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Questions About Spain
Displaying 41 through 60 of 237. Subscribe: Ask MetaFitler Questions Around Spain

August 28, 2017

Travelling without laptop or tablet...

I'm considering travelling around Spain for 3 months and not taking my laptop or tablet, just my phone (Galaxy Note 5) and paper notebook. Everyone I've mentioned this to says I'm crazy and "should just bring in case", but when pressed cannot give a good reason why--"in case of what?" Not one person thinks this is a good idea. Are there any good reasons for worrying about travelling in another country (I'm Canadian) without a laptop? Also, any Android apps that might be useful for someone without a computer? Thanks!
posted by dobbs around Spain at 9:17 AM - 26 answers

August 21, 2017

Advice sought for travel to Spain

I'm travelling to Spain (Barcelona/Valencia/Oliva) for the first time from Canada from Sep 5 thru Nov 29. Looking for advice for things to do on those dates as well as info on how best to handle getting a SIM card for an Android phone (Note 5). Specifics on the More Inside. Any advice appreciated! [more inside]
posted by dobbs around Spain at 4:56 PM - 9 answers

April 17, 2017

What are some not-to-be-missed foodie experiences in Barcelona?

I'm going to visit Barcelona next month (yay!). What are some favorite restaurants, food tours and so on that you would recommend? [more inside]
posted by storybored around Barcelona, Spain at 5:44 PM - 20 answers

The now in Bilbao

I'll be in Bilbao in early June. Help me plan! [more inside]
posted by PussKillian around Bilbao, Spain at 11:41 AM - 4 answers

April 3, 2017

Mediterranean Road Trip?

We're finally taking a trip to Spain--11 full days, with the idea of hitting at least Madrid, Grenada and Barcelona. But we've gotten it into our heads that it might be nice to road trip along the Mediterranean from Grenada to Barcelona rather than go back to Madrid and take the train. Is this crazy? [more inside]
posted by thecaddy around Spain at 11:24 AM - 6 answers has best

March 10, 2017

A Spanish Inquisition

Primary travel destination August-Sept is Barcelona, staying about 3 blocks from the La Floresta train this manageable? [more inside]
posted by zinful around La Floresta, Spain at 5:25 PM - 3 answers has best

Barcelona for xmas with a kid?

I'm thinking about going to Barcelona with my husband and our 11-year-old at Christmas time. We're interested in architecture, museums, food, and some low-key chilling out over the holiday. I'm concerned, though, that most stuff will be closed or extra-expensive because of the holiday. [more inside]
posted by stinker around Barcelona, Spain at 6:17 AM - 1 answer has best

March 8, 2017

BarcelonaFilter - vacation rentals via Craigslist?

For short term rentals in Barcelona, there's the usual AirBnb or VRBO, but I see a dozen or so listings on Craigslist vacation rentals. Wondering if these are legit. Need to rent for about 2 weeks. [more inside]
posted by 4midori around Barcelona, Spain at 10:39 AM - 5 answers has best

February 20, 2017

Great restaurant in Madrid?

We have a long layover in Madrid on a Saturday night (March 11th) and need recommendations for an amazing authentic Spanish restaurant. Price doesn't really matter, as long as we can get a reservation, if needed. We're staying in the Hotel Villa Real, very close to the Museo Nacional Del Prado. If we could go somewhere walking distance from there, that'd be ideal! Thank you!
posted by ancient star around Madrid, Spain at 3:01 PM - 10 answers has best

January 24, 2017

Galicia & Northern Portgual

This year's summer hols have been picked and we fancy visiting Galicia in NW Spain and also spending some time in Northern Portugal, what should we not miss in either region re accommodation, food, sites? [more inside]
posted by biffa around Spain at 11:28 AM - 6 answers has best

January 23, 2017

Family activities in Barcelona

We're off to Barcelona for 5 days in August. What are some family-friendly (2 adults, a 5y/o, and a 1y/o) activities to do or places to visit? [more inside]
posted by EndsOfInvention around Barcelona, Spain at 9:55 AM - 11 answers has best

November 24, 2016

One Week in Basque Country - Help Me Plan!

My partner and I will be traveling to the Basque Country during the 1st week of April 2017. Can you help us plan the specifics of our trip? [more inside]
posted by tmharris65 around Spain at 11:58 AM - 4 answers

October 19, 2016

2-Day Córdoba Trip

Looking for recommendations for a 2-day (probably a bit rainy) trip to Córdoba, Spain next week. [more inside]
posted by iamsuper around Córdoba, Spain at 1:20 AM - 1 answer

June 20, 2016

Unplanned day trip to Seville tomorrow--help, please!

My husband, our five-year-old, and I are vacationing in the Algarve, and we suddenly have a free day tomorrow to do whatever we'd like. We want to use the day to see Seville. However, we haven't had time to plan. What do we need to see? What do we need to avoid? What do we need to know about that I'm too tired to think to ask you about?
posted by TEA around Ayamonte, Spain at 4:23 PM - 2 answers

May 23, 2016

How to get the most out of San Sebastian over a rainy weekend

After years of raving about San Sebastian to my husband, we're finally going together for a 4 day weekend! I just checked the weather and it's going to be raining buckets. I was hoping for a lot of nice walks and hanging out in parks to work off the wine and pintxos but now that seems kind of unlikely. The aquarium seems like an option, but what else could we do? (Of course if you have recommendations on where to go for more wine and pintxos, do share!)
posted by like_neon around San Sebastián, Spain at 3:38 AM - 2 answers

March 20, 2016

What to do with an extra day in Malaga

Our flight was cancelled and my husband and I have ended up with an extra full day in Malaga. What should we do? Picky caveats inside. [more inside]
posted by shelleycat around Málaga, Spain at 1:23 PM - 7 answers has best

February 17, 2016

How do I get tickets to Barcelona v Arsenal?

I am an American and a soccer fan. I will be in Barcelona on Wednesday March 16, when Barcelona play Arsenal in a Champions League match. How do I get tickets? [more inside]
posted by Flood around Barcelona, Spain at 10:53 AM - 7 answers has best

February 10, 2016

Best way to carry money in Europe

I will be travelling to France, Italy, and Spain in a few weeks, and I'm trying to decide the best way to carry money with me. Many sites have recommended money belts, but this seems weird and awkward for actually paying for things! I would feel weird untucking my shirt and reaching into my pants in a fancy restaurant, for example. [more inside]
posted by rainbowbrite around Figueres, Spain at 11:00 AM - 42 answers

January 15, 2016

24 hours solo in Palma de Mallorca

Any reccomendations for a solo traveller spending 24 hours in Palma, Mallorca in January? [more inside]
posted by iamsuper around Palma, Spain at 3:54 AM - 1 answer has best

December 22, 2015

Two Guys In Madrid For Two Weeks In Jan

That's to you guys we're going to Madrid for two weeks in mid Janurary. Since it's our first time we plan on doing on the standard touristy things, but what are some things we might miss out on otherwise? We enjoy fine dining, touring impressive feats of engineering, unusual or highly specific museums, the gothic or macabre, antiques, high end second hand mensware shops, and all types of ruins. Day trip advice very welcome.
posted by The Whelk around Madrid, Spain at 9:15 AM - 15 answers