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What else can I cook in a Dutch oven?
Someone got me a cook book recently and I just tried this recipe for chicken thighs cooked with rice and coconut milk in a Dutch oven. It was awesome! Super tasty, super easy. I've never really cooked with a Dutch oven before. What else can I make along the lines of protein + starch + veggies = low effort deliciousness using my Dutch oven. Particularly interested in vegetarian recipes. [more inside]
What to do on cross-country road trip?
My millennial son and I are planning a cross-country road trip for three weeks in April, and want to know about things we shouldn’t miss along the way. We’re interested in history, local culture, easily accessible nature attractions (walking but not hiking), architecture and in particular, places where movies/scenes have been shot. Also anything weird. [more inside]
Best free stock photography?
I need to build a library of stock photos. I work at a nonprofit that helps predominately low-income Hispanic families in Chicago. We have very little money. What are the best sites for free, legal-to-use stock photos? [more inside]
Can you recommend a good VoIP app for international calls?
So Skype is being shut down. I use its ability to make international calls to landlines on a regular basis, and would like to keep using that feature. What app that I could use on an iPad would you recommend? All I need to do is make phone calls to landline numbers here and there in the world.
Visit Portland neighborhood recommendations
Spending 2 separate nights in Portland - parent and two older teenagers.
What neighborhoods should we stay in?
Cool hotels?
Looking forward to great restaurants of any cuisine with veggie options, and the teens like thrifting/non-mall shopping. We’re visiting from coastal Southern California and will have a car.
Are there any good tomato-growing apps?
I'm being ambitious this year and attempting to start tomatoes from seeds. I have all the material, feeling good, seedlings started. But I would love an app that had daily reminders of the various tasks, especially once it's time to do weekly fertilizer etc. Are there any good guidance/companion/reminder sort of apps out there? I know about generic reminder/scheduling apps — I mean something especially for tomatoes.
I'm in the US - how do I call these numbers in the UK?
I have been given two different numbers to call in the UK. I'm in the US. It's not working. Here are the numbers:
0330 024 1805
03330 113 113.
What am I doing wrong? (I'm on an iPhone though I don't think that makes a difference.)
An Amazon Fraud Mystery
It looks like mom's Amazon was hacked, and we've frozen her credit card, but how did these acquaintances end up involved? [more inside]
the best fake plants/flowers
I am needing to cut my expenses, and this includes my weekly purchase of an Emotional Support Bouquet from my local florist. But it's a huge freakin drag to see my utterly flowerless apartment, week after week. Do you know of any artificial stems/bouquets that are almost as good as the real thing? I figure even a single larger outlay has to be cheaper in the long run than a weekly habit. NB: I really want them to look like actual flowers, at least under casual observation.
Need recc's for 2-3 days' stopover in the Pyrenees
We'll be roadtripping along the Spanish border from West to East, and only have a 2-3 days to visit the Pyrenees en route to Barcelona. We're reasonably fit but prefer some not-too-challenging hikes. We're also expert horseback-riders if you know any stables. We'd like to stay close to the border, preferably on the Spanish side. Pls give all advice for a good home-base town, specific trails, hot springs, inns, or can't-miss experiences! Thanks!
What other career paths do you suggest for Software QA Analyst?
What other career paths do you suggest for Software QA Analyst? [more inside]
Need something to see/do on this specific route from VT through NH to MA
On a day in early May I will be driving from Waterbury, VT to Concord, NH and then ending up in Woburn, MA. Along the way we were going to do the Flume Gorge Trail at Franconia Notch, but now two people in our group have injuries that make that impossible. What's something we can see or do along that route that isn't a stair-filled hike in a gorge? [more inside]
All day, I can’t wait to get home and rest…
… as soon as I get home, I’m energetic, restless, and bored. What gives?
What is a “constitutional crisis”?
According to many news and opinion pieces I’ve recently read, when the US president defies court orders, that means a “constitutional crisis” is underway. What does this actually mean? [more inside]
Is there hope for the Left in the UK?
I'm feeling betrayed by the Labour Party and despondent about the state of the country, and I'm looking for some sign of hope. [more inside]
Horror stories for young children
I'm looking for spooky and/or scary story books for a six year old. [more inside]
Looking for concrete statistics & stats about racism in the U.S.
In prep for a possible upcoming discussion for the need for measures to counteract the United States' history of racism I would appreciate it if people could point me to information and studies that might demonstrate the continuing dimensions the problem. [more inside]
Why does the Wayback Machine take snapshots at such irregular intervals?
Sometimes it will be 11 months with nothing and then five snapshots on the same day.
Does this student have an attitude?
I often misinterpret situations so would be grateful for some feedback on this scenario. [more inside]
Unintentional legalization of gay marriage when one partner is trans?
I read a long time ago (pre 2015 at least) about a state that did not allow you to legally change your gender. Therefore, a cis woman and a trans woman were permitted to marry. I can't find any sign of this on the Internet. Help? [more inside]