These questions had a final answer added recently.
March 12
Loop drive north from Phoenix?
Thanksgiving week, flying into PHX with seven days to hike and play. Someone suggested five days in Sedona and two days in Jerome. What would you do? [more inside]
posted by AnOrigamiLife to travel & transportation on Sep 12, 2023 - 12 answers
posted by AnOrigamiLife to travel & transportation on Sep 12, 2023 - 12 answers
February 2
1970s documentary: competition to explain perpetual motion wheel?
I'm looking for a particular documentary about a competition between two groups of students who were tasked with determining what was the mechanism behind an apparently perpetually spinning wheel. It has completely evaded my Google-Fu, which makes me think that some of my memories must be faulty. Here are the faulty memories: [more inside]
posted by Didymium to media & arts on May 31, 2022 - 6 answers
posted by Didymium to media & arts on May 31, 2022 - 6 answers
December 9
Please help me find a comfort watch for tonight.
Right now I'm really tired and somewhat spent, emotionally. I really need something to cheer myself up tonight.
What can I watch? I am looking for something fluffy and comforting. NOT anything dramatic or thrilling or sad.
NOT nostalgic and no suspense, not spooky (I'm a wimp), no injustice, no war. Nothing that requires empathy if it makes sense.
Does anything come to mind?
I'm not in the US but have HBO and Netflix. [more inside]
posted by M. to human relations on Sep 26, 2022 - 55 answers
posted by M. to human relations on Sep 26, 2022 - 55 answers
November 27
Disoriented in the dark
For a couple years now, I've been experiencing severe disorientation and anxiety in the dark. I've seen two eye doctors and last year I had an MRI. I'm not even sure what kind of dr to see next or how to approach this. YANMD. More inside. [more inside]
posted by mermaidcafe to health & fitness on Aug 4, 2020 - 10 answers
posted by mermaidcafe to health & fitness on Aug 4, 2020 - 10 answers
November 2
Kuala Lumpur Recovery Location
I'm flying to KL for minor surgery and then I'll be there for 10 days. I won't be be incapacitated but I'd like to avoid the hassle of finding food in a new city 3x per day while recovering: what's a good central area to stay that'll minimize this issue - i.e. has easily accessible take-away food and supermarkets?
posted by 7 Minutes of Madness to travel & transportation on Oct 30, 2023 - 10 answers
posted by 7 Minutes of Madness to travel & transportation on Oct 30, 2023 - 10 answers
August 9
Who is Hartman Jule?
While trying to check a quotation about retirement by one Hartman Jule, I found that while the name appears on lots of quote-collecting websites, I was unable to find any biographical information on anyone by that name. All references inside books only lead to epigraphs (i.e., more quotes), most having to do with retirement or advertising. Is this a known pseudonym of an individual? In lieu of any information on Hartman Jule having been a real person, I'd like to find the primary source(s) for the quotes attributed to him. [more inside]
posted by obloquy to writing & language on Feb 5, 2015 - 4 answers
posted by obloquy to writing & language on Feb 5, 2015 - 4 answers
June 29
Reliable Transportation
What are the arguments for and against method of transportation as a protected class? [more inside]
posted by aniola to law & government on Feb 24, 2013 - 25 answers
posted by aniola to law & government on Feb 24, 2013 - 25 answers
April 23
What's this British midcentury font?
The one on the old Greenwich Time Signal. Similar to the one that used to be on BBC Television Centre (cw: huge image, maybe not mobile-friendly). What is it? [more inside]
posted by scruss to media & arts on Feb 10, 2018 - 5 answers
posted by scruss to media & arts on Feb 10, 2018 - 5 answers
April 1
Agonizing about rehoming an adopted dog.
Am I the a**hole for going back on this adoption? [more inside]
posted by Gusaroo to pets & animals on May 3, 2019 - 14 answers
posted by Gusaroo to pets & animals on May 3, 2019 - 14 answers
February 23
What are good ground rules to ask for as a condition for moving back in?
My depressed husband (previously) has been getting worse, culminating in two incidents this week that made me go stay at a family member's. What are some things I can ask for as a requirement before I move back in? [more inside]
posted by sockmeamadeus to human relations on Jan 8, 2017 - 71 answers
posted by sockmeamadeus to human relations on Jan 8, 2017 - 71 answers
February 5
Help me find this English Juvenile Historical Fiction!
