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Questions About New Hampshire
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July 21, 2017
Concord, NH weekend -- worth it?
We will be attending a wedding in Concord NH in October. The wedding is on a Sunday night, and we're considering heading up there on Saturday morning to make a weekend of it. Is Concord fun? [more inside]
June 30, 2017
Summer camping near North Conway, NH - recommendations for things to do?
I'm planning a camping trip in a few weeks near North Conway, NH with my kids, and I'm looking for suggestions for things to do.
In particular - I'm looking for recommended/favorite hikes, waterfalls, swimming holes, etc, plus any other favorite activities, things to see, places to eat, etc.
My kids are pretty good hikers (they climbed Mt Lafayette last Fall), so don't hold back!
Many thanks in advance!
May 24, 2017
New Hampshire: the next level
This was me a few months ago. Since then, it seems much more certain that I will, in fact, be moving, so it's time for a follow-up. [more inside]
April 27, 2017
Cute, boutique-style hotel in or near Portsmouth, NH?
Looking for a cute, smallish hotel in Portsmouth, NH for a wedding anniversary getaway. Somewhat last minute. [more inside]
September 2, 2016
Missed the bus to New Hampshire tonight! Oh no!
My friend and I were supposed to catch a bus tonight from Boston to Lincoln, NH (White Mountains area). Unfortunately, we're going to miss the bus! What can we do? [more inside]
May 24, 2016
Best Kid's RV Vacation in New Hampshire?
OK. We have an RV on loan for a week's vacation in the first week in August (we can fudge where the week begins and ends). We have a six year old. We have at least one parent, probably two, nostalgic for New Hampshire in high summer. [more inside]
June 24, 2013
NH Specific Question: What to do in Barnstead with a dog?
Spending a day in Barnstead NH with my dog. What can we do for fun? [more inside]
April 1, 2012
What to do in Rye Beach, NH this summer?
Looking for things to do/ general advice about a vacation in Rye, New Hampshire this summer. [more inside]
December 13, 2010
I need some NH knowledge.
How do I get a jumpstart on "knowing" New Hampshire? [more inside]
August 22, 2010
What to do in New Hampshire?
I am spending this upcoming weekend in New Hampshire, U.S.A.. Specifically Manchester and Concord. Is there anything specific that I should check out or do while in the area? Only in town for three days.
August 9, 2010
Sightseeing in Hanover, NH
What to do in and around Hanover, NH? [more inside]
July 22, 2010
NH/MA/ME with the family
I'm looking for recommendations for family friendly day trips centered around Portsmouth, NH in August. [more inside]
October 12, 2009
New Hampshire over Christmas
Going to New Hampshire over Christmas. Ideas for places to stay and a FWD car rental question. [more inside]
September 4, 2009
how to get a man to see Cornish NH?
I'm planning a day trip to Cornish, NH to see where Salinger lives. Before you start bashing, let me state that, I have no intention of disturbing him but I would like to see the place. [more inside]
August 26, 2009
Veterinarians and Cell Phones in New London NH
New London NH filter: Question about cell phone coverage and veterinary services in New London NH specifically. [more inside]
August 6, 2009
What auto club is good in New Hampshire?
Auto Club/Towing services in New Hampshire - use Triple AAA or is there a better service here? [more inside]
August 1, 2009
Are NH lakes public beaches open to ALL?
Does anyone know if the "Public Beaches" at Lake Winnisquam and Opechee are actually public or are they only open to residents? [more inside]
July 10, 2009
What to do at Dartmouth?
I have a few hours free in Hanover, NH-- what should I do? [more inside]
June 8, 2009
Ye olde NorthEast
Mobile Phone coverage in Hanover, New Hampshire? General winter tips? Things to avoid? I need tips for moving to NH. [more inside]
March 7, 2009
Moving to the Upper Valley
Mz. Billtron and I are moving from Brooklyn, New York, to Hanover, New Hampshire, this summer. I know nothing about that part of the country and would appreciate any advice or recommendations that will make the transition a great one. [more inside]