E-learning platforms for fun and profit
June 18, 2023 11:31 AM   Subscribe

Mainly profit tbf. There are a lot of different options, which gives most bang for my buck if I want to share my skills and have people pay me for the privilege?

I probably want just fairly straightforward text and images, close to a powerpoint. I don't see myself adding video, and if I did, I could probably just link to youtube. I don't need them to promote me, although I would be happy for them to, I mainly want to serve this to my own clients.

I want them to take care of payment for me, but I want to keep as much as possible of the money and set my own prices (I know that sometimes when they promote you they set the price, that's fine as long as I can charge what I want for direct access links).

If there were a way to, for example, provide 1-on-1 coaching or feedback on related content that could be interesting. If there are other features you think I should be thinking of let me know.
posted by Iteki to Education 2 users marked this as a favorite
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