English Juvenile Historical Fiction: Help me find three books, which are written in an intelligent "teaching" style loosely based on real events. Plenty... [more inside]
posted by ninazer0 to media & arts on Oct 17, 2006 - 6 answers
posted by ninazer0 to media & arts on Oct 17, 2006 - 6 answers
February 4
A term for when a "being" puts part of itself elsewhere for safe-keeping
I'm looking for a term that describes when a "being" (supernatural, magic, or just as a part of ritual) puts part of itself or its power into another organism or inanimate object, usually for safe-keeping and without the knowledge or permission of the host. [more inside]
posted by cocoagirl to writing & language on Jan 1, 2020 - 13 answers
posted by cocoagirl to writing & language on Jan 1, 2020 - 13 answers
January 17
Ghost song?
A ton of lyrics sites seem to think there is a song "For Everyone" by Dar Williams. Does this song actually exist, or is this some weird misattribution? [more inside]
posted by dmd to media & arts on Dec 4, 2010 - 4 answers
posted by dmd to media & arts on Dec 4, 2010 - 4 answers
What to do with thousands of camels?
My mother passed away earlier this year and left behind a large camel collection. Very large. (We're talking 10000+ objects.)
After keeping a few to remember her by, what do I do with it? [more inside]
posted by dmd to home & garden on Jul 3, 2014 - 16 answers
posted by dmd to home & garden on Jul 3, 2014 - 16 answers
December 1
How much competence/sharpness can I reasonably expect from an attorney?
I've been through four lawyers (two firms) in the last two years for the same matter. Each time, they keep either making errors or overlooking things and priorities, which I find frustrating. I feel like these things would not happen with an attorney in the place I used to live. Are my expectations around this reasonable? [more inside]
posted by corb to law & government on Dec 21, 2016 - 17 answers
posted by corb to law & government on Dec 21, 2016 - 17 answers
November 11
How to get mail delivered rurally?
We recently moved to a rural area, in a development with about 12 homes. There's an apartment-style mailbox at the road with a package locker. Everyone else gets USPS packages delivered to their doors. We do not. FedEx and UPS do deliver to our door. Is there anything to be done? [more inside]
posted by MonsieurBon to law & government on Apr 17, 2022 - 18 answers
posted by MonsieurBon to law & government on Apr 17, 2022 - 18 answers
November 3
How do I fix my living room’s smell?
My living room has had a certain smell since we first bought the house 1 year ago. I feel it’s getting worse (although it could be in my head). It doesn’t smell anywhere else in the house. How do I find out the source of the odor? [more inside]
posted by samthemander to home & garden on Jul 2, 2018 - 25 answers
posted by samthemander to home & garden on Jul 2, 2018 - 25 answers
November 2
Can I drink home made Oral Rehydration Solution instead of water??
I really struggle to drink water, and it makes me feel kind of nauseous or faint when I drink supposedly normal amounts, and it's hard to find out what a minimum normal amount should be. [more inside]
posted by Elysum to health & fitness on May 2, 2021 - 18 answers
posted by Elysum to health & fitness on May 2, 2021 - 18 answers
October 19
Name this late 90's/early 2000's electronic/dance song
In the noisy background of this Sonic State product showcasing video, there is a song I've heard before but that I can't for the life of me find the name of. Maybe it's from around 1997-2003? [more inside]
posted by Megnusin to media & arts on Apr 6, 2018 - 5 answers
posted by Megnusin to media & arts on Apr 6, 2018 - 5 answers
October 12
Good replacement for Muji recycled yarn socks?
My spouse and I are seeking a replacement for Muji recycled yarn socks. These socks "are discontinued and will not be back in stock". My spouse writes: "I’ve worn these socks for about 15 years without finding anything similar, and my last sets (purchased around 2018) are wearing out." He really loves these - help us find a suitable replacement? [more inside]
posted by brainwane to clothing, beauty, & fashion on Dec 6, 2020 - 8 answers
posted by brainwane to clothing, beauty, & fashion on Dec 6, 2020 - 8 answers
October 6
Who do you hire to help you when you have focus issues at work?
