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Questions About Oslo, Norway
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June 18, 2019
Nordic Cruise Advice?
Looking to do a Nordic cruise destination next year, 2 adults and 2 kids (5 & 1.5). 7-12 days.
Any specific suggestions or tips? [more inside]
April 15, 2017
What to do in Norway
I am going on my first real vacation in years and am flying into Oslo for a week in June. What should I do there? I'm open to things in Oslo, in Norway, and in surrounding countries​. [more inside]
November 21, 2016
Two days in Oslo in early December: what should I see and do?
I have two days in Oslo December 3rd after a conference and am wondering what I should do. I want to spend it all in the city (no nature or hiking for me), so looking for urban things such as museums, art galleries, etc. Plus something very non-intellectual as I will be keen on that after days of discussion. Recommendations for vegetarian or vegetarian friendly places that I should be sure to eat at also very welcome.
Any and all recommendations appreciated.
June 29, 2016
Travelling to Norway from UK tomorrow: Least worst currency option?
Going to Oslo, Norway tomorrow at short notice - what is the least worst option for getting Norwegian currency with the current terrible state of British sterling? Airport exchange will not accept pre-orders for collection due to market instability, usually a reasonable deal. Should I just draw cash on my debit card when I get to Oslo?
May 8, 2016
Oslo: running in summertime
We're visiting Oslo for a week next month and I would love some good running routes. Any suggestions or resources? [more inside]
August 1, 2015
48 hours in Oslo, Norway
What should my husband and I absolutely not miss when we are in Oslo in a couple of weeks' time?
We are staying three nights in the city: arriving Wednesday 12th August in the early evening and leaving Saturday 15th early afternoon. However, we have a day ticket to the Oya Festival on the Friday (the festival site does not open til 1pm though), so in terms of actual sightseeing time we have one evening, one whole day and a couple of half-days. [more inside]
June 19, 2015
Toddler-friendly activities in Oslo for the jetlagged parent
My family - me, husband, 18-month-old toddler - is headed to Oslo next week. For three full days, I'll be busy all day with an academic conference. Help us think of easily accessible, toddler-friendly things for my husband and son to do during that time. [more inside]
July 9, 2014
Oslo for a geek , underground lover
I'am going to Oslo in norway for a reportage on the suscon.
I'am a geek (tech guy (java , python ) , video game lover, role playing gamer) and fond of different underground (hackerspace , urbex , goth one etc ...).
If you have any contacts here or place to visit i will be glad ....
July 3, 2014
Travelling from Oslo to Paris--what shouldn't we miss?
Mrs. Hanoixan and I will be taking a trip from Oslo to Paris over a couple of weeks in August. We're already planning on seeing the Sognefjord, and tooling around the French countryside. There's a ton in the middle. What route would you suggest (we'll be taking trains where we can)? We like the road less travelled and beautiful places.
May 28, 2013
Happy Hours in Oslo, Norway????
We are a group that wants to meet regularly after work, or early in the evening- for a chat, a drink, maybe a snack... before heading home for dinner and to see our families etc. Can you please help me come up with a list of happy hours in Oslo, Norway? The more details you can give the better!
February 17, 2013
Help me entertain my friend in Oslo for the next 3 days
I just moved to Oslo, like, last week. My friend is visiting. I live near Carl Brenner Square. How should we spend our time, get around, etc? Assume that I know nothing about Oslo! I've seen other threads about Oslo, but I need a little bit more location specific help and instructions on HOW to get to places etc. because I'm not even sure where I am. She'll be here until Wednesday. HELP!!!!!!
November 11, 2011
Is Cheap(er) Lodging in Oslo, Norway Possible?
Oslo Lodging Query! [more inside]
May 2, 2011
Nightlife in Oslo?
I will be in Norway (Oslo & Bergen) for 5 days in mid-May. I've found lots of great threads about what to do during the day, but what about nightlife? I'm having trouble finding solid restaurant/bar recommendations, along with music venues/dancing. MeFi, where do the hip kids hang?
May 5, 2010
What to see and buy in Oslo
I have about 10 hours spare in Oslo as part of my itineray for my friends wedding. What should I see in Oslo in that time? Also, I want to buy a present for my awesome wife who is letting me go, and who I will miss terribly while there. Any recommendations for some Norwegian presents for her? [more inside]
June 26, 2006
What to do in Oslo when poor?
Where to spend my days in Oslo [more inside]
December 5, 2005
Pre-New Year's in Oslo?
Should I go to Oslo at the end of December? [more inside]