Need recc's for 2-3 days' stopover in the Pyrenees
March 19, 2025 12:03 PM   Subscribe

We'll be roadtripping along the Spanish border from West to East, and only have a 2-3 days to visit the Pyrenees en route to Barcelona. We're reasonably fit but prefer some not-too-challenging hikes. We're also expert horseback-riders if you know any stables. We'd like to stay close to the border, preferably on the Spanish side. Pls give all advice for a good home-base town, specific trails, hot springs, inns, or can't-miss experiences! Thanks!
posted by egeanin to Travel & Transportation around Spain (2 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
- Lekeitio is a neat little town that has a small island off its coast that you can walk to only when the tide is out. Lekeitio also has a crazy festival called the day of the geese that, if its going when you are there you should really see
- Guernica has the Assembly house of the Basques that is a really cool special place
- The Caves of Zugarramurdi are also cool. an easy hike, and what a name!
posted by Jungo at 3:29 PM on March 19

Orbaizeta is a small town where you could make a quick stop, there are ruins of an ammo factory where the King of Spain had people making cannonballs for the army a couple of centuries ago. In the immediate area there are very ancient stone circles and dolmens, and ruins of a Roman outpost further up the mountains.

For Basque-area stone circles in general, the word "harrespil" is a good search engine term. I visited the one at Oianleku, which was very atmospheric. Many are good hiking destinations.
posted by gimonca at 4:14 PM on March 19

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