I like my work-from-home desk job, but I seem to want to do anything except my work during the day. Many years of therapy have helped, and a couple years ago my doctor put me on an antidepressant, which helped too, but it's not enough. [more inside]
posted by mysh to work & money on Aug 25, 2022 - 9 answers
posted by mysh to work & money on Aug 25, 2022 - 9 answers
August 8
All this over a ham sandwich?
Please help me figure out what I should have done differently in this argument with my boyfriend. It gets long, sorry. [more inside]
posted by guessthis to human relations on Jul 18, 2012 - 70 answers
posted by guessthis to human relations on Jul 18, 2012 - 70 answers
June 27
Magyar Bárd Sorsa recording
I'm having trouble finding an online recording of this poem, "Magyar Bárd Sorsa" by Gyóni Géza. Does one exist?
posted by michaelh to media & arts on Feb 6, 2021 - 1 answer
posted by michaelh to media & arts on Feb 6, 2021 - 1 answer
May 2
YAYA (yet another young adult) Fiction ID
Please help me identify this young adult novel (comatose teen explores afterlife with long-dead caveman). [more inside]
posted by audi alteram partem to media & arts on Mar 27, 2012 - 4 answers
posted by audi alteram partem to media & arts on Mar 27, 2012 - 4 answers
April 24
What are legal aspects of changing one's name to a mononym, or employing multiple legal aliases?
I'm changing my name to a mononym. What should I know or do to make this easier? [more inside]
posted by saizai to law & government on Jan 23, 2011 - 47 answers
posted by saizai to law & government on Jan 23, 2011 - 47 answers
March 23
Looking for a comic about Maslow's Hierarchy.
I'm looking for a thing I once read. It was a comic or other illustrated story on the internet in the mid-2000s. It starred a girl (I think) who was exploring a strange, largely empty world. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs was a motif throughout; it might have been intended as a teaching tool. I remember there being a city, and a train. It might have been colored with colored pencils. The Hierarchy appeared in the illustrations as it was being explained, perhaps with one layer of the pyramid highlighted, or others grayed out.
posted by 4th number to society & culture on Dec 9, 2016 - 1 answer
posted by 4th number to society & culture on Dec 9, 2016 - 1 answer
February 3
70s Young Adult Novel ID.
70s Young Adult Novel ID. Main character is a teenage girl named I think Star or Starr. [more inside]
posted by JanetLand to media & arts on Mar 15, 2016 - 3 answers
posted by JanetLand to media & arts on Mar 15, 2016 - 3 answers
November 10
digitizing a book
I want to digitize an old, rare book (into a text file/epub) without destroying it. I have an iPhone, an ipad, a computer with Windows 10 & Ubuntu, and a lot of time on my hands (so I don't mind physically taking a picture of the text on each page.) I do not want to spend money on this. What's the best combination of programs to use to do OCR on each page and then combine all the OCR'd text into one document that I can then proofread/correct?
posted by needs more cowbell to technology on Sep 15, 2020 - 15 answers
posted by needs more cowbell to technology on Sep 15, 2020 - 15 answers
October 10
RSS to Pinboard
Most of my IFTTT applets are sending RSS feeds to Pinboard - making a private bookmark for each rss entry. How would you do this without using IFTTT? [more inside]
posted by soelo to computers & internet on Sep 10, 2020 - 3 answers
posted by soelo to computers & internet on Sep 10, 2020 - 3 answers
August 31
Help me come home to a spa, scent-wise
You know that scent that wafts by when you open the doors of a hotel spa or upscale gym? I have a dream that when I come home after work and open the door of my apartment, it smells exactly like that fancy spa or gym. I have some ideas about how to get there, but I'd like your help! [more inside]
posted by capricorn to shopping on Jul 24, 2019 - 14 answers
posted by capricorn to shopping on Jul 24, 2019 - 14 answers
August 28
Name that '70s synth tune
Synth instrumental, ca. 1975, used as broadcast news theme music as late as '80s. Haven't heard it since. No matches on the music search sites. I lost my original off-air recording; below is a wav file of a midi reproduction. URL is obviously temporary for this ask. [more inside]
posted by zaixfeep to grab bag on May 9, 2018 - 8 answers
posted by zaixfeep to grab bag on May 9, 2018 - 8 answers
June 29
Old joke / humor book ID
I'm looking to ID a joke book I had in the 70s. It contained several jokes and explained why each was funny. There are examples in the extended post. [more inside]
posted by mu to writing & language on Feb 25, 2019 - 6 answers
posted by mu to writing & language on Feb 25, 2019 - 6 answers
May 28
Help me help my mom sell her business so she can retire
My mom (mid seventies) has run her own clothing boutique for the past couple of decades. She's in a town / geographical area that's growing like wildfire, and her store is in a great, highly-trafficked (leased) location. She has a good relationship with the building owner, who's also semi retired and owns a bunch of buildings and businesses in town. [more inside]
posted by syzygy to work & money on Apr 29, 2021 - 13 answers
posted by syzygy to work & money on Apr 29, 2021 - 13 answers
May 15
Birds! What are they good for?
