These questions have no answers yet.

May 5, 2023

Musicians: How are you submitting your music for review?

How are you submitting your music for review in printed and online publications these days? [more inside]
posted by jonathanhughes to Media & Arts at 1:48 PM - 0 answers

May 4, 2023

Please recommend a nice coffee table book on the artist Augustus John.

Shopping online and finding it hard to choose. I'm looking for a reasonably comprehensive collection with lots of big, clear, colour reproductions. New or used.
posted by brachiopod to Media & Arts at 10:39 AM - 0 answers

May 3, 2023

Parking question in Baltimore

Help me park efficiently near Canton Waterfront Park! [more inside]
posted by babelfish to Travel & Transportation at 6:15 PM - 0 answers

April 23, 2023

Performance in Marseille that a Non-Speaker Might Enjoy

A friend and I will be visiting Marseille for several days in the Fall. While our French is rudimentary, we'd both like to experience a show of some kind. So I'm hoping for recommendations for a show or cabaret or other venue that might be fun for non-speakers. [more inside]
posted by Short Attention Sp to Travel & Transportation at 3:25 PM - 0 answers

April 9, 2023

Looking for an affordable dentist doing partial dentures in NYC

Can anyone recommend a kind, affordable and good dentist for a partial denture in NYC (replacing just one missing tooth)? [more inside]
posted by cardamom to Health & Fitness at 6:20 PM - 0 answers

April 3, 2023

How can I fix the way Microsoft Zira pronouces certain words?

Is there a way to change the Microsoft voice Zira so she stops saying "Mississippi" when the word miss is used as a title or with a period at the end of it? [more inside]
posted by soelo to Computers & Internet at 8:16 PM - 0 answers

Math based Scrabble/Upwords game for iOS

A friend and I have pretty much played ourselves out on Scrabble/Upwords word-based games and are looking for a new game to take their place. Numbers based games would be welcome, but in general something with massive replay-value where each game takes a few days would be ideal. Suggestions?
posted by Tell Me No Lies to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation at 10:30 AM - 0 answers

March 27, 2023

Anyone used the free scriptwriting feature in StudioBinder?

I'm having trouble finding the scriptwriting module in StudioBinder. There is supposedly a Documents page where you can create scripts, but all I've gotten so far is a Project created. I can't find a way to add or create scripts. Help!
posted by storybored to Computers & Internet at 10:03 PM - 0 answers

March 24, 2023

Trying to find a 2010 online blog with a memorable webpage layout

Back in 2010, there was this Vice / Cracked-style article site that always had the text directly on top of the empty space of a (16:9?) photo. All of the photos used the Rule of Thirds with either blur or simple color backgrounds so that the text was always either white or black and very readable. [more inside]
posted by weewooweewoo to Computers & Internet at 4:35 PM - 0 answers

March 22, 2023

Article on TikTok potentially influencing US, comparing with Shein?

Last year, perhaps, I read an article highlighting the potential, latent risks of TikTok by asking, essentially, what is stopping the Chinese government from using the platform to quietly spread misinformation or influence opinion en masse? It described using AI (this was pre-ChatGPT) to pinpoint susceptible pressure points in the population (forming arguments that people would be more likely to buy, and quickly), and cited and compared fast-fashion company Shein as part of the discussion. Anyone know the piece?
posted by VeniceGlass to Society & Culture at 4:19 PM - 0 answers

[META] Last call for Steering Committee nominations

PSA: This week is the last call for user nominations to the second Steering Committee to help set policy and oversee the site budget for the year ahead. Do you want to help chart a course for this community (or know someone who would make a great pick)? Send in your nominations today! More details from the full MetaTalk post inside. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi to Grab Bag at 1:05 PM - 0 answers

March 13, 2023

Toronto Bike Frame Builder Recs?

I have a steel bike frame (track racing bike) that I would like to have drilled so it can take a rear brake. Any recommendations for a frame builder / bike shop that can do this? (Frame can definitely accomodate it.) West end is preferred. Thanks!
posted by dobbs to Health & Fitness at 4:45 PM - 0 answers

Signing into Windows 10 post-offline install

I have built "around" an old PC using a mix of new and salvaged parts, and thought I'd install Windows 10 "clean". I built on a workbench and didn't connect to the Internet while doing the initial Windows install, and now it's asking for a product key. [more inside]
posted by Shepherd to Technology at 3:09 PM - 1 answer

March 9, 2023

Book it! Help me find this children's book.

I'm trying to find this book from my childhood about becoming an older sister. Black jellybeans below the fold... [more inside]
posted by OhHaieThere to Media & Arts at 8:33 AM - 0 answers

March 7, 2023

help me choose a ripstik for my son

My son tried his cousin's ripstik and is hooked. His 10th birthday is coming up so we want to get him one, but there seem to be different types (mostly Razor brand) and I'm not sure which one to get. [more inside]
posted by piyushnz to Shopping at 3:51 PM - 1 answer

Consumerist(?) logo?

Looking for an old logo that I'm 99% certain was on The Consumerist back in its heyday. The logo said "My Call Is Important To You!" with a phone (or maybe a stick figure?) shouting at a tall building. Any idea where it could be? Did I imagine it?
posted by rouftop to Computers & Internet at 9:57 AM - 0 answers

March 6, 2023

Looking for a TikTok/IG mallsoft artist

A few months ago I found a mallsoft/vaporwave producer and I'm having a hard time finding them again. Help? [more inside]
posted by pxe2000 to Media & Arts at 7:04 AM - 0 answers

March 2, 2023

Private psychoeducational assessment in the GTA, sans ABA

I am looking for a place that can do a private in-person psycho-educational assessment on a pre-adolescent in the Greater Toronto Area. I do not want to go anywhere that does ABA or associated therapies.
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness at 10:03 AM - 0 answers

February 6, 2023

Where and how to find more assistant TV/film editing work?

My husband works as an assistant editor in film and TV. He's mostly freelance, based in NYC, and able to work remotely. He's noticed a significant decrease in posted jobs over the past year. Landing a gig has also gotten more competitive. His usual sources are his local network, Facebook groups for editors, and StaffMeUp. He is looking into joining the union, but he's a little early in his career to be eligible. Are there other places where he should be looking for work or networking?
posted by rhythm and booze to Work & Money at 9:50 AM - 1 answer

February 3, 2023

How to create a collaborative custom map (for our sales points)

For my work, I keep a map of our current resellers all over the world, and this (google) map is published on our website. This way, potential retail customers can easily find a reseller near them. Currently, I manually add new resellers to the map when they place their first order. This is .... time-consuming. How do i let resellers add themselves to the map instead? [more inside]
posted by PardonMyFrench to Computers & Internet at 9:55 AM - 0 answers

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