These questions have answers marked "best" by the asker.

March 24

Who should I hire to sell property to my cousin? Lawyer? Realtor?

My late father had a cabin on 10 acres in northern Michigan that's been used during deer season with his friends and family that were into that. He put my name on it as well when he purchased it. I don't use it, but my cousins do and we want to arrange a sale to one of them. [more inside]
posted by ursus_comiter to Home & Garden at 12:17 PM - 10 answers

March 23

Redecorate my newspaper box!

I am now the owner of an old newspaper box, something like this. Help me turn it into something fun! [more inside]
posted by MonkeyToes to Grab Bag at 2:17 PM - 7 answers

It was the end of the world . . .

I remember reading a book from at least 15 years ago about the Roman invasion of the Celtic / Anglo Saxon territories. It was written in an odd dialect (old-English-ish, with a glossary) and was essentially a post-apocalyptic survival tale set 2000 years ago. I cannot for the life of me remember the name or author, and my Google-fu is failing me. Does this ring any bells for anyone? Thanks in advance!
posted by ananci to Media & Arts at 12:07 PM - 9 answers

How do I switch between workbooks on excel Mac?

I’m running the latest version of macOS Sequoia and using Microsoft 365 (Excel). I often have multiple workbooks open, but I can’t find a keyboard shortcut that lets me switch between them. [more inside]
posted by cacofonie to Computers & Internet at 9:36 AM - 7 answers

How can I measure kWh used over time for a chest freezer?

Is there a tool or device I can buy that will let me accurately measure kWh used over time for a chest freezer (UK electrics), without requiring bare wire work? [more inside]
posted by Rhedyn to Home & Garden at 6:29 AM - 13 answers

March 22

Did I imagine this movie / show?

I think it was maybe a month ago, there was some discussion about a movie possibly? Set in the semi-near future, where you could hire pets by the hour via an app (for the busy professional). [more inside]
posted by many-things to Media & Arts at 11:56 PM - 3 answers

Home perm first timer!

I'm pretty much decided on perming my own hair. Is it true that you can back out of it by washing it within xx hours if you regret it? More idiotic questions and general requests for advice inside. [more inside]
posted by Iteki to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion at 2:39 PM - 11 answers

Sopranos-filter: Father Phil and Rosalie April

”I told you I was not a big Renee Zellweger fan” remains in rotation in the Lemkin household. But what is Carmela referring to when she guilt trips Father Phil about Rosalie Aprile?
posted by Lemkin to Media & Arts at 8:40 AM - 6 answers

March 21

PTSD in newish city

I moved to Pittsburgh in September. I’m making friends but haven’t been here long enough to have completely safe places and people when my PTSD spikes. It’s been bad for over a week, and one of the triggers is loud noise from nearby bar, so my apartment doesn’t feel safe. I do not drive or have money to go anywhere. I’m not looking for grounding ideas; I need ideas on where to go to feel safe, even briefly. Can be general or specific. [more inside]
posted by mermaidcafe to Health & Fitness at 6:40 PM - 10 answers

What to do with an antique necklace?

This broken tortoiseshell necklace is French from the 1700s, and not to current taste. But what to do with it? [more inside]
posted by ldthomps to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion at 11:51 AM - 17 answers

Why did I think the Director of Parasite had died in the last couple yea

I just learned that Bong Joon-ho has a new movie "Mickey 17" coming out. I would have sworn on my mother's grave that he had died in the last few years. Does anyone have an explanation for this delusion?
posted by Pembquist to Society & Culture at 10:18 AM - 2 answers

They stopped making my favorite shoes. I need replacement suggestions.

For years I have worn and loved Saucony Originals Bullets, but they don't make them anymore. There are used ones out there, which I'm not interested in....what I want is a replacement. [more inside]
posted by Thistledown to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion at 5:52 AM - 13 answers

March 20

Real estate broker dating ethics

I figure if you need a license to do the job, there may be professional codes at least implied. [more inside]
posted by Lemkin to Human Relations at 6:08 PM - 7 answers

Testing for Chronic or Reoccurring Mono?

