Recently verified outdoor places for 2 to eat in Manhattan
March 1, 2024 6:52 AM   Subscribe

Going to be in the Chelsea area overnight to see Sleep No More. Looking for recently verified outdoor places where two people can eat in Manhattan, hopefully within a 30 minute walk/walk+transit from 10th Ave and W 27th. Heating is preferable but we will do without if needed. Definitely need someplace for an early dinner; a place for breakfast would also be good. Ideally someplace that serves food suitable for vegetarians.
posted by rednikki to Travel & Transportation around New York, NY (3 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Cookshop.
posted by praemunire at 7:37 AM on March 1, 2024

Best answer: The High Line hotel, a block away from
Cookshop, has a decent coffee kiosk on its lobby. They serve sweet and savory breakfast pastries as well as coffee and tea, and the back garden has some heat lamps and comfortable seating. You can eat there whether or not you are staying at the hotel.
posted by lasagnaboy at 9:42 AM on March 1, 2024

Best answer: Spicy Moon is a must for vegetarians.

Also, The Grey Dog in both Chelsea and the West Village have outdoor seating, though I can only confirm that the West Village location was recently seating people outside. (And they have heating.)
posted by omgwtfpmr at 3:25 PM on March 1, 2024

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