standalore slack-like list app
March 20, 2025 10:21 AM   Subscribe

I quite like the list app in slack, and I use the Project tracker template. However, I would rather have this as a standalone app rather than part of slack (mostly for offline use). Can you recommend a dedicated (but simple) app for Mac?

This is for managing academic lab projects and keep track of papers in progress, I don't really need features like team members etc
posted by dhruva to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)
Response by poster: Forgot to add: No subscriptions
posted by dhruva at 10:23 AM on March 20

Reminders will do simple task lists and it's built in to Mac (and iOS).

Obsidian is much more than a task list, but you can use it as a fairly simple task list. You'd want the Tasks plugin, and as that statement implies there's a bit of complexity to setting it up.

Todoist is free at the basic level and pretty polished; it's worth taking a look at.
posted by Bryant at 10:36 AM on March 20

if you like the command line, taskwarrior might suit you fine. (It has me.) Otherwise, I know Things has won various awards. I haven’t used it, so more of a general note to give it a browse.
posted by Going To Maine at 11:09 AM on March 20

Best answer: A simple Numbers file can do this. Make a table for it and it's sortable by field.
I like Task type/Task Name/Who's responsible/Intended Start/Due/Done
(and my "types" are GTD-style Action, Routine, Someday, Tickler, and Waiting. "Routine" is daily/weekly/etc things that I never check off, just change the start date to when I want to do it next)

(You most likely already have Numbers)
posted by ctmf at 6:04 PM on March 20 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: A simple Numbers file can do this

You're right, I'm overthinking this. I set up a test file, and it'll do the job. Thanks!
posted by dhruva at 9:18 AM on March 21

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