My loving husband gave me a pair of birds. I was able to quickly google how to take care of them, and am doing fine in that regard, but am wondering: how do bird people enjoy them? Bonus question: how do I get my cats to not want to eat them? [more inside]
posted by corb to pets & animals on Oct 14, 2013 - 32 answers
posted by corb to pets & animals on Oct 14, 2013 - 32 answers
March 28
Name this fragment of a tune
In this video of the 12 Days of Christmas, what is the tune being quoted at about the 5 min. mark?
posted by mpark to media & arts on Dec 16, 2016 - 10 answers
posted by mpark to media & arts on Dec 16, 2016 - 10 answers
March 26
Looking for a big stringy comic book binder
My daughter has a subscription to the (fantastic) Phoenix story comic. However, coming up weekly, they are now taking over the house. They previously sold some great string binders which hold 26 issues each, but i made the mistake of only buying six and now they are all out. [more inside]
posted by fizban to shopping on Apr 23, 2018 - 2 answers
posted by fizban to shopping on Apr 23, 2018 - 2 answers
March 25
Help me buy a great film!
I'm looking for a copy of the 1979 Dutch film "Opname" (U.S. title: "In for Treatment"), to rent or buy. [more inside]
posted by JimN2TAW to media & arts on Sep 18, 2007 - 8 answers
posted by JimN2TAW to media & arts on Sep 18, 2007 - 8 answers
December 6
Want a quick and easy way to make a video from a folder of images
I have several series of photos that I want to stitch into short quick-cut slideshow videos. Quicktime 7’s "Open Image Sequence..." function used to do exactly this, but for some reason it no longer works. Is there a small Mac app to convert a bunch of images into a video (with the ability to set the duration to show each image)? [more inside]
posted by blueberry to computers & internet on Mar 7, 2020 - 4 answers
posted by blueberry to computers & internet on Mar 7, 2020 - 4 answers
October 13
A friend gave me a poem about jazz. I left it there.
Lost Poem. This is *not* the poem I'm looking for:
A friend told me
He'd risen above jazz.
I leave him there.
- Michael s. Harper
Rather, that poem is the epigraph for a much longer poem. [more inside]
posted by bingo to media & arts on Jan 15, 2006 - 5 answers
A friend told me
He'd risen above jazz.
I leave him there.
- Michael s. Harper
Rather, that poem is the epigraph for a much longer poem. [more inside]
posted by bingo to media & arts on Jan 15, 2006 - 5 answers
September 13
When someone dies, you lose the memories they have of you.
I came across someone who said, basically, "When someone dies, you lose the memories they have of you, and you lose the part of your identity that was external to you, and kept within that person." It had to have been in the last two years. Does anyone remember this essay? It feels especially relevant as so many memories are being erased right now.
posted by mecran01 to writing & language on Apr 11, 2020 - 10 answers
posted by mecran01 to writing & language on Apr 11, 2020 - 10 answers
September 9
Quiet, romantic spot to propose in NYC.
I'd like your help in figuring out a quiet, private and romantic spot to propose to my girlfriend while we're on a 2-day trip in Manhattan. [more inside]
posted by anonymous to human relations on Mar 17, 2014 - 45 answers
posted by anonymous to human relations on Mar 17, 2014 - 45 answers
August 26
Can anyone identify this song?
