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Questions About Seattle, WA
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September 11, 2020
Seattle Photography walk?
If I was going to go on a walk in the next couple of weeks, in or around Seattle, where should I go to take photos? [more inside]
November 28, 2019
Seattle area outings, with crutches and/or borrowed wheeled assistance?
My 19 year old son had knee surgery last week. His medical crew want him to be up and moving, to get better at using crutches and generally for exercise/circulation benefits. He’s also starting to get pretty bored with the same four walls. So, I’m looking for outing ideas in the Seattle area that aren’t too exhausting while upright, or where we can rent or borrow a wheelchair or scooter. [more inside]
November 3, 2019
Planless in Seattle
What should I do with a possibly rainy Saturday in Seattle next weekend? [more inside]
August 20, 2019
Renting a car seat in Seattle
Any recommendations? [more inside]
August 15, 2019
Seafood in Seattle
I’m visiting Seattle this month and am looking for recommendations for excellent casual dining seafood options. [more inside]
July 22, 2019
Water-based and other Seattle activities
I’m in Seattle this week (Tuesday morning through Sunday morning)! It’ll be my first time there. I love water-centric activities like swimming, sailing, kayaking, etc. and the weather will be perfect so I’m hoping to do a bunch of that. Got any recommendations? [more inside]
June 5, 2019
pacific northYES
I will have an opportunity to visit Seattle at pretty much any time this year or next, for a week. When do I want to go, and what do I want to do? [more inside]
April 2, 2019
One Day In Seattle
Will be in Seattle for work next week and due to a change of schedule, I now have all day Saturday the 13th free. What are the don't miss if you are here for one-day things to do in Seattle? Mariners are home that night and I am planning to go to the game prior to my red-eye flight home.
March 24, 2019
Bestest cheapest way to get from Seatac to UW Medical Center
Tomorrow morning I will arrive at Seatac at 6:10 and need to get myself to the University of Washington Medical Center for an 8:30 appointment. Uber is telling me this will cost $45. Is there a cheaper way that will definitely get me there in time?
December 25, 2018
Where in Seattle should we put our aunt?
I have to get my aunt a ticket to Seattle for a few weeks for a family business thing, [more inside]
December 23, 2018
Vegan dining out in Seattle
Seattlefilter: where would you direct a couple that includes one vegan for a moderate to nice evening out? Budget up to $100 pp, restaurant can be entirely vegan or vegetarian or one with several good options but also meat options. [more inside]
October 26, 2018
Curated ideas of things to do in Seattle
We'll be in Seattle next week, where the weather is expected to be dreary (not that that's a bad thing). There are so many "what to do in Seattle" pages on the intertubes, that I'm overwhelmed. Can you help me pare down the list, knowing the time of year and expected weather?
October 15, 2018
Where in Seattle can I stay to walk everywhere?
I haven't driven a car in years and would rather not start up again in a foreign state. [more inside]
August 31, 2018
the perfect Seattle hotel in September?
What's going on in Seattle the week of 9/10? I can't seem to find a hotel, or one that doesn't cost $600/night. Any suggestions for a place that's good for two adults and a baby? Mostly for mosey-ing around and eating at good food places. [more inside]
August 16, 2018
Capitol Hill cafe with a view
I will be visiting Seattle this weekend and want to visit bookshops and cafes. I am still missing the beautiful space that used to be Vivace’s old location overlooking the reservoir. Where else on Capitol Hill can I get coffee with a pleasant view or (if view is not possible) a nice environment to linger and read?
July 9, 2018
Babymoon in the Seattle Area
We're looking to do a 1-2 night getaway within 2-3 hours of Seattle. Criteria follows! [more inside]
April 24, 2018
Inexpensive, decent car rental at Seattle-Tacoma Airport?
I have an upcoming June business trip taking me to Olympia WA, flying into Seattle. Would like to have a rental car available for getting to/from the airport and doing some touring of Seattle before departure, but the booking prices for cars at SeaTac run 50-100% higher than what I'm accustomed to at most US airports, except for a company (Fox) that has decidedly mixed reviews. Not sure I can justify the expense vs. taking airport shuttles + cab for local travel. Any advice from frequent and/or recent Seattle travelers?
April 16, 2018
Seattle for 36 hours
I have a day and a half in Seattle (or the surrounding area) to kill during the week. What should I do, where should I stay? [more inside]
March 20, 2018
Help me be fascinated by freight trains
On my bike commute I have to cross 16 freight train tracks south of downtown Seattle. About 10% of the time, there are trains with coming through and I can't stand feeling like I'm wasting time. Today I was kicking myself for not having left 20 seconds sooner, so I could beat the slow-ass trains that always seem to stop and change directions just when you think they are going to clear the crossing. [more inside]
February 12, 2018
Seattle this rainy snowy weekend
We'll be in Seattle for a wedding this weekend and it's looking like it's going to be a couple of rainy and possibly snowy days. Our main interest is eating all the asian food and seafood, but what should we do between food if it's that cold and gross outside? [more inside]