Questions in the Human Relations category.
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July 25

Father death and adult trauma from the past

How does the death of an abusive father affect the trauma issues of his adult children? [more inside]
posted by Joan Rivers of Babylon at 4:22 PM - 6 answers

How and whether to talk to my brother about quitting smoking?

My older brother, 60ish, smokes cigarettes, and I worry about him and its impact on his health, and I wish he would quit. Should I talk to him about this? Particularly interested in hearing from smokers, ex-smokers, or people with loved ones who smoke or have smoked. [more inside]
posted by swheatie at 2:53 PM - 15 answers

July 24

Teen wants to quit 3 week camp half way through

I have a 16 yo who is away at camp for 3 weeks and is half way through. She wants to come home now and says that it's not fun, the councillors are passive aggressive, she is sick (cold), she gets a feeling of numb emotions due to anxiety. These are a lot of reasons I am having a hard time parsing out. [more inside]
posted by waving at 7:34 AM - 51 answers

July 23

Experiences with APS

If you or a loved one had experience with Adult Protective Services, can you tell me more about what that experience was like? [more inside]
posted by mosst at 1:13 PM - 5 answers

July 22

Wedding Verbal Jujitsu

Please help me develop a polite, pithy, and positive response to the inevitable questions that I will likely receive at my half-brother’s upcoming wedding regarding why I am not in the wedding party. [more inside]
posted by fenwaydirtdog at 11:51 AM - 42 answers

July 21

Conflict resolution roleplay ideas for kids

I'm doing an activity with middle school kids (age 10-14) to roleplay solving conflicts. In most examples I can think of, there's a clear "wrong" person. Instead, I'd like examples of conflicts where BOTH kids need to change or compromise. [more inside]
posted by nouvelle-personne at 2:58 PM - 10 answers

How to be an awesome grandparent

I'm living near my grandchildren now, and I want to be an awesome grandparent. If you had awesome grandparents, please share what made them awesome. How did they make you feel safe, loved, and happy in their home? What did they do that made you really want to visit them? [more inside]
posted by FencingGal at 9:04 AM - 39 answers

July 20

How to win friends and influence people, hard mode

When my nervous system is well regulated, people love me. I can have a good conversation with anyone, and people like to give me things and bend rules for me. When it's not, people don't seem to like me at all, and even seem to want to pick on me. [more inside]
posted by wheatlets at 10:33 AM - 19 answers

July 18

Only Love Can Break Your Heart

My girlfriend and I are going to have to break up soon. [more inside]
posted by Leontine at 4:17 PM - 20 answers

Interesting questions for speed dating!

I'm going speed dating next week and am looking for some fun but not too outlandish but interesting questions and openers to ask. [more inside]
posted by firei at 2:59 PM - 20 answers

Teaching emotional reslience

How do you teach a child emotional resilience without invalidating their feelings? Trying to help a sensitive tween who cries over a lot of small things, gets easily discouraged and hurt by minor inconveniences or offenses without telling them "it's just not that big a deal" or "just don't let it bother you". How do you be supportive, but at the same time teach them to be stronger in the face of life's (small) challenges?
posted by roaring beast at 12:44 PM - 20 answers

July 17

I will die in ten years. Should I rot?

Turning 28 this year, but my oncologist thinks I have ten years left to live; twenty if I'm lucky. [more inside]
posted by antihistameme at 1:24 AM - 34 answers

July 16

Coping with Suicide-Ideating Partner

My partner is feeling hopeless, and I’m having Feelings about it. Help me deal. People who have struggled with these feelings especially wanted. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:29 AM - 12 answers

July 15

Medical Care for Undocumented Alien in Los Angeles

I'm a therapist in training who worked with a new client today in need of a full checkup and dental work. He's lived in Los Angeles 20-25 years and cannot remember ever being in a doctors office. Only ER trips, Curious to see what I can find regarding free medical and dental services for him in the Los Angeles area. He lives in east county near Chino
posted by goalyeehah at 8:30 PM - 10 answers

Thriving in Trump territory?

I live on the western edge of Cincinnati (a city and neighborhood I ADORE). Four months ago, I took a job further west, which means I spend my days at a small business 20 miles outside the city center. Y’all, it is TRUMP territory. [more inside]
posted by missmary6 at 1:19 PM - 9 answers

July 12

Buying things for a home with a partner with ADHD

Asking people who are close to those with ADHD and those who have it: is it hard for you to focus on a task if someone adds other things into the mix? (I'm talking about a day out furniture shopping.) [more inside]
posted by magdalen123 at 1:09 PM - 23 answers

How do professional actors mimic happiness so well?

A confident poise can be also easily faked. However, the face seems to be a totally different kettle of fish. Most people can spot a fake smile a million miles away. How do professional actors mimic emotions like happiness so well without their face betraying them? [more inside]
posted by jacobean at 12:19 PM - 18 answers

July 11

What are the minimum reuirements for a casual friendship?

I know that connections always have some elements of imperfection, but I'm struggling to figure out the line between imperfection and lack of platonic compatibility. I don't want to be so picky with friendships that I'm lonely, but I also want to be aligned with the people in my life. Any suggestions for how to determine whether a person is an imperfect connection or one that doesn't meet minimum friendship standards? [more inside]
posted by ygmiaa at 7:00 PM - 15 answers

July 10

You, a cis man, stopped significantly being bitter at women. How?

I am looking not for best theoretical approaches, but what has personally worked for *you/* to become less bitter at women, how long it took, and what the progress looked like. Sock puppets welcome. [more inside]
posted by corb at 9:08 AM - 15 answers

July 6

How to get care for my 9-year old for a day in a nearby city

I live in Toronto, and have 50% custody of a delightful 9-year-old. A few times this summer, I need to go to nearby Waterloo (a 1-2 hour drive depending on traffic) to run workshops for a client. What are some good options for having my kid cared for? My ideal thing would be, like, a 1-day drop-in fun camp (Minecraft!) in Waterloo, but I think camps all run by the week. Ideas? [more inside]
posted by ManInSuit at 6:47 AM - 12 answers

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