Going to the doctor next week for reoccurring Mono need some guidance for testing or specialists. [more inside]
posted by aetg to Health & Fitness at 2:48 PM - 3 answers

Style my lighting...suggestions wanted for strip lights and dining room

I'm going to be doing some renovations and since we're doing stuff with the ceiling I'm going to make some lighting changes. I need some ideas for what kinds of lighting might work for me. Mainly I would like aesthetic opinions/recomendations I need a light that can be not-directly-under-the-electrical-box in my dining room and strip lights for the solarium. Bonus crazy would I be to buy a light fixture on Temu (safety wise...if it's ugly cheap looking, I can return it). [more inside]
posted by If only I had a penguin... to Home & Garden at 2:40 PM - 2 answers

standalore slack-like list app

I quite like the list app in slack, and I use the Project tracker template. However, I would rather have this as a standalone app rather than part of slack (mostly for offline use). Can you recommend a dedicated (but simple) app for Mac? [more inside]
posted by dhruva to Computers & Internet at 10:21 AM - 5 answers

Under-cabinet mount cordless stick blender

Is a cordless stick blender whose charger mounts under your upper cabinets a thing? [more inside]
posted by GCU Sweet and Full of Grace to Home & Garden at 10:03 AM - 6 answers

March 19

Trying to track down lyrics for 'Alimentate' by Quetzal, tried usuals

Lots of web search, no luck finding the lyrics for this song: I even tried to reach the band. Anyone have a special source?
posted by 4midori to Media & Arts at 9:14 PM - 2 answers

Help Me Not Hurt When I Do This....

While running errands this weekend, I twisted my left ankle and fell. However, when I was mid-fall I also tried to catch myself and pulled a couple extra muscles for good measure - a couple toes on the right foot, and also one of my pecs. The ankle and toes are recovering very nicely (I have twisted my ankle a lot and know the drill) but the pec isn't - because it gets more regular use. How can I give it a break and recover quicker? [more inside]
posted by EmpressCallipygos to Health & Fitness at 8:58 AM - 8 answers

"Ignorance" chess variant - does this exist? If not, ways to make it?

I have an idea for a chess variant where initial positions are internally jumbled and you start in a state of ignorance about your pieces' identities, and must discover them by attempting to move them. I'm wondering if this exists already, especially as a computer game, and if not how one might make it. Details inside... [more inside]
posted by nightcoast to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation at 7:20 AM - 1 answers

Voice recording on iPhone which doesn't cut out?

I have the need to occasionally record conversations on my iPhone which can sometimes be up to an hour. I have tried using Voice Memo, but it randomly pauses and cuts out unexpectedly and no amount of fiddling with the settings seems to stop it from doing so. I basically need a reliable app where I can hit 'record' and let it run, even with a locked screen and even if there are messages popping up on screen from other apps. I am willing to pay for an app which can do this. [more inside]
posted by frumiousb to Computers & Internet at 3:34 AM - 3 answers

March 18

Why does the Wayback Machine take snapshots at such irregular intervals?

Sometimes it will be 11 months with nothing and then five snapshots on the same day.
posted by Lemkin to Computers & Internet at 5:33 PM - 4 answers

How do I fire someone without losing my mind over it?

I need to fire my assistant. I’ve already tried to fire her twice and both times, she’s convinced me to give her another chance. How do I firmly and kindly let her go? [more inside]
posted by silverstatue to Work & Money at 5:29 PM - 36 answers

Is there hope for the Left in the UK?

I'm feeling betrayed by the Labour Party and despondent about the state of the country, and I'm looking for some sign of hope. [more inside]
posted by Chenko to Society & Culture at 9:44 AM - 12 answers

Hyper-polite translation: "No, I can't intro you to my famous friend"

I'm close friends with a well known leader in my field, let's call her Sage. I know a ton of people who want to advance in my field, and they're eager to network with Sage, so they ask me to connect them. Can you give me some extremely gracious scripts to nicely tell people to just contact Sage themselves and leave me out of it? [more inside]
posted by vanilla.extract to Human Relations at 9:30 AM - 25 answers

Can you recommend a good VoIP app for international calls?