Can anyone identify this song? [more inside]
posted by marimeko to media & arts on Dec 21, 2009 - 14 answers
posted by marimeko to media & arts on Dec 21, 2009 - 14 answers
August 12
Resources for a 63yo woman in NYC on the financial brink of homelessness
A very good friend of mine who lives in NYC has struggled financially for years. I helped bail her out after a brush with homelessness in 2016, and then she won lawsuit that helped keep her afloat for the last 3 years. That money has run out, and she's asking me for financial help again. I can give some short term help, but I'm desperate for some resources to point her to help with this situation. Many details inside. [more inside]
posted by kimdog to work & money on Feb 23, 2020 - 8 answers
posted by kimdog to work & money on Feb 23, 2020 - 8 answers
August 9
Does anyone remember this educational computer game?
Does anyone remember this educational computer game? [more inside]
posted by thebots to computers & internet on Dec 1, 2011 - 18 answers
posted by thebots to computers & internet on Dec 1, 2011 - 18 answers
July 20
Hindu temple in the Poconos with painted steps
Around 1986, my family visited a Hindu temple or similar religious facility in the Poconos area of Pennsylvania. I remember that the path from the parking lot up the hill to the building was a stairway of huge stone steps, each of which was painted with a different design. Does this temple still exist? Where is it? Online photos of Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, the Jain temple Siddhachalam, and Sringeri Sadhana Center don't look like what I remember.
posted by brainwane to travel & transportation on Feb 4, 2016 - 4 answers
posted by brainwane to travel & transportation on Feb 4, 2016 - 4 answers
June 18
Sit-and-stay training for pillow-top
My new-to-me "pillow top" is not attached to my new-to-me queen mattress, but is a separate pillowy pad which likes to migrate beneath the fitted sheet to my side of the bed. [more inside]
posted by Sunburnt to home & garden on Jan 21, 2020 - 11 answers
posted by Sunburnt to home & garden on Jan 21, 2020 - 11 answers
March 27
Streaming Romanian/Hungarian TV in USA
My MiL is coming to stay with us in late spring. She's older and speaks no English. So to make the days tolerable while we're at work and her grandson is in school, I need to get TV set up for her. She's a bilingual Hungarian from Romania. Some of her very favorite shows are in Hungarian, her native tongue. But she still likes to watch the news and whatnot from home, in Romanian. What are the current options for shows from these countries together or separately? [more inside]
posted by DirtyOldTown to technology on Jan 3, 2016 - 5 answers
posted by DirtyOldTown to technology on Jan 3, 2016 - 5 answers
February 11
Remember a sex drugs rock n roll site from a few years back?
Sex, guns, drugs, rocknroll, fashion blog site from a few years back? Link please? [more inside]
posted by varion to media & arts on Sep 5, 2012 - 9 answers
posted by varion to media & arts on Sep 5, 2012 - 9 answers
November 30
ID a song from this mid to late-90s commercial?
Help me identify this song from a vague memory of a commercial. The timeframe is about mid to late 90s and it was in the USA. I think it was for beer, and the song was foreign (my memory says French but there's no way I would have known that at the time). [more inside]
posted by C^3 to media & arts on Feb 17, 2016 - 6 answers
posted by C^3 to media & arts on Feb 17, 2016 - 6 answers
October 31
A cookie made from crushed cookies
I am looking for another recipe that I bookmarked and then lost. This one was a pretty standard sugar cookie recipe but after the first bake, you grind up the cookies into a powder. Then you mix that powder with butter and rebake the dough. Do you know of a similar recipe? [more inside]
posted by soelo to food & drink on Sep 27, 2018 - 9 answers
posted by soelo to food & drink on Sep 27, 2018 - 9 answers
October 2
Recommendations for bar or lounge in williamsburg/bushwick/ridgewood
attention nyc mefi - i am looking for recommendations for a place to meet up with work folks in brooklyn, but to fit our particular needs. [more inside]
posted by anonymous to food & drink on Sep 10, 2014 - 8 answers
posted by anonymous to food & drink on Sep 10, 2014 - 8 answers
August 28
Bugs. Biting her.
