small company who seem likely to be willing to make an extra extra long strap, since most of their straps are made to order anyway (for most of their regular straps you pick a variety of color and material options as part of ordering.)

You might be out of luck on the black denim from the above except for maybe an Etsy seller, but I think the extra length should be pretty doable.
posted by soundguy99 at 7:47 PM on March 27, 2024

I get my guitar straps from this shop on Etsy. I bet they could make a custom one that's perfect!
posted by limeonaire at 6:10 AM on March 28, 2024

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