So Skype is being shut down. I use its ability to make international calls to landlines on a regular basis, and would like to keep using that feature. What app that I could use on an iPad would you recommend? All I need to do is make phone calls to landline numbers here and there in the world.
posted by Kattullus to Computers & Internet at 3:54 AM - 4 answers

March 17

Collection of columns by a fashion critic for The New Yorker?

The columns would have been written in the 70s or 80s, I think. I could swear I once owned a book that collected a number of them.
posted by Lemkin to Media & Arts at 9:52 PM - 2 answers

What's going on with my laptop?

I have an Asus Tuf Gaming laptop, which I bought within the past year and a half, as far as I remember. It's been decent aside from having low memory, which I've always meant to remedy. Unfortunately, my wifi and bluetooth are now acting up... [more inside]
posted by Alensin to Computers & Internet at 6:17 PM - 7 answers

Fine dining in CDMX

Looking for high-end restaurant recommendations for Mexico City. [more inside]
posted by supermedusa to Food & Drink at 9:00 AM - 15 answers

Killing of Nobles in Florence?

Reading a link from the post about the Vasari corridor, there was a single sentence that said "After many civil wars & watching neighbors fall to conquerors, the Florentine Republic decided to secure its liberties by *massacring all the nobles and putting their heads on pikes!*." Where do I get details about this? [more inside]
posted by Hactar to Society & Culture at 4:01 AM - 2 answers

What should a Cindy Lee fan check out in terms of wonky inaccessibility?

I'm in love with Cindy Lee's music for the music itself, yes, but I also love how hard it is to get hold of and actually hear. It makes me feel like a teenager. What else should I be checking out? [more inside]
posted by kensington314 to Media & Arts at 12:34 AM - 4 answers

March 16

Natural wood shelf project, not flush against wall?

Mrs. HeroZero got some lovely natural/driftwood cutting boards on deep discount at Home Goods. Her idea is to turn them into shelves for small knick-knacky things (i.e. nothing heavy) by putting brackets on the bottom. However, the side edges of the cutting boards are not straight but "natural". Will the brackets alone be enough to hold up the shelves, or does the self edge itself being flush with the wall provide stability? [more inside]
posted by HeroZero to Home & Garden at 3:43 PM - 6 answers


What would you call the 3rd chord? [more inside]
posted by falsedmitri to Media & Arts at 9:17 AM - 15 answers


What happened here? [more inside]
posted by Lemkin to Technology at 7:31 AM - 15 answers


Why do electric outlets outside the US have switches? I’ve seen this in Spain, Portugal, Australia, and New Zealand so I expect it’s pretty common globally. Like, if I plug something into an outlet presumably I want power to go to it. Asking because sometimes the switch is close enough to the outlet that it blocks my big global power adapter.
posted by billsaysthis to Technology at 1:29 AM - 16 answers

March 15

Can [small children] eat this? Elderly dried chanterelles.

A “can I eat this” but for kids! Topic: pre-pandemic dried mushrooms. [more inside]
posted by rodneyaug to Food & Drink at 6:55 PM - 10 answers

Old cat sleeps so deep

My old cat sleeps sooo deeply. This is making me panic. [more inside]
posted by St. Peepsburg to Pets & Animals at 5:39 PM - 5 answers

Where should I get my US political news from?

The usual sources don't appear to be reliable narrators, so where do I go now? [more inside]
posted by essexjan to Media & Arts at 3:58 AM - 31 answers

March 14

Whither Canada?

I'm trying to find immigration records for some ancestors who emigrated to Canada from Eastern Europe somewhere around 1910. Might they be online? [more inside]
posted by Admiral Viceroy to Law & Government at 5:53 PM - 5 answers

Explain batteries to me like I’m Jesse Pinkman

Can rechargeable Ni-MH batteries cause actual damage to small electronics? How? [more inside]
posted by katieinshoes to Science & Nature at 2:44 PM - 20 answers