What kind of bug could be persistently biting my girlfriend but not me? She gets anywhere between 1 and 12 new bites per day. [more inside]
posted by anonymous to health & fitness on Mar 8, 2010 - 19 answers
posted by anonymous to health & fitness on Mar 8, 2010 - 19 answers
July 20
We are considering a move to Valencia Spain anyone have a comment?
We are a couple in our mid 60's and very young and happening at heart and body. We are tired of the US and its crummy politics and high cost of real estate and would like to move to Spain or Italy in two years. We both will still like to work, I am a chef and he is a builder, we can speak a little Spanish and would learn more of course. He is from Holland so we can legally move there. Anyone have any experience with moving to a foreign country as an older person and what it is like to make friends, fit into a new culture and learn a new way of life? [more inside]
posted by privatechef to work & money on Nov 2, 2018 - 9 answers
posted by privatechef to work & money on Nov 2, 2018 - 9 answers
July 11
Finding song based on music video
Trying to find a song based on what I remember on the music video. Was sung by a woman, kind of melancholy sounding. Most notable part of the music video was a woman riding a horse and she had dramatically long hair that floated through the sky. [more inside]
posted by LittleNami to media & arts on Jul 5, 2015 - 5 answers
posted by LittleNami to media & arts on Jul 5, 2015 - 5 answers
July 9
Late notice Buenos Aires tours?
I'm taking all of December off, and one of the things I'd like to do is travel a bit. After some deliberation I think I'm interested in a trip to Buenos Aires. I'm looking for any specific recommendations for reputable and enjoyable tour groups/companies. I'm 40, non-spanish speaking, and would be travelling alone.
posted by dmd to travel & transportation on Nov 12, 2018 - 3 answers
posted by dmd to travel & transportation on Nov 12, 2018 - 3 answers
July 8
How to Sell a House with a Baby
We would like to sell our house, but we have a new baby who is cared for at home, we both work from home, and I have no idea how to make this work so anyone can see our house. [more inside]
posted by juniperesque to home & garden on Mar 21, 2019 - 11 answers
posted by juniperesque to home & garden on Mar 21, 2019 - 11 answers
June 30
Solo Zen
Some Zen monasteries and other meditation centers and will host paying visitors who want to spend time in silent but *independent* retreat (who want to follow the center's general principles but not its schedule or group activities). Do you know one like this that you recommend? [more inside]
posted by kalapierson to travel & transportation on Sep 25, 2017 - 9 answers
posted by kalapierson to travel & transportation on Sep 25, 2017 - 9 answers
June 7
What kind of bed/sofa did my grandmother have in Hungary decades ago?
She lived in Budapest and I believe she had it from the 1950s or 1960s until she died in 2008. I live in a small apartment in NYC and I keep thinking it would be the perfect thing, but no sofa beds that I can find (online or off) resemble it, and I don't even properly know how to search. It was meant to be a permanent every night bed, but it folded into a somewhat awkward-sized (by US standards) large and serviceable sofa. [more inside]
posted by Salamandrous to home & garden on Jun 9, 2018 - 16 answers
posted by Salamandrous to home & garden on Jun 9, 2018 - 16 answers
May 24
What to say in job application when supervisor will speak unfavorably?
With my last long term full time employment, I was subject to some rather unsavory behavior by my employer. Human resources had to be involved, and I wasn't told very much about the situation and they were not terminated. Most applications ask A) may we contact supervisor and B) why did you leave. Officially I was laid off, as that was really the only retaliation they could legally do (state employment). I obviously won't be getting a good review from that person even though my employment reviews were quite good. What do you say i this situation?
posted by kingbuzzie to work & money on Nov 21, 2017 - 23 answers
posted by kingbuzzie to work & money on Nov 21, 2017 - 23 answers
May 21
Wide front, narrow heels, hope me!
Walking shoes for narrow heels, wide front foot, bunions, and plantar fasciitis. Plz hlp. [more inside]
posted by needs more cowbell to clothing, beauty, & fashion on Nov 8, 2017 - 14 answers
posted by needs more cowbell to clothing, beauty, & fashion on Nov 8, 2017 - 14 answers